#pre-merlin au
abisalli · 1 month
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I was thinking about Merlin and dragons again... Didn't plan on only drawing Pen aka Arthur Jr. (the little red & gold dragon), but then my head was just filled with all these scenarios of Merlin trying to keep yet another secret & the little dragon causing havoc (not pictured) and dragonlord things and,,, orz
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planet-poptropica · 10 months
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⋆ Line art is overrated- In some alternative universe... ⋆
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pollyna · 7 months
Day 2: coffe shop au and flirting.
Or at least Sam is trying to flirt, but he sucks so bad that Leo is embarrassed to be is friend!
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hannahhook7744 · 1 year
Arwen kids info part 2;
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Full name: Iduna Merlyn Pendragon.
House: Pendragon.
Age: 22 years old.
Birth place: Camelot.
Current location: Camelot.
Titles: The 2nd born daughter, Princess of Camelot, Lady Iduna, and Princess Iduna.
Occupation: Princess of Camelot.
Known as: 'Una, Idu, the drama queen, Duna, Idy, Imp, I.M.P, the lovely Idu, and the love of Sir Edgar.
Known for: Being the love of Sir Edgar of the round table and being a Princess of Camelot.
General outfit: Light red poulaline shoes with a matching long sleeved wrap dress.
Weapons/Equipment: A light red handled, Parasol.
Extra accessories: A light red ribbon necklace.
Fears: Not being able to marry Edgar, dying before her 27th birthday, being betrayed, being forgotten, being left alone, evil sorcerers, turning out like Uthur, dying in childbirth, accidentally marrying an evil troll, Wyverns, and snakes.
Dreams: She wants to marry Edgar, become a great queen, and a good mother.
Likes: Reading poetry, watching tournaments, watching Edgar Spar, Edgar, stealing from the kitchens, acting, reading, swimming, listening to music, playing games, dragonback riding, Falconry, and Embroidery.
Dislikes: Not being able to marry Edgar, her family in danger, assassination attempts, kidnapping attempts, her family in danger, her siblings going throw her things, being told what to do, anything Uther related, Merlin and Dragonet being mistreated, classist people, not being apart of council meetings, and not being apart of kingdom decisions and royal parties.
Favorite Color: Pinkish Red.
Favorite Food: Beef stew.
Favorite Drink: Cider.
Favorite Animal: Dragon.
Favorite Season: Summer.
Favorite Weapon: Parasol.
Friends: Dragonet, Lucan the Butler, Dindrane, Galahad, Balin, and Balan.
Parents: Arthur and Guinevere Pendragon.
Siblings: Llacheu Pendragon, Nathalia Pendragon, Aedulf Pendragon the 3rd, Amhar Pendragon, Loholt Pendragon, Duran Pendragon, Gwydre Pendragon, Artie Pendragon, Melora Pendragon, and Hilde Pendragon.
Love Interest: Sir Edgar of the Round table.
Children: None yet.
Animal companion: Dragon named Hyperion.
Childhood: Iduna Merlyn Pendragon was born in Camelot to King Arthur and Queen Guinevere Pendragon a few years after the Battle of Camlann. Spending most of her youth studying and playing with her siblings and the staff's children.
Life: Eventually, she married a disgraced and denounced English prince named Edgar. Later, when he is undenounced Iduna goes back to his kingdom with him but remains in contact with her family despite their differences.
Death: Has not yet happened.
Quote: "He shouldn't force you to earn your stay! You've already earned that!"
Theme Song: "So This Is Love."
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Full name: Aedulf Morgan Pendragon the 3rd.
House: Pendragon.
Age: 21 years old.
Birth place: Camelot.
Current location: Camelot.
Titles: The 4th born son, King of Camelot, Prince Aedulf, and Prince of Camelot.
Occupation: Prince/King of Camelot.
Known as: Morgan Le Noir, Ade, Luf, A.P, and King Aedulf ||| of Britain.
Known for: Being King of Britain and Prince of Camelot.
General outfit: Black boots, white trousers, blqck gloves, and a red tunic.
Weapons/Equipment: A red handled falchion.
Extra accessories: Emerald pendant.
Fears: Out living his siblings and his friends, being betrayed, his loved ones, turning out like his grandfather, scorpions, evil sorcerers, marrying an evil troll, and Owlman.
Dreams: He wants to be a better king than his grandfather and if he couldn't do that, he'd want to be a Falconer.
Likes: Horseback riding, fighting crime, sparring, training falcons, hunting, taking care of the dogs, fishing, gambling, playing cards, reading ,and bobbing for apples.
Dislikes: Being betrayed, Kidnapping attempts, evil sorcerers, being compared to Uther, freezing water, scorpions, losing in sparring, losing in gambling, and veggie stew.
Favorite Color: Rossco Corisa red.
Favorite Food: Beans.
Favorite Drink: Tea.
Favorite Animal: Falcon.
Favorite Season: Spring.
Favorite Weapon: falchion.
Friends: Dragonet, Lucan the Butler, Dindrane, Sir Galahad, Andred, Balin, and Balan.
Parents: Arthur and Guinevere Pendragon.
Siblings: Llacheu Pendragon, Nathalia Pendragon, Iduna Pendragon, Amhar Pendragon, Loholt Pendragon, Duran Pendragon, Gwydre Pendragon, Artie Pendragon, Melora Pendragon, and Hilde Pendragon.
Love Interest: Brangaene.
Children: None as of yet.
Animal companion: Black horse named Akrsna.
Childhood: Aedulf Morgan Pendragon the 3rd (named partly after Morgana) was born in Camelot to King Arthur and Queen Guinevere Pendragon a few years after the Battle of Camlann. He grew up quite the animal lover-- spending nearly all his free time in the stables, woods, owlry, falconry, fields, and doh kennels. When he wasn't in those places, he'd be playing with his siblings and friends, sparring, and doing his studies. One memorable moment in his childhood was when one of his older brothers convinced him that the owlman was real-- which established a life long fear for the young king.
Life: In his teens, he became a vigilante dressed in all black under the name 'Morgan Le Noir'-- alongside his brother, Duran-- saving people and animals under his parents' and siblings' noses. While also growing more and more fearful of the idea of out living his siblings. Eventually he met Isolde's former handmaiden, Brangaene, and fell in love with her. He grows up to become king of Camelot and marries her.
Death: Has not yet happened.
Quote: "Things didn't exactly go as planned, but we're not dead, so I'll consider it a win."
Theme Song: "Empy Chairs at Empty Tables."
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Full name: Duran Patrike Pendragon.
House: Pendragon.
Age: 16 years old.
Birth place: Camelot.
Current location: Avalon (before rebirth).
Titles: The 5th born son, Sir Duran, Prince Duran, and Prince of Camelot.
Occupation: Prince of Camelot and squire.
Known as: Dur, D, 'ran, 'Uran, Patrike le Rous, and Enemy of the crows.
Known for: Dying in a battle and having his face peeked off by a crow, only for it to be batted away by Sanddef.
General outfit: Livid cloak, dark grey tunic, livid trousers, and grey boots.
Weapons/Equipment: A livid handled bec de corbin.
Extra accessories: Silver amulet.
Fears: Crows, not making it past 24, evil sorcerers, turning out like Uthur, not being able to help his people, not being able to help his loved ones, birds, and being betrayed.
Dreams: He wants to be a mighty warrior who can protect all innocents. If he couldn't do that, he'd like to be a watchman.
Likes: Horseback riding, sparring, fighting crime, fishing, playing cards, bobbing for apples, sword fighting, reading, swimming, and climbing things.
Dislikes: Birdwatching, Kidnapping attempts, assassination attempts, evil sorcerers, being compared to Uther, crows, birds, ale, wine, beer, rum, being drunk, his loved ones being in danger, and not being able to help people.
Favorite Color: Livid (a Blue Grey color).
Favorite Food: Salmon.
Favorite Drink: Tea.
Favorite Animal: Horse.
Favorite Season: Winter.
Favorite Weapon: Bec de corbin.
Friends: Dragonet, Lucan the Butler, Ywain, Melehan, Sanddef, and Calogrenant.
Parents: Arthur and Guinevere Pendragon.
Siblings: Llacheu Pendragon, Nathalia Pendragon, Aedulf Pendragon the 3rd, Amhar Pendragon, Loholt Pendragon, Iduna Pendragon, Gwydre Pendragon, Artie Pendragon, Melora Pendragon, and Hilde Pendragon.
Love Interest: None.
Children: None.
Animal companion: Gray horse named Grayson.
Childhood: Duran Patrike Pendragon was born in Camelot to King Arthur and Queen Guinevere Pendragon a few years after the Battle of Camlann. But before his birth, a witch prophesied that he'd die because of crows and because of that his parents kept him as far away from crows as possible. Meaning that he spent most of his days inside-- fearing any and all birds. Something he was quite fine with as a kid as he didn't mind reading and playing cards by himself.
Life: In his teens, he grew tired of being stuck inside all day and started sneaking out to fight crime as 'Patrike Le Rous' with the help of his older brother, Aedulf, and they were unstoppable until his older brother gave it all up to marry Brangaene. Unfortunately during this time he lost his protective amulet, which led to his downfall.
Death: He died in battle and got his face pecked off by crows until his friend, Sanddef, swatted them off.
Quote: "Why is it always crows?!"
Theme Song: "Safe and Sound."
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Full name: Gwydre Ellis Pendragon.
House: Pendragon.
Age: 13 years old.
Birth place: Camelot.
Current location: Avalon (before rebirth).
Titles: The 6th born son, Sir Gwydre, Prince Gwydre, Gwydre the bard, and Prince of Camelot.
Occupation: Prince, Squire, and bard.
Known as: Gwy, 'Dre, Little G, G.P, G.E.P, 'Wydre, Specs, and Enemy of the Boars.
Known for: Helping Olwen and Culhwch get together and for being slaughtered by the giant boar 'Twrch Trwyth.'
General outfit: Pastel yellow shirt with a matching cloak, red boots with a matching tunic, and blue trousers.
Weapons/Equipment: A pastel yellow handled Horseman's pick.
Extra accessories: Silver glasses and a matching amulet.
Fears: Boars, not being able to help his people, not being able to help his loved ones, evil sorcerers, turning out like Uthur, not being able to see, being too weak to fight, and being betrayed.
Dreams: He wants to be knight. If he can't be a knight, he wants to be a mummer and bard.
Likes: Sword fighting, acting, playing various instruments, singing, dancing, storytelling, climbing things, horseback riding, sparring, reading, swimming, playing dress up, and sewing.
Dislikes: Boars, pigs, evil sorcerers, being kidnapped, assassination attempts, being compared to Uther, being compared to anyone really, classist people, ale, wine, beer, rum, being drunk, his siblings invading his space, and his loved ones being in danger.
Favorite Color: Silver.
Favorite Food: Berries.
Favorite Drink: Cider.
Favorite Animal: Horse.
Favorite Season: Summer.
Favorite Weapon: Horseman's pick.
Friends: Dragonet, Lucan the Butler, Olwen, and Culhwch.
Parents: Arthur and Guinevere Pendragon.
Siblings: Llacheu Pendragon, Nathalia Pendragon, Aedulf Pendragon the 3rd, Amhar Pendragon, Loholt Pendragon, Iduna Pendragon, Duran Pendragon, Artie Pendragon, Melora Pendragon, and Hilde Pendragon.
Love Interest: None.
Children: None.
Animal companion: A light brown horse named Brainy.
Childhood: Gwydre Ellis Pendragon was born in Camelot to King Arthur and Queen Guinevere Pendragon a few years after the Battle of Camlann. But before his birth, a witch prophesied that he'd die because of boars and because of that his parents kept him as far away from boars as possible. Unlike his brother, Doran--who had a similar faith--, Gwydre resented this very much and fought his parents on it constantly until they eventually gave in and gave him more freedom.
Life: He became a knight like most of his brothers before him while occasionally doing plays and shows. Eventually he goes on a quest to help Culhwch in winning his soon to he father in law's approval so he can marry Olwen (who is not his stepsister in this relam). Eventually losing his protective amulet in the process, leading to his death.
Death: He was slaughtered by the giant boar 'Twrch Trwyth.'
Quote: "What's life without freedom?"
Theme Song: "Viva La Vida."
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themerlinlibrary · 1 year
Favourites Friday (Mar 2023) – Pre-Canon
TML Favourites Friday round-up! March 2023 round 2
What is Favourites Friday? – The Basics
a different theme is announced on Friday each week; FF recs must match the theme of the week
only one FF rec per person per week/theme
FF recs must be unique within that week/theme; no double-posting the same fic for one theme!
no self-recs during regular rounds
only self-recs during self-rec rounds (last Friday of each month)
Theme for week 2: Pre-Camelot / Pre-Merlin's Arrival!
For Want of a Nail by 0hHeyThereBigBadWolf T, 234k, Merlin/Arthur Pendragon Canon AU
The Frog Prince by Clea2011 T, 58k, Merlin/Arthur Pendragon Canon AU
Remember When We Never Faded by giselleslash E, 37k, Merlin/Arthur Pendragon Canon AU; different first meeting
Wishing for Swords by doomcanary T, 1k, Merlin/Arthur Pendragon Time Travel, Canon era
The Watcher of the Wall by Pendragons Dragonlord (PseudoAuthor) T, 6k, Merlin/Arthur Pendragon Pre-canon, Canon era
Between Two Worlds by orphan_account T, 9k, Balinor/Hunith Canon Divergence
Cry Havoc by Nightfox E, 80k, Merlin/Arthur Pendragon Canon AU, Movie Fusion AU, Slavery AU
Hot Ice by SlantedKnitting E, 15k, Merlin/Arthur Pendragon Olympics AU, Modern Setting
A masterlist of all round-ups can be found here. Special thanks to @griffonskies for helping out with this round-up!
If you want to make sure you never miss a FF rec, or would like to participate and share your own favourites; join us on the Discord TheMerlinLibrary! Happy reading!
About the FF round-up lists:
Recs are listed in the order they were posted on the Discord; the order does not imply any sort of ranking.
The pairing given in this list is the main pairing of each respective fic – please read the tags for any possible minor or side-pairings, as well as any potential warnings or triggers.
Pairings and Eras are given as tagged in each respective fic. (?) signifies that the tags were unclear and I do not know enough about the fic to fill the gaps.
Round-ups are compiled on the weekend of the week after the respective theme of the post (when the new theme has already been anounced), to avoid omitting potentially belated FF recs.
Since I am running FF alone, it is not always possible for me to have the round-up list up immediately – please be patient.
The weekly round-up is not a guarantee! Again, I'm running this alone, so it can only be posted for weeks when I have enough time on my hands to compile a list. If you'd like to help out, feel free to contact me on Tumblr ( @zaharya ) or Discord.
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theresthesnitch · 2 years
wolfstar raising harry au where harry goes to muggle pre-k and keeps trying to correct the other kids/teacher when they say “mommy/mama” and “daddy” because doesn’t everyone have a “moony/moomoo” and “paddy”
“Hello, you must be Harry’s father. I’m Katie McCoy, his teacher. Won’t you have a seat?” Ms. McCoy smiles kindly at them, so Sirius doesn’t bother to correct her that he’s not Harry’s father. They’ll have to eventually, but he lets it pass, for now.
“Thank you, Ms. McCoy.” Sirius sits next to her. “Harry adores your class. He tells us all about circle time and—what is it, foam paint?.”
She laughs. “Yes. it's just shaving cream and food dye, but the kids love it.” She crosses her hands over her knees. “Are we waiting for--?”
“My partner will be a few minutes late.” Sirius glanced at the clock on the wall, knowing Remus was hurrying from work to be here on time. “We can start now.”
“Alright, though I don’t mind waiting.” Sirius waives her on, and she begins. “Harry is really a wonderful boy. So inquisitive and funny. You’ve done a great job with him.”
Sirius smiles, trying not think of the fact that Harry is inquisitive like his mother and funny like his father. Their loss still hurts. Instead, he says, “We think so too. He’s a great kid.”
“He is.” Her face clouds for a moment, and Sirius wonders what could possibly be coming next. “I do have some concerns though.”
Any number of things rush through Sirius’s head as to what could bring on that comment. Harry is still mourning the loss of his parents, not really understanding why he can see his mum and dad the way other kids could. It’s possible he said something a bit darker than expected for a child.
Or, perhaps he’s had some accidental magic that the school hadn’t reported to them. They’d so far managed to keep Harry’s peculiar abilities under control, but it was possible that things were slipping by. Merlin, he didn’t want to call the Ministry tonight.
“Concerns? What is wrong?” Sirius tries to keep his voice light.
“Well, we’re concerned he may have a bit of a speech impediment.”
That makes Sirius pull back. In the entire world of problems he has, the talkative, exuberant little boy having a speech impediment was not one of them. His diction was impeccable, and Remus was always saying he’d be a natural at Transfiguration because of it. Just like James.
“I don’t think we’ve noticed that.” He says slowly, not sure what else to say.
“Well, it’s a very subtle difference, and I don’t think that we’d have noticed so much, except he keeps correcting the other kids to his pronunciations as well.” Her brows crease, and she gives her head a small shake. “On correction, he insists that he is correct.”
“What words is he getting wrong?” Sirius asks.
“Daddy and Mummy. He says it like—”
Before she can finish, the door opens and Remus sweeps in, a kind smile on his face. “Sorry, I’m late. Traffic was a nightmare getting here.” Sirius nearly snorts, knowing Remus apparated directly there. “What have I missed?”
Sirius looked at him as he sat down in the seat next to him. “Apparently, Harry might have a speech impediment.”
Remus looked surprised. “I certainly haven’t noticed anything like that.”
Ms. McCoy looked between them. “I’m sorry, who are you?”
Sirius bristles at the question. “This is Remus. We’re Harry’s guardians.”
“His guardians?” She looks more confused. “But he talks about going home with Mummy and Daddy?”
Sirius tilts his head as she asks the question. “I thought you said he was saying Mummy and Daddy wrong?”
“Yes, well.” She squares her shoulders, clearly thrown off. “Well, he’s been saying it something like Paddy and—”
“And Moony?” Remus finishes with a smile. “Yes, that’s what he calls us. Not Mummy and Daddy, but Moony and Paddy.”
Her face rounds out into an O. “I’m so sorry. I had no idea. Bit of unusual names for his—did you say guardians?”
Sirius nods, unable to speak, and Remus squeezes his hand. “Yes. Harry’s parents are—” he clears his throat “—were James and Lily. They were our friends, and now we are Harry’s guardians.”
“I’m so sorry for your loss, and for Harry’s. I had no idea.” She begins flipping through pages in front of her making notes. “His file didn’t mention anything about it.”
“We didn’t mention it when we enrolled him,” Remus says, squeezing his hand a bit tighter. “We didn’t want him to have to answer a lot of questions on it, and we still don’t.”
“Of course,” she looks up from her notes, meeting both of their eyes. “I’ll keep it quiet.”
“Thank you.” Remus smiles, with a raised eyebrow. “So no speech impediment then?”
“No, no I think that clears that up.” She looks at her notes again. “Let’s see what else I have on Harry.”
When they arrive home, Remus handles seeing Mary out while Sirius heads back to the kitchen where Harry is coloring. Sirius pulls up a chair next to him, grabbing his own piece of paper and a purple crayon. “Heya, Haz.”
“Hi, Paddy.” Harry doesn’t look up from his coloring. “Did you see my teacher?”
“I did, buddy.” Sirius draws the outline of an elephant, which he starts coloring in. “Do you know that not every kid in your class has a Paddy and a Moony?”
Harry looks up and beams brightly at him. “I know. I think I’m the luckiest boy in the world.”
Sirius chokes out a laugh, and mostly manages to hold back a tear. Harry looks down at his page, coloring again, and Sirius catches Remus’s eye as he walks in the room again, leaning against the door frame. “You know, I think you just might be.”
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achillesuwu · 1 year
I just found the citation "To become a god is the loneliest achievements of them all" (twofingerswiskey on tumblr) and let me tell you the RAW need I have to see this in a fanfic.
Idc in what form. give it to me.
I NEED Merlin (post canon or in canon, I DON'T CARE) who says that. I need Arthur talking about that powerful sorcerer, the God of the druid. I need him to ask to Merlin what do he thinks about this potential threat. I need merlin to say something like "if it's true he is a god I do not see why we should worry. If he wants to harm us he would already have done so" "Do you believe it?" "What?" "That he is a god" "I don't know, all I know is that to become a god is the loneliest achievements of them all" I NEED MERLIN PRE-REVEAL WHO TALK ABOUT HIS LONELINESS WITH ARTHUR
I need Luo Binghe who can not ascend and become a god like Shen Qingqiu can because he has demon blood. I NEED SHEN QINGQIU WHO GENTLY HOLD HIS HUSBAND CHEEK AND MURMURS "To become a god is the loneliest achievements of them all" (ofc LBH cries but what's new—)
I need dreamling idc who said this, I need Dream who did not tell Hob about who he is that say it. I NEED DREAM IN THE BEACH DREAMS POST WAKE WHO TELL THIS TO HOB. or OR I NEED HOB WHO REFUSE TO BECOME A GOD WHEN DREAM OFFER IT TO HIM
I DON'T EVEN USUALLY SHIP IT BUT Yue Qingyuan who say that to Shen Qingqiu (Shen Jiu) because he knows that SJ's cultivation is too broken to allow him to ascend (I usually ship Liujiu but sadly I don't think LQG would ever say something like that— WAIT A MINUTE : LQG BUT INSTEAD OF DYING IN THE CAVE HE DESTROY HIS CULTIVATION COMPLETELY, THEY AREN'T TOGETHER YET AND THE DAY WHERE THE PEAK LORDS ARE MEAN TO ASCEND LQG IS SITTING AT A TABLE AT A RESTAURANT BUT SJ COME AND BEFORE LQG CAN SAY ANYTHING SJ SAYS "To become a god is the loneliest achievements of them all" AND THAT'S IT)
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jamesunderwater · 11 months
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you can call me james or jamie. trans, autistic, adhd, witch, writer. straight with the exception of sirius black.
multi-fandom blog run by a multi-shipper. my main fandoms are: avatar the last airbender, legend of korra, marauder's era harry potter, she-ra and the princesses of power, percy jackson, & bbc merlin
i do write and post smut, just as a content warning. minors be warned.
don't put up with transphobia/terf/transmed shit, racism, antisemitism, ableism, sexism, and the like.
itsjamespotter on ao3
**for anyone triggered by harry potter content, i try to tag all harry potter related posts with #hp, so you can block that tag**
Tumblr Fic Tags:
AO3 Highlighted Fics
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Dead to Me [playlist] [tag] - 91,625 words - jily, angst, hurt/comfort
I saw a quote once that said: "How many times have I loved a thing, just because you loved it? Including me." This story is about love, but is not to be confused with a love story. It's about the love we should have had. The love we don't think we deserve. The crooked love we settle for. It is about how, in letting others love us, we learn to love ourselves.
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Call and Response - 6,685 words - first war, hurt/comfort, minor jily
A series of vignettes showcasing how, despite his own personal tragedies, James Potter never fails to show up for the ones he loves – which might be his greatest strength and his greatest weakness. Set in a world where James and Lily never got together in school, the Marauders, now twenty, are fighting in the Order at the height of the war. Consider this my love letter to James “would have died rather than betray his friends,” “would have regarded it the height of dishonor to mistrust his friends,” “until the very end” Potter.
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Risky Behaviour - 997 words - canon jily awkward smut
Lily is determined not to get distracted during rounds again. Written for @jilymicrofics Mystery Microfic May Prompt 27: Risk banner by @eastwindmlk! <3
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The Couch Chronicles - 3,118 words - canon jilypad fluff
written for the lovely @annabtg as part of @jilymicrofics's 2024 Jily Gift Exchange, and inspired by this fanart.
Jily Microfics, Feb 2024: An Academic Rivals Montage - 6,550 words - canon-compliant Jily, pre-relationship
Witness as James comes to terms with all of Lily Evans's levels, and Lily comes to terms with what is most likely not a heart murmur.
Bring Your Kid to Work Day(s Never End When Your Godfather is Sirius Black) - 2,012 words - good godfather sirius black
Written for Good Godfather Sirius Black Fest. Day 11, prompt: bring your kid to work day.
Just This Once - 6,196 words - jily, muggle au, gratuitous smut
When they were teenagers, James Potter promised his best friend, Sirius Black, that he would never, ever touch his sister. Lily Evans promised herself long ago that she would never, ever give into her feelings for her brother's best friend. But maybe…just this once?
Completed Fics August '23 - Present
Jily: An Unexpected Ally - 910 words - canon-divergent trans James Potter, cw: transphobia
When James gets outed as trans by Snape, everyone starts treating him differently. Everyone except Sirius, Remus, and Peter, of course - and, to his surprise...Lily Evans.
Prongsfoot: where you belong - 1,207 words - canon-divergent trans prongsfoot, hurt/comfort(ish)
Sirius is finally moving into the boys' dorm room, where he belongs. Written in celebration of Trans Day of Visibility <3
The Potters/Jily: The Raven-Haired Prince - 1,630 words - Potter family fluff, fix-it fic
He's just a little boy who wants a bedtime story - but no, not like that, and wait, it must include this, and above all, never forget, the prince must be raven-haired. Written for @jilychallenge March Challenge: Fairytales
Jily: Dying Fires - 2,146 words - canon pre-relationship jily, hurt/comfort
In fifth year, James attempts to comfort Lily by a dying fire - but finds this will require restraint on his part in a number of ways.
Dorlene: Promises to Keep - 1,142 words - dorlene; canon first war; angst
Marlene and Dorcas have run out of ways to say goodbye.
Jily: Sweet Seventeen - oneshot - 792 words - canon school years, fluff
James is dating an older woman. She loves snow. He loves... well, it's too soon to say it.
Prongsfoot: here comes a thought - oneshot - 634 words - psychiatric unit AU
sirius is just one of those kids you can't fix. no one has ever thought otherwise. until james potter.
Jily: you are my heaven - oneshot - 1,815 words - soulmates AU, jily reincarnated
What, you thought all they got was a few years together? this is for anyone who has watched what dreams may come (1998) and it's a wonderful life (1946) and is also a pisces. 'cause you get it.
Jily: Happy Holiday, You Filthy Potters - oneshot - 6,098 words - fix it fic, jily never died AU, married smut
"jily christmas family fluff!" but with sex on the stairs.
Prongsfoot: "truth is i'm so damn in love with you i don't know what to do with myself" - oneshot - 804 words - canon first war, one bed
prongsfoot + near death experiences + trapped with only one bed + gay pining
Prongsfoot: "you have no idea how long i've been wanting to do that" - oneshot - 1,017 words - muggle AU, transmasc Sirius Black, bathroom smut
prongsfoot + a locked door public bathroom on my knees trying to make you scream vibe
Prongsfoot: not going anywhere - oneshot - 2,341 words - song fic, canon death, grief
when they were boys, james potter made sirius black a promise. and not even death can make james potter break his promises.
Prongsfoot: i don't even know where you end and i begin - oneshot - 482 words - first war, canon death, grief
Remember when we were such fools? And so convinced, and just too cool? I wish I could touch you again. I wish I could still call you, friend. I'd give anything.
Jily: Tall Dark and Glasses - oneshot - 3,292 words - coffee shop AU, fluff
Tall Dark and Glasses (or TDG as he is more affectionately known) is the mysterious, painfully good-looking stranger who has been frequenting Lily's favorite coffee shop for months now. But despite having an embarrassing acronym for him, Lily, a burned out STEM major, is too comfortable being a wallflower to go up to him herself. Thank god for playing cards, I guess.
Prongsfoot: I Only Breathe When You Breathe - oneshot - 643 words - first war, angst, hurt/comfort
Sirius and James and a nearly fatal order mission. Don't worry, it isn't gay at all.
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suzukiblu · 6 months
The vibes of Kara from your Krypton Lives AU remind me of an AWESOME Merlin/Supergirl crossover fic where Kara and Kon land at the same time in pre-King Arther’s time Camelot and Kara ends up being the older sibling in charge of Dealing With Nonsense
It’s … mostly a Merlin fic, but I LOVE Kara’s characterization in it (and in your Krypton AU too!)
That does sound pretty fun, lol, "Kara has to deal with the nonsense" is a characterization I love for her. Also like, it's her getting to fulfill her assigned "role" as an older family member and caretaker even though CLARK doesn't need caretaken anymore, which I feel like is something she'd just find cathartic to get to do at least a LITTLE bit, after everything.
Honestly I could use more Kara and Kon fic in general, hah, I should be looking for that more often.
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albentelisa · 3 months
Hi! Here's a really interesting ask. What do you think would change if Barabra had been a wizard?
Merlin does NOT trust Jim in this AU since Barabra was one of the Arcane Order allies pre Killahead.
Jim had to remind the team more than once that murder is illegal, despite Merlin making it tempting.
Morgana still creates the changelings, mostly because past Barabra accidentally gave her the idea while talking about their hatred for Merlin.
So, in this AU Barbara is another shadowmancer and it's another reason for the friction between her and Merlin as she seeked his protection during Camelot times and got no help. However, Morgana took the younger Barbara under her wing giving her some protection.
During the Camelot times, Barbara was really angry with Arthur, Merlin, and the knights. She went to the Arcane Order way before Morgana (as Morgana still tried to appeal to her brother's common sense). However, Barbara didn't reveal her true allegiance at once acting as a spy from within.
Barbara didn't realize the true extent of the Arcane Order's plans - she thought they would simply kill Arthur and Merlin and let Morgana build a better kingdom. So she tried to talk Morgana into switching sides as well. The idea about changelings came when they both lamented how many innocent trolls had no way to escape, which prompted some research from Morgana.
Barbara left the Arcane Order at the same time as Nari because Nari told her about the true plans of the Order. Barbara was horrified because, despite her hatred for Arthur and Merlin, she still wished to stop the unneeded violence.
Barbara was wandering for centuries, just helping people and magical creatures from the shadows. She avoided getting too involved because of the fear of misjudging another faction. Her relationship with James was one she used as a cover (she had a bunch of those before). Jim wasn't planned, but Barbara was happy to have him (as she was secretly tired of being alone).
Jim is a shadowmancer in this AU too. Toby knows his secret and both of them go monster-hunting occasionally (mostly goblins and other small creatures). Ironically, they never stumble upon trolls or Douxie (as Barbara protects Jim with magic which repels everyone too strong for him). Jim also doesn't know much about the magic world as his mother decided to tell him only once he's older.
In this AU, Barbara started dating Strickler after meeting him at Jim's school. She knows that Strickler is a changeling but hopes he will tell her his secret himself.
As for the Trollhunter, it's Claire here. Unlike Jim, she tries to keep it secret from everyone, but Mary and Darci are nosy and find out themselves. Strickler, however, has no idea for a while.
As for Jim, he finds Claire's actions suspicious (not to mention that he senses some magic from the amulet). Initially, he believes that Claire got into some magic-related trouble and wants to help her (as he has a crush on her like in the canon). But first, he needs to know for sure. So there is a lot of tailing - which leads nowhere as Claire tries to be cautious, especially after dragging Mary and Darci into the trouble.
Jim finds out for sure during the Grit-shaka accident, and Claire tells him everything. Jim also shows her his magic.
Jim is the one who exposes Strickler as a changeling during the search. It hurts him a lot as he thinks that Strickler has some ulterior motive to date his mom (like using her magic) because he has no idea that Barbara knows about Walter's true identity.
Barbara knows that Jim sneaks out for monster-hunting, but she has no idea that he became a member of the Trollhunter's team at some point. So, when Jim comes to her and tells her about Strickler, she says that there's no problem as Strickler isn't her enemy. It creates some friction between the mother and son.
Much like in the canon, Strickler takes control over Angor Rot after Bular's defeat. However, here he doesn't use a binding spell as he knows that Barbara knows about his true identity. He even confesses to Barbara that he uses Angor to fight the Trollhunter (as Barbara has no idea who is the Trollhunter and that her son is in that team).
Angor tries to bargain with Claire and Jim, even giving them the shadow staff as proof of his good intentions. Claire is more suspicious, but Jim decides to give him a chance (besides, he's still pissed with Strickler to the point of being willing to cut his finger to get Inferna Copula).
With the Shadow Staff, Jim's magic progress speeds up tremendously (he even starts to wonder why his mother never made him a staff of his own).
Unfortunately for Angor, there is an accident and Inferna Copula is destroyed. Angor goes berserk willing to destroy everything. Barbara learns that Jim was in the Trollhunter's team all this time and that Strickler knew that. She considers the latter the true betrayal and tells Strickler she doesn't want to see him after that.
After Angor's defeat, Claire goes to the Darklands alone. She doesn't know that Jim and Strickler go there too (separately and at different times). Toby, Darci, and Mary are willing to follow their friends, but Vendel forbids them. Blinky and Barbara try to think out a plan for how to get Jim and Claire back (Barbara secretly considers saving Strickler too, even though she is still angry with him).
In the Darklands, Gunmar captures Strickler first. Claire manages to save Enrique and get him out safely, but she goes back at once, after learning that Jim is still there. Meanwhile, Usurna's goons destroy the bridge, refusing to listen to common sense.
As for Jim, he also gets captured and Gunmar gives him the proposal to join his side and start the Eternal Night instead of Morgana. Jim obviously refuses, so Gunmar decides to use mind control. Luckily for Jim, it seems not working as good as Gunmar expected as Jim manages to snap out of it after some seconds. Gunmar is enraged and promises Jim to break his mind first.
Jim ends up in the cell next to Nomura and they bond. They both have no idea that Strickler is also captured as he is kept at a separate location (Claire also ends up there when she is captured). Gunmar plans to keep Jim and Claire separate to break their resistance. He makes a mistake though when he allows Claire to fight Nomura because Nomura tells Claire about Jim (and later informs Jim about Claire). All the captives start to plan their escape.
As for the rest of the team, Barbara uses shadow magic to recover the Killahead and Kanjigar possesses Aaarrrgghh to open the gates (much like in the canon). They save everyone, but Gunmar gets out.
Another horrible consequence of the trip to the Darklands is that Decimaar's mind control actually had an effect, just not the one Gunmar wanted or expected. It allows Morgana to take over Jim's mind every time she wants and she uses it to act independently. Morgana resurrects Angor, contacts changelings she can trust, and gives Gunmar the shelter. Gunmar wants to take over the Trollmarket, but Morgana stops him and asks him to wait until she recovers Merlin's staff. She uses Jim and Angor to track down Douxie and uses him to get to Merlin's tomb. Douxie escapes (together with Merlin who is also awake) and informs the Trollhunters about the state of things. Both Barbara and Claire are furious and wish to go and save Jim. Merlin is against the idea, telling everyone it's pointless. He survives only because Barbara is more invested in saving her son. Claire joins Barbara and they capture Jim together and then travel inside his mind to break the possession. It's more tricky than in the canon because of the Decimaar's influence. Barbara only manages to temporary block Morgana's influence.
Jim is back with the team, but Merlin isn't happy. He believes that Jim is unstable even if Morgana's control is gone for good (which is not the case here). Merlin thinks that Jim might pick the Arcane Order's side like his mother during her young years, so he decides to trick Jim into self-sacrificial scheme which will both deal with Morgana and Jim. And Jim agrees, believing that he is doing the right thing.
Luckily, Mary overhears the conversation and tells the team. That is where the team is on the verge of commiting the murder, but Jim stops everyone.
Claire asks Jim at least wait until she gets Decimaar and breaks its hold on Jim's mind. She travels alone in the hope that no one is hurt, but Jim catches up to her (as he felt she might try something that stupid). They encounter Gunmar and Angor Rot, but Angor refuses to interfere, so Jim and Claire fight Gunmar alone. It's a long fight, but they manage to outwit and kill Gunmar. Now, Jim is free from the Decimaar's control, but it's not the end.
Usurna still starts the conspiracy. Without Gunmar she plans to become the troll empress herself. She contacts Angor Rot and promises him to let him inside the Trollmarket. Meanwhile, Usurna keeps stirring discord, asking trolls if they are ok with living in hiding and letting humans rule the surface. Vendel is against those ideas, but Usurna finds quite a number of allies.
Otto and other changelings infiltrate the Trollmarket and free Morgana. Vendel is injured but manages to get away and warn the rest of the team.
Morgana starts the Eternal Night (she isn't too satisfied with Usurna as her ally, but she thinks it's better option than Gunmar). There is a clash between Usurna allies and trolls who support the Trollhunter. Claire goes to fight Angor, and Merlin attempts to fight Morgana, but loses. Jim comes to help Merlin together with Douxie (mostly to help Douxie), but Morgana is stronger than two of them. Only Barbara's intervention saves the situation. Morgana is upset with her old friend, claiming that Barbara lost her mind, but Barbara doesn't care about those harsh words. Together with Jim and Douxie she defeats Morgana and seals her magic.
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merthurglompfest · 2 months
Title: Mere Sight Make Obedient By: Elvenqueens / @translesbianlanwangji Gift for: @flossibelle Rating: Teen + Word Count: 5478 words Warning(s): Angst, Child Death, Non-Graphic Violence, Emotional/Psychological Abuse, Uther Pendragon's A+ parenting, Hurt Merlin, Whipping Boy AU, Mutual Pining, Pre-Relationship, Hopeful Ending
A chance encounter.
A promise broken.
Arthur was the obedient child. He was the one who stayed in line. the one who would inherit the throne. Morgana was the one who spoke out, who questioned his decisions, who went behind his back and damn the consequences.
Uther had started to lose his grip on his son. Morgana may have influenced him more than he thought, or perhaps Arthur had been going behind his back this entire time. One to draw the attention and one he would never suspect.
He was losing control of his son, and for a King and his Heir to be at odds is a dangerous thing.
Or, I write a whipping boy au cause its a royal drama so why not
AO3 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/54666655
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effervescentdragon · 5 days
okay so i answered this ask in the one sol asked me and tagged you, and the reason i did was because i wanted to use this to offer you a snippet of a wip i forgot to offer, which is called gold and gifts and is a PIARLES SPY AU. so. here we go. i ppsted about it before, snippets, but this one is for you Can 🤍
"Non, non, stay with me Pear, please," someone said, and Pierre thought he knew that voice, but that was impossible.
"He's losing too much blood!"
"I can fucking see that-"
"- emergency transfusion-"
"- the fuck do we find it in fucking Baku-"
"- always Baku-"
"- not the fucking time-"
The yelling was loud, and chaotic, and Pierre could piece together that his situation wasn't really positive nor optimistic in the outcome, but he couldn't find it in himself to care. He hurt too much to care. He thought he might be hallucinating, because there was a voice there, Monegasque accented, which couldn't have been real.
"- stay with me, please, calamar, I can't-"
"Ch- Charles," he whimpered, saying the name he'd refused to say for years, because that was Charles' voice, and that was their nickname for each other ever since they were kids, sharing beds and clothes and dreams.
"- dropping fast, he needs a hospital-"
"- no treaty-"
"- don't give a fuck-"
"Yes, my darling, please," the voice begged, and Pierre's heart broke at the tone. "Stay with me, Pear, please."
"Charles - dead," was all Pierre could say, because Charles, his Charles was dead, for years now he'd been dead and Pierre refused to think about it, refused to even think his name because even that tore Pierres heart to shreds.
Charles was dead and gone, and if Pierre was hearing Charles' voice, that meant only one thing.
"I'm - dying?" Pierre asked, and the voices quieted down. "Be - with - with you then - Char - Charles?" He managed to cough out, and he thought he might be smiling as he said it.
"- well fuck, that's just -"
"- to get him to our medic-"
"Non, non, mon cheri, you're not - stay with me Pierre, I'm here, please, please don't let go."
There was a gentle pressure on his face, a touch that felt reverent and familiar, and everything hurt, but Pierre knew he needed to open his eyes, so he did.
Green. Green was the first thing he saw, green eyes in a beautiful, beloved face which looked even handsomer than he remembered. He'd forgotten how Charles' eyes had flecks of yellow in them, imperceptible unless one was to come too close. He didn't remember his eyes being circled with red normally, or so watery. Another thing he got wrong was how beautiful they are, because they were even more beautiful in this imminent-death hallucination of his than they were in his memories.
"Be- beaux yeux," he smiled despite the excruciating pain that coursed through him. "Mon Charles, mon ange," he said, because he wasn't going to have the chance ever again. "J' mourrai - heureux."
The beautiful eyes above him widened. If Pierre had any strength left, he would've touched Charles' frown and turned it into a dimpled smile. Perhaps in the afterlife, he'd get the chance to do so. Probably not. He'd be going straight to Hell, and Charles was Heaven personified.
"You will not die," Charles' voice said, but it sounded too far away. "You will not die on me, chéri, don't you dare!"
Pierre never wanted to look away from Charles, but his eyes were too heavy, and his everything was on fire, so he closed his eyes, content in the knowledge that he got to see Charles again, even if only as a hallucination, before he died.
I will see you soon, chéri, he thought, or said, and succumbed to the darkness.
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merlinrarepairfest · 7 months
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Round Up 2
The second week of posting has brought us another bunch of amazing rare pairs! A huge thanks to everyone, and you can find them beneath the cut! <3
Title: Sweet violet and cherry blossom Writer: Skydragon05 | @skydragon05 Rating: General Audiences  Warnings: None Medium/Word Count: 1528 Pairing/main characters: Arthur/Gwen/Elena Up to 10 tags: Fluff, Wedding, Polyamory, Established Relationship, Flowers, Canon Era, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, POV Arthur Pendragon (Merlin), Episode: s03e06 The Changeling (Merlin), Oneshot
There could hardly be more contrast between now and the last time Arthur had stood in this spot anticipating his imminent marriage. This time, not only was he the king, but he was also happy. Today he was here entirely by choice, and for love, and he knew the warmth he felt today was shared equally amongst both of his brides. Wedding oneshot for Merlin Rare-pair Fest 2023: Elena/Arthur/Guinevere
AO3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/51389851
Title: The Wild Goose Writer: littlegreyfish Rating: E Warnings: Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings Medium/Word Count: Fic/30,000 | Chapters: 1/6 Pairing/main characters: Balinor/Hunith Up to 10 tags: Hurt/comfort, Angst, Strangers to lovers, Injury recovery, Physical disability, Age difference, Character study, Canon era, Pre-canon, Canon compliant
Fleeing the slaughter of his people, the last dragonlord finds home with a peasant girl.
AO3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/51400252
Title: [ART] Two of Us Artist: Mischel | @magicalmischel Rating: G Warnings: none Medium/Word Count: Art Pairing/main characters: Gwen/Merlin Up to 10 tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Gwen Knows About Merlin's Magic (Merlin), Gwen Has Magic (Merlin), BAMF Gwen (Merlin), BAMF Merlin (Merlin), Digital Art 
Gwen/Merlin or Gwen & Merlin fanart for Rare Pair Fest 2023. Prompt: AU where Gwen has magic
AO3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/51388438
Title: left unattended Writer: Sage_Owl Rating: Mature Warnings: None Medium/word count: Fic/4,078 Pairing/main characters: Leon/Lancelot Up to 10 tags: Canon Divergence, Time Skips, Character Study, Wings, Mild Smut, Magic, Loneliness, Mythical Creatures, King Arthur Pendragon
It started as a way to escape. No, that wasn’t right. It started because he was drunk.
AO3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/51328009
Title: Something for the pain Writer: Ace_Teagirl | @aroaceteagirl Rating: Gen Warnings: None  Medium/Word Count: fic 11,960 words Pairing/main characters: Merlin & Mordred Up to 10 tags: Canon era; Canon divergence; Child Mordred; Past child abuse
“Who is this?” Gaius finally asked. Merlin yelped in surprise as he turned fast enough to almost lose his balance and stumble. The purse of Gaius’ lips and the raised eyebrows told Merlin his mentor was struggling not to laugh at the display. Merlin wouldn’t admit it, but he appreciated it. “I found him on the street, I think he’s a druid. He can use mindspeech, but he can’t or won’t speak to me. I don’t really know who he is or where he’s from, but he needs help, Gaius. I couldn’t just let him freeze and starve out there. It’s just for a few days, I promise –” Or Merlin finds Mordred on the street on a cold and rainy night and decides to take him in. He starts teaching the boy how to control his magic and Mordred soon becomes Merlin's ward.
AO3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/collections/bbcm_rare_pair_fest_2023/works/51374515
Title: distance your emotions Writer: Ceewelsh | @mayonnaisetoffees Rating: M Warnings: Major Character Death Medium/Word Count: Fic/1779 Pairing/main characters: Gwen/Merlin/Arthur also involved Leon, Morgana and Elyan Up to 10 tags: Alternate Universe - Star Wars Setting, Order 66, Angst
The world seemed to be heading for a tipping point, and Arthur could only hope it would be for the better. Perhaps soon the war would be over. Once the galaxy was safe… Maybe then he would be free to leave the Jedi Order and live out his days with Gwen and Merlin. Meeting them, training with them, their bond was unmistakable. It was not the Jedi way, but not every life is built for the Order. Arthur knew that, now. His duty came first, protecting those who needed it was more important than his feelings. But maybe once there was peace, it wouldn’t feel like such a betrayal to leave.
AO3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/51385720
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pollyna · 2 years
au in which Mav doesn't know the origins of Goose's callsign, Merlin is more than happy to provide all in details over a drink, Nick wants to be shallowed by the ground and a particular tall brunette man is looking at them from the other side of the bar but Mav prefers his blond friend blond, who's drinking the same vodka since he noticed them.
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hannahhook7744 · 2 years
Arwen kids info part 1;
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Full name: Loholt Tom Pendragon.
House: Pendragon.
Age: 26 years old.
Birth place: Camelot.
Current location: Avalon (before rebirth).
Titles: the first born son, Sir Loholt, and Prince Loholt.
Occupation: Knight of the round table and Prince of Camelot.
Known as: The politer twin, Twin 1, Tom Jr, Twin 2, Lo, Holt, and the twin of Llacheu.
Known for: Being Prince of Camelot, a knight of the round table, a hero, and Prisoner of Sir Caradoc.
General outfit: A grass green embellished tunic with matching poulaine shoes, a black belt, and tan trousers.
Weapons/Equipment: A tinted green type xvi sword made of an unknown material that he made himself.
Extra accessories: Black sheath that can be clipped to his belt.
Fears: Being locked away, getting sick, dying, His friends betraying him, being forgotten, leaving his loved ones behind, not being able to protect his loved ones, losing his brother, and heights.
Dreams: He wants to be a better king than his grandfather was and keep peace in the land. Even if he has to fight for it himself. If he could be something other than king, he'd chose to be a royal negotiator.
Likes: Sewing, welding, sword fighting, swimming, learning languages, keeping the peace, horseback riding, gardening, his friends, listening to Dragonet's jokes, and watching Dragonet do his jesterly duties.
Dislikes: Snakes, those who abuse their power, being high up, being kidnapped, assassination attempts, being separated from his loved ones during battle, and classist people.
Favorite Color: Grass Green.
Favorite Food: Veggie gruel.
Favorite Drink: Red wine.
Favorite Animal: Horses.
Favorite Season: Summer.
Favorite Weapon: Sword.
Friends: Dragonet, Sir Kay, Cai the fair, and Lady Florie of Kanadic.
Parents: Arthur and Guinevere Pendragon.
Siblings: Llacheu Pendragon, Nathalia Pendragon, Aedulf Pendragon the 3rd, Amhar Pendragon, Iduna Pendragon, Duran Pendragon, Gwydre Pendragon, Artie Pendragon, Melora Pendragon, and Hilde Pendragon.
Love Interest: None.
Children: None.
Animal companion: A horse named Fern.
Childhood: Loholt was born to Arthur and Guinevere Pendragon in Camelot with his twin, Llacheu, after the battle of Camlann. The two of them were close as close could be and were the cool older siblings that their younger siblings could always count on. The two of them quickly befriended Dragonet (Merlin's son and the court jester), Sir Kay, Cai the fair, and Lady Florie of Kanadic. He spent most of his youth couped up in the old Blacksmith's quarters and in the library with Dragonet and Florie when he wasn't by his brother's side, and was known as the politer twin.
Life: Loholt in his later years became a knight of the round table alongside his bestfriend, Kay, and his twin brother, Llacheu. Saving lives and keeping the peace as his mother and father prepared him to be king. Something that unbeknownst to them, would never happen.
Death: At some point, Loholt was captured by Sir Caradoc of the Dolorous Tower who locked him up in his prison. Where he contracted an unpleasant disease and died soon afterward, after being saved by Lancelot.
Quote: "Warriors are not always the strongest or fastest men."
Theme Song: "Soldier Poet King."
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Full name: Llacheu Ewan Pendragon.
House: Pendragon.
Age: 26 years old.
Birth place: Camelot.
Current location: Avalon (before rebirth).
Titles: Llacheu the Giant Slayer, Prince Llacheu, Llacheu the brave, and Sir Llacheu.
Occupation: Knight of the round table and Prince of Camelot.
Known as: 'Cheu, Pendragon, Twin of Loholt, Twin 2, the rude twin, Prat Jr, Dollophead Jr, and Llach.
Known for: Being Prince of Camelot, a knight of the round table, a hero, a giant slayer, and the lover of Lady Florie of Kanadic.
General outfit: Black cloak leggings, a brown belt , and an orange embellished tunic with matching poulaine shoes.
Weapons/Equipment: A tinted orange xvi sword made of an unknown material that Loholt made him.
Extra accessories: A brown sheath that can be clipped to his belt.
Fears: His friends betraying him, being forgotten, leaving his loved ones behind, not being able to protect his loved ones, lamias, losing his brother, and drowning.
Dreams: He wants to be the best knight be can be. One so great that he'll never be forgotten or fail his people. He also wants to be a good king to his love's people and help out his twin whenever he can. If he couldn't be a knight or a king, he'd be a traveling sword fighting instructor.
Likes: Horseback riding, sword fighting, hunting, jousting, taken part in tournaments, his friends, listening to Dragonet's jokes, watching Dragonet do his jesterly duties, parties, and Lady Florie of Kanadic.
Dislikes: Deep water, being kidnapped, assassination attempts, lamias, council meetings, being separated from his loved ones during battle, and classist people.
Favorite Color: Brunt Orange.
Favorite Food: Sausage links.
Favorite Drink: Ale.
Favorite Animal: Dragon.
Favorite Season: Winter.
Favorite Weapon: Sword.
Friends: Dragonet, Cai the fair, and Sir Kay.
Parents: Arthur and Guinevere Pendragon.
Siblings: Loholt Pendragon, Nathalia Pendragon, Aedulf Pendragon the 3rd, Amhar Pendragon, Iduna Pendragon, Duran Pendragon, Gwydre Pendragon, Artie Pendragon, Melora Pendragon, and Hilde Pendragon.
Love Interest: Lady Florie of Kanadic.
Children: None.
Animal companion: A horse named Mandarin.
Childhood: Llacheu was born to Arthur and Guinevere Pendragon in Camelot with his twin, Loholt, after the battle of Camlann. The two of them were close as close could be and were the cool older siblings that their younger siblings could always count on. The two of them quickly befriended Dragonet (Merlin's son and the court jester), Sir Kay, Cai the fair, and Lady Florie of Kanadic. He spent most of his youth willingly training in the courtyards and exploring the forest, and was known as the louder, ruder twin. Something he never quite minded. He also spent alot of his youth jealous of the fact that his brother was going to be king and that he was closer to Dragonet but cared less about it as he got older.
Life: Eventually he fell in love with Lady Florie and went to live in her kingdom, under her service and was followed by his best friends, Kay, and Cai the fair. Fighting giants, saving his mother from a kidnapping attempt, and gaining alot of glory as he began to court Florie. Completely unaware of Kay's ever growing jealousy. He was distraught for days after his brother went missing and helped search for him, and grew angry when he found out about his brother's death. Swearing that he'd never allow anyone or anything to hurt his loved ones again, and that he'd never let a title lead to a fall out between him and a loved one again.
Death: After he slayed the giant Lorgin, he was murdered in his sleep by Kay who wanted to take the credit for the heroic act that he himself could never quite manage to achieve.
Quote: "When you're a twin, it's hard to get some recognition. "
Theme Song: "I just can't wait to be King."
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Full name: Nathalia Ygraine Pendragon.
House: Pendragon.
Age: 24 years old.
Birth place: Camelot.
Current location: Avalon (before rebirth).
Titles: Nathalia the Martyr, Nathalia the Vrigin, Saint Nathalia, Nathalia the explorer, Princess Nathalia, the first Pendragon daughter, Lady Nathalia, and the Vrigin Princess.
Occupation: Princess of Camelot and an explorer.
Known as: Natty, Nat, 'lia, Na, N, and Thalia.
Known for: Being a princess of Camelot, a Martyr, exploring, and going on a pilgrimage.
General outfit: White Cracows shoes, black cloaked leggings, a small fur coat, and a simple gold lace necklace with her family's crest on it.
Weapons/Equipment: A mace.
Extra accessories: A simple rucksack that use to belong to Merlin in which she hides her mace and other things.
Fears: Being betrayed by her loved ones, being forgotten, disappearing without a trace, small spaces, and fire.
Dreams: She wants to be a famous adventurer-- discovering new lands and cultures and things never seen before.
Likes: Exploring, climbing, sword fighting, horseback riding, sewing, traveling, her friends, writing stories, listening to music, and reading.
Dislikes: Fire, being separated from her friends, her loved ones in danger, being kidnapped, assassination attempts, lamias, council meetings, classist people, and being stuck in one place for too long.
Favorite Color: White.
Favorite Food: Bread and jam.
Favorite Drink: Cider.
Favorite Animal: Unicorn.
Favorite Season: Spring.
Favorite Weapon: A Mace.
Friends: Princess Urusla, Canute, Pepin, Columbanus, Balbina, Dragonet, and Eulalia.
Parents: Arthur and Guinevere Pendragon.
Siblings: Llacheu Pendragon, Loholt Pendragon, Aedulf Pendragon the 3rd, Amhar Pendragon, Iduna Pendragon, Duran Pendragon, Gwydre Pendragon, Artie Pendragon, Melora Pendragon, and Hilde Pendragon.
Love Interest: None.
Children: None.
Animal companion: A horse named Unity.
Childhood: Nathalia was born to Arthur and Guinevere Pendragon in Camelot a couple of years after the battle of Camlann with her twin. In her youth, she befriended various different princesses and saints who she remained close to. She spent most of her spare time tucked away in the library, usually with her brothers, Loholt and Amhar, and their kind of cousin, Dragonet. When she wasn't in the library she was exploring the nooks and cranies of the kingdom and the forest. She had dreams and was set on accomplishing them, no matter what anyone else had to say about it.
Life: In her adulthood, Nathalia explored the world alongside her friends. Going on several pilgrimages and adventures, and outliving both of her older brothers.
Death: She died with 11 thousand other vrigins on a pilgrimage as a martyrs but the details of how exactly are fuzzy.
Quote: "I'd rather die having lived a life full of adventure than live trapped away in a golden cage."
Theme Song: "Art of war."
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Full name: Amhar Elyan Pendragon.
House: Pendragon.
Age: 24 years old.
Birth place: Camelot.
Current location: Avalon (before rebirth).
Titles: Prince Amhar, the head chamberlain, and the black sheep of the Pendragon family (though no one is allowed to say that aloud for fear of getting punched).
Occupation: Prince of Camelot and chamberlain.
Known as: Prince Amhar, Amhar the Chamberlain, Am, A, and 'Har.
Known for: Being a Chamberlain despite being a prince and being the odd man out in his family, though only really to outsiders.
General outfit: A yellow hooded tunic, black trousers, and yellow Cracows shoes.
Weapons/Equipment: Bow and arrow.
Extra accessories: A black quiver.
Fears: Betrayal, losing his loved ones, being a disappointment, being abandoned, being disowned, getting lost, and shapeshifters.
Dreams: He just wants to make his family proud and to take care of his dog, family, and friends. While staying out of the limelight.
Likes: Hunting, playing fetch, listening to music, listening to Dragonet's jokes, reading, helping Lucan with his cleaning, writing poetry, his friends, and occasional travel and sparring.
Dislikes: Classist people, his loved ones in danger, being kidnapped, assassination attempts, being compared to his siblings, being compared to his friends, not knowing where he is, not knowing the people around him, and evil shapeshifters.
Favorite Color: Yellow.
Favorite Food: Chicken.
Favorite Drink: Lemon juiced water.
Favorite Animal: Dogs.
Favorite Season: Fall.
Favorite Weapon: Bow and arrow.
Friends: Dragonet, Griflet, Bedivere, Lucan the Butler, and Amhren.
Parents: Arthur and Guinevere Pendragon.
Siblings: Loholt Pendragon, Nathalia Pendragon, Aedulf Pendragon the 3rd, Llacheu Pendragon, Iduna Pendragon, Duran Pendragon, Gwydre Pendragon, Artie Pendragon, Melora Pendragon, and Hilde Pendragon.
Love Interest: None.
Children: None.
Animal companion: A hunting dog named Lemons.
Childhood: Amhar was born to Arthur and Guinevere Pendragon in Camelot with his twin, Nathalia, a couple of years after the battle of Camlann. Amhar spent most of his childhood tucked away in the library with Dragonet, Loholt, and Nathalia. And when he wasn't doing that, he was in the stables or taking care of the hunting dogs and helping his friends with their duties. He is considered a bit of a black sheep to the outside world when compared to his family due to how he is more hesitant to run into danger compared to them and is more than happy to just sit on the side lines, and help them with their duties. He was friends with mainly servants.
Life: In his young adult years, he was employed as a Chamberlain by his parents. A job he took very seriously and did his best to make them proud of, and gladly helped out all his loved ones with their duties.
Death: A shapeshifter took the form of his father and murdered him (I'm not gonna make Arthur actually be the one to kill him like in the legends. I can't find more info about the situation so I don't feel comfortable trying to figure out a reason why Arthur would murder his own kid. He just doesn't seem the type in Merlin to do that).
Quote: "Being a black sheep isn't all that bad."
Theme Song: "Boulevard of Broken Dreams."
Author's note: Based on Poor Thing Robb Star, the King in the North on Thrones Amino's template. I removed and added some things, but I did use their template. So go check them out. Also these are loosely based on the legends.
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themerlinlibrary · 5 months
Favourites Friday (Feb 2024) – Different First Meeting
TML Favourites Friday round-up! February 2024 round 1
What is Favourites Friday? – The Basics
a different theme is announced on Friday each week; FF recs must match the theme of the week
only one FF rec per person per week/theme
FF recs must be unique within that week/theme; no double-posting the same fic for one theme!
no self-recs during regular rounds
only self-recs during self-rec rounds (last Friday of each month)
Theme for week 1: Different First Meeting!
A Witch Hunter in Ealdor by thenerdyindividual T, 47k, Merlin/Arthur  Canon Divergence AU, Different First Meeting AU
Before the Sun Rises by marguerite_26 E, 8.6k, Merlin/Arthur Canon Era, Age difference
In the Hands of Strangers by AeonTheDimensionalGirl T, 4.5k, Merlin/Arthur (pre-relationship)  Canon era AU
Adjust my Worldview, Give me Leave to dream and I will save our world by Merlioske E, 5.4k, Merlin/Arthur Canon Era AU, Druid King Merlin
Perfect Strangers by sugar_loaf T, 1.1k, Merlin/Arthur  Modern AU, Coffee Shops & Cafés AU
A masterlist of all round-ups can be found here.
If you want to make sure you never miss a FF rec, or would like to participate and share your own favourites; join us on the Discord TheMerlinLibrary! Happy reading!
About the FF round-up lists:
Recs are listed in the order they were posted on the Discord; the order does not imply any sort of ranking.
The pairing given in this list is the main pairing of each respective fic – please read the tags for any possible minor or side-pairings, as well as any potential warnings or triggers.
Pairings and Eras are given as tagged in each respective fic. (?) signifies that the tags were unclear and I do not know enough about the fic to fill the gaps.
Round-ups are compiled on the weekend of the week after the respective theme of the post (when the new theme has already been anounced), to avoid omitting potentially belated FF recs.
The weekly round-up is not a guarantee! I'm running this alone, so it can only be posted for weeks when I have enough time on my hands to compile a list. If you'd like to help out, feel free to contact me on Tumblr ( @zaharya ) or Discord. Thanks to @ravenwilds for helping me out with these round-ups, and to Chel for making a whole-ass bot to make it easier!
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