#posts from the desert 🏜️
thedesertedsystem · 6 months
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Our SILLIEST problem that we encounter as a system is... someone asking me what music I like.
At our job, we take turns of who plays music while we work and just they look at me and are like "Hey, put on your fav playlist!" Or "What kind of music do you listen to?"
And we just panic...
How can I choose between pop punk, screamo, goth rock, indie, indie pop, Celtic, Vocaloid, Jpop, 80s classics, soulful R&B, and musicals???
We all listen to different shit!!
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bread--quest · 10 months
It's 2012 somewhere. Welcome.... to Night Vale Tumblr.
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👁️ nvcr-official
Hi guys! I'm Intern Sarah! Excited to be joining you all!
👁️ nvcr-official
To the friends and family of Intern Sarah, she was a good intern and social media manager, and we are sorry to see her go. We will work to find a new intern as soon as possible.
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🦉 dark-owl-records
hes gotten away with shit for too long and im sick of it. tl;dr horrific intern mistreatment with no compensation, mountain denier, homophobic
keep reading
❌ number-one-moonhater Follow
Hey uh. Aren't you a company account? Why are you posting this
🦉 dark-owl-records
L + ratio + god forbid women do anything + your music taste is trash
🙈 seesomethingsaynothing Follow
Isn't Cecil literally gay?
🦉 dark-owl-records
he's homophobic
🪼 jeebyfish Follow
he has a husband...
🦉 dark-owl-records
yeah and he won't fucking shut up about it
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🤫 cecils-private-blog
Carlos hasn't liked any of my woodcarving posts in THREE DAYS!! I'm so scared what if he's going to break up with me :((
👁️ nvcr-official
Cecil he's your husband he's not breaking up with you. also this isn't a private blog you just put private in the url
🤫 cecils-private-blog
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🏜️ sandeater Follow
tamika flynn spotted in ralph's dairy aisle "slaying" the milk
🦂 scorpiansscuttle Follow
op i know this is a joke but one time i was in the ralphs dairy aisle and there was some butter up on a really high shelf and someone said "don't worry, i'll get it" and i turned around and it was fucking tamika flynn
☁️ average-weather-enjoyer Follow
fake story :/
📚 isurvivedthesummerreadingprogram
No it's true I was there
🚂 traintonowhere Follow
🏜️ sandeater Follow
what the fuck is happening on my post
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👁️ nvcr-official
can you guys please stop sending cecil weird shit... i don't want to have to explain to my boss what a dilf is
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🐚 mariella-shella
Hey guys!! Sorry for the lack of posts recently! I entered a hole in the wall and when I got out I realized I didn't know how long I'd been in there, or where I was, or who I am, and I'm not sure that I'm still the person who entered that hole however long ago. Anyway, the normal posting schedule will resume as soon as I remember what my normal posting schedule was, and if I'm still the person who had that posting schedule!
🌪️ sandstorm-gf Follow
omg mariella!!! missed u so much girl glad ur back!
🐚 mariella-shella
i miss me too
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😎 Anonymous asked: Response to the homophobic allegations?
🎙️ cecilpalmer
🎙️ cecilpalmer
@nvcr-official What does this mean? Is it new slang?
👁️ nvcr-official
uhhhh dont worry about it buddy
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🧤 missy-mittens Follow
hey guys im in quarantine for eating wheat and wheat byproducts uh...send asks?? i might be in here for a while lmaooo
🧤 missy-mittens Follow
oh lights in the sky its been 5 years since i made this post
☁️ glowcloudapologist Follow
how's it going op
🧤 missy-mittens Follow
i miss my family
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🐚 mariella-shella Follow
hey if anyone remembers anything about the person running this blog can you tell me? trying to recover the fragments of my identity from the void of memory lol
🥔 potato-enthusiast Follow
you were really hot
🐚 mariella-shella Follow
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🦉 a-weird-bird Follow
just a reminder that new residents of east night vale are fully welcome to interact with this blog!!!! you will not be harassed and any hate will be blocked. this blog is safe even if this town isn't sometimes <3
🌻 sunflowergirl Follow
This is so sweet, thank you so much! Just so you know, even though it's officially called East Night Vale now, a lot of people still call it Desert Bluffs! Just thought you might want to know :)
🦉 a-weird-bird Follow
i'm not calling it that sorry
🌻 sunflowergirl Follow
What??? Why??
🦉 a-weird-bird Follow
just kind of sucks. as a name
🌻 sunflowergirl Follow
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⬜️ kentuckymeatshower_deactivated11051983
what does this mean....
🌌 cece-xeze Follow
another great post from huntokar herself
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🚁 helicopters-in-your-area Follow
🌲 little-miss-ectoplasm Follow
you don't like pine cliff? 👻 oo ooo?
👁️ nvcr-official
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😁 the-happy-smiler Follow
Hi everyone!! Since Twitter went down, I figured I'd try my hand at this Tumblr thing! I'm so excited to meet all of you!! Hope you're ready for some pictures of CENTIPEDES!! Feel free to AMA about the Smiling God!
👁️ nvcr-official
🦉 dark-owl-records
🎙️ cecilpalmer
📚 isurvivedthesummerreadingprogram
🙈 seesomethingsaynothing Follow
🚂 traintonowhere Follow
🦉 a-weird-bird Follow
🌌 cece-xeze Follow
🐚 mariella-shella Follow
🚁 helicopters-in-your-area Follow
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serene-faerie · 4 months
Fall of Númenor Dashboard Simulator
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🦢 fruitofnimloth Following
I don't know what kind of propaganda everyone's been drinking lately, but some of y'all are really starting to scare me.
So friendly reminder:
We're not. Meant. To be immortal.
We already have a longer lifespan than most normal humans. Stop being so entitled, y'all.
💎 immortal-warrior Follow
How is it entitled to think that it's unfair that we don't get to be immortal? If it weren't for us, Sauron would've conquered all of Middle-earth!
We deserve immortality for kicking Sauron's ass!
🦢 fruitofnimloth Following
This is exactly the kind of entitlement I was talking about.
#my posts #the gift of men
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🔥 priestess-of-melkor Follow
You became Melkor's acolyte to gain immortality.
I became Melkor's acolyte to
✨ fuck Zigûr ✨
We are not the same.
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🛡️ lordofandunie18 Follow
This will be my very last post.
For the sake of Númenor, I have to try and appeal to the Valar, just as Eärendil did back in the First Age. If I fail to return, I want all of my followers to pack up and prepare to leave. It's only a matter of time before this island comes to ruin.
Before I leave, I must spread the truth about the king. Though it pains me to do this, I cannot stand by and let his cruelty pass anymore. Here's the truth about Ar-Pharazôn, King of Númenor.
TW: rape, incest, domestic abuse, blasphemy against the Valar, violence.
Read more
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🌾 farmgirlofnumenor Following
Okay, anyone else seriously angry about this new temple that the king's building right now???
Before anyone yells at me, I'm not a Faithful, but I'm not one of the King's Men. I'm just sick of the king's overspending on stupid projects and his obsession with becoming immortal.
There are food shortages in the countryside! People are starving to death and all the king cares about is building this temple! But all these nobles care about is immortality, and I'm just so tired of it all.
Oh, and if you come at me about how I should be blaming the Valar or worshiping Melkor, I will block you.
🌿 forest-lover Follow
Well said, my friend!
All the people criticizing you in the notes must be city people feeling so called out for spending their money on cheap makeup and fake treatments. If you feel insulted by this post, then you're part of the problem.
Quit focusing on making yourselves immortal and focus on helping your people for once!
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👑 jewel-daughter-miriel Following
The storms are growing worse. The ground is shaking beneath my feet, and I can see smoke coming from the Meneltarma.
This will most likely be my last post. Númenor is lost, and there's no hope of saving it.
I can only hope that the end will come quickly.
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🕊️ pelargirl Mutuals
Istg the King's Men are so entitled.
They all act like they deserve immortality because they happen to have longer lifespans than most humans.
But you're all ready to sacrifice innocent people and wage war in the south, all because you kicked Sauron's ass thousands of years ago.
You're all awful people and I hope that Eru smites you all.
#i'm so glad i fled to pelargir #to all my faithful friends still in romenna #please stay safe #vent posts #do not reblog
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🦂 harad-traveller Follow
Reblog if you want a giant wave to swallow Númenor
Likes to charge, reblogs to cast!
💠 long-live-westernesse Follow
Wow, this is so rude. We literally introduced so many things to you Haradrim and this is how you thank us???
And y'all wonder why we destroyed your cities.
🏜️ deserts-of-the-south Follow
Anyways, reblog to destroy Númenor!
#entitled numenoreans
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⚔️ soldier-of-armenelos Follow
*kicks down door*
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🐋 nostalgic-numenor Follow
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The coastline of Hyarrostar, before the Shadow
#vintage photos #numenor #faithful #elendili #hyarrostar #nostalgia
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🐚 faithful-and-tired Following
Is it bad that I actually kinda enjoy watching Númenor sink? I mean, it sucks that my home is gone, but after everything that Ar-Pharazôn did, I'm just glad that the trash took itself out.
I hope Sauron also got swept up in that wave.
🌊 maidenofandustar Follow
Bro people are dying wtf is wrong with you???
I say this as someone whose sister was sacrificed by the King's Men. I know we all suffered, but not all of those people were King's Men!
We should never celebrate innocent people dying, or we're no better than Ar-Pharazôn and Sauron.
🐚 faithful-and-tired Following
Girl my entire family was sacrificed in the Temple of Melkor.
I really don't care about 'being the bigger person'.
I just hope Ar-Pharazôn and all of those pathetic King's Men are drowning like rats right now.
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🗡️ isildur3209 Following
We finally arrived in Middle-earth. It was a rough journey, but we're all safe, if not a little tired.
My brother, wife, and son are safe and sound. However, we got separated from our father's ship thanks to the waves. Don't know what we're gonna do, but for now, I'm gonna take some time to rest and grieve for my home.
#personal #numenor
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Previous post here
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simp4konig · 1 year
König jealous of your dog headcannons
Gender-neutral Reader
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Word count: Definitely more than 2😎 🗿Honest to God i have no idea whay the word count is 🤦🏼‍♀️These were mewnt to be short headcannons yet as PER USUAL i got carried away 🤡🤡not abt to copynpaste every single paragraph individually into a word counter
*Slow burn
*Established relationship with König
*⚠️Google Translate German!!⚠️ (sorry guys ...💔)
*Not requested 😋😋 just something that's been on my mind.
*Pls dont worru about rqs guys!!😨 Writing two of tjem atm but I jus wanted to post this first (so my profile isnt as barren as the Sahara desert🏜️while i work at a pace that is slower than that of a turtle 🐢)! :)
*Also how tf do people make their bullet points look so good??? is it a formatting thing or sum cuz im ACTUALLT crippled 😰😰
König really didn't want to be jealous of your dog. He didn't.
He hadn't anticipated he would ever feel that way, especially towards a dog, of all things.
Despite not being the type to be jealous — at least, not from his perspective; he was only looking out for his darling! — his eyes would narrow whenever a soldier would approach you, being far too handsy with a stranger. His partner. It made his blood boil.
Sure, König would always stare down whoever made the mistake of flirting with you or introducing themselves with playful banter while behind you. Clearing his throat, a tense hand was placed gently yet firmly on your shoulder.
"Hör auf, mit meinem Schatz zu reden, sonst breche ich dir das Genick."
Not understanding a word of what he said, they would cower in fear nonetheless, getting the message with how he'd had spat that sentence and the venom in his voice. Glancing at their wrist despite wearing no watch, they'd insist that they were running out of time and literally run away.
When you'd look up at him in confusion, König looked back down at you innocently, paraphrasing that he had simply said you were taken.
A facepalm from you. "God, König..." you'd groan, unable to stop the silly smirk from stretching itself on your face. "You nearly made that guy shit himself. Please don't do that again."
König would likewise always straighten himself to his full height and cast a menacing shadow at the dummkopf who dared speak poorly of you.
Once they'd mumble rushed apologies and speed-walk away, you'd see him glowing with an adoring expression in his eyes, a complete 180° to the death stare he shot at the recruit and the hand gesture he made at his throat seconds before.
König would always rest a large hand on your lower back to guide you in crowds, keeping you close beside him to further drive in the point that you were strictly off limits.
Really though, he wasn't jealous. Not in the slightest!
He rationalised his behaviour as looking out for you. In no way was he being overbearing or overly territorial; if anything, people were pushing your already established boundaries and he was reminding people of them! He wasn't jealous at all, no.
Behind closed doors, however, he'd be quieter than usual and have a vulnerable look in his eyes, desperate for your reassurance and to hear you say that you loved him.
Deep down, he was insecure.
That good-looking man didn't make you swoon, did he? Why were you laughing so hard at his joke? He wanted to have made you laugh like that. You still loved him, though, didn't you? You wouldn't want to be with anyone else, right? Right?
It wasn't that König didn't trust you. Although this Colonel looked fierce in front of his collegues and used his booming voice to command others with a harsh tone he found it difficult to project at a large crowd, he had always been sensitive in secret. Being bullied in childhood could certainly do that to a person.
You were the only one he trusted to see his insecurities, and would always shower him with love and affection in private, reassuring him that yes, he was still your sweet and handsome König, and yes, of course you still loved him — that guy that got a laugh out of you was only one out of pity, as he gave you the ick anyways.
One afternoon while you two were eating dinner, König had out of the blue been the one to suggest the idea of a pet; a strong, big, intimidating dog that would protect you while he himself couldn't.
In all actuality, he had been thinking this over since the day you two started dating.
After all, as much as he'd had liked to clone himself and have one part of him fighting when duty called while the other part stayed with you to protect you at home, obviously that wasn't achievable. That afternoon seemed most appropriate to bring it up, as he was assigned for a mission in two weeks' time and was already worried sick over you despite still yet to be around you at all times for twelve more days.
You laughed, surprised by his sudden suggestion. In a way, you had already had a guard dog all along, you told him, yet König shook his head vehemently, insistent. "Nein! Was ist, wenn du verletzt bist? What if you get hurt while I am away? I won't allow it!"
Shaking your head in defeat as an amused smile was tugging at your lips, you couldn't really blame your boyfriend for being so paranoid. In a sense, he was justified in thinking so, and you couldn't fault him, him being a soldier — a Colonel — and all.
König himself came to the conclusion that you should have a German-Shepherd — "A big, strong, and intelligent dog" — smiling proudly as he said so. Laughing at his need to prove himself to you and his evident enthusiasm that proved he was deadly serious, you shook your head again with a sincere smile on your face and gave his forehead a kiss. Really, his concern over you was endearing, and you loved him so much.
On the day before the mission of his, he surprised you by leading in a fully-grown German Shepherd into your shared home as he carried a large dufflebag over his shoulder. Although you had wanted to have a puppy, König insisted a trained canine used in the police force and military operations would keep you safe, and he was firm, not budging even when you mustered the best puppy-dog eyes you could. He knew best, and he needed to relieve the anxiety that plagued him when you weren't around immediately. Finally having use for the connections he had made in his position, he was able to bring home on of Kortac's own German-Shepherds.
Standing with a self-assured manner, the dog didn't hesistate in showering you with love once the lead came off, lapping and licking at your face in excitement at seeing his new owner's face.
You laughed out loud when you saw a tactical dog collar around his neck, the same khaki colour that matched König's cargo pants. Another piece of König to remind you of him.
Still standing, König watched with his arms crossed and a huge smile across his face as he saw how happy you were. He was beginning to breathe easy with the knowledge that nothing would come to harm you while he was away.
Tongue out while panting, the dog waited expectantly under you for an order.
You looked up at König, eyes sparkling in child-like excitement. "Can he do tricks?"
Smiling, König's eyes crinkled in his love for you. "Schatz, it can do more than just tricks. It can protect you. And it will."
You looked down at the giant yet sweet dog, and raised your voice slightly.
"Sit." He did so without hesitation.
"Handshake," you prompted, and he offered his paw to you obediently.
"Stay..." you began, a finger in front of his snout, "stay..."
"Good boy!" you squealed, and fed him a dog treat from the one of the XXL bags König had bought for the occasion, along with a mountain of dog toys, and even a bed.
"What are clever boy you are, aren't you? Yes you are! You are!"
König crouched, and pet the top of the dog's head a couple of times, his eyes on you. "What do you want to call it, meine Liebe?"
Pausing, all at once it occured to you. With joyful satisfaction, you exclaimed: "Prince!" You giggled, barely able to contain your happiness. "Our Prince to my sweet, handsome King," you cooed, not failing to notice the way König looked away, his cheeks under the eye holes of his hood reddening at your comment.
While away from you for weeks, even months at a time, he could rest easier knowing that you weren't all alone at home. Although he still worried for you excessively, biting his nails when in his room as he thought over how you could be doing and what you were doing at any given time, at least he wouldn't toss and turn at night thinking over what could happen to you. He'd smile in satisfaction, pleased that his presence would still linger even when he wasn't physically there, finding comfort in the fact that a part of him still remained with you when he was hundreds of miles away.
You, on the other hand, were so happy! Obviously you were overwhelmed with the responsibility — quite frankly, you had never had a dog before, much less one this big — so you struggled to take care of it in the beginning. Knowing what food to feed it, how to keep it entertained, going so often outside you'd flop on a chair in exhaustion was physically and mentally demanding, as you wanted your canine companion to love you unconditionally and not be a bad owner to it at all.
However, it all quickly became routine to you: walking your guard dog as his ears were perked up in alertness, head darting around from side to side; playing with it in the park, and spoiling it with treats when you'd get home; and grooming his soft, dark fur and taking him to vet checkups almost made you wonder how you had managed to live this long without ever owning a pet.
Whenever you'd make yourself some food, you filled his bowl with dog food too. Whenever you had just stepped out of the shower, it would be your dog's turn to be cleaned in the bathtub. Whenever you would lazily lay on the sofa or sprawl yourself on the bed, your dog was cuddled up to you.
It was all fun and games, though, until he'd damn near suffocate you with his sheer mass and make you sneeze from the fur that tickled your nostrils, but you slowly grew used to it, using your German Shepherd as a weighted blanket and hugging it like it was your own child.
Somehow, this furry friend filled a void that König would leave behind, and you practically were both attached by the hip — well, by the ankle and hind leg, actually, but that's beside the point. You two were inseparable, and if König knew that then he'd be surely overjoyed.
When König finally had some precious minutes to himself, the first thing he'd do was call you, wanting to hear your voice and make sure you were alright. He'd nearly trip over his own two feet as he scrambled for his phone to dial your number, nearly knocking over a lamp and falling over some furniture in the process.
You'd pick up on the second ring and would nearly go deaf upon hearing the loud accented voice on the receiver. "Liebling! How are you, my sweet? I have been missing you!"
You two would exchange these sorts of questions and proclamations of love back and forth, so lovey-dovey that some of the more daring operators in König's faction made gagging noises on the other side of the door, while the more serious operators scolded them and reminded them that they were yet to feel the touch of another man/woman.
As König would listen to your ramblings about how happy you were and your lovely German Shepard, however, his ears perked up and he listened more closely.
"Prince is so lovely! He's my sweet baby and I love him so so so much! He's definitely my best friend right now, 100%. Everyone back home is getting pissy with me when I don't answer their calls because I spend more time with him than I do with them but can you really blame me when I have this beautiful prince? I mean, he's so sweet! Whenever I don't wake up at the same time in the morning he's jumping into bed and licking my face and oh my God I cannot cope with this cuteness! He's such a good boy! The very best boy! The best boy of all the boys!"
Meanwhile, König stood there, his mouth agape.
...What did you mean he was your sweet baby? Your beautiful prince? Your good boy?
Why would you call him the — not the best, but the very best — boy, the best of all boys? You couldn't have been serious.
It was just a dog. Why were you so attached to it?
It wasn't like König didn't grasp the concept of strong bonds between humans and animals — in fact, he had always been a strong believer of the "dogs being a man's best friend" common knowledge — but... this? You were coddling the thing, for God's sake! It was supposed to be fierce and threatening, not cute and cuddly. How was it supposed to protect you when all you'd do was hug it and give it compliments?
He felt his jaws tighten when you panned the camera down to show the dog peacefully laying beside you on the bed, you stroking his ears. On. The. Bed. On his and your bed. The bed the two of you would sleep on.
König couldn't believe this; he, a grown man, a disciplined soldier that moved up the ranks to be a Colonel, a 6'10 brutal killing machine who l... wanted you to be calling him those things, wanted you to run your fingers through his hair like that. Not some mutt. You were giving it star treatment and pampering it way too much than you should have.
He laughed at himself for thinking so irrationally and for being so immature. I mean, it was a dog. There was no competition to be won, nothing to prove — his rational thought repeated to him that you still loved him regardless — yet the ultimate prize would be you and your attention.
He chuckled disingenuously as you rambled on about something, and the smile under his hood didn't quite reach his eyes.
When he finally returned after grueling months away from you, those pale blue eyes still crinkled up in happiness whenever they saw you, still picked you up and spun you in the air as you'd shriek like a banshee while your legs kicked freely, still gave you a loving kiss on your lips before showering your face with wet kisses. He'd pull away, a boyish grin on his face, his face flushed, your eyes locked with his in an intimate moment...
...And then his mood would sour as your dog leaped up towards you, not wanting to be left out in the reunion.
You'd fail to notice his hands clenched into fists as your dog took the oh so comfortable spot on your lap, where he should have been laying, how below his mask a scowl was aimed at the dog you'd shower with kisses that should have been for him, how the dog would slobber your face and leave it dripping in drool, almost as if it was proving some point to him and being totally smug about it.
Of course, he didn't seem the least bit bothered to you — he wouldn't let his behaviour show. This was utter childishness, completely ridiculous, and absolutely absurd, yet somehow König couldn't control the jealousy that would stew inside of him hours after you'd fall asleep, glaring at the dog laying in between you when all he had wanted all day was to cuddle up to you and hold you close.
Somehow, his plan to keep you safe backfired, because the dog took his job as your body guard too seriously and would not let him be affectionate with you. He was beginning to despise the creature.
When you'd be walking the dog together and shower it with praise, König's hands clenched into tight fists. When you'd stroke the dog's head gently, running your fingers through his thick fur as his front paws were tucked neatly underneath him, König's nails dug into his biceps as he kept his arms firmly crossed, hating what he was seeing through his peripheral vision. When you'd glance at him as your dog was nestled between your legs, he'd turn his head, hiding the furrowed eyebrows and the clear pout on his face of an annoyed child, behaving like an annoyed child.
• In conclusion: give your König a hug. :( A kiss right on the lips and tell him that he's your sweet baby! Your beautiful prince! Your good boy! Your favourite person in the entire world and the best of the best!
• Reserve that precious spot on your lap *just* for him, and allow him to be putty in your hands!
• Run your fingers through his hair just like you would with your dog, and scratch that sensitive spot on his scalp with your fingernails!
• Don't make him regret ever getting the dog for you :'( As time goes on, it will eventually become the "father that didn't want the pet is now best friends with it and the pet is most affectionate with him" kind of dynamic.
• Just because muscular men and army-hardened soldiers like König were disciplined to be stoic and strong, sometimes they want nothing more than affection and words of affirmation from their lover from time to time. <3
So, you'd now lounge on the couch, content with your two guard dogs on either side of you; your Prince laying to your right, and your King in between your thighs, stroking the top of his head as his chest rose and fell at a steady rhythm.
Note: Gonna kms 🤡🔫 i have ro to go back to school tmr fucjing WHY i hate everyoje there 😭So yeah less frequent updates sorry guys 💔💔still going to be writing my long-ass fanfictions but itll take more time and ill probs have like 10 mentsl breakfowns daily 🤪 literallt cannot wait 🥰
My writing process is so incomprehensible tho 😭i jump from the first fic im writing to the second one im writing WAYY too often 🗿but ig its good because in a way im not TECHNICALLY procrastinating and beinf productive with 2 projects at once,, tho idk i guess tbats just a major cope if im beinf honest🤷🏼‍♀️
THANKS FOR 1000+ LIKES AND NEARLY 80 FOLLOWERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 🥳🥳🥳🥳🎉🎉🎉🎉🎊🎊💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💕💕💕💕 LOVE EVERY SINGLE ONE OF U AND WISH YOU NOTHING BUT HAPPINESS IN LIFE 🥹🥹🥹❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
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kristallum · 11 months
🏜️—desert resort, unova.
Seeing the "statues" dotting randomly across the stretch of sand brings a knowing smile to Crys' face, squinting to her traveling companion with an all-knowing glint in her eye. "It's said that Darmanitan awaken from these statuesque states when tempted by Ragecandybars," she rattles around her knapsack, a look of disappointment following. "And, to think—I came all this way from back home with none to offer... bummer."
Awakening dormant Pokemon is not the mission of the hour for the Champion slash aspiring Professor, and certainly isn't what drove her to post up outside of Unova's Desert Resort for the last several weeks with eyes glued to the skies.
As a UAP enthusiast, what with the recent sightings reported over the area, it was only natural for Crys to wind up trailing the hotbed of rumors circulating through this distant region.
Verifiable by credible sources, as well as the usual conspiracy theorists (people after her own heart), strange activity above the Desert Resort has been recorded for nearly a century—and, if the nature of the phenomena mentioned in reports is anything telling to whats been behind these recent occurrences, then Crys is determined to be the one to make direct contact with whatever it may be that has been watching from above, for so long.
That, or she'd die trying—were others not there to talk sense into her, that is.
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"Boy, roaming around in the heat is no joke... if you hadn't arrived with those extra canteens, I'm afraid we would've been goners." Buttercup seems to nod in agreement, the Heracross fluttering inches above the hot sands so as to not burn her feet. "My poor Bubbles doesn't care much for the grittier part of our investigations... some help she is!"
And, an investigation it is. Waiting for the cloak of nightfall for aerial surveillance to commence was a waste of time; Crys, ever the curious, knew traces from whatever had been visiting these wastelands in the middle of Unova had to be evident somewhere. Using every ounce of daylight to scan the dunes, the trenches, the valleys—it was all necessary to her line of work. No stone was to be left unturned, not in her presence.
"We are gracious you decided to join us, B." Rolling up a sleeve, the Johtonian wipes the sweat from her forehead; Buttercup's wings have about had enough, as she lowers herself to the ground. "Tell me—what's it been like, having May as a co-Champion? I know you missed her terribly."
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mizuseyebrows · 7 months
Blue Eye Samurai characters as ATLA non/benders part 2
🏜️; Ringo —Sandbender
every pic in this post is from pinterest, I just did the collages
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He’s a little more difficult to place in a single element. I even thought he might be a non-bender, but that came more from internalized ableist thinking, and I feel horrible for that. Ringo would definitely be a bender, but I'm starting to wonder which one to put him in.
He has the versatility and adaptability of a waterbender, my baby can function in any scenario and I love him for that. He also has the spirituality, lightness and fluidity of an airbender, he can be anyone's spiritual guide, because of his enormous sense of hindsight and optimism. Have I told you that I love him? At the same time, he also has the resilience, strength, patience, and ability to listen and wait for the right moment of an earthbender. I also consider that he has the liveliness and burning spirit of a firebender... perhaps Ringo can be the avatar?
It would be interesting to see an all-powerful avatar who managed to overcome his disability. In ATLK we had Ming Hua, she not only had no hands, she had no arms, and yet she is one of the most powerful waterbenders we have seen so far in the avatar universe. What can stop Ringo from achieving something similar? nothing, just himself. But we already have a character who does not allow his "limitations" to be an impediment to achieving what he wants.
However, I don't want to name anyone an avatar in my theories. I feel it is not necessary to emphasize how powerful benders they could be. So, I was thinking about some element or sub-art that could compact all the characteristics of Ringo's personality.
And that's when I got to sandbending. It is an elemental art that caught my attention ever since I saw the episode of Appa's kidnapping. It is a sub-art that has a little bit of everything. It has the fluidity and speed/agility of airbending. The bending techniques are very similar to those we see in waterbending, plus it is a branch derived from earthbending. I think it would be the perfect element for Ringo.
While I'm sure Ringo would be a competent earthbender, I feel like this sub-art fits who he is much better. A unique elemental art for a unique character. Yes, give me three.
Furthermore, after having the most powerful god and owner of my insides, Gaara of the Desert, we can have an idea of how potent and advantageous it could be to have control of an element as changeable, light and potentially dangerous as sand.
And if we continue with my theory of Mizu being a waterbending prodigy, this duo would become a real threat to everyone. Just imagine Mizu teaching all the water techniques to Ringo so that he can improve his sand control, homie will be unstoppable.
Sidenote, if Ringo were a non-bender, he would be a descendant of the air nomads, which would explain his enormous connection to the spirit world. Additionally, he could have the recessive airbending gene. It would also be interesting if his story was based on Ringo trying to learn the history of his ancestors.
Ringo's potential backstory in the world of ATLA during the hundred years’ war
A diamond in the rough that just needs a little polishing
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I don't think his story will change that much. His father's restaurant could be in one of those isolated desert villages. That idiot may not even know that his son is a bender, his little head can’t conceive that someone without hands could achieve anything in life.
Maybe Ringo learned a little from watching the desert bandits who stop by from time to time for a nice bowl of soba. He could look forward to the sandstorms, so he could measure how much his control has improved.
One day he met a strange traveler, with a strong and stubborn spirit, with exceptional control of water. Ringo knew that his story to greatness began that same day and decided to follow that strange man so he could learn from him.
Although at first the relationship was cold and a little uncomfortable, over time everything improved and they became an unstoppable duo.
Ringo was filled with Mizu's physical wisdom, and Mizu was filled with Ringo's spiritual wisdom. You could say that they were meant to come together and complete each other, creating a good balance between them.
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here's Mizu
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pixelshary · 1 year
wcif the open door on the post where you're showing an interior wip with a piano :) ty!!
hi anon! 👋😊 it's from the desert luxe kit 🏜️
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wish you a nice day/night! ☕🌿
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punch-love · 6 months
🕯️ ⇢ on a scale from 1 to 10, how much do you enjoy editing? why is that?
TEN. It's the best part of writing, hands down, bar none. I love nothing more than cracking open one of my documents that someone has edited to hell and slowly working my writing to borderline perfection. The editing process is the cold water bottle at the end of the finish line that I'm downing like a man in the desert.
🥤 ⇢ recommend an author or fanfic you love
@doomed-spectacles is definitely one of my favorites right now. I really love the tragedy of the ending and they do too and all of their works are just painful examinations of the "after" without fixing it which is something I'm always looking for.
I really love their series Happiness is a hamburger; home is not a place. which is post-series work where Mobius and Sylvie (and momentarily flashes of Loki from beyond time itself) meet up and smoke weed in various parking lots talking about their new mundane lives and the underlying grief. I love the way they write, and they just have such a clear, intelligent voice that shines through all of their work.
It's been making the rounds but their newest fic Only to Haunt You is an actual masterpiece. I don't really read works that explore Mobius entering Loki's realm because it takes away the tragedy for me, but this absolutely preserves the tragedy to such a degree that it'll leave you feeling a little hollowed out by the end.
🏜️ ⇢ what's your favourite type of comment to receive on your work?
If I see multi-paragraphs then I'm swooning. I love when someone takes the time to crack the marrow of my piece and show me that all the behind the scenes work I did shines through in the finished product. I love when people highlight quotes that stood out to them too and also play-by-play reactions. I just like knowing how people ingested my work and also, if I was successfully able to communicate my themes and motifs enough for people to understand what I'm actually writing about. (all to say, the type of comments you leave)
I also am a humor writer first and foremost, so any comment that audibly makes me laugh.
🦴 ⇢ is there a piece of media that inspires your writing? 
I think I've mentioned it before, but The Hollow Kingdom by Clare B. Dunkle is one of my favorite romances of all time, in part because of how successfully it sells the antagonism turned budding respect turned begrudging and eventually true, abiding love. It's a book I've read close to 20+ times, in part because it's a childhood favorite and in part because watching the two protagonists stalk around each other until they realize it's love (a little too late) is something I never get bored with. I try to emulate it, a little, in the works I do. I think being able to hold someone's attention enough for them to go back for more is one of the most powerful tools a writer can utilize, and something I'm always looking to hold over my own audiences.
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bnesszai · 7 months
for the ask game!
Hi Rohini!<3
juice box: Share some personal lore you never posted about before
uuuhh. i don't find myself particularly interesting but uuuhhh i lived on a military base until i was 8 years old
idk i can't remember any facts about myself rn opatgsiophgspijg
Saturn: name three good things going on in your life rn
ahhh. i'm Big Sad rn but um. 1) i just started my second to last term of uni. 2) the non-profit I'm part of is planning a lot of cool events and 3) i have really amazing friends
rollerskate: describe your latest wip with 5 emojis
i did this for 1 wip already here but, since i have a billion, here's another
avocado: you accidentally killed somebody, which mutual(s) do you text for help?
@squidsandthings and @osameowdazai <3
mushroom: share a hc for one of your fave ships/pairings
Chuuya always takes of his gloves when he knows that he and Dazai will be hanging out. he wants to be able to hold Dazai's hand and touch his cheeks and just generally feel Dazai's skin under his fingertips
teddy: what's the fastest way to become your mutual?
honestly, whenever someone follows me, i look at their blog and, in a lot of cases, end up following back. otherwise, if someone is in my notes a lot I'll look at their blog to see if i wanna follow them
candy: post an unpopular opinion about a popular fandom character
answered here, kind of
knife: what's the weirdest topic you researched for a writing project?
if it's possible to brand an eyeball without just. destroying it. like if you could actually see the brand on the eye or not. definitely would be weird but (and no i don't remember the results of this research. it was for an of novel i was writing in high school a long time ago opaehsghshea)
tooth: share some personal wisdom or a life hack you swear on
don't be a dick to people who are trying to help you
leaf: give advice on writers block/low creativity
Read all about it
croissant: name one Internet reference that will always make you laugh
"Why are you buying clothes at the soup store?" "FUCK YOU" the Code Geass version
desert: what's your favorite type of comment to receive on your work?
Answered here!
tomato:give yourself some constructive criticism on your won writing
I tend to start different ideas within the overarching plot and then abandon them. I need to either not include them at all, or remember to circle back to and expand upon them
cloud: what made you choose your username?
well, the bnessz comes from my irl name, my husband's irl name, and my nickname Ness. the "zai" is cuz of Dazai brainrot
Asks Here
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thedesertedsystem · 7 months
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My favorite part about being an OSDD system and a psychology major is
1. Explaining systems to other psych majors and then telling them I'm a system and they just... Immediate jaw drop in shock and then tense up all scared to ask questions lol
2. Seeing my professors always skim over dissociation, amnesia, and dissociative disorders 🫠
3. Outing myself as a system to my class and professors with pretty much no judgement because everyone just trauma dumps in class!!
4. That one time I had to email my prof with resources and research about dissociative disorders because her presentation was SO OUTDATED and borderline fake claiming. It triggered me so badly 😭 She was very professional with me tho and nice about it and I hope she changed her presentation 👍
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kobalttheelemental · 9 months
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Finally get to post more of my art here and more will come! anyways here’s a world map called Elementia! a world home to Elementals, this is where my oc characters live!
Planet Name: Elementia
Size: Super Earth
Number of Moons: Two
Core: Elementia’s core is unstable and causes volcanic eruptions all over the world, luckily the Fire Crystal and lava elementals keep Elementias core stable
🌀Elemental Lands🌀
🎆 Arcania: one of the most magical land of Elementia, the land here is breathtaking with giant crystals, friendly fauna species, and strange exotic flora. the towns and Kingdom have everything like potions, spell books, wands, pets, magical silk clothing and many more! the land is home to warriors called the Shade Hunters who's job is to hunt and kill shades and protect Elementia from danger.
🌋 Volcania: a scorching hot land of active volcanoes, lava lakes, ash fall, and fiery faunas! it is also home to gigantic fire breathing dragons roaming the volcanic land! what's strange is that the plants not only need water but needs lava to grow!
🏜️ Gusano Desert: a dry desert land with searing hot temperatures it may look empty and dull but it has beautiful rock formations like deep canyons, tall mesas, and shifting sand dunes. if you want to visit the desert towns or cities make sure your well prepared and bring plenty of water. Warning! this land is home to giant sandworms that will eat you alive! so be careful and stay safe!
🌊 Thalassa Ocean: a mysterious underwater world timing with aquatic life, colorful reefs, amazing underwater cities, and hidden treasures scattered around the sea floor. it may look peaceful yet the ocean of Elementia is dangerous and home to large leviathans that swim around the deep oceans and can capsized ships and devour sailors! also watch out for pirates! 
🌪️ Windshear Mountains: a land of tall mountains, strong winds, and scattered skylands. many come here to mountain climb or visit towns on top of mountains or skylands. just like Arcania the land here is home to the fiercest warriors called the Wind Warriors who's job is to create life on uninhabitable planets and fight of shade attacks.
⚡️Thunderia: a land battered in everlasting thunderstorms and is to dangerous to live, yet Thunderquills(Lightning Elementals) find this place home where they build futuristic cities and technology. the land here also creates energy crystals that have enough energy to power an entire city or used in vehicles and technology. 
❄️ North Polaris: a winter wonderland of fresh powdered snow, snow-covered conifers, and aurora borealis dancing in the night sky. many elementals come here to have fun and play winter games or take a relaxing vacation and drink some of the finest hot coco of Elementia. not to mention the Iceclaws(Ice Elementals) make the best frozen treats like ice cream, popsicles, slushies, and more!
❄️ South Polaris: the opposite of North Polaris, the land here is harsh and freezing cold, living in this frigid land will be very hard unless you have the right equipment and plenty of food to survive.
🍃 Viridian Wilds: a lush green land of forests, jungles, taigas, gardens, exotic faunas and more! plus it is one of the most highly diverse ecosystems of Elementia, Warning! cutting down trees will cause Tree Crawlers(Nature Elementals) to get angry and hunt you down! always ask permission before cutting down trees.
⚙️ Metallic Badlands: a metallic barren land where small volcanoes spew molten hot metals, a perfect place for miners to mine up rare metals and craft them into weapons, armor, jewelry, and more!
☢️ Toxic Bayou: probably one of the most toxic land of Elementia! the land here is very dangerous with acidic waters, poisonous plants, toxic fumaroles and venomous faunas that can kill you in seconds. but before you enter this toxic land always bring protection and plenty of antidotes. 
☀️ Solaris: a warm sunny land and calm weather Solaris is a tranquil land where ancient and a perfect place for farmers to grow their crops or have a nice picnic. there are also ancient marble buildings from millions of years ago scattered everywhere.
🌌 Nycto Caverns: in the center of the island is a gigantic sinkhole that is an entrance to Nycto Caverns, a dark scary cave where blind creatures and giant bugs roam around some friendly and some not. not to mention different kinds of fungus grow inside the caverns. Warning! the deeper you go the more dark and dangerous the cavern gets, always bring weapons and protection!
💀 Dragon Graveyard: one of the most terrifying and scary land of Elementia where ancient dragon bones are scattered everywhere, dangerous fauna species and spirits haunt the land. there are many legends of why the land looks like that, some say this used to be normal land of lush flora and crystal clear waters until the land has been cursed, while some say this is a resting place where old dragons go in peace yet no one really knows.
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fereldanwench · 2 years
Goro + Valerie AU Master Post
💙 Canon-Adjacent Alternate Universes
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These alternate universes/timelines explore the outcomes if Valerie chooses to not follow Jenkins' order to assassinate Susan Abernathy. There is still a heist and patricide at Konpeki, but without Valerie present, this also means the events following Saburo's death play out a little differently for Goro. (Spoiler alert: they still manage to find each other in these timelines, too.)
🎴 Corporate Loyalty
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Valerie is forced to make a life-altering decision: assassinate the director of Arasaka counter-intel or betray her supervisor. She chooses betrayal.
[Corporate Loyalty on Tumblr] [Corporate Loyalty on Pinterest]
🏜️ The Open Road
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When the demands of corporate life become too much to bear, Valerie deserts Arasaka and finds refuge amongst the Aldecaldos. It turns out life on the road is far from paradise.
[The Open Road on Tumblr] [The Open Road on Pinterest]
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💙 Series Crossovers
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These alternate universes either put Goro and Valerie into a whole new setting or combine elements of Cyberpunk with another series. These currently aren't nearly as fleshed out as the alternate timelines, and they're usually just a very way for me to continue exploring new ideas for Valerie and Goro if I need a break from Night City.
🏹 Thedas Adventures [Tumblr Tag]
I'm going back to my roots and getting in trouble in Thedas. While I'm technically exploring this through a replay of Inquisition with Valerie in the Inquisitor role, I want to craft a totally different life for her there. She and Goro might even find their way into my mostly canon-compliant Dragon Age worldstate come Dreadwolf, especially since I see Goro fitting into Tevinter pretty well.
🐺 Cyber Witchers [Tumblr Tag]
This crossover was mostly an adventure in modding. I wanted to see what clothing items I could put on Goro without having to learn Blender, and it turns out the Witcher Samurai jacket fits. Likelihood of revisiting this AU is low, but not entirely out of the realm of possibility.
💭 Coming Soon?
While I don't want to spread myself too thin, I've also thought about dropping them into Fallout and The Outer Worlds. One (or... four) thing(s) at a time, though.
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🔗 Story Sets + Lore Post Links
The tags linked above of course have all the posts pertaining to each AU, but I have compiled some of my favorite story sets and bits of lore that you can find organized and linked below.
Last updated: 8 March 2023
🗝️ Legend
📸 - Photo story/photo-heavy post 📃 - Fic/text-heavy post
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🎴 Corporate Loyalty Posts
Story Sets (Chronological Order)
Prologue 📸
One-Shots (No Order)
Secret Date at Embers 📸
Role Reversal 📸
Lore + Concepts
Goro Protecting Valerie from Militech + Creation Notes 📸📃
Goro & Valerie First Meeting 📸
The Inherent Eroticism of Loyalty 📸
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🏜️ The Open Road Posts
Story Sets (Chronological Order)
Arasaka Leaves Goro for Dead 📸
One-Shots (No Order)
Bonding & Raiding 📸
A Little Friendly Competition 📸
It's a Trap! 📸
Lore + Concepts
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🏹 Thedas Adventures Posts
Gameplay Notes
Notes + Commentary 01 📃
Notes + Commentary 02 📃
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wlfenduro · 2 years
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Ingredients for a good time: 🤙 Bikes, buds & butt loads of desert. 🏜️ Rad post from @acegoulet 📸: @jayreilly.photo #WLFurtherTogether (at The Desert!) https://www.instagram.com/p/CoYSNhfvm9W/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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citrus-shygal · 1 year
(bark bark)
!!!!🖕🏽🔥💥Welcome to 🐶🏜️DOGE DESERT🏜️🐶 biiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitch💥🔥🖕🏽!!!!
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I'm Citri(pronounced sih-tree(pronouns she/they)), and this is where I post my epic gaming fanart! I ramble sometimes but my brains scrambled - so my points may not always be clear (dm if you're ever confused!).
Usual suspects are -
That's it!!
You can find my art under tags like #artists on tumblr or #mario oc
Rambling tags are #shygalspeak and for rants/negative #shygalshriek
Requests are always open but not guaranteed!!
Commission stats will be in description:
🍊 - Open
🍋 - In progress
(will list how many are done, _/#)
🍓 - Closed
🍍 - EMERGENCY!!!!!
(will list goal needed to get out of emergency situation)
Will do:
OC's (Multifandom)
Characters from media
Furries (anthro or otherwise)
Mario enemy redesigns
Simples robos
Won't do:
OC's that are NOT yours (gifts are an exception)
Weirdo shit
Payment is through PayPal/Ko fi
Ask box is also open if you have any questions about my characters. Enjoy your stay!!
(Next part is for commissioners only)
Two Bup Cubes - each with 6 unique face. Roll and try your luck at getting a minor or MAJOR discount on your order!!
You MUST roll both
You can only roll ONCE, no rerolls
If you manage to roll 😲 and 🥳 you get a big, bigga then that, BIG ASS 60% DISCOUNT on your total commission!!
Cube 1
Cube 2
Starry eyed🤩
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frothingatthemaw · 2 years
hi also I think your ‘from the desert’ tag is hilarious bc I’m. From the desert. And I live in. A desert.
Utah amiright?
from the desert was a reference to grian and scar from third life since i aimed to be a hermitcraft/life series blog but haha….. haven’t posted of those people in ages! oops!
but yeah, it is quite funny in both of our ways of looking at it. my askbox is straight up 🌵🐪🏜️🦂
also yes hi i would like to order one cwilbur anon please (gosh i loved the era of when people would be anons of characters in your asks, i miss god1ngs’ blog and all that happened. good era that i miss so so so much)
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travellingsvibes · 4 months
Best 7 Places to Visit in Rajasthan
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Hey Travel Enthusiasts! 🌍✈️
Are you ready to dive into a land of royalty, vibrant colors, and timeless traditions? Rajasthan, the crown jewel of India, is waiting to enchant you with its majestic palaces, historic forts, and breathtaking landscapes. Whether you're a history buff, a culture vulture, or simply seeking some travel inspo, here are the top 7 must-visit places in Rajasthan that you absolutely cannot miss! 😍🏰
1. Jaipur – The Pink City 🌸 Explore the heart of Rajasthan in Jaipur, famously known as the Pink City. Marvel at the grandeur of Amber Fort, the architectural beauty of Hawa Mahal, and the regal City Palace. Jaipur’s blend of old-world charm and modern vibes will leave you spellbound.
2. Udaipur – The City of Lakes 🌊 Get swept away by the romance of Udaipur, with its serene lakes and opulent palaces. Enjoy a boat ride on Lake Pichola, visit the majestic City Palace, and soak in the tranquility of Jagdish Temple. Udaipur’s enchanting allure is perfect for a dreamy getaway.
3. Jodhpur – The Blue City 💙 Step into a sea of blue in Jodhpur. Explore the colossal Mehrangarh Fort for panoramic city views, visit the serene Jaswant Thada, and admire the luxurious Umaid Bhawan Palace. Jodhpur’s vibrant streets and historic sites will captivate your senses.
4. Jaisalmer – The Golden City 🏜️ Venture into the heart of the Thar Desert in Jaisalmer. Wander through the living Jaisalmer Fort, ride camels at the Sam Sand Dunes, and marvel at the intricate Patwon Ki Haveli. The golden hues of Jaisalmer promise a magical desert experience.
5. Pushkar – The Holy City 🌿 Find spiritual solace in Pushkar, home to the sacred Pushkar Lake and the rare Brahma Temple. Don’t miss the lively Pushkar Camel Fair if you’re visiting in November! Pushkar’s serene ambiance and vibrant culture make it a unique stop on your journey.
6. Bikaner – The Desert Jewel 🏯 Discover the desert charm of Bikaner. Explore the historic Junagarh Fort, visit the unique Karni Mata Temple (Rat Temple), and admire the architectural beauty of Lalgarh Palace. Bikaner’s rich heritage and desert landscapes will transport you to another era.
7. Mount Abu – The Hill Station 🏞️ Escape to the cool climes of Mount Abu, Rajasthan’s only hill station. Visit the stunning Dilwara Temples, enjoy a peaceful boat ride on Nakki Lake, and hike up to Guru Shikhar for panoramic views. Mount Abu’s refreshing atmosphere is a perfect retreat from the desert heat.
Conclusion Rajasthan is a treasure trove of history, culture, and natural beauty. Each city tells its own unique story and offers experiences that will stay with you forever. So, what are you waiting for? Pack your bags, charge your camera, and get ready to be mesmerized by the royal splendor of Rajasthan! ✨📸
#Rajasthan #TravelDiaries #IndiaTravel #Jaipur #Udaipur #Jodhpur #Jaisalmer #Pushkar #Bikaner #MountAbu #TravelGoals #Wanderlust #travellingsvbes
Feel free to customize the post further to match the unique style and tone of https://about.me/travellingsvibes Happy travels!
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