#potential is infinite
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very prominent "potential is infinite" sticker on this pillar of paddy's pub in the gang tends bar. the tragedy at the core of always sunny is these are the people least likely to realize it. and as they are on the lowest rungs of society, no one will help them either
16 seasons & 4 presidents later, they're still in the same place they started; a shitty dive bar in south philly
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emacrow · 5 months
Babysitting duty calls, Klarion
It another world threatening battle for the justice league, young justice against the league of Villains and chaos children before most of the chaos children froze as if they sense something bad was approaching and immediately dipped out.. except klarion whom was fighting with raven who immediately froze up too late in front of the portal.
Only for a green portal to appear, as a worned out floating glowing green, but blue skinned teenage boy who turn into a man with red eyes, a clock staff in hand and a glowing white hair baby in a baby carrier.
Klarion is literally struggling like a feral cat who got wet in cold water against some invisible force speaking in some odd static like language before giving up after half a minute when the man spoke back with a short word.
The man now just shape-shifting into turn elderly just gave klarion the baby carrier before noticing how the heroes and villains have stop in mid battles looking at both klarion and him.
"All in soon time, but be warn Flashes whom break the laws of times will get their due if you keep messing with the past and future." Spoken the elderly now shape-shifted into a young boy before he turn back to klarion leaving him a note and glowing baby bag before floating back into the swirling green portal.
Klarion could only look at note with his eye twitching, Teekl meowing as she climb into the baby carrier purring around the glowing baby.
"Why do I keep getting babysitting duty, it so unfa-..." klarion grumbled as he pick up the baby carrier and bag teleporting away..
"What just happened?" Said Dick whom only one question would be put on hold til later in the watchtower of what just happen before the fight resuming with the young and original justice league winning since the league of Villains were distracted.
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openphrase123 · 16 days
the funniest postcanon isat implication to me is the fact that siffrin left the loops with a much greater understanding of vaugardian culture but didn't tell anyone this. does anyone else know how much siffrin didn't know going in. nobody remembers explaining bonding or body craft to him
the funniest precanon isat implication is the fact that siffrin was walking around vaugarde for about a decade being fully unaware of what the dominant religion in the area was or how it worked
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ceruark · 4 months
I love how you write Sunday, he’s so interesting to me. He seems like a person that genuinely loves others and has compassion, yet also sees himself as different from the rest of humanity imo. He has to be the one to save the rest of the world. Sunday has so much yan potential I feel like it would be easy for him to fall into controlling habits even if it means his darling is unhappy.
OP you understand the yandere Sunday vision...
As you said, he has to be the one to save the rest of the world, and of course that sentiment applies to his darling more than anything else.
He knows you're unhappy with him, that you're mourning the life he took you from, but it's all for your own good. He needs to keep you close, in a place where he knows you can't take flight— not because he doesn't want to see you soar, but because he's terrified of the inevitable fall.
He has all the means to keep you where he wants you: power, status, and influence— not to mention the twisting labyrinth of a mansion he lives in, or the brainwashing capabilities of the Harmony. Of course, he doesn't want to resort to such extreme measures if he doesn't need to, so the classic manipulation tactics will do just fine. Surely, you don't want to upset him; you know the warfare he was born into and what it took from him, the immense pressure he was raised under, and how lonely he feels with Robin away all the time.
You know how his heart beats only for you, how he holds you just a little too tightly because he knows no other way to express his boundless love. For a long time, you're not privy to his controlling habits because his love is so pure, if a little intense.
And if you do start to question just how pure it is.... well, that's what the more extreme measures are for.
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wanderinghedgehog · 16 days
I like thinking about abstract ways to describe Marius. He reminds me of spaghetti.
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What are your fave Animorphs couples? My ultimate Animorphs OTP is Elfangor/Loren, followed by Aldrea/Dak. Do you have any thoughts or takes you’re willing to share on those, please? 😊❤️
I’ve no idea why they’ve been my fave Animorphs pairings since I was a kid. Maybe just how heartbreaking their stories were?
Hmmm. I don't know if I have an absolute One True Pairing in Animorphs, but a few of my favorites:
Favorite canon ship: Rachel/Tobias
Favorite non-canon ship: Rachel/Melissa
Favorite rarepair: Jake/Ax
Favorite crackship: Eva/Loren/Naomi (AKA the incestuous omnimorph step-endgame)
Ship I wish was canon: Rachel/Marco/Tobias
Ship I headcanon as canon: Chapman/Loren
Ship I've most enjoyed writing: Tom/Melissa
Ship I've most enjoyed reading: Jake/Marco
Favorite Enemies-to-Lovers: Alloran/Arbron
Favorite Sweaterboy/Absolute Nightmare: Tobias/Marco
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oswinsdolma · 4 months
something about how merlin and arthur both died the moment they became a story. how in becoming a legend, they sacrificed the versions of themselves that were real for the infinite potentiality of the versions that could have been. "the story that we have been a part of will live long in the minds of men" but at the cost of the lovers who wrote it, fragmented across space and time by a thousand new imaginations that keep them alive in all that they never were. when we read their story, they are broken and reborn anew, so does that make us murderers or gods? or maybe the whole point is that there never really was much of a difference between the two.
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strixcattus · 8 months
I really enjoy looking at this still from Slay the Princess:
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In the midst of all the weird imagery from the first part of the Stranger route, you see for a moment—and it is cut off at the end, so I had to be quick with my screenshot—every route laid out in front of you, paired up as the game does elsewhere, and described, interestingly enough, from what I can only believe is the Voices' perspectives, or perhaps the relationship between the Princess and the Voice of a given route.
Consumption: The Beast (Hunted), the ribcages in the bottom right. Being eaten, alive or half so, is one way or another the outcome you face in the Beast. This one seems to be the least connected to its route's Voice, though I can still see it in a relational sort of way. Betrayal: The Witch (Opportunist), the nail-studded... I can't tell what it is, but it's at the top left. Betrayal on your part is the cause of the Witch's route, and it too is inevitable in some form once you're on that route—the Opportunist is very vocal about it.
Skepticism: The Prisoner (Skeptic), the chains at the bottom. Pretty clear analogue given the name of the Voice, but not to neglect—you reach the Prisoner by taking the blade (distrust of the Princess) but ultimately using it to free the Princess (you take the time to think critically about what you're being asked to do, and decide the Narrator is less trustworthy). Blind devotion: The Damsel (Smitten), the... I can only imagine locks of hair at the top. You reach the Damsel by immediately and wholly assuming she has no ill intentions, an attitude made manifest in the Smitten.
Rivalry: The Adversary (Stubborn), the spikes to the left. The Adversary route is, so long as you embrace it, about your probably-a-metaphor-for-sex-I-mean-the-Eye of the Needle-isn't-even-trying-to-veil-it eternal fight with the Adversary, with the Stubborn in strong support. Submission: The Tower (Broken), the stone columns to the right. One of the most clear-cut "this is about the Voice" examples—the Broken has completely submitted to the Tower's will, even though the player still has a few chances to resist her.
Terror: The Nightmare (Paranoid), the eyes in the upper right. Of course, the Nightmare is all about fear, and the Paranoid is the embodiment of your fear of the Princess—the fear that made you lock her in the basement and the fear that stopped your heart when she broke free. Longing: The Spectre (Cold), the wisps in the bottom left. This one is interesting, and almost made me second-guess my "Voices" reading, as the Spectre herself is clearly a creature of longing—but then what about "Submission?" The Tower is not "submitting" to anything. That's her whole deal. Perhaps this one is connected to your desire for something other than what the Narrator calls the "Good Ending..." or perhaps it has something to do with the Cold's interest in feeling something, which he expresses in a few routes (the Greys being the most obvious).
Pain: The Razor (Cheated,) the spikes at the top. She skewers you, and you die. Over and over again she skewers you, and you die, and it is painful over and over again. I'm not sure I have much to add to this one. Unfamiliarity: The Stranger (Contrarian), the abstract DNA-like strand at the bottom. You reach the Stranger by refusing to interact with the Princess, leaving her an unfamiliar blank slate whose actions you cannot predict and thus fracture into every possible image of her.
And at the heart of it all, an emotion that can only be described as—what? The Narrator doesn't get the chance to finish his sentence before you wake up in the Prisoner's basement, but I'd think the answer is obvious once you've finished the game.
After all, this is a love story.
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toonagi · 2 months
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i think he's funny
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jichanxo · 7 months
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zhao/tomi for someone on discord
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stark-lord · 2 months
I know Charles and Crystal’s kiss in 1x04 has been analysed to the moon and back already, but I feel like there’s something to be said about the fact that it’s spurred on by the line “I just want something that’s real”.
Something about how the most real thing in Crystal’s life at that point is a ghost drowning in emotions?? A ghost just as desperate for something real. And yet the most real thing he felt like he could give her was a kiss that he had to construct halfway in his head.
And yeah, just because Charles isn’t quite as tangible doesn’t mean he’s any less real than Crystal. But ghosts are just snapshots in time, they’re emotions made manifest. That’s in their very nature. Does he feel that gap? Based on where she’s at at that point in her arc (spending half the episode believing her mother’s calling out to her, that there’s more waiting for her out there), does she feel like she’ll take what she can get, in the moment?
A ‘why not, what do I have to lose’ kiss and a ‘goodbye, time to close this photo album’ kiss. When do either of them get something real.
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wildrosesayshigh3 · 16 days
Sneak peak of my Danny Phantom fanfic series
Its a Jazz-centric Series
Ft. Liminal Jazz
"It's just how am I going to tell her that I died and came back to life Sam," he said voice suprisingly steady from the sheer amount of dread rolling of him, "How am i going to look her in the eyes and tell her that I'm not human anymore. That sometimes my heart just stops and I go inveisble becuase I'm not alive anymore, Tuck," he said turning he's head to look at his other best freind. "How do I tell Jazz that I did everything she told me not to do and that this," he said geustring towards his body, "Was the concequense. That she almost had to bury me, thanks to a dare. That I'll never go on to be astounat beuase of my heart rate. That I'm the reason that the town is know being attacked by ghosts. That I'm now some sort of freak of nature. I the fuck am I going to tell my big sister that I'm dead."
Edited: 9/15/2024
Here’s the full fic
Just in time for my birthday and anyone else who was born on the 15th🎊🎉🥳
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donelywell · 5 months
how does your version of the Phantom Ruby work?
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Oh buddy you're in for one hell of a ramble.
I don't care that this is stuff I wanted to reveal in my Forces retelling- I'm babbling about it neow! Besides, I have no idea when I'll be motivated enough to continue my actual canon adjacent au, SO WE CAN HAVE FUN WITH THIS!
Tw: blood
Okay, so the Phantom Ruby is an ancient artifact hidden in a pyramid in Regal Ruin Zone (Sonic R Stage because I really do hate it when zones are just a one and done thing, not overused like Green Hill Zone per say, but I want to actually explore the zones instead of just zooming by them for about 4 minutes total).
A legend says that if you sacrifice some of your blood to it, it will grant you the power to make your wishes a reality. Zero (I'm going with the headcanon that Infinites name used to be Zero) was a huge fan of this legend, he heard about it when he was doing some bounty hunts near the zone.
When you give the Phantom Ruby your blood, you and it are locked together until the blood supply is used up. Only the blood user can use the Phantom Ruby.
The Phantom Ruby is a sentient gemstone (haha, watch me make every single gemstone in Sonic sentient gods), but it lies dormant until someone feeds it blood. Because the Ruby doesn't want to go back to sleep for who knows how long, it starts whispering things into the users mind, feeding thoughts into their head to make them use the ruby more. To give it more blood, to be consumed by the lust for power.
The legend told of a god who was banished and imprisoned into the ruby. Centuries later a crow mobian found the ruby and brought it to their travel group an echidna, a leopard, a tortoise, and a scorpion. They were ambushed later that night and the crow bled onto the ruby in the battle. They realized it had the power to grant wishes, and the crow grew insane with it's power, becoming consumed by the ruby.
The other members of the group realized they need to stop the crow and cut its connection with the ruby, so they begged the gods to give them a way to save the crow. In turn, the gods gave each member a gemstone blessed by different gods a citrine, jade, amethyst, and an onyx. With the gemstones powers, they managed to save the crow from the ruby and lock it deep in a pyramid covered in complex traps and curses as to keep people away from the cursed Phantom Ruby.
Eventually, the group disbanded, with each of the members who helped save the crow carrying the gemstone they had with them as they all scattered to the different corners of the planet.
Ehem- now past this goes into the plot I have for Infinite in my Forces retelling, so you can skip this if you want.
Zero managed to get past all the traps in the pyramid and capture the Phantom Ruby for a bounty he accepted from a mysterious person who wouldn't reveal their identity. This however led to him getting the Phantom Ruby inserted into his chest and have it drive him insane with the whispers it constantly had speaking in his head. He snapped, going completely insane and mindlessly following the voice. He became Infinite, the vessel for the god of illusion.
The legend wasn't lying, as he continues to abuse it's power, the Phantom Ruby slowly started to consume him. Literally. The Phantom Ruby slowly turns his body into it as he uses the power. The process is accelerated when The Resistance begins to be able to push back after the 6 months, making him use his illusions more.
It's up to The Resistance to find the legend of the Phantom Ruby, get the citrine, jade, amethyst, and onyx (names still deciding on), and stop Infinite (and Eggman).
Thank you for letting me ramble about this! I tried to hold myself back a little bit at least from spoiling some of the plot I have for the retelling because I don't wanna ruin the story (if it ever gets made) by spoiling everything about the Phantom Ruby.
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goldenmorningglory · 5 months
2:53 am and I'm thinking about how charles has his hand over his heart after they're told they can stay on earth as ghosts and the parallel to the previous hug when edwin has his hand on his heart. just. them not having beating hearts but the reason the other feels it's phantom beat.
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pearlcaddy · 1 year
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Happy National Julie Day to Julie Molina and @missjoolee!
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puppetmaster13u · 3 months
MC Exp = Lazarus Water
Skulk Catalyst ends up in the pits of Ra's place and/or wherever else ya want and all hell breaks loose because invasive species in the LOA Base of the literall bossman
(for any readers confused, check the minecraft.wiki 's pages on Skulk Catalyst and The Warden)
((If you want you can make this D.P. as well and make it so Exp = Pit Juice = Ecto which as a whole 'nother layer to the madness))
I am vibrating, because I absolutely adore this whole idea. The chaos. The body horror. The Potential for how it could all go. Even more chaos? The whole trope of portals opening up in the Pits, but lets make it to Every Pit suddenly having a catalyst. It's not just Nanda Parbat, but there's suddenly sculk in the Alps, the Himalayas, Infinity Islands, Gotham- It's in a lot of places. And it's spreading.
Forget zombie and vampire apocalypses, it's going to be like the Quiet Place but worrying about vibrations and scent as well as sound.
And if Ectoplasm equals the same, well. I wonder if perhaps that is what forms the Wardens. Souls trapped inside, like malformed remains of cores as bodies are twisted apart into something new.
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