#portable exercise bike
evolvefittnessuk · 11 months
Stay Active Anywhere with a Portable Exercise Bike
Maintaining an active lifestyle in today's fast-paced society can be difficult. With a portable exercise bike, on the other hand, you may stay committed to your health goals no matter where you are. These tiny machines provide a simple method to get a workout in at home, the office, or even while traveling. A portable exercise bike keeps you on track with your fitness quest, whether it's a brief cardio session or a steady-paced ride. Evolve Fittness' quality and simplicity will elevate your fitness regimen. Please call us at +44-1254-427840 if you have any questions.
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fitnessmantram · 2 years
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A Foldable and Portable Running Treadmill for Small Spaces
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Consider again if you believe a treadmill is too large for your house. If you have limited room, a foldable treadmill can be a better option than a standard, non-folding one. Foldable treadmills are designed to do just that—fold and store—when not in use. In addition to being practical, several of these treadmills nevertheless provide all the extra features you would anticipate from a non-folding model.
Best Folding Treadmills!
The NordicTrack Commercial 1750 is the major one of the folding running machines. This folding running machine has dual functionality – it has both incline and decline options.
For the serious runner who demands nothing but the best, the 1750 is your gateway to an unparalleled treadmill experience. Engineered with precision and power, this treadmill stands out as a top-tier option that will take your running sessions to new heights.
Horizon 7.4 AT Studio
Designed for fitness enthusiasts who seek performance, comfort, and versatility, the Horizon 7.4 AT Studio Treadmill is your gateway to a dynamic and immersive workout experience. Experience the thrill of a 3.5 Continuous Horsepower (CHP) motor that powers your runs with smooth and reliable precision. The treadmill features a precision-engineered deck that provides a comfortable yet responsive surface for your runs. Enjoy the perfect balance of cushioning and support, ensuring a joint-friendly experience with each stride. This immerse yourself in a world of fitness where cutting-edge technology meets user-friendly design, empowering you to achieve your fitness goals one stride at a time. Elevate your fitness journey with the Horizon 7.4 AT Studio Treadmill – your path to a healthier and more active lifestyle.
Sole F63 Treadmill
The Sole F63 Treadmill is more than just exercise equipment; it's an investment in your health and well-being. With its blend of durability, performance, and user-friendly features, the F63 brings the gym experience directly to your home. Embrace the future of home fitness with the Sole F63 Treadmill – where your fitness journey begins and your goals become achievements. But most of the people are searching the category in sole e20 cross trainer.
Try to checkout the best treadmills for your healthy lives .
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snapthistiger · 8 months
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exercise 011182024
bike ride to the gym
8 x 10 incline sit ups
3 x 10 pec machine
3 x 10 lat raise
3 x 10 low row
45 minute spin class
3 x 10 cable row
3 x 10 cable press
3 x 10 tricep extension
bike ride to my Mom's, then home
the gym workers received mini Reeses and Hershey kisses
my Mom was awake and we visited a little.
top left = overcast sky
bottom = Mardi Gras lights on a house on Pecan Street
2 ladies asked me why i was walking slow around the indoor track. i told them i had just finished spin class but i always seem to walk slower than the people who do mostly walking
raked up gum balls in the back yard
ran my portable generator / probably should have done that before the freezing weather. it ran great so ready for next round of cold weather.
mild weather today so Peanut is spending time outside. not her preference but the weather is turning cold tomorrow and she will be back inside most of the time
i had a dream that i was riding my bicycle and the wheel bearings needed lubrication. i don't remember much else from that dream so kinda different dream.
hope you have a peaceful afternoon and evening..
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demonsfate · 8 months
fill in the below categories with several things that your character can be identified by.  
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ANGER. jin's never been good at experiencing his emotions, but anger is certainly the most prevalent one. it doesn't come ignite like fiery rage like it does with many of his family members, but it does slowly simmer within him until his lid pops off. jin seems to commonly feel anger. and he's unsure if that's because of the devil within him, or his roots.
HATE. perhaps the thing jin feels most second. hatred. hate for his family, hate for the devil within him, hate for who and what he is. although jin wants nothing more than to love people and the world around him, it seems like he gets smothered by those deserving of great hate.
APATHY. as mentioned afore, jin struggles with emotion. therefore, often, he can be seen showing little interest in things around him. his face doesn't emote often save for the intense resting bitch face that he usually wears.
ALIENATED. never quite feeling like he fits in wherever he goes. due to many factors; often being a foreigner outside japan, being seen as a punk inside japan, autism, and the devil gene. jin never feels as if he belongs. even within group of friends, he either worries he'll hurt them due to what he is, or if he brings enough to the table. because of this, and his frequent self - isolation, jin feels alone and alienated from the world.
DETERMINATION. in spite of his depression, suicidal tendencies, and other negative emotions, jin always seems to be driven by determination. he may not have hope for himself, and little hope for his enemies. but he does believe in other people, and he wants to do his best to preserve the good.
SMOKE FROM A WILDFIRE. a fierce fire that had burned down his home. it seemed the embers never quite left his hair.
BODY SPRAY. one that's pretentiously named after some mythological god. think axe or old spice. due to his frequent physical activity, jin uses a body spray for deodorant purposes. usually he picks the scents similar to trees or fruits.
THE MORNING DEW. from somebody who had risen early in the morning to go meditate in his yard deep within the woods...
LEATHER. like the jackets and the seat of his bikes.
GI - PANTS. some martial artists prefer to wear both a top and a bottom, jin prefers to go shirtless and wear gi pants. he finds this makes his movement optimal as clothes can be rather restrictive when he fights.
HOODIES. jin owns many of them. he enjoys their fashion style, how comfortable they are, and the hood itself helps obscure his face should he be placed in a crowd where he doesn't want to be easily spotted.
LEATHER. although he doesn't wear it as often as the devil within him. jin still fancies a cool leather jacket or pants. solely for the aesthetic purposes. however, due to their discomfort to his form, he wears them less than his other wardrobe pieces.
BLACK TEES & TANK TOPS. nothing beats a plain, black shirt.
ARM GAUNTLETS. usually colored red. strangely with steel balls on the back of his hand similar to his father's gauntlets.
PORTABLE GAME SYSTEMS. such as the PSP and nintendo switch. jin has a great interest in playing video games and loves to do so on the scarce free time he's given. because he travels a lot, jin plays portable games most for convenience.
SPORTS BOTTLE. because he's a martial artist and regularly exercises, jin usually has a bottle near him. it's usually filled with a protein drink, gatorade, or plain water.
NEVER KNOWING WHEN TO REST. as stated, jin has little care for himself. therefore, he often pushes himself beyond his limits. jin doesn't know when to quit for his own good. he keeps on going until both his mind and body literally breaks down. this also means he puts himself in danger too often.
DISAPPEARING. or in a way, ghosting. jin will disappear without alerting his friends, or even contacting them later. jin will go months to even years without saying anything to his friends. usually this is because of the drama that surrounds his hectic life. however, it makes remaining friends with jin to be challenging.
SELF - DEPRECATION. because of his own hatred for himself, jin has a bad habit of "joking" about his suicide, or even blatantly speak about how much he dies. this can bring discomfort and great concern to his friends.
PAINFULLY BLUNT. jin will say whatever's on his mind without realizing how it might be hurtful, offensive, or inappropriate to someone.
CROSSING ARMS. if he's annoyed, he'll cross his arms. if he's inquisitive, he'll cross his arms. if he's in thought, he'll cross his arms. jin crosses his arms a lot for various reasons.
SWAYING / ROCKING. something jin does to express that he's content or at peace. usually does this when sitting down. he especially can't help himself when he's listening to music.
STIFF POSTURE. whenever he's uncomfortable, jin's body will go completely stiff, as if turning on his fight or flight mode. it's easy to feel his body do this when hugging or touching him without asking first.
MAKING FISTS. if jin gets too riled up, he'll start clenching his fists. this is due to him associating anger and fighting together.
THE COLOR BLACK. as it's what he often wears, as well as having a rather bleak life.
DEVILS AND ANGELS. represents what he and devil jin are. and the good in his mother, but the bad in his father and how he's their son.
YIN YANG. similar reason for above.
FORESTS / WOODS. especially that of japan's.
90s PLAYSTATION. since, other than the arcades, tekken was once a playstation exclusive, and so jin debuted in arcades and on the first playstation.
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TAGGED BY . . . @hypnoswake ( thnks! this also took me forever haha )
TAGGING . . . @quartarcade @rockstarfighter @teslagravity @thegermanspelunker @ourladyoflight @pcrplelightning @prismpowa @grayfxce @lunarscaled @captainseamech @xiiayous @bravesung @bittcnneck @mechahero
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rainhalydia · 2 months
Murder, tax fraud - take 2
I've posted a bit of this before, but I've retouched the part posted a bit since, so I'm posting what will amount to a first chapter at once here. Just finished writing this silliness literally this minute after MONTHS of nothing, so I'm very happy. Will probably post on Ao3 once I've edited it a bit.
Behold, Minshan and Wangji's modern AU sexcapade:
The Jianghu is located on a three-store building, the front a refined affair of muted colors and understated refinement. The reception area is more four generation law firm than gym. There is not a whiff of sweat in the air or grease stains anywhere. Even with coming here for a year already, Su Minshan is still shocked at… well, everything about it. These days, he makes an effort to hide his awe. He knows better than to show any appreciation for what others take for granted.
Old money does things differently. He has his own gym equipment at home – weights, mats, treadmill, an ergonomic bike when he feels like taking in some fresh air – but as with everything else, coming here is not about exercising. It’s about seeing and being seen. Networking. Casual conversation in the hallways. Someone vaguely remembering your face when you cross paths on an actual business setting, and that faint recognition landing you an advantage, however small. Things that don’t come naturally to Su Minshan, which makes every small step forwards all that more crucial.
A part of him still scoffs at such a thing as an exclusive gym. He would have thought the price would be the only real barrier, an invisible but almost insurmountable deterrent, but the elite can’t have any contact with the riff-raff, not for anything as mundane as cardio or weight training. It took bribing and favors to get an invite here. When it finally arrived, it came in a golden-trimmed scroll, a password written in perfect calligraphy. So expensive Su Minshan almost felt unworthy of touching it.
He knows he is worthy of it all. He has actually worked for all he has, earned his good fortune and success. He deserves it much more than the plethora of heirs and trophy wives here, it’s an objective fact. And yet, he always feels out of place among these people who should be his peers, their silence judgment or indifference weighting on him more than the barbell he’s lifting dutifully.
The feeling increases tenfold the day Lan Wangji walks through the door.
He turns heads as he passes, as it’s to be expected. His face is perfect, even more so than in his teen years, for not even that peerless beauty had escaped a few pimples. He’s filled out too, adolescent lankness replaced by bulging muscle. If the world was fair, Minshan would say Lan Wangji had been through at least a few lipo to attain such a completely sculpted shape. As it is, he can believe he is all natural.
Of course he doesn’t notice Su Minshan. Unlike the nightmare hall monitor, virtuoso musician, star athlete that helped parents shatter the confidence of all Chinese-American kids in school, Su Minshan had been a nobody. He studied hard, got good grades, and tried his best at extracurriculars, but nothing that could grab the attention of Lan Wangki, much less amount to something like a proper rival for him.
Still, something in him burns seeing his old one-sided nemesis walk by, long shiny hair flowing behind him like he carries his own portable, invisible wind-machine for a shampoo ad effect everywhere. It would be less humiliating if he had an actual wind-machine on him. Then Minshan’s own hair, plastered to his nape, wouldn’t be so offensive.
Before he can talk himself out of it, he positions himself next to Lan Wangji and watches, arms crossed, as he goes through a series on the bench press. Three repetitions of forty, three plates each side. No spotter.
He doesn’t wait for Lan Wangji to wipe away the sweat or put away the weights. He barely waits for Lan Wangji to vacate the bench. As soon as the man is up, Su Minshan takes his place.
He can bench six plates just fine, though usually with less repetitions. It doesn’t matter now. He copies Lan Wangji’s series, arms straining under the unfamiliar push on top of having done his own training already, and only stops when he has finished the whole thing.
There’s no helping the self-satisfied smirk on his face when he’s done. Take that, Lan Wangji! You’re not the only strong guy here!
The smirk grows when he sees that Lan Wangji has been watching him, as openly as Su Minshan had done.
With a nod, Lan Wangji goes to the next exercise – the abductor. Of course perfect Lan Wangji doesn’t skip leg day. Then, he looks at Su Minshan, making sure he’s watching, and starts his series.
It’s uncomfortable, this time, to watch Lan Wangji open and close his legs. It’s impossible to not notice the bulge in his groin, perfectly tucked in and yet so big that it cannot be hidden; the movements just draw the eye there! And of course Lan Wangji is not only bigger than Su Minshan, but bigger than most porn stars. That tracks with his life.
Still, Su Minshan watches, flustered and angry about it, until Lan Wangji is done. Then he does the same thing as before: jumps on the machine as soon as it’s vacated, repeats the exercise precisely like Lan Wangji did.
They go on like this through what must be Lan Wangji’s full routine, and then some.
At the final exercise, Su Minshan’s leg betrays him. His calf cramps, contracting painfully, and he falls on his ass instead of completing his squat.
He mutters a curse under his breath as he massages the traitorous muscle. Lan Wangji looms over him, undefeated. Nothing new about that, except for the conceited smirk on his lips. Su Minshan sees it as he looks up and almost forgets to be annoyed: barely there, it’s the most expression he’s ever seen on Lan Wangji’s face.
“Shower,” Lan Wangji commands, looking down on him, and turns around, effectively ending their impromptu competition.
Su Minshan splutters a protest, red-faced on all the wall-length mirrors in the room. He watches as Lan Wangji once again commanders all the attention from every eye as he exits, thankfully leaving Minshan to get up and drag himself around, leg still spasming, with some privacy.
A contrarian part of him wants to refuse to retrace Lan Wangji’s steps. Why should he obey him? Who is he to give Su Minshan orders? But he’s not a kid anymore. He’s not about to go home sweaty, disrupting his day even more, to give a figurative middle finger to someone not even looking his direction to see it anymore.
He gives his back a literal middle finger instead.
When he enters the bathroom, Lan Wangji is sat on a bench close to the lockers, a leg crossed over the opposite knee, arms crossed, a shower kit on his lap. Waiting for something. He doesn’t move when Su Minshan enters, nor does he turn his eyes away as Minshan undresses, uncouth and uncaring about it as always.
Su Minshan shoves his dirty clothes in his bag with haste, slipping quickly into a shower stall, feeling inadequate and judged. Maybe he’s not as chiseled as fucking Lan Wangji, but it’s not like he has anything to be ashamed of. Fuck stupid Lan Wangji.
To add insult to injury, the shower refuses to give him any hot water. He gets a violent lukewarm blast to the face and a gush up his nostrils.
Fuck this stupid shower. Fuck this stupid rich people gym.
He’s still coughing when he hears footsteps approaching. Then the stall door opening. He turns around, alarmed, and almost falls on his ass again when he slips on some leftover soap from somebody’s else shower.
Lan Wangji stops his fall by grabbing his forearm.
Casually, like he hasn’t just invaded another guy’s shower, he closes the door behind him. They stand in the spacious cabin, staring at each other, Lan Wangji’s freakishly long fingers around his arm the only point of contact between them. Lan Wangji makes no move to kick him out of his own shower. So, no, despite being completely naked, he’s not here to steal Minshan’s cubicle in some weird power play. Nor could he have miraculously predicted Minshan snapping his neck and decided to interfere to save the gym staff the clean-up; not even perfect Lan Wangji, the next stage of human evolution, has developed that kind of foresight.
Su Minshan is all out of ideas about what is happening.
It dawns on him all at once, though, when Lan Wangji reaches for his cock.
Su Minshan watches, fascinated, as Lan Wangji generously pumps him to half-mast with a soft palm that’s nonetheless dry as fuck. He’s had his own gym hook-ups, of course. He’s cruised before. Never in a million years he’d have acted like he did if he was trying to seduce someone into his pants. But that’s what passes for flirting on Lan Wangji’s mind.
It soon becomes clear that as mind-blowing as that insight into Lan Wangji’s thought process was, it’s also incomplete. Su Minshan watches with a sense of both amusement and doom as the gears clearly go on turning in Lan Wangji’s brain and translate into astonishing actions. Minshan’s lost their competition, true, and that apparently means a two-minute handjob is all he gets before Lan Wangji clearly grows bored with it. His dick is also, absurdly, half-hard despite no touching yet, despite Minshan’s hands lying flat and disinterested at the side of his body. He finds something about this bizarre bathroom adventure enticing despite all odds. Or perhaps he’s that horny behind his mask of indifference.
The cherry on top, Minshan reflects, is that having won their little dispute, Lan Wangji thinks that has entitled him to top. He abandons the useless pursuit of trying to arouse Su Minshan further and presses on his waist to make him turn around. When he doesn’t turn, he slips his hands behind Minshan to knead at his ass and graze fingertips at his hole. It’s a forceful touch, with much more strength than necessary, and yet Minshan hesitates. He could stop this now with a word. He’s no more inclined to like Lan Wangji than he was before entering the strange parallel universe of this shower stall, but the man is objectively hot. Out of Su Minshan’s league entirely, some would say.
In the end he turns, more out of curiosity than anything else.
Lan Wangji, it must be said, is efficient about it. He’s focused. Once he’s inside, he hones in on Su Minshan’s prostrate like a fucking precision missile. He pistons in and out like a man possessed. Like a sex machine.
Mechanical is the exact word that flows gently into Minshan’s mind as he’s plowed into.
The only hiccup is at the start, when Lan Wangji tries to enter him dry, despite the weapon of mass destruction he carries between his legs. Su Minshan has to turn back with a “hey!” and slather his cock with the gym’s expensive soap before he can damage anything. Aside from that, it’s perhaps the most perfectly choreographed quickie Minshan has ever lived through. Perhaps the most perfectly choreographed quickie in the story of all mankind.
Lan Wangji comes inside without asking, like the rude asshole he is. By then, Minshan has long since flagged. He’s counting the drops of water running down the wall tiles for entertainment when it happens: with a stronger thrust, Lan Wangji flattens his hips against his ass checks, going as deep as humanly possible, and groans on Minshan’s ear.
Orgasm makes him generous again. He’s barely pulled out when he reaches a hand around Minshan again to cup his flaccid cock.
“No need,” Minshan says, batting his hand away as he turns around.
Lan Wangji’s face shifts into smugness again, an unfairly good look on him. He clearly thinks that he’s some sex god that made his partner come untouched. It’s possible that that’s even something that happens to him, Minshan thinks; some people are into being used as a sentient fleshlight, and those kind of freaks would be in heaven with Lan Wangji, human jackhammer.
Su Minshan is willing to accept his own share of guilty in this case. His satisfied smile, fixed on his face despite his best efforts since Lan Wangji’s first thrust, is certainly doing nothing to disabuse the man of that impression.
He keeps smiling, somewhat more subdued, as he showers and dresses himself. He smiles as he nods goodbye to Lan Wangji, as he leaves the gym and walks to his car on the parking lot. He even smiles through a wince when he sits on the leather seat, at the reminder of the earlier act.
Lan Wangji is bad at sex. Perfect, unbeatable Lan Wangji who knows no defeat in any area of life, is terrible at sex.
Su Minshan raises a toast with the long-forgotten bottle in the cup-holder before starting his car. The room temperature tap water tastes like victory.
He glows the rest of the day.
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roshan80 · 3 months
7 Good Habits American Women Are Embracing for a Healthier, Happier Life
In the hustle and bustle of modern life, American women are increasingly seeking ways to nurture their well-being, improve their quality of life, and find balance. Whether you’re a busy professional, a dedicated mom, or somewhere in between, adopting good habits can make a world of difference. Here are seven habits that American women are embracing to lead healthier, happier lives, along with valuable tips and examples from well-known women who exemplify these habits.
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1. Prioritizing Physical Fitness
Tip: Find a workout that you enjoy and can stick with consistently.
Gone are the days when exercise was just about looking good. Today, women are hitting the gym, yoga studio, and the great outdoors to feel good, reduce stress, and boost their overall health. From high-intensity interval training (HIIT) and strength training to more gentle forms of exercise like yoga and pilates, the options are endless. The key is finding something you love, so it doesn’t feel like a chore. Regular physical activity not only helps maintain a healthy weight but also enhances mental clarity and emotional stability.
Example: Serena Williams, a tennis champion, incorporates a mix of cardio, strength training, and flexibility exercises into her routine, demonstrating the importance of a well-rounded fitness regimen.
Staying physically active is crucial for maintaining overall health and well-being. Many American women are incorporating regular exercise into their routines, even with busy schedules. One convenient option is the Himaly Mini Exercise Bike, which can be used under a desk for both arm and leg exercises.
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This portable exerciser is perfect for those who want to stay active while working from home or the office. Its adjustable resistance levels and LCD screen make tracking your progress easy. You can check out this handy device here.
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2. Eating Mindfully
Tip: Practice portion control and avoid distractions while eating to truly enjoy your meals.
In a world filled with fast food and convenience meals, more women are turning to mindful eating. This means savoring each bite, listening to your body’s hunger cues, and choosing nutritious foods that fuel your body. It’s about enjoying a balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains, while still allowing room for the occasional treat. Meal prepping and cooking at home are becoming popular as they offer control over ingredients and portion sizes, ensuring healthier choices.
Example: Michelle Obama, with her "Let's Move!" initiative, has advocated for healthy eating habits and balanced nutrition, emphasizing the importance of fresh, whole foods.
Helpful tool for those looking to maintain a healthy diet is the Momo & Nashi Keto Cheat Sheet Magnets Booklet. This magnetic cheat sheet provides an easy-to-follow food list and meal planning tool, perfect for anyone following a ketogenic diet.
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This guide is perfect for beginners and includes baking recipes and a comprehensive food list to simplify your keto journey. Find out more about this useful tool here.
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3. Getting Enough Sleep
Tip: Establish a consistent bedtime routine and create a sleep-friendly environment.
Sleep is often the first thing sacrificed in a busy schedule, but American women are increasingly recognizing its importance. A good night’s sleep (7-9 hours) is crucial for overall health, impacting everything from mood and cognitive function to weight management and immune health. Creating a bedtime routine, reducing screen time before bed, and ensuring a comfortable sleep environment are some strategies women are using to improve their sleep quality.
Example: Ariana Huffington, co-founder of The Huffington Post, has been a vocal advocate for the importance of sleep, even writing a book, "The Sleep Revolution," to share her insights.
For those seeking a better night's sleep, the Beckham Hotel Collection Bed Pillows are an excellent choice. These down alternative pillows offer superior comfort and support for all sleeping positions, and their gel cooling technology ensures a cool and restful sleep.
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These pillows are hypoallergenic and designed to be resistant to dust mites, mold, and mildew, making them a perfect addition to your bedroom. Learn more about these highly-rated pillows [here]
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4. Staying Hydrated
Tip: Carry a reusable water bottle and set reminders to drink water throughout the day.
Water is essential for life, yet it’s easy to forget to drink enough of it. Staying hydrated supports every system in the body, from skin health to digestion and energy levels. Many women are now carrying reusable water bottles, setting hydration goals, and infusing their water with fruits and herbs to make it more enjoyable. Adequate hydration can lead to clearer skin, better digestion, and enhanced overall vitality.
Example: Jennifer Aniston credits her glowing skin and overall well-being to staying well-hydrated, often mentioning the importance of drinking water throughout the day.
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5. Skincare as Self-Care
Tip: Use sunscreen daily and choose products that suit your skin type.
Skincare routines have evolved from basic cleansing to elaborate rituals that serve as a form of self-care. Women are investing time in understanding their skin types and needs, using products that protect and nourish their skin. This includes daily sunscreen application, moisturizing, and using serums that target specific concerns like aging or acne. Beyond the physical benefits, taking time for a skincare routine can be a moment of relaxation and self-love in a hectic day.
Example: Rihanna, through her Fenty Beauty and Fenty Skin lines, emphasizes the importance of skincare and self-care, encouraging women to embrace their natural beauty.
Lastly, to achieve an even skin tone, many women are turning to the Beautzilla Moisturizing Intimate Area Dark Spot Corrector. This product offers instant results for knees, elbows, underarms, and thighs.
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This corrector is perfect for reducing dark spots and achieving smooth, even skin. Find out more about this effective product here.
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6. Focusing on Mental Health
Tip: Incorporate mindfulness practices into your daily routine, such as meditation or journaling.
Mental health is finally getting the attention it deserves. American women are prioritizing their mental well-being by engaging in activities that reduce stress and promote happiness. This can include practicing mindfulness and meditation, journaling, or seeking therapy. Breaking the stigma around mental health, women are more open to discussing their struggles and seeking help when needed. Building a strong support system of friends and family is also crucial in maintaining mental health.
Example: Oprah Winfrey has long been a proponent of mental health, advocating for meditation and mindfulness practices to maintain emotional balance and well-being.
For a comfortable and functional workout, the IUGA High Waist Yoga Pants with Pockets are a fantastic choice. These leggings provide tummy control and come with pockets for your essentials.
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These high-waisted leggings offer a four-way stretch for maximum flexibility and comfort. Perfect for yoga, running, or any workout routine. Learn more about these versatile leggings here.
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7. Continuous Learning and Personal Growth
Tip: Set aside time each week for personal development activities, such as reading or taking a course.
Personal growth and continuous learning are empowering habits that many women are adopting. Whether it’s reading books, taking online courses, or learning new skills, the pursuit of knowledge keeps the mind sharp and opens new opportunities. Engaging in hobbies and passions outside of work also adds a fulfilling dimension to life, helping women to grow personally and professionally.
Example: Malala Yousafzai, a Nobel Prize laureate, exemplifies the power of continuous learning and education, advocating for girls' education worldwide and pursuing her studies alongside her activism.
Adopting these seven habits can lead to a more balanced, fulfilling life. It’s not about perfection but about making small, consistent changes that improve overall well-being. By prioritizing physical fitness, mindful eating, adequate sleep, hydration, skincare, mental health, and continuous learning, American women are paving the way for a healthier, happier future. So why not take a step today to incorporate one of these habits into your routine? Your future self will thank you!
by; Roshan
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fitnesslife · 11 months
Effective Weight Loss Exercises: Achieving Your Ideal Body
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Are you on a journey to shed those extra pounds and achieve a healthier, more confident you? If so, you're not alone. Weight loss is a common goal for many, and the key to success often lies in combining a balanced diet with regular exercise. In this blog post, we'll explore a range of effective weight-loss exercises that can help you on your path to a fitter and healthier lifestyle. These exercises are not only great for shedding those extra pounds but also for boosting your overall fitness and well-being.
Cardiovascular Exercises
Cardiovascular exercises, also known as cardio or aerobic exercises, are fantastic for burning calories and aiding in weight loss. Here are some effective options:
1. Running
Whether you prefer jogging in your neighborhood or hitting the treadmill, running is a high-impact exercise that torches calories.
2. Cycling
Biking is a low-impact exercise that's gentle on your joints and can help you burn calories both outdoors and indoors on a stationary bike.
3. Swimming
Swimming is a full-body workout that is easy on the joints and helps you burn calories while improving your cardiovascular health.
4. Jumping rope
This simple exercise is excellent for getting your heart rate up and burning calories. Plus, it can be done virtually anywhere.
Strength Training
Building muscle through strength training is crucial for weight loss. Muscle tissue burns more calories at rest, so increasing your muscle mass can help you burn more calories throughout the day. Try these strength training exercises:
1. Bodyweight Exercises
Push-ups, squats, and lunges are excellent bodyweight exercises that can help build muscle and tone your body.
2. Weightlifting
Incorporating weightlifting into your routine, whether with dumbbells or barbells, can help you increase muscle mass and boost your metabolism.
3. Resistance Bands
These portable and versatile bands can be used for resistance training to target various muscle groups.
High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT)
HIIT workouts involve short bursts of intense exercise followed by brief periods of rest or lower-intensity activity. HIIT is known for its efficiency in burning calories and increasing metabolism. You can create a personalized HIIT routine by combining exercises like burpees, mountain climbers, and high knees.
Yoga and Pilates
Both yoga and Pilates offer unique benefits for weight loss. They improve flexibility, balance, and mental well-being, helping to reduce stress and emotional eating. These exercises can be a great addition to your weight-loss plan.
Group fitness classes
Group fitness classes, like spinning, Zumba, or boot camp classes, can make exercising fun and motivational. They often incorporate a mix of cardio, strength training, and social interaction, making it easier to stick to a regular exercise routine.
To achieve effective and sustainable weight loss, it's important to combine a variety of exercises that you enjoy with a balanced diet. Remember that consistency is key, and it's essential to consult a healthcare professional before starting any new exercise regimen, especially if you have any underlying health conditions. By incorporating these weight-loss exercises into your routine and maintaining a healthy diet, you'll be well on your way to achieving your weight-loss goals and living a healthier, happier life.
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aovoebikeman · 4 months
Why You Should Buy the Bogist Mini V2 Electric Bike 🚴‍♂️⚡ If you're looking for a reliable and versatile electric bike, the Bogist Mini V2 is a fantastic choice. Here’s why it’s worth the investment:
Smooth and Speedy 🏎️💨 With a 350W motor, the Bogist Mini V2 offers smooth rides and speeds up to 15.5 mph. It’s perfect for zipping through the city or enjoying leisurely rides.
Super Portable 🚗🛴 The foldable design makes it incredibly easy to carry and store. It fits in car trunks, under desks, or even in a closet, making it great for tight spaces or public transport.
Long-Lasting Battery 🔋🔌 The 36V 7.5Ah removable battery is a major advantage. You can easily charge it separately, and it provides ample power for extended rides.
Lightweight and Easy 🎒✨ This ultra-light bike is easy to handle, making it suitable for riders of all ages and fitness levels. You’ll find it effortless to maneuver and a joy to ride.
Versatile 🌟🛤️ Whether you’re commuting, cruising around on weekends, or looking to stay active, the Bogist Mini V2 adapts to all your riding needs.
Addressing Common Doubts 🤔✅ Will it be powerful enough? Yes, the 350W motor delivers plenty of power for everyday use, exceeding expectations.
Is it durable? Absolutely. The build quality is impressive, ensuring it handles daily wear and tear with ease.
What about the battery life? The battery life is excellent, and the removable design means you can charge it anywhere, adding to its convenience.
Conclusion 🎉🚲 The Bogist Mini V2 is a top-notch, foldable, and powerful e-bike that’s perfect for commuting, leisure, or exercise. It’s a smart investment for anyone looking to enhance their riding experience. Now available at aovostore.com – grab yours today and save 10 EUR with Code: ST10!
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shamelesslymkp · 10 months
weird post, but I promise I haven't been hacked or whatever
(I mean. as far as I know.)
I've been thinking lately about all the things I or friends or family found that cost a bit of money but have legitimately made tangible differences in my quality of life, and how I always want to recommend them to people, and then I thought about how it's the xian holiday season and people are buying things for each other and making wish lists, so this just sort of seemed like a good excuse!
MKP'S List of Literally Life-Improving Things That Can Be Bought
Flare Calmer earbuds - these are astonishingly life changing if you're sensitive to certain types of noise; it doesn't dampen overall volume of sounds but specifically targets certain frequencies that are the most painful for people, like the sound of nails on a chalkboard, or a buzzing overhead light. you still hear them, but they're somehow magically not as bad? I don't understand how it works but I know it does - I can use the vacuum with these in, instead of having the immediate urge to cover my ears.
Flare earshades - their catchphrase is something about turning down the volume on your life and like. that's literally what it does - it doesn't block as much sound as actual earplugs (which they also sell), it just lightens it a little. for reference, I wore mine during my brother's graduation, where a pipe organ was playing in a not huge chapel, so loudly I thought they couldn't possibly be doing anything, as I could hear everyone talking clearly and normally, but then I took them off and no yeah they were doing some major heavy lifting there
Capeables weighted cape - it's a weighted blanket that you wear! they have a whole bunch of other weighted products but this one was ideal for me
Brita Rapidstream filter-as-you-pour water pitcher - so Kate kept hearing me complaining about periodically not really drinking water because my brita filter tank would be out of filtered water and it would take me forever to refill it, and she pointed me in the direction of this thing, which - full disclosure, I still sometimes get in a cycle of not drinking water because the sink's too full to fill the pitcher, but it's a lot better - allows me to fill the pitcher at the same time I use it to drink water, so it's done a lot to keep me hydrated
Revlon Hair Dryer Brush - YMMV here, depending on hair type. I have very thick but very fine hair, which hairdressers and my mother assure me they'd kill for, but is also an incredible pain in many ways. I am ... not precisely coordinated, and I have a lot of trouble drying my hair with a normal hairdryer - it takes forever, so my arms start to hurt, and I usually hit myself in the head with the thing at least once, and it's just kind of a long embarrassing ordeal, ok? so I don't do it. THIS hairdryer is also a brush, and can get my hair almost completely dry (and looking great!) in under ten minutes. It also detangles super tangled hair with very little pain and hair-breakage? I guess because of the bristles? so there's that too!
Deskcycle - a... bicycle for your desk?? yeah, that's all I got in terms of funny description here; it's literally a little pedaling machine you can put under your desk or in front of your couch or wherever and use as an exercise bike, without the full uncomfortable bike seat or anything like that. (OK this one only works if you actually use it, so like. this is only intermittently life-improving)
Warmies Microwavable Stuffed Animals - smol friend! heavy from lavender-scented flaxseed filling! can be warmed up in microwave or cooled down in freezer! also available in long friend style, which can wrap around your neck!
BeKool Migraine Gel Cooling Sheets (& Roll-On!) - these are not as good as a full-on headache hat or even most ice packs, but they are incredibly portable, DO stick in place somewhat (if upright and doing things, I recommend using a cloth headband on top to keep it in place - if you're lying down you'll probably be fine), and last a surprisingly long time! it's not actual cold, just the cooling sensation, and you may need to remove it briefly intermittently to continue getting relief from it. the roll-on is cool, because you can target specific places (the strip is kinda.. limited in that respect), but be careful about using it on your temples because you can easily accidentally get close enough to your eyes to make them start watering from the menthol effect!
Shower chair - if you get dizzy in the shower! if you have migraines or cramps and use long hot showers to deal with them! if you sometimes can't sleep and take a hot shower in the middle of the night but are so tired you find yourself wobbling! then a shower chair might be right for you!
Weighted blanket(s) - there's a lot of mass-produced ones on the market now, at reasonable prices and with reasonable quality, but I have to shout out to mozaic weighted blankets specifically for being the source of my first and dearest weighted blanket, handmade to my directions. (note: in general, getting a weighted blanket cover is a good idea and will prolong the life of your weighted blanket, but if you DON'T use a cover, you can often get a secondary benefit of a cooling effect from the blanket itself! the heavier the blanket, the more effective this is - it has to do with the volume of weighted beads or pellets and how long it takes them to warm through from your body heat.) (I think.)
Migraine glasses lenses - what calmer earbuds do for your ears, these do for your eyes! (note: Zenni optical now offers ROSE TINTED migraine glasses as well as YELLOW TINTED anti-bluelight glasses)
Hammock and/or Hammock Chair - this one really depends a lot on your sensory needs but they provide some of the Best Sensory Input possible for me. I have this lightweight convertible hammock/hammock-chair stand which I adore. [amazon link, with apologies]
Headache Hat - an icepack that you wear! there are many different versions out there, with variations on how/where the cold is applied to your skull; since I like having cold on the top of my head and not just around the sides, I usually get the FOMI brand - more specifically, I like to get the one with neck coverage, because I flip the neck part up to layer on top of the head part and it makes the hat as a whole stay colder longer. [amazon link, with apologies]
10 ft+ Charging Cords - look, they seem silly when you look at them, why would you get a ten foot charging cable, but once you've used them you'll never want to go back, you can charge your phone from your bed, from your desk, in your indoor hammock, wherever, it really does just cut down on the nuisance of it all
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evolvefittnessuk · 10 months
A small exercise bike is an excellent addition to your home gym, giving you a comfortable way to stay active. By carefully considering factors such as size, resistance levels, comfort, monitoring features, durability, and budget, you can choose the perfect small exercise bike that suits your needs and helps you achieve your fitness goals.
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anaxenxelxmachen · 1 year
I can't wait until I reach my milestones! I'm doing rad stuff for myself like my smaller milestones are going to obviously be small stuff like getting cases of coke zero cherry and poppi, actually investing in a good sleeping mask and ear plugs so I can get fucking sleep, buuuuuut I also have binders on my list, I can't wait to start having no titties 🙌 I also am going to get a replacement for my mini portable exercise bike that's really just peddles that I broke (you know those small ones that are used for at-home PT) maybe once I reach like 20 or 30 lbs lost and a walking pad for when I get under 200 lbs, all exciting, but i can't wait until i get those binders im sick of having titties. I'll also have books to add to my Kindle too, maybe I'll get my nails or hair done for under 200 lbs milestones 🥰
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annwynisland · 1 year
Furniture Catalogue
Item names spelled in US English. Ctrl+F (find keyword) recommended. I can customize with Cyrus if specific color variant(s) desired.
ACNH Nintendo Switch
Alto saxophone
Analog kitchen scale
Anthurium plant
Antique bureau
Antique chair
Antique clock
Antique console table
Antique mini table
Antique wardrobe
Arcade seat
Artsy table
Baby panda
Basic teacher's desk
Beach ball
Beach chairs with parasol
Beach towel
Board game
Book stands
Bottled beverage
Box corner sofa
Box sofa
Broom and dustpan
Bunk bed
Campfire cookware
Camping cot
Candle chandelier
Cardboard box
Casablanca lilies
Cassette player
Cat grass
Champion's pennant
Changing room
Checkout counter
Clothes closet
Clothesline pole
Coffee beans
Coffee cup
Coffee grinder
Coffee plant
Colorful juice
Cooking tools
Cool sofa
Corner clothing rack
Counter table
Covered wagon
Crane game
Creepy skeleton
Cruiser bike
Cuckoo clock
Cup with saucer
Cute chair
Cute DIY table
Cute sofa
Cute wall-mounted clock
Cute wardrobe
Cypress bathtub
Cypress plant
Decorative bottles
Deep fryer
Desk mirror
Dessert carrier
Diner counter chair
Diner counter table
Diner dining table
Diner neon clock
Dinosaur toy
Director's chair
Dish-drying rack
Display stand
Document stack
Double-door refrigerator
Double-edged sword
Double Gloucester cheese
Double sofa
Dreamy bed
Dreamy rabbit toy
Dreamy wall rack
Dual hanging monitors
Elephant slide
Enamel lamp
Evergreen ash
Exam table
Exercise bike
Exit sign
Fancy violin
Fax machine
Festival zongzi
Floating-biotope planter
Floor light
Floor seat
Fluorescent light
Folding floor lamp
Fortune-telling set
Froggy chair
Garden faucet
Garden gnome
Garden lantern
Gas range
Glass jar
Hanging cube light
Hearty ramen
High-end stereo
Homework set
Iced coffee
Imperial bed
Imperial chest
Imperial decorative shelves
Imperial dining chair
Imperial dining lantern
Imperial low table
Imperial partition
Ironing board
Ironing set
Judge's bell
Karaoke machine
Kids' tent
Kimono stand
Kitchen counter
Knife block
Lab-experiments set
Large covered round table
Large magazine rack
Lily-pad table
Long bathtub
Magnetic knife rack
Metal can
Metal pot
Meter and pipes
Mini circuit
Mining car
Modern cash register
Modern office chair
Moroccan lights
Moss ball
Mounted blue marlin
Mr. Flamingo
Mrs. Flamingo
Oil barrel
Oil lamp
Outdoor air conditioner
Outdoor bench
Outdoor folding chair
Owl clock
Painting set
Papa panda
Paper-chain ceiling garland
Paper lantern
Paper tiger
Patchwork bed
Patchwork sofa chair
Pendulum clock
Pet food bowl
Pinball machine
Pine tree
Plasma ball
Plastic canister
Pop-up book
Pop-up toaster
Popcorn machine
Porcelain vase
Portable radio
Pot rack
Potted starter plants
Premium nigirizushi
Pro coffee grinder
Puppy plushie
Rattan armchair
Rattan end table
Rattan low table
Rattan stool
Rattan table lamp
Rattan vanity
Rattan wardrobe
Retro fan
Retro stereo
Rice cooker
Rock guitar
Rocket lamp
Rotary phone
Round light fixture
Round pillow
Round space heater
Salad bar
Sandwich plate meal
School chair
School desk
Serving cart
Set of stockings
Sewing machine
Sewing project
Shaded floor lamp
Shaded pendant lamp
Ship-wheel door decoration
Shopping bag
Short file cabinet
Shoyu ramen
Silver confetti blower
Silver mic
Simple kettle
Simple panel
Simple shaded lamp
Simple table
Simple wall shelf
SLR camera
Small mannequin
Small vase
Soft-serve lamp
Spaceship control panel
Spinning wheel
Square bathtub
Standing toilet
Strapped books
Studio spotlight
Study carrel
Study chair
Study desk
Study sewing box
Super-premium nigirizushi
Surichwi tteok
Table lamp
Table with cloth
Tabletop record player
Tangled cords
Tape deck
Tea set
Thank-you Mom mug
Throwback container
Throwback dino screen
Throwback gothic mirror
Throwback hat table
Throwback rocket
Throwback skull radio
Tin bucket
Tin robot
Tissue box
Titan arum
Tool shelf
Toy box
Traditional tea set
Train set
Transit seat
Upright speaker
Utility sink
Vacuum cleaner
Velvet stool
Vertical banner
Wall-mounted candle
Wall-mounted LED display
Wall-mounted phone
Wall-mounted TV (50 in.)
Water cooler
Weight bench
Winnowing machine
Wood-burning stove
Wooden pendant light
World map
Yule log
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roxygenstudiesagain · 2 years
100 days of productivity (1/100) 12/7/22
I don’t intend to make this a daily record, mostly milestones n notable days. I woke up a lil later than I planned but I think I needed the lie-in to deal with all the moments I had to be patient today. I deffo feel like something new is starting, not just coz the semester and year is ending. Just a lot of cool resources falling into my lap and I appreciate it so much!
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Today’s highlights
Was driven to campus, had to do my tuberculosis screening. My blister blew up lol. Friday and all this packet hustling for my new gig will be over. At least my boss likes me!
After months of feral avoidance I finally signed up with a new primary care provider! I hope my symptoms didn’t get too unsolvable in the time this took
Stood up for my name and bronouns even though I was nervous. Telling people I’m a boy called Roxy is hard, especially when they’re expecting a girl. I played it cool and grateful and the receptionist actually did a really amazing job handling it. I might ask for her details so I can commend her to her boss
Did a delivery gig that was over 20 usd, did the pickup, got food paid for by my college for me and my wife
Returned one of my portable WiFi hotspots and renewed another And got a 6 month Chromebook loan from the library (will have to tiktok it later). It’s like untouched. So fast. Writing is going to be a breeze.
Created a gif for one of my assignments at college (graphics) and commented on the sharing forum, reviewed all homework to do till the semester ends.
Got my grade back for my screenwriting class! Treatment got 23/25!! I’m happy I’ll take it :)
Sent a message to my professor about the spec script I’m thinking of doing and she approves of it and my potential entry into a very cool workshop ;^) watch this space
Things I gotta do soon:
Participate in screenwriting class at least a lil tomorrow
Get back into regular exercise (bike and ringfit. Hit 100 sessions a couple weeks back)
Keep up doing ukulele practice (I’ve actually been weirdly motivated as of recent)
Diet overhaul, talk with nutritionist about making something that will help me thrive
Book all my medical investigations, especially sleep study/pcos/plantar fasciitis resolutions. Maybe even scoliosis…. Now I have something nearby I can bug about stuff that I’ve ignored for years esp dental
Get into the swing of storyboards for my friends game
Get back into yoga
Establish a routine of communication w my family
Get on top of bills and cards
Pay off visa n sort citizenship
Work till the new semester starts, keep applying for animation gigs, grow LinkedIn and online platforms, folio fixes
Get back into publishing comic pages
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rainhalydia · 5 months
Murder, tax fraud
I've done a fanfic poll a while ago, and I'm proud to say I've written words about it ever since! Less than 1k, but still, I'm pretty happy with myself, considering the ickness I've been feeling about my writing :D Here's what I got so far:
The Jianghu is located on a three-store building, the front a refined affair of muted colors and understated refinement. The reception area is more four generation law firm than gym. There is not a whiff of sweat in the air or grease stains anywhere. Even with coming here for a year already, Su Minshan is still shocked at… well, everything about it. These days, he makes an effort to hide his awe. He knows better than to show any appreciation for what others take for granted.
Old money does things differently. He has his own gym equipment at home – weights, mats, treadmill, an ergonomic bike when he feels like taking in some fresh air – but as with everything else, coming here is not about exercising. It’s about seeing and being seen. Networking. Someone vaguely remembering your face when you cross paths on an actual business setting, and that faint recognition landing you an actual advantage. Things that don’t come naturally to Su Minshan, which makes every small step forwards all that more crucial.
A part of him still scoffs at such a thing as an exclusive gym. He would have thought the price would be the only real barrier, an invisible but almost insurmountable one, but the elite can’t have any contact with the riff-raff, not for anything as mundane as cardio or weight training. It took bribing and favors to get an invite here. When it finally arrived, it came in a golden-trimmed scroll, the password written in perfect calligraphy. So expensive Su Minshan almost felt unworthy of touching it.
He knows he is worthy of it all. He has actually worked for all he has, earned his good fortune and success. He deserves it much more than the plethora of heirs and trophy wives here, it’s an objective fact. And yet, he always feels out of place among these people who should be his peers, their silence judgment or indifference weighting on him more than the barbell he’s lifting dutifully.
The feeling increases tenfold the day Lan Wangji walks through the door.
He turns heads as he passes, as it’s to be expected. His face is perfect, even more so than in his teen years, for not even that peerless beauty had escaped a few pimples. He’s filled out too, adolescent lankness replaced by bulging muscle. If the world was fair, Minshan would say Lan Wangji had been through at least a few lipo to attain such a completely sculpted shape. As it is, he can believe he is all natural.
Of course he doesn’t notice Su Minshan. Unlike the nightmare hall monitor, virtuoso musician, star athlete that helped parents shatter the confidence of all Chinese-American kids in school, Su Minshan had been a nobody. He studied hard, got good grades, and tried his best at extracurriculars, but nothing that could grab the attention, much less amount to something like a proper rival, of Lan Wangji.
Still, something in him burns seeing his old one-sided nemesis walk by, long shiny hair flowing behind him like he carries his own portable, invisible wind-machine for a shampoo ad effect everywhere. It would be less humiliating if he had an actual wind-machine on him. Then Minshan’s own hair, plastered to his nape, wouldn’t be so offensive.
Before he can talk himself out of it, he positions himself next to Lan Wangji and watches, arms crossed, as he goes through a series on the bench press. Three repetitions of twenty, three plates. No spotter.
He doesn’t wait for Lan Wangji to wipe away the sweat or put away the weights. He barely waits for Lan Wangji to vacate the bench. As soon as the man is up, Su Minshan takes his place.
He can bench three plates just fine, though usually with less repetitions. It doesn’t matter now. He copies Lan Wangji’s series, arms straining under the unfamiliar push on top of having done his own training already, and only stops when has finished the whole thing.
There’s no helping the self-satisfied smirk on his face when he’s done. Take that, Lan Wangji! You’re not the only strong guy here!
The smirk grows when he sees that Lan Wangji has been watching him, as shamelessly as Su Minshan had done.
With a nod, Lan Wangji goes to the next exercise – the abductor. Of course perfect Lan Wangji doesn’t skip leg day. Then, he actually looks at Su Minshan, makes sure he’s watching, and starts his series.
It’s uncomfortable, this time, to watch Lan Wangji open and close his legs. It’s impossible to not notice the bulge in his groin, perfectly tucked in and yet so big that it cannot be hidden; the movements just draw the eye there! And of course Lan Wangji is not only bigger than Su Minshan, but bigger than most porn stars. That tracks with his life.
Still, Su Minshan watches, flustered and angry about it, until Lan Wangji is done with his series. Then he does the same thing as before: jumps on the machine as soon as it’s vacated, repeat the exercise precisely like Lan Wangji did.
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tex-yunus · 5 days
What is Fitness Equipments
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Understanding Fitness Equipment: A Comprehensive Guide for Health Enthusiasts
In today’s health-conscious world, fitness equipment has become an integral part of many people's daily routines. Whether you're working out in a gym, at home, or outdoors, using the right fitness equipment can significantly enhance your physical performance, help you reach your goals faster, and keep your body healthy.
But what exactly is fitness equipment, and how do you choose the right tools for your fitness journey?
What is Fitness Equipment?
Fitness equipment refers to any apparatus, machine, or tool used to perform physical exercises. The main goal of this equipment is to improve strength, flexibility, endurance, and overall physical fitness. The variety of fitness equipment is vast and can be categorized into several types based on their function and purpose.
Types of Fitness Equipment
Cardiovascular (Cardio) Equipment Cardio equipment focuses on improving the health of your heart and lungs, boosting stamina, and burning calories.
Treadmills: Perfect for indoor running or walking with adjustable speeds and inclines.
Elliptical machines: Provide a full-body workout with low impact on joints.
Stationary bikes: Ideal for those looking to improve cardiovascular health without putting stress on knees and hips.
Rowing machines: A full-body cardio workout, focusing on upper and lower body strength.
Strength Training Equipment This equipment helps in building muscle mass, improving strength, and toning the body.
Dumbbells and barbells: Free weights that are versatile and can be used for a variety of exercises.
Resistance bands: Portable and cost-effective, these bands help increase strength without the need for heavy equipment.
Weight machines: Found in most gyms, these machines target specific muscles using a guided path for added safety.
Kettlebells: Great for dynamic, whole-body workouts that improve strength and endurance.
Flexibility and Balance Equipment For a well-rounded fitness routine, flexibility and balance are just as important as strength and endurance.
Yoga mats: Provide comfort and support for floor exercises, yoga, or Pilates.
Stability balls: Enhance core strength and balance through various exercises.
Foam rollers: Used for self-massage and improving muscle recovery by reducing tension.
Functional Training Equipment Functional fitness equipment is designed to improve everyday movements and overall functional strength.
TRX suspension trainers: Use body weight and gravity to build strength, balance, and core stability.
Medicine balls: Great for dynamic workouts that involve explosive movements.
Battle ropes: Engage the entire body, improving cardiovascular endurance and strength simultaneously.
Choosing the Right Fitness Equipment
Selecting the right fitness equipment depends on several factors, including your fitness goals, available space, budget, and personal preferences. Here are a few tips to help you choose the best options:
Define Your Goals: If your focus is on improving cardiovascular health, cardio machines like treadmills or bikes are ideal. If you're aiming to build muscle, strength equipment like dumbbells or weight machines would be better suited.
Consider Space: For home workouts, space can be a limiting factor. Compact options such as resistance bands, dumbbells, or foldable machines are great choices.
Budget: Fitness equipment ranges from affordable to high-end. While some tools like resistance bands or dumbbells are cost-effective, machines like treadmills or ellipticals can be more expensive investments.
Try Before You Buy: If possible, test equipment at a gym or store to ensure it fits your needs and comfort level.
The Benefits of Fitness Equipment
Using the right fitness equipment provides numerous benefits:
Improved physical health: Regular use of fitness equipment can strengthen muscles, improve cardiovascular health, and increase endurance.
Convenience: With the right equipment at home, you can exercise whenever it fits your schedule.
Variety: Mixing different types of equipment into your routine keeps workouts fun and engaging, preventing boredom and burnout.
Fitness equipment plays a crucial role in helping individuals achieve their health and wellness goals. By understanding the different types of equipment and choosing the right tools based on personal needs, fitness enthusiasts can create effective workout routines that lead to long-term success. Whether you're working out at home or hitting the gym, the right fitness equipment will enhance your training and help you stay on track to a healthier, fitter life.
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