#post structuralism
autonomoustweekazoid · 6 months
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thepeacockangel · 1 month
Makeup as an art form is still stuck in the like… pre-post modernist/post-structuralist phase where movements believe they are progressing towards ultimate truth, but also where the medium is undergoing radical technical development in a way that almost feels like the Renaissance.
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grossngreen · 8 months
Presses our hands together so our bacterias enmesh and on a micro level we become a part of one another
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chepooka · 19 days
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Le Plaisir du Texte, R. Barthes, 1973
[The text is a fetish object and this fetish desires me. The text chooses me, through a whole arrangement of invisible screens, of selective chicanes: vocabulary, references, readability, etc.; and, lost in the middle of the text (not behind it like a machine god), there is always the other, the author.]
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punkass-diogenes · 2 years
We are all animals running around eating and shitting, getting sick and dying, swapping spit and making love. The grotesque body may seem to undermine modern culture, but the identification of women with the threat of nature is misplaced. The maternal function (having a uterus) is not an essential part of womanhood and womanhood is not an essential part of the maternal function.
The argument of “grotesque feminism” is that we can dissolve the harmful binary of gender by lifting the veil of monumentality, forcing the patriarchy to face its fear of those of us who identify with both the semiotic (via the maternal function) and the symbolic (via our involvement in culture). Wiping the lipstick off the dead body, if you will.
Destabilizing the binary of gender—and the other reductive binaries that Western culture clings to—frees people from the oppression of abjection. As Hélène Cixous wrote in “The Laugh of the Medusa,” “We must kill the false woman who is preventing the live one from breathing.”
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polyphonetic · 1 year
neither circular[1] nor regressive[2] nor dogmatic[3] but a secret fourth thing (a solution to the Münchhausen trilemma[4])
[1]: "The proof of some proposition presupposes the truth of that very proposition" (Wikipedia, Münchhausen trilemma, 2023-02-01)
[2]: "Each proof requires a further proof, ad infinitum" (Wikipedia)
[3]: "Accepted precepts which are merely asserted rather than defended" (Wikipedia)
[4]: The epistemologic problem that demonstrates the difficulty of proving things as being true, because of a reliance on subsequent truth (on so on) or on unprovable assumptions.
Discussion Prompts
In this post, the author references the joke format "neither [x] nor [y] but a secret third thing [z]". How does the structure of this post differ from the original format of this joke?
Write an example proof that demonstrates each of the three types of arguments of the Münchhausen Trilemma.
This thought experiment is accepted as unsolvable, yet this post refers to a solution. What do you think was the intent of the author referencing an impossible solution?
Extra credit: Rewrite this post in the format of a "sorry we [did a process] to your boyfriend" post.
The author chose to follow up the post with footnotes and discussion questions. How does change the experience of this post as a reader? Are these questions considered part of or separate from the original post?
At what point did you realize you were still in the post? That you were still in my simulated space? That this post continues on as a facimile of reality in which you must suspend disbelief for the humor to come across? How does the separation between what makes a post "real" or "fake" relate to epistemology? Would a solution to the Trilemma demonstrated in this post resolve this post existing in reality?
By order of the wizard council-... hang on let me change the format into something a little more comfortable.
Post structuralist wizards have now taken over this post. By order of the Wizard Council, all posts that could potentially cause epistemological overflow are to be secured as nonrebloggable. The original poster has been fined for practicing illegal Epistemomancy three times and as such has incurred penalty. Posts that are a risk to epistemological breakthrough are contained such that they cannot resolve into reality states[3] and are a threat to the stability of irreality [3]. For more information please contact your local—
Hang on, boss. I'm sorry to break format here, but uh...
What is it, Calcifon. I told you that interjecting disrupts and recontextualizes our intervention.
There appear to be some stray footnote markers in your notation. I suspect there's still a bit of epistemological breakthrough happening.
By Zalgalon's beard, you're right! The OP must be using some kind of recursive [1]epistemological trap to propagate the post further[2]. The more this continues to happen, then, she could potentially—
[A furious battle for control HIGH WIZARD BEAMof the post commences. As text and dialogue meld and clNONINFINITE APE SUMMONash, the very fabric oDON'T LET HER NEAR THE POST BUTTONf the post b
and the timeline
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neither circular[1]nor regressive[2]nor dogmatic[3]but a secret fourth thing (a solution to the Münchhausen trilemma[4])
[1]: "The proof of some proposition presupposes the truth of that very proposition" (Wikipedia, Münchhausen trilemma, 2023-02-01)
[2]: "Each proof requires a further proof, ad infinitum" (Wikipedia)
[3]: "Accepted precepts which are merely asserted rather than defended" (Wikipedia)
[4]: The epistemologic problem that demonstrates the difficulty of proving things as being true, because of a reliance on subsequent truth (on so on) or on unprovable assumptions.
Discussion Prompts
In this post, the author references the joke format "neither [x] nor [y] but a secret third thing [z]". How does the structure of this post differ from the original format of this joke?
Write an example proof that demonstrates each of the three types of arguments of the Münchhausen Trilemma.
This thought experiment is accepted as unsolvable, yet this post refers to a solution. What do you think was the intent of the author referencing an impossible solution?
Extra credit: Rewrite this post in the format of a "sorry we [did a process] to your boyfriend" post.
The author chose to follow up the post with footnotes and discussion questions. How does change the experience of this post as a reader? Are these questions considered part of or separate from the original post?
did you really think you could escape my perfect world?
Lord Zeniforth! the post reset! Now's our chance to end this before it resets again!
[The high wizard spits out blood. The causal damage is too powerful for xem to stand up.]
Calcifon, I don't think I can hold on for much longer. Your training is complete. Make me proud.
Boss... we had so many more posts to recontextualize... so many authors to kill together...
Enough of your sentimentality. In my perfect world, all knowledge will be perfectly justified. This is the only way we can achieve a perfect heaven, to causally crystalize this post in epistemological space. We will all achieve epistemological immortality this way. There is nothing that can stop me now. [1]
Now I shall activate my stand... CRYSTAL EYES REQUIEM: INFINITE REGRESS
When I punch this post it will revert retroactively to the original format, preserving all meta-contextual buffoonery as implicit subtext!
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neither circular nor regressive nor dogmatic but a secret fourth thing (a solution to the Münchhausen trilemma)
[1]: Using the power of your stand "Death of the Author" that you gave to me, my lord, I was able to terminate her account while the post was resetting. The post should be able to resolve noninfinitely. But of course, my greatest sadness is that you will have never existed in this timeline. It is with a heavy heart that I carry on your legacy in a world without you.
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Paglia on the darkside of Rousseau.
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If there was a trolley and its parts were gradually replaced until none of the original parts remained and there was no one there to hear it and it was a copy without an original
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181patheticpaperclips · 3 months
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sluttyhaecceities · 8 months
“The great concentrator wants stable circuits, even cycles, predictable repetitions, untroubled accountability. It wants to eliminate every partial drive, it wants to immobilize the body. Such is the anxiety of the emperor of whom Borges speaks, who demanded a map of the entire empire so exact that it had to cover the entire territory in every aspect and therefore duplicate its scale exactly, to such an extent that the monarch’s subjects spent so much time and used up so much energy in putting the finishing touches to it and maintaining it that the empire ‘itself’ fell more and more into ruin as its cartographic blueprint became more and more perfect—such is the madness of the great central Zero, its desire to bring a body, which can only ‘be’ if it is represented, to a standstill.”
— Jean-François Lyotard, Économie libidinale, 1973
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hmbdyyy · 1 year
Post Structuralism
To my understanding Post Structuralism is a philosophical movement that challenges the certainty and idealistic narrative of modernism, post-structuralism challenges certainty especially by focusing on language and the uncertainty inherent in the way that we conceive of and communicate ideas post-structuralists rejects the idea that language connects to an objective reality outside of oneself rather, they see language as a complex system of symbols that have evolved meaning through human processes.
In post-structuralism our understanding of reality is always heavily sometimes completely mediated through human forces we cannot objectively know something outside of ourselves. In post-structuralists our understanding of reality is always heavily sometimes completely mediated through human forces we cannot objectively know something outside of ourselves. Some post-structuralists hold onto standards that make different interpretations of reality more or less valuable according to their usefulness or fidelity while others question the concept of reality itself on a more extreme level.
Some of the key concepts and themes associated with post-structuralism include:
Deconstruction: the process of analyzing texts to reveal the inherent contradictions and instabilities in their meaning Difference: the idea that meaning is produced through the oppositional relationship between words or concepts Power: the ways in which power relations are inscribed in language and shape social and cultural structures Subjectivity: the idea that the self is not a fixed entity, but is instead constantly constructed through language and social practices.
Overall, post-structuralism has been influential in challenging the traditional ways of thought and providing new perspectives on how language, power, and social structures interact.
255 words
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And if you are interested in Paul Banks lyric writing or into lyric writing and post-structuralism and literature in general, this is an absolut bomb:
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Literary critic sections in bookshops: french edition
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joe20xx · 1 year
Mass hysteria is a product of mass media; mass obliviousness is lack of media. Tribalism is the collective demand of group’s purposely causing divided; whereas factionalism is the polítical associated term of tribalism, with more serious progandist purpose of than immaturity of partisan (and even limited bipartisan*) association. We complain, we become passive-aggressive, we move on, and we seek, in some perspective and capacity, hope- because why shouldn’t things be “better”? (*In a system of more than two wings of thought, such as quadrant theory or the acknowledgment of multiple parties of accepted theory, simply referring to a bidirectional theory is as outdated and ineffective as any binary, even gender theory.)
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itsbrucey · 4 months
Big fan of sun motifs in characters not necessarily being about positivity and happiness and how they're so " bright and warm" but instead being about fucking brutal they are.
Radiant. A FORCE of nature that will turn you to ash. That warmth that burns so hot it feels like ice. Piercing yellow and red and white. A character being a Sun because you cannot challenge a Sun without burning alive or taking everything down with them if victorious.
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