#pretty harmless but i was like 'okay so where is all this hype coming from???'
nadjabear · 8 months
I blanked out and watched 11 episodes of The Apothecary Diaries in December and thinking of it I don't really like it lol but it's so confusing to me because it was boring but entertaining at the same time??? It's pretty harmless but I really don't get the hype it's just pretty average to me
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fyeahbachisagi · 2 years
Blue Lock Anime Diminishing the Manga's Horror Vibe Part 1: "There's a monster inside me"
Disclaimer: I am not an expert in the art of animation and manga. My opinions here are simply what I've observed as someone who's into design and one who used to draw before, as well as being a horror story enthusiast.
Now, I love the Blue Lock anime. The animation is smooth, the soundtrack hypes you up, and above all, it emphasizes the supporting characters and their interactions with each other. However, when it comes to implementing the horror aspect that is ever present in the manga... it's really lacking.
I first noticed this in Bachira's "I have a monster inside me" scene in episode 2, but back then I dismissed it as just simply me being too greedy and wanting more Bachira content. But from the latest episode that came out today (ep 6), where Bachira has only a few scenes, I guess I really wasn't imagining it.
My initial complaint is how they did not animate this particular Bachira:
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That pose of Bachira stooping down and leaning towards us was something I had been looking forward to, but in the anime, all we got was this:
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A simple nod before it all fades to black to make way for a flashback.
Now, let me break this down.
In the manga, before Bachira tells us about his monster, we have this:
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Very mundane. Nothing much to say. Bachira is just standing there and looking pretty harmless...
But then all of a sudden...
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Bachira swoops in towards Isagi, and art-wise, towards us readers, taking us off-guard. Keep in mind that the panel above is on a new page. When reading on a physical manga copy, after turning the page of a harmless Bachira thinking over Isagi's question, we are immediately greeted with this dark and unsmiling Bachira. It's basically the manga equivalent of a jump scare.
[From hereon, I'm gonna refer to these especially creepy moments as "monster scenes" for simplicity and ease of writing.]
In the manga, we can really see the horror being implemented in the actual story-telling and not just in the monster scene drawings.
This is not the case in the anime.
Sure, we got a creepy 3D monster and Bachira's and Isagi's cool egoist modes—but all these horror stuff are treated like icing on a cake and not the cake itself. The anime is making it no different from every other sports anime's "zone" moments.
Now, let's go back to the anime version. Below is a video of the entire scene for reference. I've cut out a bulk of the flashback coz we're not gonna focus on that.
Everything is so fucking bright.
Just look at this frame:
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The "sunlight" is literally shining down on Bachira. Yeah, yeah, I know it's the overhead lights, but colors convey mood, okay? And the mood I'm getting from looking at that frame are all on the neutral to good range. It looks as if Bachira is going to give some profound life talk—which, in itself, is not bad, considering how they immediately follow it with this:
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Not bad at all, really. The anime got the mundane-to-creepy shift okay.
But then that's it.
Right after this is a peek of Bachira's past, and once we're done with that, he's still just standing there in harmless mode. The monster scene that should've already started was cut off.
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Now, there's no tension at all.
I mean, there is some tension brought about by the curiosity of what this monster is all about. But this tension is mild, leaning more towards casual curiosity than thrilling suspense.
In the manga, there is action. Bachira is immediately playing in egoist mode, and he's got this never-before-seen serious look on his face, putting the mood in the dark range.
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In the anime version, however, they take an entirely different approach. They're using mischievous!Bachira and not serious!Bachira. Look at him smirk:
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(And it's still so fucking bright—more on the anime's colors later)
Unlike in the manga where we are thrusted into a monster scene the moment Bachira says "There is a monster inside me," in the anime, getting there is taking some time. In the frame above, we are not yet in a monster scene at all. Him just standing there is probably him recalling that memory of his and still soaking in the emotions it brought him.
Don't get me wrong, though; I love the addition of Bachira's flashback. But I think the animators could've done something to keep the tension while also inserting the flashback. Maybe they could've interspersed the flashback while Bachira is dribbling instead of just showing us his feet? I don't know, I'm not an expert. I can point out problems, but don't expect me to know how to fix them.
Moving on... The part where the anime actually enters the monster scene is here:
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And let's be honest. This turned out more homoerotic than the manga version. Isagi looks like he's having a gay panic, whereas in the manga he looks terrified.
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And knowing the fact that the anime director acknowledges Bachira's love for Isagi, it won't be too farfetched to say that anime!Bachira looks lovestruck. You can even hear it in his voice.
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Now kiss.
Anyways, my point for Part 1 is: Emphasizing the characters' relationships is sacrificing some of the horror vibe.
I will go more into this in a different post. For now, I'm ending Part 1 here. I'd like to add some more examples + videos, but Tumblr only allows one video per post...
Stay tuned!
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ratmonky · 4 years
Sweet Blossoms
this is a commission, my friend put a gun against my head to write this and I didn’t get to write any of my own ideas so you don’t tell me it sucked cuz i already know it did lol
Word Count: 4.8K
Warnings: unhealthy relationship, cheating, vanilla *bleh*
AO3 Link
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There was no way he could know what kind of flowers you liked so he had left you all sorts of kinds.
You crouched down and took the flower bouquet in your arms, looking around to see who had left them but you couldn’t see him when he was that far into the darkness. With the prettiest smile on your lips, you inhaled the sweet fragrances of different flowers all at once. It almost made you dizzy because of how strong each flower's aroma was.
Carefully walking back inside the apartment, you started looking for the note the cheap supermarket flowers usually came with. While you were handling the flowers, the note slipped and fell onto the floor, right where your boyfriend was standing.
“This again?” he sighed, taking the note. He opened the note shamelessly, reading it out loud. “(name), as pretty as these flowers are, they are nothing compared to your beauty. I hope you’re staying healthy and safe.” He flipped the note to see if there was more to it but when he realized there wasn’t, he tore it apart. “Sounds like a creep.”
“Don’t say that.” You frowned, watching the note get destroyed. “They are harmless.”
“No sane man would leave flowers for some college girl living with her boyfriend. He’s probably still out there rubbing one off.” He leaned to the wall. “I would,” he added with a smirk.
“Stop being vulgar.”
“You say that while wearing things like that. You look for attention as if I’m not giving ya enough.” His words made you look down at your outfit. It was just a sundress.
“You’re overreacting,” your voice was fainter than a whisper.
“Don’t play the victim now. If it weren’t for me, you’d be sucking someone off for money to afford to live in a smaller apartment than this. Maybe you’d join those hookers in the kabuki district if I stopped giving you attention, huh?”
Legs shaking, you pressed the bouquet of flowers to your chest. There wasn’t anything you could or wanted to say to him. He was being mean but he was right. Maybe you had to stop dressing up like this. If it weren’t for him you wouldn’t be able to afford your major or rent. Your boyfriend was paying for the rent while you continued studying and worked to save money to pay off your student loan.
“Never forget that you wouldn’t be shit without me.”
You rapidly nodded, avoiding making him any more upset.
“Good,” he sighed and put his hands on his hips. “Now, go wipe your face, you look like a clown.”
Your hand went to your cheek to feel your makeup over your skin. It was still smooth, not cakey at all but from the way he said it, perhaps it looked worse than you thought.
Walking past him, you slipped the small piece of paper in your dress’s pocket without him noticing. You put the flowers in a vase before placing them next to the old ones. This wasn’t the first time you had received flowers from your secret admirer and you hoped it wouldn’t be the last time.
Back in your room, hastily you took out the small paper and grinned when a movie ticket greeted you.
There hadn’t been a time in your life where you put this much effort into how you were going to look like to go out.
Your boyfriend often didn’t like it when you dressed up or put on makeup, he usually made comments on how you looked that made you feel bad about your appearance. Although you knew he loved you, it hurt your confidence. His words affected you in ways you couldn’t describe.
It was one of the reasons why you were conscious of your appearance right now and why you kept tugging your skirt down, worried that you might be showing too much skin. You wouldn’t put your small compact mirror down either, you kept checking on your makeup.
Everyone was looking at you. Thinking that you’re a slut.
At least that was what your mind was telling you. No, that was something your boyfriend would say.
While trying to ignore your own thoughts, you walked up to the employee behind the counter and showed them your ticket to enter the movie theatre. They told you your ticket’s arranged seat number and you saw from the computer screen that the seat beside yours was occupied.
You took a deep breath to calm your senses. The only reason you were here was because of how curious you were, nothing else. You had been getting flowers every Friday for longer than a year now and not knowing the identity of your secret admirer was eating you up.
I’m only gonna take a peek, you promised yourself and walked inside the theatre. If it turned out to be a creep like your boyfriend kept telling you about, then you could just walk away. This was a public space so there was no need to feel anxious about what could happen.
It took you a long moment to find your seat at the furthest back row and get comfortable on the soft cushions. The place wasn’t empty but it wasn’t full of people either, yet the row you had your seat on was completely free.
Each passing minute was unbearable even when you were trying to busy your mind with your phone but nevertheless failed to notice it when someone took a seat next to you.
By the time you looked up, there was a familiar face sitting next to you.
“Junpei!” you gasped, he always managed to sneak up on people since his presence went unnoticed.
He couldn’t meet your gaze, “Hi, it’s been a while huh?”
“Yeahh,” you went on to say before looking around, the trailers were about to start since the lights dimmed, your secret admirer was nowhere to be seen. “Umm, you see, I’m glad to see you here but I’m waiting for someone, this seat is taken.”
His adam’s apple moved as he gulped, there was a sweat droplet that drizzled down from his cheek to his neck.
Your eyes then landed on his lap. He was holding a single rose in his hand, the flower shook in his grasp.
“Oh.” It dawned on you. “Okay.”
Junpei held the flower out for you to take but still averted his gaze from yours. Slowly, you took the rose from him and lifted it up to your nose, inhaling the sweet aroma.
“You can leave,” he whispered, trying not to break the unwritten rule of a movie theater. “I won’t judge.”
He had noticed how disappointed you looked when you found out it was him who had been leaving you those flowers, he wasn’t the aggressive type to force you to sit down with him like this. Entrapping you and making you feel uncomfortable was the last thing he wanted to do.
“Why?” you whispered back.
“You looked disappointed.”
You snorted, “I was surprised to find out my next-door neighbor and dropout classmate was my secret admirer.”
Someone shushed.
Trying to stifle your giggling, you continued. “You could’ve just asked me out normally.”
His cheeks flushed deep red and he finally met your eyes. “You have a boyfriend.”
You got quiet, “Yeah.”
I have a boyfriend. I have a boyfriend but I came here to meet my secret admirer. Why?
Perhaps it was because you wanted to feel validated. The poems you got with the flowers, at least the ones you managed to hide were special to you. Whenever you doubted yourself, rereading the poems gave you the confidence you lacked.
The movie started.
Junpei was fidgeting with his fingers, no matter how much he tried he couldn’t focus on the movie. He had been wanting to see this one since it came out, the hype around the release of this movie and the reviews he had read made him more excited than ever, yet… Since you were here, his thoughts were full of you.
From the corner of his eye, he could see that you were staring at the silver screen but your expression was blank as if you weren’t paying any attention either.
He opened his mouth to say something but a scream coming from the female lead interrupted him. His attention involuntarily directed itself to the screen and soon, he sort of got invested in the storyline as you were having an internal debate with yourself.
There was an exciting scene that had him gripping to the sides of his seat, he was about to comment on the scene when he turned to face you but you were already looking at him, blushing.
Junpei didn’t understand the reason why you were blushing until he looked down. In the heat of the moment, he had placed his hand on top of yours on the seat’s cup holder.
A blush matching yours spread on his face and neck, he apologized before proceeding to lift his hand but you prevented him from pulling away by holding his hand.
Then, you intertwined your fingers together with his while scooting closer to the edge of your seat to close the distance between the two of you.
In that quiet moment of your hand tightly holding his own, Junpei started nodding as if he understood something and returned his attention to the screen.
He couldn’t focus on the rest of the movie, rather he focused on how warm your hand was or how sweaty his palm was.
Your head softly leaned on his tense shoulder. A wave of panic made Junpei’s eye look at you if you had died because -why else would you put your head on his shoulder? Yet, you were very much alive and you were still holding his hand tightly. He didn’t dare to move, not sure what exactly to do either.
Whether it be the most rational thing that came up to his mind or his own curiosity on how it felt, he tilted his head until his cheek pressed against your hair. Your warmth was enough to warm his heart, it gave him the comfort he had thought he would never get. The delicious smell of your shampoo invaded his nostrils almost instantly, a genuine smile spread on his face as you continued leaning on him.
“Why did you leave those flowers?”
The question was sudden.
“Because I… I have feelings for you.” His voice was quieter than a whisper out of consideration to not interrupt other people’s enjoyment of the movie.
“Why?” he echoed, thinking what to answer. There were too many reasons why. He couldn’t come up with just one. “Because you’re you.”
“What does that mean?” You lifted your head up to look at him.
“Well, it means that I like…” Geez, it was hard to say it out loud when you were looking. His cheeks were burning up and his eye was looking at everything but yours. “You’re beautiful and considerate. You care about others and you’re selfless. I guess I like you because you were kind to me back in high school.” The memory brought a smile to his complexion, you two were in the same film appreciation club in the past and were close friends if not best friends. “You’re not scared to be yourself. You always know what you want in life. I always wanted to be like you or rather be with you, kinda like adornment with a dash of being in love with you... I guess.”
Was he really describing you or some idea he had about you?
There was no way of knowing. You didn’t know who you were anymore. Not after you started dating your boyfriend.
If you had asked your boyfriend to describe you, what would he say?
Nevermind, you didn’t want to know.
“Hey,” Junpei called in a panicked voice, someone in the audience shushed again. “Are you alright? Did I say something wrong?”
You shook your head, tightening your hand around his while your eyes sparkled with gratitude. It made you look so kissable, your lips being parted slightly only made the thought a lot more irresistible.
Junpei’s face leaned closer to yours, he was moving hesitantly and slowly, waiting for your reaction. Instead of moving away, you were just staring at him but he felt like he was forcing you again.
Wanting you to make the decision, he stopped himself and closed his eyes, brows furrowing as his anxiety was eating him up. His heart hammered through his chest and he waited and waited and waited until something soft pressed on his lips.
He peeked with one eye to look at your face, the view made his heart skip a beat. Your eyes were closed, eyelashes fluttering as your glossy lips moved against his own. Having not much experience, he followed your lead, parting his lips and mirroring the way you moved yours, ignoring how wildly his body shook from excitement.
You tasted as sweet as you looked, your perfume filled his lungs and made his head spin. He was being conscious about a lot of things as your hand that was holding him moved to his shoulder and then to his neck to card your fingers through the short strands.
He could feel your warmth through your lips better than when he held your hand. He experimentally snaked his tongue inside your mouth to get a better glimpse of how you actually tasted.
Almost immediately, you opened your mouth to allow him entrance, letting his tongue hesitantly move along with yours. Teeth clashed once or twice but it did nothing other than making you giggle into the kiss.
His hand went to your cheek to caress it and pull your face closer until he could get a better angle to kiss you. There was something so endearing about the way he touched you, his touch was gentle, loving even. Something you hadn’t felt in a long time.
Once he pulled himself back, the small wet strands connecting your lips together thinned and broke apart.
Junpei was completely red and you knew you weren’t any different. His lips were swollen and pink, eyes full of admiration as he was looking at you. He was cherishing this moment.
The lights turned on, ruining the mood.
Both of you flinched and jumped back on your seats, unaware how you were practically on his lap before. It was kind of comedic, nobody would have cared if they saw two people being lovey-dovey in the back row of a theatre since it was something common yet both of you were acting like two young lovers who had been busted by their parents.
The awkwardness went away only after you exited the theater, holding Junpei’s hand.
“Your dress is really pretty,” he said to break the silence as you were walking down the street.
“Thanks, it has pockets,” you chirped, putting your free hand inside the small pocket to show it to him. “This is my favorite dress!”
“Cute,” he chuckled. His cheeks were still faintly blushed red but not as visible as before. Although his mind was clouded by many things and what was going to happen next, he didn’t dare to say anything that could ruin your smile. Not only because you looked gorgeous with a smile on your face but also because he knew you needed it.
“Wanna stop by somewhere?”
“Like for dinner? Sure, although I’m not hungry, I can watch you eat.”
“No,” you uttered, pointing towards somewhere.
Junpei’s eye followed where you were pointing your finger and his mouth gaped, cheeks flushing bright red instantaneously. He looked at you to see that you were blushing as well.
“It’s okay if you don’t wanna.” You were regretting making the suggestion.
“No, I wanna, definitely, yes, go.” He had to take a deep breath to calm himself before saying something that made sense. “You asked too suddenly.”
Nonetheless, you were the embarrassed one. He had to swallow down his own embarrassment to sheepishly drag you across the street and into the red light district. The hotel you had been pointing at had a large neon sign that read some nonsense like ‘secret getaway’ on it. You wondered if it was the absurdity of the sign or the situation which made you point at this specific hotel.
In front of the entrance, he hesitated walking inside.
“I can pay,” you said, mistaking the reason why he was hesitating.
“You don’t need to, I was just… thinking.” He was blushing again, how was he going to say this. He didn’t dare to say it out loud. Ugh, he had to. “I-I d-don’t have a condom with me.”
“I think they might sell some inside,” you hummed before getting on your tiptoes to whisper, “You don’t need one anyway.”
This time, his blood rushed south.
Your eyes landed on the not-so-small problem and softly giggled. “I guess I have to check us in, huh?”
“Please…” He used a hand to cover his face in embarrassment. “Don’t tease me about this.”
“I’ll try not to,” you said, pulling him inside the hotel, he quickly pulled his shirt down to cover the front of his pants. The reception was quiet, you chose a room that was the cheapest and got your room key from the receptionist.
Junpei let go of your hand to dive it in his pocket to fish out his wallet to pay for the room but you stopped him. He looked at you in question and you shook your head, retaking his hand. “We’ll pay when we’re leaving since we’re paying by the hour.”
He hadn’t realized how uninformed he was about this sort of stuff until today. He nodded slowly and let you lead him to the elevator and then to your room.
The awkward atmosphere was back as soon as you stepped inside the room. You finally let go of his hand to take off your shoes. While you placed your own neatly by the entrance hall, Junpei had just kicked off his shoes, leaving them as they were.
You walked further inside the room after fixing his shoes and placing them next to yours.
Junpei was busy checking the minibar as you sat on the bed, taking out your phone from your purse to check the time. It was close to evening time, your boyfriend would be back home soon. Shaking your head, you put your phone away and focused your stare on Junpei’s back. “Thank you.”
“For w-what?” His shoulders tensed at your words, it made you smile.
“For the flowers and the notes you left by my door.” You laid down on your back to feel how soft the sheets were. “Receiving them made me excited and feel validated.”
“I-it was nothing.” He walked over to the bed, it was too late to drink anything from the minibar, on top of that, the prices were way too expensive. “I always thought you found them stalkerish.”
The bed sank and creaked as he sat next to you.
“My boyfriend did.” Ah, right. Saying it out loud made you realize how silly the situation was. You were in a love hotel with someone who sent you flowers despite having a boyfriend.
“Yeah.” He didn’t know what to say, the mood had changed again.
Thankfully, you knew what to say.
“Have you ever jerked off to me?”
Caught off guard, Junpei squealed but then forced himself to laugh to avoid answering the question.
“Hmm?” You lifted your head from the bed to look at him, determined to get an answer to your question.
“I can’t answer that…” His voice died off lamely, maybe he shouldn’t have said anything.
“It’s just a question,” you replied, encouraging him to tell you the truth.
He mumbled.
“What?” You smirked, “I couldn’t hear you.”
“I said maybe!” He covered his face with his hands. Another involuntary blush colored his cheeks and neck. The sound of the fabric rustling as you perhaps leaned closer to him filled the room, but all he could hear was his heartbeat in his ears. It seemed like an eternity until you said something.
“How?” you asked, almost sheepishly.
His eye opened widely. Was he hearing things? “What?”
“How did you do it?” His eye met yours again, then turned down briefly to his lap before returning his attention toward you.
He was frozen. He slowly processed your words, pausing for a moment. Had you really asked him that? Did he imagine that? Junpei stayed in his position for a while. He didn't dare to move.
You put a hand on his knee, sending a shiver down his spine as your hand moved up to his thigh.
“(name),” he breathed, the anticipation of what was to come made his cock twitch in his pants.
“Junpei,” you echoed, grabbing his thigh and letting your fingers brush against the growing bulge. “Tell me, how did you?”
He was biting his lip as your hands fiddled with his pants, pulling the zipper down and humming.
It all felt like a dream, something he would have fantasized about when he had his hand wrapped around his cock late at night. Not something that would actually happen in a million years. Yet, it was happening right now at this moment.
“I imagined you touching me,” he revealed when you cupped his bulge.
“Naked and-” You tugged at the front of his pants, he lifted his hips and pulled them down.
“And?” Your fingers hooked under the waistband of his boxers, smiling mischievously.
“Under me,” he gasped as you pulled his underwear down to free his half-hard cock.
“Under you?” Wrapping a hand around the base of his cock, you lowered your mouth towards his cock, lolling out your tongue, you let your drool drizzle down on him. Slowly, you moved your hand from the base to the tip, spreading your drool to use it as lubrication.
“Y-yeah.” His hands gripped the sheets tightly. His cock was fully hard and was throbbing in your hand. “Under me.”
Your hand pumped his cock for the first time, it made a faint click sound. “Tell me more.” Using your thumb, you gently pulled back the thin layer of skin to expose the tip of his cock that was glistening with precum. With your forefinger, you tapped on the liquid and moved your finger away to see how far it would stretch. “Or better, why don’t you demonstrate it for me?”
Something snapped inside him.
Junpei grabbed you by your hair and pulled you up before locking your lips together in less than a second. His hand continued pulling you closer to himself while his tongue slipped out to explore your mouth once again. You sucked on his tongue and stroked his cock while grabbing a chunk of his hair in your other hand. You pulled his hair and opened your mouth widely to take the lead and this time you wanted to savor his taste.
Junpei’s free hand went to your ass, groping it and squeezing it as tightly as he could to get you to moan into the kiss and when you did, he lifted your leg to take you under him. Now, he was able to press himself on you.
You turned your face away for Junpei to kiss your neck, so you could jerk him off faster. He pecked on your neck and licked the sensitive skin until he reached your collarbone to nibble on your skin. Desperate to leave a mark of possession.
“Junpei,” you chanted, wanting to warn him about not leaving a mark. “Don’t-”
His teeth sank into your skin, hard enough to draw blood and your body squirmed in pleasure under him. An intense moan left your lips and you retrieved your hand from his cock to instead push his hair back.
Exposing his forehead, made him pull himself back from you. None of you dared to say anything as you gazed at each other. Your eyes were on his scars, albeit you were shocked, you managed to not show it on your face and instead pulled him closer to press a gentle kiss on his scars.
Your hands slid down to his cheeks and you squished them together, before pulling them back to take off your panties. You didn’t even get to take them off properly as Junpei balanced himself on a balled-up fist and hiked the skirt of your dress up. Although you wanted to offer him to take off your dress and panties, he was already positioning himself between your legs.
He stood still for a moment to look at you under him. Legs spread, hair and dress a mess while panties stuck on one ankle. He had never imagined he would see you like this when he left his house today. If he did, he would have been a lot more prepared.
Like bringing a condom.
“Is it really okay?” he asked.
You nodded, not really understanding what he was asking.
Without wasting another precious second, Junpei tapped his cock on your clit, dragging the tip back and forth between your folds before pushing the tip in. He pushed in deeper, letting out a groan in the process when your gummy walls squeezed around him.
You gasped softly, legs wrapping around his hips.
He took a moment to get himself together, it felt like he was going to cum if he moved. This was nothing like what he had imagined.
Whimpering, you moved your hips to tell him to move.
Junpei nodded, unable to let a single syllable out because of the way you clenched around him. He took a deep breath before tentatively pulling his hips back and slamming into you.
Your lips opened in a silent moan and he leaned down to press his lips onto yours as his hips started moving. His pace was irregular, the snap of his hips was brutal but his cock stroked all the good spots.
Arms wrapping around his neck, you held onto him for dear life when his cock began hammering into you. The girth of his cock was stretching you to your limit but the length was worse, with each snap of his hips, you felt the tip kiss your cervix.
The kiss turned sloppy soon enough, both of you were covered in each other's drool from moving your lips clumsily and thanks to the impact of Junpei humping your cunt like a rabid dog in heat.
His hands went to fondle your tits, he pulled the front of your dress down and dove his hands inside your bra to pinch your nipples, he was excitedly breathing into your mouth.
Both of you were close, he knew because you were a moaning mess, moving your hips desperately to meet his thrusts and his cock was twitching inside you because of how you wanted him like he wanted you.
“I’m- I’m gonna-” He couldn’t even finish his sentence.
When you felt his cock throbbing inside you, your legs wrapped around him tighter preventing him from pulling out. Once it occurred to him that you weren’t letting him go, he surged his forward as far as he could to bury his cock deep in your pussy. The tip of his cock pressed against your cervix and your gummy walls clenched around him.
Junpei’s eye rolled up while he spilled his seed inside your womb and in your pussy, filling you up to the brim. He pulled out to watch his seed oozing out from your gaping hole, he used his thumb to spread your folds wider and smiled in awe.
A moan left your lips, legs shaking in the pleasure of your tummy being full of his cum.
Junpei crawled next to you and put his head on your chest, his hand playing with your breast over your bra as the two of you caught your breaths.
There was a soft silence while you petted his hair and watched the ceiling.
You didn’t know what time it was but it had been long enough.
It was time to go home.
When you arrived at your apartment building, you retrieved your hand that was holding Junpei’s reluctantly. The smile Junpei wished you didn’t lose on your face was gone, instead, there was a broken smile.
He opened the building door for you and pressed the elevator call button. You were clutching on your purse, looking everywhere but his way. Maybe you were thinking that you made a mistake, Junpei knew he couldn’t compete with your boyfriend after all.
The elevator doors opened. The two of you got in. He pressed your floor. After an agonizingly long pause, the doors closed with a soft bell chime.
Having previously made your decision, you grabbed Junpei by his collar and pulled him down to kiss him greedily. Dumbfounded, he kissed you back. Although he wanted to use his hands to caress your body, the elevator’s bell chimed again, alerting that the doors were opening.
You pecked on his lips before letting go of his collar, brightly beaming at him.
His lips curled up into a smile matching yours.
Together, you walked past his apartment and to your place while holding hands, thankfully moving your stuff to the next door was easy.
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omegawolverine · 3 years
I know you posted it days ago but you said something about wanting to rant about either karl or his fanbase and its been itching at my brain. Ive no clue whats happening or what is happening at all cause no one seems to be making clear points?? Or explaining anything?
Obviously you do NOT have to talk about it im sure it might be a sore point to rant because people can get SO needlessly rude to others over it. But if you want to idk explain? Just rant? Im definetly curious what it was over or about.
The "you dont need to talk about this" is amplified by the fact i am DAYS late and you are probably over it by now.
okay hi yes im happy to talk about this but i think i should preface with two things:
1) even tho it may seem like im biased towards him or being very defensive of him im actually a super casual karl viewer and the only reason i am super defensive of him sometimes is bc we act a lot alike irl and that is mainly because of our neurodivegency. when i say a lot i mean we share traits like "annoying" stimming (jumping around, making loud noises, repeating the same phrases until everyone is sick of hearing them), the difficulty reading situations, the very obvious issues with volume control and not just bouncing from subject to subject to subject as we fucking please. basically anything you've seen karl do on stream that is Very Neurodivergent ive done the same in my own way which is why i get defensive when i see people calling him annoying or saying they dont like him, usually for these types of reasons. that being said, when i say im a very casual karl viewer, i fucking mean it. i usually only watch him when he's streaming with other ccs i like or when he's doing chill alt streams bc even with the annoying donos, he's pretty relaxing and comforting when he's just fucking around by himself and he isnt trying to get as hype as he would on a main channel stream. so yeah, it may seem like im biased and sure, i guess i am on some level, but it's not coming from a place of me hyperfixating on him or me even loving him as a cc, it's coming from me being a neurodivergent who likes him just enough to get upset when i see people basically being casually ableist towards him.
2) i dont have all the facts or even a great understanding on what the fuck has been happening recently with his "drama"...mostly bc he talked about it on his priv, which im not on, and people are gatekeeping the tweets, as they always do, and basically making you "dm to see them" (which is already a problem in and of itself bc apparently in these tweets he said he didnt want them being ss and shared, yet they are being shared thru dms over and over and over again like. at that point just stop withholding the information and post the fucking shit, you clearly dont care that he said "dont share"). additionally, most of the threads ive seen on this situation havent actually explained the initial issue, just talked about his apology (a lot of people have said "it's bad" but havent said why and with no screenshots ((i havent asked for someone to dm me them and i still havent seen them posted, which is mildly surprising, but incredibly frustrating at this point)), i only have a few basic details i can actually assess it on) or they talked about the initial issue in very vague details so um. excuse me trying to explain this now, but ill try and make it make sense with how little ive actually pieced together.
(oh, also, here's my first rant about the ableism in this fandom which is way more broad. this is a pretty different rant from that one, but they're both pretty big reasons why i hate this fandoms treatment of karl)
so basically the problems started with mr beast being apart of a charity stream that donated either to autism speaks or to a similar company, im unsure on that part. im also unsure on if the people participating in the stream actually knew of this or not bc, from what i remember, the money was being donated to a separate organization that was like. under the bad company or some shit like that, idk how stuff like that works and also i read about this shit months ago bc this originally happened months ago and just sorta came to a head recently.
anyways, i think karl was supposed to be apart of this stream but pulled out of it right before (that or these were two separate streams and karl was supposed to participate in the first but pulled out while mr beast did both?? idk. regardless karl did not actually participate, just mr beast). from there people started doing the guilt from association bullshit they always do, this was also doubled by the fact that the chris being racist stuff came out sometime around then and basically he got dragged all over twitter for "being ableist" and "supporting racists" and i cant remember if he actually apologized when this originally happened or not. i vaguely remember him apologizing about something back then but i genuinely dont know if it was this or something else.
basically that died down eventually, a good chunk of people unstanned him but him and honktwt didnt end up getting the lovely lil technotwt treatment and they still havent yet, surprisingly. good for them honestly ajsksk
but now we get to the past few weeks and apparently something happened with him "laughing at someone saying the r slur" (it was mizkif, i believe), specifically when it was directed at other people, which is a big yikes, obviously, but when karl was called out for this a lot of people kind of. made this into a situation that it wasnt bc um. basically karl didnt laugh at it, he gave a few nervous giggles, as people often do when in a situation like that (and karl specifically said he does this in the one part of his apology tweet which i did stumble upon, although it wasnt the important part of the apology thread bc why would it be) and people fucking crucified him for it. they quite literally dragged a neurodivergent man for supposedly "laughing at the r slur" when he can literally reclaim it and also he was just nervous laughing.
and this is where the situation just gets really bad because they. basically forced him to admit that he was autistic on his priv to apologize for this. i havent seen the screenshots of him saying this, but i saw people discussing it and i am frankly so fucking pissed about this because sure, it was a bad situation, and i understand people wanting an explanation, but an apology? for a neurodivergent man nervous laughing at a slur he can reclaim? and then forcing the man to admit something he literally said in that tweet he didnt want people to know which is why people were being so gatekeepy about it while also LOUDLY discussing the situation, as if that wouldnt drive MORE PEOPLE to look for screenshots and ways to get ahold of this information? and then people had the audacity to call it a "bad apology" when they had quite literally just violated his privacy by forcing him to admit something that he shouldnt have needed to share in the first place if he didnt want to, which he didnt.
and this is why im so pissed off. karl is already constantly picked at and made fun of and called annoying for his neurodivergent traits, things which he literally cant help, things which are generally harmless, and now he was forced into a situation where he can now be further picked at and made fun of and called annoying bc they forced him to admit something private instead of just understanding and accepting that he had been nervous laughing at someone using a slur he has definetly been called for his neurodivergency.
tldr of my thoughts: yes i think karl needed to address this situation, it definetly looked bad, but twitter stans have this sense of entitlement with their ccs and because of that, they consistently take it way too far and harm the people they claim to care about so dearly. we've seen it happen time and time again with dream, but this is the first time ive seen them basically force someone to out themselves to make their apology "valid" and most of them still seem to not want to accept it anyways, which just makes me feel bad for him bc now that info is out their and people are just disregarding it to continue "holding him accountable".
anyways, i think that's all i can really say on this topic rn tbh, if anyone else knows this situation better please feel free to lmk clarifications and ill add them in since, like i said, i know fuck all thanks to twitter being so goddamn hush hush about the important details while simultaneously being the loudest mfers about how much they hate karl now instead of just fucking unfollowing and moving on.
thanks for the ask and im sorry if this is confusing!! i just think this is one of those weird situations where like. i think karl deserved some criticism for what happened and how he handled it or at least he shouldve been asked to address it but that just. isnt what happened, at all. he was harrassed. karl got harrassed and because of that he handled this situation even more sloppily than he probably wouldve and exposed private info about himself that he didnt feel comfortable doing and it just. fucking sucks tbh.
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lovee-infected · 4 years
Congrats on finishing exams! I thought of a one-shot request that'll hug you in fluff. In TW, the end of his lab SR has Ortho almost begging Silver to let him use his body's features more and test things, essentially just wanting to play doctor. What about a cute situation with a reader (fem/neutral) who lets him play and poke around to try things out so he can make more use out of it? (Sorry if it's strange, just thought it sounded adorable ^^)
This took me a while to write since I had to translate Ortho's stories to get to know him better
I added some Idia condiment to it to so Ortho will be motivated to use his abilities to help his brother ♥
Someone like you
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"Okay , what are we gonna do now ?" you asked with a motivational tone , hiding your great nervousness . You were given the permission to keep Ortho for only an afternoon . Idia seemed pretty unsafe about letting you have him but since Ortho insisted , he gave up : " Be back by the sunset , okay ?" . Ortho has told you how shy and unstable his brother would be if he gets in a face-to-face conversation , so you tried to patch the whole thing up by phone . Honestly he seemed a bit strict on phone but you caught the yes , anyways , under some conditions of course : "No running , stay away from water , don't get into any arguments , avoid unnecessary interactions ," Idia had ruled . You promised to take your best care of Ortho but he didn't seem quite satisfied ; he probably just agreed because of Ortho .
Ortho didn't seem as cheerful as always and that worried you . He was drowning in his own thoughts that didn't recognize what you asked , making you repeat your question to pull him out of his daydreamings . Ortho then dropped his head and gave away a hum sound , probably thinking of something to do . He frowned a little putting a finger under his chin as if he was trying to remember something . "(y/n) ? " he asked , his voice filled with pain . " Yes ?" you answered , wondering if he's gonna talk about what was bothering him .
" My brother has been struggling with his studies a lot lately , he's a real genius , but he keeps on skipping classes and missing lessons , that's a worry . He was even close to getting kicked out of Mr. Crewel's classes for the rest of the year since he missed almost all classes this month , and now he isn't allowed to return to classes until he comes up with aj satisfying project or disquisition that changes Mr. Crewel's mind..."
Your eyes widened a bit at his words , it was this serious ? You knew that Idia was socially awkward for real but to fail him classes because of it...that wasn't something you would have expected .
" I'm so sorry to hear that , is there anything I can do ? " you asked , hoping there to be a way to help . Ortho nodded : " Yes please , I want to put my brother out of this obstacle and... need your help ," he crooned , eyes filled with pain now . You couldn't take him being this sad , that was the total opposite of what you brought him out for . "I'd try my best Ortho , let's save Idia ," you said holding his hand and giving him your best smile . " (y/n)... let's make my brother the best disquisition ever ! something that Crewel couldn't resist ," he declared , now with a hyped tone that proved how determined he was. You gave him a dried up smile while thinking of something to say . One one hand you didn't really know what might satisfy Crewel but on the other you couldn't say no to him , not that you motivated him yourself . " It's great Ortho but , since Ignihyde's the most high-tech dorm isn't it supposed to have the best and greatest scientific researches as well ? I mean comparing to them , my knowledge is pretty scanty ; wouldn't it be better if Idia himself does it ?" Ortho shook his head as a no : "He worked on plenty of great projects , from the history of magic to the rarest formulas of the strongest portions , but Crewel rejected each and every of them . He told brother that he lacked something that cannot be found through internet , that he needed something coming from outside of his room ,"
"I see..." you mumbled . " He most likely wants him to do his investigation out of the computers , to do it by being in direct contact with his environment , " you continued . Crewel really did want him to prove that he can get out of his room you thought , seemed a bit unfair but wise. Ortho now seemed to be really inspired by your words , he hadn't thought of Crewel actually having a purpose under his ask . He thought that the main problem was with his brother's researches not being good enough . " If that's why , then we can do it right now for him ! We already have whatever we might need for a great research and so he would no longer be rejected from his classses ! "
" Plants...? " you asked , pretty unsure if this was going to help . It's true that Crewel wasn't looking for a strong yet totally online essay but it didn't enusre him liking one about flowers grown in Night raven college itself either . " Yes , flowers would be a perfect case since they're grown outdoors , just as Mr. Crewel wanted ! Also if we collect samples from them he can no longer claim that all those information were found through the internet , a real success ! " Ortho seemed pretty confident about his idea , but you couldn't let him do anything if that was going to be useless : " True , but doesn't he know everything about all plants here already ? After all they're all pretty exposed to anyone passing ," you said , but Ortho disagreed : " I've donemy research with that , Night raven's thousand-year old history had been through plenty of ups and downs , some rare species which are long extincted out there , remained here from decades ago , which proves that there are pretty worthy plants left here that Crewel would die to know about ; he would do anything to add new species to his collection . Also , it was only mentioned that Night Raven college has at least more than 250 unique plant species , which means that there isn't even any sure number or limit to them , that would be amazing , (y/n) ! No one has ever thought of doing it before ! We would be the first ones !"
You didn't know if that was a good idea or not , but you had to admit that you were impressed . This college surely did keep tons of mysteries within and you couldn't find any of them without a bit of risking .
" Fine Ortho , I'll take care of it then ," you said , preparing yourself for a long journey : " First , we'll try to collect samples from each specie that we see , then schedule each and every of them , submit details into a chart and finally , check the data with a reliable source to identify each and every of them , that would make a high-key strong disquisition ! " you told Ortho , making him nod happily and give you a tight hug : " Thank s (y/n) ! You're the best ! "
You hugged him back and then decided to start : Okay , first we need to get some small bottles , like the ones used in lab to keep magical materials , we shall go get so-" you couldn't continue as Ortho murmured : " Probe mode- open the toolbox " Suddenly three slides around his waist moved away and shelves filled with forceps , flacons , medicinal alcohol and tweezers , along with anything necessary for a professional sampler came out . You couldn't help but to be amazed , you didn't expect him to be this equipped .
" Seems like brother had optimized me to be in charge of investigations as well , he hadn't mentioned many of them before ," he giggled , fascinated himself facing how well prepared he was . " Wait , I guess we don't have to collect samples one by one , just as you said , Crewel already knows plenty of them . Let's just collect special ones ," he said before making strange sounds again : " Automated analysis -activate! - goal: identification of rare species -" He continued to make strange sounds as he analyzed the whole area , his body bizarrely moving on it's own and making weird sounds which each specie being identified : Primorose-sweet pea-Red valerian- borage-bluebells- woodruff-...
After about 5 minutes of analysis , his system got a new notification : " Error - Unknown-or-unrecognizable specie , located in five-o'clock position in a radius of five kilometers to south ," You two quickly went to the location as you were addressed , finding a small bush with a single blue-purple flower . Ortho gasped at the sight : "This is Eris's Orchid ! My brother had told me about them before ! These were told to be a symbol of bad luck back in my hometown , but brother said notto believe any of those words and that they were totally harmless . These flowers extincted in my hometown before my brother was born , I'd only seen old pictures of it . Brother will love this ! " Ortho's mechanical arms carefully picked the flower and placed it into a flacon and closed it . Ortho re-prepared his analysis sensors and said : " Okay ! One collected , way to go ! "
Idia was stressed out , the two of you had to be back hours ago . Did something bad happen ? Could it bd that Ortho had problems with his gears again ? Where were you ? How could he find you now !?
" Brotheeeeeeeeeeeeer !! " Ortho's call for Idia broke the silence loudly before kicking the door open with his rocket leg and wrecking it .
"Ortho , I'd told you not to wreck the door with your- waaa aah- ! " he led out a terrified scrram as he saw the huge board the two of you were holding by hand . " Sorrrry it took so long ! (y/n) suggested we finish sticking everything before we could've lost any of them so we did ! Hope that nothing is missing ," he said , putting the board slowly down so it wouldn't get any damaged . "Wha-what is this ??" Idia asks with his eyes wide open . "Your alchemy project , brother ! Mr Crewel wanted you to give something that required direct contact with nature , so here you go ! Best project ever ! " Ortho explained happily . You could see the light shimmering into his eyes , a light that proved how excited and happy he now was ; just as you wished him to be
Idia was at a loss of words , staring at the board with his mouth open as if he wanted to say something , but no sound came out . His eyes run all over the huge board ; fascinated and shocked at the same time : "Y-you...you two did really did discover more than 100 of ancient species !? My- many of these were considered to be long ago extincted - even the Eris's Orchid ! " Idia replied . He had studied Night Raven being rich in Biodiversity , but this was far greater than his expectations , specially now that he saw you two finding them .
You were relived to see him appreciating your work , even though he was expressing it in a pretty odd way : " So...Idia , you think that's good enough ?" you asked . Idia slowly raised his head and stared at the ground , still too shy to make an eye contact with you : "It's... perfect ," Idia mumbled shyly . Ortho led out a happy shout as he saw his brother satisfied . He quickly jumped into his embrace and hugs him , making Idia lose balance . "O- ORTHO- NO-," Idia shouted before they both fell to the ground . You gasped at the sight : "My god , you two alright !? "
You helped them both stand up and then , it was Idia's turn to speak : " Th-thank you . Both of you . I couldn't imagine someone going out of their way to do such a thing for me..."
"No," you cut him off . You turned toward Ortho and bowed down a bit to be at the same height as him : "It wasn't me , it was all because of Ortho . It was his idea to look for forgotten species and study them , he was the one who could find them using his analytical power and his studies and well-updated datas enabled us to identify each of them , he is really amazing ," Ortho gazed upon you with his eyes filled with disbelief . "I know, " Idia agreed . "Ortho is special and surely way greater than many out there , including me . But he still has hundreds of undetected abilities , which are unknown to even me . Because of someone like you , he discovered more of his abilities and grow even greater , right Ortho ? " Idia asked . Ortho nodded and then , gave you a really tight hug : " Thank you (y/n) , you are wonderful . Because of you my brother now won't get in trouble and I am now more equipped and mighty to be there for him , you are the best ,"
You held your tears of joy back from falling , knowing that they may bring pain to Ortho since he didn't know how to cry . Even Idia now was smiling at you , he seemed a lot more comfortable with you now ; just as he was with Ortho . Your heart as well drowned in joy as you saw Ortho the way you wished him to be : Happy
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Hello Darling pt3
Summary: (y/n) is the salvatores younger sister and she is low key in love with one of the originals. You know which one. The only problem is he is a low key psychopath and neither of them remember that this isn’t their first meeting.
Warnings: just harmless flirting
A/N: I’ve been in love with Kol Mikaelson for 3 days now. I’m being forced to watch vampire diaries with my mom and Kol and the rest of the original family are like the only reason I’m still watching it.
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You hadn't gotten any sleep last night. You spent 3 hours in the emergency room with Matt because he wouldn't drink your blood. He didn't want to risk becoming a vampire. But you were trying to be a nice person nowadays so you respected his decision and waited with him at the ER. You didn't get home till 4 in the morning, and it took you at least an hour to get out of that stupid dress you had worn. You really wish you hadn't had gone to that stupid party. It had been filled with one disappointment after another, but now you were home in your apartment. With no annoying brothers, no doppelgänger sluts, and no originals. The sun was coming up and you were finally able to get some sleep for the day.
You didn't wake up till about 12 in the afternoon. By the time you showered and left your apartment it was already 1 o'clock so you were shocked when you arrived at your brothers house in time to see Rebekah Mikaelson leaving in the same dress she had worn to the party the night before. She only ignored you and walked out of the house. Not even making eye contact with you.
Damon walked down the stairs barely dressed after having obviously just taken a shower.
"What was Rebekah doing here?" You knew exactly what she had been doing, but you needed your brother to admit it.
"She was just leaving." He smiled and walked away trying to ignore your question. You followed him into the library.
"No Damon, I mean why was she here in the first place?"
"I may or may not have gotten drunk and brought her back here after Elena shut me down last night." He poured himself a drink.
You couldn't help but laugh at your ass of an older brother. It was only a couple hours ago that he accused you of sleeping with an original and here he is brushing off his one night stand like it didn't matter that he's a big fat hypocrite. "You know what? Eat Shit Damon."
"Aww come on (y/n) so what if I slept with Rebekah. Why do you care?"
"I care because last night when you weren't busy fawning over Elena you were slut shaming me for being around an original but today you're sleeping with one of them like it's no big deal. So yeah, Damon. eat shit and see if I care!" You stormed out of the house, not wanting to be around your brother any longer. He was a jerk and he never made an effort to apologize for it. Not like he did with Stefan at least.
You decide it was best if you went back to not caring and day drinking. So you headed back to the mystic grill and picked back up where you left off yesterday, half way through a bottle of whiskey.
By the time ten o'clock rolled around you were on your fourth bottle of whiskey and you were starting to crave something stronger, something that didn't come from a bottle. You looked around the room eyeing everyone in the bar. It was really packed since it was ten-o'clock on a Saturday. You were sizing everybody up to see who you could snatch away and take a bite out of. You notice some girl walking towards the bathroom. You quickly finished your drink and tried to go after the girl. But when you turned to leave your seat Kol was standing in front of you, blocking you from going after the girl.
"Hello Darling, I see your day drinking again. Whiskey of all things. Most girls are into champagne and fruity cocktails nowadays but you really aren't must girls are you." He set his coat on the back of the chair and set down next to you at the bar.
You really didn't want to see Kol right now or really ever. You saw another girl head to the bathroom so you gave up trying to feed from them and refilled your whiskey glass. "Not like most girls? Was that supposed to be a complement? You're gonna have to do better than that after what you did." You kept staring at the wall in front of you. You didn't want to look at him right now. Hell you didn't want him to be there right now.
"Oh yes how is the quarterback? All hyped on vampire juice and healed now?"
"No, he wouldn't take my blood. I had to sit in the ER with him all last night."
"Oh so is that why you're here drinking?"
"Why are you here Kol?" You turned to face him.
"Would you believe if I said that I care about your problems?" You rolled your eyes and you could tell he was just being sarcastic. "Yeah I wouldn't either. I'm not usually the one to care about other people and their problems. That was usually Elijah. Though I do feel different after having been daggered and living in a coffin for so long maybe I can give it go. So how about you tell me your problems and I'll tell you mine?"
You ignored him, just went back to staring at the wall and drinking your whiskey. "Well fine then I'll start first. Today my brother and my mother tried to kill me and all of my siblings, but then your brothers accidentally stopped them by killing my brother, permanently this time, before my mother could complete her spell. So now she's off in the wind trying to figure out how to finish us off."
He took the whiskey bottle from you and grabbed an empty glass to fill it up. You just stared at him, you felt bad about what had happened to him. You couldn't even imagine what he must be feeling right now. "I'm so sorry about what happened with your mother and for what my brothers did. I had no idea they were planning any of this. Which one of your brothers was it?"
"Finn." He downed what he could of the whiskey and refilled. He was obviously having a bad day.
"Were you two close?"
"No not really. He was a lot older and he spent the better half of the last millennium in a box for having a stick up his ass."
"Your family is something else."
He laughed a bit "You're telling me. So what happened to you today? Couldn't be any worse than my day."
"No but it wasn't any good." Kol just kept drinking and nodded along. "Went to my brother's house this afternoon to check in on them and make peace after last night. Turns out he and your sister hooked up last night. So I called him a hypocritical dick for yelling at me last night and for accusing me of sleeping with you then stormed out of the house and came here."
"So that's where Rebekah was last night. I'll have to remember to torment her later with that." He raised his glass and clinked it with yours, "Cheers."
"Cheers." You couldn't help but to stare at Kol. Despite everything he did last night you didn't hate him. He was different tonight, he wasn't cocky and confident he seemed genuine. About an hour and a bottle later. You were both pretty drunk, even for vampires. You found yourself once again wanting to spend more time with the jerk. After everything he did to your friend you still liked him, more than you probably should have. Everything about him just seemed so familiar and comfortable.
You decided it was best that you left before you tried to do anything you might regret. "I should probably get going, it's late."
"Do you need me to walk you home or get you a cab?" Kol started to laugh, "I'm trying to be nice here, I'm not sure it's working for me."
"No, I'll be okay. I don't live far from here." You got up and started to walk towards the door as Kol stopped you about half way.
"Hey (y/n) wait!" He grabbed your wrist and turned you around to face him. "I'm sorry about what I did at the ball yesterday. I was mad at my sister and I took it out on your friend Matt and your brother."
It fell silent between you two for a moment. Kol was still holding your wrist in his hand. You started to laugh, "What's so funny?"
"Nothing, it's just, you're apologizing for trying to kill my only friend and my brother and I've just forgiven you. I'm not even upset about it, Because I've been there before, when you're so mad at someone that you take it out on someone else. It's just so weird I should be mad at you right now but I'm not. Part of me likes you even more now." You just kept laughing at yourself. You were totally drunk off your ass. You didn't even realize you said you liked him out loud.
"Wait did you just say you like me more now? So you actually did like me before?" Kol smiled at you. You were mad at yourself for saying that out loud but glad you got Kol to perk up a bit. You noticed him moving a bit closer to you.
"Maybe" the alcohol was really kicking in. You felt more confident than you had in a long while.
Kol leaned down a bit so you two were closer together "Does that mean I still have a chance?"
"Maybe." You saw him glance down a few times to stare at your lips too. You both were waiting for someone else to make the first move. You were as close as you two could get without touching.
Tired of the waiting, Kol closed the gap between you. He pulled you closer by your wrists before moving his hands to the side of your face. Your hands ran up through his short brown hair. You could already taste the whiskey on him. It didn't take you long before you both were gasping for air and had to pull apart slightly. Neither of you could seem to decide what to say next.
You broke the silence, "You know on second thought I might need a walk home. My place is just two blocks over."
Kol pulled away from you and laughed. He quickly grabbed his coat from the back of his chair. He smiled and held his hand out to you "Well then, lead the way."
I just want to say thanks again to @hellish-ramblings-of-an-emo for helping me edit these and get these first few chapters out here. You have been such an inspiration to me and you make me want to write more everyday!
Also thank you to all the people who have been liking this story and I’ll be posting new chapter from now on every week! I would also love to take request for fic ideas to help me fill up this blog with stories.
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mitsuhidethesnek · 3 years
Time to liveblog Ikepri!
There will be complaining so I won’t tag the characters when I’m complaining lol. Also, this will reflect my blatant bias for scary boys plus Leon. I’m not into softies or tsuns. This is just me airing out MY opinions, so please feel free to disagree and have your own thoughts. I knew I should have started this liveblog earlier. I’m already 4 chapters into Chev’s route. Character first impressions under the cut. Just prologue content.
Prologue thoughts - I like that she owns a bookstore. IkeVamp also had an MC after my own heart, travel journalist. - Yves and Chevalier both lay it on so thick with the insults. Everyone is unworthy to Yves, but it’s his overcompensation from the start. For Chevalier, everyone is just literally inferior because apparently he’s worked so hard to be so ruthlessly superior.
- Eight princes have gathered, one of them will be chosen to be king. Except only our three starter pokemon want to be king, and more than half of them have asked you to be less formal with them lol.
- pfft. Everyone calling Sariel out for kidnapping me. Sariel is like “how dare you accuse me? MC is here of her own free will, right, MC?” and only LEON actually asks my opinion. But he also tries to persuade me by pointing out the icing on top of the ordeal lol.
- I like that Sariel was impressed with me the moment I slapped a drunk. A man who appreciates violence “for a good cause.” I mean, a solid reason to choose me.
- Okay, it is furthermore not about eight different princes vying for power. It’s really just two factions. Team Chevalier and Team Leon. plus Yves kind of
- Prologue Chapter 8 is where Leon starts being nice to you wants to know your thoughts. uwu
- This MC asks questions multiple times. She asked “why her?” for Belle multiple times. It’s extra self-deprecating, which I’m not into, but I guess it’s humble. She doesn’t understand that just being a commoner is enough. It could be anyone. And it just one unlucky standout moment she was chosen for. Leon gives a good reason though. We need someone common who understands what it’s like to be human, because all the royals are a bunch of beasts.
- I love that Belle is a title. Such a good trope. Like how Alice is a title in Ikerev
- I wonder if our translation enthusiasts are complaining. Probably. >> The English localization seems really on the nose with some lines. ><
Individual character thoughts
- I was expecting puppy immaculate sub. I wasn’t expecting literally obsessed with you. But the fact that he makes Sariel nervous and is too much for Sariel is HILARIOUS. Terrifying levels of enthusiasm. I approve.
- Unfortunately Rio is exactly the type of man I have often had to discourage. It is never just harmless flirting! >< Girl, he gonna keep trying even once you’re married.
- Sariel has some sexy lines, but it is 100% creepy since we don’t know each other. - I figured he was my type. Sadistic. Devil-type. The way they do it is he says some pretty unnatural things that imply violence and madness. Disciplinarian. He’s extra and kind of unbelievable and way too handsy in a way that makes him come off shady, but I’m here for the sadistic disciplinarian ride.
-I was looking forward to the contrast between Sariel and Rio, someone who makes you serve and someone else who loves to serve, so I’m here for that contrast. Yves
- No, I don’t appreciate you insulting me every second. He seems like a dainty tsun, so not really my type off the bat.
- However, something tells me his story might be surprisingly moving and relatable? Kind of like Ikevamp Mozart or Ikerev Jonah. Very prim condescending characters who reveal relatable insecurities and standards. Characters that reveal more in their routes than as NPCs.
- I’m not into big kind guys, but he’s honestly a breath of fresh air. I like that he’s not an active flirt, but what he says is just extra friendly so it comes off flirty. He’s the tallest and is compared to a bear. He doesn’t want to be king. So he seems like someone who will just be nice. I like that he’s super not into the drama and tries to get away from it and discourages it.
- He’s not my type either. He’s the eldest brother, so he has this knowing air about him all the time like nothing surprises him. But he’s just an observer and commenter so far, doesn’t really interfere. He’s more cool like IkeRev Ray, not an uptight brother-mom figure.
- Not my type either. Reminds me of IkeRev Harr and Luke. Just really quiet at first so it’s hard to say. He might be the most normal though of all the brothers. Similar to Luke, where he wants to stay out of the drama, but much more taciturn and grumpy about it.
- He’s my type. Constantly trying to get in your pants. But he’s coming off kind of cheesy and just nonstop horny to me. Idk, I like seductive enticing dialogue, and I lose interest when it goes past coaxing to full on pushing.
- I was REALLY hype for Clavis. Constantly amused character. Turns out, he’s not just this puppeteer in the background. He’s a full on meddler, which I’m still into. He likes starting chaos for its own sake.
- I wonder if he’s different in other routes, but so far having started Chev’s route, I don’t like that he’s mostly here to cause chaos in all matters relating to Chev, instead of being about causing mischief in general. And I don’t like that he’s more of a prankster. I was hoping for sophisticated knowing trickster.
- He lays his superiority complex on SUPER thick. The payoff is supposed to be good when he goes from being utterly unimpressed with you to being obsessed with you. But it’s super disheartening to have characters that make me feel like an idiot. And it’s just how he treats everyone, not just me, but he lays it on thickest at me.
- I literally only like this dude because he’s got that regal IkeSen Kenshin gaze and black fur-lined cape. My brain goes stupid for the regal fur boa, and I like that it’s black against his white color scheme because it suggests that he is the sinister brutal white of winter. So I’m here for all those metaphors.
- But he’s really extreme in how his character revolves around basically two thoughts: Love is worthless. Everyone has a use, and I don’t care about anything but the use of things.
- saved Leon for last because he’s too easily my favorite!! I’m glad I started Chev’s route because there’s no way I would have touched anyone else if I had started with Leon.
- He’s the best parts of Ikesen Masamune and Nobunaga and Ikevamp Napoleon and Leo! 
- I’m a sucker for the one character who actually cares about what I think and values it even when I underrate my own opinion. ;~;
- He’s the domestic faction in contrast to Chev the foreign faction. so already Chev is about conquest, and Leon is about doing a good job as King taking care of the people. Leon radiates power and can apply it at will, but mostly he asks first, and it’s so nice. Best of both worlds! Power and compassion!
- In a lot of his dialogue, the way he appeals to you is: “You don’t have to if you don’t want to. You don’t have to do anything that you’re not ready for. But if you do, it will be fun and life-changing. What do you say? Will you put your trust in me?” He never makes me feel bad for choosing what makes me feel safe or better. And he makes the danger option sound good because he acknowledges the danger and shifts your focus to the benefits, and you know you’ll be protected if you stay by him.
In summary...
I’m here for Leon.
I’m hopeful that Chevalier, Nokto, Sariel and Rio will scratch my itch for their tropes.
Luke and Yves surprised me. I’m open.
Lost interest in Clavis.
No interest in Jin and Licht so far.
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its-ya-boi-autumn · 5 years
Butterflies/Chapter 6
Just in case someone like doesn’t get it, this is in Chrollo’s point of view. Also, sorry if the ending seems choppy, I was having a little writers block there
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Chrollo didn’t sleep that night. Not only was he kept awake by the fear that Celestia’s father would find him, but he also feared for Celestia herself. To Chrollo, people were no different than puppets, but this one was important. He was starting to feel as if it were more than just his plan that she was valuable to for some reason. He couldn’t quite figure it out. What was it about this girl that piqued him so much? She wasn’t all that interesting, she was quite naive and even childish in some ways, but it was oddly appealing. She just had this irresistible aura around her. Soft and reserved, yet when Chrollo associated with her in any way it seemed to bloom into something stronger. Something exquisite.
Celestia was currently asleep next to him. He had convinced her that she needed the rest if she was still going to school the next day. He offered to take her, which took some more convincing but eventually she had agreed. He had to admit, he was a little upset that he had to stay the entire night. Originally, he planned to leave sometime early on. However, this plan was refuted from the fact that Celestia’s father, Nicholas, stayed awake the entire night complaining about the girl. Chrollo was curious to know what such an honest and completely harmless girl could have done to deserve treatment like this.
Her room wasn’t even a room, it was more like a pen. She only had a springy mattress, a thin blanket, and her windows were bolted shut. The smell from her closet indicated that she hadn’t washed clothes in a long time. She may not have been able to. Something else too. Chrollo noticed obscured objects shining in the back of the closet. He didn’t want to make a move to see what they were, afraid he’d make noise and warrant a worse punishment for the already terrified Celestia. He just assumed they were other devices she kept hidden in her closet, yet when he opened the door and noticed the glare again, he knew. Blades. Before she put on her jacket at the café, Chrollo hadn’t noticed any visible scarring on her arms, other than some red marks covered in what must have been makeup. He could tell they were recent, though chose not to mention them.
A quiet snore broke into his mind, halting his train of thought. His eyes examined her features while she was asleep. She was thin, but not anorexic. Her thighs and hips still held onto meat and fat, producing a pleasing curve. Her waist was significantly smaller though, slightly worrying him for her eating habits. Sunken in. Her neck and arms looked easy to break if moved the wrong way. Her face was covered by her forearm. Long eyelashes curtained over too-high freckles on her flushed cheeks and long dark brown hair lay over her shoulder, messy from tossing and turning.
A part of him wanted to help her, to move her away from this. At the same time though, he knew he couldn’t. He had too much at stake to risk a young girl. What caused him more anxiety was the amount of care he possessed for her. Any other person was disregarded immediately. This one was different. She kept him close for some reason. Maybe it was her emotional vulnerability, or just her charming personality. Innocence. Her natural self. She made an attempt to hide her life, but Chrollo knew she would fail eventually. She would have told him.
I feel safer with you than anyone else.
That was what she told him. The words shocked him at first, though after a few seconds the hype died down. He should have expected it from someone like her. Especially after last night. It made sense.
Celestia turned over, her back now facing him. The sun hadn’t come up yet, though a buzzing sound startled him. Chrollo scanned the mattress. Her phone vibrated against his leg. Chrollo flipped it over.
4:00. His brows furrowed under his bandage on his forehead. Why would she get up at 4 in the morning? A soft grunt caused him to turn back to her. Celestia turned back over, rubbing her eyes and sitting up. She didn’t acknowledge him at first, simply picking up her phone and staring at it for a good five seconds. Blinking a few times, she shut the alarm off, plugging her phone into the charger. When she turned around and saw Chrollo, her tired eyes widened, then softened at the realization.
“Oh jeez, I forgot you stayed…” her voice was hoarse. It crackled against her throat as she cleared it. Chrollo didn’t respond right away, just staring. He hummed after a few seconds, standing up.
“Why do you wake at four and not five like everyone else?” he questioned. After it came out though he realized how invasive it sounded. Normally, Chrollo could control the words that came out of his mouth. Though he discarded the slip up almost immediately.
“I don’t want my parents to rush me and then risk them driving me.” her explanation was simple. Straight to the point. She hid nothing. With what he witnessed last night, Chrollo almost didn’t want her taking the bus at all anymore, not wanting to risk her driving with her father either. Celestia sighed quietly before getting up fully and moving towards the closet, pulling out the skirt and shirt she wore the first day they met. It most likely wasn’t the same one, though it looked similar of course. Celestia left to go in the bathroom to change, coming back soon after with some makeup on to cover her freckles and mascara to accentuate her already long lashes, bringing more attention to her hazel eyes. The method worked.
“Would you like to leave now, or wait a little longer?” Chrollo figured they would leave relatively soon due to her parents finally falling asleep and allowing the two of them some time. Celestia let out another tired sigh.
“We should go now, before anyone wakes up…” her eyes closed, signaling how tired she was. She had gotten a decent amount of sleep- almost six hours- though with her fathers harsh treatments, she probably needed more. He subconsciously noted this in the back of his mind. Chrollo nodded, letting her grab up her bag and leading her out the door.
Celestia signaled with her hands to be as quiet as possible. The both of them were silent as they moved down the stairs to the main room. Nobody was downstairs, though a loud snoring could be heard as her father slept. Celestia opened the door for Chrollo and let him leave first, then shut the door behind her and locked it. Chrollo waited for her to follow him.
“Do you know the way to Silver Sycamore?” she asked. Chrollo thought briefly, mapping out the little town in his head.
“Of course.” he replied, still trying to remember the exact location. Once they reached the car, Celestia waited for him to unlock it. Even after he did so, she faltered, not opening the door. He glanced up at her, noticing her small figure leaning against the car door. She was still so tired.
“Tia? You up?” he chuckled.
“Hmm?” she hummed, standing up, “Oh…” she giggled a little and opened the door, plopping herself down into the seat. It was likely she would pass back out when they started driving. He didn’t mind, he was just slightly hoping she’d stay awake in case he went the wrong way.
His theory proved correct as he turned to look at her again. Her hair covered her face but he could tell her eyes were closed, her full lips parted for easier breathing. Chrollo urged the car forward while still trying to map things out in his head. He had figured out where the school was, now he just had to think of his plan.
He had already known who Celestia was and who her father was, but to have it confirmed last night made him feel more confident in his planning. Though, what he hadn’t expected was how Celestia would have been treated. This would be an obstacle. She was his ticket in, but he couldn’t be seen with her. It was likely she didn’t know much about the dance at all now that he thought about it. She must not have known about the valuable artifacts at Angel May’s home then. There was no way Celestia had ever even been there in the first place. He would have spoken to her about this, however, she was currently unconscious.
The school wasn’t too far now, he remembered the large sycamore trees lining the road. Chrollo pulled into the parking lot for a few moments before making a move. He would let her sleep some more, at least until 6 when the busses arrived. It would take a while, but he didn’t mind. He took his phone from the middle compartment to text Phinks.
You: Is everyone there?
Phinks: Yeah, where are you?
You: I’m still with the girl, some things happened last night and I didn’t trust her alone.
Phinks: What happened?
You: I’ll explain once I get there, shouldn’t be too much longer. She didn’t get much sleep last night so I’ll give her some more time until her buses arrive.
Phinks: Okay then.
Chrollo set his phone down again and turned to Celestia. She was very pretty. Her pale skin looked delicate against the darker colors of her uniform and his car seat. It was almost as if it wasn’t a person in his passenger seat, but a doll. A well crafted, fragile doll. The only indication of life at all was the rise and fall of her small chest.
After some time, Chrollo heard engines behind him and around him. He peeked in the rearview. Other kids cars were pulling in and some early buses parked near the doors. He tapped Celestia’s shoulder, not wanting to grab her and end up scaring her again.
“Hmm?” she hummed, opening her eyes for the third time that day.
“We’re here,” he said quietly, “I have to go for now, but I’ll talk to you later, sound good?”
“Yeah, again, sorry for last night… I-“
“It’s alright. Just go try to enjoy your day as much as you can.” he offered her a gentle smile. She returned the gesture, thanking him before getting out and making for the doors. He stayed to make sure she got in before starting his car again to leave.
The hideout was a little crowded, he had to admit he could have chosen something better. Uvogin and Franklin couldn’t even stand in the small space provided and the bunker was unbearably hot from everyone’s body heat. There wasn’t much else to choose from though, and they knew that.
Uvogin, a werewolf of man everyone swore was half giant at 8 foot tall, crouched at the highest point in the bunker, acknowledging Chrollo’s entrance.
“Hey boss! Where have you been?” Uvogin was obnoxious, breaking everyone’s focus. The rest of the troupe turned their attention to their leader as he entered the bunker.
“I got caught up with her.” Chrollo’s voice no longer held the gentle lilt it had for Celestia. It was empty, devoid of any emotion. Franklin made a face, his thick brows knitting together.
“Her father came home earlier than she had expected, and he wasn’t at all what I had thought him to be.” he explained. Chrollo thought, since Celestia looked like a well taken care of child and with how high up in his job he was, that Nicholas Fae was a man of class and high intellect. His abuse toward the girl proved Chrollo wrong. The rest of the group were now completely focused on what Chrollo had to say.
“From what I’ve gathered, we’ll need to be careful. He’s obviously abusive toward Celestia and likely won’t like me in her presence at any time during the night, or any of you for that matter, though she is our ticket in. I’ll gather more information from her in a few days if she knows anything. In the meantime, the rest of you will continue to search for possible input from others as well. I would suggest staying away from the girl, I’ll handle it.” Chrollo explained. Deep down, he realized, he didn’t want any of the other members interacting with her for other reasons as well. Strange.
“I found a list of all the items in Angel’s home.” Shalnark, a boyish looking man with a blonde bowl cut and huge green eyes, spoke up. He held out a list of everything for Chrollo to take. He took this list, scanning over all of the items though he wasn’t paying attention like he normally would. He handed the list back to Shalnark, thinking for a moment.
“You alright boss? You seem a little off…” Machi mentioned. The pink haired woman had her arms crossed over her chest, though concern shown in her blue eyes.
“Yeah. I’m fine, thank you. Just a little ruffled from Nicholas, that’s all. I was afraid he’d catch me and ruin our chances.” Chrollo replied. It wasn’t entirely a lie. Though Chrollo could easily kill Nicholas with no issue, he refused to do so in front of Celestia. He might end up deterring her when he wanted her to be drawn in closer.
Machi seemed satisfied with this answer and didn’t ask any further questions. Chrollo was happy with that. He needed time unbothered to sort out his thoughts. About the plan. About the situation. About Celestia. He needed to know more about what drew him to her. If he could find out fast enough, he could stop it entirely and no feelings would interfere in his plans. Though, a part of him didn’t mind the feeling. A part of him wanted to revel in it, but it would overtake him and as a leader and a criminal, he couldn’t have that.
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yanderelovebites · 5 years
Yandere Headcanons: Denki Kaminari
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- He is the delusional and flirty type of Yandere. He is the kind to flirt with you endlessly and think you enjoy it–but with a twist. He has this mentality where you can't stand anyone else flirting with you and becomes you knight... haha, more like Assassin. Whether you like him at first or not, he’s convinced you are. If you do like him before his feeling are apparent, you are already on a better track...
- He fell for you in class. He either fell for your personality or for sense of humor but whatever the reason, he fell hard. He finds you magnetic and easy to talk to, not to mention attractive. At first, his flirting may have seemed innocent enough and you enjoyed it however it wasn't because you recognized it as such. You saw it as him just talking to you, completely unaware of his intentions.
- Denki is literally right between the soft and violent, or as I've been scaling it in my head, between Deku (1) and Overhaul (10). He would be the one who wants to protect you and believes you love him so of course, this is understandable but unlike Shinso wouldn't be afraid to hurt you. But he isn't as controlling either so...that's why he's like 1.5 lower than Shinso.
- Denki will use your sexuality, emotional high, and his own status against you. He's pretty popular and could make life hell for you. Even though he's a pervert, he isn't as bad as Mineta and thus he's popular. One negative thing with the addition of his affection for you–you'll be peer-pressured. Sexuality? Oh dear god, he knows a few turn ons of yours and he will play with them, saying no one can get you so bothered like him. In a similar form of this, he uses your positive emotions when they're at a high against you. Cause usually, it's because of Denki. How? Well, it all comes back to his popularity. He's a sweetheart to the public eye with a teaspoon of pervert. He could easily get you in on things and just as much force them away! Isn't that sweet? Why wouldn't you stay?
- To you, it's a kidnapping everyone is fine with. To everyone else, you moved into Denki's room cause you love him. You're just being a Tsundere! That's all! No one knows what happens once those doors are closed. They don't know what he makes you wear, what he makes you do, or that he chains you to the bed at night. It gets only worse when you're older and have to share an apartment. Don't worry...you get a choice from a few outfits... of course, if you refuse all of them, you go naked.
- Even If you escape, you can't tell anyone what happened. They won't believe you. Your only hope is to hide in isolation with no contact and always have an escape route in hand. If not, you'll be dragged back and depending how long, he may make up a story about how you were kidnapped or confused about something that day and thought you were in danger. Even if you claim you're not, it'll just bring it up more. Poor you.
- He will punish you with his quirk and again, your sexuality. He will rape you and may or may not confuse body's natural signals from the brain to really confuse you. You'll need him for a long time after that, right?
- He will kill if he notices people outside his influence, normally an outsider, shows you a different light. They are plucked out and you never hear or see them again and unlike most, you never see Denki's victims. It might help that he knew some...cannibals that would LOVE some fresh meat. He normally kills by frying their brains or heart via high voltage.
- Unlike most, when he snaps, he won't kill. He, instead, goes a little off the edge and will insist on keeping you inside and suddenly everything will be sexualized. He will only be snapped when you're hurt and he literally had no way to stop it and to top it off, he almost lost you. His excuse? "Everything is better this way for you! Ha! Ha!"
- I dare say one of the top three sexual Yanderes in my BNHA Stuff. He like so many things and honestly has a list of things he wants to do to you. To your luck, he made this list so you can circle any mutual kinks.
- he’ll only force himself on you after a) you tried escaping his love or b) he snapped. Otherwise, you’re okay. He won’t make you do anything, perhaps tease you but that’s it.
- His kinks are a long list but he mostly doesn’t act on them unless again...it’s a mutual kink. I will say this however, if you circled creampies, stealth, or roleplaying he will be hyped.
- His affection appears normal. He loves giving you small gifts and hugs. He enjoys PDA but will keep to hand holding and hugs if you’re uncomfortable with it. In private, he likes to use corny pick up lines to get you to laugh or get flustered and loves to snuggle you. Seems normal right? This is why it’s easy for people to think when you deny him that you’re being a Tsundere!
- When you finally accept him, he will appear like a normal boyfriend! He loves you! He gives you affection! All you have to do is be your cute self! He may or may not show you doujinshi he drew of you two. He will trying easing you out of your comfort zones, it doesn’t matter if it’s with PDA or trying new things in bed. Mind you, the latter is usually harmless stuff. You’d have to bring up trying BDSM related stuff if it wasn’t already circled. You are hinted on who he has killed and why, possibly potential ones as well. Oh and sweetie? Denki more than likely has gotten you pregnant.
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its-bianca · 5 years
Things I Don’t Get About American Culture
These are some things I gleaned from living there, hear on media, heard from friend, visiting there, etc. NOTHING in this post is meant to bash or hurt anyone. These are just harmless observations from an outsider who hasn’t lived there very long. In fact, it’d be great to have a discussion about some things I state here and true/falses or reasonings behind it. I think some of these may not be exclusive to Americans, so feel free to correct me.
The wave. That arm raise thing you guys do in a stadium that produces a human ripple effect? White American thing. I know what it is, I just don’t understand it. We Indonesians prefer a synchronized stompy thing with loud chants. I witnessed this firsthand in Seaworld (which, I don’t support anymore btw), and in NHD, where I kid you not, a stadium full of middle and high school students are doing the wave, like 10 times in a row. When the wave hit the Southeast Asian column, we were like a break of waves. It just stopped for a second then continued on over to the column next to us, until we realized what was happening, recalled the scene in movies, then followed suit in the next wave.
Unpopular opinion(?): Why do people love Beyoncé? I don’t know if I’m just an uncultured Gen Z kid who doesn’t understand the prodigy and legend that is Beyoncé, but I’ve talked to my friends in Indonesia and they also don’t quite understand the hype. I loved her too...but then I realized that my love for Beyoncé wasn’t actually because I adore her singing voice (which is amazing I have to admit), or her songs, works, and everything else she did, but mostly because American culture and media LOVES her. I have seemed to join the bandwagon without realizing. Her songs are not totally my style, and others would probably agree, so why is she getting all this hype? Fans...don’t come after me. I just don’t get it, so please enlighten this poor soul.
Chipotle. I tried it. I don’t get it. It’s just some salad in a burrito thing. I was so excited to try Chipotle for the first time this year, but was gravely disappointed. I thought they at least had quesadillas. Maybe I’ll give it a second chance when I move. 
White cafeteria food. And I don’t mean just in school cafeterias, I mean that distinct smell you get when you walk into some American buffet dinner. It’s the smell of salad bars, paninis, macaroni and cheese, and CLAM CHOWDER. THE CLAM CHOWDER. That’s what gives it the distinct smell. The US Capitol tourist attraction has a cafeteria that has THAT smell, Soup Plantation has THAT smell, Chick-fil-A, Chipotle, have THAT smell. It’s not a bad one...it’s just that you get sick of it after a long while (5 days were my limit), no matter if the food is actually edible or not. Thankfully, Los Angeles has a lot of other diverse food options...
Americans’ preoccupation with political parties. I heard one time from an interview that someone will NOT marry or date anyone from an opposing party because they believed their viewpoints and beliefs would be too different. Okay, I get that in this period in time, Republicans have a bad reputation, for pretty good reasons. But if I’m not wrong, weren’t they the “good” guys back in the early 1900s? They supported black people who were being oppressed by the democrats, enforcing laws, policies, and rights. I just don’t understand the overwhelming division and hatred in the American public. It seems all wack. There ARE “good” republicans out there, just like how there are “bad” democrats. I know a few “good” republicans in fact, and their beliefs aren’t that extreme.
Imaginary friends in childhood. Okay, this one isn’t an American thing I don’t get. I had a/an imaginary friend(s) as I grew up, but the majority of my Indonesian friends tell me that imaginary friends are a white thing. I protested, saying that I’m not white. They then say that because I lived in the US in my childhood, some of the “white culture” rubbed off on me. Is this true? My sister and one friend’s brother had an imaginary friend, and they never lived in the US. I need more evidence.
SHOES IN THE HOUSE. You’ve probably heard this before from other Asians. But WHY DO WHITE PEOPLE WEAR SHOES IN THE HOUSE!?! I’m genuinely confused. Not saying I’ve never done this, but I only when I’m in a rush and need to grab something from my room. Whenever I read a book about an angry teen stomping into her room, shoes echoing in the hall, then climbing into bed WITH SHOES STILL ON, I cringe. As a child reading middle-grade books, I never questioned it, just cringed. Now, seeing that more and more people are speaking up about this atrocity happening to floors, carpets, and beds, I feel the need to raise my voice too. 
Butt hygiene. Why don’t Americans wash their bums with water after taking a dump? The occasional tissue wipe is fine, but long term? Nononono. Asians have a bum hose spray thing right next to the toilet for these purposes. Or, if you live in Japan (or can just afford a fancy Japanese toilet), you have a toilet that does it for you! My uncle got a DISEASE when he didn’t wash his bum after going to the toilet. Also, I feel like you’d be more likely to get a UTI. A little TMI, but in our apartment in LA, we don’t have a bum hose installed, as many American homes don’t. If I feel lazy, I’d wet the tissue and use that. If not, I’d usually shimmy up to sit on the sink and wash (and regularly disinfect the sink of course). This is pretty much the only hygiene concern I have. Every other American hygiene practice? Well done, pretty cleanly compared to Indonesia (but nobody can compete with Japan).
I’ll probably add on to this in the future in a separate post (or fix some mistakes) once I properly move in to the US next week and go to school.
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mannatea · 5 years
Kent/Lyn, 12 & 35. Hector/Farina, 50!
Thanks for indulging me, but sorry it took me 90 years to get to it. ;P I made it extra long to remind you of the good ol’ days!!!
12. who do they confide in when shit hits the fan (besides each other)?
I feel like Lyn is the kind of person to have multiple go-to people, depending on the situation at hand.
She strikes me as an understanding and accommodating friend: there are some things that she just wouldn’t burden Florina with/that Florina might not be comfortable with discussing. Rank probably matters a little bit, here, because some issues don’t leave the room (or at least they stay only with the people in the room), like state secrets or the equivalent, but Florina’s perfect for regular friendship things (especially softer emotional discussions), reminiscing about the good old days, and some good old-fashioned harmless venting.
For angry venting, there’s always Sain and Wil. Sain is the right choice if she wants someone to get angry with her—you know, the supportive angry rant-with-you kind of friend who echoes your sentiment and allows you to have a dialogue with emotion! Wil is best if she wants a more neutral opinion/listener who will offer to help/give advice after the rant is over.
Depending on the setting, Wallace is a good choice for some ranting, too, but I love the thought of him being kind of like an uncle figure to her; he fills in some of the gaps about her mother she never really knew were missing, and had a real love for both of her parents that shows in the way he speaks of them; something she kind of holds onto because nobody else gets it.
Hector’s better for a sparring match than dialogue, but sometimes that’s what Lyn needs to get her mind off of things. I like to imagine he kind of ‘gets it’ when she needs to get out some frustration or something; it’s not anything she needs to talk about, but in absence of that, Lyn is the kind of person who still has to do something. If she’s looking for a word-fight she’ll go to him, too. He’s good for that, and he doesn’t (usually) take it personally.
Eliwood is a hard one to pin down, because it’s hard for me to imagine they’re really that close; I don’t think he ‘gets’ her the way most of the other characters do? He tries, though, and that counts for a lot. Also, he’s a lot like Florina in that he’s trustworthy: a good confidante. If Lyn ever needs personal advice (relationship or otherwise), I think Eliwood would be the right guy to go to for her. He wouldn’t tease or poke fun at her, and that information would NEVER reach anyone else’s ears. Ever. He’d offer diplomatic/polite advice with a smile and with an attempt to understand the situation and any important details first. He’s good at asking the right questions most of the time.
It’s been a long time since I deeply considered Lyn’s relationship to Hausen, but I think right now I’m sort of high-key imagining that they’re almost, like…fake-close? It’s not that they don’t love each other, because I think they do in their own ways, but being related or being interested in getting to know someone isn’t just a ticket to a close relationship. Not only do you have to want that, but you have to be compatible AND willing to take the time to cultivate what’s there. Lyn and Hausen both have tons of the latter, but I’m not so sure they’re compatible.
Her friendship with Kent still matters of course, so his place in this mix is probably a bit of everything, but he’s a high(er)-ranking individual she can confide in about information the others aren’t privy to…and he’s also a very good confidante (he’d rather die than betray her trust). She wouldn’t angry-vent at him too much because rather than just get emotionally hyped with her (Sain) or listen to her and offer calm, friendly advice (Wil), he strikes me as the type who wants to Fix It Right Now—even when that’s not necessarily the appropriate response. He may also kind of freeze up and Not Respond At All (when he doesn’t know how exactly he’s expected to respond), almost as a defense mechanism to avoid Responding Poorly.
Then you have Kent. Besides Lyn, he uh…really only has Sain. 
But hey, that’s actually pretty much perfect for Kent. He’s never struck me as the kind of person who enjoys societal pleasure of any kind overmuch. It’s not that he finds it painful so much as maybe awkward? Most of his life has been in service and when he was younger and more impressionable—at the age where you learn to make friends and all that—he was more interested in impressing the adults in his life. Thus, he has only ever had one or two people to talk to about more important personal matters. 
Again, it’s probably for the best. A couple of very serious and important relationships is about his maximum capacity. I don’t think he could maintain a slew of decent casual friendships (the way Lyn can), but also his bar for friendship and what constitutes a friend is very high.
Fiora is a good option for some general commiseration re: failure if he would bother to open up about it, but I don’t think either of them would do so easily. Still, they’ve both been commanding officers and I think that alone gives them something to talk about and discuss. I also feel their general morals line up, so if either of them need a rant about something other people would judge them for, they can go to each other.
Fiora and Sain are both great in that they would have Kent’s back if he needed it, so depending on how shit hit the fan, he could lean on either of them (but more easily on Sain just because that friendship has been years in the making; boon companions and all that).
He has decent relationships with some other people, though. I like to think he still looks up to Wallace, thinks well of Wil, and is on friendly terms with Florina, but I imagine his general acquaintances either stagnate or suffer because he’s not good at multitasking emotionally.
That isn’t necessarily a bad thing, though.
(I didn’t really mention Farina because...eh. I enjoy their interaction and I love writing it, but without a lot of very meaningful buildup, I wouldn’t even consider them friends.)
35. do they have any regrets (regarding the other, or just in general)?
This is a delicious question and a perfect one for Kent and Lyn. Let’s assume their paired ending:
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I always take the endings (paired or otherwise) with about a grain of salt. You know: more like suggestions! 
Kent and Lyn’s ending makes a reasonable amount of sense (you may have noticed that some endings just don’t ring true to characterization), but it also manages to be ridiculously open-ended. I guess at least it’s “happy.” (Unlike Canas’s. Damn blizzards.)
Anyway, Lyn abdicates and/or never assumes the throne (I guess there’s wiggle room there), Caelin’s totally fine with being absolved into Ostia (you know this is gonna happen), and they’re so chill about this that they don’t even mind Lyn running off with a former vassal. Maybe they didn’t want her ruling in the first place?
Eh, who knows.
The wording leaves room for questions/interpretative differences and all that, but the basics of it boil down to: they both go to Sacae.
This means they both give up things to go there, but we can’t pretend Kent isn’t the one making the bigger/more obvious sacrifice. He literally gives up everything except Lyn. Which, okay, the scope of it isn’t easy for a lot of people to grasp, but like, imagine leaving everything you’ve ever known and moving somewhere else with what you can feasibly carry with you on horseback.
That might not be too hard. Lots of us have moved across a country or even overseas.
Now imagine doing this, but doing it knowing full well that you may very well NEVER AGAIN hear from the people you’re leaving behind.
And not just that, but you’re leaving everything familiar to you. You don’t know the roads, the trees, the shape of the land, the colors, the smells.
Let’s talk Best Case Scenario! Even if, in good ol’ Fire Emblem-land, where farmers can be knights and all that, Kent comes from a farming background, he’d have left that behind before age 10. Again, on the BCS track, let’s say he retained a bit of that knowledge! Great! He knows a little about living off the land!
But he doesn’t know how to do it the way Lyn might know how to do it. So we have to go back to Lyn. She’s still pretty young herself, and her culture was big on group work; it’s not like anyone did the big chores alone. So Lyn almost surely has at least basic knowledge of what to do/what needs done, but 1) never would have done all of it, because roles were outlined, and 2) after a couple/few years away from it, and without the chance to grow into her role as a woman within her society, how much of the really important survival stuff does she actually remember? (Some of this depends on how old you think Lyn is and if her society felt she was an adult; either way she wouldn’t have been an adult for very long IMO, not enough to function in her society as such.)
There’s tons of stuff to explore here!!!! 
Lyn in Caelin has the same problem Lyn on the plains has: she still doesn’t get to become an adult the way she always would have imagined she would. Her culture isn’t dead, but with less than ten surviving people, the chance of it fully dying out within a generation is huge. She can pass some stuff on to a child, but not everything. It’s not the same. She’s going to have to mourn this, and it may not hit her until she’s out there again and the reality of what’s missing hits her.
She could join another tribe, maybe—in theory, it might be more complicated than that—but their customs aren’t going to be the same. Heck, they might not even speak the same (exact or similar) language. (Would they even accept Kent with her? This could be something Lyn is sacrificing to bring Kent with her.)
Anyway, Lyn gets a little of what she wants going back to Sacae (at least freedom), but she doesn’t get her culture back and she doesn’t get that lifestyle back that she misses.
Kent’s making the bigger sacrifice, though, because nothing about Sacae is familiar to him.
Depending on what they try to do and where they go, it’s really easy to imagine regret existing in little bits and pieces.
Kent strikes me as the sort to very rarely have *deep* regrets. He may oftentimes ‘regret’ doing or saying something, but the bigger decisions he makes are done with conviction and never with haste, so he usually stands by them and his heart allows him peace.
That said, there’s no doubt he has regrets. I like the idea of him having a few regrets about situations where OVERALL he feels he made the best choice, but the regret stems from the negative things that happened because of that choice (having to fight his former peers/allies/teachers, for example, or fleeing and leaving his men to possibly die when Laus attacked). You know, he wanted to have his cake and eat it, too, but he couldn’t have both.
And then we have his relationship with Lyn.
I bet he low-key would have regrets about going to Sacae after-the-fact. Not the *actual* going, and certainly not in loving Lyn, but in not spending more time with his family beforehand, in not being more prepared, not asking enough questions, not bringing more supplies, not learning more of the language(s), et cetera. So much can go wrong out there without a support system. Kent’s not stupid and he’s not helpless, but he only has control over so much, and accidents happen. If they ended up in dire straights and there was little he could do to help...or was even actively hindering progress, he’d blame himself and it’d be a whole mess where he feels like he can’t contribute and he’s worthless, and then he’s depressed and miserable.
Lyn surely has regrets in general (re: her culture and her parents and all that), but I don’t think she regrets anything deeply easily (something she kind of has in common with Kent). It usually takes a lot for her to get that lingering gut-wrenching regret feeling. But you’d better believe if Kent ended up miserable she’d feel it. She’d hate being the cause of anyone she cares about’s personal pain, but it’d be a little extra awful if she’s fairly content out there and Kent isn’t.
I rambled too much and my head hurts so I’m not sure if any of this makes good sense, but I think there’s a lot of room for regret within their lives and even their relationship—especially if things go poorly for them. Not the loving part, of course, but the part where they pursued something and because of that their partner isn’t happy anymore (or accepted anymore, or whatever).
50. if one of them were to come back after a long time, who would come to who? would it go well? would the other person take them back?
The only one who would probably ‘come back after a long time’ is Farina, because Hector’s pretty much tied to his canton after the end-game, so I gotta go with that.
As to if it would go well or not, well, I’m pretty sure I’ve RP’d like 30 variations on this theme (LMFAO), but the biggest factors are: their relationship with each other, and time.
If Hector was kinda into her and she acted like she was fine with that and then flew off for 10 years and came back trying to act like nothing was wrong... Well, it wouldn’t go well. I mean, not at first anything. (Nothing a good RP couldn’t fix, though. :B)
At that point in time, though, for an example to work with, it’s hard to say if Hector would ‘take her back.’ He may be unable to do so officially (married, busy running a country that’s falling apart at the seams, he has a daughter to worry about) and/or emotionally unwilling to let her back in. (Though this depends a lot on their former relationship and how she left/if she ever wrote to him or visited, if feelings were confessed, a lot of what-ifs, tbh.)
It also depends on how lonely he is. It gets clear that Hector and Eliwood get super busy and don’t even get to see each other regularly after the end of the game, so it’s possible that Hector would desire contact with someone who Gets Him (or at least Gets What He’s Been Through). The FE7 endgame is pretty much the opposite of FE8′s: it’s like nobody even knew it was happening and they gotta go back to their cantons like they didn’t just fight a whole ass dragon; he might be happy to have someone he can talk to about that again (in the event that his former vassals may no longer be in his direct employ and/or Farina fought by his side that day).
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shellheadtmark2 · 5 years
@cptsrogers “I… I love you. I really do. I’m sorry I didn’t say it sooner.”
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          IT’S THE KIND OF JOKEY THING you say post-battle, when you’re still hyped from adrenaline and find yourself giddy with too much energy, oftentimes leading to silly, stupid things being said; witty one-liners, jokingly given confessions of undying love because you’re so glad to see someone’s still alive after the chaos, wisecracks about the property damage, they’ve done them all.  It comes with the business, helps center them back in reality when they realize they’ve made it through to the other side and can breathe a moment.
He’d sat himself down on a pile of rubble, once it was all over, his legs rubbery and doing his best not to throw up in his helmet.  Wouldn’t have been the first time, won’t be the last - but this time it’s not a concussion, his head is clear, it’s just sheer post-battle nerves.  Funny how those still happen, after all this time.  He guesses he’s cut a sad figure, sitting there, when Steve makes his way over, and for a long while there’s just silence between them, as they take in the destruction.  They’ve saved a lot of lives today, prevented a lot of heartache and misery, and they’ve skated by, Tony thinks, on borrowed luck, because the cost has been low.  It’s been terrifying, of course, it always is - he’s not sure where that inner well of courage comes from when it comes down to the wire - but they’re here, at the end of it, alive.  Breathing.  The pair of them, where they should be, side by side, where Tony’s mind is already jumping to clean up.
When Steve says that.
At first it doesn’t register, really.  It just seems like more of the usual thing they get up to after a fight, and he looks up, feeling the dried blood from cut in his hairline pull at his skin as he raises his eyebrows, a grin starting to grow, something lewd and over the top already starting to work its way up his throat - something that will make Steve give him that disappointed look that’s not, the one where he’s doing his best not to laugh, because he knows it’ll only encourage Tony to up the ante with it and - 
Really it’s Steve’s face that stops him.  The grin that hasn’t reached its full potential fades, whatever he’s been about to say dying, still trapped in his throat, before he can open his mouth, and he stays there a moment, letting it actually, really sink in.  Tony himself had come to the awareness - probably for the second time, he does have a large hole in his memory where things have happened that he has no firsthand recollection of - at some point, a while back, that maybe for him this isn’t just...Friendship.  It is - it is because he knows he’d never breathe a word of it, won’t threaten the fragile balance of things again, and Steve by his side as his friend is better than no Steve at all - but it’s not.  There’s a...Well.  Lovesick yearning there.  It’s probably played in the background of so much, influenced so much, he’s just never actually noticed until that realization.  And it’s fine, you know, he doesn’t...It’s not...He has no expectations.  He has no...Well, with everything, no desire to explore where that goes, he’s apparently pined this long that at this point it’s almost a character trait.  Tony Stark:  Headstrong, impulsive, stubborn, reckless, and hopelessly in love with Steve Rogers.
He’s never had any expectations with it, he doesn’t think.  He’s been fine with and that’s Steve, and I love him, I love him, I love him, before tackling whatever is on his agenda for the day.
And in the category of things he’s never expected to hear, that’s...That’s pretty close to the top.  After everything.
And things feel...Weird, after that.  Like he’s kind of watching this from some other viewpoint, on the one hand, disconnected from the feeling of it, clinically examining his own feelings, the way, for a moment, it has felt like his heart has stopped dead, before its rhythm kicks back up, his pulse time and again from what it normally rests at, the way, strangely, his lips have gone numb.  It’s like...It’s kind of like drinking - and it’s hard not to make these kinds of comparisons, for him - when it really hits and you go from being overly warm to loose and slightly numb.  Like that, but amplified, he can’t even feel his fingers, isn’t aware when his helmet slips from his hands, hits the rubble pile, and rolls all the way down.  He's unaware that, at some point, he’s gotten to his feet, feeling slightly woozy, slightly dizzy.  Wonders for a moment if he’s just kind of...Dreamed this up.
“Why.”  Which is...Not usually the way a person would handle this, he knows that, but for him it’s a valid question.  Why.  Why would he.  After everything Tony, personally, has done to him, why would he.  And...Honestly?  Part of him wants to be angry.  At himself, at Steve, at this.  It’s been something he’s nursed quietly, to himself, never intending to let see the light of day, never intending to ever have reciprocated, and here he is, grateful that he’s wrapped in the armor like a cocoon so Steve can’t see the way his hands are shaking.  Part of him wants to burst into tears - of relief?  Of heartache?  Hell, he doesn’t know.  
He doesn’t do either.
No, no, he needs to get his shit together.  He knows he’s looking for the gotcha moment, he knows he’s figuratively holding his breath, expecting that admission to be snatched back, erased.  He hesitates a moment, before the metal encasing his hands folds back - Steve will see his hands shaking now but it’s too late to worry about that - and then reaches up, drawing back once more, slightly, before telling himself to quit being such a fucking baby about it and pushing back Steve’s cowl.  He doesn’t want to see Captain America for this, he wants Steve.  To look Steve in the eyes for signs of...He’s not sure what.  The truth of it?  The truth of it.
“Why would you do that to yourself.”  Well, it’s not an undying declaration of love, no.  And good Lord, he really hopes he’s not...Reading that wrong, because that will make this...This whole thing a million times more awkward.  If he is, he’ll survive, but it’s going to hurt.  It’s going to hurt a lot.
Because it’s been years.  Years and years, quietly in the background of all things, like a gentle hum he can barely hear.  Okay, it’s fine, right, he’s...He doesn’t think he’s misreading that.  Kind of hard to, right?  It’s...It’s obvious.  Okay, alright, he’s got this.  He’s totally got this.  He’s Tony Stark, right, he’s...He’s not a guy that’s gonna get rattled to the point of near collapse, he’s gonna take the bull by the horns here, right, he’s gonna...He’s-
“Took you long enough.”  It’s barely louder than a sigh, rushed into almost one word, not nearly the confident, cocky response he’s been going for, and in the end it just sounds like the embodiment of relief.  Like the secret he’s been nursing all these years is finally exposed to the light, so maybe...Maybe he doesn’t have to cling to it so hard now.  “I’ve only been trying to get you to notice for...Since ever.”
It's a fib. A small one, harmless and obvious, from the logical leap of his truly heartfelt why to something more...Tony-like. He thinks. He hopes.
mixed things | accepting
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Michael in the Mainstream: Captain Marvel
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Captain Marvel is one of the MCU’s most powerful characters right now, one of the few heroes who can even have a hope of defeating Thanos, so of course she needs to have a movie. Throwing in a bunch of heroes into an ensemble film without properly setting them up is what amateurs do, and at this point Marvel is no amateur; they know how to properly set up heroes… kind of. You see, Marvel Studios has a bit of a problem when it comes to origin films: they’re all very, very similar, very formulaic, and sometimes even predictable. That’s not to say they’re bad, far from it! Films like Black Panther, Ant-Man, and Doctor Strange are all rather formulaic but they all have interesting twists to the formula that makes them feel fun and exciting. Marvel is a lot better with quirkier fare, ensemble movies, and sequels than they are with solo origin films, Iron Man notwithstanding, but they usually find a way to make things feel fresh.
Captain Marvel… does and doesn’t achieve this. Captain Marvel is probably the most “Marvel” Marvel movie yet made; it feels like a film they would have released a decade ago, during Phase 1 or Phase 2. And there is actually a good reason for that; this movie has been in the plannig stages for a long, long time, but racist, sexist, cheapskate CEO Ike Perlmutter wouldn’t let this film be made because he didn’t think non-white, non-male leads could sell (a laughable sentiment when looking at superhero films nowadays), only relenting to let the film be made if Kevin Feige made an Inhumans movie, which fell through when Feige managed to get rid of the meddler and get him exiled to the Marvel TV department. This film has been a long time coming, and it feels like it.
But I can’t say the film is bad; it’s most definitely not, and there’s a lot to love in the film. At the same time though, it’s easy to see why someone might not find themselves sucked into this; it’s a film coming out in Phase 3 that feels like it belongs in Phase 1. Where it would have been one of the best Marvel films of the early phases, it struggles a bit to stand out in the current MCU where the past few films have been nothing but home runs, and competing superhero cinematic universes have also been producing quality films, with Spider-Verse and Aquaman in particular bringing a lot of new stuff to the table. It just feels like Captain Marvel is almost irrelevat in the current landscape aside from introducing Carol Danvers to the MCU.
And yet… this is still a good, fun movie, because it delivers exactly what it promises, and it does the one thing I consider the saving grace of any film that would otherwise be average: it is wholly, unabashedly cheesy.
So let’s talk about what I loved first. The Skrulls are easily the very best part of the film, particularly Talos. Talos is one of the most interesting and complex antagonists in the MCU so far, and there’s a lot more to him than it initially seems. Just the fact that in general the Skrulls are now part of the MCU is absolutely delightful, as it seemed for so long they’d be exiled from continnuity due to Fox owning the rights to the most famous Skrull, Super-Skrull, due to his close ties to the Fantastic Four (though this is no longer a problem). To say much more about what makes the Skrulls so great would be to spoil one of the few genuinely good twists the movie has to offer, but it is a pretty neat twist on what you’d expect from Skrulls.
Carol herself, as played by Brie Larson, is a mostly enjoyable character. I think Carol is a bit shaky right now, having to deal with the tired amnesia plot and not getting to use her powers all that much, but for the most part she’s an enjoyable hero. I think she’ll fare a lot better in ensemble films and sequels, because Larson does a really good job, it’s just that so much of the movie is spent with her being limited. However, this is mitigated by the fact that she has great chemistry with Samuel L. Jackson, and pretty much every scene with Fury and Carol interacting is amazing. Speaking of Jackson, the effects used to de-age him are nothing short of stunning; you can’t even tell its CGI, it’s that good. Far better than the de-aging effects used in films like Rogue One, that’s for sure
The soundtrack is pretty good, though sometimes it’s a bit too on-the-nose. The usage of “Come As Your Are” is so literal it hurts, and the usage of “Just a Girl” is so utterly cheesy. But I think stuff like this helps add to the film’s charm, as does the fact that this movie is honestly, genuinely funny, especially due to the aforementioned banter between Carol and Fury, as well as the presence of Goose the cat, who Fury dotes over and who plays quite an amusing and cool role in the film, shockingly enough. Goose might be one of the best characters in the film honestly, which is not often something you hear about a pet cat.
Of course, not everything is perfect. A lot of the action is nauseatingly shaky and weirdly poorly choreographed, with the exception of the final battle and perhaps Carol’s escape from the Skrulls near the start. For a superhero movie, having such wonky action is inexcusable, though thankfully there’s not too much fighting… or not thankfully, since again, this is a superhero film, the sort of film where you expect superhero action. It’s not all bad, but when it gets bad it gets really bad.
There’s also the underutilization of characters. You know how the return of Ronan and Coulson was hyped up? Well, unfortunately for everyone, both of their screentimes are incredibly limited to the point they are essentially cameos, though Ronan feels like a cameo moreso than Coulson. Korath, too, is a bit wasted, though he at least gets a little more prominence with him being part of Carol’s initial squad, though he’s still not exactly focused on to any great extent. It just feels so pointless to have these actors come back to these roles if they’re essentially playing meaningless bit parts, especially in the case of Korath and Ronan, seeing as we know they end up dying anyway. It just seems like a huge missed opportunity to do something with these characters.
And of course, the whole amnesia plot kind of holds things back. Not that it’s done poorly, but it is a tired trope that is tricky to pull off, and considering Carol’s amnesia holds back the plot and holds her back from using her powers to any great extent, it does feel like more of a burden than anything that leads to interesting developments. It doesn’t help that most of the stuff revealed over the course of her rediscovering who she is is stuff that you could easily figure out on your own from nothing more than promotional material and the obvious hints throughout the film; it just feels like a contrivance to keep Carol in a weakened, vulnerable state instead of letting her let loose. Say what you will about Superman movies, but he at least gets to be Superman for vast swaths of the film in his origin story movies. Here, Carol’s big Captain Marvel moments really only come at the end, though I can’t stress enough that the  final battle is a pretty cool sequence.
Still, nothing in this movie is done excessively poorly; there’s nothing here as bad as the Iron Man sequels or Thor: The Dark World. On the other hand though, there’s nothing here as innovative or impressive as in Thor: Ragnarok, Infinity War, Black Panther, or Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2, with the exception of the Skrulls. There’s a lot of good elements here, obviously, but most of the stuff really just doesn’t elevate this movie to greatness; it’s merely a good, even very good film, but not as great as it should be nor as bad as some make it out to be. And this isn’t entirely the film’s fault; as I said, Perlmutter’s meddling did keep this on the backburner for a long, long time, so it’s frankly amazing the film is any good at all.
Really, whether you love or hate this is going to boil down to how much you can tolerate cheesiness. I live and breathe cheesiness, I have been exposed to cheese since I was young, so of course I’m pretty fond of this film. I’m also a huge fan of Skrulls so it’s a given I’d like a film with them in it. But if you don’t like this film, if you just don’t connect, well, it’s hard to blame you. It’s not an amazing or groundbreaking film, and really that’s a shame, because it could have and should have been. But on the other hand, not every film needs to exist to break new ground, not every film needs to change the world… sometimes films can just exist and be good.
Captain Marvel is a film that has attracted a lot of controversy, vitriol, and debating over it, making it one of the most controversial superhero movies in recent memory. Beyond that sentence I’m not going to even bother addressing any of that, because it is all the most idiotic drivel I have seen in regards to film in years. This is an utterly harmless superhero movie through and through, and any argument otherwise is just pointless drivel.
I really wish this could have come out years ago, because this would have been a game-changer back when superhero films were first breaking through. In this day and age? It’s just a good, fun movie, nothing less. I have faith Carol’s next outings, in Endgame and her inevitable sequels, will be a lot stronger and more polished and full of interesting developments, but her first outing is simply a fun time before the inevitable heartbreak and mindblowing that Endgame promises. I’m kind of okay with that; it’s nice to have a little calm before the storm.
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rose-lighters · 5 years
Time to rank every MCU film
Yes I am doing that oh so original thing of ranking every marvel film from worst to best. Criticisms and debates are welcome. (Disclaimer: I like all these films unless stated otherwise)
X. Incredible Hulk - I haven’t seen it. Sorry.
21. Guardians Of the Galaxy Vol. 2 - I can honestly say I hated this film. The only likeable part of the whole film was the soundtrack and the first few minutes with Groot dancing. Beyond that it was dull, cringy and oh so predictable. The second that Ego (???) appeared and said he was Quill’s dad I was just like “Oh so this guy’s the villain then” and noped out of there. I never saw past that point and don’t intend to.
20. Captain America: The Winter Soldier - People praise this film till kingdom come and I for one do not get it at all. Many say that it is unique in moving away from the typical superhero film and towards the spy genre. Maybe I just don’t like spy films but it is in no means a great Marvel film. I liked it enough but it’s so forgettable I had to google the plot for this review. I liked the characters and all but it just never stuck with me as anything special.
19. Guardians Of the Galaxy -  Maybe I just don’t like the guardians??? I don’t know but this was another film that just didn’t stick with me. I like Rocket and Groot but beyond that the Guardians themselves hold no interest with me. I don’t care for the humor particularly and whilst the music is great that really shouldn’t be the best part of a film unless it’s a musical.
18. Avengers: Age of Ultron - People hate this film, I however do not. It’s an okay Marvel film, I don’t care for it enough to hate it. I like that scene where they’re all trying to lift mjolnir and I think I liked the ending (I watched it like two years ago so I don’t remember that well) but I have to agree with a lot of the criticism of white washing the Maximoffs (despite how much I love Elizabeth Olsen and Aaron Taylor Johnson, it was still shady). I didn’t hate the ‘giving Hawkeye a family’ like a lot of people did because the already made it clear he wasn’t like comic Clint.
17. Thor: The Dark World - Now we’re moving into films I do like (I love Marvel films more than I dislike them, it's literally just GOTG2 that I don’t like). This was a good film from what I can remember (as I said it's been a while since I’ve seen a lot of these films). I liked the story arcs, I liked that it was set in places other than America and space (ok, so I’m from England, sue me), I loved Tom Hiddleston in this film and I like Darcy. All in all it was an enjoyable viewing, a little dull at times but generally harmless.
16. Doctor Strange - This would be further up if it wasn’t for how dull the first half hour or so is. I had to go back and watch this months after I had first tried just because the start was so boring. Once I moved past it however it was a great origin film. I liked the humour in it and I have always had a soft spot for magic so it was a brilliant film. The effects were absolutely stunning and on aesthetics alone it would place as the second or third best marvel film. I loved the good guys and was genuinely rooting for them despite Strange being a bit of a snarky arsehole.
15. Iron Man - Is this a very important film? Yes. Is it a great film? Also yes. Do I remember it? Not at all. Okay, so I remember some stuff and what I do remember was great but to say its a film that sticks out would be a lie. It’s THE origin story in as much as it’s a formulaic one: flawed character is traumatised and realises their flaws in the process, is influenced by important person, becomes a hero and is betrayed. It works though. That’s the thing, it works so damn well that its almost not in the formula. It's a great watch and honestly RDJ looks great in it (so not the point but I digress). That bit with Stane ripping out the arc reactor made me feel betrayed and I kinda knew it was coming. ( https://tonynatashas.tumblr.com/post/184375713429/that-scene-in-iron-man-where-obadiah-stane-is this post explains why this scene is so great important)
14. Captain America: The First Avenger - Another (enjoyable) origin story. If Sebastian Stan wasn’t in it it would probably be three places down but hey I have a type. No but seriously this was a great film because not only did it show off the brilliance of Roger’s transformation and gave us an idea of who he was and what motivates him but it also then gives us details of his waking in the 21st century and begins to expose his issues with this time travel (for want of a better phrase). This film shows you what you’re gonna get whilst still having pretty good effects, a good, solid storyline and a pretty badass comic book villain. The serum guy creeps me out though and there are so many ethical issues of that level of human experimentation on a person whose only friend went off to war, had Steve died they chose someone no one would really miss which is so concerning.
13. Captain Marvel - A lot of people may have a criticism of this film being so far down but for me it needs to be. I like superhero films where the main character overcomes a flaw and amnesia is not a character flaw. This is a good origin story but it is not a great marvel film. I like Carol but I don’t love her. I love the fact that we have a superhero film with a female main character and i liked that scene where she talks with biker guy but it felt like Samuel L Jackson was a more interesting character at times. I often rate characters on humor so there’s that. It was a good film but I’m mostly looking forward to what will be done with the character as she has so much potential. 
12. Spiderman: Homecoming - This is a weird one for me. It’s the only marvel film I own on DVD and it’s the only one I like where I skip scenes. I can not deal with cringy humour so I skip 80% of the jokes and awkward moments in this film however it’s a really good film. It’s funny and the music is great, I love Zendaya and Jacob Batalon probably more than Tom Holland, their roles are great and the film’s emphasis on friendship is one of the elements from the Iron Man and Captain America films that I love just further amplified. The references to Ferris Bueller and the fact that it is, at its core, a teen flick makes it a brilliant film. The vulture twist was also amazing. 
11. Ant-man and the Wasp - I feel like it isn’t talked about enough but I really bloody love Scott Lang. He is one superhero that I can really get behind because above all else he is just the nicest guy. He is probably one of the most human seeming characters in the MCU and it always makes for such an enjoyable viewing. This could probably draw with ant-man in terms of great films. I loved Ava Starr so much and my heart really went out to her and that FBI guy was a total joy to watch. The Ant man films are so funny and light hearted that they don’t have that sort of weariness that other MCU films have. If only Luis told more stories in the MCU.
10. Ant-man - Honestly just look above. Also I love Hank Pym and Hope Van Dyne so much. The villain was kind of eh but I loved the heist aspect.
9. Black Panther - I watched this film for Shuri and to an extent because I felt obligated to so I had low expectations. People were talking about it for the significance of fighting for equality (which I am all for, don’t worry) so I was expecting it to not live up to the hype and it didn’t. That being said it was a bloody great movie. The movie was beautiful, the use of colour and the CGI tech was so damn pretty. The plot was brilliant and for a while I wanted Erik Killmonger to win, he put forward a good argument and I like a ‘baddy’ so to speak. The fights were great and I was so here for their version of going under cover finally not being a hoodie and cap. Was it over hyped? Hell yeah. Was it still a great film? 100%
8. Iron Man 3 - This gets a hell of a load more crap than it deserves, mostly from comic book fans who can’t stand that their precious mandarin was a hoax but honestly I respect the fuck out of marvel for that. Rather than having a stereotypically asian terrorist they turned that stereotype on its head and made the white guy the actual terrorist. Ben Kingsley is one of my favourite actors and he was amazing. I, obviously, also loved the representation of PTSD as a serious issue and how it was displayed in all of its real ugliness. For once it didn’t just show a damaged person who was fixed with romance. So yeah, this film was a masterpiece.
7. Captain America: Civil War - Zemo may just be my favourite MCU villain to date, why? Because he fucking won. This was a film about a man who knew his victims and rather than stupidly trying to attack the big scary strong guys he exposed them and made the best of circumstance. He got under Captain America’s skin and played him like a puppet. This was more than just a villain, this was finally a smart villain. Not to mention that this film had some of the best action sequences and heart breaking moments whilst still having time for a laugh. It’s also the first film (in my opinion) that called out Steve’s morals and his obsession with the past. Bucky was hot used against him and it showed that above all else, even the little people, Steve’s loyalties are with his past.
6. Thor - Most people would disagree and rate this film far lower however for me this was the start. I didn’t grow up watching superhero films because I didn’t like watching TV as a kid so it wasn’t till I was 13 that I saw a superhero film and this was it. I honestly watched it because my friend had it on DVD and I thought Tom Hiddleston looked hot but from what I can remember this was one of the best films I ever saw. I wasn’t too bothered by Jane Foster but I absolutely loved Darcy, Loki and Thor. Whilst I’m not adopted I do know what it is like to be the younger and smarter sibling with an older thuggish brother who is still the favourite so I loved Loki with a passion and was so upset when he fell.
5. Iron Man 2 - This was the film that made me realise that I liked girls, Scarlet Johansson in a black cat suit and red ringlets was an amazing thing to little 13 year old me. Beyond that it was just a solid film, it had spies and daddy issues and sass and Samuel L Jackson. What more can you want?
4. Thor: Ragnarok - This is the peak of Thor, I’m calling it now. Never had a director before been able to capture the absolute chaos of Loki and the sweetheart-ness of Thor so brilliantly. As far as representations of characters this, Captain Marvel and Iron Man 3 may just be the best of all the MCU. This is the full completion of Thor’s arc, this is the film that the first Thor set up. Finally Thor is ready to be King. This film had so much humour but still set it all up so perfectly that it was more than just a comedy. Jeff Goldblum was amazing and honestly Taika Waititi should direct the whole of the MCU. He knows the characters better than anybody.
3. Avengers: Endgame - I cried three times. That scene with the portals was the most beautiful thing I have ever witnessed and whilst many criticize much of the plot I don’t have too much I’d change, though in fairness I did like the cursed child so maybe I just have a soft spot for all things time travel. Dynamic timelines are not used in cinema enough and the three alternate timelines create have all sorts of implications for future films in the MCU. If Thor is not fat in the next film this may go down to 20th though.
2. Avengers Assemble - This is the film that I believe best represents what the MCU has to offer. It’s a light hearted superhero film with all the characters that were needed at this point in time. For its time it was ambitious and honestly it shows. I loved the dynamics between the characters, the plot was engaging and not overly complex and even if you haven’t seen any other MCU films it makes perfect sense. In some respects it probably is the best the MCU has to offer.
1. Avengers: Infinity War - Oh boy do I love this film. This isn’t just a film, this is the film. Did it have the same emotional impact as Endgame? Fuck no but it didn’t need to. It was serious. It was funny. It had just the right amount of just the right characters and may I just say that is the best that Captain America has ever looked in the MCU. I (controversially) really loved Gamora dying and most of the Guardians being dusted. The memes were great.This was the most ambitious cross over event since Wizards of deck with Hannah Montana. One thing that I can’t get out of my head though is Bruce’s comment of “broke up like the beatles?”. Does that make Bucky Yoko Ono?
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ellvie · 6 years
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ELVIE CROFT, twenty four years old. youtuber and ghost with the most on beloved emmy award winning netflix series ghost gallery. interests include horror movies, the 80s, halloween, and the absolute abomination that is black licorice. the smartest dipshit you’ll ever meet.
elvin tupelo croft. prefers elvie, but el is okay if you’re a close friend or family member. is extremely sensitive about the fact that he was almost named elvis after the famous musician because his dad is OBSESSED.
born in the salem, massachusetts on halloween day. descendant of an accused witch, son of an actual witch, and practices himself albeit casually. his dad is the county district attorney while his mom owns a small shop in town, so they were...lower middle class i guess. they always had enough to meet their needs, but couldn’t afford any extra spending or splurging. as he got older he’d go on to work small jobs around town, most notably as a janitor in the local movie theater. so no silver spoon or high horse here.
margo massey has been his best friend since birth. her maternal grandparents disowned her mom when she fell pregnant with margo, so elvie’s dad gave them some legal help and the rest is history. they’ve been best friends for longer than either of them can even remember, true ride or dies for life. if you don’t like margo then elvie doesn’t like you and that’s that on that. the antics of elvie croft and margo massey were famous in salem long before they were famous on netflix.
so he tried lots of different activities as a kid. he was a boy scout, he took music lessons, he was absolutely awful at tee ball, but nothing really stuck. he’s always had a lot of energy and a short attention span, so he gets bored of stuff pretty easily. 
something his parents and teachers would often notice about him was that he’s very smart. he’s a fast learner, one of those annoying types who seems to just do well in school and get perfect grades without even trying? that’s him. some people have even thrown around words like brilliant and genius. tbh they probably aren’t far off, but elvie hates being called smart to the point where he?? intentionally dumbs himself down 24/7 and passes it off as a joke
ofc that didn’t stop from being mercilessly bullied all throughout school. he had braces and glasses and chronic nosebleeds and didn’t play any sports and only had one friend who was picked on just as badly so he was definitely a favorite target of his peers.
fortunately elvie has much thicker skin than most people seem to realize. he doesn’t...really care what people think about him. at all. oh so what you don’t like him. he’ll have a good long cry about it while his emmy award is getting polished. not that he’s arrogant bc he honestly isn’t. it’s just that he knows his worth and your opinion of him isn’t going to change that.
he was fifteen when the rich & snobby abernathy family bought a huge summer home in salem and he met their daughter, astrea...it was love at first sight and to this day he’s never loved anybody else or even dated anybody else. their summer romance turned long distance when she went home in the fall. they were insistent upon not letting anything break them apart and aside from about a year where they weren’t together, nothing ever did. elvie croft has been dating the same girl since he was fifteen and just keeps falling more and more in love with her.
it should be noted that astrea’s parents absolutely hate him and they always have. he didn’t do anything except come from a poor no name family, which was more than enough for them, so elvie was resorting to climbing through her window and helping her sneak out in the middle of the night so they could see each other for even five minutes. it’s a regular romeo juliet story. how disgustingly lovesick and On Brand™ for them.
a year later he started his youtube channel at the age of sixteen with margo & the camera that he got for his birthday. it’s basically buzzfeed unsolved supernatural. he’s the believer, she’s the skeptic, and they go looking for ghosts! it was an instant hit. with every video posted they were gaining subscribers in the dozens, then the hundreds, then the thousands. they weren’t even in college yet and they were already two of the most popular & beloved names in youtuber fandom.
attended nyu once they did get to college. tbh elvie didn’t really wanna go?? he doesn’t like school, so he technically studied business and was top of his class as per usual, but he was mostly just there to party and hang out with margo and finally get to be with astrea all the time. he loves her so much like i can’t stress this enough.
too bad for him bc he got DUMPED in their last year of college. astrea broke up with him and then immediately went to saudi arabia for a year. he didn’t take it well at all, but fortunately he’d be distracted soon enough.
elvie and margo were approached by netflix producers who basically wanted to turn their youtube channel into a tv show which turned out to be a really smart move because ghost gallery is a HUGE HIT. everyone’s seen it. everyone loves it. no one can seem to shut up about it. basically think of the hype around stranger things and you’ll understand how much everyone loves ghost gallery.
they’ve put out two seasons so far & are just about to start filming for season three which is scheduled for a late october 2019 release and elvie absolutely loves his show so he couldn’t be happier about it!
and now for a few other fast facts bc i SOMEHOW feel like i haven’t covered everything yet!
loves horror movies, halloween, and scaring people. by the age of twelve he was getting full grown adults to scream and run away from him in terror while he just laughed and laughed bc it was the best thing ever to him.
it’s been a running joke all his life that he doesn’t seem to be afraid of anything and who knows? maybe he isn’t.
his other major interest? everything 80s. tbh at least 90% of everything he’s ever said is an 80s movie reference, often too obscure for most people to even catch. 
he’s extremely rich bc he spends almost none of the money he earns from youtube and netflix. he grew up poor enough to have the mentality that he can’t just go around wasting money on whatever he wants even though he very well could without even making a serious dent in his bank account. at worst he might impulse buy some extra candy or smth but nothing more expensive than that
they type of eccentric genius who will solve a whole rubik’s cube in .0000000001 seconds like it’s nothing and act like it isn’t even a big deal bc he’s already distracted by something else entirely. it probs gives people a little whiplash tbh
PERSONALITY: elvie is nice, but he’s not for everyone. eccentric is probably the best word to describe him. he doesn’t do things the way everyone else does. he’s extremely hyperactive and very ~out there~ which is a combination that’s just Too Much for some people. he tends to come across as either witty and endearingly charming or loud and flat out annoying. so he’s kinda terrible at making friends but it doesn’t stop him from trying. in general he’s well liked if only bc almost everyone loves ghost gallery, but ofc there are outliers so pls feel free to hate him. tl;dr he’s completely harmless but maybe a little annoying, will just ramble at you for hours about ghosts and horror movies and the 80s and assume that you’re friends because of it.
maternal cousin - willow sparks and alexandra blakely (distant)
paternal cousin, constant bickering - river espinoza
wife - astrea croft
unrequited crush - open
best friend, might bicker sometimes but ride or die 5ever - margo massey
acquaintances - torrance keynes, saywer duncan, open to more.
close friends - open to several.
family friends - rosalind cox, open to more.
friends -  jordan parkes, wren daily, reign monroe, sahar santini, genesis iver, ingrid larson, marialena goldstein.
online → irl friends - ginny baker
unlikely friends - eden o’ connor, open to more,
frenemies - beckley bovér, open to more.
enemies - angel almeida, open to more.
bad terms - carson king, open to more.
ex friends - luna reyes, anastasia sangster.
he doesn’t tend to have a lot of enemies but whew he absolutely despises angel so if you like him then elvie probably doesn’t like you. 
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lightsandlostbells · 6 years
Skam NL episodes 4 and 5 reaction
This is incredibly late but there was no way I was not going to write about Engel’s detour into waxing hell.
Episode 4
Clip 1 - Piesiepoepselaar
Isa and Kes are lying together in the morning and it’s very serene. He’s had the same nightmare as Jonas did in the original, though I think the context is different … russ is like a thing that Jonas objects to on principle, would Kes be against just taking a city trip?
He’s like, “You took off your shirt and made out with everyone, boys and girls.” Lmao, I don’t think Isa is going to get that wild in Tallinn.
Isa replies that she’ll only take off her shirt for Kes. So this isn’t really a hint of an actual problem or any condescension on his part, they’ve re-purposed this exchange into some purely flirty interaction.
This cute moment is interrupted by Isa’s mom unexpectedly popping in. She calls her daughter “pissing pooper”? Hands down the best/worst nickname I have heard a parent call their child. And of course Kes loves it.
Clip 2 - Orgy preparation
Isa gets a call from “Pap” soooo her dad is still kind of in the picture?
Engel bounds up to Isa, she looks very happy to see her. And when Janna and Imaan come up, she also looks happy to see them. Engel is so cute.
Except LMAO, GOD. She addresses Imaan with “Salaam-Alaikum,” and seems a little proud of herself, as if she Googled “how to speak Muslim” over the weekend. So I guess instead of being an outright exclusionary racist, she’s going to be like … a well-intentioned white ally who goes too far and ends up othering her Muslim friend by not treating her the same as the non-Muslims? That’s a pretty interesting take. It certainly puts Engel in a better light than Vilde, since she is trying to be inclusive rather than rejecting Imaan, but it also explores Imaan’s struggle with having to deal with people treating her differently than her peers, or changing their behavior toward her since she’s a Muslim.
Imaan is just like “.... Hi.” I feel like at some point she’s going be like, “Look, you can just treat me like you’d treat anyone else.”
Janna starts coughing, and at first I thought she was trying to salvage the awkward moment, but she’s actually gesturing for Engel to look over yonder because GUESS WHAT, a certain dude is climbing the stairs.
Dutch William has a very long coat and seems more like an artsy edgy hipster kid, maybe, than a regular king-of-the-school fuckboy. His head is down so we don’t get a full view of his face, it’s like he’s ~mysterious and gives no fucks.
That blond dude from the party, Gijs, is part of Dutch William’s (Noah’s) crew, of course, and nods in recognition to Isa. They’re like, HOLY SHIT, Isa, what happened there?
Apparently one of them (Gijs or Noah) the wildest parties, with orgies. And not some weak-ass orgies where people sit in the hot tub together. Full-on power orgies with naked bodies. Janna sure knows her orgy classifications.
Engel’s facial expressions when Janna mentions orgies, lmao. This little frown.
The girls are like, “There’s a party this Friday,” and Isa’s like “...OK?” Imaan has to explain that Janna and Engel want Isa to flirt with the guy so they can get in to the party. She takes Isa’s phone and does her thing. Well, that’s interesting because Imaan doesn’t seem so invested personally in going to the party? I mean, there’s no real benefit to their city trip. Is she doing it because Janna and Engel want to? Like she wants to be in with these girls and have friends?
Janna is amused and laughs at Imaan’s liking all of Gijs’ pics. Engel just seems stunned. A Muslim did that???? Maybe she had Imaan all wrong. Maybe she needs to consult Google again.
Isa, Kes, and Lucas go out for food. Isa is the only one to order fries, and when she asks if they want fries, they’re like nahhhh. IMMEDIATELY my bullshit detector went off. They’re going to steal her fucking fries, aren’t they?
At one point the word “EVEN” is visible through the window, heh.
Lucas has injured his left hand, which I am assuming is a thing the actor did IRL and they had to explain it into the story. Kes roasts Lucas about his injury (which happened while skateboarding) and Lucas is like, “At least I take risks.” Yeah, some of those risks will apparently involve fucking up your friends’ relationship?
Kes asks Isa if they’re going to hang out at her place, I am assuming just the two of them, while Lucas gives Kes a long look. Actually, those are some high-quality Looks that Lucas has been serving to Kes. Make sure this show gets to season 3, okay? So he can put his pining face to good use.
Kes says the whole thing about Isa’s mom not knowing about him, and that Isa is ashamed of him, and Lucas is like, well, she’s right!
But of course Gijs is now sending her messages about Isa’s IG stalking. Just as Kes is offering to cook for her and her mom. Isa, let him cook for you! That’s more proactive than any Jonas has offered yet, right?
Gijs is turned on by Isa stalking him. You know, I’ve never just how many kinks the P-Chrises have, like he’s into nerds, being stalked, pretending to be the Eva’s dad/mom/whatever ... he’s just up for anything.
Lucas mentions that Isa has too many new friends, maybe even a new boyfriend, and THAT is some snake-ass shit, planting that seed out there. Even if he’s just talking shit and kidding. He doesn’t know he’ll be kinda right, but man, will Kes remember that when shit hits the fan? Kes seemed so indifferent though, like he’s all “lady friends” and not taking it seriously. 
I WAS FUCKING RIGHT, THEY STEAL HER GODDAMN FRIES. Taking advantage of her distraction while messaging Gijs. 
This is the realest shit though, like nothing Jonas and Isak said about Eva’s involvement in russ compared to this disrespect. Teenage boys are the WORST.
But yeah, there’s not nearly as much putting down of Isa’s friends or activities (since who is gonna be like “it’s so CAPITALISTIC that you want to take a fun trip to a city”?) apart from some passive-aggressiveness about Kes not meeting Isa’s mom and Isa being too popular. Still, it feels less mean, and Isa didn’t seem as attacked. 
Clip 4 - The most important conversation I’ve ever heard
The title of this clip was “full bush baby” and I was like … is that really going to refer to what I think it is? Like either we are talking about a small primate, or someone’s private hedge maze.
I love Janna looking like a hot mess in every scene. Like she literally rolled out of her bed, which is an ostrich nest, and went to school. She’s telling a story about opening a beer in class while Engel looks bothered about something in the background.
OH MY GOD, Engel looks troubled not because of any angsty Noah pining or Imaan drama or any of what you’d expect, but because she shaved her pubic hair and it itches. WE STAN.
…. Is this taking the place of the birth control conversation??? Instead of Engel asking about birth control, she wants the girls to tell her how they remove their pubic hair? 
I am not remotely surprised that Janna is a full bush baby.
Imaan saying she dyes hers red, white, and blue = MY LOVE.
Engel takes that completely seriously judging by her confused little face. Engel’s life is 90% confusion.
Janna says if she waxes, she can wax a lightning bolt. Please be a Harry Potter reference. (You know, I’m sure wizards have hair removal spells and all, but I’m imagining someone being like ACCIO PUBES and ripping out everything at once.)
Engel is nervous about waxing. Oh my God, instead of the nurse, are they going to go for a bikini wax together?????
Isa gets a text. Turns out they’re going to the party! Engel gets excited and starts throwing out outfit possibilities.S he rambles a bit and then Imaan does the “shhh, you talk too much” moment. 
Now it feels a little out of place, because Engel, while not behaving perfectly, has been way less of an ass to Imaan? And I get that this is for Engel’s own preservation, sort of, but they’re not trying to gain social capital at the level that Vilde and Sana were. The OG girl squad wanted to attract cool people to their bus and hook up with popular boys; NL girl squad isn’t concerned with getting cool people on their trip, and while they want to go to parties, they don’t have this firm objective of hooking up with the popular dudes. So the moment seemed a bit out of nowhere. I mean, Engel rambling about her outfits is tedious, but harmless.
Imaan has some gorgeous lashes, by the way.
Clip 5 - This is a very serious show
Oh my God, they DID go for a bikini wax. So is the state of Engel’s pubic hair going to be a plot point? Does she want it to look groomed for him? 
Okay, I’m laughing that Norwegian-style bush is a heart (ALT ER LOVE), French pubes are a mustache, and Dutch hedges are … flames? A flower? A flower for the ladygarden.
THE GRAVE IMPORTANCE OF THIS SCENE. The music and the cherub mural really add to the atmosphere.
Janna talks about an ass wax because of course she does.
I love that you hear a scream from the other room. Perfect.
I laughed out loud that Engel just shakes her head and runs. And that Imaan puts her arms around the girls and eggs them on.
I like Skam to have a plot and all but I would thoroughly enjoy 10 episodes of just random calamities in pubic hair removal.
Clip 6 - Orgy time
This is my favorite episode 4 (or equivalent) power walk other than the original. I LOVE it. The song choice! The girls look like they’re having a blast. Engel jumping on Liv’s back!!! Imaan yelling in sync with the rooster crying!!! 
ESPECIALLY with the juxtaposition of this badass power walk, the girls getting hyped and feeling cool on the way to the party - because yeahhhh!!!! Young and free, bitches!!!!! - with the pause where they’re actually standing in front of the door, debating over who has to ring the bell. That’s utterly beautiful, I love it. Expectations vs. reality right there. 
Liv being like “It’s open,” lol.
Engel knows Olivia and company, I don’t think they said how?? Because we knew how Vilde knew Ingrid. But I mean, they go to school together, soooo. (Or did Engel get kicked off a city trip group?)
Janna, you promised an orgy, and this is a bunch of teenagers drinking and dancing in a basement. The clothes are most definitely on.
I was spoiled for Janna’s making out with a girl, but I still got hella excited when she and this girl were sticking out their tongues at each other.
Lmao, is Engel rambling about her car malfunctions to Noah? Maybe Imaan was right to shush her.
Also, Engel’s dad is in the picture. Or was, at a certain point.
Okay I don’t know if maybe this is fashionable for Dutch kids, but I love that Noah is wearing this baggy old man shirt. 
And that his kiss with Engel is a little awkward.
Who is this kid. Why is he like this.
Lmao, Liv telling Isa to talk to Gijs about Tallinn so he’ll leave. Does not bode well for their city trip if that’s what she thinks?
WHOOPS, Isa forgot that dinner with Kes was supposed to happen.
Gijs does not know Tallinn is a city, so he’s like, “Who’s Tallinn?” lmao.
So in terms of Skam remake wlw content, I believe we have:
Skam France: Alexia is bi. Of course I appreciate this but they haven’t really spotlighted it outside of like one or two comments, and they don’t really integrate her sexuality into the story or into the dialogue even when it would be relevant (which is a big problem with Skam France as a whole). It’s canon by the actress’ Word of God.
Druck: Mia is bi. In canon she “doesn’t like labels” and is shown to make out with Hanna, though that was for telling off Alexander. Bi by word of God.
Skam Austin: Shay takes Isak’s place in the story, having a crush on Megan which is her character’s motivation. This is the biggest wlw content, clearly, since Shay will hopefully get her own season. The character is a lesbian and her sexuality plays a role in the story, plus I’m pretty sure the actress is a lesbian herself (and is a black lesbian so we have intersectional diversity).
Skam NL: Janna makes out with a girl at a party. HOPEFULLY she isn’t straight and this isn’t just a drunken makeout because girls kissing at a party is hot. I hooooope.
Hmmm, you know what? I actually buy Imaan’s throwing water at Olivia a lot more, because Engel has at least tried to be nice to Imaan. Like I understand that Sana is fiercely loyal and once she’s on your team, she’s with you 110%, so once she’s with the girl squad, she’s ride or die. But assuming Imaan was throwing water at Olivia because Olivia called Engel a slut, I get why. Engel has been awkward and othered Imaan but she’s tried to be nice. (But for Engel, you know she’s going to be like WTF?)
I love this closing song as they run away into the night!
Is it wrong that I kind of like Noah so far? Because I get that he’s likely going to come with all of William’s bullshit, but ... he’s fucking weird, man. 
Episode 5
Clip 1 - Making a family party awkward
Kes’ sister is a cutie!
Oh, I love that we got a little glimpse of his family? His mom, and his grandparents.
This really changes the tone of this scene from the original, because Eva goes over and encounters Jonas when he’s just hanging out with his friends and being passive-aggressive, and it felt like having the boys there made Jonas ramp up his attitude. Kes appears to be relaxed, he’s having a good time with his family. I wonder if these are the actor’s real relatives? The boys look like they could be his brothers.
But Kes does get in a passive-aggressive comment about her friends, and he’s been ignoring her for a few days.
Also, Lucas isn’t part of this moment where they’re ganging up on Isa, when the Isak is typically snickering at what’s happening.
We cut inside where relatives are having a pleasant time while the Youths fight. We don’t hear their argument but I mean, we know what they’re talking about.
Kes is like, “I forgot about the dinner,” as if he’s not upset, which makes Isa storm out, and his family notices that she’s upset.
Isa is out on the street and she once again puts in her earbuds and listens to music to get out her feelings. I like that as a stress release/coping tactic/whatever you want to call it for her.
This is a Sigrid song, by the way! “Strangers,” a totally appropriate song for relationship dysfunction and dismantling the perfect movie romance. Really interesting with Isa’s somewhat romanticized view of love - sometimes you just know, that’s how it’s supposed to be, etc.
Is Kes going to run out after her?
Nope, he doesn’t run after her. Not like in the movies. Isa just does a walk down the street. She’s not happy but it seems like listening to music steadies her a bit and gives her an outlet for her emotions so that she’s not a total mess.
Clip 2 - Engel does not know how the pill works, sigh
The title of this clip was Het is Zover and there was a still of Liv so I was like … are we finally headed down this f/f romcom route? Het is Over? (I know, I know, it has an actual meaning in Dutch.) But it ended up referring to something heterosexual, lmao.
I like Isa’s little toucan key chain.
Isa is not in a good mood, Liv looks fondly at her girl and asks about Kes. Liv knows what’s up with 17-year-old boys.
Engel pops up and says it’s time for her and Noah to go to the bone zone. Isa is like, that was fast. So I guess they are going down this sex storyline; the wax was a fun bonus.
Engel being like “I know It’s Time because I DMed with Noah all weekend and he’s perfect” - God help us.
Engel asks for the pill like she’s asking for ibuprofen, and when she says eh, it’ll be nothing then, Liv is like nuh uh, you’re going to the doctor. Thank you, Liv.
Engel gets them to agree to go by offering a bottle of wine each. When Isa tells Liv that she (Liv) doesn’t even drink, Liv is like, two for you, right? WHOOOOOOA. True love right there.
I had the worst thought and wondered if Engel’s failure to get her pubes waxed is going to lead to Noah making a shit comment about them later, like when Engel confronts him. Because teenage boys think girls should be completely hairless, like porn stars or babies! 
Clip 3 - Isa can’t sleep
Isa is watching a video on her phone when she gets a notification about something her dad posted. It’s a little kid getting a swimming certificate, so I’m guessing that’s her dad’s new family.
Isa gets up to go sit on her mom’s bed. She asks for a foot rub, which her mom gives her, until her mom starts asking about Olivia and Tess. Then the feet come back up to Isa’s chest.
Her mom’s like, I’m just trying to show interest. Isa is probably thinking that’s more than her dad does. She extends a leg again.
Perhaps that’s why Isa opens up to her and tells her she has a boyfriend. When she tells her mom his name is Kes, her mom doesn’t comment on it being Olivia’s boyfriend’s name or anything, so maybe she didn’t know Kes and Olivia dated? 
Isa asks her mom whether she thought she and her dad would be together forever, and then when she change her mind. Isa’s mom says that sometimes things go differently from how you expected. I really like this scene. It goes in with Isa “just knowing” that you’re meant to be with someone, as mentioned in episode 2, and then this reality that crashes in on you. It’s awesome that they tied in these elements of Isa’s absent father and divorced/separated parents, Isa’s relationship with her mom who’s locked out of certain elements in her life, and Isa’s relationship with Kes to the overall idea of being with someone forever. I think Isa questioning the nature and longevity of love could end up being a really satisfying part of her arc. I can’t wait to see the final clip of the season; I hope they modify her speech to Kes so that it fits with all these moments and what she’s learned.
She gets back into bed and apologizes to Kes for being a bitch sometimes, because obviously she doesn’t want their relationship to end, and then stares at the ceiling with that one damn glow in the dark shooting star.
Clip 4 - Doctor visit
The girls go to the doctor with Engel. Liv and Imaan entertain themselves by playing with a model of a torso. Kes and Isa make up via text, he says he loves her even when she’s angry.
I love that Engel looks small in that big chair against the giant window, truly mimicking how overwhelmed she must be feeling.
Where’s Janna? I have to say that I look forward to her reactions on anything vagina-related. 
I guess she had to miss the fun because she had to make up for being late to German, but it’s really cool how Imaan volunteered to join them considering I think the Sanas usually sit this excursion out.
The doctor comes out and IT’S A MAN THIS TIME??? Oh fuck!
I mean I know plenty of women don’t have a problem with a male OB-GYN, but for a girl who’s perhaps afraid to get a bikini wax, I think she would be a little shy about talking about birth control with a dude.
This doc is handsome, not gonna lie. I can’t imagine if that would make it more or less awkward. I do think that it’s less awkward with your friends, so good call, Engel.
The doc is asking Engel some basic questions and Engel answers more confidently than I expected, so good for her. Imaan rats out Engel by saying she’s only known the guy for a week. Well, maybe it’s not the wisest choice, Imaan, but that means Engel should definitely be on birth control!
Liv also shares that Noah sleeps with the whole school, and the doc mentions that the pill only helps with pregnancy, not STDs. Bless him. I mean he’s just doing his job, but bless. This is a good message to include on the show.
OH MY GOD when that doc brought out the dildo for the condom demonstration. He was completely matter-of-fact and professional but geeeeez I would have found this to be the most embarrassing thing at 16.
The girls evaluate condom choices. Strawberry, banana, glow-in-the-dark. Don’t get the banana ones. I love real bananas but artificial banana flavor on anything is a gamble. 
I can’t tell, who said that king-sized wasn’t for Noah? Janna? I want to give her an award.
This clip was so short but I loved it! Just sweet and funny, wonderful girl squad dynamic, adorable.
As an aside, please watch the first 30 seconds of this scene and imagine it with Engel as Rose, Janna as Blanche, and Imaan as Dorothy.
Clip 6 - Engel’s softcore fashion fantasy
Janna has the right idea by blowing up a condom into an elephant trunk.
Janna doesn’t remember anything from her first time. That bit never stops being alarming, tbh.
Janna is also adamant that Noah needs to do his best and make sure Engel has an orgasm. Good job, Janna! That’s something I’ve always wondered with the Williams of the show: do they actually try to make the experience pleasurable for the Vildes? Because Vilde is like, “It was great!” but she’s also speaking from inexperience, and she might just be overcompensating, who knows? I mean, I don’t think she would actually tell the girls if it sucked.
Engel doesn’t know what an orgasm feels like, she doesn’t know how to get wet, she doesn’t want to get horny. Look, everyone should learn at their own pace, but my professional opinion is that this poor girl should take some time on her own before sleeping with a random dude she has known for a week. 
Who hasn’t even arrived on time to get laid. Oh God, please just blow her off completely? Don’t make us and Engel go through this again. Lesser of two evils.
Janna eats a banana. I just wanted to write that.
Liv is there to administer horny-making fantasies to Engel. Lmao, Isa had to get up off her chair and go sit on the bed next to Liv while Liv is talking dirty. I wonder why….
Ohhhh my God. This fantasy of Engel’s? WOW. It is really not “allowed” within the Skam format but honestly, fuck it, this is too weird not to appreciate. This is some ’90s music video realness, I expected 98 Degrees to walk out. Except it mostly focuses on Engel’s attire and makeup and hair, so maybe it’s more like a perfume ad?
Lmao, Engel getting turned on by herself more than Noah really stands out when you see the visual.
Janna tells the anecdote about getting turned on by donkeys, but it was supposedly just a whole other village that had the donkey kink rather than her. Bless her.
The girls need to get out because Kes is supposed to arrive, but of course, when Isa opens the front door, it’s Noah, come for his booty call. Isa’s mom is really cute in how she’s excited to see “Kes.”
Engel is? “Not my girlfriend.” Noah, you dumb fuck. Why do you need to clarify that shit to someone’s mom who you’re only going to know for like two seconds?
I mean, it’s foreshadowing as to Noah’s fuckboy ways, and that Engel will get her heart broken, but duuuuude quell your ass down.
Isa is like, nah mom, those girls tripping on the stairs and babbling weren’t drunk! Lol, sure.
When Isa calls Kes, it absolutely sounds like he was at a party with the level of background chatter. You hear Olivia’s voice clearly but they’re definitely surrounded by people.
Of course Kes is not coming, and Isa’s mom overhears enough on the phone conversation to realize. She tells her that they can eat, just the two of them. I really like Isa’s mom, she’s cute.
Great sad closing song.
General Comments/Social Media
Engel stuck Liv’s own song on their Tallinn playlist and Liv’s like, time to delete that! 
I love Janna naming the group chat weird stuff, and everyone acknowledging that group chat names are never normal.
This remake makes my heart so warm! The girl squad is so lovely and fun. I adored the pubic hair side plot, lmao, and the twists on the doctor visit and the condom retrieval. Little moments like that with the girls have made the dynamic so entertaining.
As for the boys, I think Lucas is a fantastic Isak. Kes has his typical Jonas S1 dickhead moments, but he’s also got charm, and God help me but I am enjoying Noah’s whatever-the-fuck-ness. Like I’m aware he’s going to be a creep, but currently I like taking the piss out of him and his wardrobe and attitude. 
As I mentioned previously, I think they’re doing some great moments with Isa’s character arc and tying in her family issues to her relationship issues, and having her talk about love or question love in the abstract. 
I am not Dutch, so feel free to correct me if I missed anything.
If you got this far, thank you for reading!
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