#poor guy's underrated in his own show
thedemises · 8 months
there's no denying in the fact that even once you've also thought dazai was the main character of bsd cuz of the amount of content there is of him in the fanbase
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jennibeultimate · 5 months
Personal recap European Championship 2024 - Men SP
I didn't post much recaps this season but today I had some things to say about the Men SP at Euros. And I had a massively productive and stressful day ane watching skating is my treat!
Overall there were some good skates but the last group was disappointing besides Lukas 🫶...I should have listened to my wifi when it decided to crash during Deniss' skate. 😅 (I rebooted the wifi and watched the rest)
Favorites continue to struggle...first the Italian Pairs Conti/Macci and also Adam Siao Him Fa had to fight. Unlike Conti/Macci he could make up for his mistakes with a massive BV. I think the pressure is realIy high, so for this he fought very well. 🫶 I really like Adam but his PCS are too high in comparison to others like Deniss. The first part of the program is also just skating from one jump to the other, if you look away from the vibe the first part is not more complex program wise than Ilia's for example.
Lukas Britschgi is such a fun guy! He is such a joy to watch! ❤️ The little costume change is fun too! Fun music, fun skater, clean program that's why I watch skating! 👏👏👏👏👏👏😁😁😁😁😁😁
Aleksandr Selevko was soooooo good! Amazing! Probably my personal highlight of the night! The spin position on the heel is so unusual and so cool. The whole program was so unique and amazing! 👏👏👏👏 I always loved his skating but so often he was unstable so I am so happy for him 🫶
Team Italy 🇮🇹 without Grassl I like 😁
Nikolaj Memola is such a beautiful skater and it's even more amazing with his gigantic height! Shame about the 4Lz fall but otherwise so beautiful.
Gabriele Frangipani is a bit underrated. He's full of charisma and his jumping ain't bad. When I saw him live he was always one of the memorable skaters. No matter if he had a good or bad skate he always performed so well.
Matteo Rizzo has a severe hip injury so he probably should not even be skating but he fought. Also that he patted Kevin's back despite it being his own take to skate shows a kind heart. ❤️ Get well soon Matteo! 🫶
Daniel Weiss the German commentator calls Deniss Vasiljews "Picasso on ice" and I think that's a good discription. 🫶 Deniss drop the quad for the SP challenge! It just doesn't make any sense in the SP. If he has to try it than try it in the free skate. And the other jumps are also not super great so why not stick to what you're good at. I think he got away quite good with the scores. But how beautiful and emotionally Deniss skates it can't hide the fact that there is no upward trend for Deniss in the last few years. And I am tired of the "I am on the right way" and "it's a good process" comments. Something clearly doesn't match. I dunno if the emotional attachement to Stephane helps or if it rather makes him stay with something that clearly doesn't bring him forward. Same goes for Kevin and his coaches btw. I know it's always easy to judge from the outside and I know he is far from being at the start of his career, but sometimes a change does wonders.
Some additional remarks about some skaters:
- Nikita Starostin - I have some beef with the German federation. This fed is incompetent as hell btw it just gets little talked about outside of Germany. He was really bad at Nats (I was there in person) and Kai Jagoda was 100 times better and contrary to Nikita he doesn't have an underrotation problem. His 3As are kinda stable. Nikita has a tiny bit more BV and if he's good he gets higher scores than Kai bc his overall quality is better, but I feel like as Nikita didn't have a stellar season and Kai delivered well at Nats and is fairly consistent they should have given Kai the chance. And I mean Nikita really didn't positively stand out today...it was ok but nothing Kai could not have done too.
- poor Mihhail Selevko 😭😭😭 Aleksandr was so good and he had such a bad day. Best and worst skates from the siblings!
- I really love Disney and especially Lion King but Vladimir Litvintsev does everything wrong what you can do wrong...horrible music cuts... horrible costume and no connection to the program....
- Nika Egadze has everything I don't like in a skater. ETERI AS A COACH! Stiffness in the knees, no deep edges, no connection to music and a weird costume. I mean what's that little white snippet that's added to the costume? I have nothing personally against Nika but he's really one of the few skaters whose skating I really don't like at all.
- Kevin Aymoz - what is there to say? 💔 I am truly heartbroken for him and everyone who celebrates the downfall of such a brilliant skater can go to hell. It's one thing if you don't like his personal choices but no one deserves to be celebrated for such a failure. There is no need to stomp on someone who is already on the floor. Did he look on the verve of giving up? Yes. Is this a good look? Not at all. Should he have come to Euros? I think yes if he felt stable and practices were ok. If he felt not ready then this was bound to happen from the start. I do understand the French Fed choice though. If he is on he could win a medal on European level his SkAm scores are among the highest of all international skaters. I think he has a real mental problem atm. And I don't think he should go to Worlds. A disaster skate can happen to anyone and I could even try to say FrenchNats was just bc it was so short after the disaster but sadly this is not just accidental at this point, it's a pattern. He has to break the pattern, maybe he should do small comps first where results aren't so important and get back the feeling for competing. I really wish him well! My heart goes out to Kevin! There will be better days! ❤️
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Can u do a 💎 for each vermillion? Ik their not underrated but I still would want to hear some of ur thoughts.🙃
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NO WORRIES!! I have a "free option" for both events, but I'm happy to ramble something about each of them! But let us file it under the Headcanon Event ^^
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🦄 - Free space
In order of age if I'm not mistaken
Sometimes I really dislike how people make her into being just an "all anger and violence and bloodlust" when she's a much deeper character than that. And I am thankful for the movie to have showcased that, though it was rushed and but a large fight scene in a lot of other ways. At least it did Mereo justice in showing that she... has a heart.
She is a caring individual, who is a warrior, don't get me wrong, but she has a softer side too. And I think that a lot of her fierce nature comes from wanting to protect, and knowing that she is able to protect, those that are close to her.
She's not a fighter; someone who fights for the sake of a fight. She's a warrior; someone who fights for a cause.
Similarly, I don't care for how sometimes it feels like a portion of the fandom makes Fue out to be... dumb. As in, sure, he's a serious guy who's not always in touch with the times, or the people, but... That doesn't make him stupid. Luckily the circles I'm in currently don't have this issue, but I've seen more than enough takes on how he's but a dumb doormat who'd forgive any wrong done onto him because he's weak like that. And that's partly why I feel like emphasizing that his ability to upkeep peace amongst the captains about the betrayal done onto him took incredible strength of character.
He is smart. He is capable. But he's serious and a bit of a prude (affectionate).
He's more than "I'm pretty✨". In fact, I think that his need to emphasize his own beauty stems from insecurity. He doesn't feel like he'd ever add up to some standard that he has set for himself. A case of "pretend to be confident until you yourself believe it".
And I'd go as far as to say that it might play into him being the VC of the Peacocks. Maybe he feels overwhelmed by the position, but he still wants to do as good of a job as he can in it.
The man's more than just a pretty face.
She's the only "not-mainly-attack" mage among the Vermillions, and it must be tough, because she's... a healer in a House full of Battle Mages. And it wouldn't be surprising if she has heard comments about how "poor Mimosa... she's not like the rest of her family". The thought came from this fic by @/wildflowerwoods.
She's not weak for being kind, for being a healer. Hell, a well versed healer is the next thing from a god at a field of battle, because once they run out of mana, they decide who gets to live and who dies.
He's not weak for not finding his learning method or fighting style as young as his siblings did. There are some people who don't learn to study until well into their adult years, and there's no re3why it'd be different with Leo. Even in BC Noelle took time to get control of her magic, and she uses a wand to better direct her spells. Sometimes you just need to find the right tool.
So, Leo isn't just "a precious baby in need of protection", he's a sweet guy with a heart of gold, who's a great warrior in the making. He's just got to figure out the right path, or the way to travel the path, for himself.
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oneatlatime · 11 months
The Northern Air Temple
Some thoughts before we get into the episode:
-I feel like Sokka got more lines in the first half of the season. Don't know if that's true, but that's what it feels like.
-I feel like Katara and Zuko have evened out a bit compared to the first half of the season. Certainly Katara hasn't done anything too annoying in a few episodes, and Zuko at least makes (a very small amount of) sense now, thanks to The Storm.
-I need more Appa.
Episode Time!
This episode apparently has the option of commentary. I'll save that for a rewatch.
Now it's episode time
A surprisingly ominous musical sting for the opening title card. Kind of reminiscent of Jet's musical sting.
We must be getting pretty close to the north pole because the parkas are back.
Oh my god actual airbenders? Is this show's title a lie? Avatar: Upon Further Investigation, One of Several Airbenders.
Also did that storytelling guy just charge his own great-grandfather for listening to his own story told back to him? Who's the real cheapskate?
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Sokka whittles! That's a nice touch. Gotta have something to occupy your time on long polar nights. I think it's a beaver with a hat? How does Sokka know what a beaver is? There are no trees at the south pole. Unless it's a chipmunk. But those don't exist at the south pole either.
optimist = liar is an underrated take. And very Sokka.
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The southern Air Temple was much more colourful than this. Maybe sunsets suck up north? Also those are live people. Living breathing non-corpses. Doing airbendy things. I am confused.
ok paragliders! Not airbenders. You know Aang must have been crushed by that bait and switch. He copes with it better than I would.
They may not be airbenders but this is still some pretty fancy flying. Obviously these glider people have been at this for a while. Do you think, in the absence of airbenders, non-benders were like "welp, somebody's gotta do it"?
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Nailed it. Meng's right. He does have big ears.
My god I hope this kid does regular maintenance on his brakes. He came in hot.
This kid (Tayo?) is really sweet actually. He's got that same sort of sincere joy that Aang does when he's happy. Like when he was laughing at Pipsqueak's name. An ersatz airbender having an airbender's joy is cleverly done.
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You couldn't have moved that pipe six inches up? Tayo may call his dad a mastermind, but this reeks of sloppy planning and building on the fly. This is the kind of plumbing dead end I'd plumb myself into, because I don't know how to plumb. What's the plumbing equivalent of cable management? Because these people need it.
I get it. This episode is going to be a commentary on the world moving on during the last century.
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There was a deliberate conscious choice made here. You couldn't accidentally decapitate the monks every time you installed a pipe. Even if there wasn't a conscious choice to be destructive, there had to have been a conscious choice to be callous. Poor Aang's day is just getting worse and worse.
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How does piping hot air everywhere result in goop?
Now moved on to literally decapitating monks. Come on guys, I was being facetious.
"This whole place stinks!" Buddy I could not agree more.
Then again: "Who said you could be here?" Can't agree with this one. How could they have asked for permission to move in? The only airbender around was frozen. This conflict is going to have to find a middle ground. Obviously these new guys are taking it way too far, but Aang has no right to expect the world to have been left unchanged for a century. Honestly I'm surprised that no one had moved in to the Southern Air Temple. It didn't occur to me when I watched that episode, but we've seen enough war-torn villages since that I'm surprised the air temples haven't been claimed by refugees.
"We're just in the process of improving upon what's already here" would be a much more convincing justification if it wasn't being spouted by someone standing in a giant hole created by a wrecking ball. Although kudos to this guy for seeing an opportunity to help his son and his people. Heart's in the right place, but I'm kind of questioning the execution.
"Progress has a way of getting away from us" another underrated take!
Tayo's dad's mannerisms are strange. He's giving me Willy Wonka vibes (Gene Wilder, not Johnny Depp).
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Four o'Candle. I won't lie, that's funny. Gotta wonder how the rest of the world tells the time, if this guy invented timekeeping.
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I regret taking this screenshot.
That's sweet, showing Aang the one untouched room. This Tayo is quite empathetic and perceptive, unlike his father. Also a good point about the animals. They never left.
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I'm sorry, but the Southern Air Temple is just so much prettier.
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Interesting storage choice. Do you think that was an airbender thing or a later addition?
Aren't fireflies a warm weather thing? Maybe someone at the temple has a pet firefly colony?
A natural gas PSA. Was not expecting that. Huh.
Pretty neat that Tayo has intuitively figured out what airbenders need to fly, even if he doesn't have the vocabulary to express it. Once again Aang recovering from disappointments way faster than I could. He said he wouldn't open the door maybe three minutes ago? And now he will. Truly too pure for this world.
This episode is going all over the place but the bug jokes are good.
What do you want to bet that the airbending door opening is footage reused from the Southern Air Temple?
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I'm enjoying Sokka having someone to vibe with intellectually (who respects him as an equal - yay!) but I also feel like I'm seeing thirty years into Sokka's future if for some reason Katara stops with the occasional smacks upside the head.
Do you think Tayo's dad is so loopy because his head's in the clouds?
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Did not see that coming. Also how many times is poor Aang going to get kicked around this episode? The airbenders that weren't, the temple that was modified to high hell, now the temple sanctum as a fire nation weapons vault. Ouch.
It does track though. Imprisoned shows that the Fire Nation has no qualms about exploitation - in that case, prison labour to build their fleet, and earth kingdom coal to power it. Makes sense that they would strong arm the mechanically minded into helping them as soon as an opportunity presented. Is that how the Fire Nation has gotten so far, shamelessly using anything and anyone that can be exploited? How many Fire Nation innovations are originally someone else's? Hot take: the Fire Nation is Thomas Edison.
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Aang can do Bitchslaps!!!! This is wonderful! I demand more of these in future.
"We control the sky. That's something the Fire Nation can't do." So that fire nation hot air balloon I saw in the sanctum was for exploring the sea floor?
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Ever seen that thing where two incredibly smart people get together and somehow manage to completely cancel out each others' intellects?
Ever-vigilant to roasting opportunities, Katara lands a perfect burn.
I guess actual murder bombs don't fly in a kids' show. But why not? Flaming fire ball catapults, crack archery squads, and actual past genocide are ok, but bombs aren't?
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Aang, squadrons aren't very pacifist of you.
All those guys Aang buried with the air scooter are dead. Also not very pacifist.
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Winchable tanks. Very clever. Wanna bet they stole that idea too?
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This made me laugh. I was expecting some sort of advanced flamethrower technology but it's actually the bending equivalent of leaning out a hole in the wall to throw rocks. This is Flintstones Technology.
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Since when are Katara's pants white?
Winchable, self-righting tanks? That's far too cool for the bad guys to have.
Told you it wasn't Fire Nation tech. Although Tayo's pride in his dad's counterbalancing system is maybe a tad misplaced, saying as that system is being used to attack his home. Oops?
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Upon being informed that the tanks run on a water counterbalance system, Katara, instead of exploiting this, decides that now is the time to remember that she is a waterbender (something she forgot despite spending the last few days (?) surrounded by snow), and uses ice to take the wheels off, what - two tanks? - and then decides to retreat and wait for her brother to save the day. See, this is what happens when Sokka isn't there to do her thinking for her.
Isn't wearing the enemy' insignia a big nono? Then again, a century of war is a big nono too, so I doubt anyone's going to quibble it.
Why are they dropping slime on tanks? How does slime stop them?
In a rare moment of Katara-thought, Sokka loses his mind and throws the whole furnace out of the balloon, rather than just opening it and scooping out some burning fuel. Sokka is so used to doing Katara's thinking for her that he's out of practice at doing his own thinking.
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And the temple is still standing, how? Sokka just killed like hundreds of fire nation guys.
Note to self: always pack a spare firebender when travelling by hot air balloon.
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Sigh. Saw it coming. Do you think Tayo's dad got the inspiration for the balloon's shape from those guys' hats?
Final thoughts
This episode was a bit of a mess, wasn't it? How many plot threads are they trying to juggle here? -preservation v. innovation -the spirit of airbending living on in Tayo -collaborating with the enemy -the plight of refugees -Natural gas PSA -Sokka the genius -Disability opening up alternate abilities -Guess who now has the ability to meet Aang on his own playing field?
These are all worth talking about, but maybe over the course of two episodes, maybe even three. Cramming this all into one episode means at best that your characters are going to be doing 180s at record speed (Aang and the airbending door), at worst that your characters are going to be nonsensical pastiches that serve the plot rather than act as humans (Tayo's dad is disturbingly all over the place).
The ever-present tensions between the preservation of the past and the needs of the present - in other words - honouring the ancestors v. supporting the descendants, is a very real, very ongoing conflict inherent to humanity as a whole. It's a whole industry: Cultural Resource Management. It's definitely worth talking about. But this was so ham-fisted. Avatar doesn't usually do ham-fisted; they've set a high standard for themselves in other episodes and I will hold them to that. I think sticking this theme into an episode that included so much else was what caused the less-than-subtle handling. There simply wasn't time to do it justice.
I would have liked if Aang and the temple dwellers reached a compromise at the end, rather than Aang completely giving over. Keep Aang's dialogue about Hermit Crabs (why are they black and white?) but then add a couple of lines about how now that the fire nation are gone, the sanctum can be returned to how it ought to be, or promise to decapitate no more monks. Just a couple of lines. Ultimately the temple dwellers are right that they need a place to live, but you can be right in a wrong way. A wrecking ball way. And you can preserve while innovating. It's possible. Wouldn't it have been on-brand if the episode ended with a compromise - you know, balance?
That being said, there was a lot that was good this episode. Tayo is a sweetheart. I loved the fact that he's in a wheelchair and it's not even really mentioned. His wheelchair doesn't even figure in the plot - it's just part of his character design. It's given the same weight as a character wearing glasses would have. I would love it if all physical differences could be treated with the same level of 'I don't care' as a character having glasses. So often in fiction, disabled characters are written with a disability rather than a personality, so it's nice to see it done properly here.
The unwilling Fire Nation collaborator thing definitely feels like a situation that could happen, but I don't like that Tayo's dad was so intent on not being blamed for it. He's an adult, and sometimes being an adult means owning up to stuff. Obviously he's in a rock and a hard place situation, and it's not his fault that he's stuck there (not like he had a choice) but he seemed more intent on getting Tayo to absolve him of blame than to actually explain. His first line upon being confronted being "you don't understand!" rankled.
There's no way that every adult in the temple didn't know it was happening, right? But they agreed to keep it from the kids? We see that Tayo's dad works with a crew when he's wrecking stuff for a bathouse (!!!), and I sincerely doubt that the stuff he built in the air sanctum was the work of only one person. That would have been a cool angle to explore, not that this episode needed yet more angles: The lies we tell our children.
The natural gas PSA didn't bother me at all. It did feel ham-fisted, but if this episode taught even one kid to look out for the smell of rotten eggs, then it's a win. Natural gas is serious stuff and not to be messed with. Anything that teaches kids that is good, no matter how ham-fisted.
Regarding the natural gas, I guess it came from the slime? But I don't know where the slime came from? It could also be unrelated to the slime, in which case the original airbenders would have kept it under control by airbending it away? It's a shoehorned-in PSA, I'm probably giving it too much thought.
Sokka collaborating with an equally intellectual adult that actively seeks his input is lovely to see, although I personally found Tayo's dad to be off-putting. Must have been a confidence boost for Sokka though.
Sokka and Katara both having brainfarts this episode was some rare sibling solidarity.
Poor Aang this episode just kept getting stomped on. This has been a rough few episodes for Aang. He majorly goofs up in Bato of the Water Tribe, he majorly goofs up (this time with consequences) in the Deserter, and now he gets to see that there is truly nothing the fire nation hasn't gotten their grubby hands on - and if there is, others have ruined it anyway. Can this poor guy have a break next episode? Maybe ride some giant animals? Giant hybrid animals?
I do like Tayo as kind of the next generation of airbenders. Iroh and the Deserter (not spelling that guy's name) both give me the impression that bending is as much philosophy as it is physical thing. It's neat to see that, while airbending is gone, airbending philosophy can remain. Can in fact pretty much spontaneously regenerate under the right conditions. I wonder, after enough generations of nonbenders thinking like airbenders, could airbending reappear?
The word I keep coming back to is ham-fisted. We're nearing the end of the season; maybe the writers had a bunch of leftover ideas they really wanted to use that they couldn't fit elsewhere? I'll rewatch this one just to listen to the commentary, but otherwise I think it's pretty meh.
Appa unleashing beast mode on a couple of tanks may well be the highlight of this episode.
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rysko · 3 months
stalked ur profile and noticed the fandom fave ask games, Peaky Edition?
This is going to be difficult. Am i allowed more than one character per category??? (also tytyty for the ask muah muah)
(tagging @red-riding-wood because i know you love these)
blorbo (favorite character, character I think about the most)
Listen, if you've been on this blog for more than five seconds, this will be no surprise. It's Luca, that goddamn fruit bastard<3
The moment he lifted that hat and spoke in his tony-soprano-meets-the-godfather-esque voice I knew I'm going to be obsessed but HOLY SHIT. The brainrot, it's on another level.
And Arthur, oh Arthur...
Most tragic character in the whole show, so full of love, hate, anger, EVERYTHING. He's as entertaining as he is tear-worthy, and theres no scene with him i dislike. Baby...baby boy...
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scrunkly (my “baby”, character that gives me cuteness aggression, character that is So Shaped)
Again, everything i said above. I want to make him soup and hug him, then maybe hiss at Tommy (selfcare)
He makes me kick my feet, and his scenes with May make me wish he had more screen time. I need him to give me a tour of Small Heath. I'd die a happy man.
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scrimblo bimblo (underrated/underappreciated fave)
His death made me actually cry (i still don't see it as canon shhh), he was my favourite since he appeared in season 1 and has been my obscure love ever since (still want to write something for him, but i have so much stuff i need to write first)
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glup shitto (obscure fave, character that can appear in the background for 0.2 seconds and I won’t shut up about it for a week)
Johnny Dogs!!! My dude! My man! My silly little horny guy!
I want a compilation of him. I want to drink some booze with him and for him to tell me shitty life advice that I would NEVER actually implement.
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poor little meow meow (“problematic”/unpopular/controversial/otherwise pathetic fave)
Y'all cannot handle nuanced/flawed female characters and it shows. Linda has my heart. I love hypocritical Catholics, we are not the same.
Live, laugh, love Linda <3
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horse plinko (character I would torment for fun, for whatever reason)
This man. He deserves nothing more. I love him, but i also want to see him suffer. That's Tommy Shelby, i want him covered in his own blood, in a mental breakdown, screaming, crying, throwing up.
Im mentally sane btw.
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eeby deeby (character I would send to superhell)
We don't like nazis in this house, not only am i sending him to superhell, I'm shooting him first and throwing salt over where the body was. I LOVE his actor to death, but my 1. History obsessed 2. Polish ass has always had a personal vendetta against pre-war western fashos
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khonaker · 7 months
I think ochako is one of the most under utilised and underrated characters. I'm not a fan of her character (no, i DONT hate her). She had so much of potential amd her fight with BK just proved she's more than a pretty face. I'm fully aware of the fact that this show is oversaturated with characters. But let's not forget that she is the main female lead of the show. My biggest issue with her is that she didn't get to do a god damn thing in the Stain arc. She joined the academy with the sole intention of making money, and that's exactly what Stain hates about the hero society. Their monetary outlook. She could have been a part of the arc, the build up was there. She could have shown Stain that yes, while there are heroes who are there solely for the financial gains, that doesn't make them bad people. She all she wanted was to help her family get out of the poor financial situation they were in. Instead, she gets the typical shonen lead heroine treatment- being the love interest and whose sole purpose in life is to be a satellite character to the male lead of the show.
All her effort in the UA sports festival to do her best against Bk, all the desires to make good income as a hero to help her family financially, devolved into a girl who becomes a blushing mess infront of her love interest.
They did her so dirty. She was one of the few female shonen characters who felt like she could be someone in life without having anything to do with matters of the heart.
Also, notice how it's other characters around her who enforce her this whole Deku crush on her. Mina, toga and Aoyama to name a few. These are the characters who constantly remind her of her feelings for deku, thus pushing her further and further away from the plot relevancy.
I find this very annoying and makes me sick to think that a girl with tremendous potential is now relegated to the role of a girl hopelessly in love.
One last question: So many people think she's a terrible person for wanting to make money. I'm like, what? Are you serious? (If you want me to give further explanations I will) but it's the most human and realistic thing to do when you're stuck in a financial rut.
Please let me know and thanks for reading my extremely long post
Ooooooooooo Lordy.
(Cracks hands and neck)
First and foremost, I still love Ochako. But I can’t ignore what’s happened to her throughout the series.
Honestly, it’s been ages since I’ve had that exact thought about Ochako and Stain situation! While he had a valid point (that wasn’t further explored, HORIKOSHI) about there being heroes that didn’t have the EXACT same mentality as All Might, her duality of wanting to provide enough money to support her family all the while having the desire to save others for the sake of saving others would be honestly a culture shock to Stain. (Or he may go further into denial, it’s actually hard to say. Guy had a few screws loose.)
But it HONESTLY would have been interesting seeing these two interact! And not to replace anyone the Hosu trio! It honestly would have been cool seeing her trying to use her new Gunhead Martial Arts (though she probably would have been focused on saving Iida as Izuku and Shoto took on the role of the main fighters, but Stain could have also tried to go after them and Uraraka would attempt to hold her own against him.) And we would have had MOST of the Dekusquad there! (Asui had her own internship.) Hiw great would it have been seeing the Dekusquad fighting together! And Ochako going feral protecting Iida!
Yeah, she happened to be more focused only about her crush with Izuku as time went on, which made a lot of her early traits and accomplishments kinda fade away and be forgotten. But for the record, and I still stand by this. A girl having a crush on someone DOESN’T cheapen her in my opinion. It’s something that happens to many teenagers. And some of their interactions I think are handled well, like them talking about wanting to save their respective villains. But other times, yeah, it felt a bit excessive that Horikoshi had to stop and say, “Hey! Hey! Do you remember Ochako has a crush on Izuku?!?” I honestly was looking forward to seeing how she acted after she vowed to put her feelings aside during the provisional license exam. But…Hori just continued to drill it into our faces.
As for the biggest perpetrator of making Ochako only about Izuku, I lay on Toga’s feet. Mina, yeah, she brings up the crush as well, but it’s done more in good fun I feel. And I think Aoyama has done that once. (Now that I think about it, it’s kind of random how he suddenly knew about her crush. He never does it again.)
But Toga? Horikoshi could have used her for something else to make her relevant, but the ONLY thing she had connected to Ochako is their shared crush on Izuku. Others say theirs other themes between them, but I’m sorry. I don’t see it, or believe that it was handled effectively. Ochako had more than just a crush. Like you mentioned, her want to provide for her family. Her fighting spirit and prowess that she showed against Bakugou. She had things that could have been fleshed out more.
Toga was a wha-wha girl that embraced being a remorseless villain and happened to be crushing on the same guy Ochako was crushing on. That’s it. There’s nothing else really about Toga. And she became to Ochako what Bakugou became to Izuku: a detriment to her character and preventing her from becoming something MORE. (Sorry but not really if I sound cynical about Toga. I just got REALLY tired being demanded to care about her. Like some OTHER blonde.)
Speaking of which, your last question? I also never understood this. I get it for a quick joke and stuff like that. Hahaha. But when people were SERIOUS about holding that over Ochako’s head? I was like, “Did you not hear her entire motivation?!?” I was dumbfounded how people could possibly come to that conclusion.
I find it ESPECIALLY interesting NO ONE brings up that BAKUGOU also had the desire to be a hero for money,JUST TO BE RICH AND FAMOUS! But no, shit on Ochako for wanting to take care of her family! Filthy hypocrites. I honestly wish Horikoshi did a better job balancing both her looking out for heroes as well as wanting to have a good paying job for her family. I think both are completely character of her.
Anyways, you gave me a long post, I gave a long response. 😜 But honestly, thanks! I don’t honestly get these and I hope my answers or thoughts are interesting or understandable! Have a good one and thanks again!
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missielynne · 3 months
CBS Ghosts Review- The Silent Partner
Isaac and Sam's relationship is an underrated one to me, so I love episodes that have the opportunity to show it off. Granted this episode was definitely nowhere near as exciting or full of oomph as Halloween 3, but what is?
It highlighted once again the fact that Jay and Sam need to do more work communicating as a couple and maybe discussing limits about things or showing more appreciation cause like, Sam really gave Jay a telling off for not paying attention to her book because all he cares about is his restaurant, but frankly, I feel the man has the right to focus on stuff that's meaningful to him, especially after he did stuff like dig up Flower's death spot to get something for the seance to bring her back. That gets him a lot, to me, and I feel like sometimes Sam can be a little forgetful that even though Jay loves her and the ghosts, he needs time to do stuff that's just for him and that's not a crime.
Now that doesn't excuse him treating Isaac as if he's just some annoying imaginary friend and I was glad that he came up with the table and the speech to show that he actually did read the book about Isaac to show that he did believe in the man's value as part of his family, even if he's a ghost Jay can't see. (And totally agree with everyone that it would have been nice to see Nigel there at the unveiling and if we don't get at least one shot of Nigel and Isaac having a date for two at the ghost table, I will be sad.)
The part with Sas and Hetty and the candy was another case of "good idea, poor execution." They took it far enough and used some really weird wording for it (like when they were all "She can hold onto the candy and her fingers will be in our mouths") that it just made me wince and squirm and not blame Carol for wanting to go on a walk to get away from them one bit.
Last but definitely not least, I'm sure I was not the only one who was cheering when Pete revealed to Carol that he knew about her affair with Jerry and told her she sucked. It was well earned and I think she's lucky that he's too nice a guy to give her worse. (Although I do give her credit, even if it's a way to excuse her own cheating or whatever, for immediately asking if Pete is with someone. For all her issues with Pete, she's not a hypocrite who just expected her husband to be super loyal to her while she cheated on him because she felt entitled to that. She seemed genuinely surprised that he chose to stay loyal. Granted he didn't KNOW she cheated until later, but...still.) And although it's a low bar, also congrats to Carol for being one of the few ghosts or people to be at least decent to Nancy on sight compared, say, to Hetty, who still calls her "it."
I wish it would have just been Nancy and Pete doing the fake girlfriend thing. Cause like, with them, we know it's fake. She's there to make him look good and then she steps away. Whereas with Alberta, you just know that this relationship is something that they could make into a real thing, even after throwing it away, and since I don't feel like Richie and Danielle have that kind of chemistry it's just like...ugh, okay. Although, there could be another love interest coming for Alberta soon so maybe they aren't being made into a couple. That's my hope.
All in all, yay for Pete. That is the high point of this mostly functional episode, although, as usual, I do enjoy Isaac and Sam. Now we're on a short hiatus until early April where we could get a bachelor party and the return of Nigel! Can't wait!
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welpjesuisla · 5 months
Tagged: 10 Fandoms, 10 Characters, 10 Tags
⁄⁠(⁠⁄⁠ ⁠⁄⁠•⁠⁄⁠-⁠⁄⁠•⁠⁄⁠ ⁠⁄⁠)⁠⁄ Thank you for the tag @x-authorship-x 🥰
John Doe (UnOrdinary)
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First off, yes, his name really is John Doe LOL. He's not a very popular type of main character - at least in my experience. He's fiercely protective and cunning. And he struggles a lot with figuring himself out. He's the kind of main character that you have to follow around even when you don't agree with his decisions.
Shikamaru Nara (Naruto)
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Underrated fr. Like we have so very few braincell holders in Naruto and Shikamaru is a reluctant holder of one. Despite his genius we all are aware of just how human he is. He still is vulnerable to the natural things of life and his own emotions.
Yes i am going to go on living life pretending that the Burrito version of Shikamaru doesn't exist :)
Ochaco Uraraka (Boku No Hero Academia)
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The cute girl that could and would fight you and WIN.
She has a special place for me. She could have so easily been left at just the cute best friend girl or the poor girl gag or quirky love interest. But she isn't! And it's refreshing! She takes the path she set out on seriously. She has a kindness about her but she is also determined to do what's right. And she's prepared to take what steps she needs to protect herself and others. If you say her match with Bakugou didn't change your brain chemistry YOU'RE LYING!
Obi (Akagami No Shirayukihime)
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The man that he is. Full disclosure, I've read a lot of Shoujo but OBI is truly the first character that I craved more of. Seriously, I want his backstory so bad but I fear we'll never be allowed to have it. He's an assassin turned official knight. He's roguish but just as seamlessly can be a gentleman. He's dangerous but he chooses to be soft and fond. Don't even get me started on the found family dynamics!!
Minhyuk (I Love Yoo)
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The best big brother/best friend ever.
Minhyuk is THE BEST. And I accept Nothing Else. He's the pillar needed in crazy situations. Even if he's not physically there. He understands when to push and when to play around. Genuinely the only guy I trust with Shin-ae's literal life (Sorry, Dieter). He has her best interests at heart even when he's not completely in the know about what's going on. Dude is willing to try fighting CEOs to protect her and DID fight her stalkers.
Padme Amidala (Star Wars)
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Okay her taste in men is to be taken with a bucket of salt BUT!!
Come on! Queen!! Undercover specialist - posing as her on Lady-in-waiting is such a boss move! Unafraid of active warzones and assassination attempts! Fashion icon!
Loki (Thor MCU)
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As you may be seeing: i have a tendency to gravitate to characters that are usually inclined to manipulation and violence complex. I could genuinely go on and on about the beautiful depth of his character but then I'd get sad about what he became in Ragnarok and onwards. But yeah, love Loki - adore him truly!!!
Koushi Sugawara (Haikyuu!!)
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Chaotic good at its finest.
THE Morale!! THE Refreshing!! THE Mom!! OUR Vice Captain!! The lovely Suga!! The biggest chaos gremlin of them all! Would literally win in a fight with every single member of the Karasuno team (with merciless cheating lol). I love the diversity in him: he can be the steady senpai, flipping at a switch between happy-go-lucky and excitable aggression, seems like the least threatening member when he loves screwing with the other side mentally. He's great >:)
Diana Prince (Wonder Woman)
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Literally my favorite rendition of Wonder Woman. She's sheltered but well-intentioned. She's determined and doesn't let things like social norms get in her way. She brought humanity to a setting we constantly forget the humanity of. She's not afraid of being emotional because there's no shame in it. She showed us what some heroes forget to show us, that things aren't always good and bad guys.
Kim Dokja (Omniscient Reader Viewpoint)
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He's such a mastermind, he's great!! A MENACE UNLEASHED!
Okay so admittedly, i don't think I'll even be able to scratch the surface of the genius that is his character. He's literally Upgraded Coping Mechanism on top of Well-used Coping Mechanism. A Reader given the same detachment from reality that protected them but debilitated them but now it makes them the most powerful and prepared. And he uses it with so much tangible smugness
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eggsploded · 5 months
oh baby this posts gonna be long
blorbo (favorite character, character I think about the most)
HS: aradia and sollux. aradia is my favorite forever as my patron troll and sollux is just fun to draw because whys he look like that
ST: all the cardassians in general. garak is the best, im honestly more fascinated with andrew robinson himself and his dedication to the character. also damar who doesnt get much presence until later seasons and gets crushed by actually giving a fuck about his position. i took a shot of kanar (maple syrup) for his honor and it was agony.
dukat is excluded from this because he managed to curse the show into buffering on his face everytime i watched.
scrunkly (my “baby”, character that gives me cuteness aggression, character that is So Shaped)
HS: probably the beta kids before playing sburb. theyre all just little kids and best friends forever and it makes me tear up- in pesterquest dave literally talks about jade like shes his girlfriend that goes to a different school. all the kids were more than eager to see eachother in person and it sucks that it happened under the circumstances of.. homestuck
i dont have cuteness aggression for them theyve been through enough :-(
ST: in TNG's the enemy geordi helps out this genuinely pitiful romulan dude thats shaking like a chihuahua and i felt so much for that guy i wish he came back
scrimblo bimblo (underrated/underappreciated fave)
HS: i think people are finally past portraying kanaya as a nothingburger, it was kind of funny 10 years ago that people were falling into her flimsy veil of Perceived Normalcy, like she doesnt regularly bite her friends and wasnt unforgivably delulu about vriska when they were moirails.
truly underrated might be the felt? their designs tickle me
ST: damar? maybe hes got more content now idk. honorable mentions are: keiko obrien, worfs parents (my favorite tng ep), hugh, the cardassian scientists that hit on obrien that one time, lwaxana troi and keevan.
glup shitto (obscure fave, character that can appear in the background for 0.2 seconds and I won’t shut up about it for a week)
HS: any of signless' crew. like. we got shafted so hard with the dancestors its crazy. in my wildest dreams psiioniic didnt get utterly crushed by the vast glub and somehow escaped at the ripe age of 2000 sweeps and is now overgrown and too old and ancient for his own good, squatting in solluxs hive. we didnt get much content about how signless did his recruiting- did he just do speeches and demonstrations? did he fuck nasty? i know for sure it wasnt the cringe dialogue they strapped kankri with. same goes for dolorosas life before she raised signless, she should be at the club.
ST: background vulcans. especially in TNG when they just stopped giving a fuck about them, thank god tuvok exists or i wouldve had no incentive at all to actually watch part of VOY.
poor little meow meow (“problematic”/unpopular/controversial/otherwise pathetic fave)
HS: equius. its really a special day when a character cant be quantified with a simple archetype like the rest of the trolls. theres something so deeply strange and wrong with him that its captivating, i chalk it up to being the horse guy in a insect body.
hussie also just like, had it out for him at day one. gamzee got beaten to a pulp narratively but equius didnt even get a chance. its sad, and im more interested in what he couldve been rather than someone like eridan or meenah.
ST: kai winn. shes literally an alien white woman and its fantastic. she did her role so good that the poor actress got hatemail, and her insidiousness is just so well done. the final season of ds9 isnt that good but it was fun to see her go off the rails with dukat.
horse plinko (character I would torment for fun, for whatever reason)
HS: what do i look like? hussie? in truth when it comes to being a flop i like seeing kanaya flounder. shes weird guys. she is so fucking weird and she doesnt really know because her friends are Weirder. we dont always need her to slay, atleast in my book.
ST: riker. no further notes
eeby deeby (character I would send to superhell)
HS: jake. if he has a deeper character i havent noticed because my eyes glaze over trying to read through this dialogue. he feels like a leftover shitpost character hussie couldnt fit on the dancestors. i havent reread act 6 yet, but i remember such a large chunk being some strange love triangle-square surrounding jake and i did Not Give a Fuck, and salt in the wound was dirk and janes friendship being so fantastic but overshadowed by jakes unceasing sex appeal cursing them.
ST: obrien because it was be a standard episode plot for him, i think hed come out fine
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best-underrated-anime · 7 months
Best Underrated Anime Group J Round 1: #J2 vs #J7
#J2: Two girls wander the post-apocalyptic world.
Amid the desolate remains of a once-thriving city, only the rumbling of a motorbike breaks the cold winter silence. Its riders, Chito and Yuuri, are the last survivors in the war-torn city. Scavenging old military sites for food and parts, the two girls explore the wastelands and speculate about the old world to pass the time. Chito and Yuuri each occasionally struggle with the looming solitude, but when they have each other, sharing the weight of being two of the last humans becomes a bit more bearable. Between Yuuri’s clumsy excitement and Chito’s calm composure, their dark days get a little brighter with shooting practice, new books, and snowball fights on the frozen battlefield.
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#J7: Lecherous young man gets engaged to an alien princess
When aliens known as the Oni threaten to invade the Earth, they promise to leave under one condition—a randomly-chosen human must win a one-on-one game of tag against Lum, the beautiful daughter of the Oni leader. The “lucky” person selected happens to be the lustful and unlucky high-schooler Ataru Moroboshi. Given 10 days to attempt to grab Lum’s horns, Ataru realizes how impossible the challenge is as he is faced with Lum’s extraterrestrial powers.
Motivated by a promise of marriage from his childhood friend Shinobu Miyake, Ataru manages to catch Lum off guard. He mistakenly grabs hold of her bikini top first, but he eventually achieves his true goal. Although the game is over, Lum misunderstands that she is the one whom Ataru wants to marry, and she decides to move in with him. The poor student constantly tries to shake off the clingy Lum while doing his best to reconcile with his desired fiancée. After Ataru's heroic feat results in such a disastrous outcome, it is questionable whether luck will ever be on his side.
Titles, propagandas, trailers, and poll under the cut!
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#J2: Girls’ Last Tour (Shoujo Shuumatsu Ryokou)
Above everything else, this is a show about how human life and curiosity will continue to exist even in terrible circumstances. The two main characters are super charming, so following them around is fun, but even beyond that it’s just a gorgeous show. The scenery is often awe-inspiring and beautiful, as is the soundtrack. Despite the show taking place after the end of the world, it can be surprisingly uplifting as the girls (and the audience!) find wonder and joy in the world around them. Definitely a show more people should watch!
Trigger Warnings: There are some flashbacks that depict the war that ended the world, but they are not graphic. Some blood is shown, but not much else. Main characters own guns, though they don’t use them on other people.
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#J7: Urusei Yatsura (2022)
This anime is actually a reboot; the original came out in the 80s. It honestly does the manga justice compared to the 80s anime. I absolutely love the animation, it really does stick to Rumiko Takahashi’s art style. Though the pacing is a bit different, overall it stays true to its manga counterpart. (It’s honestly too bad the series isn’t very popular in the west, it’s a great comedy/harem type show. And the thing is, it’s not your traditional harem where “the basic guy gets all the girls” which makes the show so much more enjoyable.) Everything about this show really captures the essence of the series. It’s able to be funny while still having its more serious moments. I just really love Urusei Yatsura, it’s so good.
Trigger Warnings: The art style is very colorful and could cause eyestrain
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If you’re reblogging and adding your own propaganda, please tag me @best-underrated-anime so that I’ll be sure to see it.
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cult-of-the-eye · 3 days
Tell me your Criminal Minds thoughts! (please if your still gripped by it) <3
oh boy being gripped by it is an understatement
get ready folks
ok so when i first started it i was hesitant cause like i was coming out of a bad time and i was like i need something new to focus on but i'm not sure if this'll make me feel worse or better but i'd heard good things about it and some stuff about people thirsting over a skinny autistic white guy and then i started it and i was GRIPPED ok i should've known it would join my list of hyperfixations cause i'm such a sucker for found family going through horrific things partly cause they're trying to solve things in their own past and this is pretty much exactly that but more on the angst than fluff side
anyway on to the characters my beloved <33333
i am SUCH a slut for this kinda character like renowned kinda eccentric genius forced away from his field after a traumatic event then coming back to that field
and gideon oh man he was so fucking cool i loved that guy
he was literally everyone's dad i just-
the whole elle calling gideon dad storyline made me giggle
i was so sad that he retired but you know what i'm glad cause the poor guy deserved a fucking BREAK
he's just so iconic, like him being spencer's father figure, him screaming bloody murder in that one house to show it was sound proofed or whatever, him telling elle not to call him dad, him sharing the orange with his coworkers, him going beserk over the one child that got kidnapped and literally BUSTING into the kidnapper's house and he's always so gentle with the kids and it's so fucking sweet, him and his little cabin this man deserves so much rest i love him
in my head he is happily fishing in a cabin somewhere
she is so fucking underrated man
she's just so COOL and like she's introduced as like this ambitious smart badass FBI agent but she's also so insanely caring about the female victims
like she acknowledges how difficult it is to be a female in that position and also keep sane having seen all that shit happen to the female victims
i really fell i love with her during one of the earlier episodes where she's talking to a rape victim and she sees that she's uncomfortable and takes her away from the men to give her some space and the opportunity to talk to a woman i just
she's so fucking fierce and loving and i would do ANYTHING for her
my girl did NOTHING wrong
all the shit that went down in the fisher king i will never get over that, like she could've been furious at any of the team and blamed them for what happened to her but she didn't
it's wild to me that the best criminal profilers in the US couldn't see that elle desperately needed help
i will always remember the time she opens up to reid about how she can still feel the guy's fingers inside her bullet wound and i just AH she needed the compassion that she usually provided but she didn't get that and so she broke
i am a fierce defender of elle greenaway i love that woman and i was DEVASTATED when she left i cannot believe we only got 3 seasons of her
(she's also hot)
oh man i have so many thoughts about this man but i can't properly articulate any of them
first of all, smash.
now we've gotten past that, i'm such a sucker for grumpy caretaker characters who barely smiles but when he does it's wonderful and meaningful
he knows his team and it fucking shows i just love this guy so much
i was so sad when hailey divorced him, i thought he was gonna be the one guy with the semi healthy family life but guess not
although i understand why she did, they needed different things than each other
the part that really made me go feral was when he was talking to that one serial killer and he was like some people who were horrifically abused grow up to kill and torture others but others grow up to catch them
i was like OH FUCK that resonates, vowing to never do what was done to you and stop others from ever feeling the same way you did
but then they did nothing with that storyline which was a little disappointing but i did like it
also he's a father
i went into this only knowing about the hype for this guy and boy do i understand it
i am not into men but i would make an exception for this man right here
something about his autistic transmasc puppy dog swag has captivated me
the fact that he is autistic and comfortable letting the mask up a little around these people and!! they still!!! love him!!! it just makes me so fucking happy
like if he can do a job where his skills are seen as insanely useful and it's a part of him that's loveable then maybe i can too!!
he's so cute this skrunkly little white guy i don't really have the words to explain i want to throw him against a wall and then feed him soup
they always put these ones through the most trauma i feel
but we do love to see it
like break pretty boy break!
gorgeous gorgeous girly i love her
she's so funny and confident and sweet and smart and like what even else is there to say she's literally just everything
i LOVE morgan with all my heart
like he's the older brother of the team, his friendship with literally everyone is everything to me
the way he calls reid pretty boy and teases him and his whole platonic soulmate ship with garcia (i don't ship them personally i see them as absolute besties) and his general just charming, funny, likeable demeanour
and then we get hit by the episode where he reveals that he was molested as a kid
i didn't cry but i got extremely close
it's always those ones who have the most devastating backstories
his whole speech about how he was the one who got himself out of chicago, not his abuser, he did that all by himself oh man
that was a punch in the gut.
i love him <3
she is an ICON she is The MOMENT she is EVERYTHING
i fucking love her i would kill for her
her personality seeps into EVERYTHING man she is just so unabashedly herself and it's so fucking wonderful to see
she's quirky and upbeat amongst all the horror and its so fucking refreshing i am so in love with her confidence especially as a mid size person myself
she's so sweet she's literally everyone's best friend her energy is so infectious ahhhhhh love her <3
i saved my fave for last :)
at first i was like she will never replace elle i don't trust her but then she didn't replace elle, she was awesome in her own way
first of all. SMASH. she's so insanely hot i would die for her
her voice, her eyes, her hair, her personality oh my god
she's just so fucking driven and compassionate and has her dry humour that makes me so insane about her
i have no words
she's just everything to me
yeah ok. thanks for asking!!! writing this absolutely cheered me up after a bad day :)
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molqr · 21 days
the psycho nuts for the ask game lalala
YAUY C: i love to think of The Characters!!! X <- ask game link lalala
blorbo - fav character(s) - ouh god how could i not go for sasha and milla. its obviously them. oleander and loboto are great too but ohh those two have permenant residence in my mind. i tend to think about sasha more because he's an off-putting and very autistic green science man but theyre both great. milla makes me want to fall down on my hands and knees thinking about her for too long. no milla your swag is too strong. they'll kill you. they should watch austin powers movies together and smoke a bunt. they come as a set tbh. do not seperate!!
scrunkly - the 'babies', cuteness aggression character - half the games cast are teens/kids and raz is Literally Ten so the baby half of this is answered for!! why are you a child! anyway real answer though? no idea. i hardly see characters as the baby unless its for the bit. i want to comfort the kid versions of the adult characters you see in memory vaults though, does that count? enough horrors, lets go get you guys an oversized lollipop!!!
scrimblo bimblo - underrated/underappreciated fav - i think frazie aquato, raz's older sister, definitely has horrors and things going on and i wouldnt object to seeing her side of things during psychonaut's story. like, shes a psychic too! but she kept it hidden from her family because they hated them! and then thats suddenly flipped on its head and everything she was taught to hate about psychics, and by exstention herself, was just a big contradictory lie?? dude. i'd kill. theres more i could add onto this but the context is some pretty big spoilers so i shall zip my lipz.... i also need to think about cassie o'pia more. the tall bee lady!!! i really like her level in pn2, ive gotta dig my teeth into her story more. also her and compton qpr realness!!!
glup shitto - obscure fav - i cant think of anybody who feels obscure to me tbh! even the campers in psychonauts 1 have their own quick moments. speaking of, i'll probably go for chloe from pn1. shes just a weird alien girl!! sheegor too, she's great. a true obscure one though?
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this thing. god i love the stupid lungfish baby its so stupid. it only shows up for like 5 seconds and its so fucking funny god
poor little meow meow - pathetic fav - i cant think of any favs i have that fall into the controversial category so im going for guys who are just lame. and i think loboto has plenty of those moments, it has to be coach oleander. hes really lame. i think hes just neat. i should rewatch a gameplay of the rhombus of ruin again just for him he has some great moments. sasha, are you holding the talking turtle. we love a short king etc. ...oh and maybe raz's dad just a little bit. nothing wrong with him besides being naturally flawed i just think hes a bit lame in pn2 and thats fun actually. does his wife know if hes single? i mean what. who said that.
horse plinko - character i'd torment for fun - oh theres a guy i have in mind but his entire identity is a spoiler. so, besides him, probably sasha. not because i hate him but rather i just want to throw him at the walls and see what would happen, lovingly. i mean i constantly used raz's psi-powers to attack other characters so i guess i was built for this but definitely sasha. i want to turn him into one of those gooey alien toys and throw him as hard as i can at the ceiling <3
eeby deeby - character i would send to superhell - ford cruller. why did he fucking do that. i'd let him out after a while im sure he'd be fine. also those scary children from the milkman conspiracy level because they were creepyyyy...
ask game complete!!!! thankes for reading, wahoo :3
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destinysbounty · 1 year
Which villain do you like?
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Ooooh i like a lot of villains! Garmadon, Morro, and Harumi are all obvious answers, of course, i mean those are i think the top 3 fandom faves. If i had to rank them id say Harumi is my favorite out of the three, because i find her rawness so compelling. Like, shes what Lloyd couldve become if he hadnt gotten a proper support system, and thinking about how she and Lloyd are such incredible foils for each other makes me wanna start biting things. Shes so messed up and i love that about her. Part of me wants her to get therapy but the rest of me wants to see how much worse she can get.
So i guess, if you forced me to choose just one villain to call my absolute favorite, id say Harumi. But i feel bad about snubbing all the other delightful villains in this show! I gotta hand it to Ninjago, they really know how to craft a dazzling rogues gallery.
As for underappreciated/underrated villains i love:
Nadakhan. He is SO slimy, and he makes me SO uncomfortable, but honestly thats what makes him work as a villain think. Some Ninjago villains are lovable, tragic, or sympathetic, but hes just a horrible person and youre rooting for his downfall the whole time and its awesome. Also - sky pirate genie who becomes a pirate to compensate for how he can only grant other peoples wishes but never his own, deciding to take by force that which he cannot have, is such a great concept. Really his whole characterization, motivation, and general aesthetic are all very solid, and its a shame Skybound ended up as....messy, as it was. Because the season brings up some amazing themes, characters, and plot lines, but doesnt execute them as well as they deserve.
Aspheera. Not a lot of depth to her, but idk i just love her energy. Shes just my silly little war criminal and i find the pettiness between her and wu delightful
The Mechanic. I 100% support the theory that he was one of those background pirates on Captain Soto's ship who made a life for himself in the modern world by working for Chen. Idk im a sucker for characters who are tangentially woven into the plot - hes there, and the ninjas' actions have direct consequences on his life that turn him into a far more personal enemy. Also, i think the Mechanic should be a Pixal villain. Honestly i think she deserves her own personal villain just in general - poor girl deserves a nemesis 😭😭- and i think the Mechanic fits well into that position. Also, him becoming a major antagonist in Prime Empire and Crystalized was such a satisfying payoff imo. Hes rising up the criminal ranks, im so proud of him. My horrible guy, off to torture nindroids. They grow up so fast
Miss Demeanor. Is she really a villain? I dont care, shes wonderful. Shes got a fantastic vibe and design. Also, "blah blah blah - FIREBALL!" lives in my head rent-free. She honestly deserves more love and i will die on that hill. Shes not a main villain but shes the main villain of my heart and thats what matters.
Actually i change my mind, Miss Demeanor should be Pixal's nemesis instead so they can have rivalry tension. Think Detective Conan vs Kaito Kid type of frenemy action here. Also i just??? Think they would play off each other really well? Lego please hire me so i can write a Pixal focus season where she has funky lil nemesis rivalry with Miss Demeanor. I can make it happen. It would be amazing, you know itd be amazing.
Anyway, thanks for the ask!
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felixcosm · 11 months
i love hearing people talk about their underrated faves so for the ask game... 22
It took me a while to come up with something because woe.begone characters are so beloved but I have to settle on CANNONBALL.
CANNONBALL who ran the whole Aliza Schultz blog, kept working for the deranged gay sadist who repeatedly brought him back to life so he could keep sending cryptic messages to players, who came from a dysfunctional family and owned cats and a couch that was older than he is, who is cannonically good at drawing and kept his high school journals around.
Beloved (Chris) Topher Evans who shopped for a circular saw on Craigslist and kept his hostage tied up next to a perfectly functional bed, fed Mikey ramen and chicken nuggets for four months, drugged him, held him up so he could blowtorch his amputated arm stump and has the lung capacity to scream for hours with a sock stuffed in his mouth.
After season four I had such a tough image of him in my mind and then he actually gets voiced later in the show and
he's just
a literal soggy wet muffin someone left on the side of the road. He immediately asks Mikey if he's going to stuff a sock in his mouth (again), matter-of-factly says he would prefer not to have to go through dying again, tears up when he twists his ankle (which probably hurt a lot poor guy) and his last words to Ty were so bitchy I love him.
Poor Topher Evans with his shitty family, circulation issues and messy divorce who is stuck with a sadistic himbo that broke into his house so he could snap pictures of Topher's corpse.
I adore CANNONBALL. Can't wait to see more of him!
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stickers-on-a-laptop · 3 months
Rpm for the fandom ask plsss 🏎🏍🛺
blorbo: the usual. the fanfave himself. mr ZIGGY GROVER!! HONORARY GO-ONGER!!!! -- (favorite character, character I think about the most)
scrunkly: gonna go with gemma i think. EXPLOSIONS!!!1! -- (my “baby”, character that gives me cuteness aggression, character that is So Shaped)
scrimblo bimblo: i think flynn is underappreciated in his own show tbh. meet renn bro i think you two would get along -- (underrated/underappreciated fave)
glup shitto: vasquez!! -- (obscure fave, character that can appear in the background for 0.2 seconds and I won’t shut up about it for a week)
poor little meow meow: i think dr k belongs here more than the other categories -- (“problematic”/unpopular/controversial/otherwise pathetic fave)
horse plinko: we should torment fresno bob more methinks -- (character I would torment for fun, for whatever reason)
eeby deeby: the one bad guy. what's his name i have to go look it up. cool i was right, it's general crunch. why are you so stupid. it drove me insane when his go-onger version is the brains of the operations. -- (character I would send to superhell)
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rysko · 4 months
I want more of your based takes to giggle at so for the fandom ask, Marvel please
My narcissistic ass loves the opportunity to talk about my faves Red, enjoy
This will be an amalgamation of all the 'verses', im not only sticking to the mcu.
blorbo (favorite character, character I think about the most)
Miles Morales! Ever since the first Spiderverse came out i loved him. I genuinely relate(d) to him a lot, and his story and struggles resonated with me a ton. I don't like saying any fictional character 'helped' me, but he really really did.
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scrunkly (my “baby”, character that gives me cuteness aggression, character that is So Shaped)
Listen, i have my own beef with the Loki show (beef, as in, I wanna hunt whoever came up with that idea for sport) but Mobius is like the light at the end of the tunnel, like the tasty chocolate with some shitty toy inside. ITS OWEN WILSON PLAYING A NERVOUS, CUNTY, NERDY AGENT
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scrimblo bimblo (underrated/underappreciated fave)
An awakened AI? Who visits the internet for 5 minutes and decides its time to genocide humanity? Slay. He was also like, really sassy and snarky and you already know i'm a sucker for these kinds of characters,
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glup shitto (obscure fave, character that can appear in the background for 0.2 seconds and I won’t shut up about it for a week)
I WILL NOT SHUT UP ABOUT THIS MAN. I LOVE HIM. I HAVE CONSUMED E V E R Y PIECE OF MEDIA HE'S IN AND I AM STARVING. For all the lore i memorised for him i might as well be hired by marvel to think about this guy
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poor little meow meow (“problematic”/unpopular/controversial/otherwise pathetic fave)
I think we all know who this is gonna be.
My boy, my beloved npd having smartass (its canon because i say so), Tony.
I always was and will be Team Iron Man, RDJ is an icon that played him flawlessly. My man does not deserve the bashing he gets in the fandom nowadays.
Yes, he's selfish, narcissistic, cocky and a privileged ass, but all of it is a win in my book. If people don't like that, GOOD, more for ME.
If it wasn't Tony, then my problematic fave would probably be Redskull.
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horse plinko (character I would torment for fun, for whatever reason)
Loki. There's a reason my favorite scenes with the guy are:
Him getting thrown by his brother in Ragnarok
He's pathetic, he's a loser
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eeby deeby (character I would send to superhell):
Doctor Strange, any iteration of him, be it comics, cartoons or Britishface Cucumberstache. I love him sm, but in a "puts you in a jar and shakes it violently" way. I'd send him there to see what tomfoolery he'd get up to.
i think what these asks do, is show that I'm a sucker for the cocky bastards with flamboyant tendencies
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