#post my two week depression bender
🌊 Hey there, just a quick note to remind you that it’s okay to take things one step at a time. Life doesn’t always go according to plan, but that’s where the beauty of new possibilities comes in. Trust the process, even when the path isn’t clear. You’ve got the creativity and the courage to turn unexpected moments into something extraordinary. Keep moving forward, and know that the twists and turns are just part of your unique journey. 🌊
Thank you so much anon! This past year has been very hard for me, and I’ve been having trouble getting my antidepressants. I haven’t taken anything since February and it probably shows in a few of my posts lol. I’m working on getting a psychiatrist appointment set up but insurance won’t cover it or my meds so we’ll see if I actually get any… It’ll depend on the actual cost, I have a set out of pocket budget…
Anyway, I’ve also moved back in with my parents. They know all my problems etc., so nobody needs to worry about me killing or hurting myself. I’ll be fine for the time being, I just need to wait it out for another year or so. This too shall pass and all that.
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adelheidvonschicksal · 9 months
I don't even like thinking about toji taking megumis girl. Like, in my mind he's trying to atone 😪
Yes!!! Let’s talk about it!
He loves ‘Gumi so much. He was just having a bit of a ✨ emotional breakdown ✨ during that whole selling him off deal. And personally I was coming off the Shouto train so it hits twice as hard cause he always gets his GF taken by Endeavor or Dabi (sometimes Bakugo), which Dabi makes sense since he HATES Shouto. But post-atonement Enji 😭I totally get the kink though (tbh I kinda like it in reverse 🤭). There’s actually a really GOOD fic I like called U&I with Bully!Megumi and you sleep with Toji to kinda get back at him after finding out he’s been using you. I like the revengeful ones or when it’s a 2-parter and they find out what you did.
BUT I DIGRESS, okay so I got some big brainrot and I was half asleep and started thinking about it and ahh! Plus I didn't post for his birthday so this is like the most slap together, grammarless of my brain rotting (and you brought it about Nonnie, so you gotta take responsibility lol) but:
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(SFW) Imagine okay, like a modern AU: Toji is trying to be a better dad after the endless benders after losing his wife. He went from floating from random woman to woman, trying to catch that feeling again like when he was with his first wife. It always devolves into the same thing with him squeezing them dry for every penny he can get before moving on to the next with Megumi in tow. Sometimes it didn’t include Megumi, Toji would leave him alone for weeks to months at a time as he got older, occasionally bringing home some new mom that he’ll eventually abandon at the end of the day or that eventually gets tired of him; tired of both of them because Megumi refused to be nice to anyone Toji brought home.
But it finally hits him to be better, to try to be a good parent. Sadly, it’s too late. Megumi is a teenager now, one year from graduating high school and going to college, where Toji will definitely not have any chance to atone. He doesn’t blame the kid, it’s his own fault.
However, he sees a lot of himself in his son. The apathy that borders depression, the lone wolf attitude, the quietness and independent streak, the very small number of friends (if any, because Megumi NEVER brings anyone over or talks about school at all, usually avoids talking to him in general). He isn’t really sure what to say to the kid, not that he’s figured it all out himself or that Megumi would even listen to him. Indifference was the best he could hope for most of the time.
Then one day, he shows up at home with someone. A girl, even. And you’re cute, way too chipper to be following around his wallflower of a kid. Always entering and leaving with a “Hi, Mr. Fushiguro. Bye, Mr. Fushiguro. Looking good today, Mr. Fushiguro. Love the haircut, Mr. Fushiguro. Rocking that sweater, Mr. Fushiguro. Have a good day, Mr. Fushiguro.”
You seem too good for nobodies like them; and when he teases Megumi with the notion, his son claims you’re just his class partner for this semester, nothing else. But Toji sees how soft he gets around you, the little bit of extra effort he puts in trying to make conversation when you’re over, the blush and grouchy embarrassed complaints he makes whenever Toji tells him to leave his room door open when you guys work on projects in there. The complaints usually get a little quieter given the right laugh from you.
You have a good effect. Megumi seems a little less tense, walking the world with a little less cynicism even though it’s still clearly there. He starts hanging out with two other kids from his school, Megumi claims they’re your friends, not his, but Toji has seen the pink haired boy over twice without you. Overall, you all seem like a really good kids.
One weekend you pop because you and your friends were in the neighborhood and wanted to see if Megumi wanted to join in on whatever you’re doing. Unfortunately, Megumi’s not home, but it gives Toji a small window to prod you a little about your relationship with Megumi. He’s observant enough to notice by now that the two of you like each other but he just wanted to hear it from you, and you make the most darling lovesick face when he asks. As far as he can piece together, you’re not dating officially but the entire world treats you as you are.
When Megumi finds out what happened though. He doesn’t like it, and he makes it clear that the interference was highly unappreciated it. Toji is simply sitting in the kitchen and trying to enjoy his apple, and he’s getting the interrogation treatment by this little gremlin (affectionately) half his size.
“What were the two of you talking about?” “Nothing in particular.” “If you don’t need anything then don’t bother her.” “Why? You don’t want me speaking to her?” “No. She isn’t your type anyway.”
Then, Megumi starts going off on a tangent of why Toji shouldn’t be interested. You’re too young, you're still months off from 18, you don’t have any money for him to leech, and there’s no way you can decide on a movie together with that age gap; 'You’ll kick the bucket 30 years before her' is the meanest one though.
Based on the disrespect, it still looks like Toji has a lot of work to put in but it’s almost cute, in an grouchy, bratty (also affectionately) sea urchin type way that he’s getting so worked up over you. He thinks the kid will combust if he mentions that he does think you’re cute (in an overly energetic bubbly kind of way), and it makes him release a short chuckle as he resists the intrusive thought, which only serves to make Megumi’s frustration even worse.
Normally, he'd get tired at this point and ask if Megumi was done mouthing off yet, but this time it makes him glad to see Megumi getting so worked up over something. It’s a good feeling to know his actions didn’t completely ruin his son, that he didn't completely destroy Megumi's ability to care about life like his former family and the world had once done to him. It makes smile the tiniest bit even as Megumi seems to try to trudge away after making his point. Whatever point there was to be had. The boy is such a chronic overthinking about everything and everyone, including if you’re one of those girls at the school that squeal when they see him pick him up at school on the rare occasion.
“Hey,” Toji calls out to get his attention. “Do you know what you’re doing?” It’s not the best words but it’s the only way to sum up the familiar feelings he gets of his past, right after he left his family, right before he met Megumi’s mom. And after losing her without ever really making the most of everything back then and treasuring the moments together. “It’s hard to find something like that. Don’t do anything you’ll regret.”
He can sense the tension draining from Megumi, the panic and shaky nervousness from seconds ago leaving in the form of drooped shoulders and a soften, mildly confused expression as he looks back at him. Something seems to finally click in that overly worked brain of the younger Fushiguro and he mumbles, “I know.”
And Megumi gets that look again, that quiet one, too caught up in his own head.
"Do I need to make room for a daughter-in-law in that case?" he asks lazily before taking another bite of his apple, the chewing echoing. It's enough to earn some grumbles and a red face. He smirks when the boy quickly decides to hobble back to his room and hide away in embarassment. Like a normal kid.
And Toji thinks that maybe…a small maybe… that maybe they’ve gotten a little closer. If only in that moment. Regardless, he really hopes that the talk is one of those things the school already covered because he really doesn’t want to be responsible for that.
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sonicenvy · 4 years
you can do all the questions, but I am especially dying to know the anti-otp/notp for Once
hahaha this will be fun, i am now remembering that i have (and have had in the past) some strong and controversial opinions about this show lmaoooo. i did have fun watching (most of) the show. don’t get me started on ouat and male rape as a plot device -- we will be here all day if i start to talk about how salty i was, and honestly, weirdly, still am about that. without further ado
my favorite female character: Emma Freaking Swan, my bitch love her and her determination and her passion and her everything honestly. she had so many shitty life experiences 10/10 deserved a better childhood than the one she got.
my favorite male character: Killian Jones. my boy! he of the angst, eyeliner, secret soft heart and terrible adaption to modern technology. he also had such a tough life and a shitty childhood and 10/10 deserved better. i was (and still am, on the DL) a huge CS shipper. im still so happy they found each other and that they got married!
my favorite book/season/etc: oh wow this is tough, can i just say the 2 part episode where emma and hook end up back in time minus the maid marian returns subplot??? cause uhhh that’s it. also the neverland arc; that was super well plotted and the point in the show where i felt the most sympathy for rumple, who i later just couldn’t stand. he should have stayed dead after his redemption suicide death at the end of the neverland arc, send tweet idc if this is a controversial opinion lol
my favorite episode (if its a tv show) see above “cs the movie” the ball scene, hooks “prince” outfit. snow turning into a bug and charming recognizing her, emma and hook kissing for realsies, emma “im uhhh princess leia” swan, peak rumple sass, “i’m in the book now” guhhhhhhh regina and robin bein’ cute af together. the belle/rumple wedding scene with their vows paired with scenes of all the other canon pairings shit woooo boi i die. let’s pretend the marian “im actually zelena” shit never happened shhhhhhhhh!
my favorite cast member: Colin O’Donoghue, he just seems so upbeat and fun??? also big love to ginnifer goodwin and josh dallas who became like, actual real life snow/charming and are very obviously very in love.
my favorite ship: captain swan full stop. my babies! wholesome, full of soft romantic moments! both hot af! i still, on occasion go on some serious CS fic reading binges because the CS fan community is full of fun people and frankly AMAZING fic writers whom i love dearly. so many, good AUs which i am a huge sucker for ....
a character I’d die defending: Emma! *Puts on the “Emma Swan deserves happiness and love today and always” t-shirt and wears it always.*
a character I just can’t sympathize with: rumple, but only, like, in later seasons. he just ... keeps fucking stuff up and never learns it was ... aggravating. i felt like after they made him suddenly not dead the first time they couldn’t figure out what to do with him so they just .... used him as a bland chaos agent, which was honestly a disservice to his character which in seasons 1-3 had real development, good plots and was well crafted as a morally-grey edging on immoral dude!
a character I grew to love: ??? this is, like, weirdly hard for me?? i think i just, liked the characters i was gonna like from the get-go and ended up disliking some characters that i originally liked in the beginning. does it count if i say elsa and anna? i was not super about the fact that they decided to basically shoe-horned in frozen at all because i was kinda irritated over the whole huge frozen hype, so i was kinda expecting to be just mildly annoyed by the frozen characters being in once, but i ended up not really being because they were just ... kinda sweet?? especially anna.
my anti otp: lol definitely sw@nqueen. no one can change my mind. outside of the fact that i just don’t like this ship (though i can see why there were a bunch of people that saw it/shipped it) so many of the people in that ship were just ... awful to like, the actors and to the people in the captain swan camp and i was not here for it -- like i have to say that was definitely the big influencer in making me like, be super anti-sw@nqeen when i had just been pretty low-key not a fan of the ship. also, i just don’t think as a relationship in practice it would be a healthy or good one. plus ... uhhh i know @rockford-peach​ you really like regina, but post, like season 3 i kinda got tired of her, even though i really wanted to like her for a long time. i think it was largely because she got the shitty character non-development from the writers, which is honestly a damn shame because she started out so compelling??? i was, uhhh kinda mad about it at the time i think.
it’s been a long time since ive been really into once, but i had some very strong opinions that got me All Fired Up about that show for a long time that i have mostly zen-ed out about now. lbr i had a lot of fandom opinions that really Fired Me Up as a teenager that i have zen-ed out on since becoming one whole adult person. typing this out gave me war flashbacks lmaoooo. wowie this got looong.
also i love u and hope you are holding up ok in these trying and frankly shitty times. virtual hugs! this was a wild (but fun) time!
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send me a fandom/show/book and ill give u my opinions n thoughts
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ggukkieland · 4 years
📕CURRENT READS (2020 October)
🌹 Fics I’ve enjoyed reading this October, with some few unread ones (still have 4 to 5 days to finish!). Waah I have read a lot 😲 I can’t believe I’m almost complete with this list 🥳. Usually when I post and organize the list, half of it are still on #toread status. I thought of curating Halloween-themed fics 🎃 but I ended up reading any genre anyway😁.
Again, credit goes to these awesome writers! Sending them lots of love and virtual hugs 🥰🤗💜🥰🤗💜🥰🤗 .
✅ -  done reading   | S (smut) F (fluff) A (angst) 
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🥕[Ongoing Series - to check weekly] 
Still reading the ongoing series from last month’s reading list, whenever there is an update 😊
I Feel You in my Heart by @purpletaecup - MYG |  exes au, second chances, some chapters have smau elements | A, S, F (really good story development 😭)
[7/?] nearly 2 months after their divorce, yoongi and y/n wade through the aftermath of the fallout by themselves. yoongi is moving on with someone else while y/n finds herself stuck in waves of anxiety and depression. soon enough, they are brought together again by an unfortunate accident
If it Harms None, Do What You Will by purpletaecup - JJK | smau, comedy, supernatural au, fantasy au, witch!reader, demon!jungkook | F, S  🎃
[6/?] it’s the beginning of October and green witch y/n has been preparing for all of the spooky activities she needs to do for all hallow’s eve. one of her older friends gives her a ritual candle for protection. a couple of drops of blood and a wonky magic circle later, there is a high level demon sitting on the floor of her living room.
We Live with a Ghost by @smaubts - JJK | smau, comedy, ghost au, roommates au | F  🎃
[6/13] when jungkook convinces his roommate, y/n, that their house is haunted by an evil ghost, they decide their best option is to contact with it and make it leave but end up summoning an actual ghost by accident.
Swan Black by CharWrites [AO3] - JJK | fantasy, supernatural, enemies to lovers, dark fantasy, apocalypse, Fae!Jungkook, Fae!Yoongi, Fae!Taehyung,  LOTR/Mortal Instruments/Labyrinth vibes | A, S (I love this! It’s like watching LOTR 😍)  🎃
[10/?] So's twin brother, Jimin, has been kissed by darkness: an evil that has spread across the land and has claimed many souls. They only have weeks until the darkness consumes him. Once consumed, he will be governed by the unsullied: a powerful race of Dark Fae that has overtaken the world.
So seeks out a rogue Fae Prince, Kook, who is her only hope, if she can survive his deadly charms and irresistible lure especially when he is much more interested in possessing her, mind body and soul.
Third Wheeling by @taetaewonderland - MYG |  strangers to lovers au, ceo!yoongi | A, F, S 🥰
[1/?] Min Yoongi is a strict man. Time is money to the CEO of Kisung Connected. He isn’t interested in conventional things or wastes of time. He’s an asshole. But, you didn’t realize until it was too late. Until you met him at the club and it changed your life forever.  
Bad Friends by @hollyxqx- MYG | friends to lovers, enemies to lovers, neighbor au, college au, fwb au | A, S, F (what a good angst 😥)
[1/3] hooking up with your childhood best friend was never your plan, but neither was falling in love with him either. he’s troubled but his heart is gold. when you move away for college, things start to take a turn.
House of Lilies by @suqakoo​ - JJK | mafia au, arranged marriage au | A, F, S
[3/?] Jeon Jungkook is the only heir to Dal Gurimja. He is the poster child for mafia bosses. He’s a feared hit-man among the underground world, and a successful CEO among the socialites of Seoul. Pair him with a castaway girl who’s been out of society for twelve years, and… what do you get?
Your Eyes Tell  by @njkbangtan - JJK | soulmate au, enemies to lovers au, roommates au, sugar baby (but not really), slow burn | A, F
[5/?] You live in a world where people see in black and white. The solution to finally see the colors? It’s simple. You need to meet your soulmate and look at him in the eyes, but what if the person bound to you is already contented with the monochromatic world? What if…Jeongguk, your soulmate, is already in love with someone else?  
I hate u, I love u by @bbangpanmen - JJK | fwb au, friends to lovers au, smau | A
[17/23] he uses you to forget her; you let him because you love him.
Puzzle by @kimvvantae - JJK | fwb au, friends to lovers au, college au | A, S, F (I’ve read this before, around 2018-19 and I thought it was discontinued. Glad there’s an update ^_^)
[7/?] the line between friendship and something more has never been crossed  - but that changes after a break up and a drunken night, when you not-so-accidentally cross this line to something much more. what happens when after this accident your non-matching puzzle pieces seem to match in a way you’ve never imagined?
The Lesson/Min Boy by @adventuresinwonderlust - MYG | bad boy!yoongi, dom-sub elements, enemies to lovers, brat!reader | S, A, F
[6/8] No summary provided but it’s the twisted story between bad boy Yoongi with angsty backstory and this brat/rich kid. I really liked how it was written though.  I made a mistake of reading part 4:  Two Months Too Long, which should’ve been the 6th story to read if you follow the author’s sequence. 
Popular-ish by @hansolmates - JJK | popular!jungkook, college au, fwb to lovers, shy!oc | F, S, A
[9/?] drabble series: you are way out of jungkook’s league. Or is it the other way around?
Date Me by @latetaektalk - JJK | enemies to lovers, fake dating au, rich kid au | A, F,
[prologue + 1/?] when obnoxiously rich and spoiled frat boy jeon jungkook comes up to you one day and asks you to fake date him for money, you definitely should have said no. because before you knew it, you were going on insta dates with him and having lunch with his equally obnoxiously rich and spoiled friends.
All Over You by @zibermuda - JJK | enemies to lovers, nerd!jk, fuckgirl!reader | S, F 
[2/?] you don’t usually go for the quiet, nerdy type, but Jungkook’s by far the best looking guy in your year. You just can’t help yourself. You have to have him. Small hiccup; he hates you
Effortlessly by @gyukult - JJK | friends to lovers, neighbors au, 
[8/?] “Reciprocate feelings?” Jungkook crosses his arms before he continues, “They should know that you’re the only girl in my life.“ Jungkook has been your best friend and neighbor since you could remember, but what you can’t recall is when your feelings began develop for him. 
HEI$T: A JJK Fic by lucidly [AO3] - JJK | heist au, action, bangtan are thieves, vigilante au | A, S
[3/?] Six years after being thrown into the world of forgery, espionage, and heists, Mona and her team face competition like never before: The Bulletproof Boy Scouts, a fabled Korean gang of thieves that everybody seems to know, but no one has seen. When she comes face to face with all 7 of them, Mona knows: they're real, and this job won't be like the others. For years she has followed the money, but could it be time that she follow her heart instead?
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🥕[Completed AUs/Series-  to read]
✅  - done reading (also there seems to be a lot of JJK fics)
Creep @xjoonchildx - MYG | S, pwp, yandere ✅
Guilty @xjoonchildx - KNJ | A, S, mafia au, second part of Guarded AU (an awesome JHS series) 
Chapter One: How Odd  Chapter Two: Incheon Mall Tube Tops  Final Chapter: Is Something Burning?  Epilogue: Better Than Okay
Paddle with Me @yoongs-jeontae - JJK | A, S, enemies to lovers, camp counselor au, pwp   ✅
Hate Me @themfchase - JJK | S, collegel!au, enemies to lovers au, fuckboy!jk, pwp  ✅
Devil in a Blue Suit @yeojaa - JJK | F, S, idiots to lovers, established au, good boy!jungkook  
main story  ✅ + drabbles  ✅
Sweetest Crush @minjoonalist - JHS | F, S, brother’s best friend au 
Fake Love @aquaminwrites - JHS | F, S, A, fake dating au, enemies to lovers  ✅
Faded Love @jamaisjoons - PJM | A, S, marriage au, infidelity ✅
Brown-Eyed Baby @vinterjeon - JJK | A, S, F, exes to lovers, single dad!jk 
01 02  ✅
Why We Got Married @ktheist - KTH | F, S, arranged marriage au, slow burn ✅
Lonely Hearts Club @dovechim - JJK | S, F, enemies to lovers, wedding au  ✅
Come to Me @jeonsweetpea - JJK | S, A, F ,friends to lovers, college au  ✅
Satan on the Strip @noir0neko - JJK | S, A, demon!jungkook  ✅  🎃
No Face @seokoloqy - MYG | A, S, F, demon au, supernatural au  ✅  🎃
Take a Chance @crystaljins - JJK | A, Hanahaki au, co-workers, very angsty but Seokjin provides comic relief
01 02 03 04 05 06 07  ✅
The Lottery Offering @skswriting - JJK | A, F, S, werewolf au, sort-of arranged marriage au  ✅
A Beautiful Epiphany @onherwings - JJK | A, S, F, friends to lovers, unrequited love, artist!jungkook  ✅
Au Naturel (sequel) - drabble, established au  ✅
Broken Dreams @ddaenysus - JJK | A, soulmate au, unrequited  ✅
And Mended Hearts (sequel) - A, S, soulmate au, college au   ✅
Coin Toss @yoondoze - JJK | A, mafia au, detective au, exes au, plot twist 👀  ✅
I Knew It Was You @hoseokmylovesworld - JJK | S, F, werewolf au, college au  ✅ 🎃
Little Blue @pars-ley - JJK | F, S, friends to lovers, college au, with TW   ✅
Little Blue Pill @dreamescapeswriting  - JJK | S, pwp, friends to lovers ✅ 
Smitten @megahwn - JJK | F, S, arranged marriage au, strangers to lovers au   ✅
Hit Me with Your Best Shot @namfine - JJK | S, pwp, martial arts, friends to lovers  ✅
Slow and Steady @yoonia - JJK | S, A, artist!jungkook, infidelity, established au   ✅
Cockblocked @mercurygguk - JJK | A, S, F, friends to lovers, roommates au  ✅
 everything I ever wanted (drabble) - morning after  ✅
What are you Afraid Of? @cupofteaguk - JJK | F, avatar the last bender au 
Part 2 (prompt: if you keep looking at me like that we won’t make it to a bed) - avatar au, F, S
demon-etized @jungkxook - KNJ | S, youtube au, ghost hunter au  🎃
Spellbound @jeonseok - JJK |  F, slight S, demon au, crack, romcom  ✅ 🎃
Raising Demons (sequel) - fluffy, smut, established au, crack  ✅ 🎃
What’s in a Name? @minsimagines - JJK | A, F, demon au, soul selling scenario, romance  
01 02 03 ✅  🎃
The Big Yellow School Bus  [15k] fringesofsanity [AO3] - JJK | S, A, F, noona, fwb au  ✅
once bitten, twice shy [5.6k] obiwrites [AO3] - JJK | A, F, implied S, exes au, parents au   ✅
Lose Somebody [26k] @kooala - JJK | A, F, slight S, exes au, camping au  ✅
Oh What a World [100k] @taestybae - PJM | A, S, F, fake marriage au, fallen idol au (been wanting to read this since July (!), will finally get to reading this 🥰)
series masterlist [18 chapters + epilogue]
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okay I just realized they’re all JJK drabbles 😅
Incandesce @eunoiabliss - 544 words | JJK | fantasy au, fluff  ✅
Forgetful Confession  @suhdays - 991 words | JJK |  fluff, slight angst, college au, friends to ???  ✅
Club @taleasnewastime - 2k | JJK | fluff, bestfriends  ✅
JJK Reincarnation drabble @ktheist - 571 words | JJK | F, reincarnation (?) | love love this 🥰  ✅
Pup @whipped-for-kpop-fics​ - 1.5k | JJK | F, humour, werewolf au, established au | this is cute and funny 🤣  ✅
A Line Crossed @underthejoon - 723 words | JJK | A, bodyguard au ✅
Rousing Rendezvous @rookiegukie - 1.5k | JJK |  smut, frenemies with benefits, modern royalty au  ✅
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karimac · 2 years
So, it's Friday night maybe...
Or maybe it's already Saturday or Sunday when you, dear Tumblr friend, came across this? Or maybe it's a year down the road from when I posted this? It doesn't really matter, I guess.
I've been noticing many bloggers here talking about plans with family or friends that start causing all kinds of stress. I hear you! Oh boy, do I hear you.
I started thinking back to my mom's family--the ones I usually saw two weeks every summer for most of my life--and how, despite some genuinely lovely events, the majority of gatherings seemed a bit off kilter to a New York tween and teenager who didn't quite fit in. The best days were the ones just bumming around town or relaxing on the front porch.
They remembered the little kid and were not prepared for the awkward, overweight, slightly depressed, slightly OCD me that showed up. The one who got righteously pissed when they questioned why my pop, who was getting over a heart attack, didn't make it out to help clear out my grandmother's house after she died. The one who, to this day, does not understand why her mom's youngest sister questioned her grief at Grandma's death.
Yeah, families can be funny that way.
Like my pop's brother who, after a bender, almost set my closet on fire because he used his cigarette lighter to find his way around the house instead of putting on a light.
It sure has been a crazy life. That's for sure. I could go on for hours. I won't. I promise.
I guess, sitting on this side of things now that most of them have "gone before me" to whatever they believed the next stage of the hereafter is, I may be starting to learn that I need to breathe more. Look at things around me and not freak out so much--something my son reminds me to do a lot, bless his heart. Just take a moment to let it be. It isn't easy, but I need to try, even if my OCD says otherwise.
And I hope, Tumblr buddy, that you can do that for yourself, too. Be it a family visit, a wedding that you are attending soon, a less-than-pleasant work gathering, a graduation or anything else you care to name, please take a moment for yourself. Take a deep breath, look in the mirror or grab your stress-relief item and just center yourself. You've got this.
Hell, if teenage me could climb a wire fence to see my favorite hockey team and not break any bones (I am a klutz), then I know you've got this.
Here's to each and very one of you. May you shine this weekend and always!
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south-park-meta · 3 years
do you have headcanons for stans life before post covid?
This is basically just expanded from an rp I'm doing with @dear-wormwoods so maybe it's more headcanons for that than the actual show so...sort of?
-Spent ages 10-18 in juvenile detention. Went through regular counseling at this time. Based on a real detention facility, there were chronic drug problems and fights but he mostly kept his head down through this. Spent time taking hands-on classes. Got in a handful of fights but as he was the youngest kid there with violent offenders for a long time, when he was actually worried he'd threaten self harm even if he had no intent, and get put in one-to-one. Kept contact with Kenny and Wendy during this time. Rarely talked to his dad except if he got in trouble. Stopped talking to Wendy after he got out.
-Started drinking early twenties and went through a phase of getting in bar fights, getting arrested but being let go without charges. Also egged on and talked shit to guys he had casual flings with to make them more aggressive during sex/effectively 'make me'. Eventually knocked off both these bad habits around the same time after semi-successful therapy. Had two 'actual' relationships through his twenties, the first with a man and the second with a woman. He did try sincerely but kept emotional distance and failed to commit and communicate both times. Worked in manual labor off and on.
-Treatment resistant depression and PTSD. Went irregularly through therapy and medications. Often self-sabotaged when it came to therapy and didn't WANT it to work as a form of punishment. But also did keep trying on occasion, sometimes genuinely, the only thing that really helped was ketamine infusions which weren't covered by insurance and were too expensive for him to keep up with.
-Attempted suicide a few weeks after turning thirty after hitting a road of bad luck: losing a relationship because he was scared to commit to marriage and getting fired after going on a bender. His dad was keeping tabs on him by e-mailing with Kenny because he does love Stan even if he's a complete dick about showing it, and called for a welfare check. Spent a short amount of time in the hospital/a 72 hour hold in a psych ward in Denver. Afterward cut off everyone from South Park including Kenny to get a cleaner break and started his new job. Went back to casual flings/one night stands rather than trying for any actual relationship, though with less active self-harm involved.
-Does have friends at home but has a strange combination of casually considering everyone he knows a 'friend', and not thinking anyone actually likes him. Like he'll say 'my friend X is cool' about someone he barely knows but be convinced that no one would give a single shit if he died and generally keeps people from knowing him well even if they want to.
-Health: Moderate liver damage that's reversible if he cared about it but on its way to cirrhosis as it is, chronic gastritis that negatively affects his appetite/rarely eats as it makes him feel full quickly and mostly just drinks, hypertension
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100blueberries · 3 years
Psst.. Sorry to bother you, but I saw your tags on that one queer culture post from awhile ago, and like I'm currently trying to learn about/am researching fencing!! I haven't been able to find much sadly, and I know like nothing about sabre, so I was wondering if you'd be fine with telling me about what it's like?? This has low-key become really interesting to me lately, and I'd love to hear stories from an actual fencer if your fine w/ that!! /gen /pos
ABSOLUTELY!!!! I could talk about fencing for HOURS!!! Not sure exactly what info you’re looking for but Im so glad you’re interested!
I’ve been fencing for about 3 years and have been fencing competitively for about 2 years. I started after my dad told me to pick a sport and I said either horseback riding, archery, or sword fighting, so he found a fencing club near us. This is just my opinions and experiences.
Ok so first things first: 3 types of fencing
1. Épée (which I began with, learning the sport, the simplest)
2. Foil (which I know barely anything about tbh)
3. Sabre (my pride and joy, my sport, my love, easily the best kind fight me)
Sabre can use both the edge of the blade and the tip (though mostly edge) anywhere from the waist up.
Fencing positions (advances, retreats, lunges, etc.) can feel really weird or awkward at first, but now I will stand almost in engarde position without realizing it.
Fencing is a bit more of an individual sport than most, but it still requires at least two people to work and you don’t want to just keep fencing the same person (I actually have a whole thing about how different benders from A:TLA work with different fencing styles and personalities if you’d like to see that).
Some of my experiences: there’s not too many girls until you get to the upper classes. Fencing is kind of a small world (at least two fencers from my fencing club are at the Olympics this week and our coach casually pulled out a Sabre from the 2016 rio Olympics at one point which was kind of insane). Manners are key. If you do not have proper manners and respect, you will be dismissed. One of the best fencers in my class was kicked out after they used the n-word.
Fencing, for all it’s armor and safety precautions, CAN still be dangerous. They’re still swords. There are accidents. Most of the time this means a bruise or cut, but there was one time when a blade broke mid-lunge as it went under a mask and cut someone’s throat. It was an accident and both the person hurt and the person whose blade broke were a bit traumatized by it. Impressively, the girl who was hurt is starting to fence again.
I’ve found that whenever I’m feeling really bad depression-wise, fencing can pull me out of it.
For me, fencing is about perseverance and dedication. It’s hard, but fun, and I have improved so much over the years. I love it.
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did you say John/Ianto 👀👀 because same
I did indeed, Anon! Truth is, I spend at least half my time thinking about John/Ianto because I'm predictable trash 😩💅
I’m taking the opportunity to answer @grinchwrapsupreme too since I feel it’s on the same wavelength:
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Well... I have several John/Ianto AU ideas that I think about on the regular, including but not limited to:
the one based on that one Buffy episode where dark!Ianto from a parallel universe is dropped in the canon universe post-season 2 and makes everyone think Ianto's affected by some weird alien thing because he’s acting so weird (until they realise it’s a whole other Ianto. Jack probably makes a threesome joke). Of course, canon!Jack and canon!Gwen are too straight-laced and vanilla for dark!Ianto so he decides to see if he can find John, because John is always a good time, and he’s always down for a bender ;) Long story short, they go on a bender. John is very confused at first, but dark!Ianto is such an unexpected delight, he soon decides to go with it. (I currently have 4 variations of this AU in my head because it turns out it could be a lot of fun to drop other dark!team characters as well and have them wreak havoc; all of the variations include John/Ianto, and all of them include polyamory, at least in spirit if not in execution)
the one where 21-year-old!Ianto who's working in T1 meets time agents Javic (just 'Javic', like 'Cher' or 'Prince') and John Hart (pseudonym) and becomes entangled with their case (and them ;) ) so he has a whirlwind romance with both of them for the few weeks it takes them to do whatever it was they were tasked with before they disappear again. He knew it couldn’t last, of course, but Ianto’s still disappointed; it’s still hard to let go. Imagine Ianto's surprise when he later runs into the leader of Torchwood Three when he shows up to argue with Yvonne over [random excuse]! Except... Javic doesn't seem to remember him at all, and John is nowhere to be found... 👀
the one where Ianto is a vampire and Jack is a succubus and John is sometimes invited into their relationship because why not
the really long elaborate one that started as a CoE fix-it AU but also was me trying to force Ianto and John into a situation where they had to work together and learn to trust each other without Jack being there and oops they end up falling in love and also being badasses and going on space adventures but they’re also both still in love with Jack so as soon as they can get back to him this leads to John/Jack/Ianto ot3
the one where Ianto wants more from Jack than Jack’s willing or capable of giving him, so Ianto leaves, only Torchwood isn’t the kind of job you can just quit, and retcon doesn’t exactly sound appealing to him, and also he’s very, very angry about Jack’s emotional unavailability and he’s depressed and feeling self-destructive, so what he does is he escapes into space. And who other than John motherfucking Hart does he run into in a nondescript space bar? 👀 (John knows a thing or two about running, and also about self-destructive behaviours and unhealthy coping mechanisms. John has also been lowkey wanting a piece of Eye Candy since he put a gun to his face and the man bared his teeth at him in response. Now it looks like he might get the chance.)
the sequel to You Got Me On Edge (Any Minute I Might Jump) (also a John/Jack/Ianto one). This one is pure fluff.
the proper Buffy AU I keep thinking about despite my best efforts, I blame James Marsters for being so good at making himself look soft and vulnerable even when he’s playing a character who is Such a Fucking Asshole™
I’m sure I’m forgetting some, but I like the general idea of John joining the team and slowly gaining everyone’s trust (and coming to love all of them while becoming more trustworthy while also still being a Bastard ❤) so take that one as a given. It goes without saying that Ianto and John fall in love and have a nice happy triad situation with Jack in this scenario. Sometimes, John dates other people too. Sometimes it’s a closed triad. Always, they’re very happy. A classic I often use as the backdrop for other ideas.
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jaxsteamblog · 3 years
Day 19: Hurt/Comfort
I’m re-posting my 2019 fic “Making Space.” It’s post-canon and very heavy. There are mentions of past self-harm, a statement of suicide ideation, miscarriage, blood mention, various forms of depression, and implied child neglect. Thinking about this made me sad, writing it made me sad, do not let it make you sad unless you want it to. Click on the title to read on AO3 or continue under the cut. Be aware of trigger warnings! Includes Kat-ang and Ma-ko.
“Tenzin is an Airbender, he needs to know these things.”
“You have never cared about that. You have never made others feel lesser like this!”
“They won’t get it.”
“If you leave. If you leave with just Tenzin, we won’t be here when you get back.”
Sokka and Suki arrived on the earliest airship as soon as they heard. Bumi and Kya, knowing something drastic had happened, couldn’t be separated, so Sokka took them both out to go penguin sledding. Suki stayed with Katara, moving around the hut in silence till Katara inevitably dissolved into tears.
“They’ll hate me.”
“It’s better this way. If they hate you, you’ll be around to love them.”
“I’ve lost my baby.”
“He’ll come back.”
They stayed for a whole season, ignoring all of Katara’s anxious questioning about what they had left behind. At night, since Katara couldn’t sleep, she could often hear her brother’s angry whispers as he summoned all the curses he knew from the ocean depths. His anger lasted longer than her tears, and Katara wrapped herself in her brother’s anger like a thick fur.
Bumi did well under his uncle’s attention, though his comments about his father made Katara wince in pain. Sokka deflected each question and comment easily, refocusing Bumi on some project.
The more Katara watched them, the more she realized she should have reached out to Sokka sooner. Standing between his aunt and uncle, Bumi beamed. These were two great heroes, and both were non-Benders. With the other South Pole children - more non-Benders than Waterbenders - Bumi only stood out by the paleness of his skin. But then, there was Suki: just as bundled up and red-cheeked.
Kya was quieter, often trailing behind the others. When Katara was close by, her daughter would come and sit with her. Their mirrored sadness wove them together, a common blanket that bound mothers and daughters everywhere.
“Daddy isn’t coming.” Kya said.
“It has always been his choice to make.” Katara replied and pulled her daughter to her side. None of this made sense; Aang had always stressed the importance of living in harmony, of being friends with all types of people. As they had grown, Aang had even recognized the patronizing way he would speak of the Air Nomads. When he reminisced, it was never to compare his people to others. He never again acted as if the Air Nomads had been some sort of paragon. Letting go of that pride had allowed him to open to the new occupants of the various Air Temples.
The Air Nomads were gone, but they would never be forgotten. Aang held a pained resignation in his chest and Katara would find him staring off in thought when they stopped at the Temples.
She thought that sadness would fade with time. Aang was more present and tempered, rejoicing in everyone’s growth. The sadness returned when Bumi died, and when other pieces of his past started to slip away. But every time, her husband would return and they would go on a trip where he would kiss her till she felt her body rise into the stars.
Katara never expected that sadness to be running like a river through him, slowly eroding away his insides.
When Bumi was born, Aang cried. At first, Katara thought it was from joy. But she heard him late at night, after she had gotten up to feed the baby and found Aang gone. He wept like an animal was trying to escape his chest and Katara was frightened.
She had shut the door, feeling her heart flutter behind her ribs.
When she got pregnant again, she knew she had a Bender. She was excited when she told Aang and he had seemed like his old self. He stole her breath with kisses and everything seemed lighter.
As the midwife handed Katara the swaddled Kya, Katara squeezed her eyes shut.
Three days after the birth, Katara had woken to the pain of milk in her breasts. Going for the baby and seeing Kya missing, Katara almost fainted from the shock. Rushing about the house, she finally heard the faint lines of a song.
Aang sat in a chair on the balcony, rocking back and forth while singing a song too soft for Katara to make out. Holding her breath, she just watched. Her husband’s face was tight but his eyes were sunken. With one thin finger, he was tracing the curve of Kya’s cheek and drawing small swirls. Then he bent down and kissed her forehead before standing up. Silent, Katara walked over and took her, moving back into the house to feed her. Kya, smelling milk, started to cry, but Katara paused to look back.
Aang was still standing, looking out into the midnight air.
Tenzin’s birth was salvation. Aang had been overjoyed and could barely contain his excitement. For weeks, Katara would snap at him when his mania would wake the other children.
She didn’t notice how Aang’s sole source of happiness became Tenzin. Katara was busy, tending to the older children and continuing the work she was already doing. Aang took over most of the infant care, save for when he needed to be fed. But as soon as Tenzin moved on to more solid food, Katara would often not see her youngest for hours.
Katara thought it would pass.
Then Aang would start leaving, taking Tenzin to important Air Nomad places. That Katara could excuse, though she didn’t see why they all couldn’t go. Bumi had started school and Kya could work on her waterbending at home.
When one trip extended unexpectedly, Katara panicked. As soon as Aang returned, her fear came out as anger and they argued. He had just taken a small detour, to show Tenzin a special place. Cliffs that sang in the evening breeze and glinted like fire crystals at sunrise.
Aang had taken her there and told her that he would love her forever as they laid in the thick grass, listening as the ground below serenaded them.
It was a place they could have gone with all the children.
Katara had left to pick up Bumi and shut the door.
All of those doors being closed had ended up shielding her from what had been happening. The sadness had erased everything she loved about Aang and it was too late for her to fix it. The empty space had been filled with air.
When Sokka and Suki finally did leave, Bumi and Kya cried every night for a week. They became belligerent, fighting with her over everything from their clothes to their food. Already stressed, Katara yelled back and they cried even louder.
At night, Katara’s own sadness continued to heave out of her, like a bilge pump on a sinking ship. She would fall asleep out of exhaustion and when she woke up, Bumi and Kya would be curled around her.
They had woven a wide blanket and it covered them all.
Towards the autumn equinox, as the sun was starting to stay lower on the horizon for longer, Katara received a letter. She felt the rush of hope and the familiar lightness, but it left her as she read it. Toph, with children of her own and a job that allowed for few breaks, had written to check in on her.
Much to Katara’s embarrassment, everyone now knew about what had happened. The chain of events that led to the discovery was both mortifying and oddly satisfying.
Having stayed close, Suki had told Toph about their trip to the South Pole. Immediately after being told, Toph had tracked Aang down and dressed him down, loudly, in public. The argument had been explosive and Toph warned him to not set foot in her city. And she would know if he did.
When Toph returned, Zuko was already in Republic City. He had only recently gotten divorced and was attempting to be more like his uncle to achieve some sort of inner peace. Unfortunately, he wasn’t prepared to deal with Toph’s fury.
Zuko tried his best to defuse the situation, but then Sokka came into Republic City. With his anger still not assuaged, he reported the effect Aang’s decision had on Bumi and Kya. They talked more about what should be done; there were legal penalties for abandoning one’s wife and children, but that would involve a traumatic session of Katara testifying. Divorce was also tenuous, as Katara would have to forfeit all of her children if she won her suit.
Then Aang came to Republic City.
It had been daring, of course, as he could have gone directly to Avatar Island. Instead, he came into Republic City and it only took moments before word reached Toph.
Now with Sokka at her side, she renewed her fight. Sokka stepped in, but only to explain how Aang’s leaving had hurt Bumi and Kya.
All of this was written more like a police report, but Katara could tell from where Toph had bashed down on certain keys of the typewriter that certain sentiments had come up during specific points.
Toward the end of the letter, all Toph reported was that Aang had made an offensive comment, Sokka had lunged, but Zuko got there first.
And the Fire Lord knocked the Avatar out cold.
During all of this, Tenzin had been in the care of an Air Acolyte. At this point, the Acolyte stepped in, getting Aang up and making sure they flew to Avatar Island as soon as possible. A day later, Appa flew away again to destinations unknown.
Toph promised to visit soon, but urged Katara to return to the United Republic. There were plenty of cities far enough away from Republic City, but she would be close enough for everyone to visit.
Katara folded the letter and hid it in a small cupboard where she kept her unguents and pill casings.
At the dawn of the first twilight day, the sign that winter was fast approaching, an airship arrived. Regular shipments came into the South Pole to replenish famine rations that they were supposed to have stopped using five years ago. But the reconstruction took longer than expected, and the signs were suggesting that this would be a harder winter.
Katara brought Bumi and Kya to the dock as a reward for having a not-so-terrible day. They went shrieking like wild animals with the other children as the hydraulic ramp slowly lowered with a leviathan groan.
The flash of red the airshipmen wore at first made Katara think of Republic City and she suddenly couldn't breathe. But as the ramp hit the ground and the people began to move, she saw the Fire Nation symbol and relaxed.
Then the guards came and Katara felt lightheaded as she was suddenly pushed back thirty years.
Zuko looked so different, it scared her. Her fingers froze with electrified terror and Katara felt like she was going to cry. As he started to look around, she prayed he wouldn’t see her, but as the thought became wisps in her mind, his eyes met hers.
Then Bumi went barreling up the ramp and directly into Zuko’s stomach.
Once again embarrassed, and still on the verge of tears, Katara rushed forward toward the crowd. Her voice was thin and reedy as she pleaded and pardoned her way past people. And then, she was in front of Zuko.
Bumi was thrown over his one shoulder like a laughing sack of potatoes. Izumi and Kya stood together behind him, whispering and admiring a bracelet Kya had made.
“You didn’t have to come.”
“I know.”
“We’re doing fine.”
“No you’re not.”
Katara’s breath came in a shudder and her chest felt hot. Zuko set Bumi down and handed him a crowbar, telling him that he hid a prize in one of the crates. Kya cupped her hand around Izumi’s ear and then both girls were suddenly giggling before darting away.
“I’m fine Zuko.”
“His sadness changed him and you didn’t get to say goodbye to the man you loved. You’re not fine.”
“And how do you think that could possibly be it?”
“Because I never got to say goodbye to the Mai I married.”
Before she started to cry, Zuko put his arm around her shoulders and turned her away from the gathered people. No one was paying attention to them, as they were either unloading or going through the supplies. Still, Zuko steered her away and back toward her house.
Taking no prompting, Zuko sat her down on the couch and brought over a blanket while she was weeping. Katara curled into it, laying down on the couch and sobbing while the core of her soul ached. When he returned, Katara felt his warm hand on her back, slowly rubbing the tight muscles that seized with every arrhythmic breath.
“This is all my fault.”
“Not all of it. And you can’t be blamed for not fixing something you didn’t know was broken.”
“Why did he do this?”
“Because a sadness that deep can erase the greatest of joys.”
He gave her tea and he told her about Mai. The promises he made and how now, finally, everything would be as they wanted it. She had enjoyed it at first, the power and privilege that came with being married to the Fire Lord.
Then they started to get pregnant.
She usually lost them in the first trimester. Nothing to show of a pregnancy except the amount of blood. One pregnancy had been promising, and the doctor had ordered strict bedrest. Sages, not the Fire Sages but a new group to rise from their ashes, had said that if the spark caught, the baby would be a strong Firebender.
They had lost him during the seventh month.
Something had broken in Mai then, and Zuko insisted they stop trying. Mai needed the rest and to recover, so they traveled to various healing springs. The doctors had told him in very strong words that he must not even so much as sleep in the same bed as her, so that her body could heal. He did. She pulled away from him, receding more into herself. Maids and other noble ladies assured him that this was normal, and Mai would be fine. So Zuko had left her alone.
He had left her all alone.
During a new moon, when it was the darkest Zuko had ever experienced, he had been woken up as someone entered his room.
Mai had come to him and draped over him like a sheet. Zuko could still remember how he had traced his hands over her body and felt her ribs. And the thick scars on her legs.
She said nothing and the only sound was of their breathing.
When it was done, Mai got up and walked out of the room.
When they returned to the palace, she moved out of their shared room. And nine months later, Izumi was born.
Mai took care of all the motherly duties, but quickly handed Izumi to whatever nurse happened to be nearby. As those duties lessened, Zuko tried to reach out to her. Every time, she turned him away.
When Izumi turned five and they found out for certain she wasn’t a Firebender, Mai threw a glass into the dining room wall.
“I failed. The thing nearly killed me and I failed.”
“You didn’t fail. Please, Mai, if I ever made you think that-”
“It’s not you Zuko, it’s them. It’s this place. It’s me.”
“Zuko, if I stay here one more night, I will die.”
Zuko let her go.
The divorce had been hard. Mai looked dead as she signed the papers, forfeiting her parental rights to Izumi. As her father’s only heir, there couldn’t be a chance that Mai would take her. As per the usual agreement, Mai was not permitted to remarry for one full year and any pregnancy had to be reported immediately to the palace. Just in case the baby was Zuko’s.
There was no ironic laugh. Mai only scratched out the character of her name and looked at the magistrate.
“She wasn’t even the same woman at that point. I hadn’t even been seeing her.”
“Why couldn’t they just tell us?”
“That sadness was theirs. Either they thought we wouldn’t understand or they didn’t want to drown us.”
“I love him so much.”
“Aang’s gone. Mai’s gone. And it is a terrible thing.”
“What do I do with my own sadness now?”
“Let love in.”
Zuko said he was staying until the solstice, claiming that he had never had the opportunity to spend a good one with her. Having him around, Katara tried to work on letting love in. She saw how sometimes Zuko’s sadness would seep in and he would begin to pace. He moved till he found Izumi and then pestered her, throwing handfuls of snow over her and the others while they ran about shrieking. By the time he needed a break, he was smiling and his eyes were brighter.
Katara took a chance. When her sadness lapped up her spine, she sought out her children. She taught them how to scrape furs and when Bumi started to roll over them, instead of yelling at him, she wrapped him up in one. As he struggled and laughed, Katara and Kya continued to roll him, using their bending to ultimately send him bounding down a hill. They would roll after him and end up on their backs, laughing and crying at the same time as their breath became clouds in the air.
Love began to take up too much room and the sadness had no place to linger. Zuko warned her that it wouldn’t always feel like that, and it would be difficult to push back the sadness for good. While he was prone to melancholy, it was still taking him time to recover.
At the solstice festival, she understood what he meant. Zuko had gone to help light the fireworks and the children were gone somewhere doing spirits knew what. A woman came by with a tray of sweets and Katara took two small plates. As the woman left, Katara turned.
Aang wasn’t there to take the other one.
He had been absent all this time, but her muscle memory still expected him to be there. When she washed dishes, the first she usually held out, waiting for Aang to dry. When she tucked in the children, she had to stop herself from saying their father would be in shortly to say goodnight. When she thought about the meals, she first thought about what dish could be made with and without meat.
But now, during a happy festival, she grabbed a dessert for her husband who had left her. Who had been gone for longer than she cared to admit.
“He’s not coming back.”
“I thought he loved me.”
“Katara, he’s not the same inside. There was too much of the pain.”
“It hurts, so m-much.”
Zuko held her while the fireworks boomed overhead. She pressed her face into his chest and crawled as close to him as she could. He took in slow breaths and his body warmed. Zuko wrapped himself around her and she cried.
“You have to let the pain out.”
Her breath was hot and wet, and it curled against her flushed face. Her nose was congested but her eyes dripped.
“I haven’t figured that part out yet.”
Katara turned her head and Zuko went stiff. His sleeve had been pulled up as he held her awkwardly. There was a mark like a thumbprint burned into his skin. The skin was cracked and dry, with the flesh beneath looking dead. It had been burned repeatedly.
Her sadness and pain left her in a rush. Katara felt weak and wrung out. She sagged in Zuko’s arms and he sighed.
“I have to keep going. Even when I don’t want to, I have to.”
“It can’t be like this forever.”
“But we have to survive the waiting.”
Katara decided that staying in the dark for weeks and weeks wouldn’t help anything. An army of people packed up her house and loaded it onto the airship. Bumi and Kya were excited about the trip, hoping out loud and without subtlety that they would be able to stay at the palace for just a little bit before heading on to the United Republic.
Iroh greeted them when they landed, hugging Katara with such genuine warmth that she suddenly felt like she was drowning. She had resolved to stop crying so much, knowing that it was causing some sort of imbalance in the waters of her soul. Zuko told her it was only her body pushing out some of the pain to let in a little more love. Katara had told him that Iroh had been corny, not sappy so he had missed a lesson somewhere.
Now being outnumbered by Benders, Bumi started to act out. Iroh took every boast and bluster seriously, giving Bumi the attention he needed. When his anxiety waned, Izumi reminded him that she was a non-Bender and was going to become the next Fire Lord. She asserted that just being a Bender didn’t make anyone amazing because just look at her grandfather and great-grandfather and great-great-grandfather, and then Iroh interrupted her to tell them that there were red bean buns in the kitchen.
Then Kya broke Katara’s heart as she took Iroh’s hand and asked if being a Waterbender was special enough. Iroh smiled at her and replied that he knew of one very special Waterbender who was also one of the women he most admired. Kya glanced back at Katara as she and Iroh went after the others, and Katara smiled.
That night, Katara made Zuko show her all of his scars. Working from his right arm, Katara glanced at his abdomen. Zuko put a hand over it.
“Not that one.”
“It’s just another scar you didn’t deserve.”
“It’s one I earned.”
“By throwing your life away.”
“To protect you.”
Katara found all the small burns and smoothed them away. The water around her hands stayed cool and glowed faintly, concentrating in spots as they found the damaged skin. The threadlike scars from very sharp blades were also erased.
“And here?”
“I earned that one too.”
“Don’t say that.”
“What else would you have me say of it?”
“You have earned kinder things.”
He sat up and pulled on his robe but left it open. Katara could hear the rush of blood and her limbs felt heavy. He faced her and took a loose strand of her hair. He watched his hand as she watched his face. Zuko tucked the strand behind her ear.
“I earned your friendship.”
“That hasn’t always been kind.”
Her fingers felt cold, or else it was that his skin was hot. Katara touched the place where Azula’s lightning had hit him and he smiled.
“I would take this type of kindness over your indifference any day.”
“I’m not indifferent.”
“I don’t mean to presume.”
“You have earned kinder things than my attention.”
Zuko’s hand returned to her face and he cupped her cheek. A small affection, but one so intimate that her body shuddered. This was not the touch of a brother or a comforting friend. It was a touch she had not known for a very long time.
“Then let me have your words, because you have my full attention.”
“Take them.”
And he kissed her.
As Zuko shifted to hold her, Katara cried out softly. There was nothing desperate or lustful, but her body still felt charged. Zuko only hugged her, kissing her gently, and cradling the back of her head with his fingers in her hair.
As Katara’s head started to spin, Zuko picked her up and moved her to his bed. He regarded her with a pained look.
“This isn’t how I want us to begin.”
“But I am ready for an ending.”
They spent the night together, and Katara got her first restful sleep in months.
It took two years.
Katara bought a house in Luodai, a promising city that wasn’t too far from Republic City. She met with Aang half a dozen times in various attempts to reconcile, or at least come to some sort of agreement.
Then came the proposal of a new law.
Katara had not been permitted to sit as the South Pole representative on the council as she was married to Aang, who also had a seat. Sokka had taken it instead, and had done a remarkably good job. It was because of how seriously he took his position that the proposal took as long as it did.
Called the Mothers’ Right Law, it outlined the new rules for any divorce occurring outside of any marriage where a legitimate heir was required to maintain the stability of a government. Women were now allowed to initiate a divorce on their own and did not have to forfeit their parental rights. Instead, custody must be shared between the parents in equal measure for all children. If the mother is unemployed or becomes unemployed before remarrying, the former husband must pay her an allowance.
Sokka presented it at a council meeting and as Aang rose from the table, Toph stepped forward. The other representatives all stared at the Avatar and ultimately the law was signed.
Aang signed it again, in another version, one month later.
For the spring and summer, Aang had all three children. Katara had them for the fall and winter.
And during the next winter solstice, Katara and Zuko decided they wanted a new beginning.
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twilitty · 3 years
Moonlit ch.3
This is the third chapter in my new fic Moonlit, it will be posted on Tumblr, ao3, and ffnet. New chapters uploaded every two weeks. Message/comment to be added to my tag list.
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This chapter was not read over by a beta reader, so if you notice any mistakes please let me know in a private message. If you are interested in reading my chapters early and having a hand in the editing process, please let me know via direct message :)
Charlie arrives home from the new doctors household in odd condition. Bella becomes acquainted with a new friend and gets her first driving lesson.
Chapter Three
There’s something oddly comforting about the loud, thunderous engine of my new truck. It successfully blocks out all the thoughts I hope to escape from, and it does so in a way that does not involve the incessant pattering of rain. In fact, it completely eliminates the sound of rain, a miracle I hadn’t thought possible. I can’t imagine I’ll ever manage to repay Jacob for this gift, it means so much more to me than a couple thousand dollars and a way to get around. It’s my escape. 
Charlie had gotten back from the new doctor's household late last night, his eyes bleary with sleep and arms hanging limp by his sides in what can only be described as a dead mans walk. I was used to the posture he held, all slumped over and distracted, as if he had gone on a three day long bender and returned empty of adrenaline and a will to stay awake. Renee had come home from too many “spa-retreats'' with that same form. Dead mans walk, that’s what her friend had called it when I brought it up. “Dead on the outside but more alive than you’ve ever felt on the inside,” she had explained with a distant smile, “awful to watch but beautiful to live out.” 
It was strange to see my father, the stoic police chief, in that position. Perhaps he enjoyed his time at the new doctors house more than he thought he would, perhaps he enjoyed it enough to come in looking prematurely hungover and drained of energy. I wonder if he was drinking, or dancing, or maybe the new family- I blink my eyes hard, squeezing out all the muted light coming from the kitchen window. Stars dance in front of my vision once I open them again. Don’t think of what Charlie was doing there, I tell myself viciously. Please, I add on as an afterthought, as though my subconscious was privy to social niceties. 
The clock on the microwave reads noon hour and my heart stutters. Charlie is still upstairs, dead asleep. He’s the one that wakes me up in the morning, always dressed and with a cup of coffee. But, no, he’s probably just tired from his long shift yesterday and maybe a little hungover. Only a little. In fact, maybe less than a little, maybe he isn’t hungover at all.
Soon, by which I mean no less than two hours after my initial worry over my fathers condition, he emerges from his bedroom and I can hear his footsteps lead into the bathroom. Good, I think, he’s awake before three in the afternoon. That must count for something. Perhaps- My thoughts, aimlessly trying to convince my subconscious that there is no reason for me to worry about the state of my middle-aged father, are interrupted. 
“Bella?” Charlie calls quietly from the top of the stairs. He sounds like he just woke up from a long night out. Hangover voice is something I am very familiar with, although not from first hand experience. Any solace I had reached seconds ago comes crashing down into a pile at my feet.  
I clear my throat, “Down here!” He comes down, feet stepping lightly on each step so as to barely make a noise. He enters the kitchen with a weary look on his face, as if I’m the one acting out of character. “Yeah?”
“What are you doing up so early?” He asks incredulously. I look at the time in the bottom corner of my computer, nearly two in the afternoon. I look back up at him with my eyebrows pinched. 
“Char- Dad, it’s after noon.” My fathers eyes go wide, the whites showing prominently before squeezing down into a harsh blink. He turns to the microwave and his eyes blink violently again. “Dad?”
He doesn’t say anything, but his hands come together at the top of his head, interlacing over the brown hair he passed onto me. “I- I’m getting to work. I’ll see you for dinner.” He mumbles his words, the syllables pouring out into the air without any order. He retreats back upstairs with little more than a squeak on the floorboards, his eyebrows thick over his eyes with worry. The shower turns on quickly and I look back to my computer screen. I have to do some school work, Charlie is a grown man who can take care of himself. 
I brew him a fresh pot of coffee, putting the creamer out on the counter even though I know he takes it black. 
One of my favourite things about Forks, besides my new truck, is the ever present gloom that seems to permeate any mood you had prior to stepping outdoors. It’s like living in a depressive gothic novel written in nineteenth century England. Obsessively torturing the protagonist with dramatic metaphors and the blatant use of personification with inanimate objects like lampshades and tea kettles. I walk outside and my brain fills with run-on sentences about the state of my personal emotional evolution or the true crime of humanity being the amount of introspection that we would require to understand it. Almost compulsively, I assess my morals and the ethical value of my actions as if the rain draws out my inner philosopher. It’s dramatic and moody and unpleasant to experience. 
Yet, I find myself drawn into this trance of deep inner thought and revel in it.
This is what I am doing when I park outfront of The Diner and walk through the front doors. My mind is occupied with drawn out thoughts that sound closer to Shakespeare than a girl who is barely passing her summer courses. My footfalls seem to almost perfectly fall in tune with my thoughts. I wonder if I’m walking funny, I think suddenly with a pointed look at my awkward steps. This is an issue with spending so much time alone in such a gloomy town; you forget other people exist. I pick up the pace of my footfalls and try to let my legs work naturally, but now that I’m aware of my walking I am incapable of walking naturally and feel like an oaf. 
It is while I am walking like an oaf that someone calls out, “Isabella Swan?” My shoulders tense up to my earlobes and suddenly my feet are capable of walking without direction and almost steer me back through the front doors. Instead, I look up from my rough boots and meet the smile of the girl standing behind the counter cutting the large room in half. I try to ignore the stares of the other patrons. 
The girl standing behind the counter looks to be about twenty and has brown hair just past her shoulders, similar to mine except for the fact that hers is shiny with the indication of product and care. A wave of self consciousness rolls over my shoulders, my dull, limp hair is suddenly as bright as a neon sign in the dead of night. “Bella,” I correct her, forcing myself to step up to the counter. “Everybody calls me Bella.” 
She nods knowingly, as if she’s heard this before but just wanted it confirmed. Another wave of self consciousness crashes over me as the possibility of small town gossip arises. Does everybody already know who I am? I don’t like the thought of Charlie telling the town his eccentric ex-wife's daughter is coming to live with him, even if he said it politely. 
“Yeah, that makes sense. Isabella is kinda a mouthful and takes like three whole syllables just to say it.” She shoots a hand across the laminate countertop and exposes a line of white, straight teeth. “I’m Jessica, not Jess,” She clarifies with a sarcastic eye roll. I take her hand, warm and soft, in my own and give it a polite shake before letting go. “Nobody calls me Jess, it sounds like it’s short for Jessie and when I think Jessie I think either golden retriever or blonde surfer dude and I am so not either of those things.” 
“Jessica’s pretty,” I say with possibly a little too much enthusiasm. I haven’t spoken to someone as bubbly as this girl since Phoenix and I am poorly out of practice. 
“She is, isn’t she?” A male voice calls from my right. It’s as if Jessica had spoken it into existence, because suddenly a blond surfer dude- minus the surfer- is sitting only three stools over. 
“No, no,” my face flames and I quickly raise my hands in surrender. “I meant her name.” Then, looking at Jessica I see she’s chewing on her bottom lip and her dark eyebrows are scrunched down. I wonder if she practiced this expression in the mirror, it looks too perfect to be impromptu. “I mean, not that you aren’t pretty,” I clarify and her eyebrows shoot up as the blonde boy snorts. “I mean-” But Jessica raises a hand to stop me from torturing myself any further and drops the lip from between her teeth. “Listen, Bella, I know what you mean you don’t have to run in circles.” She says it in a way that insinuates I’m not the first person to fall into this situation with her. “You aren’t the first girl I’ve wooed with my tragically good looks.” This is not what I expected. The blonde boy snorts again but it sounds more like incredulity than a laugh. I open my mouth to interject, though I’m not sure what I will say, and Jessica widens her eyes at me. “Bella, girl, I’m joking.” 
My mouth widens into an uncomfortable smile that likely looks closer to a grimace. She shakes her head at me with an expression that reads oh Bella even though we’ve only just met. I get the impression that Jessica is an easy person to be friends with and also decide that I will be coming to The Diner more often. “Now,” She says, “What did you order?” 
I recite my order and she pushes open the swinging doors adorned with old license plates and bumper stickers to retrieve it. 
“I’m Mike.” This is from the blonde boy, and he says it with a small wave that very much so indicates that he has lived in this town his whole life. People in big cities, people in Phoenix, don’t wave like that. It’s too small and kind and friendly, there isn’t enough neutrality for him to be from a big city. He’s inviting me into a conversation with the impression that I want to be invited. Small towns and sickly rom coms are the only places where this happens. 
“Bella,” I respond, although he must already have heard me introduce myself to Jessica earlier. “It’s nice to meet you.” I tack on the last part in a likely failed attempt to come across as if I belong. It’s not that I want to be nice or friendly like Mike, it’s just that this will be far less awkward if I at least try to fit in. 
“Likewise.” We lapse into a comfortable silence, or at least he appears to be comfortable in the silence. I am not. My blood seems to have congealed in my veins and is refusing to pump itself into my heart. Am I getting enough oxygen? Yes, yes, I am getting enough oxygen. I know this, but my body does not know this and so instead of trying to formulate some clever comment I try to level out my breathing and suck in as much as possible without seeming weird. 
Three uneven breaths later and Jessica pushes out of the kitchen doors holding a large brown bag with a receipt stapled to the folded lip. She places it in front of me and I take a deep breath, suddenly grateful that my lungs are working and for the delicious smelling food. “I’ll pay with debit?” I don’t mean for it to sound like a question but it does. I can almost hear my mother scolding me, you need to be more assertive. You get stepped on if you’re too polite. I know she’s right but I ignore her anyway. 
“No need, already paid for,” she says with a wide smile. “The cook says hi.” I take it, then, that the cook is the one who paid for my dinner.
“Oh, really that wasn’t necessary.” I produce my debit card from my pocket, holding it out as if it’s perfect evidence of my ability to pay. “I have money.” 
“If you really wanna make it up to me I can take your number.” Renee would like Jessica, she’s assertive. I shake my head a little but still take out my phone and hand it to her. She punches in her number quickly, perfect nails tapping lightly on the screen before handing it back. Her own phone beeps. “Have a nice night, Bella! Text me whenever.” 
I say goodbye to Mike and he waves kindly, almost immediately afterwards turning to talk to Jessica. They wave as I leave and I can feel the eyes of The Diner on my back as I leave the building and enter my truck. 
It’s almost two days until I get a chance to talk with my mother, and within those days I accomplish more than one would expect of a girl who is so well acquainted with procrastination. Namely, I received a text message from Jessica. We conversed lightly, her with heavy use of emojis and me with improper use of punctuation and perhaps not enough enthusiasm. I know this because almost immediately after I send her my reaction to a movie she watched she calls me. 
“Bella,” she says in a tone that insinuates both exasperation and light humour. “I swear, girl, you are so hard to read.” 
“I know, my grammar-”
“No, no,” she cuts me off. “I mean I have no idea if you even wanna talk to me or not.” I’m shocked into silence, of course I want to talk to her. I enjoy talking to her. It seems I’ve been severely lacking in the friends department and it’s no recent issue. Ever since Phoenix I’ve remained forcibly independent, it’s nice to have people my age to talk to. 
“I- I can use more emojis?” It comes out a question and my mother is back in my head, assertive assertive assertive. Jessica gives a triumphant laugh and I get the impression that this was her goal all along. “Okay, okay, I get it. I’ll try to communicate better.” 
She just laughs and we hang up and continue texting, but not before she informs me that we will have to set up a schedule to meet in person. Apparently even with emojis in my armoury I am “more fun” in person. Who would have thought?
Within the two days before I call my mother I also get my first driving lesson with Jacob Black. He drives over in his fathers old truck, which he can no longer use due to the wheelchair. Jacob informs me of this with a smile that tells me he’s inherited the truck.
He bounces out of the vehicle with a giant grin on his face and his hands clasped excitedly behind his back. I could all but feel the excitement radiating off of him in waves. He had come prepared too, as I later found out, when he inserted a CD into my cars radio system. Soft rock echoed sweetly throughout the cab and Jacob drummed his fingers over his knees. “You gotta love ‘em, right?” He asked redundantly. I nodded, not knowing who I had to love or why, but just enjoying sitting next to him and listening to him talk. 
He walked me through the gear shift. It sticks when you move directly from park to reverse, so I should always pause on drive for a moment first. We practice this in the driveway a few times before taking to the residential streets. We mostly talk during the drive, him giving me all the Rez gossip and me providing him with the meek details of my online school experience and my conversations with Jessica. 
“She’s really nice,” I tell him as the trucks engine growls loudly at the stop light. “Loud, but loud in a nice way.” He nods in the passenger seat as if he completely understands, which I do not find difficult to believe. I wouldn’t be surprised if everybody in town was his friend. 
“Yeah, I know a few people like that.” I’m proven correct. “Like there are just so many things going on inside them they can’t contain it.” I nod absently but my mind shifts to the first part of Jacobs comment. I wonder how many friends he has? I can’t imagine he’s unpopular, or even shy, he’s just too exciting and fun. His smile makes me want to smile. 
“What?” He enunciates slowly with a slow head turn. I look away quickly, my eyes steadily focused on the bumper in front of us. I didn’t mean to stare at him. 
“No, what?” I pull into the next lane, making sure to check over my shoulder twice. Maybe if I don’t pay attention to him, maybe if I just ignore- “Is there something on my face?” 
I look over, baited into meeting his eyes. A big palm runs over his mouth and he pulls it back as if to inspect it for markings. “No,” I assure him. “There’s nothing on your face.” Then, my lips widen as if with a mind of their own, and suddenly I’m grinning. “I mean other than-”
He guffaws out a laugh before I can finish my comment and looks over at me with a smile mirroring my own. “Bella Swan, were you about to make a joke?” I shoot him a half-hearted glare and realize that this is all too easy with him. Jacob is like an overactive puppy, so easy to excite and quick to make you smile. I also realize that I seem to really enjoy the company of this particular overactive puppy. 
“I make jokes plenty of times,” I retort with a quick glance in my rearview mirror. The houses have transitioned into a tree line and the previously residential road boasts a higher speed limit. “You most definitely do not. I remember being kids, you were always the sensible one.” My heart skips and my field of vision narrows to the space above the steering wheel. The road is slick with rain, I doubt I’ll ever see it dry. “You used to ask Charlie to put bandaids in your little backpack, just in case…” his words continue, detailing how mature I was for a first grader. I made decisions way past my age and was the first one to disinfect surface cuts and scrapes. I was the only one to disinfect bloody knees and palms, even though the sight made me sick. “It was like you just had to take care of everybody else.” 
He looks over to me, I can see him in my peripheral vision, but instead of looking back I force my lips into an open smile. I hope it comes across as genuine. “I had a thing for first aid.” It’s a poor response. Anybody could see through my shallow sentence and many people would call me out on it. Tell me that for a girl with such a large vocabulary it’s odd for me to suddenly have nothing to say. For a girl who claims to enjoy this boys company I seem to be going out of my way to deter him from ever calling me again. 
“Take a left up here,” Jacob says and his hand juts out to point at a beaten gravel road. It cuts into the forest at a haggard angle which makes it nearly impossible to maneuver, but I do so with more than minimal effort and release a heavy breath once we are on it. “Okay, now try to merge back onto the road.”
“What?” The odd, and clearly impossible, request pulls me out of my self-pitying thoughts. “Jake-” 
“If you can’t do it that’s fine, just switch seats and I’ll drive.” The devilish glint in his eyes provokes some deep, hidden piece of me that craves competition. 
“You just miss Betty,” I say with perhaps a little too much vindication. He doesn’t seem bothered either way and simply shrugs his large shoulders, the russet skin reflecting the light of another car's headlights as it passes on the main road. 
“Yeah, I do.”
@musingsofvenus​ @maybesandohnos​
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statticscribbles · 4 years
Summary: John/Plus Sized!Reader Request: John Bender/ plus size reader where they argue because she’s friends with Andrew and John doesn’t think he’s good enough for her & thinks that Andrew is, so he acts mean to her when they’re all in detention and he only reacts when Vernon gets up in her face and says something really rude? Maybe some cuddly/but pissed of Bender vibes
“John calm down. I can have friends outside of you and the-“ “I know; I’m not upset just; think a little bit. Why would Andrew give you the time of day anyways. You know what he’s said about behind your back.” “And to my front.” You add in, John’s hands running against your sides as he mumbles in your ear. “He just doesn’t appreciate you like I do.” “Nobody does, did you miss the drawings Claire managed to post around the school of me as a ‘cute pig’ oh wait that wasn’t her was it?” John rolls his eyes. “Listen Y/N I have detention this Saturday and-“ “What a coincidence so do I.” You grin when he narrows his eyes. “And how does a sweet innocent girl like you end up with detention anyways?” “You should know.” You flash your teeth at him and he shakes his head fondly. “You’re going to be the death of me you know that right baby?”
You’re scowling when Vernon walks in. “Wow didn’t think seeing a dick could depress me so much.” You comment. “That was good.” Andrew snickers at your comment nodding to you when you eyebrows furrow at his praise. John arches an eyebrow himself and you can feel the heat and anger in his gaze. You bit another laugh down when you see Andrew wilt. “Y/N I thought I told you not to show back up here again; if you think playing around instead of studying, or stuffing whatever you can find into yourself is a better use of your time than school why bother coming in. You’re certainly not going to go very much farther beyond the next size up in your clothes if you keep that up.” Vernon turns his attention from you back to Allison who blinks up at him until he turns away shivering.
“Come on Y/N you gotta admit what Vernon said was a little funny. Like I get it was about you, but ya know he’s right. You’re not going anywhere eating like you are, I always see you with food. I mean it’s nice to see a girl eating but there are extreme’s either way you know.” You roll your eyes at Andrew and feel John’s arms pulling you back into his chest. “You got shit to say to my girl?” “Nothing you shouldn’t be telling her. Besides already said it; she knows it either way. Can’t hide the truth.” Andrew grins and John scowls. “How can you be friends with him.” He grumbles and you shrug. “If I’m friends with him than its one less person teasing me to my face.” His eyes widen in surprised and annoyance.
“And what do you call what just happened? Small talk?” You nudge his arm. back towards the desk and empty paper he’d been given. “Fine.” He snaps almost shoving you away before smirking, making eye contact with you before leaning over towards Claire. “Hey Claire, you busy?”You wrinkle your nose and turn your chair back to Andrew making a point of leaning slightly too far over onto your desk. You swear you can feel John glaring at Andrew with how his eyes are suddenly anywhere but you despite the fact you’re both talking about the history assignment you need to work on.
The rest of the day passes in similar fashion before one of them decides to turn it into a practical group therapy session post weed jailbreak from John’s locker. You still aren’t talking to him and you can feel whatever anger he’s had has turned to him sulking. You nudge his shoulder before you ask what’s wrong. “Nothin’ it’s good you’re getting friendly with Andrews, he’s probably leagues better for you anyways.” You sigh letting him continue his pity party of one as he mopes and drags himself through the mud. You stay silent through all of it. “Well.” He mumbles face set with a glum smile.
“As much as I’m sure everyone enjoyed your tirade about how shit you are cause of your piss poor excuse for a dad, I didn’t nor do I think any of that is true. Do you really think Andrew is better than you for me? Lets not forget he calls me a pig just as much as Claire, just as much as Veron when they all can get away with it.” “I know I just.” You arch an eyebrow and he grins slightly before he leans forward kissing you. “I’m not mad at you.” “I didn’t expect you to be?” You smile at him and he sighs resting his forehead against yours. “You know I’m gonna have to kill all of them right?” “Baby, no. Not all of them. Not at once.” You grin laughing a little and he smiles softly at you. “So one a week good for you?”
“Maybe one every two weeks, or better yet we ignore them.” “And get detention again?” He grins and you laugh. “Ignoring people is one of the best ways to get them to leave you alone.” “Oh, guess I shouldn’t have ignored you earlier then.” “You shouldn’t have. Now you have to make it up to me.” You grin and he sighs dramatically fighting to keep a smile off his face. “Would cuddling help?” “You’ll have to risk it and find out.” His hands pull you from where you’re sitting onto his lap and he leans his head to rest on your shoulder.” “Bender! No physical contact! Another detention if I catch you two at it again.” “Are we still ignoring him?” “As long as we get away with it.” You grin kissing him as Vernon walks back down the hallway.
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meteor-sword · 4 years
i remember in the tags of a post was something about a mako recovery fic... care to elaborate vae??? (if u want ofc) bc im very curious now and i think it would be great coming from you. im also of the opinion that they could’ve done so much more with mako’s recovery but tbh thats just a constant in tlok’s writing
dsfljsldfj ok first of all.... you are so sweet thank you for overestimating me 
second of all i am always surprised to hear people read what i put on this site even if it’s a text post of mine getting many notes so im shook you read my tags and remembered? 
but for actually elaborating: i think this is the post which also i love you for thinking about this for 2 weeks apparently? 
anyway injury discussion warning but, lightning strikes can cause spiral fractures in long bones, dislocations, nervous issues, heart damage i believe? and clearly scarring on the skin, etc. some people after the finale were apparently disappointed they didn’t end up killing mako-- something about completing his arc and being more interesting for korra and asami to come back and realize that happened, and for bolin to have to deal with that, but honestly that would’ve been... too depressing. i think if they would’ve shown the krew dealing with his recovery it would’ve been better than either what we got or mako dying 
i think one of the worst things when you’re waiting for someone to recover is when they do gain consciousness, but you’re not sure if they recognize you or not. i imagine this from bolin’s perspective, after dragging mako out of the mecha, delirious, hooked up to medical equipment bolin might never have seen before (the doctor or nurse explains bender-originated lightning strikes are usually short exposure, similar to natural strikes from the occasional bender fight or malfunction at the electrical factories, but this is different. they really dont know what might happen) 
korra and asami come when they can, and bolin has to explain to everyone what mako did. opal stays by bolin’s side but this kind of stress is not like anything mako let him be exposed to before (up till bolin serves under kuvira and has to escape that) so i think bolin is stressed and tired and probably a little mean about it 
idk who would be there but bolin and maybe opal, maybe asami are there when mako wakes up for the first time, but he’s intubated and can’t speak, and he doesn’t seem to recognize them. bolin tries encourage him to squeeze his hand, but there’s no reaction. the nurses come, and the visitors are ushered out. i know next to nothing about medical procedures or anything but i’m sure there’s tests and things for nerve/muscle/skin/bone damage they’d need to attend to once he’s conscious on some level ??? 
mako is in and out for the next week or two-- bolin by his side whenever he could be, and asking mako if he recognized people as they came to visit. wu comes at some point and makes sure mako and bolin and their family will be taken care of-- even if mako doesn’t recover well. No more having to rely on asami or anyone else. bolin absolutely snaps at him before wu has the chance to explain but he cuts the check nonetheless (as wu should tyvm) 
as soon as mako is coherent though he’s playing like there’s nothing wrong and bolin has nothing to worry about and bolin knows it’s not true, but it’s so easy to just believe mako like always. except mako really needs assistance and probably has to live with bolin or someone, but mako is always pushing to go back to work. i don’t think he’d be able to work until around the time of zhu li and varrick’s wedding? 
i think with all the efforts to fix republic city, and stabilize the earth kingdom, it would be difficult to balance everyone’s greater responsibilities with helping mako but really showing that struggle and how everyone reacts to mako’s near death experience would. be interesting. idk i’m really bad at concluding these things lately but yeah <3 
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poisonivy7 · 4 years
Kyalin #1: Izumi’s Genius Plan
Here’s a prompt I got from @/anonymous: Izumi being frustrated with her besties not confessing their love with each other so she basically locks them up in a closet until they talk about their feelings.
I know it’s a bit long, but I really enjoyed writing it and I hope you guys like it! Feel free to comment some more kyalin fanfic prompts (or any other ships from my previous post).
24-year-old Kya and 29-year-old Izumi were sitting by the pond, eating lunch together while watching the turtle ducks swim around. They met every Sunday to catch up — it was their tradition going three years strong. Lately, Izumi noticed that Kya would not shut up about her big fat crush on Lin. She was all Kya would talk about. 
“Why don’t you just ask her out?” Izumi finally asked her best friend. 
“Are you crazy? Lin is dating my younger brother, and she is probably the straightest person I’ve ever met. And anyway, I don’t want to ruin our friendship just because I caught feelings,” Kya responded, chuckling. Just the thought of asking Lin Beifong out on a date was ridiculous. 
Izumi sighed disappointedly. Little did Kya know, Lin had confessed her feelings for the older water bender drunkenly a few days ago at the bar. It was the last place anyone would expect to find the Fire Nation princess, but it was Lin’s birthday, and having a break from the regular servants serving upper-class food in the palace was refreshing. 
Izumi could remember that night at the bar with Lin with relative ease (considering Izumi was a bit drunk herself):
“You know what it feels like to be in love with someone you’re not supposed to?…Hurts like a bitch.” Lin winced as she downed the rest of the whiskey in her glass. She motioned to the bartender to get her fifth refill of the night.
“I thought Tenzin’s parents and your mom approve of your guys’ relationship,” Izumi asked, confused.
Lin chuckled drunkenly. “I can’t believe I tried to convince myself that I loved Tenzin when his sister was there the whole time.” Izumi just got even more perplexed.
Seeing the look of confusion on her friend’s face, Lin clarified, “I have a little crush on Kya, but there’s no way she likes me back. I mean, yes, she’s gorgeous, and whenever she’s water bending or laughing or breathing, it’s the hottest thing ever. But she’s also totally out of my league, and she probably picks up so many girls everywhere she goes. Anyway, it’s nothing I can’t get over. So it’s not even a big deal, right?” she rambled as she drank her whiskey, pain searing down her throat. Lin was surprisingly transparent when she was drunk.
The idea of playing matchmaker to her two best friends was so exciting to Izumi. It was a nice break from her regular princess duties. So as she was walking through the halls of the palace for a late-night snack, she came up with the perfect idea. 
Izumi’s birthday party was a week later. She invited her childhood friends every year — Bumi, Kya, Tenzin, Lin, and Su. This year was no exception, even if she was turning the big 3-0. Izumi noticed how Lin would steal small looks at Kya when she wasn’t paying attention. Kya tried getting closer to Lin whenever she could, but it made the situation more awkward, especially because Tenzin was sitting next to Lin. Izumi just wanted to see her friends happy, and witnessing the interactions between them, or lack thereof, was just depressing.
After eating dinner, everyone made their way to the big theatre room to watch a movie. After Bumi and Tenzin managed to stop arguing over what movie they should watch, everyone settled down in the comfortable chairs as the film began playing. Izumi was sitting in between Lin and Kya, but Lin had left to use the bathroom. This was Izumi’s chance to get her best friends to finally confess their feelings for each other.
The Fire Nation princess turned to Kya. “Hey, can you go down to the basement with me to get some blankets? It’s a bit cold here.” 
Kya sighed. She never understood how people got cold so easily. “Yeah, sure thing,” she said.
Izumi led Kya out of the movie theatre room. Once they arrived at the basement door, Izumi noticed that Lin had just left the bathroom that was a few doors down. The timing could not have been any more perfect.
As Kya was going down the stairs, Izumi ran down the hall and found Lin making her way back to the movie theatre. “Hey, Lin! Can you help me get some blankets from the basement?” The metal bender nodded in response and followed Izumi. 
As soon as Lin went down the stairs and saw Kya, Izumi shut the door and locked it. Both Kya and Lin ran back up the stairs, frantically. “Izumi! I don’t know what prank you’re pulling, but this isn’t funny! Unlock the door now!” they demanded.
Izumi laughed. “Not until you guys figure things out!”
Lin tried metal bending the door to unlock it, but it failed since the doorknob was made of platinum. Kya tried freezing the doorknob off, but there was barely any water in the basement to use. “Spirits, I’m going to kill Izumi,” Lin groaned. The last thing she wanted to do was be stuck in a room with Kya. Lin had wondered how Izumi knew that she liked Kya, but she would not have been surprised if she let it slip drunkenly some night. This is why she preferred drinking alone.
They eventually gave up trying to open the door and sat across from each other on the carpeted floor. After a few awkward minutes of silence, Kya started, “So…How are you and Tenzin?”
“Fine,” Lin replied curtly. She hated this so much. She was dating Tenzin, and she did not need their relationship to get messed up just because of a little crush on her boyfriend’s sister.
“You know…if we’re going to have to be stuck in a room together until Izumi lets us out, we might as well make the best of it,” Kya said slyly, sliding herself closer to Lin. The metal bender was sitting rigidly and cross-legged, her arms folded tightly in front of her. She was determined not to give in to her no matter what.
But the moment Kya got close enough to Lin to touch her knee, she almost immediately loosened up, but she caught herself before she could show it. She remained stubbornly rigid sitting against the wall, but inside, all Lin wanted was to feel more of Kya’s touch.
“Is this okay?” Kya asked softly as her delicate hands stayed on the metal bender’s knee, rubbing the scar that had formed there. She looked at Lin innocently, waiting for a response. 
Lin didn’t say a word — she was conflicted. On one hand, she had been with Tenzin for years, and both his parents and her mom were all too happy that they had gotten together. And although her boyfriend was getting uncomfortably close to that air acolyte, Pema, Lin was not going to mess their relationship up.
But on the other hand, there was Kya. Though she hated to admit it, Lin liked everything about her childhood friend. She loved Kya’s goofy, bold personality and her laugh that could light up the whole room in an instant. She loved how soft and caring she was and how badass and powerful she was as a water bender. She loved her long brown hair and bright blue eyes. Spirits, Lin loved every little part of Kya.
So Lin remained seated, back against the wall, conflicted. Kya made her love living, even if it just meant being in the same room as her and sneaking looks every now and then. 
But her relationship with Tenzin was decades in the making, and their parents could not be any happier that they were together. Being with Kya was most definitely scandalous, and the press would eat them alive. Lin could already imagine it: “Lin Beifong, daughter of the Chief of Police, caught kissing Kya, daughter of the Avatar.” The last thing Lin wanted was to be on the front cover of the daily news and to drag Kya, her mom, and the Avatar into it.
Lin had been thinking so much that she barely noticed Kya had moved her hand up to Lin’s face and the scars on her cheek. The older water bender was being unusually bold tonight, but she had been crushing on Lin since they were teenagers, and she could not hold back at this point. 
Lin never let anyone touch her newly-acquired scars, but she felt safe with Kya, and she felt like she could finally let her guard down. Lin’s face was burning red under Kya’s soft touch, and the water bender smirked at how flustered the stubborn metal bender was getting.
“Hmm?” Kya asked softly, still waiting on Lin’s answer to her previous question. She continued gently rubbing Lin’s cheek and making circles with her thumb on Lin’s scars.
“I-“ Lin managed to say, her face getting increasingly warm. Kya smiled and slowly kissed Lin, who, surprisingly, did not immediately push back. 
As Kya was pulling back, Lin pulled Kya’s face closer with her calloused right hand and kissed the water bender again, this time deepening this kiss, smiling as Kya moaned softly. After kissing for a few minutes, Kya straddled around Lin’s legs, the two of them pulled back, breathless. “Damn Beifong, now I really understand why Tenzin likes you so much,” Kya said, smirking. Lin rolled her eyes in response. 
It was then that Lin realized that being with Kya was worth it. She was worth breaking up with Tenzin for and disappointing Lin’s mom and Kya’s parents. She was worth being deemed “deviant” and “scandalous” on the front cover of the daily news for. She was worth risking her position in the police academy for. Kya was worth all the pain and hurt in the world.
“So um…I kinda like you,” Kya said, blushing.
Lin chuckled. “Yeah, I could tell, you dork.” She smiled and added, “I kinda like you too.” She moved forward to kiss Kya again, her muscular arms wrapped around the water bender’s waist. Leave it to Izumi to play matchmaker and concoct such a genius plan.
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lackofhonor · 4 years
Narcos Episode 01.09 – “No, I have not been duck hunting, you... fucking hillbilly.” – Javier Peña
So this is supposed to be fun?” Javi asked sarcastically. 
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Murphy lowered the binoculars and looked over his shoulder at his partner. Javier Peña was hunched over on the bench seat in the boat with a cigarette clenched between his grit teeth. The orange coal of the lit cigarette casting a tiny glow in the grey gloom of the morning. They had been on the water for maybe two hours and while Steve found the air refreshing, it was clear that his friend was finding this morning’s hunt less than invigorating.
Two weeks ago Steve had convinced Javier to come up from Texas for a visit. He had spoken with Javi via phone many times after what had happened with Escobar. Truly, Javi deserved to be there for when the fucker fell, but it just hadn’t worked out that way. Instead, Javier had been sitting in Texas waiting on a disciplinary review for his actions. Still was waiting on that review, in fact. Steve had tried to stay in touch, even as he and Connie tried to gather together their lives in Colombia and move them back to the States. It had been a monumental challenge for him personally and professionally but the strain was worth it to be standing over Escobar in the end. And it had ended for him with taking that last photo of the bastard dead on the roof. It had ended for him when he and Connie stepped on that plane flying out of Colombia. Hadn’t it?
But had it for Javi? Well that was the question, wasn’t it?
Steve couldn’t help but feel his friend still had loose ends from Colombia in his head that needed tying. Y’know, beyond the fact Peña’s career was on the line with this review board shit. No, Javi still wanted some blood. Via their phone calls, Steve had gathered that all Javi had done since hitting stateside was drink liquor and fuck women. And while that was pretty much Javi’s M.O. throughout the entire time Steve had known him, normally Javi didn’t seem so depressed while going about his chosen extra-curriculars. Sometimes he fucked or drank away the stress or was sullen and frustrated. Sure, that was fine. But this was something darker and sadder than a typical bender.
So during their most recent weekly phone call, Steve did what anybody would do for a friend: told him the truth (“You need a hobby that isn’t fucking women or drinking yourself to death, Javi.”) and invited him on a trip (“Come on out and see Connie and I. Relax for a bit. Take your mind off this review board shit for a while so you can get your head on straight.) Javier Peña, being a reasonable man who recognizes that perhaps he may not exactly be dealing with things well, gave in with some reluctance (“…yeah. Yeah I guess I could come out and see you guys for a weekend. Not like I have much to do here until the hearing anyway… “) So of course Steve Murphy felt the need to try broadening his friend and former partner’s horizons by introducing a potential new hobby (“Great! We can celebrate for real with you here. There’s this band Connie’s been dying to see so we can hit that up. Plus the season just opened Sunday and I’ve not been since before I was posted in Miami. We’ll be able to go duck hunting while you’re down here.”).
This chain of events lead to the current moment with both men sitting in a olive drab john boat that had seen better days and Steve’s cousin’s dog sitting in the floor next to their feet. They were floating on the choppy waves of a muddy river looking out over nearly one hundred duck decoys bobbing in the freezing water. It was a cold day. The sky couldn’t seem to decide whether it wanted to spit light rain or tiny frozen drops at them and the wind cut at their faces. The boat was tied to posts sunk into the riverbed that were part of a blind covered in camouflaged netting and live willow branches. Sort of a little faux tunnel the boat could hide in. Murphy had stealthily steered their vessel inside that morning after a truly harrowing ride across the water just before dawn. Murphy was calm. Soaking in the sounds, smells and sights around him. He maneuvered the boat with ease and stroked the Benelli shotgun with a fondness that spoke of years of similar experiences when he had loaded it earlier. Javier on the other hand was not as charmed. His shoulders were bunched up to his ears trying to maintain valuable heat in his neck and head and he hunched over the borrowed Remington 870 in his lap as he stared blankly at the horizon.
“Stop your whining. Isn’t this nice? You get out in nature. Enjoy some fresh air.” Steve shared in his low friendly baritone. He took a moment to drink some hot coffee from the dented green metal thermos by his feet and observed the sky contentedly.
Javi grunted and continued to puff at his cigarette as he curled further inward. He felt miserable. He was still a bit hungover from the night before to tell the truth. The wind had changed direction again and the bitch was cold as hell right in his face. He didn’t come here to be tortured by Murphy’s idea of what a healthy past time should be.
“I’m freezing my ass off in a rinky dink boat decorated in switchgrass at the ass crack of dawn so you can get this bullshit out of your system. I did not need to come along for this hillbilly holiday,” Javier complained loudly. Murphy merely hushed him with a look and continued to sip his coffee and pet the black Labrador laying in the floor of the boat.
“Come on, it’s not that bad. You got to eat a nice hot breakfast at least. Homemade biscuits and eggs fresh from the chicken’s butt. And Ace here likes you,” Steve said. Javi grumbled under his breath but did give the dog a fond scratch behind the ears.
From the slate colored sky above came a chorus of quacking, signaling the incoming flock of about thirty mallards from the south. Outlined against the ominous grey clouds above the river Javier could make out the green heads and lighter colored feathers of the birds. Steve fumbled for his duck call and gave some rapid fire noise that he had tried to explain to Javier the day before was a “hail call”. It was meant to draw the ducks in closer.
“Take your time. Let them get in close enough. Remember what I told you: swing through. Butt, belly, beak then bang!” Steve tells Javi sotte voce. They both ready their weapons as the birds approach.
“Alright, take ‘em!” Murphy hisses when the birds are in range. Javi leans into the gun and squeezes the trigger through the arc as he follows their quarry. The sky explodes with sound and two birds drop from the sky into the watter below. “Good job man!” Murphy cheers and high-fives Javi.
Maybe this hillbilly crap isn’t so bad, Javi thinks to himself as Murphy gives the dog a gruff command that has it launching itself form the boat into the water. It is kind of nice to hear the lapping of the water on the boat’s hull, the gentle flutter and soothing noises of the birds. The river in late fall is beautiful in its own way. It is stark and wild with all the green faded away now for the season, but still beautiful. Javi observes how his friend is so relaxed in this environment and cannot help but crack a smile.
“Good boy Ace! Come on, come on!” Murphy calls as the black dog paddles back to the boat. The dog is determinedly swimming back to them with head above water with the downed bird. Murphy is moving around inside the blind now. He seems to be poking around searching for something when he starts to curse.
“What’s the matter?” Javi asks as he removes the hood on his sweatshirt from over the camo baseball cap Steve had loaned him. It’s still cold, but maybe the adrenaline of the moment earlier has warmed him some.
“Fuck, I forgot the ramp this morning. It’s this thing I stick on the back of the boat so Ace can get back in the boat on his own. I coulda sworn I stuck it in here this morning.” Steve is rummaging behind the extra life jackets and decoys.
Javi shrugged and looked out to see the dog treading water over the side. Javi could barely keep his eyes open when Steve woke him up at 4 a.m., shoved his feet into a pair of chest waders and tossed him a dark green hoodie with the words ‘Ducks Unlimited’ on the chest and an old camo coat. Although he did wake up pretty quickly once they got the boat on the rive and he had the icy spray from the speeding boat and wind in his face.
“What’s the big deal?”
“He can’t get in the boat dumbass. He can’t swim like that forever. He’ll get tired,” Murphy stated, “I’ll just take the boat off the pylons and we’ll beach on the shore real quick. He’ll follow and he can climb up the rocks onto the boat.” Murphy began the process of untying the boat from the mooring posts and unlashing parts of the boat hide that made up the floating duck blind. Javi looked over the side again at the plucky little retriever. Big, bright, rusty brown eyes in a handsome black face stared back while the animal continued to paddle away, duck still firmly clamped between its jaws. He could see the nostrils of the animal widen as it huffed air in, still treading water. It wasn’t that big of a dog. 80lbs maybe? He could just scoop it out of the water. Easy.
Javi stood up. “You don’t have to do that.”
Murphy wasn’t paying attention at first. Too focused on untying his complicated knot from when he tied up earlier. He felt the boat sway as his friend moved. But out of the corner of his eye did he see Javi lean over the side of the boat for the dog. His eyes widened. “Javi, no-.”
“Come on big boy, I gotcha.” Javi called to the dog as he leaned for over into the water to scoop up the animal. He had it about balanced right. The dog was barely out of reach. If he could lean just a little further now.
“Come on Ace. Oh shi-!” Murphy watched as his partner tipped headfirst over the side.
Two seconds later the spluttering dark headed man surfaced right next to the boat cursing a storm. Ace, the mallard still clutched in his mouth, whined continuously and paddled around Javi in the truly frigid water. Steve reached out a hand to his friend in the water, bracing himself off the motor in the back of the boat. “Swim over here. I can get you back on without capsizing off the stern,” he instructed.
Javi carefully kicked and stroked his powerful arms to the back of the boat and grabbed Steve’s hand.
“Alright, on three I am gonna haul you up but you gotta push yourself onto the boat at the same time.”
Javi nodded.
“Alright, ready…three!” Steve groaned and heaved the sopping man out of the water so that his top half was wedged onto the boat. Javier used his elbows and shoulders to drag himself fully inside and flopped into the hull with a grunt.
Steve laughed and shook his head as he watched his friend cough and shiver. He was ok. He’d be a little cold but Steve would set him right in a minute. At least now he didn't look so moody, like he had been sucking on a lemon, like he had looked all morning. No, now Javi looked like a drowned rat. Although Steve wasn’t going to tell him that. Yet.
Javi straightened himself up, sitting on his knees and glaring at his friend. But before he could open his mouth the persistent whining of the dog interrupted. Steve peered over the edge of the stern of the boat. Ace doggedly paddled with the bird still in his maw.
“Alright buddy, hang on. You think we can pull him over together or you need a bit?” Steve asked Javi as the man tried to wring out part of the ancient camouflage coat that he had loaned him that morning. Javi rolled his eyes and positioned himself in the stern, carefully bracing himself on the side as Murphy was also doing. Together they carefully reached down into the water and hauled out the black lab and rolled him into the boat, dropping a good amount of water back into the boat.
The dog leapt to its feet and presented his prize to his master. A job well done surely. Murphy ruffled Ace’s ears after plucking the bird from the dog’s mouth and handed it to Javier.
“Your first duck hunt and your first duck. What do you think Javi?” The blonde man grinned at him so widely Javi couldn’t help but return the smile as he took the duck from his friend.
“Y’know, all things considered-“
Javi was interrupted by a truly massive full body shake from Ace, spraying he and Murphy with even more freezing water. Soaked to the bone, water dripping off the bill of his cap and desperately in need of a smoke he looked down at the black dog, its tail thumping furiously on the floor of the boat. He thought about the way that early morning fog had looked on the water and the duck he would eat later with Murphy’s hick relatives. He though about the money he spent for a license and duck stamp that would go back to preserving more habitat. He thought about the quiet and the trees and the way the biting wind felt. Javi wiped the water from his face and kneeled down to give the dog a good scratch behind his ears with one hand while he still held the duck.
It was fun.
The dog shook itself again. More water went flying. Javi scowled.
“Have we fed your inner redneck enough for today? Cause I have enough for a lifetime I think,” he huffed, searching the pocket of the duck coat to see if his precious cigarettes were dry enough to be lit.
Steve laughed and clapped him on the shoulder as Javi cupped the flame toa damp, mangled white paper cylinder. “Tell you what, next year I’ll come to Texas and play cowboy with you and your Dad on the ranch instead, ok?”
Javier’s eyes lit up. “Don’t get too cocky there, hillbilly. We’ll have to see how you measure up at ropin’ and drinking whiskey.”
Steve rolled his eyes and started the boat motor for home.
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voidsentprinces · 4 years
My brain on Post-HW
Talk to Determined Son. Go see your Husband-in-Uniform. Talk to KNIGHT WIFE! Killing things! Killing Things KILLING THINGS IN KNIGHT! KNIGHT WIFE! Talk to Tataru now go back and talk to KNIGHT WIFE!  Talk to Knight Wife again. Teleport to Anyx Trine. Talk to Knight Wife. FLY THROUGH A HOLE IN THE CEILING! Talk to Dragon. Talk to Knight Wife. Teleport to Ishgard. Talk to Determined Son. Teleport to Goblinshire. Talk to Goth Wife. Krile appears. SPILL THE TEA! TELL US ABOUT THE TIME ALPHINAUD GOT FUCKING WASTED! Talk to Krile. She whispers about the time Alphinaud once got deep in with the Tanuki Mafia. Fly across the world. Hit up Maggie Smith in her cave. Well, time to ask some people things. Teleport to Tailfeather. Show them a picture of Alphinaud’s art. Talk to Determined Son, Talk to Krile. She lets you knwo about the time Alphinaud posed as her for a week while she was out on a bender. She still has blackmai--photos.
Fly to Bugs. Talk to Bugs. Fly to Bug Hive. PUNCH BUGS! Meet Ardbert. Stare deep into those baby blues as he and the N*Sync try to murder you. THANCRED APPEARS! The boys are fighting over your hand in marriage. But you can already tell Ardbert is GONNA BE BAE! Ardbert pieces out, he needs to go win 9 out of 8 Kanto Badges like a boss. Talk to Thancred. CRAAAWWWWLLLLIIIINNNG IIIIINNN MYYYYY SKKKIIIIIINNNN! Teleport to Ishgard. Talk to Edgecred. Talk to Goth Wife. Talk to Embarassed Son. Ishgard was attack. Heck! Aymeric was stabbed FUCK! Visit your Knight Wife! Ask questions around. Talk to some Priests. NOW PRISONER 34601! YOUR TIMES IS UP AND YOUR PAROLE HAS BEGUN! YOU KNOW WHAT THAT MEANS! Ask around some more. Priests have taken a hostage. BREAK DOWN THE MEGACHURCH DOOR! Punch Priests, Punch Monks, Punch More Priests, Punch Knights, RUN UP SOME STAIRS! Your Husband will fight for your honor. You’ve only known Aymeric for 1 2/3 expansions, but if anything else happens to him you’ll kill everyone in Ishgard and then yourself. PUNCH SOME KNIGHTS! Free some people. PUNCH SOME MORE PRIESTS! Run to your Husband-in-Uniform’s Side. PUNCH SOME KNIGHTS! Free a person. Priest YEETS hostage. But a dragon got him. Everythings okay now. You’re getting married to Aymeric in June.
Alright so you found Edgecred and Goth Wife. Go bug Maggie Smith about Minfilia. Unlock Anti-Tower. PUNCH A FROG! PUNCH DAVID BOWIE! WHAT THE FUCK ARE THOSE DOLLS! PUNCHED THEM! OH NO THEY TURNED INTO ONE NAKED DOLL! ALPHINAUD SHIELD YOUR EYES! PUNCH THE DOLL! GET THE FUUUUUUUUUCK OUTTA THERE! Oh hey Minfilia. SHE IS THE VOICE OF GOD NOW! Thancreds here. Thancred left. Alphinaud’s depressed. Talk to Depressed Son. Teleport to Ishgard. Talk to Husband-in-Uniform. Talk to Knight Wife. Teleport to Falcon’s Nest. Talk to Knight Wife. Talk to Shild-in-Law. Fly out and kill some wolves. Fly out and kill some more wolves. Report to Shild-in-Law. Enter eating hall. Drink some ale. Last time you had something to drink was at the Banquet. Good---FUCK THIS DRINK IS POISONED! SHIT GOES DOWN! WHO LET THE SHILD HAVE BOW!?! A woman is shot. She dead...but not really. Talk to people. Talk to more people. Hunt down Shild-in-Law. He punched his Ward! IMMA KILL EM! Thancred punched him for you! Take off that stupid bandana Thancred. Teleport to Ishgard.
Go visit your Husband-in-Uniform with Puncred. Talk to Puncred. Husband-in-Uniform has seduced Puncred. Go to Markets. Talk to Shild. Nearly throw hands with a 16-year old. Teleport outside of the Gates of Judgement. Talk to Knight Wife. Talk to Shild. Wear your dead Fiance’s armor. PUNCH SERPENTS! PUNCH MAELSTROM! PUNCH IMMORTAL FLAMES! PUNCH PIPIN SAVE KNIGHT WIFE! PUNCH RAUBAHN! AHHHHHHHHHHHHH! Alright battles over. Remove Fiance’s Armor ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) Talk to Puncred.
Talk to Embarrassed Son. Teleport to Falcon’s Nest. Talk to Embarassed Son. Talk to Responsibility-in-Law. Chill out with Determined Son. Dragon Appears. So done Literal Child. LITERAL CHILD STABBED THE DRAGON! He’s possessed by Nidhogg! AYMERIC SHOTS AT LITERAL CHILD! They will fight shirtless in two days to win your hand in marriage. Talk to Determined Son. Teleport to Camp Dragonshead. Talk to Guard. Talk to Son. Teleport to Ishgard. Go to Last Vigil. Talk to Guard. Talk to Dad Fortempts. Leave. Talk to Guard. Go in Mansion.  Leave. Go to the Forgotten Knight. Talk to Krile. Slide her a fifty for pictures of Alphinaud’s Frog Phase. Talk to Frog Son. Talk to Husband-in-Uniform. Teleport to Anyx Trine. Talk to Dragon with Husband-in-Uniform. Teleport to Moghome. Talk to Husband-in-Uniform. Teleport to Zenith. Fly up tower. Blow horn. HECKIN GOOD BOY APPEARS! He challenges you to a dance off. Fly down and talk to the wyvern. Unlock Sohr Khai! Run Sohr Khai! FUCK THAT PEGASUS! Leave Sohr Khai. Talk to Husband-in-Uniform. RIDE FORTH TO ISHGARD! HECKIN GOOD BOY FIGHTS AYMERIC THERES A FUCKING WEIRD LOOKING CAT OUT HERE! OH NO! THE CAT RIPPED OFF GOODEST BOYS WIN! Unlock Final Steps of Faith. PUNCH THE CAT! PLAYSTATION2STARTUPNOISE! PUNCH LITERAL CHILD! PUNCH NACHO CHEESE FLAVORED CAT! Oh shit remove eyes from Literal Child’s Armor. THE GHOST OF ICE WIFE AND FIANCE APPEARS! You make a pot together ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) Throw the eyes into the abyss. They gone now. Literal Child is taken to the hospital. For the future sick burns you’re going lay on him for the amount of fucks he upped.
Alright go talk to Dad Fortempts. Alright now go talk to a manservant. Go on a date with Husband-in-Uniform. Get cockblocked by Alphinaud. He’s saying something about his sister. Go visit the sister instead of getting to pegg the Knight Commander. Find out Sister is actually angry lass. She is now Sword Daughter! Talked to Determined Son! Teleport to Camp Dragonshead. Ride through the snow. Talk to Determined Son. Talk to Guard. Unlock Xelphatol. PUNCH BIRDS! Leave Xelphatol. Ardbert and the Backstreet Boys appear. So does a mysterious sexy elf who hides his face. Goddamn tease. Talk to Book Son. Teleport to Ishgard. Talk to Husband-in-Uniform. Talk to Book Son. Pray thee return to the Waking Sands. Walk with Sword Daughter. She tries to fight Strip Tease.
Teleport to Camp Overlook. Talk to Roe. Ride out find Kobold. Find Kobold. Find Kobold. Kobold is now friends with Sword Daughter. Ride through sulfur lake steal crystals. Talk to Roe. Talk to Book Son. Ride through the Mine of Moira. Talk to Book Son. Run Titan (Hard). WAAAAAKKKEEE UPPPPP!!!!! Leave Titan (Hard) traumatized. Talk to Kobold. Silent. Teleport to Camp Overlook. Talk to Book Son. Talk to Roe. Talk to Book Son. Talk to Sword Daughter. Teleport to Lil Ala Mhigo. Talk to Bear Daddy. Talk to Book Son. Ride out into the desert. Look upon a protest. Meet up with Papalymo and Exiled Monk. Talk to Papalymo. Teleport to Little Ala Mhigo. Talk to Book Son. Talk to dude. Dress as a hobo. Stand by a tree. Meet with a Griffon. He knows you. Time to delete your profile off Dating Apps. Talk to Book Son. Remove Cloths ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) Talk to Papalymo. Run down a hill. Stand in a spot. Ardbert is here. PUNCH HIM IN THE FACE! PUNCH HIM THE FACE! WHOA SHIT HES INTO KINKY SHIT! The safe word is: Pray thee return to the Waking Sands. The sexy elf from before appears. Its Urianger! ...You will bed him. PUNCH ARDBERT! PUNCH THE ROE! PUNCH THE MAGE! Give Sword Daughter your energy! PUNCH THE ROE! PUNCH THE MAGE! PUNCH ARDBERT! PUNCH ARDBERT! Give Sword Daughter Your Energy. FUCK OFF ARDBERT! Punch Roe, Punch Ranger, Punch Priest, Punch Mage, Punch Ardbert. Give Sword Daughter Your Energy. THERE ARE NO WEAK SPELLS IN MY GRANDFATHER’S DECK ARDBERT ONLY THE UNSTOPPABLE EXXXXXOOODDDIIIIAAA! Well Ardbert’s gone. Teleport to Limsa. Talk to Catte. Teleport to Mor Dhona. Break down door. The Crystal Braves reunited at last. Alphinaud said we’re breaking up. Oh well...time to make Brave World Tour! You’re Sporty Brave. Talk to Roe. Talk to People. Talk to Book Son.
Tataru wants to speak to you privately Go Diamond Forge. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) She now has your measurements. Pray thee return to the Rising Stones. Teleport to Ishgard. Talk to Knight Wife. Go to Gates of Judgment. Talk to Knight Wife and Husband-in-Uniform. Teleport to Gridania. Bug Seedseer. Talk to Book Son. Pray thee return to Rising Stones. Talk to Book Son. Talk to Book Son. Teleport to Hawthorne Hut. Talk to Serpent at bottom of the tower. Ride down a hill talk to serpent. Talk to Book Son. Talk to Serpent. Unlock Baelsar’s Wall. FUCK THAT MACHINE! FUCK THAT MACHINE! SLOPPPEEHOWDOLOKDISSLOPPEEESLOPEEEFERALAMHIGO! FUCK ILBERD! OH NO ILBERD FUCKS BACK! THERES A DRAGON! PAPALYMO NOOOO! We’re back outside. Monk sits on a Throne of Lyse. Pray thee Return to the Rising Stones. Talk to Book Son.
Talk to Book Son. Teleport to Gridania. Bug the Seedseer. Meeting interrupted by Emperor Nero. He’s wearing your hobo clothes. Teleport to Airship Landing. Ride with Cid to Mor Dhona. Talk to Cid. Pray thee return to Risings Stones. Talk to Book Son. Talk to Nero. He shit talked your home. PUNCH HIM! Leave. Talk to Cid. Talk to Lizard Wife. Fly to a place. PUNCH GARLEANS! PUNCH ROELEAN! GET A METAL DOG! BLOW SHIT UP! BLOW SHIT UP! BLOW SHIT UP! Roelean is abandoned by his men...PUNCH HIM WHILE HE’S DOWN! Alright now enter lair. Activate Omega. Shit blows up. Leave Omega. Fly back to Gridania. Bug Seedseer. Teleport to Hut. Ride out to the forest. Talk to Throne of Lyse.  Talk to Goth Wife. Talk to Sword Daughter.
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slytherinbangchan · 4 years
Semi-Hiatus announcement.
Hello, this is Vic. A lot of you may know me as ‘overdosekpopscenarios’ too.
I wrote the SKZ Tattoo artist!Au that everyone loved so much.
Anyway I made a decision this week after a lot of thinking and I won’t be posting bullet scenarios anymore for now. I don’t know if this decision will be permanent or not cause I have a lot of ideas and Aus I want to finish (Hogwarts, Gang!Au, Tattoo Artist, Benders etc..) but so far this is how I feel after months of my followers treating me and my new works like ghosts.
I’m a really honest and sometimes blunt person so I’ll say my reasons.
I was really happy almost a year ago when I reopened this blog after 4 or 5 years and I’ve been working nonstop on my aus since then. I spend hours investigating about certain topics, taking notes, trying not to leave any hole on my storylines. Cause I really am passionate about writing and I want to give the best version I can of something when I’m writing the scenarios. I’ve lost so much sleep and time working on this blog at the same time I worked two jobs and was trying to get rid of my depression.  I don’t regret all the work I put into it but I think it’s enough. All the stress I get from it is not rewarding anymore when I’m being treated like a ghost.
I wrote a 4th part for the hybrids even when I had no plans to do it only cause a lot of people asked for it in public and private. I decided to post it on my bday and missed half of my bday re-reading and working on it so it’d be perfect. And I’m honestly proud of all my work and how the hybrids came out but once again, the update was treated like a ghost and this was the straw that broke the camel's back for me.
Anyway, I don’t want to spend more of my time working so hard on something when app I have so many followers but most of them don’t even have the time to leave a like on my posts. I’m tired to talk to a wall when I post asking for opinions etc... I was heartbroken at first cause this blog means a lot to me. But I gotta move on.
I wish you all luck. Treat your writers with love. They’re working for free just to make you all happy with their stories. At least that was my case even if I had to lose all that sleep.
And if you’re one of those followers who would interact and still like/reblog my stuff. Thank you really, from the bottom of my heart. And for all the bday wishes too, thank you.
Sunshine is the only au I’ll keep updating for now. (Next chap in the following hours).
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