#priestly x y/n
t-k-charming · 2 months
Miranda Pristly's First Daughter
Alright, Devil Wears the Prada is one of my favorites, if it's also your favorite comment down below (Feels like talking in a YouTube video.)
Warnings: Angst. Hurt but no comfort (if you want I make one with comfort) poor wording (I didn't know if it's a warning, but why not) no happy ending, platonic. reader is Miranda's daughter. (if there is something I mess, please comment)
If you didn't watch the movie Devil Wears the Prada, please watch it. I highly recommend it, it's a movie worth you're time.
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Credits to whoever the image belongs
Here we go
Y/n is Miranda's first child. Y/n is the daughter of Miranda's first husband and first love.
After his death, Miranda poured herself into work. Causing to loss of the relationship with Y/N
Miranda slowly ignored Y/n.
After a bit, the twins came and took all the love and attention. Causing Y/n to be distant even more.
Nevertheless, Y/n always tried to make Miranda spend time with her. But Miranda refused every time. Y/n was losing hope.
Once, Y/n tried to make Miranda have dinner with her. Since it’s been nearly a year they had dinner together. Miranda gets fed up and shouts hurtful things at Y/n. Something like this “Why don’t you ever leave me alone?! Always asking this and that? Is the money I give you enough to shut you up?! Can’t you fucking see that I am busy and come home to take a rest and you are being a pain. Don’t you have something productive to do other than being a pain up my ass?!... God, I wish I never had you”
Though she said that last thing to herself it was hearable. Y/n was heartbroken after she heard her own mother say those hurtful things. 
y/n replied “ I am really sorry I never thought I was that… of a pain to you… I will never bother you anymore. I am really sorry”
With that Y/n left for her room. And Y/n didn’t come down to eat dinner.
Y/n was a woman of her word.
The next day, when Miranda came home, she forgot what happened that night because she was busy all day. So as usual Miranda expected Y/n to annoy her again.
But Y/n knowing Miranda was home, didn’t come down and stayed in her room for the rest of the night. 
Miranda didn't even notice that the last time she saw Y/n was the night she yelled at her.
The next morning Y/n left early because she didn’t want to face Miranda. 
When Miranda came out, she didn’t see y/n. For some time she didn’t even remember y/n. But when the Twins came down, she remembered y/n.
When she didn’t catch a glaze of Y/n she thought Y/n left early. Which was true but she doesn’t know why. 
When Miranda comes back. Lizzie is the woman who takes care of both the house and the children when Miranda is not there. Mostly all the time, even when Miranda was there. Lizzie said “Oh and Miranda, Y/n is with her friends. She will come back late or at the same time you go to sleep. Tell her to eat dinner or at least half of it, even if she said that she ate the dinner… oh, and if she didn’t come just go to sleep.”
Miranda heard half of what Lizze said and just nodded. 
But Y/n didn’t come. So Miranda went to sleep. 
This went on for so many months. And Miranda didn’t care much. 
Y/n never tried to earn Miranda’s love anymore.
Alright if you want more just ask.
Until next time, it's me T.K Charming.
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thebiggerbear · 2 months
"What do you see in him?" "Everything you don't." - Soldier Boy Prompt Response
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Summary: Hughie and everyone don't understand what you see in Soldier Boy but they also haven't seen what you've seen: Ben.
Pairing: Soldier Boy x Female!Supe!Reader
A/N: This is part of the Soldier Boy/Beau Arlen/Dean Winchester/CJ Braxton/Alec McDowell/Jason Teague/Tom Hanniger/Russell Shaw/Boaz Priestly/Jake Gray/Jensen Ackles RPF prompt response project I've been working on the last month (previewed here). This idea immediately popped into my head for it.
All unbeta'd.
Warnings: language; implied past sexual assault (not SB); mentions of implied drug use; mentions of violence; mentions of death
Word Count: 2199
Taglist: @avada-kedavra-bitch-187; @rieleatiel; @hobby27; @impala67rollingthroughtown
Soldier Boy Taglist: @birdiellie; @heartlessdelusions; @brightlilith; @muhahaha303; @just-levyy; @solacedthistest; @deansimpala; @foxyjwls007; @onlyangel-444; @faephoria; @believeinthefireflies95
Jensen Taglist: @samanddeaninatrenchcoat; @deansbbyx; @lyarr24; @bts24; @deans-spinster-witch; @rebel-paladin; @nancymcl
Beau Arlen | Dean Winchester | CJ Braxton | Jake Gray | Jason Teague | Boaz Priestly | Russell Shaw | Tom Hanniger | Jensen Ackles RPF | Alec McDowell
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Once MM stormed out of the room, followed by a glaring Butcher, Annie, Kimiko, and Hughie descended on you. Frenchie stayed in the corner, beyond shocked — so shocked he forgot to puff away at his still burning cigarette.
“Seriously?” Annie spat angrily.
Hughie looked more disappointed than pissed off at you, and that somehow bothered you more than Annie’s fury ever could have. “Y/N, you’ve got to explain this one to me. I don’t…” He took a deep breath and began again. “The guy’s a fossil. A racist, homicidal, perverted piece of shit fossil.” Hughie placed his hands on his hips. “What do you even see in the guy?”
Kimiko furiously signed a repeat of the question.
You knew Hughie was right. Soldier Boy had done a lot of fucked up shit — shit that wasn’t forgivable in any way, shape, or form. But you also knew Ben, the man underneath all of that asinine machismo and false bravado. You’d seen glimpses of him here and there when no one else had, when Ben himself hadn’t even known you had. It also didn’t hurt that you’d seen memories of his childhood play in his mind or saw flashes of his strained relationship with his father — the man he could never live up to or gain his approval, no matter how hard he tried. There was a lot swimming underneath the surface of that green suit, under that indestructible skin, that had gotten corrupted and then shaped by easy fame, a greedy corporation, and more drugs than any person should have coursing through their system on a daily basis, even a Supe. All of it was certainly no excuse for the things he’d done, but you knew there was more to him than who he’d been, who he was now even — you’d literally seen it.
So you looked your oldest friend in the eye and spoke as honestly as you could. “Everything you don’t,” you told him quietly before walking out of the room in the opposite direction MM and Butcher had gone in. You came to a stop outside the door when you saw Ben standing there, his green eyes watching you sharply. 
He had obviously heard every word and while it wasn’t exactly something you wanted him to find out, you refused to act embarrassed or caught out. So you stuck your chin up a little higher, daring him to say something he would end up regretting should he piss you off.
“You saw a lot more than you let on when they had you do a read on me after pulling me out of the tube.” Not a question but a statement, one that didn’t contain any traces of surprise.
He was right; you had seen plenty — some things you’d rather forget. But you had meant what you said to Hughie just before, to Butcher and the team before that. There was more to him than the green suit, than the America’s Son bullshit facade, and even the horrible things he had done in his time. There was something there worth trying to extricate, to let see the light of day that hadn’t in a very long time. 
You didn’t respond to what he’d said; you had no need to. You only watched him as he watched you.
Ben took a few wary steps forward until he was right in front of you. He carefully reached out a hand to your cheek, laying his fingers along your skin when he saw that you didn’t immediately pull away from him. 
“So,” he started, his voice a little more gravelly than usual as he spoke quietly to you, only for your ears and his. He tenderly ran his thumb near the corner of your mouth. “I matter to you, huh?”
When you thought he was indeed making fun of you as he thought he might, echoing your words back to you, you noticed a small smile forming on his face as his eyes roamed over yours. You had seen plenty of smiles from the man since you’d first seen him a couple of months ago or so — mostly smug smirks or leering grins, usually aimed at everyone but you — but you had never seen this one before. It caught you off guard so much, you were captivated. “You know you do,” you murmured. 
He stared at you for a moment, glancing between you and your mouth, and then slowly leaned in. When his lips gently connected to yours, you felt an immediate electric shock travel through your system. So much so that you started seeing images playing behind your eyelids that weren’t your own. 
…Him listening to you and Hughie bicker in the next room about which Billy Joel song was the best (We Didn’t Start the Fire for you and Pressure for him) and how he smiled to himself when you told Hughie in a playful tone to suck it when the little whiny bitch tried to show you what the critics helmed the better song. 
…Ben getting angry when some piece of shit Supe had the balls to put his hand on your ass at Herogasm — a hand he immediately crushed.
…Him surreptitiously studying each interaction between you and Butcher, noting the hostility but begrudging respect between you, wondering if there was a story there and if there was, how he planned to convince you that he was the better man for you compared to the backstabbing Brit.
…Him rushing to protect you with his shield when one of Homelander’s team of misfits you didn’t see coming nearly killed you with a massive blow. You felt the rage coursing through his veins when he noticed a small trickle of blood coming from a wound near your scalp as you glanced up at him gratefully. Most of the Supes you had engaged had died that day and now you knew exactly why.
…Ben watching you out of the corner of his eye when you stood at the window, arms crossed and ominously silent, after MM had mentioned The Deep while planning on how to take out Homelander. He waited until everyone had cleared out, even Hughie who had squeezed your shoulder as he passed you by, and Ben carefully approached you from behind, torn between wanting to pull you back into his large frame to cage you protectively in his arms or to ask what was the matter. He had ended up going with the latter and you simply said “Kevin’s not a good person” and walked away, your shoulders a little more sunken down than he’d ever seen them. You felt his resolve from that moment and now knew why he had gone after The Deep with such a laser focus before even bothering with Homelander. 
…You reassuring him when he suddenly woke from a sound sleep, gasping and wide-eyed, as his chest began glowing — a result of him not self-medicating nearly as much as he used to. He had wanted you to feel safe around him so he’d cut back on the Bennies, the reefer, the booze, and even the women. He would never admit it out loud but he cared deeply about what you thought. Unbeknownst to you at the time, when you had first seen inside his head, he had gotten a glimpse inside of yours, too. And what he had seen…he wanted to be a man worthy of you. Or at least try his best. You were everything he hadn’t even known he wanted until that moment. So he had made a valiant effort to kick the drug and alcohol habit to the side but it didn’t come without consequences for him. Ben had dreamt he was back in Russia, stuck in a box as they poked and prodded at him, laughing and telling him he would never be free and he would never see anyone again. When he heard your voice telling him he was safe, he grasped for you and you let him, even though he felt you tense up at his greedy touch. “Sorry,” he gruffed out and immediately released you, worried he had either hurt you without meaning to or had made you uncomfortable in his bid to make sure you were real. “It’s okay,” you whispered, picking up his hand and placing it in between both of yours. “I’m right here. You’re safe.” When he felt your thumb tenderly swiping over his knuckles in reassuring strokes, he rasped out, “Did you see?” Instead of answering, you reached up to lay a hand against his cheek. “You’re home now and you’re never going back.” Your words were a fiery promise enforced by the steely resolve in your eyes. “I won’t let you.” He gently held his hand over yours and the glow in his chest receded; he believed you.
…Him watching you as you slept on the opposite end of the couch. You mumbled and sighed a lot in your sleep and it fascinated him. Earlier, when you had found the show he wanted, he had asked you to sit and watch with him, just in case he didn’t understand any of the references. You had obliged and promptly drifted off two episodes in. To Ben, it was a huge ego boost; you felt safe and comfortable enough around him that you could fall asleep near him. As he watched you, hearing your sounds, he really wanted to know what you were dreaming about, especially when your brows knit together and you let out a terrified whimper. He had picked you up without waking you and held you close to him. “You’re okay, doll,” he promised in a soothing murmur to your hairline. “I’ve got you and nothing is going to happen. I won’t let it.” He heard you inhale deeply and then release a contented sigh a moment later. You relaxed in his arms, curling into him, and he stayed like that the entire night: holding you as he watched episode after episode of Friends, something he had only picked because he thought you might like it enough to agree when he planned to ask you to stay. As much as he enjoyed the sound of your voice when you patiently explained things to him, the night turned out even better than he dared to hope, especially when you subconsciously buried your face into his neck and stayed cocooned there. Only when he heard you beginning to stir back into consciousness hours later did he gently place you back in the spot you fell asleep in, pretending not to notice when you fully woke up, opening one sleepy eye to find him in front of you. He shrugged off your apology and glanced over to find you softly smiling at him, causing a strange twinge to happen inside his chest, something reminiscent of when the nuclear reactor inside of him went off but far less dangerous…and much more pleasant.
The images faded as he slowly pulled back a few inches, his green gaze staring deeply into yours. “Was that okay?”
You slowly nodded, still beyond shocked not only at what you had seen or how gentle the kiss had been, but also the sensations it had caused to sweep through you — things you were pretty sure you’d never feel in your lifetime. Hints of desire and a lightness whispered throughout your body as another stronger emotion gained a foothold and blanketed your entire being. Whereas it might have frightened you before, it didn’t now. You knew you were safe, protected, and after this kiss, you now also knew you were cherished to a certain extent.  
Almost as if he knew what you were thinking, fleeting relief gave way to a small smile on his face and he tenderly placed his thumb on your chin. “Good. Because you matter to me, too.”  
You couldn’t help but smile in return, seeing his eyes light up, and you gently framed his face in your hands. You stood on the tips of your toes and pressed your lips to his again, eager to see more as he willingly put his guard down to let you completely in. You also wanted to experience that rush of sensations again with him and this time when he wrapped his arms around you to carefully hold you against him, you buried your fingers into his hair and only deepened the kiss. It wasn’t Soldier Boy who was kissing you back and whose thumb tenderly brushed against your jawline; it was Ben — the very Ben you’d seen hidden underneath all of the layers of toxic masculinity, simmering rage, and the Supe tamping down the man with years of drug use, womanizing, and an overinflated ego. And from the images and thoughts swimming in your mind that didn’t belong to you, your Ben by all accounts. Something that sadly Hughie and the rest would never understand or even be willing to try. But as Ben soundly kissed you, when he broke away to let you catch your breath and placed his forehead against yours, tenderly rubbing strands of your hair that had come loose between his fingertips, you found that part didn’t really bother you all that much.
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astonmartinii · 1 year
hii, can i request an insta au for lando? i don’t have something particular in mind, bit maybe best friends to lovers kinda thing? and their friends teasing them/ being annoyed? <33 love your work!!
best friends 4 ever | lando norris social media au
pairing: lando norris x bff!reader
best friends? lovers? who knows?
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liked by landonorris, maxfewtrell and 320,879 others
yourusername: clubbing on a budget 🍒
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user1: where's lando?
user2: yet another post without lando, have they broken up?
user3: how can they be broken up if they aren't together?
user4: why do you people think lando and y/n doing things separately is illegal?
user5: why weren't you at the race?
yourusername: babes i'm just a bartender i do not have the schedule or the finances to just fuck off to saudi arabia for three days sorry xx
user5: you clearly had the weekend off?
yourusername: please refer to my previous statement on my financial standing
yourbff1: who is that stunning woman?
yourusername: u bestie
landonorris: glad you went with outfit choice number one
yourusername: thank you miranda priestly
oscarpiastri: so that's who i could hear you talking to...
yourusername: clubbing outfits are a serious business oscar
oscarpiastri: serious enough for a three hour call?
yourusername: YES.
landonorris: YES.
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liked by yourusername, maxverstappen1 and 902,894 others
landonorris: mood before the race v after the race, see you next year jeddah 🇸🇦
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user6: what driving a tractor does to a motherfucker
yourusername: what's a performance where a man is having the worst time of his life but looks sexy doing it?
landonorris: beauty is pain
yourusername: then you must be suffering
user7: mr and miss we're not dating flirting up a storm in the comments as per
carlossainz55: maybe focus less on modelling and more on driving
yourusername: so no more ferrari thirst traps?
carlossainz55: damn i forgot that coming for lando means dealing with you
yourusername: meet me in the parking lot chilli
landonorris: y/n is like my little chihuahua so come for me, watch your ankles
user8: do they think we're dumb?
danielricciardo: ah the classic post mclaren snooze, if only you had your cuddle buddy
landonorris: i know you miss me mate but i'll cuddle you in melbourne
danielricciardo: ok. not what i meant. but i'll take the free cuddles
user9: so he was defo referring to y/n, right?
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liked by landonorris, yourusername and 708,655 others
tagged: yourusername, landonorris, heidiberger
daniel3.jpeg: any wagon need a third wheel, i'm practically a professional now?
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user12: confirmation? this is confirmation, right? RIGHT?
yourusername: i gave you that banjo in good faith daniel and this is how you repay me?
daniel3.jpeg: i appreciate her !!!! thank you for my lessons, but these are cute so i will not be deleting sorry not sorry
yourusername: ur right we are serving
user13: life is just not fair
user14: official cause of death: the third slide
landonorris: how relegated to just an arm, i see how it is daniel
yourusername: you are literally the definition of pookie bear and cutieful in the first pic
landonorris: i'm going to need you to never say those words ever again
yourusername: that's not what you said last night ...
landonorris: you're right i am pookie bear
user15: actual pics + comments = y'all can no longer say i'm being delusional.
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liked by user16, user17 and 3,240 others
tagged: landonorris
f1wagsupdates: lando norris spotted on his boat in monaco with an unknown woman. the pair looked flirty and spent the whole day together alone on the boat. norris' rumoured girlfriend y/n y/ln was back in the u.k. where she works as a bar tender. what do you think?
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user18: i'm so confused rn
user19: i know we never had concrete confirmation but my heart is broken for y/n right now
user20: i don't want to jump to any conclusions, men and women can be friends, there's nothing in these photos that suggest anything more than friendship
user21: they're literally holding hands in the second pic
user20: i hold my friends hands every time i jump in the water doesn't mean i'm with them
user22: but the pic in danny's post .... i don't even know anymore
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liked by pierregasly, landonorris and 356,823 others
yourusername: food will never leave me
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user25: so like is this a dig after those pics of lando and the random girl?
user26: i know this is sad and all, but that kebab looks banging please tell us where you got it
yourusername: camden market babes
yourbff1: sexy girl, sexy food and sexy photography
yourusername: best photographer i know
landonorris: camden kebabs without me? offended.
yourusername: doing a lot of things without each other recently.
maxfewtrell: could've at least invited me i love that place
user28: oof. i feel like i shouldn't be watching this
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liked by danielricciardo, yourusername and 1,305,066 others
tagged: yourusername
lando.jpeg: appreciation post for my bestest friend forever and the love of my life. i didn't want to give any attention to the rumours going around so i thought i'd just let you know i'm in love, i've been in love for years and will be in love with her for the rest of my life.
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user29: okay, now the confirmation is here, idk what to do with myself
user30: i survived the y/n x lando slow burn
yourusername: i love you too bob
lando.jpeg: i love you more, can't wait to see you
yourusername: i'm never letting you leave again
user31: so like you're gonna deny being all up close and personal with a random girl on the boat
landonorris: not that i owe you people anything, that girl is my cousin, she was visiting monaco and i showed her around. but it shouldn't matter, you guys don't know me personally and stop assuming things about athletes' personal lives.
yourusername: what he said.
carlossainz55: FINALLY
danielricciardo: i literally don't know how much longer i could've kept this a secret
oscarpiastri: i think we deserve a reward
charles_leclerc: i second this
maxverstappen1: i third this
maxfewtrell: i fourth this
yourusername: alright, alright we get it
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liked by charles_leclerc, landonorris and 607,845 others
tagged: landonorris
yourusername: i guess we owe our parents £50 xx
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user32: bro this shit has me straight up crying THIS AINT EVEN MY RELATIONSHIP
oscarpiastri: you guys are cute i'll give you that
yourusername: teammate stamp of approval get it @landonorris
oscarpiastri: i think you guys got that after i walked in on you after silverstone
landonorris: our bad lol
user33: this reads like a fanfic but they're so cute
maxverstappen1: awww lando was so cute in that first pic, what went wrong?
yourusername: u and kelly look like siblings, don't come for us
maxverstappen1: u got it
landonorris: i love you fairy princess
yourusername: i love you racer boy
note: enjoyyyyyyyyyyyy. i originally wrote this a while back but it deleted itself when my laptop had a meltdown. so this is a bit diff but i hope you like it anyway !! xx
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kingpreciouswrld · 8 months
If you’re still accepting Miranda Priestly x Reader fic ideas i’ve got one!
Miranda and Reader have been married or a long time now secretly of course to prevent a media mishap. The reader is a stylist who sometimes stops to visit and help with a showcase, maybe she comes in casually to have lunch with Miranda and gets stopped by Andrea and Emily who try to get her to leave as they don’t know her(only Nigel does) and they’re both trying to tell Emily and Andrea that she’s allowed back there without exposing the marriage, eventually Miranda just comes out and asks why they’re touching her wife ( or something of the sort???) feel free to branch from this
ask and ye shall receive!
I hope you like it! It's been a while since I've written for anyone but myself :3
Nobody's Gonna Know
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It’s an unusually busy day in your office. The clothes you’ve ordered haven’t arrived yet and your workers seem to not know how to conduct themselves in a manner without the very needed materials. You looked on through the glass doors as your workers ran around like headless chickens, trying to come up with something to show you before you needed to leave.
As a well-known stylist, it was your job to come up with new and creative or out-of-the-box looks to those who paid for your help. You mainly helped with showcases that Runway Magazine held and the clothes you needed today were actually from Runway Magazine. Through the grapevine you’ve heard that their workers were just as clueless as yours when it came to the clothes you were seeking.
As you sat in your little office, you thought back to when you first started out. You were a nobody, hell you weren’t even a New York local. No, you came from a small town in the middle of nowhere. Having nothing to your name, you first tried making it in California. You gained some traction which led you to move to New York. At first you were against it. You didn’t like big cities all that much, it just wasn’t your scene but you knew that your talent and job called for being around big things.
A year into the job, you attended a charity event where you were introduced to the one and only, Miranda Priestly. It was hard to read the woman at first but you saw it in her eyes, she liked you or at least, your work. That’s how it all started. You started to come and do jobs at Runway Magazine while also taking some jobs on the side. Not to mention the growing relationship between you and the editor which also included the lives of her rambunctious daughters and her slobbery saint bernard.
3 years passed and Miranda and you kept things underwraps. Heaven knows you’d have a field day for Page Six and their stinging words, so you have kept your relationship from everyone. Well, everyone except those closest to you.
Sighing, you looked at the clock. It was almost lunch time and Miranda didn’t like to be kept waiting.
You grabbed your bag and slung it over your shoulder, “Annie, reschedule the runthrough until this afternoon. I’m sure Runway will do the same due to the circumstances with its clothing gone missing. I’m going out for lunch.” Your assistant nodded and frantically went to work at her computer as you passed her.
Making your way to Elias Clarke, you weaved through the small crowds before entering the building– blending in with the clackers around you. No one knew about your relationship with the fashion queen so you easily blended with crowds and you loved it. No one bothered you.
Until they did.
You had made your way up to Runway’s floors when you passed the front desk and made your way towards Miranda’s inner sanctum. You’ve been to Runway multiple times so no one blinked an eye as you strolled down the halls.
Reaching the outer office of Miranda’s, you haven’t intended to actually be stopped by her assistants.
Andy was the first to notice you as Emily was out.
“Oh! Y/n! I’m sorry but Miranda is in a meeting so you wouldn’t be able to go in right away.” 
You looked at the clock above the assistant’s desk. 11:56 am. Knowing your wife, you knew she wouldn’t mind if you interrupted her work. She never minded when you did it at home, so why would her workplace be different?
“Trust me, I think Miranda wouldn’t mind Andy. So I’m just gonna…”
You tried to step past the young woman but Andy just stepped in front of you. The assistant’s eyes widened as you tried to step past her again but she blocked your way through.
There was only so much you could do so you sighed as you looked back at the clock. 
11:58 am.
This time, you tried to listen for the soft voices coming from your wife’s office. There were only two that you could pick up on. One was, of course, Miranda’s but the other was a man’s voice. Somewhat…feminine? But not too feminine.
“Is it just Nigel and Miranda in there?”
As you tried stepping past the brunette, again she blocked your path.
“Look Y/n, if you keep this up I’m going to have to call security.”
At this time, Emily walked in and took in the scene in front of her, “Andrea? What’s going on here?”
As Andy was distracted, you tried to step past her again but only to be grabbed by the arm and pulled back, away from Miranda’s office door, “Woah! Okay, no touchy, alright? These cost more than your paycheck alright?”
Emily huffed and rolled her eyes but didn’t release you. Andy looked like she was nervous about losing her job. She knew you were stubborn and wouldn’t stop until you were able to see Miranda.
“Since you already have her, escort her to the lobby Em. She’s been trying to break into Miranda’s office. “ ‘Break into’? I’m just trying to see my– ugh, look, I’ll just wait alright? You guys don’t need to be so touchy about–”
Before you could finish your sentence, the brit was already moving towards the front desk area. You immediately stood your ground so the redhead would have a harder time moving you. You’d show them stubborn.
As the three of you were arguing and you were still struggling against Emily’s hold– you didn’t know how the redhead was this strong– you three failed to notice Miranda’s office door open.
“Look, if you let me go, i’ll make sure you still have your job at the end of the day, alright?”
Emily scoffed, “As if you’re so important here, you’re just a small town no one who just happened to meet Miranda and kiss her ass all the way till–”
“Is there a reason you’re restraining my wife?”
Both assistant’s straightened their posture at the cool voice before they realized what she said.
Emily gaped, looking like a fish out of water while Andy looked more afraid of losing her job this time.
Miranda’s eyes were still where Emily had a grip on you and she glared at the redhead, “Let. Go. Emily.” 
The brit let your arm go as if your arm burned her and you grumbled as you rubbed your arm, trying to soothe the lingering pain of Emily’s grip. Behind the editor, Nigel looked as if he was about to burst out laughing at the girls’ faces.
“Now, how about some lunch my love?”
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littlelordfuckler0y · 11 months
enzo st. john x fem!reader Instagram au
hi anon if you’re seeing this I hope you like it :)
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yourusername mystic falls autumn how I missed you
@gilbertelenaaaa mystic falls missed you too
@yourusrname I didn’t go to war man I was just getting masters
@dam0nsalvat0re oh I heard the rat problem is back
@bonbonniie he literally crossed boxes in calendar each day till ‘y/n gets back’ btw ^^
@dam0nsalvat0re @bonbonniee you literally had no business making that public information
@stefaNN18 Welcome back y/n!! We missed you!! 🥰���
@yourusrname the mom energy your texting style radiates💀
@itsenzo ah heard a lot about you love, welcome home or whatever
@carebear you return my mugs to me or I SWEAR there will be consequences
@yourusrname I’ll see YOU in court
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gilberelenaaaa for future reference: don’t ask y/n to watch the stove
@gilberelenaaaa not even for two seconds
@bonbonniie that is some serious witchcraft wow
@yourusrname sorry for trying to be helpful
@1tsenzo nice try! never try again 👍
@yourusrname you literally eat burnt toast for breakfast
@1tsenzo it’s called English brown bread toast
@yourusrname you’re so cheap you’d probably eat anything
@1tsenzo anything…? When you put it like that I can certainly think of a few things I’d be interested in eating
@yourusrname what happened to shame?
@carebear EW HES SO GROSS
@stefaNN18 is everyone alright? xx
@gilberelenaaaa yeah dw we have had a fire extinguisher on stand by
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1tsenzo hate this woman’s guts
@yourusrname I call it divine intuition
@1tsenzo we spent half an hour trying to get out of the herd???????? and I have goat piss all over me????????
@yourusrname and? and?
@bonbonniiee CUTIE
@1tsenzo thanks
@yourusrname it was directed to me
@1tsenzo on MY post? Not everything is about you love
@bonbonniie it was directed to her though
@yourusrname HAHAHAHAHHA SEE
@dam0nsalvat0re where are you two???
@1tsenzo idk I was just giving y/l/n a ride
@dam0nsalvat0re why?
@1tsenzo because she asked me to…?
@stefaNN18 since when do YOU do things for other people that aren’t a felony in some way voluntarily???
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yourusername Caroline tells you to get the dress? You get the dress.
@bonbonniiee amen
@dam0nsalvat0re even if it’s matching with your grandma
@yourusrname SHUT THE FUCK UP
@dam0nsalvat0re can’t unsee it can you?
@stefaNN18 do not listen to Damon he doesn’t know what he’s talking about polka dots are sooooo back again
@dam0nsalvat0re okay Miranda Priestly
@1tsenzo wow.
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1tsenzo dress like your girlfriend day
@carebear LMAOOOO WHAT
@carebear You?? Don’t?? Have?? A?? Girlfriend??
@1tsenzo yet
@gilbertelanaaaa does he think he’s pulled off dressing like y/n
@yourusrname ????????????????????????
@1tsenzo you’re just jealous I wear polka dot better than you
@gilbertelenaaaa it’s so difficult to tell if he’s flirting with y/n or fighting with her
@1tsenzo a secret third thing
@yourusrname he’s being a bitch
@stefaNN18 delete
@dam0nsalvat0re have you by chance ever heard the term self respect?
@1tsenzo I couldn’t care less mate she is SO lovely I really don’t think much about much
@dam0nsalvat0re can y/n just go out with him at this point I feel nauseous
None of the pictures are mine I save them from Pinterest
If people want I could do more parts of this (I am dying to) let me know if you’d like to be tagged and thanks you for the request!!!!!!!
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rotting--melody · 3 months
Crazy in Love . . .
Yandere!Miguel O'Hara x Gn!Human!Reader
Hello everyone! Just a heads up, this is part one of a two-part fic that I was requested to do! Well, technically, I was only asked to do part 2, but I just can't pass up an opportunity to write a cringe good yandere fic! Definitely not because I couldn't figure out how to write a good one-part Yandere fic.
wc-> 2.2k (holy shit)
cw-> yandere behavior, possessive behavior, stalker behavior, not smut yet, but trust me it will be MESSY in part 2
(fic directly below the cut)
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Working for the Miguel O’Hara was not what you expected it to be.
It was worse.
Ungodly hours, strict rules, and no room for error. Working for him was what you imagined being the right hand for the devil was like. Not to mention that it seemed like he had a personal vendetta against you. Whatever you did, it was never good enough -working overtime, filing his mission reports, making sure his ‘spider cave’ was spotless- nothing was enough for the man monitoring the multiverse.
And yeah, sure, the pay was good, and you did get dental and health care (he might be a monster, but he's not a villain), but god, Miguel ran you fucking ragged. Since the day you were hired, he’d been nothing but a douchebag to you.
Of course, it wasn’t all bad. You’d made many great friends, the closest being Peter B, Gwen, and Hobie. You four were practically inseparable, and everyone knew it. You and Gwen were especially close, with you taking an older-sibling role in her life. Unfortunately, there was very little free time to just hang out with them while you were at the Spider-Society headquarters. For whatever reason, Miguel never let you spend longer than your (generous) ninety-minute lunch break outside of the dark little cave he called his office. And usually, that time was interrupted by none other than Mr.O’Hara himself. You knew that in being his personal secretary you’d be expected to run around and do things for him, but at this point, you felt like Andrea Sachs in The Devil Wears Prada, constantly running your ass off for an ungrateful and spectacularly moody boss. To be entirely honest, compared to Miguel O’Hara, Miranda Priestly looked like a fucking angel.
You quietly chuckled to yourself, conjuring up the image of Miguel strutting around in a pair of violently red Prada heels.
“What's so funny, Y/n?” Gwen asks, tilting her head slightly to the side.
“Nothing,” you dismissed, “Just thought of something funny.” You lightly cleared your throat and took a sip from the water bottle in front of you.
A sudden beeping erupted from your pocket, and you gave a loud groan.
“Lunch break over already?” Gwen says with a small sigh.
“Yeah, sorry kiddo,” you say, checking the message on your phone. Of course, it’s Miguel, probably wanting you to do something he could easily do himself. “You want to swing by my place after I get off? We could watch some cheesy flick and gossip like high-schoolers.”
Gwen excitedly nods her head, and you give her a soft smile. Giving her a parting hug, you quickly make your way back to your and Miguel's shared ‘office’. There, you’re met with the annoyingly attractive back of your boss.
“You’re late.” He grumbles.
You make a sound of exasperation. “I literally came here as soon as you called. Sorry that this place- that you designed, by the way- is built like a fucking labyrinth!” God, did he get on your nerves.
Miguel's only response is a grunt as you roll your eyes and sit down in your chair in the corner of his office. You quickly start pulling up mission logs on one monitor, and live footage of ongoing missions on the other. Your fingers fly fast across your keyboard, filling out what you’re able to on the logs, while your eyes quickly scan the many videos of Spider-people currently engaged in battle. You had always been fairly good at multitasking, so the work you did for Miguel had never been overly complicated. Truth be told. You really had no idea why he chose you for the position of his secretary. You’d think with Lyla, he’d have everything he’d ever need right at his fingertips.
After a few hours of mindless paperwork and watching battles, you decided to call it quits. Your eyes had started to burn, and your fingers were cramping. Finishing up the last few lines of what was (hopefully) your last log of the night, you stood up and stretched your sore muscles, and cracked a few bones.
"I'm leaving for the night, O'Hara. You have my number if anything happens."
Miguel didn't even so much as spare you a glance before you walked out of the room, already dialing Gwen's number.
It was well into the early hours of the morning when you and Gwen finally said goodbye. After a long night of greasy food, bad films, and riveting workplace gossip (you would not believe how much drama happens in a place where everyone is fundamentally the same), you wanted nothing more than a hot shower and a comfortable rest on your newly cleaned sheets.
You stretched your muscles a bit, popping a few joints in your shoulders and back for a little extra relief.
You yawn slightly and absentmindedly scratched at your arm while you pick out what to wear to bed. Deciding on a simple pair of black booty shorts and an oversized t-shirt, you throw them into your bed, grab your towel, and quickly make your way into the bathroom.
After letting the water heat up for a couple seconds, you put on your favorite playlist and step in. Despite being thoroughly exhausted, your sheets are new, which means it's time to shave.
After shaving, shampooing, conditioning, and washing yourself, you step out of the shower. You towel dry your hair and then wrap the plush fabric around your body.
Making your way into your bed room, something is immediately wrong. Your instincts are telling you to run, get out, hide, but for some reason, you don't listen. You do, however, go into the top drawer of your nightstand and pull out an incredibly sharp knife (which you had stored for just this reason).
You swiftly make your way around your room, checking in the closet, under the bed, and behind the door. Nothing and no one is there.
"Maybe I'm finally going crazy for real. . ." you say to yourself, shaking your head slightly. You return the knife to it's drawer, and go to get into your pajamas.
You glace over to your bed, slightly confused.
"I could have sworn I grabbed my shorts out?"
It's been several months since you lost your shorts, and things only seem to be getting weirder. You've been losing stuff more regularly. First your shorts, then one of your favorite jackets, then your favorite necklace, your perfume, nail polish, and most recent, your body wash (which you had just bought).
What's more, Miguel has also been acting different. Not nicer, but also not meaner. More. . . protective? But not in a good way. Your lunch break was cut from ninety minutes to fifty, and you were no longer allowed to eat in the cafeteria or common spaces.
"What the fuck do you mean I can eat lunch in the café anymore?" You angrily question Miguel.
"You're distracting the others. From now on, you'll have twenty minutes to get your food, and thirty minutes to eat. Which you will be doing in here, with me." Miguel states monotonously, not even bothering to glance at you.
You let out a scoff and roll your eyes. "At this point, why don't you just put me in a cage and chain me to the desk?"
Miguel lets out a breathy chuckle, turning around to look you dead in the eyes. "Don't tempt me, pequiña."
The pit that formed in your stomach after hearing those words was most certainly not one of fear.
You get angry just thinking about that interaction. It had been a couple weeks since it was implemented, and while you had adjusted rather fast, you still didn't like it in the slightest.
Miguel has also been giving you more work, forcing you to stay later and later. You swore that if he wasn't such good eye-candy, you would have throttled him.
Speaking of eye-candy. . . You glace over to Miguel's work station to snoop. If he's going to keep you cooped up in here, you should be allowed to spy on what he's doing.
He's standing hunched over his over-the-top computer set up, watching his many screens and muttering quietly to himself. He calls Lyla up and asks her something quietly. You swear you heard your name, but you were so far away it was hard to discern anything he was saying.
You shake your head and turn back to your work.
It was nearly midnight now, and you were still in this wretched place. You let out a loud groan and run your eyes.
“Hey, O’Hara? I'm leaving. Don't call me in tomorrow either, I need the day off.”
Your statement seems to pique Miguel's interest, as he finally moved from the position he's been standing in for hours. He turns around, leaning onto his desk and placing his hands on his incredibly tiny waste (seriously, how is that even fair??).
“Oh really?” he askes, voice laced with something you can't quite pick up on “And why is that?”
You groan again, fed up with your man-child boss.
“Because I just need a day to myself, okay? You've been working me to the bone, and I just need a massage and probably a visit to the chiropractor.” You emphasize your statement by harshly cracking your back on your chair.
He chuckles softly to himself and lightly licks his lips. “You could always ask me for help with that pequiña.”
You flush red at his statement and cough a little. Damn him for being so sexy. . .
“I uh. . . I think I'm okay. Thanks for the offer though, boss.” You can feel yourself practically sweating and you jump up from your seat and begin packing your bag.
Miguel lets out a soft hum and turns back to his computer, smiling ever so slightly.
You glace back up at your boss before you head out of the room, grabbing the little trash bag sitting in the corner of the room to dispose of on your way out. You leave with one final glace back at his broad shoulders.
The walk through Headquarters is silent. Despite being a hub for all spider folk, the halls are quiet, leaving the small click of your shoes on the tile as the only noise.
Lugging the trash bag through the halls, you reach a large dumpster and begin to haul it inside. As you swing the bag above your head, the shitty plastic gives and the contents spill out over the ground.
“Fuck! Eww that's so nasty oh my god!” You yell in disgust at the trash flies everywhere, covering you in the mysterious liquid every bag of trash seems to have.
You quickly wipe your hands off on your pants as you being to (begrudgingly) pick up the garbage from the floor. Crumpled papers, some broken cables, a couple of water bottles, a bottle of your bodywash, some rotting-
“What the hell?”
There, sitting innocently on the ground, is a bottle of the bodywash you use. How the hell did this get here?
The bottle is mostly empty, but sloshes slightly when you pick it up, like someone has filled it with water or something in an attempt to prolong its use. You're a little creeped out.
Okay, you're a lot creeped out.
The only people who use the bin in Miguel's ‘office’ are you and him. And you certainly don't remember bringing a used bottle of soap into work to throw out.
Maybe me and Miguel just use the same soap? I mean, I'm pretty sure he lives here so. . .
A chill runs down your back as you hear a voice from the darkness.
“Y/n? Is everything okay?”
You quickly hide the bottle behind your back as you spin around to face him.
“Miguel! Hi! Yeah, everything is okay, I just spilled the trash, sorry to bother you.” You speak fast and nervously, inching closer to the trash bin to toss the hidden bottle inside.
Miguel raises an eyebrow at you, clearly questioning your suspicious actions.
“Ah. Okay then. Do you need any help?” He asks. It feels like he's testing you.
You nervously chuckle. “Nope! I'm all good! Sorry again for bothering you, I'll be leaving now!” In one quick motion, you throw the bottle into the trash behind you and speed walk out of the building and away from your boss.
You lay in your bed, unblinking at the ceiling. The soap had been keeping you up. You know it's probably nothing, but with all the weird shit that's been happening to you recently, everything has been putting you on edge.
You toss and turn, your mind both racing with thoughts and completely empty. You don't even realize you're falling asleep until your eyes shut, and you succumb to the darkness.
You awake with a start, and a horrible sensation of dread courses through your entire body. You sit up in bed, blinking the sleep from your eyes and scanning your room.
You see nothing.
Until you don't.
A large, shadowy figure stands unmoving in the corner of your room. Two glowing red eyes stare at you from the darkness.
“Oh pequiña. . . I really wish you hadn't seen that earlier. . .”
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winchestergirl2 · 7 months
February Reading Recs
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To show some love and appreciation to all the amazing writers here on tumblr, here are all the fantastic fics I've read this month. 💖
Many of these fics and blogs are 18+ only, and NSFW please heed the author's individual fic warnings and requests regarding no minors. I am not responsible for your media consumption.
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2023 Reading Recs | 2024 Reading Recs
Cordell Walker
Quieting the Demons Inside @idreamofplaid
Authors Summary: Cordell opens up to the reader, and his vulnerability takes their relationship to the next level.
Privacy @idreamofplaid
Authors Summary: Cordell is a passionate man, but he’s a dad too. It doesn’t mean he has to choose between the two.
Texas Nights @stefanmikaleson1864
Dawsons Creek
CJ Braxton
Something Like This @thebiggerbear
Authors Summary: A Nor'easter hits Boston and luckily for you, you don't have anywhere you need to be except right here snuggled up with CJ.
My Bloody Valentine
Tom Hanniger
Lonely Dancers @mind-empty-just-fictional-people
Authors summary: when your boyfriend cheats on you, it leads you to tom hanniger
10 Inch Hero
Boaz Priestly
Code Red @zepskies
Authors Summary: When you call him for help, Priestly realizes that he finally has the relationship of his dreams.
High School Never Ends Part 1 | Part 2 | @illshakeyouallnightlong-dean
Dean Winchester
Hollow @thoughtslikeaminefield
Authors Summary: @winchesterxfamilybusiness​ submitted this prompt to @cabin-fever-bang​ “Would anyone be willing to write something with Dean [or Jensen] x reader to the song Love on the Brain by Rihanna -xx”
Fire & Rain Masterlist @writercole
Authors Summary: When a fire destroys her place to live, Y/N and her daughter Lana are left with nowhere to go and no one to count on, except the kindness of a beautiful, green-eyed firefighter that saved their lives. Will the pair of them make it through the obstacles life has dealt them or will they crash and burn?
Just Another Day @1000roughdrafts
Authors Summary: Fluffy Dean x female!reader Valentine's Day post
Don't Forget It @hintsofhoney
Authors Summary: While working a case with Dean, he gets jealous of the way you interact with a suspect and decides to remind you who you belong to.
Sam Winchester
You're On Your Own Kid Part 1 @my-proof-is-you
Authors Summary: You’re used to being on your own. You’d been on your own as long as you could remember. Could Sam show you that it isn’t the only way to live?
Untitled Sam Winchester Fic @supernaturalfreewill
Big Sky
Beau Arlen
Febuwhump Day 10 @luci-in-trenchcoats
Febuwhump Day 14 @luci-in-trenchcoats
Febuwhump Day 21 @luci-in-trenchcoats
Whole Lotta Love @deanbrainrotwritings
Authors Summary: beau finds a way repays the reader after taking care of him when he’s injured, but also to apologise for worrying her. but most importantly, to prove he was okay.
The Way We Fall In Love @smellingofpoetry
Authors Summary: This is the story of how they fall in love.
The Boys
Soldier Boy
Febuwhump Day 12 @luci-in-trenchcoats
Side Effects of Soldier Boy @tom-whore-dleston
Authors Summary: Soldier Boy tries to keep you quiet during sex.
Jason Teague
Febuwhump Day 7 @luci-in-trenchcoats
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daughterofcain-67 · 11 months
𝕄𝕠𝕧𝕚𝕖 ℕ𝕚𝕘𝕙𝕥 𝕥𝕠 ℝ𝕖𝕞𝕖𝕞𝕓𝕖𝕣
(Boaz Priestly x Female Reader)
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𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: In honor of spooky season, The Beach City Grill is throwing a Horror movie night event by putting on the movie Scream! The employees are excited, and so are some of the regulars. Your friends, Piper, Jen and Tish invite you to come because she knows you're another regular at the grill. But the thing is, you hate scary movies, crime shows or anything dealing with blood. Which will be scarier? Actually watching this movie, or embarrassing yourself in front of a guy you like?
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠: reader has a phobia of blood, spoilers for the 1996 Scream movie. Fluffy Priestly. Costumes!
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"Here, Y/N. Trucker's having us try handing out coupons for discounts." Tish said with a smile on her face and you grinned.
"Thanks, Tish! I'll be sure to use it again when I come back." You promised. You had been going to The Beach City Grill for the past couple of years, visiting as often as twice a week during your lunch break or on the weekends.
"Hey Y/N! Tish did you tell her about tomorrow night?" Piper asked as she came out of the back, you assumed it was for some kind of supplies.
"Something's happening tomorrow night?"
"Oh that's right! Y/N, you should totally swing by! We're having a movie night and since Halloween is coming up we're gonna watch Scream!" The red headed girl explained and you started to feel a little uneasy.
"A horror movie?" You said with a nervous chuckle.
Then you heard a door open up followed by an abrupt, "Alright everybody calm down! I've arrived!"
When you looked over you saw Priestly and today his hair was colored blue again. He had one of his usual humorously inappropriate shirts that tended to get you to chuckle. But today he wore a kilt which was the first time you've seen him in one but you weren't at all surprised by his attire.
"Well it's about time you showed up, Priestly." Jen teased from behind the computer before continuing, "Tish is trying to convince Y/N to come over tomorrow for movie night."
"Oh yeah? Y/N you should totally come over! I'm bringing the popcorn!" Priestly insisted.
Your heart fluttered at the idea of Priestly wanting you to go to this thing. You couldn't deny that you sort of had a thing for the cook. But your main concern wasn’t the fact that if the movie was scary.
The concern was this: would happen if you made a fool out of yourself because you were scared of blood?
"I'm not so sure... scary movies aren't exactly my thing." You admitted.
"It's not too scary, though! The Scream movies are more comedy rather than actually horror. They mostly mock other horror films even if they're doing the exact same things they're throwing other movies over the bus for." Piper commented as she stepped out from behind the counter to paint on the wall.
"Which they executed the irony in all of it pretty well." Trucker said with a chuckle.
"I remember watching that movie when it came out in the theaters." the owner of the grill continued as he started taking a look at some orders that came in.
"Honestly, I'm not into the scary movie thing either, Y/N, but it's really not that bad." Jen insisted. And she's more so the one you believe about this kind of thing. If Jen can handle it, who's to say you can't handle it either?
"Well... Then yeah, I guess I'll go." You finally agreed and you watched Priestly get the biggest grin on his face.
"Great! Don't forget to dress up in some kind of costume." He said as he went to the back to clock in and grab an apron.
You watched him leave before you looked at the three girls who seemed to be intently watching you and Priestly. They all seemed to either have smirks or some kind of knowing look.
"What?" You asked and Tish chuckled.
"Oh nothing. Just the moment the cook comes up with the idea of you joining us you're all for it." She said and your cheeks started to warm up.
"Well no, it's more because Jen said it wasn't that bad of a movie."
"And you wouldn't be disappointed if Priestly suddenly decided he couldn't make it tomorrow night?" Piper asked and you shrugged a little.
"If he's there, great! If not, plans change all the time." You said, trying to be as convincing as possible.
"So it's like a dress up kind of thing? So what will you all be going as?" You tried to change the subject.
"I think I might go with some kind of cat costume." Tish said.
"Awe and here I thought you'd dress as some kind of cheer leader to mess with whatever guy finds their way here." Priestly said as he walked out and went to his station. Tish gave him a playful little punch since they were always picking on each other about different things anyway. But you hoped he didn't hear too much about what you were talking about earlier.
"As compared to you dressing up as... a normal guy?" Tish came back with a hand on her hip and an arched brow.
"I wouldn't say the Men in Black are normal. I mean what kind of normal guy would go willingly to monitor and micromanage aliens. I mean it sounds like a really good job and if I could find an application I would." Priestly replied.
"I think you'd be mistaken as an alien." Tish chuckled.
"What about you two? What will you go as?" You asked Jen and Piper.
"I don't know, I haven't really put much thought into what I'll dress up as. Dressing up isn't really my thing." Jen said.
"Well, what if you went as a little ladybug? That would be cute." Piper said, referencing the username she used to contact Fuzzy22.
"Well I guess that could work. Either that or maybe Pooh Bear." Jen said, thinking of a more modest sort of costume.
"I think I might go as Alice, from Alice in Wonderland." Piper commented.
"Which version? The animated one or...?" Priestly asked.
"The animated one. It's one of Disney's classics after all! And the dress was pretty cute too." Piper answered and looked at you before smiling warmly.
"And what about you? What are you thinking about dressing up as?"
"Me? Umm..." You trailed off as you tried to think of something you could be. If it was a movie night you wanted to be comfortable. "I might go to Walmart and find some kind of onesie to put on. Maybe Jack Skellington or something. I won't really have time to go home and change clothes after work tomorrow so I may just throw that on."
"Well hey, plus they're comfy! Once you get home you won't even have to change out of a complicated costume." Tish smiled.
"So is there like.. anything you guys want me to bring since I'll be coming over for the movie?" You asked.
"No, kiddo. We've got everything handled with the Popcorn and we'll have some little sandwiches left if people didn't have the chance to grab a bite before swinging by." Trucker promised.
"All you've gotta do is come on by with that smile of yours. Maybe bring some good karma along with you."
"No luck with Zo yet?" You asked and Tucker chuckled before shaking his head before you grinned, "I think providing dinner and just having this fun little movie night will help you and your karma on its own."
You looked down at your watch and your eyes widened when you realized you were running a little late and your lunch break was almost over.
"I've gotta run, guys. But I'll see you tomorrow."
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You've pulled up into The Beach City Grill's driveway and you felt a little nervous. You ended up changing your mind about the onesie thing and you dressed up as Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz, you were both lucky and thankful that your costume from a few years ago fit you. But there was the matter of the movie you would be watching.
"You'll be okay. It's just a movie. All of it's just props and some kind of nineties special effects." You told yourself, trying to give yourself a little pep talk so you wouldn't psych yourself out.
You took in a deep breath and let it out before you got out of the car and went inside the building. You saw all the staff members there already and they were dressed in their costumes. Piper was the first one to see you.
"Don't you look adorable, Dorothy!" She smiled and you grinned, suddenly glad you changed your mind and put in a little more effort into the costume.
"Thanks, Alice." You replied and you looked around, realizing you were a bit early.
"Where is everyone?" You asked curiously.
"Well, we've still got a few minutes to finish setting up. If you'd like to help you're more than welcome to. I'm about to put up the screen for the projector." Jen said, you nodded and started helping her out.
As you two were hanging up the projector, Jen looked over at you, "I'm really glad you decided to come. I know a certain someone was a little worried you'd chicken out."
"Who? Tish?" Jen shook her head as she stepped up on her step ladder to hang up her side of the screen.
"Nope. Priestly." She replied and the name took you by surprise.
"Why would he be worried that I wouldn't show up?" You couldn't help but ask.
"Well I mean you said yourself that scary movies aren't your thing. Tish said he even asked Tucker if they should change the movie to something a little more.. family friendly like Nightmare Before Christmas or Beetlejuice or something."
That was a little shocking because you didn't think Priestly would suggest doing something like that. Piper sure. Tish? Maybe. But you thought Priestly would be all for this Scream thing.
"He really didn't have to do that. Besides, Scream would be the first horror film I've seen. Might as well give it a shot right?" You said.
"Wait you've never even seen scary films?" Tish asked as she joined the conversation. You shook your head.
"Well, I guess its a good thing we're still watching that then. That way you can say you've at least seen one." She insisted and you grinned as you finished hanging up your side of the projector screen.
You stepped off the ladder and fixed your apron and looked over at Tish, "Yeah I guess. I'm sure it'll be fun."
You heard the door open and when you looked over you saw Priestly carrying a box of popcorn. He had his hair colored green that day and he was wearing sunglasses, which was kind of confusing because you thought it would be harder for him to see at night. But he was wearing a suit like he's from the MIB.
"So you found an application after all?" You joked and smiled at him.
Priestly turned his head and took one look at you before he felt a lump in his throat. You looked really cute with your tea-length Dorothy dress and apron. You even had a pair of sparkly shoes on and your hair was in two low pigtails, braided halfway much like Judy Garland's character. You were adorable and his brain was short-circuiting big time.
In truth, Priestly knew he didn't have a chance with Tish because he saw the guys she went out with. And he noticed you coming into the shop more and more shortly after your first visit.
You two didn't have too many interactions with one another but on the limited occasions that you did get to talk, you had always been so sweet and didn't seem to care about his goofy shirts, the colors in his hair that changed daily, or even the artificial holes in his head.
You were always so sweet to him and he couldn't deny that a small part of him was growing interested in you. But he wasn't sure if he should try to show any of that interest. What if he was wrong? Of course this was such a judgmental and superficial world, there was always a possibility of him being wrong.
"Priestly? You okay?" Your voice snapped him from his thoughts and he chuckled before taking off his sunglasses.
"Better than okay. Ready to get the party started!" He exclaimed, resuming as if everything is normal.
“Priestly! It’s about time you showed up..” Trucker laughed.
“I had to grab the popcorn! It can’t be a movie night without it after all!”
“Great! And Y/N can help you make it.” Piper said and from the corner of his eye he saw the girl dressed as Alice nudge you into his direction. The tips of his ears started to turn a little pink.
“Sure. I could use the help back there.” He insisted and he grinned at you, “Besides, it could be fun showing you the back of this place.”
He watched the way you grinned almost sheepishly and he smiled to himself before he started leading you to the back. He grabbed some ziplock bags so it would be easy to distribute to people when they got there. Then, he started up the grill, melted some butter before he opened the jar of popcorn kernels.
“You know how to pop popcorn without the maker?” He heard you ask and he smirked.
“Sweetheart, there’s more than one way to do almost anything.” He replied.
Besides, it’s not that hard. We’ve tried having a movie night before and we did have a popcorn machine but it broke. Jen looked up other ways to make popcorn online. Obviously you can pop popcorn in a normal skillet as long as you’ve got a lid over it. With some tweaking, I figured the grill was just a big skillet pan and I found this which would serve as a good enough ‘lid’ or whatever. Then voila! We had popcorn for that movie night.”
“Creative problem solving. You guys never cease to amaze me you know that?”
“It’s more so the girls that got the creative problem solving thing under their belts. I just execute the ideas.”
While the grill was warming up, Priestly took off his suit jacket before he rolled up the sleeves of the white shirt he wore up to his elbows. He placed the jacket over the counter next to Jen’s computer before he started getting to work.
As Priestly rolled up his sleeves, you could feel your cheeks burning up and you glanced away before you focused on opening the box of Ziplock bags. Once you started opening some of them you started looking for something to use to serve the popcorn into the bags. Once you found one, you could already hear the popping of the popcorn kernels.
“Can I ask you something?’” You could hear the cook ask.
“Yeah. Shoot.”
“How come you aren’t too fond of horror movies?”
You weren’t sure how you should respond. What if he thought your fear of blood was stupid? He’d probably laugh at you like you were some child afraid of the dark.
“They just aren’t my thing. But I didn’t have anything else to do tonight and Jen, Trish and Piper made it sound like tonight would be really fun. So why waste a night doing nothing?” You asked. It was mostly true, but of course you didn’t want to reveal everything.
You could tell he was listening while he was busy over the grill but you couldn't help the skeptical look on his face as if he didn't believe you. At this, you bit your lip and looked away. When the popcorn is done, he served it in a bowl and you started serving the popcorn into the Ziplock bags.
After you've filled about a dozen and a half bags you finally spoke again.
"I'm not a fan of horror films because... I have this thing when I see-"
"Hey guys! Guests are arriving!" You could hear Tish announce and you cleared your throat a little, somewhat thankful that you didn't get to finish your train of thought.
"I'm gonna go set these out for everyone." You spoke quickly and took the bags before going out to the front where the others were.
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Once everyone was settled in for the movie with their popcorn and any other snacks and drinks, you sat down in one of the booths near the back where the doors were. Priestly, Tish, Piper and Jen were a couple of rows in front of you in some of the chairs they set out. A lot of regulars were in their little costumes and you hoped that this would be a fun night for everyone that came.
The movie started off alright for you. You could almost predict the moments when you had to close your eyes or look away from the screen in Drew Barrymore's scene.
You had to admit that the rest of the movie had a pretty good plot and you liked it so far. Stu was pretty funny and you like the way Matthew Lillard plays his character. Skeet Ulrich played Billy really well too and you had to admit, he was pretty cute. But Neve Campbell did great in her role as Sidney too, and you were pretty glad that she was evidently a reoccurring main actress according to Tish. Not that you were sure you'd watch the other movies.
Then the scene at Stu's house came on. Everything went fine because it was just the party scene right now. Then the killings started. The Tatum scene was alright you supposed because you didn't see any blood. But the moment Ghostface was in the room with Billy and Sidney and you watched Billy get stabbed and he was covered with blood while Ghostface cleaned off his knife, you knew you were about to hurl.
You got up and rushed outside as quietly as you could because you didn't want to disrupt anyone during the climax of the film.
You turned around the corner where the trash was normally taken out. You found some bushes and the next thing you knew you were hunched over emptying out your lunch along with the popcorn you were snacking on a few minutes ago.
You were too distracted to hear the footsteps behind you, but you felt a large hand on your back and the other hand was pulling your pigtails back so they weren't in your way. Somehow you knew it must've been Priestly behind you and it was relieving that it wasn't a stranger, but embarrassing to no end that he was seeing you like this.
After a few moments when you were sure you were in the clear, you covered your mouth so Priestly wouldn't have to smell your breath.
"Sorry you had to see that."
He looked at you with a little apologetic grin, "No worries. I'm more worried about how your feeling." He continued as he offered you a stick of gum.
You thanked him for the gum and popped it into your mouth, trying to ignore how badly your throat stung after a few seconds ago, "I'm better now that it's over with. Sucks that it was a waste of good popcorn."
Priestly chuckled a little and moved a strand of hair away from your face, "There's always another time for popcorn. Maybe the next movie night won't be so bad."
"It wasn't that the movie was scary. The plot was pretty good. It was just the blood." You admitted and tried not to gag remembering the stabbing scene.
"I think the movie's almost over anyways. Why don't I go back inside and get you like a Sprite or something and I can drive you home? I don't want you driving incase you get sick again." He insisted and you didn't exactly have the energy to fight him on anything right now. You hated that he missed the rest of the movie because of you though.
"Are you sure? I really think I'll be okay to head home." You said and he shook his head.
"Nope, I'll take you home. No worries. Besides, I already watched the movie anyways and I know the ending." He shrugged and he helped you up off the ground.
As the two of you were on your way back you could see that there were some people leaving and you assumed that the movie was over. When the two of you walked inside you saw the credits rolling and you rubbed the back of your neck. You didn't realize how long you had been out in the alley.
Priestly went behind the counter and grabbed a cup while the girls went over to you.
"Hey, you alright? What happened?" Piper asked.
"Yeah, I'm alright. Just needed some fresh air. I was feeling a little queasy near the end of the movie." You admitted.
"Do you want any crackers or anything? I think we may have some in the back or something." Jen said, trying to be helpful which was sweet of her but you shook your head.
"No thanks, I've got some back at home." You said and Priestly came back with the Sprite and handed it to you.
"Alright, Dorothy. Lets get you back home." Priestly said and placed a hand on your shoulder.
You were trying so hard not to combust really because this has been the most interaction you've every had with Priestly. You hated what circumstances that triggered it though. Of all things, it was because of a reaction to blood. Great.
"Well I guess I'll see you guys later?" You asked and the girls nodded yet not quite in sync.
"Yeah we'd better see you soon! You know we're still open on Saturdays so come on and swing by." You heard Tish say with a bright smile.
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Once you pulled up to the house you looked over at Priestly, "Thank you for helping me out tonight. You really didn't have to."
"You don't have to keep thanking me, I'm happy to help you out." He promised.
"Well still, it was a nice gesture. I owe you one." You leaned up and kissed his cheek.
Priestly could feel a heat rising to his neck and he cleared his throat a little. But now that you said you owed him one, he started getting an idea or two.
"Actually, there's one way you can thank me if you insist on continuing to say it." Priestly said and bit his lip and you could tell he was a little nervous.
"Um.. okay? What do you have in mind?" You asked him.
"Well, why don't we have a movie do-over? Just you and me and we'll watch a movie. Whatever you want it to be. I'll bring some snacks and some drinks."
"Is this your way of asking me on a date?" You asked with a teasing grin, thinking it was a little bit of a joke. After all, you knew you were decent looking but you were nothing like Tish.
"Well... yeah, actually. If you're up t something like that."
You were a little taken back by his response, but you could tell that he was being serious and you smiled at him. "You know what? I'd really like that."
You watched the way his green eyes lit up with pure excitement.
"Great! Then it's a date." He smiled.
"Well here's the question, we no there can't be blood in the movie. But what are some things to avoid with you? Or what do you like?" You asked him.
"Oh the more controversial the movie, the better it is for me." He chuckled.
"Would I expect anything less?" You snickered but then you go an idea. "How about we do that tonight? It's still kind of early. Plus I can give you a ride to work tomorrow."
"Really?" Priestly asked but then he thought about it and he nodded. "That sounds perfect."
And with that, the two of you got out of the car and made your way into your house.
You got changed into some pajamas, brushed your teeth and found a pair of sweatpants that would fit Priestly so he'd be comfortable. Both of you spent the rest of the night watching different movies and both of you fell asleep on the couch in each other's arms.
Over all, it turned out to be a great night. One with a much better ending than you had expected and you couldn't wait to see where this little adventure with Priestly would take you.
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Thank you guys for reading and I hope all of you enjoyed! What movies do you think the reader and Priestly ended up watching instead! I'd love to see which movies you think he'd enjoy! Wishing you all the best!💖💕
Tag List:
@roseblue373 @deans-spinster-witch @posiemax @deanwinchestersgirl87 @impala67rollingthroughtown
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SUMMARY : tish dared priestly to wear a dress to work in exchange for a week off. he looks so hot.
PAIRING : boaz priestly x fem!reader
WARNINGS/TAGS : nsfw (18+), smut, panty-kink, manhandling of priestly ;), sub!priestly or maybe he’s just being a feminist idk
A/N : title from close your eyes’ song. i’m still mad that he ended up looking normal in the end! there’s a bts reference on accident. also, also, i didn’t feel like writing this until I watched Rent, and I wanted to see jensen in a dress, lmao. anyway, i imagined him in this dress. we can also pretend it’s dean bc we all know he would. Xx
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Priestly stepped into Y/N’s room, standing in the doorway like a toddler who had thrown up on themselves, waiting for her to look up at him. She was working on something in her laptop, her brows furrowed in focus, with her teeth pressing into her bottom lip.
She saw him out of the corner of her eye, “hey, Priestly,” she greeted distractedly. “How was your day, baby?” Still staring at the screen and typing away with two open books surrounding her bed, he stared at her pretty face intently, hoping she’d turn to look at him. When he dropped his bag loudly on the floor and didn’t reply, she finally turned to look at him, confused and concerned.
She’d studied his face first, smiling softly at his appearance, his hair in a Mohawk sprayed red, the black eyeliner that made the pretty colour of his eyes pop, his cute beard, the way his lips were a little unnaturally pink. He’d probably used some of her makeup, the tint that made the colour of lips look a little more natural.
But what made her blink at him in surprise was the white dress he was wearing. Almost instantly, a little smirk tugged at the corner of her lip and she quickly admired the way the dress fell over the curves of his body, tight and short with a sexy little slit on the front of his thigh.
He blushed, scratched anxiously at his beard and waited for her to say or do something as he stood there in the mini lace dress. The only thing that was off to her about his lovely appearance were the white socks and the matching Converse he was wearing, but other than that, he looked unsurprisingly pretty. He’d felt confident the whole day, but now he felt embarrassed and naked, which was new because Y/N usually enjoyed all his fashion choices.
“Wow,” she finally said, chuckling. “Come here, princess,” she teased, shutting her laptop and pushing it away along with her books. He rolled his eyes, pouted and walked towards her. Stomping towards her was more what he did, childishly he slouched in front of her, but he let her have a closer look at the dress.
He chewed on his lip when she hummed and curiously reached out to touch the lace of the sleeves. She slid her fingers down the slightly flared long sleeve, her fingers pinching the scallop edge experimentally, which matched the hem and the collar that covered the tattoo of his neck.
She bit her lip, looked up at him with a seductive smile when she moved her hand to the hem of the dress where the slit was. She undid the rhinestone buttons to make the slit longer, higher so she knew he wasn’t wearing boxers. Her lips were pressed together in amusement at the thought, he knew it, felt his face heat up even more when she slid her hand up to the dress to feel the silky underwear he was wearing.
“Ooh, sexy,” she smirked at him when she felt the lace edge of the underwear on his hips. She continued to stare up at him until he averted his gaze and shifted shyly, his fingers curling tightly around the hem of the dress. She finally looked down, peaked at the beige colour of the bikini underwear that nearly matched his skin, and pulled so it snapped against his skin.
She looked up at him again, let her eyes trail up the seams that followed the shape of his Ken-doll body, when she realised she could see his tattoos and his toned muscles. “Wait, it’s see-through?” She asked excitedly, sitting up on her knees to get a closer look at his chest, and saw his nipples through the thin material.
“Okay, I’m gonna take it off now…” he told her shyly, but she stopped him.
“Nuh-nuh, you look so fucking pretty.” Her voice had a little bit of awe and a flirtatiousness in it so he froze, his lips parted and he nodded mindlessly when she smoothed her hands down his sides. “So, what’s the story?” She grinned at him, moved her hands under the dress again to rest her hands on his hips.
“Well, Tish dared me to—oh!” He moaned, closing his eyes at the feeling of her warm hand moving up and down over his semi-hard dick. She hummed for him to continue, didn’t stop rubbing his dick as it hardened more, so he looked down at her in surprise. “Well, they all wanted to see me go through with it… I think they doubted I’d go through…” he bit his lip, paused to hold his breath when she moved her hand over the tip of his cock, and he knew she could feel the silky underwear dampen with precum.
His mind was hazy, jumbled and unfocused so he couldn’t tell his story straight. He had no idea where to begin or what was important, utterly unaware that what he was saying made absolutely no sense. He didn’t care, and frankly neither did she. She gathered those bits of information and didn’t question it, because in the end, all that mattered was that he looked and sounded so hot.
“Um… I’d get a week off if I went the whole day…” He trailed off and pouted when she moved her hand out from underneath the dress. He enjoyed getting this reaction out of her, his breath almost instantly became hot and heavy, his skin flushed and warm following the blood that moved with the rapid beat of his heart.
“A whole week for me?” She asked, just teasing a little. She leaned forward to kiss his neck, revelled in the little hitch in his breath, in him reaching out to hold her hips. He nodded, saying nothing in response, only wishing to enjoy her kisses on his throat, the rough bites on his neck, and possessive suckling under his jaw.
“Fuck,” he moaned, letting her continue to kiss him and feel the white dress on his body. She traced the rhinestone buttons on his chest with her curious fingers, from where it started at the collar to where it curved up over his peck and then down toward the side of his chest.
She pulled away from his neck, moved her lips down to his nipples and sucked at them through the lace. He bit his lip at first, nearly wanting to silence the sounds that started to bubble up in his chest, but decided against it when her fingers moved to tease his other nipple, brushing and pinching until he arched his back and he groaned hotly.
“Is this yours to keep?” She asked, getting off the bed to stand in front of him and change the position. He moved back to give her some space and nodded quickly, about to respond to her with an obedient ‘yes’, when she manhandled him onto the bed. He moaned—surprised and pleased, looked at her from over his shoulder and then turned to lay down on his back. “You’re so good,” she praised, pulling the soft sleep shorts she was wearing down her legs.
“Anything for you,” he murmured, trying to kick off the damned Converse from his feet. He struggled to even get them to move past the heel, instead his socks started to shift lower, and he bit his lip in his struggle.
She chuckled, starting to undo the buttons from the flannel that she’d stolen from him. He was sheepish in his failed attempts to remove his shoes, so he quit trying to get them off, distracted by the sight of her in his clothes. She didn’t give him time to admire her nakedness, because she focused on undoing his shoe-laces and then she slipped the shoes off his feet as if he were a princess. He was sure his face had turned red in that instant, but at the same time, he really liked the way she treated him so gently compared to how she’d pushed him onto the bed.
“I can’t believe me in a dress is doing it for you,” he said breathlessly, lifting the dress up his hips, and then watched her take her underwear off.
“Baby, anything you wear does it for me.” Her response was so quick and earnest, it made him swoon. His eyes softened, despite being aroused, he felt a warm feeling bloom in his chest. That was the case, until she crawled up his body and kissed his dick over the underwear, her tongue running flat over his bulge too. His heart lurched excitedly and his toes curled at the feeling, at the sight of her between his open legs.
She kissed his thighs, the way he would before he ate her out, teasingly and lovingly. She worshipped his body with her mouth and her fingers followed, thumbs smoothing over his hips bones, moving the underwear out of the way tortuously to create just a fract of pleasurable friction.
She lifted the dress up a little more, kissed his stomach, his pelvis, and everywhere else except for where he was twitching and throbbing for her attention. He didn’t even want it to end, didn’t dare to beg because he loved the wordless praise, loved the way she sucked at his skin to leave velvet marks, and the way she licked at his soft flesh, tasting him with little moans.
“Please,” it came out before he could stop it. He tensed a little when she stopped because he was definitely enjoying himself, but she was going up, reaching for his lips. His mouth parted, ready for hers but he groaned in irritation when she kissed his chin instead. She teasingly nipped at his lip, felt him squirm beneath her, and rubbed her wet pussy over his dick.
“Shit,” he hissed, a smirk growing on his face, “if I’d known women’s underwear felt this nice…” he chuckled, holding her hips and guiding her movements, distracted with the way she finally kissed him.
He could feel her arousal seep through the thin material of the women’s underwear he was wearing. He felt so needy when his cock was wet in her desire and throbbing to be inside the warmth of her cunt. He needed to guide this, needed to cum so bad, he started to lick into her mouth as soon as her lips were pressed against his. But she simply didn’t give in to him and he couldn’t give a damn about taking control when she was making him feel good, now sucking his tongue into her mouth so he felt like he wasn’t breathing.
He only moaned loudly into the kiss and let her grab his wrists to pin them over his head. He liked this, chased after her lips when she pulled away to stare at him smugly. He didn’t care about control or ending the foreplay, he just wanted to feel her close, always. But her small hand around his wrists wasn’t enough physical contact for him, he wanted to feel her everywhere.
So, he whined at her playfully and moved his hips up into her with care, struggling to keep his hands above his head simply because he wanted to feel her soft skin under his hands. He was squirming, getting needier by the second, just admiring her and wishing she could just be plastered all over his body forever.
“Just… let me enjoy this,” she said mischievously. She looked so hot in his flannel, with the ripped up sleeves that nearly covered most of her upper arms, the way it fell off her shoulders sexily now that she’d unbuttoned it, revealing her bare chest. The only good thing about summer in California was getting to see her look more sexy than usual by dressing half-naked at home. Or even better, wearing just his clothes with nothing underneath.
He pouted, rolled his eyes, and turned his face to the side. Even when she started to unbutton the dress at the top, he pretended to be uninterested. Even once her soft lips chased the skin she uncovered. He felt her smirk when he wiggled under her, and he clenched his fists to stop himself from touching her, because she may not have said it, but he wasn’t allowed to touch her right now. Her tongue started lapping at his velvety skin, tracing the tattoos she could reach, sucking where his skin was unmarked by ink.
“Tell me you’ve enjoyed this enough…” he whispered. Desperate for more, more friction, more of her touch, more of her everywhere.
“Then I’d be lying,” she murmured against his skin, “I don’t lie to you…” She pouted innocently, her eyes shining playfully, but still she moved up to kiss him again.
His hands moved instinctively to hold her face, but he stopped himself halfway and gripped the pillow beside him instead. He squeezed it tightly, desperately trying to hold onto something when she sucked on his lip, her hands sneaking down between their bodies to pull the underwear he was wearing aside.
“But I do want to move on to the fun part,” she whispered. When she wrapped her hand around his hard cock, he moaned, his head pressing back into the mattress. She didn’t even care if the red hairspray would taint the sheets seeing him look this beautiful and needy. She just gave him little kisses that began at the corner of his mouth and started to spread his precum over the tip and down the rest of his cock. “I’m gonna sit on your face later, it’s just so pretty,” she mumbled against his cheek.
“Fuck… yeah,” he agreed excitedly, turning his face to the side, hoping to reach her lips. “Let me touch you,” he murmured, trying to get her lips closer, but she was moving back, torturing him with a little smirk. Her hand tightened around his cock, squeezing to draw out a grunt from him, her gentle fingers massaging under the tip. “Please, baby, let me touch you,” he whispered, sounding more wrecked.
Her stomach clenched at his voice, but instead of giving in and responding, she kissed him roughly. He took that as an invitation and let go of the pillow to hold her face at last. She didn’t force him away this time, let him tangle his fingers in the hair at the back of her neck, his tongue moving against hers deep in her mouth. His stomach was flipping excitedly at the taste of her, and his other hand began to move down her body, to slide his fingers through her wet folds.
They both pulled away at the same time to moan, his hand moving from behind her neck to grasp her thigh harshly instead. She panted on his lips when his fingers moved through her weeping cunt, sliding through the embarrassing amount of arousal that soaked her folds up to her clit. The feeling of how wet she was turned him on, all he could think was that he’d caused it, that and the flushed state she was currently in.
He slid his fingers through her wetness the way he’d do with his cock and brought them into her pussy, pushing deep so she stretched around his two fingers. He could feel her warmth and more arousal cover his hand when he pulled his fingers out and pushed them back into her. She rested her forehead on his shoulder, muffled her already soft moans with the dress he was wearing.
With her chest pressed against his, her nipples tightened when brushing against the lace of the dress and her walls fluttered around his fingers. With her hand on his chest, she sat up, moved her hand on his cock faster, twisting her wrist so deliciously he felt so close to his release and he didn’t want to stop it from happening, but he also didn’t want the pleasure to end so soon.
She ground her hips into his hand, getting her clit stimulated on his palm, and both of them looked away from each other to shamelessly watch their hands work between their bodies. Her small hand wrapped around him was slick in his precum, but not nearly as soaked as his hand was from her wetness. He groaned, grabbed her wrist to stop her from making him finish, and slipped his fingers out of her.
“Ready?” He whispered, patting the back of her thigh so she’d move closer, allowing him to fill her up all the way. She nodded, slipped out of the flannel, threw it over her books and lowered the panties he was wearing down to his knees. She snickered playfully, ignored his annoyed huff and the roll of his eyes when she finally lined the head of his cock with her entrance, slowly sinking down on him while biting her lip.
“So good,” she whispered distractedly, her breath catching in her throat the farther she took him into her cunt. She panted, ground her hips against his to adjust to the size of him, comforted by the way he brushed his thumbs along her hips. He waited patiently for her despite throbbing inside her, just slid his hands up to her waist, guiding her to lean over him slightly.
“I love you,” he breathed out, pulling her closer still, until she kissed him again. Her lips moved against his slowly, occasionally bumping against the labret stud, her nose brushing against the two nose ring hoops when she tilted her head. Once she deepened the kiss, her tongue slipped into his mouth, and she lifted her hips before she sank back down.
He moaned against her, squeezed her waist, and bent his knees but could only keep them apart a certain distance because the underwear started to dig painfully into the flesh of his taut thighs. It turned him on, both the knowledge of having worn panties, but also the feeling of being restricted. She knew that about him and he just knew that’s why she’d lowered the underwear where they were.
He thrusted up into her, met her thrusts slowly at first, until they both picked up the pace. With one of her hands beside his head and the other on his chest where his heart was, she stabilised herself. She felt every inch of him move in and out of her smoothly, then watched him crumble slowly almost as close as she was to her orgasm.
He was holding back and she knew it, brought her hand away from beside his head to rub quick circles on her clit. Right as her walls fluttered around him and she moaned his name, he came inside her, falling apart so prettily beneath her with a strangled moan.
“I love you,” she murmured, resting all her weight on him, finally returning his sentiment. He wrapped his arms around her, smiling tiredly, but otherwise felt so light and warm from his orgasm. Holding her was just a bonus and kissing her was the main treat.
He whined playfully when she shifted and started to pull away, pouted when she moved off his lap, but let her remove the underwear which was keeping him restrained. She threw it carelessly onto the floor and climbed up his body again while smiling softly and placed a kiss on his forehead, her lips lingering lovingly. “Never change, Boaz Priestly,” she murmured.
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@rominaszh @lanassmarty @murdockscumsock @candy-coated-misery0731 @kellynickelss @spnfamily-j2 @deansbbyx @lickmybawls (lmfaooo) @zepskies
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stayevildarling · 6 months
Miranda Priestly x Wilhemina Venable x Reader- Dragon meets Purple, Pt 5
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word count: 1.2k
tw: hints of smut
taglist:  @lunaticwhittaker, @billiebeanhoward, @lanawinters-ily, @kenzbro, @minaslittleone, @httpfiftyshadesofgay,@whitelotus00, @ninaahs, @vintagepaulson,@isle-of-earle,@paulsonsratched, @stepintomyworld, @grilledcheeseandguavajelly, @lucyintheskywithxanax, @fanfics4world, @mymiraclewitch, @hazard-to-myself, @awritersometime
In the days that follow, Miranda finds herself increasingly drawn to you. The memory of the heated conversation with Wilhemina still lingering on her mind, feeling a desire she struggles to suppress.
However, the attempts Miranda made so far were unsuccessful. Emily had been unusually demanding this week, causing for you to run around pretty much all day, doing errands, meetings and other things.
Despite you being usual flirty especially with both of them, you somehow didn't even notice Miranda's tries. The attention she had tried to give you this week. The times she asked you how you were, even invited you for coffee and even a subtle hand on your thigh under the table of meetings or a hand on your shoulder as you organised her desk the other day.
Miranda grows frustrated at first, thinking you had in fact no desire for her. However, Wilhemina made sure to remind the other woman how much you had worked this week and of your interest and flirting to begin with.
Tonight Miranda is determined to finally make her intentions clear as she decides to take matters into her own hands. It was the evening now and Miranda made sure to pass some tasks onto Emily, so she would finally stop bossing you around. As everyone had left for the night, even Wilhemina, as the last traces of daylight faded from the New York sky, Miranda gets ready for her move.
With precision, she approaches your desk, her gaze fixates on you. ,,Y/N'' Miranda murmurs, her voice low and seductive. ,,I need to see you in my office''.
You look up from your computer, buried in some tasks up til now, your brow furrowing. ,,Now Miranda?'' only noticing now how late it was.
,,Now'' Miranda insist, her tone leaving no room for arguing.
Following Miranda, you feel the blood pumping through your veins, especially as she closes the door behind you. She walks over to the windows, closing the blinds, suddenly her office feeling private.
Without a word Miranda crosses the room, her movement purposeful and deliberate. You take a good look at her, the black suit, white shirt and red bell she is wearing, her heels making the slightest noise as she walks over to you. And right there it suddenly dawns on you what you had missed this week. Like some sort of dream you are just wakening from, you remember the hints she dropped you this week, her hand on your leg and all the attempts she made.
With a swift motion, Miranda pulls you into her embrace, her lips crashing against yours. A kiss that ignited a fire of desire. You are caught off guard by Miranda's actions. But surprised and attracted at her boldness, you respond the favour, your hands tangling in her hair as your bodies press against each other.
Miranda slowly pushes you to the direction of her desk, moving all the documents and books with one swift motion as she lays you down. Kisses trail down your neck, her hot breath on your body, whispering words of affection into your ear.
Your heels are discarded on the floor as your back hit the desk. Miranda's eyes meet yours as she takes your tights off, slipping under your skirt. ,,Now you've been blowing me off all week, are you sure this isn't what you want?'' she questions, a smirk playing on her lips.
You gulp hard, struggling to even answer her question as your breath gets caught in your throat. ,,I do- I.. I want you Miranda'' you whisper, your gaze wandering from her lips to her chest.
,,Now that's all... I wanted to hear'' she smirks before giving you exactly what you needed in that moment.
As you wake up the following morning, you find yourself in Miranda's townhouse. Not exactly remembering how you got there, you get dressed, walking down the large hallway. The sun rises coating the white and modern place in a beautiful orange.
Approaching the kitchen you halt for a moment, seeing Miranda standing by the coffee maker, she must have let you sleep in a little as she was already dressed for the day. You take in her perfect features, the way her skirt complimented her body, her hair perfectly styled.
,,Good morning'' you mumble, announcing your presence, unsure what Miranda would be like this morning, knowing her icy personality at times.
,,Morning'' she smiles a little as she turns around and hands you a coffee in a to-go cup.
,,Come on, I'll take you to the office'' she announces, grabbing her handbag and coat.
,,You.. to the office?'' you stumble over your words, in disbelief she would take you there, with the risk of being seen.
,,Wilhemina will bring you some of your things so you can get ready there'' she announces with a slight smirk and you simply reach for the coffee with a thankful nod and comply, following the older woman out into the streets of New York.
A few hours later, you find yourself sitting by your desk, working through your schedule, Wilhemina of course having complied and brought you a bag to change and get ready. And through some miracle no one seems to have noticed either, however you aren't entirely sure if Miranda had pulled some strings and made sure the office was empty this morning.
It's Wilhemina's and Miranda's usual coffee ,,date'' by now, even though neither of them would ever remotely adress it as such. As you scan the room, you see Emily typing away on her computer, occasionally answering the phone. And you can't help but glance into your bosses office, taking in their features. They seem to feel more comfortable at this point, leaving the office door open, unless it's a private conversation.
Overhearing the conversation, you can't help but chuckle at the exchange between the two. ,,Can you believe the nerve of these interns Miranda?'' Wilhemina starts and sighs dramatically ,,One of them had the audacity to ask if they could take a lunch break'' she carries on.
Miranda simply raises an eyebrow before muttering ,,And what was your response? Wilhemina?''.
,,I told them that in this office, we don't take breaks, we make breakthroughs'' the redhead smirks ,,They looked like I just told them the world was ending'' she carries on.
Emily, feeling a little more comfortable around Wilhemina by now, actually having established some sense of a professional relationship can't help but roll her eyes in a playful way. ,,Oh please'' she begins, her voice ringing through the office.
,,You think you're so high and mighty, you're just Miranda's lapdog, same as the rest of us'' she sighs dramatically and you can't help but chuckle, used to these little exchanges by now.
You hear Wilhemina's laughter echoing through the office ,,At least I'm not the one fetching soy lattes every morning''.
,,You mean.. not anymore?'' Emily smirks, meeting your gaze.
Miranda interjects ,,Emily get me the latest issue of Runway and Wilhemina stop wasting my time with petty banter, we have work to do''.
And with those words, you simply chuckle to yourself before continuing your work, but somehow not being able to keep your eyes of either of the two women you work for.
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mirandyevents · 2 years
Mirandy fandom master list 2023
If you're a creative posting your original Mirandy works on tumblr, and/or you have a blog consisting mainly of Mirandy related posts and reblogs, let us know in the replies if you want to be added to the list, so everyone can find all the fellow Mirandy bloggers!
@angel-march @anabruni @artertyrx @andheavenwaits
@bobbseynumber3 @borderlineshiv
@charlottepriestly @chilly-flame @clarissakey @carmelas
@emeraldorchids @everythingeverywhereallatonce
@guardianrock @gunbrooke
@incorrectdwpquotes @italymystery-swanqueen @isabelle-bt
@lumossmile @lilolilyr @lapriestlysachs @lears-daughter @les-begay-together
@mirandyevents @mirandyficlists @mindmypensieve @mandypaints @mirandyfunandfrolics-blog @marascomics
@pictura-reparo @priestly-sachs
@randommirandyfics @rivers-tell-stories
@selmira-art @shadedevi @soniapriestly @sterenheart @soulofacircus @svsspiria @sorcieres-witches
@thedevilwearspradasodamngood @thewalkingmeepa @thejanewestin @theevilqueenreadstoo
@wistfulwatcher @whosophia @wongkarwives
If you have been added but would rather be taken from the list because your interests changed or you'd rather just not be mentioned, also let us know.
This will be updated regularly - check the original post and not a reblog if you want to see the current version!
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deanwinchesterswitch · 9 months
December 2023 Monthly Fic Recs
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Well, December went out quietly for me which I was perfectly fine with. Glad 2023 is done.
Several different fandoms on this list. Great stories - and not all of them are Christmas fics. :)
Many of these blogs and fics are NSFW-18+. Please honor any requests from a blog regarding no minors. I am not responsible for the content you choose to consume; heed the warnings for each fic.
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Cookies and Hints ~ @navybrat817. Author's Summary: Bucky tries to get hints about his gifts as you bake together.
No Title ~ @navybrat817. Author's Summary: None (Drabble; Bucky Barnes x Reader)
Touched ~ @wayward-and-worn. Author's Summary: The days of Bucky “James” Buchanan Barnes’ recovery in Wakanda.  He’s been de-programmed and given his Vibranium arm.  In his days of recovery and therapy he met someone that has piqued his interest in a way that reminds him of when he wasn’t the Winter Soldier.  He has set his sights on her and finally has a chance to be near.  As near as he can get. 
Midnight ~ @kittenofdoomage. Author's Summary: New Year’s Eve brings a surprise at the end of a crappy year. (female!reader (Y/N) x unnamed male)
Smokin' In The Green Room ~ @impala-dreamer. Author's Summary: Settle in for a pre-show party as you relax with Jensen and Rob in the Green Room before a concert.
Christmas by Dashboard Light ~ @impala-dreamer. Author's Summary: Stranded by the side of the road, Dean and Y/N still find a way to enjoy Christmas Eve
Couldn't Resist ~ @wayward-dreamer. Author's Summary: Y/N can’t resist Dean when he’s wearing a suit.
“(Don’t) Hurry Down The Chimney Tonight” ~ @talltalesandbedtimestories. Author's Summary: Dean saved Reader from the supernatural on Christmas Eve years ago. Every Christmas since, she has always found a way to show her unending appreciation.
Imagine…Decorating The Bunker ~ @luci-in-trenchcoats. Author's Summary: None (Drabble; Dean x Reader)
Imagine getting caught in the rain with Dean... ~ @supernaturalfreewill. Author's Summary: None (Drabble)
Just Thought You Should Know ~ @smellingofpoetry. Author's Summary: It was just one of those drunk calls until it wasn’t anymore.
No Title ~ @supernaturalfreewill. Author's Summary: None (Drabble; Dean Winchester x Reader)
No Title ~ @supernaturalfreewill. Author's Summary: None (Drabble; Dean Winchester x Reader)
Recreational Recreation ~ @wayward-and-worn. Author's Summary: Dean fondly remembers the first time they were “together.”  Sort of.  Rather than simply reminiscing, he proposes fully revisiting that moment.  Who is she to argue?
We Don't Really Do Christmas ~ @octoberclidan. Author's Summary: None (Dean Winchester x Reader)
Wicked Desire ~ @impala-dreamer. Author's Summary: There’s never any promise in a one-night stand, never any certainty when you catch a stranger’s eye. It’s dangerous, but there was never any question when Dean asked you to join him for a drink…
~Ten Inch Hero~
Code Red ~ @zepskies. Author's Summary: When you call him for help, Priestly realizes that he finally has the relationship of his dreams.
~The Walking Dead~
Queen ~ @wayward-and-worn. Author's Summary: She disobeyed him.  And Negan makes a point to put her in her place.
~On Patreon~
Rebekah Jordan (Impala-Dreamer)
Temptation & Consequences ~ Author’s Summary: Jensen has been busy all weekend at the convention, leaving little time for fun with his girl. Luckily, Y/N knows how to get his attention... and more...
Close to Home-Parts 2 and 3 ~ Author’s Summary: Y/N and Dean are neighbours, and friends. The thing is Dean is a ladies’ man and she has always known it, if he wasn’t, maybe he’d be the ideal guy…but his eye for the ladies, how well they work as friends, as well as the fact that he’d never even think of her that way, all means that they are meant to be just neighbours and friends. Doesn’t it?
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Songbird of Jamestown Chapter Five
Pairing: Samuel Castell x fem! Reader
Word Count: 6898
Summary: You are among the English maids in 1619-1620 who have agreed to board ship for the new world in Jamestown, with the intention to marry the men there. You have chosen to find a husband and life of your own and pay back the company, than be pre bought and bound to a random stranger. Life is difficult and you and your friends struggle, but there is a certain recorder who’s willing to help. He’s kind-hearted and handsome ...and has already been pledged to another.
A/N: this chapter is shorter than I intended (I have other WIPS and requests that need attending and after debate, the ending to this chapter felt better for the development of the next one), but here we are! A very dramatic chapter that was both fun and painful to write. I hope you like it and please comment or share if you do!
Warnings: swearing, mentions of sex, angst, drama, Jocelyn being Jocelyn, scenes of vomiting, sickness.
Taglist: @bluesfortheredj​ (sempai) @yourlocalmusicalprostitute​ @theworksgaga​ @itscale​ @theoneandonlyeclecticepileptic​ @queenlover05​ @rubystarflight​ @themficsilike​ @namelesslosers​ @itsametaphorgwil​
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“Come, all you very merry London Girls,
That are disposed to Travel,
Here is a Voyage now at hand,
Will save your feet from gravel.
If you have shooes, you need not fear
For wearing out the Leather,
For why you shall on shipboard go,
Like Loving Rogues Together, 
Some are already gone before,
The rest must after follow
Then come away and do not stay,
Your guide shall be Apollo!”
      - Lawrence Price, “The Maiden’s of London’s Brave Adventures”, 1623.
“Miss Y/L/N …”
You thought you heard his voice. 
“Oh Y/N, please…wake up, be strong again….”
You wanted to just croak out his name. Your lips parted, and a sound came out. It wasn’t his name. It was only a sound.
“Miss Y/L/N? Can you hear me? Take this!”
You could barely see him but a sudden taste that hit your tongue, full of bitterness. Then a drop of water that was brought to you. But no blots of color formed. No more signs of him. Only darkness.
Sometimes something like a nightmare came across your vision. You thought you saw something, but then it faded before it could devour you. Sometimes there were dreams, sometimes not.
Then another voice came up. It could have been an hour. It could have been a day. It wasn’t his voice, but a voice. A soft, lilting voice.
“Oh, dear Lord, please heal this lady. You know she is a dear, kind woman. No one has ever treated me as nicely here, other than my master and mistress of course. But she is a good friend. Your book even says a friend sticks closer than a brother. So, I must beg you, if it is in your will, to heal her from this dreaded and sudden illness. I would be most saddened if she were to die. You have placed me in her life, and unless You have planned so, please don’t take her away from it. Give her health again and wake her up, Amen.”
The words were flooding outside you when you woke up. You were lying on your bed, Mercy was right next to you. Her pale face and little brown head looked blurry, but you saw her turn her head at once.
She gave a grin and placed a hand over her heart, leaning to you.
“Oh, providence is kind! Miss Y/L/N!” she cried, getting up and then pausing. She knew you were too weak to embrace. She pulled herself back.
Your vision flooded back and you saw you were at home. You felt sticky and sweaty. Your bed was beneath you and you saw you only had your shift on.
“M…Mercy…what…what’s happening?” you croaked.
Your throat felt dry from the lack of use.
“You were found just outside, fainted!” she recalled.
“Did you find me?” you ask.
“Oh, it was the Tavern Keeper’s wife, the red haired woman…she was out walking in the dark to your home to see you, she said, when she heard your cries and came a runnin’. Found you right on the dirt, right out! She dragged you in here, ran, and fetched the doctor quick as she could, stayed up all night with you, she did!” she said, almost excitedly. Her eyes wide as if telling a story.
“Verity…oh, it was Verity! Mercy…am I dying…If I’m dying there’s someone…I need to…I need to speak to…” you said.
You knew the one thing you didn’t want to say had to be said to him if your time was running out.
“You’re only sick. That’s what the doctor says. But you might…I hope you won’t…” she said. Her eyes looked down and she frowned.
You reached out a hand and touched her cheek.
“Oh, mistress Mercy, I heard your prayer…and I’m so lucky to have you,” you comforted.
“I’ve prayed every hour I could…my master was with the doctor when Verity was running, so he and my mistress even prayed with me for you in this room for an hour today. I think all of our prayers worked. It was my Master who even got you to your bed the other night, but he insisted on leaving outside when you got changed to your shift, ‘cause you know, you were asleep but it still wasn’t polite, he said!”
You felt your lip bite and a small laugh escape.
“Why, Miss Y/L/N, colors coming to your cheeks, even! You’re getting healthy, I know it!” she cheered.
“How long was I asleep?” you interrupt, a little embarrassed.
“About a day.”
Your head hurt and you were dizzy. You groaned from the pain and Mercy fetched a cool cloth from a bucket. You nodded as thanks.
“Mercy…what did the doctor say about me? What do I have?” you ask.
Your memory was coming back. And you had a dreaded feeling you knew exactly what happened to you.
But…it couldn’t be, could it?
“He says you’re only sick and that’s that. He did get you to swallow some medicine and he says you need more…which…oh dear! I forgot! Now you’re awake! I have to get him! Excuse me, m’am...”
She gave a curtsy and off she went like a squirrel to a tree. Your dizziness came in and out. You found your arms, while shaky, could pull yourself up. Your stomach felt like it had a stone in it. Even the sight of your food in the corner made it turn and you felt the threat of vomit rise in you.
A little later, a man entered with Mercy trailing behind him. He was of average height, with dark hair that curled yet was brushed back. His face had hints of scruff with a pale, square head and a sunny smile.
“Hello, miss. Doctor Priestly at your service,” he greeted.
He even bobbed his head as if you were a lady. If it weren’t for your weakness, you would have bobbed your head for a curtsy as well.
“See, doctor! My prayers have worked! I did have faith enough!” Mercy cheered excitedly.
She grabbed your hand to help you get up to sitting on your bed upright.
“It seems your faith and my medicine are a powerful team, Mercy. Go find your mistress and let her know at once that Miss Y/L/N is awake. She’ll want to know how her servant is, she’s been very fretful for two days for her.”
Mercy once again scooped her red skirt into her tiny hands and ran out the door. He pulled out a vial from his bag, poured some clear liquid onto a spoon, and fed it to you. It tasted disgusting as overcooked cabbage, but you made yourself swallow it. It was the same bitter aftertaste as the drink you were fed while slightly conscious.
“Here, two days of rest and this medicine and you will be fine,” he assured you.
What happened couldn’t be true, it was too insane to be true. You shouldn’t be in this predicament at all. Or were you? There was one way to find out.
“Doctor Priestly…what’s wrong with me, what am I sick with?”
“I’ve not told a soul about your condition… for Mercy’s sake.”
“Mercy?” you asked. “What’s she have to do with it?”
“I remember when she arrived here. She was an orphan boarded from England sent here to work and make a life for herself. Poor thing had more than one master beat her senseless when she was small. I couldn’t afford her, so Castell took pity on her and placed her under his wing for her protection. He’s almost like her father in an odd way, but he’s still her employer. But that is her life, no family and only drudgery. “
He wiped his mouth with his sleeve and blinked a lot, coming back to the present.
“She has a tender heart and it takes very little to vex her. I saw how fond she was of you, so I wanted to rest aside her fears. If I told Castell, he might tell her just to give her an answer. But you and your mistress at least deserve to know the truth.”
He pulled a chair from the table next to you and spoke in a low voice.
“You had the symptoms of poisoning from the belladonna plant.”
“No…but…I…I just can’t…I was poisoned,” you said, finally accepting your dreaded suspicion.
“And I also noticed...I had kept some for medical and research reasons, and the vial was gone. So, whoever took it must have targeted you. They wanted to harm you. You had a water jug that was laced with it. Luckily, you only had a little bit. If you drank a larger dose or didn’t take this medicine in time, you would have been dead.”
“Someone stole your belladonna?” you ask.
Your eyebrows furrow and you look directly at him. Your hands fold neatly at your blanket.
“Oh, I hope you forgive me, Miss Y/L/N…I should have watched it more carefully.” He begged, he turned his head down.
“It’s…alright, Dr. Priestly. I forgive you. It wasn’t your fault it was stolen” you say.
You move your hands in front to tell him to calm down and he smiles in response. He’s not entirely unfortunate looking and you feel yourself smile back.
“Have some water, you’ve been without food or drink for over a day” he suggested, getting a tin cup.
You drank it up greedily. Sighing and wiping off your mouth, you look back at him, softened.
“I would prefer to keep this low. Only your mistress and you. News of poisoning would bring fear, someone innocent might go to jail if accused falsely,” he explained.
You at once felt your stomach turn. The bile was coming back up.
“A…a jug, anything, I’m going to…” you mumbled.
He handed you a clay pot and you felt the disgusting feeling of vomit rise out of you and the repulsive smell of it. You put a hand over your mouth defensively as he put away the pot.
“You are just weak, Miss Y/L/N. Just keeping drinking water and taking the medicine. You will be a little weak, but fine,” he assured.
Not long after there was a knock on the front door and Doctor Priestly sprung up and greeted with the largest smile you had seen on him yet.
You saw the pale blue cloak of Jocelyn walk before you and fold open the hood. Her golden curls were tied back with a ribbon just loosely. Your breathing got shallower and your nostrils flared remembering the day on the ship.
Sure, I can’t let my hair down, but you can. Not a lady anymore, eh? You just proved that, you thought angrily.
“Oh, Doctor Priestly, Oh, I am so glad. Poor girl! How is she?” she asked demurely.
“She’s weak, but after one day of rest and taking this medicine, she’ll be bright and bonny as ever. I have to tell you Jocelyn…” giving a glace at you, he led her just outside the door to speak with her explaining why you were sick.
Waiting for a while, you kept squeezing your own hands. You felt your heart beating in your ears. After a few minute, you saw Jocelyn open the door again, continuing the conversation.
“Doctor Priestly, may I nurse her, myself? I wish to make amends- it was my own jug and I lost watch of it!” she offered warmly.
There was a crinkle beneath the doctor’s eyes as she spoke and he leaned a little closer.
“What a tender heart you have, I’ll leave you with her. Bring me back if there is any sign of trouble. Here is the medicine, I’ll go on and make another, farewell!” he wished, handing her the bottle.
With a slight hop in his step, he left.
Jocelyn took a few minutes to be quiet. As she walked up you pulled yourself back, defensively. She held out the medicine poured out a spoonful, offering it to you.
You hesitated, staring. She could have done something with it too. But you accepted it and led the spoon with your hand to your mouth.
 After a few spoonful’s, the concerned look on her face dropped looking down on you. She looked at the window, checking, and then returned. You tried to glare up with what strength you had.
“Jocelyn. Who poisoned me?” you ask flatly. You folded your arms.
 “You know what you did,” she spat out.
“No, I don’t!”
 “You should have drank all of it.”
 “Jocelyn, why? I have done everything for you! I have cleaned your clothes and room, fixed your gowns, made your breakfasts and even emptied your damned chamber pot! I have asked for nothing but my pay. You forced me to agree to do it in front of Lady Yeardley.  And this is how you repay me? You try to kill me?” you questioned angrily.
She was quiet.
“I’ll report you to the Governor. Right. Now.” you threaten. You swing your legs over and get on the floor.
You only took two steps on weak legs when she put a hand before you, and then caught you before you could fell. But as you were crumpled, she led you back to the bed. She bent down to look you in the eye.
“It would be worthless to speak to him. Look at you and look at me. I’ve dined with him countless times. He’s going to be the groomsman at my wedding. Who is he more likely to believe? A lying, thieving, whoring maid or a lady?”
 She got back up but folded her hands in front of you. Her eyes were low, her round, pale face still, and her pink lips tight.
 “Jocelyn…you still haven’t answered my question. Why did you do it?” you interrogated.
“Because you’re destroying me. And you’re destroying this colony.”
“You’re the one who almost killed me! What on earth did I do?”
“Since you’re a fool, let me tell you. You’re a whore,” she accused. Her face was still but her low voice was biting.
“Do you mean…with…with your fiancée?”
There is fire in her eyes.
“Anytime I was with him, I promise you, nothing happened. He never said or did anything to me.  He’s a gentleman; he keeps his distance. He is doesn’t love me, he loves you. Jocelyn be reasonable! Mercy says you’re the great beauty of the colony. How could he show any interest in anyone else with you as his intended!?” you begged.
“Your flattery means nothing to me” she cursed bitterly.
From her cloak, she pulled out your copy of Ovid’s The Metamorphoses.
“If you have not seduced him, explain this!” she accused.
 “He asked and I just let him borro-“
 She slammed the book into your bed and turned to the very end, where there were a few extra blank pages. Or were. Words were scribbled all over them. You jumped and your legs stung from the force of the book’s weight.
 A pink primrose exactly like the ones on your window was pressed into it.
“Read it” Jocelyn demanded.
You felt your dizziness return and your stomach hurt again. You pushed it away. You were shaking your head. This had to be a dream, this had to be a dream.
“And know this, before you claim it false,” she added.
From her stays, she got out a folded page of paper which listed the business of the Governors meeting last week.
Glancing at what was written in the book and the record, it was exactly the same.
You pulled the book close to you and almost felt your hands and arms shake as you tried to keep it up, pulling to your face. You wanted to be sure every word you saw was real.
It read:
“My darling, my little nightingale, Y/N Y/L/N,
With your consent, I must take a moment to confess to you the feelings I have been suppressing for some time. Please do not be afraid of me.
I love you. I adore you with every inch of my soul. I have never known any woman quite like you. I knew you were different from anyone else from that first day of your arrival, though I wasn’t sure how. Then I knew. You were someone I could talk to. The more I looked at you, the more I couldn’t help myself. You are one of the loveliest maidens I have ever seen. When I think of you in that flower field, how ardently I wanted to kiss you that moment, with the sun shining, the flowers around you, and your sweet smile. I’ve never felt such tenderness and wanting inside me before. I admire every bit of you, my dear friend. You are the kindest, sweetest soul I have ever met. And your courage exceeds that of many men I have known. I still remember the day you spoke with Mr. Sharrow on behalf of Miss Kett and I am still in awe such an action even happened.
I make every excuse just to walk by our colonies walls just to hear you, to see you walk by, just to glance at you. The way you shone when I taught you how to write words, shone with pure joy. Your laughter and singing! Your voice haunts me, haunts my dreams, and my day and I hear it at once with both ecstasy and torment, for I know such tender words, laughter, songs and that joy of your hand’s devotion is a gift, a gift that cannot be for me, but the happiest and most fortunate of gentlemen you choose to wed. How I envy him and hate him, whoever he may be here! I am so ashamed to admit it, but it is truth.
I have given Jocelyn a promise. A promise I must keep, as being the purpose of her journey. Yet each time I think of the day we will be joined, inside I mourn so deeply. This is the reason why I delayed the wedding. I made a pitiful, unmanly excuse about business because you were always in my thoughts. I will never have the privilege of your courtship and time. I must be bound until death to another, upon an agreement of payment I have made long ago. Though I must complete my duty in humility and obedience, know that I wish every morning I awake that it was your beautiful face I saw.
Jocelyn does not deserve to have her heart broken and her future destroyed. Can you have it in your heart to pity me? To pity her, most of all. It is Jocelyn I must marry, no matter what I may feel about you How could I be so cruel to such a good, honest woman who came here for this one sole purpose?
I do not know if you even tolerate me. If you despise the air I breathe, then I swear I will never bother you again. But now, I ask you pray for me, pray for us.
But know that though such affections I possess can never be acted on, that if you are ever in dire need of assistance, I will help you. Even if you cannot have my hand, you have the protection of anything I have and my actions. If you are ever in need, or your husband, most fortunate of men, or your children even, I will find a way to help you.
For I and my heart shall always be dedicated to you. I love you so tenderly and know that you will always be my dearest and saddest love.
Written by him, who is your humblest of servants
A shaky smile appeared on your face, though your stomach kept dropping throughout reading. A small laugh, stifled, came out of you, defiantly. Disorientation washed over you and it was as if your vision blurred for a moment.
“I must confess, I’m almost impressed. There’s a power between our legs, and at least you’ve learned to use it,” Jocelyn said.
Setting the book down, almost not daring to read it again, you stared into the open for a bit, but you heard Jocelyn continuing.
“You cast a spell over him. And it’s began ever since he kept speaking with you. So, tell me, they call you the Songbird of Jamestown, yes?”
Blinking, you looked back at her, voicing a shaky “wh-what?”
She walked over and grabbed your face, pinching at the mouth. Her face got into yours and you could feel the hot breath come out of her.
“Did those musical little lips suck his cock and is that why he does everything you insist?” she hissed.
“H-H-How d-dare you speak such…such lewd things!” you retorted, jerking away, nearly slapping her hand out.
You nursed the spot on your jaw tenderly. You turned away and saw the book. While Jocelyn was distracted you hid it under your blankets.
“Jocelyn, he’s going to marry you, whatever he may think of me. Don’t you see what it’s really saying? He’s letting me go. You’ve won.” You reasoned.
“You may think so. But now he hardly listens to me. He doesn’t do anything I ask him to. No matter what I try. And it’s began since your little romp in the flowers. If you are here, you are a threat to me and my marriage.” She said.
“What are you asking him to do?” you ask.
You noticed how high your shoulders had gotten to your ears and forced them down.
She paused, folding her hands in front of her.
“You don’t understand, Y/N. I’m going to lead him to greatness, for us. For the colony. Wouldn’t you like things to change? Wouldn’t things be better if Samuel was in charge? Not Farlow or Redwick or Massenger?” she interrogated.
“What’s wrong with Yeardley? And how do you plan on getting it, though? And I…I don’t think you understand, people die playing these games. Do you want to die? Do want Samuel to die?” you ask.
“Oh, Samuel.” She prodded. “Not Master Castell anymore? That’s a little more intimate, aren’t we? Do you love him?”
You froze.
“I know you’re a terrible liar. And I know what they do to liars here when they’re caught.” She added.
She kept her close distance but remained standing. Her eyes stared right into you, though your head dipped down low and you buried your face in your hands.
“Do. You. Love. him?”
Tears stained your eyes. That feeling, burning and bubbling in the depths of you was suddenly coming out. No matter how much you tried to deny it or ignore it for the greater good, for even your own safety, it was still singing, screaming in the back. Now it was getting louder, and louder.
“I…I think I do. I…I wish he…if only he was just a farmer, not the recorder, just so I could be with him!” you confessed.
Breathing in deep, you felt a weight had been freed from you. There was a silence, heavy with what she would say next.
“Then understand you are what is holding him back. That’s what love is. It holds us back. I’m going to bring him to greatness. I’m going to make him have things beyond even his own understanding. He could be a farmer. Or he could change everything and bring those men down and set things right here.” She explained, towering over you.
“By controlling him? Making him do things he doesn’t want to? Dangerous things?” you blurted.
“That’s how men work. And this place is ruled by them. We have to control them if we’re going to survive here as women.”
“But a harmless soul as his? Control Farlow, all you would like, Massanger, or Redwick, but…Samuel? He wants nothing of treachery, why make him treacherous?”
“That’s your weakness. You’re still clinging to love, thinking that’s what’s going to save you. I was like you once. I was proven wrong. Love doesn’t save you. It destroys you. And the sooner you let it go, the better you will be. I hope you’ve figured that out. You’re leaving here.” She scolded.
“To England? The company will send me back. They need to pay back the tobacco pounds on all of us.”
She then reached in her pocket and pulled out some letters.
“You know of the communities right outside here? I’ve written to the men of Charles City. Any women who isn’t immediately bound in marriage must go there. And there are at least three men over there are curious about you to be their wife.”
Not too far for the company but far enough you thought.
You barely glanced over it. It listed names, possessions, their house, and what they planted. One name, only one name. One name that would stand out. One name to stamp out Samuel’s. But none could. None of them had the name of the one you knew you wanted.
And who knew who these men actually were like? If you were lucky, they would be loving.
But at worst, you could be bound to another Henry Sharrow. You fought the urge to vomit again.
“Tomorrow, you will gather your things. Leave this town. Pick one. Marry him. And stay there.” Jocelyn demanded.
“I won’t. I won’t do it,” you voiced.
Jocelyn walked up and hissed at you softly.
“If you don’t, you are dead.”
“You couldn’t do that.”
“I almost succeeded. I have resources, don’t think I couldn’t.”
Your breath left you and you released a small cry of fear, your limbs nearly froze.
With all the bitterness and anger you had forced silent inside your soul for weeks, you looked Jocelyn in the eye and spat out “bitch.”
It wasn’t kind. It wasn’t polite. It wasn’t dignified. It was not even mature. But it felt good.
“Never heard that one before,” she remarked sarcastically.
You turned around and, though still shaking, you got up on your feet. Jocelyn didn’t raise an eyebrow.
“Good day, Miss Y/L/N. And a blessing upon your marriage,” she finished with a smile.
You were determined not to be sent off without the last word. Now you had something. It wasn’t safe to say it, but if you were blessed to never see Jocelyn again, you might as well say it when you had the chance.
Tugging nervously on your shift you said “this isn’t the first time you’ve poisoned someone, Jocelyn.”
She froze and glared back at you, she took a few steps, threatening to charge at you like a predator.
“You little, sneaking slut!”
“And how is being a sneaking slut any better than being a liar and a murderer?” you snapped.
Jocelyn froze in her track, but continued her fiery glare into your eyes.
“Tell me, when a man makes a bet that he can take your virginity among his friends, takes it as they watch, and he wins, how much will you believe in love, then? How can you even trust men’s souls, then?” she croaked, now tears were barely going down her cheeks.
 “It’s not men’s souls, Jocelyn. It’s what they’ve done. You’ve been hurt so you shut yourself off to keep yourself safe. And now that you have refused love, you’ve even refused the love that makes you care for others. All you can do is hurt others.”
You swallowed, got up from your bed, stood up quickly while you had the strength, and interrupted before Jocelyn could interject.
 “You cannot love, you can’t love people or least of all yourself. That’s only because you have been betrayed. You’ve been hurt. But you could have used that pain to help others. Have you talked to Alice about what Henry did to her? Or Verity? You could have helped them. But you have let your pain make you harsh to underserving people. Good people. Samuel. Mercy, even, and she’s a child with nothing!”
You took two steps closer to her.
“But…you cannot help, truly, genuinely help. Only reward people you think you trust. That’s because all you know to do is hurt. For that, you will never know peace or contentment, and you have more than my disgust, you have my pity.”
   She marches up to you and grabs you by the hair, growling into your ear “leave by tomorrow, or you’re dead.”
  She then brushed any dirt or wrinkles off her dress, set her hat back up on her head, and walked out.
  Alone, you collapsed on the bed. You were done with being brave. You were done with being strong. You wanted to be weak. You let yourself sob and sob.
You look barely at the letters of these suitors you have never even heard of, asking you for your soul, body, mind, possessions, and even possible children to be owned by them until death take one of you.
“The time’s gonna come fer yer freedom and maidenhead whether ya ready fer it or not!”
Then you look at Samuel’s letter in your book, you press it to your heart, and let your cries continue and continue, gingerly touching the petals of the pink primrose and even noticing the fresh bunch at your window.
So it…it wasn’t James at all! How could I be so stupid, I’m an idiot…
 Could Jocelyn really kill you? How? The possibilities kept running through your head.
You had no idea how much money she brought with her but maybe she could hire someone to do it.
Or she probably already planted one of her possessions in your home. If someone noticed it, they could accuse you of stealing, go to Jocelyn, who’d give her testimony that you stole, give your truth and let it fall on deaf ears and then you would have to make the fatal walk outside the colony walls to the gallows.
She already fooled you into being poisoned. She could find a way to take and poison your food. Had she even poisoned the food you had when you weren’t looking.
And you didn’t know about how your physical strength could hold up.  Jocelyn was slender and knew nothing of tasks requiring physical extremes. But that didn’t mean if she got possession of a gun or knife she wouldn’t be able to attack you.
Being at the wrong place at the wrong time could put you at risk. Perhaps she would drown you in the river if you went to do your laundry.
If she got that book and letter back, she could bring it to the court, make accusations of adultery, and get you hanged.
Finally, after a while, Christopher returned with Mercy trailing behind him.
“Mercy…how kind you are…and Christopher…”
“I asked my Master if I could make this broth for you, and he agreed. He has a kind heart, he does!” she chatted, handing you a cup.
You swallowed it gratefully, smiling at how for once your stomach did not reject it.
“He…yes, he does,” you answered. “Speaking of which…where…where is he?”
“There’s a large trial and many things he must record. He has a busy workday but sends his prayers to you. Now, take twice the dose, Miss. You will be a little weak today, but you should be fine. I insisted the church forgive your absences these next two days so you could recover. You’ll be strong by the day after tomorrow.” Doctor Priestly said.
He brought another batch of the medicine and handed it to you in a small vial with two spoons.
You swallowed the two spoonful’s and kept it down best you could.
“I saw Mistress Woodbyrg come in after a while. Even when she chided me, I thought it a blessing, the bit time I was there.” Mercy reported, folding her hands in front of her.
You only stared onto your blanket, right down.
Oh, dear Mercy, you don’t know the half of it and for your happiness I hope you never do!
“Oh, you are so lucky to already be working for her. There is never a lovelier lady! Although, she’s been quite troubled lately. Oh, she frowned so when I worked for her and it vexed me so much! But I’ve been praying every hour for her, when I could” Mercy chattered, she even folded her hands together and brought it up to her chin dreamily.
You were quiet for a moment. Mercy worshipped the ground Jocelyn walked on. She was someone perhaps the child wanted to be. But… should she have such a rosy view shattered? Jocelyn seemed to give her meaning and joy in her life. There was a fairy tale princess under her roof, no matter what that princess said or did.
“Mercy…tell Master Castell…thank you, for allowing you to make this broth and…Mercy, may I please have a bit of parchment, please? And something to write with? There’s…a quill and ink on the table.”
“How come, Miss?”
“I’ve…uhm…been practicing writing.”
“My, what a good skill! How lucky you are to be learning it, how clever you must be oh…”
There was a weight that you felt dragging you down, and the child took note.
“Why, what is it, Miss Y/L/N?”
“I…I just need to try to write. I can’t be idle even when sick…”
“Why, why yes indeed! As Psalms and Captain Smith do say, one must wake up and be industrious, it’s how we can praise the Lord himself. But…I am so glad you are well.
Doctor Priestly stood by in the corner, smiling at the sweet words said and observing quietly. Mercy handed you the quill and ink and then knelt by your bedside.
“I really am. I never had many friends. Mere few. And a lot of them died. And my master is gentle but…we can’t be friends. He gives me me earnings and that’s that. So…I’m just so thankful,” she said softly.
“I’m thankful to be your friend too, Mercy.”
She looked up at the smiling doctor, who gestured for her to come, and she left accompanied by him.
You stared at the parchment and backed it against your book. Your brain was brimming with words. Words that would have explained everything. Most of all, why. But your hand only knew how to write a few.
You wanted to see him. You wanted to get out of your bed and crawl through the muddy streets to wherever he was and collapse onto him.
But anger overtook you. It was his own letter that probably confirmed Jocelyn’s suspicions and put you in danger in the first place!
You wanted to even yell at him, to take that mud and throw it to smear his lovely face. To take that stick from that day by the river and beat him with it with all of your strength. All for the trouble this lovely letter put you through. If this was a plot and he was working with Jocelyn, then he had betrayed your trust and put you in great danger.
And if it wasn’t. Jocelyn proved it was his handwriting, after all. Or at least, it was not a forgery. He could have lied through this letter from Jocelyn’s or even someone else’s doing to get you out of your discouragement of him being too deeply involved in the intrigue.
But…you brain interrupted as you lifted the quill, hands shaking…what if it was?
If it wasn’t. If he meant every word of that letter, it meant…it meant that he really did see you. You. Humble little you. With ninety women that had just arrived, and he wanted! If nothing stood in his way, the gentlest, sweetest man in all of the colony, if not, even in all of England’s far kingdom or the world perhaps loved you.
But there was one thing in the way. And it was your life.
You wished desperately it was a letter with false intentions instead.
You dipped the quill into the ink as it sat gently on your bed and scribbled out seven words.
“Goodbye. I will miss you- Y/N Y/L/N.”
Not painless. But quick and to the point. It dried in a few minutes, the dark purple ink turning into the color of violets. The scrap was hidden in the book. You put it next to the pansy.
You barely slept that night and spent it packing or pacing.
Doctor Priestly arrived the next day with new medicine. But the doctor noticed the packed bag resting on the table.
“Are you alright, Y/N? You’ve lost so much of your color, even after the medicine” he asked.
“I’m…I’m just sad. I’m leaving. I haven’t been married yet and the company’s insisting I leave to fix that. I have a few marriages offers from Charles City. I have friends here, though. I will miss everyone,” you said.
You handed him the papers and letter from the men and the doctor nodded in understanding.
It wasn’t a lie, but some details perhaps he could not be trusted with yet.
“I’ve heard good things about you, Miss Y/L/N, our dear songbird. We will all miss you too,” he answered, giving you a last spoonful of medicine.
After he left, Mercy returned with one last cup of broth.
“I always insist a cup after will do good!” she chirruped.
“Mercy…I’m going to leave today.”
“To…to get married, please send this to your master.” You said, holding out the scrap.
“Shouldn’t I fetch ‘im, so you can tell him instead?”
“No! I mean…don’t trouble him when he has so much work. I just wanted to say goodbye to him, for…for helping me and Alice. He greeted me and was kind to me.” you explained quickly, though you felt yourself biting your lip.
Mercy nodded and left quietly, looking at the note with big, confused eyes. You saw a shininess that would bring on tears and she even put her hand over her mouth.
“Oh, Mercy!” you exclaimed, a sudden wave hitting you.
You ran up and hugged her.
“Oh…Miss…Miss!” she cried, letting herself sob too.
You bit back your tears and whispered to her.
“Listen to me, never let anyone treat you poorly. Don’t be like me. I’m a coward. Be brave. Fight back with all your strength and…please promise me you’ll do whatever it takes, be happy and safe…” you instructed.
Mercy blinked, in more confusion, and then hugged back.
“I…I will miss” she blubbered. She let go and gave you a sad smile and then left.
Your bags only had what was essential to travel and then some. Your books, your clothes, and your lace gloves, the only luxury the company promised you. And the only luxury it delivered. You even got bits of food, who knew how long the journey would last, the quicker you would leave, the better.
And even if Jocelyn had poisoned them when you weren’t looking, you decided it didn’t matter anyway.
You dressed plainly. Looking at your reflection in the window, you did look like you lost your color. Your cheeks had hollowed some. Your eyes had darkened underneath. It was as if you were now a ghost of whoever you were when you entered this house.
Walking outside, you took the last of the wilted primroses and put it into your apron pocket.
You walked past the people going about. Past the church, past the tavern, past James beating into a new piece of metal with a loud CLANG, and past the smelly dogs and hogs running through the street freely and housewives adorned in aprons all looking for corn in the market that could be bought today, past the muddy areas you had to hop over, past the nice red doors where men in ruffs and fine cloaks discussed power with soft voices, and towards that opening and the ocean of green before it.
As you neared the entrance, you could make out a cart just near where the graves were marked. It almost seemed as if it planted among the crop of little wooden crosses. It was led by it seemed a brown horse and another man, he was tan, short, stout, and had dark hair and a dark beard with grey streaks. He wore a straw hat and seemed to be chewing on something. He stared out into the open of the green field and the trees just beyond. But he was smiling, and his eyes were beaming like stars.
Though Jocelyn covered your leave, he did not seem the type to be a hired assassin. It was the cart. Breathing in deeply, you took a few steps to get on that cart that would take you to your new life to forget all of this.
“Miss Y/L/N…”
Your breath stopped and you paused. Continuing it, you decided you would not speak to him turned away. You turned your head and looked at him. The one voice you did not want to hear at this time. But you knew you had to. You couldn’t just leave him with just a scrap of paper, as much as you had denied it.
Blinking away any more tears that may have popped up, you turned around to face him. At least one final time before your new life awaited.
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Writing Requests
Rules :
No incest
No threesome type of stuff
That's pretty much it
Requests :
I accept almost any request, but I'll let you know if your request is something I'm not comfortable with. The reason why I don't write a lot is because I can write things down easily once I've come up with an idea, but ideas are hard to think of.
Characters :
Any Supernatural character
Any Dark Angel character
Priestly from Ten Inch Hero
Any Riverdale character
Ideas :
It can be based off of:
Specific Episodes (unless Priestly)
Your own imagination
I only write character x reader fics btw
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kingpreciouswrld · 3 years
Office Surprises
Pairing: Miranda Priestly x Reader
Genre: Fluff
Warnings: None
Word Count: 1k
Summary: After a very long business trip you finally get to see your beautiful dragon.
A/N: Well well well, we meet again. Honestly, this wouldn't be a thing if it wasn't for the anon on my tellonym who gave me this idea and talked about Miranda with me. This is for you, you wonderful human being 😊
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You sighed as your plane finally landed.
Home sweet home.
It's been 2 years since you've been in New York; 2 years since you've held the love of your life and her little twin terrors.
It wasn't supposed to take this long. You thought the managers of your company branch in L.A. were actually competent. However, starting a new branch of a new company did have some issues, especially if that branch was on the other side of the Country.
When you first told Miranda about your trip she understood completely and encouraged you to build your ever growing empire. When you told her that it would take at least a year to solve issues you could see a flash of fear pass over her features. You knew of her worries about losing you and you were quick to reassure her that you would do everything in your power to come back home to her as quickly as possible. With the three hour time difference, you two planned out a calling schedule where you would video call each other at least twice a day.
The year of video calls turned into two years. You could slowly see and hear Miranda getting exhausted by the distance between you two. You heard from Nigel that Miranda was more fiery at work and that she fired at least five people the day you told her that you might need to be away for another year. Through catching up with Nigel, you interrupted him and told him of your plans of coming home. "Are you really? It's not nice to tease a dying man here Y/n/n."
You chuckled as you shook your head, "Yes Nige I'm actually coming home. I was actually planning on surprising our lovely Editor."
"Trust me, she was surprised when she knew she wanted to court me. She'll be happy about this surprise."
"Surprise? You know Miranda doesn't do surprises Y/n/n."
Roy had dropped you off in front of the Elias-Clarke building after promising you to take your luggage home and come right back.
Not so subtly you panned the area around you as you knew that you didn't want to be seen by your dragon. After determining that the coast was clear, you promptly made your way into Miranda's outer office.
You couldn't help but smile as you took in the building looming over you. Your Miranda was in there. You were so close.
Bidding the security guards a good afternoon, you made your way into your own elevator and checked the time on your phone. Nigel said that Miranda would be in a meeting until 1 and it was 12:55. Beforehand you had Nigel to slip you in on Miranda's schedule as a very generous donator who needed to speak to the Editor.
As you came off of the elevator you could feel the butterflies in your stomach start zooming around. You couldn't help but feel giddy knowing that you'll see the love of your life in a few minutes. It's been 2 years. 2 of them.
"That's all."
The white-haired editor picked up The Book and exited the conference room.
These past two years without her Y/n have been testing her patience even more so than usual but she couldn't help it. Y/n was her rock. Y/n would be there to hold her after a trying day at the office, to cook dinner for her, to keep her company as she went over The Book, to cuddle with her as they fell asleep. Although, at the end of the day, she understood that sacrifices needed to be made in order to climb the business ladder as she did so many years ago. She just couldn't help but miss her other half.
She kept a brisk pace as she walked down the halls. Out of the corner of her eyes she could see her employees avoiding her line of vision and scurry off to do whatever task they've been slacking on, scared to think that they'd be the next one in line to be unemployed.
As Nigel was on Miranda's tail, the editor was warning him about the mistakes made in The Book from the night before as well as Jocelyn's lack of readiness for the past two run-throughs and although Miranda couldn't see him, he nodded dutifully and responded in the usual 'Yes Miranda' or 'Of course Miranda'
Just as they reached the threshold of Miranda's outer office, Nigel stopped abruptly as he almost bumped into his boss. Miranda, however, was as still as a rock.
She couldn't believe what she was seeing.
Is she dreaming?
Was Y/n really here?
Andy was just telling you that Miranda would be here shortly before you heard heels stop at the entrance to the outer office. Both you and Andrea turned to see a wide eyed editor and an amused Nigel.
"Miranda your one o'clock is here," you smiled cheekily and that seemed to break Miranda's trance.
"Darling..." Miranda whispered, her eyes wide with disbelief.
Before you could blink, Miranda was in your arms and brought you into a bruising kiss. Miranda used both of her hands to grip the back of your neck as she tried to pull you impossibly closer. You sighed into the kiss as the editor let out an almost inaudible whimper. Even after you two parted for air Miranda kept giving you small pecks before she hugged you fully, her head buried in your shoulder.
Unknown to the two of you, both Emily and Andy watched the scene with shock. Emily choked on air, gaping like a fish while Andy just looked on with wide eyes. They didn't know what to do. They wanted to look away but if they did, they wouldn't believe what was happening but even with looking at the couple they still couldn't believe their eyes.
Miranda Priestly kissed and held her lover in the Runway offices in front of other people.
Nigel shook his head in amusement at the two assistants. Miranda and you weren't out publicly yet so of course the two assistants were malfunctioning at the editor being so loving and open. Honestly, being in the fashion industry, having a gay editor-in-chief shouldn't be all that surprising.
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thefuneralfog · 2 years
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Cherries and kisses
A small one shot of father Paul x fem!reader
Bev keane had announced that she was going to the mainland to take care of her sick great aunt. That made you realize that you and father Paul had a chance of a secret Crockett island date without Bev being around to pry. After mass you told father Paul to meet him by the woods near your house at 12:30. You planned a little picnic out there. You had sandwiches, drinks and the basic picnic blanket to go with it. One thing you and father Paul both enjoyed was cherries, always so sweet and tasty.
When father Paul arrived he peaked over from one of the trees before approaching you. He watched you tie up your hair in a Ribon and straighten up all the goodies you brought. He was amazed that you loved him, because he loved you too. He always thinks your pretty even when you’re down and feeling blue. Father Paul then walked over and greeted you “y/n! This is lovely! All for us?” He said smilingly
“Who else would it be for, my loverboy? You giggled, “that I am” he said right back to you, as you pat the ground next to you. He sat down and you gave him his lunch,But you first kissed his cheek to make him blush. You enjoyed watching him blush, seeing the left hand man of God get so giddy when his own personal angel would kiss him.
The both of you sat and talked for awhile, kissing and telling stories. Even praying that when Bev comes back her ferry breaks down so she’s stuck on the mainland even longer. “ you know, having a secret relationship isn’t all that bad. You don’t have people bugging you on when you’re getting married or when you’re having kids. It’s just sad when we can’t hold hands or kiss” you said to him. Father Paul nodded, “you’re right. But I’d love to marry you and have kids with you” That statement made you smile. “Me too, Paul.” It got quiet and then you pulled the box of cherries out. The two of you shared them, and father Paul then pointed out “you have cherry juice all on you face there doll” while laughing which made you laugh.
But instead of wiping it off, you kissed him. Getting it all over him. You pulled away and the two of you laughed, “y/n!!! Now we are both a sticky mess!” He said. “Okay okay!! I have napkins!!” You said and the both of you tried to clean each other’s face. Then when you were both clean, you kissed each other and wrapped up the picnic. He walked you home, as it wasn’t far from the forest and there wasn’t people around.
When he got to your stoop of your house, he kissed you one last time before walking off and saying “I enjoyed that!!! I’ll have to plan one next time doll!!” And he was off to his priestly duties. The end <3
I hope you guys enjoy!!! This is my first time actually writing a fanfic for father Paul (or any really). I just had an idea and decided to just write it out. I also noticed the fandom has been dry pretty lately so I decided I’ll try and put something out there.
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