#pre-painted minis
retiosanti · 6 months
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First finished minis of the year, gotta have that cheap backfield screen. Escher gals for use as Inquisitorial Henchmen.
2024 count: 4 Finished/0 Purchased
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crassussativum · 2 years
I've still got like two dozen of the skaven to assemble and about half that of the knights, but I've only got so much spray primer left so they're gonna wait just a little longer.
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mz4250 · 10 months
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Today I proudly celebrate 10 years of 3D modeling free 3D printable minis!
Today I proudly celebrate 10 years of 3D modeling, printing & painting D&D minis, all for free and all for the world to enjoy! It all started 10 years ago when I posted on reddit a simple black dragon I put together on Tinkercad that the local library 3D printed for me. It blew up on reddit so I made another dragon. Then I learned Blender and decided to 3D model the entire Monster Manual. From there this went from a simple hobby to now my full time profession and I'm loving it!
Thank you all for your kind words and support over the years. I was able to set up a successful Patreon, grow a small community, and model over 5000 minis! If you ever need a mini 3D printed for your games chances are I've made it. Just google "name of creature mz4250" and you'll see the free link, be it on Shapeways, Printables, Thingiverse or on Patreon directly.
Here are a few of my favorite galleries of my works that I think would set up anyone for their D&D campaign. The free file links are below each image:
Monster Manual - https://imgur.com/gallery/1R9Rt8G Monsters of the Multiverse - https://imgur.com/gallery/KBiK1Yp Fizbans Treasury of Dragons - https://imgur.com/gallery/xrvhfIf
I've actually made a variety of other D&D books ready for 3D printing but these are the must haves I feel :)
Anyway thanks again friends! And as always all my models are free and posted daily here: https://www.patreon.com/mz4250
Oh and if you're curious about about my Patreon I offer my patrons access to all my 5000+ pre-supported TTRPG models in one place, along with commercial options, a discord, and requests board. The drives have all the same models that are already out there for free in the internet. Its more for convenience rather than exclusivity.
Stay awesome friends!
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viking-raider · 2 months
Cake & Minis - Cotton Candy Fluff
Summary-> It's just you and Henry for his birthday. But that's all right, the two of you have cake and Warhammer Minis.
Pairing-> Henry Cavill/Reader
Word Count-> 1.1k
Warnings-> PG: FLUFF, Cotton Candy Fluff, Nerdy Banter
Inspiration-> It's Henry's 41st Birthday! Happy Birthday, Puppy!
Author’s Note-> This is a work of Fiction!
Divider by->  @FIREFLY-GRAPHICS!
-> If you would like to get notifications for my writing! Just follow my Tag List blog, @VIKING-RAIDER-TAGLIST as well as my @VIKING-RAIDER-LIBRARY and turn on the notifications for it! It’s that easy!’ Ao3-> DRAGON_DWELLER
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“So, Birthday Boy, what do you want to do for your birthday?” You asked, as you sat at the kitchen table with Henry, sipping your cup of tea, while he sat across from you, browsing the Highlander Script.
“I don’t know, babe.” He frowned, brow creasing at the page he was on. “Most of my family won’t be able to come in for any sort of celebration until next week. So, it’s just you and me.” He said, setting the script aside. “We could go out somewhere, have dinner.”
You studied him, holding his gaze. “You don’t want to though, do you?” You asked, voicing the glint you saw in his blue eyes.
“Not really.” He confessed, chewing on his lip.
Something came to you. “I might have an idea.” You said, excusing yourself and went upstairs, retrieving the gift you’d gotten Henry for his forty-first trip around the sun. “Why don’t you go ahead and open that.” You suggested, handing over the wrapped box and taking up your seat again.
Henry carefully removed the wrapping paper and a grin instantly touched his lips. “The new Blood Angels Minis.” He chuckled, opening the box to examine the little gray pieces.
��I could start your birthday cake and we could assemble those bad boys.” You suggested, pressing your lips together, while cocking your head at him.
“You want to spend my birthday painting Warhammer Minis with me?” He asked, quite skeptical.
“Yeah, if you want to, that is?” You replied, wide eyed. “I could leave you to your own devices with them. It was just a suggestion, I’ll do anything you want for your day, Puppy.”
A soft smile touched his face. “I’d love to spend my birthday assembling and painting minis with you. Especially if there’s cake eating involved.” He laughed, touched that you would express an interest in one of his hobbies, even for a day or few hours.
“It’s a deal then!” You beamed, excited. “I’ll get everything for your cake going, why don’t you get everything for the Mini building set up, then I’ll join you!”
“Sounds like a plan.” Henry nodded, taking up the Minis and headed for his man cave, where he had a whole station for building and painting his Minis.
Henry hummed happily to himself, bustling about the room, pulling out plastic containers, zip-lock bags and cases of items that contained glue, tools, paints and brushes of all kinds to cut out the pieces, assemble and paint them. He meticulously laid everything out, ready for the two of you to start the long process of building the six Blood Angel figures. Once that was done, he joined you in the kitchen.
“All ready.” He smiled, finding you in the process of mixing the red velvet batter; his favorite cake. “Do you want any help?” He asked, moving around the island to stand behind you, resting his chin on your shoulder.
“Nope.” You replied, shaking your head, slightly resting back against him. “You just mind yourself and I’ll bake this.” You told him, rocking side to side with him.
“Do I get to lick the spoon?” He smirked, nuzzling the side of your face.
“Mmm, I suppose so.” You answered, filling the cake pan with the batter, before holding the spoon up for him.
“Mmm.” Henry hummed, flicking his tongue out over the back of the utensil, collecting the rich-red batter. “Tasty, can’t wait to have a slice.”
“I’m sure.” You smiled, wiggling out of his arms to slide the dish into the pre-heated oven. “Mini building time!” You beamed, setting the timer and placing it on the island. “Let’s go, my God Emperor.”
“As you wish, my little Primarch.” Henry laughed, heading for his man cave with you. “I’m sure you’ll end up painting one of them to look like Chaplain Rafael.”
“Burn the Heretic! Kill the Mutant! Purge the Unclean!” You declared, quoting your beloved Chaplain from the Blood Angels Space Marines chapter. “I still mourn your death, Rafael! Baal will remember you forever!”
Henry snorted, shaking his head at you. “What a nerd.” He teased, sitting down at the table.
“And unashamed of it!” You replied proudly. “Right, where are we starting, Puppy?” You asked, looking over the laid out items.
“We need to free the little buggers.” He told you, picking up a pair of, what looked like, well used nail clippers. “These are sprue cutters.” He explained to you, picking up one of the templates of Blood Angels. “All you have to do is snip this little bit here and set the piece aside, once it’s free.” He smiled over at you, brows lifted to make sure you understood.
“Super easy.” You smiled back at him.
Henry laughed, shaking his head and held the cutters out to you with a template. “It’s the only easy part in building these things. Other than buying them.” He quipped, grabbing a second pair.
The two of you took your time freeing the Space Marines from their confines, enjoying being close to each other and the sunny day that trickled through the tall windows around the room. When the cake timer went off in the kitchen, you shuttled off to check on it, pulling it out and setting it up to cool, before returning.
“So, are we going for authentic original Blood Angel look for their paint or are we going freestyle?” You asked, the tip of your tongue pressed to the corner of your upper lip as you used the sharp edge of an exacto knife to smooth out the edges of where the piece had been attached to the template.
“Hmm.” Henry hummed, sitting back in his seat, doing the same task. “I do normally prefer the traditional look for them.” He said, studying the arm he had between his fingers. “How about this? You paint three of the six your way and I’ll paint the other six my way?” He suggested, a little smirk tugging up the corner of his mouth.
“Oooh.” You cooed, liking that idea. “You sure your perfectionism isn’t going to drive you nuts?”
“I’m sure.” He assured you. “I looked forward to it. Our little army.”
It was long and tedious work, but neither of you cared, especially not Henry. It filled him with a bubbly happiness to look across his Warhammer table to see you zoned in on gluing together a model, shifting its little body until you finally got it in the pose that satisfied you. You paused long enough at one point, to put the icing on his cake, slicing you both a piece and bringing it back to your work station, singing happy birthday to him.
“I hope your new trip around the sun is as memorable, healthy and successful as your previous.” You toasted him, placing a tender kiss to his curls as he blew out the candle you lit.
“As long as I have you and Kal on the journey with me,” Henry replied, pulling you into his lap. “I know it will be.” He smiled, kissing you on the lips.
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lis-likes-fics · 10 months
Music to My Eyes
Pairings: Finnick Odair x deaf!fem!Reader Word Count: 7.5k words Warnings: Mentions of the Games, so killing and death, mentions of trauma, my attempt at writing sign language, pre-Katniss, no Annie... A/N: Hey, everyone! I watched the Hunger Games a few months ago and had a mini obsession and decided to write for it and only now just got half of my fic done. Since it was running as long as it was, I decided to go ahead and split this into two different parts, but I swear the rest of it is being planned and written. Also A/N: Just FYI, anything written in /slants/ is an indication of something being signed because explaining every little sign just does not work. And, also, Hecton Leary is absolutely done by Peter Capaldi in my mind...just in case you need a visual. I was watching a lot of Doctor Who during this so, get ready to see those intense eyebrows all over the place in this, lmao. Also Also A/N: Special thanks to my beta-reader @killerqueen-ofwillowgreen who I will be crediting more bc I literally forgot to last time and she's too amazing for that! Thanks, Vee! 💖
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You don't love wearing dresses—especially not extravagant ones like these, more expensive than likely your entire district as a whole. You also don't love parties like these where you have to wear said dresses, surrounded by tons of people generating body heat and stuffing the room full of perfumes and colognes that make your nose and eyes burn. Your feet hurt from the heels your designer paired with your outfit, and the air is active with words and voices that overwhelm your brain with too much information to take.
Having Hecton beside you is a relief at least—not completely lost in a sea of people as he and you communicate with two rich sponsors from District 1 dressed just a slight less dramatic as you but just as exaggerated.
You watch their lips, painted over with bright colors complementing their attire, as they speak to you. "It must be so hard, isn't it?" the woman asks, spending too much time on "so" as she speaks slowly for you to comprehend. You want to roll your eyes. "Flailing about all the time just to get a few words out?"
The man next to her agrees, nodding his head. You can see his throat shift, and you assume he's hummed a response.
Hecton's hands move with skill as he speaks, partly as aid in translation for you but mostly for the performance people are looking for.
You feel like your lips are going to fall off, you can almost feel them twitching at the ends from how long you've been smiling at all these people who don't know anything about you and assume they know everything.
You widen your smile to show teeth and shake your head, continuing to be as respectful as you can with your social tolerance running low.
Your hands move and, out of the corner of your eye, you can see Hecton speaking as they do. "Not really," he translates. "It's natural for me."
The man puts a hand over his heart and turns to her. "Oh, you poor thing," he says rather dramatically. Hecton doesn't dignify his words by translating that for you—not that you needed it in the first place. His hands remain still, folded in front of him. The man glances toward them, and you can see his brief disappointment at his words not receiving the glory of illustration.
You glance up at Hecton, your smile intact as you slightly squint the corners of your eyes in a silent plea. He answers you gracefully, turning his attention back to the fashionable vultures in front of him.
"This was wonderful," he says, "but I believe our little lady is excited to meet other guests here tonight."
Hecton is an older man with grey hair, pale eyes, and intense brows. Upon looking at him, he isn't the most approachable man. You don't just say no to him—especially as a past victor of the Games who certainly triumphed by a long-shot. He is not weakened by age, but he's definitely wisened by it. Although sobered by surviving the horrors of the Games, it neither slowed nor ruined his life, it simply gave an abrupt end to what little childhood people of Districts like yours can obtain.
One look at the finality on his face and they were fully ready to end their (rather insulting) conversation. They turn to one another, making these awful pity-faces as they hold each other's hands and turn back to heartily agree. "Of course." She puts too much emphasis on the words. "Goodbye, dear."
You nod gently and look toward Hecton for confirmation as he places a hand on your back and turns with you. You both walk away from the conversation gratefully, still smiling for everyone else in the room but moving your hands in silent conversation.
/These people are exhausting,/ you complain, entirely within your right with the way they treat you.
Hecton sighs, looking at you with eyes that understand your struggle. /Just keep them happy./
You nod, remaining light-hearted for both your sakes as you offer a genuine smile before you slip back into a customer service front. /I know, I know./
Lots of eyes are on you tonight, but none so keen as a certain boy across the room. He has basically been watching you all night, intrigued by the way you've been communicating, by the way you draw so much attention without having spoken a single word since you arrived.
He has seen you around a few times—on television, at other parties. He knows your face and that you won the Games like him, but he's never paid enough attention to actually know anything past that. But now, observing you all night, he's interested enough to ask.
His elbow brushes the guy next to him, a victor from another district he doesn't care to specify right now. "Who is that again?" he asks, not taking his eyes off of you as his friend turns to look. "I've seen her a couple times, never remember."
He looks at you and then back at him. "Her?" he gestures vaguely toward you. He nods.
"Victor from District 10, she won the 67th Games." He takes a sip from his drink, leaning back against a table with a hand in his pocket. "Surprised everyone cause she," he shrugged, "can't hear or something."
That definitely caught his attention as he turned full bodied toward him. "Really?"
"Yeah," he swirled his drink around. "She's nice…in a little bunny sort of way." It's not necessarily an insult, more than it is him calling you soft-hearted and skittish.
He walks away without a word, finally making his way toward you to quell his curiosity as he approaches you and takes his sweet time about it.
Your back is turned to him. He briefly wonders the best way to get your attention on the way over, knowing you hate being tapped by the way your shoulders flinch and you strain a smile when you turn.
Then again, no one likes tapping.
When he reaches you, he just folds his hands behind his back and smiles. "Hello," he says simply. Hecton turns at the greeting, prompting you to do the same.
"I'm Finnick. Finnick Odair," he greets with a smile of his own as he regards the both of you. He watches the way the old man's hand moves on his name. Your hand reaches out and interrupts him as you place a gentle palm on top of his. He makes a face—it's not annoyed, just teasing.
You turn back to Finnick, your performance smiling still intact. Hecton speaks while you sign. For a moment, Finnick thinks he'll understand the movements you make—Mags doesn't speak, she has to use her hands to communicate all the time, surely it couldn't be that different—but he is proven wrong when words don't match waves.
"I know who you are. You won the 65th Games, you're from District 4." Finnick thinks, briefly, that your friend's voice doesn't match you at all (which is obvious, of course, but he feels it's worth pointing out).
"Well, then," he responds with a slight chuckle, only glancing for a moment at the way Hecton's hands move as he talks, "I'm flattered you know me. Unfortunately, I couldn't say the same for you…"
You seem surprised by that. He thinks it may have something to do with the way that you haven't had many moments away from conversation since you arrived. Everyone has been too taken by you, too interested in snatching a few minutes.
Your hands don't start moving in that curious way Finnick likes to watch because words are already being spoken. "Mr. Odair, this is Y/N Y/L/N. I am her mentor and translator, Hecton Leary."
Finnick holds out a hand, which each of you shake. Out of courtesy, he doesn't start talking again until after your hands are free. "Wonderful to meet you both. And, please, Finnick is fine. There's no need for formalities when we could be friends, right?"
You still smile as you begin to sign, though your brows furrow. /Why exactly do I want to be your friend?/
Finnick doesn't understand, looking at Hecton for translation. He only says your name, a sort of reprimand as he continues to smile.
/I'm only being honest./
Where you expected frustration from not understanding, you find amusement in Finnick's eyes as his genuine smile widens and he looks between the both of you. "What am I missing?"
Hecton looks at you, raising a large brow and waiting for your reply. You sigh gently and shake your head, remaining civil as you begin to sign.
"Sorry," he speaks for you. "I look forward to establishing friendship with another fellow Victor. Maybe one day we'll…" Hecton gets quiet as he just watches your hands continue to move and your lips continue to smile, full of amusement.
/We'll frolic in the woods together, holding hands and singing songs./
Hecton turns full body to you. He holds his palms apart and brings them together swiftly without clapping them. /Y/N./
You smile wider and hold your hands in surrender, the tiny sound of a giggle slipping out of you. You're otherwise silent as your hands fly. /I'm joking! Tell him it was nice to meet him, and I look forward to being friends./
Hecton eyes you momentarily before relenting, turning back to Finnick with exasperation. "She says it was a pleasure meeting you, and she looks forward to your friendship."
Finnick raises his brows, bowing his head gently. "The pleasure is all mine." He's a charmer, and he makes that clear by reaching out and slowly, softly taking your hand in his (his grasp is so gentle that you could easily take your hand back if you wanted and he wouldn't stop you). He bends forward, pressing his lips to the back of your hand. He straightens his spine and watches you fondly. "Until we meet again."
As he lets go of your hand, he bows his head once more before he walks away. You and Hecton watch him leave. He raises his own brow at you. "Is that blush I see?"
Your hands are quick and exaggerated as you move them. You know he's joking and you're not blushing, but his teasing makes you. /No!/
Hecton's smile is wide and open and you know he's laughing at you, so you call him out for being mean. He drops it just as quickly, once the joke has faded to a funny memory and you both are back to mingling with people who do not care about you.
The halls are empty this late in the night. Everyone has retired to their rooms or taken an early train home. It's peaceful, wandering the halls this late and being undisturbed by curious eyes and ears watching you like some wild animal. You enjoy the silence—the physical silence of steady air and only one set of footsteps to track instead of hundreds.
At the end of the hall you wander now is the elevator that takes you to your level. Hecton will be wondering where you are—and if not, it's probably time for you to retire for the night before the victor's interviews with Lucky tomorrow anyway. As you make your way toward it, the lights bright and beckoning, you stop in front of it and click the door button.
It's as the doors are sliding open that you realize you're no longer alone in the dead of this night. You feel it in the prickle of your skin, the change in the weight of the floor beneath you. You look over quickly where the side of your face heats with a new presence.
You see Finnick approaching you, seemingly pleased to see you as he smiles at you, stopping short of the doors to offer you first entry. You grin hesitantly, your confidence from before waning a little with the absence of your mentor and translator. If he tries to talk to you, you're probably going to have a rough night. You press the tenth floor button. He presses the fourth.
Finnick isn't as pessimistic, glancing at you out of the corner of your eyes as you stand with your fingers tangled and your eyes toward the ground. You don't look nearly as cocky this time around—in fact, you seem nervous, refusing to even give him that small, awkward smile you usually receive when stuck in a space next to someone you don't know.
Finnick licks his lips, and speaks before he can correct himself. "Hello," he says, giving you a charming smile before immediately remembering your certain disability.
His curiosity grows when you raise your head, glancing his way but not quite committing.
"Oh, right," he mumbles. His added words spark your attention once more as you finally look at him, moving your hand in a talking motion.
"Yeah," he responds. "How did you know?" You're deaf, but you could tell that he was speaking without even looking at him?
He watches you think for a moment, staring off to try and figure out a way to tell him without Hecton to aid you. You look at him again, raising a hand palm down and shaking it.
"Shaking?" he guesses, raising a confused brow.
You gestured around the elevator, your face etched in concentration, determined to be understood. You sometimes forget how hard communication can actually be for you.
"The room?" he tries. "The room is shaking?"
You make a face, one that says "not quite".
He thinks for a moment, putting your gestures together before it dawns on him. "The air is moving."
You smile, far too happy to have successfully gotten a point across.
Finnick's brows raise, though not in a mocking or upset way. "Is everything really that sensitive for you?"
'It has to be,' you want to say, but you can't. You can read lips, but moving your own to try and copy them is a completely different story. Instead, you just nod and agree.
"I heard that's how you won the Games," he said, before adding on the end with a genuinely impressed smile. "Very cool, by the way." He had spent an embarrassing amount of time—or it would be embarrassing if he actually cared about that—asking party comers about you. Most of the information he got was about the Games, always about the Games. He got the same answers from just about everyone about how you were just so sweet and how it was so inspiring how your lack of hearing helped you to win.
As much as that sweet grin on your face made you want to smile, he wasn't technically right. So you shook your head, and he watched you raise your hands to cover your eyes.
"You were blind?" he wonders, but that doesn't make any sense and he doesn't feel very smart for asking now.
You shake your head and do it again, this time pulling your hands away and then covering your face again.
"You hid," he answers. That makes more sense.
You nod and he hums.
You didn't win the Hunger Games by killing for being killed, you didn't win by joining alliances or traveling in groups and pairs. You won the Games by running and hiding until everyone had killed each other.
When the Gamemakers used their tricks and schemes to flush you out of your hiding places, you found another one to lay low until the end. Yes, there were times when you had to fight for your life, but you were no strong competitor. It was dumb luck that you won. Right up to the end, facing off with the almost-champion after having been hunted down by Mutts. He killed them, and then he tried to kill you.
And that was when your disability was labeled your greatest weapon.
Maybe one day you'll be able to tell him that.
The doors slid open to reveal Finnick's floor. You both linger there in the elevator for a moment, trying to decide what to do from there.
Truly, you should have just waved at him and let the doors close to take you to your own floor. It was late already, you needed to rest.
"Do you like sweets?"
Yes, you do.
You nod, answering his charming smile with a shy one and being upset with yourself in the back of your mind for falling for his obvious charm. If you got hurt, it was on you and no one else. But who cares?
You, you care. Maybe not enough, though.
You follow him off the elevator and into the common room. The kitchen is just off of it, with a long table cleared of dinner but still adorned with snacks—fruits and a few deserts. Finnick slides over a plate of cookies as you take a seat. They're chocolate and very good.
He sits across from you, a little too keen in the way he leans forward. He picks up a cookie between his thumb and forefinger, playing with it absent-mindedly as he speaks.
"Is that," he waves one hand, "usually how you communicate?" He hopes he doesn't sound offensive and takes a bite from his cookie.
You don't seem offended as you shrug. He watches you move your hand like you're grasping a pen, shifting it around in a circle. He understands and, like a dog, goes to grab the supplies for you, dropping his cookie back on the table with little to no regard. He's not necessarily upset about his obedience, if anything, he's happy to let you boss him around—not that you have been—if it means quenching his genuine curiosity with how you operate.
He slides you a notebook as he reclaims his seat, gently slapping a pen on top with a cheeky grin. He seems proud of himself. You hold in your chuckle as you write with the best handwriting you can with the quickness of your scribbles.
/Signing or writing./
Finnick reads it off. He thinks your handwriting is pretty.
"Does it get tiring?" he asks, cookie forgotten in crumbs on the counter. He absent-mindedly pushes it to the side so he can lean closer. "Moving your hands like that all the time?"
His question is one you get often, a repeated question every person asks to suit their shallow interest in you. But you can't bring yourself to be offended or annoyed. Finnick doesn't seem shallow, his curiosity runs deep and his kindness deeper. You're not sure you could take anything he says with offense.
You simply shake your head. /Easy as it is for you to talk,/ you answer honestly, adding the gesture for "speak" at the end to try to be helpful.
He shouldn't be impressed, but he is. "Oh," he says, brows raised in vivid interest. "Is it easy to learn?"
He's full of questions. He knows he probably sounds like a child, piling them on top of each other like tidal waves. But you don't seem upset, so he carries on.
You shrug again.
/Would not know. Depends on person./ You look up at him, and then you add, /You want to learn?/
The way you write is interesting to him. You don't do it in full sentences in an effort to keep it short and simple. But you also don't use contractions, though you try to write as quickly as possible to keep up the feel and consistency of actually speaking.
He smiles slyly and pretends to be shy about it, bowing his head and looking up at you through pretty lashes. "Maybe," he says. "Could you teach me?"
You mirror his expression, bowing your chin toward your chest and smiling at him. /Maybe./
You finish your cookie and rip off the first page to turn to another. He watches you write out the alphabet, quickly scribbling a very poor illustration of a hand gesture underneath each one. It takes a while, longer than you wished for it to.
Finnick doesn't mind. While you're distracted with the activity at hand, he's watching you. You're very pretty, he thinks. With the way you sit to draw, you keep your body open and give yourself the room you need to still see him as you work.
You've got kind eyes. He doesn't think you get that enough. Everyone calls you a sweet girl, but they usually follow it up with something along the lines of "even with her issue".
But Finnick just thinks you're pretty and kind. That's it. No exceptions.
He wants to learn about you without the tainting of word-of-mouth or television programs. He wants to know you. The stuff you love, the stuff you hate, everything that makes you happy, and the stuff that makes you want to throw chairs. He wants to know what your favorite color is, if you like to dance or paint or swim.
Before he can keep daydreaming about whether you like cats or dogs, you look up at him to show off your work. You think it's sloppy. He thinks you did great.
You start going through it with him, showing him the hand signs as you get to them with a patience that amazes him. Once you've gone through the whole of it once, he lifts his own hand to try it out. He looks weird and silly, and you smile as he tries his best.
When he offers a poor attempt at a 'Q', a giggle manages to slip. You probably don't hear it, but Finnick certainly does. His face lights up at the sound. He had heard you make little more than a sigh. Managing to pull a giggle out of you—especially one as pretty as that? It's like winning the lottery.
He goes through it with you a couple more times before he straightens his spine. "So…"
He points to his chest and holds his hand out, slowly moving it to fit the gestures he's tried.
F. I. N. N. I. C. K.
You nod quickly, beaming from ear to ear at how quickly he's picked it up already. You point to yourself and spell your own name out. You move slowly, giving him time to connect each letter to each sign as you go. And when you finish, he spells it himself. A nearly perfect copy, (although perfect may be generous, he's definitely trying and it shows—that's perfect enough in your book).
You carefully tear the page out and set it to the side so he can still see and write excitedly on the next page, your writing almost terrible with how quickly you scribble. /Natural!/
You sign the word after. He copies you, and then tries to spell it out. He gets it right for the most part—even though you're pretty sure you saw him use an 'X' instead of an 'R'.
He really wants to impress you. He doesn't make that subtle, and you're honestly happy he doesn't. It makes you genuinely giddy, the way he's so eager to learn and show off his new skill (a skill he's literally been practicing for no more than ten minutes). You don't realize how far onto the table you've learned. Your hands would brush if you moved them an inch closer.
"I'll keep at it," he replies genuinely at your proud smile. He had no idea someone so silent could be so pleasantly loud. Your ecstatic movements and wide grins compensate for your lack of vocalization. When you speak through your hands or the notebook in front of you, he almost swears he can hear a voice he hasn't heard in place of it, so kind and pretty. Like a song.
You smile too fondly at him, taking in a soft breath before looking down at your hands and sitting back again. You'd gotten ahead of yourself. You don't correct it as much as you should. You're just as fond as you sit correctly in your seat and watch him with intense interest.
After a moment of comfortable silence, you pick up your pen again. He watches you write something down. You turn the book around for him to see.
/Mentor cannot speak?/
"Mags?" he wonders. You nod, tilting your head. "No."
You write again. /Cannot sign?/
You tilt your head and furrow your brows, a silent inquiry. He shrugs, "Never learned."
You contemplate for a moment, rubbing your neck gently before taking the notepad once more. You show it to him.
/Can teach./ You point to yourself, offering a small grin.
"Really?" he furrows his brow.
You shrug. Why not?
Finnick stares at you a moment, searching your eyes for a joke he knows he won't find. So why would you be so open to helping her? Maybe you're just weird.
His lips curl in a smile. "I'll ask her."
Your own smile grows.
He drums his fingers on the table, watching you watching him. He thinks for a moment, just staring, before he opens his mouth.
"So obviously, you can read lips." You nod. "Were you born deaf?"
You nod and reach for the notepad once again. It takes you a moment to write this time. /Parents did not find out til 2. Was a quiet kid. Did not realize until I never started speaking./
He's so interested in everything you tell him. He hangs onto your every word like pure gold. "So you've never heard anything before? Ever?"
He feels like it's a dumb question. Of course not. But you hesitate, glancing off before you nod.
His eyes go wide with wonder. "How?" He crosses his arms and leans forward on the table.
You thought for another moment, trying to find the best way to phrase it to keep it simple. You tap the pen against your lips and click click click it.
/Before the 67th Games, my team gifted me hearing aids. Thought it would help./ You pull away for him to read, staring at the page before taking it and adding in a new line, /Didn't think I'd make it deaf./
The look on your face told him how much that bothered you—or, at least, a whisper of how much it used to bother you. He thinks you may be used to it by now…
"Seemed to work, huh?" he asks with a slight chuckle in an attempt to brighten your mood again.
But you shake your head as you pull the notepad back. /When Games started, too much. Ripped them out and ran./ You sigh gently, swallowing thickly. /Couldn't handle it./
He listens in, his full attention heeding your words. "So you never wear them?"
You shake your head. /Do not like to./
He nods gently. "Because it hurt?" he asks, trying to understand.
You think for a moment before raising your hand and shaking it like before, meaning a different thing this time. /Kind of,/ you write.
You sigh and raise your hands, loosely clawed in front of you as you bring them into your chest in fists. Then you pick up your pen to translate. /Trust me?/
He nods. "Yeah."
His second nod is more firm. "Yes."
He watches you grab a hand towel. You lift it up, gesturing to him with it and he nods his approval once again. You step behind him and tie it around his head to cover his eyes.
After you blindfold him, sure that he no longer has sight, you turn off all the lights and spin him around a couple times before you lead him into the living room.
Without his sight, Finnick is reduced to having to let you lead him where you want him. And he trusts you. He sways on his feet for a moment, standing still when you stop guiding him again.
"Can I look now?" he asks, his hands out by his side blindly if not for anything but balance.
He hears your voice, the slight sound of you clearing your throat before humming gently, like you're feeling for it. Then he hears your broken response, unaccustomed to actually speaking.
"N-o," you mumble. He smiles a little, and you think he's weird—in a good way.
After a moment of silence where the both of you just stand there and do nothing, he feels you begin to remove the towel from his face. You don't give him a chance to adjust to the dark, you just flip the closest light on and let him have it.
He winces, shielding his face as the shock sets in. You smile gently as you apologize, rubbing your fist over your chest in a circle. When his eyes adjust to the light once more to look at you, your smile is still a fond apology as you motion to your ears.
He breathes lightly. “That’s what it felt like for you?” You make a “bigger” motion with your hands as you nod. “That’s awful,” he mumbles.
You shrug as you begin to walk back to the dining table to grab your pen and notepad again. As you take a seat on the sofa, you bring your legs up under you and invite him to sit beside you. He watches you write something as you prop the notepad against your thighs. You show it to him when you finish.
/What do you like to do?/
He is happy to answer as he settles back and thinks for a moment before offering his reply. You sit and talk back and forth for a long time. You don’t really keep track as you learn that Finnick loves to swim and he dabbles in cooking when he can. You learn that he likes the color blue, but his favorite color is probably white. You learn that he is a “live life like it’s your last day” type of person because of his experience with the games (a philosophy you have adopted yourself in a smaller intensity). You learn that he’s more fond of the quiet than the rowdy crowds he’s grown accustomed to.
Finnick learns that you also like the water, but you enjoy sitting under the surface and feeling like the world is just as silent as you in a way that isn’t so interesting to the rest of the world. He learns that you don’t have a favorite color but you always say green, that you’re not a people person but everyone thinks you’re a person who loves people, and that you like to watch Hecton play the guitar while he lets you set your hand on the body of it to feel what he plays.
You don’t know when you fall asleep on the couch, laying against the back of it with your head turned toward the large, cushy pillow that supports your head. You’re curled up against it, and Finnick thinks you look precious. He’s not long after you as he dozes off on the couch. Neither of you touch at all, hands to yourself as you let the night ease on around you. But the presence is comfortable enough, you’re happy for it.
But sometime in the night, you don’t know when, how long the passage of time had gotten to be, the calm that had set over you slowly began to fade and slip into something a little more unnerving. Uneasiness sets in your bones, makes you queasy as your fingers twitch. You hum, a groan that slips from between your lips and rouses Finnick as he opens his eyes and glances your way, eyes still heavy with sleep.
He starts to sit up as he sees you shift, your breath quickened and your muscles twitching. He calls your name gently, a first instinct he immediately realizes isn’t going to work. He hears you hum again and begins to reach a hand out. His fingers hardly brush the skin of your arm when your eyes suddenly open. You’re muttering something intelligible to yourself as you glance around frantically, eyes glazed over and movements full of adrenaline.
“Woah, you’re good,” he tries as you grip the cushions on the couch. It’s too warm and it’s cushy and you don’t want to be up there anymore. He’s still trying to ease you, hands out like you’re a frightened animal ready to attack him. You slide off the couch and onto the floor, where the cold hardwood greets your skin as you catch your breath, your face tucked between your arms as your whole body heaves for air.
He lets you stay there, concern written all over his face as he tries to figure out what the issue is. He guesses they’re just nightmares, bad, ugly nightmares that he, himself, has faced over and over and over again. He waits and waits and waits for your body to steady and for your breath to calm, keeping his hands out but away as he waits for you to recover.
When you’ve calmed down again, you lift your head and sit back against the floor, turning toward him with lethargic muscles, your adrenaline already waning as the exhaustion from before trumps everything else. You catch the movement of Finnick’s lips from out of the corner of your eye and turn to see him speak. “What’s wrong?”
You breathe in slowly, filling your whole chest as you gather yourself enough to answer. You stroke a circle over your chest with your fist, a movement he remembers seeing you do earlier when you were apologizing to him. He shakes his head gently, slowly shifting off of the couch to join you on the floor, giving you space as he props his elbow on the cushion.
“S’okay,” he says, his lips moving gently around the word. “What happened?”
You breathe out slowly, still centering yourself. You lean toward the table, sliding the notepad over with lazy movements. You contemplate before writing. /Vibrations./ You show it to him and he tilts his head. /I sleep with my hand on the floor. It lets me know if someone is coming, I can feel the footsteps in the ground. It wakes me up and keeps me out of trouble./
The way you write is different now, filling the missing blanks of words you’d usually leave out because they were unnecessary. Like you’re too tired to summarize, letting the words do their job as you slump against the table like you haven’t slept in ages and are simply going through the motions.
He moves slowly, letting you see what’s happening before it happens as he sets his hand atop your own on the table. You don’t move, glancing at his hand and letting it happen as his skin brushes yours. He feels honored.
“Well,” he says, “you’re safe here.” With me.
You manage to pull the corners of your lips up into a small smile, turning your hand so his rests in your palm. You raise your free hand to your chin. /Thank you./ You take a moment to sit there, looking at each other and enjoying the feelings of your hand in the other’s. Then you pull your hand away regretfully and pick up your pen.
/I should get back to my floor before my people worry./
He reads it off and nods. “Yeah, you’re probably right,” he sighs, already moving to stand to his feet as he holds his hand out to help you, hoping you would accept. When you do, he smiles. You lift yourself to your feet and give him another of your best in this condition.
You pick up the notepad one more time. /Thank you for the sweets. And for the company. I liked talking with you./
He puts a hand to his heart, too heartfelt to be teasing as he dips his head slightly. “My pleasure.”
Finnick walks with you to the elevator, standing by you in silence after the button is pressed as you both wait for the doors to slide open. When they do, you step in and offer yet another warm smile as you sigh and wave, mouthing the word “bye” as you depart from him, sad to go. He mouths the word back to you, though you’re not positive he spoke them as he offers a small wave of his own.
The doors shut and Finnick misses you already.
The blaring lights, (otherwise) deafening crowds, and extravagant costumes are something you get used to and never get used to all at once. All the attention is on you, and it's your job to make sure they are entertained as you make your way onto the stage with Hecton's at your side.
Lucky is standing, that unnervingly large grin tearing his face in two as he watches you excitedly. His hand is extended toward you, both to show you off and welcome you in.
"Hello, my dear!" he exclaims theatrically as he takes your hand. He places a kiss to your knuckles and then shakes Hecton's hand as well. You all take your seats, your smile the picture of thrilled.
"It's been a while since we have last spoken, hasn't it?" He stops dramatically and then says, "Well, a while since I spoke to you, at least." The air is on the fritz with cheers and laughter and more clapping as you look around at everyone. Lucky's laughter is just as wide. "How have you been, Y/N?"
You look at Hecton, your smile and his set in perfection. He speaks as you sign, beginning his role as your ultimate translator. "I've been great, Lucky. I've missed you!"
His big brows furrow as he slaps a hand over his heart. He turns to the adoring fans. "Oh, isn't that sweet?" He laughs again and looks back at you, his expression calmer but no less dramatic. "I have also missed you, my dear. Now, tell me, this is a tour for some of our previous victors, have you met any of them yet?" He leans in like you're sharing a secret.
"I'm glad you asked, I have. It's been great getting to be reacquainted with old friends and making new ones."
"Ooo," he says, looking around and encouraging the crowd to join in. "New ones like who?" He sits up straight and brings a finger to his lips, glancing away and smiling slyly. "I know I have it from a reliable source that you were mingling with District 4 Champion, Finnick Odair." He leans forward with narrowed eyes. "Do I sense something blossoming?"
He and the crowd tease you, making lovey dovey noises that you don't hear but definitely feel as you glance at Hecton and he raises his thick brows in amusement.
"Oh, Lucky," you smile like you'll laugh as Hecton continues to read your hands. "I wish I could agree, but who am I to say?" You shrug it off with a sigh.
"Oh, really?" he jabs. "Because when I brought it up with Finnick, I believe he described you as 'a special kind of beauty'." This riles the crowd up even more, they cheer louder and the air feels suffocating. You smile through it.
"Did he now?"
"He did."
Lucky laughs dramatically, Hecton laughs less dramatically, and the crowd eats right out of the palm of your hands.
"Well," Hecton says as you catch the attention again, "you know I'm not one to gossip."
"Ohh, not just this once?" He says it like he'll cry.
"I wish I could."
He sighs heavily. "Oh, well." The crowds 'aww's and you give an apologetic smile to them all. Lucky leans over and takes your hand in his, which you then cover with your own. "It has been lovely catching up with you, my dear. And you, too, Hecton, my friend." Hecton nods. "I hope to see you again soon, both of you—I do so love our talks!"
"As do I, Lucky. As do I."
He puts both hands over his chest this time, smiling with sadness to see you go. "Would you give us a kiss before you go?"
You stand to face the crowd and kiss your hand, blowing it out to them as they scream and shout for you. You beam and look at them all, waving happily.
"Oh, fantastic!" Lucky exclaims as he stands to join your side, Hecton at the other. He takes one of your hands again. "It is always a pleasure."
"The pleasure is all mine."
He turns to the adoring audience. "Our Silent Spectacle, everybody!"
They scream and shout and you press your cheeks to Lucky's before you and Hecton leave the stage. Even after you're past the curtain where they can no longer see you, you keep the smile as wide as you can until it trembles out of place.
/Very well done, Y/N,/ Hecton congratulates.
You huff out a tiring breath, massaging your cheeks before regaining your posture and masking your frown with a much softer smile as you respond. /It's exhausting./
He offers a sympathetic look. /Maybe so, but they love it./ He glances at you again, noticing the fatigue in your eyes and your twitching lips, the nerves kicking from overuse. He sighs, taking your hand and turning you to him.
/You've got to keep them happy./
You look at him, how his words reflected a deeper worry, a double meaning that surpasses the gratification of your adoring crowds. Your eyes glue to his own, solemn, sober—a fair contrast from the faces surrounding you, drunk on the sap of their own self-importance.
/I know,/ you nod.
The tense moment is interrupted as a new player enters the arena. Hecton is the one to turn first, redirecting your attention toward the person approaching you. You immediately smile, an instinct by this point as you turn your gaze on your next audience. It only takes a moment for you to recognize the person, and your smile comes a little easier.
Seeing the situation before he approaches, Finnick wonders whether or not it would be appropriate to interrupt. But when your mentor turns and you turn with him, and you smile a more genuine smile upon seeing him, he finds that he doesn't really care if it's appropriate right now.
"You're quite the personality," he says as he steps up, smiling himself as he tilts his head.
"They love quiet, happy girls," Hecton translates as you sign. Finnick really doesn't think his voice suits you, coarse and thick with an accent hard to find.
"That, they do," he nods. He licks his bottom lip, "So you'll be headed back off today?"
You turn toward Hecton, your jaw clenching briefly before you turn back. "Soon. I've got some business tonight and then we'll be off tomorrow."
"Business?" he raises a curious brow, taking a small step forward as his lips quirked. "What kind of business?"
You tilt your chin, a nervous kind of smile on your lips as you move a hooked finger from your nose to your cupped hand. "Nosey," you tease, though Hecton speaks it flatly.
"Oh, it's a secret?" he wonders, even more curious now. He doesn't speak like a creep as he continues, holding that same teasing feeling while also offering his genuine curiosity. "I have a thing for secrets, y'know. I can keep it safe for you…"
You do it again, with a little more delight this time. Again, Hecton's translation holds no ounce of the delight you give off as you talk to Finnick. "Nosey," he repeats, this time with a little more sternness to get him to stop asking. You give him a side glance, but he isn't affected.
Before you can communicate anything else, Hecton's sets his hand on your lower back. It isn't patronizing, he's just used to guiding you, your protector.
"Come now, Y/N," he says. "It's time we were off."
You sigh gently but nod, still smiling as you glanced up at him. You begin to wave to Finnick, but he speaks as you're waving your hand.
"Am I free to visit down in District 10?" he asks, his tone light and playful to avoid sounding as hopeful as he feels. He's just met you, and he wants to know you.
You nod quickly, too eager. You move two fingers over your fist, missing the way Hecton doesn't translate. But Finnick can figure that one out himself.
His chest floods with relief. "I'll keep it in mind."
You wave. /Goodbye, Finnick./ The way you sign his name is different. Where he is expecting to see the familiar letters you showed him last night, he finds a wave of your hands and a fond smile.
He winks at you. "Goodbye, sweetcheeks."
You scrunch your nose, circling your hand over your belly. /Gross./
Hecton is already walking you away as Finnick blows you a cheesy kiss, mirroring the one you'd done for the audience earlier. You wave him off, smiling and shaking your head as you go.
When you're far enough from him, walking away from backstage to wherever you were headed now, Hecton's intense brows are furrowed in what you can only assume is annoyance at his distrust in Finnick.
/You seemed familiar./
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Music to My Eyes taglist: ... This is a temporary taglist for those who want to be tagged in the sequel to Music to My Eyes, Finnick Odair x Reader. Please keep in mind that once the second part is posted, the tag will disappear. Feel free to DM, comment, or send me an ask to be added, if you would like. Or simply add yourself here...
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makoodles · 1 year
Soooo I dunno if ur up for it but can we get a continuation of the baby fever thing where tsu'tey and s/o adopt spider but now it's in the future kinda like pre avatar 2 where spider is a teenager. Nothing angsty I just wanna read how Tsu'tey teaches spider things and spider calls him dad and spider finally getting that family love (I would literally die for this little boy I- *explodes*)
this is called having no self control btw! this was meant to be a 500 word drabble lol, but since you all love dad!tsu'tey so much, here we go!
continuation of baby fever
part one
pairing: tsu'tey x human fem reader
word count: 1.8k
warnings: none!
tags: fluff, dad!tsu'tey, adopted spider, pregnancy mention
"Dad, you're drawing them on crooked!" Spider complains, leaning away from his hands.
Tsu'tey frowns, looking down at his work. "They are not crooked."
"They are! Look!"
The stripes that Tsu'tey has painted onto Spider's fragile human skin upon his insistence do not looked crooked to Tsu'tey's eye, but he squints closer at them anyway.
"They look fine to me, maitan." He says with a sigh, dipping his fingers back into the paint dye and finishing up on the last stripe he had been working on. "Look at my stripes - they are not perfectly even."
Spider grumbles, but goes quiet as he darts a look at Tsu'tey's stripes. Seeing proof that Tsu'tey's stripes are not perfectly symmetrical seems to be enough to soothe him, at least for the moment.
When the kelku entrance rustles, Tsu'tey does not need to turn around to know that it's you. He knows you by the sound of your footsteps and the way your hands coast so softly over the broad expanse of his shoulders.
"Hello, boys," You murmur, leaning in to press a kiss to Tsu'tey's cheek. His ears twitch happily, and you move back to avoid getting hit with one, "Oh, Spider. The stripes again? That stuff is so hard to wash off-"
"That's the point, ma." He says, craning his head around to look at you. "I want it to last. I'm faster when I've got the stripes."
"Finished." Tsu'tey murmurs, clasping his son's shoulder before pushing himself to his feet.
Spider stands too, and Tsu'tey looks down at him thoughtfully. The stripes are a little jagged, though there's no way that Tsu'tey will ever admit that. More than anything, his attention catches on how grown Spider has become. He is still small, only reaching Tsu'tey's navel, but he has grown taller than you. His shoulders have broadened, growing thick with muscle from his long days running and playing with Na'vi children. It has always been more difficult for him to keep up, but the result of his tenacity is the impressively defined musculature at such a young age.
"We are going fishing, yawntutsyìp." Tsu'tey says to you, leaning down to kiss your forehead. "We will be back soon."
"I'll catch you a big one, ma." Spider adds, pushing masked face into your neck in a hug before bouncing away.
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"Did you see!" Spider is still enthusing about his catch the whole walk back to the village.
"I saw." Tsu'tey confirms. The woven basket with their catch is slung over his shoulder, and a content sort of smirk is playing around his mouth as he watches Spider bounce over the tree roots.
"It was huge, and I nearly missed it but then I managed to hit it right as it darted out from behind those big rocks-"
"It was very impressive." Tsu'tey intones, reaching out to ruffle at Spider's hair.
Spider is still grinning, flying high on the success of his mini hunt. "I told you that the stripes made me faster!"
Tsu'tey lets out a rumbly sort of laugh, letting his hand drop from the top of Spider's head to the back of his neck and letting it rest there. His son is growing older, becoming a man, and yet he is still so small under Tsu'tey's hands. He feels a flare of vicious protectiveness deep in his chest, but that's nothing new.
"It was a very good catch, maitan." He murmurs, squeezing lightly at Spider's shoulders.
Spider looks down at his feet as he skips over another exposed tree root. "Do you think I'll be a good hunter?"
Tsu'tey tilts his head, and catches at Spider's bicep as he slips on moss. Once he is sure that he's stable on his feet, he releases his arm and pats him on the back.
"Yes. You have a good teacher." He bares his teeth at Spider in a grin, and gets a little smile in return. "But even if your talents do not lie in hunting, that will be okay. No matter what your skills are, I will be proud of you, my boy."
Spider's cheeks redden, but he smiles back all the same. The corners of his eyes crinkle just like yours do, and Tsu'tey's heart swells at the similarity between the two of you. His precious little family.
When they enter the village, you're waiting by one of the cookfires. You're fiddling with a couple of beads, and Tsu'tey recognises that you're weaving together a hair decoration.
"Yawntu," Tsu'tey calls as he approaches with Spider at his hip. "Look at what our son caught."
Spider takes the basket from him and bounds forward, grinning wide behind his mask as he proffers it at you. You make a big show of oohing and ahhing as you look into the basket, looking very impressed indeed.
"What big fish," You say. "These could feed the whole village for days!"
It had taken Tsu'tey quite some time to learn how to read the body language of Sky People, but even he can see how pleased Spider is. If he had a tail, it would be swishing wildly.
"I'm gonna go show Lo'ak." Spider says with a grin. "He couldn't catch anything yesterday! Jake isn't as good a teacher, I guess."
"Spider." You scold, giving him a look.
"Go, show Lo'ak." Tsu'tey encourages. "Make sure that Jakesully sees too. Show him that my son is a fine hunter."
"Tsu'tey!" You chide, delivering a smack to his thigh.
Spider just laughs, before taking the woven basket and running with it deeper into the village towards the Sully's kelku. Tsu'tey watches him go, before turning to you with a smug little grin.
"Ma'yawntutsyìp," He murmurs, leaning forward and pressing his forehead into yours. "He did well. He is growing skilled."
You cup the back of his head with one hand, scratch at his head with your little fingers. He lets his eyes slide shut lazily as he enjoys the feeling of your warm body so close to his after a hunt. He drops his head further into the cradle between your shoulder and neck and nuzzles there.
"I do not like him hanging around with Jakesully's children," He murmurs, his voice muffled in your throat. "There are many other children in the village."
"Oh stop," You mumble, your fingers massaging at his scalp, "They’re good kids."
"Neteyam is like Neytiri. Sensible." He grunts into your skin. "But Lo’ak is like Jakesully. He will get Spider into trouble."
"Oh, Tsu'tey." You sigh in that way you usually do when you think he's being dense. "They're both good kids. Besides, he's not really going to show Lo'ak anyway. He's going to show Kiri."
His brow furrows. "Kiri? She has no interest in fishing."
You sigh again, although this time you seem a little more amused. "I seem to remember you showing off your fishing skills to me when we were younger, hm?"
"That was different," He says dismissively. "I was courting you. That was my way of expressing interest, of showing you that I am strong."
"Mhm." You say, as though you're waiting for something.
Slowly, Tsu'tey raises his head from where it's buried in your shoulder and squints at you. He's not sure if he's following what you're suggesting.
"You do not think this is the same?" He asks, frowning. "Spider is- he is too young. He cannot be thinking of mating yet-"
"Oh, he isn't." You interrupt with a quick shake of your head. "It's a little crush, love. It's sweet."
But Tsu'tey is frowning, his mind overactive. "Does she- how does Kiri feel? If she does not share his feelings, he will be so disappointed-"
"He isn't going to be proposing anytime soon, relax."
"He needs someone who will value him-"
He falls quiet, looking into your eyes with a thoughtful little frown. You're looking right back at him, mouth quirked.
"He's a teenager with a crush. Let him be." You murmur, stroking a thumb over one of his pointed ears and making him shiver.
Tsu'tey just grumbles. "He has not told me about a crush."
"Well, I'm sure he will," You say simply. "He's a teenage boy. He's going to be shy about it."
Tsu'tey huffs, and looks down at his hands with a scowl. The thought of his small human boy developing feelings for someone who may not return them makes him feel shifty and aggravated – how is he supposed to protect him from such a thing? It will hurt him so much, and there is nothing that Tsu'tey can do to stop it.
"Stop overthinking." You mutter, nudging against his bicep with your shoulder as you finish tying the hair decoration together. "For all you know, Kiri likes him too and is just shy about it."
Tsu'tey grunts. The thought of Spider, such a small and weak little thing, having his feelings at the mercy of Jakesully's daughter makes him feel a little as though he's losing his mind.
When you nudge him again, he turns to you fully. The beaded hair decoration in your hands is finished, all red beads and golden yellow feathers. You hold it up, eyes bright.
"I made this for you." You say, holding it out for him.
Tsu'tey's stern expression softens, and he ducks his head closer to you. "For me? Will you put it on, yawntu?"
Your sweet little face is so bright as you shuffle forward and reach up for his face. Tsu'tey watches you carefully, reaching out to lay his hands against your waist as you wind the beaded decoration around a small section of braids just behind his ear.
"So handsome." You coo at him when it's tucked neatly behind his ear.
Tsu'tey smiles, satisfied. "Thank you."
You sit back and then nestle into him. He opens his arms and accepts you into his side easily, resting his chin over the top of your head contently.
"Our son will be a good hunter." He says, pressing a kiss to the curve of your shoulder. "And a good brother."
His hand lands on the curve of your belly, his thumb smoothing over the swell of it beneath your woven top. You lean into his touch, sighing happily as his other hand massages at the base of your spine.
"I know," You say simply, making a soft noise when he leans down to cup below your belly with his hands, lifting some of the weight up. "You've taught him well."
Pride swells in his chest, and he purrs softly as he presses his face into your neck again. You smell so sweet and comforting, and he inhales contently against your skin.
His small son has grown so strong, and his little mate fits so perfectly into his arms, no matter how large your belly has swollen. His family is so small and weak; he holds you close as his chest rumbles, pleased that he's large and strong enough to protect you all.
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catbatart · 7 months
HEY GUYS! I'm doing a 20% off nearly everything in my etsy shop until Monday!
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(The sale does not include painted minis, digital products, or pre-order products!)
So take a look and if you want these by the holidays, this is the best time to order!
This sale is active until Monday, November 27!
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luffyvace · 2 months
PERRROOONAAA x female reader :3
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Does anybody on tumblr love Perona as much as I do?!
(Once again, may be more accurate to pre time skip perona 😋)
Perona with a girlfriend seems like such a sweetie!! And I say this in the kindest way possible- but with men (specifically stupid men) she just seems to get upset quicker?? Granted, in the show, as far as I’ve seen she interacts with male more than females (poor her she’s gonna go insane) but then again there’s more guys than girls in op anyway.
Moving on- shopping with her is always fun!! ٩( 'ω' )و you two could shop for hours and hours together. By the way I’m specifically talking about when she dropped zoro off on sabaody. You can’t tell me she didn’t stay for a while and buy a crap ton of cute clothes. Ngl the girls in the background of sabaody had some pretty cute outfits!! Which mean they have good clothing stores. Which means you two definitely when on a shopping spree 😉🤩
I’m talking going from store to store, getting snacks like pretzels and cotton candy in between, going on a few rides n such. And of course getting some sweet deals because your cute and know how to coupon 😋😋
While we’re on the topic I might as well mention fashion. In fact these wouldn’t be Perona headcanons without it⁉️ Like have you SEEN how that girl dresses?! I LOVE her style it’s so cute!! (Opinion: I like her pre time skip fit better) Besides the point tho, I just feel like she couldn’t get along with someone who has no style so IK for sure you’ve got some 🙌
Either that or your okay with her dolling you up LOL. Ngl I feel like she’d love that- whether you can dress or not. She doesn’t even have at least bearsy anymore so who else does she have to glamify??? 😱 Zoro?Mihawk? 😖 No way they’d let her!! 😤 But dw at the very least you know you’ll always look good 😘💋💗
Cooking with Perona! (THAT COULD BE THE NAME OF A TV SHOW AT THIS POINT HAHAHAH) but yes of course cooking is a sort of love language for her, so she’s always cooking you stuff!! Meals, snacks, desserts whatever! She makes them randomly but you’d better appreciate it!!
if you can’t cook she’d have no problem doing it for you, but you simply must appreciate it!! At least thank her verbally if your not gonna do something in return physically! Okay?
if you can, you two have lots of fun cooking each other meals. There has been many days where you make each other your favorite meals then sit down and eat it together all romantic-like. ☺️ Aaaand there’s also times you have little mini arguments as to who’s cooking who’s favorite food tonight.
“No! Sit down I’ve got it, I said!!”
“I’ll do it Perona don’t worry about it!”
“No way! I was gonna make your favorite tonight!”
”huh? No don’t do that, I was gonna make your favorite!”
“well just sit down and let me handle it will you?!” 😤
nothing too serious like I said, just you too being so sappy you argue about who’s gonna cook who’s favorite dinner 😂💗💗
y’all have girl sleepovers at mihawk’s ٩( ᐛ )و
i mean yeah where else but you get me. You two stay up and gossip about any and everything. She’s the gossip type of girl 💯 I’m not saying you are though, so if you aren’t she can talk about anything, she doesn’t mind :) you could always build a pillow fort, read books, paint each other’s nails/toenails and sing instead 💖
she def rants to you about zoro and mihawk being living, breathing headaches. Which, unless your a nonchalant girly- you probably understand. 😭 having alone time with each other is essential to keep the other sane. 😄
her affections are cooking and doing favors for you. She’s also quite protective/big sister like and will make sure your okay randomly throughout your day. She keeps your hair in place and buttons the buttons you forgot to button up. 💖💖 that type of big sister like <33 she may or may not complain a bit (not as much as with zoro) but she’ll do basically any (sane 😭) thing you ask of her. If your ill/injured she forces you to stay in bed as long as it takes until you’ve made a full recovery. I feel she’d have a lot of medical knowledge so that helps ;D
she’d be shy about it when your first getting into the relationship, but after a while..! when in private, I feel like she’d be very soft for cute little kisses! 😚 100% in private though- she doesn’t want any sour faces from zoro or mihawk (😑) she’d make this clear too because she like to be made fun of 😒
her kisses are really soft, so are her lips. She’d probably leave light lipstick stains all over your face. She’d accidentally make those little smooching sounds each time she kisses you. She’s embarrassed about it but you two laugh it off and continue smothering bunches of love all over the other’s features. She really loves kissing your cheeks—they’re so squishy and cute!! <3 and she looooves cute things 😊
Ending it there because if I ever do Perona’s kisses one day that’ll be a spoiler 😱
I ended up loving Perona much more than I thought I would when I started watching one piece 😭💗 not complaining tho !! 💋
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jjkamochoso · 2 months
Arts and Crafts with JJK Characters
Warnings: none; scenarios can be seen as romantic or platonic!
Yuji: photography
He was known for having his phone out a lot of the time, capturing candid moments of the people he cared about and pretty landscapes, so you knew he would be excited when you suggested doing a photo scavenger hunt. As you two raced around the city, taking pictures and checking off boxes, smiles and laughter were bountiful. You had tons of fun discovering different buildings and paying more attention to your surroundings than usual as you tried to finish the scavenger hunt before Yuji. You ended the day with a picture of the delicious meal you shared and a selfie to commemorate the good time! He already had the next scavenger hunt theme decided--since you two were definitely doing this often!
Megumi: painting
He was apprehensive at first when you asked him to join you painting, but nevertheless he relented. When the follow along video started and you and Megumi put paint to paper, he started to relax a bit after realizing how fun it actually was. At the end of the session, you felt your jaw drop seeing Megumi’s artwork--it looked the exact same as the tutorial! When you complimented him, he averted his gaze as a blush became evident on his face. He would never say it out loud but he was hoping this could become a frequent activity for you guys.
Nobara: crochet
You and Nobara couldn't resist buying diy mini crochet animal kits, their precious faces causing the two of you to giggle in delight at the prospect of making your very own cute creature. When you got back to the dorms, you eagerly began your crochet adventure. You both tried your best at following the directions but the resulting products looked nothing like the picture on the front of the package. Rather than being discouraged, you decided you enjoyed the process more than the results, which was fine by the both of you--you'd just buy pre-made plushies the next time you went shopping!
Maki: needle felting
You wanted to spend time with Maki doing literally anything other than sparring. It was hard to get her to agree to that, but you figured she'd have a good time needle felting since it consisted of aggressively punching material together with a sharp object. She was pleasantly surprised at how much fun she was having and you liked seeing her work with a smile on her face as her felt animal took shape. When you were both finished, you proudly displayed your animal on a desk in your room while she scoffed at the idea of something so childish. Little did you know, she kept that first craft (and the ones she made on her own afterwards) in a box under her bed for her to admire when she was alone.
Inumaki: rock painting
You and Toge were walking together, watering the flowers, when an idea struck your mind. As a fellow enjoyer of the arts and beating boredom, Toge immediately agreed when you suggested you two paint rocks. You had a great time hunting down the perfect ones, making sure they weren't too round or odd shaped. When you got started, you found peace in the comfortable silence. All of a sudden, you felt a tug on your sleeve and saw that Toge had painted onigiri and other sushi ingredients on his, while you had painted some of the flowers you had watered earlier. You exchanged your rocks and kept them where you could be reminded of the fun you two shared.
Yuta: drawing
When you approached Yuta about drawing with you, he excitedly accepted. It reminded him of simpler times and he knew that his open mind with overactive imagination could lead to interesting artwork. You two sat outside under a big tree, basking in the warmth of the day as the only sound you heard was pencil on paper. It was good for you both to take that time to relax and not think about anything other than the task in front of you. When you were finished, you showed each other what you had drawn and made sure you planned this low-key activity regularly.
Noritoshi: embroidery
Though it was a bit too traditional for his taste, Noritoshi agreed to learn embroidery with you. You went online to find some helpful videos as you went to work on your samplers. You found yourselves getting the hang of it pretty easily and when your samplers were finished, Noritoshi's precisely executed, he shyly proposed that you two should continue the activity and move on to creating actual scenes. You were overjoyed that he liked embroidering with you and it turned into a shared weekly event. Noritoshi even made pieces on his own time as a way to destress!
Todo: jewelry making
Aoi was overjoyed when you asked him to make jewelry with you. You visited a bunch of craft stores to collect beads, charms, and other supplies before you started on your pieces. Of course he suggested making matching bracelets and you would never turn him down. After those were done, you created some necklaces as he made friendships bracelets for Yuji and Takada-Chan. You two laughed and had a great time together, listening to music as your hands were busy working. After that day, you were frequently treated to new jewelry handmade by Aoi that was lovingly dropped off to your room with a kind note attached explaining the design's inspiration.
Gojo: phone charm making
Satoru is always on his phone and you felt that it looked too abysmal compared to his fun personality so you planned a phone charm making day with the man. He, of course, was excited to be a part of it and bought a whole slew of beads and other sparkly pieces to add on. You two were on a roll, creating phone charms as quickly as inspiration hit you, until you were looking at 50 of them with only 2 phones between you. You passed out some of the extras to the students and faculty of the school and ended up doing custom ones for those who asked. You and Satoru loved doing this activity together and frequently made each other charms so you would always feel close to each other.
Geto: calligraphy
You had been practicing your calligraphy when Suguru found you. Intrigued by its beauty, he asked if you could teach him and you energetically said yes. He watched your movements and copied them to the best of his ability, trying to be as precise as possible. You were happy at how quick he was at learning and before long, you two were writing notes to each other in various styles, eager to show off your abilities. You both kept those notes and cherished them deeply, a sign of your bond made permanent with ink.
Nanami: macrame
When you went to Kento's apartment and saw the plants he had everywhere, you were struck by an idea. He wasn't so sure about creating macrame plant holders, but was touched by your devotion to sprucing up his living space so he finally agreed. You two learned the knots and were able to catch on the instructions pretty quickly. You both liked the fact that you were creating something on your own rather than buying it, which adds a sentimental touch. He wasn't a huge fan of the design at the end but since you helped him with it, it quickly became one of his favorite home decor pieces.
Choso: cross stitch
You were over the moon when Choso expressed his desire to partake in cross stitch with you. He had no experience with delicate things like arts and crafts and you were more than happy to show him what to do. He picked up on it quickly, finding solace in the quiet, repetitive motions. He smiled softly at his completed piece--a frilly, flower adorned "welcome" sign. You had finished your own work as well and both of you displayed your art proudly. Cross stitch nights became a frequent thing when life got too overwhelming and you needed an easy activity to keep your minds at bay.
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crushedsweets · 4 months
hey sucker! 😋😋
what would the creeps do for valentine’s day?
like yknow, would some be given small treats or do others treat it like a regular day?
happy belated valentines day! hope you guys had fun and shared some love with everyone around you! this is the closest youre gonna get to x reader content from me.
Tim and Brian probably don't do much. They'll totally grab some chocolates/candy and eat it, but just cuz its there, not as a gift. if they had a partner, they'd just go get some dinner.. flowers, basic stuff. put on an unironed button up and pick their partner up LOL.
toby might do something depending on where he is in the story. early on, he is not doing SHIIIIT. deep into his friendship with nina(who opens up a lot of his emotional vulnerabilities n stuff), he might feel a little inclined to pick up some flowers for some of the girls in his life (nina, clocky, kate, lazari) just cuz he used to do something small for his sister/mom when he was younger (cuz frank never did shit). if he had a partner, he'd def wanna do jewelry and classic flowers. he likes necklaces and rings and piercings and stuff, doesnt wear them much cuz they get in the way, but likes seeing people wear stuff he got. he's the type to make them turn around so he could put the necklace on them, but if they even slightly laugh at him trying to be sweet, he's getting mad HAHA. "ok nevermind im returning this you fucking suck" (jokingly.. but he is embarrassed). would just wanna stay home though, no nights out or anything
clocky would paint stuff. she'd give nina a portrait of herself cuz nina loooves being someone's muse, do some nice art of forest creatures and leave some notes for toby. she'd feel pretty awkward about it just cuz even when she was with her highschool boyfriend, she wasn't good at giving or receiving affection. if she's gifted any flowers (which she will be getting), she's absolutely pressing them and either sealing them in some paintings, or putting it in frames that hold her old art/art she picked up at thrifts. if she had a partner, she'd obviously paint them or something. i could see her spending a long time working through a journal to gift them, making every 3 pages a painting, drawing, or journal entry expressing something. "today you and i went to get lunch. i think the place was way too expensive, but you liked it." and then empty pages for her partner to fill in with whatever they want.
nina. ok come on. lets be serious. its nina. she's gonna buy everyone(as in toby, clocky, kate, jane, liu) one expensive gift (cologne, watches, shoes, jewelry, makeup) and then throw together mini bouquets, notes, and probably shop lift other smaller stuff cuz 'IM BROKE I SPENT TOO MUCH I HAVE TO' LOLLL.. she's the type to literally decorate her house for it, putting up some of clocky's more romantic paintings (cuz she has a collection of clocky's work), setting out heart-shaped coasters, bringing out heart shaped pillows.... honestly she probably already had those.... she'd absolutely plan galentines dinner for her friends, bake cookies, everything. if she had a partner, it would be really similar. she likes to spoil people, gift giving and acts of service are her ways of showing love - buuuut she does want to be spoiled in return, so physical affection and quality time is what she wants to receive. she wants to be treated like a princess, be picked up, have her doors opened for her, told she looks beautiful, etc.
jack is even less likely to do something than toby. before the sacrifice, he'd grab a cheap bag of individually wrapped chocolates and give them to people he knew around campus. i could see him buying the same chocolates and leaving it in his cabin. telling whoever visits him to take some. nina would leave him some flowers too(say its also from toby) and he'd be really grateful, cuz she'd be very sure to get him whatever he thinks smells the nice. that way he can still appreciate it. if he had a partner, YOU KNOW HE'S COOKING THE MOST BEAUTIFUL DINNER AT HOME. he's cleaning up, very awkwardly trying to dress nice. black button up, slacks, slick his hair back(or he'd just do whatever his partner says looks best, not too concerned with his own preference). he'd feel sooo fucking embarrassed and very nervous but he just wants to make it special. he'd write a long love letter, too
jeff isnt doing shit for anyone. he'll go steal some chocolate and mind his own business. if he had a partner, one that he ACTUALLY loved and wanted to keep around. maybe he'd pick up some flowers and chocolate, mainly cuz he knows thats the bare minimum sort of gift. he'd let them demand that day from him, which takes a LOT for him to let anyone feel entitled to HIS time. if he knows they have higher expectations (dinner, a letter, etc) he'd probably bitch and moan and be like "ugh you already know im into you why do i gotta do this shit" but if theyre serious, he'd probably do it. half assed though...
kates also not doing anything unprompted. she wouldnt even know the day is coming around. her only memories of valentines day would be passing out some candy and cards around class in elementary school, but once she was in the forest, nobody gave HER shit. she might pick some flowers and wrap it in some paper for people , but ONLY if she KNOWS they're getting something for her. like, she'd pick nina some flowers cuz she knows ninas doing something regardless, but she wouldnt get toby anything cuz she wouldnt have expected it from him. then shed feel bad. if she had a partner, again it'd be similar. she KNOWS she needs to put in the effort, but she doesnt exactly have the resources... the farm does pay her some cash since she works with the animals, but she mostly just gives it straight to toby so he can buy stuff for the cabin. but she'd keep it this time around, and quietly ask toby if he could come with her to get some stuff for them. some sweets, a necklace, scribble out a little letter. smth sweet.
janes married. and she goes all out of her wife. buys her like a 3dozen bouquet of red roses, sets reservations at nice restaurants, makes mary breakfast the morning of. all of that. i dont even know how to go into detail on this because thats just how it is for her, theres not some turmoil for her to work through. she'd also start getting sally some stuff. plushies holding hearts, balloons, sweet things like that. if she had a partner...WELL SHE ALREADY DOES!!!!
if liu knows nina is going to gift him something expensive, he's doing the same. he's going to grab her flowers and maybe some shoes or something he knows she's had her eye on. he wouldn't be really subtle about it, just text her "whats on your wishlist right now" LOLLL... he just appreciates nina's presence (after they get over the jeff situation) and likes having a little sister to spoil. he'd probably send jane a bouquet of flowers with a thank you note, since jane did a lot for him. if he had a partner, it would also be very stereotypical. date plans, picking them up, flowers, etc. he'd LOOOOVE to make one of those big baskets filled to the brim with random shit. would wanna come home and draw a nice bubble bath and have some wine. stuff like that in general...
ben, lulu, ann, and dina wouldnt do anything and wouldnt get a partner. lazari would draw some pictures for her friends! sally will draw something for jane and mary
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darcylewisbingohq · 18 days
2024 Darcy Lewis Bingo Headquarters
Welcome back to Darcy Lewis Bingo Headquarters, friends and Darcy fans, and to the beginning of our 2024 bingo round! We’re looking forward to seeing our bingo friends from rounds past return again and we’re delighted to welcome new Darcy Lewis Bingo creators, too!
We’re trying some new things this year, beginning with our Darcy Bingo creator card for writers and artists and fannish creators of all sorts. After a successful soft-launch of a new prompt format during our Halloween bingo event last year, we’ve decided to go all in for 2024 on this new format for our Darcy Lewis Bingo 2024 creator cards. We’ll explain more about the exciting changes to the creator bingo card in the all new bingo guidelines below, but rest assured, friends, you’ll still have several fun ways to curate your prompts and creator bingo card this round. Only the method has changed to streamline and deliver curated prompts into your hands faster than we’ve ever been able to before. 
We’re also introducing our first ever Darcy Lewis Bingo HQ Reader Bingo Event. Reader Bingo Guidelines will arrive here on our tumblr blog in just a few days. For now, let’s take a look at the new bingo guidelines, the 2024 bingo card, and talk about curating prompts for your bingo card, Darcy creators…
2024 Darcy Lewis Bingo Guidelines for Creators
Brand new format!—NEW for 2024, DLBHQ creator cards got streamlined for this round thanks to a successful experiment with the new this-or-that prompt format we trialed on our 2023 mini bingo Halloween event cards. Our new creator bingo card allows you to curate your card at a glance just to start, no need to request prompt changes before you can begin creating fanworks because every square on your card already begins with 2 prompt choices so you can curate your own ideal bingo card as soon as you finish reading these guidelines.
Squares—Your creator bingo card still has just 25 squares, now with 2 prompts on every square for you to choose from. The center square on your card also now features 2 prompts to choose from—FREE SPACE or AVENGERS ASSEMBLE. The choice of which to use and how to use them is yours. Any version of Avengers Assemble fills the prompt if you use it in a fannish work. You can still use the center square as a free space, but if that doesn’t inspire you to use it, you can use the 2nd prompt in that square, Avengers Assemble, like any other prompt on your card to inspire a new fanwork or new update to a fanwork.
Prompts—Prompts on the new creator card are all Darcy-centric to begin the round, meaning they’re derived from Dr. Darcy Lewis’ appearances in the MCU, many recent, but with familiar throwbacks to her early appearances, too. You need not have seen the newest films or shows featuring Darcy to use any of the prompts or to participate in this bingo. Prompts are only intended to inspire new fanworks. You are welcome to use them to write stories about everyone living in the tower or go all the way back to Puente Antiguo and the beginning of Darcy’s MCU journey. Or create entirely new AUs! It’s up to you. Note: Every bingo creator card bears 50 total Darcy-centric prompt options now, allowing you to curate your creator bingo card hundreds of different ways even before our curated prompt request form opens for this round. You can use the Darcy Bingo creator card attached at the end of this post to start writing today.
Fills—Aesthetics, drabbles, one-shots, multichaptered fics, series, drawings, paintings, sculptures, social media AUs, gif edits, video edits, moodboards, coloring pages, playlists, new additions to pre-existing series, and new updates to pre-existing fanworks are all accepted fills.
Truly, ANY CREATION inspired by your prompt counts.
Cosplay as Darcy, make it fit your prompt somehow, and take a selfie for the fill—we’ll count that, too. We’d also love to see you Darcybounding irl.
(A little fannish history sidenote on character-bounding: With the rise of popularity in cosplaying the past 10-15 years, the practice of guest cosplaying is no longer permitted or politely ignored within Disney Parks in order to add an extra layer of protection for impressionable children who can’t tell the difference between professional face character actors and adult guests in heroic cosplay. When cosplay in the parks was ‘outlawed’ for adults, Disneybounding was born to fill a certain fannish niche without breaking Disney’s park rules or getting frogmarched out of the parks. Or worse—banned from them forever. Character-bounding, or the generally more popular, Disneybounding, is a type of character dress-up that’s like cosplay, but you don’t literally dress up as the character in a costume identical to theirs as worn on screen. Character-bounding is similar to cosplay, but it’s more like a character dressed in modern street clothes that can’t be accidentally mistaken for a face character actor at a Disney Park playing a mythical princess or famous hero.
If you’re curious about the practice of Disneybounding or want to try your hand at Darcybounding some of your bingo fills this round, we recommend checking out the popular #disneybound , #disneybounding , #marvelbound , #marvelbounding , and #characterbounding tags on Instagram sometime. The fan creativity in the character-bounding community is off the charts!)
Back to fills!—To mark a square complete:
You must fill at least one of the two prompts in each square, unless you swap in one of your own curated prompts or swap curated prompts with another player (see Bingo Card Curation and Additional Bingo Card Prompt Swaps for more info)
Fill requirements differ based on the type of fanwork you create (see Fanwork Fill Requirements for a complete list).
There Can Be Only One!—Every creator begins this round with the same DLBHQ creator card—no exceptions! (Keep reading to find out how to curate your new creator card with our curated prompts request form!)
Bingo Card Curation
Fill out our 2024 DLBHQ Curated Prompts Request Form to request up to 10 curated prompts based on your favorite fanwork genres and other types of prompts.
You get a list of prompts—You will receive a list of curated prompts by email if you fill out the curated bingo prompts request form.
Curated prompts are for swapping squares—These curated prompts can be used anytime during this round as swaps for squares you’re not vibing with on your base creator bingo card. The only squares that can’t be swapped out on the base creator card are the four corner squares if you plan to complete our Four Corners Bingo Bang Challenge (we’ll explain more about that in a bit).
Player prompt trades—Your curated, requested prompts are the only prompts that can be traded with other players to use as square swaps for squares on your base creator card and theirs.
To be as clear as possible: the curated prompt request form is not a form to fill out for a second bingo card or a one-of-a-kind, custom bingo card as we’ve done in previous rounds. You are only requesting a list of 10 prompts curated for you to use as instant swaps wherever you want on the base Darcy Lewis creator bingo card anytime during the 2024 round.
We recommend the Chrome browser—We strongly recommend opening the curated prompts request form in a Google Chrome browser to complete it, if possible. (One of our beta-testers had trouble submitting the form in Safari after filling out the whole form.)
Curated prompt requests are limited to a maximum of 10 requested prompts. We strongly recommend maxing out and requesting all 10 curated prompts on your curated prompt request form when you submit it.
Each player may only fill out the curated prompt request form once during the 2024 round. So make it count. 😉
Though the option to request these additional curated prompts is available to all creators, creators participating in Darcy Bingo are not required to request curated prompts to supplement their bingo creator card if they like the base creator card just the way it appears.
The only curated prompts that can be replaced by Mods this round after you complete the prompt request form are those you’ve been sent as a result of your prompt request form that accidentally include something on your Omissions/Do Not Want list. Your DNW list should be clear and concise. Please don’t send us a lengthy essay on your dislikes. If you feel you would need to write an essay-length response about your dislikes to get just 10 prompts that you’re okay with writing, you may be better off (and we would strongly recommend) letting us know you’d prefer one-word prompts-only because one-word prompts are less likely to include or impinge on your lengthy and specific dislikes.
Additional Bingo Card Prompt Swaps
Trade curated prompts with Darcy Bingo friends—one curated prompt swap with another Darcy Lewis Bingo creator is allowed per month. Contact a mod to notify us if you and a friend have both chosen to swap one each of your curated bingo prompts with one another.
2024 creator bingo base card prompts are not tradable with other creators because everyone begins with the same creator bingo card prompts this round.
Monthly adoptables.—A fresh list of monthly adoptables will be posted at the beginning of each month, starting in July. Anyone can adopt a monthly adoptable at any time during the month. To adopt it, you must complete and publish the creation by the end of the month to use it as a completed fill for a square on your bingo card.
The Darcy Lewis Bingo Weekly Challenge continues in the DLBHQ Discord with a fresh prompt every Sunday.—New weekly prompts can be found on our Discord anytime once you join us there! Click this link for your invite to the DLBHQ Discord. The weekly challenge is very similar to monthly adoptables, but the time period allowed is much shorter—just one week to plan, create, and post your fanwork before the week’s 5:00 pm Sunday (New York) deadline.
Publishing Bingo Creations
Tag—@darcylewisbingohq in the A/N and use the tag #dlbingohq (all one word!) in the first five tags when posting your new creations on tumblr if you want your work reblogged. If we can’t find it, we can’t reblog it.
Each published creation should include an outline of the folllowing…
• the square filled
• trigger warnings for content consumers
• word count (for fics, descriptions for the visually impaired, and other wordy works)
• pairings/polycules/main characters
Please include appropriate warnings when you publish your creations.—If warnings are spoilers, put a warning in the tags that spoilers are in the end notes and then actually include the spoilers in the end notes.
Share your fanworks with other creators.—You may also post your fills in the appropriate fill channels on the Darcy Lewis Bingo Headquarters Discord to share your works with other creators and readers for our new reader bingo challenge. Posting your fills in our fill channels helps other readers find them to complete our new reader bingo. (We’ll post about that in a few days!)
A new Darcy Lewis Bingo 2024 Collection will be appearing soon on the Archive.—Please add your works to this collection as you upload them to make them easier for readers to find (especially those playing Darcy Reader Bingo!).
Please use the ‘read more’ feature on tumblr when possible to abbreviate the length of your fills if you’d like them reblogged by the Darcy Lewis Bingo HQ account.—There’s a shortcut on mobile now that makes it so much easier. It’s in the toolbar at the bottom of every post you create. It’ll look like two stacked em dashes with a squiggly line between them.
Fanwork Fill Requirements
• 100 words for written works or word art, with the exception of poetry with independent formatting rules (such as haikus).
• 1 image for artwork or handcrafts of any kind and a description for the visually impaired of the medium used and what it represents.
• 1 image for cosplay or character-bounding and a description for the visually impaired of cosplay or clothing and any other fashion influences incorporated into the costume or clothing (be descriptive! talk about fabrics and colors, tone and texture! describe the emotions the colors you used evoke in you as the creator!)
• 9 elements for moodboards (background, images, texts, ephemera) and a description for the visually impaired of the moodboard and what it represents.
• 6 images for social media AUs and a description for the visually impaired of the creation and what it represents.
• 10 songs for playlists and a text list of artists and songs to give credit to the original artists, plus a description for the visually impaired of what the playlist represents and how it relates to Darcy.
Still not sure if your creation will meet the minimum prompt fill requirements? @ a mod! we’ll create new requirements based on new types of creator fanwork submissions, as needed.
Deadlines & Masterposts
Deadlines—We have no deadlines. Really. We mean it. We’re not joking. There’s just a form to fill out when you’re done with the current card, completed your bingo, your blackout, completed all the badges you’re interested in, whatever. Set your own goals and fill out the creator bingo award badge request form whenever you’re ready to reap the rewards of your fanwork efforts.
Masterposts—Masterposts are due whenever you’re done with this bingo card creatively and have achieved whatever goals you’ve set for yourself. We recommend posting your masterpost before the next bingo round goes live, but it’s really up to you. We’re not your mom and this isn’t homework. No deadlines or due dates, we swear.
Creator Bingo Award Badges
You Tried Badge—fill any 5 squares anywhere on your DLBHQ creator bingo card.
Creator Bingo, Truly, a Classic Achievement—fill 5 squares in a row, column, or diagonally on your DLBHQ creator bingo card.
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—The Darcy Lewis Bingo Headquarters Mod Team,
@chrissihr & @ibelieveinturtles
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vide0-nasties · 5 months
1. Were you named after anyone?
To the best of my knowledge no, at least for my real name! My internet name, Rags, I actually just ended up snagging from one of my OCs - a washed up rockstar named Cosimo Ragatz, who was a recovering drug addict that founded an indie record label with his wife.
2. When was the last time you cried?
Oh god, it was some time last week?? So much real life stuff had piled up and I think it was honestly some kind of mini-break or smth, god only knows. But I’m feeling better now lol.
3. Do you have kids?
ABSOFUCKINGLUTELY NOT LMAO. My mom passed when I was young and I raised my younger siblings, I’ve done my time in the child rearing mines and I’m never doing it again.
4. What sports do you play/have you played?
For a really long time I rode horses and I was a really good three day eventer. I also really loved archery and swimming. I also rode dirt bikes too, and I’d love to get back into it!! 🥰🥰
5. Do you use sarcasm?
Yes indeed!! But I’m not sure that I use it as much as I used to. Not for any particular reason, I don’t think dgheh.
6. What’s the first thing you notice about people?
I’m boring and predictable and I pretty much always notice height first 😂😂 I do also notice face shapes and noses, though!!
7. What’s your eye color?
Dark brown that leans pretty close to black dfhjd.
8. Scary movies or happy endings?
Each have their own benefits and negatives!! A time and a place for everything 👏👏
9. Any talents?
I’m a good writer, and I’m pretty good at accents! I also like to think I’m the funniest asshole in any given room at any time 😂😅
10. Where were you born?
Commonwealth of Virginia babeyyyyy 🦩 there aren’t cardinal emojis, but I’m still barely south enough to be southern lol.
11. What are your hobbies?
I like posting video games, writing, playing dnd, a lil bit of digital art. Painting my nails. Dfhjd. Running outta stuff here, uhhhh. Panicking trying to remember my meds, but that’s more a full time occupation lol.
12. Do you have any pets?
Four dogs (a cocker spaniel, a border collie, a pit bull, and a boxer lab 🥰🥰), some barn cats, and a little grade paint horse named Rooster who’s a complete ASSHOLE.
13. How tall are you?
5’6” or 5’7”, it depends on how tall I want to feel that day dghjd
14. Favorite subject in school?
History and English!!! I really wanted to be a historical researcher for a career when I was in school and I still think about it. I would’ve liked to study Appalachian history from pre-Civil War to present.
15. Dream job?
LOL 😂😂 historical researcher, possibly an author, or a rare and antique jewelry shop owner siiigh. I really fell in love with fine jewelry at my last job, and I would DIE to be able to do it again, but in a much more niche fashion.
No Pressure tags: @smoggyfogbottom @brilliantblasphemer @dotcie @kastlequill @skinnyazn @snail-eggs @lunarvicar @siriusleee 💖💖
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wordy-little-witch · 4 months
Dropping random One Piece ideas bc this is it now. This is how I cope.
Buggy focused bc I love this little blue haired buffoon
• gender is a performance and he LOVES THE SPOTLIGHT BABYYYY
• Buggy is actually a year or so younger than Shanks, and they both use this as an insult point for arguments. Buggy calls him old man, Shanks calls him a teeny tiny little clown baby, Buggy punches Shanks, Shanks cries dramatically, the works.
• in my perception between them, their relationship could go either way - I love the interpretation of them seeing one another as brothers, I love the interpretation of them being lovers, I think either one fits them and it's precious and depending on the Shuggy flavor of the day. It's never both at the same time though. One or the other.
• Buggy has always been terrifyingly flexible. It was waved off when he was very little, but it was only around the time Crocus joined the crew that he noticed Buggy was much more flexible than most kids his age. Turns out baby blue has hypermobility syndrome. The Roger pirates helped him learn wrapping techniques to help stabilize his wrists and knees and hips, his biggest problem areas, but after the Devil Fruit Fiasco, he can and will just drop a limb. Floating is so much easier on bad pain days.
• Buggy still wraps and braces his body when he can, but he also hides most of them beneath his clothes. Few have seen him freely in braces. Cabaji and Mohji are the most familiar with that. Ritchie takes his role thereof as a living, furry weighted heating pad.
• kinesthetic and visual stimming Buggy my beloved.
• sometimes he's just. Touch Alvida. Not in a weird way, just... her Devil Fruit makes her skin and hair feel absolutely DIVINE and he can spend hours just. Playing with her fingers or brushing her hair. He's embarrassed by it.
• he has a very meticulous skin and hair care routine. It's one of very few routines he keeps to. Not even being in prison stopped it.
• he's actually really damn good with money and running a business. The situation with the Cross Guild was a Bad Time, Bad Place, Bad Luck situation, which is honestly just his brand at this point.
• He was a warlord for all of a few months, but in that time, he did, in fact, have to attend a few meetings, and he did, in fact, make a friend! A friend nobody ever expected.
• Boa Hancock and Buggy are the most underrated Mean Girls Squad ever and I'll die on that hill, I think they'd be so funny as friends. Ask me more on my Boa Buggy Besties ideas please I am begging I love them so much
• Cross Guild happens, and it goes fairly similar to Canon, but Buggy quite literally within that three week time frame got the entirety of his loan back AND the interest and was like "hey so like. Did you still want this or-?"
• the mercenaries at Karai Bari are all very progressive. Buggy is a lax ruler, by most standards, but he puts his foot down firmly regarding bigotry, racism, sexism, etc.
• Buggy is not actually human, but he doesn't know that. He was orphaned at a VERY early age, was adopted by Roger pretty young, and he doesn't really remember much pre-piracy. He does know his genetics are a little weird, #ThanksCrocus, but not much beyond that. This may be Important later on if anyone wants some silly little concepts
• demisexual nblm, but once he catches feelings, he becomes a harlot harlequin
• once took off a limb and forgot where he left it. Has genuinely devoted microchipping his limbs.
• some people have comfort activities like hiking or painting. He makes bombs. It's very soothing and he likes the BOOM
• has a multitude of explosives btw; everything from large range, highly damaging, lethal weapons, to flashy, mildly inconveniences. He once made a batch of mini muggy balls full of itching powder just to see if he could and now it's his favorite thing to prank people with. ((Yes, he designed those while a Warlord. Yes, he tested it on the Navy. No, he was never definitively caught.))
• when he's busy, he ties his hair in a bun and puts pens, pins, etc in his hair, ends up looking like a porcupine or sea urchin.
• he has a really bad habit of hyperfixating for hours upon hours on end. Galdino, Alvida, Mohji and Cabaji have a rotation system to check on him if he hasn't been seen for 5 or more hours. They'll drag him away from his work (some more gently than others), make him eat, drink, etc. ((Alvida huffs and puffs about it, but she's also among the first ones to wipe a grease smear from his face, look him over head to toe and determine whether she's pulling the Girls Night card. She will die before admitting that she adores this bastard.))
• Buggy is allergic to pineapples.
That's all I got rn okay ily byyyeeee
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braxiations · 5 months
Hylics - The PoolWayne Theory
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So, I’ve never really seen many Hylics theories be shared online. Most of what I’ve found is limited to discord servers like the Hylemxylem. So, I thought I might put my foot into the ring and share one of my own!
Now, this theory is pretty out there. I’ve done quite a lot of examining of both Hylics 1 and 2 and to my knowledge nothing contradicts my theory. I believe my idea explains quite a lot of things pretty well and adds some fun subtext to a lot of plot beats and history. However, it’s not the pure result of thorough evidence and 100% rational thinking. It’s basically a fun idea that explains some things and, in my opinion, is interesting.
The Wayne-poolman connection
To start, I’d like to point out an odd association between poolmen and Waynes. This is first seen before we even know what poolmen are: back at the Waynehouse. Here, we see Waynes slapping poolmen dummies as training. 
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Now, it’s likely that this is because poolmen are Gibby’s  main infantry, and this is a point I’ll return to soon. Secondly, is Gibby Redivivus’ design. Atop his head is a Wayne head… or is it? While this is also called a warpo head by some, in actuality it’s literally just the poolman model’s head colored yellow. 
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Poolmen’s heads are crescent shaped, so this makes sense. My thought upon learning this was “ha, are Waynes basically just yellow poolmen?” Well… Looking at the chibi sprites for both Wayne (or Sat-Wayne as I’ll call him) and poolmen do reveal a pretty clear similarity. While poolmen’s heads flop around so much in battle it’s hard to notice them as crescents, whenever shown as static or simplified they generally are shaped as such. 
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Now, all of this is to establish that I believe poolmen and Waynes to be mirrors or counterparts to one another in some way. Personally, I think this was actually intended by Mason himself. As you’ve probably noticed though, this post is far from over.
Why does Gibby look like that?
Specifically, why does Gibby R wear a Wayne/warpo/poolman-dipped-in-yellow-paint head anyway? As many know, Gibby’s design in Hylics 2 differs from his design in H1 because it originally belonged to a (probably) different character, Fuller. In-universe, however, Gibby’s body is referred to as a “vessel.” His remains were likely put into or molded into this form by Odozeir and his followers. So, why on Fingerhead’s beige Earth would he endow him with THE FACE OF THE GUY WHO MURDERED HIS BOSS? Well, it seems that Gibby has been repping this symbol since longgg before his reconstitution, just not as a face. 
In the platforming mini-games, we get our only look at the world before the Accretion. This confirms a few interesting points: 
There was at least 1 other Wayne pre-Accretion, being Sat-Wayne himself. (Likely a Waynehouse too.)
A Hylemxylem (likely the one that became the Moon) existed pre-Accretion. (Seen in the bg.)
Gibby and Odozeir were allied before the Accretion. (Their faces are on flags together.)
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This last note about the flags is important as the Gibby face used is his Redivivus design. As this was being used on flags way back when, it stands to reason that Odozeir fashioned Gibby’s vessel after the symbol itself. Likewise, this would also mean that the Waynehead was being used as part of Gibby’s iconography back then too… which is strange.
Waynes as an army
The nature of Waynes is a question that dances around the edges of Hylics 2, but it never really addresses it outright. Here’s what we know:
Waynes have a huge grudge against Gibby. They seemingly spend much of their time training in the event he becomes a problem again.
They’re all equipped for combat, seemingly naturally. They do have to train and they spend much of their time doing so.
They’re seemingly all clones of one another or something analogous. They can have some differences (some are more well-trained, at least one is either fem or trans (if Decres is canon), etc,) but most are identical. 
Waynes are kind of a problem, at least in the Hylics 2 zone. Chuck, when speaking of his writing process for An Endless Cycle, stated that he wanted to invoke this feeling. With the seemingly mutant Waynes we’ve seen in the New Hylics teasers, Waynes might be growing out of control, taking a role similar to that of invasive species. Tl;dr: they probably aren’t a part of the local natural order.
Perhaps Waynes are entirely natural, eusocial organisms like ants and their soldier-like training simply comes from the fact that they’re sapient. Their contentious placement in the Hylics 2 ecosystem could merely be them being invasive. Their single-minded grudge against Gibby could be explained in a few ways. If H1-Wayne is indeed the Old Wayne from H2, perhaps he dedicated his… children(?) to keep Gibby at bay because it was his most notable accomplishment. Where this explanation might falter is the Wayne head symbol used by Gibby, which is still left entirely unexplained. 
So… what if the symbol came first?
The theory What we know of the Wayne species’ nature, as listed in the previous section, is highly reminiscent of sci-fi ideas of modified super soldiers. In the Star Wars prequels, for example, literal clones meant only for combat are a prevalent plot point. While Waynes as ant-soldiers sufficiently explains many of these traits, the idea that Gibby’s yellow crescent predates the Waynes could only leave an artificial origin as an option. Now, of course, this point that Gibby’s symbol is older than Waynes themselves can’t be proven for certain. The oldest point in the timeline we have access to shows Sat-Wayne coexisting with the symbol. If one was older than the other we’d have no idea. What strikes me as odd, though, is why Gibby would ever associate himself with Waynes. While we don’t know if they’ve always had an antagonistic relationship, Sat-Wayne (who is again, the first Wayne we know of,) spends much of his time attacking Gibby and Odozeir’s forces. The conflict between the two groups has been ongoing, and it seems odd Gibby would choose to honor a species that has constantly attacked him for so many years without strong reason.
With this in mind, I will propose my theory: Waynes are not a naturally occurring species. Rather, they are the descendents of poolmen fashioned into super-soldiers by none other than the forces of Gibby. As such, they were changed to resemble the yellow crescent used as a symbol of Gibby for so long. Now, the manner through which this was done isn’t super important. I like to think they were selectively bred, but it’s just as possible they were genetically modified or given some of Gibby’s royal goop. It’s really just speculation.
As we have established, poolmen may be some of the primary infantry used in Gibby’s armies, especially pre-Accretion. (I would like to suggest that poolmen are the koopas of Gibby’s army, and tyros are the goombas.) With their strong resemblance to Waynes, it stands to reason that Gibby, looking for more capable soldiers, would use the poolmen as a basis. While poolmen are capable of speech, they’re generally represented as animalistic. Their only gestures used are lambaste and multiply, as well as the ability allotrope. As lambaste is literally just hitting someone, multiply is clearly their reproduction, and allotrope is a reflex, it stands to reason they aren’t capable of the hand movements required to use actual complex gestures. (They don’t even seem to have hands.) Other enemies such as the noncomfornist clearly show this ability. Thus, it stands to reason that Gibby would seek soldiers capable of doing such things. In fact stronger, modified poolmen are clearly seen in the form of poolmagnes, but they still don’t achieve these heights.
Many stories of advanced combat technology involve betrayal or an uprising from the technology itself. Thus, we may be able to explain why Waynes hate Gibby so much anyways. Created as sapient soldiers, Waynes would effectively be slaves. They would have no choice but to fight and participate in the tyrant’s cruelty. It seems likely that they would have rebelled, and Gibby may have retaliated harshly.
Sat-Wayne is alone in the Waynehouse he emerges from. H1-Wayne is clearly the only member of his species in the Hylics 1 zone. Many have noticed that the redesign of the Ghost enemies bear a strong resemblance to the skulls of Waynes. Further elaboration falls into pure speculation, so I’ll let you come to your own conclusions here.
Ultimately, we’re left with the following timeline:
Gibby employed poolmen for war.
Wanting stronger soldiers, he ordered his forces to create a more powerful breed of poolman, capable of complex reasoning and the use of gestures.
These Waynes proved too intelligent and rebelled.
Gibby reacted harshly, wiping out nearly all of them.
This begs the question of why Gibby still, by the time of Hylics 2, choses to use the yellow crescent symbol. I think this could be explained as a form of denial. If he casts aside a symbol that was always his simply because rebels used it, he would essentially be admitting defeat. Besides, an NPC in New Muldul talks about wretched anarchists who overthrew Gibby, not realizing who he’s talking to. The fact that a Wayne was responsible for killing Gibby might not be common knowledge. Gibby can simply ignore the uprising and continue to use it.
Other notes and convenient ties
One of my favorite parts of this theory is that it retroactively explains some other oddities in the games. For example, Wayne heads notoriously occur throughout the world or even on jars. If the crescent is a symbol of Gibby, who we know has influence throughout much of the world, this is rather easily explained. 
It gives us an association between Gibby and the Waynes. Many have pointed out that both have names in reference to the moon: gibbous moons and waning moons. Gibby is notoriously prideful and arrogant, so perhaps he intended the Waynes to be made in his image, giving them a similarly lunar name. 
It could explain the moon soldiers and their weakness. Many have noticed their resemblance to Waynes. Perhaps, after the rebellion of the Waynes, Gibby still desired more powerful soldiers. Moon soldiers could easily just be another artificial variety of poolmen, making them basically the cousins of Waynes. Their intense weakness could be attributed to avoiding the pitfall of making soldiers that are too powerful again. Maybe he hoped someone would see the Moon covered in soldiers and simply decide to back off. (It’s worth noting that moon soldiers might not be nearly as weak as we see them. Rather, the joke might be that at this point in the game Wayne and crew have become so strong that they’re killed in an instant.)
The fighting instinct of Waynes could explain the depression, purposelessness, and exhaustion of H2-Wayne that we see explored in Absent Moon. With this theory, Waynes would literally only exist to fight. Having defeated his greatest enemy, Wayne no longer has a purpose in life. Perhaps this lack of purpose has caused unrest in the Waynehouse, and will lead into the events of the New Hylics game that features monstrous, creature-like Waynes. 
Old Wayne remarks on the “forecasts” of the stars, apparently able to glean meaning from them. Perhaps an ability to read celestial bodies is a holdover from their days as Gibby’s soldiers. While the Hylemxylem had not yet developed into the false moon of Hylics 1, this may have been planned. Perhaps the Moon could have sent or shone signals for the Old Wayne to interpret and relay to the Waynes under their command. 
Warpos could essentially be reverted to an older, primal state by their consumption of poolwine. This doesn’t make much sense biologically but whatever.
Random biology notes
Poolmen probably contain hard, spiny components akin to the spicules found within sponges. These spicules would be poked out of their bodies in their allotrope attack. Perhaps this developed into the skeletons of Waynes. The way Wayne’s flesh and muscles melt off of him upon death is similar to how poolmen melt upon their own deaths.
Poolmen multiply and reproduce asexually, likely meaning they’re all more or less genetically identical to one another (there would be errors of course.) Wayne reproduction is more or less elusive, but their status as clones and low genetic diversity could be a remnant of their poolman ancestors.
I have a theory that the “egg pods” we see in the Waynehouse basement might be the Wayne equivalent of the hylethems that produce poolmen. However the connection between poolmen, hylethems, and hylem as a whole is a story for another time.
Summary and conclusion
I believe that Waynes are a sort of poolmen. They were either genetically modified or selectively bred from normal poolmen, as Gibby wanted to employ them as soldiers capable of complex thinking and use of gestures. These Waynes proved too powerful and intelligent, rising up against their creator. He had many of them slaughtered, creating a grudge that would last countless years and influence the Wayne species for the rest of time. 
That’s basically it. Thanks for reading! If you have any thoughts, counterpoints, or additional ideas please feel free to share! I’d really like to discuss this with people!.
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Strawberries and Cream Presents: ✨Garden Variety✨
Pairing: Eddie Diaz x Reader
Word count: 3k
Notes: You ever just…. Stare into the distance, while eating chicken fried rice and go… “Imma right another mini episode instead of finishing six”
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Eddie is lying on his back in the driveway, it’s the morning so no one is really home anymore so he can make some noise. He’s got everything laid out neatly, all his tools in order, a little sample of your favorite shade of pink paint, and the instructions in hand. 
Too bad the instructions are stupid.
It’s all pictures and very minimal words and you’d think that would be great! But it’s not because do you put the little disky thing first or not
“Good morning Edmundo!” 
Eddie sits up, flipping his sunglasses back down over his eyes as he gets up off the ground 
“Good morning Mrs. Bennett” Eddie waves as he walks over to the older woman. They’d been his neighbors since he’d moved into the place and they were sweet, very nice, and helpful. He’d had dinner at their place often. Not to mention Mrs. Bennett was the only person he knew who called him Edmundo. 
“What’s going on here?” She gestures with her cane and Eddie sighs, putting his arm around her waist to hug her but also steady her a bit. 
“I’m trying to put together a raised garden bed for my….uh friend. She’s moving in today and I just thought this would be a nice little housewarming gift. I know how she feels about her plants” 
“Your “friend” huh?” She scoffs “That little thing we’ve seen coming in and out of here in Buck’s Jeep?”
The Bennett's loved Buck. Even he’d come over for dinner sometimes. 
Eddie’s cheeks flush and he rolls his eyes playfully 
“Yeah, my friend and coincidently Buck’s cousin” 
She huffs at the word friend again and he chuckles under his breath 
“A pretty girl like that, and you’re calling her a friend” she scolds him and he facepalms 
“Well I really do have to be getting back to work,” He says sassily, purposely ending the conversation and she hits his leg with the tip of her cane 
“Go get your lawn chairs for me and William I’ll be back” She turns to walk down to her house and Eddie follows her 
“No really it’s okay, I hate to “ 
“You’re not gonna be able to put that thing together by yourself. Go do what I told you to do”
She wiggles her cane threateningly at him and he puts his hands up 
“Alright alright I’m going” 
Eddie is just setting up a pitcher of lemonade and three glasses on a mini table when the Bennetts come walking about his driveway. Honestly, he’s surprised they’re both almost in their 80s when they barely look 70. Mr. Bennett is a bit more spry than his wife but god she makes up for that in attitude. 
“Good morning Eddie” He waves as he helps his wife walk up the driveway, she fusses at him to let her go but he doesn’t and it makes Eddie’s heart flutter
They’re cute sometimes. 
He’d bought these lawn chairs specifically for them actually, they were high enough that neither of them had to sit very far down and comfy enough that you all could sit there for hours talking, just like they liked. 
“Good morning Mr. Bennett” 
“My wife tells me you’re failing at putting together a flower bed for your girlfriend? Man we thought you’d never get a girlfriend” 
“Eliza!!” Eddie yells and she cackles while grabbing her lemonade cup 
“She’s not my girlfriend! She’s my friend”
“You mean that pre-“ 
“Yes! That “pretty little thing” that comes in and out of here in Buck’s Jeep is his cousin and my friend” Eddie finishes Mr. Bennett’s- William’s sentence and stresses friend again. God, they love to roast him constantly 
“His girlfriend’s moving in today so we better get started,” Eliza says and whacks Eddie’s butt with her cane. He sits on the ground, handing the instructions to William because he knows these two and there is absolutely no fighting them
“Tell us all about her! And why neither of you has introduced her yet” 
“You can meet her today for sure. And we didn’t mean to not bring her over, it’s just been kinda go go go these last few weeks you know? Ever since I met her there’s not been a dull day” 
Eliza and William look at each other as Eddie grabs a couple more boards 
“She’s so funny and very intelligent, I think you’ll like her. And I swear she’s the sweetest girl I’ve ever met, that's why I call her Sugar Cube. I’m a little excited about her moving in… I like being around her you know? Things are kind of brighter when she’s here. She also has the biggest attitude I’ve ever had to deal with in my life. She acts all shy and demure and then karate chops me out of the way for the last slice of pizza”
The Bennetts watch the way he talks about you, sharing a look with each other. 
Yeah. You’re totally not his girlfriend. 
“Have you made enough room for her in your closet? You’re gonna have to utilize your spare room closet that’s for sure” William says as he hands Eddie the hardware in the right order and his mouth drops open 
“She’s not moving into my room! She’s using the spare room!”
“Why would you put your girlfriend in the spare room” William asks 
“Maybe they want to make sure they have space. Moving in is a big deal” Eliza answers him and Eddie grumbles as he drills the two boards together 
“She’s got her own room because we are not dating” William hands him another set and he keeps working “Buck doesn’t exactly have the space for her… and I do”
“Get ready for her to redecorate your entire house” William snickers and Eliza glares at him 
“I don’t care if she does, I’m sure it’ll look good anyway. She has good taste”
“She’s dating our boy, of course, she has good taste” Eliza pats his shoulder and he lets his head fall against the boards 
“Yup! She is! And she’s got great taste!” He gives them a thumbs up, completely giving up on trying anymore. 
“So have you decided what flowers you’re gonna get her?” Eliza asks as she looks over the pretty pink paint 
“I thought she’d want to fill it on her own, she’s got like a tiny forest at Buck’s place” 
William shakes his head as he holds the boards in place for Eddie and Eddie’s eyes wander over to Eliza who’s giving him a hard stare 
“Is that… not what I should do?” He looks at them and she shakes her head 
“Hurry up with this we’re going to Home Depot when you’re done” 
“Yes ma’am” 
After putting it together, which actually was easy once William got him on the right track, Eliza helps him paint it while William puts the tools away 
“I hope she likes this shade, I know she wears it a lot” 
“She’ll love it. It’s pretty cute! Have you thought about putting something on it?” 
“What do you mean?” 
“William and I have some white paint left over from when we all painted the den last month. It’s in the garage, go get it for me” 
She takes Eddie’s paintbrush from him as he goes jogging over to their house. He steps into the garage, finds the can pretty easily, and grabs an extra brush from the work table before walking back over. William and Eliza are whispering about something and he narrows his eyes 
“What are you two planning?” He asks as he sets the can down and sits back down on the ground, accepting his brush from Eliza 
“Oh, nothing. Just married stuff, none of your business” Eliza tells him, finishing up her sides of the bed. William gets to work finishing installing the lining and Eddie finishes painting the legs 
“Alright, when we get back I’ll finish up with the white. Go wash up Eddie and meet us over at our house once you’re done”
“Yes, ma’am” Eddie salutes her as he heads into his house. 
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Eddie sits in the backseat of their Toyota Highlander, their car is nice and very clean. He has no leg room but it’s a short drive anyway. He always enjoys their company, he even teaches William how to hook his phone up to the Bluetooth system at a longer red light. 
They pull into the parking lot and Eddie opens Eliza’s door, helping her out. She takes his arm and they walk straight to the home and garden section while William goes to find a cart 
“Now we’re only gonna get a couple, just as little starters for her so she knows you care about plants too. Even though you clearly don’t, I’ve seen your hostas” 
“Hey! I take care of them!” 
“No honey, I do” She pats his arm as they walk through the large rows of flowers. She points out a few that are pretty and some that will come back yearly 
“Hey, what about this?” Eddie walks over to a pretty hibiscus bush, it’s literally not anything they’re looking for but he just seems so enamored by it “Oh she’d love this” He says softly, holding one of the blooms in his hands “They’re her favorite and I know she doesn’t have any…”
He picks it up, looking it over“Maybe I can put it next to the bed for her. You think she’d like that?”
William and Eliza are standing together, watching him and how happy he looks hugging the giant plastic pot to his chest 
“Yeah, I think she’d really love that,” William says, putting his arm over Eliza’s shoulders 
Eddie puts it carefully in the cart with the other dozens of flowers (some that Eliza is sneaking home for her own garden) and goes off to look for a cute pot to put it in 
“I don’t think I’ve seen him that in love in all the years we’ve known him,” William says as he kisses Eliza’s head 
“No, I don’t think I have either” 
Eddie is kind of starting to get into this, and he picks flowers for his own beds too, ones that he wants to leave to plant with you so you guys can have something to do together. He knows how much you love gardening. They fill the cart with all kinds of different colors and types, and he learns way more plant-based things than he’d ever thought he’d know in life. 
But it makes you happy, and he’s more than happy himself to learn to take care of things you love 
Once they all get home they pull into Eddie’s driveway and he smirks. As much as this shopping trip was for him… it was definitely also for Eliza, who gets a playful scolding from William.
As soon as they’re done hauling Eliza’s plants over to her front yard and Eddie dumps the soil bags into the bed, he checks the time, wiping his hands on his pants 
“I don’t know if I’m gonna finish in time… I’ve gotta get to Buck’s soon”
“You let us worry about this, you’ve done enough. Go wash up and wear something nice, show a little skin 
“Oh my god” 
“I still have to add the white anyway, and I’ll plant the flowers for you because lord knows they’ll be dead if you do it”
“It’s literally putting flowers in the dirt!” Eddie protests and she pats his shoulder, steering him toward his house 
“I know honey. Now go get washed up” 
Eddie comes out of the house again a half hour later and walks over to the Bennetts. William is planting the flowers while Eliza is panting on the front of it 
“Is this to your liking?” He asks sassily as he holds his arms out, doing a little spin for her. 
They both look up at him and William chuckles, breaking up the soil pod on the geraniums. 
Eddie has on a black tank top, it’s not tight like he normally wears, it hangs on him, showing off his arms and more of his chest than normal, his black sweatpants hang low on his hips but they’re tighter on his legs. He puts his hands in his pockets 
“I feel like a slut” 
“Eliza!” Eddie groans and gestures to William 
“I didn’t marry her 'cause she was tame,” he says, carefully planting the geraniums. 
“I’m leaving now” Eddie rolls his eyes and turns away, walking over to his car. 
“Thanks, guys… honestly” he waves and they wave back 
“Anything for you! Go get your girl!” 
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Buck pulls into the driveway just as Eliza and William are finishing planting the flowers in a corner of the bed. He hops out of the car, literally leaving it running, and goes running over to the Bennetts 
“William!! Eliza!!” He yells as he hugs them both 
“I haven’t seen you guys in weeks!!” He puts his hands on his hips and William chuckles, patting his shoulder  
“That’s because you stopped coming over” Eliza scolds him and he puts his hand on his chest 
“Don’t blame me!! Blame Y/N! She has my car constantly!! Has Eddie introduced her yet?” 
“No, he hasn’t,” Eliza says in a cheeky tone. “Already yelled at him for it too!”
“He says they were just friends?” Buck asks in a low voice and Eliza nods 
“Didn’t believe him for one second” 
“Watch how he introduces her” Buck giggles as he offers his arm to Eliza and they walk over 
You’re still in the back seat, giggling about whatever Eddie said. He’s holding the frame of the car and leaning in, kissing your nose 
“Whatcha guys doin'?” Buck says cheerfully and Eddie pulls away fast, turning around 
“Ummm nothing” He steps aside and helps you from the car, and you brush off your shorts, standing in front of him. He shuts the door and puts his arm around your waist
“Y/N these are my neighbors and close friends, William and Eliza Bennett! Uh… guys this is my second “ he looks at Buck who nods happily “Best friend, Y/N” 
“Hi!! It’s nice to meet you” You back into Eddie a little shyly and he smirks down at you, holding you a bit closer to him Buck rolls his eyes sighing loudly 
You shake their hands and talk for a little, it’s very pleasant and you’re happy to meet them, though admittedly it feels like meeting Eddie’s grandparents. 
“So you’re dating our boy?” Eliza asks and Eddie pinches the bridge of his nose. You freeze a little, feeling your cheeks flush, and Buck snickers 
“Uh n-no! We’re totally just friends” You put your hands in front of you, shaking them “We are just friends” 
“Right… right” Eliza nods and Eddie’s mouth pops open. 
“Oh come on! You’ll believe her?!” 
You giggle and stick your tongue out at him and he swats your butt, your mouth drops open and your eyes nearly pop out of your head with how wide they go 
“Edmundo Diaz!!” You hit his chest and he takes your hands, laughing as he holds them to his chest. Buck walks by with a box in his hands 
“I literally have to deal with this daily you guys. Eddie can you show her your surprise so she can help me unpack the Jeep” 
You perk up, beating on his chest for an entirely new reason “Oh yeah!!! My surprise!! Can I see it? Please, please, please?!” 
Eddie turns you around, covering your eyes with his hands 
“Alright come on, walk forward” 
“How do I know you’re not gonna try and kill me” 
“Literally why do you think that every time” He walks you over to where they’ve placed the flower bed and kisses your head 
“Alright ready?” 
“Ready!!! Come on!!!” You squeal and he chuckles 
“Alright, you big baby” he uncovers your eyes “Surprise!” 
You stare at the pink flower bed, with beautiful white swirls and flowers painted on… and the name Diaz in large calligraphy right across the front 
“Oh Eddie it’s beautiful” You whisper, you’re eyes tearing up a little and he blushes deeply, scratching the back of his head 
“Hey, I can’t take all the credit. I wouldn’t have been able to do it without the Bennett’s”
“Nonsense,” Eliza says behind you both and you turn around 
“It was all completely Eddie’s idea! I just happen to write better than he does” 
You hug her and Mr. Bennett anyway, thanking them both profusely, and turn around, walking over to it. You get on your knees and take a closer look at the details. They’re so pretty. You smile at them and turn around when something catches your eye 
“Oh my god!!!” You screech and Eddie flinches 
“Jesu- What??” 
“A hibiscus?!?!!” You cry as you crawl over to it and hug the pink pot to your chest 
“Oh my god, I totally forgot I bought that”
You get up and run over to him, jumping into his arms and knocking you both down, he laughs loudly as he holds you tightly to him while you pepper kisses all over his face 
“You’re the bestest friend I’ve ever had in my entire life” You squeal and Buck barks out a laugh as he piles another one of your boxes into the front porch 
“Yeah! Because I tackle my friend over and kiss him when he gives me gifts!” He shouts over to you two and Eddie tilts his head back looking at him 
“Buck, you literally do this all the time! You did this like last week when I bought you new sunglasses as a gift because you broke your old ones”
“Oh yeah…okay never mind this was a terrible example Carry on” 
Eddie sits up with you in his lap, squeezing you tightly 
“You really like it? I just wanted you to feel at home”
“I love it!!!” You hug him back just as tightly and kiss him passionately, mussing up his hair and he grins against your lips, loving the way you tug gently 
You pull away and nuzzle your nose against his “I already love living here, thank you” 
“Well fuck if you’re gonna kiss me like that, I need to give you presents more often” 
Buck puts his hands on his hips, staring at you two in the grass 
“Okay. Well, now I know I sure as hell didn’t kiss you like that!!” 
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do-it-jakey-baby · 4 months
A Familiar Face
Jake Kiszka x f!reader
The idea for this one shot came to me one day and I couldn’t not write it, so I thought I’d take a v brief break from An Unlikely Encounter to get it down on paper. Hope you enjoy and as always thank you so much for supporting my writing!! 🫶🏻
Warnings: smut, adult themes
Jake’s POV
The soft glow of candlelight flickers, illuminating the otherwise pitch black room. She lingers above him in her crimson lingerie, nipples pebbled and noticeably showing through the sheer lace cups. Her velvet thighs straddling either side of Jake’s waist as she grinds against his impossibly hard cock. Jake stifles a moan as she slips her fingers into the elastic of his waistband and pulls down, springing him free from the restraint. It slaps against his stomach and he looks up, his eyes pleading for a release. She picks up the lit joint that is placed in an ashtray beside them and takes a long drag.
Jake opens his mouth and she blows the fragrant smoke into it. His eyes roll back into his head. Fuck, that’s got to be one of the sexiest things he’s ever witnessed.
With the joint back in the ashtray, she settles in between his legs and sucks his head into her plush lips, rolling her tongue slowly around it. Jake’s hips buck.
“Fuck, baby” he sighs.
She begins to work down his length, bobbing her head slowly at first but picking up the pace with every strangled moan. Her hand cradles his balls as she takes him deep into her throat, peering up to watch the whimpering mess she’s created.
“Shit, oh fuuuuck. Baby, I’m- I’m gunna fucking cum! Fuck, don’t stop!”
Jake bolts upright in his bed, pulse racing and on the very edge of an orgasm. Fuck, not again.
Over the past few months, this unknown woman has plagued his dreams. Each time, he wakes up to a very close call. One second longer and he would have painted the inside of his boxers with his own cum. He had no idea who the woman was, but fuck did he wish that he did. She was perfect in every way. She knew just how to please him, unlike anyone he’d ever met. She had him whining and cursing within seconds with her sweet, sweet mouth, lips like rose petals and skin like satin. He peels himself from the sheets stuck to him and walks to the bathroom. He flips the shower on, eager to wash off the sweat from his dream. As he enters the shower he looks down at his cock, the tip glistening with pre-cum.
I need to sort myself out before I start getting ready for the day.
He shuts his eyes and transports himself back to the memories he’s collected from his string of dreams, and with a few flicks of his wrist he throws his head back as he relieves himself down into the shower tray.
Once he’s finished cleaning himself up he steps out of the shower and dries off. He finds himself a basic outfit from his suitcase, and as he’s pulling up his jeans there’s a knock at the door.
“You ready to leave for the arena?” Josh smiles, stood in the doorway of the hotel room.
“Yeah, let’s head.”
The four band members pile into their transport and light conversation ensues, excitement brewing for the night ahead.
“Hello, earth to Jake?” Danny waves his hand in front of Jake’s face. He was so consumed in his own thoughts that he’d completely zoned out.
“Sorry man, what were you saying?”
“I was saying, no offence brother but you look like shit… Did you not sleep well?”
No, no I did not.
Jake sheepishly looks up. “Ha, yeah you could say that. Guess I’ve got a lot on my mind.”
The bus pulls up out the back of the venue and the band piles out, Jake being the last to step out. He thanks the driver and pats the door twice.
“Sound check in 15 boys.” One of the crew states. Jake nods and shuffles off to his dressing room. Sitting down at the dressing table, Jake hastily runs his hands through his hair and peers at his reflection in the mirror. Fuck, he does look like shit. His under-eyes are charcoal, features weary and fatigued. He opens the mini bar and grabs a bottle of water, chugging down the cool liquid and silently hoping the hydration will help shift the evidence of his sleepless night. A knock at the door sounds.
“Come in.”
The door opens and Josh stands there.
“You good?” Josh asks, making his way over to the couch.
“Yeah, just… very intense dreams.”
“Her again?”
Jake nods. Josh is the only person he’s told about the mystery woman, although not willingly. Josh had pried it out of him one evening after a night of drinking. Jake had felt embarrassed and refused to go into much detail.
“I think it’s a sign.” Josh ponders.
“Well, I wish the sign would leave me the fuck alone.” That’s not 100% true, Jake would miss her presence in his dreams, but he couldn’t continue on like this for much longer. Waking up like that most mornings was agonising. He hadn’t felt the warmth of another body in a while, promising to himself that the days of picking up girls for mindless one night stands were behind him. He had vowed to focus on the thing he loved the most, the music. When he was on stage, he felt alive. The fans kept him going, he adored every one of them and the places they had taken him and his band. Truly grateful for every experience and opportunity, he was eternally in debt.
“We should head over for sound check now, that’ll take your mind off her.”
Josh was wrong, this time it was different. Jake couldn’t get into the zone. This was never an issue for him, and he loudly cursed at each bum note.
“What the fuck!” He boomed, ripping the cord from his guitar and throwing it down onto the ground. The rest of the band stared at him, mouths gaped.
“Let’s take 5.” Danny called out, offering a comforting pat to Jake’s shoulder.
“What the fuck is going on with you, dude?” Sam asks, walking over to the two.
“Don’t!” Jake glares, nostrils flared. He removes his guitar from his body and storms out of the room, slamming the door on his way out.
“Fuck sake Sam, learn to read the room.” Josh rolls his eyes, throwing his hands up.
Jake makes his way to the bathroom, running the tap and splashing the water onto his face. Get a fucking grip!
He sighs heavily before returning back to the stage. He walks over and picks his guitar back up, placing his pick into his mouth. “From the top. When the Curtain Falls.”
Jake manages the rest of the sound check without an error, his mind finally back where it should be. The next few hours fiy past as the band prepares to take to the stage, rushing around in a flurry of make-up, hair, and wardrobe. The stage hand ushers for the boys to follow him backstage, signalling into his headset that they were on their way. They move into their positions on stage ready for the curtain to drop. Josh places a hand on Jake’s shoulder and gently squeezes it.
They launch into the first song on the setlist, Jake’s sleepless night melting away from existence as he loses himself in performance. He makes his way across the stage, guitar lifted up high in the air as he elicits shrieks and wails from the audience. The fans make his job easy, with every face he sees screaming his name the fire within him burns brighter. He was born to do this, and he fucking loved every minute of it.
As Danny launches into his drum solo, Jake follows Josh and Sam to the B stage, which is situated at the back of the arena. A small, intimate podium erected so that their fans at the back could get a taste of what those at the front experience. Jake slings his acoustic guitar onto his shoulders and adjusts the waistline of his pants as he sits down onto his stool. They begin another song and Jake leans into the mic placed in front of him for his harmonies, blending effortlessly with the boys. As they finish up their section on the B stage, Jake looks out into the crowd and his breath hitches in his throat. He squints his eyes, wondering if they are deceiving him in the low light, but as he stands from his seat and walks across the platform he freezes. Just below him, stands a girl. The girl. His eyes widen. Josh looks over, wondering why Jake is stood gawping into the audience. Jake is swept up into a trance, and suddenly it’s just him and her in the empty stadium. Their eyes meet and she smiles sweetly at him. She is the most beautiful thing he’s ever witnessed, her picture-perfect face should be framed and hung in the most prestigious of galleries. She’s wearing a denim bell-bottom jumpsuit, adorned with silver and gold crescent moons and starbursts. Her hair, long and wavy, hangs elegantly over her shoulders. She’s wearing a crimson lipstick, the exact same shade of red as her lingerie in his dream. A small badge on her chest reads ‘Jake’s Girl’. He’s pulled quickly out of his fantasy back into the bustling concert by Josh, tugging on his arm.
“Come on man, we’ve got to get back to the stage.”
“She’s here.”
“Who’s here?” Josh asks, brow furrowed.
“She is. Her. The only her.”
Josh’s eyes blow wide, he looks around but then realises he doesn’t even know who he’s looking for. The only person who knows what she looks like is Jake. Before Josh has time to respond, Jake has taken off down the steps of the podium and is frantically making his way to a member of security.
“Hey, I need you to get a message to the girl in the denim jumpsuit wearing the ‘Jake’s Girl’ badge. Give her this pick and tell her to wait by the barricade at the end. I want someone to come and get her and bring her backstage.” He points in her direction.
He nods and takes the pick, and Jake watches him disappear into the crowd in the direction of the girl.
The rest of the night goes by in a blur, with Jake hoping and praying that the member of the security team found her and relayed the message. As they take their final bow after their encore and leave the stage, Josh sprints after Jake and grabs his shoulder.
“What do you mean she’s here? How is that possible?”
“I don’t know, but that’s her alright.”
The same member of the security team that Jake had interacted with earlier approaches him.
“She’s at the barricade, where do you want her?”
“Bring her to my dressing room.”
Jake sits on the couch in his dressing room, nervously twiddling his thumbs. A glass of bourbon sits on the table in front of him, the condensation rolling down the sides and pooling onto the coaster beneath. He picks up the glass, bringing it to his lips and tips the rest into his mouth. He savours the burn as it slides down his throat.
A knock sounds at his door and he straightens up, beads of sweat collecting at his hairline.
“Come in.”
The door opens and there she is, stood behind the security guard.
“Is this who you wanted, Mr Kiszka?”
Jake nods and beckons her to enter the room.
“We’re all good, thank you.” Jake addresses the security guard. She steps into the room and the guard shut it behind her, leaving you both alone.
Your POV
You shuffle into the room awkwardly and the door is shut behind you. What the fuck?
When the security guard had approached you and told you Jake had personally requested to see you backstage, you couldn’t believe your ears.
“Are you sure he meant me?”
“Positive, he told me to find the girl in the denim jumpsuit with the ‘Jake’s Girl’ badge. That’s you.”
Your cheeks glow red as you clutch onto the pick you’d been handed. You hastily thanked the man and stood there, staring into your palm. The other girls that surrounded you looked pissed, jealous that you’d been extended the offer and not them. Now, you were in Jake’s dressing room, stood right in front of him. He looks up at you like he is a lion and you are his prey, his eyes full of lust.
“Hi.” You squeak, not knowing what else to do.
“Hi, would you like a drink?” He gestures to the bar cart next to him.
“Whatever’s strongest.”
“A girl after my own heart.” He smiles, setting out a glass and pouring the amber liquid into it. He pats the space next to him, gesturing for you to take a seat. You gingerly approach and sit as far away from him as you can, sipping on your drink that you hope will give you some liquid courage.
“I don’t bite, you know.” He chuckles, so you move closer so that your thigh is lightly brushing his. “What’s your name, beautiful lady?”
“Y/N.” You breathe, feeling drunk off his presence. Fuck, he smells so good. Almost edible. You meet his eyes and feel a blush creep across your cheeks.
“Why did you ask me to come back here?” You ask meekly, avoiding eye contact. He re-positions himself so that he’s facing you and reaches his hands out to cup your face, moving it to meet his eye.
“Well, because you’re my girl, aren’t you, Y/N?” He places his finger onto your badge. You audibly gulp, and watch as he runs his tongue across his lip. Within seconds, he’s on you, crashing his lips down onto yours. You lips move against his like you’ve done this a thousand times before, it feels so familiar and so right. His tongue coaxes against your lips and you part them, letting it slide in and meet yours with urgency. He lifts you on top of him, wrapping your legs around his waist.
“Do you know how long I’ve been waiting for you?” He whispers into the shell of your ear, eliciting a sweet moan from your lips. His fingers dig into your hips as he pulls you down onto him and you feel how hard he is against your clothed core. You’ve had many dreams just like this one, each time you awake from them panting and cursing at yourself for waking up. Now, this time it was real. Jake Kiszka’s lips were on yours, his hands on your body, his impressively hard cock pressing into you. He pulls back slightly, his chest heaving.
“Before I go any further, do you want this?” He breathes, peppering kisses against the sensitive skin on your neck.
“I’ve never wanted anything more.”
He groans, his hands grasping at your jumpsuit. It’s as if he can’t get it off quick enough. Your hands splay across his exposed chest, his silver chains hitting against them as he unzips you. He grips around your waist with one arm and lifts you enough to slip the jumpsuit off. Underneath, you’re wearing your favourite set, red intricate lace adorns your breasts and covers your lower half in a barely there thong. His eyes widen and he throws his head back.
“Oh fuck, my favourite.”
You raise your eyebrow at him, contemplating how it was his favourite when he’s never seen it before. But you’re pulled from your head quickly as he palms your breasts and attaches his lips back to your throat. You whimper, pulling yourself against him as hard as you can. He shrugs off his crystal studded jacket and you swiftly unbuckle his belt and unzip his pants. He picks you up and places you on your back, then removes his pants and kicks them aside. His eyes meet yours and they almost look black with desire.
“I wanna eat that pretty little pussy of yours.”
You squeak slightly, nodding pleadingly. He drops to his knees and begins planting kisses from your ankles, up to your thighs until he’s between your legs. A finger grazes lightly over your centre and you ball your fist up in his hair. He dips his fingers into the waistband of your thong and pulls them down, then plants a soft kiss directly on your clit. Your grip tightens in his hair as you bring your lip between your teeth, biting down so hard you almost draw blood. He begins to lick lightly at you, pushing your legs as wide as they’ll go so that you open up for him, then he slides his tongue into you and then up through your folds. You moan and he begins mercilessly sucking at your swollen bud, circling and flicking his tongue. Just as you think it couldn’t feel any better, he slides a finger inside your dripping cunt and begins to curl it up into your g-spot, still devouring you at the same time.
“Jake, oh fuck, I’m gunna cum.” You squeal, digging your fingers into his scalp.
He ups his pace, pulling back for a mere second to speak.
“Please, cum for me baby. I wanna taste you so bad.”
You throw you head back and cry out his name as your orgasm crashes violently over you. You hear him grunt as he laps up your release.
“Fuck, so good, so sweet. You want my cock, pretty baby?”
“Yes… please, Jake. I need it so bad.” You whine, slightly taken aback by your desperation. He pulls a condom from the drawer underneath the table. He came prepared. But there was no time to think about that. Just as he’s about to tear the packaging, you bring your hand up to stop him. You take the condom and throw it across the room. He looks at you quizzically.
“I’m on birth control, and I’ll be damned if I don’t feel all of you inside me.”
He groans and pushes you back, then lines himself up with your entrance and slides himself in. You both moan as he bottoms out. He brings your legs up and wraps his arms around your thighs, anchoring you there and begins pounding into you. With each thrust you let out a symphony of sweet, sweet noises, letting Jake know just how good this feels. It was like he was made to be inside you, made to fill you up as deliciously as he is. He bends down and bites into your neck as your fingernails rake down his back.
“Fuck, Jake. It feels so good.” You pant, completely swept up in the immense pleasure. You grasp onto his hand and bring it to your throat and look him dead in the eye.
“Fucking choke me.”
He takes in a sharp breath and you feel his dick twitch inside you, then he wraps his big, calloused hand around your throat and squeezes it just right. You clench around him, drawing a hiss from his mouth.
“Shit, uhhhh. God damn, baby.” He sighs.
You push him off of you and onto his back and climb on top, sinking down onto him. You bounce up and down, taking him all in as far as he’ll go and gyrate your hips. He anchors onto your waist and begins to drive up to meet you, hitting your cervix and causing you to cry out in ecstasy.
“My turn, on all fours!” He barks. You move into the position and he’s behind you, you hear the faint clink of metal.
“How do you feel about me using my belt?”
“Do it.”
He loops his belt in his hands and smacks it down onto your ass, you yelp and tears prick at your eyes, but fuck, you love it.
“More.” You plead, and he rains down on you again with a satisfying thwack. You can feel yourself dripping down your thighs. Jake runs his fingers through your folds agonisingly slowly, then leans forward and puts them in your mouth. You suck your slick from his fingers and he uses his free hand to stroke his cock at the sight.
“Use your belt to choke me.”
He loops it around your neck and slips back inside of you, thrusting heavily and uses the belt to pull your head back. You arch your back, plunging into complete and utter euphoria as you clench around him.
“Cum for me baby, I can feel you’re there.”
You cry out, cumming hard around his cock. His movements sputter and you know he’s almost there too.
“Fill me up Jake, I want you to cum inside.”
“Oh fuck, fucking shit!” He drops the belt and collapses onto your back as he twitches inside you, painting your walls with his orgasm. He stays there like that for a few moments, both of you catching your breath. He pulls out and moves into the bathroom. You flip yourself onto your front and lay there, chest heaving, You just fucked Jake Kiszka, what the actual fuck. You silently praise yourself for wearing the lingerie set.
He pads back into the room with a washcloth and hands it to you, you thank him and clean yourself up. When you’re done he pulls you on top of him and kisses a trail from your collarbone up to your lips. The kiss is soft, a wordless display of affection. It’s as though he’s known you for much longer than a few hours.
“That was fucking incredible. You are fucking incredible. It’s everything I ever hoped for.” He breathes.
You furrow your brow. “Jake, you’re talking to me as if you know me.”
His cheeks turn red and he looks away for a moment, before sighing. You feel as though he’s battling with himself on what to say next, conflicted by his thoughts.
“This is going to sound crazy, but I’ve been having dreams about you for the past few months. Very vivid dreams.”
Your eyes widen. “I’ve been having dreams about you too, but I thought that was normal when you have a crush…” You softly laugh, feeling embarrassed at the revelation.
“Maybe there’s something that ties our souls together.” He says, caressing your cheek.
“Maybe there is.”
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