#post endgame fixit
scottxlogan · 4 months
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This was written for the @stonyauniverse​ bingo :)
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Captain America (Movies), Iron Man (Movies), The Avengers (Marvel Movies), Marvel Cinematic Universe Rating: Mature Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Steve Rogers/Tony Stark Characters: Tony Stark, Steve Rogers Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Canon Divergence - Avengers: Endgame (Movie), Established Relationship, Amputee Tony Stark, Light Angst, Angst with a Happy Ending, Sexual Content, References to Depression, aftermath of war, survivor Tony Stark
  Summary: Weeks after the battle with Thanos, Tony finds himself in a place where he's left feeling uncertain about himself and what remains of the man he once was. Lost in his struggles, Tony tries to sort his thoughts out, but struggles with his new life until Steve offers him a reason to get lost in a welcome distraction.
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chaossmagic · 9 months
writing prompt: stucky trying a new recipe together. Something that implies they're going to be around a long time to eat it. Like jam or pickles.
"You sure you got enough there, pal?" Steve asked, leaning in the doorframe of their kitchen, wiping the last flecks of tacky paint residue off his hands. He rolled the paint-stained cuffs of his flannel shirt up to his elbows as he crossed the room to where Bucky stood at the stove, stirring an enormous bubbling pot of blackberry jam. More pans with smaller amounts were littered across the countertops; a row of clean, steaming jars sat on the table, ready to be filled.
"Ha ha," Bucky snorted with sarcasm, giving the jam another stir and sticking in a vibranium finger. He pulled out a purple-jam-covered fingertip and inspected it carefully, tongue poking out as he concentrated in a way Steve thought was utterly sweet and very, very adorable. Clearly, it wasn't the right consistency yet, because he frowned, wiped off his hands, and went back to stirring. "I thought you were out of terrible ideas when you gave up the shield. Guess I was wrong." He turned off the stove and turned to face Steve, arms crossed in front of him. But Steve could see the teasing in his eyes, the faint twinkle at the back of the deep blue, the frown that didn't quite reach his lips, stained faintly purple along with a smear of blackberry jam on his nose and more purple stains on the fingers of his right hand.
"Still can't believe you're practically a farmer's wife now," Steve joked, stepping closer to him, smelling the sweet fruit and sugar on him, layered on top of his cologne and the wax he put in his hair these days, making the soft spikes shine. "James Buchanan Barnes, gone all domestic in his old age."
"Fuck off, punk, you're older than me," Bucky retorted, fake-wriggling away as Steve pressed his face into his neck and kissed him all over the exposed skin of his throat and collarbone. He felt Bucky's hands come up to thread through his hair, now longer and thicker than it had ever been - even more than when he'd been on the run those years, and getting a decent haircut was out of the question - and stroke the soft golden strands fondly. Steve eventually straightened up and wrapped his arms around Bucky's waist, grinning.
"Guess we'll be eating blackberry pie for a while then?" he asked.
"Be eating it longer than that time all we had was cabbage soup twice a day for a month," Bucky replied. "When was it, winter of '37? You know I can't stand the sight of cabbage soup now 'cause a' that. You try to get me to eat it, I'll puke."
Steve grimaced; he definitely remembered that solid month of nothing but increasingly-questionable quality cabbage boiled to death in broth that nothing but a single carrot and a tiny piece of onion in it. He didn't blame Bucky for completely avoiding the stuff now, even though culinary tastes had come along way since those days.
"Well, pie is definitely better than cabbage soup," Steve said, pressing a kiss to Bucky's forehead. "Especially when my beautiful, talented husband spent his day making it because I'm the idiot husband who suggested that planting fruit trees might be a good idea."
"We'll be eating blackberry pie till we both drop dead," Bucky said.
"That's an awfully long time," Steve said. Then he smiled. "I can't wait. We've earned it."
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megamindsupremacy · 2 years
What's your favourite line from United States Antarctica?
Oh man there’s so many bits from that fic that I love. Here’s two of my fave exchanges in it
Nyoom [tommy] has changed Loki [loki] to Baby Loki
Baby Loki: if you do not change this ridiculous nickname immediately i will place a curse upon your bloodline, thomas
Nyoom: jokes on you my bloodline is already cursed
Antionette [cassie]:okay but why was billy in another universe in the first place
Maygickyk[Billy]: i was just chillin
And here’s a bit from the chapter I will one day finish writing, I swear.
Antionette: interrupting the thing where we mutually ignore each other to ask why billy called him mr doctor strange
Nyoom: because thats his name?
Hawkeye the cooler [Kate]: no his name is doctor strange
Nyoom: yeah and you’re supposed to use a “mr” in front of adults if you respect them which i dont but billy does. So its mr doctor strange
Patriot [eli]: his name is just strange
Nyoom: yeah thats what he said but i was like “yeah its up there on weird names but who am i to judge what’s weird” 
Hawkeye the cooler: i am in pain
Patriot: his last name is “Strange”
Nyoom: yes i know
Patriot: so why did billy call him mr doctor strange
Nyoom: because thats his name
Antionette: kate
Hawkeye the cooler: Im pretending i cant see it
Teddy bear [Teddy]: oh i get it
Patriot: thank god at least one of you does
Teddy bear: his first name is “doctor” and his last name is “strange” so his name with a title is mr doctor strange. Because humans have two names. Right. And the “mr” is a sign of respect?
Nyoom: yeah exactly
Patriot: NO
Nyoom: mr isn’t a sign of respect?
Patriot: NO. i mean yeah kind of
Patriot: you know what nevermind
Hawkeye the cooler: it’s okay eli you tried
Antionette: i am telepathically patting you on your strangely bald head
Patriot: thanks cassie
And of course, the spiderman saga
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jehans · 2 years
To Seek A Nood-er World | steve rogers/bucky barnes explicit. accidental dick pic. getting together. 8,166 words.
Send noodz Steve has been staring at his phone for the last six minutes, eyes narrowed so much they’re almost closed at this point, trying to figure out what the hell Bucky means. Noodz? What the fuck are noodz? Listen, Steve is at least marginally aware of modern pop culture. He’s heard of nudes— not that nudes are exactly a modern invention; artists have been creating them for millennia — and he does know that people tend to misspell words to be cute or funny. They did that when he was young, too. Because time is a flat circle, apparently. But, wait—does that mean…? No. Not possible. Bucky isn’t asking Steve to send him…nudes. Right?
Keep reading
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dianadragonfly · 3 months
So, I was thinking about different fandoms and the fics that I love. What makes a good, satisfying fan fic? I realize it has 100% to do with the canon.
Take BBC Sherlock. I struggle so much with AUs where their beginnings are different. Sherlock is an astronaut, assigned to work with scientist John. (This is an example, not a dig at any specific fic). I can't. I can't. I realize BBC Sherlock is also an AU from Doyle, but BBC Sherlock and John are so fucking tied to "A Study In Pink" and John handing his phone to Sherlock that everything else seems false. Fun premise, but not the Sherlock and John I know.
A satisfying Johnlock fan fic needs to change the ending of the BBC canon. To think of these two men, who love each other so much, just continuing their parallel existences, never becoming anything more than crime-fighting buds, is just. . . it doesn't fit. It doesn't fit the show. It doesn't fit the characters Moffit and Gatiss created, even if they decided to not make it happen (as a special 'fuck you' to their fans). It's heartbreaking.
My favorite fics are fixits -- many of them deal with the aftermath of Euros and Mary, or some do "canon intercepts" and deal with Seasons 3 and 4 differently. Still, anything but John and Sherlock raising Rosie together as partners/lovers/husbands in 221B with Mrs. Hudson downstairs feels like a lie. (Some canon intercepts write out Rosie completely.)
If I had to write sequels to BBC canon, I'd pick "Drawn to Stars" by @totallysilvergirl or "Never Turn Your Back on the Sea” by @discordantwords . There's a thousand other ones, but those ring the most true to me.
"Heartstopper" fics don't have a lot of room to mess with the ending. Anything other than Charlie and Nick happily growing old together is so far out of canon and out of character that it doesn't even seem like it's worth exploring. There are a handful of ones that have one character or the other dying, but mostly, we understand right away that Charlie and Nick are endgame. We are 100% aligned with canon and creator on this.
Anything that isn't true to this ending rings as false as anything that isn't true to Sherlock's beginning. Fun to read, but not our characters.
With Nick and Charlie being so young in canon, their beginnings are so much malleable. Sherlock and John are tied to that lab. Nick and Charlie? not so much. They meet in grammar school. They meet in University. They meet after a hot hookup at a club in their 20s. They meet after broken marriages to Imogen and Ben. They meet during Nick's rugby career or as fellow teachers. They meet at gyms, at animal rescues, at psychiatric hospitals. They are single parents, University professors, rock star drummers, hot shot authors and academics. Their beginning isn't fixed. But the end always is.
I have so many favorites but I just re-read "Lavender Fields" and I think it's a perfect Nick and Charlie meeting up in their 30s fics. There's a ton of University fics too.
I haven't read nearly as many fics from other fandoms, so I don't know their quirks. I'm finding that fandoms that don't have a m/m pairing are hard to find a lot of fics for. (That's a whole 'nother post). But other m/m fandoms seem to have canon-compliant extra scenes. (Wanna see Achilles and Patroclus get freaky in a tent somewhere? Here ya go. That being said, there's one about Achilles waiting for Patroclus in the Underworld that breaks. my. damn. heart.)
Anyways, I need to do a serious look-through of other fandoms to see how this plays out.
I should add the links here to the fics I mention, just because.
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stevetonyisendgame · 1 year
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It’s the third day of work reveals for A Second Chance: A Steve/Tony Endgame Mini-Exchange and we have 7 fics and 2 artworks today!
Thank you to all participants - we’re so excited to share all these beautiful gifts with you! Enjoy and remember to leave kudos/comments for our hardworking creators to show your appreciation!! ❤️
A reminder to our dear creators that you can change the publication date of your works now that they have been revealed, so that they appear on the first page of the tags!
1. i would always be yours for ohjustpeachy | FIC - 2.7k, T
When Tony wakes up in the hospital after the snap, he finds out about two things: One, he's lost his right arm, and two, Steve wants to stay with him.
2. Take Two: It Takes Two for XtaticPearl | FIC - 1.2k, G
Steve and Tony navigate the ups and downs of their first date. (Post-Endgame!AU)
3. something to live for for shaggybeetle | FIC - 5k, M
“It’ll take time,” Tony says. “Steve, it--it could take years.” He says it softly, almost a confession, and Steve-- He nods, and says, “All we have now is time, Tones.” 
4. we won [art] for Fluffypanda | ART - G
For Fluffypanda for the Stevetony Endgame Exchange! Thank you for the lovely prompts, it was so hard to choose! I hope you like it <3
5. To End At the Beginning for laiwrites | FIC - 1.2k, G
Fixit where Steve saves Tony from the Snap
6. caffeinated ambrosia for rearranged (her_ghost) | FIC - 7.6k, T
For someone who grew up in Steve Rogers' perpetual shadow, it sure seemed odd that Tony was unfathomably, amazingly, and pathetically in love with the man. But, unfortunately, he was, because he could only pine from afar. After all, he's straight, right? Traveling into another world seemed to put things in perspective, though. Because, jeez, why was everything there so fucked up?
7. Unsaid words for Wadanokuni | FIC - 2.8k, T
And he was moving on.. well, he was getting on with it. It was fine, really. Well, at least he felt fine, until he saw Tony for the first time in years and the words felt like they were scraping their way up from his chest, begging to be let out.. He was fine. This is work, this is for something more than him, more than both of them. So if the sight of those honey brown eyes piercing through his blues were almost nauseating.. It had to be fine.
8. Wrangling Tony Stark for magicasen | ART - G
Retirement who? Steve just wanted a nice day off cuddling with his husband. But when an Avengers alarm goes off, there goes his husband flying into trouble with the kids. This is when investing in good cable pays off.
9. and i’m not afraid to say, i love you in my way for Becci_chan | FIC - 1.6k, G
steve and tony adopt a puppy post-endgame chaos & trauma . includes pepper, morgan, peter, and a teeny tiny splash of nat bc i jus love her a lot okay! seriously jus pure fluff, not a lot happening here, very minimal plot, u get it
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spiderlinging · 2 months
Just a friendly neighborhood reminder that posting fic rec lists is what people really need in life to make them happy. 👀
If you need some inspiration; what's your favorite fic that...
...leaves you in tears?
...is the best Endgame fixit?
...is the best NWH fixit?
...is the best AU?
...makes you laugh the most?
...makes you need a fan to cool yourself down?
...makes you desperate for a sequel?
...is the most realistic/in character?
...is the best omegaverse?
...is the slowest of slow burns?
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kitsune024 · 3 months
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Loki Fic Recs || Part 1 ||
WinterFrost Fics
IronFrost Fics
undetermined intervention by camomiletea I Chapters 4/4 I Completed Time Travel Fix-It, Good Odin
Loki had survived death before. This was the first time he had woken up in the past though.
I’ll Cover You by Ishantah I Chapters 2/2 I Completed Thor & Loki, Canon Divergence - Avengers: Infinity War Part 1, Loki Lives, Powerful Loki, Infinity Stones, Time Travel, Brotherly Angst, Bromance, Good Loki
Instead of snapping his neck, Thanos decides to take Loki up on his “offer” to help collect the stones, and forces Loki’s loyalty by holding Thor captive. Loki has no choice but to comply… for now.
Fate's Guardian by @peaceheather I Chapters 28/28 I Completed sort of good Loki, BAMF Loki, Emotional Hurt/Comfort
Set roughly a year post-Thor:TDW, reference to events in Guardians of the Galaxy. Pretty much a shameless fixit fic. No pairings. A being shows up on Earth looking for Loki, the Avengers get pulled in to see what's going on, and they all learn what Loki has *really* been up to all this time. I dunno, I was in a mood to write something like this, so I did. First posted to FFnet, if you prefer to read it there.
Because I Could Not Stop For Death by @soulessrobot I Chapters 6/6 I Completed Avengers: Infinity War Part 1 Compliant, Fix-It, Big Sis Hela, BAMF Hela, Loki has a plan
Warning Infinity War Spoilers Loki has a plan. Sometimes all you need to kill a Mad Titan is a Goddess of Death.
Withering Away by @galaxythreads I Chapters 10/10 I Completed Loki & Thor, Canon Divergence - Avengers: Endgame, Fix-It of Sorts, Whump, thor whump
[ENDGAME SPOILERS!] Thor failed. He failed his family, his people, his friends, and drinking solves nothing. When the Avengers arrive to initiate their plan, they find a much different Thor. One who’s only willing to agree on one condition: When they get the Tesseract, it will be on the Statesmen, and Thor will bring back Loki with him. (Fix-it) Avengers as family! Whump!
Changing the odds by Ikajo I Chapters 13/13 I Completed Canon Divergence - Avengers: Endgame, BAMF Loki, Time Travel, no one dies, Good Loki, Loki Does What He Wants
Doctor Strange saw over fourteen million different scenarios and only victory in one. He had not counted for a certain god of mischief however. Because who else would turn the certain to uncertain it would be him.
Mischief on Midgard by Areitheperidotdragon, Moonybird I Chapters 68/68 I Completed Banished Loki, Loki Does What He Wants, Trauma, Implied/Referenced Torture, Loki & Tony Stark Friendship
Takes place after the first Avengers movie, then goes AU. If Odin truly sees Thor and Loki as equal, they ought to face equal punishment for equal crimes. Thor's suggestion is granted and Loki is stripped of his powers as he is banished to Midgard where he has to either prove himself worthy or spend the rest of his life on earth without any special powers. Loki though is not so easily broken. He might not have magic nor supernatural strength. But he still has his wits, his gift of deception, his knowledge, and his basic skills as a fighter. And he is not ready to just lie down and admit defeat. He is ready to do what it takes to rise once again and handle the incoming threat from the void.
Bookmark Series
Let It Burn by ShatteredGlassWings I Part 1-2 I Loki & Thor, Gladiator Loki, BAMF Loki, they're all BAMF, Revengers team Chaos Reign by @fourth-rose I Part 1-14 I Loki & Asgard, BAMF Loki, King Loki, Jotunn Loki, Infinity Gems, Family Issues, Endgame Fix-It A Deep Mark by @withthekeyisking-writer I Part 1-2 I Avengers Team & Loki Loki Lives. Infinity Gems, BAMF Loki, Bruce Is a Good Bro The Deal by orphan_account I Part 1-2 I AU - Canon Divergence, infinity war and endgame fix it, loki lives, it's gonna get a bit dark The Trickster Universe by Shadow_Chaser I Part 1-4 I Completed BAMF!Loki, Epic Bromance, Loki's "kids" are not his "kids" - they are his coterie, Thor tries to make Loki become friends with the Avengers-But it doesn't quite take, Loki Does What He Wants - Series by @shieldcodex SHIELD Agent Loki Part 1. SHIELD Codex I Part 1-14 I Complete Part 2. The Codex 'Verse I Part 1-6 I Complete Part 3. The SHIELD Codex: Judicium I Part 1-14 I
Loki Fics with Fanart
Portal To The Past by @worstloki I Chapters 23/? I BAMF Loki, Jotunn Loki, so just to clarify Thor IS a good bro he's just also still getting there ya know, Crack Treated Seriously, Toxic Asgard, Loki Does What He Wants
Bookmark Series
Oh, Hey There, Mister Blue by @iguessyouregonnamissthepantyraid I Part 1-6 I Guardians of the Galaxy Team & Loki, BAMF Loki, They're All a BAMF in Some Way, Fix-It, AU - Canon Divergence, Team as Family
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bookgeekgrrl · 10 months
My media this week (23-29 Jul 2023)
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🥰 The Rift (seapigeon) - 53K, modern college no powers AU - there's witchcraft and ghosts and curses and art student steve and science nerd bucky and it was all very good!
😍 Six Kids and a Winnebago series (Oddree13) - 91K, omegaverse Steddie - this series is a thoroughly delightful domestic omegaverse(lite) set post s4 - excellent characterizations, great sense of time/place & really fantastic music references
🥰 Longing and Belonging (enjambament) - 44K, geraskier - governess!Jaskier, lots of great family stuff with Ciri & Yen [reread, a definite fave]
😍 if I'm gonna get back to you someday (napricot) - 46K, post Endgame fixit with "a clusterfuck of Steves" from different multiverses - so many good emotions!
😊 Roommate Wanted (Lihhelsing, tinkerbclla) - 66K, modern Steddie roommates-to-lovers, part epistolary with a dash of identity porn
💖💖 +110K of shorter fic so shout out to these I really loved 💖💖
the premature awakening of Bucky Barnes [at the hands of stupid, sexy, Post-run Steve] (MaddieWritesStucky (Madeleine_Ward)) - MCU: stucky, 3K - modern no powers stucky, several months on in the relationship between stripper!Bucky & architecht Steve [reread]
Galatea (saltandbyrne) - Inception: Arthur/Eames, 16K - a very good and delightfully melancholic modern myth telling
Shelter Case (Coragyps) - Suits: Mike/Harvey, 7K - futuristic dark dystopian omegaverse [reread]
Let Me Keep You (LeeHan) - MCU: stucky, 4K - Steve's oral fixation PWP  [reread]
D20: Adventuring Party - s1, e15-18
D20: A Crown of Candy - s5, e15-17
Good Omens - s2, e1-6
What Next: TBD Plus - Why Tech Lays Women Off First
⭐ Wiser Than Me with Julia Louis-Dreyfus - Julia Gets Wise with Jane Fonda
Fire Island: The Tea - Thomás Matos
50 Years of Hip-Hop - 1991: "Mind Playing Tricks on Me" by Geto Boys
50 Years of Hip-Hop - 1993: "Hip Hop Hooray" by Naughty by Nature
Hot and Bothered - Live from Pemberley: The 2005 Movie (with Helen Zaltzman and Jenny Owen Youngs)
Re: Dracula - July 24: There Will be Some Trouble
Rachel Maddow Presents: Déjà News - Episode 6: “Hello America, this is Addis Ababa.”
50 MPH - 7 MPH / A Crash Course in Jan De Bont (with Bilge Ebiri)
⭐ Endless Thread - Best of Summer: The Loudest Sound
The Atlas Obscura Podcast - Mapping the Gay Guides
The Atlas Obscura Podcast - Spaces for Spies
Switched on Pop - Barbie and the plasticity of pop
Shedunnit - Cricket and Crime
Re: Dracula - July 26: Just Starting for Home
Ologies with Alie Ward - Sciuridology (SQUIRRELS) with Karen Munroe
Stuff The British Stole - The Fever Tree Hunt
The Waves Plus - How a Drag Queen Recreated the American Dream
The Atlas Obscura Podcast - Knight’s Spider Web Farm
The Atlas Obscura Podcast - Amazon Night Hikes
Our Opinions Are Correct - Encore Episode: We're in the wrong timeline, with Connie Willis and R.F. Kuang
99% Invisible #546 - The Country of the Blind
50 Years of Hip-Hop - 1981: "Rapture" by Blondie
⭐ Decoder Ring Plus - A Brief History of Making Out
Twenty Thousand Hertz+ - Zelda: A Beep to the Past
Dear Prudence Plus - My Boyfriend Hid His Hobby From Me—Civil War Reenactments. Help!
⭐ Into It - Country Music’s Race Problem
What Next: TBD Plus - Washington vs. A.I.
Rivals: Music's Greatest Feuds - Robbie Robertson vs. Levon Helm: Broken Band
Re: Dracula - July 28: Four Days in Hell
Re: Dracula - July 29: Another Tragedy
Hit Parade Plus - The Bridge: Don’t Believe Me, Just Watch
⭐ Strong Songs - "Killing Me Softly With His Song," as sung by Lauryn Hill, Roberta Flack, & Lori Lieberman
Wait Wait… Don't Tell Me! - WWDTM: Randall Park
Fire Island: The Tea - Bambi Sue: Dredging Up the Past
Presenting The Who
People Just Wanna Have Fun [Kool & The Gang] {2023}
The Beach Boys Radio • Popular
"One Thing Leads To Another" [The Fixx] Radio
Dream Theater
Presenting Bruno Mars
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onemuseleft · 9 months
WIP shenanigans
Rules: Make a 24 hour poll with the names of your WIPs, let it run, then write one sentence (or) work for 10 minutes for every vote the winner receives.
taged by @thricepiercedpirate
Tagging everyone, tell us about your WIPs
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27dragons · 1 year
WIP Ask Game
Rules: post the names of all the files in your WIP folder regardless of  how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the  title that most intrigues them and then post a little snippet of it or  tell them something about it! And then tag as many people as you have wips.
I came by this game by way of @rebelmeg. I don't have anywhere near as many WIPs as she does, but uh, still a fair amount.
A Hierarchy of Needs
A/B/O Arena
Arranged Marriage
Bakeoff AU
BBGM: Tony's POV
Concubine!Bucky AU
Dangerous Beauty AU
Drarry Thing
Fantasy AU
Guardian Angel AU
Hawksilver: The Quick and the Dead
HTP Thing
Life Debt Bride
Modern Slave AU
Old Guard AU
Prison AU
Roman AU
Spin Me Out
The Monster in the Labyrinth
The Supplicant
Unnatural Shifter
WI Endgame Fixit
WI Halloween Stockings 2021
So... 26? Several of them haven't been touched since 2017, lol. I'm not tagging that many people, so I'll just tag @monobuu, @hddnone, @writingfanficsfan, @polizwrites, and... anyone who asks me about a WIP who also writes, themselves.
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🎉how often do you celebrate completing & posting a work? how often do you give yourself the credit/validation that you seek from others when you post? (if you don't, you should!)
Aw this is so sweet…I don’t do it as often as I should, but I do tend to go back and reread my stuff pretty soon after posting, so I can enjoy it. I mostly tend to make a bigger deal out of it for myself if it’s really long or took months of active writing to finish (hi Endgame fixit).
💎why is writing important to you?
Writing in general is important to me because, even if it is an enormous pain in the ass a lot of the time, I know I have talent and I like to use it to tell cool stories. Also because I like writing about women kissing, and werewolves, lmfao. Writing fanfic is important to me because I like rescuing the female characters canon/fandom doesn’t like.
🕯️how do you think engaging with each other through tumblr, twitter, comments, kudos, creates healthy fandom experiences? How do you deal with that if you're not a social person/experience social anxiety?
I think it’s good to talk to others about your fandom ideas, interpretations, and experiences via fanfic, and hear from others about their own interpretations. Of course sometimes you’ll just run into some bananas nonsense takes, but I personally have had my outlook on a character or plotline changed or at least reframed by someone else’s fanfic. I also think it’s important to point out when an author is perpetuating harmful ideas in their work. I’m a much more social person online than I am in person, so I don’t have a problem leaving comments on fic, although sometimes I will read a fic, leave it open in a tab for months, and forget to comment, lol.
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alphaflyer · 1 year
The Consultants Initiative please!
Was that an ask for this round of the WIP meme, or a previous one? (I think you may have asked this before...?) Well, anyway, I'll answer, just in case!
A genuine WIP, started and not finished but not forgotten: Post-Endgame, post-WandaVision and Falcon & the Winter Soldier, but also based on the Fraction series (so, no Farm Fam). Clint and Kate are broke, and Fury wants them for Something, so Kate decides to turn the Hawkeyes into a for-hire team. That's basically as far as I got, although it's intended to turn into a Multiverse/Fixit thing, possibly involving Talos and his small band of Skrulls.
Here's an excerpt (maybe this will motivate me to reopen this thing!):
“Voicemail exists for a reason,” Clint says. “Like you said, it’s Sunday morning. Family time. I only save the world Mondays to Fridays, and exceptionally on Saturdays.”
So it’s a potential job, then? Kate reaches out to catch the phone, just as it’s about to succumb to the gravitational pull of the kitchen floor. Whoever the caller is, Clint is ignoring them on purpose; she’s getting curious, especially if they might ask for a spot of world saving.
“Good morning,” she chirps as Clint glares at her. “The other Hawkeye is busy just now, but we are open for business. Can I help you?”
“Put. Barton. On.”
The growl coming out of the phone almost causes Kate to drop the phone; the ringtone is starting to make sense.  She tosses the thing at Clint’s face.
“It’s your former boss,” she says, unnecessarily.  “I think he really needs to talk.”
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faeriecap · 1 year
A WIP game
Rules: Post the names of all the files in your wip folder regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet of it or tell them something about it.
i saw elliot <3 doing it so obviously i want in on that, here’s all of my marvel wips :))))
I GUESS a summer in new york counts as a wip
the mcalpine sessions
gods and faeries
dublin! au
“anyways i’m going nuts NUTS i say” (this is now The One With Ricky Rat)
2nite were settin teh woods on fire (up into arms au)
steve bachelor au
endgame fixits i guess
the packer au (written w @t4tstevebucky)
comes love - false start
mobster au
married at first sight au
AWITS fae! one shot
this sounds so fucking awful do NOT get the wrong idea but massage parlor au
wasteland baby sessions
pierce’s journals
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rockinlibrarian · 6 months
10 and 30 for ao3 wrapped?
Whoooo, ask game! I'm not sure how exciting my answers will be though! I remember there was a shorter AO3 Wrapped last year just about writing that I went and answered ALL the questions from, but I can't imagine doing that for this list! But without further ado:
10. Most popular fic by hits you posted this year:
Hmm, multichapter fics are confusing the issue. I wish when you click on the year at the top of the Statistics page, it showed you specifically the stats FROM THAT YEAR.
Top is "Not Just Stupid Kids," to which I added a short bonus chapter inspired by something I read in another fic this year. Granted, this one also ranks second total hits of all time right after the Endgame fixit, with 937 hits, and it IS only two (one and a half?) years old, but I do have a feeling most of those came LAST year.
Likewise the second highest, "A Captain with Seven Children," at 634 hits-- oh, I think it's gotten a couple more subscriptions since last I noted it, too-- but that's three chapters from last year and only one from this year, and this year's chapter didn't get any comments despite me being very proud of it, so I feel that's definitely a bloated result, too.
So the top that was ENTIRELY posted this year is "Morning-After Meltdowns," (the title I hate slightly less than the first one I came up with! Please don't judge it by its title), at 487 hits, which is dang good comparatively, actually, and my most blatantly Fiktory Fiktor Fik yet (lie, I actually posted an even worse-- in a non-debatably-platonic way, not a quality way-- one anonymously this year, since it links back to a flat out smut fic I didn't want linked to on my main page-- going back to the conversation you and I, Uniasus, were having earlier about the benefits of NOT having the same username everywhere!-- which is fourth-highest this year at 161 hits, again making me blink at "Morning-After"'s hit count and say, "man, that WAS pretty good!")
Meanwhile my favorite fic I wrote this year, "The Magic Man of Oz," still only has 47 hits, just one hit more than my completely self-indulgent "Pipeweed Mafia Epic," so I'm shouting it out again here out of spite.
30. Most popular Fandom by total fic number you read from this year
I am slightly confused by the wording of this question. If it means the fandom I read the most fics from, that's obviously still Umbrella Academy. But does it mean "the fandom I read from that is most popular by number of fics it HAS, TOTAL, which is actually kind of an interesting question. And that would be (looking this up tediously even as I risk being late for an appointment) 47,347 fics as of this writing from "Percy Jackson and the Olympians & Related Fandoms"!
Meanwhile, I'm still working on two fics that won't be revealed as mine until the VERY end of the year (or on new year's day? I forget), from two apparently MUCH smaller fandoms (actually the one IS popular just in general and I have no idea how it still qualified for Yuletide, but I'M NOT GOING TO SAY ANYTHING MORE SHUT UP AMY YOU'RE ANONYMOUS), and I feel like my AO3 experience won't really be WRAPPED until then!
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msilverstar · 1 year
Author: @burberrycanary , @amoneth-art Date updated: 24 Apr 2023 Works in Series: 3,  Words: 37,997 Series Complete: No Ratings for all included works: General Audiences, Explicit Warnings for all included works: No Archive Warnings Apply Fandoms: Captain America (Movies), Captain America - All Media Types, Marvel Cinematic Universe, The Falcon and the Winter Soldier (TV) Relationships: James "Bucky" Barnes/Steve Rogers Characters: James "Bucky" Barnes, Steve Rogers, Sarah Wilson (Marvel), Sam Wilson (Marvel) Additional Tags; Endgame Fix-It, Post-Series, Post-TFATWS, Fix-It, Post-The Falcon and the Winter Soldier, Pining Steve, Pining Steve Rogers, Forgiveness, In its many degrees, Sam and Bucky’s verbally aggressive and physically affectionate friendship, Steve and Sam’s epic platonic meet-cute that never stopped being cute, Sam Wilson’s terrifying tough love speeches, Sarah Wilson calls it like she sees it, The couch is Bucky’s now, General sibling bickering, A story about food and music and grief, Endgame Steve makes better choices, eventually, He’s trying folks, So Much Pining Steve, Steve Rogers's Sadness Errands, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD, Group Therapy, Therapy, Artist!Steve, Bucky Barnes & Sam Wilson Friendship, though they’d glare at anyone who said so, Road Trips, Post-Serum Steve Rogers, Get Together, First Time, Steve Rogers & Sam Wilson Friendship, Sam Wilson is a Gift, The Great American Road Trip
Author's Summary:
Mutability is our tragedy, but it's also our hope. The worst of times, like the best, are always passing away.
A post-The Falcon and The Winter Soldier Stucky fix-it.
Bookmarker's Notes:
Steve comes back after he returns the Stones, but it's nine months later, after the Flagsmashers, and everyone's lived through a lot. So he has to make his peace with the world as it is afterwards.
Some explicit issues and some very subtle ones, with a great sense of place in Louisiana, Brooklyn, and a road trip down to Savannah. It's slow and thoughtful and hugely satisfying.
Some of my favorite lines:
At the end of the day, deserve has shockingly little to do with anything
“You never had any tactical flair, Steve.”
That is such a filthy lie that Steve has to pause midway down the stairs and glare back up at him.
What do you do with all that rage when you’re decades too late?
Drink bland beer and raw-boned whiskey and listen to a good set of stripped-down electrocuted blues that runs way past midnight. Turns out, that’s what you do.
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