#probably a UK/EU tour?
toxiclizardwrites · 8 months
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I don't know what this is but I signed up anyway. I do what I'm told.
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hawkeyedflame · 11 days
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she can't be real
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wartornrequiem · 2 years
wait what about chris
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probably definitely reading too much into a reply but he was discussing whether “touring the end of the world” is a fitting title for a tour that isn’t technically a world tour and just as a Canadian whose TOT date got cancelled I’m clinging to anything
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dnpbeats · 1 month
Okay but WHY do you think they're not promoting anything? Because its genuinely baffeling to me. Surely this isnt just "dan and phil think its embarrassing to promote projects" because I feel like thats more true for dan than it is phil. Also thats a stupid reason. They always talk about how they lost money during tatinof and ii, and yes it shows how much they enjoy touring that they do it despite it being a money sink, but it doesnt HAVE to be a mkney sink. They are allowed to make money off of it. In fact if it does well they can actually tour more. I just dont understand their plan. I know they love doing everything themselves but I genuinely think they need to get some PR people on their team bc seriously.
okay, I could totally be misremembering/misinterpreting what d&p have said here, but I don't think they lost money overall on tatinof and ii. they said they lost money on the UK leg of tatinof but I'm assuming they made money on the US, AUS, and EU legs (or at the very least recouped what they lost). the success of tatinof was what enabled other YouTubers to go on tours, and I would assume that in a creator's/promoter's eyes "success" includes monetary value, not just butts in seats
with ii I know they said they lost money going to Asia and maybe one other content (idr sry) but again I took that to mean they lost money only on those legs and assumed they made money on the other legs
tours are massive undertakings and I just don't see how it makes sense, in terms of business, to go on multiple tours when you're losing money on each one
(that's all to say I do believe dan lost money overall on WAD, but that was a passion project for him in a way that I'm sure tatinof and ii weren't so he was probably more willing to lose money. it was also coming off of COVID so I can imagine he ended up losing more than he expected since im sure the pandemic affected how easy it was to sell tickets)
ANYWAY I 100% agree it's weird to not promote the tour and they truly do need somebody who's not them telling them what to do 😭 and someone competent at that lmao bc iirc AEG wasn't stellar with some WAD stuff right? so I doubt they're helping now with TIT lol
lol I totally didn't even answer your question 🤦🏻‍♀️ I honestly think their reluctance to promote it probably is because they feel awkward doing it and don't want to come across like they're being pushy... though imo coming across as pushy is better than coming across like you don't care
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clatterbane · 1 year
I must say, I'm still having some trouble getting used to the difference in labor regulations here after growing up in one of the worse US states for it. And then spending 15+ years in the UK, which was pretty much bottom of the barrel by EU labor standards even before Brexit.
Mr. C apparently had enough combined vacation and comp time (from the inevitable IT overtime) built up, that it turned into a "use it NOW" type situation. So, he is off from last week through the end of August. With pay.
(Not just "use it or lose it", in this case. Employers can evidently face penalties if workers do not take a certain amount of time off. They pretty much ordered him to.)
So yeah, he decided to take the excuse for another long weekend bumming around Stockholm. Planning to tour around the inner solar system again, and I'm guessing probably meet up with some old friends while he's there
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raapija · 8 months
Delusions questions I had in the shower
Is Nicole piastri still known / keyboard warrior in this au like Oscar isn't her son but she is still proud of her name and genetics (I'm sorta seeing her as this loving wine aunt)
Lando technically would be 0% British... I imagine he has citizenship due to growing up in the uk but technicaly has 0 British blood. I'm just seeing the whole 'British drivers quiz' thingy they always love doing with the 2019 rookies and George just going 'technicaly I'm the onyl true brit here.'
On that point! Nando and Carlos only having 1 passport each and loosing the passport wars everytime. (lando got 3, Oscars got 2, lance also has 2) like each time travelling not in eu do they split up to go through customs or do they all drag their feet behind the pureblood spainiards.
Though saying that nando and lance might have spouce citizenships? Would nando get ausie visa easy cuase his son is ausie???
Anyway I'm just picturing the fans at every race pulling up wiki going 'is one of nandos lot got claim to this as a home race?' cuase you never fucking know. Spanish gp is probs chaos
Now this is the kinda deep lore shit I was talking about!!!!!!
First of all, I love Oscar's mum so definitely, she needs to be a part of the Nugget au. She probably shares very embarrassing childhood stories about the kids all the time and has like 17 million followers just for that 😭
Lando is British in his heart and I think he would get the British citizenship on his own at some point. But yeah, him not actually being a Brit would be so funny just to add more confusion ✨
Carlos and Nando always having to go through security checks at the airport while the rest of them have to wait... And it's not just because of the passports but also because Nando and Carlos would probably raise some suspicion with acting all unhinged and being way too loud 😭 I imagine Nando making some bad joke at border control and ending up being interrogated for 7 hours 💀
Half the season is just their home races.... Belgium, UK, Australia, Spain, Canada... They dub it The Alonso World Tour (Fernantour???) and there's a separate scoreboard for their races 💁💁 Winner gets to pick the next family holiday location
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These two would definitely climb the security railing and get arrested ☝️
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britishdisasters · 4 days
I fully agree with the "don't call strangers slurs just bc you're parasocial with them and mean them in a friendly way", but I also think we won't have to worry about that now that the EU leg is over (or at least until the final few shows when they're in Europe again)
Native speakers have a completely different relationship with both slurs and swear words, whereas when you're talking/writing in a foreign language (even if you're fluent), these words carry very little weight (see also: people who absolutely cannot say "I love you" in their l1, but proudly declare their love for everyone and everything in their l2). It's not an excuse when european phannies just didn't think about how their words might have sounded to an english speaker, but I'm just saying I'm 99 percent sure l1 english speakers on the us and uk tour legs won't make those mistakes
We’ll see. I don’t think that’s necessarily it. “Homo” is a slur that’s been reclaimed. It was very clearly being used that way, and the person very clearly knew how they were using it. What you’re saying is absolutely true in many cases but I don’t think that was the case for what the person said at the preshow. I think whoever wrote it just has it fully reclaimed in their brain and is too young for it to have ever been used as a slur against them, personally. So it didn’t occur to them that the reclaimed version might not be what’s in everyone’s head.
I don’t remember exactly but I’m pretty sure “homo” is specifically one of the slurs Dan mentioned in BIG. If it’s not, it’s probably still one that was used against him, considering how prevalent it was while he was in school. And we don’t know any of the details about what sort of homophobia Phil may have faced. Even if Phil didn’t hear it directed at him personally he would have heard it around him all the time as a teenager.
I’m not sure. Hopefully no one else will use reclaimed slurs to address them during the legs in english-speaking places, but I don’t think that’s a guarantee. There are plenty of people who think that just because they personally have reclaimed a slur, it means that they can refer to any queer person that way. It’s plausible there could be people like that at the upcoming preshows. As far as we know neither of them have personally reclaimed any slurs, at least not publicly. Unless you count “gay” for Dan. So no one should be referring to them as any slurs.
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greenwayinc · 1 year
(God help me when I have to write part 3...)
No worries about misgendering this guy... because they don't know. They would've forgotten it long ago anyways at this point, so they just don't give a crap what gender they are.
Their name is Kelsey Windsor. It used to be Dermot Windsor but they had it legally changed.
As a human, they're a very pale-skinned person of average height(5' 9"), with curly, blondish-red hair(yes it's a weird colour, but they manage to pull off the look). And they're absolutely saturated with freckles. Everywhere you look, it's just freckles, freckles and more freckles.
Usually wears Aran knit sweaters, jeans, bomber jackets and flannel shirts. They're still living in the early to mid-2000s fashion-wise.
This motherf***er is BUILT. Seriously, they might be neutral but God almighty are they stacked. They'll be up for anything, from US-led invasions to UN peacekeeping missions. For any large military operations they usually serve with America or UK, but they're always happy to just do peacekeeping work. More about this later.
Tiny scars are dotted across their neck and shoulder. Those are the remnants of a shrapnel bomb that exploded behind them during one of his many tours in the Troubles. There's more scars from where they've been grazed by bullets, beaten by batons and worse. They wear them like bravery medals though- each scar is a sign of their continuous luck.
Speaking of luck, they HATE it if you say "luck of the Irish" in a positive light. He is extremely self-conscious of the term's origins.
Much of their history has been them trying to rebel against England, and latterly, UK. As a result their relations could be described from a historical context as "strained"(top 10 greatest understatements in history coming up). However, since the 1960s, they've gotten along with each other and have left their previous animosity behind them... for now. Brexit has not gone over well with Ireland, it must be said(!).
The Famine screwed up their body greatly- mainly, they can't eat specific foods because of the irreversible damage to their digestive system caused by hunger. Mainly, they have to stay away from most fast food and fizzy drinks(although they've never liked the former much).
But, thanks be to the Lord, alcohol is on the safe list. They've said many a time that they wouldn't know what to do were it not for Guinness. As is to be expected, they drink like there's no tomorrow. One time they got so drunk that a SWAT team had to be called to contain them. But usually it ends up in him passing out in the street or having a one night stand with some other country.
They like to travel. A lot. And I mean A LOT.
Absolutely has PTSD from the amount of wars they've been in, plus the abuse from England, etc.
Tea addict. UK's influence definitely rubbed off on them in this aspect.
Jewellery. Oh my lord the jewellery. This fucker absolutely LOVES jewellery and anything gold or silver. They have ear piercings, they've got gold necklaces, silver rings, etc. Bling is this person's passion.
Also a good singer. Has recorded a few albums, which have found rather unlikely success internationally. As a result of this they work with South Korea and Japan on music projects a lot.
The music fame has also landed them roles in a good few movies.
Was a Formula One driver for a few years during the late 1970s and early 1980s, and again in the 1990s. Surprisingly good at it, too.
Has multiple Irish wolfhounds.
If you confuse them with Ivory Coast, Italy or Mexico... well God help ya.
(related to a previous statement) They've been in the wars. Surprisingly often, as it turns out, because they were in both world wars, Iraq, Afghanistan, the Falklands, Vietnam- name a war in the past 100 years and they've probably been fighting in it at some stage.
They and Northern Ireland are estranged. They don't talk to each other WHATSOEVER.
Generally regarded as the "partier" of the EU, and has gained notoriety within the organisation for their drunken exploits.
Good friends with America, Canada, Chile, Japan, South Korea, Australia, Germany, Austria, France, Italy, Finland and Sweden. And all the ex-commie Central European countries.
Knows English, Irish, Polish, Lithuanian, Romanian, Czech, Finnish and Latvian. Currently learning Spanish so they can stop embarrassing themselves while on holiday in the Canary Islands.
In a relationship with Finland’s twin sister(will explain later). They met at a party in Helsinki back in the 1970s and have been together since.
Always has the best Halloween parties. Yes, it sounds childish, but they've been hosting those parties since the beginning of time. And everyone attends for the party, the dressing up... and the copious amounts of alcohol consumed at these events.
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I wonder why the FCDO is advising this…
Brexit and the Special Relationship.
The American establishment is/was very much against Britain leaving the EU. So much so that Cameron had the Obamas come out on their farewell tour to help campaign for "remain." The establishment's stance back in 2016 was that if Britain leaves the EU, then the US will prioritize the EU and Britain goes to the bottom of the list as far as treaties, agreements, negotiations, etc. No more special relationship, or the special relationship isn't as special as it once was.
Biden is very much a member of the American establishment and, as the current occupant of the White House, has a lot of power over where Britain stands globally post-Brexit. The FCDO probably wants to continue nurturing the special relationship so the US doesn't follow through on their threat to drop Britain as a priority partner.
My opinion - the UK can still nurture the Special Relationship but should really table any talk of state visits or special priority for the US. It looks like Charles (and the media) is putting all of his chips on the US and we're not a feasible long-term strategy -- that's an unrequited codependency. He needs the EU just as equally, especially with Russian and Chinese aggression. (And also focusing on the EU as opposed to the US will neutralize the Harkle threat even further.)
(I'm a fed in Washington. You didn't hear this from me.)
the 2016 stance is totally right - Obama told us 'back of the queue' and Trump reversed that position, which obviously flipped back when Biden came in. I cannot stand Obama for that intervention, he had no business getting involved in a democratic vote - and the remain position was ultimately what cost Cameron his job. He should have stayed neutral, the clown.
Also, thank you. If I keep talking I'll talk myself into tinhat territory lmao
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alarrytale · 1 year
My guess about the MSG shows is that Harry had so many events to do in between that it´s basically a miracle he didn´t postponed any show - he had to fly to Venice for 2-3 days, had to fly to Toronto for one day, there was that premiere of DWD in NY and yeah, OW was probably there every other night (also do you remember how she used her actress skills and fake cried with Harry knowing cameras are on her? Ugh!). And there were another 13 shows in LA when he got sick and on the last show (2 days before BUA) he looked totally DONE, like even his face was so off, kinda bloaten and he looked extremely tired. And then he started LATAM after BUA and he looked like a totally different person. So I´m sorry for our american larries but I can´t help myself but it´s a huge difference between his shows in USA and rest of the world (and especially EU/UK shows were totally somewhere else) . But it´s the same when we compare him at Grammy´s and Brits - extremely nervous Harry vs big party boy turning the whole event to his party with an open bar.
About the banner thing. I think he cried bc he was asked to act emotional about it. I think he knew they prepared something for him and I'm sure it will look a little dramatic and i made it moment in the documentary if they include it. I would say Harry has always been rather private about his emotions and is the type of person that feels so much without really revealing it. So crying about a simple piece of paper that states he just completed something like that is I'd say out of character for him. Also ngl I think him getting so theatrically emotional ( on his knees and everything) at the last show was also an overreaction for the documentary but that's just my opinion.
Hi, the both of you!
I think it might be both. I think he was exhausted and that he was sick of america, sick of O, and maybe missing home. But i also think he played up his emotions. It would have been weird if he didn’t react much at all. So he played it up a bit. (And i agree that he did that too at his last tour show).
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All men do is lie😭😔
I mean they’re probably coming tbh. They just haven’t announced it yet? To be fair they’ve announced nothing. We had ONE sign of a possible UK/ EU tour and then they never mentioned it again HAHAH
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finexbright · 1 year
Am I the only one confused as to why they didn't just postpone and downgrade to smaller venues if the issue was due to low sales? It doesn't make any sense to me why they were able to do it many times for his first tour and couldn't do it for 5 shows? Isn't it more expensive and harder to just cancel than postpone and move to different venues?
If I get this answered then maybe I'll believe it's the sales, but until then it has to be something else.
They knew they were going to cancel for a while now since Michael is the tour opener for a band and it's starting next week I think. So his band knew to make other plans.
i saw somewhere that because of how much the live music industry suffered during lockdown, the venues and stuff put more rules in place wherein if shows can't be postponed within the 30-60 days time period window, then they will have to cancel altogether and given how louis has the usa and uk+eu legs planned, he wouldn't have been able to postpone within that window.
again, post pandemic, it has become much more difficult to cancel shows and there are contracts between venues and artists which need to be upheld or they have to pay some hefty fines, which is why i don't believe the ticket sales reason one bit and i think that there's something else going on. now whether we'll ever find out what it is, i'm not sure but for now all we can do is hope him and his closed ones are okay and that he'll be able to make it to asia this tour season most probably after the uk+eu leg!
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wellthatwasaletdown · 2 years
Or he'll go to Cheshire for the holidays like he usually does. He went to Italy because he'd gone there to film additional stuff for MP right after the tour ended in December. There were still concerns about COVID-19, so they likely couldn't do the usual stuff. Remember Gemma's post about the pandemic taking away Christmas traditions. // I meant next summer after the last EU show when the whole tour ends he will most likely disappear for a while and probably write the next album and he always go's to different country's for that HS1 was Jamaica. HS2 Japan. And HS3 obviously was covid so he couldn't really travel that much. I just mentioned that because it would make a relationship with a woman who has to be in LA/NYC ever other week quite complicated. Besides that I totally agree after the SA shows end he will go back to the UK and spent the holidays there.
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officialtayley · 9 months
Idk if you’ve seen but people are freaking out because someone shared a pic of an article about Taylor Swift and it said that Maisie Peters is supporting on the Eras tour UK/EU dates.
Apparently that line wasn’t included in the online version of the article so it’s either only been included in print or it’s fake but lmao I think they might need to clarify things atp because people are losing their minds😭😭
Also it probably doesn’t help that a v well known fan account kind of stoked the flames claiming they know someone who is/was part of their touring team and that they’ve told them that they’ve cancelled the South American festival dates as well. Like even if you think it’s legit info and it’s all in good faith it’s probably just better for everyone’s sanity to keep it to yourself and let the band confirm things in due course.
i saw that about eras tour and saw it wasn't in the online version. someone said when they first saw it online that leg was mentioned but not in a way that said maisie was opening for her.
as for that other thing..... i wish those accounts would shut up. you're not helping anything but adding more fuel to the fire. if the band have to cancel then let them announce it themselves, don't half announce it for them.
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candy-floss-crazy · 9 months
Quirky Food Trucks, From A Container To A Rocket Launcher
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At one time mobile catering consisted of almost entirely box shaped 'burger vans'. Occasionally someone with a touch of flair, or perhaps just a bit mad, would put together something quirky. With the dawn of the instagram generation, boxy burger vans suddenly dropped out of vogue. To get ahead you really needed people to be sharing your set up. Sure, good food was important, but it was no longer the sole arbiter of success. Your food truck needed to look better. We are going to be taking a look at some of the quirky, weird, wonderful and downright strange catering outlets around the world. Happy Larrys Shipping containers are ubiquitous throughout the world. A standardised method of transporting goods via road, rail and sea. Many of them however do find a second life as something totally different. From bars, to offices to mobile toilets. They have also found favour with catering vendors. The basic container is a strong watertight structure, that is built to accurate dimensions, and lends itself to conversions. Happy as Larry is an Australian company that specialises in selling Napoli-style wood fired pizza. A nice touch in this container conversion is that they have replaced much of one side with huge glass pains to give a real contemporary feel to it. Space Shuttle Cafe If you are looking for something to convert into a food truck, the most obvious thing you could think of is an aeroplane. Probably not! This one was converted to a mobile eatery by GMC in 1976. But it started life as an actual flying machine in 1944. Cotton Candy Jeep One of our favourites this, take an iconic WWII off road vehicle, and shove a cotton candy (candy floss if you live this side of the pond) machine in the back. Oh and for good measure paint it all pink. Walls Mini Ice Cream Truck Walls ran a campaign called 'Goodbye Serious', where they built a miniaturised ice cream truck designed to drive into offices and dispense their best selling goodies. This is one seriously quirky little food truck. Though some of our taller staff might struggle to operate in this one. K99 Ice Cream Cart This one is notable, not for being a different type of food truck. But because of its target market. This sells ice creams for your canine companions. That's right, doggy ice creams. Seems that scientists have discovered  that gammon and chicken-flavored ice creams really hits the spot for our doggy friends. Vintage Caravan These are gaining in popularity, and are being used for everything from a gin bar to a burger joint. The ironic thing is, was during the late 90's, the fairground industry used these for staff quarters, then tended to scrap them at the end of the season. If they were scrapped, it wasn't unknow to just remove all identifying marks and leave them in a layby for the council to dispose of. You try buying one now, I have seen them advertised for upwards of £30k. Step Frame Food Truck More of a Stateside set up, they have a plethora of large step fram delivery vehicles from the likes of Dodge, Ford, GMC etc. These are pretty near the size of a 7.5 tonne lorry in the UK and make an ideal blank canvas to fit out as a mobile eatery Airstream Style Food Truck Another option hailing from the good ole US of A. Airstreams were originally touring caravans. Till some adventurous soul decided to cut the side out and add a kitchen. They are now a fairly regular sight on the UK scene. With both the original Airstream brand and a number of both EU based and Chinese manufacturers building similar looking trucks. Converted Vintage Horsebox Stunning Horsebox Food Truck Hire A regular sight nowadays, horseboxes are easy to obtain, pretty easy to convert and very flexible, though a bit on the small side for some catering options. Prices are steadily rising, to the benefit of anyone needing to dispose of a horsebox that's past it's sell by date. What you once would have scrapped, you can now get a tidy few grand for. Snow Mobile Food Truck This one is as far as we know, pretty unique. A burrito joint on a tracked snow mobile platform. Great for last minute corporate jobs in the arctic. Bloody noisy if you need to take it down the M1 motorway to London. London Red Bus Yoghurt Truck An iconic British vehicle this time, an ex London Routemaster bus, turned into a yoghurt dispensary by Snog. A cool vehicle for a cool brand serving a cool product (literally)! The Peanut Van Occasionally there are totally custom built trucks out there. I've seen vehicles that look like hot dogs, doughnuts, oranges. This one is a peanut. Leaves you in no doubt what the product is. Land Rover Ice Cream Truck Another off road vehicle pressed into service. We have already had a Willy's Jeep with a candyfloss machine. This one is the UK equivalent. In vehicles that is, not food. This is one cool ice cream truck. Monster Truck Another ice cream van. This time shoehorned into a monster truck. Unless you are 6ft 6 you need step ladders to be served here. Rocket Launcher Coffee Truck A big boys toy this one. A coffee truck on a rocket launcher. Though it didn't work out too well for two of the staff when they were arrested for causing panic on the streets of Malaysia. What's next, doughnuts served from a Challenger tank? Tactical Tapas Another paramilitary offering. Tapas from a tactical armoured car. It's all starting to get a bit Mad Max. Fire Engine The last couple of options were built on trucks designed to blow things up and start fires. These were designed to put them out. Popular both sides of the pond, though the US fire trucks just seem to be a lot more jazzy. Read the full article
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just wanna say thank you for that post, i can't afford any tickets at all and tbh it really does sting to see people going to 10+ shows anyway i appreciate you
My post-gig depression has been hitting really hard lately especially with how many posts I've seen about how this part of the tour is the best they've ever done and how it's so much better than the UK/EU tour so I honestly can't imagine how much this has gotta hurt for people who haven't been able to see them at all. I just feel like it's been super underspoken because it somehow feels selfish or petty to say when it really is a valid thing to feel and I guarantee there are probably more people feeling exactly the same way than there are people saying that seeing them is the best thing that will ever happen to you. In the end it really is just a concert and it's really important to remember that.
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