#technological emergencies
fagsex · 7 months
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islamunderhell · 5 months
Hey Tumblr fam,
I hope this post finds you well. I'm reaching out to share a personal journey that I'm embarking on and to ask for your support in making it possible.
As many of you may know, the Gaza Strip is currently facing heightened conflicts with Israel, and the situation has made it increasingly unsafe for many of us living here. Amidst this turmoil, I've made the difficult decision to seek safety elsewhere, and my destination is Egypt.
However, the journey from Gaza to Egypt is not an easy one, especially given the current circumstances. Travel costs, for me and my family, are significant hurdles to overcome. That's why I've set up a GoFundMe page to help cover these expenses.
Before the conflict escalated, I worked as a rehabilitation engineer and assistive technologies specialist, dedicating my time and skills to helping persons with disabilities. It was more than just a job; it was my passion. Now, I find myself in a situation where I need assistance, and I'm turning to my community for support.
Your donation, no matter how small, can make a world of difference in ensuring my safety and well-being. EVERY EURO COUNTS.
Here's the link to my GoFundMe page where you can donate and read more about my story: https://www.gofundme.com/f/escaping-conflict-a-journey-towards-hope-and-rene
If you're unable to contribute financially, that's okay too! Simply sharing this post with your network can help spread the word and reach more people who may be able to help.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart for taking the time to read this and for considering supporting me on this journey to safety. Your kindness and generosity mean more to me than words can express.
Stay safe and take care,
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vvatchword · 1 year
Who We Were
Although bruised and dazed, Eleanor didn’t wait for anyone. Their eyes burned on her. Sinclair’s mouth opened—he was going to ask her what had happened—
She squeezed her eyes shut and popped into being at Delta’s side—but he was still running. He flew past her in a flash. She chased him with her mind. He was running the perimeter of the fence, flying across a deer path he walked every day.
She flung out her arm, she reached into his brain, and she clamped down. She didn’t have an intent; nor had she scouted out the lay of his thoughts before she dug her tendrils in. She should have; she knew she should have; she knew better. Some regulatory barrier of his had broken loose, and when she squeezed down, she could feel it snap free entirely. She could feel him hit the ground skidding, even from 300 meters away.
She was at his side in a second. He lay spasming under a tree, kicking in mad circles, hands digging into his scalp as though attempting to bore into his own brain. Calming him was like trying to put a lid on a volcano. The fury inside was directionless, horrified, alien. The minute Delta felt her influence, he screamed, and to her shock, it was in someone else’s voice entirely.
Who the fuck are you? he asked. Where am I? What’s going on?
Eleanor’s mouth fell open, for he mouthed what he was saying at her as though he still had a tongue. He was spitting all over the ground.
Calm down! she said. It’s me, Eleanor!
Get me out of here! he said. Oh my god, they’re coming! Shit! Shit!
A far-off crunching, crackling sound, and someone calling out: the Sisters and their families were entering the woods.
He curled into a ball, dug his toes into the loam. He had writhed so violently that his shirt and swimming shorts had twisted half-off. He no longer made any sound, but there was ungodly screaming inside of him—a mind-boggling despair, an all-consuming self-loathing.
“Daddy!” Eleanor said. “Calm down! You’re safe! I’m here!”
I hate you! he said. I hate you! I hate you!
His jaw was moving, his lips were shaping sounds, but all that came out of his mouth were whining, moaning noises pitching up and down. Eleanor stared down in utter horror. His face wasn’t only expressive—it was someone else’s. Delta had never looked like this. Eleanor released him.
To her relief, he stayed there, rocking back and forth. He was still making sounds as though he could speak, and beat his head into the earth over and over. The other Big Sisters appeared beside her.
“What’s going on?” Masha asked.
Delta froze in place, trembling violently. Fuck! Fuck! Shit!
Daddy, please! Eleanor said. Don’t talk like that!
Fuck you! Delta spun in a circle, burying his head in his armpit. Tell them I’m sleeping!
Eleanor started crying.
“What did you do?” Cecilia whispered.
“Nothing!” Eleanor said. “Daddy had a memory and I… I didn’t mean to but he… I… he remembered his past and then he…”
Stop talking! Delta said. Stop talking! Give me the fucking Heal-All already! Jesus-fucking-Christ! Jesus-fucking-fuck!
“Daddy, please!” Eleanor said. “We’re not in Rapture anymore!”
Then tell Sinclair I want it! he said. Tell him I need it! He’ll say I can have it!
“Oh!” Cecilia said, eyes brightening. She popped away.
One of the littlest kids found them first. When he saw the girls gathered around Delta, he ran off, shouting: “Mr. B is hurt! Mr. B fell down!”
The next second, Cecilia was running up the path with Sinclair thrown under her arm. He started kicking the minute he realized there was an audience.
“That’s all right! That’s all right!” he said. “Thank you, I can still walk. I can still… good lord, Sissy, it’s a limp, not a missing limb. John! John, what are you doing?”
Delta hissed. Stuttering bestial nonsense poured out of his mouth.
Tell him I want the Heal-All and he can fuck off!
Eleanor and the Sisters looked up at Sinclair miserably. Cecilia took his arm and relayed the message. For a moment, Sinclair stood utterly still. Horror flickered across his face. Then the look was gone, replaced by a slow, spreading smile.
“That’s John, all right,” he said, and limped up the path. “John, it’s me, August.”
Delta snarled and spat. The earth was dark with blood and tears and spit and sweat. He’d kicked up fallen leaves and foliage into a circle. His shorts were twisted into a coil over his thighs.
Get me the fucking Heal-All already! he said. I’m dying!
Cecilia kept her hand pinched on Sinclair’s, her eyes flickering with light.
“I can’t get you any Heal-All, John,” Sinclair said, kneeling down with a grunt. “You can get better without it now. Did you know that?”
Don’t talk to me like I don’t fucking know! Delta bared his teeth like a wild animal in a trap. You did this to me! Not me, you! You!
Sinclair took a deep breath. “Yes. I did. But I’m going to try and make it easier on you from now on. You don’t have to fight anymore. I got you back from Fontaine.”
The shuddering stopped. When it returned, it was less violent. Delta blinked up at Sinclair.
You’re serious?
“I’m serious. Not only did I get you back from Fontaine, I got you right back up to the surface, just like you wanted. See?” He dug his fingers into the loose earth, raised it, let it trickle through his fingers.
Oh. Delta watched the dirt crumble. I’m still not fucking you.
All of the Big Sisters flinched. Eleanor’s jaw dropped.
“That’s just fine, John. That’s just fine.” Sinclair slapped him on the shoulder and slumped against the tree beside him. “You know what, you taught me something important.”
I want Heal-All, Delta said.
“There’s no Heal-All on the surface, John.” Sinclair breathed out and dug his cane into the soil, relaxing the heel of his hand against it. A third Delta’s size, and he was completely relaxed. It was like watching a person take a siesta by a grizzly bear.
Delta watched him suspiciously, eye flicking from his cane to his hand to his face.
Something’s wrong in my mouth.
“Oh, never mind that. Think on this: you’re free,” Sinclair said. “You can do anything you want. You know, there’s a pond over there, and a barbecue, and lots of good folks who love you. You like kielbasa? Coleslaw?”
I have a headache. Why is it so hard to talk?
“Oh, you just took a bad spill, is all,” Sinclair said, pulling out a carton of cigarettes. “How's about a cigarette?”
Gus, there’s something wrong with my tongue.
Sinclair flipped a cigarette out and jammed it against Delta’s lips until he opened up.
Jesus! Don’t do that! You’re gonna break it!
“Then open up faster.” Sinclair cleared his throat. “Say, ladies—if some of you will assure the others that all is well and we’re just getting Mr. Barton here through a bad headache… ah, do stress the need for a little silence hereabouts.”
Delta’s wild eye followed the five girls who raced off into the trees. It flicked back to Sinclair as he brought out a lighter. The Big Sisters were pale with horror all around them. Delta didn’t seem to see them. Eleanor squelched the urge to reach in and see what he saw. She could feel him radiating an intense confusion.
“Real tobacco all the time, John,” Sinclair said, lighting him up. “Every day, whenever you want it.”
Thank Christ. I hate that seaweed shit.
Eleanor had seen Delta smoke a hundred times. She’d never seen him hold his wrist like that, balancing the cigarette on the end of his finger. He always had the cigarette clamped down like he was afraid it would blow away.
“What happened to your clothes?” Sinclair asked. “Do you need help?”
Delta glanced down.
Fuck, he said.
With stiff hands, he yanked his shorts up and his shirt down.
“I missed your constant swearing,” Sinclair said. “But the girls might not like it. You have a lot of girls, by the way. Hell of a father.”
What? Delta’s voice grew horrified. What are you talking about?
“Nothing you don’t already know.” Sinclair lit his own cigarette. “You know, the new you is a lot more polite and helpful. You should start your own handyman business.”
Gus, what the fuck is going on?
Delta’s hand came up as though he were thinking about signing something. Then he caught himself and dropped it again.
Something’s wrong, Delta said.
“No, it only feels wrong,” Sinclair said. “You’re just having a nightmare right now, that’s all. You’re going to wake up feeling fine.”
You mean I had another attack?
“Right! Just an attack.”
Well, fuck.
“But you know, you haven’t had one of those in a long ol’ time, so that means you’re getting better and better and better.”
Oh, thank Christ. I don’t remember what just happened, though. I mean, I thought I saw Tate. It was like I was there.
“Oh, Tate’s old news, honey. Long dead.”
No shit! Couldn’t happen to a nicer gal.
Sinclair started laughing uproariously. He slapped his knee and groped in a pocket for his handkerchief.
It wasn’t that funny.
“Oh, I just didn’t expect it, that’s all. Besides, I just like hearing you talk.” Sinclair wiped at his eyes.
Yeah, I’m still not fucking you. Wait, we were looking for medicine, right? Or was it the shrink?
He was starting to sign every other word, although it was half-baked, and mostly into the ground.
“We just saw the shrink. She wasn’t the right fit for you, honey.”
I don’t know. I kinda liked her.
“Don’t worry about it. We had a whole conversation about that just last night. It was nothing personal, as I recall… but don’t let me bore you with the details. You’ll remember it in a second.”
Right. Right.
Delta’s full-body shudder had sunk off to a low-key shiver that ran down to his hands. He had stopped trying to say words out loud.
“You need my hankie right now something awful, son.” Sinclair held it out, shook it.
Delta felt under his nose, drew his shivering fingers away. They glistened with blood.
What the hell did I do?
“You ran into a wall.”
Jesus Christ.
Delta took the hankie and pressed it under his nose. It took him several tries. His grip was unsteady, his wrist stiff, and he didn’t seem to have an idea of where his body was in space. He pressed it against his cheek and his ear a couple of times.
Sinclair smiled. “Well, don’t worry about it. Just clean up. You’re doing just fine.”
I’m covered with blood, but sure.
Sinclair’s eyes popped and he laughed once. “Hell, it’s good hearing you like this.” He looked up at Cecilia. “Does he often talk like this when I can’t hear him?”
Cecilia shook her head no.
Who’s that? Delta asked.
“That’s Cecilia. She helps me take care of you. She thinks you’re swell.”
Delta squinted at her. Flushing red, Cecilia squirmed behind Sinclair.
She’s young for a nurse, he said. They hiring out of grade school now?
Without warning, Sinclair laughed again. He looked absolutely smitten.
“The squint!” Sinclair said. “Look, girls, that’s the old John. Oh, I thought for sure he was gone.”
Eleanor could feel their dismay. Nobody liked old John. Utterly ignorant of his own failure, Delta swung 'round to look at the gaping faces around him like he was seeing them for the first time. He lingered on Eleanor’s face. His mouth fell open a little. He had forgotten the handkerchief; it hung limply over his fingers.
I know you.
“You do!” said Sinclair. “You know her! What’s her name?”
I… Delta pressed the handkerchief back against his mouth. I can’t remember.
The shudder was starting again in his shoulders. His eyes unfocused, staring off into space.
“Oh, it’s all right. You’ll remember in a second. Look, the long and the short of it is that you don’t have to worry about a damn thing right now. You’re actually in a great place. Would you believe it?” Sinclair asked.
Would I believe it? Delta repeated. He sounded robotic.
“You’re on the surface, right where you always wanted to be. There’s a big group of people here, and all of them adore you. The sun’s setting right now and you can watch it go down. There’s a big rack of ribs with your name on it. I got iced tea in the fridge. Tomorrow morning, I am personally gonna make sure you get a big stack of biscuits and gravy.”
Delta’s body had begun to relax, one taut muscle at a time. The shoulders slowly lowered. The hips sank to the earth. The knees stretched out. One of Delta’s enormous arms flopped to the earth, as broad across as Sinclair’s shoulders; with his other hand, he took out his cigarette and blew a lazy smoke ring.
“Iced tea,” Delta signed. He turned his glazed eyes to Sinclair’s. Where’s the iced tea? My head hurts. I need Heal-All.
He had begun to sign in earnest—up in the air, toward Sinclair, complete with proper facial expressions. Eleanor could feel the horrible stranger sinking back into the darkness.
Sinclair laughed. “I can get you some aspirin. How’s about some aspirin, John?”
Eleanor’s lips pinched together. Don’t call him that.
She didn’t dare say it.
“Aspirin sounds good,” Delta signed. He set the cigarette back in his mouth and slowly lifted to his feet. “I feel bad. My head hurts. My throat hurts, too.”
“Nothin’ a good night’s rest won’t fix.”
Delta took the cigarette out of his mouth. He clenched it like it was going to blow away. His whole body was shaking.
“Sleep sounds good,” he signed. “I’m tired.”
“You’ll want to eat something first.”
“Oh. Yeah. I forgot.” Delta wobbled in a circle. “Eleanor! There you are! Where are the floats?”
“I… I left them in the garage,” Eleanor said.
“Well, you’d better go get them, then, shouldn’t you?” Sinclair said, stabbing his cane into the ground. “John, honey, help me up. I’m a mess in my old age.”
“You’re not old,” Delta said, throwing his arm under Sinclair’s. “What happened? I don’t remember walking out here.”
“You got a bad headache and had to sit down. Don’t worry, we were with you the whole time.”
“Good.” Delta blew out a stream of smoke and shook his head. “I feel bad. I want aspirin.”
“We’re headed straight there,” Sinclair said. “Aspirin, ribs, and a big glass of ice-cold tea: just what the doctor ordered.”
Something was definitely wrong with Delta. He staggered like he was drunk. He couldn’t feed himself; he slopped most of his food on his chest. Eleanor quickly shuffled him into the kitchen to finish his meal out of the sight of the husbands and boyfriends, who had begun eying him in ways she didn’t like. He took a handful of aspirin—she measured it out carefully—and then shuffled off to his bathroom to take a shower. He could not undress without toppling over. When she trembled under his weight, she took a deep breath and cast out a thought.
Sinclair, she thought. Help me, please. We’re in the shower.
Sinclair appeared, right on cue, acting as though he’d simply walked by and happened to notice them. He bowed to Eleanor as she shut the door.
“Why, I just noticed you two seemed to be having some trouble!” he said.
Together, they took turns propping him up and making sure he was clean from head to toe. Soon enough, Delta hobbled out, wrapped in his bathrobe, one hand on Sinclair’s shoulder and the other on Eleanor’s. Both Eleanor and Sinclair were soaked through.
“Do you want to put him to bed, or shall I help?” Sinclair asked.
“I can do it,” she said. “Thank you.”
“Just call if you need anything,” he said, winking, and strolled off.
While Delta didn’t seem angry anymore, he also didn’t seem terribly concerned about anything. He didn’t ask about the other Sisters, he didn’t seem concerned about the floats anymore, and he started signing only single words. When Eleanor dropped into his brain to see how it was faring, her heart sank. It was like he had reverted to the Delta of two months prior, the Delta who couldn’t shave himself. What she had seen as a brightening of his intellect had been the return of some sense of self, and now that self had retreated into the dark.
Once he was safely tucked in, Eleanor came out again. Fireflies sparked in the woods outside, and peepers and crickets had begun cheeping in the trees. The sky was sprinkled with stars. The bonfire had been lit. Everyone was bunched around it, laughing and roasting marshmallows.
Everyone except for Sinclair, who sat on the swing, rocking back and forth with little kicks.
“How’s chief doin’?” he asked.
“He’s… he’s not good,” Eleanor said in a tiny voice.
Sinclair sighed and threw his head back.
“I didn’t do anything,” Eleanor snapped.
“I’m not tryin’ to imply a damn thing here, darlin’,” he said. “I just care about that boy, that’s all.”
“Was that really what he’s like?” Eleanor asked.
“That was him from a bad place.” Sinclair stopped swinging. “From Fontaine’s labs. Early on.”
“I didn’t do it.”
“Then how’d it start?”
“The light outside… it’s like the light grew dim, and a little green… and he saw a lady in the darkness. She had Hypnotize, I think.”
“That’d be Ava Tate.” Sinclair took a deep drag of his cigarette.
“You were there,” Eleanor said. She folded her hands into fists.
“Yes, I was. I got him out of there safe and sound, in fact.” Sinclair smiled grimly. “Believe it or not, I have never wanted to hurt the man.”
“He was so different,” she said in a small voice. “I didn’t realize he was so… so…”
“Filthy?” Sinclair laughed. “He was a sailor, honey. He swore all the damn time. He had a cute girl on his arm every ten seconds. The man was a sexpot.”
Eleanor shuddered.
“He was a fully-fledged man long before you were born, honey,” Sinclair said gently. “To make him this way, they had to clip his wings. Hell. They had to take them straight off. He was only ever meant to play second fiddle to you.”
“I didn’t like him,” she said in a small voice.
“Mmm. Yeah.” Sinclair leaned down, set his chin on his hands. “That was him as a splicer, hun. Full madness. Cancer probably set in around the same time. Of course you didn’t like him. Nobody likes splicers.”
There was something in the way he said it that made her feel guilty. He was frowning. His expression was unreadable in the unsteady dark.
“If we fix him,” Eleanor said, “if we revert him, will he just be… just like that? He’ll start screaming and swearing and fighting and…”
“I don’t know. We know for sure what will happen if we don’t try, and it’ll be all of that and more.” Sinclair smiled grimly into the fire.
Eleanor sank to the porch floor, folding her dress beneath her. Sinclair shifted. When she looked up, he was sliding to the other side of the swing and slapping the seat next to him.
Grudgingly, she lifted to her feet and settled on the far end, her knees pressed together.
“It’s hard, loving someone when they’re this way,” Sinclair said. “And I’ve got to bear the responsibility of it. I let my pride speak for me. When John rejected me there at the end, well. I just let my pride take me all the way to the bank.”
“And people like me didn’t matter at all,” Eleanor said.
“It wasn’t a question of mattering. It was a question of accepting what kind of world we lived in,” Sinclair said.
“I was a child,” Eleanor said.
“I’m not saying it was right. I’m saying I believed in a world where human beings pay the piper, and sometimes that human being was a child. I didn’t much believe in luck, and I didn’t much care about the power of an environment or society. Figured people could make something of themselves if they’d only try, even kids. See, people like me…” Sinclair paused, licked his lips. “‘Nature, red of tooth and claw.’ You know the line? Well. I figured we were living it. Human beings are part of nature, too, you know. Let the child learn to survive, I thought. Then we’ve made something of him.”
“That’s not how nature works,” Eleanor said. “That’s never been how nature works. It’s complementary. It’s full of teamwork. Individuals would be nothing without other individuals. They even evolve in ways that mean that they don’t have to compete with each other. You can see it all around you.”
Sinclair nodded, smiling at her. Her jaw snapped shut. She felt frightened, frozen, blank: she had been about to repeat her mother verbatim.
“No, no, don’t stop. You’re right,” he said. “Nature is so much more than that. But I made a mistake. It’s the mistake that a layman makes, eyeballing some complex subject and assuming he can get the idea of it through summaries. Except the summaries I was reading weren’t by biologists or sociologists. They were by political scientists and lawyers seeing what they wanted to see. There I was, thinkin’ I was so smart, being taken as a fool, going for what made me felt better instead of what was true.” He smiled up at her. It seemed honest enough. “You are the right person to take this to, you know. I’m sure you got to read some of my own philosophy before taking it apart.”
“Yes.” She looked down at her hands, lacing her fingers together. “I read some of your essays when I was 12.”
“Oh, you poor thing.”
“I hated you so much,” she said softly. “I blamed you for why I was… this way.”
“You were right to.”
“Why don’t you care that I hate you?” she asked. “Even when the other girls hated you, you didn’t seem to care. You don’t seem to care about anything.”
She stopped herself before she went on: I want you to care about something because caring is human, and you don’t feel like one.
“Darlin’, I’ve been hated my whole life. What’s new?” he asked. “You can spend your time beating yourself up, or you can go make things better every way you know how. Was I a monster? Oh, darling, I was. I made monsters of other people, too, all the way down to the man I loved the most. I get to go to bed tonight with an image of him reliving some of the worst pain of his life. That’s a great deal worse than hate, I think. Imagine seeing Jacob Marley every night of your life, not just at Christmas—and his misery is all your fault. You know there’s no great hereafter—you’re stuck with what you’ve done—you’re stuck with who you were.”
The fire was leaping up, its outermost flickerings green like witchfire. Eleanor couldn’t say anything at first. Sinclair let the silence sit. She twined her fingers together.
“I think I made it worse,” she said softly. “I was asking him why he liked you and I was angry he wouldn’t change his mind. I wonder if it… I wonder…”
“Don’t beat yourself up about it,” Sinclair said. “You’re trying to do the right thing. No reason to think the leopard’ll change his spots.”
“Why did you, then?” she asked. “What changed?”
“Well.” He cleared his throat. “Rapture fell apart. And eventually the only places money mattered were the vending machines. And when the vending machines stopped working, well!
“Point being, without a society, without people, Rapture didn’t matter anymore. And I think it’s when you start connecting dots: that I can only have what I have because of other people, one way or another. I could only have a Rapture with clean, sweet air because of a woman halfway across the city who grows trees underwater—that’s what she knows how to do best, and nobody else can do it, and when she dies, everything dies with her. I could only have a clean office because someone came in with a dustpan, and they could only afford to clean it if there was a life worth returning to somewhere else. A human being who didn’t feel like their life was worth living went and shot themselves full of ADAM and then I had a brand new splicer ranting and raving in the hallway and a waste-bin spilling over. If the people who keep your world from falling apart don’t feel like it’s worth it anymore, that’s it. It’s the end.
“And humans are so much more than what they do. They inhabit more than a home—they inhabit their bodies, you understand? And what’s so funny about that is that I already believed a man was limited to his body. Hell, most of the reason I came to Rapture was because I was being forced by society to ignore what my own body preferred in general.”
Eleanor glanced up sharply. He was looking her straight in the face. He kept talking, unblinking.
“Then I started taking other people’s bodies away from them.” He took a deep drag on his cigarette and flicked it down into the ashtray beside him. “That right there, honey? That’s not philosophy. I could talk myself into thinking I was a good man all day long, but human beings need their bodies, they deserve the time they have in them, and they need the freedom to take those bodies where and when they desire. I had no right to warp them into tools of my own, even if they had signed a dotted line somewhere.”
“You mean you thought people signed up to be lab experiments?” she asked. “Why the hell would you ever think something like that?”
“Figured they knew the philosophy, same as me, and what it meant to fail. That’s all.” Sinclair stretched back, popped his arms. “Thanks for letting me talk this out, by the by. It’s not conversation you can have with just anybody.”
“If we can bring… John back,” Eleanor said, her voice growing smaller and smaller, “he’s going to hate us, isn’t he?”
“Well, he’ll hate me,” Sinclair said. “He won’t hate you. If he’s able to remember that you two met in the city, he might even stick around.” He took a deep breath. “I’m worried about only one thing. See, he didn’t try to solve problems—he tried to leave them. He ran from every romance he ever started. I’m concerned he’ll get enough brain cells to mash together to realize what’s happening to him and then he’ll try to sprint off somewhere before he’s well enough.”
“He’d leave us,” she said softly.
“Don’t make my mistake, honey,” Sinclair said softly. “You have to be ready to let him go. He’s not yours and he’s not mine. He’s his. If I’d done what was right, I’d have sent him topside the first minute he started getting jumpy. Then, at least, he would have been spared this—this half-life. I couldn’t solve his problems. Neither can you. There’s a point where he has to deal with himself. That said…” Sinclair drew out another cigarette. “I think he’d think the world of you. You’re a hell of a woman, Eleanor Lamb. You came through a hell of your own. You overcame someone who swore she loved you, and probably thought she loved you, and you were able to see what love really was. Hell, for that matter, I’m proud of John. You’re probably the first problem he ever solved—ah, if you’ll pardon the phrasing.”
“He had to help me,” she said. “He was going to die.”
“He didn’t have to at the end,” Sinclair said. “As he didn’t have to save me. I wonder what he was thinking. I don’t think that I’ll ever know. I think when a man is made to kill, the way he had been made, there’s something meaningful about refusing to. And maybe that’s enough, and I’m fine if that’s all it is.” He shrugged. “At least I had him for a while. Of course, that’s easy to say, after a certain space of time.”
He glanced over at her, and it seemed as though something meaningful was glittering behind those eyes. She thought she might know what it meant, and she hated it.
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leonhorn · 2 months
In 2054 Capitalism Dies in Space | In 20xx Scifi and Futurism by In 20xx Futurism When people in space are cut off from Earth an imbalance of owner vs. customers comes to a breaking point. The people in space believe no one is left alive on Earth. As far as they know, the (around) 12,000 in space is all that's left of humanity. Those living on and near the moon form Luna Nation. Space refugees scattered near Earth must find a way to insure a future for themselves and their children. AI that in many ways exceed human intelligence play a part in a skirmish for resources. What does it take to outsmart an AI that can make you think you're having a video call with a co-conspirator when it's the AI you are talking to? An finally, if AI can make a six part miniseries staring Drew Barrymore and Crispin Glover about using DNA banks to spawn a new human race, what parts would the two actors play? Here's a list of the technology mentioned in the story: 1. Orbital stations and space habitats 2. Micro-gravity adapting robots (e.g., vacuum bots) 3. Smart glass walls 4. Satellite cameras 5. AI assistants (e.g., Butler AI) 6. Augmented Reality (AR) glasses 7. Canal links (brain-computer interfaces) 8. Virtual Reality (VR) equipment 9. Life support systems for space 10. Automated mining and manufacturing in space 11. Fusion-powered spaceships 12. Electric thrusters for spacecraft 13. Legacy tracking systems for spacecraft 14. Ejection systems for spacecraft 15. Motion stabilizers for space suits 16. Emergency beacons in space suits 17. Artificial wombs 18. DNA banks 19. Brain scanning and digital copying technology 20. Robots capable of performing complex tasks 21. Centrifuges for simulating gravity 22. Terraforming technology (theoretical, for Venus) 23. Advanced medical automation 24. Custom cell cultivators 25. Organ printing technology 26. Stasis technology for long space journeys 27. Laser tight-beam communication 28. Rockets and missiles (mentioned as being disabled) 29. Closed-circuit TVs in spacecraft 30. Space construction vehicles (e.g., "spider") 31. Delivery cruisers 32. Research ships 33. Hologram-producing screens Many of the characters in this project appear in future episodes. Using storytelling to place you in a time period, this series takes you, year by year, into the future. If you like emerging tech, eco-tech, futurism, perma-culture, apocalyptic survival scenarios, and disruptive science, sit back and enjoy short stories that showcase my research into how the future may play out. This is Episode 56 of the podcast "In 20xx Scifi and Futurism." The companion site is https://in20xx.com where you can find a timeline of the future, descriptions of future development, and printed fiction. These are works of fiction. Characters and groups are made-up and influenced by current events but not reporting facts about people or groups in the real world. Copyright © Leon Horn 2024. All rights reserved. Episode link: https://ift.tt/k06LA7S (video made with https://ift.tt/pO3bjSh) via YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7tFJVPfQw2k
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librarycards · 1 year
As a type of discourse, science continues to dream of, indeed to strive toward, being a language that corresponds to reality—a language, in other words, that is somehow able to keep itself pure and free of the chaos, derangement, and ambiguity in which other forms of knowledge production increasingly find themselves. While also confronted with modernity’s language crisis, scientific discourse takes the form, or so according to Foucault’s description, of a mode of enunciation or signification whose most fundamental attribute is its aspiration to speak and write without words, without the metaphoric clutter, noise, and messiness of linguistic mediation. Scientific discourse rigorously adopts the ideal and practice of objectivity that, as Lorraine Daston and Peter Galison argue, arose in the mid–nineteenth century as a radical epistemological therapy against the fear of subjective errors, against the threat of subjectivity as errancy. “Objectivity is to epistemology what extreme asceticism is to morality,” they write.
Rey Chow, A Face Drawn in Sand: Humanistic Inquiry and Foucault in the Present [emphasis added]
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champstorymedia · 10 days
Innovations in Hospital Care: A Look at the Cutting-Edge Technologies Shaping the Industry
Introduction In today’s rapidly advancing healthcare landscape, hospitals are continuously seeking ways to improve patient care, increase efficiency, and enhance outcomes through the integration of cutting-edge technologies. From telemedicine solutions to artificial intelligence, the innovations in hospital care are revolutionizing the way healthcare is delivered. Let’s delve into some of the…
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prettyboykatsuki · 1 year
i have deep desire to write for demon slayer (and by write for it im specifically talking about zenitsu currently.) but the story is so deeply impacted by it's setting that its gonna take at least two weeks of research to do it any justice so the plans r Delayed
#aristotle.txt#writing for my hero = easy because im insane and know every inch of it#writing for anything else = impossible#i figured trying to find fic for it was going to feel like this in the first place#from my limited understanding the story takes place in the events directly after japans first industrial revolution#which means that the advent of technology is not only integral to the story telling but there's also like an unreal#amount of sociopolitical context for most of the major details#writing for my hero is easy because a society post tech is very easy to imagine. we live in it lol#demon slayer in particular takes place during the emergence of industry#what makes zenitsu an interesting character to me is that his narration is influenced directly by his class and proximity to modernity#he has a specific level of cynicism i can only describe as post industrial. whether that be his sense of cowardice over tanjiro/inosuke#or his attitude towards women. the way he behaves and how he critically analyzes certain kinds of behavior#like im currently watching the entertainment district arc and i think inosukes reaction vs zenitsus pretty much exactly covers it#where inosuke is overstimulated and tanjiro is reserved - zenitsu recognizes the district for what it is. that quality makes him stand out#a lot among them at least to me. i love hearing him talk sooo much lmfao.#anyways. all that to say. i want to write zenitsu but i need to do more reading to make it any good so . pray for me i suppose#zenitsu the embodiment of men used to chop trees and go to war fr
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craig960114 · 5 months
why my brother sqaig will help me take over the world
In the imaginative world where Craig reigns supreme, his brother Sqaig emerges as a formidable ally in their quest for global domination. While Craig possesses cunning and adaptability, Sqaig brings his own unique strengths to the table, making them an unstoppable duo poised to reshape the world in their image.
Firstly, Sqaig complements Craig's abilities with his own brand of charisma and charm. While Craig may excel in clandestine operations and behind-the-scenes manipulation, Sqaig shines in the spotlight, captivating audiences with his magnetic personality and infectious enthusiasm. Together, they form a dynamic duo capable of rallying followers from all walks of life to their cause.
Secondly, Sqaig's ingenuity and creativity add a new dimension to their plans for world domination. While Craig may rely on tried-and-true tactics, Sqaig isn't afraid to think outside the box and innovate. Whether it's devising bold new strategies or leveraging emerging technologies, Sqaig's inventive spirit ensures that they stay one step ahead of their adversaries.
Furthermore, Sqaig's unwavering loyalty to his brother Craig strengthens their bond and solidifies their alliance. In a world where trust is a rare commodity, Sqaig's steadfast commitment to Craig serves as a powerful foundation for their partnership. Together, they weather the storms of opposition and adversity, emerging stronger and more determined than ever to achieve their shared goals.
In conclusion, the union of Craig and Sqaig represents a formidable force in the world of global politics and power struggles. With their complementary strengths, unwavering loyalty, and shared ambition, they stand poised to conquer all obstacles in their path and usher in a new era of dominance and influence. Beware the rise of Craig and Sqaig, for their reign may soon be upon us.
#In the imaginative world where Craig reigns supreme#his brother Sqaig emerges as a formidable ally in their quest for global domination. While Craig possesses cunning and adaptability#Sqaig brings his own unique strengths to the table#making them an unstoppable duo poised to reshape the world in their image.#Firstly#Sqaig complements Craig's abilities with his own brand of charisma and charm. While Craig may excel in clandestine operations and behind-th#Sqaig shines in the spotlight#captivating audiences with his magnetic personality and infectious enthusiasm. Together#they form a dynamic duo capable of rallying followers from all walks of life to their cause.#Secondly#Sqaig's ingenuity and creativity add a new dimension to their plans for world domination. While Craig may rely on tried-and-true tactics#Sqaig isn't afraid to think outside the box and innovate. Whether it's devising bold new strategies or leveraging emerging technologies#Sqaig's inventive spirit ensures that they stay one step ahead of their adversaries.#Furthermore#Sqaig's unwavering loyalty to his brother Craig strengthens their bond and solidifies their alliance. In a world where trust is a rare comm#Sqaig's steadfast commitment to Craig serves as a powerful foundation for their partnership. Together#they weather the storms of opposition and adversity#emerging stronger and more determined than ever to achieve their shared goals.#In conclusion#the union of Craig and Sqaig represents a formidable force in the world of global politics and power struggles. With their complementary st#unwavering loyalty#and shared ambition#they stand poised to conquer all obstacles in their path and usher in a new era of dominance and influence. Beware the rise of Craig and Sq#for their reign may soon be upon us.
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lyncotek · 1 month
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Introduction to Retro Reflective Sheets
Retro Reflective Sheets have emerged as a sport changer in signage and traffic management. These specialized documents play a vital role in ensuring visibility and safety in load handling from road signs and markings to action grid pages What they mean, and their copies are critical to their greater visibility all recognition and impact.
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History of Retro Reflective Sheets
The adventure of Retro reflective sheets lines returned to the mid-twentieth century whilst modern minds sought answers to improve nighttime visibility on roads. Initially evolved for military purposes, unfashionable-reflective materials gradually found their manner into civilian applications, mainly in visitors signage. Over the many years, improvements in technology have propelled the evolution of retro reflective sheets, making them imperative components of modern-day infrastructure.
How Retro Reflective Sheets Work
At the coronary heart of retro reflective technology lies the precept of unfashionable reflection, wherein mild is directed returned towards its source. This phenomenon is finished via the strategic association of micro prisms or glass beads at the floor of the sheet. When illuminated by headlights or other mild sources, these microscopic structures jump the light lower back to the observer, making sure most visibility even underneath low-light conditions.
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Applications in Signage
Retro reflective sheets locate massive use in numerous signage packages, which include road signs and symptoms, lane markings, and hazard indicators. Their excessive-visibility houses lead them to essential for directing motorists and pedestrians alike, especially at some stage in midnight or damaging weather conditions. Additionally, retro-reflective sheets are employed in creation web page signage to alert people and motorists to capacity hazards.
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Role in Traffic Management
In the area of Traffic Management, Retro reflective sheets serve as priceless tools for reinforcing safety and efficiency. Whether applied to site Traffic cones, barricades, or delineators, those sheets significantly improve the visibility of transient traffic manage gadgets, thereby lowering the threat of accidents and site visitors congestion. By making sure clear demarcation of lanes and hazards, retro reflective sheets make a contribution to smoother traffic go with the flow and less collisions.
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Advantages of Retro Reflective Sheets
One of the number one advantages of retro reflective sheets is their fantastic sturdiness and durability. Unlike conventional signage substances, including paint or vinyl, retro-reflective sheets withstand harsh climate conditions and extended publicity to daylight with out fading or deteriorating. Additionally, their lower maintenance requirements translate into savings for municipalities and transportation agencies. From an environmental perspective, the retrospective paper offers sustainability benefits by reducing waste by reducing the need for appropriate replacement.
Challenges and Limitations
Despite their several advantages, retro reflective sheets are not without challenges. Maintenance is a essential aspect, as amassed dirt or debris can impair their reflective homes through the years. Additionally, intense weather situations, which include heavy rain or snow, might also briefly lessen visibility, necessitating proactive cleaning and maintenance efforts. Additionally, ensuring compliance with safety requirements and guidelines creates a situation that requires planning for those involved in signage and site Traffic management.
Future Trends and Innovations
The future of retro reflective era holds promising traits aimed toward similarly improving performance and functionality. Ongoing research seeks to validate best practices and manufacturing processes to improve product sustainability and efficiency. Additionally, blending retro reflective sheet with smart technology, as well as connected cars and IoT systems, opens up new possibilities for enhancing visitor management and security.
Case Studies
Numerous case research exemplify the actual-global impact of retro reflective sheets in enhancing street safety and site visitors management. From busy urban intersections to remote rural highways, those examples highlight the versatility and versatility of pre-assessment signals Whereas reading successful resource management and satisfactory practices, stakeholders can gain valuable insights to optimize their individual signal management and investment in projects.
Regulations and Standards
Adherence to hooked up rules and requirements is paramount inside the deployment of retro reflective sheets. Government organizations and industry stakeholders collaborate to increase pointers ensuring the steady software and performance of retro-reflective signage. Compliance with those standards no longer handiest ensures the protection of avenue customers however also mitigates legal risks and liabilities related to non-compliance.
Environmental Impact
In an era of growing environmental focus, the environmental impact of retro reflective sheets warrants interest. While those materials offer durability and durability, end-of-lifestyles considerations, including recycling and disposal, are vital for minimizing their environmental footprint. Initiatives promoting sustainable practices, which include recycling applications and green substances, play a critical role in mitigating the environmental impact of unfashionable-reflective signage.
Comparative Analysis with Traditional Signage
A comparative analysis among retro reflective sheets and traditional signage substances highlights the superiority of the previous in terms of visibility, durability, and value-effectiveness. While conventional paint or vinyl signage might also provide preliminary price financial savings, the long-time period blessings of retro reflective generation a long way outweigh  the upfront funding. Moreover, the enhanced visibility and protection furnished by means of unfashionable-reflective sheets justify their good sized adoption in modern signage programs.
Educational Initiatives
Educating stakeholders and the general public approximately the advantages and right usage of retroreflective sheets is critical for maximizing their effectiveness. Public focus campaigns, education packages, and academic materials help disseminate information approximately the significance of retro reflective signage in enhancing street safety and site Traffic management. By empowering people with information and resources, those tasks foster a lifestyle of safety and duty at the roads.
Market Trends and Growth Prospects
The market for retro reflective sheets is poised for substantial boom within the coming years, driven by increasing investments in infrastructure and transportation tasks international. Emerging economies, mainly, are witnessing fast urbanization and growth of transportation networks, fueling call for for first-rate signage and traffic management answers. Innovations in materials and era are anticipated to similarly stimulate market increase, developing possibilities for producers and suppliers inside the retro reflective industry.
Retro reflective sheets have revolutionized the fields of signage and traffic management, supplying unparalleled visibility and protection benefits. From road signs and symptoms to site visitors cones, those specialized materials play a vital function in guiding and protective street users, in particular at some stage in nighttime or destructive climate situations. As technology continues to advance and infrastructure wishes evolve, retro-reflective sheets will remain integral gear for making sure green and safe transportation structures worldwide.
Unique FAQs
Are retro-reflective sheets only used for road signs? Retro reflective sheets have diverse applications beyond road signs, including construction site markings, parking lot signage, and temporary traffic control devices.
Do retro-reflective sheets work in all weather conditions? While retro reflective sheets are designed to enhance visibility under various conditions, extreme weather events like heavy rain or snow may temporarily reduce their effectiveness.
Are there regulations governing the use of retro-reflective sheets? Yes, government agencies and industry organizations establish regulations and standards to ensure the proper application and performance of retro-reflective signage for road safety.
How long do retro-reflective sheets typically last? The longevity of retro reflective sheets depends on factors such as quality, exposure to elements, and maintenance practices, but they are designed to withstand years of use without significant degradation.
Can retro-reflective sheets be recycled? Yes, many retro reflective materials are recyclable, and there are recycling programs available to properly dispose of end-of-life signage materials while minimizing environmental impact.
#Retro Reflective Sheets have emerged as a sport changer in signage and traffic management. These specialized documents play a vital role in#and their copies are critical to their greater visibility all recognition and impact.#Retro Reflective Sheets#History of Retro Reflective Sheets#The adventure of Retro reflective sheets lines returned to the mid-twentieth century whilst modern minds sought answers to improve nighttim#unfashionable-reflective materials gradually found their manner into civilian applications#mainly in visitors signage. Over the many years#improvements in technology have propelled the evolution of retro reflective sheets#making them imperative components of modern-day infrastructure.#How Retro Reflective Sheets Work#At the coronary heart of retro reflective technology lies the precept of unfashionable reflection#wherein mild is directed returned towards its source. This phenomenon is finished via the strategic association of micro prisms or glass be#these microscopic structures jump the light lower back to the observer#making sure most visibility even underneath low-light conditions.#Video Player#00:00#02:00#Applications in Signage#Retro reflective sheets locate massive use in numerous signage packages#which include road signs and symptoms#lane markings#and hazard indicators. Their excessive-visibility houses lead them to essential for directing motorists and pedestrians alike#especially at some stage in midnight or damaging weather conditions. Additionally#retro-reflective sheets are employed in creation web page signage to alert people and motorists to capacity hazards.#Role in Traffic Management#In the area of Traffic Management#Retro reflective sheets serve as priceless tools for reinforcing safety and efficiency. Whether applied to site Traffic cones#barricades#or delineators#those sheets significantly improve the visibility of transient traffic manage gadgets
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meelsport · 1 month
Perplexity AI Stock and AI Market Growth: Top Insights for Investors
Artificial intelligence (AI) is at the forefront of technological innovation, driving significant changes across industries. Companies like Perplexity AI are leading the charge with groundbreaking AI-driven tools, although Perplexity AI itself isn’t publicly traded at this time. However, the broader AI market growth offers numerous opportunities for investors. This article delves into the market…
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omegaphilosophia · 2 months
The Philosophy of Ontological Lateness
The philosophy of ontological lateness explores the concept that certain entities or phenomena come into existence or become fully realized only after the preconditions for their existence have been established. This idea can be interpreted in various contexts, such as metaphysics, epistemology, or even existentialism, reflecting on how and why certain aspects of reality or knowledge emerge only under specific circumstances.
Key Concepts in Ontological Lateness
Existential Preconditions:
Ontological lateness suggests that for some entities or concepts to come into being, certain preconditions must first be met. This can relate to the development of complex organisms in biology, the emergence of consciousness in philosophy of mind, or the unfolding of historical events.
Temporal Sequencing:
The notion of lateness implies a temporal sequence where certain phenomena are necessarily preceded by other developments. For instance, advanced scientific theories often rely on foundational discoveries and earlier empirical observations.
Contingency and Necessity:
This philosophy examines the interplay between contingency (things that could have been otherwise) and necessity (things that must be the way they are). It looks at how contingent events and conditions give rise to necessary outcomes in the context of ontological emergence.
Evolutionary Perspectives:
In evolutionary biology, ontological lateness can be seen in the gradual emergence of complex life forms, where each stage of evolution depends on the prior development of simpler forms of life. This gradual process illustrates how complexity and advanced traits appear late in the evolutionary timeline.
Cultural and Historical Development:
Historically and culturally, certain ideas, technologies, and social structures emerge late, building on the foundations laid by previous generations. The Industrial Revolution, for example, was predicated on earlier scientific discoveries and economic conditions.
Examples and Applications
Philosophy of Mind:
Consciousness and higher cognitive functions can be seen as late ontological phenomena, emerging only after the development of complex nervous systems and advanced brains. This perspective highlights how mental states depend on prior physical and biological developments.
Scientific Theories:
Advanced scientific theories, such as quantum mechanics or general relativity, emerged only after significant prior developments in classical mechanics, mathematics, and experimental methods. These theories are ontologically late because they rely on a framework established by earlier discoveries.
Technological Innovations:
Many technological advancements, such as the internet or space travel, could only emerge after the development of fundamental technologies like electricity, telecommunications, and aerospace engineering.
Social and Political Structures:
Democratic political systems and modern legal frameworks are often seen as late ontological developments that depend on earlier societal changes, including the Enlightenment, revolutions, and the establishment of individual rights.
Implications of Ontological Lateness
Understanding Progress:
Ontological lateness provides a framework for understanding the progression of knowledge, technology, and social structures. It emphasizes the importance of foundational developments and the interconnectedness of various stages of progress.
Interdisciplinary Insights:
This philosophy encourages interdisciplinary insights by showing how developments in one field (e.g., biology, technology) rely on prior advancements in other fields. It highlights the cumulative nature of knowledge and progress.
Existential Reflection:
On a more existential level, ontological lateness invites reflection on the human condition, our place in the universe, and the unfolding of individual lives. It suggests that personal and collective growth is a process that builds on previous experiences and conditions.
The philosophy of ontological lateness delves into the nature of existence and emergence, exploring how and why certain entities and phenomena come into being only after specific preconditions are met. By examining the temporal sequencing, contingency, and necessity of ontological emergence, this philosophy provides valuable insights into the progression of knowledge, technology, social structures, and the human experience.
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sexysilverstrider · 3 months
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brought my lil french man out today
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Roscosmos Space Shuttle 1K 1.01 Buran (Snowstorm)
Antonov An-225 Mriya (Dream)
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By Amrit Dhillon in Delhi
8 December 2023
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Arogya Maitri Cube: India's 1st portable hospital | DD India
15 December 2023
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leonhorn · 5 months
In the Future by In 20xx Futurism A new kind of power generator runs on food waste. It sucks oxygen out of the air and has no exhaust. Its outputs are electric or motor power and pure water. This is a work of speculative fiction as featured in the dystopian, ultimate survival series podcast In20xx Sci Fi and Futurism. via YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vFjI_J4ETfE
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