#poor cross is a bit anxious though
ancha-aus · 4 months
RealAgeAU - First Night
We are back because i had a new idea and i really liked it :3 and I really wanted to type a KillerPOV drabble so here we are
So we are back with a new drabble! also @spotaus get over here :D also. *nervous laughter* I think these drabbles keep getting longer and longer. don't expect long drabbles each time please hehe... Some concepts are just shorter in what they need to do them justice and sometimes i get multiple ideas for the same scenerio and they get longer to fit it all.
First Drabble Prev Drabble over here Next Drabble
Look at these guys trying to parent their immortal child. Look they know the situation even if they are still getting used to the idea and all it implies
Killer watches the farm house through the tree line with a frown. Cross stands next to him with his own frown "Think this was a bad idea? Maybe we can go to another place."
Killer thinks as he keeps staring at the door that Horror disappeared into "Maybe..." except they had been constantly universe hopping for the last four days. Never staying for longer than either a quick nap, meal or supply run.
A glance back to see Dust who stands with a very exhausted Nightmare.
Killer turns back to the house "Maybe for the better." even if they really need a night of rest and-
Dust huffs "Or you can just have trust in Horror's opinion and wait it out."
Killer turns back with a glare "I am being cautious!"
Dust doesn't even look at him "You are being an idiot. Crop is fine. He never sold Horror out to the Stars. He won't sell out Nightmare." Dust keeps looking at Nightmare who is very clearly on the path to fall asleep fully.
Killer glares but steps away from the treeline and marches over to Dust. He glares and takes Nightmare from his hold. Dust looks unimpressed but doesn't challenge him.
Nightmare grumbles but just turns around and holds unto him instead as Killer hugs him close. Killer can feel his soul getting a bit smushed between them but it feels nice. a pressure that reassures him that nightmare is there and alive and fine.
Ngihtmare is still so light and tiny and fits so perfectly and Killer honestly doens't want to let go.
There is a very good reason that Nightmare hardly has to walk himself as all four of them are more than happy to hold unto him.
Cross looks up "Horror is coming this way."
Killer turns to look in the right direction as Dust stands next to him with his hand in his pockets.
Horror joins them and looks between Dust and him. more pointedly at Nightmare before pointing back over his shoulder "We can stay for a bit." Then he stares at Killer "please just behave. Crop is nice."
Killer huffs as he hugs Nightmare tighter to him. Nightmare huffs as he looks at him annoyed but doesn't complain. Killer actually feels Nightmare hold unto him tighter as well. Clearly more anxious about this meeting than he wants to admit.
Killer coos and nuzzles the tiny skull "It is okay Nightlight, if anything happens we are out before they even have the chance to do anything." Nightmare ducks his skull and mumbles some words before nodding.
Cross pushes and pats his own clothes down. Trying to get some of the dirt and grime off "Okay. okay. good first impressions. We can do this." he straightens his spine and nods to Horror. Clearly giving up on being presentable.
Killer can admit the constant universe hopping hasn't been the best for their overall hygiene which was another deciding factor for even considering doing this.
Horror gives him another look and Killer grumbles "Fine fine! I won't start trouble." for now. unless that other sans tries anything to hurt or take their little nightlight.
Horror still holds his gaze for a moment longer before nodding and leading the group towards the house. Instead of knocking again he just pushes the door open and gives them a look "no shoes" he glances at Nightmare who still doesn't have fitting shoes and clearly gives up with having manners concerning their babybones.
Killer shrugs and easily kicks off his shoes by the door, Dust does the same while Cross puts his shoes neatly by the door. Horror removes his own shoes again and leads them in.
Killer holds Ngihtmare close and starts to hang back in the group, nearest the door but still able to keep a close socket on what is going on.
Steps on the stairs and a sans walks down. this one has green eye lights and looks up with a smile "Howdy! It is nice to meet you'll!" he nods to dust "Good to see you again Dust. How is the shoulder holding up?"
Dust shrugs and gives a thumbs up.
Crop nods and smiles at them "Anyway. Horror told me about... the situation." and it is obvious in his curius gaze who he is looking for.
Killer pulls Nightmare a bit closer to him but Horror shoots him a warning look and motions forwards.
Killer huffs but slowly walks closer. Making sure everything about him says not to even fucking try or there will be pain. Nightmare turns slowly to study the new skeleton.
Crop smile turns more nervous as Killer goes closer but his whole face lights up when he spots Nightmare. Killer is a bit torn on how to feel about that. Obviously it is the correct reaction, Nightmare is the most adorable little babybones. But this is their babybones and Killer feels possessive over him.
Crop smiles more gentle as he focusses on Nightmare "Hey there. I am Crop. Horror's friend. Nice to finally meet you."
Nightmare frowns and pushes closer to Killer. Still feeling a bit conflicted about being treated as a kid it seems. At least he isn't trying to deny he is a child anymore. Killer nuzzles the top of the tiny skull and Nightmare relaxes more in his hold.
Crop grins widely as he looks at Horror "Anyway. I was grabbing some stuff. I don't have a lot of children things but I do got some too small clothes for either my brother or me." He looks from skeleton to skeleton "I... think you all can use a moment to relax."
After which Crop points out the obivous living room and kitchen. He motions towards two doors to the side which he says are his own and his brother's room. Next he shows the door under the stairs that leads to a bathroom and he welcomes them to use it.
Dust frowns "anything apple scented? apples dont go over well with Ngihtmare."
Crop tilts his skull but clearly thinks it over "I don't think so... if you do find anything with apples you can just leave it in my room, I ask you not to throw it away because somethings are harder to get than others."
Dust nods and takes Nightmare out of Killer's arms again and Killer can't help but watch closely as Dust easily gains a secure hold on Nightmare and Nightmare gets comfortbale with practised ease.
Dust nods to them "I am going to wash us." and he goes towards the bathroom.
Crop frowns "I am afraid i don't have enough toothbrushes for all of you. Maybe I got some somewhere but i wouldn't know where."
Dust shrugs as he raises his own bag "Has some necesserities." and he disappears inside.
Crop nods before looking at the them "I can show you the spot I had in mind for you guys. It is the attic and I apologise for the mess but I am sure it can be quickly changed to fit you."
Horror nods and Cross smiles "Thank you so much. Sorry for springing this on you..."
Crop waves it off "It is better than Horror just showing up with a stranger who had a hlaf severed shoulder."
Killer and Cross both blink and slowly turn to Horror. Horrro just looks sheepish "The crystal wasn't charged and Dust had been the one injured. This was as far as I could get..."
Killer blinks, okay that explains why Horror had trusted this place and this person.
Even so as Crop starts to lead them up the set of stairs Killer shares a look with Cross and nods towards the bathroom holding Dust and Nightmare. Cross follows his gaze before nodding and easily going to stand guard by the door.
Perfect. that way if anyone tries anything there is Cross to stop them as Dust can get Nightmare away safely. Killer quickly goes after Horror and Crop.
The attic is full of old boxes. But also an old closet, a large lounge chair by the round window and a nice queen sized bed. It is bare at the moment but Crop walks over with some new sheets and blankets and puts them on the bed. After it he quickly goes to the window and opens it to let the room breathe.
Crop turns around and smiles "Well, this is the attic. obviously a bit of a mess but we can probably move all the boxes and old stuff towards that area" he points to the side "Which will open up the space for you five to use." he looks sheepish "my house isn't exactly made to hosue this many people so it isn't a long term solution but this should work for a little while for you guys."
Horror nods as he starts moving stuff around "Thank you again Crop. This means a lot."
Killer gets to work with putting the bedding on the bed and getting ti ready. He doesn't care to much about bedding himself but Nightmare can't handle the cold that well and he deserves every bit of comfort they can get him.
Crop smiles "no worries! I am happy i can help." he starts helping moving the tinier things around as Hroror does most of the heavy lifting "I can go into town aftr chores tomorrow to see what I other people in town have that we cna use. I will also call my brother after you guys are set up to tell him of the situation." he stops and shoots them a look "I already told Horror but I am going to need somekind of story to tell others around here. THe multiverse isn't a known thing and I honestly don't want to get involved with that too much." and he waits.
Horror and him share a look before they look back at Crop "We will... figure somethign out..."
Killer nods "We will have to talk with the others. see what we can say and get a general idea." Killer figures they can sell it as being one of their babybones having been stolen six years ago. Probably either Dust or Cross as both have purple magic and would fit genetic wise. Can probably fit somekind of abusive ex in there that would explain Nightmare's nervous and scared reactions.
He will offer it as an explanation to the others later.
Crop nods "I will for now just say some friends came by with a babybones and you guys aren't willing to tell me exactly what happened yet. Should buy us more time but also enable to get someone to come to make sure he is okay."
Cold dread and Killer growls "What the hell are you talking about?!"
Crop blinks "A healer? Horror said that there was magic at play that caused him to become an adult before and now a child again. I can only imagine what kind of strain and restriction that places on a child's magic and soul."
A new dread. a fear he hadn't considered.
Did the magical protection harm Nightmare's own magic?!
Horror nods "And a healer would be able to make sure he is okay?"
Crop relaxes and smiles "hopefully. But for that I am going to have to need somekind of explanation or they will worry any damage or wounds have been newly inflected." and he shoots them a look "Which... could cause trouble with the family situation you guys have established at the moment."
Hroror frowns and Killer knows they both know what Crop implied. If someone thinks they are actively abusing him they will try to take Nightmare away from them for his own safety. The fact they all have love and aren't the most... friendly looking monsters will work against them.
Crop finishes putting some spare clothes in the closet "Again, I can buy some time with vague answers but from there on the explanation is up to you four." he looks around the room "This good for now? Sorry there isn't anymore space but Papyrus will come back soon and need his own room."
Horror thanks him again and says it will work just fine. Crop welcomes them to use the shower and bathroom as much as they want and that his kitchen is open for them to use whenever.
After that is is mostly a blurr. They finish getting the attic ready for them and Killer takes his turn to shower after Dust as Horror and crop work together on some quick dinner for them all.
The meal itself is mostly silent as Horror tries to coax Nightmare into eating. Nightmare still has the bad habit of eating too little or not eating at all when he is nervous or anxious, which is often.
Killer is still not a fan of how Crop seem to stare mystified and in awe at Nightmare. completely enchanted by the sight of the small babybones.
soon dinner is ready and Killer gets ready for bed quickly as Dust takes over most of the duties to get Nightmare ready, having had the most practise up to this point.
Killer just lays in the bed waiting when Dust comes by to drop Nightmare off with him "get him comfortable." and Dust leaves to get ready for bed himself.
Killer immediantly hugs the tiny form close and purrs "busy day today."
Nightmare hums sleepily nad give shim the stink eye but Killer grins as he pokes one of the little cheeks. Nightmare grumbles as he pushes at the hand poking him "Killer..."
Killer chuckles as he hugs the other close "Tiny grumpy nugget." Killer laughs as he sees Nightmare's little skull explode with a purple blush as he pushes at him.
"Killer stop that" it is more of a whine than a real demand and Killer nuzzles the skull with a purr. Killer can admit it is amazing to just lay in a bed. feeling clena and having a Nightmare near while content, full of food, and clean. only thing better would have been to have him wrapped up in a warm blanket directly after a very warm bed. but Killer only had that happen once before.
For now he just holds the tiny being near and relaxes when his own soul is right next to the comfortable babybones.
Honestly? All of this was worth it to have Nightmare clean, well fed and ready to sleep in an actual bed. Killer will admit to himself that the others were right with them having to find a place to settle, at least for a short while.
By the time that Dust returns and joins him Nightmare is already sound asleep and Killer is close to going to sleep himself. He falls asleep before either Cross and Horror join them.
Cross finally finished cleaning up himself and feels so many times better. Cross can admit he has problems with being dirty and is a neat-freak as Killer likes to call it. Cross doesnt mind it much because despite his teasing Killer also makes sure they go to places and by places where Cross can get the time to clean himself up.
Cross was a bit unsure about this plan at first but with the absolute faith both Horror and Dust had shown in the plan it had been a quick decision to trust them on this.
and they had been right!
The sans, crop, had been nice and helpful and immediantly saw Nightmare as the child he was. Which honestly is amazing and the only correct answer in Cross's mind. He also apologised for only having one bed available to them but Horror had just shrugged and siad it wouldn't be the first time they slept in a pile. Crop had been confused but didn't demand an explanation. Which is good because Cross doubts any of them have an explanation for why they all feel so comfortable with eahc other and will gravitate to lay together.
The fresh ingredients and meal made with it had also been welcome and even needed by how clearly all of them had needed a calm evening. Seeing the others relax had been a welcome sight and Cross takes all their dirty clothes to the washer.
Cross takes time to put their things in the washer and turning it on the right cycle. They will probably have some clothes dye mix-ups but Cross isn't going to seperate it into three different loads and hog the washer and run up the electric AND water bill just to run three tiny washes when it fits in one.
Cross nods to himself as the washer gets to work and makes his way up the stairs, hearing Horror move around in the kitchen. No doubt cleaning up and preparing some food for tomorrow in advance. Cross walks up the set of stairs with a certain excitement, he hadn't seen the attic yet as Horror and Killer took care of getting their things up there and getting them all installed while Cross helped Dust with Nightmare.
Cross feels the clothes he is wearing. it is just old cotton t-shirt and old sweats but Cross feels so much better. Just the idea of not sleepign in his everyday clothes will be so nice!
He opens the door and moves silently into the dark room. THe window is still open to let in the fresh summer air and Cross sight finds the three sleeping in the bed.
Cross walks over and smiles as he sees Dust, Killer and Nightmare all sound asleep. Nightmare is held captive in Killer's arms but lays with his skull right against Dust's own skull. Dust lays mostly hidden under the blanket wiht Nightmare and Cross is pretty sure that Dust is rolled up around nightmare as much as he physically can with Killer being where he is.
Killer has two arms tightly around Nightmare but his skull lays higher on the pillow than Dust, making it seem both are slotted together.
The three of them hardly take up a third of the room on the bed like this but Cross can't get himself to lay in it just yet. Not with the sudden turbulance in his soul. He quickly, but silently, leaves the room and rushes out of the house.
He stands on the porch panting and shaking. What are they doing? They are going to mess this up beyond believe and-
A hand on his shoulder. Horror leans with his back against the fench and stares at him "What is wrong?"
Cross chuckles and lays his skull on the wood of the porch fench. It is cool in the night air "We are messing everythign up."
Horror tilts his skull "I mean. I think we have been doing alright."
Cross laughs as he holds his skull "alright?! We have been dragging a babybones through different universes and dimensions for the last two months, you know, after abandoning him for a month?!" How is that okay?! This is the first time that Cross saw Nightmare completely clean, fed and comfortable in a fucking bed. Three. Months!
Horror doesn't disagree with him and just rubs his back.
Silence around them and Cross groans "What are we going to do?"
Horror shrugs "Same as before? figure it out step by step and try to do right."
Cross pulls his skull away from the wood and looks at him "We couldn't even feed him regularly. we had no place to stay. We were homeless Horror."
Horror nods "And we will have to figure out a plan for that now."
Cross feels himself shake as the anxiety returns "How?! We have no money. we have no papers or passports. we have no plan. nothing!"
Horror gives him a calm look "We got a place to stay right now to figure it out."
Cross groans as he rubs his face "Great. just taking stuff."
hroror shrugs "We can help Crop on his farm as thanks." he shoots him a look "It wasn't like it was that different wiht Nightmare before. we did somework for him and in trade could live there and get things." he raises a brow "If it makes it easier. See it as a temporary job with included housing."
Cross blinks as he considers that. it... sounds better than just getting things and owning someone for a lot of things. he gives a slow nod.
Horror nods as he continues "As for the other things. we are still... figuring stuff out. We ar e new to all of this and didn't exactly have places to stay when we started this whole thing. I think we did okay." he shrugs and nudges him back inside "lets sleep. You are tired and it is making you anxious. Tomorrow we can talk with Crop about how this will all work and go from there."
Cross is unsure before nodding and following Horror back inside. Horror locks the door behind him before going upstairs. They get to the bed and Horror gets comfortable with practised ease and Cross follows his lead. a bit of rearranging and Cross feels himself relax as he lays near his... friends? colleagues? fellow co-parents? Cross doesn't think about it much longer.
Killer had once compared them to cats for their habit of laying on and enar one another and Cross can't help but agree. it helps to hear them and feel them close as Cross tries to sleep in an unfamiliar place.
He drifts off rather quickly as exhaustion makes itself known.
First Drabble Prev Drabble over here Next Drabble
And there we have the drabble on how their first night/day went when they started to stay with Crop!
I think they did okay :D
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okay-babe · 7 months
this is for your prompt game- word count: 800
human!alastor whos starts to feel a bit guilty when he sees his darling worry about him after hearing about the various murders near his studio. maybe some cuddling after alastor comes home especially late, and reader freaks out?
Nothing on This Earth
tags: human! alastor x human! fem! reader, established relationship, alastor and reader are married, anxious reader, fluff, very mild angst note: This was such a cute request to fulfill, I had a really fun time with it :) I hope you enjoy, anon :)
"And in some rather frightening news, the police have revealed the recent discovery of yet another body, this one found partially buried just outside city limits, mere miles in fact, from this very radio station that I'm broadcasting live to you from now. Presently, the authorities have yet to reveal the identity of the poor soul, but he is believed to be yet another victim of our infamous NOLA killer."
Alastor hummed a popular tune as he made his way across the walkway that led from the drive to the house that he and his wife shared.
From outside, he could hear the oh-so familiar static of the radio as his late night replacement droned on and on endlessly between the evenings pre-selected songs.
With a marked lack of haste or impatience, Alastor listened on vaguely to the words his coworker spoke, scarcely paying them any mind as his long legs carried him casually along the stone path and toward the steps of the house.
Instinctively, his hand reached into his pocket as he grew closer to his destination, long fingers seeking the familiar chill of cool metal until they finally found what they were feeling for, allowing for him to properly grasp his keys between them.
Humming the same pleasant tune as before, the radio host smiled to himself as he slowly ascended the three wooden steps that led creakily up to the deck, upon which the front door could be clearly seen.
Quietly, his shoes tapped against the old wood as he made his way closer, the keys in his pocket jingling familiarly as he moved to pull them out.
Still clearly in no rush, Alastor moved casually as he raised the now slightly warmed metal of his house key to its empty socket.
Much to his surprise though, the brass device had only just grazed the mechanism containing the deadbolt lock when the door swung inward quickly, revealing quite the alarming sight on the other side.
There you stood, his darling wife, all wrapped up in that slightly sheer white robe of yours that his mother had gifted you for your wedding, arms crossed and expression fixed firmly into a frown.
If he hadn't known any better, perhaps Alastor may have even believed you angry at him, your jaw clenched and your eyebrows furrowed just so.
But, of course, as your ever so observant husband, he did know better.
He could see the anxiety hidden behind that veil of vexation as clear as day, made obvious by the constant shifting of your gaze and the way you nibbled at your lip.
Wordlessly, your love reached forward, pulling your trapped flesh from between your worrying teeth, his ring finger tilting your chin upward as he did so.
"Why hello there, my doe."
He all but purred as he stepped swiftly inside, his ankle moving to kick the door closed behind him.
"How very kind of you to wait at the entrance for me. Although, I do have to wonder," He began, leaning down toward you so that his breath fanned across your lips, "What a lovely, delicate creature such as yourself is doing up so late."
He teased, pressing a quick kiss to your mouth before pulling away and turning around to shrug off and hang his jacket.
"I was worried about you."
At those words, Alastor halted all movement immediately before his brow quirked and he spun on his heel, grin wide.
"Worried about me?" He asked incredulously, both of his hands finding yours before offering them a squeeze of reassurance. "Whatever for, my dear?"
You swallowed thickly, your words becoming caught in your throat as if the sheer weight of them were too much to manage.
"There's a killer on the loose, Al." You said fearfully, your returned grip on his hands tightening as you spoke.
"So when you're out so late like this, I can't help but think-" You paused there, as if unable to finish that thought for fear of it coming true.
Regardless, it seemed that Alastor understood your worries plenty.
He squeezed your hands once more.
"Oh chère," He all but crooned, "You're very sweet to worry, but I promise you that I am in no danger." As he said this, you felt him start to pull you in closer, until finally, you were chest to chest.
You sighed wearily, leaning into your love's touch almost instinctively in spite of your concerns. "But how can you be so sure, Al? There's no telling when or where-"
"My dear," Your husband interrupted gently as he began to sway the two of you rhythmically in time with the jazz that was now flowing through the speakers of your radio, "I can assure you that as long as I have my wife to come home to..." He paused to tuck a few stray hairs behind your ear, his gaze upon you filled with an almost overwhelming adoration as he did so,
"There is nothing on this earth that could keep me away from her."
787 notes · View notes
novashelby · 2 months
Just Breathe-A Jonathan Crane x Fem!Reader Smut MDNI. 18+
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Pairing: Jonathan CraneXFem!Reader-Patient
Prompt: I used number 65
Warnings: Mentions of depression and anxiety, medication, use of drugs, dub-con. Fingering (f receiving). Age gap? Reader is unknown adult age, but Jonathan is older.
Summary: Dr. Crane's patient has been having a hard time climaxing after taking a SSRI. So, he gives her an experimental drug to help her climax.
Word Count: 3.7k
A/N: This is a request by @futurefamousdeadmusician. They had given me the prompt, but allowed me the creative freedom. I hope you enjoy it. :) Please comment and reblog. Likes are kind, but I'd really appreciate if you can at least reblog. Rebloging allows an author's work to circulate.
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She wasn’t his usual type of patient; small and meek. A simple diagnosis of general anxiety. Nothing a little pill couldn’t fix. The previous appointment he pulled out his pad and wrote down a low dose prescription of sertraline. Something he often started patients on. And so, when she came in the next appointment with a very typical problem, he was not surprised. Dr. Crane took off his dark rimmed glasses and leaned back, one leg crossed over the other. He listened intently and with genuine interest, watching her fiddle with the fraying hems of her sleeves. Many assumed he was all arrogance and no compassion. That was hardly the truth. Dr. Crane cared quite deeply about his patients. Perhaps just in a different way. 
“Are you nervous?” he asked, eying her picking at loose threads. Her fingernails scraped and pulled, causing balls of lint to flutter on the ground. His eyes watched as they drifted in the air. “You seem on edge.” It wasn’t anything new in her case; on edge and small. Though, the twitching in her wrist was new. She swallowed, stopping the shaking in her knee. Looking up at him, she took a deep sigh. 
“Mike and I had our first intimate date,” she said with a crooked, unsure smile. 
Curious, he arched his brows. “And how did that go? Michael…the boy from your university course, correct?” He wrote it down in his notebook for future reference. 
Shrugged, she winced a bit and shyly responded, “it didn’t…it didn’t go anywhere.” Her cheeks turned a shameful rosy red and she averted her attention off the side. It was not an unusual side effect. In fact, it was almost expected with SSRIs at this point. Dr. Crane noted in his file; the patient is struggling with intimacy-possible side effects from medication. “He was getting frustrated with me. I couldn’t…couldn’t…finish?” she questioned, looking back up at him. Poor girl looked so ashamed and embarrassed, her cute bottom lip pouting out. 
“I see,” he said, thumb playing with the pen in his hand. Click. Click. Click. “Well, it is a normal response to the medication. Lower libido and difficulty reaching climax. Have you tried to talk to Michael about this?” 
She shook her head. “Hasn’t answered any of my texts.”
Dr. Craned sighed and offered a consolidating smile. “I’m sorry.”
“Dr. Crane, am I just going to be like this everyday for the rest of my life?” she asked after a random moment of silence. It took him by surprise when she stood, taking a deep inhale and holding it before letting it out with a stream of words. “I just…I feel so fucking useless!” His eyes followed as she passed about the small, dimly lit office. “Like I can’t function. For one fucking day.” Pausing, she turned on her heels and faced him, eyes peering down. “Like, it isn’t possible, right? No one can possibly be like this forever, right?” Dr. Crane put aside his notes and stood. Perhaps it was a little unprofessional, but he gently put his hands over her arms, thumbs running circles. It took her a second to come in focus, but when she did, she looked into his eyes and asked, “Dr. Crane, I want to feel human-”
“You feel nothing, but human,” he responded, gently. “Being human is feeling anxious, scared, happy, nervous. Don't worry.” His hand went up to her cheek. “We can adjust your medication and change the dosage. I can…hmm.” He stopped mid thought when it hit him. “There is something I could try. Would you mind grabbing your belongings? We will actually head to the examination room-no, no, nothing at all to be afraid of.” The girl shivered in his arms, hesitating at the threshold of the door. He flicked off the lights and had to rest his hand on her lower back to shimmy her out. “We will go downstairs. Ah!” He walked over to the check in desk. “Linda, I will need you to cancel my appointments, and why don’t you take the rest of the day?”
Linda, the aging receptionist, took a moment to realize she was getting a free afternoon. In glee, she said, “oh, of course, Dr. Crane. Thank you!” 
He nodded. “Just remember to cancel those appointments and reschedule for Friday. I’ll switch around my shift at Arkham.” His eyes drifted back to the nervous girl, still fiddling with her sweater sleeves. “Just this way,” he whispered, smiling down at her. “Be Careful going down the steps. They’re a bit steep.” And he was right. She felt one wrong step and she would tumble down. Gripping the wooden railing, she climbed down sideways. Unlike Dr. Crane, who knew each step as if he had them mapped out in his brain. 
When they both reached downstairs, he flicked on a light. When her eyes adjusted, she was surprised to see a rather modern examination room; marble floor, medical bed, and metal cabinets. “Do you often bring patients down here, Dr. Crane?” Her eyes scanned the room when she saw four straps on the bed. She hated to admit it, but her brain instantly went to serial killer. He chuckled, placing a hand on her shoulder. 
“Don’t worry,” he said, as he was walking to a cabinet, unlocking it with a set of keys. “Those aren’t for you. Sit on the gurney please. I have to get you a waiver.” His fingers skimmed over the packets before pulling out a single piece of paper. “Ah! Here we are! No need to fear, it is only precautionary and customary.” Handing her the pen, he prompted her to sign it. Her fingers lingered over the pen, hesitantly taking it to sign.
“What are we going to do?” she asked, brows knitted.
He smiled, and cupped her cheek. “I will explain it to you in a moment, but I’d like you to sign it first. Just in case.” She nodded and skimmed over the words, not registering anything before shoving it back to him. Dr. Crane had never given her a reason not to trust him. “Good girl.” Good girl? A lump formed in the back of her throat as those words did something to her. His whole demeanor changed. The way he spoke was smooth and less professional and clinical. And this ascertain possessiveness clung to the words good girl. When she embarrassingly looked away, his hand was back at her cheek, pushing her to look at him. He was closing the gap between them. “Have I ever given you a reason not to be safe with me? Have I not always done what was right for you? Hm? You will be trying a new drug.” 
“A new drug?” she asked, wincing. “Shouldn’t I withdraw from the other one? Has it been tested? Approved by the FDA?” Ignoring her questions, he simply chuckled and pinched her chin before turning his back going to another file cabinet. Out he pulled a syringe and a vial filled with a purple liquid. 
“It’s a new erectile dysfunction treatment for men,” he explained, turning his head up to draw a syringe. “But it hasn’t been tested on a woman yet, and perhaps I am a bit curious. It won’t hurt you. I’m just curious if it will work.” He turned back to her, the syringe now filled with the purple liquid. She hated shots, but started to roll up her sleeve. “I’ll give you a lesser dose,” he lied, smirking to himself. It was a higher dose mixed with many other components that were known to mess with a woman’s senses.”
“I hate shots,” she explained, showing him her bare arm. 
Dr. Crane chuckled, and said, “actually, it doesn't go in your arm. Rest. Lie on your back.” When she went to open her mouth, he explained, “it goes in your upper thigh. I’ll need to take off your pants. Is that alright?” She contemplated for a second, eyes looking back to the restraints. Have I ever given you a reason not to be safe with me? She started to slide off the gurney, mumbling about how her session was over and how she needed to get home. Dr. Crane’s cool, collected exterior tensed, and the hands that were once gently touching her, were rougher. “Ah, ah, ah. You know the expression that a doctor knows best.” He grabbed her upper arms and pushed her back down.
“Dr. Crane,” she said, mustering up the courage to sound a bit more curt and direct. “I’d like to go home, please.” He wouldn’t budge, eyes peering down at her. The syringe was right there wedged between his index and middle finger.
He slowly smirked, noticing how she kept looking at the restraints. He could read her easily. Knowing what was traveling through her mind, he whispered seductively in her ear. “I will use those if I have to, but if you are a good girl, I won’t. So, please, rest.” He eased her back down on the gurney and guided her to lay flat down. “I’m a doctor,” was his explanation for playing with the button on her pants. “This is nothing short of clinical for me.” Though it was true in a sense, it was still all erotic to him. Having a young woman so helplessly at his mercy in the name of his experiments, He was sure that she wouldn’t last his fear toxin, but luckily for her, he enjoyed a dabble in other areas. Including that of an arousal drug used for men. It wasn’t his, however, but a colleagues….He was simply using it as a side project in benefit of having his name on another paper. Her legs squeezed shut, preventing the ease of pulling them down, Jonathan laughed. “Come now,” he tisked, sliding a hand between her thigh and pulling them apart with ease. 
“It’s just a little uncomfortable,” she said, looking up at him with these pathetic doe-like eyes. Oh, how he had to fake sympathy; lip pouting and head tilted. Awww, I know. It is all so scary. Tell me exactly what you are fearful of? Swallowing, her eyes glanced over at the brown leather straps. “You’ll kill me.”
“How silly,” he said. “What use would I have of you then? Dead? Ah, you young women and your obsession with the grotesque and morbid. Would you believe I am actually helping you?” His cool fingers hooked around the waistband of her jeans and pulled down to her knees. Grabbing an alcohol wipe, he cleaned a small patch near the pelvic area instead of the thigh, where he originally said. When the needle came in closer, she winced, trying to push away slightly. Jonathan pulled away, frowning. His other hand reached out and caressed her cheek. In the softest voice, he cooed, “I know, baby, I know. I’m right here, just breathe.” When the word baby laced within his sentence, she felt an ache in her stomach. It was mixed with sickness and…and that odd sensation that young girls get when they notice their first crush. Almost like a cramp and tingle. Baby? Her eyes glossed as she eased for him. “Good girl. Now, it won’t even hurt…ah! See?! So distracted, you hardly felt the tiny prick, sweetheart.” He was right, she hardly felt the prick. 
“What will happen now?” she asked, watching the ceiling. 
“You may feel a bit warm,” he explained, tossing the syringe and gloves away in a red bin for hazards. Instead of allowing her to leave, he took a seat on the stool, and watched her. “For men, they start to feel a bit of a tingle. An uncontrollable urge, if you will. Of course,” he paused, grinning at her. “An erection and if the sex is of standards, a very satiable climax. However! This is the first time it’s been tested on a female, but I expect the results to be on par-”
“W-what?” she asked, embarrassed. “Dr. Crane. I will do that here?”
Brows arched, he asked, “had you not read the waiver form thoroughly? I’m a bit disappointed, sweetheart. However, yes, you will go through the full trial here.” 
She tried to sit up, but got a bit dizzy and laid back down. “B-but in front of you?”
“It’s all clinical,” he explained. “But, because you hadn’t read the waiver, I want to reinforce that you should allow your body to feel exactly what it wants to feel. That you should relax into the urges and intrusive thoughts. Suppressing it will only make you worse. How are you feeling?” She hummed, wiggling her hands and feets. 
“Just a bit warm is all,” she explained, turning to glance at him, finding it funny that he wasn’t writing anything down. He wasn’t observing her as she imagined a doctor conducting an experiment. Instead, he was simply staring. When she went to sit up, that is when an overwhelming cold sweat hit her, knocking the breath from her lungs. “Shit,” she cursed under breath, closing her eyes. She wasn’t only warm, but hot. Almost like a dripping fever. 
“It’s only sixty-five in here,” he pointed out, amused. “It’s alright…how does your mouth feel?”
“Dry,” she croaked out, feeling her tongue turn to sandpaper. Sweat was forming at her temples and her heart was racing in a way she never felt. 
“Would you like some water?” he asked, sliding from the stool and walking to the sink. He filled a plastic cup with some water and turned to her, dipping his fingers in the cup. “Open your mouth…ahhh, good girl.” He dipped his fingers in her mouth, and there was something in her that turned absolutely feral. Intrigued, he observed how she reached up and hungrily sucked at his fingers, tongue swirling. She refused to let them go, whining when he pulled them away. “Your eyes are quite hazy,” he teased, pressing his fingers against her neck to feel her rising pulse. Her inhibitions were going down, he noted, and watched as whatever she was feeling turned into a survival need. She was hungry for something and she couldn’t comprehend. Sitting up a bit, mouth wide open and tongue out like a bitch in heat. She followed his hand before sucking in his fingers. Bobbing her head, she moaned as if she was pleasuring his cock. “The need for oral stimulation,” he commented before asking, “how hot are you out of ten?” Funny enough, she put up her fingers instead of releasing him. Eight. “Hmm, I see…there you go, sweety. You can take them deeper if you wish….” And she did, pushing them down her throat, choking and drooling over them. His trousers started to tightened as she was falling right where he wanted her. “Now, I must ask. If you are hot, why are you wearing your sweater? Hm? And jeans? That seems a bit stupid, doesn’t it?” She nodded, pausing her sucking. He pulled his hand away and she let out a long whine. “Then what should you do, hm?” Without much prompting, she took off her sweater and tossed it to the ground and kicked off her jeans along with her shoes. Slowly, he grinned, eyes meeting with her black bra. It wasn’t anything special. Very simple, but the way it was definitely a cup too small and her breasts were pooling out made him push her down. 
“I need,” she gasped out, not believing her own words. But she didn’t stress too much because anytime she fought the thoughts, her head banged. She looked up at him with desperate hooded eyes and her hands grabbed for his hands. “I need…I need….”
“Need what?” he asked, amused. “Hmm, I need you to be very specific.” 
A long belly deep whine left her drying lips. “Dr. Crane, stop. I need, I need it…something. Anything.”
“Hmm,” he hummed, his hand resting on her thigh and inching up. “And how do you feel down here, hm?” He hadn’t expected her to let out a growl and grab for his belt. “Hey!” he scolded, grabbing her hand.  “I’m your doctor,” he teased, hand resting against her panty covered cunt. “Wet…pooling. Ah, you must feel so needy and tingly down here, don’t you?” Desperately, she nodded, pouting, hands still attempting to grab for his belt. “Hey, hey…come on. I’m a professional. I would never. Back down. Ah! Good girl.” He walked over to the cabinet and got a clean glove before walking back over. “Let’s test the severity of this. If I wasn’t aware of your situation, I may have just assumed you were rabid.” He went to pull off her panties, but she beat him to it, kicking them off and propping her legs up. “What a diligent patient,” he commented, pulling up the stool. “Yes,” he nodded, looking over her wet folds. “Your labia appears to be puffy.” When he gave her outer lips a quick pinch, her hips jolted up. “Did you know,” he said, dragging out his words. “That the clitoris is much more than this little nub.” It spread her dripping pussy open with his ring and index finger while his middle rubbed gentle circles over her clit. 
Her eyes rolled in the back of her head as she felt this teasing sensation just barely pressing down on her throbbing, aching clit. “O-ohhh,” she moaned out, clenching her vagina walls, desperate for something to fill her. To ease the tension he was making worse, she subconsciously grinded her hips against his finger. “Please-”
“How nice of you to remember your manners,” he teased, pressing harder, rubbing in taunting circles with a constant pace. His eyes watched how her vagina clenched. She was needy for something and he wanted nothing more, but to fill her. He imagined for a moment how he’d take her; bent over, hips slamming into her ass. His hands would be squeezing her beautiful breasts while his mouth would be kissing her ear, whispering all the sinful things. She was white knuckled at the paper thin sheet covering the hospital bed. “Relax,” he told her. “You're trying too hard for release…let it come natural.” She released the sheet and went to her breasts, rubbing and pinching her swelling nipples. 
“Doctor!” she gasped out, hips buckling as she was teetering on the edge of a climax. “It’s been so long, please.” He pulled away his hand and slapped her thigh, pulling her out of her high. She cried, slapping her hands against her face. “Why!?” She was almost angry at him, her eyes glaring his way. But it was all too funny to him. She was still sweating and trying to catch her breath. 
“Tell me exactly what you want,” he said. “Doctor needs to take his notes.”
She swallowed, lip pouting. “To cum. I want to cum. It’s been too long and…and I just-please!” 
“I see,” he said, nonchalantly. “And if you could cum in any way, what way would you like to cum? Sorry, it is all clinical.”
She went to grab for his belt again, but he pulled away reminding her to use her big girl words. “Your…your cock. I want it. I want to ride it-”
“No,” he reminded, leaning into her face with a crooked smile. “I’m your doctor. Don’t you remember? I worked too hard for my license to lose it over fucking a desperate little girl like yourself.” She frowned, feeling an overwhelming sensation of depression. “Shh, it’s okay. Perhaps I don’t always have to be your doctor, but in this room, right now, I am…But! We can continue our finger examination.” He moved from the stool and sat on the examination bed. “Come here.” He barely got the words out before she climbed on him. With two fingers, he eased into her and pumped gently while his thumb rubbed her clit. She was resting over his legs, wiggling and grinding down on his hand. “Go on, it’s your job now.”
“Thank you, doctor,” she moaned out, closing her eyes. He warned her to start easy and allow the pleasure to build. It’d be more pleasurable and satisfying that way, was his rationale. And to his surprise, she did. Little whimpers filled the room as she slowly raised her hips to roll them over his fingers. With one hand, she braced herself on his shoulder and the other played with her breasts, pinching and rolling her nipples. He smiled, his tongue swiping across his bottom lip.
“Are these sensitive?” he asked, pinching it with his other hand.
“Y-yes, doctor,” she cried out, fucking his fingers a bit harder, bouncing while the sensation built up.  “F-fuck,” she cried out, his thumb doing the devil’s work…or perhaps, an angles work? He pressed hard, rubbing circles and flicking it. His hand matched the speed she went. “S-hit, shit,” she whined, wrapping her arms around his neck and pressing her face in the crook. “D-doctor!” Something sinister built in her core. Something so beautiful that she hadn’t felt in such a long time….And she was not going to lose it. She grinded harder to the point there was just a little pain that sent her over the edge. 
“Good girl,” he cooed. “You’re so wet. Are you normally a squirter? I can feel my pants soaking….” She could only answer in an array of moans and grunts. Nothing comprehensible. “You’re going to cum for me, pretty girl. Good girl.” When she went over the edge, she cried out in a silent scream, eyes rolling back. Bucking her hips, she let loose a stream of squirt. Not only soaking his pants, but his shirt. He wanted it all. Her orgasm was washing over her, but he was convinced she had just a little bit more in her. He released her clit, but continued to rub against her gspot. 
“Oh fuck!” She started to kiss against his jaw line. Between them, she let out words that hardly made any sense. A mix of admiration and desperation for the doctor. “T-too much…too much!” He was pushing her past her climax, and it consumed her, overwhelming all her senses. 
“Let a little more out,” he told her. “I know you-ah! Good job!” As he was about to finish his sentence when she lifted her hips and squirted a pool below her. Taking away his hand, he brought it up between their faces. With a pleased smirk, he sucked off the juices, and said, “it’s all clinical.”
237 notes · View notes
therealflickerman · 4 months
Split Lips (tasm!peter parker x reader)
Part two
series summary: Its simple hating peter parker, the cocky asshole who has made it his mission to one up you every chance he gets. In the same vein, its simple loving spiderman, the sweet masked vigilante who has made it his mission to ensure your safety. How simple will it be when the two worlds meet.
chapter summary: You never want Peter Parker around, but you find he tents to show up whenever you need him most.
word count: 4.9k
chapter contents: reader is intended to be fem! , language, a little banter and a little fluff, reader is anxious and a mess,  idk anything about american diner culture, these two r awkward idiots that don’t know how to be soft 
note: poor pete just wants to be your friend, and poor reader is a disaster girl. I had so much fun writing this chapter I hope yall enjoy it!, thank u charlie for editing
series masterlist
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chapter one / chapter two / chapter three / chapter four (ongoing!)
Your earphones carry music to your eardrums, blaring at the highest volume possible, it's a feeble attempt to drown out your thoughts and you’re not quite sure it’s working. It crosses your mind that you should probably lower the volume sparing others in the library from the distraction, however, as you find yourself re-reading the same sentence for the third time, you can’t quite find it in yourself to care. 
A groan slips past your lips, the heels of your palms find the sockets of your eyes and you sit like this for a moment before dragging your hands down your face in irritation. Your biology textbook sits on the desk in front of you, the annotated page, a testament to last night's productivity, mocks you with its perfection. 
You’ve been at this since Eleven a.m. and you can quite literally feel your brain melting out of your head, it’s rare you have trouble studying, actually, you would go so far as to call it a forte of yours. You blame your recent bout of sleeplessness and curse how busy your brain has been the last few nights. 
Sliding your sleeve just above your watch, you check the time, it reads ‘one twenty-six p.m.’. “Shit,” you exhale, scolding yourself for letting the time slip through our hands.
You look at the testbook with disdain, promising yourself at least fifteen minutes of study before your shift at the diner begins. You flip to a new section and pray a change of scenery will kickstart your brain into surrendering a bit more work, though you feel deep down that it’s a lost cause. 
A defeated sigh escapes you, your eyes lock on the start of the page and you begin to read. The chapter talks of the immune system's response to pathogens and you recall touching on the topic in class. You specifically remember that day because Peter had ‘accidently’ spilt his milk all over your notes during one of his usual attempts to irritate you, despite the way his grin curled into that of a worried frown, and the way he had jumped into action, letting out frantic apologies, you’re not so sure it truly was an accident, though maybe that's what you’d like to think. 
Your brows furrow as you realise you’ve in fact lost your train of thought once again, your brain had wandered off about a thousand times already that morning, but it particularly bugs you this time as it dawns on you that you are unable to escape Peter Parker, even as you sit alone with your thoughts. For a second your throat feels tight and you think you could cry from pure frustration, though you look to the library that surrounds you, there are a mix of silently working students and businessmen, and you decide you don’t want to be the deranged woman crying into her biology textbook at one-thirty p.m. the afternoon before her test. 
You opt to take a deep breath rather than the later and you reread the line, taking a note on the sentence before completing the paragraph. You turn the page and you finally feel concentration begin to build. 
A yelp slips from your lips as a book drops and lands before you with a soft thud, it breaks the still silence of the library, shattering the first string of focus you had managed since last night's study session. Your gaze shoots upwards and you’re met with the same big brown eyes you’ve become accustomed to.  
“Enjoying your last-minute study session?” he plops into the chair across from you carelessly. 
You struggle to hear him through your loud music though you quite like it that way.
Your eyes narrow and you rip your headphones out with a swift tug. Music plays from them softly as they’re discarded on the desk. “Peter-”, you start, and wish you had the chance to finish. 
“I finished studying last night but,” he slides your textbook across the table, spinning it in his direction so he can read your annotations, “it’s good to see you putting in the work,”
“Peter, I am going to kill you” In a fit of irritation, you aggressively shove the textbook back to your side of the desk, you genuinely cannot believe your luck or lack thereof. 
“That's not very nice,” 
“You…” you spit loudly, wincing at the volume of your voice before lowering your tone, “are not very nice.” Your hand motions to all of him and your eyes narrow further in aggravation. 
He mouths a humoured ‘wow’, and leans back in the chair with an arrogant grin and a cross of his arms.
“How did you even,” you find the words, “there are like twenty libraries in Queens and you’re
sitting across from me…” your arms crossed, “uninvited” you emphasise. 
He shrugs with a grin and leans over, digging through his beat-up backpack.
He silently places his things on the desk, ‘just make yourself at home’ you huff ironically with an eye roll. He laughs softly at your comment as he pulls out a small pencil case, it's dark blue and covered in Sharpie doodles, then grabs the rest of his books, piling them on top of the one he had used to startle you. 
“I thought you were done with studying” you deadpan. 
He hums a laugh, “you can never be done with studying" he quips sarcastically. 
You let out a breath of frustration as he continued digging through his bag. 
“Look Parker I really need to focus-”
“Oh I wanted to give you this,” he mumbles, cutting you off and pulling a sheet of paper from the backpack, sliding it across the desk to you. 
You look down at the page, it's a photocopied version of his messy, yet readable notes. 
“Your bio notes…?” you look up at him and meet his eyes, “why?” your brows furrow further though this time fueled by confusion. 
He hums, opening his book, “felt like being nice” he adds and you let out a humoured scoff. 
“And you just somehow knew…” you correct yourself with a clearing of your throat, “Well, thought I needed these” You watch him, a brow raised in confusion, 
“I can take them back,” he grins, meeting your eyes and reaching across to snatch them from your hands. You pull away, further furrowing your brow and begin reading the notes. 
“What did you do to them,” you ask, sceptically as you skim the page. His work seems genuine, in fact, the notes are far more well-versed than the half-assed sheet of scribbles you’ve been working on and you swallow the insecure feeling you’ve grown used to. 
He laughs, his smile growing as his hands pull back and raise defensively with a soft ‘nothing’. 
You spare him a cautious eye with a shake of your head, continuing to look through the notes. 
“Hey… look at this way,” his face turns earnest as he leans in to speak, you humour him, placing the paper down and giving him your attention. 
“Now you won’t fail” he nods, the mask of seriousness slipping away as he breaks into a stupid grin.
‘Asshole’ you mumble to yourself softly, a gentle smile tugs at the corners of your mouth and you shake your head. 
He watches you carefully, satisfied with the faint smile that curls on your lips. 
“Seriously though, how’d you know I’d be here?” your focus turns back to the notes with the raise of an eyebrow and the linger of a smile. 
He shrugs, leaning back in his chair, “remember that one time in English,” he says in an attempt to jog your memory, his hand finds the textbook in front of him and he fidgets with the pages, “we were fighting about the best libraries,” you’re sure he’s right because the two of you fight about everything, “you said this one was your favourite, specifically this area because you like to look into the garden” 
He’s right, you like to look out of the giant glass windows and watch people sitting in the library's garden, studying with their friends.
“And what, you wrote all that down in your journal?” you joke, watching as he laughs.
He hums nodding his head with a, ‘Yeah, wrote it all down in my personal diary’.
“No um,” he breathes a laugh, “I just have a good memory,” his eyes flick to meet yours, you exhale a sceptical hum, nodding your head in response. 
“How else do you think I beat you in all those exams,” he smirks watching the grin tug at your lips,
“What, like the one on friday?” you mock.
“No like the one tomorrow” he retorts. 
This pulls a laugh from your lips, you roll your eyes with a shake of your head. 
You hum as the laughter dies down, “you might’ve got me there” you say softly, letting up the teasing and your eyes leave his, suddenly very interested in your textbook. Unconsciously your lip slips between your teeth and Peter notices. 
“Do you… want help studying?” he offers awkwardly, it’s unusual for him and your eyes flick up, sending a sceptical look.  
You’re met with a genuine smile. 
You beckon him towards you with furrowed brows, he leans forward, accepting your hand against his forehead, with a roll of his eyes and a sweet laugh.
“No fever,” you hum, “but you’re just not acting like yourself,” you mumble in sarcastic dismay and your hand pulls from his forehead, sitting back in your chair, you turn your focus back to your textbook. 
"You're a regular comedian," he remarks dryly, a humoured smile never leaves his lips.
Your eyes keep on the page in front of you, “so I’ve been told” your voice drips with irony, pulling a laugh from Peter. 
“So…” his words fade though you know what he’s asking, he bites the inside of his cheek watching you. 
Your eyes drift to your watch before meeting his, they’re already staring at you. 
“I truly, truly would love to you” you deadpan with a nod, “I would, but luckily for me, I have work in about ten minutes and my boss will wring my neck if I’m late” You give a wry smile, collecting your things. 
A stupid grin stays curled on his lips, ‘yeah yeah’ he shoos you off with a roll of his eyes.
You’re satisfied with his reaction and push your chair into the desk. 
“Thanks for the notes!” you tease, waving them in his direction as you head for the door. 
As dusk settles outside, the diner is left lit by the dingy light bulbs that hang overhead. Your eyes hurt from their flickering and you blink tightly with a shake of the head in an attempt at dulling the pain. 
Balancing a coffee cup in each hand and a slice of hot apple pie on your left wrist, you tread cautiously, one foot after another, approaching an older couple on the far right of the diner. The heat from the porcelain kisses the tips of your fingers, both cups filled to the brim with boiling hot coffee, your eyes trace the black liquid, watching as it sways with each step you take.
“Here you are,” you give a sweet smile to the older couple, placing their coffees down and hiding a wince as your raw fingers place the hot plate of apple pie between the two of them. The wife thanks you sweetly with a smile and you ask if there's anything else you can help them with, to which they politely decline. 
You offer a smile before turning on your heels and heading back to the kitchen, pushing open the swinging doors softly and slipping inside. You quite narrowly dodge a kitchen hand who’s balancing a towering stack of porcelain dinner plates, frantically apologising, you offer to help out but she swiftly brushes you off, rushing in another direction before you can finish your sentence. 
You slip to a quiet corner of the kitchen, avoiding the preparation benches and bury your face in your hands for just a moment, an exhale of frustration slips from your lips.   
“Hello!” Your manager's voice is grating as he calls your name, your hands drop from your face and you quickly turn to meet him, instead you’re met with clicking fingers inches away from you eyes, you recoil at his obnoxiousness with a flinch. “You’ve still got twenty minutes on the clock kid, get out there” his voice is raised over the sounds of the kitchen, he points to the kitchen doors and you send him a sheepish smile, ‘sorry’ rolls off your tongue but you’re not sure he hears, let alone cares for your apologies. Your expression drops to that of disgust as he passes by, heading to grab something from the freezers, and you throw the finger in his direction. 
You push through heavy kitchen doors, and you notice the back of a man's head sitting in your section of the diner. Rushing to the booth, your eyes flick to your watch quickly and you make a mental note that you have around fifteen minutes left. 
Your hand feels around your apron for your small notebook and pen and your eyes flick down to assist, “Hello welcome to Uncle Bills,” you find it and flip it open giving the man your name, “I’ll be your server today,” you plaster the usual cheesy smile on your face and look up to meet the eyes of the man you’re serving. 
“What a surprise seeing you here” 
“Parker…” your eyes narrow and you try to find the words, “Do you not have a job or like, anyone else to bug?” you genuinely wonder how it’s possible to see someone that you actively avoid twice in a day. 
“That's not a very nice way to talk to customers” he quips, tilting his head to the side.
“Seriously are you stalking me or something,” 
“What you didn’t know about that journal of mine?” he grins up at you, “the one with all that info about your favourite libraries” he laughs with a shrug, and mumbles a ‘thought you knew’.
You roll your eyes with a cross of your arms and turn to clean the table of an old trucker who had finished his burger.
“Wait, I’m sorry,” he laughs out, “I promise. I didn’t know you worked here,” his face is sincere though that stupid grin remains.
You raise your brows at him and a beat passes. 
“I just want a coffee,” he smiles sweetly. 
“Okay” you exhale a sigh, “how do you like it” 
“Just black,” he answers, “so um… when do you get off?”. 
“In like ten minutes thank god, why?” you question writing in your notepad.
“Sugar?” you ask before he can answer and he shakes his head with a, ‘no thanks’
“Well, I just thought, maybe I could walk you home”, he offers with a hint of uncertainty
“What, is my address missing from your journal?” you joke, putting your notepad back into your apron. 
“You’re just on fire today aren’t you” he teases. 
“Aren’t I always,” you give him a sarcastic grin. 
Before turning to get his coffee you pause a moment, meeting his eyes with a genuine smile, “Look Parker… thank you, for the offer but I’m… I’m just exhausted, maybe another time”, you nod and your teeth catch your lip picking at the skin as he responds. 
He nods softly, “Yeah, for sure”. 
You offer a pressed smile before turning to brew his coffee
You return just a moment later, lowering the near overflowing cup ever so slowly ensuring none of it spills. 
“There you go,” you lean in slightly, “I found you our biggest mug, absolutely free of charge” you whisper with a wink, sending a sweet smile.
“My hero” he murmurs sarcastically, matching your low tone with a grin. 
You let out a hum and stand up straight brushing your hands down your apron, “well I’m just about off” You smile and there's an awkward beat of silence.
“Hey you keep those notes I gave you safe, I heard they’re worth a lot” he teases, looking up at you. 
“Hmm, I don't recall any important notes, I did throw away a sheet of paper with unreadable chicken scratch on it though” 
He offers an eye-roll laced with amusement, wishing you a good night. 
You return the sentiment with a sweet grin. 
Awkwardly, your hands fumble behind your back, untying your firmly tied apron. You grab your tips from the pocket and stuff them in your jean pocket. With care, you fold the apron neatly and slide it into the pigeon-hole designated with your name, swapping it with your jacket which you slip on. 
The image of Peter's big brown eyes flash in your mind and you feel the all-too-familiar pang of guilt rising in your throat. Your teeth snag your lips as you frown slightly and for a moment you think you should have accepted his offer to walk you home. 
You swing your backpack over your shoulder, taking a second to think, and release it’s likely you’ll catch him on your way out, you swallow your nerves and decide you’ll take him up on his offer. 
You let your manager know you’re leaving and push through the kitchen swinging doors, expecting to see Peter still sitting at the booth. 
Instead, you’re met with a half-drunken cup of coffee and a five-dollar tip. Your lips curl into a smile and you roll your eyes, ‘always the gentlemen’ you think to yourself as you pocket the money. 
The soles of your shoes tap against the floor of the subway, and you hum along to your music, resting the back of your head against the cool of the glass. The subway is quiet at this time of night having just missed rush hour and you’re more than grateful for the peace. The voice of the announcement system warns you that your step is the next, you hear it quietly through your music, opening your resting eyes. 
You step onto the quiet platform, thankful for the more peaceful trip this time around. You walk slowly through quiet backstreets taking your time and mindlessly listening to your music, the volume is gentle, wary of the softly throbbing headache that you’ve acquired from the day. You hum along softly, and your teeth sink into your lip, occupying themselves. 
“I thought we weren’t doing that anymore” a familiar voice calls out and a flash of red drops down next to you. 
You jump slightly, turning to look at the man. “And I thought we weren’t scaring young women at night” You let out a breath attempting to control your heart rate, he laughs with an apology and follows your footsteps, walking by your side. 
“I didn’t think I’d see you again?” you utter, though it comes out as a question. 
He hums a laugh, “I just couldn’t stay away” he teases sarcastically. 
“Seems to be the way a lot of people feel” you mumble with a grin. 
“I’m fairly sure I have a highly dedicated stalker” you nod playfully. 
He chuckles, “And what makes you think that”. 
“You know that kid I was talking about, Peter?” you ask and Spiderman nods along, “well, he first found me at my favourite library and then walked into my job four hours later to order a coffee”. 
“Sounds like we have a high-profile case on our hands,” he jokes and it pulls a small laugh from your lips with an eye roll. 
“You know you sound a lot like him” you say matter-of-factly. 
“You don’t know what I sound like” he retorts rather quickly. 
“No I mean,” you think for a moment, “you’re both annoyingly witty”. 
“I’ll take that as a compliment” he jokes with a satisfied nod. 
“How does the um,” you raise your hand to your lips, “the voice thing, how does it work” you question with a small tilt of your head. 
“It’s just a vocal converter” he nods. 
“Like Ghostface in Scream,” you add and he nods. 
“And the um,” your hand hovers over your wrist, and you contort your hand into his signature pose. 
“Oh, here look” he stops the both of you and flips his wrist, a white web shoots onto the brick wall behind you. 
“Try it,” he mumbles, your hand hovers over his wrist and he gives you a soft nod, encouraging you to press down on the sensor. You press the heel of his hand and a web shoots past you, sticking to the wall in one swift motion. Your mouth forms an ‘O’ as you mumble a soft, ‘woah’,
Spiderman watches you, a soft smile sits behind his mask. “So do you, like, have any actual powers?” you ask with a furrowed brow, “besides being a genius” you add and the irony draws a small laugh from the boy. 
He hums a soft ‘hmh’, he shakes the web from the shooter and walks past you. You stand with crossed arms and watch as he climbs the walls, his hands and feet sticking to the vertical bricks. “So you can do that without the suit?” you call up at him and he gives a soft nod, releasing the wall and gracefully falling from the height. 
“What else can you do?” you ask in awe, you had never particularly been a fan of Spiderman, you’d watched the news clips, and defended him when your mum questioned if his presence was ethical, though you’d never questioned, nor ever thought of, the logistics of his ‘powers’. 
He lets out a laugh, “I have um, enhanced strength, agility, stamina, all that” he nods, “Oh and um, a tingle?” it comes out as a question and he tilts his head slightly.
“I do not want to hear about your tingle dude” you laugh with a disgusted face, he elbows you gently, with a, ‘Not like that you weirdo’. “No it’s like, I can tell when there’s danger,” he attempts to explain, “like, I know to duck before something hits my head”. 
You shove your hand in your pocket, pulling out a scrunched-up receipt and throw it towards his head. His hand raises swiftly, catching the ball of paper, “really?” he questions before unravelling it, with a serious face and a hum he reads, “Hemorrhoid cream?”. 
Your brows furrow and you quickly grab the receipt to see a grocery list of, ‘gum, Coke Zero and a KitKat’, you roll your eyes with a ‘ha ha, very funny’. 
“So,” he looks down at you and the two of you make eye contact, “tell me about your day,” he mumbles as the two of you continue your stroll, you accept his offer once again. 
“It was pretty boring… I studied for like god knows how long and got nowhere,” you grumble and Spiderman listens attentively. “Then, just as I was on a roll Parker interrupted me… but he gave me his notes so,” you give a pressed smile, “never will I ever tell him how much it helped me out but he is a lifesaver.” you nod. 
Spiderman's lips curl into a wide grin behind the mask and he lets out a hum in response, ” Anyway my boss is an asshole,” you add with a, ‘but what's new’.
“What’d he do today?” he questions and watches as your eyes roll at the thought of your manager. He’s so intensely focused on you and for the first time since knowing you he’s able to take in the small imperfections on your face, he observes the slope of your nose and the way your mouth moves as you speak, and suddenly he’s all the more grateful for the guise of his mask then he’s ever been before. 
“He’s just an asshole you know?” you ramble, eyes locked on the floor in front of you as your brain trails back to your manager's fingers in your face. “I mean he clicked in my face as if I’m like some dog,” you let out an angry huff, “seriously, get your dirty ass fingernails out of my face dude, and then he yelled in my face!” you take in a deep breath before releasing it with the rest of your frustration. 
Spiderman frowns slightly behind the mask with a shake of his head, “you want me to web him up?” he attempts and grins as your lips curl into a smile. “That would be great actually,” you giggle. 
There's a beat of silence before you start up again, “and, I don't know, I feel guilty, I think Peter keeps trying to hangout with me, I mean I refused him like twice today and I don't know…” you trail off for a moment, “It’s not like I hate him, I mean he’s annoying, but so am I, and… well I actually really like talking to him, I just,” you look up at Spiderman, “I’m not blabbing on too much?”. 
His masked face shakes slightly with a soft laugh and a, ‘You’re good.’
“I just don’t think I’m that great at being friends with people,” you exhale a sigh. 
“Well we’re friends” he adds and the Peter behind the mask feels a pang of guilt.
“Yeah, I guess,” you mumble. 
“What you don’t think we’re friends” he quips, nudging you softly and you hum a laugh. 
“Well this is our second time talking…” you trail off and look up at him, sending a stupid grin. 
“That's okay… we just… move fast,” he mumbles and you hum in agreement with a nod, ‘really fast,’ you add and he laughs with an, ‘Exactly’.
“No… you’re right,” and you send him a genuine smile, “Thanks Spidey, for listening”. 
“Spidey huh?” he asks teasingly. “Well I’m not going to say Spiderman every time we talk” you ask with a grin, “I bet you’re not even a man,” you add teasingly. 
“What makes you say that,” he asks defensively. 
“Well first of all that was a little defensive,” you giggle, “and I don’t know,” you shrug, “I’m a teenager, I go to school with teenagers, I know how they act,” you mumble matter-of-factly with a grin. 
“Also I would be a little worried if a forty-year-old man actively sought out walking me home at night,” you add 
“Proud of your detective work are you?” he teases and you give a cocky nod. 
“Well I can’t actually tell you my age-”, he begins,
“Oh come on,” you grin, cutting him off. 
“Okay, you wanna know?” he asks, his tone is earnest and you respond with an eager nod. He pauses and leans in slightly, and you follow his action,
“I’m actually eighty,” he says and a giggle slips from his lips. You grin with an eye roll and hit his arm playfully, he lets out a joking, ‘ow’.
“I think you should have a little more respect for senior citizens,” he laughs following as you continue your route home,
“I have plenty of respect for real senior citizens,” you mumble. 
As the two of you reach your apartment block you let out a huff of pain. “I’m going to rip my feet off,” you groan, wiggling your toes in your shoe. 
“Not so sure that will do any good,” he quips and you grin. 
“What kind of apartment building doesn’t hand an elevator,” you moan, 
“Why don’t I swing you to your fire escape,” he offers sweetly, and you send him a smile, “really?” you ask. 
He hums a, ‘mhm’, and your smile curls wider, before dropping ever so slightly, “my mum… she’ll wonder why I didn't come through the front door,” and Spidey gives a shrug. 
“Maybe she just didn’t notice,” he offers, winking behind the mask before he remembers that you can’t see his face. “Yeah… why not,” you shrug dismissively with a smile. 
He wraps a tight arm around your waist, ‘which is yours?’ he asks and you point to the one lit up with a string of fairy lights with a sheepish smile, he lets out a small laugh finding your attempt at decoration sweet. 
“You’re going to need to hold onto me okay,” he mumbles and you swallow a pang of nerves with a nod of your head before wrapping your arms tightly around his neck. 
He shoots a web, swinging you both upwards and you let out a small yelp at the feeling of the floor disappearing beneath your shoes. Your arms tighten around him and your eyes slam shut at the strange feeling of freefalling for short bursts of moments. 
You feel his chuckle rise with a chuckle as you cling to him tightly. Wind rushes past your ears and through your hair before you feel your feet land on the slightly shaky fire escape, it's over before it begins and you let out a breath you didn’t know you were holding. 
“Holy shit that is terrifying,” you mumble with big eyes, a laugh escapes your lips and you meet his gaze. 
“Next time you should try opening your eyes,” he teases and you mumble a ‘next time?’ with the raise of a brow. He nods with a laugh, “I’ll take you,” he says and his voice is sweet. 
You breathe out an, ‘okay’ with a sure nod of your head. “You should see how beautiful the city is at night,” he mumbles softly and you feel a grin of admiration grow on your face. 
“I’ll look forward to it,” you smile and you wish each other a goodnight before he swings off.
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bonny-kookoo · 1 year
Poor sweet tooth mc she just wants to be loved but is scared of getting hurt. Speaking of could you do a Drabble where she actually gets hurt but Yoongi and maybe even Jimin just think she’s being dramatic
Yall always want angst so there you go
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"Its just a bruise baby, you're not gonna die." Jimin chuckles. You know that- you're not stupid. But you also know that it feels a lot worse than a bruise- and that Jimin isn't taking you seriously, probably because Yoongi isn't, either.
"I know you don't like going outside too much but you're being a little unreasonable now." Yoongi later sighs, crossing his arms- though he leaves you be in the living room, sitting outside in the backyard garden with Jimin to eat dinner, while you stay firmly planted on the couch, not eating anything.
It's only when Jungkook comes home that you finally feel like someone actually tries to find out what the problem really is.
You've had a little accident two days earlier- a misstep on the stairs in Yoongis house, making you miss two steps from them, leading you to harshly somewhat catch yourself on the way down. You didn't really fall- but you definitely landed weirdly on your leg, and in your humble opinion, didn't actually hit anything to cause a bruise.
So why is it bruising now? Why does it hurt so much?
Jungkook inspects your leg now on his day off, carefully assessing the damage visible before he lets you explain your symptoms and what led to it in the first place. He'd noticed you visibly limping oddly towards and from the breakfast table, worrying him a little.
"Is she still whining about the bruise?" Yoongi mumbles as he sits down on the couch a little further away from you both, and Jungkook sighs a bit to himself as he leans away to sit upright.
"Yoongi, I don't think it's just a bruise. Can you text Jimin and ask him to go see a doctor later?" He suggests, and Yoongi furrows his brows as Jimin walks in.
"She just tripped, she's always been a bit huffy when-" He starts to reason, but this time Yoongi actually shakes his head at him, before he looks at his hybrid again to urge him for more details.
"I think you might've torn a muscle." Jungkook tells you, softly running a hand over your leg. "From what you said it surely sounds and looks like it. Might wanna have someone take a proper look at it." Jungkook offers, and now, Yoongi feels some guilt creep up his throat.
He trusts Jungkook in stuff like this- after all, he rehabilitates hybrids and humans with exactly such injuries constantly, so he's got an eye for it.
"Oh- y-yeah, let's go right now then-" jimin stammers, looking anxious now, as Yoongi gets up with a hand on his shoulder.
"I'll drive." He offers quietly. "You go over and get her stuff." He instructs, and Jimin does as he says, visibly upset now while you look at Jungkook.
"Are they gonna cut my leg off?" You worry at the dog hybrid, who laughs, shaking his head before he pets one of your ears in reassurance.
"Absolutely not, silly cat." He laughs, and you're glad that at least he provides some comfort and security.
"...will you stay with me?" You ask, revealing to him that you're actually terrified of hospitals and doctors without saying so, and he nods, smiling warmly.
"For as long as you want me to." He says, and at that, your eyes begin to sparkle with something he's not sure he interprets correctly.
Because that glimmer in your eyes..
It looks suspiciously like love.
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fatuismooches · 5 months
Currently in my bed just fantasizing about having kids Dott.. Like, if it was through normal means or you somehow got Dottore to create a baby in his lab, I find it very amusing if the kid came out looking just like him.
This little baby with the same curly blue hair and red eyes as Dottore :(( He just stares at the child, unsure how to react. I bet during the first few months he’d be very unsure how to handle his child, sometimes not even wanting to hold them out of fear he may hurt them somehow.
Everyone is confused why Dottore made a child segment, everyone just kind of assuming his child was a segment. It’s not until they grow old enough to walk around and figure out how to slip out their father’s arms to explore the palace people start wondering what Dottore’s actual relationship with this child is.
Other Harbingers and even some lower ranking Fatuus see how Dottore grows agitated and almost anxious when the child leaves his line of sight, the doctor’s already short temper growing even shorter as he snaps at anyone until he can find the child.
Dottore eventually begrudgingly telling some of the more nosy Harbingers he has a child after they grow a bit too curious. Word travels fast and it’s not long until you have a few low ranking Fatuus and maybe even a Harbinger like Pantalone or Childe asking how you could possibly want to have a child with Dottore of all people.
I just.. hoghh i know the harbingers r like war criminals but i wanna be all lovey and domestic and have families with them 😞😞 [📺 Anon]
To convince Dottore to have and raise a kid with you is such a procedure that couldn't accurately be put into words. Here you have a man who doesn't have the slightest bit of father material in him. It took ages for him to love you, will he be able to love his child? When he struggles to make peace with himself and yet his kid is the spitting image of him? Surprisingly enough, he takes these things more seriously than one would ever think because he is self-aware and clearly remembers how his own parents treated him.
He's most poor at taking care of small children, especially when they're crying. And even when they're quiet and docile, Dottore still can't bring himself to do anything, his fingers flexing awkwardly. His hands just aren't suited for this gentleness. However, I think he gets more comfortable when the kid is older. He likes talking with them and expanding their mind. Making them toys and puzzles that are probably too advanced for their age. And seeing how the child is a mix of both him and you, your features are ever so endearing... even when the child inherits your mischievousness and goal to terrorize him. Over time the relationship gets better and the child and father get a lot closer, even though it started off pretty hazy at first. You're very proud of the progress.
(Okay but people thinking his kid is a segment... that is just too funny because the idea of someone having a kid with the Doctor never crosses their mind eh? And people being nosy and asking you questions 😭 poor reader, how can you explain you just wanted a family with the love of your life? Not a perfect one, but a happy one.)
He's definitely not the model father but he does have you to help him out, and teach him slowly but surely. He truly does love his child even if his affection isn't shown in a typical manner. Regardless, it must have worked out, considering the child loves their parents very much. A little menace in the making...
The war criminals will be unconventionally domestic with you I promise!!!
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jayke0 · 1 year
Let Me Help You, Pretty Boy
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Pairing: Basil Stitt x afab reader
Summary: kinktober day 8, Cockwarming
Rating: 18+
Warnings/content: cockwarming, grinding, dacryphilia, p in v, unprotected sex, creampie, a bit of manipulation but in a good way, edging, rough, dom!reader, sub!basil, praise, lmk if there's anything else i should add :).
Word count: 1,636
Credit: @automnepoet for proofreading ily.
"Why do you have a bag on your head?" Basil jumps at the sound of your voice, quickly glancing up towards you like a deer in headlights.
All he's trying to do is collect his groceries from the floor, since he'd specifically directed the delivery guy to leave them outside, but he didn't expect you to come out of your apartment just at that moment.
"I got into an accident." He says bluntly, though you note the nervousness in his voice.
"Oh shit! I thought I hadn't seen you in ages… Are you ok?"
'Obviously not, you idiot, he's wearing a bag over his head.' you think to yourself, but still allow him time to answer anyway.
"Uhhh... yeah... yeah! I'm fine." His tone seems to switch from anxious to confident in a second, which only makes you more concerned.
"I'm fine, thanks! See ya—" he scurries back inside his apartment, slamming the door in your face and leaving you in the silent hallway. He stands with his back against the door for a little while, waiting for you to hopefully piss off and leave him and his bag to himself, but as he peeks through the peephole, he's faced with your eyes glaring at him. The sight makes him jump back a little; can you see him? No, you're not a superhero, maybe you just know him that well—
"Open the door, Basil, let me help you, I can help you." You say as you cross your arms over your chest.
He finds his hand moving to open the door for you, almost subconsciously, and he pokes his head round through the gap, "Alright... but I'm not taking the bag off, so don't try!" He wags a finger at you before stepping aside to let you in.
'Bingo, got him'.
You hide the smirk that threatens to break across your face and scoop up the groceries. "Lemme put these away for you, yeah?"
Basil sheepishly nods and returns to his place on the couch, chomping on the final bit of pizza he had left in the pizza box "Make yourself a drink or... whatever."
"Mmm... so what happened? If you don't mind me asking." You grab yourself a soda and wipe the couch of crumbs, sitting down next to him.
He glares at you, eyes crinkling a little in almost... disgust? Did the question make him uncomfortable?
"I-I'm sorry, that was forward of me, please—"
"You got sauce on you." His finger gestures to a stain on your shirt, and you think about how thick it is, how thick they'd feel inside you.
"Ohh," you laugh a little too hard, "it's alright, it's an old shirt." You forcefully laugh again, your hand landing on his thigh 'accidentally'.
You hear him audibly draw in a sharp breath "I got shocked— attacked!— uh..." His brain misfires as he stares at your hand. Even before the accident, he hadn't slept with his girlfriend in months, so someone's hand on his thigh is enough to make his mind wander. The bag makes everything worse, the heat from his breath makes his face flush and his forehead sweat.
"You poor thing." You frown, it's genuine concern; you feel bad for your neighbour, and whatever face threatening accident that happened to him.
The bag crinkles as he nods at you faintly "Mhm... hurt a lot," his eyes rake over your body, "but I'm brave."
What the fuck is he talking about? He wants to face plant himself, wants the ground to swallow him up whole and save him from his own terrible attempts at flirtation.
You giggle though, the sound making his chest... and something else, swell.
"I'm sure you are Basil." You find his stupidity endearing for some strange reason and you lean forward a little towards him "I think I know how I can help you, will you let me?" You purr.
The man nods almost instantly like he read your mind. You notice how his eyes frantically work over your body in hopes his sheer will power will undress you alone.
You slink towards him until you're close enough to crawl into his lap, warranting an audible groan from him as his hands eagerly find their way to your hips to grope the flesh. As you grind down, you feel that he's already half hard.
"Fucking hell, when was the last time you got any?" Another moan is driven out of him at the mild degrading, resulting in an idea popping into your head and a smirk replacing your smile.
Your hands work on getting his slacks undone, delving into his boxers after having done so just to feel his cock hardening in your palm. "Fuck, fuuuck your hands are so smooth." He whines, knowing his hand will now be no use to him after feeling yours wrapped around him.
"Yeah? Well, wait till you feel my cunt."
You're pretty sure that Basil almost comes at that, his hips bucking wildly and making his cock bob in anticipation. "You're gonna let me fuck you? Shit I just thought you meant a blow job."
Another chuckle leaves your lips before you sit back on his knees to remove your jeans expertly, your underwear following soon after. As you hover above him you can feel the tip of his cock throbbing against your lips and begging to be plunged inside you, his eyes telling the same story.
In one go, you sink down on him, the idea of cockwarming that mother fucker being arousing enough for your hole to open and take the girth of him in. It's a stretch in all the best ways, and basil's blissed face and noises only proves that this was totally the right idea.
He goes to lift you off of him again, but you push your hips down to stay firmly seated on him, clenching enough to make him gasp. "Oh, you wanna do it? That's ok, you do it, ride me."
You tut in response.
"No, I want you to take the damn bag off of your head," You look at him sternly. "Please Basil, let me see you."
You can't see it, but you can hear his eyebrows raise under the coarse paper, though you're unsure if it's in anger or in compliance. Your question is answered when he makes a small noise, a sound similar to a sob.
"I can't, you'll run away..."
"No." he whines and thrusts his hips up, only to feel you clench on him harder and dig your nails into his soft arms, the action tugging a sob from his chest. "Please just fffffucking ride me." He slurs, but you can hear a cadence of sorrow in his voice as you notice the tears welling in his eyes.
"Oh, you poor man," your hands cup his face… or atleast the paper. "I promise I won't... plus it'd be kinda hard for me to do so anyway, you're basically impaling me."
You grind your hips back and fourth on him just slightly.
"Show me that pretty face, Basil. I always thought you were handsome anyway to be honest, should've fucked you sooner—"
The man bucks his hips again with a louder whimper before holding his hand over your eyes. You let him do what he needs to as you hear paper crinkling and he carefully removes his hand.
The tears are now falling down his cheeks, making the stretched and burnt tissue on his face glisten. Carefully, you rest your hands on his skin, tracing the scars with your thumb.
"Basil, you're still so fucking handsome, such a pretty boy." You smile, the only negative thought you have about his face being: 'fuck, that must've hurt'.
He seems to sigh in relief as the tears keep streaming, his chest rising and falling as he hiccups and chokes on his words.
"It's ok, pretty boy, you don't need to say anything, lemme do it for you." Your hand runs through his messy curls before you lift yourself off of him and sink back down, prying a specifically loud moan from your own lips. "God, I wanna cock warm you more, I can feel you twitch and throb, you like me doing this to you baby?"
Basil nods frantically and leans forward to wrap his arms around you, resting his head on your chest as he continues sobbing a little, though now his cries are mixed with moans.
Your hips work on him fast, switching between barely grinding and bouncing up and down on him, making sure to stop whenever he sounds close.
"Pl—ease let me cum, please. Fuck I wanna cum in you so bad." Basil begs, his grip around your body now tight and constricting.
"Ok baby, show me how you like it."
Basil moans— well, wails as he starts pounding into you from underneath, drilling into you so perfectly that it takes your breath away and makes you see stars; he certainly hasn't forgotten how to fuck.
It's only a few more thrusts before he's coming undone inside you and shooting hot white that paints your insides, his moans sounding less sorrowful and more relieved now.
You stroke his hair and face and let him calm down, wiping away the wetness on his face. "Good boy, you're so good for me Basil, fuck you're amazing."
Another whimper from the man.
"Now, you gonna help me finish too?"
He nods eagerly, already addicted to you and your pussy. "Of course. Let me help you."
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Prompts by: @/flightlessangelwings
Tagging people: @cowboymarcs @sad1st1c-wh0re @poopoobuttsy @boredzillenial @mllover260 @simpforbritgents @saevenswelt @partssoldseparately @keira-kaz2y5 @theincredibleinkspitter @l-lune @red-hydra @queerponcho @summonthesoups @motleyfolk @steven-grants-world @ominoose
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eldritch-ambrosia · 9 months
“What?” Merlin finally asks, his voice dripping with annoyance from across the king’s chambers. 
Arthur fumbles with his parchments, averting his gaze and raising his eyebrow at a page that was most certainly not upside down, heat rushing to his cheeks, 
“Arthur!” He says warningly.
“I’m sure I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“Well then, stop watching me!” Merlin rolls his eyes, leaning back down to grab for the sponge he had thrown in his frustration. “I’m doing my job, aren’t I?”
Arthur scoffs. “I’m not-”
“I can feel your eyes burning into the back of my skull, you prick.”
He wavers.
“I’m just… thinking.”
“Oh well don’t hurt yourself,” Merlin grumbles, scrubbing a particular part of the chamber floor harder. A wine stain that they both know won’t come off clean, from years prior, but that doesn’t stop him from trying. Trying to clean or trying to annoy Arthur though, he couldn’t really be sure. 
He finally sighs, tossing the sponge back into the bucket, and stretching out his back. “What are you thinking about?”
He considers not answering. He’s the king, he can demand anything he wants from his servants, including leaving him the hell alone. Though that didn’t usually seem to work with Merlin and there were some conversations he couldn’t avoid forever. 
“Why didn’t you accept the position on the council?”
Merlin turns to him fully now, head tilted in confusion. “What?”
“You could be in your own chambers right now. Large, lavish chambers,” he emphasizes, placing his parchment back down. “Dining and drinking wine and preparing for bed. Instead of… this.”
“My knees are getting a bit worn for this part, to be honest.” He says, standing and curving his back slightly, the crack of his bones echoing awkwardly through the chamber. “But I couldn’t do that to whatever poor fool would end up getting this job instead. I wouldn’t want to punish someone with your dirty socks and poor habits.”
“And then who would help Gaius? I am still his assistant, even if you seem to forget that. You’re telling me that you want Gaius to train someone entirely new to take over after him?” He crosses his arms, tutting disappointedly. “I didn’t know you could be so cruel.”
“Shut up, Merlin.” Arthur rolls his eyes, leaning back in his chair. It was just like him to throw off a serious question about himself with some long winded complaining or stabbing at Arthur’s character. 
Now, though, he knew why.
Merlin shrugs, drying off his hands with a spare cloth, his eyes scanning the room. He always did this before it was time to get Arthur ready for bed, a final once over of a job mostly well done. 
“You asked.”
“Because I wanted an honest answer. Not your usual prattle.”
“I am being honest.” Merlin insists, though his voice wavers.
Sighing, Arthur finally pushes forward. “Is it because you want to stay by my side? Because you and I can’t be parted?”
“What?” His head jerks, his knuckles gripping the cloth tighter.
“If that is the reason, we can still be together when you’re a council member! Hell, you’ll be a nobleman so you can stay near me without having to serve. Get off your feet for a while.”
“You’re talking nonsense, Arthur.”
“I know, Merlin.” He says gently, standing. “I know.”
Merlin’s eyes are wide as he swallows hard, and Arthur is sure he can see him shaking. “I don’t-” His voice cracks. “I don’t know what you mean.”
“It’s okay,” Arthur says, approaching his servant as if he were an anxious cat and not his closest friend. “I heard you and Lancelot talking in the training room a few weeks ago.”
He considers what Arthur’s said, his eyes darting back and forth before they settle on the king. “And you’re just… fine with it?”
“Well, I wouldn’t exactly say fine with it. I wish you’d have told me, at the very least.” He stops, only a few feet in front of the other man. “But, I suppose, yes. I’ve thought a lot about it and I don’t think we should be parted either.”
“Really?” He asks, blinking owlishly. 
Arthur nods, reaching a hand out to his shoulder. “I want you by my side, Merlin. Whether that’s as my servant or as my advisor, you will always be the person I turn to first.”
“Are you sure?” He asks, his shoulders relaxing ever so slightly, though his eyes are still shining. “I don’t want you to do this just because you feel bad. And what would the other advisors say? And the knights?”
“They’ll have to go through me then. And I don’t think making an enemy of the King of Camelot will really go well for them. Do you?”
“An enemy?” Merlin smiles and Arthur feels his whole body sigh in relief. “Do you really mean that?”
“I do.” A pause hangs between them, a familiar and comfortable silence. Merlin brings his hand up to Arthur’s, gently holding onto where the king’s hand rests on his shoulder, and Arthur can’t help but think that to stay here, in this moment, would bring him utter peace. 
He’d never admit that, not to Merlin, or anyone else for that matter, but he could accept it for himself and that would be enough.
“Is, um, there anything I have to do to… move forward?”
“For your job, not at all. I’ll take care of everything.” Merlin nods, grinning softly. “But for us, can you tell me? I don’t want to know just from overhearing you and Lancelot. I want you to tell me the truth. Please.”
Merlin’s grin widens, his grasp on Arthur’s wrist tightening. “Okay. Let me just…” And he leans forward, tilting his head down ever so slightly, pressing his lips to a startled Arthur’s.
The king freezes, heat rushing to his face, and he can feel his chest tightening as Merlin pulls back.
“I love you,” Merlin murmurs in the air between them and Arthur can see it in his eyes. Which means that Merlin can see the absolute shock in his in return. Merlin’s face falls. “What?”
“You… what?”
“I… You said you knew!” Merlin accuses, attempting to pull back but Arthur’s grip on his shoulder tightens. “You shouldn’t be… I mean, you know that! Obviously, you know that, right? Why else would you have said all that?”
Arthur’s red in the face, sputtering and feeling like an absolute idiot. “I know about your magic, Merlin! I had no idea-”
“My what?!”
I know it's been done before but I'm a sucker for this trope. The only way I'm okay with miscommunication. Whatever you think happens next, it absolutely does :)
Hoping to write more Merlin blurbs to motivate me to finish my multichapter fics because writer's block is a bitch.
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iris-of-bliss · 5 months
𝕋𝕚𝕖 𝕄𝕖 𝕌𝕡 [𝟙𝟠+]
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Summary: You and two notable fighters take a vacation together at a luxury hotel. Long beforehand, you talk to one of them about secrets you have in mind for the bedroom. He was more than happy to make this fantasy real.
Pairing(s): Hwoarang/F!Reader/Steve Fox
Warning(s): Smut, Foreplay, Shibari, Teasing, Groping, Cunnilingus, Double Penetration
Word Count: 3.9k
A/N: The longest one-shot fic I have written so far, and it features Hwoarang and Steve together! This will be a lengthy one, so have fun reading ❤︎
Sitting around at the bar was already becoming tiresome. You, Steve, and Hwoarang were still waiting for food to be sent out. Sure, the place had been busy, but that was never an excuse for the employees to not acknowledge your presence. Was it that they had forgotten your order? It could be possible. Whatever the reason, this got Hwoarang fed up. The British boxer lays back while holding you in your napping form. He twiddles your hair as he taps his foot on the floor.
“What the hell is taking them so long?” the redhead takes a sip of his almost empty beverage, “I swear we’ve ordered two hours ago…”
Steve shook his head, “You think we should head out? We can just order somethin’ else from the hotel-“
“Ah, finally, it’s here!”
The assigned waitress arrives with your meal on both trays. She carefully places each dish, one at a time, for each of you. The boxer wakes you up, and the sight of food immediately catches your attention. The orders seemed fine with the exception of Steve’s, his face puzzled by the food looking slightly different from what he originally asked for.
“I hope you enjoy our meals!” the waitress smiles before walking back to the kitchen window for more orders.
You take a bite of your order first before your brows furrow. It tasted off thanks to how cold it is. Either it sat by the window too long, or the food wasn’t cooked long enough. You voiced your concern, “My food tastes a bit cold. What about yours?”
Hwoa drops his knife and fork on the plate in disappointment, “Seems you and I share the same fate.”
As soon as the redhead noticed the waitress pacing towards elsewhere, he quickly stood up and slammed his fist on the table, “Hey! We’ve got some problems over here!”
His action was able to catch everyone’s undivided attention. The poor woman’s face is filled with embarrassment and guilt as she approaches your booth. You sit up for her attention, with Steve leaning forward. You can tell that she has been stressed during her shift so far. It was hard to imagine what working as a server would be like. This is one of the busier instances, so of course it can put someone under a tough challenge.
“Is there a problem with anything?” she asks in an anxious tone.
The martial artist sits back down with arms crossed, his voice sounding irritated, “Well of course we do, miss. I don’t wanna have to cause a ruckus after waiting so long, do I?”
“Hey, hey, take it easy, guv. I’m sure she’s under some stress at the moment,” Steve interrupts his friendly rival. He could tell from her current state that the bar was filled with a bunch of guests. He’d rather talk things out smoothly than just rush it in like Hwoarang.
“Now, both (Y/N)’s and Hwoarang’s food weren’t cooked enough, and you’ve gotten yourself mixed up with my dish. I believe I ordered a grilled salmon, not the chicken variety.”
You can see a glint of sweat run down the side of her face, “I-I apologize, sir. It’s just that there’s been so much going on during our shifts. If you would still like to have the order, I can let them know. It would still take a while though-“
“Oh, you’ve gotta be kidding me,” Hwoarang groaned and shook his head, “You expect us to wait two more hours after that?”
The four of you suddenly hear a customer shout, “Hey! That wasn’t my chicken you served, was it!?”
Steve sighed, “C’mon, you two. I’m sure it’s best that we leave.”
The three of you got up from the booth, with you and Hwoarang walking away first. Fox approached the waitress and placed a hundred dollars on the table along with a generous tip. The amount is more than enough to give. He was, of course, disappointed with how the service went, but at the same time felt bad for the person trying to do her job. You never expected such a busy crowd on a regular business day at the bar.
“Don’t beat yourself up over it, and be careful next time,” the pro boxer reassures her, “And keep the change, will ya?”
After a silent drive back to the hotel, the three of you enter the designated room slightly tired. The redhead plopped on one of the beds on his back while you and Steve sat down on the other. The only thing you guys can think of is just ordering dinner and relaxing for a bit before it was time to go to sleep. Rest assured that the kitchens here are still operating. You pull out the menu from the nightstand to look over some options. There were choices you originally ordered from the bar. No need to worry about purchasing drinks since you already have plenty in the mini fridge.
“There’s some food here we found from the bar if you’re still up for it,” you remind the boys.
Steve looks over at the menu whilst adjusting his shirt. Hwoarang turns on his stomach with his arms crossed.
“They serve similar stuff, huh? Not too bad,” the martial artist chuckled.
“How about you settle down as I order for us?” Steve lends a hand for the menu before you give it to him, “These guys shouldn’t have to take long this time.”
“You sure about that?”
The redhead sits up to remove the top of his dobok to toss on the bed. He couldn’t even bother moving anywhere else at the moment to just lie down a bit. The awaitted taste of sweet seasoning will soon touch his tastebuds.
“After dinner, I’m taking this whole bed for myself,” Hwoa grabs a pillow while staring at the ceiling.
“Oh, (Y/N),” you hear a familiar voice in your sleep, “Wake up, sleeping beauty.”
Your eyes slowly wake up, only to be presented with a sly-faced Hwoarang. He sat there next to you on the edge of the bed, stroking your hip with his hand. You end up grabbing it as he returns the contact. There wasn’t much sunlight through the window since the skies remain cloudy for now, but it was for sure morning. You noticed that Steve was missing. He was probably out for his gym routine.
You were curious enough to ask, “Where did Steve, go? Did he have to leave for something?”
“Nah, he’s just busy in the gym,” the martial artist answered.
“Then what are you doing here?”
Hwoarang chuckles, “Remember that conversation we had? The one about shibari?”
Well, that completely came out of left field. You never expected him to bring that up now of all times. The secret interest you had for a while before sharing it with a naughty person like him. It was revealed after you and Hwoa first slept together. He wasn’t afraid to ask about those dirty things you’d love trying out. He couldn’t wait to tell his friend about this little arrangement.
“Uh, yeah?” you respond while feeling your face begin to blush, “What about it?”
Your boyfriend towers over you and lightly traces his finger up your torso. It stops at your breast before making circles around your nipple to harden. The sensitive touch made you whimper for more and grip the bedsheets. Hwoarang smirks at your obvious reaction. He leans in your ear whispering, “Is this how you’d like for me and Steve to touch you, hm?”
“Y-yes,” you pant as you bit your lip.
“What about this?”
The redhead brought his working hand to your jaw, turning your head to the side. He leans forward and gives sultry kisses on your exposed neck, followed by some small nip marks. The feeling of his teeth sinking into your skin makes your desire even more euphoric. His breath touching your skin, it made the moment better. Fuck, it felt so good. The thought of being restrained while two muscular men touch all over you. Good god. You needed both of them to make you feel fulfilled.
“Mm…Hwoarang,” you tried hard to hold back your moaning, “Please, when will Steve come back? How much rope do you have?”
“Oh he should come back soon from now,” the redhead happily replied, “And I’ve got plenty of rope with me.”
Steve walked his way back to the hotel entrance. The gymnasium wasn’t too far from his destination due to the building being pretty close. Still clueless as to why the hotel he was staying in lacked a gym, Fox didn’t mind it much. He abruptly sees his Taekwondo friend in the distance walking toward him.
“Hwoarang! What are you doing out!?” the boxer shouted.
As the two fighters approached closer, Hwoa patted Steve’s shoulder, “I’ve been waiting for you. You arrived just in time.”
Steve notices a smirk on his rival’s face. It seemed as if he had a trick up his sleeve, or that he wanted to spar with him. What could this guy be up to?
“What’s with that look on your face, mate? You’ve got something to hide?” the boxer questions his intentions.
"Oh, you’ll find out, my friend,” Hwoa swings an arm around Steve’s shoulders, “It’ll be worth it.”
Both friends enter the hotel chatting about this so-called “surprise" in store during the walk to their destination. Fox would have never guessed that you loved to get tied up during sex. He hasn’t even been informed about your kinks yet. You also slept with him before, as he had feelings for you. He didn’t mind sharing you with the martial artist. You only wanted to remain with them. Besides their rivalry in fighting, they always wondered which was the better lover. Steve Fox is rather gentle and passionate for the most part, while Hwoarang teases and takes charge in bed. It was a competition for them, but you thought otherwise.
They both finally make it to their room. Hwoa holds onto the handle with the keycard in his possession. He turns to his rival with a smirk, looking forward to his reaction.
“Ready to be enamored, Steve?”
The British boxer raises a brow until Hwoarang opens the door. His eyes staggered after he walked inside. You were left on your knees on the mattress, tied up with thick red rope surrounding yourself. A silk blindfold covers your eyes, restricting you to only hearing within the room. You slightly turn your head back at the boys. Butterflies messed with your stomach as you bit into your lip.
“S-Steve? Hwoarang?” you announce their names at a quiet volume. Steve walks to the bed as his eyes are glued to your body. The redhead locked the door and paced next to him. He rests his hands on his waist, feeling proud of the work he’s done to you.
“So, what do you think?” He questioned with a plastered smirk.
Fox rubs the back of his neck blushing, “Uh, what’s this we got goin’ on?”
Hwoarang chuckles at Steve, “I pretty much gave her the shibari treatment.”
The redhead rolls his eyes, “Japanese bondage.”
Hwoarang begins to strip off his attire, tossing it away on the floor. He kept going until he stopped at his boxers and motioned himself to the bed in front of you. From your perspective, you can feel a pair of hands encircle your waist. It had to be Hwoa due to his eagerness. The sound of clothes being removed caught your attention as well.
“Hm? You want to join us or what?” he asked raising a brow.
Steve snapped out of his trance, “Oh, sure. Just give me a sec.”
He pulls off his boxing shoes and tosses his shirt before climbing behind you. Scooting close, it was his turn to grab your waist. Hwoarang trails his hands up to your breasts. The two men made you feel so warm from in between. The mastermind began with a firm squeeze to your bosoms. Both of his thumbs tease your already hardened nipples, successfully receiving another shaky whimper. Steve watches your body react and creates a trail of kisses from your shoulder to the base of your neck. A growing heat swiftly appears on your face. Your breathing has gotten heavier.
“You’re gonna do good for us, dove?” the pro boxer whispers before tugging at your earlobe with his teeth.
Your voice shudders, “Mm, uh huh!”
Steve shushes you and ends up covering your mouth with his hand. He gives a few more kisses to your neck, along with a tasteful lick of the skin. Hwoarang chuckles before shuffling a bit, inching himself down to your chest. You can sense his breath touching your skin. His lips inch close to your left nipple, and he licks with the tip of his tongue. A sharp gasp emanates through your breaths followed by a moan. The tongue circles around the areola until Hwoa clenches the bud to suck harshly. He pinches and pulls at the other nipple. You struggle in the restraints with pleasure. No matter how much you did so, it was impossible to escape the rope with two of your boyfriends surrounding you. They would try their damnedest to play around and tease, unless you cum at the end. Hell, they might try another attempt at making you scream their names.
“You’ve got me intrigued, sweetheart. I’ve been thinking about you in the gym,” Fox murmurs and kisses the shell of your ear, “Should have enough stamina to fuck you.”
You mewl in his hand and felt his other slide down your pussy. He rubs against your slick before eventually finding your clit. Your back arched while your sex was getting handled. Steve could tell that you became wet when his fingers went deep. You throb around the digits and kept crying in his hand. Good thing it was still covered just in case there were neighbors around.
“Wet already, huh?”
Hwoarang groans and pulls off with a pop, “Seems like she wants more from us. Such a naughty girl you are.”
He tugs your nipple once more, then scoots down onto his knees to face your cunt. Your legs were still restrained from moving, so Hwoarang loosens the rope for you. It was a bit of a hassle for a second, but he manages to get it. He quickly elevates your legs over his broad shoulders, prepared to savor the treat before him. He licks his lips and looks up at you, the redness covering your cheeks. Steve was too busy kissing all over your skin.
“Hey, blondie. Do me a favor and hold onto her, will ya?” Hwoa grabs his attention. The boxer releases your mouth to embrace you, whilst Hwoarang holds both legs and produces light licks to your opening. Sinful mewls were the only sounds you could make after a tease like that. This led the martial artist to keep going with some licks to your clit. Steve shushes you again, all the while bringing one of his hands to knead your breast. His fingers then pinch and pull your abused bit of sensitive skin. The kisses of fervor mixed with craved lapping drove you crazy. Your body continued to squirm between them, and it made the session more fun. The intense excitement erupting from within you was unable to hide itself.
“Mm, you taste so good, (Y/N),” Hwoarang hums from the flavor before attempting to slide his whole tongue inside your walls. Your body jerked up, followed by a hollered moan. His warm tongue mixes its saliva with your running fluid. It curls around your walls until it finds your weak spot. Hwoa teases the area endlessly as many times as you cry out for him. You felt his tongue thrust inside while the tip of his nose was messing with your clit. Hwoa kept sliding out and forcing himself back in, creating the same motions. You gasp for air in between breaths. Because you were beginning to make even louder noises, Steve brought you to his lips and placed tender kisses. He slips his tongue in your mouth to exchange saliva. There wasn’t a single hint of anything, just plain spit. That didn’t turn you down, though. Steve broke the kiss and abused your nipple again.
“You’re doing great, dove,” he compliments you and lands a smooch on your cheek, “Don’t hold back.”
“Ah! Fuck! S-Steve!” you shout.
Hwoarang furrows his brows at your response as he plunges his tongue harder and hums against your pussy. You uncontrollably shiver due to this, and god you loved that. Eyes roll back with a rough lip bite. The feeling of a knot tightening your abdomen. It was too difficult to prevent it from spilling out.
“Oh! I can’t hold it, I can’t!”
After crying out your moans, a burst of your slickness lands in your boyfriend’s mouth. His face grinds into your womanhood whilst lapping up as much as he could, a few drops dribbling down his chin. You rest your head back on Steve’s shoulder, allowing him to suck your neck with his teeth. He nips the skin and places a couple of kisses there. The redhead licks the remaining juices before pulling back onto his knees. The boxer shifts to his side to lie you down. Your thighs were weak from all that action of Hwoarang’s. You finish catching your breath as your body relaxes. You suddenly feel a pair of hands removing your restraints completely. Then you feel your blindfold being tugged. Once you can finally see, they belonged to Hwoarang. He throws the piece of cloth elsewhere. At first, you were about to sit up, but your wrists were swiftly pinned down by the martial artist.
“Nuh uh, (Y/N). I didn’t tell you to sit up, did I?” the man takes charge of you in a rather seductive tone.
“We’re not done with you yet, sweetheart,” Steve followed with a caress to your face.
“How cute,” Hwoarang smirked.
He lets go of you to search through the nightstand drawer for his condoms. Taking out a pair, he tosses a package to Steve before opening his. They both freed their erections and slid the protection on, the lubricant spreading on their palms. Hwoa then orders his rival, “You fuck her from behind, I want her eyes on me.”
Fox scoots behind to lie down and elevate your body on top of his, hands resting over your torso in the process. Hwoarang spreads your legs apart again, grinning at the sight of your flourished slit. He couldn’t wait to burst you open again. Their scent of sweat aroused you so much more.
Both of the fighters’ cocks press on your entries. They were eager to slowly shove them in, only with their heads. Already, you whimper due to their large size. The blonde boxer reassures you with a kiss on your cheek.
He whispered, “S’alright, luv. We’ll take this nice and slow.”
Those gentle words from your man made you sigh in arousal. How sweet. And once their cocks were fully inserted, your mouth gapped open. The redhead chuckles at the spectacle before him. He wanted to see how you’d end up when finished. The steady thrusting motions take over, all the while satisfying your body. You felt so tight around the two. Hwoarang hisses through his teeth as Steve pants breaths across your skin. The abrupt throbbing of your cunt came back. Without even thinking, your hands hovered over Hwoa’s glossed chest and began to knead. They rub up and down, with both thumbs flicking his nipples. Hwoa groans at you, proceeding to pound faster. Fox picks up the pace to further thrust himself into your ass.
“You’re such a damn tease, you know that?” the redhead snapped at you.
The rough hits cause you to latch on to his chest and mewl. Your hands then move up his shoulders to hold instead. The steamy contact of their breathing, you loved the living hell out of it. Their needy sounds along with it were even better. You can instantly feel them pulsating around your walls. Hwoarang leans in to bite and suck on your neck. You sigh at this sharp feeling. How can he forget that you enjoy receiving love bites too? He strikes the spot for a minute before pulling back and leaving a hickey.
You mutter beneath him, “Ah! H-Hwoarang!”
Steve was able to hear you and tugged on your earlobe with his teeth. He definitely earned a whimper from that. You grab his head close to yours, letting the boxer send a series of kisses to your cheek. Your other hand rests along the base of Hwoarang’s neck. The glimmering scenery of yourself getting fucked by two muscular men in a hotel room was an unforeseen event of today. Thank god you were able to live your fantasy at long last.
The mewls you keep making grew louder as both fighters’ groans did the same. All three of you were about to erupt. Sweat was dripping from Hwoa’s strands of hair to your skin. Steve brought his hands over to play with your nipples once more. You were at your limit.
“O-oh! Ah, shit! I-I have to cum!” you shout between breaths.
Steve embraces you, while Hwoarang clasps your hips to finish. They penetrated the hardest they could, a heavy climax approaching near. Your legs became jello when they were slamming into you. Their hits to your core continued on countlessly.
Then just a few more.
And you came at last.
Your voice sounded shaky as you arched your back and cried out their names. Hwoarang and Steve were wailing through their orgasms too. Their cum felt so hot from within their condoms. Everyone was slippery after a few more thrusts. The exhaustion filled the air. Hwoarang pulls out of you and rests his cock over your busted opening. Steve traces his knuckles across your face. You couldn’t muster the strength to stay up any longer, your eyes slowly drifting off to sleep.
A loud knock alarms at the door during nighttime.
“Ah, shit!” Hwoarang swears at himself from the bathroom. He rushes to the door in a towel to be presented with an upset hotel staff member.
The redhead sighs, “What do you want?”
“Now we’ve been receiving multiple complaints about noises you have been making this morning,” the staff member informed, “We weren’t able to respond earlier since hours today have been extremely busy.”
"Well, look, our business isn’t yours, sir. Who the hell even reported tha-“
“I don’t want to have to see you again over violating hotel policy,” he cuts him off, “Otherwise, we’ll have to kick you out. Understand?”
Hwoarang rolls his eyes sighing, “Yes sir…”
He shuts the door and turns to his blonde friend relaxing next to your still-asleep form. The redhead approaches you two with his head shaking.
“We did a lotta work on her, huh?” Steve said as he noticed you still sleeping.
“Heh, too much,” Hwoa replied and looks over at your current state, “We did make her feel good, but you weren’t as good as me.”
“Oh c’mon, mate. (Y/N) said she enjoyed havin’ the both of us,” the blonde continues on while petting your hair, “And gave us a few more shots at that.”
“Can’t believe she wanted to keep going. Damn condoms ran out…”
Steve chuckled before looking back at you, placing a kiss on your head. They can let you rest for a little while longer until you awaken. Once that happens, you will probably need assistance in the shower.
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cecropiacrown · 4 months
for the kiss prompt meme! fengqing and 49? 👀
I took this one a bit literally, hope you don't mind. Thanks for the ask! :) #49 a kiss out of necessity
“What are you saying?”
“Are you deaf, or just stupid?” Mu Qing crosses his arms, jutting that regal chin of his out and up in an arrogant display of self-righteousness.
Feng Xin would say the other martial god is looking down his nose at him, but Mu Qing’s eyes are still fucking closed. He seethes, unobserved, and clenches his fists so hard he’s surprised his gloves are still intact.
“A kiss?” Feng Xin tries to clarify, instead of bashing his head into the nearest wall as he has been so wishfully imagining.
“A man with a history like yours, I assumed you’d know what that meant.” Feng Xin knows Mu Qing would roll his eyes right now if he was able to—but he can’t—he just keeps talking. 
“Yes, General. A kiss. A press of the lips. I don’t know.” Mu Qing waves his hand in the air dismissively, his head still held high, but his eyes still as magically closed as when Feng Xin first arrived at his chambers.
“I am not the one who crafted the damned curse. So, yes, a kiss. Or my eyes will stay this way.” 
There is an underlying sense of unease to Mu Qing’s tone that Feng Xin is sure only he can pick up on, purely from the fact the two of them have known each other for 800 years. 
“And before you ask—yes, I have tried to hold them open. And, yes, I still am unable to see.”
Feng Xin sighs and racks his brain for any other possible solution, but Mu Qing is growing more impatient by the second, if the tapping of his perfectly polished boot is any indication. Feng Xin holds back the groan of frustration that sits so readily at the back of his throat, and tries to bide some more time.
“Is… well, I mean. Is there no one else who could—”
This was, evidently, the wrong thing to say.
Mu Qing’s face is alight with unbridled fury as he whips his whole body in Feng Xin’s direction. His arms shoot down to his sides, and Feng Xin can tell he instinctively reaches for his zhanmadao even though the saber lays discarded on a nearby low table.
“What?” he spits, venomous and clearly defensive. He’s quite agitated now and throws his arms up in the air as he speaks, a habit he has had since his time as a mortal. His face twists and contorts, save for his eyes, which stay almost peacefully closed as he rants, “Is it such a cruel fate to kiss the austere and ruthless General Xuan Zhen that you’d sooner pawn off the task to some other poor, unfortunate—”
“—soul? What—is it so beneath the mighty General Nan Yang that he’d rather—”
Feng Xin crosses the room in an instant and grips Mu Qing by his shoulders before he can stop himself. He has half a mind to shake him, as if that could knock any sense into him, but he knows better.
Mu Qing draws in a quick breath through his nose, his face pinched unpleasantly as he stoically faces forward.
“Unhand me.” 
Mu Qing’s voice is low, like a threat, but it’s tinged with something else that Feng Xin can’t quite place. Something delicate.
“Fine,” he says, and pushes Mu Qing back a little out of habit before he removes his hands completely. 
“But stop speaking such nonsense.” Feng Xin straightens his own robes and clears his throat. “Of course I will help you. You’d be a fool to think I’d allow you to remain this way and leave me to watch over the South on my own.”
Mu Qing sets his jaw, his mouth twisting into a snarl, but he says nothing. His arms are crossed over his chest again and his hands… his hands are shaking.
“Are you nervous?” Feng Xin asks before he has the sense not to.
“No,” Mu Qing snaps, like the notion itself is preposterous.
But Feng Xin sees the way Mu Qing presses the tips of his middle finger and his thumb together, drawing small circles, and he knows he’s caught him. Now that’s an anxious tick he hasn’t seen the other god display in centuries.
“Then why are you trembling, General?”
“I’m not.” Mu Qing says this through gritted teeth, as if this helps his case.
“Ah, but you are.” Feng Xin reaches forward now and, with a featherlight touch, he cradles Mu Qing’s face in his palm. The other god noticeably stiffens, but that near-imperceptible tremor in his hands is still there. Whether because he is stubborn or because his lack of sight limits his range of movement, he does not pull away.
“Remember now, it’s your eyes that are closed. Mine have been open the whole time.”
Mu Qing swallows audibly and Feng Xin tracks the movement down his pale throat until it’s hidden by the top of his collar.
“Mu Qing,” he says quietly and Mu Qing’s mask of indifference instantly crumbles. With where Feng Xin’s hand rests along Mu Qing’s jaw, he’s in prime position to feel the spike he just caused in the other god’s pulse.
“Be still. I’m going to kiss you now.”
Mu Qing’s breath goes ragged and Feng Xin feels the jaw under his palm go taut.
“It’s okay,” Feng Xin breathes, and guides his face slowly closer to his rival’s. He trails his hand down Mu Qing’s jaw to rest at his neck, gently thumbing at the soft skin of his earlobe. 
He gives Mu Qing ample time to pull away, to decide he doesn’t want Feng Xin to take his first kiss after all, but Mu Qing surprises him. It seems Feng Xin’s gentle caress has Mu Qing softening, just a little, because there’s something so bashfully pliant about the expression he’s making. Feng Xin can hardly take his eyes off of him. And even though he closes his eyes, he swears that when their lips do finally touch, that Mu Qing leaned forward to meet him there.
The kiss is oh so tender; quiet in a way the two of them never are. It’s brief too, lasting only a few moments, but when they part, there’s a lingering warmth that radiates through them both.
Feng Xin sees the moment Mu Qing opens his eyes and looks at him—sees him—and he realizes his hand is still on Mu Qing’s neck. He lets his eyes rove over the thin jaw, those soft lips, before he pulls back completely and straightens out his sleeves.
“Cured?” Feng Xin asks, even though he knows the answer.
“Cured,” Mu Qing replies quietly.
Feng Xin isn’t sure he’s ever heard Mu Qing speak in such a hushed tone and he finds himself wanting to hear it again.
“I suppose I’ll be on my way then. Wouldn’t want to overstay my welcome.”
“Right. Good of you to know your place."
As Feng Xin reaches the door, his hand poised to open it, he turns to speak over his shoulder, finding he desperately needs to know the answer to this question.
“Why ask me?”
“Why would I ask anyone else?”
Feng Xin smiles and slips silently out into the corridor.
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euphor1a · 9 months
Bewitched (iii)
↬ pairing: bad boy!yeonjun x good girl!oc
↬ characters: loner bad boy!yeonjun, heartthrob!soobin, best friend!beomgyu, female oc (can be read as f!reader too) + a few supporting characters.
↬ genre: college!au, bad boy!au, slow burn, drama, strangers to lovers, smut, a bit of unrequited love.
↬ summary: After starting college, you never really imagined that you’ll cross paths with Choi Yeonjun — the loner bad boy with influences. But life is full of surprises, ain’t it?
↬ rating & word count: 18+ ; ~3.1K
↬ warnings: profanity, mentions of anxiety, bullying, explicit sexual content; manhandling, dirty talk, fingering, orgasm denial.
↬ disclaimer: this is fictional and doesn’t reflect any of their actions or personality!
↬ previous 𓍯 series masterlist
↬ a/n: thank you to anyone who’s still interested in this baby of mine, i appreciate you a ton <3
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You’re supposed to vacuum the apartment today, but you can’t seem to focus, at all. And honestly? It sucks. The more you’ve been trying to move on and be grateful to have dodged a bullet like him, the harder you’ve been thinking about the culprit nonstop.
Three days have passed since you found out a very shocking fact that has left your poor heart in a whirlwind. But you don’t know which is more terrifying — the fact that Daniel is Yeonjun and he lied about his identity, or the cold, harsh truth that you’re still insanely attracted to him. 
A dreary sigh escapes you. Life is not favoring you at all. It’s become such a pain in the ass at this point. Why did you have to fall for someone like him? It would’ve been so much easier if you had feelings for someone whom you know and trust, someone sweet and caring, like Soobin, or even Beomgyu.
Plopping down on your couch, you close your eyes. Things are looking very complicated right now. Not only the thought of that lying bastard has plagued your mind, but also, it’s hindering your daily life. You’ve been extremely unmotivated and anxious ever since the truth unfolded. You wish you had the power to fix everything, but alas, you don’t. 
You remember how Yeonjun looked at you under the moonlight, the way his soft lips devoured your mouth. Are bad boys really capable of such gentleness? You don’t know… from the start, you’ve stayed away from the problematic people, like “bad boys”, just as your parents instructed. And guys like Yeonjun, if you’re being honest — you still prefer to steer clear out of their way. Not the devil himself, though. He got you addicted so fast and so hard that it’s difficult to back out now.
As if to distract you from his thoughts, your phone rings loudly. You squint your eyes, letting the sound bring you back to reality. Soon after, you inhale sharply and reach for the device, your heartbeat picking up with stupid hope.
Turns out it’s Soobin. With a gentle smile on your face, you answer the call, his soft voice cooing in your ear.
“___, just wanted to check in! How are you holding up?” You calm down almost instantly, grateful to have someone like him in your life.
“I’m… alright, I guess. How about you, Soobs? Anything interesting going on?” You speak softly, not keen on making this gentle giant worried in any way.
“Ehhh, what a lame way of trying to change the subject. It didn’t work. You better be taking care of yourself, miss lady, or I’ll–” 
You cut him off midway, reassuring him. “Oh god, of course I am taking care of myself! Don’t worry!” 
“Hmph.” Soobin grumps on the other side. Even if he tries to come off as threatening, he really just ends up sounding adorable.
“Oh, come on now, don’t be mad at me…” your voice is adorably childish in the end, making him sigh. Why do you do this to him? 
“I’m not mad at you. But you do need to take care of yourself.”
“Did you really call me to lecture me about self-care?”
He groans at that. “So, what if I did?” 
You pout, trying to change the subject. “Soob, can I ask you for something?” 
“What is it?”
“Where did you meet Yeonjun that day? Just curious.” 
There’s no answer.
He clicks his tongue. “At our college.” 
“I know that! I mean where at the college?!” you whine, clearly displeased.
“I can’t tell you.” 
“Trust me, I’m doing you a favor.” 
“I didn’t ask for your favor, did I?” 
He ends the call, leaving you frustrated. Before you can call him back, you see a message pop up in your notifications.
Soobin: i think ___ is genuinely going crazy
Soobin: beomgyu, we gotta do something
___: Soobin… 
Soobin: gyu? this is urgent! 
Gyu: uhhh what now..? 😭
Soobin: she wants to know where i met yeonjun.
___: 😶
Gyu: girl why are you asking for trouble 
Gyu: if it’s something important we can talk to him about it 
___: Do I look like a five year old to you?
___: Why would you talk to him instead of me?
Soobin: you don’t understand, do you?
___: Understand what? This bs?!
Gyu: ___… 
Soobin: see, this is why it’s so hard to communicate with you 😔
Gyu: soobin! don’t! 
___: Wow, okay. I’ll leave you guys be.
Gyu: nono princess 🥺 don’t listen to him!! soobin is out of his mind!! 
Gyu: you can’t just leave us :( 
___: Damn right I can 🥰
Soobin: *omg i was just emotional and said whatever came in my mind i’m sorry
Gyu: this is such a mess 🥲
Soobin: don’t leave us 🥺🥺🥺🥺😔😔☹️☹️😢😢💔💔
___: Yeah whatever
Gyu: why do you want to meet yeonjun, anyway? 
___: *sigh*
___: It’s personal.
Soobin: uhm that’s suspicious 🙂
___: And you asking the very same Yeonjun for “help” isn’t? 
Soobin: ouch 🤕
Gyu: this guy… how many times do i have to tell you to watch your damn mouth 😒
Gyu: ___, i understand that it’s personal. but, as everyone says, it’s better to stay away from him.
___: You two don’t understand 😞
Soobin: i give up 
Gyu: soobin 😬
Soobin: i’ll text you the wing, floor and room no. 
___: Thank you, I guess
Soobin: you’re welcome bb 🥺
Gyu: soobin, you’re a whole goose 🙄
___: Huh? 
Soobin: GYU 🔪🔪🔪
Gyu: nothing lol
___: Okay 
Soobin: 🥺🥺
Gyu: 😧
___: ??? Bye
Gyu: just promise that you’ll be careful! 
___: Promise 🥰
Gyu: 😘
You smile as you notice Soobin’s direct message shortly after. Instantly giddy, you sent him a bunch of heart emojis.
It’s official. You’re gonna confront Choi Yeonjun. Face to face.
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Next monday,
So, today’s the day. You’ve thought it through several times and took your time. Beomgyu did try his best to scare you off, but you’re not afraid of Yeonjun. Not at all.
Maybe because you know that he has a weakness for you. Or probably because the urge to meet him is too much and it’s numbing any other senses. Either way, here you are, walking through the hallway that leads to where he usually hangs around.
Tall, scary looking fellas stare you up and down, whispering to themselves as you walk up to the empty classroom, also known as his den. 
“Hey kitty, where are you going?” An edgy looking girl stops you, regarding you curiously. The unsolicited nickname throws you off, but you refuse to let that be visible. 
“Isn’t it obvious?” you shrug, hoping to appear nonchalant. They are kinda scary… 
Another guy comes up, his voice mocking, “This place isn’t for you, cutie. Go back to your class or something.” A bunch of other guys agree, laughing at you. 
Their ridiculous behavior makes you sigh. This type of people are the last ones you wish to deal with. “And who are you to tell me that, exactly!?” you state firmly, crossing your arms around your chest. 
A bunch of them chuckle, drawing more attention. “Aww look, she’s trying to bite back. How adorable.” 
“Really? Is that a way to treat someone?! If I’m here, that surely means that I have business with him, don’t you think?” you hiss in anger, glaring at everyone who gathers around to see the show.
Your words and attitude only fuel their laugh. A person from the crowd remarks, “Look, this little nobody thinks she has business with ‘him’, apparently.” 
More people join in to laugh at you, various remarks being thrown around carelessly. You start to feel cornered and humiliated, your hands turning into fists from frustration. 
“Why the hell is there so much noise? Do y’all want to be sent back or what?” A deep, commanding voice shuts everyone up. You turn around with bated breath, your body freezing immediately as your eyes register the familiar face. 
It’s him. The demon that’s been haunting you for weeks now.
Yeonjun seems pleasantly surprised when he sees you, but he quickly replaces it with his cold demeanor. “What was happening here?” 
The girl who approached you comes forward. “This… this kitty was trying to get into your office. So, I stopped her and asked what she was here for. Guess what? She was trying to be all sassy as if she’s the one in charge. Obviously, she got destroyed… hence all the noise.” 
His expression is unreadable for a second, and you wonder if you’re gonna be sent back empty handed. But then, Yeonjun glares at the gathered crowd menacingly, a hushed silence falling across the hallway. The ones at the front immediately lower their heads. “Judging a book by their cover now, are we? I don’t keep you guys around to assume if a kitty has business with me or not. And, last time I checked, stopping someone doesn’t include ridiculing them in front of everyone just to feed your petty little egos.”
“Jun, but–” one of the guys start, taking a step forward. 
“I don’t have time for your hollow excuses, get out of here immediately, all of you.”
“We’re sorry!” Several of them chime in, dispersing without looking back. But some throw you suspicious looks, earning another glare from Yeonjun. 
“My, my. Rebelling much? If you have a problem, then come over here and talk to me.” His raised voice booms through the space, making everyone leave with mumbled apologies. Once everyone is out of sight, he turns towards you, his eyes earnest. “I’m sorry for how they acted. They’re not used to seeing pretty, little, goody two shoes like you around here. But still, they were rude, and I apologize.”
You nod in acknowledgment, rolling your eyes. For some reason, his words feel insincere. But you have other things to worry about. Like, confronting him for his actions.
Before you can do or think anything further, Yeonjun grabs your wrist, gently pulling you inside the classroom. You gasp when he presses you up against the closed door, his body caging yours, a bit too close for your liking. 
His brown irises study you with curiosity. “Why are you here, ____?” 
You struggle against his grip, trying to move your hands away but failing. “Ugh– let me go!” Being so close to him makes you feel all mushy, and you don’t want to deal with that now.
Thankfully, he untangles one of his hands from yours, raising an eyebrow. “You didn’t answer my question.” 
“Pfft— Shouldn’t I be the one demanding for answers, Daniel?” 
Like the maniac he is, Yeonjun chuckles at that, shaking his head. “I see. What answers, if I may?” 
Is he kidding with you right now? What the hell is this attitude? “Why did you lie?” 
He stops at that, regarding you thoughtfully. “I had my reasons.” 
His monotonous reply pushes you off to the edge. Failing to hide your anger, you jab a finger on his chest, demanding clarity. “What reasons, Yeonjun? That you had to lie and play with my feelings for a day?”
Yeonjun grits his teeth, his grip tightening significantly on your wrist. “I did not play with your feelings, ___.” 
“Liar.” punching him on the chest, you try to take your hand away, but it backfires. He traps you inside his strong embrace, his hot breath fanning over your head. 
“What are you doing–”
He tips your chin upwards, his pupils dilated as he looks at you with a burning hunger. “You enjoy testing my patience, don’t you?” 
Your body shivers involuntarily, your lips just inches away from his. Swallowing nervously, you look away. But he grabs your chin, forcing you to look at him.
Yeonjun leans in, dangerously close to you. “I’m warning you, don’t play with fire. You’ll be suffering and I hate to admit it, but I’d be damned if that happens.” His whisper is hot against your lips, a weird feeling coiling in your stomach.
What the hell is he talking about? Why does he sound like he’s from a cliché forbidden romance fanfiction? 
“Well, what if I want to play with fire?” You suppress your wish to cringe, eyes challenging him to reply. A strange wave of emotions displays in his brown irises, his free hand forming into a tight fist. 
“Don’t blame me when you get burnt.” His lips crashes against yours swiftly. Yeonjun lets go of your arm, and you curl them around his neck, instinctively pulling him closer. He smiles in the kiss, as if victorious, his hand grabbing your ass and squeezing the flesh briefly. The stinging sensation makes you moan. 
Yeonjun grazes your lower lip with his teeth, asking for permission to ravish your mouth — which you gladly provide. His prying tongue slides past your lips, meeting with your tongue in a passionate kiss. You gasp in pleasure, pulling onto his hair when he starts trailing kisses down your jaw. Yeonjun backs you up against the only table in the room, his voice a growl. “Why do you do this to me? Fuck!” 
You look at him, your chest heaving as you try to process the mind-blowing kiss. But alas, he’s not done yet. 
“Are you here for this, huh?” He reaches to drag his thumb over your chin, forcing your gaze up to him. “Wanted my touch that bad? ___?” 
Liquid heat rushes through your veins when he moves his hands all over your body, brushing against your sensitive spots. He squeezes your breasts, enjoying the perky nipples that he feels through your clothes. “Tell me.”
“No!” You choke out, “I came here to ask you why you lied about your iden– ahh, god!” 
Yeonjun lowers his head to your neck, dipping his tongue to lick the sweet spot. You melt under his touch, both pleased and bewildered by the fact that he obviously hasn’t forgotten your most sensitive spots. His eyes are fixed on you as he brushes both his hands beneath your skirt, tracing them up to the edge of your panties. 
You throw your head back in pleasure, your knuckles turning pale as you grip on the edge of the table. “Please… ” you mewl, looking at him desperately. 
Yeonjun smirks, brushing your inner thighs. “Please what?” 
“I need you to touch me.” You sigh shakily, your eyes pleading with him. Apparently, he’s beyond teasing, because as soon as he reaches your soaked pussy, he pulls the piece of clothing to the side and pushes two of fingers into you.
“Yeonjun…” your head falls on to his shoulder while he pumps you gently, a groan escaping him. 
“Fuck, you’re drenched.”
He picks up pace, not giving you a moment to breathe. You cry out when he curls his fingers inside you, hitting your g-spot. His pace gets rougher, clearly fueled by your moans. 
When his thumb finds your clit, you clench around him, your breath coming in short gasps.
Yeonjun smiles complacently. “You love this, don’t you?” The pressure on your clit increases slightly. “You love that I’m the one doing this to you.”
Without waiting for an answer, he draws his now slick digits away and puts them in his mouth, depriving you of an orgasm. 
You whine, biting his neck from the frustration. Yeonjun makes you look at him, his voice dropping by an octave, “Bad girls don’t get to come.” 
You try to rock your hips, craving any type of friction that can satisfy you. But he stops you, growling in your ear, “It’s time to go back, sweetheart. I have work to do. As much as I’d love to do you instead… I can’t. Not now.” 
You look at him with dazed eyes, your voice a whimper, “You always leave me high and dry like this. I came here to confront, but you–” 
“Shh. I told you; I had my reasons. I was simply trying to protect you.” 
“Protect me from what exactly?” 
Dropping a kiss on your forehead, he retracts. “I’ll tell you the next time we meet, ___. If I find it feasible, of course. You should probably fix your clothes though…” 
You look at your disheveled state, sighing. “You’re not trying to get rid of me, are you?” 
Yeonjun looks offended. “You clearly don’t know me yet.” 
“No buts. Don’t you have classes or some shit?” 
You yelp at that, suddenly remembering where you exactly are. Quickly climbing down from the desk and fixing your clothes. While you finger brush your stray waves, he regards you intently. 
“Like what you see?” 
Yeonjun chuckles, nodding. You walk up to the nearby window to see your state, the dusty glass surprisingly reflecting quite well. “Tsk, thank god I wear a transfer-proof lip tint. All of my lip-gloss is gone however, and it looks weird.” 
“You don’t have a bag with you, though. How are you gonna reapply?” 
You sigh. “I left my bag with Soobin. I’ll just reapply later.” 
“Wait.” Yeonjun walks up to you slowly. “Won’t it look suspicious, though? I have a lip balm, does that work?” He offers you a small tube of strawberry scented lip balm. 
“Well, it won’t look the same but obviously it’ll be somewhat glossy.” 
“Then take it.” 
You quirk an eyebrow at him, gingerly taking the tube from his hand. His eyes follow each of your little movements as you part your lips a bit and apply the lip balm, pouting at the end which makes him chuckle. 
“Thanks, here you go.” You proceed to give it back, but Yeonjun shakes his head, throwing his hands up. 
“You can keep it for yourself. It suits you so well.” 
“Oh?” A bit surprised, you look at the cutesy tube of lip balm in your hands. “Thank you…? Won’t you need it though? Your lips look a bit dry, even now.” 
“Are my lips dry? Hold on.” Yeonjun leans in for a peck, his lips firmly landing on yours. Your heart skips a beat from his sudden action, butterflies in your stomach. Why’s he so??? 
He pulls back soon enough, rubbing his lips together. “Thanks, baby.” The glint in his eyes indicate that he’s enjoying this exchange very much, only causing your heart to go mayhem.
Nodding, you start to walk away nervously. You cross the room quicker than expected, hand resting on the lock of the door.  “We are not done yet, Choi Yeonjun.” As you look back one last time, you feel a strange sting in your chest. 
Yeonjun tilts his head, smiling, “Oh, trust me, this is just the start.”
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end of part iii ↺ next
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˗ˏˋ꒰ 💌 end notes ꒱
thank you so much for reading!! it’s been a while but i hope this was a fun read! 🩷 sorry for any mistakes left in there!
as always, reblogs and comments are highly appreciated! your support keeps me motivated 🌺🌟 you can also send feedback through asks <33
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bangtanmix73 · 2 years
Hi! This is my first time requesting anything! Can I request a Twilight fic where the reader is a female Quileute shifter, and some from the pack react to their physical changes after shifting?
Like maybe pre-shift, they start off shorter, maybe a bit chubbier or even scrawny but after they disappear for a while to go through the shifting process, they come back, and they've grown much taller and more toned and muscular like the rest of the pack.
I kinda want to focus on Leah, Paul, Embry, or Seth's reactions in maybe a headcanon form in monogamous relationships. Maybe they imprinted on the reader before the shift but weren't allowed to see them as they were having a really tough time with all the major physical changes.
Any of them are fine, whichever one or ones you feel most comfortable with. If you can do all or some of them, that's great, if you can only do one, that's cool too! Writing is time consuming and if you can't or won't write for 4 characters, I understand!
I apologize if this is too specific, but I've had this idea for such a long time! I love your work and hope you can figure out a way to write my kinda strange request! Don't feel pressured to write this quickly, I know you'll do great!
Characters: Seth, Leah, Paul and Embry
Note: I am slow at writing so bare with me here. I don’t really like this so I might go back and fix this later. Also this is fem!reader as requested :).
Warnings: slight cursing, mentions of homophobia, my writing, this happened in the storylines of Twilight, fear of rejection.
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You were friends with Jacob, Embry, and Quil before they shifted. Quil never stopped contact with you, though was very little.  
You ended up running into them in the woods, they were shirtless, they didn’t do that before. You stormed up to them, demanding an explanation.  
Once he made eye contact with you, he froze. The Earth was ripped from him, gravity wasn’t what was keeping him here, it was her.  
You started shaking like you were about to shift. Quil forced Embry, despite him just imprinting, and Jacob to go get Sam. Embry wanted to protest, but he needed time to process what just happened. 
It was a few days before he saw you again. Poor boy was anxious the whole time. Sam brought you to officially meet the whole pack. 
When you walked in, he felt like he lost his breath. You were still you yet...different. 
You were taller than before; you were more toned and muscular like the rest of them. 
You were still pissed at the trio, but you understood why they avoided you now. To make the situation worse, or better, depends on how you see it, you made eye contact with Embry. You froze, the Earth was ripped from you, gravity wasn’t what was keeping you here, it was him. You were beyond confused on why you felt this way. You made eye contact with the rest of the pack, nothing. Why just Embry? 
“I suppose you and Embry should take a walk.” Even though Sam was alpha, he wanted to leave the imprint talk between the two wolves. 
Embry took your hand, walking you out of Emily’s house. You allowed him to drag you into the woods. You were walking for 15 minutes before you got fed up, yanking your hand back from his. 
“Are you going to explain what the fuck happened back there?” You demanded answers. You wanted to know why you felt like that when you made eye contact with just him. 
Embry turned to you and sighed. “Don’t freak out, ok?” 
“I’ll try.” You crossed your arms over your chest. 
“What happened when you made eye contact with me back at Emily’s is called imprinting.” He paused. You nodded him to continue. “Imprinting is like when you see them, they’re all that matters. It’s no longer gravity, they are the only one keeping you here. You’d do anything for them, their happiness, their safety. It doesn’t have to be a romantic relationship. It can be a brother, a best friend, a protector or something more. She’s you. For you, it’s me. I imprinted back when you stormed up to us in the woods.” 
You stood silent for a minute, letting it all sink in. “What do we do now?” 
“Well, if you don’t want it, we can reject the bond and move on.” You felt a pang of sadness at the mention of rejecting the bond, you knew he felt it too. 
“No, I don’t want to reject it. I don’t know what I want exactly, but we’ll figure it out along the way.” 
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Now, Leah had a hard time in general, her boyfriend leaving her for her cousin, the shift, her father's death, she couldn’t get a break. The last thing she expected was to imprint, and she definitely wasn’t expecting a woman.
You come over to Emily’s often to visit your brother, Jared. Despite visiting often, Leah never once made eye contact with you. She didn’t know why you wouldn’t look at her, but you did. You had a crush on her. You didn’t want to make it obvious because you scared what your brother thought. You just didn’t know you were horrible at hiding, well to everyone, but Leah.
Jared wasn’t happy about your little crush and he definitely wasn’t happy when Leah imprinted on you. It wasn’t homophobia, it was just you were his sister and he didn’t want you dragged into this world more than you already were. Boy, was he in for a big surprise.
Today, you decided to visit the pack. When you showed up, they were being unnecessarily mean to Leah. Quite frankly, you were fed up.
“What are your problems? As far as I know, she hasn’t done anything to deserve you being assholes to her.” The pack went quiet. “So, you bully her for no reason?” No response. “Idiots,” you mumbled.
Leah snickered at your comment. You looked at her, making eye contact. She froze, looking shocked. You look away, blushing. All of a sudden, your brother shot up from his seat.
“Oh, hell no,” he exclaimed. “I know that did NOT just happen.”
“What?” You looked between Leah and Jared. “What’s wrong?”
Jared stormed up to Leah. “You imprinted on my sister?!” Leah looked like she was struggling to get words out.
“You know we can’t control it, Jared. I’m just as shocked as you are.” She tried reasoning with your brother.
“Would someone tell me what’s going on?! What’s an imprint?!” You started shaking, not because of anger, you were stressed. It was obvious whatever Jared was upset about had something to do with you.
“Sam, she’s shaking!” Quil called out.
“Is she going to shift?” Seth questioned, slightly panicked.
“Leah, get her out of here.” Sam ordered. Jared was about to argue before Sam shut him down. “She’s her imprint, Leah is better off helping her.”
Jared let Leah help you, but not without complaining.
You ended up imprinting on her as well.
Once you were able to shift back, Leah saw how different you looked, more toned and taller, like her. She wasn’t going to deny it, she was into you.
She explained everything to you. The shifting, the imprinting, and what it meant for you.
You accepted the imprint, and gave her the world she deserves.
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You were the new girl at school, well, new-ish. You moved out when you were young, but you still struggling as you remember no one. You were having a hard time with the new school, no friends, and overall, new environment.
Seth just wanted to help the new girl out, he didn’t expect to imprint.
After talking with the pack, he decided the best way was to ease you into everything, but nothing goes as planned.
You ended up shifting at the end of your second week on the reservation. Poor baby Seth didn’t even know until Sam, Paul, and Jared came back from patrol with you.
By time Sam, Jared and Paul came back with you, it was only Seth, Leah, Emily, Quil and Embry there. Who knows where Jacob is.  As they walked in Emily’s house, everyone there glanced up with greetings then went back to what they were doing before.
“Are you boys hungry?” Emily questioned before she turned, spotting a new figure. “Who's this?”
Everyone looked up at you, making you shrink back into yourself from the unwanted attention. “That’s Y/N. She just shifted,” Sam answered as he made a bee-line towards Emily. She smiled as Sam kissed her.
Pulling away from Sam, Emily’s eyes immediately met yours. “Hi, I’m Emily, Sam’s fiancé.” She pulled away from Sam, placing chicken on a plate, setting it down on the table. “Sit, you must be hungry.” She gestured to the only seat left opened.
You took it with a small “thank you.” You sat next to Seth, feeling relieved to at least recognize someone.
Meanwhile, Seth was struggling not to make eye contact with you. He didn’t want the weight of the imprint bond put on you. Moreover, he feared rejection and the pain that came with it.
He noticed how different you looked after the shift. You were taller, tall as or taller than his sister. You were more toned and muscular. He never stared long, he felt like he was being a creep by staring.
You loosened up around the pack fairly quickly. You even got close with Leah, but Seth barely looked at you despite helping you the first couple of weeks you moved back.
One day, before patrol, you cornered him.
“Is there something wrong with me?” You demanded. You wanted answers and you wanted them now.
“Then why won’t you look at me?” You interrupted. You knew you were being rude and hard on the sweet boy, but it was stressing you. Seth didn’t bother responding, he knew if he got it done and over with, you’d know and get the rejection over with.
When Seth made eye contact with you, making you freeze. When you snapped out of it, you wondered “what was that?”
He took a deep breath, “You imprinted on me. Imprinting is like when you see them, they’re all that matters. It’s no longer gravity, they are the only one keeping you here. You’d do anything for them, their happiness, their safety. It doesn’t have to be a romantic relationship. It can be a brother, a best friend, a protector or something...else. I’ve already imprinted. You don’t have to accept the bond; I don’t want to force you into anything.”
You went silent for a couple minutes. He thought you were trying to find a way to let him down easy. You weren’t, you were just trying to process what he just said.
“It’s alright if you don’t want to accept.”
You shook your head, instantly dismissing his worry about your refusal. “No, I think I want to try this out.”  
You swore you have never seen someone with a smile as big as his in that moment. He suddenly pulled you in a hug, but was welcome nonetheless.
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You were friends with Embry, Jacob, and Quil before they shifted. When Embry and Jacob disappeared, they kept little contact with you, but hey, it was something.
Every time you talked, they hinted at what they were. You were their best friend, they wanted you to know. What they didn’t know is you caught on pretty quickly to what they were, you just never said anything as it wasn’t your business.
You met Bella through Jacob while they were repairing the motorcycles together. When Jacob disappeared, she confided in you. She dragged you everywhere with her. This time, she dragged you to confront Jacob about what he was.
Jacob was asleep by time you got to his house, but Bella saw the rest of the pack outside and decided to confront them instead. Which led to where you currently were.
“What did you do?!” Bella stormed towards Sam, clearly on a mission here. You were only a step behind her.
“What did you do to him?” She shoved into Sam. There was a chorus of “Bella, stop”, “watch out”, and “easy”.
“He didn’t want this.” You stopped next to her, standing in between her and Sam, slightly.
“What did we do? What did he do? What did he tell you?” Judging by what Embry and Jacob told you, that was Paul and the shorter one next to him was Jared.
“Both of you calm down,” Sam tried calming the situation.
“He tells me or Y/N nothing because he’s scared of you!” Paul and Jared started laughing at this. Paul looked at you, making eye contact. His smile faltered. You barely caught it before Bella punched him.
“Bella!” You reprimanded her. Paul started breathing heavily. You had a bad feeling about this.
“I think we should move,” you tried tugging her out of the way.
“Bella, Y/N, get back!” You moved to the side, closer to Embry. “Paul, calm down.”
Then it happened.
He shifted.
Out of shock, you tripped over your feet and fell backwards. Embry came up behind you, pulling you out of the way.  
Everything was a blur, it was confusing. First, you were shaking, then you had paws? Were you a wolf?! Now, you were scared and confused.
Paul, in wolf form, trotted over to you, nosing you, completely forgetting about Bella. ‘Are you alright?’ his voice sounded like it was in your head.
‘What the fuck? Why is your voice in my head?’
‘We have a mind-link when we are in our wolf form,’ Paul responded. You looked up at him, freezing like he did just moments before.
Paul took you into the woods where he came from with the pack (minus Jacob). He taught you to shift back. Jacob gave you clothes beforehand.  
Yes, Paul turned as you changed because he’s a gentleman.
But clothes didn’t stop him from seeing the difference between you now and you before. Being a gentleman certainly didn’t stop him from complimenting you, we are talking about Paul here.
He, then, sat you down on the ground to explain everything, well, most things. He was shocked you know the majority about shifting and wolves.
When he explained imprinting, you were a bit tentative about the whole thing. You suggested going slow with the imprint thing, but you accepted it nonetheless.
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starsinkpop · 2 months
ATEEZ Jung Wooyoung Tarot Reading - Personality
Disclaimer: I do tarot readings for fun, so please read them with a grain of salt. Don’t take my words too seriously and just keep an open mind. Tarot is a divination tool that can’t predict the future, as every single individual has their own will and makes their own decisions. Tarot is not a fixed fate. It should be seen as a guidance and a good friend that just has your best interest and gives you advice when needed. I’m not putting anyone in my readings on a pedestal nor am I trying to harm anyone. One last side note, I’m not a native speaker, so please excuse any wrong spellings or poor grammar.
Date of Reading: July 23rd 2024
Decks: Edgar Allen Poe Tarot, Wild Mystic Oracle
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is actually quite anxious and confused
has a hard time making decisions
because he’s too scared he makes the wrong one
often has an inner turmoil
is a great communicator
knows his boundaries and calls out anyone who’s crossing them
very free spirited and open minded
is quite insecure and doubts himself
doesn’t like changes
he is dependent on others
needs people to be happy
has obsessive and controlling tendencies
can appear reserved and cold
wants to provide for his loved ones
very caring and supportive
his partner doesn’t have to do anything
he’s willing to give up his own needs if that means his partner can just enjoy life to the fullest
is a reliable and loyal friend and partner
works hard to built stability
even though he’s pretty insecure he also has quite the amount of confidence
his insecurity is showing when he doesn’t get recognition and praise he’s expecting
likes to have power and is a good leader
is good with money and invests in the right things
is very grounded
his main priority in life are his family (including the members and close staff members) and his home life
has relationship issues
always falls for the wrong people
often has to deal with broken promises and unfaithful partners
has trust issues
is easily frustrated
is often misunderstood
lacks accountability and empathy
loves gossip
can be clingy
is quite demanding
could be a bit bossy and a push-over
very emotional
is sometimes overly critical, even rude
can be manipulative
has a hard time finding balance in pretty much all aspects of his life
Hope you enjoyed!
Love, Nicky 🫧
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thebabyprince · 9 months
OK SO THIS POST IS FOR @spongebob636 AND @charlieqs WHO ASKED FOR LITTLE!WALLACE (and cg!Mobile!!!) hi guys!!!!
Sorrrryyy your question got deleted, i accidentaly sent it into queue and couldn't get it back :(
i'm personally not picky at all so in my perfect EVERYONE REGRESSES AND EVERYONE CAREGIVES so here ya go!! :3
Little!Wallace (and a bit of Cg!Mobile!!)
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Wallace was always the caretaker. Almost never on the receiving side. It's how it always was, so he says he got quite used to it. He had a ton of experience as a caregiver, but the thought of regressing himself never crossed his mind.
That was until Mobile came along. Who is, as we know, very intense, and likes to ask a lot of very logical questions Wallace can't answer. Which confused him when they first started dating, cause hey, he's the normal, stable, and rational one!
"Daily alcohol consumption is not very rational" "...... :/" "Drinking 2 liters of diet coke every day is not very rational" "...... :/" "Neither is falling asleep in your outside clothes" "Sorry :("
Sad little guy got scolded for the first time since he was 10 and spent the whole evening sulking, apologizing for something that he has little control over and craving comfort. Poor boy. He wanted hugs! Cuddles! He wanted to be told he's good and everything's alright!
And Mobile provided just that, and even let him fall asleep on his lap as he works.
"Have you considered the thought you age regress yourself?" "No" "Clearly".
Wallace would describe his little age as either around 7, or just "Dunno, tinier than usual".
It took him a lot of time to actually learn to accept care when he regresses. His first few times regressing he was anxious he'd be too much, so he kept insisting on how he could do everything himself, he's a big boy, don't worry, he can handle everything!!
Then he got his shoes tied for him and he got very emotional.
Then he got called "Wally" and he cried.
Wallace is a very talkative and attentive little! Needs to know all the gossip even though he's 7 years old. Also asks a ton of questions
"Whatcha dooin? :3 What's that thing for? Did you know that?..."
He's very hard to put down to sleep cause he wants to talk and talk and talk!
I think he'd enjoy hanging out with baby/toddler regressors while he's regressed, and being the big brother!! He's very social, so he has many and many playdates
Also! Little vampire Wallace! It's his favorite play pretend! He wraps a blanket around himself like a cape, makes bite marks with a red marker and runs around munching on fruit and hissing on lamps.
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prettypinktulips · 1 year
Do you write for Thomas Hewitt? If yes can I have please Thomas Hewitt with male reader who works at a chainsaw store? Poor Tommy broke his chainsaw (mf is strong as fuck so he probably would) and Hoyt forced him to go alone to buy one, poor boy was so anxious and awkward but he saw a handsome man (male reader) and it's some love at first sight type shit.
The rest is up to you 👬
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YES I LOVE TOM TOM ! THANK U SO MUCH FOR REQUEWSTSIGN ( the first fanfic ive written so no hate plz) Thomas swallowed hard as he looked up at the big scintillating sign in front of him. "CHAINSAW HOTSPOT", One of the "O's" were out, the flickering was hurting his eyes a little bit. He looked back forward and brought himself inside as he looked around, it was nothing like he expected. The place was really extensive despite of the small exterior. I wish he wouldn't have made me go by myself, he knows how bad I am with people. Thomas felt himself get rather excited when he started to notice all of the different selections of chainsaws there were. "You looking for something, handsome?" Y/N said with a soft smile and brought his fist to his cheek. Thomas gasped at the voice being spoken to him, he felt his heart skip a bit as he brought his attention towards Y/N. "Those chainsaws might be a little small for you.. you look like a big man." His e/c eyes shifted over to a different aisle as he raised his arm and pointed towards it. Thomas looked around for anyone behind him and then back at Y/N, he brought his hand up as he pointed towards himself. "Well, yes of course you! Who else would I be talking to?" Thomas got embarrassed as well as a bit flattered. Nobody has ever called him handsome, well except his mother.. which well was his mother why wouldn't she.
A quiet "Hm." fell past his lips, seems like it was the only thing that could come out. Thomas nodded and walked into the aisle where Y/N was pointing at, and he was right the chainsaws here were HUGE. Just the way he liked them. "What a strange fellow." Y/N mumbled off to himself and tilted his head back a little to keep his eyes on the brute, he crossed his arms. "Would you like me to help you find one?" Y/N stood up and headed over towards the black-haired male.
"I.." Thomas looked at the (shorter/taller) male in front of him and got flustered. Well now that Y/N was already in front of him there's no telling him to leave now. "Let's see what we got here.." Y/N slowly dropped down onto his knees and picked up one of the boxes, he rested it on his knees as he started to open it. "Here, try this one out for show," Thomas was a little nervous and held the chainsaw close, he stood back a bit and grabbed the wire as he yanked on it. The chainsaw had a little malfunction but that's why Thomas immediately fell in love with it, a smile crept across his lips. Nobody else could see it since he had his mask on.
But Y/N could tell by the way his eyes reacted. "So this one is taking to your liking?" Thomas jolted as if he forgotten the h/c haired man below him. Y/N started to stand up and looked (down/up) at the male. "You know, you're quite quiet. I don't mind it though, makes my job easier." Thomas felt relieved as he nodded to Y/N's previous question. "Alright, let's get you set up then." He followed behind Y/N to the counter and watched as the h/c haired male got behind the register. His eyes devoured the males looks, Thomas didn't know he was doing it.. it wasn't intentional. "See something you like?" Y/N said abruptly and it snapped Thomas back to reality.
"I..I wasn't.. trying to." Thomas looked down at himself felt ashamed, he tried to think of things so he could change the subject. This was so fucking embarrassing to the point it made him spill out a whole sentence. Y/N felt a little bad and gently laid a hand on Thomas' cheek, it immediately calmed him down. He didn't know why but it did. "At least take me out on a date first or precisely tell me your name!" Y/N teased. Thomas tensed up a bit as his face devolved into a bright red. He's never went a date because of his deformities. That's right, Y/N didn't know about them because he's been wearing the mask. He didn't know about the hideous figure underneath the mask. That's probably the only reason he was talking to him this way, because his face was hidden.
"Hm." Thomas brought his hand up to his mask and brought it down a bit, he looked to the side and then (up/down) at the male in front of him, expecting to get yelled at or even tyrannized like in the past. But all he saw was a smiling Y/N. "Your face is still a treasure to me, I wish you would've shown me sooner!" Y/N caressed some of the scars. It was final, Thomas has officially swooned over for Y/N. How could a man be this perfect? He doesn't care if they just met, he's really considering this dating thing after all. "C..Chainsaw.." He mumbled. Y/N had completely forgotten as he hurried to move his hand away.
"Sorry, let me get that for you." Y/N looked to the side at the counter and grabbed the chainsaw, he turned the box over and scanned the barcode. He smiled softly. "You know what, don't even worry about it. I'll pay for it." Thomas had a questioned look on his face. "Why..?" Y/N just giggled and took out his card, he swiped it on the swipey thing (idk what its called) and paid for it. "Our date should be enough to pay me back. Reminds me, you never told me your name, stranger!" Thomas felt himself going back to that awkward phase again. "It's.. Thomas." Y/N nodded and smiled. "I'm Y/N, nice to meet you." He handed the chainsaw to him. Thomas just stared at the chainsaw, he was beaming with happiness.
(short story)
THE DATE. Thomas was well over nervous. Even nervous seemed like a too simple term to describe what he was feeling. All they were doing was going to the movies which he had to beg Y/N to do since he was already too nervous showing his face at a restaurant. He sat outside playing with the waistband of his jeans. All Y/N said was to wear something casual, but Thomas couldn't do that. Y/N didn't deserve casual. He decided he was going to wear the top of a suit and then jeans. The suit pants made him too uncomfortable, too busy in his own thoughts he hadn't noticed Y/N in front of him.
"Well, don't you look handsome?" Y/N smiled and laid a hand on the tie, he looked (up/down) at the black haired male. "You know you didn't have to go all out for me.. But I appreciate it." Y/N looked down at his watch for the time. Thomas felt his heart pounding out of his chest, it didn't matter if Y/N was wearing just a casual outfit he looked astounding. Even if he was just wearing a trash bag he could still make it look stylish. That's what Thomas thought anyways. They headed inside the theater. "It's really pretty in here.." Y/N looked to the side at the male and then noticed the mask, he frowned slightly. "It must've been really dark outside! I didn't know you were wearing your mask, Thomas.
"I.. just didn't.. want to embarrass you." Thomas hurried to look away, Y/N just giggled. "Embarrass me? What in God's name are you talking about?" Y/N brought them over to a dark corner and laid a hand on the mask, he pulled it off. "See, look at this pretty face of yours." Y/N leaned in a little as he laid his hand on the brute's cheek. "I would never be embarrassed of you, okay? You can't control your deformities, it's not your fault." Thomas was just about to speak when Y/N gave him a soft kiss on the lips. He was dumbfounded. He hesitated a little but eventually kissed the h/c haired guy back. This was the best night ever for him.
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zylophie · 11 months
Hi! If I'm not too late may I request a akito yandere alphabet? A,B,J please! Thank you!!
(๑ↀᆺↀ๑) — shinonome akito
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✿ — ♬ ⌨️ᶻᶻᶻ : yue is typing... ✉!
✿ — ↻ SYNOPSIS : can you truly escape from him when he is your only option?
✿ — ♯ GENRE : yandere
✿ — ⊜ CW : blackmail, manipulation
✿ — ↠ NOTE : hii hii anon! Okie I really don't have much to say besides that Akito is a tricky character for me to understand hmm, hopefully I don't screw up his character, I'm pretty rusty TT
✿ — ♪ REMINDER : reblogs & likes are appreciated, in doing so will motivate us to continue delivering stories to you, thank you for all of your supports ~ !
✿ — ♭ ⁿᵒʷ ᶜᵃˡˡⁱⁿᵍ... : @msith
✿ — ► ᴺᴼᵂ ᴾᴸᴬᵞᴵᴺᴳ : yandere alphabet with shinonome akito...
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💬 ┊A nxious - How anxious can they get when the thought of their darlings leaving for someone else? Will they do anything to prevent it from happening at all costs?
💌 ┊. . .
Akito would never feel anxious about you leaving him...after all, how can you when he is the only one who believe you over those awful rumours?
He turning his head to face you who was standing behind him, rubbing your fingers nervously "... something is wrong, (name)?"
You didn't respond.
The colours from your face turn pale, avoiding eye contact as you begin to fidget uncomfortably "I think...you should stay away from me..."
"Why?" turning around to face you upfront, he could see the redness around your eyes.
Oh, you poor thing...
"I could careless about what they said about me" from the corners of his eyes, for a moment there...your eyes light up "... just stay by my side, you will be fine"
💬 ┊B lackmail - Are they willing to blackmail their darlings/rivals into making you theirs forever?
💌 ┊. . .
He would do it if they happen to cross the line. Most of his victims are your friends, a few of them are pretty sharp...a bit too sharp for his own good, he really doesn't like your group of friends...
"(name), that guy is bad news" one of your friends said, munching on a egg roll "he act all nice in front of us but I can tell that smile is just a fake"
"Don't you think you're just exaggerating?" Pausing in between to take a sip from your juice box "He isn't a bad guy though, he is actually pretty sweet"
"... alright but don't said that I didn't warn you" your friend look at you with concerns, decided not to continue with the topic and move on...
...and a few days later, that friend of yours never talk to you ever again. Avoiding eye contacts, turning towards the other direction when you happened to cross paths with each others, ignoring your texts and calls. The list goes on and days turn to weeks... weeks to months as time passes on.
"I don't understand..." You let out a few hiccups, crying from losing a close friend who... ignore your entire existence completely for unknown reasons "Did I do something wrong? Is that's why they are ignoring me...?"
"I'm sure it's something else...or it's just that your friend got tired of you and decide to stop" Patting your head in comforting you as quiet sobs continue on into the evening...
💬 ┊J ealousy - How easily do they get jealous? Would they do anything about it?
💌 ┊. . .
If angry would describe how he feels at that moment would be underestimate...no he was definitely furious at the sight of you being in the arms of another man. Was he not enough? After everything he did for you?
"...I see you're having fun with your little friend there?" He see the way you flinched, turning your sight on him.
"A-Akito?" Your voice cracked.
"Who are you?" He glared at the red-headed, taking a few steps back "(name), stay behind me"
"It's not what you think! He isn't the one who did it..." You pause, suddenly feeling a bit embarrassed "uuhh... actually he is my boyfriend-"
"Huhhhh???!" His cries of disbelief cause you blink in surprised "you mean this GUY is the one you're seeing?!"
"Uh...yeah...?" You went quiet after that, feeling awkward by the sudden outburst.
"..." Akito sighed, frustrated.
Ripping you away from the other boy's embrace and into his own arms as he smiles "Now... if you could excuse us, I would like to have a chat with my (name) if you would be so kind to leave us alone"
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