#prime business venues
venueplanner · 1 year
Top Business Conference Venues in India | Venue Planner
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Venue Planner, the leading destination for event planning in India, presents the definitive guide to the top business conference venues in the country. Our expert team has meticulously researched and selected the most exceptional venues across India, ensuring that your next conference is held in a remarkable setting. From cosmopolitan cities to serene landscapes, our curated list showcases a diverse range of venues, each offering state-of-the-art facilities, cutting-edge technology, and impeccable hospitality. Whether you're organizing a corporate gathering, seminar, or industry summit, Venue Planner is your go-to resource for finding the perfect venue. With our comprehensive guide, you can make informed decisions and create an unforgettable event experience for your attendees. Trust Venue Planner to transform your business conference into an extraordinary affair, ensuring success and leaving a lasting impression.
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sweetreveriee · 2 months
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Moon in the Houses and What Your Mind has Adjusted To
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Despite the Moon being such a basic placement in Astrology, it is still widely misunderstood and not taken for the role that it really plays in our charts. Luckily, Vedic Astrology gives us a better insight into the Moon's actual functioning, placing its importance as the number one placement to analyse when it comes to how the chart functions.
The Moon is the first thing to analyse in a chart because it is the basic mode of operation that we will use to exercise all of our planets. The Moon in a given house shows more precisely how our basic consciousness has adapted to the external world, based on the energies we received during our prime years of infancy. We are also born with individual karmas at the soul level that collide with our environment. As a result , the Moon becomes our subjective response to an equally subjective environmental pressure.
The Moon in Western Astrology is often confused with the Sun. However, the Moon is present with us our entire life and develops very early on. The Sun is our identity in the context of our immortal soul reflected in our mortal achievements in a given incarnation. That takes years to build up, and most of us don't really know what we're doing and what we are going towards until our so called mid-life crisis. That is why the classic Vedics start judging the Sun's performance in no earlier than our early 50s. The Moon, however, is like a filter that we approach the entirety of our life experience with, and so it appears the moment we ground into our body on this Earth and develop any human consciousness at all. Classic Vedic theory says the Moon is literally our mind, the Sun is our Soul's Earthly kingdom.
Naturally, planetary aspects will influence the state of the Moon and change its behavior in any given house. These aspects will show basic influences to our mind and ego, our knee-jerk reactions so to speak.
The Moon also has the unique quality of having no enemies and being malleable in nature. As a result, it is the most prone to planetary influences, for better or for worse. It becomes a malefic if it's conjunct with any malefic influence. The moon is a benefic if conjunct with a benefic planet. Phases of the Moon also have a lot to do with its nature. A person born on a Full Moon or close to it will naturally be more energetically abundant than someone born on a New Moon.
The Moon will naturally produce and provide if conjunct Mercury, Venus or Jupiter. The best conjunction for the Moon is Jupiter as these planets are mutually friendly. Venus and Mercury don't like the Moon, so while it's a benefic conjunction for the Moon itself, these other planets suffer as a result of Moon's presence, viewing it as a burden.
The Moon will automatically have to develop its character through struggle if conjunct Sun, Mars, Saturn, Rahu or Ketu. Sun, contrary to what pop astrology sources tell you, is a malefic, as it rules authority and burning away disobedience. When too close, it shames the Moon, and so does Saturn, another authority figure of a different kind. Rahu and Ketu give extreme biases in thinking to the Moon, making it unstable and lacking in perspective and objectivity. The "best" malefic for the Moon is Mars, as the two are friendly and give the native a goal oriented nature, if the conjunction is without further affliction. It is most easy to channel this conjunction productively as it busies itself turning challenge into an opportunity.
Moon in the 1st house represents the mind, that has grounded securely into a sense of self. Anything in the 1st house has a very strong influence on our sense of identity, as it is directly in line with the life karma of our Ascendant. As a result, even if one is not a spiritual person, they will be thinking strongly about the meaning of their life and their personal destiny. Since the mind grounds so surely in the self, there is a certain egoism and self interest present, and one may easily attract people's attention and support regardless, but also suffer blame for one's action.
Moon in the 2nd house gives the mind a pragmatic nature. They will take action based on where their interest is placed in a result of that action. They will root into what they perceive as their support system with unrelenting stubbornness, which can make them inflexible. However, if the Moon doesn't suffer from afflictions, they are also an excellent support system to others themselves, associating their sense of self with being a wellspring of stable nourishment.
Moon in the 3rd house is said to be the peak placement for the Moon. The reason for that is that the Moon here becomes very proactive. One's mind is adjusted naturally to making the most out of every day by creating the life they want from themselves through their own power and effort. As a result, this is someone who can go very far, because they know what they want and don't hesitate to get it. It results in peak productivity in life, whatever that means personally for the native, in a well oriented direction decided by the inner compass of one's happiness and achievement. Malefic influence can make it ruthless, but the good gains will still be there.
Moon in the 4th house is another placement where the moon feels very comfortable, as the mind is naturally attached to one's emotional idea of personal happiness and personal creativity. One is fundamentally synchronised with the landscape of their heart. One's mind basically exists to make one happy, which makes for a very balanced mental health perspective. If afflicted however, it can lead to self delusion, one telling themselves whatever they want to believe, choosing to think whatever is comfortable even if it loses all realism. This placement needs a serious reality check to compliment it, but has a lot of potential.
Moon in the 5th house is another peak of personal activity, where the mind attaches to going forward with one's personal ideas and sharing them with loved ones. The expression of personal identity here is strong and leads to creativity, but also to selfishness. This can be a mind that is used to having its own way and bossing people around if afflicted, yet they still manage to take everything personally. External self expression shines its light on others if it flows well here, but can become a detriment if not paired with self reflection.
Moon in the 6th house is a difficult point, as here the mind thrives on competition and constant problem solving. That can make them very successful in their goals, but can give a life full of stress and pressure if the Moon is afflicted. Afflictions also can result in an illusion of productivity, while in reality one gets nowhere with their efforts, but simply wants to feel like they're doing something even if it has no use. However, if strong that Moon is someone who doesn't mind getting their hands dirty performing confrontational tasks that make other people uncomfortable and their practical streak can be unmatched. It is one of the worst placements for one's peace of mind however, as they are inherently unable to relax, since the mind finds peace in conflict and problem solving. Doing physical tasks or working out to release excess energy is a must.
Moon in the 7th house is an energetic struggle, as here the Moon is the lowest energetically. The mind can be lethargic and clingy, as is fundamentally adapted to external companionship and serving their internal polar opposite and they can lack self awareness. Independence here is a struggle too, and if afflicted this Moon can make the mind treat people instrumentally for their own peace of mind. This Moon thrives in productive partnerships and finds its bliss over time in those, as they mature and develop with age.
Moon in the 8th house is said to be the lowest point of the Moon. The reason for that is that the 8th house is a point of stagnation and sorting out between what is true and not. It's the point of the highest pressure in the zodiac, which seeks for extreme release. As a result, the mind here is tormented, constantly in motion trying to let go of some burden and find something of value. If that is well placed, it can be excellent for goal setting, handling business and high pressure situations that come with success, if Jupiter helps this moon they can have a strong gift for speculation and being able to predict business tendencies. Think of a Christian Grey personality profile. If afflicted, there is a lack of clarity on what to do and what is valuable and important in one's life, and in situations in general, which leads to blundering, stagnation and serious personal losses, as one doesn't value what is good for one's happiness or a productive contribution, until they suffer a loss of it and see results by contrast, at which point it is too late. Turning to spirituality and meditation for clarity of mind and direction is necessary.
Moon in the 9th house makes for a mental adaptation to expansion, from any life situation, happy or painful. This is a mind that was taught to learn something from every experience, good or bad, and share that wisdom with others. That can be both theoretical and practical, depending on how the Moon is aspected. As a result, they grow into a natural teacher or guide, because they have an ability to process everything, both positive and negative, into a lesson through apt conclusions. The capacity for universalizing here is very powerful, as they turn even the most personal experiences into a parable, being able to see them through the lenses of emotional pattern recognition and fluidly turning them into conclusions. Once they get the opportunity to adapt their experience and talents into a successful day to day routine, they give a lot to the world.
Moon in the 10th house creates a native who very much can feel like a public property. Their personal desire is linked strictly to social contribution and having a practical daily schedule. The mind is attuned to routines and social involvement, more for the sake of order than personal fulfillment, making this a difficult place for the Moon as it can become a very impersonal placement of someone who "doesn't have a life". In reality, the mind here doesn't know what to do with one's personal life as they feel like their public life is their personal life, and if they establish any intimacy, it will be in that context. The mind naturally cares more about their image then the raw personal truth.
Moon in the 11th house gives a mind adapted to an extremely extroverted, goal oriented nature. This can be the kid that was always taken to several different extracurricular activities after school by their parents. As the 11th house is the height of Jupiter, there is an internal pressure for the height of achievement. Personal goals here always involve large scale contributions and social climbing in the context of social success. If the moon is in a good condition, it will make the native versatile and successful, if it suffers any afflictions it will create a feeling of extreme pressure and struggle with patience necessary to achieve one's goals.
Moon in the 12th house is a placement of a native whose mind naturally adapts to extreme sensitivity to one's environment and gives the ability to be in tune with the ebbs and flows of the entire universe. There is an inherent openness and a tendency to automatically create space for the energy for other people's vibrations. While it is a good and healing placement for the environment, it can be hard for the native itself. They can feel lost within themselves, not knowing how to self define and they tend to bend over backwards in front of others, not necessarily out of genuine caring but because they're only at peace when they make others feel good. It happens because due to their upbringing they were trained to find fulfillment in everything but their own selves. Meditation, spirituality and extreme boundaries are necessary for them to find any peace of mind, as their mind can't tolerate anything external that pollutes their energy field.
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itsawritblr · 9 months
Jenny Watson: "We can do it, so let's do it." Jenny outlines her plan for a female-only, lesbian space.
For my lesbian, bisexual women, and radfem Followers. Via Graham Linehan's Substack.
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For many decades, London was considered the global capital for lesbian nightlife. But you’d never know it if you visited the UK today. It’s not for a lack of British lesbian culture: I’m a lesbian, I’m involved in our country’s lesbian social scene, and I can assure you, it’s alive and well. What we lack at the moment are our own dedicated spaces. I think the UK needs once more to have lesbian-run, female-only community spaces. 
I’ve got an idea about how to make one such space a reality. And I believe I'm in a position to make it happen.
Over the past seven years, I've had the privilege of organising a range of lesbian social events in London. Throughout this time, I've made many connections in our community, gained an increasing understanding of our needs, and created social spaces that I hope go some way to meeting them. 
And in those seven years working to coordinate part of the the UK’s lesbian social scene, I’ve come to see how badly we need a dedicated, strictly female-only event space — now more than ever. 
Men have been encroaching on the lesbian community, and the problem is only getting worse. There’s been a sense of inevitability, that this is just something we have to learn to live with.
But I’ve had it.
In June, I skipped London’s official Pride festivities and instead visited an alternative, independent event at the Hampstead Ponds. It was a female-only picnic. Hundreds of women of all ages were gathered, from their teens to their eighties. And the sublime joy that I felt that day led me to a eureka moment:
We need this. We deserve this. This is our right. As lesbians and bisexual women, we have a right to social spaces that are entirely our own.
So, earlier this year, I decided to implement a women-only policy at my events. Although this sparked controversy, we ultimately received recognition from the UK’s largest pub operator that it is legitimate to hold women-only lesbian events - a real victory!
And then it suddenly dawned on me: we need more and not only do we need this, I can do this. I feel I have a good sense of the UK market for lesbian social events. So I crunched some numbers and developed a business proposal. I gauged interest and studied feasibility. And I’m excited to tell you: I believe this can work.
My plan involves establishing a private members’ club and securing a prime physical space in London. By day, this space will operate as a versatile hybrid workspace, becoming a venue hosting various social events in the evenings and weekends. Alongside these, we'll provide online events, and collaborate with service providers for health and wellness advice, fitness guidance, group trips, and more. Revenue will come from the events, partnerships, as well as from membership dues.
To the lesbian and bisexual women reading this: you’re welcome to get in touch with me if you’d like to learn more. There's an opportunity to invest if you’re interested, too. I’ve got a pitch deck I would be happy to show you and a fully fleshed-out, 50-page business plan. And I’m happy to report that there are already investors who have given the thumbs up. 
Following my announcement and inspired by the community's heartwarming response, I decided to introduce an early-bird membership programme. This includes a personalised QR-coded membership card for exclusive updates and access to a members’ discussion space. Joining early also signifies your part in accelerating our community's launch. 
Which brings me to another issue, and it’s a big part of the reason I’m writing this now: online critics. There’s a small but vocal group of people online who’ve been saying some pretty nasty and completely unfounded things about me. This group of people have taken to personal insults, and accusations that I’m a fraudster and a grifter.
I’m not entirely surprised to encounter pushback, but at the same time, the level of vitriol has been eye-opening.
But I try to put it in a bigger context: Lesbians have faced so much abuse, and for so long we’ve had to settle for having social spaces conditionally, on terms set by men. There’s a climate of distrust and fear looming over the lesbian community as a result. So much so that today the idea of even having one single space fully dedicated to lesbian and bisexual women seems so radical, some people’s initial reaction is that there’s got to be a catch.
I completely understand that a good dose of scrutiny, of tempering optimism with some degree of caution, is reasonable. It’s healthy. And it’s entirely welcome.
But personal insults and unfounded accusations are not. I know that emotions are running high, and we as a community are feeling beleaguered right now. But that’s no excuse to target my Irishness in personal attacks, for example. Or to target my business supporters with lies about me.
I'm not here to push or persuade anyone who doesn't feel the spark for this project. However, for those who do, our project investors' safety and security are crucial — capital funds are securely placed in escrow and I've teamed up with a business consultant who's right here supporting us until opening day. We’ve put together a solid business plan.
If anything, the tenor of some of the criticism I’ve faced only hardens my resolve: it just highlights how badly women need a space to unite us, to heal us in this difficult time.
It’s been upsetting to endure the smear campaign that a small online group has thrown at me… but my mind keeps going back to that Edenic afternoon at the Hampstead Ponds, where hundreds of women were gathered in serenity and harmony.
This will heal us. This will unite us. And it will make us all stronger. Lesbian strength comes through unity.
There are various ways you can help, but the most crucial one is spreading the word - our message is the most important part of this project. 
Other than that, as I mentioned earlier, if you are a lesbian/bi woman, there is the option to join as an early-bird member (however, this is not compulsory; you can wait until our opening). Additionally, there's the opportunity for investment or donation. I've prepared a comprehensive 50-page business plan and pitch deck available for those who are interested.
For a deeper understanding of the project, feel free to visit our website or you can email me at [email protected] 
Any form of support you can offer is immensely appreciated as we work towards making this a reality.  
We can do this. So let’s do it!
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reinen5astro · 1 year
Your Income Indicators According to Your Natal Birth Chart
One of the indicators of income is your 2nd house, particularly your 2nd house ruler.
For Part 2: [Career/Legacy Indicators according to your 10th House Ruler] - go here
~ First find the sign your 2nd house is in by pulling up your birth chart
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As you can see their 2nd House is in Pisces [I circled it + pointed to the line that indicates what sign it's in]. If you don't feel like pulling up your birth chart right now, you can just think of the sign after your rising sign. For example, a Sagittarius rising has their 2nd house in Capricorn [the sign after Sagittarius], while an Aries rising has their 2nd house in Taurus.
~ Next, look at the ruler of that sign. This is the ruler of your second house. I've written them down below
Aries: Mars
Taurus: Venus
Gemini: Mercury
Cancer: Moon
Leo: Sun
Virgo: Mercury
Libra: Venus
Scorpio: Mars and Pluto
Sagittarius: Jupiter
Capricorn: Saturn
Aquarius: Uranus and Saturn
Pisces: Neptune and Jupiter
~ Lastly, find what sign your ruler/rulers are in. My interpretations are down below.
2nd House Ruler In The...
1st House:
You are the prime creator of your own wealth. If you don't work for it, you're not going to get it. So have confidence and work hard ;). Also, your profession/the way you earn income may be related to the expression of your talents or the utilization of your own body.
2nd House:
Rapid acquisition of wealth awaits you. It will be incredibly easy for you to gain wealth. You can earn money through your own industry/business and your practical and realistic sense will aid you in your professional activity. This is also an indicator of a wealthy marriage as well.
3rd House:
Your income may be derived from a job/career that involves verbal as well as written communication, studies, travel, and also by working with a brother or sister if you have any, or another close relative. You also may work in teaching, particularly early education. Your peers, community, and siblings will aid you/earn you income. This is also an indicator of an inheritance from a sibling.
4th House:
FAMILY!! Your family could be a prime source of income for you [including your ancestors [especially your father or paternal side]]. Your income is related to your home, the city where you reside, and also to real estate in general. You may work at home or in professions such as interior decorator, gardener, farmer, or real estate ventures. You may also earn income from serving your country, such as working in government affairs or in the military. This is also an indicator of an inheritance from family members.
5th House:
Your income is related to creative endeavors, publications, entertainment, sports or arts, investments that imply certain risk or speculation, education, or children. You are likely to earn money through some pursuit that will offer satisfaction and pleasure. Your children may even aid you in your business ventures. You may work in fertility, Obgyn matters or in surrogacy. Consider turning your hobbies into a business because you will earn considerable income from them. However, I don't recommend gambling or doing investments that imply risk or speculation if the 2nd house ruler is Mars or is conjunct/opposite/square to Mars, it will have an adverse effect.
6th House:
Your income is related to the fields of sanitation, diet, health, hygiene, and nursing. Or occupying a subordinate position and organization in important companies. You may earn income from work in animal care or as a life coach or fitness coach as well. Your coworkers, associates, and employees will aid you in your quest for financial security :). This is also an indicator of an inheritance from an uncle or aunt.
7th House:
MARRIAGE period. This is a great indicator of financial security through marriage. If not, then your income may be related to an activity related to the public, such as commercials. You could also earn money involving legal affairs, such as contracts and agreements. Also, a great indicator of earning income from one-on-one partnerships/friendships. This is also an indicator of an inheritance from a spouse.
8th House:
Your income is related to the administration of other people’s resources, joint investments, banking, brokerage, insurance, or politics. There is a possibility of receiving an inheritance after a death. This position also favors profit by marriage. Or it could be fortune after an emotionally inharmonious marriage [take this with a grain of salt]. You also may work in the occult, such as an astrologer ;). You may work in investigative fields as well; you'd do amazing as a detective! You also may work in the sex or death industry.
9th House:
You can earn money in foreign trade, import and export, travel, tourism, or a liberal profession, science, philosophy or religion, or teaching in a university. Indicator of earning money from a degree too. You will have very profitable voyages [long term travel], so travel the world dearie! You may earn income from blogging too! [I have this placement as well and I truly want to go to college no matter how much it costs because I feel like I won't regret it [Pisces moon tings; my intuition is on point]. I'm even adamant on studying abroad as well. AND I want to work a professor too.]
10th House:
It's your choice :). Your income is related to any career or profession that you choose. Thanks to your daily effort, you will be able to establish a sense of achievement. This position enables you to earn money in some government capacity or politics or to acquire a profession of great social status. You will have a comfortable worldly position and will rapidly acquire wealth.
11th House:
You will have MANY influential acquaintances and their support will help you improve your income. Your income is closely linked with those of friends, your relationships, or activities that you perform in certain social groups. There is a possibility of earning money through administrative or political positions in social organizations. It would be a good idea to join/participate in social groups/activities/organizations as it will bring you income. You may also work in humanitarian activities, such as in the environment or the United Nations.
12th House:
Your income is related to some kind of service in connection with healing and welfare or helping the less fortunate. You may have difficulties evaluating your self-worth, which will impinge on your level of income. Evaluating your natural talents would bring even better financial opportunities [so get on that ;)]. This influence could bring confidential financial support but also may lead to clandestine or illegal business. Avoid any easy business that may imply some risk or commitment. There may be numerous difficulties in establishing the position [doesn't mean that it won't happen; with astrology nothing is impossible, it's just an obstacle]. However, if the ruler is Venus/Jupiter you will gain through farming and leases and will avoid these difficulties.
Alrighty, I hope you enjoyed!!
For Part 2: [Career/Legacy Indicators according to your 10th House Ruler] - go here
Anyways bye bye ;)
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adnauseum11 · 7 months
Check Point (John Price x Reader)
John makes dinner and you discuss decorating for the holiday.
1.1k words
CW: none - this is pure fluff. (Or is it?)
Feedback welcome!
This work is part of the S.N.A.F.U. series, the Masterlist is also pinned to my blog.
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John is like the cat that got the cream the entire next day. He’s never out of reach, not exactly hovering, but staying within arms-length. He eventually talks you into watching football with him, which you do, curled around each other for a few hours. He’s only vaguely sorry about the bruises on your thighs, but mindful of them when jostling with you for position on the couch so you can’t get too annoyed with him. 
He offers to cook dinner, so you occupy yourself by dragging your box of Christmas decorations out. It’s not big, and half of the box are vintage glass ornaments you are too scared to actually hang on a tree, the glass thin and fragile and the ancient wire hangers rusty. You look up at John after carefully setting the vintage ornaments aside, trying to gauge how receptive he would be to going shopping this close to the holidays. His eyes raise off his task to meet yours, like he can feel the weight of your gaze. 
“I don’t have any of the hardware needed to get a tree darling, I think that may have to be a task for next year.” 
John speaks before you can say anything. You press your lips together to keep from smiling at his allusion to next year, something warming in your chest at his easy projection into the future.
“That’s alright, I was actually wondering if you would consider coming shopping with me tomorrow? I shouldn’t be spending more money right now but all my decorations are old and you have approximately…?”  
You hold up your hand to John, indicating he should fill in the blank you have left at the end of your sentence. He understands without having to be prompted. 
“Right. Thank you.”
John sighs, going back to his task before replying.
“On a scale of one to ten, how necessary is this shopping? Worth dealing with the crowds?” 
You hum, thinking for a moment while you watch him work. You forget, sometimes, that John is a veteran with trauma. He’s so self-assured and confident that things like busy crowds and loud venues half the time don’t occur to you as potential triggers, just a normal course of life. A part of you knows that the landscape is different for John, last night being a prime example. 
“No, you know what, don’t worry about it. I can go on my own.” 
You cut him some slack, not wanting to put him through unnecessary hardship. That has him looking up at you again though, unexpectedly. He looks like he’s going to say something and then presses his lips together, redirecting himself to rolling a chicken breast around ham and cheese.
You don’t realize he’s still stewing on it until you’re setting up little reindeer figurines made of ceramics along the edge of the island where he’s working. 
“Do I get a say in any of this decorating?”
You look up at him, surprised. His face is serious, tracking your placement of the ceramic deer. 
“How do the deer offend, my lord?” 
You joke, unsure if John’s annoyed with the decorating itself or your choices. He shoots you a look that would probably have anyone else quailing. You raise an eyebrow, unimpressed with his grump and set the deer down in place firmly instead. 
“Don’t give me that look, what’s wrong with Vixen and Blitzen?” 
“Nothing.” He backpedals, but you aren’t having it.
“You wanted a say, let’s hear it then.” 
You gesture with your hand, encouraging him to come out with it. He straightens and looks at you steadily before surprising you again. 
“Why did you uninvite me?”
“Uninvite you? From what? Shopping?” 
You’re grasping at straws, trying to piece together what’s annoyed him about being let off from that particular task.
“Yeah. You asked if I wanted to go and then told me to forget it immediately. Is this because I don’t condone all that glitter?”
You can’t help the swell of affection that squeezes your heart, looking at him frowning down at you. His hands are held aloft, covered in chicken juices but you step into his side and wrap your arms around his waist tightly anyways. The snowman figurine with generous glitter had been a hard no from the former Captain when you had unpacked it. 
“No, it’s because I didn’t think it was fair to ask you to deal with the crowds. Your lack of festive spirit is a separate issue.”
“I can be festive.” He huffs, deflating slightly in your arms. 
“Say it louder so my snowman can hear you.”
He shoots you a look and you smile, patting his ribs before letting him loose again. 
“You can come if you really need to have a say, John. I just didn’t think it was worth putting you through all the hustle and bustle for just a wreath and some knick-knacks.”
“I know you; you say just a wreath and knick-knacks but you’ll be back here with more bags than you can carry if you’re unsupervised.”
That’s a fair point but you’ll be damned before you let John know that you agree. 
“Oh, well if I need saving from myself, I suppose you’re the man for the job.” 
You raise an eyebrow at him, casually placing another deer in the line-up. He shakes his head, wisely, focusing back on his work, placing the chicken on a baking tray.
“Trying to save the flat’s limited storage space, love.” 
“Hmm…I suppose I can believe that.” 
You agree easily, looking at him out of the corner of your eye. He smiles to himself, carrying on to wash his hands at the sink. You watch him, the strong lines of his back flexing under his old t-shirt as he moves. You can’t help picturing the way his back would look as he moves inside you and feel your belly swoop and face heat at the image it conjures in your mind. He turns to dry his hands and catches you staring, face flushed. He raises his eyebrows at you and tucks his chin, a look you know well as an unspoken question. The slow smile that curls across your face is anything but innocent. 
“How long is the timer set for?”
You can’t help asking, the thrill of teasing John perennial in your life, now with richer rewards for your trouble. He’s able to read your thoughts just as easily as you read him apparently because his answering grin is savage. 
“Long enough.” 
Your feet are moving before he’s finished speaking. 
Next Chapter
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password-door-lock · 2 months
As soon as Saeran gets his hands on his new driver’s license, he makes the drive into the city to pick you up from work.
A lot has changed since Saeran was first liberated from Mint Eye three years ago. After leaving the hospital, he was given a simple new identity, a passport inscribed with a name that did not belong to him. He could use it for doctors’ appointments and other necessary paperwork, but it did not permit him to operate a motor vehicle. For those first two years, it was clear that Saeyoung didn’t trust his brother in a car. He didn’t say those words exactly, but the sentiment was made obvious by his refusal to furnish Saeran with a driver’s license of any kind. 
A year ago, however, Saeyoung started to get more comfortable with the idea of Saeran driving, and he began to suggest that Saeran take the wheel for short trips between venues where law enforcement was not likely to be present. As Saeran’s natural red hair began to grow back in, Saeyoung began to grow more confident in the universal utility of his own falsified driver’s license, should the need arise for the twin behind the wheel to provide identification. He also came to understand that Saeran wasn’t likely to get pulled over, though he still had nerves about unsupervised trips. 
Then, everything changed. A few months after Saeran started driving again, somebody at C&R discovered a flash drive containing a file marked with Saeyoung’s name. Within a week, the Prime Minister was arrested for holding vast sums of money in offshore accounts. Within a month, such items as high treason, conspiracy, and even attempted murder were added to the list of charges. By the time the bastard was finally brought to justice, he was being held accountable for almost all of his crimes. 
This, at least, was what you reported from your conversations with top personnel at C&R— neither Saeran nor Saeyoung had any interest in opening the file knowing where it came from. Who it came from, in particular, but Saeran tries not to think about that. He’s come a long way, but his journey to healing and self-forgiveness is far from over. It’s better not to dwell on the things for which he still blames himself, especially not on happy occasions such as this one.
So now, Saeran has a brand new ID, and he can’t wait to show it to you. He drives Saeyoung’s least garish car— which is still painted an annoyingly bright color, but jewel-toned purple is a lot better than tomato red, lemon yellow, or neon fucking green— to your workplace and parks it outside. Saeran has practically memorized your schedule by now, so he knows he got here at the perfect time. Not only do you write your hours on the calendar hanging on the wall beside the spice cupboard in your kitchen, but you always make sure to call Saeran right away when you get done.
Like clockwork, his phone rings as soon as he shifts the car into park. “Hey,” he greets you. He’s not really one for gushy pet names, but you know this about Saeran already. “Don’t buy a train ticket.” 
“Why not?” You ask, sounding concerned. “Did something happen? Is there—”
“Nothing like that,” Saeran cuts you off, not wanting you to worry. He may not be the most vibrant person in the world, but that doesn’t mean he’s cold or heartless. “I’m outside.” 
He watches as you step out of your place of business. You look around, confused. “Where? I’m at the east side of the building, by the back entrance— are you out front? It might take me a minute to get over there.”
Saeran smirks, prepared to drop his bombshell. He’s looking forward to your passionate response. “I’m in the purple car.”
“The one with the after-market tail lights and the orange racing stripes?” 
Unfortunately, yes. “Mhm.” Already, Saeran is thinking about the possibility of getting his own car— he’ll be sure to pick a black one. Maybe grey, if he’s hard-pressed. Even a champagne-colored car would be better than this. 
“I only see one of you.” You rush over nevertheless, lugging your heavy work bag. Your phrasing is a bit awkward, but Saeran knows what you mean. You've never seen him behind the wheel before without Saeyoung also in the car. “Is Saeyoung hiding in the backseat? This isn’t some kind of prank is it, love?” 
Saeran’s lips twitch the way they always do when you call him love. Pet names and terms of endearment tend to feel clunky in his own mouth, even after all this time, but he doesn’t hate them when they come from you. “No. I’m waiting for you on my own.” 
You slide into the passenger seat and hang up the phone. “You’re telling me you voluntarily took the car with the after-market tail lights and the orange racing stripes?” 
Saeran wrinkles his nose. He likes when you’re silly, but he doesn’t want to hold you in suspense about his good news any longer. “I’m telling you I got this in the mail today.” He grabs his driver’s license and holds it out to you.
Your eyes widen as you read the text on the card. “Saeran… Choi,” you recite, “This is… this is your real name! Does that mean—” 
“The government knows about us now,” Saeran confirms. He and Saeyoung are finally free to exist out of hiding, living their own lives with their real names.
“Oh no, poor Saeyoung,” you contradict your utterance with a grin, handing the card back to Saeran, “He’s gonna have to start paying taxes now. So sad.” 
Saeran snorts. “C&R could still help him evade them.” He’s grown comfortable with your sense of humor after spending so much time with you. It’s nice to play back and forth now that he has a better understanding of the world he lives in.
“Well, see, now, that would just be tax evasion,” you laugh, easily and languidly, “Which is highly frowned upon, you know? Anyway, congratulations on your license. Now you can go anywhere you want, any time you want… with anyone you want.” 
“And I could get my own car,” Saeran muses. That’s going to be his next order of business, now that he’s told you the good news. 
“A black one, right?” You already guessed what he’d want without him having to tell you. “If you want, we can keep it at my building— we’ve got a garage. You know, just so it’s in the same place as your toothbrush and your library books and your significant other.” 
Saeran laughs at that, too. He knows you could be more subtle if you tried— you’re making this type of joke because you’d be perfectly content whether he accepted the offer or not. You've never pressured him to do anything before, and you're clearly not about to start now. “Now that I can prove I exist, you could add me to your lease.” That’s another thing he’s been thinking about a lot. He sleeps at your place most nights anyway, so it wouldn’t be very much of a change. 
“Well, that’s just common sense.” You lean over to kiss him on the cheek before pulling away. “Anyway, I’m starving— should we go get some dinner? But you’ve gotta drive, since I'm already buckled in." You make a big show of buckling your seatbelt.
Saeran rolls his eyes at your playful comment. He’s never felt more free.
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myheadhurtscutely · 11 months
With the Band -Rocker!Anakin Skywalker x Reader-
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First fic, kinda nervous (>ლ)
C ` Anakin Skywalker x Reader
Summary ` Anakin, your not boyfriend, boyfriend, has been touring around the area lately, and for some reason he seems like he just can't not have all eyes (and hands) on him..
!Warnings! ` Manipulation, Toxic!Anakin, Gaslighting, Love bombing, anakin just being an asshole in general. Cheating?? kinda. ANGST ANGST ANGST, tiny like smut references??
word count ` 1.6k
You guys weren't a thing. You knew that. He definitely made sure you knew that. You were his thing though. You knew that just as clearly.
Anakin had been touring for about three weeks now. His band was still stumbling through here and there, small faults, technical issues, band arguments. You saw it all. You had been there since day one. In highschool Anakin had made up his band consisting of Obi, his bassist. He was a shy kinda guy, didn't say much, but when he did it was nice to hear. His drummer- well nevermind his drummer changed every few weeks. Anakin was as stubborn as he was handsome. He saw it as His band, Obi was the only one who could tolerate his attitude. Anakin of course took the role of lead vocalist AND guitarist.
You had tried to join your freshman year of college as the guitarist, but your best friend, Anakin Skywalker, was just trying to help poor little you stay safe and focused on school. He told you he didn't want grubby hands thinking about you, and perverted eyes, feeling you up. You were just a girl. He made sure you understood. You were reasonably upset by this, but Ani fixed that after a couple of after show parties in the basements of venues... more specifically, the bathrooms.
It started as just a onetime thing. Both of you were intoxicated and you did what two friends, who have had undeniable chemistry since highschool after some alcohol and bud, do. Hook-up. It really was just flings here and there, Anakin bombed a test? Your phone would light up. 'hey r u busy rn?' Sure, you had an eight-page paper due by tomorrow, but yeah besides that you were free. free use. Anakin's drummer he got last Tuesday cussed him out and left? Ding! 'i need you rn'. You couldn't deny you're closest friend comfort. It was a vicious cycle. You felt awful, you really did. It was like you knew what he was doing, but you felt like there was no way out.. besides, he needed you. He also needed the 18 other girls around campus that rotated shifts in his bed when he wasn't playing gigs. But he told you, you were special, he meant it surely.
This night was special. It was the BIG gig. It was in the middle of the tour, the largest number of tickets sold at one of the biggest venues they could book. It was downtown at one of the smaller stages meant for local artist, but it was right next to the college nearby. Prime market. young women. pretty girls. desperate college chicks. Anakin knew what he was after by the end of this show, but you follow him obliviously up the stairs with your "v.i.p." pit pass behind him. Your already ripped stockings tearing on the metal fencing up the stairs. Anakin only hauled his guitar, refusing to help Obi and you carry any of the sound equipment. It's okay though, it's just cause he's hungover and his throats a little sore. Obi-wan grunts, hauling literally everything known to man, amps, cords, a random bass drum? Probably belonging to the drummer that left this past Friday. You held drinks, bags, clothes, food, and some lighting equipment. Anakin insisted on a fog machine also, which conveniently got left at home two hours away. God bless you Obi.
You dropped your stuff and rushed to give Anakin a peck on the cheek, which he quickly dismissed annoyedly. 'He's probably just stressed out,' you fought in an attempt to reason with yourself. After giving Obi-wan a thumbs up and a wishful good luck, you are quickly rushed off the wings of the stage, to the back of the pit. What the fuck? You could b a r e l y see the rail at the front of the stage through the sea of crappy highlights, and slutty tops. Oh well, lights come up, Anakins standing there, soaking up all of it. The attention, the lights, the sounds, the attention, the crowd, the attention, the attention, the attention. Excitement boiled in your stomach. Seeing him in his white tank top, stained with god knows what. His box bleached frosted tips at the very edges of his grown out hair. Sweaty and shiny from the lights, he was a sight to behold. An image to have every man and woman on their knees begging for a peek. You and Anakin knew that.
The set started out with his earlier tracks inspired by the likes of deftones and superhaven. His sweat dripped down from his chin, to his angular neck. His adams apple dancing with the runs erupting from his vocals. No one could admire him as deeply as you did. No one could appreciate his stage presence the way you did. Like the way the spotlight, contrasted harshly with his tanned skin, highlighting his carved cheeks and white teeth.
As he continued, you began to push your way to the front, fighting as if it was a ragging mosh pit at a Victoria's Secret perfume clearance sale. Clouds of vapor and smoke raised high creating Anakin's own fog machine. Second hand highs at these shows were a guarantee. Still pushing past sweaty bodies, with heavy drums and piercing guitar pounding in your ears, you slowly became disoriented. It was as if it was all hitting you, the meds were wearing off or something. you were suffocating, drowning in a large sea, with your only chance of safety just a few inches ahead.
You grab the rail.
Consciousness is regained and so is your composure. Smeared sweaty make up, clouds your vision, but you saw. You saw clear as day. He had leaned down from the stage and kissed her. Kissed her. Right on the lips. This was his song about you. You were the one with the beautiful eyes he sang about. You were the one he made listen to the strumming pattern of it till you could recite it like a scale. It was yours. For once it was yours. From him.
Glitter rained into your watery eyes, what a poor style choice. If only you would've known he'd kiss a beautiful brunette girl halfway through his set, you probably would've chosen a more neutral palette. Chasing whatever air remained in the world, you gasped, running out from the exit doors. It was already late. The only light illuminating onto your back was the exit sign and a streetlamp on the other side of the alley. The bands van was parked crookedly in a nook between the garbage cans and the dented fire hydrant. locked. Yay! and it was raining. You started to think that maybe you were in a dramatic romance novel. The rain really was just unnecessary. Regardless, you rampaged back into the back door, left unlocked in case of a fire. Storming up the steps, you could hear the unplugging of a turned on amp, causing a shrill amongst the chatty, squealing crowd. Anakin's figure became visible from the wings, Obi-wan following in after him. Without a thought going through your mind, you ran right up to him and slapped his chest. His head snapped in your direction, with his attention previously being on the cheering crowd behind him.
"Hey! What the fuck is your problem?" His arms throw themselves up in frustration.
"Don't play dumb with me, you fucking kissed her! You kissed her Anakin? You, you said that wouldn't happen." Your voice quivered as he mumbled, guiding the both of you out the door and into the rain, away from the scene you had just caused backstage.
His arms swarm you like an unwelcome crowd of bats. clouding your vision. In more ways than one. You thrashed but only for a second before completely crumbling in the man's arms. Sobs stained his disgusting tank top. Your cries drowned by the leaving crowd at the front of the building, and the heavy downpour casting you and Anakin in your own little shell.
"You know better than to expect me not to push the bands publicity. It might be better for you just to stay backstage from now on. Or go stay with one of your other guys when I do shows." How did his snide words warm you so sincerely...? He was right though. You knew better. You couldn't be upset; it was for the band. After he made it big, he'd be yours and yours alone. You knew the deal.
"m' sorry Ani, I just-"
"Don't call me that right now. You hurt my goddamn feelings." He shoves you away from his chest. "I was having a great show and then you came backstage screaming at me, putting on a pathetic show like always." He knew where to plant his knife and how to dig it around inside you. It cut you up completely. Every time.
You couldn't do anything but sob. Every show you'd go into it expecting a different outcome. You were the stupid one. You were the idiot. It was your fault. He was right and you knew it. There was nothing you could say to combat it. You just cried.
He paused for a moment. The both of you standing in the pouring rain. You, staring at the ground as he watched the rain fall. "fuck.." you could hear him curse under his breath.
"I'm sorry Anakin. really." He said nothing, dragging you back into his chest, kissing your forehead, swaying the both of you back and forth. His wet hair, dripping onto your nose after he pulls away slightly.
"Look at me," he takes your cheeks in his hands, "It's gonna be okay, just try to be better for me next time 'kay?" He finishes it off with a soft kiss to your puffed and dry lips.
"I love you." He hums in a lack of response.
Notes ` first fic, longer than i meant it to be, proof read before bed, so barely, thank youu <3 (hell if its anakin skywalker i will let him act this way, sure young man, be outta pocket..)
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userparamore · 1 month
hi! genuine question - why is it a disappointment that pmore performed at eras tour? i’m very neutral on taylor swift so i don’t really know the issues surrounding it. thank you in advance ❤️
i'm no taylor swift stan so i don't really want to, or have the energy to mention everything. but from a paramore fan perspective it's disappointing bc it's makes them come across as hypocrites. i've talked about this before and i don't want to get into it again but they've spoken up about climate change, hayley even jokes about root being about our planet "running out of time", they've partenered with REVERB on their this why tour (which i guess is a little greenwashing-ish but better than nothing). but this ends up being ungenuine when you tour with the artist who releases the most co2 emission out of every celebrity. the fact that she sued the kid who called her out for this, i think says alot about her as a person. paramore preaches about the shows being a safe place for everyone; all poc and lgbtq+. but then they tour with the prime example of white feminism, who only speaks up/comments on things if it affects her. and again with paramore claiming to be more political during the this is why album cycle, and expressed multiple times how important the diversity of their fans are etc. it does not seem genuine when they're praising an artist like taylor swift as much as they have been doing. i think that saying of: if you want to know someone, just look at who they choose to spend their time with, is very true.
another part of this and i think this is probably the biggest one for paramore fans in general is that the tours during this is why didn't include europe mainland (or asia). they toured only in uk&ireland for this is why, and then in interviews said they did an european tour. is the european tour in the room with us now? anyway, the last european mainland tour was jan 2018, and had only 3 dates that wasn't in the uk out of 8. so the last real european tour was summer 2017 with 18 dates. 6 of them was in the uk&ireland and 4 of the rest of the european dates were festivals leaving only 8 "real" concerts in mainland europe. lots of the countries on the eras tours, like italy, poland, switzerland etc paramore haven't played in over a decade (aka during the self-titled era). to have waited this long for them to tour and then for it to cost close to 400 dollars for a nosebleed ticket, if you even get a ticket, does not feel great. another thing is that for some of these countries paramore have made 2 albums since the last time they toured, and they've never had the opportunity to hear any of the songs from those albums live. as the opener act on the eras tour, paramore played 9 song. most of these were their greatest hits. as a paramore fan you obviously want to go to a concert to see them perform, but for that amount of money i think it's reasonable to want to hear other songs than still into you, ain't it fun and misery business. the setlist was catered to reach non-fans, and that's fine honestly, it would probably be worse for them to play songs "nobody" had heard, than the one's that had commercial success and makes them be able to have some crowd interaction.
either way, i don't think people would've been as disappointed by this tour if they had also announced an solo european tour. the argument that this will get them new fans and make them a bigger name doesn't hold water in my opinion bc paramore are already a big band. they're already a band who can sell out tours and big venues on their own.
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justfangirlstuffs · 1 year
Just a Touch
You managed to locate a dark and quiet corner. Leaning against the wall, you lightly pressed your forehead against the brick. A low sigh left you, the coolness feeling disgustingly good against your heated skin.
“Since when do canaries hide away in the dark?” a low, growling voice asked from behind you.
Cabaret AU Drabble You x Sun and Moon
It was nearing the evening and your fever hadn't let up. It was baffling how your skin could feel so hot and yet you were shivering under your blankets doused in sweat. Staying in bed was not an option, however. You still had a gig to perform. In the line of show business canceling a job, especially from higher-end establishments, was a beeline to career suicide. The show organizers and event managers did not care if you were sick or dying, they only cared about you showing up as promised. And if you broke that promise they would likely never invite you again. 
It was an incredibly unbalanced relationship where the performer was expected to show unfaltering dedication and loyalty, but the companies gave none of it back. No, in their eyes, you were lucky to be invited, they were doing you a favor, and woe be it upon you if you squander such generosity. So, you oh-so gracefully clambered your way out of bed, shuffled to your wardrobe, and wriggled into your work attire.
Normally you preferred to get dressed and dolled up at the venue but you'd rather not chance being too exhausted after the transit. You needed every drop of your energy for when you hit the stage. You put on your makeup, you curled your hair, you primped and primed until your mask of perfection was complete. Then you headed outside into the chilly dusk air to wait for the bus. 
You nearly drifted off a few times on the ride over, narrowly missing your stop. You focused on taking one steady breath after the other, one small step after another. Mind over matter that's all it was. Just put on a performance until the curtain closes then no one can judge or condemn you and say you didn't give it your all. The bright lights of the cabaret FazOurs burned your eyes and for a moment you swayed. Then you took a deep breath, swallowing down your misery, and put on your best-winning smile. You may not be on stage yet, but eyes were on you, which meant it was Showtime.
As you weaved your way through the patrons, you spotted one of your favorite people and one out of two reasons that you didn't have to completely force the smile on your face. Sun was in the middle of entertaining himself, keeping a handful of the patrons spellbound by how he flipped cups and poured shots from over his head without managing to spill a single drop on his immaculately clean bar table. You would have been content to watch all night long as those hands and fingers forced liquid -the most mercurial of all the elements as far as you were concerned- to flow and dance to his whimsies.
He finished off the drink, adding the literal cherry on top of the crystalline ice to the scattered applause of those seated nearby. Only when the crowd dispersed and Sun began casually wiping down the bar did you saunter your way over, feeling so proud that you managed not to tip over sideways in the process. As planned, the bartender's gaze was drawn to your approach and his already cheery demeanor brightened all the more.
“Doth my eyes deceive me, or hath an angel descended from the heavens themselves?”
“Oh, love, quite the contrary,” you said, sliding into one of the chairs, thankful to have something to rest on. “The very depths of hell spat me out and now you're cursed to suffer my alluring charms.”
“The gates of hell might not be so bad if it's your company I'm promised,” Sun mused.
What a charmer. Sun managed to spin flattery as easily as a spider spun silk threads. But no matter how lovely the canvas of webbing is, it was still meant for catching anything foolhardy enough to fly too close. You are not foolhardy, but you were daring, and you did so love to tempt fate.
“An eternity with you” You hummed softly. “They would have to rename hell to heaven and then everything would just collapse in on itself, natural order destroyed.”
This earned you a chuckle of amusement. “Disturbing the peace and order. Yes, that does sound very much like you.”
You smiled feeling a little too pleased with yourself perhaps.
“Are you tired, darling?” Sun asked suddenly.
The question jarred you a bit and you realized too late you were leaning rather heavily against the bar table. You straightened up in your seat. “Looks like you caught me. Just looking for an excuse to be closer to you. I suppose I'll have to be a little more discreet next time.”
Sun’s smile did not falter, though you could tell his gaze was far more assessing now, eyes searching for chinks in the armor that you'd woven for yourself. That just would not do. The last thing you needed was for him to worry over you. Although the sentiment was sweet, you couldn't risk him thinking that you were incapable of performing.
“Well, as much as I hate to go and leave you lonely, I need to slip backstage to prep for the big opening number.” You slid off the bar stool and began making your swift retreat. “Try not to miss me too much.” 
You heard Sun call out: “break a leg.”
In the back halls lined with dressing rooms other performers were already getting prepared. You were thankful you'd done yourself up ahead of time, even if it meant your curls wouldn't be quite as springy and your makeup might be a little flaked. Under the bright lights of the stage, no one would notice and you didn't plan to get up close and personal with anyone. Not tonight.
You managed to locate a dark and quiet corner. Leaning against the wall, you lightly pressed your forehead against the brick. A low sigh left you, the coolness feeling disgustingly good against your heated skin.
“Since when do canaries hide away in the dark?” a low, growling voice asked from behind you.
Ah, and there he was, your second reason to smile through the pain and misery. Straightening up, you opened your eyes to see a halo of soft red light surrounding you. Turning, you grinned up at the face of your favorite piano player, Moon. As usual, his hands were tucked away in his pockets; they seemed to live there when he wasn't at his piano playing.
“Who said I was hiding?” you asked coyly. “You don't think I stood here intentionally waiting for you to come find me? Tsk tsk, shame on you, falling right into my trap.”
Moon leaned down, his gaze scrutinous. Like Sun, he was rather tall and easily towered over you. Another nice thing about makeup, it would hopefully hide the fact that you were flushed like a ripe tomato. “Why do I get the sense you're up to no good?”
You laughed. “Dearest, have you MET me?”
He made a harrumph sound, but his posture was slightly more relaxed as he leaned back from you. “Yes, I have. Still questioning that decision.”
“A shame, because I would relive our first meeting 1000 times over given the chance.”
A growling scoff was his answer, one of his hands leaving the safety of his pockets in favor of pulling the front tip of his fedora down to hide his eyes. You inwardly chuckle. Moon wasn't quite as apt when it came to volleying compliments as his sunnier counterpart.  
Just then you heard the stage coordinator call out, “Places everyone!”
You skirted around Moon. “Hope you can still keep up with me.”
He trailed behind you, and you're certain he called you a brat under his breath. You took your place on stage while Moon seated himself at the piano. You took deep breaths, doing your best to not sway on the spot as the announcer hyped up the crowd for the show. Then the music started, the trilling notes of the piano flowing and weaving into a wild melody. You longed to watch those fingers dance over the ivory keys, but you needed to focus. The curtains parted, light-flooded your vision and you could hardly see. The faces were darkened and blotted out by the mixture of shadows and your own blurring vision. But it was fine because you were a performer. You didn't need to see the audience, all that mattered was they saw you, and so you needed to be perfect.
You took one more steadying breath and belted out the first line of lyrics. It was all or nothing now.
When Sun had wired a message to Moon that something was off with their star performer, the latter was of course put on edge. For one thing, performances at the FazOurs were the prime priority. They were the establishment's pride, and thus no one could afford to fall short. More importantly, however, the thought of something being off with you rankled him more than it should. He was also very aware that this detail shouldn't have been more important to him, yet it was. Sun and Moon had agreed when this whole mess started: nothing should be more important than focusing on their jobs so they could get out. And yet... there you were, and with just a smile and a wink, you kicked all rational thought out the window.
They weren't idiots. They were smart enough to at least try to keep a professional distance. Yet you spoke sweetly to them. You flirted with them. You treated them with kindness. You treated them like people instead of objects. You were, in a very sad and literal sense, their only friend. Yet that was a dangerous truth they couldn't afford to voice to you, nor were they allowed to touch you, due to their very strict protocols about having physical contact with human clientele, and consequentially, they couldn't allow you to touch them either.
Moon hadn't even been able to look you in the eye when you'd so casually reached out to touch his shoulder in a gesture of comfort, only to reflexively cringe away from you. He didn't want to suffer what look you might have been wearing, and later he cursed himself for being such a coward.
Now he watched you perform from his place at the piano, stealing quick and subtle glances so as not to draw attention where it should not be, for he should never be the focus. Earlier, the subtle signs of perspiration and hints of flush behind the makeup had been suspicious to him, however, you had the hop-step going and your singing was true as always.
The two of you pushed your way up the crescendo, and it was moments like these Moon knew Sun would envy him for. The moments where you and Moon were working in tandem to create something to mesmerize and spellbind the audience. Sometimes, he missed the spotlight, but for you, he didn't mind playing a more supporting role. Not when you had so much overflowing passion to give.
You belted out the last note, the air shaking with your well-placed vibrato and you struck your final pose. The audience erupted into applause, several of the patrons standing from their seats. You bowed and stayed there until the curtains closed. You didn't rise as Moon had expected. Instead, you fell with a soft thud onto the wooden stage.
There was barely any time for him to actually process his thoughts into a decision before his body had leaped from his bench and he was at your side. The other performers who were next up began to crowd around you, shocked and murmuring. Moon assessed the situation, eyes scanning and evaluating until his systems came to a conclusion that issued this as an emergency situation, allowing him to override the 'no touch' protocol. He placed a hand on your forehead and his sensors detected that you had a high-grade fever. He inwardly cursed, both himself for not noticing your distress and you for hiding it so well.
Moon lifted you off the floor, cradling you in his arms. “Out of the way,” he barked, and the other humans were quick to clear a path for him as he made his way to the back rooms.
At his perch at the bar, where he saw all and everything, Sun was humming to himself as he cleaned his glasses for the third time and his bar table for the fifth. You had been resplendent as always, and your performance was impeccable. Perhaps he'd been worried for nothing. You did have a habit of throwing him off kilter, much to his amusement and chagrin. You always kept him guessing, something that made you both intriguing and dangerous.
You were kind and friendly to everyone you met. Well, everyone who you felt deserved it. Somehow, he and Moon had fallen into two of those lucky few. At first, Sun found your flirting to be cute, if not somewhat insincere. However, after enough back and forth, he'd come to enjoy your witty banter and lavish compliments. For most, he was just a bartender. Someone who people tended to offload all their problems and woes. But you? You'd been the first person to ask him, “And how has your night been going?” Such a simple and unassuming question, yet it was thoughtful, and it made him feel seen.
Just as he was about to take some orders, his eyes caught sight of his counterpart. With you in his arms. Unconscious.
He flashed the waiting patrons a smile. “Apologies, folks, but it seems I need to refill the ice tub.”
No one questioned the fact that it was still half full with the speed Sun uses to evacuate himself from the bar to go investigate. He catches sight of Moon heading to their quarters and tails him, ice bucket still tucked under his arm.
“What’s happened?” Sun asked in a hushed whisper as he slipped into the room behind Moon.
“They’re sick, feverish. It’s bad,” he muttered, not looking at Sun as his eyes scanned the room for an appropriate place to rest you.
The room was minimally furnished, as they weren’t allowed much in the way of comfort, there was a couch. It had several stains that hadn’t come out despite their efforts, so Sun asked Moon to wait whilst he took a few of the costumes and laid them out as a makeshift cover. 
Moon set you gently down. You moaned softly, but your eyes remained screwed shut, your breathing labored. “I can’t stay,” Moon muttered, one of his hands lingering on the delicate curve of your wrist. The words were soaked with bitterness and Sun understood why.
“Go perform the next number,” Sun told him. “That’ll give me some time. Folks won’t mind not getting drinks for a bit if they’re being entertained.”
Moon grumbled but he nodded. His hand left yours, and the reluctance was evident in the twitching and curling of his fingers. He left, shutting the door behind him. Sun got to work taking some of the ice from the bucket and wrapping them in towels and placing them against your neck. You shivered and moaned again and he slipped off his jacket and draped it over you in the hopes you’d be at least a little more comfortable. He continued to dab around your face and forehead with an ice-cold cloth. For a moment your eyes flutter open, wide but not quite lucid.
Sun stole a moment to brush his thumb over your face. It was a moment that should have never belonged to him, yet he indulged in it all the same so he could later cherish it when your touch was no longer in reach.
“You stay strong, little songbird. Okay?”
You give a soft nod. “Mm-hm.”
Sun's hand carefully moved the damp cloth over your forehead. “You didn't think to maybe call in sick?” he asked, a thinly veiled layer of scolding in his tone.
“What? And miss seeing your darling faces?” You forced out, giving him a heavy-lidded smile, no doubt to mask the immense discomfort you were in. “Perish the thought.”
Sun made a huffing sound. He wanted to laugh, but he didn’t want you to think that any of this was okay. “This place isn’t worth killing yourself over.”
“I’m tired,” you breathed out, and it was probably the most honest thing you’ve said all night. So honest it shook him more than any of your flirty remarks. “How about you keep playing doctor and we’ll talk about this later, hm?”
“Of course,” Sun conceded. “Later then.”
“So, is it as nice as you dreamed?” you asked.
“Touching me.” You flashed him another laughing smile, despite the weariness in your eyes. “I know it’s certainly better than I’d imagined.”
Sun sighed. If it weren’t for the smile already stretching his face, he would have had to fight to mask the one your words had elicited. “You said you’re tired. Rest now. I’ve… we’ve got you.”
“I know you do,” you murmured.
Your eyes slid shut and before long your breathing evened out. Meanwhile, outside, the big musical number was winding down. He needed to return to his post.  He grabbed himself a fresh jacket, letting you keep using his other as a blanket. You would be safe in their room, with no one to disturb you while you rest.
Your sleep was restless and you’re pretty sure you rolled over to vomit at one point. You had very vague recollections of pleasant cold hands on your shoulders, supporting you whilst your stomach emptied itself of what little contents it had, before gently laying you back down. You didn’t think you dreamt of cool digits brushing your neck and forehead and sweet words of comfort whispered in your ear.
Your skin felt like it was harboring a furnace and your body ached like you’d been run twice over by a cab. Any time you tried to sit up your world tilted and spun, and you were resigned to flop back like a dead fish, close your eyes and surrender to blackness where you could find a brief reprieve in your suffering.
The next time you came to, you could hear the voices of your two favorite boys going back and forth with one another.
“...let them stay sleeping here?” 
“How are we supposed to get them home?”
“There’s always the hospital.”
“No,” you croaked out, wincing at how pathetic you sounded. “No hospital.”
Both Sun and Moon stopped their conversing, their attention going to you. Sun was immediately at your side whilst Moon hung back. His body was hunched, restlessly shifting back and forth, like an old bad habit he couldn’t quite shake.
The yellow and cream digits pressed against your forehead and throat and you reflexively sigh at how good they felt against your feverish skin. “Your fever hasn’t broken, and you haven’t been holding down fluids.” Sun's voice was soft, but it had a firmness to it that was trying to make you see reason.
“I’ve suffered worse, I’ll be fine,” you insisted, doing your best to give him a smile of reassurance. “Have at least a little faith in me.”
Sun leaned forward until his blue optics were practically boring into yours. “Darling, you can’t fool me. You’re not fine. You’ve barely any strength. I’m telling you this, for your own sake, you should go to the hospital where you can get proper treatment.”
You just nodded along with what he was saying, until you leaned up, closing the inch or two of space and pressing your lips to his smile. You’re not certain what possessed you to do it. Could be the fever. Could be to derail him from thoughts of taking you to see a doctor. Or it could be that some part of you had been yearning for it for some time now. You felt Sun’s body lock up for a brief moment and heard a static warble of surprise from across the room before you felt the slightest pressure against your mouth in return.
When you parted from the kiss, Sun’s gaze had gone completely white. “Sorry, love. I needed you to stop speaking nonsense for a bit.”
Moon’s eyes were dilating from red to black, staring in disbelief, his body rigid, as though it had been him you had sprung the surprise kiss on. Your gaze returned to Sun who was still white-eyed and unmoving.
“Oh dear, did I cause you to malfunction? I didn’t think I was THAT good.” You gave a weak chuckle at your own humor.
You reached out to touch his face, maybe stroke his cheek, but his hand caught yours. Not roughly, no, it was incredibly gentle. The blue of his eyes steadily returned, and you couldn’t quite fathom their gaze. Did he seem… conflicted?
“In all seriousness,” you said. “If you even think of arranging to have me sent to the hospital, I will claw my way out of here and all the way home if I have to.” You shot a glare at Moon, making sure he understood as well.
A static huff of a noise emitted from Sun’s voicebox. “What exactly do you have against doctors?”
“Take me on a date sometime and I might tell you all about it,” you said sweetly, or as sweet as you could manage given how rough and hoarse your voice sounded.
This time, Moon was the one to sigh in annoyance. You knew to them you were probably just being a pain in the ass, an inconvenience. But you could not risk going to a hospital and having it ruin everything.
“Sun, go get them,” Moon said gruffly.
Sun met Moon’s gaze briefly, and you could tell there was a secret conversation happening. It made you just a touch nervous. Sun rose to his feet whilst Moon approached where you lay.
“Get who? Where are you going?” you asked, trying to sit up.
Blue and white digits settled on your shoulder, gently but firmly pushing you back down. “The manager keeps a stash of meds for emergencies. He probably won’t miss a few, and they might help with the pain and the fever.”
There was that paranoid part of your brain that suspected this may be a trick just to placate you, but you decided to trust them. You wanted to trust them with this much at least. You watched Sun leave the room, while Moon picked up a water bottle and held it to your lips. You cringed away out of reflex. In your line of profession, you’d been taught to never accept an open glass or bottle you hadn’t opened yourself or at least seen prepared.
“Drink,” Moon ordered. “Or I will carry you out of here and cart you to the hospital myself.”
You eyed him sullenly, unsure if he could and would actually deliver on that threat. You didn’t want to risk it and thus allowed him to tip some liquid into your mouth. The water felt good on your parched throat and even better as it slid down into your empty belly. You drank a few more swallows before he seemed satisfied.
“Try to keep it down this time,” he muttered.
This time? Boy, you must really have been out of it. He took one of the damp washrags and began dabbing around your forehead and neck area. His touch was far more measured and deliberate than Sun’s you noticed, like he was worried he might accidentally break you. You released another sigh at how pleasant of relief the coolness was, wondering how the rag could stay wet against the inferno blazing on your skin. You really were a mess. You’d never wanted them to see you like this, so weak and pitiful.
“Why did you hide it?” Moon asked, his low gruff voice sounding… angry? Hurt? No, he was probably just irritated because of your stubborn refusal to accept professional medical treatment. “You could have told me. Us.”
“It wouldn’t have made a difference, love,” you told him, honestly. “I still had to perform.”
“You didn’t.”
“Yes, I did.” You say that bit with a hard bitterness, but your hand reached out to brush his arm. “I’m touched though. It sounds like you’re actually worried.”
A growl of static preluded his next words. “Of course I am.”
Oh… for a moment you were stunned speechless. But of course, there was no way he meant it the way you wished he would. Your being ill had been a risk to the establishment’s reputation. If you had fainted dead away in the middle of your performance, it would have caused an issue. You’re being here now was causing issues.
“I’ve got a little trick to help get rid of worries,” you said, a plan hatching in your brain. After all, you didn’t want to play favorites between the two of them, it would be terribly unfair.
“And what’s that?” he asked, his gaze suspicious but intrigued.
“Help me sit up?”
“You should be resting.”
“It’ll be only a moment, dearest.”
He sighed but decided to play along, surprisingly. His hand slid under your back and eased you up into a sitting position. You leaned on him so as not to sway. Glancing up, you lifted a hand and crooked your finger at him, beckoning him closer. If he knew what you were up to, he didn’t show it as he leaned down. Closer… closer… until you were able to take hold of his tie and lean up just enough to close that pesky gap. His sharpened teeth had a unique texture against your mouth, and you felt the hand on your back very subtly pull you closer before he suddenly jerked away.
Once more, his optics were shifting from red to black, as though his processors were having difficulties comprehending what just happened. “You’re playing a very dangerous game, little canary,” he growled.
“I always am,” you replied cheekily.
“Ahem.” The mock sound of a throat clearing attracted both of your gazes. Sun had returned. 
With Moon’s help, you reclined back down on the sofa, his silken tie sliding from your grasp. Neither of them discuss what Sun just walked in on, but you wondered if maybe you just couldn’t hear it, or perhaps it was a discussion that would be saved for later when your ears weren’t present. A shame, you would have liked a bit of feedback. You supposed you’d just have to settle for the fleeting moments of reciprocation.
Sun approached you with a couple of small pills resting in his palm. “These should help.” Once more you were forced to accept assistance as he tipped the pills into your mouth, with Moon having you chase it with a few more drinks of water.
The rest of the night and morning passed with minimal chatter, as the pair of them insisted you save your strength and sleep. You acquiesced, though not before sneaking in a couple more teasing remarks about them just wanting to watch you sleep. You don’t know if anyone else was privy to your presence in their room, but no one, save for them, ever intruded upon you while you rested. At one point, you awoke to find Sun absent and Moon was in the corner. He was sat up, but his eyes were blank and a cord was sticking out of his back. He was… charging? You couldn’t help but stare, in awe of how vulnerable he seemed, and even more so he’d be willing to be in such a state with you there. 
Searching around, you found your bag resting nearby and snagged it. From inside you pulled out a pocket watch, and it read that it was midmorning. The cabaret would be closed. Perfect time for you to sneak out. You still felt hot, and tired, and a bit winded, but some of your energy had trickled back. You could make it to the bus station, you could make it home. Much as you hated leaving without a word, you worried Sun and Moon might not let you leave in your current condition, and you didn’t want to raise suspicion with your watchdog/landlord by being unexpectedly absent for too long.
Still, you decided it couldn’t hurt to take a couple of souvenirs. You wrapped Sun’s jacket around your shoulders and shuffled over to where Moon sat. His shirt and suspenders were undone, and his tie had been set aside. You picked it up and pocketed it. Before you made your escape, perhaps it was only fair you left something behind in exchange. 
You removed your set of star-shaped earrings, setting them down in place of the tie. One for each of them. A small ‘thank you’ for them taking such wonderful care of you. Slipping out of the room, you took care not to run into anyone as you snuck out the back doors and into the brisk morning, the sunlight far too bright after the pleasant dimness of their bedroom. You made your way to the bus stop, hoping the boys won’t be terribly sour about your sudden departure. You’d find a way to make it up to them. They wouldn’t be rid of you that easily.
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thebusylilbee · 2 months
[...] Preuve qu’il n’a pas pour idée de se remettre en cause, le président de la République a invité ce jeudi 25 juillet à l’Élysée pour déjeuner un parterre de grands patrons internationaux venus pour la cérémonie d’ouverture des Jeux olympiques (JO) et paralympiques (JOP) afin de les rassurer sur ses intentions pro-business. Un signal politique clair de la part de celui qui est accusé, bien au-delà des rangs de la gauche, de faire sécession avec les plus riches. Étaient présents à l’Élysée Elon Musk, patron du groupe automobile Tesla et soutien de Donald Trump, James Quincey (Coca-Cola), Joseph Tsai (Alibaba), Brian Chesky (Airbnb), Shou Zi Chew (TikTok), Lee Jae-yong (Samsung) Aditya et Lakshmi Mittal (ArcelorMittal), ou encore Neal Mohan (YouTube). Côté français, Bernard Arnault (LVMH), Nicolas Namias (BPCE), Alexandre Bompard (Carrefour) ou encore Sébastien Bazin (Accor) étaient également conviés. [...] Pas de remise en cause  Selon une conseillère élyséenne qui a parlé à l’AFP, Emmanuel Macron a, lors du déjeuner, voulu « rassurer » tous les patrons inquiets après des élections législatives désastreuses pour son camp politique, en se portant garant que ses réformes structurelles (baisse de la fiscalité sur le capital et les plus riches, flexibilisation du marché du travail, chômage, retraites…) ne seraient pas remises en cause.  Une conseillère de l’Élysée a précisé à l’AFP qu’Emmanuel Macron avait « expliqué les choix qui ont été les siens, avec notamment la dissolution » de l’Assemblée nationale, tout en les « invitant à continuer à investir dans notre pays ». Elle a aussi précisé qu’Emmanuel Macron leur avait donné « des gages » sur le fait qu’il a, lui, « l’attractivité chevillée au corps », et que cet élément serait « non négociable » lors des débats parlementaires à venir. [...] [C’est] cette idée « d’attractivité » qui gouverne la politique d’Emmanuel Macron et lui permet de justifier sa politique de l’offre, sans jamais questionner les plus de 160 milliards d’euros d’aides publiques distribuées chaque année aux entreprises qui creusent le déficit. Pacte législatif sans compromis  Autre preuve du déni démocratique en matière d’économie : ce mardi 30 juillet, Les Échos ont révélé les grandes lignes du « pacte d’action » prévu par le toujours premier ministre Gabriel Attal pour travailler avec d’autres forces politiques sur un « pacte législatif commun »... qui n’a de commun que le nom.  Le groupe macroniste, qui s’est renommé Ensemble pour la République (EPR), propose certes d’améliorer le pouvoir d’achat, principale préoccupation de la population. Mais nulle idée, pour ce faire, de rehausser le Smicà 1 600 euros net, comme le propose la gauche, ou de réinvestir dans les services publics. Il s’agit juste de poursuivre la politique déjà engagée depuis 2017.   Le groupe EPR propose en effet, selon Les Échos, une revue des exonérations de cotisations sociales pour rapprocher le salaire net du salaire brut et inciter aux augmentations. Soit ce qui était déjà prévu depuis l’automne dernier, via la mission qui avait été confiée par Élisabeth Borne aux économistes Antoine Bozio et Étienne Wasmer. Le parti présidentiel planche aussi sur une mesure visant à un meilleur « partage de la valeur » et à une amélioration de la « prime d’activité », également dans les tuyaux bien avant la dissolution de l’Assemblée nationale. Les Échos nous apprennent enfin que le groupe EPR promouvra la « continuité sur la politique économique, avec une stratégie activité, emploi et croissance pour accélérer la réindustrialisation et inciter à la reprise d’emploi avec une réforme de l’assurance-chômage ». Bref, de compromis en économie, il n’y aura pas du côté de la Macronie. 
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milliemuus · 8 months
Possible future stuff (just a snippet ;) ):
Dokutaro: ‘No…no! Impossible! How is my power core destroyed?!’
Kieran: Wait, his colour’s weird, this means, maybe we have a chance now? If so, then…
Ogerpon: *angrily growls while bringing out her cudgel*
Kieran: *puts his hand, blocking Ogerpon* *with rage* No,I’ll take care of this.
*Grabs Dokutaro’s neck while the True Finale starts*
Who are you… To think that could prevail? For all the sins you’ve done, You'll fall on your face and FAIL!!!! Now then! And In The Final hour our HOPE STILL SHINES!! BLINDING THE DARKEST OF NIGHTS… IN THE FINAL… FIGHT!!
You’ll never harm anyone again Like the runt you were, You may have possessed me and and made me harm my family! But when YOU harm my friends?! You're asking for a Kieran smacking! One single KO punch, Will send you sorry runt a-packing!
*Finally, in a fit of rage, Kieran mustered up all his strength, and punched Dokutaro, sending him flying in the air. Finally the second attack is over, but it truly was a Grand Finale*
(v) PV! Pecharunt: And that’s how I got my ass handed by my Kieran.
@tealmaskmybeloved Pecharunt: *grimaced* sheesh, I hope you’re alright.
S&S Dipplins Pecharunt: Now you’re making me feel that I got off easy…
Azure Dive Pecharunt: *curious* Really? What happened?
S&S Dipplins Pecharunt: Well, let’s just say my Kieran was AN ABSOLUTE SIMP, somehow, his simping was able to shrug off my possession for a short while, but it’s really tiring, ugh, I’m SO TIRED…*internally screaming*
Azure Dive Pecharunt: ohhhh, that sounds really annoying to deal with.
(so, ANOTHER IDEA, AND A SNIPPET OF THE PECHAS. So, you said most of your stuff is inspired by BIS, so another lyrical stuff by Juno Songs (credits to him) for Kieran in the Key Change segment. Also, I changed a few things to fit the context)
(and this could be a sequel’s ending since, the final battle is sort of discussed already)
(so maybe?)
(Also, opportunity for the Pechas to interact :), also if S&S Dipplins Pecharunt confusing you, you can go to @dipplinduo and see the asks, he’s the author of the fanfic)
I LOVE THIS IDEA! I'M FINALLY GETTING TO ANSWER BUT I RLLY NEED TO LISTEN TO THIS SONG! I'VE BEEN Listening to the actual BIS soundtrack, and smth funny I've been thinkin abt is a mario-rpg style thing of Project Venus.
So, you know how in BIS the music changes depending on whether you are bowser or the brothers? Esp inside bowser? I wanna make themes based off the inside bowser themes for Kitakami, BB Academy, Area Zero, etc for PV!Kieran, since his POV is technically warped. Like when we first meet him, it's obvs gonna be normal, but it slowly but surely settles in as time goes on because I wanna say there's a side episode of him training (Like Bowser Jrs Journey was a side episode)
I'd love for everyone's Pechas to interact! I'm a bit intimidated even tho I'm mutuals with both dipplinduo (I believe) and I am definitely mutuals with tealmaskmybeloved!
However, I don't think I've heard much abt Azure Dive, but I hella love the name 👀
I wanna find out more abt them, though! I don't see them on my tl much and I get busy, but I'd love if you told me a buncha stuff, if you'd like to! You're definitely not obligated to, by any means!
Also, I'm very sure that PV!Pecha wpuld get the walloping if a lifetime for sure! Maybe not just by Kieran himself, but by Kieran's ancestor, too 😭
In fact, I think that's what I want PVs Mochi Mayhem to be about! Uncovering Pecharunt and Kieran and Carmine's ancestry with Eustace (The Mask Maker) and the sealed curse that Pecharunt has him under! Ooooghh, givin me so many ideas...
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sunshinesmebdy · 6 months
Venus in Aries: Passion, Innovation, and a Pinch of Impulsiveness in Business
Calling all bold entrepreneurs and financially adventurous souls! Buckle up, because Venus, the planet of love, beauty, and prosperity, is setting hearts (and wallets) on fire with its fiery transit through Aries. This dynamic duo ignites a potent mix of passion, initiative, and a dash of impulsiveness, influencing how we approach business and finances from April 5th onwards.
The Aries Influence: A Bold Leap Forward — Taking Calculated Risks with Venusian Fire
Typically, Venus thrives in diplomacy and collaboration. But under the fiery influence of Aries, the ram’s sign, expect a more assertive and action-oriented approach. This is a time to chase exciting ventures, launch innovative products, and negotiate deals with confidence. Don’t be afraid to take calculated risks, but remember, calculated is the keyword. Aries’ impulsiveness can lead to hasty decisions, so thorough research and a well-defined strategy are crucial before diving headfirst.
Venus, in its usual celestial dance, prefers the harmonious tango of diplomacy and collaboration. It thrives in building partnerships, fostering agreements, and creating a win-win scenario for all involved. Think of Venus as the ultimate negotiator, charming its way to mutually beneficial deals.
But enter Aries, the bold ram. This fire sign is all about taking charge, initiating action, and pushing boundaries. When Venus finds itself nestled in Aries’ fiery domain, a fascinating shift occurs. The diplomatic charm takes a backseat, replaced by a more assertive and pioneering spirit. This isn’t about forceful domination; it’s about confidently pursuing your vision and taking decisive steps to make it a reality.
Here’s how this plays out in business and finance:
Chasing Exciting Ventures: The Aries influence awakens a thirst for adventure. You might find yourself drawn to groundbreaking ideas, innovative products, or untapped markets. This is a prime time to explore new business ventures that ignite your passion and set you apart from the competition.
Launching with Confidence: The usual Venusian caution around launching something new gets a makeover. Aries’ confidence is contagious, making you more likely to take the plunge and present your ideas to the world. However, remember, confidence doesn’t negate preparation. Develop a solid launch strategy, ensure your product or service is market-ready, and then go forth and conquer!
Negotiating with Fire: The collaborative spirit of Venus gets a dose of healthy assertiveness. When negotiating deals, you’ll be more comfortable advocating for your worth and confidently stating your terms. This doesn’t mean throwing out ultimatums, but rather, approaching negotiations with a clear understanding of your value and what you bring to the table.
The Calculated Risk Factor:
This is where the “calculated” part becomes crucial. Aries’ impulsive nature can sometimes lead to rushing headfirst into situations without proper planning. Think of a ram charging towards a tempting patch of grass, oblivious to the potential dangers lurking around.
Here’s how to maintain balance:
Research Before You Leap: Before getting swept away by your newfound entrepreneurial spirit, conduct thorough research. Understand the market, analyze potential risks and rewards, and develop a clear plan of action.
Seek Expert Advice: Don’t be afraid to consult with experienced professionals or mentors. Their guidance can help you navigate the complexities of your venture and mitigate potential pitfalls.
Embrace Calculated Risks, Not Recklessness: Taking calculated risks is a fundamental part of business growth. However, there’s a fine line between calculated and reckless. Use your Venusian charm and finesse to assess risks objectively, only venturing into situations with a well-defined strategy for success.
By harnessing the assertive energy of Aries while maintaining the strategic planning of Venus, you can leverage this transit to turn bold ideas into thriving ventures.
Financial Flair with a Competitive Edge: Investing with Venusian Fire in Aries
Venus, the planet of love and beauty, typically steers us towards indulging in the finer things. We might treat ourselves to luxurious experiences, invest in timeless pieces, or simply appreciate the finer things in life. However, when fiery Aries enters the picture, this Venusian indulgence takes on a more competitive and action-oriented twist.
From Retail Therapy to Investment Savvy:
The usual urge to splurge on that designer bag might still be present, but a stronger pull towards financially empowering activities will emerge. This transit ignites a desire to see your money grow and work for you. Here’s how this financial flair manifests:
The Rise of the Side Hustle: The entrepreneurial spirit of Aries awakens a desire to create additional income streams. This could be the perfect time to launch that side hustle you’ve been dreaming of, whether it’s monetizing a hobby, offering freelance services, or starting a small online business.
Calculated Moves in the Market: The Venusian influence on investments gets a makeover. While Venus usually favors stable, long-term investments, the boldness of Aries encourages you to explore options with higher growth potential. This could involve diversifying your portfolio with stocks in innovative companies or exploring calculated ventures like angel investing.
Remember, Responsible Risk is Key:
It’s important to remember that responsible risk-taking is a world away from reckless gambling. Don’t be tempted to throw your money into the first flashy opportunity that comes your way. Here’s how to maintain a balanced approach:
Do Your Research: Before investing, conduct thorough research. Analyze the potential risks and rewards, understand the market trends, and ensure the investment aligns with your overall financial goals.
Start Small & Diversify: If you’re venturing into unfamiliar territory, start small and diversify your investments. This way, you can limit potential losses while still experiencing the thrill of potentially higher returns.
Seek Professional Guidance: Don’t be afraid to consult a financial advisor before making any major investment decisions. Their expertise can help you navigate complex financial instruments and develop a personalized investment strategy.
Think of yourself as a Venusian investor with an Aries twist. You appreciate the finer things in life, but you’re also driven to make your money work for you. By channeling your financial gusto towards calculated investments and strategic ventures, you can leverage this transit to build long-term wealth and achieve your financial goals.
Who Will Feel the Heat Most?
While everyone will experience this transit to some degree, some zodiac signs will be particularly affected:
Fire Signs (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius): Get ready to shine! This transit fuels your natural confidence and leadership qualities. Network aggressively, don’t be afraid to chase ambitious goals, and watch your business flourish.
Air Signs (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius): Your innovative ideas and communication skills are in high demand. Collaborate with fire signs to bring their bold visions to life.
Libra: Normally diplomatic Libra might find themselves being more assertive in negotiations. Channel this newfound confidence to secure those lucrative deals.
Harnessing the Venusian Fire: Striking a Balance for Success
Venus in Aries presents a unique opportunity to propel yourself toward your financial dreams with a potent blend of passion, confidence, and strategic action. Here’s how to harness this powerful energy and turn it into a recipe for business success:
Embrace the Fire, But Don’t Get Burned:
Ignite Your Passion: This transit is a time to reconnect with the spark that ignited your entrepreneurial spirit in the first place. What are you truly passionate about? How can you translate that passion into a thriving business venture? Let your enthusiasm be the driving force behind your actions.
Fuel Your Confidence: The assertive influence of Aries bolsters your belief in yourself and your ideas. Don’t be afraid to showcase your unique talents and confidently present your vision to potential partners or investors. This newfound confidence will be infectious, attracting others to your cause.
Channel Your Drive into Action: Venus in Aries thrives on action. Don’t let your ideas languish in the realm of “what ifs.” Develop a clear plan of action, set achievable goals, and take concrete steps towards achieving them. Remember, even small, consistent steps forward lead to significant progress over time.
Temper the Fire with Strategic Planning:
Don’t Confuse Passion with Recklessness: While passion is essential, it needs a strategic partner: planning. Before diving headfirst into any venture, conduct thorough research, analyze competitors, and develop a clear roadmap for success.
Refine Your Venusian Charm: Venus is the master of diplomacy and collaboration. Use this charm to build strong relationships with potential partners, investors, and clients. Focus on win-win scenarios and leverage your natural charisma to create a network of support.
Embrace Calculated Risks: Calculated risk-taking is an essential part of business growth. However, impulsive decisions can lead to disaster. Use your Venusian finesse to objectively assess risks and only take calculated steps with a well-defined strategy for mitigating potential losses.
The Art of Balance:
The key to harnessing the Venusian fire lies in balance. Let your passion fuel your drive, but don’t let it cloud your judgment. Channel your confidence into assertive action, but anchor it with strategic planning. Remember, the Venusian charm is a powerful tool for building relationships and collaborating with others. By combining the fiery spirit of Aries with the strategic finesse of Venus, you can create a winning formula for business success under this astrological influence.
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love-triangles-au · 1 year
The Predecessor
Planet Venus has been cycling through Gun Gods longer than anyone can remember. Before Yung Venuz made his journey through the wastelands of Venus ruled a similar face, a flatter one who took the moniker of, simply, "Venus". Lord Venus, President Venus, C.E.O. Venus: the God of Guns, the Patron Saint of Firearms for approximately 4,420 years. (*airhorn sfx*)
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The race of sentient shapes were once a common sight on Venus, and they managed to secure the position of Gun God three times in a row before Lord Venus decided that his own kind posed too much of a threat to keep around.
Their population was decimated with only a couple individuals remaining, and it wasn't long before even they had fallen, leaving only two: a flat cone and an orb, who was only half. The latter was a last-ditch effort to save the species, a crossbreed between a shape and another race known informally as the Fireballers.
Under Lord Venus' rule, there were only two options for living: the mansion, and the wastelands. No other buildings existed on Venus, keeping competition in check and Lord Venus on top. Living in the mansion meant a life of luxury, but one under the full control of the Gun God. One outside was rough, difficult and dangerous, but largely outside of his eye.
Another thing Lord Venus was responsible for was business. Formerly known as Big Business, inc., the company was owned by the Gun God and worked in just about everything from construction to the arts. Yes, that meant they had a record label, as well.
The mansion's white-and-red color scheme was a tactical decision on Lord Venus' part. The white walls broke up his silhouette and the red floors made it easier to hide the many bloodstains. His taste of decor was one of intimidation, meant to remind those around him that, in his house, you were to adhere to his rules.
But, despite the cunning of Lord Venus, he was, like all before him, destined to be overthrown.
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The new Gun God's first order of business was to began a transformation of Venus into a planet that was actually inhabitable. Cities began to go up, places where one could live a normal life without being forced into the grinder like he and everybody else was. It was a win-win: less people challenging his position, and a safer world for his little cousin.
After that plan has been set in motion, he discovers a hardship shared by all Gun Gods before him. On Venus, those vying for the title dedicated their entire lives, every waking minute on honing their skills, and, in turn, once the fight is over, they realize that they never had time to find an identity.
Eventually, he discovers some of the music Big Business, inc. had under their record label, music derivative of a subset of Earth culture. He becomes infatuated with the genre of hip-hop, admiring the cool and confident attitude and resonating in the fact that much of the music was about rising up from a place of oppression.
And so, he began to shape himself into a better Gun God, a fair, funner one who empathized and ruled at the same time. And, the first step? He takes the old Gun God's name and transforms it into something far cooler -- Yung Venuz.
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Big Business, inc. becomes Big Bizniz, inc. and shifts its focus towards music, allowing independent businesses to form to fill other niches. The mansion gets a whole lot more gold, better portraits of him posing with his money or hot chicks, and the creepy dungeons are destroyed; who wants that in their home?
These days, Venus is a habitable planet known for its extravagant nightlife. Venusians love music, clubbing and living the good life, and are able to do so with the help of their god (who loves the same things). Venuz is largely beloved by his people and there are much fewer attempts on his life as there were on the last Gun God's, being seen primarily as the world's most famous celebrity and the prime OG, known by all for his fire raps and unmatched swag.
Heya! This is Minty and I's attempt to work in both the story of Gun Godz and Nuclear Throne into one nice little package. As the former wasn't created with NT in mind, we felt it'd be fine to retcon some of it in order to have the old GG distinct from Venuz. We feel this is a good balance and hope you like it as much as we do! :D
First three pieces are by Minty, last is by me. Hope to have some more art to share with you soon! Much love <3
~ Mod Emily 🦇
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astrojulia · 1 year
Mermaid's Guide to the Stars: Astrological Predictions for April 2023
April Calendar
April 3rd to June 11th - Mercury in Taurus
April 21st to May 15th - Mercury Rx in Taurus
April 6th - Libra Full Moon
April 11th to May 07th - Venus in Gemini
April 11th - Sun and Jupiter conjunction in Aries
April 13th - Waning moon in Capricorn
April 20th - Solar Eclipse/ New Moon in Aries
April 20th to May 21st - Sun in Taurus
April 27th - Waxing Moon in Leo
You can understand the basics of how to read astrological transits here (it's being updated little by little)
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Aries Rising/ Sun
Hey siren! The predictions for April 2023 are pretty intense and will bring about some significant changes in various areas of your life. After possibly feeling a bit down in March, you'll find your energy and strength increasing, putting you in top form for the month. Your focus will shift to material and financial matters as Mercury moves these issues around for almost two months until June 11th. However, be careful of financial fraud from April 21st to May 15th as it's a prime time for cloning, loss, or confusion with credit cards.
In April, you'll have some time to reflect on your values, both personal and material, and Mercury might even help you come up with some new ideas for increasing your income. Take this time to think about your financial path so far and brainstorm ways to boost your income.
On April 7th, the Full Moon in Libra will bring some containment and clarity to your relationships, business, and work. If you're married, you may have discussed a big change or step with your partner recently. However, one of you might be hesitant about this expansion. If you have a business partner, they may also be resisting progress or starting a partnership.
April 11th will be a special day for all signs as Jupiter and the Sun are in conjunction in Aries, bringing some unexpected and positive events. For your sign, it'll feel like a crown has been placed on your head. Use this day to decide how you want your life to change and make it happen!
On April 20th, a Solar Eclipse will occur in Aries, bringing a window of opportunity that will transport you to a new reality of life. This eclipse will highlight your career and self-image, and you'll be thinking about the direction your life has taken so far and what you need to do to continue growing. This eclipse may also reset your self-image, leading to changes in your appearance, name, or relationship status. Pay attention to the week before and after the eclipse date, as it can bring significant changes to your love and work life. Also, keep an eye out for events on March 20th and May 20th, as they may reveal themselves as related to eclipses and may require adjustments and changes for the next 6 months.
On April 20th, the Sun will also begin its annual passage through Taurus, emphasizing your focus on material and financial matters. Be prepared for May to be just as busy as April.
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Taurus Rising/ Sun
Hey siren! So, in April, your energy levels might be low which can affect your immunity. To avoid getting sick, make sure not to overwork or pack your schedule too tightly. Mercury moves into Taurus on April 3rd, which means it's a good time to focus on your health and self-care. However, during the retrograde period from April 21st to May 15th, it's better to reflect and analyze rather than making any drastic changes to your appearance or personal style. Keep an eye out for any old health problems that might resurface, and take care of them right away.
Don't go buying new clothes or changing your appearance during this time, as you might regret it later on. Remember, Mercury's stay in Taurus isn't all negative - it's an opportunity to reflect on your health and well-being. You'll start to realize how important taking care of yourself is, and that you can't ignore it. It's time to review any unhealthy habits and behaviors.
The Full Moon in Libra on April 7th might bring some resolution, but it could also hold you back from any promotions or advancements in your career. If you're planning to retire, you might need to wait a bit longer. But, this moon can also bring some stability, which is always a good thing.
The Sun-Jupiter conjunction on April 11th is going to be the luckiest day of the year! This day will bring unexpected and positive events, and it's a great time to start something new or put in some extra effort towards your goals. The Universe will take care of the rest.
The Solar Eclipse on April 20th could bring some major changes to your lifestyle and personal beliefs. It's important to pay attention one week before and one week after this date, as it might reveal some important events. This eclipse falls in the most secretive part of your chart, so there's a chance that you might uncover a secret someone has been keeping from you. But don't worry, eclipses usually work to protect us. It's also possible that this eclipse will help you see things in a new light, and make some changes to your beliefs and philosophies.
On the same day as the eclipse, the Sun moves into Taurus, which is great news for your health! You'll start to feel stronger and more energetic. Don't worry if you felt a bit low in April - things will start to pick up again in May.
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Gemini Rising/ Sun
Hey siren! April is going to be an exciting month for you! You'll be receiving invitations to events, parties and making new friends. You may feel a strong desire to be more active socially and embrace new experiences. However, you may also find that you want to focus on your mental health and wellbeing. Mercury enters Taurus on April 3rd and stays there until June 11th. During its stay, it will be in retrograde from April 21st to May 15th. This could be a great time to evaluate your emotional and psychological health and research available therapies, but avoid starting any new therapies during this period. Instead, Mercury can help you become more intuitive and creative.
On April 7th, the Full Moon will be in Libra and may bring about a containment accompanied by a definition. Venus enters Gemini on April 11th and stays there until May 7th. This will be a great time to improve your image and appearance, but avoid any aggressive cosmetic procedures after April 21st, as Mercury will be in retrograde.
Also on April 11th there will be the Great Conjunction of the Sun and Jupiter in the sign of Aries. Being in the sign of Aries, this period is more than perfect to start something new in your life, start on that day the lifestyle you want to live in the future because the blessings of it working out are much greater.
A Solar eclipse occurs on April 20th in Aries, coinciding with a New Moon. This may represent a window of opportunity for you to open a new chapter in your life, particularly related to your groups and friendships. The eclipse may also bring about changes to your social circle, allowing you to make new friends that align more with your lifestyle. Eclipses are always powerful events, and you should pay attention to the week before and after that date, as well as the events that occur on March 20th and May 20th.
Finally, on April 20th, the Sun begins its annual passage through Taurus, where it will remain until May 21st. This is a great time to focus on your emotional and psychological health, and allow yourself to withdraw when needed.
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Cancer Rising/ Sun
Hey siren! This month is all about celebrating your success in your career and work life. March was a blast with all the training, courses, advertising and even work or study trips. You must have felt like a total superstar in your career, but now it's time to switch gears and focus on having some fun and socializing.
For the next 2 months until June 11th, Mercury is going to be all about helping you make new friends and strengthening your existing relationships. It's possible that you've been so busy with your career that you've forgotten the importance of having a good time with your buddies. This period might be the perfect time to catch up with old friends and even make new ones. Who knows, you might even bump into an old friend you haven't seen in ages and feel a wave of nostalgia and joy.
The Full Moon in Libra on April 6th is going to bring a major decision regarding your home and family, like maybe moving or buying some real estate. If there was any family drama in March, don't worry, it will all be sorted out this month. Maybe your folks need your help moving, or they're considering a big change in their lives. Whatever it is, it's going to be important and it might even have a significant impact on your future.
When Venus enters Gemini on April 11th, it's going to be all about self-care and enjoying your alone time. You might feel like taking a break from your routine and spending some time meditating or reflecting on life. You might even start to appreciate your own company more than ever and find peace in being alone.
On April 11th, the Sun and Jupiter are going to be in conjunction in Aries, which is going to bring some exciting opportunities for all signs and ascendants. This day is going to be like hitting the jackpot, with unexpected and positive events happening all around you. It's the luckiest day of the year, so don't waste it! If you're looking for a new job or want to start a new project, this would be the perfect day to do it.
The solar eclipse in Aries on April 20th marks a new beginning in your career, but it might require some sacrifice. This eclipse is asking you to give up something in order to achieve something bigger and better for your career. You might have to quit your current job or take on more responsibility, but it's all for the greater good. Keep an eye out for events related to eclipses in the week before and after the eclipse date, as they could have significant consequences.
The Sun in Taurus from April 20th to May 21st is going to highlight the importance of having fun, socializing, and making a difference in the world. This is the time to enjoy life and focus on making a positive impact in the world. So go out there and have some fun while making a difference!
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Leo Rising/ Sun
Hey siren! March may have been about travel and studying, but April is about putting what you've learned into practice and achieving your professional goals. Mercury enters Taurus on April 03rd and will remain in this position for almost 2 months, which means that it's an excellent time to reflect on your career trajectory and create new solutions for your professional life.
However, from April 21st to May 15th, it's essential to be careful when signing any work-related document and avoid making presentations or attending interviews. This period isn't suitable for new beginnings, so it's better to steer clear of it. Also, ensure that you have understood everything you are reading before signing any document, and by all means, don't sign anything without reading it.
Despite these precautions, Mercury's long stay in Taurus can help you reflect on your career path and create new solutions for your professional life. During this time, you can think of new ways to use your skills in the world and make progress in your career. It's a time of deep review of your vocation and purpose in the world, and Mercury can even help you plan a career realignment.
On April 7th, the full moon in Libra may bring some setbacks to your plans to study or move to another city or country, but it's not an obstacle. The restraint indicated by the moon can ask you to slow down or delay some accomplishments, perhaps to resolve an issue involving contracts or documentation.
On April 11th, Jupiter and the Sun will be in conjunction in the sign of Aries, bringing unexpected and positive events that reveal situations that for many would be impossible to happen. This day will be special for all signs and ascendants and will shed light on foreign people and places. Even amidst setbacks, like those brought by the full moon, you may be on your way to the trip of your dreams or at least buying it. You're likely to come across a travel offer or package that you won't want to miss.
The Eclipse on April 20th will arrive in Aries, come close to Jupiter, and tense for Pluto and will probably touch on issues such as long-distance travel, immigration, citizenship, and foreign residency, as well as college and postgraduate opportunities and legal processes. If you were discussing a legal issue or in a judicial process, you will likely receive news about the case that benefits you in some way. If you were waiting for some foreign document or even the ideal date to move to another state or country, then the path to that change will open up now.
Starting on April 20th, the Sun is gonna cruise through Taurus until May 21st, which means something important! This month, you've been getting a nudge to pay attention to your career and work life, and this is gonna crank that up a notch. Take a minute to think about what your heart truly desires, and where you wanna go with your professional goals. It's a time to really reflect and get clear on what you want.
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Virgo Rising/ Sun
Hey siren!So, in April, you're gonna be all about the cash, money, and material things, especially after dealing with all those fees, taxes, financing, and debts in March. But don't worry, those worries will start to go away in April, and you can finally focus on getting your finances all sorted out and secure for the future.
As for your thoughts, they're gonna turn to travel and long-distance relationships, because Mercury is entering Taurus on April 3rd and it's gonna stick around there for almost 2 months. However, it's gonna be retrograde for the entire time from April 21st to May 15th, so don't plan any trips or vacations during that time, 'cause it could mess everything up. Instead, use that time to reflect on your life and maybe learn something new, like a new language or something cool about yourself.
On April 7th, the Full Moon in Libra might mark the end of a business partnership or a source of income. It might be a stressful time, but sometimes things have to end for new things to start.
On April 11th, Jupiter and the Sun are gonna be in conjunction, and that means unexpected and positive things are gonna happen related to money and material things. It's a super rare event, and all signs and ascendants are gonna feel its effects. Money might even fall from the sky that day, bringing good news about loans, credit, insurance, and even inheritances or property. Just be careful though,if you're thinking about quitting your job, make sure you've got other sources of income to support yourself.
On April 20th, there's gonna be a solar eclipse in Aries, and that's gonna bring some rewards your way, like a good chunk of money or something else valuable related to your past. It might be related to something you've been working on for a long time, and now you're finally gonna see the payoff. But be careful, because this eclipse is gonna be tense for Pluto, and that might bring up some tough feelings or require you to let go of something.
The month ends with you dreaming about vacation and travel, with the Sun moving into Taurus on April 20th. This is gonna keep reinforcing the trend from the rest of the month, and you can start planning a nice, relaxing trip.
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Libra Rising/ Sun
Hey siren! In April, you might be feeling a bit exhausted and emotionally drained after putting a lot of effort into dealing with other people in March, especially when it comes to marriage, work partnerships, and business. But don't worry, these things will still be important in April, and you'll start to see them as a resolution to live by.
The first few weeks of April will focus on debt, spending, and all things money-related. Mercury will be in Taurus from April 3rd to June 11th, which is a pretty long time! Just keep in mind that from April 21st to May 15th, Mercury will be retrograde. So, be careful when closing contracts, especially those that involve money. If you take on a debt during this time, you might be surprised by additional fees and charges. It's best to wait until the second half of May to make any major decisions.
But don't worry, Mercury's stay in Taurus isn't all bad news! It can actually help you reflect on your finances and identify areas where you're overspending or bleeding money. You can even use this time to organize your finances and negotiate with creditors. Just don't rush into anything.
On April 7th, there will be a Full Moon in Libra, which will help resolve any issues related to changing residence that have been on your mind since the beginning of the year. If you're in a committed relationship, this decision might have caused some disagreement, but now you'll finally come to a consensus.
April 11th is going to be the luckiest day of the year! The Sun and Jupiter will conjunct, bringing unexpected and positive events for everyone. So, take advantage of this day to start something new, make an extra effort towards your goals, or take a first step towards something you've been wanting. You might even be surprised by a marriage proposal, a date invitation, or a business partnership offer. Venus is entering Gemini on April 11th too and staying until May 7th. It's a good time to start a new life in a new city or country. If you're single, you might meet someone from far away who makes your heart skip a beat. If you're planning to move or travel in April, do it before April 21st because Mercury is going retrograde and things might get crazy.
The solar eclipse on April 20th will bring new beginnings in relationships and business partnerships, but it might also mean the end of something to make way for something new. This eclipse will happen in Aries, close to Jupiter and tense for Pluto, so expect some changes in your romantic or business life. You might get married, or you might decide to end a relationship that's been holding you back. This is also a great time to find the right business partner or expert to help take your work life to the next level.
On April 20th, the Sun will also start its annual passage through Taurus, where it will stay until May 21st.This reinforces the importance of paying attention to your finances, especially debts and investments. The Sun will help you clarify any issues and prepare the ground for a new beginning.
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Scorpio Rising/ Sun
Hey siren!In April you'll probably start feeling more energized thanks to the new diet or workout program you started last month. As you get stronger and healthier, you'll start thinking more about your relationships, both at work and in your love life.
Mercury's gonna be in Taurus for a loooong time this month - almost two months, from April 3rd to June 11th. But from April 21st to May 15th it'll be in retrograde, which means you gotta be careful with starting new projects, signing contracts, or getting married. Take this time to reflect on past relationships instead.
The full moon in Libra on April 7th is a sign that you're finally finishing up a work project you've been working on for a while. You might still need to tweak a few things before it's ready to show off, though.
On April 11th, Venus is moving into Gemini and it's a great time to see some financial growth. You might get a bonus or a prize if you're working for someone else, or if you have your own business, you could see some major profits.
This is a really special month because April 11th is the luckiest day of the year! Jupiter and the Sun are gonna be in conjunction in Aries, which means good things are coming your way. If you're thinking about starting a new job or business, this is the perfect day to do it. And it's also a great day for your health, so you might see some improvements there too.
But watch out for the solar eclipse in Aries on April 20th. It could bring some changes to your work life over the next six months. Keep an eye out for events a week before and after the eclipse - they could reveal some important information. On the same day as the eclipse, the Sun moves into Taurus, which means you'll be focusing on your committed relationships. Use this time to figure out who's really there for you and who isn't.
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Sagittarius Rising/ Sun
Hey siren! April is going to bring some changes in energy from what you've been feeling in March. Your focus is going to shift to your routine and work gradually, so keep that in mind. Mercury is going to enter Taurus on April 3rd and stay there for almost two months until June 11th. If you plan to change your work routine, start a new job, or adopt healthier habits, it's best to do it before April 21st or after May 16th.
The Full Moon in Libra on April 7th will bring some closure to a situation that started in March. This situation may involve a close friend or an adult child, and it could be related to a confirmed pregnancy or change of residence. This Moon may bring some distance into your life and might change some plans you made for the future. Perhaps you and your friend were thinking about participating in an event or developing a project together, but with the pregnancy, change of residence, or commitment assumed by this person, your plans will need to be redirected.
On April 11th, the Sun will meet Jupiter, which is considered the luckiest day of the year, and it will bring positive energy to love and romance. If you are already in a committed relationship, take the time to do something romantic with your partner. If you are single, it is possible that you will meet someone special that day. Also, it's a good day to place a lottery bet or participate in some sort of raffle, as your luck will be at an all-time high.
On the same day, Venus will enter Gemini, benefiting committed relationships. If you are married, it will become more romantic. If you are in an informal courtship or romance, you may feel the relationship evolve and become more committed.
The solar eclipse in Aries on April 20th will be a powerful event that could bring significant changes in your romantic life. If you are dating or in an informal romance, you may have a falling out with someone you are in a serious relationship with, and this may involve money. If you are not in a relationship, it's possible that you will meet someone new with whom you will end up having a strong relationship in the future. Also, if you already have children, you may be surprised with a school or welfare need that demands unexpected expenses.
Starting on the 20th of April, the Sun will cruise through Taurus, and it's all about work and routine. You might find yourself feeling more productive, organized, and healthy during this period because these things will be on your mind. It's a great chance to take a good look at your work routine and see how you can make it healthier and more productive.
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Capricorn Rising/ Sun
Hey siren! So, in April you might be getting a new home or selling your property, or even moving into a new house. March might have been an exciting month for you when it comes to real estate and family matters. Now that these issues are resolved, you can focus on your kids and personal projects that bring out your inner child. You can even take some time off for leisure now.
Mercury enters Taurus on April 3rd and it will stay there for almost 2 months.During this period, you might realize that you've been too focused on real estate negotiations and family issues, and you forgot to take some time for yourself. The retrograde period from April 21st to May 15th could be marked by a comeback of personal projects that you do for fun and pleasure. If you have kids and you haven't seen them in a while, this could be a great time to get back in touch with them. You could also use this time to resolve conflicts that may have caused some distance between you and your children.
On April 7th, there will be a Full Moon in Libra, which might be tense with Jupiter. This could mean that you're closing a chapter in your career and professional life. Maybe you're leaving an old job to start a new one or leaving a company to take a new opportunity. This Moon might be a bit heavy because it also talks about distance. Sometimes, to continue a professional relationship, you need to be in a certain place in the world, but you can't or don't want to be there anymore, so you decide to end it.
On April 11th, Venus will enter the sign of Gemini and stay there until 05/07. This will help you improve your health and make your day-to-day life healthier. You might feel a considerable reduction in stress, and your day might become lighter. You might even reduce your workload, which will give you time to take care of yourself, your health, and your well-being. We spend so much time working and producing that we sometimes forget to take care of ourselves. This is your opportunity to rest and review your life.
April 11th is going to be special for you and your family. You might receive some awesome news, like a new addition to the family, or finally getting the keys to your dream home! This is a time to think big and see your life taking a big step forward in terms of home and family.
On April 20th, there will be a solar eclipse in the sign of Aries. Don't worry, not all eclipses are scary. This one is actually going to be a gift! Solar eclipses always bring new opportunities and changes, and this one will be no different. It might ask for some adjustments in your life, but that's just part of the process.
This eclipse might bring news that you have to move suddenly, but it's not going to be harmful. Maybe you'll find the perfect new home, or a roommate might suddenly move out. Also, be prepared for the possibility that a family member might need your help or advice.
On the same day as the eclipse, the Sun will begin its annual passage through Taurus. This will be a great time to focus on leisure, romance, and fun. If you have a lover, your passion might increase, and if you're single, this might be the time when a new romance starts to develop. So, get ready to have some fun!
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Aquarius Rising/ Sun
Hey siren!In April you'll be all about family and home! March was a pain with all the paperwork, but now you're looking for stability and security. Mercury's entering Taurus on April 3rd and will stick around for almost two months.During this time, you should avoid signing any documents related to real estate or housing. From April 21st to May 15th Mercury will be retrograde, so you might end up regretting the contract or getting tricked. If you've got any paperwork to sort out, try to do it in the first half of April or leave it until later.
Mercury's extended stay in Taurus might help bring you closer to your family. If you haven't seen certain family members in a while, now is the time to reconnect and hang out. The Full Moon in Libra on the 7th is a good time for closure or maybe even changing where you live or work.
Get ready for April 11th, when Jupiter and the Sun will be in conjunction in the sign of Aries, bringing lots of luck and success in communication. It's the perfect time to present a thesis, write a book or article, apply for something that depends on your communication skills, or even take a test or exam.
Venus enters Gemini on the 11th, which is a great time for romance and fun. Your relationship with your partner might improve a lot during this time, and if you have kids, you can spend some quality time with them.
The Solar Eclipse in Aries on April 20th opens up the possibility of an unexpected trip or some good news related to teaching. Solar eclipses always represent a new opportunity that opens up, but they also require some adjustments to be made.
On the same day as the eclipse, the Sun will start its annual passage through the sign of Taurus where it will remain until May 21st. This transit reinforces the theme of family and home. You might be thinking about settling in a particular city for a more permanent stay.
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Pisces Rising/ Sun
Hey siren!So April is gonna be a good month for you to focus on getting some extra cash flow. The stars are saying that you might have been stressing about money in March, but things should start looking up now. You could even consider taking a little break or learning something new to help you relax and improve your skills.
Mercury's gonna be in Taurus for almost two months starting on April 3rd, so you might end up traveling more than usual. Just watch out for any bumps in the road during the retrograde period from April 21st to May 15th.
Now about communication, this could also be a great time to reconnect with your siblings or work on your public speaking skills. Just make sure to do it before or after Mercury's retrograde period.
On April 7th, there's gonna be a Full Moon in Libra, which could help wrap up any legal or partnership issues you might have been dealing with. If you've been going through a property dispute or inheritance battle, this Moon might bring some resolution.
Venus is moving into Gemini on April 11th and staying there till May 7th. And this move will totally upgrade your living space! Your home's gonna be prettier, cozier, and even more luxurious. But if you're planning any renovations, make sure you do it before April 21st.
And get ready for some big financial news on April 11th, when Jupiter and the Sun team up for some unexpected opportunities. This could be the perfect day to ask for a raise or start a new money-making venture.
But be aware that on April 20th, there's gonna be a solar eclipse in Aries, which could bring some sudden changes to your financial situation. It might seem scary at first, but this eclipse could actually be a good thing and open up new doors for you. Just keep an eye out before and after the eclipse to make sure you're taking advantage of any opportunities.
On April 20th to May 21st Sun will be in Taurus. This is gonna make you more open to new learnings, which has been a theme throughout the month, and it'll be back in focus again as the month draws to a close.
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[24] Astronalia | Mariane Chagas. Disponível em:https://www.youtube.com/@astronalia . Acesso em: 29 mar. 2023.
Dividers Arts//Dividers Wings
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finfinfan1997 · 10 months
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Lost Fin Fin short film was shown at "Comdex Asia '96" in Singapore
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"Apparently, Prime Minister Tan personally visited the venue and had a close encounter with Fin Fin, which was displayed on a plasma display. The incident was featured in Singapore's Business Times, and footage of Prime Minister Tan looking at Fin Fin's head was broadcast throughout Singapore."
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