#pro hero daughter
nekoo3001 · 4 months
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Tried to draw in Horikoshi's style but was too lazy to finish
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fatkish · 5 months
Heyy, i wanted to request a Eresermic im which Aizawa has a biological daughter, but she is being bullied and they noticed when she was already thinking in ending it all.
I understand if this is too dark, i just lived something similar and my parents blamed me, so some confort would be apreciared hahaha
Thankss, i love your writing 🩷
(Oh my gosh, this hits so close to home because this happened to me. My parents grew up in the era where if boys were mean to you it was because they like you. So when I begged them to do something about my bullies, they did nothing. Needless to say, my childlike innocence was the only reason why I’m alive. Although I may be doing better than I was back then, nothing can erase the trauma from the unintentional neglect from my parents. I hope you don’t mind, but I’ll be basing this somewhat off of my own experience and I’ll be putting it in the Pro Heroes x Inner Child Series)
Erasermic x Aizawa’s Bullied Daughter Reader
(TRIGGER WARNING: This story has mentions of bullying, harassment, allusions to suicide and suicidal thoughts, depression and other potentially triggering topics. Please be advised)
Since you basically have two dads, you refer to Hizashi as papa and Shouta as dad
Your quirk was called restraint. Basically if you called someone by their real, full name, you could temporarily restrain them as long as you focused on them
But just like your dad, you also had to be able to see your target
But unlike your classmates, you were a late bloomer. You developed your quirk at age 8, which led to you being bullied by your peers
You knew that your dad’s worked really hard and that their jobs were really stressful at times. So the last thing you wanted was to be another source of stress for them. Which is why you didn’t tell them about the bullying
You were 11 when you just couldn’t take it anymore. You tried to deal with the situation on your own, you tried to fight your bullies who even started making fun of your dad’s being a couple
You tried not to let anyone’s words affect you but after so many years, you started to believe them too. And you began to bully yourself
You would tell yourself that your dad’s already had enough stress on their plates and that you were just a burden on them. You had started to mentally and physically beat yourself up
The bullies had started to use their quirks on you, resulting in bruises which you would hide with makeup that your Aunt Nemuri had gotten you since you started to develop acne
Since your dads would get home late, you had plenty of time to get home and cover up any wounds
One day, you just had enough
You decided that you were better off dead. You decided that you would take your own life after you got home and would leave a note before leaving the house so your dads wouldn’t have to deal with the body
Unknown to you, Aizawa had gotten a call from one of your teachers who was concerned about you. She had seen you fighting and decided to give Aizawa a call since your grades and overall performance had declined significantly
Aizawa had informed Hizashi of the call and they decided to go home early and wait for you. They believed that you were going through puberty and the hormonal changes were effecting your performance and were the cause
Imagine their surprise when you get home, covered in bruises, a busted lip that was still bleeding and a completely dead look in your eyes
Seeing their precious baby in such a state they immediately started to worry and begged you to talk to them
They had prepared your favorite food for dinner and even got you your favorite dessert as a treat. Seeing how sweet they were, you broke down and confessed your pain and your plan
Hizashi was balling his eyes out and wrapped you in his arms while Aizawa had clenched fists with tears in his eyes.
Aizawa made the call to your school demanding a talk with the principal and the parents of your bullies. While Aizawa was setting that up, Hizashi had you sit on the couch while he tended to your wounds, disinfecting them, cleaning them and bandaging them
He told you that he loves you even though you’re not his biological kid, you’re HIS little listener, his favorite kid in the whole world. He then picked you up and smothered you in hugs and kisses
Aizawa came back into the room and brought the food
That night, you guys are on the couch as you snuggled together under a blanket and watch your favorite movie
The next day, Aizawa and Hizashi dropped you off at UA with Nemuri, while they had a talk with your teachers and bullies. They decided that homeschooling would be the best for you right now since they want to make sure you heal mentally, physically and emotionally from this before you go back
They had told Nedzu what happened and he agreed that for the meantime, until you were mentally stable again, the safest bet would be to have you do your homeschooling at UA where you’ll be surrounded by people who can help you and prevent you from doing anything detrimental to yourself
Needless to say, they love you and you are their whole world and you’re the reason why they fight to come home. You’re their motivation and the reason they fight to protect
(I hoped this helps you and that you guys enjoy this)
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chiquilines · 2 months
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Damn so everyone was as starved for miryumi content as i was? Have another treat
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sinnamonpork · 2 years
Dabihawks' daughter who dreams of being a villain, but is upset that her parents doesn't support her very questionable life goal. She didn't know that Dabi was a villain before, but still had front row seats to how fractured hero society is with her Papa being a famous hero.
Imagine her trying to stroll into one of Japan's most known villain groups, the League of Villains, hoping to join their cause but is instead face-to-face with the people that is undeniably her aunts and uncles - the people who basically changed her diapers as a baby. Uncle Compress? Why is he wearing such a weird mask, doesn't he know that is so out of fashion already. Auntie Himiko? Wasn't she married to pro hero Uravity? What is she doing here?? Uncle Shiggy? Suddenly his claims of being an accountant is now very sus. What does he do? Count the number of heroes he kills?
Basically it becomes the spiderman meme but the League and dbhwks' daughter edition lmao. Dabi has a lot of explaining to do when his daughter comes home asking why Uncle Spinner is suddenly in a Stain cosplay.
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basicallykiyotaka · 14 days
Every time I see a Fuyumi x Pro Hero ship I just want to take her by the hand and tell her honey, no
Look, darling, I get it. He's a sexy blonde man who talks smooth and is probably great in bed but I know you and I know him...and I'm telling you not to waste your time.
I know what you're thinking. But you can't. You can't help him. What's going to happen is the relationship is going to be wonderful and then he's going to dump you in a year because nothing you told him sunk in the way you wanted it to and instead of one of you needing a therapist, both of you will need a therapist because you are going to be feeling some codependent feelings you don't need in your life. You think you can get through to him just by being the most wonderful woman he's ever met? Think again.
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matchaizuku · 1 month
Who'd win in arm wrestling
Hana Todoroki or Mirko?
oh this is my second ask about my oc 🥹 thank you sm 
but also, what a question! this was my thought process: i actually checked the wiki to make sure i remembered mirko’s quirk correctly, and it does say that her quirk only enhances her legs. however, the wiki also says that she’s got enhanced strength in general. so does endeavour, to be fair, but both dabi and shoto do not have it (still according to the wiki). looking at natsuo doesn’t help because all the wiki said was “he’s not trained lol” basically. so how strong should hana be?
in the end i’ve decided that technically hana is still a student, while mirko is a full fledged pro-hero. 
mirko would win at arm-wrestling, but hana would put up a good effort (it takes a while for mirko to win).
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seumyo · 3 months
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No amount of hectic schedules, exhausting patrols, rowdy villains, and never-ending legal paperwork could ever keep Bakugou from attending his daughters’ extracurricular activities—because he’d literally go through literal hell and back than to ever see a disheartened pout along with the silent treatment after he gets home from work.
You think he’ll ever miss any of his daughters’ milestones? Fuck no!
Bakugou insists on being at every event, his phone—and even an actual camera during a good day—in hand, his heart swelling with pride and unconditional love that makes his chest figuratively hurt; it might as well be a medical problem at some point. 
Because, if anything, Bakugou Katsuki is a father first and a hero second.
“Shit, ‘m late. Have they started yet?”
He’s sweating as if he just used his explosions to propel himself in the air to get to you quicker, but, in truth, he sort of had to just run since the traffic on the highway today would’ve only angered and slowed him down. He left patrol to Halfie, who offered to take his shift, knowing how many times Bakugou covered for him when he was in his son’s piano recital.
“They just started doing warmups,” you answer. “Did you run? You’re drenched to the bone; you’re going to catch a cold if you don’t get changed into some dry clothes.”
“Hah, doubt it.” He snorts, though he does appreciate the thought of you bringing him a spare shirt for just-in-case purposes.
You're always the one who thinks ahead, aren't you? Bakugou knows he’s a very lucky man to have such a doting, caring wife that humbles him whenever he gets too focused on his pride. The balance that he didn’t know he needed!
Ignoring the gawking stares of the other parents—because it’s not everyday you see the Pro Hero Dynamight in mundane activities such as watching his kid take gymnastics’ lessons—he looks through the glass in search of his little princess.
Just as he saw her, his lips curled to that oh-so genuine smile, one that just said, “That’s my daughter, right there! Look at how awesome she is!” 
Bakugou remembers how his parents were the same and how they were very supportive of his interests and hobbies, no matter how odd they may be for a five-year-old. How often do you see someone learning to take on both hiking and archery at the age of five? Bakugou was sure he learned most skills during his childhood that made him a firm hero in the field today.
“She has a bit of trouble with tumbling because of her tummy.”
“Yeah? And does that have somethin’ to do with my awesome cooking?” Bakugou replied smugly. “Besides, ‘ts just baby fat, and I’d prefer to see her like this than to see her thin but often sick.”
“Mhm, and she makes up for the cutest ending pose.”
“And her effortless splits. Have the coaches seen her do that?”
You shook your head. “Not yet,” you say, “but I think they’re about to do it—oh! Look, look!”
And he does; his phone’s camera is already recording his youngest daughter doing a perfect vertical split, while the other girls somewhat struggle to maintain a consistent posture. 
“She’s a natural, hun.”
“She is,” you chuckle, “just like her Daddy to a certain extent.”
“Damn right, she is.”
Bakugou tries to hold back his laughter when your daughter once again attempts a forward roll with the guidance of the staff. Her tummy somewhat makes it a bit difficult for her to do so. The way she hesitates but then does the forward roll, albeit a little lopsided with a smile that shows her adorable tooth gap—it was safe to say that your daughter was over the moon with her gymnastics lessons.
It’s all too much for him to take.
And when all is over, he greets his daughter by picking her up and blowing raspberries on her neck that have her squealing in laughter before he insists that he’ll be the one to talk to the coaches about the upcoming schedules and the progress your daughter has made. 
“Mr. Bakugou, she’s a good listener, and I believe that she’ll be moving onto the next class with the older children in no time,” they told him. “Has she received prior training before this one?”
“She’s also taking ballet lessons,” he answers, “but gymnastics is what she really likes. Ballet was just a compromise since your services weren’t available in our area at that time.”
“That’s wonderful to hear. It’s a joy to have her in class. I’ve already sent Dr. [Last Name] the schedules we offered, and we are looking forward to having your daughter in the upcoming lessons.”
The walk back to your car was light and quiet for a change. Your youngest daughter, Kusami, was out like a light in Bakugou’s arms, having worn herself out with socializing, rolling, doing splits, and whatnot the gymnastics’ instructors told her to do. And Bakugou was just letting the simple moment sink in because this is what he considers the most rewarding part of his day. 
Time spent with his family.
Bakugou also warmed up to the thought of having to interact with other parents. He chatted with a single father earlier, whose daughter was the oldest in Kusami’s class. It was nice to converse with equally enthusiastic and supportive parents that you meet through your children's extracurricular activities.
“Let’s go through a drive-through; get Katsumi her usual order,” Bakugou murmurs, remembering how his oldest daughter, Katsumi, would’ve probably woken up from her nap by now and was probably anticipating her family’s return. 
“Alright,” you nod. “Katsumi and Kusami have swimming lessons tomorrow at five in the afternoon, too. Do you think you’d get home that early?”
“Of course,” he answers. “Wouldn’t miss it for the world.”
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pamgkrthwrites · 1 year
Can you imagine pro hero Bakugou having a very secret personal life. Not private, secret, because he doesn’t even tell his friends that he has married a someone or got her pregnant. The only people that know are his parents and the law.
So when he posts a image on his public instagram of him holding his baby after she was born with his wife beside him, everyone starts calling and spamming him.
What’s worse is that you are also a famous person. Not a hero, but you are also famous for your own industry. In many interviews you have talked about loving your husband and all that stuff so people are surpised your husband is Katsuki Bakugou Great Explosion Murder God Dynamight.
Even after the image got uploaded, in interviews if asked about you or his baby he will change the subject no matter what. He refuses to talk about you. Kirishima has forced him to talk about you to him and their friends, but that’s about it.
And the reason why? He wants you all to himself. Your his and no one else is allowed to touch you. So what if that means no one knows about you? Means no one has to chance to steal you from him.
He is wrapped around his daughter’s finger though. Does everything she asks for.
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malereadermaniac · 4 months
Barack bunny pt 2 - Male Reader x Pro-hero's as generals (+bonuses)
This was requested by @jojorefrence23 ! Thought it was such a good sequel idea! word count: 4.6k (loooooong) Nsfw / MDNI ~ amab m!reader / FDNI Characters: Enji, Fatgum, Aizawa, Dabi, Shigi, Shinso + Tamaki, Mirio, Shindo Top!Characters x Bottom!Reader
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Inevitably, your reputation as your division's barrack bunny had reached other divisions which weren't lucky enough to be blessed by your presence
Most lieutenants had also heard of you, and news of you had travelled to even some generals
Some were more interested than others, surprisingly few were concerned about your more energetic hobbies - especially as you were a man getting it on with other guys in your devision and not a female cadet; their rules weren't exactly updated to ban gay relationships too!
And so, other people began to talk to you, your presence more known than ever before - most of the guys who were already trying to get with you livid at this
General Aizawa (EraserHead)
Even the most reserved of the generals had become interested in you, the man being called 'eraserhead' behind his back due to the blank expression on his face at all times
To be fair, the man has to manage a bunch of knucklehead young men without getting any ass - so when you basically show up on a platter, it's hard for him not to test the waters
Aizawa already had a softspot for you, as you were one of the less rowdy ones in the bunch - always chipper but never annoying, and always happy to help whenever the overworked general needed it
So once the two of you were all alone in his office as you helped him out with whatever he needed, your trusted general decided to get a little more personal with you
Conversation swept you both up and you two ended up talking until late into the night - Aizawa even comfortable enough to talk about his daughter with you; DILF? Smash.
One thing led to another and the man was holding your waist and your cheek with his slender, rough hands as he kissed you - his tongue completely dominating yours
A few moments later, you were bent over his desk, getting fucked like a cheap slut. Aizawa holding both of your arms back only with one of his hands, the other on the small of your back as his cock fills you up
Your General's whole office had been christened with your moans that night - the muscular man standing naked above you as he came on your face with a horny look in his eyes, holding you in his strong arms as he fucks you against all 4 walls of his office
It's easier to just say that you were very tired the next morning at attention
But ever since then, you were even more Aizawa's favourite
The man did everything in his power (which he had quite a bit of) to keep you away from your other escapades - bakugou being one of the many which would cuss out the general behind his back foe this
The fucking didn't stop either
I mean, the man was constantly stressed and sexually frustrated, and you were young and horny as fuck 24/7
Aizawa's favourite thing to do was call you into his office a few hours after training, watching you walk into his office with a smile and pep in your step always made him feel at ease
The sexy general would then gesture towards his crotch with his head and eyes, those sunken, sexy eyes of his
Within the next minuet, you're under Aizawa's desk, his cock slipped out out of his cammo cargoes, half of his veiny, thick dick down your throat and your hand wrapped around whatever you couldn't get in
And while the situation only really pleasured your general, you couldn't help but feel incredibly turned on by the sight above you - Aizawa moaning and grunnting, his long, muscular arms hanging down his sides as his chin is tilted up to show his sexy stubble, his sexy eyes looking down at you with a look than sends shivers down your spine
The man also always sports a black, tight tanktop every time he's in his office - a comfort thing - and fucking hell does he look delicious with his muscles popping out of that top, sweat clearly dampening the material as he pants and moans from your mouth
But don't think the man stops there, Aizawa is more than happy to return the favour after you'd pleasure him so, so nicely - so for another hour or two you're usually stuck in his office; his veiny fingers inside of you as your usually reserved general laps at your twitching cock, you cumming on his face and hair everytime as if on a schedule, the action followed up by a couple rounds of his cock re-arranging your guts
Late Night talking is very common with you two - like with most of your other partners, they feel comfortable around you - you two chat about life and other things, Aizawa feels at home with you
The man knew he was in deep shit when he caught himself fantasising about you meeting Eri back home...
General Taishiro (Fatgum)
Easily the most popular and well liked general in your entire unit - earning a nickname from the troops to show how friendly he was with you guys
Fatgum - as the blonde, muscular man was still somehow in shape despite eating like he'd been starved for days at every single meal time
Taishiro is a very attractive man, and so he was very used to women and men pouncing on him and offering themselves to him whenever they built up the courage - and that's exactly what he expected you to do
You may as well be walking around with a scarlet letter on you, because litterally everyone you talked to knew about how you get down and dirty - so of fucking course your favourite general had to know too!
However, when you didn't pounce on General Taishiro, and instead barely gave him a second look, that's when the man became interested - predicable really
All of the troops in your unit loved this man, and you did too, and that's exactly why you barely gave your general a second look
You didn't want to ruin your friendship with him or his view of you, or even his relationship with your fellow troops (some of whom would threaten to fight the man)
But your views on the matter definitely changed one night, when Taishiro 'accidentally' bumped into you
It was just after training, you had just showered after having a little fun with Kirishima and weren't looking when you turned the corner to leave the shower room
That's when your face smashed into not a hard, cold wall, but instead the warm, soft, bare chest of your general
You apologised but the general took the opportunity to strike up conversation - knowing very well that he was fully nude except for a very small towel around his hips, his muscular body on full display
But the blonde actually couldn't believe it when your eyes didn't stray from his even once the whole conversation - he couldn't say the same about his, your nude body looked like it was made for him
The man even thought he'd heard wrong, that you weren't the barrack bunny everyone claimed you were
However the hickeys covering your neck and the lovebites on your shoulders and nipples blew that thought away
It took you by surprise when Taishiro's attitude slightly changed, his tone more dominant - but what the general actually said was what caught you by surprise
"Come take a shower with me"
No question mark at the end or anything, it was more like an order
The next thing led to another and the two of you were passionately making out in a shower stall, your general much taller than you as he held his huge, manly hand around your waist and gently caressing your cheek with his thumb
Taishiro was literally taking your breath away, all that could be heard in the shower room was a small stream of water from the shower and you sexy, breathy pants as the general you viewed as a friendly guy was holding you up in his massive arms with ease and eating you out in his arms!
Fuck the man knew what to do to turn you on!
The poor water bill that night must of been through the roof because you and your sexy, manly general didn't stop fucking until the sun came up - amd for most of the night he held you up in his arms! Strong ass man I tell you!
His loads filled you up to brim after just a 3 rounds - those rounds having lasted an hour each!!!
So to call it a night, Taishiro decided to gently finger his thick cum out of you- making you cum in the process and giving the blonde general an incredible image to think about whenever he has some alone time...
'Wait... why was General Taishiro showering in the common showers when he has his own??'
Your relationship didn't stop there either! Your friendly general joining the group of men that were wrapped around your finger
But man were the others livid, because the blonde made sure everyone knew he was now also up in your guts at least twice a week by making sure to sit next to you every meal time
The blonde would eat his food with the generals even quicker than normal, pop some gum in and come and wiggle hid way right next to you, his muscular arms dropped around you as he gives smug looks to the other troops
His office had become the usual place for you two as well - the snacks in his mini-fridge coming in handy when you're exhausted and hungry from fucking like animals
His favourite thing to do is to eat you out on his desk, his long, warm tongue doing things to you you'd never experienced - his favourite part being you grabbing his sexy blonde hair once you get oh so close to cumming
But Taishiro wasn't opposed to 'quietly' (loud as fuck) have sex in your bed with the others
You really woke up a smug part of him, one that wants to show you off, show off how only his big, veiny, uncut cock makes you moan like a bitch in heat
General Todoroki (Enji)
The highest ranking general which all of the troops barely ever saw - even his sons rarely saw him unless they were reporting their weekly tasks
Strict and no-bullshit is how most people described General Todoroki - and definitely unopposed to nepotism; his sons were both in higher ranks just cause!
But another way his underlings would describe him is sexually frustrated
The man was divorced and hadn't gotten a piece of ANYTHING in at least a year - so when your activities were reported to him by a worried little troop, his ears perked up
You were scared shitless the whole day after being called to his office for 8pm - but your guys and even Shoto assured you it was going to be nothing bad
But your heart certainly sank when you walked into that office and saw the chief general sitting in his chair with his huge arms crossed across his beefy chest and a look on his face that could only be described as a scowl
When General Enji started with "I've heard of you and your... relations" my god were you actually shaking
But you didn't expect him to cut you a deal
"I won't pass the concern on... as long as you can please me well enough"
And the rest was history
As you'd expect, after having earth-shattering sex on both behalf - Enji becoming addicted to your tight body and sexy features after being celibate for so long - you two continued having 'meetings' every few weeks whenever the chief called you to his office
And the man is just as anyone would think he is in bed - a fucking sadistic dom!
Enji loved having you service him below his desk, chocking on his thick cock and trying to stifle your sounds, gripping his thick, muscular thighs when someone walks into his office to talk about something
If you even make a sound which Enji has to make an excuse for, as soon whoever was bothering Enji leaves, you get pulled up into the huge General's lap and get spanked so, so much
The sadist makes you count his slaps out loud, his massive, rough hands leaving bright red marks on your ass to adorn his love bites from previously eating you out
Enji likes to see you cry - not in a horrible way, but either due to your gag reflex, his spanking, or from the sheer amount of pleasure you were being subjected to
Unlike the other guys who have fallen for you, Enji doesn't get jealous of the others - the General knows that he's at the top of the hierarchy and that you are pretty much at his beck and call, the others don't have that power over you
Oh and the man really eats up the whole power synamic - practically ripping his cargoes at the seam with his boner whenever you calm him 'sir'or 'general'
If there's one thing the man doesn't like, it's that his sons are getting a piece of you too - he feels a little weird about it, but he mainly feels a carnal need to posses you in that respect; if he sees Shoto talking to you woth that lovestruck look in his eyes, expect a 'meeting' later that day
Oh and another thing General Enji fucking loves is after he cums inside of you; you on his lap lazily leaning against his desk, regaining your composure, his huge dick still stretching you as his cum leaks from your hole, and my god your much smaller, fucking spent cock, semi-flaccid just resting on your stomach.... it makes the man want another round instantly
Lieutenant Shigiraki (Defo OOC)
Another kinda reserved guy in your course - but once you break down his walls, Shigi is really just a sweet guy
The two of you became quite friendly after you managed to get him to talk - and you kinda gathered that he's never really had any friends (other than Lieutenant Todoroki)
And you can tell this because after only a few conversations with the Lieutenant, he was oversharing so, so much about his life
How he's never really had friends, how he's never even kissed anyone because he's insecure about his dry skin and because he thinks he's ugly
And when you comfort him and assure him that he's quite attractive, you realised that Shigi hasn't ever even experienced a compliment before - HOW SAD WAS THID GUYS LIFE??
And again, you could tell this because the man got a VERY obvious boner when you complimented him.....
It became very obvious that Shigiraki had developed a crush on you very quickly, the man looking for you every second of the day and spending time around you - not even talking! Just hanging
And my lord when he found out from Dabi about your reputation. Shigiraki literally went full on emo, he got mad at you whenever you tried to talk to you and all!
It was only when you waited for him outside of his room that he HAD to talk to you
And even then, he didn't talk! He listened to your demands of asking what was wrong, but halfway through, your words were falling on dead ears as he became captivated by your looks - your body looking incredible in your unit's pyjamas
Shigiraki then cutting you off after not being able to deal with his achingly hard cock anymore, his rough yet warm hands grabbing your face and his lips crashing against yours
For an inexperienced guy, Shigiraki was a fucking good kisser
The cliche struggling to open the door and get inside the room while stripping occurred as the two of you didn't break the kiss - and again, for a fucking virgin Shigiraki was incredible
People had been missing out! The man was well endowed with a horse cock on him! Long but not too thick as to break you, veiny and white with a cute pink, uncut tip - guessing he'd learnt how to expertly use it and his hands for a matter of fact from all the porn he told you he watches (romantic gay porn mind you)
Guess Internet access after 9pm was a bonus from being a lieutenant
Anyways, after your first sexual affair with the stereotypical 'I like my white boys malnourished' lieutenant, the two of you continued what you had going on
Shigiraki fucking loved the way you looked in any of the provided uniform - the pyjamas, the cargoes, the tank tops; all of it just made you look so hot to him
Also, for a lieutenant, the man surely liked to be dominated a little (guess that's why he's in the army!)
Shigiraki fucking loved it when you held his hands above his head and rode him to high-heaven, moving down to kiss him and his neck as you listen to his slutty moans
His hands just felt right around your hips, their dry exterior a nice contrast to your sweaty and hot skin
And my god does this masochist fucking LOVE IT when you tug so harshly on his hair when he's fucking tou missonary and you're about to cum hard - the man spending at least an hour a day looking at the sexy scratch marks adorning his surprisingly muscular back
Like everyone else smitten with you, Shigi also fucking hated that any other man was blessed with your touch and your taste or even just your pressance and breath - but Shigiraki was like actually going crazy over it, visibly jealous and possessive over you whenever another guys tried to talk to you when he was with you
Many guys have talked about it and even put the fact that their all fucking you aside to try and deal with the way Shigi was behaving - 6 of them having a 'chat' with him, which you had to deal with the consequences of and scold them all
But you can't get mad at your lieutenants possessiveness, he's just too cute and smitten for you!
Lieutenant Todoroki (Dabi)
By far one of the sexiest men in your unit, a man who came to the army straight after college and never left - his literal battle scars as proof of that
Dabi was one of the first few that you had caught the eye of - and since his literal father was in charge, he'd had quite a few partners in his time in the army, so the rugged man decided to try his luck with you
And boy oh boy! Did he manage to rizz you the fuck up! The taller man having you up against a wall within seconds of chatting with you, his knee rubbing your crotch gently doing 'the thing'
Basically, you were making out with one of your lieutenant only a week or two into your service - the muscular, dominant man roaming his hands all over your body in order to feel you and get to know you even better
Dabi was instantly addicted to your taste, your warmth, the sounds you would make as he hugs your waist and kisses you deeper turning the man on even more
And wow, history was made when the two of you managed to break off of each other enough to get to Dabi's private room
That man fucked you to heaven and back TWICE - you're pretty sure your whole unit somehow heard you from across the dorms!
And ever since then, the two of you have kept each other entertained when in need of it - you visit Dabi's room very frequently
The lieutenant just can't get enough of you, he's fucked so many people before but the way your tight ass just sucks his veiny cock in gets him going!
Dabi's also very confident in his relationship with you (whatever that relationship may be) cause he doesn't not give a fuck if other guys try to assert their dominance around you and him, Dabi just chuckles when other guys flirt or talk to you cause he knows that you and him are like a puzzle - the way his hips lock against the smooth of your ass in Doggy, the was his dick fills you up just right, the way his rough, scarred hands spank you and grip your skin; all of him just fits with all of you.
The thing that gets under Dabi's skin is that his younger brother gets to see and feel you in the way he does - he teases Todoroki endlessly about how much better of a time you have with Dabi rather than with him, or that he's sorry to his little bro but you're just insatiable around Dabi!
You inly intervene when you see it happen (but you can't really complain, it gets Todoroki really fired up the next time you two fuck)
Dabi's biggest thing is showing off his power/status by doing shit with you in front of other troops - it just turns the lieutenant on so, so much to know: a) how embarrassed yet very turned on you're getting and, b) how the others can't really say or do much about it unless they want to get written up by Dabi! They're just sentenced to the punishment of watching your body get fondled, your neck kissed and your dick and ass played with right in front of them
Fingering you is another huge thing for Dabi - 69-ing is literally his favourite foreplay with you because he gets to feel your wet, warm, tight throat around his big dick and to also see your tight hole clench around his fingers as he laps at it from time to time~
Dabi is surprisingly good at aftercare too! If you'd ask him if he was your boyfriend, he'd laugh in your face - but Dabi takes care of you and keeps you close as if you're a married couple!
The man likes to hold you close, the two of you bare-chested in some oversized sweats just breathing in each other's scents in a comfortable silence - a few sweet nothings being whispered from time to time
Shinso Hitoshi
This poor man joined the army as an escape - a place where he could make some friends and chill, a daily routine but with no life struggles
That was until he got roped into your whirlwind of a life!
It wasn't your fault that it happened, Shinso was to blame for letting himself into temptation and kissing you after months of sexual and romantic tension building up within your friendship
The two of you were close, Shinso a little more closed off, but happy to listen to your hyperactive rambling - but once the sunken eyed man kissed you one night, shit really changed
Shinso wasn't a virgin, but he'd never had actually good sex, so his mind was fucking blown when he came within minuets - feeling like an orgasm from his hand x10!
After you two fucked, Shinso was on you like a bee to a flower, literally inseparable
The man was either always touching you or near you and whenever the two of you could get it on, he would make SURE that you did
And because you were Shinso's first real partner, the man did start to confuse sex for romance - but he of course knew of your free-spirited nature and never ask you out...
The sex was great though, and he would stay haply with that, hearing your sexy moans in his ear along with his name in your whiny voice was enough for now
You had to show Shinso quite a few things, like how to finger you and how to pump his hips just right to make you weak, he was so cute, playing attention for how to make you feel amazing
And holy shit was this man's mind BLOWN when you sucked him off - his dick n balls hanging out of his unzipped camo cargoes, his muscles sweating against his white tank top just moaning as he looked down on you slobbering on his dick
He's also pretty good around others, well at least he seems to be
Shinso is too reserved to try to be possessive over you around other guys, but man, does he freak out on the inside!
Shinso will be internally screaming and thinking of beating whoever is touching you so sexually tf up! But he'd feel too embarrassed to ever mention it to you! Settling on covering you in more of his lovebites than usual...
Shinso is another man who just looks fucking stunning in army uniform, he used to work out a lot as he wouldn't hang out with people that much - and it fucking shows!
His muscular arms and fucking TONED abs look so good in his white tank, his stature just oozing SEX
And those combat boots.... Once Shinso starts to get more comfortable when having sex with you - he uses them boots real good.
His arms crossed against his chest ad he sits on a chair in an empty room, you on your knees below him as he rubs your dick harshly with his boots, cooing at you as a wet stain forms on your crotch from your pre~
Short bonuses!:
Tamaki Amajiki
Another super shy and reclusive guy, he only really joined the army for Mirio but meeting you was an added bonus!
You two don't fuck as much as Tamaki insist on hanging out - his face always dusted with a faint blush whenever he's around you
But when you two fuck, my god is it incredible - the man is shockingly good with his hands but he gets tired after only one round! But you can't complain, he's just so cute, snuggling into your naked body
And good lord, the way that his uniform is so oversized on him... it just makes you want to mentally undress him every time you see him
Mirio Togata
Another man who was built for the army - holy fuck does Mirio look so GOOD in an army uniform
The man works out constantly, his body like that of a god - his back and arms fucking huge, his abs like a washing board and his thighs deliciously suffocating (the uniform just extenuating his sexy features)
The two of you started fucking as a way to release stress, offering your help to a stressed looking Mirio led to your throat being stuffed with his cock and your nose with his pubes - and then later on your poor back arching to its limits as he wraps his huge hands around your waist and pushes you down to his bed as he drills his huge cock inside of you
Yes the man is a gentle giant when you two aren't shagging, but call an ambulance for yourself when you are - this man likes to rough you tf up
Yo Shindo
This man joined the army to try and feel powerful - he's so clearly insecure, so he tries to be the tough guy in your troop, always working out and always a dick to everyone
The two of you had your first encounter in the communal showers, the man had you on your knees real quick, his cum covering your face, your tongue cleaning his dick off
Shindo also really likes to flex while fucking your throat or ass, showing off his buldging muscles and hairy pits in his army tanktop feeds his ego and turns you on...
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frickingnerd · 4 months
hawks secretly dating endeavour's daughter
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pairing: keigo takami / hawks x fem!todoroki!reader
tags: secret relationship, wholesome fluff, lots of sneaking around, todoroki!reader, number one!endeavour, almost caught
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unlike your younger brother, you never wanted to be a hero, so your father never had to worry about you getting involved with his work
however, when a certain winged pro hero began to work closely with endeavour, your interest was piqued and you began to pay your father some visits at work for no particular reason
and it just so happened that as you spent more time at his office, you began to bump into hawks quite a few times, always finding time for some small talk with him
it was clear that the two of you had a thing for each other from the start! but neither of you outwardly admitted it, due to you being the number one's daughter
however, when your father ended up in the hospital after a tough battle against a nomu, hawks began to pay you some visits at home, to check up on you
those visits quickly began to become something more like dates and by the time your father was discharged from the hospital, hawks had finally asked you out
however, both of you had decided to keep your relationship a secret! it would be better if the public and your father didn't know about you two
for most of your dates, hawks flew you somewhere secluded and brought some home made meals! you'd often eat on some roofs of a skyscraper, far away from anyone else
occasionally, hawks would even be able to visit you at home, though only when endeavour invited him over for dinner. of course, he wasn't aware why you were so eager to prepare the food whenever hawks came along…
there were many close calls of hawks and you almost being caught making out, when sneaking around your house or endeavour's office
but you always managed to make it seem like just a coincidence that the two of you ended up alone together in a room…
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irisintheafterglow · 1 month
can i put in my two cents on girldad!bakugo whose daughter got mom's quirk
cw: prohero!bkg, swearing, fem!reader, fluff and crack with a small side of angst
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"yer mom's gonna fuckin' kill me if we don't get this out," he mumbles, furiously scrubbing at the splotches of rainbow paint covering his three-year-old daughter's previously white dress.
"fuckin!" his daughter echoes and he flinches.
"no, no, no. we can't say that," he says softly, kneeling down on the tile of the laundry room where she was watching him work. "mama's gonna kick my ass if she hears you swear, so we can't say that word...yet. m'kay sweetheart?"
"kick ass!" she laughs innocently, giggling as his face contorts into a mix of horror, shock, and joy. "dada, you funny," she babbles, reaching up to grab at his face. he fights the instinct to pull away, afraid of how she'd react if she looked too closely at the scars covering his face. you'd talked him through it numerous times before, but he was still scared she would be scared of all the battles etched into his skin. it was his own anxiety talking, he knew, and she must have received her empathy from you because she reached up toward her dad anyway. her little eyebrows pinch and her stubby fingers brush over the rough, discolored tissue. "dada ouchie?"
"dada ouchie long time ago, bubs," he murmurs, taking her hand and kissing her tiny nails. "but mama saved dada. and now," he lifts her from the floor and positions her comfortably on his hip, her head leaning against his shoulder, "baby needs to help save dada from mama."
"mama angry?" his daughter frowns and he nods, staring frustratedly at the pastel stains on the white fabric. "what dada do?"
"oi! it's not always my fault," he protests, leaning closer as his daughter tries to tug his hair. "though, i do admit, this is my shit to clean up."
"shit!" she repeats brightly, grinning up at him as he fondly rolls his eyes.
"i think you're doing this on purpose, you gremlin," he grunts and she smiles up at him mischievously.
"gremlin!" it's the same smirk he does, the only difference being her eyes match yours instead of his.
"you got yer dada's dirty mouth. mama's not gonna be happy, but i," he pecks a kiss on her forehead, "am ecstatic." his daughter's eyes temporarily flash emerald green and she points to the front door.
"zuzu," she informs him. he groans and bites back another curse, throwing the stained dress into a basket and hoping for the best.
"that dumbass isn't supposed to be here until six," bakugo grumbles. he adjusts his daughter and moves into the living room in time to catch a car pulling up at the curb of the house.
"dumbass!" he doesn't have time to scold her because, unfortunately, her quirk isn't done yet. while he hurries to kick any toys under the couch and wipe the faded paint off his hands, her eyes flash pink, red, and yellow a split second before a knock at the front door.
"mimi! eiji!" his daughter squeals in excitement. he sets her down so she can rush to the door, opening it to reveal a half-dozen pro heroes squished onto the front porch. she jumps straight into kirishima's open arms, a string of drool dripping from her wide smile.
"you're early," bakugo deadpans while his high school friends toe off their shoes. "wasn't expecting her to alert for another half hour." his daughter transfers from kirishima to mina, who throws her up into the air like a beach ball. "oi, watch it with her, pinky. don't be giving her a concussion."
"lighten up, bakugo," mina replies without missing a beat, tossing the squealing child again. "what's got your panties in a twist?"
"did her flight get delayed or something?" denki asks, taking the baby from mina and flying her around the room while making racecar noises. bakugo watches his daughter like a hawk, never more than five feet away from her. he won't admit that he trusts his friends, but he also knows he could never be too careful.
"nah," he frowns, crossing his arms over his chest. "i jus' fucked up, is all."
"how so?" bakugo mindlessly unpacks the various packages of chips and soda, organizing them on the kitchen counter and punching a stray balloon out of his way.
"accidentally sent her to school with the wrong dress on," he grimaces. "thought it was a different white one, but it was supposed to be the one for today." he disappears momentarily into the laundry room, re-entering with the stained white dress in his hand. "she was screamin' and cryin' about not having anything to wear for her school's paint-a-thon thing, so i just put this on her without checkin..."
"yeesh, she really did a number on this, didn't she?" kirishima says, examining the various spots of pink, blue, and green. "her mom say anything about what she was supposed to wear?"
"i didn't wanna bother her," he mumbles in shame. "you know how important this gig was for her." his friends nod, wracking their brains for how to improve the situation. it was mina's idea, originally, to host a welcome home party after you'd been overseas for a reconnaissance mission, which was why they'd all congregated at your house.
"if it means anything, i think it looks even better," she assures him with a pat on his shoulder. "the colors are nice."
"thanks, pinky. i'm just not good at this shit."
"what, being a dad? like it's hard?" kirishima clicks his tongue, lightly slapping denki on the back of his head.
"dad of a girl," bakugo corrects with a scowl, "you got sons, pikachu. don't even try me."
"i think what he means," kirishima gently interrupts after shooting denki a look, "is that you should be a little easier on yourself."
"she's just got her mom's quirk, y'know? i don't want her to grow up with a shitty dad that doesn't know how to help her develop her quirk." though your daughter could only track up to six people and locate them when they're within 100 feet, your ability to track up to 65 people and locate them on a country-wide scale made you highly desirable to agencies around the globe. with you gone, it was up to bakugo to take care of his daughter and keep the house in order, but he found himself struggling to know what decisions were the right ones.
"you're learning, bakubro, and so is she." denki gestures to your daughter sitting on the living room floor, concentrating on stacking wooden ice cream pieces. "she doesn't know what a 'bad dad' is. she just knows you, and i don't think you're a terrible dad at all." bakugo nods in lieu of answering, his cheeks heating as the rest of his friends echo their agreement.
"if this little ball of spunk is any indication of how much of you she's got in her," mina says with a fond smile, "then she's gonna be just fine." any further thoughts are halted by the front door swinging open again.
"i got the cake! we gotta put it in the fridge, though, since it might've been smushed during travel," deku announces, handing off a stack of gift boxes and catering platters to denki. "now where's my favorite girl?"
"zuzu!" on cue, she comes waddling around the corner of the couch and helps herself to her favorite uncle's shoulders, finding two fistfuls of green hair as handles.
"you better not drop my fuckin' daughter, izuku," bakugo warns. "i'll blast your ass to mercury."
"do you always swear this much with her around?"
"that's exactly what i don't think should happen," kirishima states, unsurprised. "have you been teaching her that stuff?"
"she's a smart girl. picks up on things quick, like her mama," he dodges. "speaking of, you got eyes on mama yet, baby?"
"no mama, dada," she replies. "mama home soon?"
"yeah, mama home soon, so we gotta get you ready." he's about to take his daughter off deku's shoulders when he hears mina gasp. he'd known her long enough to know that sound meant she had an idea, and those ideas weren't necessarily good ones. "you got somethin' to say, pinky?"
"let me get her ready, and i'll fix your little dress problem for you," she says cryptically. bakugo doesn't have much time to protest as his daughter is already stretching from his arms to mina's, giggling while they disappear down the hallway.
forty-five minutes and a handful of inflated balloons later, his daughter's eyes flash neon orange, the same color your eyes flash for him. she doesn't know any other color to assign me, you theorized one night as you laid together in comfortable darkness. i guess she just associates me with you.
"welcome home!" denki excitedly opens the confetti shooter while kirishima bombards you with a sizable flower bouquet. you're standing speechless in the doorway and he watches your eyeline; it scans the room and its many shimmering balloons, paper streamers, and hero friends until it lands on him and your daughter, holding tightly to his pinky by the kitchen table. when the glitter settles, he gives her a nod, an okay to let her run to you.
"hi, my darling!" you beam, picking her up to hold her close and meet your husband's eyes over her shoulder. "and hello, my love," you murmur as his hands find your waist, pulling you close and pressing his lips to your forehead.
"missed you," he hums, his breathing finally returning to a steady rhythm for the first time in weeks. "she's been a handful."
"i'm sure she has." katsuki's expression is soft, only reserved for you and the child in your arms.
"how was the job?"
"a lot," you admit, allowing yourself to decompress now that you're home. "i can't tell if my head hurts from my quirk or the ten-hour flight," you smile tiredly.
"you got enough in the tank to entertain our friends? or do you need me to kick 'em out?"
"if it's these guys," you say, looking at the rowdy group of guests passing around plates and flatware, "of course i can."
"i guess we got more incoming," katsuki observes as another carload full of his friends arrive. "can we get you some food? baby and i will handle being welcome committee."
"well, do you, uh," you chuckle, finally acknowledging the pink-splattered elephant between you two. "do you wanna tell me why your shirt looks like you hugged a rainbow? and why her dress' stains look older?"
"oh, right. this." he looks down at his previously white button-down, now colored various shades of orange, blue, yellow, and pink to match his daughter's dress. you raise your eyebrows knowingly, already amused even before he answers.
"yeah," you smirk. "that." he shrugs, snaking a hand behind your back and leading you to the platters of dinner on the counter.
"it was paint-a-thon day."
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fatkish · 6 months
Hello there :) Im new in your blog and i read a dadzawa fic in which his daughter entered in a fight. So i wanted to request something similar, but she is a a rebel teenager (biological daughter too) and she got involved in a street fight, but even though she won he was patrolling with mic and they saw it and stoped it. And then maybe the aftermath.
Thank you love 💜🖤
Aizawa x Teenage Rebel Daughter Reader: Streetfight
(Trigger warning: mentions of attempted sexual assault underneath the cut)
You’re, let’s say, 15. Your Aizawa’s Biological daughter
And you’re in somewhat of a rebellious phase
Aizawa can be rather strict and his punishments might seem disproportionate to the reason for it, but he loves you, and wants you to understand that there are consequences for your actions
One night, you managed to sneak out while your dad was asleep
You managed to sneak some sleeping pills that were crushed up into his coffee
Needless to say he was down for the count
So you decided to go have fun and do all that rebellious teenager stuff
Well, sadly, it didn’t go quite as you hoped
You where walking down the street after leaving the Kombini mart and managed to attract the attention of a couple thugs
Now Aizawa has taught you self defense
But that only goes so well when you have multiple assailants
Despite your best efforts, one of the thugs managed to drag you into an alley.
The five of them against you, your odds weren’t looking good
Despite a few good punches and well placed kicks, one of them managed to grab your hands and restrained you while the other tied a handkerchief around your mouth essentially gagging you
It was at this moment you knew, you fucked up
Things were looking really bad and you were actually scared and afraid of the situation
Just as they began to try to remove your clothes, you closed your eyes in an attempt to protect yourself from seeing it happen
Suddenly a commotion was heard as you guessed they started fighting? You knew the sounds of a fight but this was a little much
Once the sounds died down you heard footsteps grow closer to you
“(Y/n) are you okay? They didn’t touch you did they? Please tell me I’m not too late”
That voice, that’s your dad.
You opened your eyes to see the worried and frantic look on your father’s face
The moment your restraints were undone you jumped into your father’s arms
You cried and tried to hide it but Aizawa didn’t mention it.
After that, Mic made sure to stay behind after he caught up to Aizawa and deal with the police and thugs
Aizawa took you home and after consoling you he told you your punishment for sneaking out and attempting to drug him was to write a 6 page report about why you shouldn’t sneak out and the lesson you learned from your experience
Aizawa made sure you were okay mentally, physically and emotionally before he enacted his punishment
Overall, he loves you so much so don’t scare the poor man like that ever again
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tteokdoroki · 1 year
☆༉ — KATSUKI BAKUGOU. what’s one more?
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about. now that your kids are all grown up, you’ve gotten to thinking about having another baby with bakugou again.
warnings. minors, blank and ageless blogs do not interact! nsfw, suggestive and smutty, fluffy, some dub-con, baby-trapping mention, breeding, unprotected sex mention, reader is a mother, bakugou is getting old hehe, they have three daughters lol, fem!reader, pro hero!bakugou.
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i imagine that when your kids get a little older and start becoming more independent — your eldest in their final year of U.A, the middle starting U.A and the youngest still kicking in middle school….you catch a whiff of baby fever again.
it’s not even that everyone around you is having kids, most of theirs are well into their teenage years and giving your old friends trouble. it’s more that you miss the tiny pitter patter of feet throughout your house, the gummy giggles and scent of baby safe soap. oddly enough, you find yourself yearning for the late night feeds and the laughter shared over the inherent explosive bakugou diaper bombs.
speaking of your husband, you kind of hate how good he is with kids. he’s always treated your daughters like princesses, spoiling them rotten and raising their standards so that no possible crush could ever compare to the way their daddy treats them. but he’s so tender with the littler ones he visits as part of hero work, the tiny fans that ask him to sign his trading cards or their backpacks.
it’s adorable and still warms your heart to this day. to the point where you’re jumping bakugou’s bones every chance you get without actually telling him you want another one of his big headed babies. of course, he’s only a man and he’s not going to question why is wife of nearly two decades keeps presenting to him like a bitch in heat after lights out and the kids are asleep.
perhaps that’s why bakugou doesn’t question (on the one night where you have a child-free house) the way you toss away the condom, the way you take it raw and clench down on his cock like your life depends on it. why you squeal all high-pitched for him to fill you up with tears in your pretty eyes — how could he say no to you?
his pretty little wife, his lover, hot piece of ass to love and fuck to his hearts content.
what good, loving man isn’t going to cum in his wife when she begs and cries for it?
it’s not until your trained and doughy thighs lock around his slender waist to pull him into your frothing sex that bakugou realises. you’re doing this on purpose.
and by the time he does realise, he’s filling you up to the brim, sloppy white leaking out of you while you cum around him just like you always do — taking him so well, smiling up at him like you’re on top of the world.
“you fuckin’ leg locked me!” katsuki pants through amused laughter, collapsing on top of you with a sweaty and heaving chest.
“nuh-uh!” comes your quick reply, angling your hips up so that he slips deeper into you.
katsuki gets up soon after and disappears to the bathroom, not before prying your legs off of him — knowing full well he had the strength to do so earlier. if he really wanted to. “my own wife… you tried to fuckin’ baby trap me!”
“no i didn’t!” you pout defensively, brows furrowed and nose upturned. your expression only softens when your husband gives you a pointed look and moves to wipe the mess drying against your inner thighs. “okay…so what if i did?”
you loop your arms around his neck with a purr, toying with the silvery-blonde baby hairs on the back of katsuki’s neck and looking up at him with vixen eyes like you’re about to devour your prey. “we can not have another baby,” he tells you simply, kissing the crown of your head when you hiss at the sensitivity. “was i too rough?”
there’s a rasp to his voice, the kind that’s only prominent after hours of singing your praises in the bedroom. it makes you smile, close your eyes in content, and shake your head ‘no’. “why not?”
“havin’ a baby isn’t like gettin’ a puppy ‘nd you know that, sweetness,” bakugou hums quietly, soothing over the bruises he’d left on the soft handles on your waist. he thumbs at the stretch marks and tigers stripes, the very markings that show you were a mother to three of his beauties children. “we gotta focus on makin’ sure kasumi gets into a good agency, if not mine, and don’t get me started on the other two—“
“—but we could do it. right? i mean we’ve done it three times before. raised a baby, what’s one more?” you do your best to sound convincing while you sit up and cling to your man, pleading with those puppy dog eyes that got you knocked up the first time almost eighteen years ago. “don’t you want a little boy?”
“three girls are more than enough.” bakugou pushes your face away playfully, forcing you back into the sheets so he can lie on top of you. “we’re not as young—“ he starts, but back tracks after being on the receiving end of your heated glare. “i’m not as young as i was when we had our first. ‘n shit, my back hurts and my eyes are gettin’ bad, and our kids… they’re exhaustin’, babe.”
the both of you share a laugh. upon brushing a hand through his hair, katsuki trills happily at your affection. “you’re still a good dad. you’d be an even better to our next. even if you’re a little achey in the knees, old man.” though you’re teasing, you really do mean every word you say. raising your kids has been trial and error from the start, but bakugou’s been strong the entire way through — wanting nothing but the best for his family and always putting them first. “plus, the kids are with the kirishimas for an entire weekend, and you’re telling me you haven’t thought about fucking me raw again?”
“jesus woman, you’re gonna be the fuckin’ death of me, aren’t you?” katsuki twitches against your leg once again, crawling up your body to capture your lips in a hungry, syrupy kiss. “you’re right,” he groans against them, loving the feeling of your tongue on his. “fuck, you’re right. spread your legs, sweetness. wanna fill this pretty pussy with my cum.”
“yes daddy…” you mewl in reply while a winning grin tacks itself to your lips l face between uncoordinated kisses and surprised moans once your husband eases his throbbing cock back inside of your tight heat. mumbling something about how it feels like home.
needless to say, neither of you are surprised when the next pregnancy test you take is positive. now you just have to explain the baby supplies in your Amazon basket to your three teenage girls.
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꒰ end. — all rights reserved © tteokdoroki 2023. do not copy, repost, translate & recommend elsewhere.
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heartofjasmina · 4 months
Pro hero, Alpha!Bakugou and his tiny omega son who just wants to protect his mom and baby alpha sister. :(
Just Katsuki teaching him how to yell real loud to scare any bad guys away, and giving him a little cape while telling him it's his job to be his mom's hero while dad's at work.
Your son marching around the house cause he "has to patwol" like his papa. All while you're nursing your newborn daughter and trying not to cry because your son is such a good boy.
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metranart · 3 months
“How about—how about you give me a daughter, huh?” He panted out, grinning like a maniac, his incisive too sharp, pupils’ way too blown, hair wild and sticking over his sweaty forehead. “I bet she’d be pretty thing, just like her mommy.”
ft. Hawks centered, Hawks x reader, Slight! Bakugo x reader, Slight! Dabi x reader.
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Hawks x UA Student! Reader (Part 5)
Warning tag: obsessed! Hawks, possessive! Hawks, naive! student reader, violation of trust, dubious consent, mating cycles, rut response, obsessive behavior, uncontrollable thirst for reader, manipulation, forced, thigh riding, hormonal minds out of control, sexual content, first time, cock riding, teenage fuck, Dabi's toxically interested in you, Bakugo bestie yet secretly inlove wit you, love confessions, cock-drunk, Hawks trying to be good but failing miserably, gaslighting, HEAVY plot, lots of smut.
Keigo pulled out, fully out of you just to shove himself to the hilt, slamming your cunt so viciously, the breath was knocked out of you. Words and pleas got stuck in your dry throat, you didn’t know how to stop him. This wasn't happening, not with Hawks—the Number two pro hero in the country. He was your favorite Hero. Please, someone make him stop.
“Fuck-... so, sooooo tight.” He praised, bathing your neck in abandoned smooches, “I knew it, it had to be your sweet pussy—” and throwing his head back, grinned like a love-struck fool and began pistoning in and out of you like a madman. 
He was fucking you so violently, you couldn’t find your breath to scream. You merely sobbed into his bare shoulder, and he let you. There was no one around, all the houses empty from working parents and studying students. You were at his mercy. No one would hear you and somehow, you wished he had never saved you.
“How about—how about you give me a daughter, huh?” He panted out, grinning like a maniac, his incisive too sharp, pupils’ way too blown, hair wild and sticking over his sweaty forehead. “I bet she’d be pretty thing, just like her mommy.”
“Ngh~” you wailed, but he couldn’t interpret the sound, neither could you. 
“Yes, yes, I know you´ll love it, too.” Keigo daydreamed, “she’ll be Daddy’s little treasure,” he hummed, pulling back and flipping you onto the ground, your face and tits splashed against the cold concrete as he lifted your hips a little, straddling you when you attempted to stand. “Almost there, love—” said, tenderly patting your ass and slipping back inside you, started thrusting with swift abandon at the new angle.  
“Mmh… Fuck, you’re still so tight—!” Hawks chuckled breathlessly, rutting into your softness with frenzied exhilaration, devoutly massaging the skin on your hips with his thumbs while thrusting. 
Berserk hips colliding with your ass cheeks at the rhythm of love, not an inch of restraint or mercy while forcing his heroic cock inside your virginal pussy. He had been making an utter mess of you for the better part of twenty minutes already, and now you were no more than a sack of bones sprawled on dirty concrete, no more tears in your eyes, only pitiful moans and occasional groans when decided to fuck you in a different angle or position. 
“S-sorry about this-” he mumbled, and groaned, burdensomely, kissing your cheek as if it would comfort you. You felt warmth permeate inside of you, and knew he came, for the third time. “Shesh—you’ll think I’ll be done with that, but I just feel so fucking driven, still…. FUCK! I’m so, sorry, kid.” He did sound remorseful but didn’t stop. 
You didn’t respond anymore, too numb by something very similar to pleasure but more intense, pain had left your body in the first five minutes of him forcing himself into your resistless, utterly slaved pussy, and were reduced to take it, as Hawks often like to babble, ‘like a good fucking girl.’
A part of you hated him so bad, and another part knew it wasn’t his doing, not entirely. What had his feathers all ruffled up and had him drooling like a dog in heat was your fucking quirk, twisting his mind and charging his sexual feat. And to your despair, you thought you knew what needed to be done to end this assault, it would be a torrid lie -another problem to deal with later- but as long as he believed it right now, it could be your way out. 
“Hawks~” you mewled, and the noise of your sultry voice alone got him harder. 
“Yes, baby bird, what do you need?” he fluttered with happiness at you finally sounding less disgusted, “What can I do to make you feel more comfortable—is the bed of feathers not soft enough?” 
At some point while flipping your body to his liking, set a rug of red feathers which chased your bare figure for you to be at least comfortable while receiving him. 
You were far too cramped, not deep enough and he was huge, and no number of different angles or positions would help him reach deeper than he already was, the bulge under your belly button a firm sign that he couldn’t bottom out as would like to, yet he felt a wave of pride, at seeing you take it like a real champ. Not eager but at least you weren't crying anymore.
“It’s o-okey…” you mumbled, feeling him keep you effectively anchored to his groin. You were on your side now as he lay behind you, one arm wrapping around under your waist while squeezing one of your breasts as anchor and his other hand lifting your leg up, knee flush against your side, spread wide for him to slid easier, hitting your cervix on every incessant shove. 
“Haw—Keigo.” You remembered he wanted you to call him by his civilian name, and to your surprise it had a better effect than you anticipated.
“Oh my God! It sounds so pretty coming out of your mouth, goddamit-” hearing his own name had practically made his eyes roll back into his skull, it was addictive, and soon needed more. “Say it, please, baby—… don’t leave me hanging......say it again. Keigo. Please....fuck, please, say my fucking name, baby. I just…” he melted into your warm body, lips brushing against every inch of your face as he kept pleading, forehead sweaty and face red from exertion, but the thing that shocked you the most was the way he cupped your jaw with a gentleness you never expected when the rest of his body was moving so violently, so spirited, “—I just need you to say it.”
“Keigo.” you conceded in a sultry purr, and he squeezed your breast harder, without hurting you, carefully spreading your leg farther up for him to get a little deeper, but it wasn’t enough. Your body was still resisting every swing of his hips. “You have to let me spoil you, baby—” he practically begged, unable to stop himself, he could feel your rattled heartbeat through your back against his chest and he loved the closeness, the way you were finally listening to his demands. “I need to take care of you, my mate.... I need you to come on my cock-…. please, baby bird, come for me —”
“I don’t think I can do it again, Haw-… Keigo.” The shiver running down his body echoed through your own skin at the use of his name, so willingly, so natural.
“Yes, you can, just one last time.... please-…. let me take care of it,” he swallowed hard, hips stuttering while trying to dial it down a bit to let you chase your own pace “You´ve been taking all my loads so well inside this beautiful baby-maker.... this is the last pull to be able to close my rut, luv.... I´m so fucking close-” his wings instinctively flapped “but I can’t come until you do.” He insisted, and you sighed, you didn’t want this to drag on any longer than it had, so, you nodded, once.
“Oh, I can't wait,” he cooed dizzily, as if the mere thought of you taking the lead even for a short lapse made him tipsy, “I'm all yours, your to command—tell me how you want me to make you come?”
“Eh-h...” you stuttered, once again, he really loved when you did, and you tried to use it against him, even so, once he had pulled out and was now eagerly waiting for YOU to tell him how to rip a new hole in your cervix again, you couldn’t find your voice. You just wanted it to end. “Well...I—”
Hawks nodded his head reverently, waiting with bated breath for your next words and as if sensing your hesitance, he peppered your forehead with greedy kisses. Fuck, how his teeth ached to bury in the skin of your shoulder and mark you as his, he yearned to fill you a thousand more times in this dirty alleyway, but he was worried about your well-being, you were still a pup compared to him. So, he promised himself to take good care of you, and tucked you safely away from any other male, he had called dibs and now you were fucked...or at least that was what his rut commanded. 
“I-…. with your mouth.” You braved out, expecting for that to work, but it didn’t. 
“No can do, kiddo, I need to double coat your insides white one last time, remember?” How the fuck did he was able to blast such horrid and lewd phrases without even be fazed about it, was beyond you. But the worst of all, was how this sick, trademark humor of his actually had an effect on your traitorous soaked pussy.
“Mphmmm....well, then-… what is your favorite position, Keigo?” His eyes almost sparkled at your interest, feign but well-aimed, and he beamed, flapping his wings excitedly. 
“My—My favorite....” he felt like a kid on a candy store, “I mean—… I already twisted you like a pretzel for the last hour.... I think I did everything I want......except—”
Your eyes opened wide, expectation shinning on your orbs, whatever he says you´ll do just to end this martyrdom.
“Well....” he laughed, a little sheepish and you blinked at him, in all the time you had been with him, you had never seen his confidence fail, and that picked your interest. “You can tell me, Keigo.” You encouraged and he acquired a sitting position, abandoning your body on the sheet of feathers.
“I want—I want to sink myself inside some warm pussy.... -yours preferably...since you are MY mate, you know.” You merely nodded, fearing that contradict him may cause a dry humping on his part, “—while we are six feet off the ground.” He shared, all sheepishness forgotten, “That´s it.”
You didn't know how it happened but what was supposed to be your wish, turned into fulfilling one of Hawks' deepest fantasies, and there you were, your legs encircling the hero's waist as he flew up the alley, your shirt at least covered the side of your breasts but still Hawks didn't allow you to fully close it, begging you to let him see your breasts sway to the rhythm of his love, or at least, that's what he assured. 
And once having reached the height he required, the birdman sheathed inside you once more, his hands digging under your rear as he maneuvered you up into the air. You prayed that no one would see you, and Keigo assured that no one would, since his feathers would form a shield. 
So, you concentrated on letting him set the pace that he needed, and like before, soon became ruthless.
Never ending pumps while he whined desperately, his forehead firm against yours, eyes set in a slit as he concentrated to keep his pumping fluid while still floating in the middle of the air, “Shit, baby... I didn’t expect for this to turn me on so fucking bad, fuck! .....are you even close?”
You weren't, but you knew what that meant. More fucking until you came first. You strived to achieve the requirement of his rut. Please, you needed this to stop.
“Get as horizontal as-as possible so I can...so I can ride you at my pace.” 
You didn't even have to say it twice, when his feathers already formed a red platform on the sky where he laid placidly, you on top straddling his erect member, his eyes focused on your figure, Keigo wanted to memorize every detail of your body moving over him while you were hunting for your orgasm.
“Use me, love, come all over your mate´s cock.” He mumbled, kneading the fat of your thighs and you started to hump him. 
Your movements were erratic and sometimes his dick slipped out of your overused pussy, your breasts bounced up and down between the folds of your open shirt, your pretty hair fluttered in the wind like a banner that Keigo wanted to braid and comb in a thousand hairstyles, and your plump lips were parted, soft little moans escaping them every time your pussy greedily devoured his cock, DAMN IT! Keigo was close, and no doubt you were too—…. But the winged Hero had already changed his mind, and didn't want this to end, never ever.... when was he going to have you like this again, on him in full will and desire? Was he going to have to become a villain in order to keep you? Was he willing to do that? YEP. Were you willing to do that? Probably NOT.
His hands around your hips innocently tried to contain your thrusts without you noticing but it was too late, Keigo's selfishness would not bear fruit, since he felt your blessed walls tightening on him, and the gasp torn from your throat along with your trembling frame falling on his bare chest was more than enough to know that you had come, without a doubt he was close, so fucking close from just seeing you perform on top of him like a fucking goddess taken out of the same heaven angels must come from, even so, he didn't want to be so close, not anymore. 
He wanted you. To be honest, he had been lying to you for the last twenty minutes, since the third time he came inside you turned off his rut completely, leaving him sated and satisfied. He just hadn't counted on the strong need he would feel, this selfish and macabre desire that ran through every fiber of his body, wanting to keep you for himself, you were HIS, he had been your first time, the first one inside of you... .it was only fair that you stayed with him. His girl, his baby, his fucking everything, fuck.... he was close again... this was going to be a painful load, so he hugs you tight against his chest.
“Here it comes, baby, you gonna be a good mate for me and take it all again?” he ceased his gentle stroking on your back in favor of digging his fingers among your soft mane. “Fuck—…. answer me, MATE.”
“Y-yes, Haw...Keigo.” And that did it.
“Then take it all inside that slutty pussy of mine....” His wicked croon had an effect on you, among his dirty words and his ravenous mouth stealing licks from your delectable neck, tempting you, ordering you to follow him over the edge, and soon you felt that familiar twinge in your womb, No! nononono Please... not again. He felt it too and took advantage of it. “Come for me, baby bird. Come on my dick while it fills you to the brim.”
You gagged on your own moans. You did not want to cum again. Not for him. Yet here you were again.... letting him stuff you with his putrid essence while you came undone sobbing and gasping for air for the tenth time that day. “That’s- that’s it. FUCK!” Keigo came soon after, a sonorous yelp- as if HE was the one being raped, ripped through his throat to then slowly and in all serenity, descend on a cloud of feathers until both touched the ground again.
“Well. Fucking. Done.... -Little bird,” his words drawled against your throat, Hawks still submerged in the goading sensation he greedily gained with each prolonged press of your weeping slit against his flaccid cock resting inside you. He didn’t even bother to pull out of you.
His breathing was still heavy, cum sipping out through at how full you were. You looked so ravishing like that, he felt like a real pervert.  
“I’m sorry,” he apologized, “I didn’t mean to laugh-” He hadn't even realized was laughing, but it was hard not to when felt so utterly fulfilled and blissful. Nevertheless, you roll your eyes at him, spoke of a whole different story in your case.
You choose to stay flat on the ground to let the strength in your legs slowly return. Itching to drag yourself as far from Hawks as humanly possible, the only problem there was that he was still inside you.
“Could- Could you pull out of me?” your lips were tight, and your voice sounded strained, “Please— …. Just let me go?” You felt more than tired, physically and emotionally drained.
“Just let me hold you.” He pleaded, possessively dragging your limp body inside his warm and impossibly strong embrace, flushing his entire body against yours, holding you tight as if you could get away at any given moment. “I just- want to hold you against me.... as long as I can.” He hummed, kissing your cheek again. 
Never going to let you go, baby bird, you are mine. Was that thought his? his rut? or your quirk? Guess, he´ll find out soon enough.
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crybaby-bkg · 1 year
cw: babies!!!! you’re also referred to as “ma” once
okay but like,,,,,first time dad Bakugou giving his baby their first bath after coming home!!! you’re fluttering around the kitchen, trying to make sure you have your daughters towel ready, her baby safe soap, a tiny washcloth, that her teeny tiny pajamas are in the dryer.
it’s only when you take a second to ask Bakugou something do you finally just—pause. your gaze instantly softens, a lovesick smile inching on your face as you watch your big buff pro hero husband hunch over the kitchen sink.
your daughter is resting in the baby bath seat, lilac colored and reclined back. she squirms when Bakugou lets the warm water run over her naked, fat little belly. her face scrunches at the new sensation, fists balling up against her chest. he coos at her, gentle,
“I know, ya little princess. Feels weird on ya, doesn’t it?” he asks her, voice so small under the running water. he cups his hand, holds a handful of water, tilts her fat cheek up to let it slide in her neck rolls that always smell like milk. she whines at that, sniffles and hiccups before she cries. you go to take a step forward, to console her, but Bakugou is so patient.
“It’s alright,” he kisses her tears away. “Daddy’s just tryna help you.” he runs the water all over her body, and paired with his softly spoken words, does she finally quiet after a few seconds. her little body trembles with the aftermath, pouty lips puffy and he can’t help but smooth his hand over the softness of her face.
“Yer a crybaby, just like your ma.” he whispers to her, grinning when that breaks you out of your stupor to smack him on the shoulder. you both laugh at that, and you finally feel the peace that is your little family. you lean against Bakugou’s shoulder, pressing a kiss to his jaw before looking at your daughter again.
“You’re gonna be a great dad,” you mumble into his skin. he doesn’t say anything, but you can feel his shuddering breath, and the calmness that blankets the rest of your house.
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