#preparing for pride month!!!
spielzeugkaiser · 9 days
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[MASTERPOST] Being a witcher is not always easy - but what is, really? Still, Geralt feels bad that Jaskier is now living through something he never wanted him to experience again. (What is a spielzeugkaiser post if there isn't hurt/comfort, honestly-)
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guzhufuren · 9 days
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The 1st live action BL omegaverse mpreg drama is coming
Omegaverse drama Desire finished workshops and will announce 4 main actors with posters soon, starts filming in July (duration 35 days). It will have 13 episodes, each 30 minutes long. Will be broadcasted internationally (seems that they sold the broadcast license to Taiwan).
The director Jiang Bichen and the executive producer are both taiwanese.
Nong Jian, the author of Desire (垂涎), said before that the novel will get a live adaption made outside of China.
"It depicts the story of Bai Lan, a young man who wants Mr. Shen, a proud S-level Alpha, to be his exclusive Omega. After an incident happened during dinner, the doctor revealed to Mr. Sheng that he got pregnant. He questioned the hospital about how an Alpha like him got pregnant. And the second couple’s story depicts Mr. Shen, an Enigma (is more than an Alpha, which is capable in all men, including Alphas) who is pretending to be an Omega, and Gao Tu, an Omega who pretending to be a Beta. However, Mr. Shen hates Omegas and makes it Gao impossible to be with him. Especially when he found that he’s pregnant and decides to resign so his secret won’t be revealed."
twitter sources: mwsdrama, melonconsumer, mrs_n0b0d1
The pilot teaser for Desire that was shared in 2023:
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jupiterstupiter · 10 days
It's pride month, doc.
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wineonawhitetee · 13 days
Ok, here's another incredibly small thing that I noticed
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So, in this scene, Blitz does his (frankly very good) Stolas impression and he refers to himself as "Blitzy" not just once but TWICE.
Here's the thing though
Stolas hasn't been calling him "Blitzy" recently. In fact, he hasn't called him that since Ozzie's.
So why is Blitz saying this even though he's said that he doesn't like the nickname multiple times?
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I noticed this because because Stolas using that nickname is a big deal. It carries a lot of weight and it symbolizes the rift in their relationship after Ozzie's so Blitz using it now also feels like a deal (not a BIG deal necessarily, but a deal)
So, I have 3 guesses:
He's doing it subconsciously because, deep down, he misses the time when their relationship was simpler. He wants to go back to a time before the big emotional falling out happened and what they had was nothing more than transactional fucking
2. He's doing it consciously as a way to ignore the problems they've been having and to avoid thinking about any of it. A sort of mental "Yup, we're all good, no need to worry about it"
3. He secretly likes the nickname and he's just being Tsundere about it
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palatteflags · 1 month
Day 1: Lesbian!
Like stated before, this poll represents which character will get a moodboard in pride month. First up, lesbian! I will always have a group of 5 characters, canon or headcanon, and an other. Comments count as votes as well (one per person, to account for the other category).
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paradoxlily · 1 year
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Tis the season to be gay as hell
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my-prison · 2 days
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cloning my high, a little comic based on @rexbalistidae idea with joan, candide, and leslie. also a young ballroom candide cause shee's a mess (and i love having an excuse to draww judgmental lizards/hj)
@lesbiansupavillain, you're also being tagged cause you're a part of this crime
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federthenotsogreat · 1 year
🏳️‍🌈Mario and Luigi Memes🏳️‍🌈 Volume 4:
🏳️‍🌈Pride Edition!
I made some new M&L memes to celebrate June, I hope you like them! You're free to share your own opinions as always
Enjoy the memes, and happy pride month!
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I hope you liked them! I know they're a bit repetitive, but I tried my best to include different characters and ships!
I also want to mention that the Cacklebean meme is not me complaining about the ship or the people who ship it at all! It's just something I noticed and that popped into my mind! (not saying that Luisley shippers don't explain their ship to other people or anything, I've seen enough posts where that isn't the case!)
Also please let me know if Tolstar and or the Zeekeeper change genders in other languages as well! I only speak German and English, so I don't know about the other translations that well!
Thank you for reading! Here's the link to my last set of memes if you're interested!
Have a nice day!! :3
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paul-newmans-sauce · 14 days
happy pride month to everyone except these gay fucks bc they make me sad
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weakinthekneez · 14 days
yes i'm going to see i saw the tv glow on the first day of pride month no i do not take criticism
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Aroace King. 👑
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severely-gay · 14 days
mmm the month of the fruity bitches has officially begun
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disneyfanatic1993 · 7 months
🔥Disney 100 Month, Week 5: Villains (part 1)🔥
I can’t believe it’s already the last week! One of my favorite villains is definitely Scar. “Be Prepared” is the best Disney villain song, in my opinion, and also kind of goes along with last week’s prompt.😂
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Also, it’s apparently my 1 year anniversary on Tumblr! 🥳 Wow, it doesn’t feel like it!
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ihatekoalassuck · 14 days
Happy Pride everyone!!!! Lets take a moment to appreciate the shitty anime that introduced me to the concept of being genderless before I knew that nonbinary was a thing.
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thelien-art · 1 year
I´m taking pride art requests again this year to honor all members of the LGBTQ+ community!
You can send me a character or a ship of your own choice with one or more pride flags and I´ll draw it.
If you don´t send in a flag with the request I´m going to choose myself.
You can send in the same character/ship/flag as many times as you want, although if the same already has been requested I might not draw it again, but feel free to try your luck anyway!
I´ll take pride requests up until June 30th. Starting from today I´ll be taking the requests, and I´ll begin posting them on June 1st.
All of them must be Tolkien related.
Edit and Answers:
1. can I use your art as a prp or header?
Yes, you can use my art as profil picture or header as long as you credit me and don´t repost it anywhere without my permission - thank you to the people who asked (you can also find this info in my bio or pinned post)
2. can you draw my OC?
Sometimes I do take requests for people's OCs but not this month, but look out for the next time I open requests and see if I´m open to drawing OCs there, and if unsure just ask me!
3. ...
Feel free to ask if you have any questions or if anything wasn't explained well enough
As said before I can't promise I'll draw all the pride requests, but I'll do my best. Some of them might get mixed e.g.; if one character is requested in a ship while also being in a request for themself I might just draw the ship, with both flags that were requested of course, unless it was the same or only one of them had a flag request, the same if the same ship is requested multiple times but with different flags I'm probably not going to draw them again, but just change the flag with them for each post.
I´m not necessarily going to choose the oldest requests first, of course I´ll still try to finish those and prioritize them to some degree, but what will work best for me, so if you send in a request late I might still come around it. And as always feel free to send in as many requests as you want!
On a last note, my mental health comes first as this is the month for exams and my grandad, who I spent all my vacations, until this year, and most of my early childhood with is extremely ill and probably won't live to see the month out.
All this means I probably won't be able to finish as many as I did last year, but then I might do the same as I did this Valentine where I finished a few of those I didn´t complete after the month event, in July that would be.
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