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Got my haircut today!
As promised, updated photos.
I feel normal again! We cut off 4inches of hair.
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harmeet-saggi · 9 months
What Is The Meaning Of Pre-diabetic?
Pre-diabetes is the stage that comes before type 2 diabetes. If blood sugar levels are high but not yet high enough to be classified as type 2 diabetes, then you are pre-diabetic.
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eastons-creations · 4 months
But like
Why chronic illness?
Why chronic fatigue?
Why body suck?
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jalluzas-ferney · 6 months
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evildeerboy · 1 month
a little disappointed in kurtis conner making like. the classic “connecting americans eating burger to diabetes” joke. like first of all its never been a funny joke on its own but also no matter what you say to skinny people on this topic they dont believe that like. someone with normal blood sugar/insulin can eat as many burgers as they want and never get diabetes. while someone with insulin resistance can eat the same amount or less burgers and still develop t2 diabetes. bc its fucking genetic not a choice.
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freckledsweetpea · 13 days
the way that people genuinely believe type 2 diabetes is a fat person disease is just...so fucking ignorant. it's extremely hereditary. I know 4 people with type 2 diabetes or who are pre-diabetic. All of them thin or extremely average weights with very small amounts of body fat that come with aging. All of them have siblings or parents who also have/had it. Of course healthy diet and exercise will be a huge help in keeping it at bay, BUT BEING FAT DOES NOT CAUSE DIABETES TO MANIFEST BECAUSE YOU ARE FAT. IT IS IN YOUR GENETICS.
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densewentz · 7 months
exhausted health update because I have to rant somewhere lol
So we're ending day 12 of my mysterious right-sided numbness. It's moved from just my torso all the way down my right leg to my toes, so now I'm just hobbling around half numb rip. And now the torso numbness feels like im being vacuum sealed or something, just a horrible tightness and lack that makes it impossible to ignore. Went to the ER the other night and had 2 panic attacks within the span of the several hours I was there, got my bloodwork redone and a cat scan which all came back with a big Nothing on them. They told me I needed an MRI but that I'd have to go through my Primary Care and after I told them my primary wouldnt see me until May they referred me to a new primary not in my network so that's been a dead end rip. So far everyone is pointing at my horrific anxiety as the cause but not one doctor has actually offered me help for the anxiety despite me having the active panic attacks in the office lol. My Primary wont see me for several months despite the severity of my current condition and none of the mental health programs I've reached out to will get back to me so for now I'm just. Existing in this anxiety Ouroboros where my anxiety causes my numbness which causes anxiety which causes numbness. I'm trying stupid home remedies to try and minimize the active anxiety attacks but so far we've just been circling around alternating Holy Basil, Benadryl and literally just drinking Rum and going to sleep, which sure all help my anxiety a little maybe but also make it almost impossible for me to function normally during the day. This is making art difficult so commissions are going slow which is obviously making me more anxious lol. I also am home alone most of the week managing the household, which is made more difficult since right now the numbness in my foot/leg makes it dangerous for me to drive and difficult for me to get around my house to do daily tasks. Idk man I'm just tired as all hell and I seem to vacillate wildly between full anxiety breakdowns and depressive/dissociative episodes. At any rate during the week I'll just be constantly calling and harassing every doctor/therapist I can get a number for trying to find someone who will be able to either address my anxiety directly or can at least get me into an MRI to rule out MS or anything else that ISNT anxiety. I'm going to become the bane of the medical profession for a while. Wish me luck!
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t00thpasteface · 2 years
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so how's your week been
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errantgoat · 26 days
my cats: obese
me: getting their bloodwork done and realizing they both suffer from obesity related issues
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fatliberation · 1 year
Reported for spreading misinformation. Hope your Tumblr account gets taken down <3
Could you direct me to the piece of misinformation you are referring to and share an alternative source? Most of what I share is quoted directly from experts. I myself am still learning!
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Did mention that I finally made it to a 15 min mile?
I'm pretty fucking excited.
I'm working towards something;I guess I'll find out when I get there.
I gotta figure out something for upper body to just start. But we'll get there.
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zombiepedia · 11 months
i am so sick of eating and having to eat all the time and feeling bad about every single thing i eat. when does it end does anybody know when it ends
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orcelito · 3 months
Fasting labs r cruel and unusual punishment. What do u mean I have to leave the apartment without breakfast? I'm going to die
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excelsior9173 · 4 months
big pharma or whatever really out here making it difficult for the hypoglycemic girlies (gn) to travel anywhere like damn
took three different stores to find just one option for glucose tablets!! sorry my ass tries to pass out if i do anything strenuous or don’t eat for 3 hours
but anyways. my mission was successful, i will now 100% survive the sleep token pit without a sugar crash! i always eat a decent meal shortly before going to concerts (hence why i never ever queue longer than an hour) but i without fail will have a crash before the end of the headliner every time and it suuuucks to feel like you’re going to vomit and then faint during the encore lol
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imanes · 1 year
making food two to three times a day is such a hassle it’s not like i’m making anything complicated either it’s just that i’m looking at these mushrooms and i’m like what the fuck do i even cook you with... guess it’s gonna be mushroom feta scrambled eggs for dinner
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arlathen · 7 months
it's so wild to be a fat person and to go to the doctor and to have them be overwhelmingly kind to you and take your concerns seriously and give you actionable non-weight-loss-related advice on how you can solve ur issue. dude I didn't know they made doctors like that.
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