#power 3x04
powerfashionblog · 1 year
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Who: Alix Lapri as Effie Morales What: Sacai Bandana-print Cropped Jacket - Sold Out Where: 3x04 “The Land of Opportunity”
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imminent-danger-came · 4 months
I'll never get over the fact that MK trades his friends for power to save his friends. What's wrong with him
#I love you 3x03.#Good characterization/themeing ep/setting up MK's abilities/general power scaling#Truly MK is out here willing to sacrifice Mei's Sword and the deed to Pigsy's noodles. Like the heart and soul of his dad's life#Playing a rigged game....#Finding your strength...when you need it most...#''Staff's just a big ol' stick bud! It takes someone special to wield it''#Wukong what the Fuck do you know man#lmk#lmk MK#lego monkie kid#lmk rant#lmk theme: exchange#lmk game motif#I need to make a post cataloging lmk's instances of exchange theme like I'm losing my mind#We gET iT. I'd dO anYThInG fOr My FriEnDs. BuT aT thE cOSt oF tHe wOrLD#''This is Azure's utopia...and this barren wasteland is the price he paid to build it''#''Nothing comes without sacrifice. Nothing'' -> Azure sacrificing himself to repair the world#''You offer something of value to gain something of value''#''Take me- I don't care! Just let them go.'' (3x04)#Macaque saying to start the ritual for Mei's life#''You're so desperate to end me that you would sacrifice this blameless innocent child?'' ''You're leaving me no choice!''#''You would really sacrifice your own friend to save yourself?''#''We can't risk unleashing the curse into the world!'' ''You don't know- we'd risk it for sure!''#LIKE THEY'RE SO NOT SUBTLE#Tbh even choosing to go along with Wukong's s3 plan despite the risks is like. Okay guys#And then Wukong lowkey sacrificing Mei for the Samadhi Fire like#Exchange theme follows me everywhere. Truly#it's so delicious#I think the hero warrior motif is also transactional honestly#Like your the warrior and they're the hero. They're going to trade you and your relationship for power
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goodwhump-temp · 10 months
Naofumi Whump | The Rising of the Shield Hero
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1x01 - Chewed, betrayed, villian origin story, trust issues 1x02 - Bit x3, bleeding 1x03 - Stabbed with porcupine needle, knocked down 1x04 - Sliced x2, shot with lightning, crying x2, emotional anguish, comforted 1x08 - Scared, guilt 1x10 - Trauma 1x11 - Pain/wrath shield 1x12 - Armor broken, betrayed 1x13 - Large fall, brief pain 1x16 - Shield cracked, whipped/knocked down 1x17 - Shot/knocked into wall, pecked (15:50) 1x18 - Knocked back, cut by wind, exhausted 1x20 - Great/wrath pain, trauma, shot w/ electric arrow x2, profusely bleeding, unconscious, weak 1x21 - Bandaged, nightmare, jolted awake 1x22 - Frustrated outburst 1x24 - Betrayed, remaining injuries from ep.20 1x25 - Knocked back
2x01 - Exhausted 2x06 - Pinned, head kicked x10, bleeding, crying 2x07 - Chewed, clawed x2, bleeding, bandaged, neck faux-sliced 2x09 - Pain (wrath shield) x2, tackled 2x12 - Wrath shield, great pain
3x02 - (Briefly) exhausted 3x04 - Angry 3x06 - Restrained with spiked chains 3x08 - Shield taken over 3x09 - Weakened by Wrath Shield, blocks powerful blast x2
that saxophone is bout to make me ACT UP
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penguinchick07 · 22 days
I dont know if anyone’s said this before but i was rewatching season 4 the other day and this had me scratching at the walls of my enclosure!!
So Owens says to el in 3x04 “there are others who dont believe in you. Who think you are the cause. I believe theyre wrong, i believe you’re the cure.”
Where have we seen that word before??
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What if Will isn’t necessarily a fan of Boys Dont Cry by The Cure (even tho we all know he is ✊), what if he’s the cure??
Anyway conclusion will byers has powers, he’s gonna save the world, he’s gonna kiss the boy, he’s gonna get his happy end!! \o/
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number5theboy · 2 years
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We're all looking for happy.
THE UMBRELLA ACADEMY 1x05 'Number Five' 3x04 'Kugelblitz'
[ID: Six gifs paralleling Number Five and Allison from the Umbrella Academy. On the left side, Five is talking to the Handler. She says, "You can't be happy, like this." Five looks away, lowering the gun he was threatening her with. He clenches his jaw and looks back up at her. Calmly, he says, "I'm not looking for happy." On the right side, Allison stands in front of a mirror, her hands braced on the sink, and tries to use her powers on herself. She says, "I heard a rumor" and her eyes white out. She then continues, but her words become more and more strained, and she struggles to get them out, "that you were happy." It doesn't work. End ID.]
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feralnumberfive · 1 year
In 3x04 the power in the room goes out (besides what I'm assuming are emergency lights) when older Five dies. Does this possibly imply that Five was being used as some sort of power source for The Commission? They haven't explained the technology of the briefcase, but when your founder has time traveling and teleporting abilities that would certainly be put to good use to make a time traveling device....
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therainscene · 5 months
Do you think Will still has some of the Mind Flayer in him? At the end of S1, he was found with the tentacle appendage in his mouth, and in S3, the Flayer was possessing people using that method. I know they got the shadow-y bits out of him, but I keep thinking maybe something attached itself to him physically on the inside (besides all the demo-slugs he kept spitting up) that would make him susceptible to being ordered around again in S5 by the Flayer/Henry. Maybe it's just a parallel or unrelated bits I read too much into LOL
[Hi anon, sorry for forgetting about this ask from November! It's the sole survivor of a draft purge from a few months back in which I learned the hard way that deleting a drafted response to an ask does not safely return the ask to your inbox. 💀 I thought I'd lost them all!]
There's definitely more to Will's connection to the Mind Flayer than the show is letting on, anon. S2 shows him getting possessed by and then exorcised of the black particles, and his connection to the Mind Flayer persists ever after in the form of his neck tingles.
But here's a key detail that tends to be overlooked: he was getting neck tingles before the possession too.
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This shot is the first time we see him getting neck tingles, and it's from 2x01 -- well before the possession in 2x03. The show also explicitly calls back to this shot in 3x04 when Will tells the party "I've felt it before. Whenever he was close."
I see four potential explanations here:
Your theory -- that Will was pre-infected during his visit to the Upside Down.
Will has powers and sensing Eldritch abominations from another dimension is Just a Thing He Can Do. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
There are multiple timelines or a looping timeline, and the Will we see meeting the MF in 2x01 is not the same Will we see getting possessed in 2x03.
Will was infected in S2 exactly as we were led to believe, but it permanently connected him to the Mind Flayer across space and time -- the exorcism couldn't do shit to undo this, because simply removing the particles in the present can't remove them from the part of his past during which he was still infected.
It's worth noting that all four of these work as possible explanations for young Henry's connection to the Mind Flayer too. Personally I think the Mind Flayer is inherently timey-wimey, so I'm rooting for #4 for both of them.
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sneakyboymerlin · 6 months
Gwaine does not seem to like magic much in the later seasons and happily hunts down sorcerers (dragoon, the guy from 5x05, finna) Thoughts on that?
I’ve answered similar questions before! Unfortunately, Tumblr’s search function doesn’t like me, or I’d link to my older analyses 😔
As early as 3x04 (Gwaine’s introductory episode!), Gwaine is implied to have some bias against magic. Not as severe as Arthur’s, but any bias can be dangerous. When Merlin goes to Gaius and Gwaine about the Stulorne blades, this is the reaction he gets:
Gwaine: I've seen those blades in action. They're forged using sorcery.
There’s quite a bit of emphasis on the word “sorcery” here, both in Gwaine’s speech and in the overall use/placement of it. The fact that the blades are forged using sorcery tells our protagonists why they’re capable of deceiving people’s eyes, but it does not in itself imply danger unless you see magic as a danger.
Later, in 3x08, Gwaine remarks on magic with a similar attitude:
Gwaine: Wyverns. Distant cousins of the dragon. They're creatures of magic, so be careful.
Again, Gwaine expresses their capacity for harm by bringing attention to their magical origins. But the worst is in 3x12, when Gwaine does nothing to stop Arthur from holding his sword against the throat of a child simply because he’s a Druid. Rather, Gwaine pulls his sword on the rest of the Druids when they come out to save the boy. It’s Merlin who has to tell Arthur to let him go. So, Gwaine not only sees magic as dangerous, but he believes that magic and innocence (not as in guilt, but as in youth and vulnerability) are mutually exclusive. He dangerously adultifies a kid who’s <10yo.
Thrice, in the introductory era of the character, pretty solidly confirms his perspective. However, Gwaine doesn’t seem to approach magic as an innate evil the way Arthur does. He more or less ignores Grettir, despite his flagrant use of magic to turn Gwaine’s sword into flowers. In season 5, he sees clearly that the Diamair is a creature of magic, but leaves with an understanding that he owes it his life.
Gwaine’s philosophy is openly stated in 3x04: “Nobility is defined by what you do, not by who you are.” If he’s to be true to this logic, then he has to accept that one’s actions/beliefs determine one’s character, rather than their birth circumstances. He has to apply this to magical people and creatures. And he seems to, in relation to Grettir and the Diamair.
Perhaps not so much to those who he believes “chose” magic, for what he may assume is to the end of greed and power—some of the very traits he hates nobles for. However, there is only one instance to go off of, and it takes place in 5x05, where Gwaine’s like, 2 lines are the one that implies this, and the one telling someone to respect Arthur because he’s a king (even though Gwaine only respects Arthur despite that fact), so I’m inclined to ignore it.
As far as Dragoon goes, Gwaine seems to be under the impression that assassinating Uther would be evil, even though he has no motive for this. Uther had him banished and even threatened to cut his tongue out. I suppose he might just think that killing = evil, but considering how he’s employed to do just that—and it’s what he threatens Dragoon with—it doesn’t make a whole lot of sense. Perhaps because he sees sorcerers as a danger, he doesn’t disapprove of the magic ban, and therefore finds Uther’s death to be unjust?
They never really offer an explanation. I think the safest bet is that Gwaine assumes this means that Dragoon would want Arthur—who still holds the ban on magic in place—dead also. “Dragoon” actually plays into this idea.
It would be the same reason for the Finna situation. Arthur has already decided that she’s a threat, and Gwaine is receiving this information through his word alone. Gwaine’s exact quote is: “There’s a dangerous sorcerer at large,” who he wants to protect Merlin from. (It would be a very different story if Gwaine knew that Merlin was her accomplice—or rather, she is Merlin’s accomplice, heehee.)
So, while Gwaine doesn’t “happily” hunt down sorcerers—seriously, more like—he does show a bias against magic, believing it to be dangerous. However, he is also shown to overlook this bias from time to time, and I think it’s safe to say that he would have been able to make a repeat for Merlin if it came to it.
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raayllum · 1 year
Thinking about how Callum typically handles / responds to Rayla being in pain and
1x06 / 1x07
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in which his repeated tendencies are to comfort, yes, but also to Fix the situation as much as he can. Whether that means coming up with a possible solution, an alternative to her catastrophizing (and subsequent self blame), or by well, looking for the Truth of whatever’s ailing her. 
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Jack De Sena, pre-S4: Yeah, I think that—that is a key aspect of Callum that will be tested is he, he has such a—there’s, it’s such a positive aspect to him via intense search for knowledge, but also like the flipside is yeah, he’s a completionist, he wants to learn everything, he wants to figure out all of this magic stuff, he wants to just discover each of these arcanums and will he, you know, be tempted to keep—to learn a little bit more about dark magic, which we’ve already seen him—never want to touch again, but can he resist just knowledge for knowledge’s sake?
Protecting his loved ones - perhaps believing the Key of Aaravos could be a powerful weapon of its own, or keeping Rayla from having to free her parents (and it’s been said in interviews that only dark magic could undo the spell - but we’ll see if that belief holds out) - pre or post Aaravos’ release would be one hell of a motivation. But no matter what happens, I think Callum will try to help free the moon fam now (even if he doesn’t succeed) because well, Rayla’s in pain over it, and he can’t have that
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thunderbirds-showdown · 7 months
Round 3 came and went and took with it some fan favourites. We're halfway through the tournament now, and there are only a handful of episodes left! It's time to get your bets in as to which one you think will win!
The episodes that have been eliminated this round are:
1x02: Ring of Fire - Part 2
1x09: Slingshot
1x21: Comet Chasers
1x23: Chain of Command
2x02: Ghost Ship
2x06: Up from the Depths - Part 1
2x23: Long Haul
2x25: Hyperspeed
3x24: Firebreak
3x26: The Long Reach - Part 2
Previous eliminated episodes:
1x03: Space Race
1x04: Crosscut
1x05: Fireflash
1x06: Unplugged
1x07: Runaway
1x10: Tunnels of Time
1x11: Skyhook
1x12: Under Pressure
1x13: Heavy Metal
1x14: Falling Skies
1x15: Relic
1x17: Heist Society
1x19: Extraction
1x20: The Hexpert
1x22: Designated Driver
1x24: Touch and Go
1x25: Undercover
1x26: Legacy
2x01: Earthbreaker
2x03: Deep Search
2x04: City Under the Sea
2x07: Up from the Depths - Part 2
2x08: Lost Kingdom
2x09: Impact
2x10: High Strung
2x11: Weather or Not
2x12: Fight or Flight
2x13: Escape Proof
2x14: Volcano!
2x15: Power Play
2x16: Bolt from the Blue
2x17: Attack of the Reptiles
2x18: Grandma Tourismo
2x19: Clean Sweep
2x21: Inferno
2x24: Rigged for Disaster
2x26: Brains vs. Brawn
3x01: Chaos - Part 1
3x02: Chaos - Part 2
3x03: Path of Destruction
3x04: Night and Day
3x05: Growing Pains
3x06: Life Signs
3x07: Rally Raid
3x08: Crash Course
3x09: Flame Out
3x10: Deep Water
3x11: Endgame
3x12: SOS - Part 1
3x14: Signals - Part 1
3x15: Signals - Part 2
3x16: Chain Reaction
3x17: Getaway
3x18: Avalanche
3x19: Upside Down
3x21: Break Out
3x22: Buried Treasure
3x23: Venom
3x25: The Long Reach - Part 1
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its-leethee · 1 month
"i have done terrible things. i thought they were necessary."
"it's a shortcut! we may not pay now, but we will pay the blood price eventually."
"at what cost?" "the necessary cost: many lives."
"the one necessary ingredient."
"a child will die." "yes."
"aaravos did what was necessary."
"however dangerous. however--
it's that you may use dark magic under the belief that you're taking the cost upon yourself, but the actual, inevitable price is suffered by your children: it's a shortcut to power in the present, in exchange for your children's future
...and what do we call somethingone who sacrifices children for power?
--vile. bloodthirsty. monster 1x02 // 3x04 // 5x09 // 6x06 // 6x09
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powerfashionblog · 1 year
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Who: Paige Hurd as Lauren Baldwin What: Alix NYC Purdy Asymmetric Ribbed Stretch-modal Jersey Bodysuit - Sold Out Where: 3x04 “The Land of Opportunity”
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Macaque: "No that's you! You're the one always running off! Looking for more power or more sources of immortality—you're the one who wouldn't quit while we were ahead!"
In a moment of "I'm getting really sad about Macaque and MK parallels", I just keep thinking about how all MK's wanted to do was quit while they were ahead, but he hasn't been able too. He's been pushed and pushed and pushed at every turn. His journey "is just beginning", and "forever's a long time"—there's been no choice for things to stay the same. I wonder if truly Wukong had a choice either. "You ever wish things will just stay like this, like they are right now?" "Psshhhkkk where's the fun in that?"
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goodwhump-temp · 1 year
Fringe: Peter Bishop Whump
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1x01 Pilot - Angry towards his father/Walter 1x03 The Ghost Network - Stalked, argument 1x04 The Arrival - Angry, kidnapped (signs of struggle), bleeding from the mouth, tortured; wire put in his nose, electrocuted, convulsing, weak, shot with strange gun, collapse, unconscious, concussion, badly bruised 1x05 Power Hungry - Bruised face and wrists, tired, painful shock, bandaged wrists 1x07 In Which We Meet Mr. Jones - Painfully electrocuted, delerious 😊 1x08 The Equation - Ominously hypnotized 1x09 The Dreamscape - Hit in the face 1x12 The No-Brainer - Protective, angry, drunk 1x13 The Transformation - Undercover, held at gunpoint 1x16 Unleashed - Arguing with Waltuh, desperate for Walter 1x20 There's More Than One of Everything - Emotional bonding with Waltuh, manhandled, gravestone
2x01 A New Day in the Old Town - MEGHAN MARKLE, emotional, depressed 2x02 Night of Desirable Objects - Almost shot, bit by skeletal monster 2x03 Fracture - Talks about past in Iraq, fighting, punched, restrained 2x05 Dream Logic - Talks about childhood nightmares, starts remembering, wakes from nightmare 2x07 Of Human Action - Mind controlled, kidnapped, intense pain, forced to hurt people, car crash, knocked unconscious, chest pain/bandaged 2x08 August - Held at gunpoint, forehead bleeding 2x09 Snakehead - Knocked out, captured, bleeding, forced to swallow parasite, badly bruised face 2x10 Grey Matters - Sad about Walter, desperate to find him, emotional 2x11 Unearthed - Held at gunpoint 2x12 Johari Window - Car crash, briefly unconscious, shot at, bloody eyebrow, chased and shot at, held at gunpoint 2x13 What Lies Below - Infected, crazy, bloody nose, violent, knocked down, knocked out, weak 2x15 Jacksonville - Oliva learns the truth about Peter (he still doesn't know) 2x16 Peter - His story/death, sick/dying child, funeral, "significant" to the baldis, abducted, falls through the ice, drowning 2x19 The Man from the Other Side - Shot at, risking his life, loud noise, pain, knocked back into hood of car, unconscious, bloody ear, hospitalized, back pain, learns the truth, emotional, dissapears 2x20 Brown Betty - Missing, manhandled, punched multiple times, heart stolen, dying, weak, dies, painful reawakening 2x21 Northwest Passage - Missing/friends searching for him, tired, stalked, tranq shot at him, attacked with hammer, held at gunpoint/taken to… 2x22 Over There pt. 1 - Still missing, in danger from a prophecy, wakes in hospital, emotional 2x23 Over There pt. 2 - In danger the whole episode
3x02 The Box - Painful talk with Waltuh, scared of the prophecy/possible death, shot by the ear, deafened, headache, almost hit by a train 3x03 The Plateau - Real Olivia's hallucination 3x04 Do Shapeshifters Dream of Electric Sheep? - Panic, manipulated by "Olivia" 3x05 Amber 31422 - Real Olivia's confrontational hallucination 3x07 The Abducted - Contacted by Olivia, feels betrayed, held at gunpoint, paralyzing injection, nausea, bad headache 3x09 Marionette - Guilt, emotional talk with Olivia 3x10 The Firefly - Walter obsesses thinking the Observer will kill Peter, almost hit by a truck, scared, shot with weird gun, unconscious, poisoned, collapse, seizure, unconscious 3x11 Reciprocity - Nosebleed, insomnia, scared, lab tests, unusually high heart rate, knocked to the ground, being suspicious the whole episode, held at gunpoint, psychologically changed from the machine/turned killer 3x12 Concentrate and Ask Again - Suspicious, scares Waltuh 3x15 Subject 13 - Flashback to almost killing himself as a child, runs away 3x19 Lysergic Acid Diethlamide - Nervous, high/tripping, freaked out, passes out, knocked down, held at gunpoint, freaking out, restrained/comforted, trauma blanket, loopy 3x20 6:02 AM EST - Sacrificing himself, aggressively knocked back with electricity, falls from great height, very bloody face/head trauma 3x21 The Last Sam Weiss - Hospitalized, amnesia, walks out of hospital, confused, sacrifices himself, pain, head wound, shrapnel to the stomach, passes out 3x22 The Day We Died - Hospitalized, extreme pain, emergency surgery, emotional at funeral, depressed, extreme pain, dying, wiped from existence
4x01-4x03 - Seeping into reality 4x04 Subject 9 - Breaking into reality, wakes up in a lake, reunion, friends dont remember him 4x05 Novation - Held for interrogation 4x06 And Those We've Left Behind - Emotionally abandoned from his father, causing time slips, stabbed in the neck (technology), knocked out 4x08 Back to Where You've Never Been - Desperate, "prisoner" turned prisoner 4x09 Enemy of My Enemy - Admits to being scared 4x12 Welcome to Westfield - Kicked to the ground 4x13 A Better Human Being - Scar on his hand, uncomfortable, baited into a trap 4x14 The End of All Things - Desperate, mind converged, pain, knocked out, kidnapped, knocked over, slight pain/ache, held at gunpoint, punched, 4x15 A Short Story About Love - Heartbroken, thing found on his iris 4x20 Worlds Apart - Walters are scared for Peter 4x21 Brave New World Pt. 1 - Knocked down, fight, hit multiple times, pain, choked, shoulder dislocated, body controlled by Olivia 4x22 Brave New World Pt. 2 - Sling, falls from great height, hurts arm, emotional, slapped
5x01 Transilience Thought Unifier Model-11 - Caught in explosion, bloody, emotional, shot at, cries, "dead" 5x03 The Recordist - Held at gunpoint 5x04 The Bullet That Saved The World - Mind read, headache, chased, caught in an explosion, badly bruised, bloody, shot with weird gun, emotional, heartbroken, emotional shut down 5x05 An Origin Story - Depressed, electrocutes himself, kicked across the room, punched, bleeding mouth, bruised, very angry, self surgery, intense pain 5x06 Through the Looking Glass and What Walter Found There - Knocked down, punched, slowly becoming an observer 5x07 Five-Twenty-Ten - Becoming an observer, insomnia, ear starts bleeding, brain overwhelmed, intense pain, headache, going psycho, confesses to Olivia, fully emotionless, hair falling out 5x08 The Human Kind - Full strength observer fight, punched, bruised, stabbed in the shoulder, bleeding and bruised, emotional, self surgery, extreme pain, emotional release, sobbing 5x09 Black Blotter - Insomnia, bruised/bandaged forehead, headache, shot at 5x13 An Enemy of Fate - Emotional talk with Walter, sobbing, fight with an Observer, punched multiple times, shot onto a car and into a wall
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vole-mon-amour · 2 months
3x04, part 1.
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he doesn't know him at ALL.
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He IS such a cunt. Without the warmth though.
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Yeah? You're saying you'd fuck Annie?
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Yeah, he's not kidding. He'd fuck Annie.
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You're not fooling anyone here, you're not.
You know, this got me wondering, what is he like in a fistfight? Can he fight without his powers? Like a mere mortal?
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I've been sitting here with a O_O face. Is this how they see Russia? Kremlin piss boys? That's some USSR shit. I thought the show was happening in the present?
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Butcher would be a good match for Homelander. He's an asshole.
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This is it. This is the entire show. "Love me or leave me."
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Look at this smug asshole.
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He's so pretty. His faaangs.
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Oh well.
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what are your thoughts on samruby?
thank you for sending this! and OH BOY i wrote a lot. i'm so sorry. i'm putting it under a cut for everyone's sanity.
see, the thing about samruby to me is the religiosity of it all. it's about a victim unknowingly initiated into a cult. it's about a holy lamb being raised for slaughter.
firstly i can't discuss it without spilling my guts over ruby as a character!! i saw a meta the other day (and i wish i'd reblogged it bc i can't find it again) calling ruby the most devout character in supernatural. and they're right! she is! her arc is about devotion and keeping faith. she's a direct narrative foil to cas, who falls down the path of doubt and experiences a crisis of faith. For ruby, her god is lucifer, and she'll accept all persecution and undergo every trial she has to in order to fulfil her mission as his servant. and she does! she succeeds up to her death! (whereas cas fails, and lives)
she doesn't see grooming and manipulating sam as an act of corruption. it's about purification. (and we all know how sam feels about purity, aha) for ruby, the demon blood drinking is a matter of cleansing sam of human imperfection, for the purposes of presenting lucifer his ideal vessel. because the thing about sam is that he's a liminal figure. he's as human as he is monstrous - and from a demonic perspective, wouldn't his humanness be considered the infection?
the way ruby preys on sam also has a definite maternal tilt to it. from as early as s3 (like the way she says 'that's my boy!' to him in 3x04? like dean does in 1x11?). she calls him 'sammy' in a way that mirrors dean, but also evokes maternal warmth. just as dean in season 1 functions as a protector and guide for sam when he brings him back into the hunting fold, ruby does so for sam in dean's absence. sam's grief and vulnerability presents her an opportunity to take on the role of carer and mentor. she'll teach him how to use his powers! she'll guide him in what he needs to do, while he's so lost in his own suffering. sure she provides warmth and affection - but more importantly, she directs sam towards a mission, a cause for good.
she's an incredible character to pair off with sam, a character full of hope and belief that his faith might amount to something (i'm thinking of the start of s11 here - sam desperate to believe his prayers are being answered by god. only to discover it was lucifer all along) he wants to be like joan of arc - he wants the voice of heaven commanding and guiding him along a path of heroism. it's his hope and faith that make him vulnerable.
ruby takes on sam like she's a cult recruiter preying on a victim! like if you go through the stages of cult indoctrination: deception (check! she tricks him into breaking the final seal by killing lilith!), isolation (check! sam having to keep his activities w ruby a secret, driving a wedge between him and dean, eventuating in their separation), induced dependency (check! a blood addiction!). by the end of it, he's left abandoned by his loved ones, alone and entirely reliant on her and the purpose she's given him.
but luckily - sam is a character who hates being controlled above all else, so he does not have his Midsommar (2019) May Queen moment. even when he does let lucifer in, he does so as a sleeper agent. he holds onto his independent spirit to the end :")
tldr; ruby loves sam as a devotee loves their holy mission. sam begrudgingly accepts ruby, not as the divine guidance he wants, but the only one that'll speak to him.
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