#portland engagement
savelockwoodandco · 1 year
Hello Everyone!
Tomorrow begins the watch party! Here are the dates and times!! (Personally though we'll probably just put it on for the whole day each day!)
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Also!!! If you haven't heard! Disney+ has a live chat option that many people are using to speak with Disney+ requesting they pick up the show! You don't have to have a Disney+ account and they are extremely polite and friendly!
The live chat team has mentioned that they've been getting a lot of requests for the show! So it might be worth heading to Disney+ and politely asking them to add Lockwood and Co to the lineup!
To do so I googled Disney+ live chat, then in the live chat option I clicked on feedback and waited to speak with someone!
Here's a screen cap of one conversation!
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They were very nice to us as well!!
Also the petition has almost hit 15,000 signatures!! It's about 100 away at this point!
Remember once again it's a marathon not a sprint and all of you have been amazing!!! Make sure to give yourself a pat on the back and I hope you all know how much you've already done!!!
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mister13eyond · 4 months
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mylittleredgirl · 2 years
in order to contribute to a conversation i just tried to figure out what i was doing 10 years ago, and apparently what i was doing was making a dress out of the oregon ballot measures booklet so i could go to work dressed up as a patriotic cheerleader with glow-stick batons to remind people to vote
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needles-and-witches · 8 months
I'm just gonna leave a song here that reminds me of Locknation and how we're NOT giving up fighting for the show. Notably the line "It's our world and we will fight, We won't let them win tonight", but really the whole thing. Portland Row is our home and we won't let them take our home!
So let's show Netflix we won't let them win and we WILL fight for our world of Lockwood & Co.
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unloneliest · 1 year
at the point of really needing to get off my adderall and maybe get on ritalin instead bc on the lowest possible adderall doses i still can't sleep for shit it's 2 in the morning and i took my med at 8 am. but i'm uninsured rn and also moving states. hell
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brewscoop · 4 months
Experience the spirit of Portland through the lens of soccer and suds! 🍻⚽ Discover how the Portland Timbers craft beer partnership is creating a vibrant matchday experience and celebrating the community. Dive into the fusion of local breweries and passionate fandom that's changing the game. This is more than just soccer; it's about uniting people with every goal and every sip. #PortlandTimbers #CraftBeerLove
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kiranherbert · 9 months
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A Take On Adaptive Bike Share, Part 3: Portland, OR
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twunkzilla · 1 year
tumblriñas: ugh I'm so sick of this tenderqueer t4t shit it's so overdone 🙄🙄🙄 trans people aren't safer you're not better than me for being t4t find something else to write your poetry about
normiepilled east coast grindr tboys: oh you're trans? sorry I'm not into t4t, female bodies just don't do it for me! I just don't see how you'd be able to satisfy me without cock. no offense you're just too feminine :/
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mechaknight-98 · 4 months
A Train to Busan (NSFW) FT Chaehyun
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Author note: So I remember reading a prompt somewhere about 3 Busty Busan Beauties and this was the first that came to mind probably going to make this a mini-series so stay tuned for more. Shoutout to @leafostuff for the idea
Part II
I grab my ticket to ride the train. I loved trains ever since I was a kid and the super train on Lightspeed Rescue flew into the skies I knew I was hooked (iykyk) so I made a point of taking every “famous train” in the world today trip. A train to Busan Korea. As per usual I get weird looks and glares due to my stature and appearance.
I sit down in my seat enthusiastic and ready to begin the ride. As the train fills up the three seats around me are taken by 3 pretty ladies. In front of me was a Pretty blonde who radiated a happy energy that was almost suffocating, diagonal left a pretty brunette with a smile that curved into a half moon, and directly to the left of me was a smaller brunette with a determined look. They all politely greet me and I reciprocate of course. Their names are Jeewon (in front of me), Hayoung (diagonal Left), and Chaehyun (Direct left)
"Nice to meet you all. My name is Dinovaldo, but everyone calls me Dino"
"Dinopaldo?" Hayoung says cutely. I was going to correct her then I remembered my friend who was also Korean complained about how "Complicated my name was." so I nodded and said,
"Yeah, but call me Dino." Hayoung and Jeewon smile. Chaehyun looks at me with a focused and determined look.
"So what brings you to Busan?" Chaehyun asked as the train moved.
"Oh, I like trains and try to ride as many "famous" ones as I can," I replied. the three girls looked at me surprised but didn't say anything else. Chaehyun let out a chuckle and I went back to enjoying the ride.
A little later Chaehyun asked me, "Hey so where are you from Originally?"
"Um...Portland, Oregon. No, you wouldn't know that... The United States." I answer Chaehyun. She nods and chuckles as do Hayoung and Jeewon.
"What about y'all? Where Y'all from?" I ask
"Oh, we're all from Busan," Jeewon answers confidently. I nod now dialed into the conversation.
"How long are you in Korea for?" Hayoung asks
"Oh, a few weeks for some business in Seoul. I finished yesterday so now my last week I am just enjoying it. You know seeing the rest of the country." I replied. I noticed that Jeewon and Hayoung were starting to warm up to me and being more involved.
"Oh, that's cool," Hayoung said. I gave her a thumbs-up as we continued to chat. I learn a lot about the girls. they were all K-pop idols (whatever that meant) who were going home to visit family and just relax as their schedules had all eased up for the time being. They were all incredibly charming but also kinda dorky in an extremely lovable and endearing way. As we talked I could feel myself being lulled into a state of ease by the three girls. it worried me. They were almost too perfect, too sweet, and too engaging, so I kept my vigilance as I continued to talk to them.
While we rode the train we enjoyed each other's company until Chaehyun (the boldest of the trio) asked, "Hey I noticed you keep looking over your shoulder. Are you worried you are being tricked?" I instantly tensed and then eased again. seeing her pleasant smile
"Yeah, a little it's not often three pretty ladies just come up and talk to me. Especially for so long." I reply.
Jeewon perks up, "Aww thank you. Well, you're cool to talk to. Plus you aren't treating us any different."
"Well, I thought you were all normal ladies," I replied hesitantly
"No," Hayoung says with a cute but also aggressive tone. she takes out her phone and starts playing a video of her performing at Inkigayo along with seven other young ladies. I watched in awe as I could see it was Hayoung but her presence was so different. gone was the goofy girl who sitting across from me the Hayoung I was watching was graceful poised, with an almost deadly sense of presence I had only seen replicated in assassins. it was unnerving but also captivating. when the video finished the other ladies all showed similar videos. Each showed me a bit more about them. Jeewon is super bubbly and happy in her video and Chahyun’s video shows her range. I see a huge range of her personality but it always comes back to the determined look. That look of desire. After that, we hit the third hour of the trip and fatigue began to set in. All of us started to get heavy eyelids and one by one each of us fell asleep. I was the last one and got to see Chaehyun's head fall onto my shoulder as she was talking about how hard being the "unofficial" leader of her group was. I couldn't help but smile at her plight. her pleading eyes but strong voice made me listen and consider her words with the utmost seriousness. something she noted
"you're a really good listener," she said as her eyes fluttered as they got heavier. A telltale sign she was losing the fight with her fatigue.
"Well in my profession being a keen observer is always a requirement," I answer politely
"Oh and what do you do Mr. Mysterious?"
Chaehyun teased
"It's a secret." I teased
"Oh come on please tell me," Chaehyun asked with pleading and endearing aggression
when she did fall asleep I found myself stroking her hair carefully and her grip on me tightened. I smiled content as I watched the window and the picture continue to move and change. Looking at the other two girls I felt a bizarre pang in my heart. One I hadn't felt in a long time. Usually, I shied away from it, but this time I let the pang linger and ferment into emotion, as a smile crept on my face. Soon my eyes felt heavy and I drifted off as well.
I was woken up by a rapid light shaking of my shoulder. My eyes were forced open as I turned to see Chaehyun who lifted the armrest separating us.
"Hey, Hey wake up," she whispered.
"I'm awake. I am awake, but why are we whispering?" I asked
Chaehyun smiled with heavy desire filling her eyes look water, and said "Follow me to the bathroom."
"Why?" I asked dazed and confused.
"I want to show you why I'm the suction expert," she said as she got up leaving her jacket. I follow on instinct and when we enter the bathroom she locks the door. Thankfully the train car we were in was mostly empty and the few people inside were asleep.
when we entered the bathroom in three actions Chaehyun was on her knees. Lock the door undo my belt and spring out my cock.
"Hm, you're still soft. that won't do," she said before taking me into her mouth. I reeled back as the softness of her lips and the warmth wetness of her mouth overwhelmed me leaving me light-headed.
"Go ahead fuck my face," she said
I nod and begin to thrust into her warm wet orifice. her eyes held mine in an intense gaze that left me transfixed as I grabbed her head and thoroughly used her. After six or so thrusts she breaks taps my thigh and I pull back.
"Okay you're going to go," she says as she gets up wiping the drool from her chin before it could stain her shirt. She undid her pants and moved to the side. before she could give further instruction the intercom said
"30 minutes to Busan" I am assuming it said it in other languages as well but I heard English in there as well.
"We don't have much time so you're going to have to be quick. so just pound me, Dino." Chaehyun insists as she lines my cock with her pussy. I slowly ease in and we both moan as her sex sucks mine in whole. it's dizzying, it's hot, and wet but oh my goodness does it feel euphoric. I bottom out inside her and begin to pull out. I get halfway before plunging back into her. I repeat this two or three times increasing the pace until my body begins to override my mind and I begin to plow her in earnest. she leans her body into mine and says, "You're so big inside me." her words act like a spur to a wild buck and make me only rougher with her. I relax my grip on her waist and stroke a finger across her pillow midriff, and I whisper into her ear
"I love how soft your body is." I snake my hand under her shirt as I thrust and cop a feel. they are a lot bigger than her sweater lets on. I get a firm grip on her breasts and say, "These sexy buoyant pillows you try to hide drive me wild. I am going to call you Marshmellow from now on because I am in love with how soft and plush your body is." my words have their desired effect "I think" as I feel her pussy tighten and pulse as she turns her face to mine.
"Fuck, Fuck" she pants as I continue to piston in and out of her. I tweak her nipple and she moans even harder before I feel a rush of liquid come from between our bodies. I look down to see her squirting all over my cock. I look up to see her embarrassed.
"No No baby it's okay," I reassure my slip of the tongue makes her eyes go wide and she questions me
"Babe?" but at that point I am too far gone and begin tumbling into my orgasm with her.
"Aw fuck mello I'm cumming" I say groaning as I begin to explode into her greedy pussy. Chaehyun moans in ecstasy.
After we come down from our high Chaehyun looks at me with a shy look before cleaning herself up and leaving. Also leaving me to clean up our combined fluid mess. I do so, then make sure I look presentable and head back out. I get back to my seat where Jeewon and Hayoung look at me with knowing and teasing smiles. Chaehyun refused to look or speak to me as Hayoung and Jeewon asked me questions about the ride after they slept. Respecting Mello's boundaries I follow her very limited and guarded answers. leaving the two other girls a little miffed. after the train ride was over I grabbed my bags and bid farewell to the ladies. as I was walking away from them on the station. Chaehyun speaks up for the first time.
"Where do you think you're going, Dino? you're hanging out with us for the rest of the time you're here. so cancel whatever plans you had." Her confidence and desire have returned to her stare and I smile.
"Okay." I acquiesced
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jflemings · 22 days
— loose lips sink ships pt2
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pairing: jessie fleming x reader part 1, part 3
synopsis: jessie goes out with her team and reconnects with her ex from college
warnings: language
a/n: with the way i’m writing this i honestly have no idea how long the series is gonna be but my hopes is more than 3 parts. (this is also shorter than i intended whoops)
୧ ‧₊˚ 🍁 ⋅ ˚ ༘ ೀ⋆。˚
music pumps through the bar as jessie’s teammates down drinks. they’re occupying a corner and a bit of a long booth against the back wall furthest from the bar, tucked away in the darkness as they all happily talk and laugh.
she’s squashed in between janine and the wall, nursing a half drunk beer as she listens to her canadian teammate’s conversation. jordyn and janine talk animatedly about something, leading the conversation whilst quinn and sinc add their two cents every so often.
she takes a swig and tries to decipher whatever jordyn is trying to say in her half-drunken state when someone comes to stand just in front of her. she drains her neck to see olivia dressed in a simple black t-shit and jeans, her hair pulled back loosely. she smiles.
“how’s the ankle?”
“it’s okay” olivia says with a wave of her hand “it’s heaps better now but i still have to stay off it as best i can”
jessie immediately stands “do you wanna sit? i you can take my spot”
“no, no, that’s okay. i’m good standing”
the canadian still moves out of the way “are you sure? because it’s really no big deal”
olivia tuts “you haven’t changed much from college, have you?”
for some reason jessie’s face blazes at the small comment. she rubs the back of her neck hesitantly “i guess not, no”
the seattle player slides in front of jessie and between the table, the two of them chest to chest, as she sits in the spot that was previously occupied. jessie leans on the wall and nervously taps her pointer finger against the cool glass of her bottle as olivia looks her up and down innocently.
“that’s a good thing, y’know. you were always such a sweetheart, it’s nice to know that part of you hasn’t changed as you’ve gotten older” olivia says as she takes a sip of whatever she’s drinking “though, i didn’t think it would”
jessie tilts her head “you haven’t changed much either”
a beat of silence overcomes the two of them and suddenly jessie was really missing you. she’d settled into portland fine, but outside of sinc and janine she didn’t really have any solid connections with anybody on the team. you were always the more social of the two of you and often acted as a buffer for jessie in these situations.
“how have you been?” olivia asks “moving from london to portland is pretty big”
“i’ve been good, getting settled and such” jessie nods “it was just time for a change i suppose. i wasn’t getting the game time at chelsea and i wanted to make a bigger impact, among other things” she shrugs and takes another sip of her beer, her nerves slowly fading out of her “how about you? been up to much?”
“honestly, not really. same old same old.” olivia says as she finishes off her drink, leaving the ice at the bottom of her glass to clink against the sides “i saw that you’re now the captain of canada, congrat—”
“the wife stayed home then” sam interrupts louldy as she flings an arm around jessie
jessie grimaces at her intrusion “yeah—”
“wife?” olivia asks, directing her gaze from coffey to jessie’s unoccupied ring finger “you’re married?”
“they may as well be” sam half boasts for jessie “it’s sickening how cute they are, makes me wanna throw up”
jessie gives olivia a small smile “she’s just my girlfriend, we’re not even engaged”
“oh” olivia says “why didn’t she come out?”
“she, uh, she was the one you elbowed in the nose. she’s just really swollen and didn’t really want to” jessie says as she rubs the back of her neck “it’s not broken or anything though”
a look of surprise washes over olivia’s face as she wracks her brain trying to remember what you look like. she tilts her head in thought “send her my best then, i didn’t get to talk to her after the game”
jessie shifts from one foot to the other “i will”
“…so how long have you two been together?”
“it’ll be four years in november” she says shortly. this wasn’t a conversation she was expecting to have to be honest. the two of you weren’t a secret amongst the footballing world, to the players at least, so she had just assumed that olivia knew about the two of you.
olivia’s eyebrows raise in surprise “you moved on quick then” she laughs “we only broke up, like, a month and a half before you moved to london”
sam’s eyes rapidly go from jessie to olivia to back to jessie, a look of confusion on her face. she cocks a brow and takes a long sip of her vodka and coke, grasping the short straw between her thumb and forefinger as she sticks out her pinkie.
jessie’s lips fall into a flat line “i guess” she says awkwardly, taking another sip of her beer and eyeing janine. her best friend looks the two of them up and down with a blank expression before turning back to jordyn, sinc and quinn. jessie tears her eyes away.
“what about you. seeing anyone?”
olivia swirls the ice in her glass “uh, no” she says looking up at jessie “you’re not a very easy person to get over”
her words make jessie feel a bit off-kilter. she quickly looks to sam who concludes that she isn’t apart of this conversation and pats jessie on the back before leaving, going off to talk to the others. jessie breathes a short sigh of relief. her and olivia had talked shortly a few times over the years, like when canada won gold at the olympics and olivia congratulated her, but jessie never got any indication that maybe she wasn’t over the relationship.
she must be wearing her thoughts all over her face because olivia is quick to put her hands up “i meant you weren’t! there’s no ah— i don’t feel that way anymore” she rushes, looking down at her glass before smiling back at jessie “and i’m really happy that you’ve found someone”
jessie nods “thanks, she’s pretty great”
olivia nods “she’d have to be to keep up with you”
time passes as the two of them continue to talk and laugh, reminiscing their time together at school. the two of them fall into conversation like they’d stayed close over the past four years, words flowing easily and laughs bubbling.
suddenly, jordyn jumps up from her spot “photo! everyone get in for the photo!”
jessie rolls her eyes but turns around to face her canadian teammate. olivia shuffles over as people move to fill the gap that jordyn left “sit” she says as she taps jessie on the lower back.
she smiles and nods a thanks, squeezing in next to the wall like she had been before.
“jessie smile!” jordyn scolds “sinc move your head i can’t see quinny”
sinc rolls her eyes at jordyn’s demands but complies. once she’s happy with how everyone looks, jordyn takes the photos. she spam clicks her phone and quickly goes through them whilst smiling, clearly satisfied with how they all turned out.
this time olivia stands. she tugs on the shoulders of her shirt and turns around to face jessie “i’m gonna go” she says jerking her thumb “but i had a really good time catching up with you. i’d love to do it again whenever we can”
jessie can’t help but smile “i’d like that too” she says.
olivia places a hand on jessie’s shoulder before going and saying goodbye to her own teammates, leaving jessie once again tucked away in the corner.
she finishes off her beer just as janine slides into her, pushing her further into the wall. the two of them are now shoulder to shoulder “so, olivia”
jessie narrows her eyes “what about her?”
“i just didn’t know she was coming”
“yeah, she said she didn’t know if she was going to when i spoke to her this afternoon. guess she changed her mind” jessie shrugs “it was good seeing her”
janine hums “how’s y/n?”
“good. sore, but fine” she answers as she places the empty glass bottle down. “she’s probably asleep, she was in a frosty mood before i left”
janine’s eyes go wide and she necks the remainder of her drink, slamming it down on the table “i’m gonna get another, do you want one?” she rushes as she points to the empty beer bottle.
jessie cocks her brow “changing the subject, much” she points out “but no, i’m fine. not really in the mood to drink”
janine shrugs “i’m not changing the subject, i was just asking if you wanted another drink” she says surely, standing.
jessie rolls her eyes as janine whips around to go to the bar, stumbling slightly as she smacks her thigh into the table. soph and sam also stand and follow her, the three of them talking eachother’s ears off as they go.
the midfielder slumps in her seat as fatigue catches up with her. she closes her eyes momentarily before her phone buzzes in her pocket.
getting it out, she sees that she’s been tagged in jordyn’s instagram story. upon opening the app, she comes face to face with one of the group photos that was taken, a mix of portland and seattle players all squished into frame. her eyes fall to the end where her and olivia are basically on top of one another. she’s donning a proper smile, as per jordyn’s request, and olivia’s leg is almost thrown over her right knee.
she doesn’t think anything of it and locks her phone after liking the story, smiling and raising her eyebrows as janine comes back.
she’s careful not to hit her leg again as she slots back in between jessie and soph — who is now sitting where sinc was — and begins talking as she sits.
“ethan’s gonna come get me, we can take you home if you want? save you calling an uber or something” she says as she sips her drink.
jessie nods “yeah, that would be great”
“he says he’ll be here in five!” she informs jessie cheerily “which is good because you looked like you’ve wanted to leave since olivia left”
“i have not” jessie protests as she furrows her brows “i’m just tired”
“mmm okay” the forward purses her lips “it was good catching up with her then?”
“yeah, yeah it was. i haven’t seen her in a while” jessie says, a hint of nostalgia tainting her voice.
“i thought the two of you stayed friends after college?”
“we did” jessie picks her fingernails “we just obviously haven’t seen eachother”
almost awkward silence overtakes the pair of friends and jessie suddenly feels uneasy. she still felt awkward talking about olivia despite the fact that they ended on good terms, and four years ago. the feeling of nostalgia wasn’t one that was welcomed when she thought about her first love.
jessie had tried to date people in highschool once or twice but she was still figuring out her sexuality and juggling school and football, ultimately it just came down to the fact that she didn’t have time to maintain a relationship. it was pretty much the same for her first two years of college. she had spoken to a few girls, went on some dates and even let teagan try to set her up at frat parties. none of it stuck until olivia.
they were close friends in school and the feelings had just developed naturally. the pair of them agreed that if it didn’t go anywhere, then it didn’t matter, it just meant that they were better as friends.
only, it did go somewhere. olivia had become jessie’s first for pretty much everything when it came to a relationship. she was the first girl jessie had said i love you to, her first time, and her first heartbreak.
when chelsea ended up on jessie’s doorstep she knew she couldn’t refuse. they were a powerhouse of a club and with women’s football growing, she knew that it was where she wanted to be. olivia and jessie agreed that long distance wasn’t going to work and broke up before her move to london. the breakup was amicable and sad. there were a few tears after olivia left her dorm room and jessie in the silence, but she quickly picked herself up and moved on, promising that she’d focus on football.
then she moved, and covid was hitting hard, and she was still settling, and then she met you.
you, who had captured her attention immediately. you, who had left her obsessed after just one conversation. you, who she was sure was the love of her life.
but you weren’t here right now and she hated that because of your absence, feelings of longing and nostalgia had managed to bleed their way into her heart. she was sure she didn’t love olivia anymore — she knew she didn’t — but that didn’t stop the reminiscing.
janine coughs “well, it’s good that you got to catch up then!” she says as she, once again, necks her drink, making jessie’s brows furrow in confusion.
“you usually pace yourself better” jessie points out.
“do i? i didn’t know that” janine shrugs “ethan says i’m a sloppy drunk”
“yeah, maybe when you were under the age of twenty five” jessie says cautiously “what’s with you tonight?”
“what do you mean?” janine tilts her head and fakes confusion.
jessie rolls her eyes but waves her off, not being in the mood to entertain whatever game janine is playing when she’s so ready to go to bed. “don’t worry about it”
janine’s phone buzzes and she claps her hands and stands “perfect, let’s go then, ethan’s here”
jessie follows janine’s lead and stands to say goodbye to the people she knows and the people she doesn’t, waving on her way out to the car so she can go home to you.
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mitigatedchaos · 10 months
Kontextmaschine is Dead
(~1,000 words, 5m)
Noted blogger @kontextmaschine is presumed dead, following the discovery that the sole resident at his most likely residence was found deceased during a wellness check initiated by concerned Redditors.
Prior to his last post on Aug 22, which indicated a serious health problem, he reported taking over twice the dose of creatine he had been taking at the beginning of his lengthy post-COVID health saga, in which he also reported becoming bisexual, having "zero" anxiety, gaining 3D vision after years of not having it, becoming incredibly convincing, and having to learn to walk and use his muscles properly again. At the time, he felt he was becoming trimmer and physically stronger, and reported engaging in a long project of yard work, although photos from the inside of his house generally looked somewhat messy.
A Tumblr user who met him briefly in person after the beginning of the health saga but before these most recent events reported that he was friendly, charismatic, hospitable, and clean, but "physically, a mess," with motor control issues on one side of his body.
Topics of discussion were similar to the content of kontextmaschine's blog, such as differences in east and west coast government in America, said to be "totally on brand," but it was said that the prolific poster seemed "less self-grandiose" in person.
Redditors theorize that the decline of kontextmaschine's health following his first self-report of COVID-19 infection may have been due to undiagnosed brain cancer, which could be more consistent with observed changes in behavior than the after-effects of a viral infection, given that most reports of "long covid" are about effects like fatigue, and not total loss of anxiety or alteration of sexual orientation.
Despite multiple suggestions, from both anonymous and pseudonymous users, kontextmaschine refused to seek professional medical care for his condition.
Regarding the mourning of public figures, in 2018, a period of increased Progressive sensitivity during the Trump Administration, kontextmaschine wrote,
through the years realized that through whatever blind groping the ‘90s-ass “edgelords” were desperately trying to save us from this, through proper gatekeeping and filtering at first I’d thought it was gratuitous and supported it being relaxed, maybe not shaming everyone who publicly mourned a suicide, mea culpa, mea culpa, I have debts to pay
In 2019, he added:
That was how we kept the internet culture from growing mawkish and cry-bullyish: basically, if you were so weak as to get weepy over corpsemeat you got cancelled, the shame would follow you forever and you’d never be allowed to forget it.
Given his writing, it is likely that kontextmaschine would not have supported excessive public mourning over his death, though in 2017, following the theft of his motorcycle, when the popular blogger @argumate jokingly criticized him by writing, "no references to pinball, no insight into historical Americana, this isn’t the kontext I signed up for," kontextmaschine wrote,
“when bad shit happens people mock me accurately” is the community I’ve been looking for my whole life so
Like argumate, perhaps the most famous of the rationalist-adjacent bloggers on Tumblr, screenshots of kontextmaschine's Tumblr posts would end up on outside websites.
Kontextmaschine was generally considered an interesting, if controversial writer. One Tumblr user characterized him as a member of the "obnoxious Tumblr right," though another user asked, "wait, how is kontextmaschine is right wing?" After another user claimed that the nuclear bombing of Oregon would be a net improvement in the world due to kontextmaschine's residence in Portland, tumblr user @random-thought-depository wrote a 2,400 word theory post arguing that kontextmaschine's philosophy was a means to coordinate to join a future political coalition favoring the formation of a more brutal and oppressive hierarchy in pursuit of his own advantage.
Though kontextmaschine's ideology advocates that humanity should adopt "r-selection," meaning more offspring with less investment in each (or youth, sex, and death), this blog dissented against the coalition theory, arguing that motorcycles, kung fu, women, Hollywood, and not having to report to HR are all traditionally cool, and the causality of the kontextmaschine ideology could easily run the other way.
Though he had a period of identifying as female in his youth, appropriately LGBTQ for a Tumblr user, his 2011 statement of principles, including "the lesser yields to the greater" and "suffering is the mark of a wrong person," and general body of work, could be described as a strain of right-wing thought, though not of the traditionalist Christian or rational technocratic varieties.
Prior to the post-covid health saga, kontextmaschine's health posting was primarily about his bipolar disorder, with both manic and depressive phases.
Kontextmaschine maintained generally friendly relations with other bloggers in his sphere of discourse, sometimes debating but rarely aggressive, except in response to anonymous hatemail. In response to one particular piece of hatemail, kontextmaschine stated that as a writer, of course his primary form of influence would be his posts.
In a post chain reblogged by dozens of Tumblr users, multiple Tumblr users wrote that they enjoyed his writing and are disappointed by his death, describing him as a unique thinker that will not be easily replaced. Several felt that there was not much they could have done, as after returning from his covid infection, he was not taking medical advice.
One Tumblr user wrote, "rip. Inspirational manic poster," while long-time and prolific poster argumate described him as, "one of the bloggers of all time."
Internet users speculate that Kontextmaschine is survived by his outdoor cat, Badger, about whom he posted frequently. He may also be survived by other members of his family, with whom he apparently did not live, and rarely spoke about.
It is recommended that enthusiasts of kontextmaschine's blog make backups of his writing for archival purposes.
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coochiequeens · 11 months
A patient said something she thought was in confidence and he (the doctor) shared it with staff? And now TRAs are harassing a woman fighting breast cancer? That doctor needs to lose his license for violating patient confidentiality
A woman in Oregon receiving treatment for breast cancer has been dropped by her health clinic of 12 years because she expressed views critical of gender ideology.
Marlene Barbera, who is scheduled for a mastectomy later this month, told Reduxx that she had commented on the presence of a transgender pride flag that was hanging in the waiting room of the Richmond Family Medical Clinic in Portland last year.
Barbera explained that she had written a message to her doctor on MyChart, a website where patients can access their personal health information, describing that she found the inclusion of “political messaging in a healthcare setting” as “offensive.”
She, like a growing number of women, has “gender critical” views, rejecting modern ideologies that conflate biological sex and “gender identity.” Barbera mentioned she had faced rape and death threats from trans activists on X (formerly Twitter), many of whom would have identified with that same flag.
Initially, the Doctor, who she revealed had been her primary care provider for over ten years, said that he would not take the flag down. But while Barbera had initially believed their correspondence to be private, she later discovered that the note to her physician had been viewed and shared by other staff at the clinic.
This June, while attempting to leave a message for her doctor regarding blood test results, the issue continued to escalate. A receptionist at the clinic, who Barbera speculated was transgender, did not permit her to be patched through to her doctor.
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“The person insisted I make an appointment. I have breast cancer and consequently an abundance of medical appointments so I did not want to do that. They got frustrated with my ‘non-compliance’ and hung up on me,” Barbera told Reduxx.
“Thinking it might have been in error, I called back. I was told I was ‘not allowed’ and that I must speak to the previous person who had hung up on me. I declined as things hadn’t gone well the first time.”
She then questioned whether the refusal from the first receptionist was due to her previous complaint about the trans pride flag in the lobby.
“I asked, guessing ‘did I hurt the trans person’s feelings?’ And the receptionist took offense to the question, asking ‘what did you say‘ slowly and with great emphasis.”
Weeks later, Barbera received an email from Oregon Health Science University’s (OHSU) Stein Berger, informing her that she had been “discharged from receiving medical care at the Richmond Family Medicine Clinic,” effective immediately, with services to be cut off from all OHSU Family Medicine Clinics, including immediate care clinics, from July 29th. The email did in fact specify that she was being removed “because of ongoing disrespectful and hurtful remarks about our LGBTQ community and staff.”
Barbera told Reduxx that the incident had sent her “anxiety through the roof” and that she was struggling with her mental health as a result of the stress.
“I have severe chronic agitated depression since teen years,” Barbera explains. “Now I have no primary care doctor and nowhere else to go. I have been made to feel like a worthless nothing.”
This is not the first time a woman has lost access to critical medical services due to her “gender critical” views.
In October of last year, a woman identified as Emma by the UK’s Daily Mail was banned from having an operation in London’s Princess Grace Hospital because she requested single sex accommodation. The woman, who had been scheduled for a complex colorectal operation, also expressed that she did not want to “use pronouns or engage with such manifestations of gender ideology.”
Despite having experience being the victim of sexual assault, Emma was banned from having her procedure at the facility for requesting single-sex care.
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When you hear "fintech," think "unlicensed bank"
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Tomorrow (May 2) I’ll be in Portland at the Cedar Hills Powell’s with Andy Baio for my new novel, Red Team Blues.
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In theory, patents are for novel, useful inventions that aren’t obvious “to a skilled practitioner of the art.” But as computers ate our society, grifters began to receive patents for “doing something we’ve done for centuries…with a computer.” “With a computer”: those three words had the power to cloud patent examiners’ minds.
If you’d like an essay-formatted version of this post to read or share, here’s a link to it on pluralistic.net, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:
Patent trolls — who secure “with a computer” patents and then extract ransoms from people doing normal things on threat of a lawsuit — are an underappreciated form of “tech exceptionalism.” Normally, “tech exceptionalism” refers to bros who wave away things like privacy invasions by arguing that “with a computer” makes it all different.
These tech exceptionalists are the legit face of tech exceptionalism, the Forbes 30 Under 30 set. They’re grifters, but they’re celebrated grifters. There’s a whole bottom-feeding sludge of tech exceptionalists that don’t get the same kind of attention, like patent trolls.
Oh, and the fintech industry.
As Riley Quinn says, “when you hear ‘fintech,’ think: ‘unlicensed bank.’” The majority of fintech “innovation” consists of adding “with a computer” to highly regulated activities and declaring them to be unregulated (and, in the case of crypto, unregulatable).
There are a lot of heavily regulated financial activities, like dealing in securities (something the crypto industry is definitely doing and claims it isn’t). Most people don’t buy or sell securities regularly — indeed, most Americans own little or no stocks.
But you know what regulated financial activity a lot of Americans participate in?
Going into debt.
As wages stagnate and the price of housing, medical care, childcare, transportation and education soar, Americans fund their consumption with debt. Trillions of dollars’ worth of debt. Many of us are privileged to borrow money by walking into a bank and asking for a loan, but millions of Americans are denied that genteel experience.
Instead, working Americans increasingly rely on payday lenders and other usurers who charge sky-high interest rates, on top of penalties and fees, trapping borrowers in an endless cycle of indebtedness. This is an historical sign of a civilization in decline: productive workers require loans to engage in useful activities. Normally, the activity pans out — the crop comes in, say — and the debt is repaid.
But eventually, you’ll get a bad beat. The crop fails, the workshop burns down, a pandemic shuts down production. Instead of paying off your debt, you have to roll it over. Now, you’re in an even worse situation, and the next time you catch a bad break, you go further into debt. Over time, all production comes under the control of creditors.
The historical answer to this is jubilee: a regular wiping-away of all debt. While this was often dressed up in moral language, there was an absolutely practical rationale for it. Without jubilee, eventually, all the farmers stop growing food so that they can grow ornamental flowers for their creditors’ tables. Then, as starvation sets in, civilization collapses:
As the debt historian Michael Hudson says, “Debts that can’t be paid, won’t be paid.” Without jubilee, indebtedness becomes a chronic and inescapable condition. As more and more creditors attach their claims to debtors’ assets, they have to compete with one another to terrorize the debtor into paying them off, first. One creditor might threaten to garnish your paycheck. Another, to repossess your car. Another, to evict you from your home. Another, to break your arm. Debts that can’t be paid, won’t be paid — but when you have a choice between a broken arm and stealing from your kid’s college fund or the cash-register, maybe the debt can be paid…a little. Of course, digital tools offer all kinds of exciting new tools for arm-breakers — immobilizing your car, say, or deleting the apps on your phone, starting with the ones you use most often:
Under Trump, payday lenders romped through America. A lobbyist for the payday lenders became a top Trump lawyer:
This lobbyist then oversaw Trump’s appointment of a Consumer Finance Protection Bureau boss who deregulated payday lenders, opening the door to triple digit interest rates:
To justify this, the payday loan industry found corruptible academics and paid them to write papers defending payday loans as “inclusive.” These papers were secretly co-authored by payday loan industry lobbyists:
Of course, Trump doesn’t read academic papers, so the payday lenders also moved their annual conference to a Trump resort, writing the President a check for $1m:
Biden plugged many of the cracks that Trump created in the firewalls that guard against predatory lenders. Most significantly, he moved Rohit Chopra from the FTC to the CFPB, where, as director, he has overseen a determined effort to rein in the sector. As the CFPB re-establishes regulation, the fintech industry has moved in to add “with a computer” to many regulated activities and so declare them beyond regulation.
One fintech “innovation” is the creation of a “direct to consumer Earned Wage Access” product. Earned Wage Access is just a fancy term for a program some employers offer whereby workers can get paid ahead of payday for the hours they’ve already worked. The direct-to-consumer EWA offers loans without verifying that the borrower has money coming in. Companies like Earnin claim that their faux EWA services are free, but in practice, everyone who uses the service pays for the “Lightning Speed” upsell.
Of course they do. Earnin charges sky-high interest rates and twists borrowers’ arms into leaving a “tip” for the service (yes, they expect you to tip your loan-shark!). Anyone desperate enough to pay triple-digit interest rates and tip the service for originating their loan is desperate and needs to the money now:
EWA annual interest rates sit around 300%. The average EWA borrower uses the service two or three times every month. EWA CEOs and lobbyists claim that they’re banking the unbanked — but the reality is that they’re acting as sticky-fingered brokers between banks and young, poor workers, marking up traditional bank services.
This fact is rarely mentioned when EWA companies lobby state legislatures seeking to be exempted from usury rules that are supposed to curb predatory lenders. In Vermont, Earnin wants an exemption from the state’s 18% interest rate cap — remember, the true APR for EWA loans is about 300%.
In Texas, payday lenders are classed as loan brokers, not loan originators and are thus able to avoid the state’s usury caps. EWAs are lobbying the Texas legislature for further exemptions from state money-transmitter and usury limit laws, principally on the strength of the “it’s different: we do it with a computer” logic.
But as Jarod Facundo writes for The American Prospect, quoting Monica Burks from the Center for Responsible Lending, a loan is a loan even if it’s with a computer: “The industry is trying to create a new definition for what a loan is in order to exempt themselves from existing consumer protection laws… When you offer someone a portion of money on the promise that they will repay it, and often that repayment will be accompanied with fees or charges or interest, that’s what a loan is.”
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Catch me on tour with Red Team Blues in Mountain View, Berkeley, Portland, Vancouver, Calgary, Toronto, DC, Gaithersburg, Oxford, Hay, Manchester, Nottingham, London, and Berlin!
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[Image ID: A stately, columnated bank building, bedecked in garish payday lender signs.]
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Image: Andre Carrotflower (modified) https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:30_North_%28former_Pontiac_Commercial_%26_Savings_Bank_Building%29,_Pontiac,_Michigan_-_entrance_and_Chief_Pontiac_relief_sculpture_-_20201213.jpg
CC BY-SA 4.0 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/deed.en
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aziraphales-library · 11 days
Hello! First of all, thank you so much for all your impressive work! It's kind of specific ig but, im a big history nerd, so i love anything with the ineffable husbands set in history. I'd love to read more set in medieval times or the Victorian era. What would you recommend?
Hi! You can check our #through the ages tag for loads of historical fics. Here are a couple of medieval and a couple of victorian fics to add to the collection...
The Serpent and the Lady by summerofspock (T)
Aziraphale was thankful Crowley was nowhere to be seen. He would never let Aziraphale live this down. Bestowing a kiss upon the winner of a tourney? Crowley would surely mock him for years to come.
Thou Shalt Not Suffer a Witch to Live by Fire_Traveller (M)
Crowley hadn't thought too much about it when she spread the rumour that red hair was a sign of a witch - but all too soon, it's blowing up in her face, and with a few other things raising the suspicion of some villagers, the demon finds herself the target of a witch hunt. There's only one being who can possibly help her get out of this mess - Aziraphale. But when the villagers actually arrest Crowley, the angel will have to come up with something to save his best friend...
The Seven Temptations of Aziraphale by Duinemerwen (T)
Mexico, 1379 A.D.: While taking a well-deserved holiday, Crowley makes a bet with a rival demon as to who can tempt Aziraphale to commit more of the seven cardinal sins. Best four out of seven wins. Loser leaves Earth forever. But winning's not as easy as it looks. Not when there are some fourteenth-century sins that even a demon can’t outrun... Standalone, canon-compliant story featuring friendship and humour. Complete.
Principia Obscura by books-and-omens (T)
London is terribly dull in the summer heat, and anyone who is anyone has driven out to Lord Hartswell’s country house party. Planned are an archery competition, a boat race, even a costume ball—and in the middle of these festivities, two extraordinary gentlemen appear to be engaged in a contest of their own.
The Gleam of Gold by EdosianOrchids901 (T)
Thanks to the Victorian fascination with all things strange, Crowley is captured and put on display. Without his sunglasses, his eyes provide the main attraction of the show. Can Aziraphale find him and save him?
The After-Hours Do by haleinedelail (E)
Crowley can quite plainly see that Aziraphale has got himself into some kind of trouble, which of course, sets his teeth on edge... but the angel won't say why. All the demon knows is that it's something to do with that discreet gentleman's club in Portland Place. Something there is amiss, and it's more than just a bunch of grown men learning the Gavotte together. Crowley is mischievous but (bite your tongue!) nice, and something about that combination has never allowed him just to let it go, when Aziraphale needs help... even when Aziraphale isn't fully aware he needs help. Spying, bickering, and Victorian-ness ensue.
- Mod D
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onyxbird · 9 months
The Bridgeport Cat Café
New Leverage AU, based on this video of someone from a cat café account introducing their cats and describing what types of crime they (allegedly) engage in:
Hardison bought them a cat café instead of a brewpub.
Parker thinks it's a great idea. As soon as Hardison shared the idea with her, she started planning out the incredibly elaborate system of climbing structures, catwalks, tunnels, and hidey-holes at both cat and human scale. Hardison wasn't able to implement all of her ideas, especially not before the rest of the team arrived, but he managed a lot, including purchasing the rest of the building the original café occupied and expanding into that space.
The renovated café quickly becomes known for the fact that it is both the physically largest cat café any of the patrons have encountered and that sections of it essentially double as an indoor play structure for both kids and adults.
Hardison, as someone with allergies himself and knowing Leverage would want to bring clients here, poured a lot of thought into the cat-free and "allergy-friendly" side of the café, where patrons can enjoy all of the café's food and beverage offerings, watch the cats, and even climb a limited portion of their signature human-sized "cat tree" while remaining separated from the cats by enormous windows. The two areas are served by separate ventilation and both have thorough air filtration. The cat-free side quickly becomes popular with the remote-work crowd who like to bring their laptops and watch the cats without any actually climbing on them and their work materials. (There are also customer-free portions of the building the cats can retreat to and optionally view the customers through glass.)
Eliot and Sophie, of course, say the idea is absolutely insane. Sophie's mostly ticked off about the unilateral move to Portland and them taking on the extra burden of a (weird, niche) business (although she makes little secret of being charmed by many of the cats themselves), but Eliot is particularly incensed about the difficulties of trying to run a café that's full of animals. "Running a good café isn't child's play, you know. You planning make food on site with cat fur everywhere? You think the Health Department's gonna stand for that? Sure, you can probably get away with some kind of automatic coffee machine and prepackaged food, but that ain't a café, that's an animal shelter with a damn vending machine."
His complaints trail off as Hardison steers him into the (newly renovated) kitchen, through the airlock-style double doors from a hallway not open to the cats, each with an automatic air curtain to keep cat fur as well as cats from slipping through. The other side of the kitchen has pass-throughs and doors directly to the cat-free side of the café. The gleaming new espresso machines are already in place, along with other basic kitchen equipment, although Hardison comments that he's still researching the best ovens and layout for baking all of their pastries on-site (the printouts and notes on his research are already bundled up and ready to be "spilled" on top of the materials for their next job, in front of Eliot).
The kitchen also features several plexiglass tunnels so that cats can watch the action in the kitchen without contaminating the space. Eliot will never admit, even under torture, to making squinty eyes and kissy noises at the cats that come to hang out with him while he cooks with no other humans around to see, especially when prepping pastry in the wee hours of the morning before anyone but the cats is awake.
Finally, Nate regrets having turned Hardison loose with free rein to pick the Portland HQ. When he suggested a restaurant or something as a front, he assumed he knew the limits of what that could entail--in hindsight, he's glad they didn't end up operating out of a Medieval Times* knock-off. He's performatively grouchy about the cats, yet never seems to chase away the ones that mysteriously end up on his lap during job planning. There's one particular "shoulder cat" that seems to love nothing more than riding around on Nate's shoulders during a briefing, occasionally punctuating particularly passionate sections with supportive meows.
Another quirk the café becomes semi-known for is the prominent lost-and-found counter where patrons can try to reclaim items that have vanished from their pockets, as the cats at this establishment seem to be oddly prone to pickpocketing...
*Consciously or not, Nate is on some level aware of how much Hardison and Parker would enjoy watching Eliot "joust."
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brf-rumortrackinganon · 3 months
What’s your pov on her pregnancies? Of the body or surrogate?
I'm opening Pandora's Box tonight in honor of the eclipse.
I'm 80/20.
20% of the body because:
There are tiny skinny-Minnie people in my family who didn't gain any weight during their pregnancies except in their faces and in the baby bumps (as photographs of Meghan depict), so I know it's possible.
That one appearance of Meghan where she accompanied Harry but hid backstage until he cajoled her out. She was not looking her best that day (very puffy, bloated face) and seemed a bit angry, to me, at being called out/forced onto the stage to stay hello.
Padding the bump - which some celebs do, especially when their bump isn't the typical "cute" baby belly - can explain the difference in sizing day-to-day.
How early it was announced.
How long it took Meghan to lose the baby weight - she was still carrying a lot of extra weight at Trooping 2019 (and the weight gain was amplified for me by poor styling choices with her hair, hat, and outfit).
80% surrogacy because:
There was no PR about Meghan's pregnancy compared to Kate's, and Meghan has always done the "anything Kate can do I can do better" PR competition every chance she could. If Meghan had terrible morning sickness, it'd have been all over the tabloids about how much worse than Kate Meghan's morning sickness is. If Meghan didn't have any sickness, it'd have been all over the tabloids about how much better and hard-working Meghan is during her pregnancy.
The excessive belly-groping and coat-flicking. Yes, she was doing that on purpose to get all the cameras and attention, but IMO she was doing it so excessively that it crossed into "the lady doth protest too much" territory for me.
The bending over and squatting down with knees and feet together. I've never been pregnant but I am a bigger girl who carries her weight in her midsection and who also cannot bend or squat down with knees, ankles, and feet together.
The alleged deal she had with Trevor that if she had a baby, he would pay for a personal trainer and a nutritionist and a nanny so she could whip her body back into shape. That's not someone who wants to be pregnant (but of course, people *can* change their minds. But still.)
The "rules of engagement" that Meghan and Harry sent to their Windsor neighbors/community about how the neighbors couldn't speak to the Sussexes or take their photographs.
The inconsistencies between what Harry reported in Spare and what the Portland Hospital's actual procedures are and the people who were involved.
Meghan choosing to deliver at Portland instead of Lindo and refusing to serve the baby on a silver platter after birth. The Lindo photocall is one of Diana's five* iconic photos. Are you telling me that Meghan happily copies Diana's outfits, copies Diana's pregnancy woes (emotional/mental distress to the point of self-harm), copies Diana's complaints about the BRF and the grey suits, copies Diana's second pregnancy announcement, and copies Diana's Panorama makeup...but she draws the line at copying Diana's Lindo photoshoots? And has a controlled photoshoot with one television camera and one photographer instead?
Meghan's birth "stories" matching more of the American Hollywood stereotypes than actual British practice.
Just one papwalk during all of her second pregnancy.
Hiding her belly with a giant-ass purse during the NYC baby shower after having spent the evening partying with friends, including Markus Anderson.
Harry's first appearance after Archie's birth being in the horse stables at Windsor instead of around the hospital (as William and Charles had been) and also Harry's "babies change so much in two weeks" comment.
Tacky social media influencer games with Archie's first photos under the guise of "privacy" - showing us the back of his head first, or his hand or his foot. Just show us the damn baby. No one cares about him that much.
Editing Archie's birth certificate.
Sara Latham bungling the media strategy for Archie's birth announcement. (Let's be real here. It's not Kensington Palace that fucked it up. It was the Sussexes' own people giving KP the wrong information in the first place.)
In the same vein of Meghan's "anything Kate can do I can do better" PR competition, there have been no stories about how Meghan felt of the early baby days. Kate and her family/friends have gone on record about how difficult the first few weeks with George were. Where is Meghan's equivalent? If Archie was a terrible newborn, then where are the stories about how much worse than Kate Meghan had it? Or if Archie was a happy, easy newborn, then where are the stories about how easy Meghan found motherhood? Instead the only story we got was "oops, it's feed time. Gotta go. Peace."
How early the pregnancy was announced.
How quickly (and suspiciously) the clinic/practice that Meghan used for her second pregnancy closed soon after Lili was born.
On that note, I don't subscribe to the theory that a lot of you may have (and which has ended up in my inbox quite a few times) that Archie doesn't know who Meghan is because he didn't smell her milk in South Africa and had a reaction. First off, PLEASE stop sending me that. I REALLY don't want to read about Meghan's breasts anymore.
Second, I don't think the Sussexes having nannies to help care for Archie is the kiss of death that many of you think it is. Some people just aren't baby people or little kid people. Some people like the older years better, when the kid can talk and is a little more independent and mobile. I've always suspected that that's Meghan and Harry, because all of their PR about wanting kids or liking kids has alwas featured older school-aged kids. They're not baby/toddler/early years people. And that's OK. That's not something to condemn them for.
And I don't think it's fully fair to call them out on their hypocrisy of what they said they wouldn't do as parents before they had children. Some of the hypocrisy is deserved (like the comment about not dressing their kids as Victorian ghost children but then turning around and giving Lili a Victorian ghost child dress for her 1st birthday photo), but they do deserve more grace than they're sometimes given; people just don't know how hard parenting or having children is until the baby is here. Yes, ding them for saying they'd never have a nanny but then turning around and hiring two or three, but also let's acknowledge that they know they can't (or don't, or won't, however you want to say it) care for their own kids themselves and hired responsible caretakers.
Finally third, I don't think Meghan ever breastfed those kids. Maybe she tried in the beginning with Archie, but if she did, she gave up pretty quickly. Those kids are formula babies. That's OK! So I don't buy the theory she was taking hormones and her weight gain was hormone-induced. Again, it's because of the missing "anything Kate can do I can do better" competition here.
*Diana's top 5 iconic photos are (in no particular order) the wedding dress portrait, the Lindo photos, the Taj Mahal photo, the Panorama photo, and the Revenge Dress photo.
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