#post-event reblog
aphel1on · 10 months
i have such a love for characters who descend into madness or villainy out of deep, deep empathy. characters who fundamentally cannot cope with the cruel realities they find themselves in and blow up about it in spectacular fashion. fallen angel type characters with tears of outrage in their eyes. characters who break before they bend, and break so badly they splatter blood all over their noble ideals. every variation on it gets me so good
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poobirdy · 5 months
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bingqiu human/demon role reversal as requested by alliechickfics on twitter! for a modest donation to the listed organizations and individuals over at SVSSS Gotcha 4 Gaza, you too can get a prompt fulfilled in exchange.
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thatadhdmood · 2 years
@nutmegan17 on tiktoks eating tray hack
By keeping a tray full of no prepare necessary food, in the fridge it can be used to aid neurodivergent or fatigued people.
By putting food like, cheese and crackers, or whatever is a safe food for you personally on the tray, it can be taken easily to the couch or bed to be eaten from whenever you are hungry.
This prevents executive dysfunction or fatigue and any reason preventing you from eating. You need to care of yourself because everyone needs food to stay alive including you.
You deserve to eat even when on a bad brain day and are unable to prepare a meal for yourself.
If not having a full meal doesn't satisfy you, a snack may even give you the energy to make a full meal afterwards!
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ashleyeveerson · 5 months
Haven't been able to think about anything other than the victorian/edwardian/WW1 twink and his 80's punk almost-boyfriend for a week, send help
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nebuladreamz · 3 months
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A little different than last year's, but here we are again. To say that this past year hasn't been absolutely wild would be a lie, cause HOLY SHIT MAN
This year's birthday is. A little different for me, but you already have the silly comic to show that so I won't make like a broken record oops
But, despite the changes and hills that life's decided I should climb or throw at, it hasn't changed the fact that I'm so genuinely fucking thankful to the people that I've known since joining this fandom. I'm not even kidding when I say that being here has actually changed my life for the better. I know I said something similar last year, but this time, hoo boy it sure turned up the AMP and test how far I could go.
So, to everyone, both new and old; thank you for being here :D
@garbagechocolate @darkxsoulzyx @smoljeanius @bunmuffin @skizabaa
@tuzesdays @sleepykas @fernzwing @kandidandi @starsketchez
@just-a-drawing-bean @notdysfunk @ilsole @amberluvsbugs @cloudyvoid
@nomsthecat @alfinefalf @nosleepygay @theblog-with-thestuff
(Edit: ty kibbits for informing me of the. Fuck ass tagging system)
@ohno-the-sun @kibbits @ink-yy @saltyfryz @kaprisvn
@hierba-picante @sunny-sophies-garden @cookiiemancer @sneeblbop @justaduckarts
@pepethehumanz @crystalmagpie447 @woolysstuff @mocha-illustrates @duhsty1
@sanchensky @pillowspace @victarin @witherfide
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danmei-action · 3 months
Announcing the Danmei Gotcha for Gaza: Donations Open Now!
Hello, danmei fandoms! If you'd like to create or prompt fanworks for your favorite novels and original manhuas to help raise funds for Palestine, now is your moment! The Danmei Gotcha for Gaza is currently accepting prompts for around 100 danmei fandoms! You can find our prompt intake form at the project Carrd.
Creators are welcome to contribute any type of fanwork, such as fic/podfic, cold reads of novel scenes, art, video edits, and moodboards or aesthetic gifsets. Donators will be asked to select a preferred type of fanwork so their prompts can be matched to the creators most suited to them.
In keeping with previous fandom Gotchas, we will be following the same pricing structure of $5USD for S/FW prompts and $8USD for N/SFW prompts.
Donations will be open from August 1-31, or until our creators reach capacity.
For this event, we have chosen to support the following fundraisers. Make sure to screenshot proof of payment before submitting your prompts!
Care for Gaza
Direct Aid For Gaza
eSIMs for Gaza and Crips for eSIMs for Gaza (if you would like to donate funds rather than buying the eSIMs yourself)
Feminine Hygiene Kits for Gaza With the Asad Sisters
Life for Gaza (support for municipality projects such as access to clean running water and sewage systems. Gaza is currently facing a polio outbreak, so access to clean water is now even more crucial than before!)
Any verified fundraiser on gazafunds.com. (If you choose this option, please screenshot the Gaza Funds page with the link to your fundraiser and your proof of payment!)
Note: if you would like to participate in a Gotcha event for a non-danmei fandom, check out the live list of fandom Gotchas here.
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plow-and-propose · 9 months
Orange Flags (found in any post but especially ones about politics)
We don't always have the time and/or energy to do our own research, so here are some things to watch out for:
No sources. Obviously this doesn't 100% guarantee that the post contains misinformation but it does mean you can't easily verify it. Is OP right? Wrong? Outright lying? You don't know!
Contradicting sources in the notes. Again, doesn’t necessarily mean that OP is wrong, but you should absolutely do your own research before sharing if several different people are providing contradictory evidence.
'Unreliable' sources. What constitutes as unreliable depends a bit on context but be especially wary of unsourced screenshots (could be taken out of context), clearly biased sources (e.g. 'Nationalist News of [Country]' type newspapers), and second hand sources (e.g. a different, unsourced tumblr post).
Minor mistakes. Like an incorrect statistic, an exaggerated number, or a omitted detail - something fairly small. Maybe OP just misremembered or forgot about this one thing, but it could be a sign they've made an error or lied about something far more major.
Urgency. Obviously there is a lot of reason for urgency when dealing with crises, but if a post gives you the vibe of go go go there's no time to explain share this give money do it now don't think about it go then OP may not have stopped to check their sources, or even be actively using urgency to mislead you.
And lastly here's a tip: if you're not sure, save the post as a draft. More information might become available later.
Stopping the spread of misinformation is hard. We all want to help and sharing posts feels like a very quick and easy way to do it. But it's also very easy to share the wrong thing by mistake. Try to stop and think.
Source for this post: my own experience. These are things I've picked up over many years of being gullible online. I highly encourage you to take the time to educate yourself about how to stop the spread of misinformation.
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clamsjams · 10 months
If you're dumb enough to join a minecraft server this weekend you're a big enough schmuck to come to QSMP PURGATORY!!! Bad design!Confusing scoring! NEUROTOXIN! If you think you're going to have a good time at Purgatory you can KISS MY ASS!!! It's our belief that you're such a STUPID MOTHERFUCKER You'll still try to win - GUARANTEED! If you find a better event SHOVE IT UP YOUR UGLY ASS!!You heard us right! SHOVE IT UP YOUR UGLY ASS!!! Bring your team! Bring your gas mask! Bring your “roommate”! We’ll FUCK THEM!That’s right! We’ll FUCK your “roommate”!Because at QSMP purgatory you're FUCKED six ways from Sunday! Take a hike - to Purgatory's Home of Challenge Dying! That's right, Challenge Dying! How does it work? If you can make it back to your dead body and not get spawnkilled, you get NO NAUSEA EFFECTS! Don't wait! Don't delay! Don’t FUCK WITH US! Or we'll nuke the island! Only at QSMP PURGATORY!! The only minecraft event that tells you to FUCK OFF!! Hurry up, asshole!! This event ends the minute after you see the eggs and they better not escape or you're a DEAD MOTHERFUCKER! Go to hell - QSMP PURGATORY! Quesadilla’s filthiest and EXCLUSIVE home of the meanest sons of bitches in minecraft roleplay - GUARANTEED!!!!!
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url2no · 3 months
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@v3gue 🌸 spring
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buoyantsaturn · 4 months
turning off reblogs is cruel but I get it sometimes the engagement needs to stop. however I think tumblr would benefit from a turn off likes button to force people to engage in a meaningful way. this is coming from a chronic post liker but I am still a chronic reblogger as well. you people need to learn that you can do both things
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songofwizardry · 1 year
ok I'm not an expert but I'm not seeing much specific info going around here, and there's a lotta Palestine solidarity protests in the UK this weekend, so here is some (including UK-specific) protest info and resources (mostly pulled whole-cloth from Twitter)
policing is heavy at Palestine protests generally
Hamas is a proscribed org under UK law. that means "inviting support" for them or "wearing clothing or displaying articles" that implies you are a supporter is a criminal offence (if you're interested, here's the full list of criminal offences from gov.uk). Palestinian flags etc are ok*, but do not have something that could be mistaken for Hamas imagery. don't go out there looking for convictions pls.
*in spite of what Suella Braverman has implied, the London Muslim Community Forum has just confirmed that the Palestinian flag is not a proscribed flag and is not banned (apologies for quoting the "we advise the met police" group but I thought it was important to have that info explicitly)
don't talk to cops. that includes the police liasion officers in blue bibs.
particularly if you're concerned about your face ending up on social media etc, but also just good practice in general (both in terms of COVID and protest safety)—mask up. cover up tattoos etc.
have bustcards or contact details for protest legal support on you. Green and Black Cross can be contacted on 07946 541 511. write the number on your arm etc.
if you witness an arrest: check if there's a legal observer nearby and if so call them over; if not: if the arrestee doesn't have a bustcard, give them one, find out where they're being taken, and contact eg GBC or a protest support line
if you have the time and can help out, there will likely be arrestee support required after—GBC tend to post callouts on Twitter for this
other links
for particularly children and young people and their families being referred to PREVENT for pro-Palestine statements, contact PREVENTWatch and maybe also Palestine in School (newer initiative I think, I don't have an excessive amount of detail on them just FYI)
Liberty, Migrants Organise and Black Protest Legal Support have bustcards in different languages, including Arabic and Somali (also Liberty's website has lotsa useful info, including advice for disabled protesters, protesting and immigration status, and what to do if you're kettled)
GBC's thread on what to do if you see an arrest is useful, as are all their resources generally
if I've missed anything or made a mistake, lmk—as I said, I am very much not an expert. if you know people who are protesting, pass them the legal support line numbers; if you're attending, stay safe and be vigilant; and ofc carry water.
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firefistjaigio · 2 months
I have genuinely only been able to think about Bangladesh rn the fear I have is so immense and I have no idea if people there are ok rn, idk if my family is ok rn. I have no clue what violence is occurring there rn and I have only seen previous examples like tanks on the streets and police sniping student protestors from rooftops and news of many people like a 7th grader being killed and it burns me to see barely anyone fucking talk about it or share anything about it, besides the diaspora rn and some good folks, does the world even fucking care when people are suffering
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r0semultiverse · 6 months
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pinkytoothlesso11 · 3 months
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Hello to all fellow Stricklake fans!! Once again it's time to get excited for Stricklake month this August! This year I will be hosting the upcoming month long event, and I hope by releasing the prompts a month in advance like last year, it gives all of you who are interested in participating this year time to prepare!
The event will start 1st of August, and finish on the 31st of August. Our prompts this year are as follows:
Week one: (August 1st - 6th) Myth/Technology
Week two: (August 7th - 13th) Shipwrecked/Resort
Week three: (August 14th - 20th) Sunlight/Moonlight
Week four: (August 21st - 27th) Blood/Healing
Final roundup: (August 31st)
For those new to Stricklake month, all mediums are welcome as long as the focus remains on the relationship Barbara Lake/Walter Strickler and you are welcome to fill in as many or little prompts as you like, from any of the weeks. There's no obligation to do all!
Make sure to tag your entries with #keenswimmers2024! This helps to ensure everyone can find Stricklake month content for this year and also helps me with roundup posts at the end of each week.
If you can, please spread the word by reblogging this post and support fellow fan creators during the event in August with reblogs and comments! ❤️💚
Special thanks are also in order for @rexnanorum and @seekerofblades for the absolutely fantastic graphics above, as well as for the headers for each week. I owe them full credit for bringing this year's Stricklake month to life!
Thanks also to @megan0013 and @toodrasticallydumb for helping me come up with prompts, otherwise I don't think I could have done this alone! 😅
Tagging: @whitherwanderyouspirit, @joethehoeee, @ollie-alooffloof, @albentelisa and @lexel05 since I think this might interest you, as well as any other Stricklake fans out there!
Any questions, my DM's are always open!
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hyolks · 11 months
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as a thank you for 10k, i am holding an art raffle!! ✨✨
the rules are simple: you must be following me (hyolks) and please tell me a strange dream you've had!! thats it!!!
i await to hear your weird dreams o7 you have until december 1st!!
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hoofpeet · 6 months
Realizing that if I post anything more intense than 'I'm kinda sad rn' someone's gonna try to doxx me to get me thrown in the local psych ward .. feels like being in school trying to act normal around the ""helpful"" paras lest I get reported or cps called on me again
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