#preparedness plan
Why Being Prepared Might Be the Difference: A Plan for Quick Evacuation
Create an emergency preparedness plan. In times of uncertainty, there’s one truth that consistently stands the test: preparation is everything. When faced with an unexpected event—whether it’s a hurricane, a fire, or some other unforeseen emergency—having a plan might be the one thing that stands between safety and chaos. While we can never predict when disaster will strike, knowing how to…
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raffaellopalandri · 2 months
Daily writing promptCreate an emergency preparedness plan.View all responses My entire life is a perpetual emergency preparedness plan. Image taken from Internet Living with life-threatening allergies to most medicines and foods, and many chemicals, has instilled in me a state of vigilance that most people reserve for catastrophic events. Every outing, every meal, every interaction with the…
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wellhealthhub · 1 year
Create an emergency preparedness plan
Mastering Emergency Preparedness: Your Ultimate Guide to Proactive Readiness Discover the art of crafting a thorough emergency preparedness plan to safeguard your loved ones, pets, and valuables. Uncover intricate tactics, vital kits, community integration, and expert insights for maximum search engine visibility. Emergencies strike uninvited, and the key to curbing their impact lies in being…
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yeoldenews · 9 months
A mother's word for word transcription of the imaginary phone call her four-year-old made to Santa Claus in 1911.
(source: The Harbor Beach Times, December 22, 1911.)
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Through some outrageous case of serendipity I found a recording of another phone call this same child made 60 years later. Though I have to say his choice of conversational partner is a definite downgrade from the first call.
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katy-l-wood · 8 months
I have to read "Worst Cases" by Lee Clarke for one of my classes and it is FASCINATING to read an 18 year old book about the worst things that could ever happen because WOO BOY. Lotta shit has happened in the last 18 years. It keeps talking about epidemics and how stuff like that isn't as big of a concern because of vaccinations. And it just mentioned how we don't really need to worry about school shootings after Columbine because they statistically "aren't on the rise."
Which, yeah, it'd be interesting in general to take that look back in our disaster planning and see what we got wrong, but to see it in a book that is specifically supposed to be about the value of worst case thinking, yet it still dismissed these major things that did end up happening is...something. It sure is something.
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someguyofficial · 1 year
“The Doctor has a plan?”
Leela: “Of course he has a plan. He does not know what it is yet, that is all.”
Doctor Who: White Ghosts (The Fourth Doctor Adventures 3.2)
by Alan Barnes
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Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Call of Duty (Video Games) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Kyle "Gaz" Garrick/John Price, John "Soap" MacTavish & Simon "Ghost" Riley Characters: John Price (Call of Duty), Kyle "Gaz" Garrick, Simon "Ghost" Riley, John "Soap" MacTavish Additional Tags: mentions of serious illness, zombie apocalypse planning, Zombie Apocalypse, Swearing, Mentions of Sex, they're in bed together at the end, but i don't actually write what happens, Discussion of kink, vaguely, Sacrifice, as part of the plan, no actual sacrifice in the fic, Author Has Played Call of Duty, AU-gust | August Writing Challenge, Alternate Universe, Post-Call of Duty: Modern Warfare III (2023), pretend that game doesn't end the way it does Summary:
“How the bloody hell is ‘zombie apocalypse’ supposed to be easy?”
It's emergency preparedness drill day with the 141 and this year's theme is zombie apocalypse. Ghost has a solid plan. Soap is deeply offended. Price and Gaz have other things on their mind
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csolarstorm · 1 month
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This is BB and Casper. They're our boys. Like brothers they roughhouse and bicker and ultimately love each other. They are also very lucky to be safe and sound!
Last Friday, the shed right next to their enclosure caught fire. We were all inside at the time. A neighbor we didn't know helped contain the fire early by calling 911 and bringing over her hose when ours melted.
Then the fire department came and rushed us off the property. We only had time to secure the cats already in the house. When they finally let us back in, we found BB and Casper hiding in the enclosure behind an old mattress - scared, but safe.
We should have had cat carriers ready to evacuate all of them, but this was all totally new to us. So my first PSA is to make sure you have carriers or leashes for all of your pets. Here's a useful link to read about pet disaster preparedness.
Here's the second PSA. Despite the heat of summer, do not use an extension cord to hook up an air conditioner.
That's how our shed caught on fire. My cousin did the same thing and melted his extension cord. If you do try this, do your research first, and at least make sure the amperage of the cord matches with the amperage of the air conditioner.
Here's a link for that research. And here's a news segment that talks about how common it is for this mistake to lead to fires (and a few ways to prevent it).
We owe so much to our neighbor, the fire department, and really the whole street that came out to watch and support us while we waited for the fire department to do their thing. I cannot express how eternally grateful I am that the fire only burned a small area, and everyone, including BB and Casper, is safe and happy.
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resistancekitty · 23 days
Worth reading and thinking about.
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covalontech · 9 months
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preppers-will · 9 months
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prep4tomoro · 2 years
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Realistic Reasons to Have an Emergency Plan:
"There is no such thing as luck, merely opportunity meeting preparedness." ― George S. Patton Jr. Preparing for an Emergency, long before one is actually realized, is not only a good idea, it's the responsible and mature thing to do for oneself, family, friends and community. A common misunderstanding to preparing is for some end of the world situation or Hollywood doomsday scenario. Truth is, it's not about preparing for some statistical anomaly, but for the real life challenges that we are all going to face at some point in our lives; the kind of situations that feel like the end of your world if you're not prepared. The platitude "Prior Planning Prevents Poor Performance" will manifest itself, in a good or bad way, depending on how well you have planned and read the signs (cascade of events) of a coming crisis. By the time a potential disaster event is announced, panic has already set in to the general public. Pre-planning (not just gathering stuff) is the key to preparation. It will keep a cool head when others have lost theirs. Information, below and throughout this web site, will help to make a plan and prepare for nearly any emergency situation. In modern day we have prepared for everything from earthquakes and floods, to super volcanoes and nuclear weapons. The host of problems that people prepare for could be anything from a simple loss of income, to the end of the world. For several years, Hawaii was warning their population of the threat of North Korea, yet, when a False Alarm Sounded In Hawaii in January 2018, "Primal fear" set in. Why? They were not prepared emotionally and with the necessary supplies. Don't be "that guy". Plan ahead and keep your composure. 1 - Everyday Emergencies are More Common Than Disasters 2 - Preparedness is About Practicality, not Paranoia 3 - Basic Preparedness is Easy and Affordable 4 - Knowledge is the Power to Respond to Different Situations 5 - Preparedness is About Peace of Mind Consider these reasons to prepare and have a real, documented plan:
Long-term Power Outages / Grid-Down Event
Loss of Income
Natural Disasters (Hurricane, Earthquake, Tornado, Flood, Severe Storm, Wildfire, Drought, Landslide, Volcano, Heat or Cold Wave)
Fire, Explosion, Hazardous Materials
Crime, Assaults, Home Invasions, Shootings
Pandemics and Health Emergencies
Space Weather (solar flares, EMPS)
Social Unrest, Civil War
Terrorist, Cyber or Nuclear Attacks, Bombings, Chemical Attacks, Radiation Dispersal & Emitting Devices
National Economic Disasters
The Aftermath: Post-Disaster Threats
In the end, what is the "goal" of being prepared; what's the purpose for all this stuff? Isn't the government going to be there for me and take care of this? I believe that those who ask these questions have never gone through a crisis and those who are able to answer the questions have lived through a crisis and learned from it. Ultimately, it is the responsibility of an adult to take care of their family, community and themselves to reduce the impact of an emergency event. Being prepared reduces fear, anxiety, and losses that accompany disasters. Yes, there may be public resources available if an emergency occurs but those resources will need to be shared (rationed - possibly thin) between everyone who is impacted by that same emergency. There is no guarantee you will be able to get exactly what you need to deal with the emergency. Don't take that risk. To what end do we survive? Survive to the end. Then start preparing for the next emergency with the knowledge gained from the last emergency. It's said that if you can survive the first 72 hours of a crisis situation, it's highly likely you'll survive the entire crisis. [Reference Link] Related Resources: Why You Don't Have to be a "Doomsday Prepper" to be Prepared Reality Prepping 10 SHTF Scenarios to Prepare for
[11-Cs Basic Emergency Kit] [14-Point Emergency Preps Checklist] [Immediate Steps to Take When Disaster Strikes] [Learn to be More Self-Sufficient] [The Ultimate Preparation] [P4T Main Menu]
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burbprepper · 1 year
Hey, good day to you. I compiled a list to go with my earlier blog. Canned food is always a way to go but have you tried freeze dried? The shelf life is 25 years. I buy from this gal and she’s does a great job. See the list below and give her site a peek, shopping is free.
Corned beef hash
Canned salmon
Canned pulled pork
Canned chicken
Beef jerky
Bacon crumbles
Canned green beans
Canned corn
Canned mixed veggies
Canned spinach
Canned mushrooms 🍄
Diced tomatoes
Pasta all types
Misc canned veggies
Black olives
Artichoke hearts (short shelf life)
Tomato sauce
Tomato paste
Spaghetti sauce
Alfredo sauce
Salsa (has shorter shelf life)
Jarred peppers
V8 juice
All types of canned soup
Pineapple chunks
Canned pears
Canned mandarin oranges
Canned peaches
Canned fruit cocktail
(restaurant, safe at room temp)
Jelly packets
(Restaurant, safe at room temp)
Egg noodles
Kraft Mac and cheese boxed & cups
Velveeta fresh packs
(Has a short shelf life)
Krusteaz buttermilk pancake mix
Great Northern Beans
Navy beans
Garbanzo beans
Pinto beans
Black eyed peas
Ritz and saltines
StoveTop stuffing
Lipton onion soup mix
Gatorade powder mix
Canned Chili
Top ramen
Dak ham
Potted meat
Boxed foods (Hamburger helper etc)
Peanut butter
Oats (always seems to expire before I eat them...)
Dry Milk
Protein Bars
All spices
All baking
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writ-large · 1 year
pro-active in your bunker
(Compassionate Voice, Actually)
Have you figured out yet that Business as Usual is OVER??? Have you begun thinking strategically about WTF is really happening?? Planning for a staid career, the little starter house in a nice development, two kids and a spare...THESE THINGS ARE LONG GONE!!!
Everything WILL collapse, probably sooner than you can imagine. The American nightmare of cut-throat upward mobility CANNOT be maintained. The world population WILL BE REDUCED. Everything will circle the drain until it all settles out where the survivors can achieve an ACTUAL BALANCE of society with natural resources. Those who can navigate this are those who are willing to accept REALISTIC EXPECTATIONS now, right now, ALREADY. Chart your own self-aware future, where you can live with relative confidence, what skills you need, who will be genuine allies. Assess your abilities and begin upgrading to gather what you will need and BECOME WHO YOU NEED TO BE. Those who can survive now are those who can navigate INCREASING DISRUPTION AND CHAOS. BEGIN NOW!! You will already be steady on your way when everyone else HAS TO CHANGE or else!!! GODS BLESS YOU ALL!!!
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skillofsurvival · 2 years
How to Stay Healthy and Maintain Hygiene During a Survival Situation
Survival situations can be unpredictable and can happen at any time, whether it be a natural disaster, a pandemic, or a man-made crisis. Therefore it is crucial to maintain your health and hygiene during an emergency situation to increase your chances of survival. Maintaining physical and mental health will allow you to be better equipped to handle the challenges that come with a survival…
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winke77e · 2 years
Winter Storm 12.20.2022
Only just saw a headline about the winter storm coming this week-ish.
Most of the models include the Ohio Valley to get hit either way, always on the edge of the worst of the snow. So there might be a good chance to get hit.
Told my bro The Plan for thursday through next monday, give or take, so we have an idea of what to do. Gonna grab real basic items tomorrow like bread and rice and toilet paper. Have a plan set to store water and, should the power go out, a plan to make a tent in the living room to conserve heat.  Set out all flashlights, charging extra lights that can be used w/o being plugged in, and have candles set out. Candles are last resort, and ONLY under our immediate presence.
I like to be prepared for worst cases :) because it’s harder to prepare for the worst when ‘the worst’ has already started. Luckily, I’m in a city area so most problems should be solved relatively quickly by emergency services. I just have to plan for a week, max.
Stay safe and warm, ya’ll!
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