#probably a fair number of murder victims too
final girl | coriolanus snow
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pairing: ghostface!coriolanus snow x fem!reader
summary: you've become a target, the final girl of a killer's movie.
warnings: dark content, possessive!coryo, dark!coryo, obsession/obsessive behavior, suggestive themes(if you squint), stalking, murder, blood and gore, coryo being delusional, threats of violence, violence, sort of modern!au, no use of y/n, naive!reader, r is too kind.
It was october, not only that but there was a killer on the loose. You were by yourself, much to your parent’s annoyance. You told them,”I’m 18 Mom. I technically could be on my own. Please, let me be on my own. I’ll be fine. I’ve got friends who can help me. And 911 on the phone.”
Your mother sighed. "The capitol’s safe enough. Fine. But if anything happens-” “Protocol, I know, I know all the rules, You replied. You did. Normally, your parents weren't like this. But there was a killer. A fucking killer. Of course they'd be worried for their only child.
You were also the heir to wealthy parents and known in the capitol. Your parents were. If there would be a target, you might be on that list. Either way, you were going to be as safe as you could be.
. You place yourself on the couch. The staff, which included the maids, were on their day-offs today, which was unfortunate for you. Tonight, would be different, though, you had no idea.
Clemensia, your best friend, texted you.
Home alone?
You replied almost right away.
Yeah. It took convincing, though. My parents are kind of protective.
You knew she was sighing and rolling her eyes at your comment. Clemensia was logical, so were you. The both of you were, but sometimes you could be reckless. Her, too, but not tonight apparently.
For good reason. I mean, there's a killer out there.
You wanted to just watch a movie, something that was a form of entertainment in the Capitol, obviously. You decide a horror movie was too gruesome for a time like this, and were planning to watch a rom-com. A surprise, considering you loved horror movies.
Yeah. I feel too... scared to watch a scary movie. That's how bad this is getting.
That was the truth, you were utterly terrified. Terrified to even watch scary movies, as if it'd become true. You check your phone. Updates in the group chat continue.
Your friend, Coriolanus, was discussing the killer. But also said that everyone should be careful. It was a known fact he liked you, but you were oblivious.
You were always so naïve.
They say he calls his victims before he kills them. I hope that's not true. I mean, what if he gets one of us?
The latest kills were students at the school, Gaius Breen and Androcles Anderson. This was tragic, and they didn't deserve it. They really didn't. And it made you wonder, why?
Clemensia was texting you and then calls. “Hey Clemmie, You say. “Hey! She replied. She sounded a little better but still, she was probably terrified just like you. "You okay, Clemmie, why did you call? You ask her, naturally. "Clemmie" was a nickname given in your childhood. You had a friend group that all had your own nicknames, including you. "I don't know, I don't think I'd like to be by myself, She admitted.
"That's fair, You agreed."I don't think... Hold on. I'm getting another call. Can I be right back on that?" "Mhm, it's not your fault, Clemensia said.
You end that call, and while the number was not one you'd recognize, sometimes you don't put in numbers on accident, or change the name. It happens. "Hello? You say, kindly. No matter who called, you tried to be as polite as you could be. 
Already, you know this is a stranger. For one thing, the voice isn't one yo recognize, secondly, the number wasn't in your contacts. So it wasn't one you accidentally kept the number on. Unless this was a prank. 
"Sorry I have to ask, who is this?"
"Who is this?"
"I already asked that. What number are you trying to reach?"
"I don't know, what number is this?"
You chuckle. "You called me, shouldn't you know?"
"I guess not."
In your mind, you conclude that this must be a wrong number. It wasn't his fault, so you weren't going to be annoyed by it. They seemed to be confused. "Wrong number, it's not your fault, it happens." You hang it up, and it was eerily similar to the beginning of Scream. You brushed it off, and planned to call Clemensia back, when the number called again.
"I'm sorry. I guess I dialed the wrong number."  
"Oh, then why did you call again?"
"To apologize."
"Well, I forgive you, so-"
"Wait, can we talk?"
You sigh. "I'd love to. But i've got a phone call to do, bye, buddy." You hang up again. You innocently think of this as some joke. So, entertaining the prankster wouldn't be too bad for you. 
However, you needed to call Clemensia back, ASAP. As you were about to tap her name to call, the prankster called again. However, you weren't going to be mad or annoyed, you were that good of a person.
Maybe naïve for your own good, but kind nonetheless. 
"Why don't you want to talk to me?" 
"Oh, hi, um... I just don't know you at all. Sorry."
"You seem very sweet and understanding."
"I try to be. You never know. What's your name?"
"You tell me your name, and I'll tell you mine."
You place a piece of popcorn in my mouth, my soda beside me by the movie." As much as it'd be nice to make another friend, you'd have to earn that." A while ago, you texted your boyfriend to come over. Where was he? Your parents were gone. This was your chance to finally get intimate tonight. Still, no response. You texted him a couple of times. You frown. Is he cheating on me? You thought.
"What are you eating?"
"Popcorn, You immediately reply. "I'm watching a movie."
"What movie?"
"A rom-com, I can't bring myself to watch a horror movie."
"Rom-coms are cheesy, I think horror movies are incredible."
"Ah, a horror nerd, You joke. "Well, I normally think so, too. But, it's just... whatever."
"What's your favorite scary movie?"
You smile. "I guess I'd say, Texas Chainsaw Massacre. It's interesting."
"A good choice. It's brutal."
You check your phone a couple of times, still on the call, your boyfriend messaged once. He was on his way, and apologized for not being there. You accepted it, he was a good boyfriend, and was normally on time or responded, he was perfect. So, you forgave him immediately. 
"So, you've got a boyfriend?"
His voice was flirty, and suggestive, even. But you weren't flattered or anything. You loved your boyfriend. "Mhm, You say."So, I'm not interested. We're happy together."
"Ah, lovebirds. How cute."
His voice was sarcastic. However, you still tried to remain kind. You didn't say anything as a response though. 
"You never said your name."
"Why do you want my name?"
"Because I want to know who I'm looking at."
You freeze. "What did you say?"
"I want to know who I'm talking to.""
You shake your head."No. That's not what I heard." Panicked, you text your boyfriend and Clemensia. Someone was watching you."I'm hanging up."
"Why would you do that, Doll?"
"I... I just have to go."
"Don't hang up."
You text your boyfriend once more, hoping he'd come quick. Instead, however, you got a disturbing response.
Don't hang up on me. It won't end well for you.
You lock every door in your house, this creep wouldn't come in your house. But you also weren't ignoring his calls anymore certainly. He calls again, and you pick up. "What do you want?"
"Just to talk, doll."
"No, clearly not. Otherwise-"
"You've caught me. I want to play a game. Like I played with your boyfriend."
"What did you do with him?"
"Go check for yourself."
You whimper, stepping towards the back of your large home. You had a feeling it'd be in your backyard, the answer you were looking for. When you turn on the lights, You scream. Your phone drops, but thankfully doesn't break. Your boyfriend, was hung and gutted in your tree, bloody and all. You began to sob, shakily picking your phone up. "Please, why did you kill him?"
"You belong to me, doll. You're mine. I won't let anyone take you from me."
In that moment, a figure with a ghostly mask bursts in, grabbing you from behind, hands on your waist as you begin to fight, what was he going to do? Take you? You kick, your elbow kicking his rips, and a groan came out from him. You run. You held your phone, call ended. You take this chance and call 911. 
Ghostface gets up, and mid call, is fast and you dropped your phone. You yelp, trying everything in your power.You’re thrown onto the floor and now he’s on top of you, knife in hand was clean but probably washed off the blood after murdering your boyfriend.
what was he going to do with you?
He must be contemplating what he was planning to do. Your legs were stuck, so you couldn’t kick him. He tilts his head. His knife trails down your body, suggestively but also mocking you, it's between your breasts, and then you grab his wrist, trying to pry him off of you. But he's stronger. He says,"Be a good girl and I won't hurt you." He must mean death, so you nod, still crying. The police would come. 
You must've hit the floor hard, because your vision was foggy, and you were close to passing out. If this was death, you were ready. But you had no injuries. You clearly were just going unconscious. You use your free arm to take his mask off.
Your eyes widen."Coryo?" You barely see the grin on his face before you black out.
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canary3d-obsessed · 9 months
Restless Rewatch: The Untamed, Episode 40 part one
(Masterpost) (Pinboard)  (whole thing on AO3)
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Warning! Spoilers for All 50 Episodes!
Agree to Disagree
The juniors are arguing because Sizhui said that some demonic cultivators might have good intentions. According to Jin Ling that means that Sizhui is celebrating the murders of Jin Ling's parents, or something.
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(Actor) Peixin Qi uses forehead-squinching as a primary acting tool, which would be perfectly fine if he wasn't playing a character with a red dot between his eyebrows.
He goes on to say that Wei Wuxian is the evillest of them all, way eviller than Xue Yang. Which in sheer numbers of victims, is probably a fair point. But Xue Yang was way more of a dick.
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Ouyang Zichen is all of us when he asks Jin Ling to chill the fuck out.
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Sizhui apologizes even though Jingyi is ready to throw down on his behalf. It's unclear if this helps, because Hanguang-Jun chooses this moment to arrive. He immediately defuses the situation with the power of stinkeye.
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(more after the cut!)
More Than Meets the Eye
Many differences between CQL and the novel are adaptational choices - Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji's deep, early friendship; the yin iron plot, Jiang Cheng being loveable, etc. Changes like that, I normally don't point out, because adaptations are AUs, in my view, and can be enjoyed separately from their sources.
Other changes are driven by censorship, however, and in those cases I think it's fair to look to the novel and its less-censored adaptations for a peek at what's happening off camera. Particularly when there are scenes and interactions in The Untamed where the show seems to be deliberately pointing to the novel to fill in the blanks.
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This moment on the stairs is one such scene. In the show, Lan Wangji carries liquor upstairs to Wei Wuxian, and the juniors react with shock; Jingyi drops his chicken out of his mouth and Sizhui stuffs it back in there.
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They are shocked because he bought liquor, and that's the extent of their reaction.
In the Donghua, Manhua, and Novel, Lan Wangji is dragging Wei Wuxian up those stairs, having drunkenly tied him up with his headband.
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First he stops to show his prize to the juniors, who have basically the same reaction in every version of the story, including Jinygi dropping his chicken and Sizhui stuffing it back in his mouth. In the novel, however, Sizhui does that to stop Jingyi from saying anything to Lan Wangji & his captive.
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The liquor, in all versions, is a clear sign of how much Lan Wangji has mellowed since his youth. In case we need another reminder, we learn here that he let Sizhui get a tattoo on his finger.
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Every parent will tell you, you gotta pick your battles.
Returning to to the timeline in which no visible bondage is occurring, Wei Wuxian is sitting around in the room upstairs waiting for Lan Wangji. Wasn't he busy talking to Lan Xichen when Lan Wangji went into the inn to shut the kids up? How did he get upstairs before Lan Wangji? Never mind, never mind.
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Wei Wuxian goes to look out the window and Wen Ning appears, hanging off the roof like a dork, or like someone who has seen that one Spider-Man movie and is hoping for some upside-down kissing.
Wen Ning asks if Jin Ling is the kid he halfway orphaned, and Wei Wuxian says yes.
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Then he hears Lan Wangji coming, and Wen Ning falls to the ground for no reason.
Wei Wuxian urgently shoos Wen Ning away, trying to hide him from Lan Wangji.
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Wen Ning acts way too clueless for someone who spends so much time third-wheeling.
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There's no in-world reason for Wei Wuxian to hide Wen Ning; They fought side-by side in Yi City, and they were all together for A-Qing's burial. There's not a problem between him and Lan Wangji.
Once again, the novel provides the missing information. Wei Wuxian is hiding Wen Ning because Lan Wangji is hella jealous even when he's sober. Wen Ning fell to the ground because drunk Lan Wangji leapt through the window and kicked him.
In the novel, Wei Wuxian & Lan Wangji's evening ends with a game of tag that's loaded with sexual tension, followed by a kiss...followed by Lan Wangji literally knocking himself out to avoid taking advantage of Wei Wuxian.
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Lan Wangji does everything in the most extreme way possible.
In the live action, the most sexually charged part of their interaction is this positively sinful hip thrust that Wei Wuxian gives when he turns around at the window.
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If you've seen Xiao Zhan dancing, you know this is not an accident.
Unlike the novel's perpetually clueless protagonist, live-action Wei Wuxian clearly knows he's on a date right now.
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...and he's enjoying every minute of it. He's delighted that Lan Wangji has provided *good* liquor, rather than the rotgut he's able to afford himself.
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As he pours for Wei Wuxian, Lan Wangji points out that both of their brothers know who WWX is at this point. Wei Wuxian isn't happy about it but he says they can't do anything. Which is...not correct.
He tries once again to get Lan Wangji to tell him how he recognized him, and Lan Wangji responds by asking him why his memory sucks so much.
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Wei Wuxian says "you try dying by falling from a great height TWICE and see how your brain likes it." That's what he should have said, anyway.
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This whole thing about his memory isn't actually important in the live action, even though it keeps being mentioned. He's forgotten the name of their song because he was delirious when he heard it; otherwise his memory seems perfectly fine.
I think this might be another instance of the live action giving a wink to novel readers in the audience, because in the novel Wei Wuxian forgot Lan Wangji's confession of love. Which, like WangXian, was presented in a cave while WWX was delirious; Lan Wangji is not great at choosing his moment.
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Anyway, this may be why Lan Wangji seems to take Wei Wuxian's memory problems personally, despite having very little in-show reason to be upset.
Lan Wangji changes the subject by asking Wei Wuxian to go to Jinlintai with him, to search for Nie Mingjue's head. Sounds like a perfect romantic getaway for a boy and his favorite necromancer.
Just as Wei Wuxian starts to ask what Zewu-Jun will think, Zewu-Jun and his cheekbones come into the room.
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He's taken time to think things over--a concept the rest of the cultivation world could stand to learn about, incidentally--and he agrees that they should investigate.
Note: the non-CQL illustrations come from the MDZS manhua, which is complete online (mangadex.org includes the uncensored extra bits), and is about halfway through being published in English by Seven Seas. It's delightful and I highly recommend it.
Bonus: Lan Wangji and Sizhui enjoying some tie-in cup noodles. (A few in-character ads are included in the Viki version of the show.)
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lyinginbedmon · 9 months
Killer Concept: The Witch
Dead by Daylight has more than its fair share of "witch" type characters as-is between Hag, Artist, and Nurse, but prompted by chat earlier today I thought I'd give a shot to adapting my own OC, the Witch (or witch!Lying), to the context of a video game full of murderous psychopaths that constantly terrorise and torture hapless civilians.
Let's start with the core concept:
A chase Killer with a ranged debuff attack and a connection to the crows that inhabit the Entity's realm.
And with that, the outline of the Witch's lore:
Living in a cabin in the woods on the outskirts of town was just fine for the Witch, giving them just enough privacy to practise their eldritch magics, construct little charms and talismans to forgotten gods, and especially to terrorise the villagers who dared step just a little too far beyond the treeline. But eventually, probably after one too many spooks, or maybe the child that was chased into the river last winter by ravens, or possibly the whole family that went mad after finding their house picked clean by the same three-eyed birds mocking them all the while, the townsfolk got nervous enough to dare. Despite a harrying amount of ravens cackling at them as they made their way, they laid siege to the cabin and set it ablaze. And as the Witch gave one last hearty cackle to terrorise their revolting victims, the Entity stepped in to claim them. Now in the Fog, the Witch is surrounded by crackling flames and watchful black birds, and charged with one solemn duty: Make them fear
First, the ability:
Cursed Flame The Witch can toss a small fireball which flies on an unerring trajectory unaffected by gravity (ie. always in a straight line). If hit by the fireball, healthy survivors become injured, and injured survivors are afflicted with Deep Wound. Has a short wind-up and uses charges, similar to the Nurse's Blink, which need time to recover once expended. A number of add-ons apply status effects to survivors struck by the fireball, including the usual Blindness, Mangled, and Exhausted. Eldritch Wings The Witch is old friends with malevolent black birds, and the Fog is full of them. Like the Dredge, they can teleport to undisturbed crows around the map, with their appearance being heralded by small flames that crescendo as they arrive. Additionally, they can teleport to just shortly behind a visible survivor within their terror radius, appearing in a flurry of black feathers, though this puts the ability on a considerably-longer cooldown compared to the crows.
Second, the perks:
Sinking Sensation: Survivors within your terror radius have any Exhaustion effects slowed by 12/16/20% (eg. the Exhaustion caused by Blood Echo would last 50-54 seconds instead of 45 seconds if spent entirely within your terror radius). Three-Eyed Ravens: Survivors who startle crows within your terror radius have their aura revealed for 6/8/10 seconds. This could be likened to Spies From The Shadows, but the dependence on terror radius makes it more variable, such as being worthless for most stealth killers. Omen of Doom: After hooking a survivor, a random injured or healthy survivor hears your terror radius approaching for the next 6/8/10 seconds. You still emit a terror radius as normal. Any effects applied by your terror radius (eg. Coulrophobia, Overwhelming Presence) also affect the haunted survivor.
The general playstyle is to use surveillance-type perks to monitor the map and teleport between generators using the crows, then when in a chase using the teleport to quickly catch up to a fleeing survivor in a similar fashion to the Singularity's Overclock mechanic. Survivors can stymy your efforts to move around by intentionally startling the crows, but this is a temporary measure and makes them easier to find if you're already close by.
Their fireball serves to give them ranged potential, but it can't down a survivor by itself (unlike most ranged killers so far) so they still need to get close, such as by using the teleport at the cost of needing to really stick the landing on the subsequent hit or else risk a more protracted chase. Debuff add-ons would give it some hefty versatility as well.
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mulling-over-milgram · 9 months
My current Hotaru theories and thoughts
ahh- this has been sitting in my drafts so long sorry…I just really could not make sense of the recordings and was really struggling with them (sorry I’m stupid ^^;) but now some people have done theories on the recordings I feel like I can post this with out needing to go into the recordings.
if I am wrong @74n5n I apologise eternally!
First I’d like to attempt to establish a timeline. Using two pieces of evidence. “It's cold, and snow has barely touched the ground.” This implies that the murder took place in winter so since I think sumi-gram takes place in japan? That would place the murder somewhere between December and February. Then the second piece of evidence.
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The blurry text “I’ve lost the desire to try any more during the last year of school” now according to google school in japan starts around April ends around of the next year March. Hotaru's profile puts them at age 20-25 and since university in japan starts at 18 and goes through 22 we can probably assume they are 22 since they mention it being their last year of school. We see what I believe are cherry blossoms? Which bloom around late March early April again according to google which means this could either be from the start if the school year April or the end of the school year.
murder = dec - feb
memory = april - march (very start or very end of the school year)
Now this might sound a little weird but I strongly believe that Hotaru killed themself after their murder. Migram is referred to as another life for hotaru. “Another life that you'll give me.”
Then theres a couple other lines that could suggest it as a possibility:
-Ahh, that's not fair. Isn't it? But, I've grown pretty tired already. Going to rest. (If this line follows the conventions of milgram then it should be directly after the murder)
-“This year. No more years.”
-“They touch the empty air with their hand. It's impossible to reach you.”
moving on too what actually inspired this theory , the fact that Hotaru is pretty consistently associated with death. There is the fact they changed their name “I changed my name in papers, but everyone keeps on calling me by the old one.” Which could be considered a death of identity. They reference hell “Well, maybe you'll go to Hell and pay for it.” (Personally I believe this to be hotaru speaking but I could very well be wrong) and the names remi suggests are heavily tied to death. For rei she points it out herself
“I know a perfect one! Rei! As in, "rei" that means "ghost",
Rei is also a murder victim in milgram which could further hint at them being dead.
(she also mentions rei meaning zero which idk if this is a common thing but I’ve heard negative numbers be called dead numbers?. Zero in this context a number between the living and dead?)
The second name she suggests tama. In Japanese tama is a suffix that can also be used to refer to souls or spirits. She also mentions the name sounds like a cats name and cats have heavy associations with evading death or having multiple lives.
“Like... Tama... No, that sounds like I'm giving you a cat name.”
then their current name means firefly. Fireflies are symbolic of departed souls and there is a superstition that fireflies coming into the house means someone will die soon. Then there’s
“It's enough of a crime that I'm here , Right into Hell, I'll take you with me.” Here possible referring to the murder location but also seems to possibly reference milgram? So it’s enough of a crime they are there at the murder location? To go to hell (milgram?) either way they intend to go to hell with this other person hell is ofc where you go after death. After the crime they will go to hell > after the crime they will die?
suicide and suicidal thoughts is in the trigger warnings which doesn’t mean it applies to hotaru but it does mean it is possible.
their murder location dose seem to be a tall building so them dying or killing themself directly after the murder is logically possible.
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so when hotaru comes to the prison they are named and are suggested names that mean souls of the dead hence I believe they are dead and were revived by milgram.
Moving on to more name stuff. There were to common threads in the name meanings I’m not sure what to do with gems and storms.
Fireflies are also called lightning bugs and one of the other means of tama is thunder. According to google storms are symbolic of change but then again most things are symbolic of change if you look hard enough…
Another meaning is tama is jewel and the name rei has connections with jade.
Then rei and hotaru are both unisex name but tama has strong associations with the male gender (fun fact tama is literally the word for boy in my countries native language) maybe I’m reading to much into this but since hotaru’s story seems like it might have some themes about gender identity I thought I should mention it.
hotaru could also have symbolism as the beginning of the end? Their birthday is the beginning of the last month of the year , they are the first prisoner and as such will be the first to receive judgment in the final trial. The start of a new life coming from the end old one? Or like if this follows novel-gram rules hotaru could die if they are voted guilty at the end so its the start of a new life that will end? They are in their last year of university so they are at the end of schooling but at the start of working life? Idk I kinda just had this thought while looking at the character profiles its not a super serious theory.
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we’ll we are on the topic of thoughts I had while writing this “Another presence is to your side. Not in the form of a real human, nor a foggy silhouette. What does it feel like? Want them to go? Want them to stay?” Now this is most likely a person but “not in the form of a real human” got me thinking what if its hotaru’s identity? Or past identity? I don’t fully believe this myself but I thought I’d chuck out the possibility of this not being a person but more of a concept…if that makes sense?
their seems to be alot of duality with hotaru’s character theirs ofc the hair but also to of the symbols that they have been associated with cherry blossom and fireflies also have duel and opposite meanings in Javanese culture. Fireflies are love and war and cherry blossoms are life and death / beauty and violence. (Which yay more death symbolism to add to the pile :D)
finally I’d like to talk about what I think the murder was “It's cold, and snow has barely touched the ground. Are you afraid of heights? Is your head spinning? When you glance down, there is an unmoving body; although you can't even see it.” Okay so we know from hotaru’s prisoner card their murder location was a tall building or bridge.
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so they won’t be able to see it very well because water in the case if the bridge or the height if the building. Them knowing the body is there without seeing it implies they were the one for lack of better of better phasing put it there. (Tho I wouldn’t throw out the possibility of their murder being induced suicide…? I didn’t mention it earlier because I don’t have any hard evidence ‘its enough of a crime I’m here” / “you say not everyone here is a murder is a murder i’m pretty sure I must be” as counterintuitive as that sounds makes me feel like its somewhat possible that it wasn’t direct murder but again possible I don’t currently believe that to be what actually happened)
“Another presence is to your side. Not in the form of a real human, nor a foggy silhouette. What does it feel like? Want them to go? Want them to stay?” Now I’m not fully sure on who this is.. ^^; I think the other person from the recording is either the victim or the person here.
They touch the empty air with their hand. It's impossible to reach you. If my suicide directly after the murder theory is true then this would be when it happens.
so in conclusion who ever they mention in the “In fact, I’ll kill you with my bare hands next time.“ is probably who they killed and I believe they most likely pushed them off the roof of the building and then someone else came up onto the roof but hotaru died before that person could stop them. After they died they were taken to milgram. I think that the person they killed is either one of those girls mentioned in the recordings or the person they were talking to in said recordings.
My voting thoughts
I’m going to vote victim as it dose seem they were possibly the victim of mis-gendering/neglect and definitely deadnaming/bullying or harassment it doesn’t seem so far like they saved anyone so far and I don’t think I understand enough to firmly vote Perpetrator from what I understand currently it doesn’t feel right to vote them that.
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spandexinspace · 7 months
This week's issue of World's Finest brought an interesting issue back up to the surface.
There often is an in-universe expectation that all superpowered people should be willing and able to act like Superman, to avoid killing and stand strong in the face of the worst threats in the universe, but most of these people aren't Superman. Most of them would be turned into a fine paste long before Superman even broke a sweat.
Could all the heroes of Earth have repelled Darkseid? Possibly. But they would probably have suffered heavy losses and since this isn't the main universe there's actual a real risk that they could lose. Killing Gog solves the issue, at least for the time being, with next to no bloodshed. So the way Superman and Batman start laying into David feels a little... much. There's a real chance the narrative would have allowed them to kill here and would have justified that decision as righteous, even celebrated it, but only because Superman is so powerful and Batman is Batman. Other characters aren't afforded that level of trust.
It's a convention of the genre of course, but it raises some weird questions in universe. Is it really fair to expect everyone, even those far weaker, to live up to the same standards as some of the strongest mortals in the universe? To avoid killing and stand their ground until a point far beyond what they themselves can withstand? To lay down their own lives because the death of not only a murderer but a threat to existence itself is too sacred?
Comics occasionally like to tout that killing a murderer leaves the world with the same number of murderers, but that's only true once. And doesn't account for the number of murder victims.
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wuxiaphoenix · 16 days
On Characters: Traumatic Backstory
I have to admit, I tend to give my main characters trauma. First off because if you’re a hero you’ve probably been the nail sticking up in regular life too, and that tends to have consequences of the hammer-shaped variety. Second... well. Is there anyone reading this who hasn’t been traumatized by something? It’s kind of endemic to the human experience. Bad things happen, and sometimes they happen to you.
The trick is to walk that tightrope. To make sure your character neither comes across as a helpless traumatized victim nor a stone-cold emotionless stoic who sees loved ones murdered in front of them and writes it off as just another Tuesday. Trauma shapes your character. But it doesn’t define them.
To give you an example, I’m building the backstory for Sionnach, the druid in the Druid vs. Zombies idea. I don’t know yet who exactly was at war with whom, but she is a veteran... as a medic. She may have had some offensive magic, but mostly she worked in the equivalent of a MASH. Druid powers to shape plants, earth, and stone were incredibly useful in setting up and maintaining field hospitals. Druid magic in relation to animals can also be handy to keep off scavengers that would bring pests and infection....
And was completely useless against a divine locust plague sent by an enemy cleric, because the locusts were effectively magical constructs. Sionnach could raise physical and magical barriers against them to protect herself and... some of the patients. She couldn’t stop them.
Traumatic? You bet. Does she have nightmares? Does she ever.
But most of her life Sionnach lives like a lot of other trauma survivors live. Basically, that part of my life sucked, I’m over here doing Something Else, and let’s let sleeping dogs lie. Some people might call it denial. To someone who’s gone through trauma, it’s more... that part of life isn’t relevant, day to day? Dwelling on the past is one of the fastest ways to get trapped in it, and that dark way self-harm and harm to others lies.
Should she get therapy? Eh. Who has the time and resources for that when there’s so much work to do? Assuming there are any therapists who would actually help manage the trauma, instead of try to either downplay it or dig it deeper because of their own grudges against the enemy kingdom that attacked them.
Of course, our bad guy with his zombie horde and his grudge against said cleric will bring up the whole mess all over again. Meaning part of the story struggle will be Sionnach versus all those horrible memories, and fighting to act with rational thought rather than howl and break things.
May not be just her. I suspect a fair number of people are in a border town like Quarrytown for the same reasons a lot of people headed West after the American Civil War.
(Hmm. That actually brings new light on making caryatids, animated statues would be excellent swarm-smashers....)
Consider what your characters have been through before the story starts. Odds are something bad happened to them; from the queen bee of their high school setting them up to be humiliated, all the way up through near-death experiences. If you have a character with heroic willpower, they won’t be thinking of that trauma all the time! It’ll leak out in small ways; not trusting a woman with a certain hairstyle or laugh, avoiding dark alleys, looking for an excuse to start a fight before someone else stabs you in the back. The trauma is always there.
It’s just not always obvious.
Your job, as the writer, is to paint that trauma as part of being human, and show how heroes - how anyone - can go on to still be good people regardless. Your readers will appreciate it!
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anosrepasi · 2 months
Yay <3
Tell us about your current project(s) So Prima Lingua has revived itself again and is probably my most current project. The thing that I love about PL in particular is that I've come to adore every chapter of it, which is unusual for a project, especially one as long as PL but with such a short number of chapters. I thought I would really struggle through the Booker and Nile chapters because at least the Nile chapter is a lot of rehashing scenes from Lingua Franca with additional context and my brain didn't want to do that for the longest time. Progress is actually really close, I have two chapter left, including the one I'm currently writing, and the fic is complete. Which is also crazy to think about cause that'll be my second long-fic completed. The other project that's been taking shape in my drafts is a ghost fic for Assassin's Creed: Valhalla because unfortunately when I replay games I tend to get weirdly attached to the characters I know are doomed. Ivarr was one of those characters, and I thought his death had way too much angst to not play around with the idea of him haunting Eivor afterwards. Progress on that is that it's almost completely written I just have to nail the epilogue/ending and some placeholder text spots. What I love about it is that it is a fic about conflict and guilt and I really really love the dialogue in the fic because I made one of the characters unwillingly mute for most of it, and that gets addressed.
Tell us about what you’re most looking forward to writing Honestly, I'm looking forward to Nolexi and where I finish off the Lingua Franca series. I have a couple of scenes I refer to in my head that I'm looking forward to writing that are coded in my brain as: Yusef in the dark, Booker in Chicago, Nicolo gets mad, Nile in the museum, and the family dinner. They're kind of acting at my waypoints for the fic and oooof I have lots of feelings about all of them and cannot wait to get into the strange messy world of estranged and grieving no longer but still dysfunctional immortals.
What is that one scene that you’ve always wanted to write but can’t be arsed to write all of the set-up and context it would need? If I had to pick a scene from an existing fic, I wish I could see and have a fleshed out version of Booker exploring the Chicago World's Fair in 1893 that I touch on in Prima Lingua. I know I wanted to have Booker end up in Chicago for a while back when I was writing Lingua Franca and having Nicolo experience the world fair as a second hand observer was one of the best unexpected plot points I created when writing chapter 4 of Prima Lingua but. I also hint that Booker was literally a victim of H.H. Holmes in the fic and it gets brushed off cause Booker and Nicolo are too busy being amazed by everything happening at the world fair. Which having been to just a Venice Biennale, I get it. If i was immortal and getting murdered got in the way of seeing everything i could, i would also minimize the whole murder thing. Alas. I don;t really want to write this but I wish i could watch an episode of Booker and by extension, Nicolo, wandering around the Chicago world fair. i think it'd be fun.
Share a sentence or paragraph from your writing that you’re really proud of (explain why, if you like) (I wrote more than a paragraph) From chapter 1 of Nolexi, I have an exchange that just I was like. Wow! This is fucking rough! And what a great way to set up how rough this is going to be for everyone! I had a bit of character conflict in Lingua Franca, but the first two fics in the series are mostly man vs. situation/setting conflict not interpersonal conflict and Nolexi is about all the character conflict. So yeah. Many a struggle ahead for the group.
“No, I understand you fine, it’s not your language skills," Booker motions to himself, “I haven’t spoken Provincial since I was a child.” Nicolo tilts his head at the statement, his confusion evident for a moment before something like understanding, though understanding for what Booker couldn’t begin to fathom, replaces it with a blank clarity. “It’s a lonely life, being so far removed from that which you consider home.” And that’s- that’s too close to something Sebastien doesn’t even want to acknowledge and like a fool his mouth is on the defense before his brain catches up. “You’d be the expert in that, I think.” Nicolo’s sad smile doesn’t waver and Booker is ready to shoot himself out of this conversation. Fuck. He just always has to get the last word in doesn’t he. Nicolo rises from the table and Sebastian flinches if expecting a blow. “Goodnight, younger brother. Rest well.” Great job, self.
Fun Meta Writer Asks
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tobiasdrake · 11 months
It's Labyrinth Time.
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Like I said. We got Labyrinth and we got Time.
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I mean. Does that make any less sense than what is actually happening right now? It's a fair deduction.
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BESTIE NO. Do not loot the eldritch realm of mystery and wonder. I'm sure there's probably all kinds of amazing things to find but frankly, I don't want to find out what Cthulhu's toothbrush does to the soul. We're in First-Edition D&D rules here: Assume, until proven otherwise, that everything you might touch is unbelievably cursed.
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Oh shit, are we on a timer? Son of a fuck. That's stress-inducing, to be sure.
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It thematically makes sense but it's also a dick move.
2 hours, 52 minutes, 45 seconds is an odd number, too. 2:52:45 is where the clock began. Does that mean anything?
The first timer was 60 minutes, then 45, then 30. That totals 2:15. It doesn't correlate to 2:52:45 in any way that I can see. Hmm. By my calculations, that adds up to 14,025 seconds, if that means anything. But I don't see how it does.
So far, I feel far less prepared for this labyrinth than I have for any of the others. I had a lot of the big picture details mostly right in previous cases, with only a few foibles drawing me to the wrong suspect. This time, I have a lot of possibilities but no clear image in my head. Have to see how things play out.
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"Aww, she made friends. That's so cute!" was my thought when I was running up. Great minds think alike!
But no, this is probably bad. The mystery spirits are swarming, which usually bodes ill.
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Is that seriously going to be the first ??? we have to answer here? Prove that Yuma couldn't be the killer? I guess that useless security footage will work, but Yuma's the only person here that's real. Even the Master Detective hitching along for the ride is. Like. They don't have any memory of the case, and they won't keep their memory of being here, so are they even really here? Labyrinth Fubuki is more like the idea of Fubuki than Fubuki.
If these were actual people, it might make sense to have to disprove this possibility. But I don't see why Yuma needs to prove to Yuma that Yuma was on the stairs at the time the gunshot happened.
I miss having actual characters involved in these showdowns instead of the Ghosts of Willful Misinterpretation. Well, let's get the dumbest possible interpretation out of the way right away.
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I mean, this isn't the worst Take ever. That honor still goes to that time we had to prove that a person currently taking part in the debate was not the murder victim. But it's up there.
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Oh, absolutely. Personally, I see Yuma as a bit of a Red Mage type. Shinigami, meanwhile, is somewhere between Thief and Black Mage.
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notasapleasure · 2 years
Behind the Beautiful Forevers, National Theatre (2015)
David Hare's adaptation of Katherine Boo's book about a Mumbai slum. It follows various people and their interconnected stories, and Joplin is one of those playing multiple characters in the play: Sub-Inspector Shankar, the Prosecutor, and an unnamed extra.
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First off, just a warning for anyone who might need it, as Sub-Inspector Shankar is not above committing a little light torture to get the results he wants. The story is pretty heavy too - there's self-immolation, suicide and violence.
And yeah, I am just here taking my little screenshots, and I am not above saying a uniform can look good on the right body even when said body is wielding a stick or belt as an instrument of torture. But you all know that from these blog posts already... First watch was for going oof at the story, second watch was just for going mad taking screencaps.
Oh HI Assad Zaman! He has a motorbike.
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He.....oh dear. He had a very bad time as Deepak Rai, aka Kalu. Brutally murdered for breaking into the airport grounds to steal metal. (but he also turns up as a number of other characters)
Hmmmm hello Mr Officer Sir. That IS a moustache!! Sub-Inspector Shankar Yeram aka Fishlips 🙃 (I'm not making it up!)
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He wants to keep the murder rates low! Get the certificates, look after his kids....just say the murder victim was suspected of having TB, the coroner will know what to do. Tell the other pickers he was murdered though, we wanna keep them scared!
Among the British actors putting on their Indian accents, he's at least doing a posher one but umm. If you know he's a Cockney you still know.
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Holy SHIT did he just pick up Sunil the picker one-handed skdjdjjfjfjff 💀
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The problem is I'm trying to have critical thoughts and then it's just 'HURRR. LOOK HOW BIG HE IS.'
Oh no, torturing a man for evidence is bad for his back :(
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"Can you tell me what they've been charged with?"
"Yes, I can." 😐🤌
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The tick of pulling the trousers up is splendid. The moustache is glorious. The bribery by tiffin is kind of charming. But the accent....bb it's not your best :') I guess it's a struggle to project and do this accent together?
Beginning of the second act (the rains have arrived - hence hat).
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He sort of takes pity on the woman whose eldest son, husband and daughter have been jailed for beating a woman who then self-immolated (which they didn't do). I say sort of, because money and tiffins are very much involved, but he helps get Abdul a school certificate to ensure he'll go to juvie rather than adult prison.
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As an aside, the second act hits SO much harder. The audience laughter is rarer, quieter, more nervous - in the first half it often made me uncomfortable, like the characters were grotesques to be laughed at. The themes come together too - younger generations who have seen either tenuous opportunity or brutal reprisal based on their parents' approach to getting on, asking themselves why they have to act 'dishonourably' or unjustly to improve their lot. And their parents standing by the hard work they've put in - whatever the cost - in order to improve things for their families.
Probably my least finest hour was trying to get a shot of Joplin's butt dancing in the background while Meena is in agony from the rat poison she's taken.
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But if you do watch the play - and I really do recommend it - fair warning that Meena and Manju's interactions will wreck you, even if nothing else does (and there's plenty else that should).
He's now the lawyer for the prosecution (against the Husseins for Fatima's death).
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gosh isn't he big though.
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I think the accent is better without the moustache?
They still have him hauling bits of stage around in his suit :') And once you're on the look out for him in the unnamed role in between scenes as the copper and the lawyer he's on stage quite a lot. But the cast is large and the story is dense, so if you do watch, be aware that focussing on Joplin will make the story near-incomprehensible and in focussing on the story you might miss a lot of his background appearances. Which is why I'm glad I watched twice :)
Dead? Nope! Not one version!
Evil? Nearly everyone in the play is morally compromised and sees the bribes and the selfishness simply as the only way of surviving with the hand life has dealt them. It's worse from the professional classes because of the additional power they wield, as you'd expect, and though S-I Shankar does what he does for his children's education, one feels he does relish it somewhat, too.
Affects the plot? He does indeed!
It took a while to warm on me, but the second act really made it all come together, and re-watching with a better idea of the characters and themes was really satisfying. The performances all round are great. And on a thoroughly basic note, the uniform is hot, the suit is well-fitted, and yes there was that time he picked up a dude one-handed. 3/5. The speaking roles he has really aren't nice people, looks notwithstanding, and the accent...not his best.
There are shitloads more screencaps too, but I couldn't be bothered to knit them together tonight - when I've watched the last three plays I'll set up a fan blog and a google drive with all of them in for people to take and use as they want.
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ambiguouspuzuma · 2 years
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"How can I be of assistance?" Schaefer asked. Given his line of work, he could probably take a guess. Private detection was largely what it said on the tin, and there was a limit to the services he offered: detecting things, where a client couldn't go to the real cops, where the sin fell short of illegality, or where they wanted to keep it confidential. He detected things privately, and that's what people came to him for. It wasn't exactly a stab in the dark.
The woman sitting across from him had the appearance of his usual clientele: scruffy, anxious, weary from a challenging life. The kind who could afford to hire him, but not one of his better-heeled competitors. The kind of problem a guy like him was good for; probably a husband playing away from home, or at least the suspicion that he was. In Schaefer's experience, such suspicions tended to be easily proven true.
This would be a tailing gig, most likely, he figured: following someone, making a note of their movements, taking some incriminating snaps on his long-lens camera, and billing this poor sap for the overtime. He'd used to add a surcharge for the extra film - and more, if they wanted to keep the negatives - but it was all done digitally nowadays. Perhaps he could start charging for packs of tissues instead. His clients tended to be weepers, and the boxes in his office didn't grow on trees.
"I've come about a murder," the woman said - her voice as firm and matter-of-fact as it had been when he'd asked about her journey in, and she'd complained about the number of cyclists on the street at this time of day. "I'd like you to find a killer."
"Right," Schaefer said. That wasn't matter-of-fact at all. He tried to feign a similar sort of calm, as if this was all in a usual day's work, like he'd caught three murderers before lunchtime, but in truth this was a huge deal - and not to mention completely new to him. Homicide cases were for actual detectives. The sort that he'd once dreamt of being, before he'd been canned from the force for planting evidence. If he solved this one, fair and square, that meant that they would have to start respecting him again. "Who's the victim?"
"My brother."
She provided the needful background, her details painting a picture of a man that seemed more like a caricature - Schaefer asked the kind of questions he'd heard on TV, late-night re-runs of detective shows he'd idolised as a kid, and was surprised by how many of the answers were yes. Sure, her brother had enemies. Sure, she could think of people who might wish him harm. How long did they have for their appointment?
From what his sister knew, this victim sounded like an interesting sort of character, and certainly one who moved in dangerous circles. There seemed to be plenty of suspects: whole subsets of people who'd wanted him dead, whether from his street-level rezophlam dealing, his collision with a school bus last year, or even his loud, controversial views on what could just about be termed politics, though he seemed well outside of any Overton window.
Schaefer worked the job as best he could, investigating each of those colourful avenues. Addicts and suppliers. Grieving parents. Grassroots campaign groups. They took him to some unexpectedly dark places: it turned out that the rezophlam game was in the middle of a turf war, and his client-in-law wouldn't have been the first forgotten casualty. His political allies seemed to be unhinged conspiracists, too paranoid to believe a word that Schaefer said, identify themselves, or even acknowledge they were known to the deceased.
Oddly, the families seemed unaware of his involvement in the crash, and the bus driver had drawn all the blame: Schaefer picked up the rest of the story in the local news, and saw the poor guy was receiving some particularly twisted death threats in anonymous print. The paper was appealing for some healing and togetherness, but even they didn't mention another party to the crash, perhaps afraid of further focusing that hunger for revenge.
Eventually, those roads led to the hospital.
Somebody came for him, at night, as he walked home from the office. Schaefer didn't see who, but he felt the knife as it passed between his ribs, twisted before it was drawn away, and assumed that it was linked to this case. Caught cheaters could be angry, but they usually knew they only had themselves to blame. Nobody had ever come to kill the messenger before.
"I'm sorry," he rasped, the stitches straining with every breath. It had been good of the woman to visit, but she shouldn't be feeling guilty about this. The danger was part of the job. If anything, he had been the one to let her down. "The police are on it now. They'll find the one who did this, and maybe learn that they're the one who killed your brother too."
"They won't," she told him, inspecting the chart the doctor had left beside his bed. "My brother wasn't killed. You won't remember him, but you actually put him away, back when you were still a cop. He was innocent, of course - but this was before they learnt that you were guilty. He's still serving life in prison."
"What?" Schaefer tried to sit up, but his body wouldn't let him. The doctors had told him to rest, and the wounds and bandages had given him no other choice. "But if your brother's alive... why did you set me searching for his killer?"
"His killer? I don't believe that I was ever so specific." The woman smiled as she observed the depth of his wounds, the way the blood had seeped into his shirt, and still drained through into his bandages. "Any killer would have done. I'm glad to see that you found one."
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beardedmrbean · 2 years
National Park Service personnel are investigating another witness report of human remains found at Lake Mead, the agency announced Monday. 
Few details were made available about the apparent discovery at the time of the announcement, which the NPS released soon after park rangers received the witness report around 4:30 p.m. EST. According to the NPS, an unidentified person uncovered the body while visiting a portion of Lake Mead National Recreation Area called Swim Beach, located in the reservoir's boulder basin area about 30 miles east of Las Vegas.
Park rangers arrived at the scene on Monday afternoon, the NPS said. While rangers set a perimeter to mark and close off the area where they intended to recover the reported remains, officials notified the Clark County Medical Examiner who will determine a cause of death. As a formal investigation into the incident is ongoing, authorities said they could not yet provide any additional information.
Monday's discovery was the latest in an unnerving series of similar reports. As a severe and ongoing drought caused the water level at Lake Mead — the largest reservoir in the United States, spanning roughly 120 miles between eastern Nevada and western Arizona — to sink to its lowest point in nearly a century, human remains were found near its new shores multiple times this year.
Days after boaters spotted a barrel carrying a body at Hemenway Harbor, just three miles away from Swim Beach, last May, the NPS reported that human skeletal remains were discovered about 25 miles north at a different section of Lake Mead called Callville Bay. Local police later said they had identified the body found at Hemenway Harbor as a shooting victim whose shoes indicated that they were likely killed in the mid-1970s or early 1980s.
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moonyluvv · 2 years
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𝔭𝔩𝔢𝔞𝔰𝔢 𝔡𝔬𝔫'𝔱 𝔨𝔦𝔩𝔩 𝔪𝔢, 𝔪𝔯. 𝔤𝔥𝔬𝔰𝔱𝔣𝔞𝔠𝔢, 𝔦 𝔴𝔞𝔫𝔫𝔞 𝔟𝔢 𝔦𝔫 𝔱𝔥𝔢 𝔰𝔢𝔮𝔲𝔢𝔩
resume: yunho has his way with you at a college halloween party. that's pretty much it.
pairing: yunho x female!reader
genre: smut
word count: 3.3k
warnings: hard!dom yunho x sub!reader; degradation!kink; spanking; use of harsh language; (fake) knife!kink; ghostface!yunho; oral (female and male recieving); unprotected sex (only good on fanfiction); slight public display of horniness (he gropes you at the halloween party); edging; knife?f*cking?; slight aftercare mention; pretty much pwp.
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You loved parties, but more than that, you loved Halloween parties. The horror, the costumes, the alcohol, the music, absolutely everything about the holiday excited you.
Dressed in a pretty “slutty murder victim cheerleader” costume, you were having the time of your life dancing around with your friends, until a big pair of hands wrapped around your waist.
College parties were good, but as any woman in the world you had your fair share of drunken idiots getting a little too handsy with you, so when you turn around, you’re more than ready to slap someone. To your surprise there’s a big guy dressed in a Ghostface costume behind you, making your brows furrow. Before you could do anything, the guy pulls his mask up to reveal a smiley face underneath: Yunho.
You were never the most popular girl on campus, but you had a reasonable number of friends, and amongst them is Yunho. He’s a very tall, very funny, very handsome guy who’s a talented dance major. Oh, he’s also a tiny bit more than just a friend.
“What’s your favorite scary movie, baby?” he joked with a charming grin, making you smile with him.
“Probably waking up next to you, asshole.” you answered, hitting him in the chest. “You scared the living shit out of me, I thought you were one of those drunk idiots groping girls.”
He shrugged, taking his eyes off you to turn your back on him. With his arms around your waist and your body pressed to his chest, you felt as he pushed your hair to the opposite side of your neck, giving access to your most sensitive spots. “I’m not that drunk, and you’re my favorite chick to grope, sweetheart.” He said close to your ear, making you shiver.
“Does it mean I got the idiot part right?” You whispered, feeling a little cheeky as you feel his small laughter resonate against your earlobe.
“Feeling brave, uh? You shouldn’t.” It was a simple sentence, but it just made you feel the need to go further.
“And why is that?”
His hands, once placed around your waist, now made way to the inside of your skirt, making your cheeks go red and your legs automatically shut tight. “Because you know how easy it is to rip those fragile panties of yours beneath that skanky little skirt you’re wearing.” It was a whisper, but God did it speak volumes between your thighs. “I bet you’re soaking wet, huh? And I’ve barely done anything to you. Such a pathetic little slut…”
“Only for you, Sir.” You said in a soft voice, pushing your hips against his semi hard member, feeling his breathing shut for a few seconds.
“Fuck, y/n, don’t do that to me.” His voice was a lot darker now, and maybe definitely you shouldn’t, but the second he said that you freed yourself from his grip. Turning to face the handsome guy once behind you, a devilish smile adorned your lips. “As you wish, Mr. Ghostface.”
Yunho just stood there, tongue poking the inside of his cheek while he looked at you from head to toe with a clear need in his eyes. Ah, how you loved to tease him. “Are you serious right now?” He asked amused, watching as you walked away from him, hands pulling your skirt up to reveal just a tiny bit of your butt cheeks while you turn around to give him the middle finger, making him laugh.
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The party followed as usual, with drinking and dancing and just having fun altogether. You had just finished using the bathroom when you feel someone pull you into an empty bedroom you were passing by, holding your mouth shut.
You were ready to scream and bite the hand, maybe not in that order, when you catch a glimpse of Yunho’s costume behind you, making you role your eyes. You don’t try to say anything, though, curious to see what exactly he wants with that.
Pushing you against the door, now facing him, you feel the cold touch of what seems to be a knife dragging through your bare thigh. Your lips part and you look down, knowing that is a prop and not the actual thing, but still, only the sight of it makes you wet. Yunho’s free hand grab your neck, forcing you to look in his eyes, or his mask as a matter of fact, knowing exactly how he’s smiling underneath it.
“You wanna play psycho killer? Can I be the helpless victim?” You whisper the famous lines from the movie, earning a chuckle from him. “Please don’t kill me, Mr. Ghostface, I wanna be in the sequel!” You whine, biting your lip as the blade comes closer and closer to where you want it the most.
You lift your leg slowly against his, wrapping it around his hips to pull him closer. “You can do something way better than killing me…” That’s the moment you feel the “knife” drag over your panties, making a little bit of pressure on your sensitive spot, causing you to moan more explicitly.
“I’ll murder one thing tonight, baby…” You worry for a second, almost not recognizing his voice, but feeling a lot better once he takes off the mask and drops it on the floor. His eyes are dark with pure lust, you can almost see your reflection in them as he gets closer, if it wasn’t for the dim light of the room. “This tight, wet, delicious pussy of yours.”
You know you’re in for a big night once he says those words, but as if it wasn’t enough, you feel Yunho turn the fake knife to rub the handle of it on your clit. Slowly, tortuously, it almost hurts because that’s not nearly enough for you and what you want him to do.
“Fuck…” You want to say you want more, you need more, but your brain’s just too drunk out of pleasure already.
“Yeah, fuck.” He whispers back, smashing his lips on yours. Seeing you like that was making him loose his mind.
It feels like he’s more than ready to devour you, tongues clashing in a desire you’re not sure you’ve ever felt before. Sex with Yunho was always mind-blowing, but he was always a little bit more playful in bed, even though dominant. He wasn’t being playful at all right now, he was actually sort of roleplaying with you, making you see a side of him that you’ve never imagined existed.
It was official, you wanted to fuck every single version of him.
It didn’t take long for Yunho to guide you to bed, although he made sure you were standing in front of him as he ceased the kiss with a tortuous bite on your lower lip, sitting on the mattress. With your body between his legs, you felt his hands squeeze your thighs hard, moving up and down from your ass. Breathing heavily, hands pressing on the taller man’s shoulders, scratching his skin while holding back moans because, he might not be touching you where you want him to, but you already feel as if he is.
Suddenly you can’t wait anymore, letting your own hands pull his shirt up until it was on the floor, pushing Yunho into the bed and straddling his lap. Seeing him underneath you had you nearly going crazy, making you want to show yourself to him. And that’s exactly what you did.
Smiling devilishly, you lift your tiny shirt up your body slowly, showing him piece by piece of your skin getting uncovered, watching his reactions closely and feeling how even harder he got under you. Once your shirt was off you started to pull down the straps of your bra, but Yunho wasn’t having any of it.
Impatient with how slow you were being, it took about five seconds for him to grab the front of your bra and pull it, unclasping it with a small pop that told you he had just ruined the fabric. After that both of your clothing came off pretty quickly amongst kisses and moans, the tension building up on both of you and pushing it all to the edge.
Now you were the one who was laying on the mattress, feeling his soft lips trace every bit of your body with passion and need. Shivering as his hot breath hit against your intimacy, you barely had time to think before you felt his tongue lick you whole. Leaning on your elbows you were able to see Yunho’s face completely buried between your folds as he tasted you like a starved man.
He licked and sucked your clit, not letting you breathe for a second without moaning his name, as if it was his personal mission. There was no party outside of that bedroom now, you couldn’t bring yourself to care if everyone in there heard you chanting Yunho’s name. Your body was already giving in when you felt his long, slim fingers entering you, immediately finding your sweet spot as if he had a map of every part of your body, knowing exactly where and how to touch it.
“Fuck, r-right there…” You moaned and pulled his hair, pressing his face more and more against yourself, feeling full from just his fingers. That feeling didn’t last long, though, but it was replaced by something that felt just as good. Turning himself on his back, Yunho manhandled you to sit fully on his face, holding your thighs as far apart as he could, now leaping over your swollen bundle of nerves.
“Fucking rub that pussy all over my face, baby.”
He didn’t need to tell you twice. A high pitch scream fell out of your lips as you rode your hips against his face, making him all wet from you. With one of your hands in his hair and the other one behind you on his chest, it didn’t take long for you to start feeling you were reaching your high, as it never did when you were with Yunho.
Your back was arched as you moved your hips against his tongue, trying to get to your orgasm. He could feel you getting there, and as the biggest tease, he would push you off his mouth everytime you were close.
“P-please… I n-need it… N-need to cum.” You begged, feeling so close, but he wouldn’t listen. Instead, you felt him stretching you once more, making you clench around him. But this time it wasn’t his fingers, it was something much more thick than that.
You gathered all your strength and looked down, realizing that, somehow, he managed to fuck you with the handle of the fake knife. You’ve heard about that kind of kink before, it just never seemed appealing to you, that’s all. Well, until now at least.
Even though you were on top of Yunho’s face, he was still holding all of the control. But maybe you were moving too much for his own taste, so before you could protest, he pushed you to the bed once again, kneeling between your thighs.
“You like to be fucked by the killers knife that bad, baby?” He teased, and you could only moan in response. Seconds later you felt a slap on your inner thigh, the burning sensation making your pussy clench. “I asked you a question, use your words.”
You nodded your head up and down, tears prickling on the corner of your eyes. “Y-yes, I fucking love it, Yunnie…” You moaned.
“Who the fuck is ‘Yunnie’?” There it was again. The voice. You were on the verge of yet again an orgasm, feeling the mattress sink next to you when he propped his hand right beside your head, watching you from above. “You can call me ‘Sir’…” He whispered, lowering himself to bite your lip harshly. “Or you can shut your whore mouth.”
You’ve never been more wet or excited in your whole life. “Hmm, f-fuck! I’m sorry, Sir, I’m s-so s-sorry…” Your whole body was trembling under him, you needed to cum and you needed now.
Something inside you knew that you had to ask him permission, otherwise he would definitely punish you, and not the good kind. “Sir… C-can I cum?” You asked, only to whimper when he shook his head negative, slowing his movements. “I can’t t-take it anymore… Please, Sir, I’ll do a-anything!”
“Tell me how badly you need it.” He ordered, thrusting the knife in and out of you in a new angle that reached your g-spot, making you scream.
“F-fuck, Sir! I need it so b-bad, so, so b-bad… I’ve been a g-good g-girl, please, please, please, p-please…”
The only thing that could leave your mouth were moans and pleadings of mercy, and if your eyes were open you would see the sadistic smile splashed on Yunho’s face. Seeing you desperate like that, begging to cum, saying you would do anything for a little release, made him nuts. “Desperate little slut…” He tsked, thrusting into you harder. “Cum.”
That was it. That was all you wanted to hear from him.
As if he pushed a button, you felt the strong wave of an orgasm hit you like a truck. Your vision went black for a second as your body begin to shake, toes curling and screams of his name coming out of your throat as if there was no one else in the world besides the both of you.
Forget about feeling your legs, forget about being able to think anything. Yunho edged your sanity right out of you in what felt like hours, but you knew it was only a few minutes. “Look at you.” You felt the not so light slap on your cheek, opening your eyes to try and focus on the man on top of you. “Fucked you useless and didn’t even need my dick for that.”
Your already red cheeks burned even more from humiliation, but that still made your pussy clench. “You’re not gonna be able to get on your knees, right?” Sliding the fake knife out of you, you managed to watch as he sucked the handle of it, licking off all of your essence. That scene was definitely burned into your brain as one of the most sexy things you’ve ever seen in your whole life.
After throwing the knife to the side, Yunho manhandled you to be on the edge of the bed, with your head out. “Seems like I’m gonna have to fuck that whore mouth myself.”
Aligning himself on your head, you opened your mouth when you felt the head of his cock brush your lips, soon enough accommodating his length way past your throat.
You could feel him pushing in and out past your lips, not having to make a huge effort to take him almost completely because of the position you were in. It still wasn’t that easy, he was big and girthy, but you were always determined to please.
“Took my cock so many times you don’t even gag anymore, huh? My horny cockslut.”
You moaned around him, listening to his grunts and deep breaths that made you go insane. How you wish you could hear them right beside your ear as he fucked you deep.
You were drooling all over the place, making a mess on him that was hard to contain because of the position you were in. Yunho liked it, though, there was no better vision than you getting sloppy all over his dick.
Pushing your nails on his thighs you were able to rip another moan from him, receiving a slap on your breasts. “Fuck this, I need that cunt right now.”
It took mare seconds for him to slide his hard dick from your mouth and push you on your knees, head buried on the mattress as your hips were high for him to enter you. And so he did.
You felt yourself sucking him in as both of you moaned out loud, your cunt tight but welcoming at the same time. He didn’t give you a second to get used to feeling so full, soon enough snapping his hips against yours on full force. You were sure you would fell out of bed if he wasn’t holding you.
“You’re fucking dripping all over, baby, fuck.” He said between teeth.
You were. You could feel it coming down your legs. “So… F-full… F-fuck…”
“Feeling full, huh?” He laughed darkly, slapping your ass without any regard for it being too hard or not. You felt his body tower over yours, making you feel even smaller than you already were. “Feeling so full on that tight cunt that there’s nothing left on that little head of yours, right?”
You shiver as his words resonate against your ear, only being able to moan and shake your head up and down to agree with him. “I’m gonna fuck you so hard the only thing you’ll be able to think is creaming my cock over and over again.”
It was like you were his personal rag doll. Just a hole for him to fuck and position as he wishes, with no complain from you whatsoever. You loved that, what would you complain about?
Yunho slithers his fingers in your hair, pulling your head back harshly, your chin now resting on the mattress as he pounded you with no mercy. You could feel your behind red and hot from the impact, and maybe that was starting to affect Mr. Ghostface behind you, cause it took seconds for him to move you on your back once again.
Now with one of your legs on his shoulder, you whimper as he slides inside you once more, feeling the strong grip of your cunt around him. “Fuck, you make such pretty sounds… I’m going to fuck you numb.”
You’re absolutely soaked, juices gushing out of you everytime he pushes himself in. The sound of skin on skin is completely drowned out by your sinful, desperate moans. You’ve never been fucked like that in your life, and you never will again. Not by anyone else besides him.
The bedframe is banging against the wall so hard you think it might open a hole in it, but you can’t bring yourself to care, the only thing on your mind being that if you don’t cum right now, you’ll lose it. You’ll go insane.
“S-sir… I’m g-gonna c-cum… P-please l-let m-me c-cum…” You begged, almost not being able to form the sentence, clearly struggling to speak.
“You wanna cum, baby, huh? Wanna cream my cock like the filthy slut you are?” He was having so much fun with it, it was embarrassing. For you, of course.
“Yes, Yunnie, fuck—sir!” You had no idea what you were saying or how you were calling him, you just needed immediate release. “I’m nothing but a f-filthy slut, p-please!”
“Cum for me, my little slut.”
And so you did.
A strong wave washes over you just like your last orgasm, just as powerful and mind-blowingly pleasurable. You’ve never felt anything like it, and you can only whine as Yunho buries himself deep into your pussy till he’s filling up with his hot cum.
You can’t think, you can’t speak. The only thing you can do is breathe and wait for your body to stop trembling, wait for your senses to come back to you.
“You did so well for me, you’re such a good girl.” The boy next to you call your attention, leaving kisses on your face and soothing the red marks left on your skin. “My good girl, always giving me the best.”
“Thank you, sir…” Your voice is weak, husky because of all the screaming and moaning.
“Shh… You can call me ‘Yunnie’, pretty girl, is over now. Let me take care of you.”
You’re exhausted, slipping in and out of conscience, but you still manage to feel the affection with which Yunho took care of you, so different from before, yet just as enticing.
Curled up against his big frame, you feel yourself doze off in his warmth as you hear his voice in the distance.
“Goodnight, princess. Hope you enjoy the sequel.”
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ssaalexblake · 2 years
The thing about the twissy arc for me is that i actually really love it as a Tragedy? It is trying to be a tragedy and it is completely successful at what it is attempting. The characters Want to reconcile, be friends (i would make some comment about Love here but the ghost of missy would hunt me down), but it Doesn’t Work. Because of things both of them do, ideals both of them hold, because of things done in the past, they are prevented from getting what they want and it is sad and it’s tragic and then them both dying alone in the dirt hurts in a punch in the gut kind of way because they were so close to going out, hand in unlovable hand, side by side, but instead die alone. It’s sad! It was trying to be heart-breaking and sad and it worked. 
And I mean, if you don’t like tragedy stories, fine, whatever floats your boat, but it IS a tragedy either way. 
So the idea that 13 and Dhawan are an insult to that arc and that the story following is disrespectful to them because spydoc are the realistic nasty fallout to said tragedy IRKS me so much. Twissy was a tragedy, making it Untragic by ignoring the end of the story is what would be disrespectful to what i personally consider to be a hauntingly tragic story of trying and wanting and ultimately failing anyway. 
The ultimate disrespect would be ruining the tragedy. This isn’t a ‘actually they lived happily ever after after a few road bumps’ story, it’s a ‘there was love here and it Mattered but ultimately didn’t change a thing’ story. 
Dhawan!master alludes to the events of twissy as a way to dig at 13 a fair number of times in what has been very few appearances. He has weaponised his own pain, correctly deducing that it Also hurts the Doctor as much. He’s not wrong. Of all the outside things going on in S12 with the lore, it’s a pretty consistent thread between their interactions that he will allude to being Bad and Irredeemable to hurt her for ever trying (because he knows she cares), and she’ll goad him and rage back in response and try and hurt him like he hurt her and she scores her own hits by knowing him too well as well. It’s nasty and brutal and it works because they are so deeply hurt by what happened with Twissy as a base line for everything else. 
It’s just that twissy is written All over spydoc, without Twissy their Intense and Visceral rage does not make sense, even. They are both hurting even Before you consider the plot events of s12. They are both still hurting actively because they are poorly coping with how their previous story ended. Mostly, if they’d written it to be anything Other than an absolute clusterfuck it would be a case of ‘why are you ignoring what happened last time they saw each other???’. 
The doctor thinks the master abandoned them to die alone and that their decades worth of help was just some scheme to use to stay alive, probably, they Definitely did not know Missy intended to shank Simm and go back to 12 no matter how comforting a concept that is. The master is severely traumatised by being both the victim and perpetrator of a murder/suicide simultaneously. The fact that that event was entirely the result of the doctor’s influence over them and that in s12 they find out the doctor Also influences them on a genetic level, too adds to the mess of trauma. 
Twissy’s a tragedy, it was trying to be one and succeeded. It was tragic alone as a secular event, but if you track what the events of their arc do to their next regenerations it makes it More tragic, which is what it Should do. It should not defang the story from before, it should bolster it. Spydoc being violent and angry and horrifying makes that twissy came So So close all the more tragic. 
The insult would be to make the tragedy Less tragic. 
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elysiadjarin · 3 years
Day 3: Dacryphilia
Jesse Cromeans may be a ruthless killer, but at home with you? You’re the one in charge. And especially those days when you’re annoyed at how long he’s been gone and he comes back so desperate for your attention… well. You did so like to see him cry.
Day 3 of Kinktober has arrived! I actually think I discovered some things about myself writing this one, so y’all enjoy. 😂 Find my Kinktober Masterlist here.
Warnings: Minors DNI, this is 18+ content only. This one is a slasher x reader fic, so please beware of mentions of murder and assault as part of the territory, though nothing is explicitly mentioned. PinV unprotected sex, dacryphilia, desperation, cumplay.
Tags: Jesse Cromeans (Chromeskull) x reader, slasher x reader, yandere!reader, soft femdom, sub/dom themes
Paint Splatters over Canvas
It was rather funny, really.
You scrolled through your phone, ignoring the giant man standing in the doorway of the room staring at you. Jesse had always made a point of never touching you without your permission. A way for him to separate the meaningless victims of his murderous hobby with you, his wife, his everything. And while of course your relationship stayed perfectly strong, you well aware of his hobby and he well aware of your own tendencies… it did sometimes backfire on him in the best worst ways.
Like now. When you were annoyed with him because he’d been gone an entire day later than he’d promised, extra dark web cash be damned. A promise was a promise, and it wasn’t as though he’d needed the money. He did have a perfectly legal and highly successful business, after all. So shouldn’t you have come first?
You liked revenge cold, playing the long game; something you had in common with Jesse. And today, you certainly had plans put in place for said revenge. Which, for the time being, meant ignoring Jesse. You had plenty to occupy you, from communications for the business to just working on your own projects. Still, you’d made sure to be just nonchalant enough to let him know that it was all so… deliberate.
Jesse shuffled in the doorway, clearly wanting your attention but knowing better than to think any sort of demanding would get him anywhere. He’d learned the hard way that at home, his power over subordinates decidedly did not apply to you. When you didn’t give him any response, he hovered for a moment, clearly trying to decide on what to do next.
You knew how he would get after a mission. Needy. Wanting. Starved for attention and affection from you. Pent up for days, probably thinking about you every spare moment between takes.
With a hum, you typed out a message on your phone before standing and heading for the doorway. You briefly looked up to see him as you brushed past in the doorway. “Oh, hi, Jesse,” you said, giving him a brief, distracted smile. “I’m off to get ready for a meeting with a client.” You headed for the bedroom, already thinking about your next steps.
You could hear him following behind you, could almost feel the mounting despair as he started to realized what was happening. Why you had used his name instead of the usual love, darling. His shoulders hunched, and you could see his face twist as he clearly tried to think of what to do. He already knew that you’d have your revenge however you wanted: apologies would be expected but certainly wouldn’t get him any closer to mercy.
Walking into the bedroom, you headed straight for the bathroom to start preparing. Jesse still trailed along behind you like a forlorn, helpless puppy, and you swore you could almost hear him let out a small whine. Pausing for a moment in front of your vanity, you dialed your friend’s number and set it to speaker, putting it down on the countertop and sitting in front of the mirror.
You tied your hair up and reached for your cosmetics, beginning the process as the phone dialed. Your friend picked up quickly, already in on your plan thanks to your texting. She always approved of your payback plans.
Bestie! I thought you said you had to prepare for the meeting? I mean, yknow, not that I don’t like hearing from you. She cheerfully teased over the phone.
You smiled. “Well yeah, I just sat down to do my makeup. But I mean, we did say we were going to talk about the party for little Jacen this weekend, and what better time than now? You can help me pick out an outfit once I’m done,” you cajoled, noticing how Jesse sat on the edge of the jacuzzi bathtub, unabashedly staring at you. He always had loved watching you get ready for an event. Not that you minded.
Fair enough. Your best friend admitted readily. But seriously, you didn’t have to go all out for Jacen like this. She half scolded. It’s so much!
You laughed lightly, the creamy foundation smoothing across your skin. “Oh c’mon, he’s my adorable little nephew in all but name. He deserves to get spoiled by his doting Aunt, let me have my fun,” you wheedled, knowing she would cave.
She sighed over the receiver. I swear, girl, you could convince anyone into anything.
“Or maybe I’m just your weakness, Miss Mara,” you teased back. The soft brush in your fingers blended the contour onto your face, and you smiled as you glanced at the phone. “But anyway, did you manage to figure out what he might want for a birthday present? Or are we going with my original idea to let him loose in a mall?”
Oh, no, you are so not buying him everything he points at. I’d never get him to not be a spoiled brat if I let you.Mara snorted. I’ll text you what I figured out, he seems to be pretty fixated on it right now.
“Ugh, fineeee,” you sighed, rolling your eyes. “But I’m going to at least get him that adorable motorized scooter I showed you before. He’s going to look so cute riding around in it.”
Fair enough I suppose. Better than the mall idea— wait, did you just get me to agree to something extravagant by threatening something so ridiculous—
“Anyway,” you interrupted blithely, “did you send out invitations to everyone?”
Yep, and I got back all the RSVPs. Speaking of which, I thought you said that you were meeting with the CEO of some business tonight? What’s that all about? I know you, you normally don’t like dealing with people.
You sighed. “Well, I guess the cat’s out of the bag a little.” You pouted, reaching for the eyeshadow and liner. “Jesse was supposed to be back yesterday, but since he wasn’t I had to reschedule, and I promised to personally meet with the CEO in order to smooth over ruffled feathers. But besides that… I wanted to be there personally to see my best friend and her husband’s house finally paid off for their fifth anniversary.”
A pause. Then a screech that made you grin. You’re not serious! Babes, no, wait—
“No use protesting!” You said cheerfully, waving your brush. “It’s already been practically settled. Besides, you both need to start saving up for Jacen’s college funds. We did have the agreement that I’d open the doors to whatever college he wanted instead of just paying for it,” you reminded.
Ugh, I don’t know if I want to smack you or hug you, you sly little— Mara groaned. Wait till I tell Damien, he won’t know what hit him. She laughed. Thank you. You know how much it means to us. I won’t scold.
“Good.” You nodded. “And you know I’ll take care of you.”
She sighed. Never doubted it. So, how’s the process?
You hummed, pursing your lips as you finished the eyeshadow and grabbed the mascara. “About to do mascara, then all I have left is the lipstick. But shouldn’t I wait till we pick a dress before I actually pick a color?”
Probably. What’s the mood? You going for boss ass bitch, sultry Queen, or mysterious vampire lady? Amusement laced Mara’s voice.
“You���re not even in my house and yet you walked in and called me out to my face,” you said dryly, earning laughter. Jesse, you saw in the mirror, tilted his head with a small smile playing over his lips. He’d quietly observed the whole processes, eyes fixed on your face.
Only cause I love you. So, show me the closet, girl! Oh, show me your makeup first tho so we got reference.
You picked up the phone as you finished, turning on the camera so she could see your makeup sans the lipstick. She whistled, eyebrows wriggling teasingly as she grinned.
Oh, so mysterious vampire queen it is. She smirked. Closet. Though I do have the feeling that we’re going to be choosing a gorgeous red lipstick.
“Yes ma’am,” you answered, standing and heading for your closet. You heard Jesse stand and follow behind you, and stifled a smile. Flipping the camera, you started to flip through the racks of dresses. “Does that mean we’re leaning towards a black dress?”
Hmm, probably. Actually, how about one of your sleek black ones? The one with like, barely any frills and only a tiny bit of lace at the top. Off the shoulder. If you’re gonna try to assert dominance, probably drawing attention to your mouth and hands is the best way to go.
You tilted your head at the hangers, then nodded. “You’re right. Especially if I go for the red lipstick. I could also honestly use a glass of wine during that meeting,” you sighed.
Mara snickered. Blood in a wine glass? How stereotypical of you, madame.
“You hush, drama queen,” you said dryly, finding the dress she’d described and pulling it out.
Ooh, that’s the one! And I know you have that one crimson shade of lipstick that I always say looks vampiric.
You went back to the vanity and set the phone down, pretending to not notice that it showed Jesse standing in the doorway, clearly staring at you. You slid your shirt off, careful not to smudge any makeup, then slipped out of your pants and reached for the dress. Smoothing it over your front to get rid of any wrinkles, you sat back down and tilted the camera back to yourself, reaching for the lipstick.
“This one, right?” You waved it in front of your face.
Yep! That dress is stunning, by the way. Oh, and what are you doing with your hair?
“Ugh, I don’t really wanna bother too much with it, so I figured I’d go with the… messy, loose waves.” You shrugged, applying the lipstick.
Mara snorted. I think you mean, ‘sorry I’m late I was doing things’ while ignoring Jesse staggering behind you clearly radiating ‘I’m things’ energy.
You half-choked, laughing despite yourself. “Mara-! Seriously!”
She rolled her eyes at you. I’m just saying it like it is. But you go girlie, you look bomb. She laughed. Blow them all away. Be the boss bitch you are. A noise in the background interrupted her. Oop, that’s my cue. I gotta go, text me though okay?
“Will do, tell Damien and Jacen hi for me.” You smiled and hung up, finishing fluffing your hair. Standing, you grabbed the phone and headed for the door. “The meeting is in five minutes,” you remarked to Jesse as you passed him in the doorway. “If you want to join.”
You saw him type on his phone, the text to speech translator sounding a moment later. May I be there with you?
You flashed him a warm smile, as though you weren’t at all deliberately enacting revenge. “Of course! I’d love to have you there. Let’s go.” With a little hum, you headed towards the stairs.
Your phone pinged with a message. Girl, I swear he was drooling. You’re so mean sometimes. Not that he didn’t deserve it.
You suppressed a laugh, replying with one hand as your other slid down the bannister to guide you down the staircase. You know it. Mission so far successful. Wish me luck, I’m about to go into this meeting.
You looked up as you got to the bottom of the stairs, seeing an assistant waiting with the guest. The assistant bowed politely. “May I introduce Mr. Trace, CEO of Finley Bank.”
Giving the assistant a nod, you turned to Mr. Trace. “Greetings, Mr. Trace. Welcome! Thank you for agreeing to meet with me. I do apologize for the delay,” you said, taking charge and sweeping towards the parlor.
He followed after automatically. “Of course, Mrs. Cromeans,” he answered, quickly recovering from his moment of bewilderment.
You motioned to a chair, sitting on the velvet couch across the coffee table. “Please, please, have a seat,” you said, keeping the easy smile on your face. “Can I get you a drink? Anything at all?”
He blinked, sitting down and setting his briefcase next to him. “Ah— thank you. I’d appreciate a scotch on the rocks if it’s available.”
“Of course,” you said easily, nodding to the maid standing nearby. “A red wine for me, please.” You smiled at Jesse as he sat next to you. “Your regular?” you asked sweetly. At his nod, you turned back to the maid. “And a glass of dry white.”
She bowed and went to go fetch the drinks.
“I’m sure you have plenty of other things to do, Mr. Trace,” you said smoothly, “so I’ll not take any more of your time than necessary. Of course, as I said, I’d like to discuss several things with you…”
Twenty minutes later found you leaning against the arm of the couch, feet propped up beside you as you swirled the last dregs of the red wine, tapping the glass with your fingernails. The CEO had long since emptied his scotch, and Jesse was on his second glass. His fingers kept clenching around the flute of his glass every time your feet brushed against his thigh.
“Of course,” Trace said with a nod, jotting down the final notes on the paperwork. “Easily managed. Are there any other details you would like to add or anything else to discuss?” He looked up at you.
Your tactics of firm politeness and the scotch seemed to have worked their charm, and you’d been able to rather easily dominate the flow of the interaction. Not to mention, Mara had been right about appearances clearly setting a tone. Trace seemed to be studiously avoiding eye contact with either you or Jesse.
“Not at all, Mr. Trace,” you said, a pleased note in your voice. “I’m rather pleased at how everything has turned out. We do so value your business, you know.” You tilted the glass in your fingers. “Shall I sign the papers?”
“At your leisure.” He slid them across the table toward you.
You slowly uncurled yourself like a lazy feline, straightening yourself and leaning over to set the glass down on the table. Grasping the pen, you slowly signed your name on the papers, eyes glancing over the print to ascertain that everything was in order. Shuffling through the papers, you finally set the pen down.
Trace took them back, glancing through them before nodding. “Everything seems to be in order.” He slid them back into his briefcase. “Thank you as always for your business, Mrs. Cromeans, Mr. Cromeans.”
You nodded, and Jesse stood, setting his glass down. You rose as well, sliding your arm into the crook of his elbow as he automatically adjusted for you. “And thank you for your help, Mr. Trace,” you answered easily. “I do hope you have a productive rest of the day. Do be safe out there.”
He nodded as the assistant returned to escort him out. “Same to you.”
With a hum, you absently patted Jesse’s arm and let yours slide out of his grasp, drifting towards the stairs again. “Oh, I need to go tell Mara it’s all confirmed. Besides, this dress is only comfortable for so long,” you remarked, pulling out your phone again.
Guess who completely owns their house now? You texted Mara, smiling. And your tactics worked, I think dominance was asserted.
You waltzed into the bedroom, headed straight for the closet. “Jesse, are you hungry? I think the food I ordered should have arrived by now, it should be in front of the TV. Maybe pick a movie? I still have a few messages to send.”
You changed into a comfortable black babydoll nightdress, sighing in relief as the silk slid over your skin. It was far more comfortable, and you could feel yourself finally starting to relax after the pent-up tension of the meeting. You really did hate dealing with people, especially ones like the CEO.
Your phone buzzed as you went to go pick it back up. You are literally the best. Now go finish seducing Jesse while I go figure out how to make this news sexy.
Stifling a snort, you went to go wipe your makeup off and wash your face. You could hear the sounds of the TV starting in the bedroom, so you took one more glance in the mirror before heading out into the room, still tapping at your phone. You still had to finish some arrangements for Jacen’s birthday, after all, and your revenge was still percolating.
Jesse’s head turned as soon as you approached the couch in front of the TV. You ignored the way he froze, sliding onto the couch and tucking your feet under a soft blanket. Sending off another message, you set it beside you and reached forward to grab a tray, pulling it into your lap.
“I figured you might not want anything too heavy since you just got back, so I kinda just made a guess and ended up ordering too much…” You frowned at the myriad of food laid out over the table. “Sorry, Jesse… I don’t even know if this is what you want—“
The text to speech cut you off. The food is fine, thank you. I’m sorry for being late. I know I can only make excuses, but I am sorry. Can I make it up to you?
A frown touched your lips as you picked up your spoon, still not looking at him. Your fingernails tapped against the screen of your phone. “Jacen asked the other day if Uncle Jesse would be at his party. I told him I didn’t know, but I’d ask.”
He quickly typed. Of course, if he asked for me, I’ll be sure to be there. His fingers paused, then he slowly typed again, as though hesitating. I got you a present while I was gone.
You hummed, swallowing your food and picking your phone back up. “He’ll be happy to hear it. And thank you for the present.” You sent a message to tell Mara that Jacen’s wish had been granted.
Jesse practically fidgeted as he ate, the movie playing in the background. You could feel his eyes slide from the screen to you, could almost hear the wheels in his head frantically turning. The tension in every line of his body was obvious, his movements stilted and jerky. He practically twitched every time you so much as moved.
Finally, you set down the tray, grabbing a mint to refresh your mouth. Shifting to get more comfortable, you angled yourself towards him a little more. You snitched a piece of food from his plate, letting out a hum as you smiled down at Mara’s message. If possible, Jesse stiffened even more, his fingers clenching so hard around his spoon that it even bent a little in his grasp.
A crumb fell from your fingers onto the lace edge of your nightgown, and you let out a quiet noise of protest as you looked down. Your fingers brushed against the top of your breast, brushing off the crumb. Sticking your finger in your mouth, you typed out a message in response to another conversation. With a sigh, you looked up and glanced over Jesse’s shoulder to see the lamp on the table next to him. Night had fallen, and shadows fell over the room.
Stirring yourself, you sat up, setting your phone down for a moment. “Can I turn on the lamp? I don’t wanna get up for the lights,” you said, starting to lean across him. Almost thoughtlessly, you placed your hand on his thigh and put your weight on it, reaching over his body on your hands and knees to pull at the cord on the lamp. The light clicked on, just as a low keening sound came from Jesse.
Your head tilted at the sound, and you turned to look up at his face. It was your turn to freeze.
Jesse’s face had crumpled, his soft green eyes literally awash with tears. His hands were clenched at his sides, his chest heaving with hitching breaths as he struggled to control his expression. The tears welled in his eyes, and faint color had splashed across his cheeks and the tips of his ears.
Slowly, a smile crossed your lips as you stared up at his face. Leaning back, you tilted your head, licking your lips. “Oh, look at you,” you breathed. “You made all the little piggies cry, Jesse. But maybe it’s your turn, hmm?” Your eyes flickered down to the way his entire body trembled, every muscle taut and strained.
You moved, sliding your entire body into his lap to straddle his waist and face him. Crossing your arms under your chest, you stared into his face. “I don’t know… you broke your promise, though.” Your eyebrow raised at him, and he let out another hoarse whimper. Tears slid down his cheeks, his mouth opening for shuddering breaths.
He shook his head, lips trembling as he lifted one hand and signed. Sorry. Please. Sorry. His fingers spelled out your name.
Reaching up, you cupped his face in your hands. You leaned up, face drawing closer to his. “But I already accepted your apology, love,” you cooed, smiling. “You know what I think?” You slowly dragged your tongue across his tear tracks, your body flushing with heat at the taste of the bitter salt. “I think,” you murmured against his jaw, “that I like seeing you cry.”
Jesse’s breath hitched on a sob, more tears spilling down his cheeks. It was fairly intoxicating, seeing the giant man completely fall apart under you, trapped between his desperation and his personal standards. When you slid forward, your body pressing flush against him, another sob wrenched from his gritted teeth.
You decided for the moment to have a bit of mercy. Reaching down, you grasped his wrists and lifted his hands to your waist. His fingers instantly clenched in the silk babydoll dress, shaking as he grabbed at your waist. His entire body lurched forwards towards you, eyes fixed on your face.
You hummed softly, brushing a kiss to his jaw. “Your eyes are so pretty when they’re filled with tears, Jesse,” you purred, drawing his face closer to you. Still, you refused to kiss him, instead trailing your lips down his jaw, down to his throat. You opened your mouth against his neck, savoring the taste of his skin and the soft scent of his cologne.
Jesse’s trembling fingers jerked against your waist, and he slumped into you. His hands slid over your waist to your lower back, his touch practically reverent as he squeezed. His breaths came quick and fast, breaking occasionally on a sob. Every time you suckled or moved your lips, every time your hands slid down his shoulders, he gasped and shuddered, more tears dripping down his cheeks.
You slid your hands down, starting to unbutton his shirt. Your tongue dragged across his neck, and you felt the bulge in his pants throb against your thigh. “Isn’t this punishment fair, darling?” you cooed. “I only ask for a few tears, hmm? A front row seat to your pretty eyes?”
His head jerked, even though it wrenched another tortured sob from him. Despite the contact, you could feel his frustration mounting.
You pulled back, looking up at him as you finished unbuttoning his shirt. “Oh, you don’t think so?” Your fingers slid across his bared chest, feeling the heat radiating from his skin. “But isn’t this what you wanted? Me, paying attention to you?”
His gasps had turned ragged. His hips jerked, rutting up against your thigh. A strangled noise left his throat, his eyes squeezing shut. His grip on your waist threatened to leave fingerprints against your skin.
“No?” You bit your lip, raking your nails lightly against his chest. “Then what is it you want, hmm?”
His eyes flickered down to your lips, unconsciously licking his own. His fingers clenching, he pulled you down to grind against his cock, straining in his trousers. Pants fell from his mouth, and he kept glancing from your eyes to your lips.
You reached down, teasingly trailing your fingers down his chest and stomach. Unzipping his trousers, you looked up at his face and smiled as you traced one fingertip down the bulge in his underwear. His eyes fairly rolled back in his head, more tears streaming down his face afresh.
“Look at you, already such a mess,” you murmured, sliding your fingers into his underwear. The moment you wrapped a hand around his cock and slid up, you were rewarded with a guttural groan. He gritted his teeth, clearly struggling to stay still. With a soft laugh, you leaned up and brushed a kiss to his ear.
You tugged at his collar. “Why don’t you lie down for me?” you murmured.
He immediately complied, his hands still clamped around your waist as he turned and shifted up, lying down on the couch. He stared up at you, face still twisted in agony and desperation.
Lifting yourself a little, you tilted your head at him. “Take your pants off for me?”
He practically kicked his pants and underwear off in his haste. You guided one of his hands to the latch on the side of your own panties, giving him an amused smile and nod. His trembling fingers unlatched them, his chest heaving as he watched the black silk slide away from your skin. The moment you lowered back down onto him, his cock throbbed against you and his back arched.
Leaning forward, you hummed a pressed a kiss to his jaw. “Jesse, love,” you murmured. “Cry for me a little more?” You cupped his face in your hands, feeling your wetness coat his own length as you ground against his tip. But you deliberately kept shifting, not giving him any steady pressure.
Another broken whine came from him, and a few more tears slipped down his cheeks. Frustration scrunched his face, his neck mottled with red and flushing down to his shoulders and chest, making your white nail marks stand out. His hips jerked, his eyes squeezing shut for a moment.
“Is this what you want?” You pressed down against him again, feeling his cock slip against your wet folds teasingly.
His head jerked in a nod, almost violently. Tremors kept running through his arms, his body occasionally shuddering under you.
You leaned down and sucked his lower lip between yours. Your teeth nipped at his lip, and you finally slanted your mouth over his. Tears poured afresh down his cheeks as he desperately pulled at you, trying to get closer, kiss you more. You relented and let him, thumbs brushing against his jaw as you hummed softly into his frantic, pleading kisses. Without warning, you slipped your tongue between his lips, feeling his mouth part with alacrity. When you finally parted, his green eyes were glazed over with tears, hazily staring at you.
Then you smiled at him slyly. “I think you’ve deserved a little bit more,” you decided.
The moment you slid his tip into you, he choked. Saliva dribbled from the corners of his mouth as he squeezed his eyes shut, struggling for breath. His entire body froze, humming taut under you and his eyes sightlessly staring up at the ceiling.
You observed his wrecked expression, licking your lips with satisfaction. Rarely did Jesse ever fully submit to you like this, usually a brat. But tonight, you had absolute and utter control, and you intended to milk every last ounce of satisfaction out of it. The memories would fuel you for years of his utterly ruined expression, tears slipping down his cheeks as he drooled uncontrollably.
“So pretty, darling,” you purred, licking the tears from his cheek. You gave him another kiss, letting his hands wander over your waist and up your front. “So good for me. Do you think you can handle more?”
His eyes widened, breath quickening. He glanced down, then shook his head jerkily. Then nodded. Then shook his head.
You tilted your head. “Hmmm.” A wicked grin crossed your lips. “No? Oh, but I think you can,” your said, just as you lifted yourself and fully sheathed him inside you.
Jesse sobbed. His mouth opened, tongue lolling as he gasped. Tears poured down his cheeks from the mingled pleasurable pain and relief. His cock throbbed inside you, and his hands grasped desperately at your thighs. His entire body started to shake, arching.
You barely gave him time to adjust before you were already bouncing on him, hands braced against the back of the couch. Laughter spilled from your lips, delighted and cruel, as his hands scrabbled against your thighs, raking across your skin. Moans kept being torn from his throat, your name framed on his lips.
As soon as you angled your hips and brought your fingers down to ring tight circles on your clit, you hissed in pleasure. You pulsed around his cock, earning another helpless sob and wave of tears. He just hit that one spot inside you perfectly, again and again, until you bit your lip and moaned his name as you came around him. Your body clenched down on him, even as you kept fucking yourself through your orgasm.
More laughter spilled from your lips. “Are you gonna cum for me, Jesse, my pretty darling?” you asked breathlessly, purposely moaning his name. “Gonna cum inside me?”
The only warning you got from Jesse was another sob and the gritting of his teeth. His hands flew to your hips, slamming you down on him one more time before holding you there with an iron grip. Gasps tore from his mouth, his eyes trying to blink away tears as he stared up at you.
You hummed, caressing his hands and arms as you bit your lip in satisfaction. He kept pouring into you, his hips jerking once in a while and wringing a whimper from him. Finally, you leaned down and pressed a soft kiss to his lips. His lips parted under yours weakly, chest heaving under your hands.
“Thank you, Jesse,” you cooed sweetly between kisses. “You’re so good to me, make me feel so good.” Your mind fuzzed with the pleasure of both your high and the sight of his tears.
He pushed up against you, kissing you fervently. Though he didn’t say a word, you could feel his thoughts through his drugged, sloppy kiss.
You giggled, teasingly clenching down on him one more time and earning a jerk and grunt. “And I forgive you. But don’t do it again, okay?”
Jesse’s calculating look as he clearly weighed the consequences made you roll your eyes but laugh. Maybe this one would turn out to backfire against you, next time.
You decided it was worth it.
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How long would it take the volturi to solve the Kira case?
Fascinating question, anon, I like it. So much so you get answered much earlier than you normally would be.
Shinigami and the World of Twilight
In Twilight there are few supernatural creatures that remain in our world. There's vampires, children of the moon, and the shapeshifter. However, these need not be the only supernatural creatures.
There have likely been mass extinctions (seen in Children of the Moon) and there may be more creatures that are so uncommon that we just don't see any hint of them.
Death Note's Shinigami easily fall into this category.
They live in another dimension, and in the human world (which they rarely visit in person), they're invisible to the eye save for those who have touched their death note. Their methods of killing are so unobtrusive, (heart attacks by default or whatever method they please), that they're unlikely to be noticed unless someone (i.e. Light) is trying to make a point. And in the grand scheme of things, Shinigami also kill relatively infrequently, meaning that any odd death gets passed off as that: an odd death. Also being forbidden to kill for the sake of a human being means that the deaths tend to be a) random b) whatever amuses them the most. That'd be hard to pick a pattern up of.
Shinigami exist in such a manner that I doubt even the Volturi are aware of them.
Some Ground Rules For the Post
I don't see why vampires would have an innate ability to see Shinigami that humans lack. As a result, the Volturi are in the same boat everyone else is, they can't see a Shinigami unless they touch that Shinigami's notebook.
Also, per the manga, the Kira case takes place from 2003-2010, meaning that as Twilight is happening (or before if Aro and the gang somehow solve this faster than L would), the world is mired in the Kira case.
Bella would certainly have been talking about it in Twilight. As would Edward, as he once had his Kira foray as well if on a much smaller scale and with a lot more junkies.
For the sake of my nitpicky need to have everything line up, we're going to push Death Note back a few years, to the beginning of Twilight.
Also, we're taking out L. If L's there, Aro can rely on him doing most of the work for him and only show up at the end to either murder or turn Light once L's narrowed down exactly who it is. That's not really fair per the ask, we have to leave the Volturi on their own.
With that, let's start.
Kira Makes His Appearance
Light's appearance was by no means subtle, he wanted to be noticed immediately, but he also didn't want to be noticed as a human being.
He made no televised announcements, left no messages, sent in no letters saying, "I am God, tremble before me". Instead, he let his silence speak.
He killed via heart attacks those he considered having broken the law to some heinous degree and then he sat back and watch. The public dubbed him Kira first and he only became a confirmed presence, something more real than a specter and a human who could be caught and brought to justice, when he murdered Lind L. Taylor in a public spectacle.
But this is a world without L, which means no Lind L. Taylor, instead we have Volturi and company in Volterra, utterly unconcerned with the human world.
Of course, they immediately notice once an undeniable pattern becomes clear. Human criminals are dying en masse of heart attacks, someone is making a message. The question is, to what end?
Aro wouldn't immediately think this is a human. This kind of power, this kind of gift, to be able to seemingly kill any person in the world at any time no matter the distance, is something too strong for a human. It would be unheard of to have this much power as a human.
Which means Aro believes he's looking for a vampire breaking the law.
The trouble is, it's only humans. The newborn wars are raging as always, every major coven he's ever heard of remains untouched, and there's been no noticeable uptick of deaths among the vampire population.
The only difference to them is that more of them are dangerously close to breaking the law, as crime rates are now plummeting as criminals live in terror of a spiteful god who might strike them down at any moment. This makes murders performed by vampires, in certain areas, far more noticeable.
(As Light is probably killing off known gang leaders, drug lords, etc. left and right, it's probably pandemonium in certain cities/countries. So vampires are probably alright in these places as I'm sure there's a lot of murder going on as survivors try to fill the power vacuum.)
Still, the Volturi have to put their heads together and try to think why any vampire would do this? To what end would they murder all these humans, in such a noticeable manner, and not even to eat their victims?
Aro concludes he's looking for a very young vampire, likely newborn, someone who still thinks of himself as very human and beholden to human society and who isn't aware of Volterra or else does not consider them a threat.
The Volturi Investigators
I think Aro's going to take the lead on this one. There's his gift, obviously, but he'd by far have the most interest.
Caius would be upset by the nerve of Kira, but he has no patience to track him down either when it becomes exceedingly obvious that this is going to be tricky. That, and it just doesn't seem like his thing to me. He's going to mostly sit this one out.
As for Marcus, he's not up to it.
Which makes Aro our lead detective.
The Investigation
Like L, the first thing they do is try to pinpoint the first deaths. There was the immediate deluge, of course, but that screams of confidence in this assassination gift.
Kira likely needed practice to perfect his gift or even realize he had it at all. There's going to be a first victim and it will probably be messy.
Given enough investigation, this probably leads Aro to Japan, where a man taking children hostage suddenly dies in the middle of the hostage situation when televised on national TV (though not outside of Japan). Given that Kira's a vampire, he could have moved from where he started quite easily, but Aro's willing to bet he's still somewhere in Japan.
What Aro does know is that Kira's keeping close to human society. Kira will be reading human papers, watching human television constantly, and appears to be very well-informed concerning his future victims. Both locally as well as internationally. Kira is likely still in a human settlement.
So, the first thing Aro does is look for an unusual number of casualties in any city or town in Japan. Kira will probably be in the newborn phase, may truly be only a few months old, and given his actions has probably been abandoned by his sire. Even if he has unusually high control, he's got to eat sometime, and thanks to his own actions the murder rate in major cities is way down.
Except... there's no uptick.
Crime, murder, in Japan is universally on a downwards trend. Major cities like Tokyo and small rural villages it's all the same, there's nothing noticeable.
Kira either isn't in Japan or... he's not eating.
Aro wonders if, perhaps this assassination gift of his, somehow feeds Kira. He is, after all, stealing life. He does it via heart attacks but maybe, somehow, the very act of stealing life is all Kira needs. Perhaps he doesn't have to drink blood due to this.
This blows Aro's mind for a few days but eventually he decides that, no, he's never heard of this. True, he's never heard of this gift either, but all vampires drink blood. Even Carlisle, who drinks animal blood, still drinks blood and suffers great negative effects for his avoidance of a natural diet.
Kira the vampire must still eat.
Which means, in the absence of any other explanation... Kira's not a vampire. Kira is likely a very gifted human.
Aro's mind is blown again because Holy Fuck, what a gift. Kira has blown Jane and Alec, who were only immediately noticeable in their own village, completely out of the water.
Except, the trouble is, neither Aro nor anyone else in the Volturi is a detective. Aro knows enough about human society to pay his taxes, to hire secretaries, and keep on the up and up, but he doesn't actually solve human crimes.
What he's looked for for thousands of years are vampires who break the law: and they have certain patterns, motivations, etc. that are more or less easy to spot. More, the entire point of his law is that, if Aro notices then it means you broke it. There are those that can and do fly under his radar.
How is he supposed to find a gifted human who can kill anyone in the world any time he pleases? From a brief perusal of Japanese news, there's no one immediately obvious as gifted or strange by local papers.
From earlier killings, Aro notes that Kira doesn't seem to kill between 8 in the morning to 4 pm, which might make him a student but also could mean he's working those hours.
And even if he is a student? How in the world is Aro supposed to touch the hand of every student in the entire country of Japan? Aro, who makes it a point not to navigate the human world.
Aro Calls in the Expert
When you want to hang out with the humans, there's only one vampire to call: Carlisle Cullen. As we're setting this in early Twilight, neither Eclipse nor Breaking Dawn have happened. To the Cullens, and Carlisle, Aro is simply a wise king and Carlisle's old friend.
And I'm sure Carlisle has been watching the Kira case very closely and is very disturbed by the entire thing. Kira's methods are very much not Carlisle's m.o.
Aro gives Carlisle what he knows: Kira's probably a gifted human, probably somewhere in Japan, probably in school, and has access to an extensive amount of human media.
That's it.
That's all Aro's got.
As for the police at large, without L, they haven't even narrowed it down to Japan yet.
Carlisle points out that, as much as he hangs out with humans, he doesn't think he could find the needle in the haystack either. However, he definitely wants to help in any way he can.
However, they do have something. Aro can't touch the hand of everyone in Japan, however, Edward can unobtrusively listen to a much larger segment of the population.
(Alice is off the table as she's best able to see the future of those close to her. Without knowing who Kira even is, let alone being close to him, she has no idea what he's going to even do next. She's likely very frustrated by this.)
Surely, whoever Kira is, he or she will be contemplating their victims more often than not. It's a long shot, but Edward might be able to find that needle in a haystack.
How's Edward Feel About That?
Edward's extremely conflicted. On the one hand, he doesn't want to disappoint Carlisle, and this is the first time Carlisle has ever asked him for a favor of this magnitude. And, in theory, Carlisle is right, all creatures are worthy of life.
On the other hand, Edward's on Team Kira. He thinks these rapist, murderer, pigs all deserve to die and is rooting for Kira to put the fear of God into them. Emphasizing this is when Bella was nearly raped in Port Angeles, but her would be rapist suddenly remembered himself and vomited in terror at the idea that he might be next should he get caught raping her. (As it is, Edward catches him, and a few weeks later he dies of a heart attack in prison. Edward pops the champagne).
More, if Edward goes to Japan, it means he has to leave Bella. Bella has proven she cannot survive without his personal protection. More, he's not sure he can survive without her presence. He can hardly contemplate the idea of leaving Bella, though he ultimately must, but to do so soon? He though he'd have a few more years, likely until they graduate, but now he and the family would have to move all the way to Japan in a matter of days.
Not to mention this would be letting Aro know that Edward's... not technically breaking the law but not not breaking the law either. Bella clearly suspects he's not human, she just doesn't have the right word.
And then to give Kira up to the Volturi? To have his activities stopped, to be turned and placed into the guard, or else murdered? Edward feels like he'd be selling out the brother he never knew.
But also Carlisle and imagining Carlisle's sad, disappointed, face.
Edward says yes but he really wants to say no.
He sneaks into Bella's room in the middle of the night, and for the first time, makes her aware of his presence. He tells her that regretfully he must leave her, he's off to do a man's work and catch Kira, and that they will never see each other again.
Then to Edward's horror and disappointment, Bella's completely on board for Edward catching Kira and thinks it's the noblest thing he could do. Charlie, being a chief of police, utterly despises Kira and Bella carries forward this sentiment. People deserve the due process of law, not being murdered off by some jackass conning people into believing he's a god.
Bella wishes him luck and tells him to return as soon as he can.
Edward just numbly says he won't be returning. This really is it. Goodbye forever.
Bella's utterly broken (though not nearly as much as canon as Edward didn't dump her for being boring).
Edward in Japan
Well, turns out, Edward's not actually that useful. There's a few problems.
First, there are a lot of people out there claiming to be Kira, or even convincing themselves that they're Kira. They do this to brag, to feel special, for any number of reasons.
None of them are Kira.
Second, Edward can only go out on cloudy days or at night, this severely limits when he can wander the streets and the people he'll run into. More, even if he starts with Tokyo, Tokyo's a big place. That's a lot of wandering to do.
Third, say that Edward does come across Light Yagami. Edward immediately dismisses him as being utterly insane. See, Light Yagami is talking to his imaginary friend, Ryuk, bickering about which apples they should buy from the store. Edward sees the giant clown demon that Light believes only he can see and goes, "Ah, another lunatic, cheerio."
Edward does not find Kira.
The Investigation Continues
Aro likely keeps Edward at it for months. It doesn't matter how long it takes, they're going to track down Kira and they're going to find him. It might take years, but dammit, they'll find him. Edward despairs that he will ever be able to go back to normal life.
Luckily for the gang, Bella saves their bacon.
Bella, ruminating on Edward's mission and on Kira, starts doing her own internet investigation. She doesn't get very far, but she does have those prophetic dreams to help her out.
Bella has a seriously weird dream about the moon, night gods, Kira, demons that look like giant crows, notebooks, and Light Yagami's face. Somehow, just as in canon with vampires, Bella's able to somehow put this together.
She calls up Edward (as they parted on more amiable terms, and so quickly, Edward did not yet disconnect his number) and tells him that Kira's name is Light Yagami, he's attending the University of Tokyo as the top student, and his murder weapon is an evil notebook.
How does she know this?
She looked it up on the internet.
Well, Edward isn't sure how to take that, but he also has nothing to lose. They find Light Yagami, Aro shakes his hand, and holy shit, Bella Swan was right. (Aro now decrees that she will be turned, much to Edward's horror and insistence that she has no idea he's a vampire, and has plans to recruit her for his guard).
What Are We Going to Do About Light?
Well, on the one hand, Aro discovered a new species today that he can do nothing about. Luckily, they seem to have their own laws that have more or less the same result as the Volturi laws: don't get noticed.
On the other hand, he's disappointed that this all-powerful gift was not a gift at all.
On the other other hand, Light does not seem to be an ordinary human. He's... lucky, for lack of a better term. No, it's more that he doesn't need luck, he somehow has such an awareness of everything around him that he assimilates it perfectly into his own plans. As if he can manipulate the very universe to his favor.
That's intriguing and useful, and in any other situation, Aro would jump on taking that chance and at least seeing what happens.
So the question becomes, does Aro turn Light or not? On the one hand, that's a useful gift, on the other hand, this kid's a loose cannon and a lunatic.
This Kira thing cannot continue, and Light, even as a vampire, would likely insist on continuing it somehow.
Luckily, there's a solution to this.
Aro burns the notebook, much to Ryuk's protesting despair. Light loses his memories of Ryuk, the notebook, and having been Kira. Before Light even knows what's happening, Aro turns him.
Three days later, Light wakes up a very confused vampire, gets the Volturi pitch with Chelsea there to help loosen bonds, and accepts a position in the guard to, oddly enough, stop those like Kira.
Aro's confused, but hey, they'll see how this Light thing works out. Aro also likely tells himself that he will watch for Ryuk trying to drop Light another notebook like a hawk.
The Kira case is never solved for humans: Kira just disappears one day as if he never existed. As for Light, I imagine he plots the destruction of the newborn armies, and Caius watches in utter fascination as this kid ruthlessly exterminates them all.
Bella is shortly turned into a vampire, much to Edward's despair, and due to the giant mess of this is also likely recruited to Volterra.
How Long Does This Take?
Given the need for the Volturi to first investigate, then Edward, I give them at least a year. Maybe a year and a half.
And really, it's Bella who saves their bacon.
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five-rivers · 3 years
For @skellagirl
“Hey, Jazz,” said Danny, leaning into Jazz’s room, one hand on the doorknob, the other braced against the jamb. “Wanna help me mess with Vlad?”
“Do I?” responded Jazz, pushing her chair back. “What’s the plan?”
“Well,” said Danny, “Vlad left one of his creepy spy bugs in the kitchen again, and I was thinking we could have a loud conversation in front of it about how Mom’s going to that charity bachelor auction.”
Jazz frowned. “But she isn’t. She’s married.”
“Yeah, that’s the point. Vlad’s delusional.”
“Ah, I see,” said Jazz. “Yeah, let’s do it. Should we write a script?”
“Maybe just a backstory. I work better with improv.”
“I’ve seen your fights, Danny. You definitely do not.”
“That’s cold.”
Maddie was not here, and Vlad was going to commit murder. Just a little bit. The victim was already half dead, after all.
His teeth squeaked as he forced himself to smile at the vapid, crowds of rich single women below him. He could not, unfortunately, back out now without losing quite a bit of face. The only consolation he had was that he had already communicated the need to eliminate the wealthier bidders, so that Maddie’s bet would win, to his ghostly servants. If only he could get away from the crowds and duplicate himself to take care of the others…
But that would be suspicious too, wouldn’t it? He had to let at least a few bids go through. And some of them had to be high, otherwise he’d never hear the end of it from his ever-aggravating business associates.
Curse them and their golf-playing buffoonery. He didn’t even like golf. It took so long.
When his name was called, he went out onto the stage like a man expecting to be hung. Why did anyone think this kind of thing was a good idea? This was humiliating. Ninety percent of the people bidding were after his money one way or another, he was sure.
Not like Maddie.
He sighed and refused to make eye contact with anyone in the crowd as the auctioneer called higher and higher values. Finally, the number stopped climbing, and Vlad lowered his gaze to see who, exactly, he would have to waste a day with.
Well. At least it wasn’t someone who was after his money.
“So,” said Harriet Chin, not even bothering to hide the recorder she held in her hands, “Vladimir Masters. Do you have a statement regarding the Whole World Mission scandal?”
“Harriet,” said Vlad, “please, we’re supposed to be on a date.”
“Yes, and I get to decide our activities. And I want an exclusive interview with the elusive Vlad Masters. That’s what I paid for, after all.”
“And here I was, thinking that it was my ravishing, good looks.”
Harriet snorted. “Maybe for someone who didn’t see you and Jack in that ridiculous hot dog eating contest. Although,” she leaned back appraisingly, “you did fill out since then. Actually… I’m sort of surprised at how early the bidding topped out. Was the room filled with bitter exes, or is there some scandal I don’t know about?”
Vlad rolled his eyes. “I confess, I’m as surprised as you.”
“Now, that’s a lie,” said Harriet.
“Excuse me?”
“You still have that tell from college,” said Harriet, smugly.
“Excuse me? I do not have a tell.” If he did, he had to identify and get rid of it as soon as possible.
“You do,” said Harriet, still grinning.
Vlad weighed the pros and cons of simply overshadowing her and making her lose the day. She’d probably claim that he drugged her or something. Curses.
He sighed, heavily. “At least let me take you out to a restaurant instead of,” he flicked his fingers at his surroundings, “just standing here.”
“Oh, I don’t know. A person’s house can tell you a lot about someone. Didn’t your Wisconsin home blow up? What was up with that, anyway?”
“I released a statement regarding that some time ago,” said Vlad.
“Wasn’t it also raided by the government?”
“That was a misunderstanding. And I also released a press statement about that incident. It shouldn’t take you more than, oh, an hour to look it up online.” This wasn’t entirely true. Once it was out of the immediate spotlight, Vlad had spent quite a bit of money to have the whole story scrubbed. “Dinner? I am paying.”
Harriet looked thoughtful. “Alright, but I’m picking where we go.”
“Of course,” said Vlad, graciously.
He regretted everything.
“Harriet, I know Amity Park is small relative to, say, Chicago, but, really… There are good restaurants here.”
“Yes,” said Harriet, “but I wanted to eat here.”
Vlad grimaced and tried not to look at the booth where Daniel and his juvenile delinquent friends were sitting and filming him with a handheld camera.
“Of course,” said Harriet, apparently unbothered by the stickiness of the booth bench and the screaming of children in the other part of building, “if you wanted to go back to a more private setting so that we could continue our interview—”
“No, no, this is quite alright. I said I would get you dinner, and here we are, eating…” He glanced at the menu with derision. “Food.”
He could, just barely, call it that. Even if he’d discovered during his short-term ownership of the chain that certain of its condiments could be used as mid-grade explosives. He didn’t know how Daniel could stand it.
(On the other hand, he had to admit he was enjoying this. Just a little. He so rarely got to match wits against a competent adult.)
(Maddie didn’t count—He was trying to woo Maddie, after all. They were practically on the same side.)
Valerie Grey, looking intensely weirded out, brought their order to their table. Harriet, unperturbed by the grease leaking through the paper wrappings, began to sort though the offerings for the cheap chicken burger she had ordered. Vlad, meanwhile, stared down at his sandwich.
Someone had put an ectoplasm antagonist in the dressing. He glared at Daniel. He didn’t know how the boy had done it, but he was going to pay for it. Along with setting him up for this ridiculous ‘date.’
“Aren’t you going to eat?” asked Harriet.
“I’m not hungry.”
“Oh, stop being such a snob. I remember you and Jack living off of instant ramen.”
“That was then, this is now,” said Vlad.
“Seems to be going well,” said Tucker, adjusting the lens on his camera, “all things considered.”
“Kind of surprised they’re here of all places, though,” said Sam.
“I think Ms. Chin’s just trying to get a rise out of Vlad, to be honest.” He’d stopped looking at them, though, instead frowning at the kitchens. “I think Valerie put something in his food. Do you think we should do something?”
“Not really,” said Tucker.
“Yeah, I’m going to choose Valerie every day over the old rich white guy who wants to kill your dad,” said Sam. “Even if she has some slightly homicidal tendencies regarding you.”
“Fair enough,” said Danny. “Want to stalk Vlad and his date until they drive home?”
“I don’t have any other plans,” said Sam, easily.
“Same,” said Tucker.
“Cool,” said Danny.
“Are you frequently stalked by teenagers?” asked Harriet.
“No,” said Vlad.
“And isn’t that Jack and Maddie’s son?”
“Oh ho, there’s a story there, isn’t there?”
“A private matter, I assure you.”
“When you’re as wealthy as you are, Vlad, nothing’s a private matter anymore.”
“I fear I must disagree with you on that count. Where are we going, anyway?”
“It’s a surprise,” said Harriet. “Unless you want to give me that interview.”
“Ugh. No.”
It was a miniature golf course. Of course it was. He could never escape from the accursed ‘sport.’ At least the miniature version was marginally more tolerable. Or it would be, if Daniel and his pack of friends weren’t able to follow them in.
… Or maybe they wouldn’t follow them in. The trio veered off suddenly right before the exit. Vlad smirked. Not enough cash for the little badger to get in, hm?
This assumption was disastrously disproven when a ghost fight tore through the Astroturf that covered the third hole.
Harriet was very nearly thrown into the pond, but Vlad managed to catch her at the last moment.
She was blushing.
Butter biscuits.
“Well,” said Harriet, “that wasn’t the interview I wanted, but it wasn’t a total waste of time. Same time next week?”
“Fine, fine, whatever you want,” said Vlad. Then what he said caught up to him. “No. One date. One date was all you paid for.”
Harriet pretended not to hear him.
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