#all kinds of dead divers there
villainousauthor · 6 months
The diver coughed and sputtered for a full minute, gasping for air as the sharp rocks digged into her palms.
"Aww poor human, I forgot how much your kind needs air." The melodic voice didn't sound sorry at all, and the moment she caught her breath, the diver looked at the fantastical and terrifying creature that pulled her down into the murky depths.
A mermaid. Of course, it was common knowledge that they existed, but sightings were rare. She never expected to come face to face with one during what was a normal dive.
"Why...what is this place?" She asked, voice still raspy from the salt water. Looking around, she could see she was in a cavern of some sort. An underwater cave with some chambers of air? Sunlight shone in from a crack high overhead, so she must be above sea level, but water lapped all around her feet.
The creature spoke again, and she could decided that she could put the voice and appearance of the mer as vaguely female.
"This is your new home, silly!" She looked her in the face now, noticing her inhuman appearance. She was beautiful, of course, but the diver didn't miss the sharp teeth, and the flash of a third eyelid when she blinked. She felt herself shudder.
"What do you mean? I don't understand," She sat up, moving the clinging wet hair from her face. "Why did you pull me down?"
The mermaid inched closer, pulling herself up on the bank, and the diver's eyes looked down the long expanse of her tale, noting her scales and sharp looking spines and fins. This was a dangerous creature.
"I always wanted a pet human. Your species is so fascinating! But I couldn't take just any human," She speaks with such enthusiasm, and if it wasn't for her appearance and strange lilt of her voice, the diver could almost mistake her for one of the upbeat girls she went to school with. "I saw you swimming, and you looked so pretty that it had to be you!" She finishes with a flourish, tail smacking against the water.
"I can't be a pet! I need to go back." She demands, voice desperate. "I'll just swim out of this cave."
The mermaid flashes her another sharp toothed grin. "You can try, but these caves are dark and twisty. You might run out of air before you can."
The divers frown deepens. She knows the statistics for underwater caving. She hasn't even been trained for it yet, never having thought she'd need it. Her breathing apparatus was gone too, ripped away by the mermaid as she dragged her down.
"I'll starve here," She tries reasoning, "What good of a pet am I if I'm dead?"
The mermaid brought her sharp claws up as she rested her own head in her hands. She watched as her gills fluttered. "I'll bring you food. I know you humans can eat fish, and I'm a good hunter." She says this with pride, as if trying to impress.
"Okay, but I need water. Humans will die without water." She tries countering, heart racing as the situation starts to set in.
"You're silly. There's water all around us." The mermaid giggles, her expression playful.
"Humans can't drink salt water. We need fresh water." She deadpans, trying to make this mermaid see logic.
Her lip juts out, as if this doesn't make a lick of sense. "I don't believe that. This water is perfectly fine! I live in it, and others live in it, and you humans swim in it."
She leans closer, her cold and clammy hand going to toy with a strand of the human diver's hair, and her heart jumps to her throat at the close proximity of those claws that could tear her to pieces within seconds.
"Don't worry, I'll take good care of you. We'll have so much fun together."
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bey0nd-1he-stars · 2 years
All I ask - Kaz Brekker
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Pairing: Kaz Brekker x reader
Wordcount: 1293
Warnings: mention of a wound, alcohol
Summary: after a failed heist Kaz wishes to speak with you
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Storming into the slat after the almost failed heist, all of you dumped down on chairs, huffing and downing the cups of liquor that Anika placed on the table.
"Thanks Anika," Inej said quietly as she placed down the now empty glass on the wooden surface. Kaz didn't say anything, he just swept the whiskey, sat the glass down with a thump and stormed off to his room. No one said anything as you all watched him stalk his way to the stairs and started to climb them. No one said a word as you listened to his cane tapping against the floor. When Kaz finally slammed his door shut, Jesper turned to the rest of the Crows.
"Well, that was interesting," he raised his eyebrows. Wylan rolled his eyes but his lips still held a small, playful smile when he set his gaze on Jesper again.
"What part of it?" wondered Nina and gestured to Anika, asking for another whiskey.
"All of it?" Jesper offered and held his glass out to Anika as she poured another round for each of them. You swept it quickly, letting the strong liquid burn in your throat, taking it as a reminder that you were still alive. The small amount you had left in the bottom of the glass you poured onto the wound on your upper arm, not bothering to clean it any more thoroughly. Inej caught you in the action but settled for a grimace your way. You were stubborn and the cut wasn't very deep either so she knew you wouldn't appreciate the nagging about taking better care of it. All of you were still upset about the messy heist, and conveniently enough, the man who'd planned it all had already left the table.
Wylan gave away a soft sight and let his hair fall back, almost hanging upside down over the back of the chair. His eyes closed as he caught his breath and let the burning sensation of the whiskey make its way through his body. His mop of curls fell from his face and you caught Jespers gaze flickering to him. With a cough he pulled his revolver and started playing absently with it, keeping his hands occupied. Feeling you gaze on him, Jesper looked at you and was met with a kind but teasing smile that had his cheeks blossoming in a soft pink. He shook his head at you, silently asking you to keep quiet about it just as Wylan sat up straighter and swept the whiskey glass in his hand to go leave it in the kitchen. The scraping of chairs against the floor covered the sound of Kaz's door opening and closing a few floors above you and you almost hit him square in the chest when you walked out of the kitchen. Stopping dead in your tracks you waited for Kaz to pass before making your way to the stairs. A good night's sleep would do you good after the messy heist but you barely made it to the stairs before Kaz called out for you.
"Y/n, my office in 5," he said, then he walked past you and trudged up the stairs again, leaving you with no other option than to follow him.
After stopping by your own room quickly you walked to Kaz room. Pushing the door to his office open you were met by the dim-lit sight of Kaz at his desk scribbling away on a paper in front of him. He didn't make any signs of acknowledgement but you sat down at the chair in front of him and waited until he looked up from his work. The late hour and the messy heist already had you irritated and Kaz calling you up three flights to talk didn't make it any better. Not to speak of the fact that, now that you were here, he didn't even look at you.
"You wanted to talk," you deadpanned. Kaz stopped his scribbling and placed the paper to the side. He looked up from what he was doing, his brown glare meeting yours in a harsh gesture. You held his gaze and noticed how it quickly flickered to the tear in your shirt and the bloody cut on your arm. It still stung subtly from the whiskey you'd poured over it but you paid no mind to it. Kaz looked away from you and diverted his gaze to the window instead, watching as a crow flew by the window. You glanced at the window too but quickly looked back to meet Kaz's eyes again. He just looked at you, something deeper than anger swirled in his eyes but you couldn’t really see what it was. You simply waited until he would say something. He was the one who called you up here, saying he needed to talk to you, but now that you were here he was quiet as a mouse. After almost 10 minutes of complete silence, your eyes met each other’s and then they quickly turned away again, seeking something else to look at, you sighted and crossed your arms over your chest. Kaz finally spoke up. 
“I’m sorry.” It was as simple as that. Those two words were the only thing he said. You looked up at him, not expecting the apology at all. But when you met his eyes you didn’t have the heart to be angry with him. 
“It’s not only me you should say sorry to. You should tell the whole crew,” you said softly and tried to seek his gaze but he looked down at the table, twirling his pencil between his glove-clad fingers. After a few moments of silence he replied, “I know.” You nodded and sat up straighter in your chair, thinking over your words before speaking them out loud for him to hear. 
“You gotta stop gambling with our lives as if we were a deck of cards, Kaz. We’re your friends, not some knights and queens of spades that you can throw on a table whenever and however you need,” you voice was gentle but both of you knew that you meant every word you said. And it was true. Kaz has been risky with all of your lives lately, not only tonight. He’d been taking you all for granted, but mostly he’d been taking your help for granted. He knew that you’d do anything for him if he just asked. But he hadn’t and that’s where he’d lost you for a while. You weren’t some slaves to boss around with or tools to use when needed. You were crows and crows work together. When Kaz didn’t reply you stood up to walk out and get some sleep, like you’d first intended. Just as you were out the door, Kaz spoke your name. You stopped in your tracks. The tapping of his cane could be heard from the other side of the door. He stopped just on the other side and you stood with you back facing the closed door. He knew you were still here, but he didn’t bother to open the door. 
“Tell… tell the others. That I’m sorry. For all of it.” 
“I will. With a promise from you to be better.” That was all you asked of him, to try to be better, to ask for help, to treat you like crows, like friends. You could feel your heart hammer in your chest for the broken boy who’d learned to never ask for help the hard way, for the boy who’d lost everything because they’d asked for help, for the boy on the other side of the door. Please say okay. It’s all I ask for.
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sorry to keep posting about this because i'm sure it is deeply unpleasant for people who experience empathy or are more capable of conceptualizing the actual reality of the situation but i am. completely and utterly beyond bafflement at every detail of the Billionaire Submersible Incident. it sounds so utterly like a piece of cautionary horror fiction that would be considered too heavy-handed. i don't know what emotion to feel in the slightest.
like, even putting aside the whole, uh, bolted shut from the outside like renowned horror game iron lung, the amount of sheer fiction-level on the nose metaphors of this Real Life Situation That Is Really Happening, For Real, In Real Life, Not In A Piece Of Speculative Fiction Warning Against The Dangers Of Fucking With The Goddamn OCEAN Because You Think Money Makes All Consequences A Moot Point:
the passengers are:
known Rich Guy Who Pays Exorbitant Amounts Of Money To Do Stupidly Dangerous Things As A Hobby [metaphor for the way money and power incentivizes people to tempt fate because they have never truly experienced consequences]
famous diver who has made over 30 dives to the titanic [metaphor for the dangers of obsession]
billionaire with unspecified investment in this situation who brought his son with him. [metaphor for the impact of fucking with forces better left alone on our descendants]
the CEO of the company, who has gone on record dismissing the importance of safety features and has not had his submersible which is bolted shut from the outside tested or inspected by any professional accredited body for reasons of it being "too innovative". [tale as old as time about the inventor being destroyed by his invention]
and they're attempting to visit the goddamn titanic
what kind of greek tragedy levels of hubris is this fucking horrorshow. god is either dead or laughing.
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blacklegsanjiii · 8 months
(Sorry everyone)(also you can tell I wrote this on my phone for two hours at 3am?)
Sanji who grew up in the All Blue. Judge and Sora being loving and caring parents for their five kids. They fish and cook and are happy. When Reiju turns eight she is gifted a forever post to the All Blue and the same with 1234ji. The kids are all normal and play and swim and dive. Sora tells the kids stories of pirates who made it to Laughtale, the closest island to them, but they didn't make it to the All Blue. No one has made it except Judge and Sora, escaped royals presumed dead.
It's hard to get to their home after all. You have to make it through the Grand Line and find the caves in the calm belts that lead to a massive crater in the Redline that the All Blue resides. Sora has met those pirates that made it to Laughtale though, kind and larger than life and just. 01234 love listening to Sora's stories and Judge smiles from the kitchen as he listens.
Sanji is the best diver in his family, bringing up so much shellfish or kelp or seed pods or anything. They're happy. And then a seaking fucks with them in the calm belt when they're out for some reason and Sanji is separated and lost his forever post. He has no idea about his family and he's in the East Blue and sobbing as he gets onto the orbit and begs for a job.
Canon happens and everything is normal up until Alabasta where Ace has Niji with him and they're sobbing and hugging and like "I thought you were dead!" "I thought YOU were dead!"
"Do you have your post?"
"No, do you?"
Everyone is watching these two and Ace eventually asks Sanji if his dream is to also find the All Blue and Sanji nods. Turns out Niji was found by the White Beard fleet and has been trying to find his family while Sanji has been at the most popular restaurant in the world trying to find out about his family. And then they explain they're brothers and they got separated from their family on the calm belt. Sanji asks if Niji has seen anyone else and he shakes his head but they exchange Mushi numbers so they can keep in touch.
And they do keep each other updated up until Sanji is sent to Kamabakka by Kuma and Niji is with Luffy at Marineford and they save Ace. Luffy explains a few days later he doesn't know where any of his crew is because of Kuma. And then Jozu explains someone is here and it's Yonji, in a marine uniform. And Niji is tackling him because brother? But Marine?
"yeah, sorry, I defected and didn't have other clothes, glad youre alive, where is Sanji, Reiju, and Ichiji?" Yonji asks as he wrestles Niji to the point of sitting on him and Ace and Luffy are confused there's another one.
"No forever post?" Niji asks instead.
"No shit, dumbass, where are the others? Mom? Dad?" Yonji demands fisting his hands into Niji's shirt and them rolling around and fighting more.
When the Strawhats get back together Ace, Niji, and Yonji are the newest recruits. Rayleigh is telling Ace he's glad he's alive and then looks at 234ji and is like "are, are you kids happened to be related to a couple named Judge and Sora?"
"Yeah, those are our parents. The dead prince and princess of Germa!" Yonji grins.
"And they live on Laughtale?" Rayleigh asks hesitantly.
"No, the All Blue." The three brothers answer instantly and Rayleigh feels like having a heart attack.
"You can only get into through the calm belts, it's really hard and tedious but there was something we had to get but a sea king kind of ruined it and now we're trying to get home." Niji explains.
"Yeah! There's two more of us, Ichiji is the oldest of us boys and Reiju is our older sister." Sanji tacks on. Zoro is having a heart attack. There are four other shitcooks? He's fucked. He's so fucked and Nami thinks they're all gonna perv on her but they don't, even Sanji has chilled the fuck out and says hes just started lying to Zeff after training where he was which, what the fuck does that mean?
Once again it's all pretty normal, turns out Reiju is with Sabo in the Revolutionary Army and she gets the crews numbers so that they can keep he updated at the cabin and Law is asking what's going because they sent Sanji and Yonji ahead after Sanji's fight with Doflamingo and Sabo is like "okay well Ace and Luffy are my brothers, how the fuck do you know these people?"
"I don't, Niji is my little brother and they sent Sanji and Yonji ahead according to Law." Reiju tells the Chief of Staff.
"So what's the All Blue like? You have more memories since you're the oldest, right?" Zoro asks and Reiju smiles a serene smile Sabo and Koala have never seen on her face.
"Well, there's fish from all four blues and more. Spices and plants never seen nor tasted. It's the bluest blue you'll ever see..." She tells them all about it and Niji is smiling too, chirping in with stories. Niji makes sure she doesn't have a post either. Sabo also spends a lot of time hugging Ace and Luffy and Ace gives him a piece of his vivre card.
They get to Zou and Yonji and Sanji have been kidnapped by Gramma and Grampa Vinsmoke who test on them. Yonji is like "I think that was worse than being a marine" and Sanji is just like "I think it was worse than being at Baratie"
And Luffy is like "oh by the way your sister is gonna call soon" and is promptly tackled by the boys. Brook complains he didn't get to meet her as does Nami. When they get to Wano, still everything is the same just with extra people helping here or there. Niji tells them about Reiju talking about the All Blue and Luffy complains he wasn't awake for it. So they describe it and tell stories and Nami says the way they describe the water reminds her of their eyes.
"They're our mom's" Yonji smiles at her.
"So why do you three have different hair?" Chopper asks.
"Technically we don't, we dye it. Sanji's hair just never took the dye because he was in the water the most." Niji grins and ruffles Sanji's hair.
"So you guys really are from the All Blue?" Law double checks because first he's heard about Germa but now the All Blue exists.
"Yeah! It's shitty cuz there's a lot of spices there that are found only there and I can't ever quite replicate them." Sanji nods.
"So where do you think Ichiji is?" Yonji asks.
"Well, maybe he's with Mom and dad?" Sanji shrugs.
"Man that'd be cool." Niji sighs.
"Im stuck in you guys dying your hair." Ace admits.
"Well, we kind of had to, outside of Sanji having opposite curled brows we're identical." Niji says.
"We're quadruplets." Yonji says and Zoro almost asphyxiates on his drink.
"Bless your mother." Law breathes. "What technologies did they use?"
"Dude we lived in a floating house with a floating green house and like two desks with some microscopes. This was all natural." Niji says.
"What the fuck, what the fuck, the fuck is wrong with your family, good fuck." Law murmurs as the brothers laugh and Chopper says he wants to do a check up on their mom when they meet. They meet Ichiji towards the end of Wano since he's kind of Kaido's personal assistant and Yamato and Ace are very happy to see each other and they see Ichiji's chance for escape and he's holding his three brothers and everything.
And then they head off to continue on their way to make Luffy the Pirate King. Franky manages to replicate the Marine Tech that allows them to cross the calm belt and they send Ichiji and Yonji off to make sure Sora and Judge are alive and if so be able to house them. Sanji wishes he could go with and so does Niji but they have duties to fulfill and on the way to Laughtale Sanji and Niji tell them all about it again.
After Luffy is crowned and Shanks and Rayleigh and everyone is there and then Luffy demands they go to the All Blue next which Shanks finds ridiculous and Buggy is calling Luffy dumb but Sanji and Niji are pointing and Nami is looking at her bracelet and is like "okay, lead the way men" and they do any then their like "oh yeah, we need to worry about the sea kings this is their breeding grounds btw" and Shanks and Rayleigh go to work bullying sea kings as Sanji and Niji manage to guide the Sunny and call directions to the other boats cuz the caves are pure rapids that spit out into calmer waters. It's like a solid week sail from Laughtale to the All Blue. Everyone is looking around and Sanji and Niji immediately jump in the water and in the distance there's a floating house. With the boat Franky built. Sanji sky walks over and Niji curses him as he gets back on the boat.
Ace flies Niji and Luffy gum gum rockets after them despite Zoro yelling. When they lay anchor close to the house and boat over and see parents crying and holding their son's and then they start thanking Luffy and the crews and while Shanks and his crew are trying to like not take credit and Buggy is like "why the fuck are you praising us? What the fuck?" And Judge is catching up with Rayleigh.
Reiju shows up not too long after with Sabo and Koala and they throw a massive party where everyone is fishing or diving or gathering spices and stuff and Sanji takes Luffy into the water to float and Luffy is zapped from the water but Sanji won't let him drown.
Sanji's dream was just always getting home, to his family, to the place where they were safe.
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rottenaero · 1 year
You say Siren Eddie, I say Diver/Tour Guide Steve
You say Steddie in an aquarium, and I bring you ‘the owners don’t know Eddie’s a siren, and the staff keep going missing. Someone takes him out of the tank so Steve can clean it except they never actually got him out, and he didn’t notice cause the tanks so damn big, so Steve’s stuck in there with this thing that’s been after their staff.’
The aquarium is closed over the weekend too, so unless Eddie releases him, he’ll die when his oxygen goes out.
Something something Eddie makes sure the other fish in the tank stay away, especially the more aggressive ones, and lets steve go when he has thirty minutes of air left.
And since Steve didn’t disappear, the owner keeps assigning him that tank. And Eddie keeps following him around as he cleans up all the bones that are seemingly human, and making jabs that he can barely respond to, plus bringing him some dead fish and shells.
The disappearances continue until the owner is like ‘Okay Robin I need you to go in with Steve to make sure something doesn’t happen to him.’
They get in the tank and Eddie is immediately attempting to murder her, his fins are up gills are flaring, and Steve has to hold him back.
“Stop being so goddamn hostile!!” It comes out warbled and muffled because of the mask, and the fact that they’re in water.
Robins going forward and Eddie is making a shrieking kind of noise, when she gets too close he starts snapping his teeth and Steve pinches him hard.
He stops shrieking, and instead yelps, “Ah, what the fuck man?!”
“You were trying to eat her!”
“What the fuck what the fuck what the fuck��” Robin backtracks to the wall of the tank.
“So? Why’s she even down here? You’re the cleaner.”
“Cause people keep disappearing.”
“We’ve already established I’m not gonna hurt you.”
“Yeah, but they don’t know that. They don’t even know it’s because of you.”
He doesn’t kill her, and she keeps coming to the cleanings but stays far away from Eddie. The disappearances stop, and the owner decides that he doesn’t have to clean the tank as often.
Eddie starts missing him, so whenever Steves in-front of his exhibition, he’ll press his face against the glass and just stare at him creepily.
Maybe it’d be funny if he yelling his name and banging on the glass.
His eyelid twitches, but he continues with his facts for the kids in-front of him. There’s bangs on the glass behind him. “Hey, I’m talking to you!”
I just think it’d be neat.
Bonus point if the party are all kids who’s parents work there, and they get brought to work everyday after school.
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blackrosesandwhump · 1 year
Whump Prompts 100: Immortal Whumpee Aesthetic
Feel free to reblog with any additions you might have. :)
CW: death, suicide reference, torture, implied vivisection, implied gore, experimentation, begging for death
Realizing that immortality is actually a terrible, inescapable curse
The despair of knowing that everyone they care about will die, leaving them completely alone
Being passed down from generation to generation, gaining more scars and wounds as the years go by
Or, always healing...on the outside. The inside is a completely different story...
Experiencing firsthand how torture methods have changed through the ages
Experiencing something (drowning, hanging, etc.) that should kill them over and over again, because, you know, they can't die
Tremendous guilt over always surviving no matter what happens to everyone around them
Intentionally working the most dangerous jobs because, you know, they can't die
Being afraid that their secret will scare people away
Cutting themselves off from everyone so they don't have to experience the pain of losing someone
Being captured, then abandoned somewhere where no one will ever find them, and having to endure eons of isolation and darkness
Being able to endure extremes: temperature, air, water, etc. Imagine an immortal whumpee as a scuba diver or an astronaut...
Used as a test subject for all kinds of experiments, because, you know, they can't die
Or, being used for med students to practice on. How better to learn how a heart works than by watching it in action?
Suffering the same level of pain as an ordinary mortal, but without the escape of eventual death
How does it feel to be drained of blood and still be alive?
Feeling less like themselves, less sane, every time they come back from the dead
Suicide for convenience, because they'll just come back to life no matter what
How does it feel to regrew an organ, or a severed limb?
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How they would react to dating a ADHD reader
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Edward Cullen:
• When he first met you, you were hard for him to read until he learned of you having ADHD
• Before the two of you started getting close, he would often find his gazing topaz eyes landing on you weather it may be in the school hallways or somewhere else
• It took a little courage for Edward to approach you to introduce himself properly, and when he does, he briefly apologizes for that as you have a few of the same classes together
• Edward is impressed to see that even though your mind works differently, knowing it can go a little faster than you can process sometimes, you have a strong determination of letting nothing stand in your way
• You enjoy learning new things everyday, one of the toughest challenges that come with having ADHD is how you can get distracted so easily
• Despite a racing mind, you do very well in school and your studies. When it came time for an important test, that’s where you get a little anxious because the whole class knows of your ADHD and found it amusing to mess with you during something like this
• You always managed to swing it and get a high grade, a higher one than most of, if not all the students that filled your classes
• You were one of the last few remaining to have yet complete a test. The boy sitting behind you swiped the stapler off the teacher’s desk and opened it like he was refilling it with a new package of staples
• You didn’t give it a second thought of it until you started getting hit with flying staples
• It was very upsetting to you, but lucky for you, this was also one of the few classes you shared with Edward and once he saw what was going on, he went to put a stop to it
• Right I’m the middle of that, the teacher had return from a short staff meeting and interfered before things got out of control
• The boy sitting behind you got in trouble and was sent to the principals office, he later comes out with a week’s worth of detention
• Because of that distraction, you didn’t get the chance to finish your test and it was the end of the school day. Thankfully, your teacher was kind enough to allow you to finish the test on the following day
• Edward took you home and because you were house sitting for your parents while they were out celebrating their anniversary with a big trip, you had the house to yourself and Edward spends the night
• He didn’t like leaving you alone
• For that time period, you put a movie on you wanted him to see. Though it was more than a movie, it was more like a documentary from Netflix based on a true story
• “What’s this called?” Edward asks, clearly missing the title of it
• “It’s that Last Breath documentary I keep telling you about.” You say excitedly
• “Can you tell me about it one more time?”
• “It’s about that commercial diver getting trapped on the bottom of the ocean without oxygen for over thirty minutes and survives.” You explain
• Edward doesn’t ask any more questions, instead, pulls you to his side as you both cuddle throughout the show. You were growing a little sleepy and kept dozing off, when you come to again, you briefly remember you fell back asleep at the part when the diver gets trapped and nearly left for dead
• You don’t remember falling asleep as you don’t wake up again until the following morning, still snuggled up to Edward’s side as he holds you close to him
• As strange as this may sound, Edward was the first to recognize this moment that you are his mate and he wouldn’t trade you for the world
• You don’t recognize it until he protects you from James
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• It took you a while, but after entering the second month of the new relationship with Benjamin, you inform him of having ADHD and he was quite surprised to say the least
• “Surprised” as in a good way, he could never think anything negative towards you, you are his mate after all and he wouldn’t trade you for the world
• There are times when you have moments of feeling insecure about what you have, but as soon as a bad thought crosses your mind, Benjamin always has something to say about it, he didn’t like you having those thoughts
• “Here’s what I want you to do, every time a bad thought of yourself comes to your head, tell it to go to back to hell where it came from.” With your mate saying exactly that, never failed to make you smile
• Benjamin becomes a little overly protective when it comes to certain things through ADHD such as knowing how you can get distracted so easily
• For example, you were best friends with Bella, and her birthday was coming so you wanted to do something special, you wanted to make her a homemade birthday cake and because you haven’t taken your medicine quite yet, you were a little over the edge
• Unfortunately for you, something had happened that made you forgetful about watching the time to check on the cake and of course you may have overreacted, but at the same time, you couldn’t help the way you feel
• What got you distracted was overhearing Rosalie and Bella in the living room nearby, Rosalie was getting rude towards Bella and you couldn’t take it
• You’ve tried to not think about it, trying to distract yourself with this homemade present but what Rosalie says next, set you off like a bomb
• “Happy birthday… human.” Rosalie says with slight venom in her voice
• You dropped the fork in hand and stomped to where the two were, coming out unglued to Rosalie, you may have sounded harsh, but there was a good reason for it
• “If you’re not going to drop whatever crap you have in mind, than I want you to leave my house!” You seethed
• Rosalie threw you a dirty look as Bella places her hand on your shoulder, right than Benjamin makes his appearance after hearing you yell at Rosalie and wanted to see what was going on
• “(Y/n)? Are you alright?” He asks
• “Just fine.”
•No one says anything until the smell of something burning from the kitchen fills the air as Benjamin asks what that was
• “Do you have something on in the kitchen?” He asks, than you remembered
• “Shit!” You growl, heading for the kitchen as everyone else follows behind
• You pull the cake out and set it down, seeing that it was as black as it could get, you got really upset and started blaming Rosalie for this to happen
• Your mind was racing, and it suddenly made you feel upset at everyone, not just Rosalie, you could fathom that this was really happening, out of all days why today?
• “What’s going on?” Benjamin asks fondly
• It took you a minute to compose yourself before giving an answer
• “I don’t want to spoil the surprise, but I don’t have a choice at this point. I was trying to make a birthday cake for Bella.”
• Bella couldn’t help but feel flattered that her best friend would go through all this trouble to do something special and nice for her. While at the same time, it hurt her to see you so upset and instantly had an idea in mind
• “I know doing this meant something to you, and I truly appreciate your effort you put into this, but I hate seeing you so upset.” Bella goes on
• You bring your hands to cover your face in case of tears decide to well up
• “Listen, how about all of us go out to celebrate?”
• “You mean that?”
• “Of course, I mean when is the next time we’ll all be together like this?”
• You smile as Benjamin wraps his arm around you, pulling you close to his side, leaning to whisper in your ear
• “It would be better than staying behind to mope around about this incident, (Y/n). Don’t you think?”
• “That sounds like a good idea.”
• “It’ll be my treat.” Rosalie says
• Benjamin’s purpose in all of this was to keep you from looking back on the incident as few hours earlier and he was more than successful of accomplishing that goal
• Now he represents it, all of you had gone out as suggested to Cheesecake Factory for Bella’s cake
• Throughout the evening, Benjamin held your hand hardly letting it go
• Being with Benjamin made you forget all the worries
• As his mate, Benjamin knew how to make you fall in love with him all over again. With your ADHD, he never considered judging you for it, and if anyone messes with your ability to focus on purpose, they had better watch it
• Messing with you meant messing with him as slight trouble begins to brew
• Benjamin couldn’t wait to love you for all eternity, you know, once he changes you into a vampire like you wanted
• You couldn’t wait to love him for all eternity, you look forward to what the future has in store for you both
• Nothing but happiness
Please request!
• Edward Cullen
• Emmett Cullen
• Jasper Cullen
• Carlisle Cullen
• Benjamin
• Riley Biers
• Jacob Black
•Aro Volturi
• Felix Volturi
• Caius Volturi
• Jane Volturi
• Alice Cullen
• Rosalie Hale
• Bella Swan
• Victoria
• Vladimir
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clouds-by-me · 8 months
The scales of a savior
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Characters ;; Freminet, lyney, and Lynette Warnings ;; drowning, blood, almost dying, wounds/scars, burning, kinda long(ig??) Word count ;; 1.5k An | this was supposed to be Sagau, but somehow it turned into this. Also this took so long to publish like bffr
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Far beneath the land, past all of the lively plants and animals of the surface, there’s a cave.
Dark, and cold, nothing like an embracing hug from a loving mother. More like the emptiness of a grave site. Old and lonely, with only thoughts to fill in whatever sound is supposed to be there.
Water drips from the ceiling, falling into a larger body of water down below. The cave with a jagged ceiling and walls is full of water, that almost reaches the top, leaving a pocket of cold air.
The water is no different, however. The cold stillness of the water brings no comfort. It’s sends spikes of frost throughout your body. Starting at some unknown place within, then sprouting out to attack every part of the human body.
At the floor of the cave, broken statues lay as if it was a graveyard of bodies. Each one different, and cracked from its top to bottom. Parts of each were broken off, rather it’d be without its arm, or leg, its hand, or head. Plants grew on some of them, covering the cracks lefts behind on the statues.
Seven statues in total, all well withered and deformed to an hideous extent. The statues were hard to recognize, any detail that was once on the statues were now worn off, and forgotten to the darkness. Comparing the statues to the state they were once in, its a shame to see how far they have fallen. One statue in particular, however, looked worse than all of the other combined. The head of the statue was detached, lost to somewhere unknown, the abyss probably. Chips and cracks littered every inch of the statue, the only recognizable piece of the statues was the deconstructed shape.
The person that the statue imitated was a person who was tall. The body of that of a warriors, from the tight shoulders, and stiff form, it could almost be described as closed off.
Dead plants surrounded the stone figure, and hugged it, as if it wanted some kind of support or safety. The only thing it got in return was silence. A cold shell, drowned in even colder water.
A blond diver swims alone, in the sea of his homeland, he swims. The water to him is a safe kind of relief on his body. As he uses his arms to move himself forward, he looks around. Ferminet has nothing that he is looking for, he has been through this part of the ocean many times before. The further he ventures, the less he sees however. The occasional otter or seal that typically swims around, is no where in his line of sight. Using his arms and legs, he continues to venture forward. The deeper he goes into the depths, the more he can hear. The sound of something talks to him in an inaudible tone.
Though his brain screamed at him that something deathly lie ahead, his body did nothing from stopping him from venturing deeper into the cold. The water cooled the further that he went, away from the brightness of the suns rays, away from the safety of the light.
His body moved as if being pulled on a string. He doesn’t control where hes going, he doesn’t even know where he is. The way the water surrounds him is a kind of surreal feeling. Nothing likes hes felt before. Though welcoming, his brain knows that he shouldn’t be going this far away from the surface, so why doesn’t he stop?
The water goes against his brain, and he feels his body continue to move as water seemingly win the battle. Though now far from the surface, he can still see. No light reflects this deep down, so him being able to see every jagged edge, every corner, every spike, comforts him. It’s a similar feeling that he gets when hes with his older siblings.
Soon he makes it to the bottom, where everything is sharp, and rigged with shape. He turns to look around, taking in everything bit by bit. It’s when he sees a stone surface that he finally feels cold. A shiver runs through his body, but he moves closer.
“vas, aude in custodia…”
The sound is in a language that he does not know, a song that he can’t understand. It doesn’t sound like someone he knows, it doesn’t even sound like someone’s voice, more like an echo of a song, in a different language. In a tone of music, but somehow it soothes him.
“Accede propius, Vas creationis.”
“Accede propius”
The sound is almost a muffled song, the closer he moves, the more sounds he hears. Yet the song has yet to grow any louder, it stays a musical whisper of the water. Seeing the stone closer, he now comes to realize that this is a statue, beautiful as it lies, covered in a think substance, more dense than the water that surrounds it.
The boys feels a cold shift, as he reaches closer, wanting to feel the material even though he was sure what it was. His mind had yet to agree with any of these actions, but by now, his thoughts had become something of the past.
Who needs those pesky thoughts anyway? They’re just there to make you second guess what is clearly correct.
When his hand grazes across the stone, he realizes that the stone is warm, opposite of the cold water that he floats in now. It feels like pyro, it reminds him of his older brother, in a way. The blond wonders if his brother would enjoy this?
The thought left as quickly as it came, no matter how much he pondered over the thought, he couldn’t remember what he was just thinking about. The warmth that radiated from the statue continued to grow. Alarms in his head started to sound as the heat continued to get much more intense, yet he couldn’t seem to pull away.
His body mistakingly believed that the burning heat that warmed his body was safe, though it was quite the opposite. The thing that prevented to cold from eating him alive slowly was now consuming him much faster-
“Hey what are you doing!? Don’t touch that!” The sound was clear unlike everything else under the depths. He didn’t realize until he broke from the water and was now breathing air, that somehow, he got away.
His lungs felt hot as salty water erupted from the pits of his lungs. He grabbed onto his chest as he heaved, and his torso raised and fell at an uncontrollable paste. For a long time his body burned, as he tossed and grabbed at the fabric, something wasn’t right. he couldn’t tell if the water that was in his eyes was the start of tears or the end of sea water.
The water that spilled from his mouth prevent any and all noise from coming from his throat, unless it was that unbearably harsh sound of him coughing.
“Hey! Hey!” He almost missed the sound of someone talking to him, by now he could tell that water was coming from grey his eyes. “I’m going to grab you, ok?” He couldn’t answer, and he was sure that the person, whoever they were, could understand that. His body was lifted and moved to a new position, where his head was propped up onto something wet, but firm.
Water brushed against in him in soft waves. Something was pressed against his shoulders, and as if nothing happened, he sat up.
“How are you feeling?” His older sister asks as she hands him a cup and saucer.
“Better…” He mumbled with his head down. The feeling of guilt had washed over him so many times by now that he’d been drowned by it. He remembered both of his older siblings saying that they’d spent hours looking for him. They asked so many people of they had seen him, only for everyone to respond with the same pitiful answer.
“No, I haven’t, but if I do see him, I’ll tell him that your looking for him.”
They heard it so much so that Lyney had just stopped asking entirely. This left Lynette to have to do all the talking by herself, while Lyney looked around.
The only way that they were able to find him was because they heard someone shouting, and they hopped that whoever was making such a noise was their little brother. Only to find his unconscious body, drenched in water. His helmet was no where to be found, and his right hand had a make shift bandaged on it made of kelp.
“I’m sorry..” was the only words that he could mutter, he felt too ashamed to say anything else. Fearing that if he did, he’d somehow say the wrong thing.
“Also,” Lynette continued “I found this in your hand, did you find it while diving?” She showed him a scale, sharp, and shiny. It had been too large to have been owned by any normal fish, and was a unique shade of teal.
“No..” His words trailed off. Where did this beauty come from?
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ponett · 1 year
i do have kind of complex feelings about being able to so easily [acquire] 3ds games now, honestly. not like, morally, but more like... the chase is always a big part of the fun in collecting, even with video games. and while the 3ds may have been "dead" in the switch era, i still had games i needed to pick up for it someday, and that made it feel like my time with the 3ds was still ongoing. it was just on the backburner
now i can just... go on a homebrew app on my 3ds and install all of those remaining games to my memory card and be done collecting. they're just more games on my pile of shame now. it's kind of anticlimactic, and kind of sad to scroll through the list of games to remind myself of the ones i missed and realize that that library really is finite now (homebrew notwithstanding)
and as my go-to handheld throughout my late teens and early 20s, a very rocky period of my life, i'm pretty attached to that little thing. it was the first new system i bought on launch day. my mom and i were pretty broke at the time following her and my dad's divorce, and i never would've been able to afford one. but i bought my original model teal 3ds (which has since been replaced with a new 3ds xl) on launch day with the cash i'd won in a school graphic design contest for designing a shitty logo for a local business. that felt like such a lucky break at a time when i really needed one. and then i had to suffer through the early days of the 3ds library where i was so fucking desperate that i bought a copy of steel diver. but by god, i was determined to squeeze every minute of fun i could out of that thing. i guess nintendo winding down support and me returning to my freshly hacked system is making me reflect on that whole era of my life
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eisforeidolon · 1 year
Question: I wanted to bring this up, you've done it before, but it was years ago. You kind of flailed at the beginning 'cause now we're kind of at the better half of two decades but I wanted to see what you remember best from each season now that it's been a long time. See if you remember season one, two, three - so for each season, go for it.
[Unsurprisingly, this gets super long, so answers under a cut.]
Jared: Action!
Jensen: Well, if we flailed then, this is gonna -
Jared: Yeah, exactly!
Jensen: This is gonna be a train wreck.
Jared: [repeating from audience] A six hour panel.
Jensen: That's right. What we remember the most?
Question: Yeah, like the most memorable thing. I know last time you did it you mixed up, like, season four and five, you couldn't remember two at all -
Jared: We had a season two? Uhhh, I'll give an attempt. Season one was just literally the city of Vancouver. I remember just getting there, it was beautiful, it was July, I'd never been, we were shooting Wendigo, we had a -
Jensen: Do you mean like a life moment or a moment in the show?
Question: I was gonna say the show, but you know what, just gimme what you got.
Jensen: Yeah yeah yeah. Alright. Season one -
Jared: You want odds or evens?
Jensen: I'll do odds - unless I can't think of one. I remember having divers hold my feet and hold me under water with a young child in Dead in the Water and that was a very, very freaky feeling, being held under water. Especially when you're responsible for some other person's child.
Jared: [taps Jensen] I remember the hot tub - same day, I remember the hot tub they had set up off-camera because Buntzen Lake is super cold. And so we had to be in there so long they were afraid - it's possible you could get hypothermic or whatever? And so they had a hot tub set up, like if you were, like Jensen probably could see it from when he was under water so we'd have to go after we'd jumped in, we'd go in between takes, go to the hot tub area. Hot tub, that sounds - alright. You did number one so I'll do number two. Number two I remember getting - cutting my scalp off.
Jensen: Was that number, was that?
Jared: I dunno.
Jensen: You're just making stuff up now. No no no, that was the episode where Bobby backs his Chevelle into the house and we jump in and -
Jared: Was that number two, that's season two? Ah, that was season three!
Jensen: Ah, see! I think I got a two.
Jared: Okay. My favorite part of two, was season three, apparently! So.
Jensen: I got a two. When Dad came back and shot Yellow Eyes, that was the end of two, right?
Jared: Yes, yes.
Jensen: Boom. Okay, so I just told this story to my daughter actually the other day. When Dean gets thrown - when I get thrown against the tombstone and I pull the Colt out and then Dad grabs Yellow Eyes and I shoot him? So it was Fred Lehne's coverage and I dove into this tombstone that it was - we were shooting on stage, but the tombstone had been foamed so that I could really dive into it. So they had kind of a foam pad on the front of it? But it only covered the arching [?] portion of the tombstone, the base of it was still stone. And so I, you know [gets up to demonstrate], this was the tombstone [points at front of stage], I was here [takes several steps back], the cameras were here, so I was like they're gonna cut to this, I know they're gonna cut to me kind of flying into it [imitates leaping position], and then once I land [moves to lay against designated tombstone spot], then Fred walks up and the camera's right here [points over his shoulder from behind]. So I gained a little extra, because I was still young back then, and I dove, and I turned at the last second, and my ulnary nerve, which is also referred to as the funny bone, hit the corner of the stone.
Jared: Did you laugh? [Looks at Norton]
Jensen: From - and I mean, it was like a running jump, so it was - it was so much force. And I hit it, and my whole arm went numb and then felt like it was on fire. Like it was very traumatic, but I didn't yell cut because it was Fred's coverage. So I just very slowly rolled over and I was just like - my arm was just like vibrating [shakes arm]. And it was one of the most grueling pains I've ever experienced and to this date, this that this elbow is much more sensitive - like if I bump it, barely, it's like [pained inhale] OW - it's like hitting my funny bone all the time. And it was because of that. That was season two. [turns to Jared, pointing] Season three, he ripped his scalp off!
Jared: Scalp piece off! Season two I also broke my wrist.
Jensen: That's right.
Jared: Season three was the scalping.
Jensen: Season four? Do we have a season four?
Jared: I do!
Jensen: What happened? Oh, yeah he met his wife.
Jared: No no no no, not that at all! I'm just kidding, of course that's it.
Jensen: Ok! Yeah. Ruby was played by Genevieve Cortese, so boom, that's changed his life.
Jared: Season five is Swan Song.
Jensen: Season five Swan Song, I got beat up [puts hand over eye] and I had a thing on my eye -
Jared: Oh, yeah!
Jensen: and then the glue started to melt, just like yours did in -
Jared: Season two!
Jensen: season two. Oh, we're throwin' em down now!
Jared: Yeah, dropping em like it's hot.
Jensen: That was also assbutt -
Jared: Assbutt, yeah, that was five.
Jensen: and the bottle did not break.
Jared: That was amazing. Amazing. And remember [demonstrates throwing]
Jensen: You guys heard that story?
Jared: It's on the gag reel! Yeah, it's on the gag reel, they kept on throwing it -
Jensen: So, they didn't watch the gag reel!
Jared: Watch the gag reels!
Jensen: Anyway. Okay, that was season five, season six?
Jared: Soulless.
Jensen: Soulless Sam. Was that the pushup/pullup scene? [Jared fake preens] I mean, you gotta give it to your stunt double for that scene, that was pretty amazing.
Norton: [rimshot]
Jared: [flails comically]
Jensen: Thank you.
Jared: Season seven, uh, Dick. [Jensen deadpans] Roman! Dick Roman!
Jensen: Roman.
Jared: Turducken. That was the thing?
Jensen: Was that turducken? That was turducken, right? [fake horking sound]
Jared: Bobby died. [sounds of dismay from audience] See funny bone not so funny. [turns to Norton]
Jensen: Season eight?
Jared: Was great!
Jensen: Season nine -
Jared: Season eight was -
Jensen: was fine.
Norton: [rimshot]
Jensen: What was season eight?
Jared: The trials.
Audience: Sam's hair!
Jared: Season eight was, yeah, I had [gestures indicating long hair] -
Jensen: Oh, was that the shampoo commercial? Like the whole season was just a shampoo commercial. [rolls eyes] Wait, was that Samhain -
Jared: Maybe he's born with it, maybe it's season eight.
Jensen: Was that Samhain?
Jared: Samhain? No, that was season four.
Jensen: Right. [looks pointedly away] Um.
Jared: Right? [confirming with audience] Samhain was four. But [gestures to hair again, says ???] -
Jensen: We've established eight -
Jared: Yes, nine -
Jensen: Nine - oh, this is where it gets fuzzy. Like nine, ten, eleven, twelve [makes wavy hand motion] -
[Audience is shouting various things from here that they repeat and/or respond to]
Jared: Gadreel?
Jensen: What, was that Purgatory? Oh, Purgatory yeah. She's like - that was eight? [pointing] Oh, she says that was eight. Purgatory? Yeah, it was eight! [makes comically unsure face]
Jared: What happened in season nine?
Jensen: Somebody help us, what happened in season nine? This is embarrassing!
Jared: Tortilla?
Jensen: What's this? [slaps arm repeatedly] Oh! The Mark of Cain!
Jared: Gadreel! Gadreel! Mark of Cain and Tahmoh -
Jensen: Was that the fight with Cain in the barn?
Jared: That was the knife wound [points to knee].
Jensen: That was nine? I thought that was thirteen! [Jared laughs] Shit.
Jared: Okay, moving on -
Jensen: This is a disaster. [exaggeratedly angry] I told you this was gonna be a train wreck!
Jared: Ten. So here's something from ten I remember, it didn't happen on set -
Jensen: Wait! It was the the - the high school musical.
Jared: Yes...?
Jensen: That was the two hundredth episode.
Jared: Yes, which is what I - my biggest memory from ten, not on set, but in Vancouver -
Audience: Eye of the Tiger!!
Jared: [incredulous] Was that ten?
Jensen: [even more incredulous] That was, like, season ... two!?
Jared: Get with the program, that was like -
Jensen: When was that, what was that?
Audience: Four!
Jensen: That's what I said.
Jared: The two hundredth episode party.
Jensen: What?
Jared: The two hundredth episode party! At the Marriott or whatever -
Jensen: Yeah? What happened?
Jared: I dunno, that was season ten.
Jensen: It was the two hundredth episode party, Jared and I were probably drunk before it started. Eleven?
Jared: Killing Death. That was ten?
Audience: Amara!
Jensen: Tomorrow, what? Laura? Oh, Amara.
Jared: [imitates garbling of audience] Yeah, yeah, Amara.
Jensen: Amara, right, Big E Swalls.
Jared: Season twelve?
Audience: Mary!
Jared: Mary was in season one also!
Jensen: Twelve we got mom back, yeah, we got mom back. Oh, that was - was that the scene where I, was that the season where Dean has that confrontation with mom and basically says, says, 'You suck. I blame you.'?
Jared: Yeah, that was rough. Okay, we got - thirteen!
Jensen: That was a hard scene. Alright, great, that was, what was that -
Jared: Twelve.
Jensen: That was twelve. Thirteen! This is - we're just smashing this right now.
Jared: Jaaaaaaack. Al Cal.
Jensen: Jack? Oh, little nekkid boy, yeah.
Jared: Wasn't he in the last scene of the season, though? He was in his undies. Awww? He's a grown adult! I didn't say he was like, naked! He was wearing clothing.
Jensen: Poor Alex. Season fourteen?
Jared: Second to last one. [Jensen laughs] Penultimate, next! Fifteen, I don't remember it again. Um -
Jensen: Wait, fourteen, what happened in fourteen?
Audience: Michael!
Jensen: Michael.
Jared: Is that the air fight?
Jensen: Oh, right, that was the marionette fight. [exaggeratedly imitates a marionette on strings] This is me and Pellegrino's worst moment in our careers. Like just [imitates holding onto another person] holding each other, swinging, going, 'This is it. We'll never work again.' Bob Singer behind the monitor going, 'This is it, I'll never work again - they'll never work again!' [both crack up]
Jared: [gruff voice] 'This is it, they'll never work again.'
Jensen: Season fifteen, rusty rebar. There you go.
Jared: Oh, I love him! Guest star of the year!
Jensen: What? Of all the what? Just a little rusty rebar! That never hurt anybody. Well [holds up one finger] somebody.
Jared: Pie, I think pie in the face, I remember. The wig! [taps Jensen's arm] Yes, that was my I'll never work again! [both laughing]
Jensen: I remember I watched that episode and I was like, 'Ooof. What animal died that they put on his head?'
Jared: It was a Canadian raccoon. It's [???]. Um, yeah, alright, I guess that all wraps it up! Thank you.
Jensen: I need a nap.
Jared: Amen.
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sketchy-rosewitch · 2 years
Disturbia: Bo Sinclair x f!pregnant!reader
Part 2
Part 3
Part 1
Warnings: None
A/N: oh we did our research babes. Also so sorry for the wait, was working on my two other fanfics too. But here it is!
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“We’re gonna measure that stomach of yours now, see how that baby is growing.”
You lay back and watch as the woman’s dark curls bounce behind her as Dr. Fredrick makes her way across the small room to grab a measuring tape. She rounds the bed.
“Okay, you have gotten this done before by other doctors but I just wanna reiterate for consensual purposes. I measure from the top of the pubic bone to your uterus. Is that okay?” The woman tilts her head a bit, you watch her kind brown eyes and smile.
“Of course.”
You watch as she pulls the measuring tape with zero slack. She smiles gently before leaning back up.
“Just as I thought, perfectly healthy, 24 weeks, 24 centimeters.”
You’re smile reaches from ear to ear, she helps you sit up and you hop off of the bed.
“You’re all good to go! Lab results will be in, in a few days so just call us back for those. You have a paper for foods for healthier nutrition and exercises, the number for the childbirth preparation classes, and your information for what preferences you have during birth. They’ll see you out front to schedule your next appointment. Should be four weeks from now and at that point we’ll check everything again and get your whooping cough vaccine okay?” Doctor Fredrick guides you out the door.
“Yes thank you so much. I really appreciate it.”
“Have a good rest of your day now.”
You watch as the clouds roll in and pull your jacket over yourself more as you walk back to Bo’s truck. He sits in the divers seat, thinking. At least you assume so by his hand being over his mouth and him looking in the distance leaning against the window.
Bo has been that way in the past month you’ve known him. Always thinking.
You open the door and get in the seat. Heavy metal plays in the background. Bo’s shaken from his thoughts. You buckle yourself in and smile. “Everything’s going good! I’m so happy! I mean I did get nervous a few times I know I hadn’t seen a doctor in two months but a lot can happen in two months of a baby growing!” You explain, you set your papers in your lap and fold your hands over them looking out the window.
“That’s good, glad your baby is doing alright!”
There’s a tinge of fake enthusiasm in his voice. You don’t think about it too much and try not to roll your eyes.
You just assumed Bo didn’t like to talk sometimes and that was okay. But also this past month he’s gotten into more of an attitude. Either that or your hormones are too much and you’re getting more emotional. Either way he should’ve been more considerate with you.
Though, you were staying with him and you’re under his roof. So you don’t say anything. You stay quiet about it anyways because of your baby. Something about Bo just screamed that he liked to argue and shout. Which arguing and shouting isn’t good for the baby. Which means you gotta stay quiet to not cause that.
“Gonna make lobster rolls tonight hope that’s alright with you.”
You nod your head.
“Did you have a good day at work? I forgot to ask today.” You walk up to the house, Bo directly in front of you holding his keys.
“Yeah, actually got a couple and their kids who stopped by. Husband helped me a bit while the wife and kids went to the wax museum. Dead battery.”
You nod.
“Good! I just cleaned up a little in the house. At least where I could reach. Then watched a bit of TV.”
The door opens. You smell cooked food and scrunch your brows. You and/or Bo didn’t leave something on the stove did you?
You peak around Bo and one man stands in the kitchen. Long dark hair, he looks to be the same height as him. The man’s head turns.
Both of you look startled at each other. He wears a mask and that scares you and this is a man you have NEVER seen before inside a house you’re staying in.
“Goddamnit Vincent! I told you I’d cook for you while she was here. Get!”
You watch as Bo swats the man away from the stove and you tilt your head in confusion.
Now where have you heard that name before. You scowl and follow Bo into the kitchen. You look at the masked man, the mask resembles Bo’s face and looks like it’s made of- WAX! The wax museum.
“You do the art in the House of Wax don’t you?” You ask looking up at him.
The waxy mask looks down at you and nods. You smile at him. “Well it’s very nice to meet you Vincent… have you been here this whole time?”
You look between the two brothers. Bo was now at the stove and you and Vincent sat between the pool table room and kitchen.
“Yes, we-I didn’t want to make you feel unsafe. Having a masked man walking around the house is normal for us. Not so much for anyone else.” Bo explains, you tilt your head and smile up at Vincent.
“Oh you wouldn’t have scared me. I’ve seen worse. I apologize for Bo having to keep you away. Where are you living?”
You walk to the kitchen table and gesture for Vincent to sit to the left of you as Bo always sits on the right. He sits down with a loud thud making Bo jump a bit. You let out a small laugh.
Vincent starts signing and you blink on confusion.
“Oh! I don’t know much ASL! Let me get some paper real quick. I’m so sorry!” You get up and grab a pad and paper that you started to keep in the kitchen for grocery lists and hand it to him.
He writes down one word: basement.
“Oh! I didn’t even know you had a basement. Don’t you get lonely down there?” You ask. Vincent shrugs.
“He’s- uh, always been more of a loner type ya know. Doesn’t really talk to people.” Bo chuckles a bit and tosses some buns in the oven. Vincent nods in agreement.
“Ah, that’s okay. My mama was like that too. Didn’t really talk to anyone, except my daddy and me.” You shrug.
Bo walks over and sets plates in each of your spots. Vincent immediately picks up his food and leaves. You stop him on the way out. “Before you leave, I just want to say that you don’t have to stay in the basement all the time anymore. I’m so sorry that I was the reason you couldn’t come up. This is your house after all. You shouldn’t have had to accommodate for me. I- I mean I never even told Bo to stop smoking even though it’s bad for my baby. Cause that isn’t right it’s not my house.” You explain.
“Just… thank you. I appreciate what both of you have done. Even if I didn’t know you existed Vincent.”
You look at his face with a gentle smile. He gives a quick nod and leaves, probably going into the basement again.
“If you needed me to stop smokin’ I could’ve sweetheart.” Bo says a little aggressively. You shrug.
“It’s not my place. I would’ve if you were in my home but you aren’t. I’m in yours it’s just not polite.” You explain again. Bo laughs a little.
“I mean I guess. But I’ll keep the smoking to a minimum ‘round you and the baby. I apologize for not doin’ so sooner.” Bo takes a bite of his food.
“Thank you. I appreciate it.”
“Vincent why don’t you stay up here a bit. I mean Bo won’t let me go into the basement cause it’s dangerous but I’d like to watch you work on your art… not exactly a lot for a pregnant woman to do around here. Already organized all the rooms I’m allowed in.”
Vincent seems to hesitate. It’s not that he isn’t allowed upstairs for extended periods of time. It’s just that he hasn’t been for years and it almost feels wrong for doing that. He also hasn’t been watched by anyone when he makes his art.
Vincent doesn’t hate hovering and he knows you won’t do it but he’s so nervous. Then an idea sparks.
He nods his head finally and you smile. You’re still a novice at signing and understanding signs so he pulls out a pen and paper he decided to carry on him after you two met.
“Will you let me paint you?”
You take the paper from him, your eyes light up a little and you can’t help but smile bashfully.
“Oh! Of course!”
You feel Vincent’s energy spark up a little and he takes your hand guiding you to one of the chairs in the living room. He moves things out of the way and moves the chair up towards the middle of the living room. Vincent gestures for you to sit down and you do so.
He’s quick to leave the room and you look at your belly rubbing it as you wait. You wonder how Bo is doing. Recently you noticed he’s been getting up early and staying out late, so you don’t see him often. For two weeks you’ve been eating dinner alone and you wonder if it had to do with the baby and smoking. You hope not. You miss him so much and the little conversations you two had. He talked so much yet told so little.
But you enjoyed his voice so much, you enjoyed those small smirks and smiles, the way he’d take his hat off and run his hand through his hair, his face crinkling in focus whenever you would talk.
You sigh and frown a bit. You want to see him again.
Vincent is back up stairs after a few minutes, easel, canvas, and other paint supplies. He messily gets set up before sitting in a fold out chair that was sitting against the wall in the living room.
“You can talk.”
You smile. It’s like being back at the hair salon. Speaking of, you look at your hair and feel it before sighing. You really need to go.
“Well let’s see. What to talk about.. Well Jonsey and I took a nice walk around the property today. Just enough until I felt tired, wasn’t very long. Then we came back to the house and took a nap, she’s the best at snuggling!” You chuckle at the thought of the dog being near your stomach as you slept. Vincent nods in agreement.
“Yeah I love animals, I always dreamed of working as a veterinary assistant. It’s unfortunate I had to stop, but I might go back to school after the baby is grown a little. Gosh speaking of dreams I had a crazy one last night!”
You continue to ramble and rant for hours until your stomach grumbles. You look out the window and realize the sun is gone. “Oh! It’s probably around dinner time. Do you want me to make you something too? I mean you’ve been working hard on your painting and stuff I’m sure you’re hungry too!” You say getting up, you watch for Vincent’s reaction and he nods at you. He follows you into the kitchen.
You pull out a pan.
“I’m thinking grilled cheese and tomato soup. I dunno kinda feeling it for dinner. That alright?” You look up at Vincent. He nods his head as he opens the fridge to take some juice out for himself. He grabs a glass and pours some in then shakes the bottle at you. You shake your head buttering your bread and putting some cheese on the slices.
“No, just some water will be fine.”
You set the sandwich in the pan and go to grab a pot. The dishes cling against each other as you try and pull it out. Vincent grabs the milk jug and then pours you some filtered water (you bought it for yourself and the twins had been using it ever since). You take a can of tomato soup out of the pantry and crack it open, it falls into the pot with a ‘plop!’ You fill the can with milk and mix it with a spoon and pour that into the pot too before turning on the stove for it.
You flip over the grilled cheese. Vincent hands you the water and you take some sips of it leaning against the adjacent counter to the stove.
“Have you talked to Bo lately?” You couldn’t help but ask. Vincent shakes his head.
“Hmm, does he do this a lot?” You furrow your brows, a pit forms in your stomach.
Vincent nods.
You frown and sigh. “Well if you do see him. Don’t tell him I said this but, I do miss him. I dunno it’s silly. I haven’t even known him for that long. But he feels like a best friend to me. So do you of course!” You smile and flip the grilled cheese to check how it’s doing. You set that on a plate and start another one. “I know I say it a million times but I really don’t know what I’d do without you guys. I really don’t, I mean I could’ve been dead by now if it weren’t for you two deciding to take me in. I really appreciate it.”
Vincent gives you two thumbs up and you laugh. You go and grab two bowls from the cabinets, then two spoons from the drawer. You stir the soup and wait until it bubbles. You flip the other grilled cheese while you wait and cross your arms.
“I think I’ll make him lunch and bring it to him tomorrow. Only issue is I can’t walk from here to the gas station… Sorry to ask but do you think you can give me a ride?”
“Well I can give you a ride.”
You look at the kitchen entrance and see Bo. You smile gently at him. “Oh that’d be nice but I normally sleep later than you. I’d hate to keep you waiting or to have you come back up for me while you’re working.” You pour soup into two bowls and take the second grilled cheese and put it on a plate. You hand a bowl and plate over to Bo then take the other one and give it to Vincent.
“Well I’m sure-“
“Bo we’ve had this discussion before I don’t want to ruin you two’s routines cause of me, it’ll be fine. Actually I’ll just drive myself. It’ll be easier on both of you.” You conclude, setting another sandwich in the pan.
The night is silent after that. Bo finishes his meal and heads upstairs and Vincent finishes his but waits for you to finish yours. You set the stuff in the sink and before you have a chance to turn on the faucet and start the dishes Vincent points out the kitchen. You sigh and leave heading towards the living room.
You look at the easel in the living room and go around to look at Vincent’s painting. The sink starts running in the background as you observe what he drew and has so far painted.
You sit in a long lavender gown, it’s completely different than what you wear now (which was just some maroon dress and a black cardigan). Your holding your stomach and smiling with your head tilted. The shading wasn’t quite done yet but it was getting there. The painting was absolutely beautiful. You’d thank Vincent tomorrow and compliment him too.
Right now though, you’re too tired. You need to get to bed.
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joonkorre · 5 months
likened to a deepsea diver
@drarrymicrofic prompt: travel
Harry spot Malfoy standing outside an H-E-B, watched him frown squinty-eyed and ruddy-cheeked under the mid-July sun as a little, equally-as-blond girl tried to climb into his shopping cart. That was 15 years after the war. But this isn't about that. This is about Willow City Loop. Or, a tentative love letter to Texas and the places there that I’ve never been. AO3
Draco sits with his feet up on the dashboard. It’s all kinds of dangerous and not something Lyra should see and learn from the backseat, but Harry only taps on the steering wheel, quiet. Just two years ago, Draco would never be caught dead like this, loose-limbed and soft in a cotton T-shirt. Harry’s cotton T-shirt. Lyra, too, would never let herself be in an enclosed space with another man who wasn’t her father. The both of them, pale and gaunt, were a sobering sight to witness. Unreachable in their posh accent and eccentric traditions and constellation names. But Lyra had let out a giddy “oooh” when Harry invited them to this weekend trip, and Draco had laid a gentle, callused hand on Harry’s shoulder, peeking at the worn map and the line of red marker to their destination. And so Harry signals right and merges into 87, hoping that the guidebook was right.
It was not.
“That’s a lot of people,” Draco says, craning his neck this way and that to look at the traffic ahead. “I thought we arrived early?”
“Guess everyone thinks so too,” Harry bites back a sigh. He’s not even holding the steering wheel at times, just tap-release-tap-releasing the brakes into a crawl.
“Do you reckon I can sit over there for a bit? By the big tree?” Lyra asks. Harry almost can’t hear her above the constant drone of engine and honking, but Draco does and whips around in his seat. In the back, she has rolled down the window and poked her head out.
“Sit down, Lyra, for Merlin’s sake,” he scolds. “You’re gonna get your head chopped off.”
Jesus, Harry thinks, a startled laugh almost escaping him as he watches them.
“That’d be fun, wouldn’t it?” the young girl says, now with her elbows on the window sill. “Like in that movie you didn’t let me watch.”
“Yeah, and you watched it anyway. No library trip for two weeks.”
“What the hell!” she shouts into the watercolour meadow. Probably because she can, and probably because it’s funny. Harry does laugh this time.
Draco’s head tilts toward him, light eyes almost transparent in the morning sun.
“Do you mind stopping the car? I have to go feed her to the bisons or—whatever it is that you raise in Texas.”
Harry shrugs. “The closest bison ranch I can think of is, like, 30 miles away. That’s a long walk.”
“Damn,” Draco frowns as though truly disappointed, then he shifts around again. “Lyra, sit back down. If you really get your head chopped off, I’m gonna sick up all over the dash and it’ll be disgusting. Save me from the indignity.”
One car honks, then another. Harry jolts, turning to see a swath of empty road in front of him. He lifts his foot off the brake, letting it move at a safe enough speed for a little girl with half her body hanging out of the window.
“Lyra,” he raises his voice. “Listen to your dad and get back inside. Now.”
A second of silence, then shuffling. Harry makes sure Lyra is pulling her torso back in using the rearview mirror, and she sits down with a thump. He lowers his gaze to the road, rolls up the window, and accelerates.
“The drivers are nicer today than usual,” he says after a minute or so. “They normally wouldn’t let people dawdle for that long.”
“I only listened ‘cause Dad likes you,” Lyra says at once, picking up her book. That’s Lyra Code for being done with her shenanigans for the day, and she’d like to sit daintily in her daydreams now, thank-you-very-much. A regular southern belle, her, and she was born in Ashford too.
Draco scoffs and looks out the window, face fully hidden from Harry’s angle. “Christ…”
It’s so childish, this ache in his chest. There’s an equally as intense ache on his face, stretched into a grin that feels instinctual, a base response etched in his genetics, like something he has to apologise for and stamp down. Harry reaches over and finds Draco’s hand, curled stiff into a fist on knobbly knees.
But at Harry’s touch, it unfurls. One blink, and Harry has already intertwined their fingers in the next. He keeps his eyes on the road, not really needing to look at the bluebonnet after all.
“I know, hon,” he says. The hand in his tightens for a brief moment, like a warning or a message or an agreement. The sun only gets brighter. When they get back home—their home (theirs, theirs, theirs) with an honest-to-God white picket fence that Lyra had too much fun painting and that the HOA detests, as well as a pie on the kitchen window, one of many culinary experiments Draco embarks upon—they’ll have a lot to discuss. “I know.”
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lesbianalanwake · 10 months
Re: dark presence rehabilitation, I was wondering... like, what's the goal? (this is based on my personal understanding which might be wrong.)
overall its goal seems to be to escape the dark place? but at the same time it seems like it wants to turn the outside world into something similar to the dark place, a neverending nightmare fueled by people's subconscious. specifically Scratch seems like a bit of a megalomaniac (I will make the entire world worship Alan's (my) writing forever!) (so much fun, geez...) - but... what's the point of escaping then? Scratch himself says in AN smth along the lines of a drop of darkness being absolutely inconsequential in the dark place, but so noticeable and fun in our mostly light world.
so, my suggestion is that the dark presence can stay outside but it ?should limit itself to smaller horrors. spice of life. a nightmare here, a nightmare there. Cats 2 (2025).
FHGHSKGHS drip-feeding the Dark Presence with minor horror allowances to keep it happy. it can ruin Hollywood. for Barry's sake.
it depends on what the Dark Presence and the Dark Place actually are. that could go a couple of ways. I could not even begin to guess which direction. scattered thoughts:
I prefer an explanation like "x entity became corrupted" over anything "inherent." it is man who is evil.
I'm continually wondering if the Dark Presence is, or is part of, a greater entity that got lost/corrupted.
AW2 describes the Dark Place as a mirror. I think the place that we see and experience might only be a sliver - a cracked and corrupted shard, if you will, because it doesn't always produce only suffering and misery and madness. just most of the time. so maybe Presence and Place are both parts of some greater ocean that got metaphysically landlocked.
maybe the Dark Presence is some kind of spirit of the Dark Place, and corruption in one leads to corruption in the other. so where did it start, if they weren't always like that?
the green/red Polaris/Hiss color scheme is all over AW2. Scratch is red like the Hiss. why is the Dark Presence so similar to the Hiss. what does it FUCKING mean, Sam.
(I have been thinking "the Hiss wasn't originally Like That" since I first played Control. something something the Hiss being embodied in Dylan who wasn't originally Like That either. so that makes me wonder even more about the Dark Presence, when they share those similarities. I cannot stop thinking about the apparently dead world that Hedron et al. came from. about the implication that something is eating away at the Oldest House, that its roots are withering. about the apparently empty world of the Quarry and the City. about how empty and occasionally extraordinarily violent the Astral Plane is when we see how full of life and personality the Altered Items are and how many of them don't really mean harm. about what might have made the Dark Place like that. what the fuck is happening out there in the conceptual reality behind this reality.)
there is the possible implication that the Diver had some hand in creating Scratch? maybe? but that goes back to the question of what the Diver is - Zane, the light/Bright Presence, something else. and what the goal is there. who knows.
I've said this elsewhere but I think Scratch in AWAN is more like. a ghoulish sliver of the Dark Presence mimicking reality like Jagger does, a finger of a giant hand trying to manipulate things. whereas Scratch in AW2 is the Dark Presence more fully embodied and also lost in the sauce. and it has fucked up big time by trying to use Alan to escape, tying itself too closely to him, to the point that even its grand escape is distorted by details of Alan's life. I don't think Evil Deerfest is necessarily what it might have originally wanted, but rather a sign that Dark Presence and Alan have overlapped to the point that Alan is changing it. like it's stuck in the Scratch persona now. has put on a skin that it struggles to take off. (but that's just a game theor--)
like. maybe it wasn't always a rabid beast of an entity and the Dark Place wasn't always a nightmare hell world, or maybe it's always wanted to get out of the Dark Place and doesn't necessarily have roots there. but over time Dark Presence/Place have absorbed and reflected so much of whatever corruption is going on that now Presence/Place want to make a distorted fun house mirror out of everything.
except. now the Dark Presence is not solely mirroring and reflecting corruption and "darkness" anymore. it's starting to mirror Alan even after it jumps out of his body, and, like Dylan being the narrative focus of physical embodiment for the Hiss, Alan is a (relatively) normal person who has been trapped and isolated for a very long time, which does strange things to a person. Barbara was just a sweet woman who got very unlucky. maybe the Dark Presence used to be similar. Evil Deerfest is strangely bright. we've seen it change, a little bit. something is going on there.
so I would like to see something a little more nuanced than "killing the evil" or whatever. (especially when it was all that Jesse and Polaris could do just to shut the door on the Hiss. ain't no way it's that easy.)
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thebluehare · 2 years
That One Time You Met a Fish Man Dude
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Pairing: Namor x Female Reader
Summary: Your parents are presumed dead. Suddenly you have the chance to find out what happened all those years ago, all you have to do is go on a deep sea dive. What could go wrong?
Note: this was a complete fever dream writing session. Not beta’d, possibly many gramatical errors. I am not a diver so let’s pretend what I wrote makes sense. Please be kind. Mind the tags, this is just the start.
Chapter 1
“They’re gone” the officer says with a gentleness that you hadn’t expected.
After the seemingly countless phone calls and case updates over the past few weeks he’s kinder than anyone else they’ve sent.
Either that or your memories of the Marine Corps and the Military’s reputation are very very wrong. Perhaps it’s both. Still, his voice is steady and his expression sure. “I’m sorry for your loss” final
The compassion in his voice is terrible to hear.
You focus on the buttons of his uniform, desperately looking away from his knowing gaze so full of compassion, or worse, pity. You’d known that hope could sometimes be a cruel thing. You hadn’t expected a stranger’s kindness to be just as sharp.
After the clinical one sided conversations and pitying looks you’ve grown used to over the last couple of months, this is somehow worse. You have to take several deep breaths before finally looking up and praying that your voice doesn’t break. “Thank you”, you focus your gaze somewhere left of his shoulder.
Several long seconds pass and eventually you have to accept that he’s said all that he will. By the time you bring yourself up to look at him and say goodbye he’s already walking to his car.
—————————Seven Years Later———————-
Parker, the Lead Researcher stood, or at least he tried to, at the front of the briefing room. He was giving the final update for today’s dive.
The forecast had promised clear skies and calm seas, the perfect weather for a marine exploration. Just then, as if the sea had been listening to Parker droning on about water pressure safety protocols and god knows what else, a huge wave crashes against the side of the ship sending him skittering half way across the room.
With a deep sigh and an air of resignation Parker calles the meeting off and instructs the team to be ready in exactly one hour.
“If you could please stay for a moment?”
Parker’s voice rings out as several wolf whistles echo through the hallway. You can’t help the smile that blooms across your face.
“Of course”
As you start to walk to the front of the room Parker sits down and starts to fidget with his glasses, a nervous habit he’s had since you were kids.
It’s endearing, the way he still acts as if he’s about to ask you out for the first time, as if you hadn’t woken up in his bed this morning.
“Hey, why are you nervous? I’m the one whose going down there you know” you say with a teasing smile as you move closer, resting your hands on his shoulders.
Instead of answering he tilts his head to look at you expectantly. You’d been expecting this, you had, in fact, been avoiding this very same conversation since you’d signed up for the expedition. “I have to know” you say in a low whisper.
“I have to try. Maybe if I go down there and I find what’s left of them I can move on, I can stop searching, I can stop wondering”
Instead of answering Parker places his hands on your wrists and slowly traces them up your arms leaving a trail of goosebumps in their wake, stopping at your shoulders to gently guide you down onto his lap. “
It’s been 7 years, there might not be anything down there, we’re not even sure this is the right place”
Logically you’ve known this all along, but you can’t stop believing, feeling that what you’ve been looking for is down there. When Parker had shown up at your apartment a year ago with news that part of the military ship your parents were on had been found you’d been furious.
You’d tried so hard to move on, to forget. But it was no use, you couldn’t stop thinking about it, obsessing over finally finding out what happened, or even just seeing where they disappeared. It was like they were calling you. So, you’d called Parker and told him you wanted to be part of the exploration team and now it was finally time.
“Hey” Parker’s voice pulls you out of your thoughts and back to the present. “You know, I was thinking that maybe after this we could take a break…”
“Oh yeah?”
“Yeah, maybe find a house near the beach somewhere so you can swim to your heart’s content and I can try and do more than pink up”
Parker’s smile as he talks is warm like the sun. “Maybe we can get a dog, lay about till we’re tired of it”
“I’d like that” you say and you’re surprised to find that you actually mean it. It’s been so long since you felt like you belonged anywhere, with anyone.
“And what else would we do?” You say ass you slowly lean in. It’s a distraction, you know it and so does Parker.
But that’s the thing about Parker, he’s always known what you needed even when you didn’t.
“Oh I’m sure we can think of a couple of things” Parker whispers into your neck as he moves his hands down your chest and around your back to cup the swell of your ass and pushes you down into his already hardening cock.
Even through your clothes you feel him pushing up just into the right spot making you groan into his shaggy hair. You have hold onto his shoulders as he starts to rock up into you, he’s so much taller than you, it’s one of your favorite things about him.
He makes you feel like he could hide you from the whole world.
Soon Parker starts to trail kissed down your neck, lightly biting down where your neck meets your shoulder just like he knows drives you crazy. You can feel yourself getting wetter by the second, soon Parker is picking up speed and sneaking one hand under your shirt making you desperate to feel him on you and in you. You start to claw at his shirt, wanting to feel his skin against yours
“PARKER! We need you to come inspect the diving equipment!”
You both freeze looking directly at the door holding your breath.
“I’m not coming in there!” Matt’s voice sounds like he’s trying very hard not to laugh.
You can’t help it, you really try but you just end up giggling into Parkers shoulder. “Yeah! I’ll be right there!” Parker yells back looking down where you’re still seated on his lap “in five minutes!” This time you hear Matt laugh as he walks away.
————————when it all when tits up———————
“200 meters”
Parker’s voice comes through your helmet and you smile.
The descent down is a slow one, you’re the only one in a regular wet suit. You’re the only one who doesn’t need the protective equipment. Instead you’re tethered to Matt’s heavy duty deep sea diving suit so you can save your energy during the descent and the trip back up to the surface.
“250 meters, your vitals are steady, heart rate is staring to drop and your oxygen levels are rising”
Parker has always been fascinated by how your body adjusts, always wanting to monitor and understand.
It’s a bit annoying to be honest.
“366 meters, pressure is approaching 550.5 PSI. How are you feeling?”
Parker sounds worried, and you can’t blame him.
It’s not that you can’t feel the pressure building, because you do and it’s fucking uncomfortable. The thing is that soon your body will adjust and it wont seem so bad anymore. You’ve had enough of not feeling like you don’t fit in without having to explain to people what your body does, how there’s this one thing that makes you different than them.
So you simply say “I’m fine Parker, Matt is dropping us like a rock”
“Hey! I’ll have you know that I am at my optimum weight and we’re descending at the appropriate speed” comes Matt’s reply through radio.
Soon what little light was able to filter through the ocean is gone.
For a moment the only lights are those of your team’s suits. You can feel the pressure building, your lungs fighting to expand, your pupils contracting and expanding to try and adjust to the darkness.
“488 meters” this time it’s Matt who speaks, signaling that you’ve reached your destination.
Slowly things start to come into focus, darkness starts to become shadows, the pressure around your chest eases and it’s like you’re finally able to exhale.
Soon you’ll be able to see and breath as if you were in the surface. And maybe soon you’ll finally have at the answers you‘be been looking for.
“Ok team, you have 20 minutes before your ascend” Parker speaks through the radio.
Matt turns in his suit to look at you and signals before he unlatches the tether attaching you to him.
You have 18 minutes, 18 minutes to maybe find out what happened. At first there’s nothing, just the ocean floor, as you swim around and your eyes start to focus you can see a shape ahead, it looks like a box, a huge box.
“Matt, look to your left, 50 meters up, there’s something there” you say through the radio.
Soon the team is heading up with Matt in the lead. “Parker, are you picking this up? It looks like some kind of machine” Your heart feels like it might be beating out of your chest, you swim faster, you’re almost there.
You feel it before you see it.
It’s like the entire ocean went still, if such a thing were possible. You’re about to radio for help when the third team member screams and the lights of his suit shut off.
You look ahead, you can still see Matt’s lights ahead when suddenly a huge shark appears out of nowhere and is swimming straight toward Matt. Your screams cuts short as the tether connecting you and Matt pulls with such forced that you’re jerked forward before suddenly snapping back sending you in a dizzying spiral.
You’ve barely stopped spinning before you see the shark swim toward you, except it’s not a shark, it kind of looks like a man? A giant man with a spear in his hand? What the fuck?
You’re still trying to make sense of what you’re seeing when you realize that the shark man thing is swimming straight at you at a speed that shouldn’t be possible.
The last thing you remember is lifting your arms to try and shield yourself before pain explodes everywhere and everything goes dark.
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reidfucker · 5 months
mitski songs that make me think of reid + a specific lyric p2
i have so many thoughts. strap me down.
- pearl diver
Treasure hunter, you are dead
The light of the world is fading
You cannot see the other end
Your body's lost all feeling
Those creatures of your woken mind
Don't fear them or their hunger
Forgive the sea, follow the tide
With the monsters on your shoulder
- dan the dancer
Dan had very long limbs
From leading day to day
Hanging onto a cliff
That stretched him everyday
And when she'd ask to hold hands
He would smile and
Let one of his hands go
His whole life in one hand
His whole life
- goodbye, my danish sweetheart
So, I don't blame you
If you want to bury me in your memory
I'm not the girl I ought to be, but
Maybe when you tell your friends
You can tell them what you saw in me
And not how I turned out to be
There's some kind of burning inside me
It's kept me from falling apart
And I'm sure that you've seen what it's done to my heart
But it's kept me from falling apart
- last words of a shooting star
And did you know the liberty bell is a replica
Silently housed in its original walls
And while its dreams played music in the night
It was told to believe
- francis forever
I don't know what to do without you
I don't know where to put my hands
I've been trying to lay my head down
But I'm writing this at three AM
I don't need the world to see
That I've been the best I can be, but
I don't think I could stand to be
Where you don't see me
- drunk walk home
I will retire to the Salton Sea
At the age of 23
For I'm starting to learn I may never be free
But though I may never be free
Fuck you and your money
I'm tired of your money
- my body's made of crushed little stars
I better ace that interview
I better ace that interview
I should tell them that I'm not afraid to die
I better ace that interview
I work better under a deadline
I work better under a deadline
I pick an age when I'm gonna disappear
'Til then, I can try again
Until then, I can try again
- door
There is a door to me
I've never seen it
Sometimes I get closer to it
But I've never found it
At twilight, I almost had it
But then the night fell
I looked out at the dark and wondered
How could I have lost it?
- a burning hill
I am a forest fire
And I am the fire and I am the forest
And I am a witness watching it
I stand in a valley watching it
And you are not there at all
So today I will wear my white button-down
I can at least be neat
Walk out and be seen as clean
And I'll go to work and I'll go to sleep
And I'll love the littler things
I'll love some littler things
- humpty
All the eggshells are on the ground
And I try, I'm trying to pick them up
But they crack and crumble, it's all too much
Too frail for me to touch
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lovepmd · 7 months
Random things the Wigglytuff Guildmembers have heard Hero and Partner discussing which makes them respect (aka fear) the new team:
“If Drowzee had been less hasty, he could have escaped by the time we got there.” “…How so?” “He could’ve used Hypnosis on Azurill to make the little guy do what he wanted. In fact, Drowzee could have faked one of the Dungeon mons causing him to separate from Marill rather than purposely ditching him. The smart thing would’ve been to use his psychic powers to widen the opening to that small passage or used them to get a basic idea of the layout.”
Partner giving Hero the silent treatment after they debunked the Waterfall Cave discovery. “You’re angry at me now, which is fair. But I couldn’t claim a discovery that wasn’t really a discovery.” Partner huffily rolls over to not face Hero. “Again, perfectly fine to feel frustrated. Yet you are forgetting what you accomplished today. We’ve only known each other a small while. And you were ready to trust my gut feeling (even if we tested it before) to jump into a rapidly flowing waterfall. The past you would have been paralyzed by even the mention of that, right?”
“The economy makes no sense. How can Reviver Seeds, which can basically heal you from the brink of death be cheaper than the orbs at the Kecleon stall?!” “…No wonder you’re Duskull’s favorite customer.”
“—make our own island!” “Please do elaborate, oh glorious Team Leader.” “If we don’t start from scratch, we could simply find a small spit of an island and have Slugma keep pouring magma to make it grow. If it’s totally from scratch, we find a dead area of the sea. Have our deep diver teammates make a solid rock base, add several tons of magma, transport a ton of dirt dug up from any sort of construction site or city renovations, and repeat until we have an island!”
“There are probably a bunch of timelines where Shiny Pokemon are common and normal ones are rare.”
“Why give us an apple as a reward when they requested us deliver one to them?!”
“Hey, [Hero]?” … “Do you think Celebi would have enjoyed being here too?” …… “Ha, right! She would have loved it! Do you think those lights we saw in the Dark Future were Pokémon who—somehow hatched outside of time? Or were in Mystery Dungeons and were technically safe from the time freeze? Treeshroud Forest’s mystery dungeon sure acted the same despite it being frozen, remember?”
“Do you… think if Celebi had come back with us. S-She could use her time traveling powers to prevent that whole ‘being scrubbed clean to a version of themself who never had a reason to time travel in the first place’ paradox thing you told me about! Weird how humans come up with all kinds of time travel stories and stuff. When they can’t use moves.
Would you still be here if she came with?”
the idea of the other guild members being able to hear some of the weird things hero talks about is hilarious and then they end up having a new...fear/respect for hero and partner cuz of that
and chatot notices and being puzzled but also ends up hearing something weird coming out of hero and he then puts it together
hero having late night thoughts and sharing them out loud with partner:
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