#probably a sign that I should take a break or go to sleep but whatevs
nibeul · 2 years
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geto vs okkotsu in jjk0 (seconds before disaster)
[id: It's a redraw of a still from JJK0 where Geto is about to smack Okkotsu with playful cloud. Both are drawn with brown skin and Geto is drawn with an earl piercing in addition to his gauges while Okkotsu has black earrings in. Only part of Okkotsu's face is visible whereas most of Geto is in frame and a wide, kind of crazed smile is visible on his face. /end id]
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supernovafics · 2 months
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series masterlist | last part — next part
pairing: modern!college!steve harrington x fem!reader, bestfriend!eddie munson x fem!reader
word count: 4.1k words
warnings: explicit language, brief mention of being drunk, we kinda end on a bit of a cliffhanger in this one and i'm already so sorry about that 🫶🏾
summary: a night of meeting steve’s parents and trying to make a good impression and agreeing to something that you probably shouldn’t
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CHAPTER SIX | ❝𝒌𝒆𝒆𝒑 𝒊𝒕 𝒔𝒊𝒎𝒑𝒍𝒆❞
Fall Semester 2015
You spent most of the morning replaying everything that happened last night. Most of it came back to you in fragments— you and Eddie leaving the obnoxious frat party and you actually ending up in your own dorm room for once because your roommate was already gone for Winter break.
But the kiss was immediately vivid to you. 
It had ended just as abruptly as it started. Eddie’s lips were against yours for only a second before you two were getting bumped into again by a random person and subsequently pulling away from each other. 
But, as brief and short as it was, it still happened, and all you could think when you woke up was that it had to mean something. Right? 
Maybe this was finally the moment that you’d been waiting for. The perfect time to be honest and admit how you felt about him. 
You both had been too drunk to talk about it properly last night. After the quickly interrupted kiss, you were once again saying that it would probably be best to leave and Eddie was nodding, hand finding yours and leading you out of the house and away from the party.   
But you were, for the most part, sober now— the only lasting effect from last night was a dull headache— and you surprisingly didn’t feel all too scared to talk to him. Therefore, you were heading across the hall and knocking on his door before you could think better of it. 
“Hey,” Eddie said when he opened his door, smiling at you. He had on a wrinkled t-shirt and sweatpants and was sporting the messiest bedhead that looked very cute to you. “I didn’t expect to see you until later. I thought we’d both be dead for most of the morning.”
“I can’t sleep. My head’s pounding, but I don’t feel like throwing up anymore so that’s a good sign,” You told him as you mindlessly played with a loose string on your t-shirt that looked just as wrinkled as his. “Did I wake you?”
“No, I can’t really sleep either,” Eddie answered and opened the door further so that you could step inside his room. 
You sat at the foot of his small twin-sized bed and folded your legs under you, looking down at your hands instead of at Eddie walking over to you. “So, last night was pretty insane, right?”
“Yeah, I think we can both agree on no more frat parties,” He responded as he sat next to you. 
You nodded. “First and last time.”
“Also, I barely remember anything that happened, so we should also agree on no more drinking whatever punch is given at parties.”
Instead of once again nodding and agreeing, you turned your head to look at him. “Really? Nothing?”
“I remember us getting there and then eventually leaving. Most of the stuff in between is a blur, honestly,” He shrugged. “What about you?”
That time you weren’t hesitating to nod along. “Yeah, same here. It’s all kinda blurry.” 
He didn’t remember. 
He didn’t remember the kiss. 
He barely remembered the party at all. 
For some reason, it felt easier to simply let it stay like that rather than inform him of something that his mind clearly told him to forget. 
“I’m still driving you to the airport tonight, right?” Eddie asked, changing the subject and pulling you out of your scattered thoughts. Going home for the rest of the month until the start of the Spring semester was the farthest thing from your mind right then. 
“Oh, yeah,” You sighed. “I completely forgot about that.”
“I’ll take that as you’re not excited to see your parents?”
“Not particularly, no,” You shook your head. “And I’ll just be seeing my dad during break because my mom is on a trip with her new boyfriend.” 
“That sounds fun?” 
You let out a laugh. “Once again, not really, no.”
He smiled at you. “You can always come hang out with me in my hometown during break. My uncle would be fine with you staying with us.” 
“I really wish I could say yes to that.”
In a perfect world, you would’ve said yes to Eddie’s suggestion; canceled your flight, and spent the month with him in his small hometown. And in an even more perfect world, you would’ve still talked about the kiss with him even though he didn’t remember it. You also would’ve told him how you’d been feeling for the past few months instead of now feeling like you were right back to being stuck at square one. 
.・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。. .・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。
Spring Semester 2018
“Remember on game night when you said that you’re good at making people like you?” You abruptly asked Steve, and when he nodded in answer, you continued. “Well, I feel like I’m the complete opposite. So tell me everything that I need to know about your parents on this hour-long car ride so I can make sure they like me.”
“I don’t think that’s true,” Steve said, shaking his head, and before you could protest his words, he kept talking. “But, okay, do you want me to be a thousand percent honest right now?” 
“Will I want you to take me home if I say yes?” You asked as you smoothed out a nonexistent wrinkle on the dress you were wearing; a black dress that buttoned down the front and stopped just above your knee. You hoped it was a good enough choice for meeting Steve’s parents.
For a second, you considered telling him to not be honest with you— because maybe in this situation ignorance would actually be bliss— but you ultimately decided against it. “It’s fine, whatever, be honest.” 
“They probably won’t like you because you’re not the daughter of one of their rich friends.” 
“So this is a lose-lose situation no matter what?” 
“Kinda, yeah,” He responded with a shrug. “But, it’s not like they’re gonna force me to break up with you or something. They’re just happy that I’m finally in a “serious” relationship, and that’s all that really matters.”
“Honestly, that makes me feel a little bit better,” You said as you leaned back against the passenger seat and actually became comfortable for the first time in the past ten minutes. “Okay, so what lies do I need to know? Like, what story did you tell them about how we got together? Or do we need to come up with one right now?”
“They won’t care about that.” 
“Okay…” You responded, not exactly believing that a question as simple as that wouldn’t be asked, but you went along with what Steve was saying anyway. “So, any other lies? Things I should make sure to say to them, or things that I definitely shouldn’t say?”
“They don’t know about my History minor, so avoid mentioning that.”
The obvious follow-up question to his words sat on the tip of your tongue, but you hesitated. You wondered where the line was— the line that defined what you two were— and which side of it the question you wanted to ask him lied on. One side of it was obvious, two people pretending to date each other for their own reasons, but the other side still confused you a bit; this weird group project analogy that was still stuck in your head and felt nowhere close to a friendship because you still didn’t know that much about him aside from the basics.
The question you wanted to ask him was definitely more of a question that you’d ask a friend and you weren’t sure if it truly mattered for the fake dating side of things, but you decided to test it anyway because you wanted to know the answer.
“Why haven’t you told them about that?”
Steve hesitated too, just for a second, and in that quick moment you wondered if you shouldn’t have asked that question, but then he was answering you. “They would think it’s dumb and a waste of time so it’s easier to just not talk about it with them.”  
“If they’d hate you for having a History minor, they’ll definitely hate me for being an English major who wants to teach.”
He took a quick glance at you. “You want to teach?”
“Yeah, I think about it sometimes,” You shrugged. “I’d really love to write, though. And yes, I know exactly how pretentious that sounds.”
Steve shook his head. “It doesn’t sound pretentious.” He paused for a second. “Actually, yeah, it does, but coming from you it’s in a good way.”
“Thanks, I think,” You responded, laughing a bit.
He smiled at you. “You’re welcome, I think.”
For the most part, that was how the rest of the drive went. You asked whatever question came to mind involving his parents that felt important to ask to make sure that tonight went well enough, and aside from that, things stayed quiet. 
Somehow, it wasn’t until you were standing outside of his childhood home— which was huge and you tried your hardest not to admire it so obviously— that you realized that you didn’t even know his parent’s names, and Steve was answering you with a quick, “Tom and Anne,” before you two were walking inside.
.・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。. .・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。
“So, I’d love to know how you two met.”
Your eyes immediately met Steve’s across the table and you gave him the briefest “I told you so” look before turning to his mom. 
You took a moment to think about how to answer her question— how elaborate the story should be and what exact lie you should say— but then you decided to simply say the first thing that came to mind. “Steve’s in a class with one of my friends. He thought we’d be a good match, so he introduced us.”
It wasn’t that far from the truth so the words easily fell from your lips.
Anne smiled at that. “Oh, that’s nice.”
You smiled back because it felt like the right thing to do and then looked back down at your food, silently willing the next hour to go by faster.
The initial meeting had been easy enough. There was a quick hug with Steve’s mom and a handshake with his dad, and a forced enthusiastic smile on your face to mask your nervousness. You were reminded of when you met Eddie’s Uncle Wayne, and you only thought about it because that had felt like much more of a chill and fun introduction. 
But as the night went on, Steve’s parents seemed to actually like you and it was hard to tell if that was completely true or if they were just really good at pretending; both options seemed equally plausible to you. Even though Steve had basically said that there was no point in trying to make his parents like you, you still couldn’t help but try to make sure that things went well. 
They’d asked you so much about yourself that it felt as if they were interrogating you or that you were interviewing for their approval; approval that truly didn’t even matter, but you still weirdly found yourself wanting it, for some reason.  
You did a lot more lying than you had expected to do— and you’d later wonder if it was dumb to not expect that— but the lying mainly consisted of a lot of pretending and acting like you knew stuff that you didn’t. This night only further proved to you that you really didn’t know Steve at all. You learned that he used to play basketball in high school and even Freshman year of college, and apparently, he had been really good at it. His dad randomly mentioned it and you figured that that was something that a girlfriend would’ve already known about so you simply nodded along when he talked about Steve’s many past accomplishments with the sport.
You also nodded along when Anne said, “Has Steve told you about his cousin’s wedding that’s coming up soon?”
“Oh, yes, he mentioned it to me a few times.”
“Great, so you already know that it falls perfectly on your guys’ spring break this year,” She said, and you continued to nod, pretending as if this wasn’t completely new information to you. “You should come to it too.”
You didn’t get the chance to even think of a response before Steve was jumping in. “She can’t come.”
Anne looked at him just for a second and then looked back at you. “Are you sure you can’t? We’ll pay for your flight and everything.”
“Oh, um…” You trailed off, unsure of how to say no in the nicest way possible. You knew why Steve had immediately tried to shut this wedding thing down— because spring break was weeks after you two had planned to stop fake dating— but you obviously couldn’t use that as the reason to say no to his mom right then.
“She already has plans for that week,” Steve said, saving you. 
It wasn’t that good of a save, though, because Anne persisted on, eyes still on you and a smile on her face. “Oh, I’m sure plans can be changed. This wedding is gonna be a great trip, and wouldn’t you two want to spend spring break together?”
The question sat in the air for only the briefest of moments. 
“Yes, I’d love to come,” You blurted because it felt easier to say yes in this moment instead of continuing to try to decline the offer since Steve’s mom was seemingly not taking that for an answer. You still had no idea where exactly this wedding even was, and you decided that that would be the first thing you’d ask Steve once you two were back in his car. “If you’re sure it’s not really short notice.”
“No, no, it’s fine. Tom and I will handle everything. We just need to get you a flight. You can obviously stay with Steve in the room that’s already been booked for him at the resort.”
Hearing the mention of a resort should’ve helped you narrow down the potential places this wedding was set to be, but it only further confused you. However, you smiled and hoped that masked all of your bewilderment right then. “Sounds great. Thank you so much.”
You looked away from Anne and your eyes met Steve’s just for a second. It was the briefest look shared between you two that said everything and nothing all at once. And then you were looking away and finishing what was barely left on your plate so that this night could end sooner rather than later— before you somehow accidentally agreed to spend Thanksgiving with them in nine months.
.・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。. .・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。
“I’ll try to get you out of this stupid wedding thing,” Was the first thing Steve said to you when you two finally left his house and got into his car. 
You’d barely known his mom for two hours, but the thought of that actually happening felt pretty impossible to you.   
“Do you really think that you can make that happen?”
He sighed. “Probably not.” 
“It’s not that big of a deal,” You told him, and you were honestly surprised that you were able to be so normal about this because it actually was a bit of a “big deal.” And then you realized that you were attempting to convince yourself that this was fine as much as you were trying to convince him. “We can change the rules a little and just end things once spring break is over instead of when we originally planned to end it. What’s two extra weeks? Unless you’re already sick of me and are counting down the days until all of this is over.” 
Steve didn’t say anything in response, but he did quickly glance at you, giving you the most deadpan look you’d probably ever seen. Which only made you laugh until you remembered something.
“Where is this wedding even gonna be?” 
“I guess I’d be an idiot if I gave up a free trip to Mexico.”
“You’re underestimating how annoyingly intense my family is. This isn’t going to feel like a vacation.”
“Cool, great, now I’m a little scared,” You said, only slightly joking with your words. “But, it’ll be fine, and this will just further prove to your parents how “serious” we are.”
After a second, seemingly processing your words, Steve nodded. “Yeah, that’s true.”
It started raining then— soft pelts hitting against the windshield and the wipers turning on automatically— which felt like a sign of something, but you had no idea what. 
“I also don’t have to go if you don’t want me to,” You said, and things probably would’ve been a lot easier if Steve just said exactly that and if things stayed exactly according to what you two had decided on a week ago.
“It’s not that. I just really think you’re gonna hate this whole thing.” 
“Tonight honestly wasn’t completely terrible,” You told him. “Stressful? Kinda, yeah. But, if the trip is pretty much just gonna be a repeat of this dinner, I can deal with that.” 
You hadn’t even processed what exactly you were signing up for— a weeklong trip in a different country with a guy and his family you didn’t know. It would hit you a lot later; mainly once you mentioned it to Robin, Vickie, and Talia, and then also Eddie. 
“Okay,” Steve said and you wished that you could actually see him right then because you felt as if there was a lot more being said with the simple word. But then you were realizing that even if it wasn’t dark and rainy and even if he was looking at you, you still probably wouldn’t be able to successfully read him. After all, you’d only known him for a little over a week. “Feel free to back out at any time, though.” 
“Got it,” You said, but you wondered if your mind would change and if you’d want to do that. “Why do you think she even wants me to come?” 
“She likes you.”
“Actually likes me or is pretending that she does?” 
“Honestly, I can’t really tell.”
The rain only got harder as Steve continued driving, which you were actually glad for because the sound of it helped drown out the silence that began to sit between you two and it made the quiet feel okay. But, that feeling was very short-lived because the random storm started making things entirely too complicated. 
“I can just take you home and bring your clothes some other time,” Steve suggested. The rain was pelting harshly against the windshield as the two of you sat in his car in the parking lot of his apartment building. 
“That would be great, but I can’t think of any sort of story that would make me coming home in completely different clothes make sense.”
Earlier, when Talia asked what you and Steve had planned for the night, you made the mistake of saying that you and him were going bowling— it was the first thing that came to your mind and you regretted it immediately but couldn’t find a way to backtrack. Because of that mess up, you knew that you couldn’t leave the apartment for the pretend bowling date in your “meeting the parents” outfit, so you changed at Steve’s place instead and your original clothes were still there.
“Also, we’re already here now, so I should just do it.” 
“Okay,” He said, but neither of you made any move to step out of his car, even though he had already turned it off. Somehow, it was silently agreed that you’d wait things out for a second longer, and maybe the skies would miraculously clear. 
“I still can’t believe that you said that we were going bowling.” 
“I have no idea why that was the first thing that came to my head.” 
“Are you any good at it?”
“Not at all,” You didn’t hesitate to answer. “But, skee-ball, on the other hand. That’s a completely different story.”
“Those two games are not similar at all.” 
“If you squint, they kind of are.”
“Shh, just let me have this one,” You said, and Steve let out a laugh as he held up his hands in mock surrender. 
Things became quiet for a moment and you both continued to listen to the rain, which didn’t seem as if it was letting up anytime soon. 
He turned to look at you. “Should we just make a run for it?”
You wanted to say no but decided against it when you realized that you two would probably be sitting in Steve’s car all night otherwise. “Yeah.”
There was no countdown, and instead, you both abruptly stepped out of the car and then ran the short distance to the entrance of Steve’s building, still getting soaked in the process. 
Once you were inside his apartment, you toed off your shoes by the front door before heading to Steve’s bathroom where you had left your clothes earlier. 
“You want a towel?” You heard his voice through the door and at first you were simply nodding as you started unbuttoning your dress before realizing that he obviously couldn’t see your answer. 
“Yes!” You opened the door a little bit and his arm poked through, gray towel in hand, and you grabbed it from him. “Thanks.”
When you emerged from the bathroom— changed back into your jeans and dark sweater— you saw Steve in the kitchen, leaning back against the small island and eyes on his phone. He was also out of his wet clothes and changed into a t-shirt and sweatpants. 
You walked over to the windows and noticed just how insane things still were outside. “It would be dumb to drive in that right now, right?” 
You kind of hoped that he would disagree with you, but he didn’t.
“Yeah, we can wait it out for a bit if you want.” 
You found yourself on his couch and he joined you moments later, suggesting that you two watch something for the time being and you agreed because there wasn’t anything else to do. 
It was a moment that was objectively normal, probably one of the most normal things that you two could and had ever done with each other, but doing this wasn’t a part of the normal that you and Steve had created. 
Conversations with him came easy if you two were talking about this whole fake dating thing and the random details and tidbits that came along with it. If there wasn’t anything to say involving that, you two simply didn’t talk. Once again, the group project analogy felt even more valid at this moment. 
Steve started playing an episode from a random season of a show that you both had already seen before and didn’t mind rewatching until the rain calmed down. You were only ten minutes in when your phone started ringing in the back pocket of your jeans. 
You pulled it out and stood up from the couch, seeing Robin’s name on your screen. 
You walked back over to the windows, the rain still had not let up in the slightest, and then answered the call. “Hey.”
“Hey, where are you right now?”
“At Steve’s place,” You answered. “I’m gonna head home soon, though.”
“Don’t,” She said, and before you could ask why, she continued. “We just lost power here because of the storm so you should just stay at Steve’s for the night.” 
“Are you guys good there?”
“Yeah, we just lit a bunch of candles,” Robin told you and then laughed. “It’s feeling very witchy in here right now. I wouldn’t be surprised if Talia suggested doing a seance.” 
“Please don’t do that,” You immediately responded. “I’d rather not come back to a haunted apartment.” 
“I can’t make any promises. Talia can be very persuasive,” She said. “Anyway, see you tomorrow. Have fun, but not too much. And use protection!”
You groaned. “Robin.” 
“Bye!” She hung up before you could say anything else.
You pocketed your phone in your jeans again and started heading back over to the couch. 
“Everything okay?” Steve asked, turning to look at you. 
“Yeah, it was just Robin. She told me that the power just went out in the apartment,” You told him, and then you were in the middle of thinking about how to tell him that you needed to stay here for the night when there was a sudden crack of thunder and the power abruptly went out, leaving his apartment pitch black. “Wow, perfect timing.” 
.・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。. .・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。
next part!
taglist (lmk if you want to be added or taken off<333); @eddiernunson , @loulouloueh , @the-aster , @blckburd , @totally-bogus-timelady , @yujyujj , @irhdifartzamfyaa , @mochminnie , @munsonssweets , @blckbrrybasket , @xprloki , @definitionwanderlust , @dwcode , @sun-fiower-seed , @keerysfolklore , @damon-loves-pie , @lodeddiperrodrick
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grimesgirll · 7 months
you look forward to your car rides with rick.
you love your group too but sometimes a long car ride helps you unwind and recharge when your social battery is low and you just need to stare out the window at some grassy hills. besides, most days rick let you choose the soundtrack for your drive so you could DJ.
the only cds you'd had when you met up with the group were your signed cds that you couldn't part with: your parents' favorite foreigner album and taylor swift's sophomore album. after playing those albums front to back and hearing "double vision" one too many times enough to nearly ruin the song for you - and rick too probably - you set out to find some new tunes. you and daryl came back from a record store with a crate of old cds - it was a shame that you couldn't preserve the records but you had yet to run into a working record player that was worth your time. nonetheless, you found fleetwood mac albums, soft rock compilations, and music to mellow your trips.
you were itching to see him today. you’d been preoccupied mass producing buckwheat cereal and it was never a good time with him. you lavished the opportunity to spend time alone with the perpetually preoccupied rick grimes.
rick is waiting for you when you climb into the car. hickory curls frame his face which is sunburnt from all the time spent outside finishing up the harvest.
“hey,” you greet, pulling the car shut and shifting into your seat.
“hey there.” the sheriff farmer replies gruffly, hands already tensed and gripping the steering wheel.
you don’t need to ask what’s wrong because you already know: carl.
you love the boy but he wasn’t playing the part of the pacifist farm boy rick wanted him to. you don’t blame either of them. rick was right to rein carl in after he fired on that boy from woodbury as he surrendered.
that shook you up a bit too, but you remembered that carl was young and after weeks of planting, it won’t hurt to let the boy kill a walker or two on fence duty. there’s at least no reason for rick to give him shit about it.
rick’s so pent up though. it could be not just carl but the young infant going through the four month sleep regression.
settling judith for the night seemed to be a never ending battle, every battle a losing battle. you’d managed to take the little girl off of rick’s hands so he could sleep but she rarely went down for you either anymore. the baby that was once happy to fall asleep in your arms before bed was now fighting bedtime with everything she had.
your leader was saddled with stress. you can see it in the white of his knuckles against the steering wheel and how he doesn’t say anything before starting the car and pulling out of the prison, the gate being pulled behind your car by glenn and daryl.
almost forgetting to put in the new cd in your lap, your eyes are glued to the steering wheel. navigating whatever you have with rick is treacherous when just the sight of his taut hands has your breath picking up.
the two of you had no opportunity to get away lately. it’s not like you’re going to pester rick or jump him in the fields.
you’d already heard a, “later, sweetheart” earlier this week and it made you want to curl up into a ball.
waving the cd so rick can see, you ask if he likes the eagles. he shrugs. not much of a response.
“i’m gonna pop this in,” you inform him and lean over slightly to eject the cd currently residing in the media console - one of daryl’s buffalo springfield cds - to slide in an eagles’ greatest hits album.
he doesn’t pay much attention, just keeps his attention on the road and his knuckles wrapped around the steering wheel.
the sound of a guitar transitions you into the first song, which you think is aptly named. “take it easy” is exactly what rick should do but the song doesn’t seem to lighten his mood.
you two sit in silence. this isn’t unusual for you guys. sometimes you go quiet on parts of the drive.
rick breaks the silence.
“you like older stuff?”
i like older, rugged, handsome ex-cops with hands that can-
“i like all kinds of stuff.”
the older man laughs. “just wouldn’t have pegged you for an eagles girl.”
“it’s dad rock. don’t you like it?” you ask, catching his blue eyed gaze.
he slouches his shoulders. “they’re not bad. i would’ve liked if you put on that fleetwood mac cd a bit more.”
you grin. “i’ll remember to put their greatest hits cd on next.”
what you should be doing is reaching back to grab the cd booklet from the backseat but you’re fixated on rick. he’s driving, hyper focused on being aware of his surroundings again so he doesn’t notice the path your eyes take from his hands on the wheel to his pants. he doesn’t see your eyes cloud with thoughts of you two.
“pull over.”
“what?” rick questions, shooting you a skeptical look. “why?”
“i really have to go number one.”
he scoffs. “that’s why you wanna stop?” he shakes his head at you. you’re always asking him to stop on the side of the road for you to pee or find a dilapidated bathroom to go in. “next time, you gotta go before we leave.”
you nod, working overtime to conceal the early signs of victory on your lips. rick heeds your request and pulls into a rest stop parking lot, telling you to make it quick.
“be right back!” you chirp and use the bushes behind a gazebo to maintain your angle - and actually empty your bladder.
then you’re hopping back into the car and pressing the passenger side button to lock all of the doors. your hand stops rick’s when he goes to start the car, using the other to unbuckle his seatbelt. you’re in his lap by the time you’ve gotten his seat reclined by pushing down the lever.
the dark haired man is chiding your name. “what are you doin’?”
“helping you relax.”
“we gotta get on with our run.”
“i think you having fun is a bit more important.” you argue as you undo his belt. “why don’t you just relax?” you smile at him while you turn up the music slightly.
the sheriff rasps your name. “we have to stay vigilant.”
you send him a look that his him straining in his baby blue boxers. “rick, the doors are locked. we’ll hear a walker if they come up and we can drive away. just trust me and relax.”
it’s hard to argue when you’re tugging down his waistband, hands finding him and fondling him until the only sounds coming out of his mouth are pants.
opening up nice and wide, you slip him into your mouth. you smile when your tongue on the side of his length is met with a breathy moan.
one of rick’s hands are on the back of the center console and the other is pressed against the driver’s side door. between you wandering up and down his shaft with your tongue, he feels cornered. even more so when you take the opportunity to guide his hands to your hair.
it takes a few minutes but rick is no longer preoccupied with scanning the perimeter or heavy under the worry you could always sense under his skin, distracted by the curve of your ass. just leaning with his head back, basking in the soft rock playing and the woman so keen on relieving the pressure that weighed down on his reddened shoulders.
“such a good girl,” he’s gasping.
you move faster. suction your lips a little tighter. you haven’t been fooling around with rick for long but one thing is true without a doubt for him; he’s long and thick. you still haven’t mastered what must be some kind of witchcraft to fit all of him down your throat without gagging, but rick doesn’t care. as long as his dick in your mouth, he’s not complaining. especially not when you look up at him with his cock halfway down your throat.
success bubbles in your core and even with rick stuffed down your throat, you’re beaming. you’ve managed to get him to sit back and take a moment to enjoy himself - to enjoy you.
but you realize that your work is far from done when your favorite farmer cums down your throat, relishing the moment despite his still rock solid cock. he pulls your mouth off of him after you swallow, seemingly relishing the sight of you, lips in a pout in his lap.
“it’s your turn,” rick growls before fervidly dragging you to the backseat to pin your hips down and return the favor.
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hope-drunk · 2 years
- crush | a. anderson
| abby walks in on you at the wrong (or right) time
| content warning: inexperienced but not naive reader, female masturbation, oral (r receiving), strength kink kinda, pet names (sweetheart, baby), idrk this is pretty tame, probably ooc bc my first time writing abby, a lot of the word patrol
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After doing a long, long day of rounds, all you wanted to do was relax. There were more infected than usual at the checkpoints. Once you finally get back to base, you’re quick to strip off your dirty clothes and take a hot shower. After you get out, you put on an oversized t-shirt and a pair of soft shorts.
Happy to be back in your room, you lay down, shimmying under the covers rapidly. Your muscles were heavily fatigued, and you felt drowsier with every passing minute, but you knew something that would get you to sleep even faster.
Using one hand to rub your nipple, you move the other down, teasing the seam of your underwear before sinking your hand lower to rub your clit. A soft sigh creeps out of your mouth as you feel instant relief. You speed up slightly, not wanting to rush yourself, but naturally chasing your high. While you focus on your pleasure, your mind drifts to a memory.
Abby was running her calloused hands through your hair. She had been begging to braid it for a few months, always going on about how convenient it was. You eventually caved in, you were never able to say no to her for long. While your fingers were hard at work, you imagined Abby’s, gently pulling your hair, making sure the braid was tight.
She kept complimenting you while she did it.
“Your hair is so soft.”
And also reprimanding you.
“Can’t believe you’ve never let me do this.”
You had to squeeze your legs together then, to dull the ache her words and actions were giving you. Between the thought of Abby and the pace of your fingers, the coil in your stomach was wound tight, ready to break at any moment.
“Hey, I found this mov– oh shit.”
You let out a gasp at Abby’s voice, quickly pulling your hand away from your heat and covering yourself with a blanket that had fallen off of you. Abby had her hand covering her eyes, while also facing the door that she just burst through.
“Abby! Whatever happened to knocking!” you said. You were flushed all over, embarrassed about being caught in the act. 
“I know, I’m sorry! I was excited about the movie I found; wasn’t thinking. I’m sorry.” She was still facing the wall. 
“You can turn around, I have clothes on.”
She turned slowly, hand rubbing the back of her neck in an awkward motion. She stands by the door, not sure if she should go or stay, you weren’t really sure what to do in this situation either.
“What movie is it?” you say, trying to break the ice.
Abby walks over to your bed and sits down by your legs, handing you the DVD case. It was some old movie about an apocalypse.
You laugh at her. “Don’t you think it’s a bit ironic?”
“I thought that’s why it would be fun.” she says sheepishly. “Y’know, compare their apocalypse to ours.”
Your laughter intensifies, and you nod your head 
“That would be fun.”
You looked up at the same time, you didn’t realize how close you had moved to her, it felt like you were naturally pulled to her. Abby’s brows were pulled together, she had the same look on her face that she did during patrols. 
“I could help, if you want.” she says, not breaking eye contact.
“Help? With what.” you ask.
“You know, with what I walked in on.” Abby answers, no shyness left in her tone.
“Oh I don’t– Abby, I’ve never…” you say, blood rushes to your cheeks as you try not to break the intimidating eye contact.
“You don’t have to. You can tell me to fuck off right now and I’ll never speak of this again. But, I would really like to make up for ruining your orgasm.”
 Her crass language makes you impossibly redder, causing you to look away. When you turn back towards her, Abby is scanning your face for a sign. Her blue-gray eyes go from your lips to your eyes.
You feel like your throat has dried up, unable to give her verbal confirmation, you nod your head at her.
“No.” She says, taking your chin in her hand. “Need to hear you say it.”
You sit up straighter, nervous of the repercussions that these few words will have. 
“I want you to help me, Abby.”
She lets out a sigh, and pulls you in. Naturally, you let her tongue guide yours. Abby grabs your hips, pressing your body up against hers. Gently moving her kisses towards your jaw and down your neck, hitting a spot on your collarbone that has you moaning
“There it is.” she whispers.
Abby spends a few moments on that spot, long enough that you knew there would be a large purple mark there by the morning. Stopping for a second to remove your shirt, she then lays you down onto the bed. Moving her mouth lower, she keeps your legs propped open with her knee. You moan as she wraps her lips around one of your nipples. 
She comes back up to look into your eyes.
“Does that feel good?” she questions, looking down at your hips.
You cock your head at her and look down, realizing you had been grinding your leg over her knee. But she doesn’t laugh at you, in fact, she seems very serious about it all, she left no room for you to be embarrassed.
“Yeah.” you reply, barely a whisper. 
“I bet it does, sweetheart.” she says, nodding her head sympathetically before removing her leg from your heat.
You let out a light whine, as she whispers an, I know, I know, quickly removing the plaid pajama shorts you were dressed in, making a note in her head to tease you about them later. Moving her cruel kisses right above your mound, you think she’s finally about to give you what you're aching for, but instead, she moves her mouth even lower, to focus on your thighs next. You wanted to tell her to get on with it, but you couldn’t find it in you to actually say it.
Abby was so intimidating, and she always got what she wanted. After many, many, patrols with her, you knew that it was her way, or the highway. Finally, she places an open mouthed kiss to your clit through your panties before taking them off. You instinctively lift your hips for her. 
“Please.” you whimper.
“Hm? What do you want?” Abby answers, teasingly.
You move to put your hands over your face, embarrassed by the thought of begging. But Abby is quick to catch your wrists, the show of strength making you clench around nothing. 
Shaking her head at you she says,. “C’mon, shy girl, tell me what you want.” 
Wriggling your hands in her grasp, you try to get away. It was all a game to her, and it was to you, too. You knew you couldn’t get away, and you were barely trying, but it was fun to try, to pretend like you had a chance against her. Abby laughs at your weak attempt.
“Just tell me what you want, you know I’ll help you, I said I would.”
You suck in a breath. “Want you to touch me, Abs.”
It’s not loud enough for Abby’s liking, but she figures she made you wait long enough. Moving down between your thighs once again, her broad shoulders push your legs far apart, and she licks a long stripe up your cunt. You let out an inhuman groan, and Abby laughs again, sending a vibration from your cunt all the way up to your chest.
You move your hands to the top of her head, trying to grip something, but her tight braid makes it hard. Moaning as her nose bumps your clit, you feel Abby’s middle finger you, which only causes your noises to become even louder.
She comes up for a breath, her finger still steadily going in and out of you.
“What were you thinking about?” She says through panting breaths.
“What?” you question, glassy eyes coming up to meet hers.
“When I walked in on you, what were you thinking about?” She adds another finger, throwing your train of thought out the window. “Answer me, baby. I wanna know.” 
“Was– was thinking about when you braided my hair.”
Abby smirked, she knew what you were talking about. You thought she didn’t notice how quiet you got right when she started lacing her fingers through your hair. How you would only shake your head in response to her questions, and how you crossed your legs the first time she gave your head a light pull.
“Yeah? You were thinking about me while you touched your pretty pussy?” 
Whimpering, you nod your head at her. She moves back down to your cunt, sucking at your clit causing your hips to shoot up, trying to grind on her face. But Abby is quick to put her strong arm over them, forcing them down.
“Quit that.” she mumbles. The show of dominance sends a wave of arousal through you.
You didn’t know how long it had been since she had started, but it felt like it had been hours. Your head was becoming fuzzy, your hearing muffled, it felt like your ears had been stuffed full of cotton. All you could focus on were Abby’s fingers lazily going in and out of your hole, and her mouth on your clit, she gave it a quick nip with her teeth every once in a while just so she could see your hips jolt again.
You were positive you were being too loud, but you couldn’t seem to care, your stomach was in knots, the ruined orgasm from before was building up again quickly. 
“I need– I’m gonna-” you tried to finish your sentence, but nothing worthy was coming out.
Abby took her mouth off of your cunt.
“I know, it’s okay. Let go for me, baby. Let it all out.” She says, kissing your cheek and forehead.
Her words send you flying over the edge. Abby connects her lips with yours, muffling your moans. You were floating, your vision stark white. When you came back down, Abby’s fingers were still moving inside of you. Groaning, you try to push her away.
“Alright, okay, I’m done, promise.” 
Abby removes her fingers and you let out a weak sob, she was quick to shush you, planting another kiss on your jaw before leaving the bed. You watch her go into your bathroom to find a towel to clean you up with. Once she was satisfied with her work, she moved in beside you, murmuring small praises the whole time. She showed her strength once more by propping your fatigued body on top of hers, quickly grabbing a blanket to cover you both up with. 
“Thank you.” you whisper, looking up at her from your position on her chest, your shyness naturally creeping back in.
 Giving you a small smile, she kisses the top of your head.
“It was only right. Couldn’t just ruin your night like that now could I? We’ll talk about this later, get some rest.” Abby says quietly, rubbing soothing circles on your back.
With that, you drift off, feeling content in her arms.
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moonkissedvisions · 7 months
Pick a pile/pick an image: Health messages ❤️‍🩹🌿⭐
Important: 16+. Not medical advice. If you are dealing with a health problem please talk to a professional. This is a general reading, take what resonates and leave the rest. Use your own discernment. Let your intuition guide you.
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Pile 1 ❤️‍🩹
cards: Queen of Wands, King of Cups, Four of Wands, Four of Swords, Seven of Pentacles, Two of Wands.
There is a really strong need for REST here. Whether it is a physical or mental break, it is very clear that you have reached a point of great stress and exhaustion in both your body and your mind. Maybe it was a lot of work, study or overthinking and anxiety. Either way, you need to calm your nervous system urgently by walking, sleeping, meditating, deep breathing, being in nature, etc. You also need to appreciate your body and your mind for helping you work and do your daily activities. CELEBRATE your achievements but also your body and your health.
This pile has a good intuition which is helpful in making the right choices for your health. Your balance between your physical and emotional body is good. You have the need to understand the connection between your mind, body and spirit health and the multiple dimensions each of these have. For example, when people think of hormones, they most likely think about the sex and fertility aspect/dimension or hormones. But hormones are emotions, actions, and a lot of other things, so they both affect and are affected by all aspects of health. Your fertility is specially high, so if you are facing fertility problems atm, this may be a sign that you are improving and you should keep focusing on your current treatment and trusting the people who are taking care of you. Determination to quit unhealthy habits and start engaging in good ones is key for you now. You need to gain confidence in your health choices. You are capable of everything, especially rn. Everything that you want for your health is within reach, you just need to trust your course of action and be committed to it.
You need to know that you reap the fruits of the work you do on your health. If you do a good job on taking care of your health, you will feel good. If you don´t, you will not feel good. Also, if you are facing a health problem, you need to evaluate your lifestyle, routines and daily habits to find the root cause.
Finally, be grateful for the work your body does for you everyday. Thank the parts of your body that are working and healthy, instead of just focusing on your sickness/the parts that are bothering you.
Pile 2 🌿
cards: Temperance, Five of Wands, Queen of Wands, Ace of Swords, The Devil.
You may be going through a mysterious health issue, or maybe you are not listening to your body´s messages. It could be that you are ignoring a symptom, and you gave up getting a diagnosis because doctors couldn´t find the problem or had different/contradicting opinions. If that resonates, this could be a sign to not ignore it anymore, because there is a new opportunity to find help, a diagnosis, or a treatment. There is also a new opportunity to start taking care of your health, whatever that means for you
If you had a surgery, you are recovering impressively and completely. There is a lot of regeneration and transformation about this pile. It is possible that you will be cured of an illness. There is some waste in your system that is being removed and eliminated too.
Moderation is really present here. If you want to start eating healthy, quit smoking, or practicing a new form of exercise, I see you doing it gradually. This can be done in the form of reducing your portions or the amount of cigarettes you smoke daily. Your determination is high as well, you are really convinced you can reach your health goals and you probably wont stop until you make it!
Also, be careful with unprotected sex and take care of your genital organs. Avoid promiscuity by channeling your passion with other activities like working out, creating and mindfulness. SLEEP and EAT nutrient dense, building foods for regeneration. Don´t use sex to deal with every emotion. Learn about hormones and how to have healthy hormones/menstrual cycle.
Pile 3 ⭐
cards: Judgment, Two of Pentacles, King of Pentacles, Three of Swords, The Tower.
Health must be a priority as much as your work, your family and your social life are. Maybe this is something you forgot, or something you are starting to remember and being aware of now. There is a need for balance and having fun. You need to find joy in your health routines and be intentional about them. Find the joy in being in nature, playing, moving your body, making healthy meals and taking rest. Be responsible with your choices and priorities.
It is possible that you faced a sudden change in your life or a health issue that left you feeling nervous and anxious, or that you experienced a sudden anxiety attack or some kind of emotional disturbance that affected your health. If you resonate, relaxation is key. Also, it could be that you just realized you need to start therapy because you can´t deal with a problem on your own. The Tower in this pile may indicate muscle tension, stress, high blood pressure, grief, depression and spine problems for some of you. Im getting detoxing as well.
If you resonate with going through grief, pain, depression, heartbreak or a difficult emotional time, allow yourself to feel your emotions. Release them by crying, screaming, punching a pillow, writing, or whatever way is helpful to you. Acknowledge your hurt, your pain without getting lost in it. Practice gratitude. Reconnecting with nature is another good thing to do, since nature is something greater than ourselves and also incredibly beautiful, mesmerizing, and healing. As you can see in the picture you picked, grounding and walking in a forest is adviced. Get exposed to natural light and natural springs. Drink a lot of fluids, get enough minerals. Drink calming, soothing teas. Planning your health routines will be beneficial.
Lastly, take care of your joints by maintaining a good posture, moving your body and strenghtening your muscles.
Thank you for reading! Feel free to ask any questions, or leave any suggestions and corrections!
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vulpixisananimal · 2 months
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<You jolt awake. Stars, you thought you'd survive that. It was just one story up, and sure, it was a little glass, but->
(Do you mind?!?!?)
<You roll your eye. No, but Odile did. Ha. Come on, Siffrin. Odile wasn't acting like herself. She was a dangerous enemy- we had to escape.>
(Stars, come on! You had to at least try and see what was going on, right?!?)
<Stop being stupid. Odile knows how to stop us Looping.>
(. . . I-)
<I'm right.>
(Shut up.)
<You sigh and sit up from the Favor Tree. Back here again, strange- oh stars, You hold your head for a moment. Headache, and sick. Your stomach churns, head pounding.>
(Craft exhaustion- stars, this is why, I wanted to-)
<We'll get over it. Just- just, breathe. . .>
(You breathe in, and out.)
(. . . Ack, stars. Why WERE we waking up here again? Wasn't it because of sleep that we make a checkpoint?)
<Perhaps whatever strange logic the Universe has at work counts our little meeting as a sleep. Which doesn't make sense, because->
(Yes I know we weren't asleep. I'm not stupid.)
<Could have fooled me.>
(You grunt, and shake your head. You start walking down to the homestead, seeing Ramos and Mirabelle walking up to meet you.)
(Mira waves to you.) "S-siffrin!! Oh thank Change, are you okay???"
(You laugh half-heartedly.) "Yeah, just a bit dizzy, it's the stage."
"It's. . O-oh!" (Mira perks up a bit at that.) "Oh then! T-then I guess we've, told you everything already?"
"Yup." (You nod.) "I'll try and make this quick. . ."
(You quietly open up the back door to the Homestead, which lead straight to the kitchen. Mirabelle and Ramos followed behind you, ready for anything. With Isabeau waiting for you up front, and Odile possibly going after you upstairs, getting in the back would be the best idea.)
<Or you could break in a window again.>
(After what you did?!? Not a chance.)
"Hey, wasn't Bonnie cooking here this morning?" (Asks Ramos.)
"O-oh, yes! They were getting along with Jan." (She tried not to bite her nails.) "W-we should, check on them! Make sure they're ok!!"
"Good idea." (You nod, continuing through the kitchen. Nothing too strange, so you continue-)
"I thought the kiddo usually cleans up after themself." (Ramos says, you look back, they're looking at some half finished dishes.)
". . . They do." (You squint. That's not like Bonnie. If they didn't clean up, they'd make sure someone else did.) "Let's hurry."
(You get to the doorway to the common area and stop. You hear some voices.)
"Get him upstairs, we can figure it out there."
(Huh? Oh wait you knew that voice. You pause for a second.)
"I, I don't, why should I trust you?!? I'm fine! I-"
(You didn't recognize that voice. You hear a craft spell of something. You feel Mira lean in a bit close to listen in. She asks,) "What is it?"
"People I met last loop. One of them gets effected." (You listen in again.)
"He'll stay asleep for a bit. I'll take him upstairs."
"I'll make sure everythings safe. Just be quick."
(You hear them walk off. You sigh.) "Stars, maybe talking to Polaris coulda helped but. . ."
"Maybe. . ." (Ramos starts.) ". . . Well, maybe next time I could do something about it? If we're quick to get here?"
(You nod.) "Right, next time. C'mon, lets find Bonbon."
<You're really worried about the Kid, aren't you.>
(You frown as you step out into the common area. Of course you are! You care about Bonnie, and you have to make sure they're okay!!)
<The time could be better spent looking for the star. Then the Kid could be safe.>
(You ignore him. You start looking for anything out of the ordinary. There's a few random dishes left out, Jan wasn't around, those three travelers went upstairs, Isabeau was waiting outside. . . Hmm.)
(Looking up to your friend and ally, Mirabelle looked distracted, probably worried about the rest of your family. Ramos was staring at that sign in your language.)
"It's just a cheesy proverb," (You call over, going back to looking around.)
"Wait, really?" (Ramos turns to you, hand on hip.)
(You shrug.) "Not every island thing is some omen- Oh, yeah that reminds me, Mira?"
"O-oh?" (Mira looks over to you.)
"Did I ever mention that I found a book in my language in the Dormont library?"
"Oh really??? What was it about?? Was it helpful or anything???" (Her eyes brightened- genuine interest! Yes!!)
"I mean, I got the title," (You stick your tongue out.) "The Cursing of Château Castle, volume 2."
". . . Pfft-" (That makes her giggle.) "Of all the things to be found there!"
"I know right?!?" (You shake your head.) "H-haha, I was so excited, too. Finally able to read it, and lo and behold. . ."
"Hehe, It was just a book from my favorite series!"
"Exactly." (You finish looking around and walk over to her.) "Well, nothing here. Upstairs next?"
(Ramos and Mira nod in agreement. The three of you get back in formation as you lead them upstairs. You make sure to step quietly, listening as you go, not wanting to be caught off guard.)
(You hear some talking, a door opening, then closing. You take a few more steps, and peek over the top of the staircase. There's no one in the hall.)
<What is your goal, Siffrin.>
(To find Bonbon, like I said!)
<Ugh, fine. If you're looking for the kid, why would they be here? Where should you go?>
(The room they were staying in? That's where you think, anyway. You walk through the hall, hand on your dagger, Ramos and Mira right behind you.)
". . . Which room was Bonnies again?"
"O-oh uh, that one, on the left." (Mira replies, pointing to a door further down the hall. You head over to it. Nothing out of the ordinary yet. You put an ear to the door.)
(You could see Mirabelle get more and more fidgety with each second. You wait, still. . . . No, you couldn't hear anyone on the other side. You try the door, locked.)
"I could break it down, probably." (Ramos suggests.)
(You shake your head.) "Too much noise."
"Uhm, what about the outside window?" (Mira asks.)
(You make a face.) "Yeah, that could work. Again."
"Why didn't you go in a window this time?" (Ramos asks.)
(Your face was all the response they needed.)
<It wasn't that bad.>
". . . W-well. . . Where, where else can we check?" (Asks Mira, finger to her chin.)
"I'm. . . Hmm. . ." (You tap your foot.) ". . . Your room, Jans, double check my own room."
"Lets check yours- out of Odile's way, hopefully, and maybe Isa did something." (Ramos suggests. You nod.)
<Your rooms one door down. Right side. You have a key for it in your pocket.>
(How did- Oh, it was YOU who was in charge this morning then?)
<It was. What of it.>
(Unpack that another day. You get to your room, listen at the door for a moment, then unlock it. The three of your slip inside and you lock the door behind you.)
"One bed?!?" (You hear Mirabelle exclaim. Uhoh.)
"Stars, you two really are like a bonded couple." (Ramos jokes, giving you a look.)
"S-shut up! I thought it was going to be two beds!!"
"Suuuuuure." (Ramos rolls their eyes.)
(You tug up the collar of your cloak. Stupid. Dumb. At least they wont remember this. You go over to your pack to check if everything's in order, only to find it isn't.)
"Oh blind it all!" (Your pack had been completely upturned, belongings spread out across the floor. Stars, what on earth was this?!? Null, did you forget to lock up once you woke up?!?)
<No. I made sure to lock the door.>
(Great. Mira came to your side with a sour look.) "Was, anything stolen?"
(You crouch down, sorting through your things.) "No, it doesn't look like it, but. . ."
(Among the items was a lot of scrap paper. You had been noting things down on them. A lot of things. Before you realized your amnesia was partially caused by freeloaders in your head, you had made notes to yourself. A lot of those notes you didn't remember. Each of those notes were laid out neatly, like someone was looking through them.)
"Someone tried getting in here." (Ramos comments, you look over, they were inspecting the window.)
<That window's stuck.>
"But isn't that window stuck?" (You echo.)
"Yep, but. . . Here, here and here, signs of an attempted forced entry. Probably gave up 'cause it would make too much noise."
<Very, very concerning. There is a good chance that was last night.>
(Yeah yeah.) "Who was trying to get in then?"
(Ramos shrugged.) "I dunno. Someone who could scale up to a second story window?"
"But whoever it was, that might be who we're looking for!!" (Mira says, almost excited.) "Oh this is like a murder mystery!!"
"But without the murder." (You hope.) "Stars, what a mess. . ."
"Don't think there's anything else here." (Ramos comments.) "Where to next?"
"I'm not sure. It was around now that Odile showed up last time." (You sit down on your bed.) "She was upstairs, and I opened the door and. . ."
<Quiet down, then.>
(You hold up a hand, and a finger to your lips, and listened.)
(. . . There were a few footsteps outside, from down the hall. There were a few voices, possibly the other traveling group. No-one coming upstairs. . . You hear some light footsteps run past your door, followed by a slower, heavier pair.)
<Going downstairs. Light footsteps are possibly Wren. Possibly Bonnie. Check that out next Loop. Heavier footsteps are either Odile or Vixul. Most likely Odile and Bonnie then, right?>
(Then you should go check on them! Make sure they're alright!)
<No. If Odile is being effected by Mind Craft, which I think she is, then Bonnie is too.>
(You frown. Stars, you hate that he's right. You wait a few moments more before saying in a low whisper.) "That might have been Odile going downstairs."
"R-right." (Mira nods.) "What, w-what's next then, Siffrin?"
"Don't know." (You shrug.) "This was where I died last time."
(You see Mirabelle wince at that. Oh, right, she's still not used to you dying. Eh, it was fine. You think for a moment, where to go next. . .)
"Uh. . ." (Ramos spoke up.) "I, know you can't exactly take a note thought the loops, but, maybe going through daily events could help? Where everyone is and such?"
"Right. . ." (You tap your foot. Where would you even start with that?) "Next loop, though."
"A-alright." (Ramos replies. They look out the window to the rain.)
(There's an awkward silence, and you're not sure what to do right now. Sneak to one of the other rooms? You weren't sure if Odile was still out there waiting for you. You were really sure she was downstairs now, but you didn't know.)
<There is still a lot to think about, Siffrin. For one, why did, assumedly Isabeau, look through your things?>
(Because he's being mind controlled?)
<No, stupid. Think deeper. Why would he be commanded to do that.>
(Why would he- right. Someone is in control, after all. Was it who talked to Ramos and gave them that star? They did seem like prime suspects, and they were interested in their guardian who was from the Island. Were they looking for more about the Island?)
<Good. You're on track. What about people we know are here.>
(Well. . . Jan? Maybe? No that just doesn't seem right-)
<"Doesn't seem right" isn't a good reason.>
(Alright, what about Vixul and her group? Sure, they seemed just as confused about this as you were, but she was a researcher. It would be up her ally.)
<Getting better, keep going.>
(What about that mystery couple who left this morning? We don't know much- well, anything about them.)
<Then that's who you should look into, right?>
(But they left long before any of this Mind Craft started! Who knows if-)
"Crabbing Stars-!"
(The strange mix of curses snaps you back to reality. You turn to Ramos, whos face was pressed against the glass, looking, concerned.)
"W-what's wrong???" (Mira asks, standing up. You stand too, going to the window. Ramos moves to let you look.)
"It's that sadness again." (Says Ramos. As you look out. . . Stars, it was. It was barreling towards the homestead. Looking as mean as last time! Come ON!  Why did this have to happen NOW!!)
"O-oh, oh no-" (Mira grabbed her sword, moving to the door.)
"Mirabelle wait, just a second." (You start.) "If, if we just rush out there, then we could be stuck between, u-uhm-"
(You stop talking at the look Mirabelle gives you. R-right. You, you couldn't just, leave a sadness to run rampant, even if you were looping.)
(You hear a crash from downstairs, and a scream. The three of you race to save the day.)
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raina-at · 4 months
Bakers, again, and a very direct sequel to this ficlet from last year. It doesn't stand alone quite as well, but keep in mind that in this universe, John was working in an inner-city A+E during the worst of the pandemic, and I think the rest is self-explanatory. (It's also maybe a bit of hubris to explain the premise of this ficlet with a reference to another ficlet, and not the original story, but I'm sort of assuming if you know me it's probably for these two dorks, so here we are ;-))
One of the things Sherlock loves most about John is that he’s the least sneaky person Sherlock knows. Every time John tries to keep a secret from Sherlock, he’s so transparent about it he might as well be wearing a neon sign. 
The thing is, the absolute foundation of their relationship is trust. When Sherlock asked John for more, John took a gigantic leap of faith for Sherlock. John trusted Sherlock not to break his heart, and he trusted Sherlock to stay clean.
In return, Sherlock trusts John unconditionally. He can’t imagine John hurting him. It just wouldn’t happen. He trusted John every time he came home late from the hospital, and he trusted him every time he lost his temper and went out for a walk to cool off. He knows, for a stone cold fact, that John would never hurt him, never betray him. The one time Mycroft offered to have John surveilled, Sherlock laughed in his face and told his brother to grow the fuck up. Mycroft was noticeably taken aback by this, and asked how Sherlock could be so sure. 
Sherlock still remembers this day, because he finally realised that in this one area of life, he knows so much more than his formerly all-knowing big brother. He looked long and hard at Mycroft and said, “That’s what trust is.”
Mycroft never mentioned the subject again. 
So. Sherlock trusts John absolutely. That’s why Sherlock never tries to find out what secrets John is keeping, because they mostly turn out to be surprises for Sherlock. And Sherlock might be a certified arsehole—at least if you believe his YouTube comment section—but he’s not going to ruin the joy John takes in surprising him by calling him on the bad sneaking around. 
All that having been said, this time, Sherlock is a tiny bit worried. Mostly because John seems to be. John is being incredibly obvious again, clicking away tabs and hiding things under pillows when Sherlock enters the room, having quiet phone conversations he takes to other rooms, even skiving off work one day, to apparently—judging from the dirt on his shoes and the rain on his jacket— traipsing around the countryside somewhere. Normally all this sneaking around would be accompanied by sly grins and sparkling eyes, but this time, he catches John looking at him worriedly. John’s also having trouble sleeping, and when he’s very tired he rubs his hand over the leg that bothers him every time he’s stressed.
Conclusion: Whatever John is doing, he’s worried about Sherlock’s reaction when he finds out. 
Sherlock debates whether he should say something, but in the end he decides against it. Whatever John is up to, he’s apparently working his way up to telling Sherlock, and Sherlock will just have to be patient.
Not his best discipline, it has to be said. But since he can’t imagine anything he wouldn’t do for John if asked, and he can’t imagine John asking something of him he wouldn’t be willing to give, he says nothing, and waits.
Thankfully, John doesn’t keep him waiting for long.
It’s about a month after the whole sneaky business started. It’s Saturday and sunny outside when John asks, trying and failing to be casual, “Any plans for the day?”
Sherlock looks up from the accounts spreadsheets he was pretending to peruse and gives John a look over the rim of the glasses he reluctantly wears now. “Are you finally ready?” he asks, knowing John will understand.
John rubs a hand over his thigh, a classic nervous tell. “I think so. Yes.”
“Show me,” Sherlock says. “Show me now.”
The house is beautiful. 
Sherlock stands outside in the generous garden and breathes in the smell of green and rain and the ocean.
The house is a quaint brick cottage, with a generous sitting room and library downstairs, and two bedrooms and a bathroom upstairs. It’s situated a five minutes’ walk from the train station. Trains go to London every half hour, transit takes forty-five minutes to Waterloo. The village is small but thriving. The sea is an easy five-minute walk away.
It’s idyllic. Peaceful.
And it has a tiny, dark, pokey kitchen. The oven is small and barely usable. There’s no room for his equipment, for his ingredients. 
“Hey,” John’s arms come around him from behind. 
Sherlock leans back into him and says nothing. He doesn’t want to disappoint John, but he can’t live here.
“Want to see the barn?” John asks, and there’s a great deal of amusement in his voice.
Before Sherlock can answer, John takes his hand and drags him to the barn. He opens the door and presents the inside to Sherlock with a knowing grin. 
Sherlock gapes as he steps inside. The entire barn has been transformed into a professional kitchen. Ovens, walk-in fridge, gleaming work surfaces. Large windows let in a lot of natural light. Wooden countertops, lovely light fittings. 
“The house belongs to the owner of the local bakery,” John says from behind him, watching with a fond smile as Sherlock runs his fingers over the gleaming surfaces, the shelves, the ovens. “She used the barn as a kitchen, since the bakery is so small. It’s pretty much just a storefront. If you want to, we can look at it later. It’s also for sale.”
Sherlock looks up from inspecting the oven. “Is it now.”
John swallows, looking nervous again. “Mike runs a primary care centre in Brighton. They have an opening. I could commute from London, of course, no problem, but I thought, maybe…” he trails off.
Sherlock looks around the kitchen. A purchase of this size would mean selling 221B as well as the bakery. He bought out Amit’s daughters when he died, so the property is his to do with as he pleases. It’s doable. Easily. It’s also a huge step he’s not in the least considered before.
But then his brain fully catches up to the implications of what John is saying. “You’re quitting,” he whispers. “You’re quitting the hospital.”
John looks down, a bit embarrassed, and shrugs. “Seemed like the thing to do.” He looks up at Sherlock again, who’s staring at him in shock. “You said I could do what I wanted, remember? Well, this is what I want. If you want it too, that is. I know it’s a lot to ask. Not trying to force you into—”
“Shut the fuck up right this second,” Sherlock breathes, then walks over and pulls John into a searing kiss. “Do you know,” Sherlock mutters between increasingly frantic kisses, “what I would do to get you out of that fucking hospital?”
John lets himself be kissed for a few moments, then draws back. “But your bakery—”
“I’m the bakery. I can bake anywhere. You know that the channel makes more money than the bakery does, anyway. I could close up today and be financially better off.”
“But you love it,” John whispers, running his thumb tenderly over Sherlock’s cheekbone. “This isn’t an either or, you know. I’m quitting either way. We can stay in London and I can commute.”
“And run yourself into the ground like you’ve done the last three years?” Sherlock shakes his head.  “I don’t think so.”
“It’s a lot to ask,” John says quietly. 
“Listen to me,” Sherlock says, taking John’s face in his hands to ensure John is looking at him. He needs to make John see that this is the very definition of a no-brainer, and in fact one of the easiest decisions of Sherlock's life. “I love the bakery. And I love London, and 221B, but I love you so much more, it’s not even remotely a fair comparison. You’ve always supported me. I think now it’s my turn.  Will you let me do this for you? Please?”
“Well,” John says softly, giving him a small smile. “If you insist.”
“I do,” Sherlock says, kissing John’s forehead gently. “Also, you found me a house with the most beautiful kitchen in the world, and if you think for one second that you’re getting out of this now, then you’re certifiably insane.”
John laughs and sags into Sherlock, obviously relieved. “I haven’t even gotten around to showing you the beehives,” he murmurs into Sherlock’s shirt.
Sherlock smiles into John’s hair. “When do we move in?”
Tags under the cut as always, please let me know if you want to be tagged or untagged. Also, I hope it's not bothering anyone that I'm doing so many ficlets where you kind of need prior knowledge of some of my work. I'm always trying to make them as stand-alone-y as possible.
@dapetty @calaisreno @totallysilvergirl @jrow @peanitbear @jolieblack @meetinginsamarra @helloliriels @keirgreeneyes @lisbeth-kk @friday411 @givemesherbet-blog-blog @salmonsown @weeesi @thalialunacy @thegildedbee
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whumblr · 2 months
Crossed out - Continued from ch.5 - Prologue
All worries and what-ifs accumulated over the day coiled together into a big ball of fear, bouncing heavily in his stomach now that he stood in front of Nero’s office door.
Lucas tried to expel the worries with a large exhale. He didn’t need what-ifs. He knew perfectly well he was going to sleep with a black eye tonight. That is… if he made it that far and if sleep could still be considered sleep or if it slipped into a more permanent state of unconsciousness. Like a coma. Or—
He knocked. Because not going in would probably be even worse.
The low voice rumbling through the door made him tense up, but Lucas pushed through, tilting himself up, ignoring the weight increasing in his stomach.
“Warden Mathison,” he forced out as greeting. Nero sat at his desk, wearing his white button-up. Leaving Lucas to assume that he went out today.
“Ah, Varga. Right on time.”
Yeah, he didn’t need to push his luck by being a few seconds late. Lucas closed the door and glanced around.
The office was larger than he’d expected. Or maybe his expectations were now just a little skewed, having gotten used to the tiny living arrangements in this place. Nero’s desk was directly on the right as he entered, leaving a large space ahead up to the windows, probably overseeing the courtyard. The arrangement made sense; Nero didn’t seem like someone who would sit with his back to the window.
Lucas was, however, more interested in other details. The file cabinets lining the wall next to the desk, for example. How he wished to flip through the contents, probably chockful of evidence of every infringement of human rights over the years. Not to mention there was a phone on Nero’s desk. And a computer. Should Nero ever make the mistake of leaving him alone in here, or better, if he could break his way in here, the first thing he’d do was try to contact Ava. Now all he needed was the key to the warden’s office. And the determination to get straight up murdered in this room because Nero wouldn’t take kindly to it…
Still. There were lifelines.
Nero stood, slowly rounding his desk, letting his hand rest on a piece of paper that he slid to the front of the desk.
“Your letter of representation. Only needs your signature.” He deliberately placed a pen next to it and took a step back, giving Lucas something that gave the illusion of space. The oppressive aura of silent expectations, however, remained, pressing up against him.
Lucas ignored it, gingerly stepped closer and scanned the letter. They hadn’t used his full name. Something Ava would immediately pick up on. That is, if he ever were to sign this thing and if she’d ever get to see it.
“I don’t know why you need this.” He put the letter back onto the desk. “There’s never even gonna be a trial, is there?”
Nero gave a wry smile. “We need it for the paper trail,” he merely said, not answering the question, which gave Lucas all he needed. “See it as a formality.”
“I still refuse.”
“I see.”
Lucas registered the hand on the back of his head. But what happened after was a blur.
Without warning, Nero slammed him forward, doubling him over, ramming him face first into the desk.
It was like getting hit by a wrecking ball. The shock blasted through him, rattled his brain, turned his legs to mush. Before he could even slump over, the hand on his head slid down to the collar of his shirt, and not only held him up but threw him backwards across the room.
He crashed into the floor with a sharp cry. Barely had the presence of mind to see Nero take a large step towards him. And he kicked him right in his stomach.
He spewed the air from his lungs. Coughed. Retched. Slammed a hand flat to the floor, as if bracing to launch himself up, away, back, whatever way to safety. But his body refused to follow and he collapsed on his front, twisting in pain, protecting his torso. But a second blow didn’t come.
Nero simply loomed over him, watching him, expression neutral but tainted with the barest hint of disdain.
Lucas couldn’t help it and scooted back, drew in a shaky breath. The little breather didn’t give much of a break. In fact, it allowed his body to catch up with what happened. Pain slammed into him, like another full body blow, starting with his head. It felt like his forehead was going to explode. A piercing pain kept repeatedly stabbing from the inside out, throbbing where Lucas was sure a new huge bump was going to form.
“So, what,” he wheezed, “You’re gonna— You’re just gonna beat me until I sign?!”
“It’s a little more nuanced than that,” Nero said. “As I said, you are also here to learn about the rules.”
Lucas curled up with a hiss, head pounding spreading pain with every heartbeat. God, yes, please, he much preferred a lecture about the rules.
“It’s quite simply, really,” Nero said, stepping past him like he was dirt on the floor and pretended to look out the window. “The basic rule here is, you do as you’re told. And right now, you are breaking that mother of rules. So, naturally, there are consequences.”
“Nuanced,” Lucas scoffed, glanced over his shoulder to make sure he wouldn’t get another kick in the back. He sat up, clasping an arm around his stomach, face twisting in pain, voice warping along with it. “Potayto, potahto, really. You’ll just keep going until I do what you want!”
Nero, hands clasped behind his back, turned back to him. “There is one thing that can help you avoid all this.”
He swiftly stepped forward, pulled the baton from his belt and in one movement swung full force at Lucas’ head.
Lucas flinched hard. Fell back, made himself as small as possible and threw his hands over his head.
But the expected blow didn't hit home. The baton stopped merely an inch from his cheekbone. A shocked silence. Then a shivery exhale of relief escaped him.
“That’s it.” Nero straightened back up. “Fear. It’s already taken a hold of you.”
“I wouldn't—“ Lucas took a deep breath to get some air back into his lungs and the squeak out of his voice. “I wouldn’t call an automatic physical response fear now.”
“It doesn't matter what you call it. It’s the first step. Only the first... and it will keep growing. Spreading its roots further and further, until it makes your limbs still, your knees buckle, and finally spreading up until your mind succumbs. By then you’ll have learned that talking back only brings you more pain, and how much easier it is to just follow the rules.”
“You mean obey.”
Nero shrugged. “Potayto, potahto,” he echoed. “You can fight it, of course. Cut off those roots that pull you down. But you’ll only make things harder on yourself. It’s easier to just let the fear take you. Let it protect you.”
Lucas shakily got to his knees. But when he planted a foot under him to straighten up again, the baton came down lightly, resting on his shoulder, warning him to stay put. He snarled. “I will keep fighting it.” And he swiped the baton from his shoulder, getting back up.
Nero merely gave a single solemn nod and raised the baton again, preparing for a backhanded swing. “Then I will see to it manually until you get it.”
This time he didn’t hold back. The baton crashed against his face. Lucas cried out, twisted away. Tensed every muscle back from its mushy state to remain upright. He stumbled back, hunching over, panting hard.
He watched as Nero’s fist tightened around the baton, preparing another backhand strike. He drew up, raised his arms to catch the strike in the palm of his ha—
A sharp blast in his stomach caught him completely by surprise. He coughed out a shocked yelp of pain. His body completely locked up, arm still up. Instead of aiming up at his face, Nero had merely given a sharp jab. He glanced down, to the baton in Nero’s fist resting against his abdomen, up to Nero’s cold grey eyes.
Only when Nero’s fist retreated, and the end of the baton poking out of said fist dug free from his stomach, he collapsed to his knees. He folded over, forehead nearly touching the ground, and he rocked back and forth, groaning and cursing in pain.
The baton tapped on his shoulder. The tip slid down, rested under his chin, and forced his head up. He followed, eyes watering, squeezed half shut, until he locked with Nero’s unimpressed gaze.
“But we don’t have to go this way. Every night,” Nero crooned, lightly turning the baton. “Think it over. Tonight. You are going to sign it eventually. It would be a shame if you would lose some bodily function over something easily avoided.”
He stepped back, put the baton back on his belt, and gestured for Lucas to get up.
“Go get some rest and tomorrow, we’ll try again.”
Lucas, not fully trusting there wouldn’t be another blow, shakily got up on his knees.
“Come on, you’re fine. Get up.” Nero grabbed him hard by the arm and pulled him up. “And if you’re not…” He shoved him towards the door. “Then you’ll know what to do tomorrow.”
Continued here
Tag list: @gala1981 @chaotic-orphan @lolrpop
@andithewhumper @tippytappytyping @suspicious-whumping-egg
@cherrychupachup @alexmundaythrufriday
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takami-takami · 1 year
Stray Dogs Will Crawl Home.
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includes— hawks x reader. minors dni. angst (with a happy ending).
warnings— gn!reader. breakups. keigo's trauma because i can't give this man a break and he needs to heal.
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For better or for worse, Keigo has always been thrust into the role of decision maker.
Sure, on the inside, his emotions pick and chew at his open wounds; but the man has driven the proverbial and literal knife into far too many backs to hesitate when he leaves you.
He can do what needs to be done. It's for your own good. You deserve more than half a man, more than the scraps of whatever is left crawling to your door after another day of putting his goals of building a peaceful society before you.
The night before he left you, stone-faced to contrast your tears and begs of 'why' on the cold of your doorstep, he lay on his side and watched you sleep. Tracing the bridge of your nose with the tip of a finger, he wondered, throat tight, what you'd think of him if you knew the truth of what he's done.
He can't bear to offer you a man who's already sold himself. You shouldn't have to shoulder the weight of his sins. He tells himself it's for the greater good, but under the cobwebs of his bed, he knows a smaller, childlike voice is telling him you deserve someone who isn't dirtied by a life counting shades of moral grey.
It aches like he's dying, sure, but that's what hero work is for, right? He can throw himself into the trenches, hour after hour, until the sun looms over the horizon and the lovebirds' chirps announce the arrival of another morning without you.
For what everyone in the media says about him being a 'golden boy', he just doesn't feel the sun without you.
His subordinates ask more than a few questions about the bags under his eyes, why his glowing smile has fizzled to a mere plastic performance. It's even easier to brush them off than it was to brush off you, to smile wider and turn the question on them— an unspoken order to fucking drop it.
But Keigo's kryptonite, the deep burn that itches under the layers of his skin, is that he's well aware of what happens after someone like you becomes single. The thought crawls under the remains of his bones, and as he perches on the highest point of the city, he makes the mistake of allowing himself to entertain it. If he wasn't weighed down under the drags of sleep deprivation, he'd curse himself for being so weak.
Deep down, he knows what happens after the weeks of digging through tubs of comfort food on the couch are over. You'll stop sobbing over the phone with your best friend. You'll probably start scheduling little dates with people who remind you less and less of him with each passing one.
You're going to move on.
Someone else's fingers will press against your skin. Someone else's quips will cause you to laugh into your sleeve, someone else will hear your shaky breaths under the cover of the night, someone else will whisper promises they can't keep.
Someone else is going to make a spouse of you.
He winces. Shaking his head to clear his thoughts, he takes a single stride off the ledge and surges upwards with the beat of his wings.
He makes a note to add another shift to his schedule. Maybe two.
Are you thinking of him? If you were here, he knows you'd tell him to be open with you, to stop 'being so goddamn stubborn'. You'd tell him he deserves a break from pushing his emotions down, that you knew damn well what you signed up for when you decided to be his, and to just trust your judgement for once.
To make matters worse, you'd frame it sweet, hook the words around his heart like a taffy lasso, make it so he can't resist. You do know how much he likes it sweet.
It picks at the anger thrumming in his veins. You expect him to lay himself bare? To expose the rawest parts of him, despite the commission's repeated orders not to? You expect him to be selfish?
Why does he want so badly to be selfish?
He should definitely add two more shifts to his schedule.
His phone begins to ring, startling him from his musings. He knows exactly who it is from the first note. Your favorite song plays on his speaker; the one you confessed reminds you of him, with your thumb swiping over the raised hairs on his skin. His heart hammers in the cavity of his chest, pleading to be let out.
He can't be fucking rid of you. Keigo's heart, his mind, his very bones crackle with the fire he frantically tries to put out. God, he wants to burn, wants to drag himself by his fingertips to the door of your chapel and beg you to just finish him off. He wouldn't mind serving as the ash of your incense. He'd do anything for a chance to fill your lungs.
Shit. He scrambles to dig his phone from his pocket, nearly dropping it like hot coals when he attempts to pick it up.
"H-Hey, sweetheart!" He cringes at the puppy-like excitement in his voice at the mere sound of yours. "I'm s-sor— I," he stutters for far too long before he finally gives up. Sighing into the speaker, resigned, he squeezes his eyes shut and says exactly what his mind is screaming he shouldn't.
"Can we talk?"
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bingoboingobongo · 2 years
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Pairing: Simon “Ghost” Riley (Call of Duty) x Reader
Type: Angst
Summary: Simon’s finally home, so you should be happy right? Wrong.
Word Count: 1.6k
Warnings: anxiety, stress, tbh probably signs of depression too, pasta consuption (sorry ppl who r gluten free), explicit language
A/N: bruh. um. barely beta-read we die like men. yes i said i would be back by january yes i lied. definitely 100% not inspired by real life. tl;dr i hate mock trial, all the guys at my school are boring or annoying, and i’m on the verge. enjoy :)
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It felt wrong to say, like really wrong, like going against every single thing you knew to be right and good with the world wrong, but Simon was really hurting you right now. Part of the reason why it felt so wrong to say was because it wasn’t even Simon’s fault. It wasn’t anything that he was or wasn’t doing that was hurting you, and there wasn’t anything he could or couldn’t do to make you feel better.
You felt terrible, even though you should’ve been feeling amazing, even though you should’ve been feeling ecstatic that after so long of being away on duty, he was finally back home, back in your bed, back in your arms. You felt guilty. You felt guilty because he was here and you should be happy and you should have been cherishing him and spending as much time as you could with him, and for some reason you couldn’t. 
There was something hanging over your head, some insufferable, suffocating, terrifying cloud of stress and anxiety following you around that made you want to burst into tears at any second, and you didn’t even know why. You just felt bad. And Simon didn’t deserve that, not after everything he had been through, all the horrors he had seen. He deserved someone happy, someone who could cheer him up and smile with him, not someone who couldn’t even figure out what was making them feel like this.
It was horrible, how every time you saw him sleeping or washing the dishes or reading a book, your stomach twisted and the lump in your throat grew, how even just the sight of him made you feel so guilty for feeling bad around him, which of course just only made you feel worse, and therefore more guilty.
It was exhausting, and you wanted nothing more than to break down and cry and let it all out, but you couldn’t. Simon didn’t deserve to have to deal with that, he didn’t deserve to have to help you figure out what was making you feel like this when you didn’t even know how to tackle it on your own.
And even though you hated to admit it, you were secretly counting down the days until he left for duty again. Until you had another chance to put yourself back together and finally greet him with a sincere smile and a warm hug like you should’ve been able to do when he first came back. You just needed a chance to sort yourself out, a second chance.
Which is why when he said he had important news to tell you tonight, a tiny part of you lit up with excitement, shamefully praying that maybe, just maybe, he had to go back to whatever classified base he had spent the last five months at. And it made you sick that you were thinking that, that you wanted him gone so badly, but you couldn’t help it. It was so exhausting to smile at him and nod along to his conversations and act like you didn’t want to just drop off the face of the earth.
And now here he was, wearing a way-too-small ‘kiss the cook’ apron you had gotten him as a gag gift, standing in front of the stove while something that smelled way to good to be shitty Chinese takeout — your normal meal for when he told you he had to leave again — and you couldn’t help the way your stomach dropped when he turned around with one of the biggest smiles you had ever seen him wear on his face.
If he noticed the faint terror on your face, he didn’t mention it, instead taking your bag off of you and ushering you to the dining table, where he placed a delicious smelling plate of pasta in front of you and urged you to try it. Putting on a smile, you reached for your fork, but time seemed to slow down as you tried to take a bite out of the pasta. You felt like some invisible force was squeezing down on you, slowing your movements as it pressured you to put on a happy face for Simon. When you finally took a bite, you didn’t taste anything. You knew it wasn’t the food itself; it smelled delicious and it looked like it’d taste like heaven, but the dread bubbling in your stomach was all-consuming.
But Simon needed this, and you knew he needed this, so you closed your eyes and tossed your head back like it was the most delicious thing you had ever had. You groaned, “This… this is delicious, Simon. How did you make it?”
You tried to be happy at how relieved he looked at what you said, but instead it just made you feel more guilty. You watched as his hand reached for the back of his neck, something he always did whenever you complimented him, and his lips moved around in some slurry of words. You couldn’t hear anything, or at least your brain wasn’t processing it. You were too focused on making it seem like you were absorbing every single thing he said, like everything was fine.
At a certain point he sat down across from you, and you watched him fold a napkin neatly over his lap as he got ready to eat.
“What was that news you wanted to tell me about?” You asked, surprising yourself. 
“Oh right,” Simon said, before quickly taking a bite of food. You tried to ignore the way your stomach dropped as his next sentence — although garbled and unclear due to the food he was eating — left his mouth. You had just heard him wrong, right? Yes, that had to be it. It was just your ears playing tricks on you, nothing more. Right?
“Um,” you said, swallowing, “what did you say?” You tried to put on a good face when you said that, a face that said ‘I’m so happy’ and not ‘I think this may send me over the edge,’ but by the way Simon’s chewing stopped abruptly you could tell you failed.
You watched as he swallowed slowly, setting down his fork and wiping his mouth neatly before continuing. “I said… I said I won’t have to leave for another four months.”
There was no hiding it now. As soon as the words left his mouth you felt a wave of emotion crash over you, and before you knew it you were crying. You felt embarrassed. Although it was blurred by tears, you could see Simon’s face just a few feet away from you. He was sitting quietly still, a complete opposite to your shaking, sobbing, body.
You could hear him call out your name, which just made you cry even harder. You didn’t know why you were doing this, you wanted so badly to stop, to just shut up, to not embarrass yourself any further, but you couldn’t. It was like you didn’t have control over your body anymore. You felt like your body was being tossed around by the cruel waves of emotion. You didn’t know how to do anything but cry. It was washing over you and you couldn’t do anything to stop it. You could feel the cold air burn your lungs as you tried to gasp for some sort of breath, but nothing helped.
For a moment, you thought you were better, but then you felt Simon’s hand on your back and you were drowning again. The way your cries grew louder and the sobs racked through your body harder when he wrapped his arms around you made you feel terrible, but you couldn’t do anything to stop it. So many emotions were battering your body: shame, exhaustion, dismay, embarrassment, love, fear.
At a certain point though, your cries began to quiet down. You became aware of Simon’s hand stroking the back of your head and the strong cocoon he had wrapped you in. Your heart rate began to slow down, and the only evidence that you had been crying was the still damp tracks down your cheeks and the erratic hiccups that jolted through your body.
You felt Simon’s chest rise like he was going to say something, and a spark of anxiety raced through your body again. You didn’t want to talk about this. You wanted to pretend this never happened. You wanted to grab your things and leave. You wanted to come back the next morning with two coffees — one black, just like he likes it, and one with way so much cream and sugar it’s almost inedible just because you know it pisses him off — and start talking about how he has to watch James Gunn’s Suicide Squad because it’s so much better than the one with Jared Leto. 
But instead of asking if you wanted to talk about it or if you were okay or some other anxiety-inducing conversation starter that would only lead to more tears and confusion, all he said was “Do you wanna go to sleep?”
And for a moment you didn’t say anything, but then you slowly nodded your head against his chest and wrapped your arms around his waist as he picked you up. He didn’t say anything as he brought you to your bedroom or when he helped you change into your pajamas or when he pulled the covers over you and pulled you close to his chest. And yet, even though he was a man typically shrouded in mystery and confusion, you could tell by how tight he was holding you that he was telling you something, even if it wasn’t out loud.
He was telling you that it would be okay, that he knew you could get through this, and that even if it wasn’t he would be there with you. And it wouldn’t be suffocating anymore and you wouldn’t have to feel like you had to hide things from him, you could just be, and he would be there for you. And that was all you needed as you drifted off to sleep.
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The Rebound
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TW: Angst due to breakup. Smut. Language. Cheating. Praise kink. 
SUMMARY: Your breakup with Rafe leads you into the unexpected comfort of Ward. 
I love all your writing but the Ward fics so good!!! Can you do one where Rafe broke up with reader and when she’s leaving tannyhill crying her eyes out she runs into Ward and he invites her into his office because he wants to know what’s wrong with her and when she tells him about Rafe he feels bad and tells her a bunch of sweet things that kind of calms her down and she kisses him and he’s surprised at first but then he takes her to his room and fucks her 
The Rebound 
You weren't sure what you should have expected as he was emotionless from the moment you had begun dating him. And yet the bitter sting of his words had been enough to make you question every ounce of self esteem you had accumulated until now. All because his reason for breaking that bond of monogamous trust had been for a friend of yours he had been sleeping with behind your back. The signs had been visible enough to warrant warnings from your other friends. And yet, it was not enough until he attempted to blame you for his inability to remain devoted that you understood that initial hesitancy when everyone began to learn of your relationship. But despite that cautionary care, you were blinded by the glamor of his life and the rush of his touch. But it had done nothing to mend how cold he could be. 
Tears blinded you enough that you hadn't noticed the sudden body make its way into the hallway as he'd heard your steps. 
"Whoa, everything okay?" Ward asked as he saw the state of your usually polished appearance. Even if you were not pristine in the natural effortlessness Sarah had, the state in which you were in at this moment had been enough for him to understand you were disheveled both physically and emotionally. Soft eyes made red and puffy from tears. Sniffles interrupting the deception you attempted to explain. He saw through it all as he invited you into his office. 
"Here..." He offered a tissue from a box, disposing of it in disregard at his back while leaning on the edge of his desk and refocusing on you. 
"I'm sure whatever it is will work itself out between the two of you." 
"Not this time..." 
"I'm sure it feels that way now..." 
"No, Mister Cameron. It's over." The words made your tears return. "He's been sleeping with Scarlett...He told me I was too..." You paused. 
"It's okay. You can talk to me...I do have two daughters, remember?" You nodded, feeling desperate to talk about it to someone. And since your friends were his and they would take his side in probability, you relinquished your innermost thoughts to him. 
"He told me I wasn't experienced enough. That she was...that she knew how to please him and he...he pitied me-" 
Ward paused for a second before leading a tissue to your cheek. 
"Can I be honest?" 
You nodded. 
"Rafe is choosing a girl, not a woman. A mometary...fling because he's scared and in disregard to a good thing when he has it. The problem is that you are good for Rafe and he lived through his vices. You are too..." 
"Mature." You scoffed. 
"Mature enough to want to go home and drown myself in every sugary food I can find?" He smirked as if he understood somehow. 
"Mature enough to know how to handle a relationship. And I was hoping he would have done this before you got too invested. Because I didn't want to see you get hurt...You are a very smart and sweet girl...a bright future and..." You became lost at his kind words, becoming entranced by the way he captivated you with such adjectives that Rafe couldn't even fathom, let alone offer in conviction. But you heard them from Ward now. And they were offered with such determination and passion that you actually believed them. 
You became lost in his words. In his kindness. In him. Enough that you hadn't realized your action until feeling his reservation. The surprisingly soft warmth of his lips stilled to yours would prompt you quickly into retraction. 
"I'm so sorry, oh my God...Mister Cameron, I'm SO sorry...you were just so sweet and I'm...I'm an emotional wreck, I'm-" 
"It's okay..." He breathed slowly, as if to consider his next words carefully, as his eyes cast momentarily to the side to think in silence. 
"I have never wanted to disappear or take anything back more than-" 
"That's disappointing..." Your eyes flashed to him as he set a loose strand of your hair behind your ear. "Because I don't regret it." 
"Mister Cameron, I-" 
"But I don't want to be some rebound. Especially to him. So I am going to give you a choice. And before you act with your heart or...your lust...I am asking you to think about it." He took a step further, a palm pressed to each cheek, hard enough to feel that gold ring on his left hand reminding you of Rose, but a touch soft enough to forget to care. 
"Walking out those doors of the kitchen, I'll take you home. We will pretend tonight never happened and you'll live your life with this being an unfortunate situation you'll learn from." 
He grinned at your curiosity and enthusiasm. 
"Or...You climb those steps to wait in my room. Take off everything but your lingerie. You don't touch anything until I come to you. Not yourself. Not the handle to leave. Which is why I am giving you a moment to think it over. Because once the decision is made, there is no going back either way." 
He leaned closer, a soft kiss making your eyes fluttered closed. 
"For your consideration..." 
But to this, you would steady yourself when looking him dead in the eyes. 
"I don't need to consider anything." You taunted before moving to the direction of the steps, looking back at him before climbing those steps. 
But he would still leave you in waiting. Even after you had obeyed to perfection. Panties and bra remaining over an otherwise bare physique. It wasn't until you had nearly set out to find him that the door would come open to reveal him pulling the buttons of his sleeves free. 
"I'm not going to fuck you." Your eyes narrowed. "But I'm also not going to make love to you." You swallowed hard to his words. 
"I'm going to make you come. And I'm going to do it sweetly. In the way you deserve. But I want it understood that this isn't a rebound. This is you giving yourself to me-" 
"Yes. Please, Mister Cameron..." He smiled widely. 
"Then come here..." You sauntered over to him as he extended his other sleeve, "Help me, would you, sweetheart? I need to save my fingers for...better ambitions." But as you had finished exposing his wrist and moved to the buttons of his shirt, he pulled you to him with a steady conviction. The way you fisted his shirt contradicted the softness of your kiss while he walked you back to the bed. 
"I want you on your knees. But not tonight. Not when you've already been crying because of him." 
"I don't mind-" He steadied your head between his palms. 
"I do, sweet girl. Tonight is about showing you what you deserve. But you have to learn quietly for me...like a good girl." You clenched your jaw at the remark. 
"Do you like being my good girl?" 
"Yes..." You confessed. 
"Then show me...Get on the bed for me..." You obeyed. 
"Wider for me..." He motioned to your knees. 
"Mmm...I'm going to make you come quickly this first time..." He explained as he unbuckled himself. 
"But next time...you're going to feel every inch. Every ounce. Every second." You nodded as he lifted your legs to his hips. But where you expected his cock, he led your two fingers to yourself instead. 
"Show me." You kept his eyes to you as you pleased yourself. Only allowed to do so for a moment before he replaced your touch. 
"I don't want you to think of anything but how this feels. If you do, if you stall, I'll stop." You nodded before becoming lost in his touch. Those small rubbing turned to gradual flicks before your panties were removed from your hips. Once certain you were delved as deep as him in lust, his fingers were exchanged for his tongue, bjt this would last only a moment. 
"Please, Mister Cameron!" His hand wrapped around your mouth. 
"Quietly, sweetheart. I won't let anyone interrupt us." He finally sunk into you. His cock at a slow pace to lengthen the interaction, all while his fingers and hands groped and twisted at your breasts, doing so somehow gracefully with veiled need. 
"So beautiful. Taken for granted...Until now." You nodded as he kissed your exposed skin softly, picking up his rhythm, as he deepened himself into you. 
Where Rafe had become vicious in sex, Ward was meticulous. Each thrust purposeful and selfless, strokes of a French kiss or a rush across your clit, all existing solely for you. 
"Mister Cameron-" You gasped as that rush emerged from surprise. Your abdomen in a climax to allow it as you were reminded by Sarah’s voice in the hallway that you were not pristine in a loving interaction. This made you dirty, filthy, even. 
"You didn't see her leave?!" Rafe asked Sarah angrily as Ward's hand clasped around your mouth in a slow placement. 
"Well what did you do?" 
"I fucked up, okay? I just-did you see where she went?" 
"He had a chance to take care of you, baby. Now it's my turn..." Ward explained as you were trembling at the edge. His hands devoted to your hips and breasts as his motions made him climb to his own climax. 
"And I am just getting started..." You breathed quickly beneath him. Every inch of your body drowning in guilt quickly quelled by his descent back between your thighs. 
"Mister Cameron-" 
"It's okay. You're mine now…I've got you, my good girl…" 
Taglist: @hopebaker @iovdrew @penny4yourthoughts @magnificantmermaid @pickingviolets @lovedetlost @trikigirl271 @maybankslover @slut4starkey @slvtherinseeker @obxiskewl @obxxrxfes @bluesongbird @slut-era @ailee-celeste @rafesbae @camilynn @sweetestdesire @onmykneesforrafe @drews1love
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glai1023-blog · 4 months
What I thought happened to the Carlos Sainz contract saga (I am not an insider I am just speculating based on the timeline and whatever comes out officially and unofficially) If you don't agree, dont come after me, make your own possible scenario. I'm just a bored F1 fan who has trouble falling asleep and making speculations to pass time:
--2023 Ferrari start contract talks with both Charles and Carlos since both of them have their contracts ending on 2024, they plan on announcing the renewal simultaneously probably in Monza (home ground and all that)
--obviously Charles gets offered a multi-year because I think he has a great management team around him and because he is Ferrari's golden boy, Mr. Todt of course secured a contract favorable for Charles because although he looks like a meek boy I think he is a very ruthless businessman and truly has Charles back, also after the 2022 debacle I think Ferrari wants to get back to Charles good graces. They probabaly just said yes to most of his demands.
-- Carlos gets offered a 1+1 contract which his team countered offer, I dont know how good a negotiator his cousin is but I guess talks slowed down because neither party is willing to back down so announcement gets delayed
--somewhere along negotiation with the Sainz camp, Lewis is reaching his limit with Merc and probably sent a feeler to other teams
--since talks with Carlos' management is going nowhere still, Elkann decides to try his luck with Lewis after discovering he is open to switching teams
--Lewis hits a breaking point with Merc and starts serious talks with Ferrari. Feeling things may be getting clearer with Lewis, Ferrari may or may not have tried to give a final push to Carlos with the 1+1 offer which his camp probably still didn't like and counter offered.
--Ferrari decides to announce the solo multi-year (I still hate Ferrari for making this a thing and not saying the actual numbers) contract renewal of Charles
--Ferrari decides not to renew Carlos' contract. Elkann & Vasseur decides to go full battle gear, all hands on deck negotiations with Lewis which he obviously appreciates and accepted.
--Lewis probably (ehem definitely) signed with Ferrari without giving a heads up to Toto. Ferrari was not planning on announcing Lewis' move the way it came out and it probably (ehem definitely) is leaked by Toto when Lewis informed him after the fact.
--Carlos, now seatless for 2025 gets a lucrative offer from Audi, he is not sure he wants to take his chances with a new team on the grid and decides to try with Redbull and Merc first which kept Audi hanging (I'm not sure how they really felt about that, but since they keep saying very PR friendly statement to the press about Carlos' situation with them lets just say they really want him in their line up)
--Redbull is not going to sign Carlos, there were definitely talks but I dont think Christian likes him that much (that guy has a hard on for Ricciardo) . Merc... merc is in a limbo (like their car) after Lewis drops them a bomb and now they dont know if they should take an early gamble with Kimi or sign a more seasoned driver first 'til Kimi is F1 ready, so they offer Carlos a 1 year (to keep an option open for Kimi) which obviously Sainz camp didn't like.
--So now, Carlos ends up having to choose between accepting the Audi offer (if they still have that offer on the table since Carlos kept them waiting for quite a while) and apparently the Williams seat, because I think its pretty obvious they are not keeping Logan.
And that's how I think it all went down 😂
Can we sleep now, brain?
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not-goldy · 4 months
Some people clearly don't get it. NDA's are a given from BTS. I imagine they probably don't want to do it, but Hybe for sure isn't gonna let these men run around sleep with random people and have them not sign NDA's and run the risk of ruining BTS reputation. Look at Raven Simone who admitted she made all her partners sign NDA's including her wife. That's show business. And it means the person can't do anything or say anything to link to you without risk of being sued or jailed depending on the contract.
Take Nain for example. When Jk DM'd her and everyone was screaming he was a pedo cause she's underage, she stopped and he stopped. He was posting about her often, even tagging her on IG doing her choreo and she was running around showing his DM's and changing her YT name to what he suggested (which is the same name he has on Bam's IG, but just a play on the word Night/Bam) but did you see how quick it took for her to be silenced? So you think JK magically stopped interacting with her and she just decided to be done with him? Or was it he told her to be quiet or Hybe told her to be quiet and respect his privacy and she respected that? Even as friends or Jk just being supportive, Hybe wants no dating scandals. Which is what people were suggesting about him and Nain. So either JK or Hybe set her straight. Which is why when Tae's leaks happened they weren't prepared and didn't know what to say. They couldn't deny it cause it's clearly him in all them pictures with jennie and in Jeju in the car and in Paris. They could only say we don't comment on artists personal lives. Then Tae said fuck it and went public with her holding her hand, cause its the only way he can confirm cause he can't verbally. He said I'm Kim Taehyung bitch. I made Hybe, Hybe didn't make me and he went on vacation with his girlfriend and showed her off to the world. However he went quiet shortly after Paris, which should tell you Hybe does in fact have the last say. Which is shameful, but its their policy. So anyone who thinks someone is gonna hook up with BTS, get cozy in their house and take videos of it and then slowly leak those videos on their own personal IG's, are insane. They would use burner accounts or be anonymous untraceable sources, cause they know they'd be breaking an NDA and going up against Hybe & BTS. Nain found out the hard way. If You brag about DM's. You find out. So I don't believe Jimin's lie being spread. Sorry and I do believe JK when he says he has no GF. So that means whoever was on that tape is nothing to him or its over, if there was even something. Jikook are together right now and nothing can change that and It's all I'm focused on right now.
I agree... except Hybe can't force them to use one in their personal affairs.
It defeats the whole purpose of NDAs if hybe could force them to due to something called privity of contracts and duress and undue influence which legally vitiates contracts💀
It would be easy for them to get out of such contract if they could show hybe forced them to use them🥴
If a clause like that exists it would be unenforceable.
Whatever power hybe has over them is in yet another contract called their contract of employment which controls relations between them and hybe and not third parties who aren't privy to the contract and its nothing they haven't willingly agreed to. Hybe cannot contract with them to bind a third party who has not agreed to that contract.
I think Hybe can advice them to use them for their own good but can't require them to use them in their personal lives. Think about it, no one would want to fuck with them if they felt the company could come after them and no one would sign that NDA either. a provision like that would make it too tedious for them to navigate human relationships.
It's their personal lives, something they have to decide on with their personal lawyers and not hybe.
If hybe is requiring them to that's over stepping their boundaries and they need to lawyer up fast.
But I do see what you mean and I agree
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marixrose · 11 months
I've had a bad flu for the past few days and was wondering if I could get a Hc for the arcana for when Mc catches the flu or some other sickness that makes you feel completely awful.
Sorry for the late post!! 🫂🫶🏼 (added a bonus 🤭)
I’m sorry you were sick! I’m glad you’re feeling better <3
The Arcana: when you are sick
Asra: He is the type to know right away when you are sick. He has all the herbs to make you medicine. He gives you hot tea and makes you lay down in bed all day while he runs the shop. He checks in every thirty minutes to an hour making sure you are okay and to see if you’re getting any better. He will close down the shop if you ever ask to cuddle or to spend time with him because you feel lonely.
Julian: He’s a doctor, he should have the right medicine for you, right? Wrong. He panics and realizes he doesn’t have the right medication for what you’re sick with. He runs to Asras to get herbs or goes to the market to get the medicine. He sits beside your bed and makes sure to check your temperature often. He makes you dinner and brings you water when you need it.
Muriel: He has to ask Julian for advice, probably the only time he talks to him. He gets medicine and makes you food. He keeps the fire going so you don’t get cold. He gets you whatever you ask for. Blanket? you got it. Food? right here. Cuddles? Of course. He can never say “no” to you when you’re sick.
Lucio: At first he will be grossed out and has maids tend to you. After a few hours he feels lonely (and a little bad for leaving you alone) so he spends time with you. He has the maids get you what you need such as food, water, clothes, etc. He is just there to keep you company (and to have an excuse not to do his duties.)
The Arcana: When their sick
Asra: You have to force him to get some rest and get better. Even when he’s sick he tries to run the shop so you have to forcefully close it and rush him off the bed. He doesn’t mind you taking care of him. You make him soap and put a cold rag on his head to help his fever. He ends up sleeping almost all day and cuddles with you.
Julian: He won’t tell you he is sick because since he is a doctor he believes he can take care of himself. It takes a little bit for you to figure out he isn’t doing too well and for you to make him take a break to get some rest. He tries to fight back and say he is fine but you're not hearing it. He does as you say and he tries to get better fast so he doesn’t feel weak.
Muriel: You don’t know when this man is sick. Is he ever sick? I feel like if he was he wouldn’t tell a soul. He goes to Asra for herbs and medicine. He normally takes care of himself he ever does get something but he never shows any signs of being sick.
Lucio: Is an absolute baby. Acts as if the world is ending. Keeps saying “This might be the last day you get to see me” or “I don’t know if I'll be here tomorrow” to guilt trip you into spending time with him. He won't admit this but he loves getting sick so he has a day off of his count duties and he gets to spend the day with you.
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gabessquishytum · 1 year
Inhuman/creature Hob who doesn't know he's not human.
Maybe he's a fae/dragon child that his human family found in the woods and he's been glamoured this entire time. Maybe nobody in his family are human and they're all dragons- but they died when he was too young to be taught much and for whatever reason, he'd forgotten it all by the time he was an adult.
Hob isn't human. It's never been a problem and not even other supernatural beings can tell and the ones who can sense something Other about him just chalk it up to him being immortal.
Time goes on.
Maybe it's because it's been so long- are glamours and spells really supposed to last over 600 years without some touching up?- or it's Dream's magical influence as he and Hob spend more and more time together. But things start going wrong.
The glamour starts to break. The spells start to fade.
Hob starts noticing changes- sharper teeth, nails that seem to grow every day and are getting harder to cut. The desire for more and more meat. He's in denial about how he wants that meat raw, how his eyes seem to be brighter and actually glow, and how his ears seem to have started to point. (The churning of his insides, he chalks up to bad food; the twinges in his back, to bad sleep.)
He can't deny the marks, though. The ones appearing under his eyes and on his cheeks. He can't deny the spattering of scales appearing on his body.
Finally, when he can't hide it any longer, he calls out of work for the time being and asks Dream for help.
That's how the glamour fully breaks.
part 1 because i'm too tired to continue lmao
(i never sign these but i should - is there a 🐺 anon already?)
Ooo this is fun!!
I love the idea of Hob getting these signs and hints that he's maybe not entirely human, but he just kind of pretends that it's not happening? Like his nails get long and hard and change colour almost like claws but he just shrugs it off as something that will pass. He catches himself eating raw meat without even thinking about it and he's like oh?? Well maybe I just subliminally picked up on that carnivore diet I've been hearing about, it's probably nothing...
His avoidance of the truth becomes so extreme, even Dream notices. He's troubled by Hob’s odd behaviour. And as his friend, he wants to help! So he does a little anti-magic charm on Hob, just in case he's been hexed and that's what's causing the strange developments.
Instead, the remainders of the glamour collapse, and Hob takes on his true form. Poor darling, he has no idea what's happening to him as his body finally completes the change. Dream is equally astonished to see the very large, very sad and scared dragon crouched on the rug in Hob’s living room. Hob’s enormous tail swishes anxiously, and he accidentally crushes some priceless antiques... he's only been in dragon form for half a minute and he already hates it.
Dream, though? He's absolutely charmed. He adores Hob in whatever form he takes. Of course its not nice that Hob is upset, and this is a rather lifechanging experience for him, but even so... he's such a beautiful dragon. Dream just wants to kiss and hold his snout, and pet his lovely scales. He ends up sitting on the floor while Hob huffs smoke through his nose and allows Dream to gently coax him back into human form. It takes rather a long time, and for whatever reason Hob is naked when he gets back to being human again... and Dream just has to kiss him. Now he knows that Hob isn't mortal or even human, he's much less worried about starting a relationship with him. And Hob definitely deserves a kiss or two, after that ordeal <3
(I believe we do have a 🐺 anon - I can offer you 🐶? Or a different emoji of your choice of course!)
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bugs1nmybrain · 2 years
Aizawa Shouta x College Student! Reader 18+
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Prompt: You’re stressed the fuck out from homework. Shouta encourages you to take a break and gives you much needed stress relief.
Warnings: Fem reader, cunnilingus, unprotected sex
This is my first time writing smut, so it’s probably not awesome. Please don’t interact if you’re a minor!
Word count: 2990
This is what you wanted. It’s what you signed up for. But knowing that didn’t make any of this easier. Mountains of homework piled up on your schedule and for the past three days, the only break you’ve gotten was the sleep you managed to get. Your brain was turning into mush. Exhaustion was an understatement at this point. 
You were currently working on a seven-page paper that you had to turn in in a few days. You had assumed that it would be a breeze to get through, but you were greatly mistaken. For the past three hours, you had only managed to get half a page done. The words weren’t coming out, and you obsess over how cohesive everything sounded. The perfectionist side of you took over as you wrote sentences, then rewrote them, and then rewrote them again. 
With all the mental commotion going on, you had barely even noticed the door to your apartment open. Heavy boots clunked on the entrance floor, followed by the sounds of unzipping. Your cat ran up to the door to greet the familiar presence of Shouta.
Aizawa had come home after teaching. The hours were long, with a day stretching out from 7 AM to 5 PM, not including the papers he had to grade after leaving work. Like you, Shouta was exhausted, and in need of some much-needed relaxation. 
After taking off his boots and leaving them at the door, Shouta made his way to the living room where he saw you vigorously typing away at your computer. Shouta isn’t a very attention-demanding person, but admittedly, he felt a bit offended that you didn’t greet him when he came inside. But he could tell that you were focused intensively on whatever it was you were doing. It didn’t take a rocket scientist to notice how drained you were. Your hair was messy (even messier than Aizawa’s usually was) and the bags under your eyes were prevalent. Your gaze didn’t leave your laptop even for a second. 
“Hey,” said Aizawa, attempting to break you out of your work-drunk state.
You didn’t respond. Just kept typing.
Again, you didn’t respond.
Annoyed with the lack of a response, Aizawa took a seat next to you on the couch. He glanced over at your screen, being a little nosy as to what was so important that you couldn’t even reply to him. Seeing words stacked on top of each other, he quickly realized you were writing a paper.
This wasn’t the first time Shouta came home to you being a complete homework zombie. You were a very determined woman and were set on performing well academically, even if it meant that you neglected self-care. He couldn’t exactly blame you for doing so, that would be pretty hypocritical coming from him. There was a part of Shouta that really admired how much of a focused and hardworking person you are. There was another part of him that wished you’d be easier on yourself, though. 
Confident that you wouldn’t respond to him if he tried talking to you again, Shouta decided to get physical instead. He slowly draped his arm over your shoulder and buried his head into the crook of your neck. Finally, you took a big yawn and shifted your gaze toward him. 
“Hi,” you said softly, followed up by another yawn.
“What are you working on?”
“My analysis paper for Sociology. It’s due in a couple of days.”
“I see.” 
Aizawa moved out of your neck and looked at you. You were staring at the screen again, typing. With a deep sigh, Shouta took the arm that was over your shoulder and made its way down the side of your arm, placing gentle strokes on it. “You should take a break. You’re a mess.” 
“Shouta I can’t, this needs to get done.” 
“What good is it going to do your paper if you’re working on it while you’re exhausted? Wouldn’t it be more logical to come back to it once you’ve given your brain some time to recharge?”
You pause, taking his words into consideration. You have been working on homework for days without any actual breaks. Still, though, you wanted to get this paper done as soon as possible.
“Trust me, I’d really love to do that. But-”
“But nothing. Take a break, you can come back to this later. When you do you’ll have a clearer head, and will be able to work more effectively.” 
With a heavy sigh, you decide to give in to his suggestion. “Okay.”
You save the progress on your paper and sign off on your computer. You shut the case, placing the laptop on the coffee table in front of you. A drawn-out yawn escapes your mouth. Resting the side of your weight onto Shouta, you feel the warmth of his body encompass you as he wraps his right arm around your waist. 
“How are you feeling?” Aizawa asks.
“I’m fine.”
Aizawa takes an instant note of how rigid your whole body is. Rubbing your back with up and down motions, he can feel the tension in your back muscles. He moves his hand up to your shoulders and notices how tight they feel. You’re clearly stressed.
While Shouta isn’t always the best with words, he knows how to show you how much he cares through physical touch. Carefully, he plants a small kiss on your forehead. The hand that was once on your back was now petting your hair softly. The embrace makes you hum, with a smile creeping onto your face. It’s felt like ages since you were able to spend time with Shouta. You’ve been so focused on homework and he’s been so busy with work that the only moments you two got to share were when you were sleeping. His touch felt sacred to you, and you couldn’t help but lean into him. The affection made your heart feel heavy, and it was evident by the expression you made. 
“You’re really stressed out, aren’t you?” Shouta brings his thumb up to caress your cheek.
“Mhm,” you whine. “I’ve been working on school for days. It’s almost finals and a lot is piling up. I can’t afford to slack off for even a second. That said, I am a bit spent.”
Shouta was no stranger to feeling worn down from overwhelming responsibilities. Exhaustion was his middle name. It’s easy for him to neglect his needs, but when he sees you like this he can’t help but inflict the opposite ideal onto you. He loves you. He loves seeing you at peace, calm, and happy, all things you aren’t feeling right now. 
“You need to relax,” Shouta says, moving his kisses from your forehead to your cheek. Your smile grows bigger and you giggle as his stubble tickles you. “Something funny?”
He moves gradually from your cheek down to your jawline, holding you tighter. You melt into his touch, realizing how much you’ve craved this closeness for so long. With the stress that you’ve been experiencing, your emotions and desires have been incredibly pent up.
“I just really missed you.”
Aizawa exhales a low hum and progresses further down, landing on your neck this time. You shudder as he presses his lips on you and his warm breath causes you to sigh. He spends a while giving your neck attention, kissing every inch until he reaches your sweet spot. This draws out a whimper from you. He chuckles at the response you gave him. He found the impressionable reactions that you made whenever he showed you affection to be cute and endearing. 
Shouta focuses on the sensitive area of your neck. Kisses turn into gentle nibbles. You wince at the slight pain, which he soothes by placing more kisses on top of the bruise he left. Shouta typically doesn’t like leaving marks on you in case somebody saw. He doesn’t want anyone to know the details about your intimate life. However, he felt rather possessive tonight. He figures he’ll just tell you to wear one of his scarves tomorrow. He was leaving you flustered, and you felt your insides filling up with butterflies.
Without thinking about it, you roll your hips toward Shouta. You begin to rock yourself on his lap, moving closer to his groin. All this stress has left you unable to attend to any of your sexual desires, and with the way Shouta’s been touching and kissing you, you were growing a bit, no, QUITE a bit aroused. He notices the way you gesture yourself on him and breaks free from your neck. Missing the attention he was giving you, you open your eyes and furrow your brows. 
“What?” You ask, worried you did something wrong.
“Come with me.”
You both stand up and Shouta guides you to the bedroom. Once you’re both inside, Aizawa shuts the door behind him, which was a little odd, considering you were the only ones in the apartment. The only substance supplying the room with light was the low-lit lamp on the nightstand. Aizawa comes up from behind you, placing his hands on both of your shoulders, and slowly turns you around to look at him. Without much warning he takes your chin in between his index and thumb, tilting your head up and placing a warm, inviting kiss onto your lips. 
 The overwhelming amount of passion that exudes from him ravishes you, sending shivers down your spine. Shouta takes his hand and grips his fist in your hair, lightly pulling at it as he sinks his lips deeper into yours. You wrap your arms around his shoulders and bring him closer to you, desperate for the warmth of his body.
“Needy?” Shouta teases.
“You started this.” 
Aizawa chuckles at your retaliation.
You proceed to reach for Shouta’s hair, tugging at his as he did to you. This results in him moving his tongue inside your mouth, dancing around your own. His kisses become rougher and before you know it, his hand is moving its way under your shirt. He pulls away from the kiss for a moment to glance at you. He gestures his eyes to your shirt and back to you as if to ask you if he can continue. You give him a vigorous nod and he proceeds to move your shirt up along your sides as he keeps kissing you. 
After your shirt went, so did your pants, leaving you in your underwear. Your face feels hotter, blushing from being almost naked in front of Shouta. It wasn’t the first time he saw you like this, but you were still a little shy about being so vulnerable for him. His hands roam your body, finding their way to your back, unclasping your bra. The look on Shouta’s face is as bland as it normally is, but you’ve known him long enough to notice the way his eyes look when he’s turned on.
Removing your bra off your body, Shouta tosses it aside to then continue by slowly moving his hands up from your sides to settle on your breasts. He gently squeezes them, admiring their softness, and you can’t help but blush so hard and bury your face into your hands. 
“There’s no need for that,” Shouta remarks, taking your hands away from your face and resting them on his shoulders. He moves his head down to your chest, taking your right nipple into his mouth and lightly sucking while he pinches your other with his fingers. The warmth and wetness of his mouth on you make your thighs squeeze together. You can feel the one article of clothing you had on begin to moisten as your intimate area heats up. Shouta removes his hand from your breast down to your thighs, moving them apart from one another and stroking them. 
He then traces his fingers on the outside of your panties, rubbing around your pussy, making sure to ignore your clitoris. You want him to touch it desperately, so you grind yourself along his hand, but he continues to ignore it. What a tease. Taking his tongue away from your chest, he lays you down on the bed and slowly pulls your panties off. Shouta kneels in front of you, kissing your tummy, getting lower and lower. 
A heavy sigh escapes your lips and with a heavy breath, you ask, “What are you doing to me?”
“Relieving some of your stress, do you want me to stop?”
“No. Please no.”
Shouta takes a hair tie that he left on his wrist from earlier and ties his hair into a high ponytail. Returning to you, his lips graze your pelvis, then your thighs. He nips at them, gently biting them before setting your legs on his shoulders. Slowly, his kisses end up on the outer lips of your pussy. He licks a line up your cunt, actively ignoring your clit, building the tension. Your clit swells more and more as he avoids it, aching to be sucked on. 
Finally, his lips wrap around your clit and you moan at the impact. He holds your thighs with his strong arms, continuing to suck on your sensitive bud. He alternates between sucking and flicking it up and down with his tongue. Removing one arm from your legs, he rubs around your entrance before sinking two fingers into your wet pussy. He curls his fingers at a fast pace while he toys with your clit in his warm mouth. A familiar coil builds up inside of you and you buck your hips at him. He can tell you’re about to cum, and sucks on your clit at a satisfyingly rapid pace. That feeling builds and builds, and with a high-pitched noise escaping your lips, your clit throbbing with heat inside of his mouth. Fluid gushes out of your pussy, soaking Shouta’s face. 
“Wow. You really enjoyed that, didn’t you, kitten?”
All you could muster up for a response was a whimpering “Mhm!” Shouta gives a low hum at your adorable response. God, he loves you so much. 
Contrasting his slow pace earlier, he places deep kisses up your belly and lands on your lips. Wet kisses create beautiful sounds between the two of you, causing you to moan desperately against his lips. You tug at his waistband, attempting to pull down his boxers.
“Does my pretty little kitty want my cock?” 
“Use your manners.”
“Please. Please Shouta. I need you.”
Obliging to you, his dick springs out of his boxers, revealing his length. The sight, though you’ve seen it many times, makes your eyes feel heavy and your cheeks get even warmer than it was already. Moving closer to you, he rubs his cock up and down your folds, making you produce the prettiest whimpers for him. With a passionate kiss on your lips, he pushes his thick member inside your warm cunt. The deep penetration makes your heart flutter with butterflies. He pulls in and out of you so slowly. Too slow. Painfully slow. You wrap your arms around him tightly and pull him into another kiss. “Fuck me harder.”
“That’s what you want, kitten?”
“Yes, I want it so bad.”
Shouta picks up the pace gradually. He pulls in and out of you with the perfect snap of his hips, sending you into a moaning mess. Before you know it, he’s fucking you fast and deep, sending waves of pleasure throughout your body. The sounds of his cock slapping inside your wet pussy echo throughout the room. His heavy balls slap against your ass, causing you to clench around him tight. 
Your lips are tightened together, eyes clenched shut, as you attempt to conceal your noises.  Watching your breasts bounce in rhythm with his thrusts, Shouta moans with a low grumble, relishing in the beautiful image in front of him. 
“Let it all out, don’t hold back.” 
With his reassurance, you open your mouth, and loud, high-pitched squeals escape. Shouta frees a hand, rubbing circles on your clit. The sensation of his cock and his fingers on your clit makes your vision blurry. You can feel that coil from earlier building up again. 
“Shouta, please! I’m gonna cum..”
“I know, kitten.”
With a couple more deep moves of his cock, your insides spasm around him, making him thrust even faster, not giving you a chance to process your orgasm. The quick, rough plunges make you see stars as he rams his cock in and out of you. 
Along with your pretty moans, his throat lets out heavy sighs. He’s getting close himself. 
“Fuck, Y/N…”
Shouta savors the last moments of him being squeezed by your pussy. He feels a shock of pleasure in his cock, and pulls out you, releasing his pearly cum onto your belly. You let out a few more whiney moans, the phantom feeling of his cock still inside of you. 
Heavy breaths are exchanged between you two. After a couple of moments to collect his composure, Shouta reaches over to the nightstand to take out some wipes and cleans up the mess he made on your belly as well as the sticky cum from your pussy. After tossing them in the trash, he settles beside you. Shouta curls up behind you, wrapping his arms around your waist. He places a couple of kisses on your shoulders. You turn over to face him, resting your head on him with your hand on top of his chest. 
“How are you feeling?”
“I’m more then okay, to say the least,” you giggle. 
“Good. I’d say you deserve it for all your hard work.”
“I love you.”
“I know. I love you too.”
Your naked, warm bodies are pressed against each other under the covers, and slowly, you two drift off to sleep. A sense of relief and warmth rests inside your body. 
Shouta was right. You needed to relax and take a break after all.
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