#poor chris is traumatised!
dazzle02 · 4 months
You know, I think it would be really interesting if in the wake of poor Chris seeing Kim he decides he wants to stay with Buck for a bit. And this isn't me wanting Eddie to suffer or saying he's a bad parent or anything, so don't get any ideas! I just think the dynamic of all that would be so interesting.
I mean, just imagine.
Chris is hurt and angry, he was just beginning to truly grieve his Mum and start to heal from losing her and then he walks into his home to see his Dad hugging someone who looks exactly like her. Plus the fact that, no matter what Eddie claims he was cheating on his girlfriend who Chris clearly likes. Chris isn't going to be happy. So there would be Chris who doesn't want to see his Dad, he still loves him obviously, but he's really hurting and he's angry and he just needs some time and space to deal with this.
And Eddie would never deny Chris something he feels he needs just because it hurts him. He would be so sad that Chris would wanna be away from him for a bit, but he'd understand and he'd let him go, especially as he trusts Buck with him. He'd know he's gonna be safe and taken care of. But it would hurt him so much. Maybe he'd spiral a bit, or maybe it'd be a big push to work all this out in therapy so he can make things right with his son.
And then there'd be Buck who loves them both a lot. He'd of course let Chris stay with him if that's what he wanted. But the thing about Buck is we all know he likes to fix things. He'd be torn between wanting to fix the relationship between Eddie and Chris, and wanting to respect Chris' wishes. He'd be stuck trying to help them both, while Chris wants some space from his Dad.
Also with the added fact of Buck then having Chris stay with him for a while when Eddie's not in the hospital or dying. He'd feel guilty, like he was keeping Eddie from his son, like he was overstepping in some way. Even though it's what Chris wants.
Of course, eventually Chris would forgive Eddie and move back home and Eddie will be okay having gotten more therapy and worked through his issues and everyone will get to heal.
I don't think that's what's going to happen in the show, I just think it'd be a pretty interesting dynamic. They'd all be struggling and dealing with huge changes. Eddie being alone at the house, Buck having Chris full time, Chris not being at home and also having to deal with having seen someone who looks exactly like his dead Mother...
I am very interested to see where this story goes though. No matter how they handle it, I really hope Chris gets to be hurt and angry about it though. This would be such a huge thing to have to deal with. And I'm hoping Gavin gets to truly shine!
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cupcakeatsea · 4 months
Ashes, Ashes thoughts (and spoilers, if that wasn’t obvious):
I didn’t expect Bobby to resign. That is genuinely such a big red flag for him. Athena is right to be so concerned. I’m scared for him.
But Athena, going to Amir? That wasn’t ok. That man has been through enough. It also looks like it might have pushed him over the edge. It was done out of love but it was against what Bobby would have wanted at all.
Oh, what in the evil, life-ruining fuckery is Councilwoman Ortiz doing?! There is not a thing in the world that can justify what’s she’s done to Mara. I’m sooooooo angry. Using a traumatised child as a pawn is despicable and I can’t believe the level of abuse of power to do so.
I’m glad Eddie is honest with Kim. I feel like the writers have had to extra point out nothing even remotely sexual has happened, which is weird but I get it, I suppose. Shannon is on a pedestal and it’s rather religious of him to remove sex from the equation. Add in that was the place they were most compatible and it doubles down on this untouchable, reverent thing Eddie is projecting onto Kim.
But Kim, what the hell?! Dressing as his dead wife? First I cringed, then I was uncomfortable. The whole thing was a hard watch but I hoped all the way through it get Eddie through something. And not gonna lie, every time she was at the house I was expecting Chris to turn up. Poor Chris, that level of trauma is just awful.
And finally, Bobby. I’m so glad he saved Athena but a heart attack seems so mundane to take him out. I swear if Bobby dies, I’m gonna be so upset. And was it Amir setting the fire? I know that’s the assumption but I was sort of relieved he didn’t seem to be headed that way last episode.
This episode just ruin me a bit. I’m so scared for everyone.
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companion-showdown · 8 months
Who is your favourite companion?
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propaganda under the cut
Chris Cwej (joint propaganda with Roz Forrester)
Even though I never really followed the New Adventures books (so am probably not the best person to speak up for them) I've come to love these companions and their dynamics with Seven just from the three novel adaptation audios and the boxset of four new stories with them. Two 30th Century Adjudicators (basically military police) who end up leaving their job and journeying with the Doctor instead. They're pretty much polar opposites to each other but work together well and are both competent and likable. The actors both do a great job of bringing them to life and despite how little they've been used by the audios I think they've made a great impression with their limited time. I certainly hope we'll be hearing more from them beyond the one announced boxset where they're appearing with all of Seven's other companions. (@seven-times-champion /@elden-12 )
Business Woman
Like she does not have a good time. She does not want to be Time Traveling and just keeps getting traumatised. Like never have I seen such a sad and wet companion. When I say wet I mean wet her only image is of her soaked in gutter water. Like I just want to give her a hug and tell her everything will be alright. Poor unnamed business woman. (anonymous)
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resident evil 7 mia and ethan
can I go on a weird tangent? for a sec? I got reminded today that at some point playing through RE7 and leaving Zoe behind my mind just went blep. In the first hunger games book we hear about a hunting trip that Katniss and Gale went on where they watched two people run for their life one was murdered and the other was captured and there was a line where Katniss and the girl who was captured lock eyes and Katniss says "you never forget the face of the person who was your last hope" after thinking of that I went off on a different thought about Peeta getting hjacked in the last book and programmed to kill Katniss.... and Katniss just not being able to deal with it and everything aka Katniss wasn't qualified to deal with Peeta's hijacking which is a huge minefield.
Much like Ethan with Mia yes Ethan was a ass to Mia but she did chop his hand off with a chainsaw and there is a element of he knew something was rotten with her job (they both say so like Mia at the start of the fucking game "i did lie to you I shouldn't have" and Ethan on the boat after fighting Mia, fighting Mia again; molded; Jack three times and Marge twice and poor deputy anderson was a thing and the clancy chronicles), as Mia's spouse Ethan was suspected of having something to do with her disapearence by the police (something I don't see get brought up often) for who knows how long (depending on the cops it could have been a short amount of time or they could have been so certain they tried to get a false confession when my mental health is shit I watch true crime and one of the videos I watched by Eleanor Neale two parter I think can't remember it but it was one of the many cases she has covered where all cops are bastards) probably from when they realise a ship full of people went missing to their brains catching up and realising how one person miles away can cause a huge ship full of people to disappear
also I love how Ethan says "try" to Mia after she say's she can't and then Evie destroys the boat and draw Mia into the Annabelle and to the tape where she remembers everything clearly. I say clearly because as Mia says she only remembers a little and its a hard difference between reality and halluicantion because Evie made her hallucinate a door not being there
Mia: "Ethan, thank you."
Ethan: "Who the hell else was I going to choose?"
Mia: "Ethan!"
Ethan: Mia, I know you've been through a lot. But we need to talk. You had something to do with all of this, didn't you? Look, I just wanna know the truth."
Mia: "Ethan, I honestly don't remember."
Ethan: "Try!"
"Is that the boat? How the fuck did that get here?"
"You're OK. What the hell was that?"
"What the fuck? What is that? What is that?"
basically how can a traumatised person help another traumatised character when it was bascially a cause and effect, Mia caused Ethans trauma it was the last thing she wanted don't get me wrong but it still happened much like Chris trying to protect Claire by not telling her even a little bit about what happened in the Spencer Mansion. But him not telling her lead her to go too RC.(its also why I think a RE5 remake is so needed because Chris is traumatised as fuck and it doesn't show through much like OG 4 didn't show Leons shit mental health) its basically their traumas going against each other like pinballs (thanks ladyknightthebrave video about Haunting of Hill House for putting that line in my head).
and Mia calling Eveline a little bitch was her both resigning herself to her fate whilst also trying to provoke Evie as she saw it happen with Alan he was infected yes and possibly dying but Evie killed him (also with Alan is when Mia got infected- cutscene death of a friend) and it worked Evie doesn't show up again until Ethan is in the salt mines and when we see Mia again she is hooked up to a IV in the helicopter
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Stardew Hills
So my two current obsessions are Teen Wolf (naturally) and Stardew Valley Naturally, I wanted to combine them I wanted to share some of my thoughts to see if anyone agreed/had counterpoints etc This is just for fun, combining my two current interests I totally ignored family dynamics to do this, otherwise I would’ve been stuck - this is based entirely on the vibes I got from the characters Suggestions are VERY welcome 
Alex - Liam
I mean, do I really need to explain this one? I also considered Jackson but I wanted the marriage candidates to be well-loved characters.
Elliott - Peter
I’m not satisfied with this but I really struggled picking an option for Elliot. He’s not a character I interact with much and so if anyone has alternative suggestions, please suggest away.
Harvey - Scott
He’s shy with Kira, he wants to be a vet - I feel like this works. I did also consider Scott for Sam because I think that also works.
Sam - Isaac
Speaking of Sam.. again I was on the struggle bus. But Isaac having the contrast between confident and outgoing and the traumatised boy.. feels like Sam in a way.
Sebastian - Stiles
Sebastian feels like me a lot like the fanon perspective of Stiles, I don’t know if anyone else gets that. I also considered Danny for Sebastian, but see what I said about Jackson on this.
Shane - Theo
These vibes are unexplainable but I think people will get it.
Abigail - Allison
The easiest placement by far, this needs no explanation.
Emily - Erica
Another purely on vibes, probably more fanon Erica than canon but.. I don’t think it’s a poor choice.
Haley - Lydia
Haley’s progression from how she is when the farmer arrives v when you progress her story mirrors Lydia’s character progression pretty well, I think.
Leah - ?
I struggled so hard with Leah that I came up empty. Nobody in the show is particularly artistic? We see both Lydia and Allison draw/paint but their placements are so perfect that I don’t think Leah trumps that. Open to suggestions
Maru - Hayden
I truly cannot explain or elaborate. It’s not quite right, but it’s what I have - my female Teen Wolf options are limited.
Penny - Kira
I think out of all the Teen Wolf girls, Kira would be the most likely to take on the role in the valley that Penny does.
Other Townies
I feel like these selections need no elaborations and so I will just list them
Lewis - Noah
Marnie - Melissa
Wizard - Deaton
Kent - Chris
I also considered Chris for Marlon and maybe having Kent as Raf - food for thought.
After this point I got kinda stuck so.. you’re welcome?
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baekhvuns · 2 years
Omg yes they need to play sisters again! I bet your friend was shocked hahahah. I remember spotting random celebs in London constantly it was normal, but always kinda "👁👁"
I'm glad your uni wasn't part of that terrible movie 🔫 🥑 statute?! Photos please?!
Every time someone mentions obsessed fans on Twt or even directly shade certain accounts, some people come at them with the "omg you're jealous" "leave them alone, they support Ateez" "you should be grateful for their photos/videos".... shut up, please. Guess we're not dedicated enough, bestie, cause TRUE fans wouldn't mind travelling through 5 countries and seeing them 15 times in a row
True true the Black Prince guy was an Usui wannabe... omfg I thought you meant Subaru from Diabolik Lovers - another cursed shit
Be my guest and use the line ahhahahahaah, because some foreheads are empty 💔 Wait what day passes on Webtoon? I can still binge-read most things, unless they're finished
It would be sad if this was Loona's end, but they've been mistreated for a long time and maybe they'd be able to come back somehow. If not then at least they'll be free
Also the Korean coach getting a red card? What's going ooooon. England beat Wales 3:0 another war within the United Kingdom nation lmao. Also poor Iranian players, they were forced to sing their national anthem otherwise they'd be tortured???
The funniest thing is Soohyuk isn't even old enough to be Seonghwa's father like??? 😭 But he looks very mature so I get it
You gotta watch Holiday (I would kill for Hwa as Jude Law's character AU 🤲🏻) and Love Rosie because what's going on Baeksy 💀 I genuinely do not remember watching The 5 Year Engagement, I know I did, but it didn't leave any impression on me </3 also I hate Chris Pratt aksgjayskayahbshahashnsna
They really make us pay so much for a regular plastic case... Idk why are Japanese comebacks like that. Mingi's photocards too... but I need to obtain all the Hwa's first 🙃
I also want to keep experiencing blonde Hwa, but he hasn't re-dyed his hair in a while so idk. I saw someone on my timeline tweet "I miss black haired Hwa" I'm about to block, I don't need this kind of negativity 🔫 But yeah better break all the scissors
Grandpa San is still alive?! I'm dying
Oh so it's your turn to dream, heh. Was he your driver as well?
I saw the EXO news and immediately thought of you Baek!
This is the worst quiz description I have ever read, no joking 🔪 The only relatable things are my dyed hair and maybe daddy issues (though my mommy issues are stronger lol) and quality time 💀 Baek I'm traumatised. I retook it and it got better
HYUNA AND DAWN?! I'm so sad, but I hope they're happy. Dawn needs to enlist soon, so... 💔
Uhm, this outfit, the Christmas tree, he's my Hallmark movie ML, my Christmas gift... - DV 💖
hello!!! EURO TOUR???
Omg yes they need to play sisters again! I bet your friend was shocked hahahah. I remember spotting random celebs in London constantly it was normal, but always kinda "👁👁"
THEY REALLY NEED TOO! sometimes i think how perfect olivia would’ve been if she was casted in harry potter 😭😭 bestie eVERYONE IN LONDON ATP,, but my uni had the percy jackson cast film recently but the snow storm made it 📉📈📉
I'm glad your uni wasn't part of that terrible movie 🔫 🥑 statute?! Photos please?!
IM SO GLAD TOO DBDBD and the avocado statue 😭😭😭 it’s a vv common hook up spot 😭😭
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Every time someone mentions obsessed fans on Twt or even directly shade certain accounts, some people come at them with the "omg you're jealous" "leave them alone, they support Ateez" "you should be grateful for their photos/videos".... shut up, please. Guess we're not dedicated enough, bestie, cause TRUE fans wouldn't mind travelling through 5 countries and seeing them 15 times in a row
YOO SERIOUSLY!!! ppl start pulling the “but their content” or “at least there’s dedicated fans” ????? that’s not dedications that’s obsessions??? 😭😭 the difference is minuscule
True true the Black Prince guy was an Usui wannabe... omfg I thought you meant Subaru from Diabolik Lovers - another cursed shit
one can NEVER be a usui, NEVER. no bc both of them are shit 😭😭🤚🏼 hated diabolik lovers with a passion and wILL NEVER WATCH IT omg do u rmr dancing with the devils 👀 ok what’s ur top 3 animes u absolutely hate
Be my guest and use the line ahhahahahaah, because some foreheads are empty 💔 Wait what day passes on Webtoon? I can still binge-read most things, unless they're finished
some foreheads are indeed empty, t’was me last night <3 wAIT WAIT WAIT??? THEY TOOK IT OFF??? i remember it was like i could only read one ep for 24 hours bc of the free pass they gave and they’d only give one pass 😭😭 but saw men of harem at its season 1 finale and guess that’s what im reading tn <3
It would be sad if this was Loona's end, but they've been mistreated for a long time and maybe they'd be able to come back somehow. If not then at least they'll be free
it really would be but i think the fans won’t let them die! stan loona will be everywhere, i hope bbc isn’t petty but i know they will be bc they might not get the name trademark unless sm signs them bc lsm and-
Also the Korean coach getting a red card? What's going ooooon. England beat Wales 3:0 another war within the United Kingdom nation lmao. Also poor Iranian players, they were forced to sing their national anthem otherwise they'd be tortured???
NOO WHAT IS GOING ONNNN,, IM SCREAMING I SAW IT ON TWT WHYS THERE A WAR ARENT YALL BASICALLY THE SAME 😭😭😭 istg the older man crying had me so sad bc it’s not even sad atp it’s just literal insane fear,,, ALSO??? GERMANY??? JAPAN??? germany could’ve got like 12 goals if not for the constant hit on the net,,, begging them to loose so argentina wins against them once at least 😭😭
The funniest thing is Soohyuk isn't even old enough to be Seonghwa's father like??? 😭 But he looks very mature so I get it
u know what he’s old enough to be?? our sugar daddy im gonna dm for info <3 and then hand in marriage <3 IF NOT HIS DAD THEN HIS BROTHER
You gotta watch Holiday (I would kill for Hwa as Jude Law's character AU 🤲🏻) and Love Rosie because what's going on Baeksy 💀 I genuinely do not remember watching The 5 Year Engagement, I know I did, but it didn't leave any impression on me </3 also I hate Chris Pratt aksgjayskayahbshahashnsna
I'M SORRY BUT ONCE I GET MY HANDS ON SEONGHWA'S PARADIGM COVER I'M GONNA KISS HIM ON HIS LIPSTICK SMEARED MOUTH. This is AK and vampire at the same time O_O I'm in danger. VAMPIRE DEVIL /// They really make us pay so much for a regular plastic case... Idk why are Japanese comebacks like that. Mingi's photocards too... but I need to obtain all the Hwa's first 🙃
FBWNDBWK U BETTER ANON U NEED TO GET UR HANDS ON IT DO IT DO IT DO IT !!! ur so right, the perfect vampire human au <3 hwa twilight when yEAAAHH bc like the jpn albums don’t tend to have a lot of photo books pages no? like super thin, so why we pay more ayo 😭😭
I also want to keep experiencing blonde Hwa, but he hasn't re-dyed his hair in a while so idk. I saw someone on my timeline tweet "I miss black haired Hwa" I'm about to block, I don't need this kind of negativity 🔫 But yeah better break all the scissors
Grandpa San is still alive?! I'm dying /// Oh so it's your turn to dream, heh. Was he your driver as well?
ITS SO FUNNY 😭😭😭 one of my friends goikg to the concert is doikg the attorney woo sign “woo to the young to the woo” for wooyoung fbdb,,,
he unfortunately was not my driver. apparently i didn’t know this was a thing but apparently i have a chase kink, and it was like?? he was running after me?? we were in a uni setting and i was like “no! im not gonna talk to u!” and kept running bc he was laughing, but i had this like nervous giddiness and i was running and running knowing he was behind me and he kept tryna come in front out of nowhere but i would duck and run?? and i tried hiding but like the entire school was in on it??? THIS IS MY YN STORY ANON,, and i opened a class door and was greeted with a ongoing class and my sibling sitting there going “wtf?” and i rmr yelling “shit” out loud and i thought it was so loud that i yelled it outside of my sleep,, YEAH AND LILE I KEPT WAKING UP,, BUT EVERYTIME I CLSOED NY EYES THE DREAM WOULD PICK UP FROM THERE,, this is my yn story <3
I saw the EXO news and immediately thought of you Baek!
bestie what’s happening, woke up to ateez EURO TOUR????? and i hadn’t even opened my eyes properly and they went full wide and i internally screamed dv anon, NOW superm (he’s gone???) cb??? ateez already in canada???? in this snow 🙂🙂
TAEYANG CB??? AND NOW EXO 😭😭🤚🏼 NCT SAUDI??? nct habibi era <3
LMFAOOO???? THE LAST ONE?? this is like university au, those clique of guys who do nothing but good around and major in computer science or business
This is the worst quiz description I have ever read, no joking 🔪 The only relatable things are my dyed hair and maybe daddy issues (though my mommy issues are stronger lol) and quality time 💀 Baek I'm traumatised. I retook it and it got better
anon the way my jaw. 👁👄👁 okay say what u wanna 🤚🏼👁👄👁🤚🏼
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HYUNA AND DAWN?! I'm so sad, but I hope they're happy. Dawn needs to enlist soon, so... 💔
BRO??? THE ULTIMATE SHOCK EVER??? OUT OF NOWHERE??? the “i don’t believe in love” comments coming up now 😭😭 and 🧍🏻‍♀️AND
Uhm, this outfit, the Christmas tree, he's my Hallmark movie ML, my Christmas gift... - DV 💖
🙂 giving very the junior who tutors u
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he’s sO????
also bestie what’s up with the euro tour pricing 😭😭
ITS CHRISTMAS SEASON BESTIE!! which also means ur birthday is coming close from what i rmr 🔫 pls skip to 00:09 seconds pls
and u know this guy?
0 notes
lunarismonstrum · 3 years
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Slaps the back of your Redfield
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evansbby · 2 years
Hi I just found your blog and I love it! If you’re still taking requests. Can I request reader and chris sneak off into his trailer to have quickie. And then one of the others actors almost walk in on them.
oooh yes omg i love this!!!
warnings: smut (kind of in public), daddy kink, minors do not interact
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"Come on, baby, please? I need you so bad." Chris is practically breathing down your neck, coming up behind you to whisper in your ear. He's got one hand on your waist, and you know he's itching to touch you more - but there's too many people around.
"What? Not here, Chris!" You slap his hands away as subtly as you can, "Someone's gonna see!"
"I don't care right now. You have no idea how bad I want you." He's struggling to keep his voice down, and you smirk knowingly. He's just watched you film a scene where you had to be stripped down to your underwear, and now you've only covered yourself up with a robe (which he's currently trying to sneak his hands into).
You know that when Chris gets insatiable like this, there's literally no stopping him. It starts with small touches but always ends with you in some precarious position or another - no matter where you both happen to be. He's like a big golden retriever in that sense, always looking for love, always incessantly wanting your attention.
He seems to have a real liking for sneaking off to fuck you in public lately. And considering his profession, this isn't the most ideal thing.
But you end up in his trailer anyways, spread out on the couch, robe somewhere on the floor and underwear unceremoniously ripped off. Chris is between your legs, his perfectly fluffy hair now slightly messy as he goes to town on your pussy, lapping at it like he's been starved for days.
"Oh, fuck!" You whimper. He's got your thighs pinned down and he's sucking on your clit, making you feel good in the way only he knows how to.
"Louder, I want you to be louder for me." He commands, words slightly muffled as he lewdly swirls is tongue around your clit, making you cry out his name and grind down on his face in full abandon.
"That's a good girl," He praises you, sliding two fingers into your weeping pussy, pumping them in and out with rigour as your hips rise to meet his thrusts. "See, wasn't it a great idea to listen to daddy and come back to my trailer with me?"
"F-Fuck, yes! Yes it was!" You moan, knowing his window's open and there's about fifty or so of the cast and crew milling about right outside. But that's what makes it so thrilling for both of you, this idea that at any moment, you could get caught.
A short gasp leaves your mouth when his mouth and fingers suddenly stop, and you feel him climb up to hover over you, giving you a kiss, making you taste yourself.
"I need to fuck you right now." Chris says, getting his dick out of his jeans.
"N-No, Chris," You moan, even though the last thing you want to do is say no, "If you fuck me here, this whole trailer's gonna shake and for real, everyone's gonna know what we're doing in here!"
He grunts, burying his face in the nape of your neck and giving you several bruising kisses, "Don't care. I'll be gentle." He mumbles.
Despite everything, you let out a breathy laugh, "I don't think you're capable of being gentle right now, baby." (He looks so riled up, you know the moment he's inside you he'll switch to jackhammer mode in an instant.)
He fucks you anyways, trying (and failing) to keep his thrusts level and slow. And you're moaning with abandon, he feels so good inside you. Fucking you just right, whispering the dirtiest things in your ear and-
"Hey, Chris, the director's wondering where you've gone to - OH MY GOD!"
You open your eyes just in time to lock eyes with one of the extras on the film. He's got a look of absolute horror on his face, and you cover your face almost instantaneously.
As for Chris, his thrusts don't even slow down as he keeps fucking you. He doesn't even look back at the poor extra who looks practically traumatised and embarrassed.
"OK. Tell him I'll be out in five minutes." Chris says through gritted teeth, angling his body over yours to shield you.
"Uh, sure. I'm sorry I walked in on... Should've knocked... Uh, I'll just... I'll just go." The extra leaves, slamming the door behind him with haste.
Chris lets out a hoarse laugh, his hips still rutting against you, hitting all the right spots. "How much money do you wanna bet that he's gone and told everyone exactly what we're doing right now?"
It's your turn to look traumatised, but Chris still doesn't let up. And you honestly don't want him to. And in no time, he's back to whispering dirty things in your ear.
"But you love it, don't you baby? You love it that everyone knows you're getting fucked by me. You love the risk of getting caught. You love it. And so do I."
the end.
->requests are open<-
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rachaelswrites · 2 years
hey i hope you’re well!
can i request 34 of random promps or 44 of chaotic with chris evans and daughter with a sprinkle of scott in there im not fussed with which one you want to do :)
sending love and good vibes ✌🏻
"Y/n, what are you doing?" you heard your dad ask.
You shushed him since is talking was for sure going to distract you from what you were doing.
"Dad serioulsy. I need to focus," you said, cutting him off.
Chris walked across the kitchen to where you were laying on the floor, staring out the back door. Rather than trying a third time to ask what you were doing, he looked outside to try and figure it out himself. He spotted the small green animal you were focusing on.
"Y/n you're traumatising the poor guy," your dad said, watching as the turtle ended up turning around and leaving the porch.
You rolled over onto your back and looked up at your dad "Excuse me, I think you mean I just won a staring contest with a turtle."
"Is that really an achievement though?" Scott asked, popping his head into the kitchen after overhearing the conversation from the living room."
You sat up and frowned at him, "Well have you ever done it?"
Scott thought a moment before shaking his head, "Touche."
"I don't think any normal person has done that," Chris mumbled under his breath.
"In case you missed the memo dad, I'm not normal."
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do you ever think about that poor traumatised kid that accdently fucking Killed christopher when he was a child in cricket and then chris never even came back to school???? His parents get called to testify his death or whatever and chris wakes up but you can bet the murderer kid never sees him again. Does he think its just a Really Shit cover up of the fact he’s literally a murderer????
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quillsink · 3 years
Okay so if you’ve followed me for a bit you’ve probably heard about my OCs. I have a Lot of them but the main three whom I love with all my heart are James, Alan and Chris!! Putting this under cut because it is Long as hell. Please send me asks about them I love them so fucking much
Okay so James, Alan and Chris are a trio of friends! I created them in January 2021. James is the most developed character and my personal fav (don’t tell alan and chris shhhh) he was the first one to be created! Alan, his best friend, followed and then Chris. 
The trio are a group of low ranked soldiers in the Revolutionary War, all of the trio in their early twenties with Alan being the oldest at 25 and a half and James the youngest at 21/22/23 (haven’t decided his age yet rip). 
All three have very different personalities although they all look like your average dude and they all bond over a bunch of shit especially mental illness and being queer (totally not projecting here. nope not at all)
Anyways enough rambling time to introduce them!!
In this post I’ll be talking about James, I’ll talk about Alan and Chris in other posts!
James Evans
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Okay now time to actually introduce him to yall!
James is your average mentally ill white boy, you can find millions of them in high school classrooms across America. He was born to a poor family and his parents were okayish but he basically fucked off and did his own thing like jon clark and then proceeded to be traumatised because I can’t let my OCs have nice things!
James is cis, he uses he/him, is the sort of guy who’s like “i do not understand what trans people are in the slightest but if anyone misgenders you i will push them into a river,” and yeah he’s pretty cool!! He’s gay and I basically coped with my internalised homophobia by projecting it onto him so yeah that fucked him up Badly.
I basically like invented him because I needed a gay character for a fic and then realised I accidentally gave him like, character traits, and now here I am over a year later still obsessed with this white guy I made up
Anyways him being gay is pretty central to his character, it reallt contributed to the alienation he faced growing up and this whole sense of being different from everyone else, it also made him more withdrawn but it also made him stronger and helped him learn how to endure the unendurable and being gay led to him making some reallt strong connections with some of his closest friends.
He has depression and anxiety and is some form of neurodivergent, probably adhd but he has no clue what is going on Up There except that he is Different  and it fucked him up as a kid. He was bullied and teased a lot so he became reallt withdrawn and quite. He wasn’t like teacher’s pet gifted kid but he was decently smart and got through til tenth grade, then had to work to support his family.
Now, when he’s like 20ish, ✨ le amrev ✨ starts and this mf signs up to be a soldier because like idk why not. That’s his entire motto brosties hes literally just some guy. He wakes up and he does things and he’s gay and then he goes to sleep. That’s it that’s his life and that’s very sexy of him actually
Anyways he signs up for the army and so does our bestie Alan. Alan and James are very very different but they end up becoming besties and James being the gay idiot (affectionate) that he is ends up falling head over heals for this depressed mf and spends his days being gay for Alan! They’re very close friends and I haven’t decided when they met yet, childhood or teens or army but ah well
Anyways onto James’s personality! He is my sweet baby boy and I love him very much in case I have not made that clear! Anyways he is Anxious. A lot. All the time. And he’s a major people pleaser as well and he often puts others before himself to his detriment at times until alan is like motherfucker take care of yourself
James is also one of the victims of something I like to call the great depresso  and he’s had it since he was like twelve but he’s just like vibing at this point. Like yeah I hate my life and I want to (redacted) sometimes but idk life’s pretty neat. Depression is shitty for him and he can be pessimistic at times 
but at the end of the day he is an optimist and he always finds hope in *everything* to the point where alan is like brostie if you don’t stop being happy then you’ll cute mt depression and the one steady thing in my life will be gone and james is like well what about me and they have an awkward gay moment 
ALAN AND JAMES’ DYNAMIC THO >>>>> i love them sm it’s unreal i will literally just think about them. like just have thoughts about them. like literally.
I’ll talk abt that later after I introduce Alan’s character!
James and John are like, besties and I love their dynamic so fuxking much. I would kill to see the two of them interact like i fucking love them so much you don’t even understand.
Anyways James and my interpretation of John are very very similar. Both very withdrawn very quiet very repressed desperate for affection sensitive affected really badly by homophobia internal and external dont trust very easily. They bond instantly and there is something there and they don’t really know what it is bevause it’s like they’ve never met anyone else so similar to them before. They’re like brothers.
The two of them have a quiet understanding. They can wander the woods for hours and say barely a few words but they understand, one heart can speak to another if they are designed to fit together. They met and they....clicked. It took time for both of them to learn to trust the other and realise the other wouldn’t betray them and report them for being gay but soon they’re the closest of friends. And then John fucking dies 
Also like the dynamic between James and John is entirely platonic btw they don’t have any romantic feelings for each other, they’re like soulmates but platonic 
Also I cannot understate how much I love James and John silently wandering the woods together. The woods are very very important for James and Alan and to John too and James and John find a shared peace in this. They just wander the woods for hours on end John lying down with his eyes closed head resting on a log James staring up at the canopy watching the sunlight filter through asking John why God invented sunlight John saying because he needed a place to put love.
Wait that was oddly poetic 
Anyways James james james. James my sweet beloved boy. James james james anxious smiles hugging his best friend coming to terms with being gay nervously approaching people he thinks are cool laying in grass fields wooden cabins soft breezes James. James mt angel darling child. I would die for this man. *shakes you by the shoulders* DO YOU UNDERSTAND HOW MUCH I LOVE HIM
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rjshepherd · 3 years
Resident evil 8 headcanons- Karl and Miranda
tw for abuse mention under the cut
You know, i'm genuinely having a hard time imagining Karl actually being able to go through with his revenge. Not because he doesn't WANT to but i feel like the moment he encours any of Miranda's wrath, the poor traumatised man is just going to freeze up. I rewatched the Lords meeting scene and the moment miranda shouts, Karl takes a massive step back, clearly startled. Donna and Moreau don't react (besides looking at miranda) and Alcina's reaction is to move from karl, not farther from miranda.
Read Karl's diary again. Listen to his voice when he says "she took me. took us." And tell me there isn't fear of her in there. She's quite likely the only maternal figure he's ever known and she's spent the better part of the 20th and 21st century mentally, emotionally and physically abusing him. I know plenty of traumatised people who struggle with their anger as a result of their trauma, Karl is no different. he is CLEARLY furious with Miranda and later transfers that anger onto ethan for the perceived slight of getting in his way.
Side note, the fact that he is becoming like miranda, attempting to perpetuate the cycle of abuse onto rose and ethan and yet doesn't see it is very intresting and id love to write more about it. but i'm just here to talk about headcanons for now so ¬¬
We also know that Miranda brainwashed them into serving her. Whos to say she didnt program something into them incase they ever did disobey her? If you want an example of what im talking about elsewhere in the series, look at wesker. An incredibly strong willed character who was still beholden to the programing inflicted on him as a child, right up until the moment he died.
i Understand karls drive to create a metal army. He has hundreds, if not thousands of creatures and even then he's still holding off on his plans until he gets his hands on rose ( or possibly until ethan had said yes but then his hand was forced) but ultimately i dont think it would have made any difference.
firstly, Miranda is able to control the megamycte to incredible ranges. Either she would have disposed of karl as eveline did with Alan Droney (mia's team mate) and turned him into a lycan or she would have decimated his army with those tree like mycelium strands we see in Chris's section. No amount of flesh and metal would have stood up to that. Chris was only able to beat it back with an missile and i didnt see anything even close to that in the factory.
Secondly, Karl himself doesn't seem to know what he wants out of this whole endeavor. i know he says he wants "nothing more than to be free of that bitch" but going about that seems very muddled. At one point he calls himself a freedom fighter, but he only refers to killing her by himself, not for others. He tells ethan he's going to save the village, but then calls the villagers "worthless peons" . He says he wants to rescue rose, but only to use her to kill miranda. Now it would be very easy to say he's just lying, manipulating ethan but its equally possible he's just starting to crack under the pressure. Even his transformation at the end seems nonsensical under this context. Ethan is on his way out of the factory, he wants nothing more to do with karl, so how exacly is ethan "getting in his way?" or more to the point, what does he hope to achieve by transforming? he cant exactly command an army like that, and given that he seems to have stretch his mold out over a wide area, surely it would make it easier for miranda to control him? what does he want out of this? rose? his freedom? the village? to take miranda's place? surely the thought of becoming like her would disgust him, but that seems to be exactly what he's gearing himself up for.
Im rambling now but the core of the matter is, in no scenario i can think of, is Karl able to win against Miranda. Either ethan would beat him to it or his traumatic past would get in the way and Miranda would simply dispose of him.
So why am i teling you all this? well im suffering emotionally at the thought of karl going through so much pain and suffering and effort for his revenge or even just freedom, all for nothing. It didnt matter in the end because even if ethan had said yes, probably the only way Karl ever stood a chance against her, Karl's problems go so much deeper than killing miranda and ultimately he'd never really be free.
thanks for suffering with me im going to go have a little lie down now ;-;
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shittykawagirl97 · 3 years
So... I just watched 5x03 and OH LORD, WTF IS GOING ON IN HERE 🤯
First of all: Harry, my beautiful, sweet, Harry, please talk with someone and don't repress your trauma. It's unhealthy, I know, you know, everyone knows so just stop faking your "I DON'T NEED SLEEP, I DON'T NEED TALK, I'M THOUGH". Baby, you're a traumatised boy; you've been kidnapped by a psycho, just let yourself healthily process everything.
Seconds, the Buck-Tayler scene. Yes, I am a Buddie shipper (and yes, I'm going down with it) but I like Tayler, really like her friendship with Buck during S4 and the scene in this episode crushed my heart.
They could easily make Buck entering his loft while on a call with her, where she let him know that she had to work and wouldn't see him. That would be okay but this, this was just sad.
So yeah, I'm thinking that they are going to break them up. I just hope that they didn't make her go away because I want to see more of them.
Thirds, and here there is the real juice, Eddie and Ana break up is the cringest thing I've seen in quite a while. We didn't know anything about Ana, how was her with Chris? With Eddie? Did she have interactions with Buck? I think she was on screen a total of 20, 25 minutes top in two seasons with no real characterization whatsoever and they want us to feel bad about her? Well, they made me cringe at my coffee.
At last, Maddie. I saw this coming since last episode but I really hoped hope they wouldn't go down this road... The last minutes break my heart and poor Chimney, he just wanted to go back to his family after the longest shift but no, in this show no one can be happy for too long 🙄
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binch-i-might-be · 3 years
this was supposed to be multiple OCs but it turned out to be just Colin. typical lmao
ok so, let me explain how this came to be in the first place: it started out with my boy Chris Rider. he was one of the main characters in a project I started around 2013 and wrote throughout 2014 and a bit into 2015 even!
back then, I knew very little about his family; I knew he had an older brother, a father who was chaos incarnate, and a sort of aunt, who was just his dad’s best friends. yes, they were way too close, why do you ask :)
but. things changed. you will see ;)
Colin Rider
look at this asshole. I love him so much :’)
alrighty, in the main storyline, which takes place around 2005 in Berlin, he’s 43 years of age! 
homeboy is a very successful homicide cop (but just to be clear, he used to throw rocks at cops when he was a teenager <3)
very sex positive! unfortunately his relationship to sex is so incredibly unhealthy! stop it! get some help!
queer disaster. he identifies as bisexual and and he’s sort of kind of poly? he just wasn’t interested in monogamy for a very long time; and he’ll say he’s just a dude when asked, but really he’s a very specific flavour of genderqueer he hasn’t examined any closer since he saw the Rocky Horror Picture Show when he was off his tits high back in the late 70s
got arrested a lot back in the 70s for wearing skirts out in public. icon <3
he used to self harm for a very long time (early teens into early twenties) and only stopped when he became a father. he just. he couldn't leave those poor kids alone. he knows all too well how that feels
has a couple s*icide attempts under his belt
chain smoker. started when he was 13 and hasn't stopped since
too many children. (three, to be exact (that we know of lmao) and they are all disasters. we stan)
hardcore feminist
can, will, and has punched all kinds of bigots and keeps getting suspended from work for it
WILL fight you and WILL win. don’t even try bestie
ok, let’s get into the complicated origins of this fool: he’s mixed race! his, uh, birthgiver I suppose, was from an undisclosed country in the middle east, and his father from Wales! you wouldn’t realise when you look at him tho, he looks very middle eastern (black hair, hazel/brown eyes, brown skin) but he will absolutely make fun of anyone who assumes he’s actually from there, because motherfucker has the most british name on the planet
he speaks four languages! in the order he learned them in: english, welsh, russian, and german. which is very odd, considering he grew up in Stuttgart, which is very much a german city
genius level IQ but nonetheless the dumbest bitch you will ever meet
oh btw in the main timeline he has a boyfriend! his name is Steve, and he’s a “retired” emergency room doctor who had a massive burnout and flipped his career to become a coroner instead. it’s a lot less stressful when the fuckers are already dead, after all :)
Colin and he have a broad spectrum of corpse-related inside jokes because they’re both fucking weirdos who spend a lot of their time looking at dead bodies every day
his three kids are split between two women: the first one was a much beloathed acquaintance he had a drunken hatefuck with when he was 16 (she was 20 which is yikes but a common pattern with this idiot <3) and he only found out about his daughter four years later, when the woman’s bf finally realised the kid wasn’t his and refused to pay child support
the second was a girl called Selena, they were never officially a couple even though everyone just kind of assumed they were? they weren’t exclusive to each other, in any case. it was more like,,,, two roommates who vaguely dislike each other but make out on occasion and accidentally had two children between them because they’re idiots and like to ruin each other’s lives
anyway they split when she got pregnant by another dude and she kinda just dipped lmao. their sons were 13 and 6 when they separated, and this emotionally stunted, traumatised fool was left alone with them. amazing
he tries really hard. he does. he wants to be enough for his children. it’s a struggle
his father (the man who raised him, not the man who sired him. technically speaking, this would have been his grandfather, but he doesn’t know that) was a depressed and deeply traumatised WW2 vet who suffered from severe PTSD and alcoholism
dude had only half a face and one functioning eye due to an unfortunate incident involving a landmine
he was a trained opera singer and also a shakespeare actor! and he was very talented on the violin :) Colin learned a lot of singing techniques from him, and he can still recite a couple shakespeare monologues from memory (they were what his father recited when he was having panic attacks)
oh yee Colin plays guitar and sings but he pretends he doesn’t. he’s really good and he isn’t like, shy about it, but he won’t believe you when you tell him it’s good. nothing about him is good.
anyway Colin’s father (his name was Joseph Christopher Rider btw) committed unalive when Colin was fifteen. on the sofa in the middle of the living room. with his old army gun :)
Colin walked in on the aftermath. that’s how he ended up in Berlin! he grabbed his best friend, got on a train, and repressed everything that happened the past few days :)
his best friend’s name is Ann (actually her name is Anne-Marie, but they met when Colin was around 13 and she was 14, and he still couldn’t speak german back then, so he pronounced it as Ann-Mary, and this man never uses anyone’s full name, so it got shortened to Ann. she started introducing herself as that soon after :)) and they are very close (read: codependent)
ok I’ll stop now. there’s so much more, but I feel like I can always add that later. if anyone has questions, feel free to send an ask :))
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solasan · 3 years
mollie i am knocking down your door and asking about matty, jill & chris 👀
omg leah!!!!!! i am always happy to talk abt my babies thank u sm for askin abt them <333
(under a cut bc this got long, i don't know how to do anything concisely i'm so sorry shdsjk)
so jill & matty meet during the raccoon city incident; matty's a nurse working at the spencer memorial hospital under dr. bard at the time (and also lowkey working for umbrella against her will) and carlos finds her when he brings jill to the hospital. she's literally hiding in a closet lmao carlos almost shoots her when he finds her, but she's so panicked and wide-eyed that he's like ok. i am going to leave my friend with u. please don't let her die. i'll be super mad.
matty looks after jill while carlos goes underground, mostly just keeping an eye on her vitals etc to be sure she's not either a) going to keel over and die or b) mutate into anything deeply terrifying that will scar matty for life lmao. when jill wakes up it's to matty literally checking her pulse, and when she moves matty jumps so hard that jill immediately decides she's going to protect this poor doe-eyed nurse with her life lmao
after the events of raccoon city, they get together. it's pretty hesitant and nervous on both sides at first bc 1) it's 1998 and they are two women and 2) they're both pretty traumatised lmao. matty especially has a lot of nightmares n has to go to therapy to work thru the things she saw at raccoon city. but they're very happy!!! very domestic!!!! they have a Gentle kind of love that builds very slowly and makes me 🥺
jill introduces matty to chris pretty quickly, because he's her best bud. i think even by this point chris is in love with jill but hasn't. quite realised it yet? but he and matty get along very well!!! she's a very soft sort of woman and pretty easy to get along with, especially since she's turned on umbrella now; she hasn't yet joined the the fight against them bc she's. still very anxious about being in any kind of combat situation again, but she works as a nurse in a local hospital n her n chris become pretty good buds thru their shared love of jill
so things between her and jill get pretty serious!!! they talk abt exchanging rings and are pretty open about their plans to spend the rest of their lives together. it's very sweet. and then the spencer estate raid happens, and jill disappears and is assumed dead.
and matty is a mess.
she grieves for a rly long time lmao. and doesn't rly do it very healthily. this is when she gets involved with the bsaa (as a medic) because she's just. so lost and furious about jill's death. she's lost her whole future, yknow?
anyway during this time her and chris kind of get a bit codependent bc they're both mourning this wonderful woman they loved so much, and they dont feel anyone else understands? chris feels like it's his fault she's gone and his fault matty's lost her, n matty's like lmao it's jill she never did anything she didn't want to do!!! it isn't ur fault!!!!
they kind of fall in love by accident? and their love is massively shaped both by jill's presence in their lives AND by her absence; they fall in love with the way the other loved jill first, and then with each other as people not long after lmao. they both feel super guilty abt having these feelings too!!! chris is like i killed her and now i'm trying to steal the woman she used to call her wife and matty's like she's dead and now i'm moving on with her best friend, i'm evil. it's all very dramatic
they do work things out tho. and they get married like. literally 2 months before re5. it's a beautiful ceremony n they both rly wish jill was there for it lmao but yeah. they're happy!!! they're in love!!!! they're talking abt having kids together, which for matty is a big deal, because she was a teen mom and gave up her kid for adoption (something previously she'd only talked about with jill)
really. so much more complicated. once she’s herself again, jill starts talking abt going home to matty, and chris is so like. oh my god what do i do. oh my god i’m married to her girlfriend she’s going to hate me. oh my god i’m so glad she’s alive but we are so screwed
lmao she comes home and it’s been three years and matty doesn’t live in the apartment they shared anymore and she’s a married woman now and the next few months are just. very awkward and confusing for everybody involved? jill still loves matty and matty still loves jill but she also loves chris, who loves them both, and none of them know how to act lmao. chris talks once abt stepping back to let them be together and matty nearly brains him on the nearest hard surface she’s so mad.
anyway. eventually they do work it out. matty kind of preliminarily remains married to chris while also dating jill (consensually, everyone involved knows) and then uhhh jill eventually realises she loves chris too lmao and they all get drunk and hook up once and from then on it’s sorted. they are a package deal. they also eventually have a private lil ceremony where they all exchange rings w each other lmao they’re so in love it’s disgusting
and yeah. i still haven’t played village so idk whats going on w them by that point except they probably have a kid or two??? the end SHKDKD im so soz this is so long
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dailychrisevans · 7 years
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That’s why I do that, so you don’t have to skydive, but you did it anyway.
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