#projections of a dream partner(s) I would like to have. like how some believe there is more than 1 soulmate you can have.
futurewife · 2 years
thinking about how every f/o you have you're projecting a little personal dream onto really, of someone you want in your life. they are all vessels that hold dreams and hope for love (romantic or platonic or familial), companionship, someone to have fun with, someone to listen and understand and comfort, someone to touch and hold and more
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cr-komi · 8 months
"The Distance Between Us"
Summary: You sent nudes to the biggest fuckboy on campus, what could possibly go wrong?
Pairing: Min Yoongi X Female Reader
Genre: Smut, a very very small amount of fluff at the end.
Word Count: 12,400+
Warnings: Y/N is an absolute idiot, Yoongi is kind of a dick at the beginning, swearing, oral (male & female receiving), unprotected sex (don't do this, please!) missionary pos., multiple orgasms.
Author's Note: This is not proofread so I apologize if there are mistakes! This one took me forever to write because I kept having writer's block and wanted to change a bunch of it but this was the final result so I hope you all like it!
Come on, Y/N, just send it.
It'll be like ripping off a Band-Aid.
He'll like you even more if you do this.
It's only a picture, right?
Just a blurry mix of pixels and saturation, nothing more, nothing less.
His text glared back at you with an intensity that made your heart skip a beat. You stared at the message, contemplating every word, feeling the weight of his request pressing against your chest,
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You didn't know who he was, not really. You didn't even know his name, although his phone number was engraved into your memory after seeing it so many times, tracing all the way back to that random evening a few weeks ago. But there was something about his mysterious aura that drew you in, like a moth to a flame. You couldn't resist the temptation to unravel the enigma that was him.
You sat in your dimly lit room, legs curled up beneath you as the soft glow of your phone illuminated your face. The familiar pang of jealousy twisted in your stomach as you obsessively scrolled through Instagram, unable to tear yourself away from the seemingly perfect lives of your friends and acquaintances.
"Ugh, another vacation?" You muttered, glaring at the screen as you saw a picture--a perfect couple sipping cocktails on a pristine beach. "Of course, they're all smiles."
Your thumb swiped upward, revealing another post showcasing an enviable group of friends laughing and posing together. Their happiness felt so unattainable, further highlighting the loneliness that had become your constant companion.
"Must be nice," You whispered, voice laced with bitterness.
Your eyes scanned the screen, taking in the meticulously curated feed that presented a world you could only dream of inhabiting.
Just as your frustration reached its peak, a flicker of light caught your attention. It was a text message notification, appearing like an oasis in the digital desert you found yourself trapped in.
Eager for any distraction, you tapped the screen, feeling a flutter of hope that maybe it was someone reaching out to you,
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A simple greeting was plastered across the screen, accompanied by an unfamiliar number. Your brow furrowed as you stared at the unknown sender. Confusion gnawed at you, and you hesitated before replying,
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As you typed, your fingers moved cautiously across the screen before hitting send, taking a deep breath while waiting for a response.
The reply came almost instantly,
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You scoffed. Whoever this was, they seemed ignorant, and you decided to play along,
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You tilted your head back, attempting to recall any instance of sharing your number, but your memory failed you. How did this random stranger end up with your contact information when you couldn't remember giving it to them?
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Your heart began to pound at his reply, fingertips hovering above the screen. "Is this some kind of prank?" you mumbled, mind racing with possibilities. Was it someone from school trying to mess with you? You haven't talked to Jungkook since your freshman year of college when he was your partner for a science project, why would he give your number out?
You couldn't shake off the feeling of intrigue and curiosity that coursed through your veins. Despite the skepticism that crept into your mind, a part of you wanted to believe that this encounter held some sort of significance. Perhaps it was a twist of fate, an unexpected connection waiting to be unveiled.
With hesitant determination, you decided to take a leap of faith and continue the conversation. The prospect of embarking on something new, something beyond the confines of your monotonous daily routine, enticed you. After all, what harm could it do?
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You sighed, contemplating why Jungkook would be giving your number out, or how he even got it in the first place.
Your mind craved to uncover the truth behind this mysterious text conversation, even if it meant stepping into unknown territory,
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You stared blankly at your phone, eager for a reply, but you were met with only silence. Minutes stretched into hours, and still no response came. Doubt began to creep in, mingling with the confusion that had settled in your mind. Maybe this was all just a cruel joke, a ploy to toy with your emotions.
But something inside you refused to believe that. There was an inkling of curiosity, a flicker of hope that urged you to hold on a little longer. So you waited, your eyes never straying far from your phone.
Days had turned into weeks, and yet the mysterious sender remained silent. The initial excitement had waned, leaving behind a sense of disappointment that weighed heavily on your shoulders. You couldn't help but wonder if you had been foolish for getting caught up in this unknown person's game.
The idea of giving up on waiting for a response finally began to creep in, but just as you were about to delete the number and move on, a notification jolted your phone awake. You hesitated, your finger hovering over the screen, afraid to hope again.
With a deep breath, you finally slid your finger across the screen, unlocking the message. Your heart sunk down into your stomach as you read the words that appeared before you,
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--- Ever since the day he asked if you sent nudes, you had been giving yourself over to him, allowing him to slowly chip away at your self-worth. Each time he asked, you obliged, sending him a piece of yourself captured through the lens of your phone. It started as something simple, maybe a picture of your cleavage or the curve of your ass, just as you had convinced yourself in the beginning. But with each photo sent, you felt a piece of your soul fade, replaced by an emptiness that gnawed at you from the inside out.
You desperately craved his validation, his affection, believing that if you gave him what he wanted, he would finally see your worth. But no matter how many pictures you sent, it was never enough. He always asked for more. More skin, more vulnerability, more pieces of you to devour.
With every photo, you hoped for a different reaction from him - one that acknowledged your value as more than just pixels and saturation. But all he ever responded with were simple words of praise and shallow compliments that never reached beyond the surface.
You were losing yourself in the process, your identity becoming reduced to a series of explicit images sent through a screen. Each picture felt like a betrayal to your own integrity, yet you continued to send them, hoping that this time would be different, that this time he would finally see you.
But deep down, you knew the truth. He didn't truly care about you. You were nothing more than his object of desire, a means to fulfill his own selfish needs. The more pictures you sent, the more power he held over you.
You found yourself sitting on the edge of your bed, phone in hand, tears streaming down your face as you stared at his latest text message. It was as if a veil had been lifted from your eyes, revealing the harsh reality of what this relationship had become. You were nothing more than an object to him, a means to fulfill his desires without any regard for your own well-being.
The weight of his words pressed upon your chest, suffocating you with the realization that you had lost yourself in this desperate quest for validation. The vibrant colors of your world had faded into shades of gray, and you yearned to break free from the suffocating grip he had on your emotions.
There was a fire burning deep within you, a fire of anger and resentment that you had been trying to suppress for far too long. It was time to let it out, to confront him and put an end to this vicious cycle you had been caught in. You closed your eyes and took a deep breath, steeling yourself for the confrontation that lay ahead, and that begun with asking Jungkook why he was giving your number away.
You spotted him on campus his familiar figure standing near the brick wall of the main building, a smirk playing on his lips as he chatted with the same group of friends he was always with, their laughter echoing through the air. It was a scene you had witnessed countless times before.
His presence sent a shiver down your spine, a mix of annoyance and frustration coursing through your veins. You felt a surge of anger rise within you, fueling your determination to confront him. With each step closer, your heart pounded louder in your ears, drowning out the noise of passing students and the rustling leaves overhead. Pushing through the crowd, you made your way toward him, ignoring the curious glances from passersby.
As you approached, Jungkook's eyes met yours, a flicker of surprise crossing his face before being replaced by his signature nonchalant expression. His friends noticed your arrival too, their conversations dying down as they turned their attention to the unfolding scene.
"Jungkook!" you called out, your voice stronger than you had anticipated. His attention snapped towards you, his eyes narrowing slightly as he looked you up and down.
"Y/N, right? Shit, I haven't talked to you in awhile. How have you be--"
"Have you been giving my number out?" You interrupted, your voice dripping with anger. His attempt at casual conversation only fueled your frustration. You crossed your arms, staring him down with unyielding determination.
Jungkook's expression shifted, a hint of guilt clouding his features for a moment. He cleared his throat, trying to regain his composure. "Look, if this is about the text messages--"
"Of course it is," you snapped, your voice laced with bitterness. "What else would it be about? You're the one who gave my number away without my permission!"
Jungkook's friends exchanged uneasy glances, sensing the tension between the two of you. Jungkook ran a hand through his tousled hair, his gaze shifting to the ground beneath him.
"I didn't think it would be a big deal," he muttered, barely meeting your eyes, "he told me I wanted it so I gave it to him."
Your jaw dropped at his words, a mix of anger and disbelief bubbling up inside you. How could he so casually dismiss your privacy and consent? How could he believe that just because someone wanted your number, it was okay to give it away without your permission?
"Who are you talking about? Who did you even give my number out to?"
"Does it really matter?" Jungkook replied, his voice laced with irritation. "It's not like it's a big deal. You're making a fuss out of nothing."
"Jungkook, it absolutely matters!" you exclaimed, your voice tinged with a mixture of anger and hurt. "You violated my privacy. You had no right to give out my number without my consent."
Jungkook nodded, glancing around nervously before finally meeting your gaze, his voice barely above a whisper. "It's Yoongi," he confessed, his eyes filled with remorse, "He said he knew you from one of your classes and wanted to get to know you better."
Jungkook's words hung in the air, like a heavy weight on your shoulders. You could feel the blood rushing to your face, your heart pounding in your chest. How could he trust Yoongi with your personal information without even asking you?
"Yoongi?" You echoed, feeling a strange mix of relief and betrayal. "Why would he ask for my number in the first place?"
Jungkook hesitated, his hands fidgeting with the hem of his shirt. "I don't know, Y/N. If you want to figure it out, ask him, he's over there."
Taking a deep breath, you turned your attention towards where Jungkook had gestured. Your eyes fell upon a figure standing a few feet away, his hands stuffed into the pockets of his jeans. His expression was unreadable, a flicker of in his eyes of something you couldn't quite put your finger on.
As soon as he met your gaze, he smirked, walking off in a crowd of students with an air of nonchalance. Your anger and frustration intensified as you watched Yoongi disappear into the distance, leaving you with more questions than answers.
"Thank you, Jungkook." You mumbled, but before he could offer a response, you turned on your heel and began to chase after Yoongi, set on confronting him and demanding an explanation. Those who surrounded you parted ways as you weaved through the crowd, your heart pounding in your chest, fueling your determination to catch up to him.
The campus was bustling with students going about their day, but you barely registered their presence. Your focus was solely on finding Yoongi and demanding an explanation for his actions. As you made your way through the crowd, the image of his smirking face played over and over in your mind, intensifying your frustration and boldness.
You clenched your fists as you trailed behind Yoongi across the college campus, leaves crunching underfoot.
Your heart pounded in your chest, fueled by anger and determination. You had been following him for what felt like hours – down crowded halls, past classrooms filled with students, even into a noisy cafeteria where you had to duck behind a vending machine to avoid detection, and although he had looked behind him numerous times during the journey, your remained unnoticed.
You watched as he strolled casually, hands shoved deep into the pockets of his faded denim jacket, apparently oblivious to your presence. But every time you thought you were about to catch up to him, he would disappear around a corner or slip through a door, leaving you becoming increasingly more and more frustrated.
As you navigated through the labyrinthine campus, your mind raced. Why had he texted you in the first place? What kind of person asks someone for nudes out of the blue? And how could you have been so stupid as to trust him?
With so many questions running through your mind, you became distracted, losing sight of him yet again.
Frustrated, you gave up and retreated to the library, the closest place you could find after travelling on foot for so long.
The hushed atmosphere there was a welcome respite from the chaos of your pursuit, and you sank into a plush armchair near the back, your eyes scanning the shelves aimlessly.
And that's when you saw him.
Yoongi was standing in the history section, a heavy tome clutched in one hand.
Sighing, he glanced up and locked eyes with you, his face paling visibly. Before he could react, you stormed over, grabbing his wrist so as to not let him escape you again.
"Yoongi, why did you text me? Why did you even ask Jungkook for my number in the first place?" You demanded, your voice barely more than a whisper but seething with fury. "Why did you ask me for nudes?"
He blinked at you, his expression a mixture of confusion and irritation. "Why are you even upset?" he countered, his voice low and measured. "You're the one who sent them."
"So? You shouldn't have asked for them in the first place." You hissed, your anger boiling over.
"You shouldn't have sent them." He retorted, crossing his arms over his chest.
"Look, it doesn't even matter at this point just--"
"Keep your voice down," he interrupted, glancing nervously around the library.
"No! You need to hear this," you yelled, forgetting your surroundings as your emotions took control. "You had no right to ask for those pictures, and then to turn around and act like it's no big deal? It's disgusting!"
Annoyed by your yelling, Yoongi grabbed your arm with surprising force and pulled you through the maze of bookshelves.
"Yoongi, what are you--"
"Be quiet."
You struggled against him, but he didn't relent until the two of you stumbled into a cramped supply closet. Slamming the door shut behind him, he released you, his face a mask of frustration and something else you could fully recognize.
"Listen," he growled, his voice low and dangerous. "You didn't have to send those pictures if you didn't want to, and I mean...I'm sorry for asking for nudes but I won't lie," he leaned in close, his warm breath brushing against your cheek, "you looked pretty damn good in every single one."
And so, you stood there, back against the door, his words washing over you like a tidal wave. For a moment, you couldn't find your voice - he was right. You had sent those pictures. You were the one who had been so flattered by his attention that you had forgotten about boundaries and given in to his request with such reckless abandon. But that still didn't give him the right to use them as he pleased! You pushed past him and walked out of the closet, trying to compose yourself.
As you stepped out, the library came rushing back into view, filled with students hushed amidst their studies. You couldn't help but feel self-conscious as everyone's eyes turned towards you as if they knew what had just gone down in the supply closet. Your face burned under their scrutiny as you tried to make your way back to your seat without making eye contact with anyone.
But before you could take a step, a strong hand gripped your wrist once again and spun you around to face Yoongi. His eyes bored into yours with unwavering intensity, his jaw tightened as he spoke lowly; "Look... I know I messed up." He paused, stepping closer, his eyes boring into yours are he spoke, "but you sent them to me, Y/N, and I didn't force you. You could have stopped me at any time, but you didn't. And for what it's worth, I never meant to hurt you. I just thought...actually, you know what? It doesn't matter."
He let go of your wrist and turned away, walking towards the stacks of books on the shelves nearby as if nothing had happened. You watched him go with a mixture of emotions churning inside of you. He was right, of course. You did send those pictures willingly. It would be your fault if they got out.
How could you be so fucking stupid? Why did you think any of this would be a good idea?
You couldn't shake the feeling that something about his apology felt half-hearted, like he was only saying what he thought you wanted to hear. But still, a small part of you yearned for him to be sincere.
The twilight seeped through the gauzy curtains, casting a lavender hue over your room where you sat, knees drawn up to your chest on the window seat. Outside, the world was softening into dusk, but inside, a storm brewed within you. Your eyes were fixed vacantly on the snow that began to layer on the window pane, mirroring the turmoil in your heart.
"Yoongi," you murmured under your breath, the words tasting bitter. The memory of your encounter with him was like a splinter—sharp, intrusive, and impossible to ignore. You replayed your last conversation over and over, each iteration twisting the knife a little deeper.
What had you expected? For him to suddenly understand? To apologize?
"Focus on something else, anything else," you chided yourself, uncurling from your perch.
You moved towards your cluttered desk, where an array of distractions awaited: unread books, sketches half-done, a guitar that hadn't felt the warmth of your touch in days. Your fingers hovered over a novel, its spine still creased with promise. But even as you pulled it toward yourself, the printed words blurred, drowned out by the echo of Yoongi's voice.
"Of course," you scoffed, tossing the book aside with a soft thud against the hardwood floor. "Books are no refuge when your mind is this loud."
You walked over to the mirror, studying your reflection—as if searching for an answer in the contours of your own face. With a sigh, you reached up, freeing your hair from its ponytail. Strands fell around your shoulders like dark silk, a curtain to hide behind.
"Maybe I'll just go to sleep," you said to your mirrored self, "sleep it off and wake up with a fresh head."
But as you turned away from the mirror, your phone buzzed atop the nightstand, an invasive vibration that commanded attention. You hesitated, a small part of you hoping, dreading. Your hand shook slightly as you picked it up. The screen lit up, and there it was—a message from Yoongi,
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It was simple. A casual, stark contrast to the chaos he'd stirred in you. Just three letters, yet they held the weight of a thousand unsaid words.
"Hey?" You repeated aloud, a laugh without humor escaping your lips. "After everything, all he can say is 'hey'?"
Your thumb hovered over the keyboard, indecision warring with the urge to respond. To lash out or to leave it be? But beneath the hurt and confusion, a sliver of hope glimmered—the kind that refused to be extinguished even by the fiercest storm.
"Is this supposed to be some kind of olive branch, Min Yoongi?" You whispered, the beginning of a response forming beneath your breath,
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His reply came almost instantly,
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As you weighed Yoongi's message, you mulled over the possibility that he might be sincere this time. He had apologized, and now he wanted to meet at a cafe. Was this his way to make amends? Or was it just another one of his schemes to get you to do something?
"Just do it, Y/N," You told yourself, "you never know what's going to happen."
With a resolute nod, you decided that now was as good a time as any.
Y/N stood in her cramped bedroom, her breath fogging the windowpane as she looked out at the snow-dusted street below. She was about to do something she'd been dreading for days – meet Yoongi at the cafe. Her heart raced with a mix of anticipation and nervousness. With a resolute nod, you decided that now was as good a time as any.
"Right. Let's do this," she murmured to herself.
It was bitterly cold outside, but you didn't feel like making an effort to dress up for the occasion. Instead, you pulled on a cozy grey hoodie and a pair of comfortable black sweatpants. They were simple, but warm enough for the short walk to the cafe.
As you stepped outside, the chill hit you like a physical force. You shivered, burying your face in the soft fabric of your hoodie and pulling the drawstrings tight. The wind whipped around you, biting at your exposed cheeks and turning them pink. Despite the cold, you couldn't help but appreciate the beauty of the frost-covered trees and the crunch of ice beneath your boots.
Upon arriving at the cafe, your heart skipped a beat when you saw him through the window – Yoongi, sitting alone at a small table near the back, fingers tapping impatiently against his coffee cup.
You hesitated for a moment, swallowing hard. There was something undeniably magnetic about him, even from this distance.
As you pushed open the door and made your way over to his table, you felt an unsettling warmth blossoming within her chest. It was strange, feeling drawn to someone who had caused so much turmoil in your life. But here you were, unable to look away from his dark eyes and strong jawline.
"Yoongi," you said softly, your voice wavering slightly as you took the seat across from him.
"Y/N," he replied, barely looking up from his coffee. But when he did, his gaze seemed to take you in with an intensity that made you shiver. There was a hunger in his eyes that you'd never seen before in anyone – lust, perhaps?
"Um, so," you stammered, struggling to regain your composure and focus on the task at hand. "What did you...want to talk about...?"
"Well..." he began, his voice low and smooth as he leaned back in his chair, never breaking eye contact.
Your mind raced with thoughts and emotions, trying to find the right words to express how you felt about everything. You knew you had to face him, and move forward. But with every second spent in Yoongi's presence, you found herself increasingly drawn to him, despite everything he'd done.
"Yoongi, I—" you started, but couldn't finish, swallowing hard as you struggled to compose herself.
"Go on," he urged, a slight smirk appearing on his lips as if he knew exactly what was going through your mind.
You hesitated, biting your lip nervously, but then steeled yourself. Your words tumbled out in a rush, "I-I don't know what you want from me, Yoongi. Are you really sorry, or is this just another game to you? Because I can't do this anymore, I can't keep feeling like this, like I'm being played."
Yoongi's smirk faded, and his eyes softened. He lowered his gaze for a moment before looking back up at you, his voice sincere when he spoke, "That's...actually why I asked you here tonight. I wanted to apologize for everything. Y/N...I-I'm so sorry. I never should have asked you for those nudes."
You avoided his eyeline, instead averting your gaze towards the floor, "Why...why did you ask me for them? It's not like you knew me before we even started texting and I--"
"Yes, I did, actually." He interrupted, a hint of frustration creeping into his voice, "I saw you at a party a few months ago a-and...Jungkook gave me your number. Don't ask me why he had it because honestly...I don't know. I wanted to talk to you but I-I just thought it would be better to text you."
You noticed the slight stutter in his voice and the way his fingers played with the edge of the table, betraying his nervousness.
Taking a deep breath, you took a moment before responding, "So you were talking to me all this time, knowing who I was?"
"Yes," he admitted, his shame evident in his eyes. "But it doesn't excuse how I acted, Y/N. I know that. I'm so sorry. If there's any way I can make it up to you, let me know. Please."
It was difficult for you to hear him say those words, but as he explained himself, something inside you began to crack. It wasn't forgiveness, but it was understanding, at least.
You looked at him, trying to decipher his words and find the truth behind them. "Why did you do it, Yoongi?" you asked, your voice barely above a whisper.
He sighed, rubbing his temples in frustration. "I...I don't know. I guess I thought it would be a way to get closer to you, or at least have some kind of connection. But it was wrong, and I'm sorry."
Your heart ached as you stared into his eyes, seeing the sincerity in his words. You knew this wasn't the end of your struggles, but maybe it was the beginning of something different.
"Thank you for the apology. I'm sorry too, I never should have sent anything to begin with."
You bit your lip, trying to gather your thoughts, but you didn't have anything else to say, so you remained silent.
Yoongi looked down at the table, his dark hair falling into his eyes, "If it's okay with you..." He began, avoiding your gaze, "I-I want to get to know you better."
You hesitated for a moment, unsure of what to say. Did you trust him? Could you let go of the past and move forward?
Taking a deep breath, you finally spoke, "Okay, Yoongi. Let's start over. But we're not doing anything like that again."
A small smile tugged at the corners of his lips, a hint of relief in his eyes, "I understand. I won't push you, Y/N. I just...I'm so sorry."
"I-- it's fine, really."
And with that, you both sat in silence for a while, contemplating the new path that lay ahead of you. You knew it wouldn't be easy, but maybe it was worth a try.
It had been three months since you went to the café with Yoongi.
You found a new normal in your relationship, and although trust wasn't rebuilt overnight, you both were committed to fixing what had been broken.
The air between you and Yoongi had shifted. Instead of the tension and mistrust that had previously existed, there was now an underlying understanding and appreciation for each other's flaws and mistakes.
You appreciated how considerate Yoongi was, never pushing your boundaries or rushing things. Instead, he made an effort to listen intently, offering support and understanding as you opened up about your feelings and fears. It felt like the door to your heart was gradually creaking open, allowing the light of a blossoming bond to seep in.
One evening, you found yourself immersed in your studies at the library, the soft rustle of turning pages and hushed whispers creating a cocoon of tranquility around you.
Suddenly, your focus was interrupted by a gentle tap on your shoulder, causing your heart to skip a beat. You looked up to find Yoongi standing beside your table, his eyes crinkling as he offered his gummy smile that caused butterflies to flutter in your stomach.
"Hey," he said softly, like a lullaby whispered into the night. "I thought I might find you here."
"Yoongi!" You exclaimed, happiness bubbling up within your chest. "I wasn't expecting to see you tonight. What brings you to the library?"
"Call it intuition," he replied, his voice tinged with amusement. "I had a feeling you'd be here, studying late like always."
You chuckled, gaze drifting back to the stacks of books and papers spread out before you. "You know me too well," you murmured, feeling a twinge of embarrassment at your disorganized workspace.
"Indeed, I do," Yoongi agreed, his eyes lingering on your face. "But, I also know that you deserve a break. How about we head to my place and just relax for a bit?"
You hesitated, the thought of leaving your studies unfinished gnawing at you, but you couldn't deny the allure of spending time with Yoongi away from the pressures of academia.
You glanced back at him, his eyes filled with sincerity and warmth, and you made your decision, "Alright," you conceded with a smile. "Let me just pack up my things."
"Take your time," Yoongi replied, pulling out a chair and sitting down across from you. The simple action spoke volumes – he was in no hurry, willing to wait as long as it took for you to feel comfortable. It was moments like these that reminded you of how far the two of you have come in rebuilding trust, and you couldn't help but feel grateful for the second chance you'd given him.
As the two of you walked out of the library together, you felt a sense of peace wash over you, the snowfall had eased to a near halt as the two of you began your trek back to his apartment, leaving behind an untouched blanket of white in your wake.
The cold air stung your cheeks, but neither you nor Yoongi seemed to mind it much as you walked – the world felt hushed, almost magical.
"Is it always this beautiful?" you asked, your voice soft and breathy as you watched the last flakes fall from the sky.
"Sometimes," Yoongi replied, a hint of amusement in his voice. "I think it's just the right kind of weather for tonight."
Your steps fell in sync with each other, crunching softly against the snow beneath your feet. The streetlights cast warm, amber halos on the frosted ground, creating a comforting contrast against the winter chill.
"Tell me about your work," you suggested, curiosity piquing your interest. Yoongi had mentioned his desire to become a music producer during your conversations, but you wanted to learn more.
"Ah, well," he began, a modest smile gracing his lips. "I've been working on this new project lately – it's got a different vibe than what I usually do. But that's what makes it exciting."
"Sounds fascinating," you commented sincerely. "I can't wait to hear it when it's finished."
"Hopefully you'll like it," Yoongi replied, his eyes shining with gratitude at your enthusiasm.
As you approached his apartment building, you couldn't help but feel a slight surge of nerves. It was the first time you would be stepping into Yoongi's personal space, and there was an undeniable intimacy in that. You glanced over at him, wondering if he could sense your apprehension. However, his gaze remained fixed on the entrance, seemingly lost in his own thoughts.
"Here we are," Yoongi announced as you walked into the warm, well-lit lobby. The sudden change in temperature made you shiver slightly, your body trying to adapt.
"Nice place," you commented, trying to sound casual despite the butterflies in your stomach.
"Thanks," Yoongi replied, leading you toward the elevator. The ride up was quiet, the both of you lost in your own thoughts as you anticipated what might happen once the two of you were alone in his apartment.
When you finally entered Yoongi's space, you couldn't help but take it all in – the minimalist furniture, the impressive collection of vinyl records along one wall, and the cozy atmosphere that seemed to envelop the entire room. It felt like a sanctuary, a reflection of Yoongi himself.
"Make yourself at home," he offered kindly, gesturing toward the comfortable-looking couch.
"Thank you," you whispered, suddenly aware of just how intimate this moment was. You were standing in his apartment, seeing a side of him few people had ever been privy to. And as you took a seat on his couch, feeling the warmth of the cushions beneath you, you knew that you wanted to learn even more about the enigmatic man who had captured your interest.
"Would you like something to drink?" Yoongi asked, his voice soft yet inviting. His eyes, a rich dark chocolate color, held curiosity and a touch of shyness, reflecting his guarded nature.
"Sure, do you have any wine?" You replied.
You enjoyed how the warmth of the room seemed to embrace you, making you feel comfortable. It was a rare feeling for you, considering your own life and surroundings were often chaotic.
"Of course," Yoongi said with a subtle smile. He disappeared into the kitchen area, returning moments later holding two glasses filled with the familiar deep red liquid. He carefully handed one to you before taking a seat across from you on the couch.
"Thanks." You took a sip, savoring the smooth taste of the wine as it slid down your throat.
You noticed the way the moonlight that streamed through the windows caught the glass, creating a dazzling array of colors that danced along the edges.
"You're welcome." Yoongi raised his own glass and took a small sip. His gaze lingered on the window, seeming to find solace in the familiar sight.
"Your apartment is really lovely," You said earnestly, hoping to ease the initial tension between the both of you. "It has such a unique vibe."
"Thank you. I've put a lot of time and effort into making it my own little sanctuary," Yoongi admitted with a small smile. "I'm glad you like it."
As the two of you continued to chat, you both discovered shared interests and common ground – your love for music, your desire to create something meaningful, and the challenges you both faced in your pursuit of happiness.
With each revelation, the space between both of you seemed to shrink, and you found herself drawn to Yoongi's quiet intensity.
"Sometimes," Yoongi said, pausing to choose his words carefully, "it feels like life is a constant battle against time and expectations. It's hard to find moments like this, where you can just be yourself without any judgment."
You nodded in agreement, feeling a pang of empathy for the man sitting before you. "I know exactly what you mean. It's easy to get lost in the noise and lose sight of who you really are."
"Exactly." Yoongi's eyes met yours, and you're struck by the sincerity you see there. "But sometimes, it's in those quiet moments that we can truly find ourselves."
You couldn't help but be moved by the sincerity in Yoongi's words, and as the silence fell between you both, you found your gaze drifting towards the window again. The snow had stopped, leaving a blanket of white that seemed to silence the world outside.
"It's amazing how peaceful everything can be when it snows," you remarked, your voice barely above a whisper. "It makes you feel like anything is possible."
Yoongi nodded, a small smile playing at the corners of his lips. "It's a reminder that sometimes, we need to slow down and appreciate the beauty of the world around us."
You smiled, silently agreeing before looking around the living room, taking more of it in, "I can't believe we've known each other for as long as we have but I've never been to your apartment until now."
"Same goes for me," Yoongi replied, a hint of amusement in his voice, "It's kind of funny to think about how we even became friends."
You scoffed, "It's funny now. But, I wouldn't have it any other way. I still have your contact name as the same thing it was when you first texted me, though."
Yoongi tilted his head in confusion, "What do you mean?"
"It's still just your phone number. For some reason...I don't know I just like it that way."
Yoongi chuckled lightly, shaking his head in amusement. "That's...quite possibly the most strange yet charming thing I've heard today." He took another sip of his wine, the warmth spreading through his body as he savored the taste.
"Is that so?"
He nodded, smiling.
"Well, maybe I should change it then." You pulled out your phone, navigating to your contacts. "What should I change it to?"
"Nah," he began, putting his wine glass down before scooting towards you, "let me do it," he said playfully, snatching the phone from your grasp. His eyes sparkled with mischief as he held your phone aloft, just out of your reach. "Besides, I want to pick my own emoji."
"Give it back!" You laughed, your cheeks flushed with excitement as your reached for your phone. Your heart raced at your playful banter, something you had grown to cherish during your time with Yoongi.
"Uh-uh, not until I'm done," he teased, his tongue peeking out between his lips in a cheeky grin. He leaned to one side, keeping the phone firmly out of your grasp.
Your determination grew, and you leaned over him, stretching your arm out as far as possible.
Your fingertips brushed against the edge of your phone, but Yoongi shifted his weight again, a triumphant smirk on his face.
"Yoongi, seriously!" You huffed, laughter bubbling up despite your feigned annoyance.
"Fine, fine," he relented, bringing the phone down just enough for you to snatch it back. In your eagerness, you accidentally ended up leaning too far forward straddling him in the process, your thighs pressing against his hips.
You both froze, suddenly aware of your intimate position.
Your eyes locked, and the room seemed to fall silent around the two of you.
Your heart pounded in your chest, the proximity making you all too aware of the heat radiating from Yoongi's body.
You noticed the way his breath hitched in his throat, and the way his pupils dilated as the two of you continued to stare at each other.
A minute crawled by, every second feeling like an eternity as a thousand emotions swirled within you. Your mind raced with questions, doubts, and desires, and you could see the same turmoil reflected in Yoongi's eyes.
It was only when you felt a tremble in your hands that you realized what you were doing.
Face burning, you began moving your hips slightly in an attempt to get off of him, "Shit, Yoongi, I-I'm so sorry."
Although the movement you made caused a friction beneath you, and Yoongi froze, eyes widening, "W-wait, Y/N, stop...stop moving."
"What?" You stuttered, looking at him with wide eyes. "Why?"
His hands slid down to your waist in an attempt to hold you in place, "Just...stop." He managed to get out, his voice low and rough. "Don't move, please."
As you froze in place, it dawned on you that Yoongi's hands had now settled in a more intimate position on your hips, his fingers gently gripping your sides. You could feel his breath against your skin as his eyes locked onto yours, his expression filled with a mix of desire and fear.
"Y-Yoongi, I--" You moved again in another attempt to get off him, flustered.
"Fuck..." He groaned, allowing his head to fall back, and suddenly, you felt something underneath you.
A shiver ran down your spine as you realized what it was - his erection pressing right up against the heat of your core.
In fear and confusion, you pushed his hands off your waist, abruptly standing up before him, "I-I should go," you began, rubbing your hands against your sides in an attempt to wipe the sweat off of them, "I'll see you later?"
Yoongi watched as you quickly gathered your things and stood up from his couch, his heart pounding in his chest as he struggled to find the right words. His mind was a whirlwind of emotions, and he could feel the heat radiating from your body as your cheeks flushed red.
"Y/N, wait..." Yoongi's voice was hoarse, his eyes pleading as he reached for your hand. But you were already turning to leave the room, the weight of your words heavy on your tongue.
You avoided Yoongi for the next few days, his calls, his texts, everything.
You immersed yourself in your schoolwork, dedicating less time to visiting the library, as a means to escape the burden that this situation had imposed on you.
But as the days went by, you found yourself thinking about him more and more. About the heat of his touch, the desires you both had felt in that moment. You knew it had been an accident, but you couldn't shake the feeling that there was something more between you and Yoongi.
"You need to talk to him, Y/N."
"I-I know," you began, rubbing your temples, "but I have no idea where to start, I mean I just walked out on him, he probably hates me."
You and your best friend, Mina, had been sitting together in your apartment while you sulked over Yoongi, trying to figure out how you would speak to him again. Mina had been your rock through thick and thin, and now she was determined to help you out of this mess.
"Just think about it, Y/N. You owe it to yourself to at least try and resolve this. You can't just let things remain the way they are."
You nodded, biting your lip in frustration. "You're right, Mina. I just...I don't know where to start."
Mina smiled, placing her hand on your shoulder. "Well, you could start by sending him a message. You know, just a simple olive branch to let him know you're willing to talk."
"But...I walked out on him. I can't just text him after all that," you threw your face into your hands, "I feel so bad."
"Look Y/N," Mina began, "I know you feel bad but if you don't think that a text or a call is the right thing to do, then...I don't know what to say."
You scoffed, "Wow, thanks, that really puts things into perspective."
Mina laughed lightly, trying to lighten the mood. "Alright, alright. But seriously, you need to figure out what you want to do, Y/N. It's been a few days, and if you don't make a move, you could lose him all together."
"I know, I know, you're right."
"Of course I am." Mina got up from where she was sitting, a soft smile on her face, "I have to go, but keep me updated."
"I will."
You lay restless in your bed, moonlight casting silver shadows on the walls. The clock's red digits flickered to 12:00 A.M., taunting you with each passing second. Sleep remained elusive, for Yoongi's face flickered behind your closed eyes, his laughter echoing in your ears.
You couldn't shake the feeling that their misunderstanding had driven a wedge between them.
Why did you have to fuck everything up?
"Damn it," you muttered under your breath, tossing and turning, your tangled sheets a testament to your inner turmoil.
You clenched your jaw, willing yourself to find a solution to mend your fractured friendship with Yoongi. Desperation bubbled up within you until it burst like a geyser, propelling you out of bed.
"Fuck this," you hissed, flinging the covers off your body. With a newfound determination, you slipped into sweatpants and a hoodie, the fabric comforting against your skin.
You rummaged through the darkness, fingers closing around the familiar leather of your coat.
Your heart pounded like a drum as you prepared to step out into the cold night air, fueled by the need to speak with Yoongi and set things right.
You made your way through the hallway, and out the door of your apartment, each step setting a path towards your journey outside.
The cold winter night had wrapped its icy fingers around the city, but your determination burned like a fire inside your chest.
As you walked towards Yoongi's apartment, your breath condensed into fleeting clouds that disappeared as quickly as they were born.
You glanced around, taking in the peaceful serenity of the snow-covered streets, the faint glow of the streetlights casting long shadows.
"Just talk to him, Y/N," you muttered under your breath, your words barely audible over the sound of your boots crunching on the snow beneath your feet.
When you finally arrived at the building, you rushed through the lobby without so much as a glance at the receptionist who looked up from her desk, startled by your sudden entrance.
The receptionist called after you, "Wait! Ma'am!" but you were already pressing the elevator button with impatience, your thoughts consumed by the urgency to reach Yoongi and set things straight.
"Out of order?" you read aloud, voice trembling with frustration. The sign taped to the elevator door mocked you, leaving you with no choice but to turn to the stairwell.
You hesitated for a moment, staring up at the seemingly endless flights of stairs. Yoongi lived on the highest floor, and the thought of climbing all the way up there was daunting. But the fire inside you continued to rage, and you knew there was no turning back now.
"Alright then," you whispered to yourself, taking a deep breath before dashing up the stairs, utterly determined.
Your heart pounded in your ears as you hurried up flight after flight, ignoring the burning sensation in your legs. Each step brought you closer to Yoongi, closer to the confrontation you knew the both of you desperately needed.
Finally, gasping for breath, you reached the top and stood outside Yoongi's door. You raised your fist and banged on it forcefully, your voice raised in desperation, "Yoongi, I need to talk to you,"
Silence. You could feel the heaviness of it pressing down on you, but you refused to let it deter you.
"Yoongi! Open the door, please I know you're in there," you spoke again, louder this time.
The door finally swung open, revealing Yoongi's tired and weary face. As your eyes met, you saw a sadness in his that you had never seen before, and it threatened to extinguish the fire inside you.
"Y/N," he whispered, his voice barely audible, "what are you doing here?"
"Can I come in?"
With a sigh, he lowered his head, but he stepped aside from the doorframe, creating room for you to enter.
"What do you want?" He mumbled, still avoiding your gaze.
The weight of his question was heavy, but you didn't waver. You stepped into his apartment, feeling the warmth of the air against your skin.
"I came here to say that I'm sorry," you began, your voice barely audible, "I shouldn't have left like that. I was scared, and I didn't know how to handle things. I was wrong to run away, and I want you to know that I'm here now."
Yoongi remained silent, staring at his hands as if they were foreign to him.
You leaned towards him, grasping his bicep in your hand.
He flinched at the sudden touch, but didn't shy away.
"Please, look at me, Yoongi," you whispered, your eyes pleading with him to understand.
Your fingers wrap tightly around his arm, and you look up into his eyes, attempting to convey the sincerity of your words.
"Please, I-I just..."
Your let your hand fall back your side, trembling slightly, as your face flushed with a mixture of embarrassment and regret.
You stumbled over her words, speaking at a rapid pace, desperate to communicate the weight of her remorse.
"Look, I know I messed up, okay? I didn't mean to just...run out on you like that. It was so stupid and thoughtless and, god, I'm so sorry, I really am."
He opened his mouth to say something, "Y/N--" but you cut him off, your voice rising in pitch as your anxiety grew.
"I've been thinking about it nonstop, and I hate myself for doing that to you and then just completely avoiding you afterwards. I was scared, and I panicked, and I didn't want to face what was happening between us."
"Y/N--" Again, he tried to interrupt, but you continued your rambling, feeling a knot tighten in your chest as tears threatened to spill from your eyes.
"Every time I think about how I left you like that I feel terrible. I can't stand the thought that I hurt you like that. I never wanted to be the type of person who runs away when things like that happen, but that's exactly what I did."
Your voice faltered, and you swallowed hard, trying to regain your composure.
Still, you refused to let him get a word in, terrified that if he spoke, it would confirm your worst fears – that you had irreparably damaged you friendship with him.
"Since then, I've been replaying that night in my head over and over again, wishing I could go back and do things differently. I should have stayed. We should have talked it out like adults. But instead, I behaved like a coward, and now I'm afraid I've lost you for good."
At last, you paused for breath, your chest heaving as you stared at him with wide, pleading eyes.
He took a step closer, his expression unreadable, and she braced yourself for the impact of his words – whatever they may be.
Just as you were about the reply, Yoongi closed the distance between the two of you, his lips gently touching yours in a tender, slow kiss.
Yoongi's lips were soft as he pulled back, a small smile on his face as he looked at you, his fingers tangling in your hair. He tugged gently, causing you to lean forward, his breath hot against your lips as he spoke. "You have no idea how long I've wanted to do this."
You smiled and leaned in, your noses brushing against each other as the two of you breathed each other in deeply.
The air was filled with the scent of his cologne and the faintest hint of cigarette smoke mixing with the warmth of his body. "Oh really? How long have you wanted to?" you whispered, heart racing as he moved closer, resting his forehead against yours. His warmth seeped into you, making you shiver.
Slowly, Yoongi's lips brushed against yours teasingly before pressing firmly, his hand on the back of your neck pulling you closer. Your kiss was soft and gentle at first, a slow exploration of each other's mouths, tasting and teasing. The feeling of his lips against yours sent shivers down your spine, a low moan escaping your throat as you parted your lips slightly, inviting him in more. His tongue traced the seam of your lips, and you eagerly opened up for him, welcoming him in.
The taste of him was addictive, like fine wine and coffee, with a hint of sweetness that lingered on your tongue long after the kiss.
You ran your fingers up his neck and threaded your fingers through his messy hair.
You pulled him closer, deepening the kiss, your body melting into his as they molded together. Yoongi groaned into the kiss, his other hand finding its way to your waist and pulling you even tighter against him.
Your tongues danced together, twirling and dueling playfully, your mouths opening wider to allow for more exploration. His kiss was demanding now, and you gave in willingly, your body arching into him as he took control.
You kissed him back just as passionately, your tongue tangling with his, breaths heavy and labored. He gripped your hips tighter, grinding against you, sending shockwaves of pleasure through her core.
Your fingers dug into his shoulders as he continued to kiss you deeply, your body trembling with anticipation.
You could feel his heart racing against your chest, the sound of his rapid breaths mingling with your own.
The heat between the two of you grew, along with your desire, and you felt yourself opening up to him more than ever before.
"Jump." He growled, his lips still brushing against yours.
With a small whimper, you obeyed, wrapping your legs around his waist, pulling him even closer as he stepped forward, nearly pinning you against the wall.
His lips trailed down your neck, leaving soft, open-mouthed kisses along the way, making you shiver.
Your head fell back as he bit lightly on the sensitive skin of your neck, sucking gently. His hot breath fanned across your skin, raising goosebumps along your arms.
You sighed in contentment as Yoongi's warmth continued to envelop you, your heart racing in anticipation. In the nights you spent alone in your room, you had replayed this moment countless times in your head, imagining how it would feel to be in his arms, to feel the softness of his lips against yours. But the reality was far more intense than you ever could have imagined. Every touch sent shivers down your spine, every groan vibrating against your skin made you tremble with desire.
With a sudden surge of impatience, Yoongi dropped you to your feet, roughly ripping off his shirt, his muscles rippling beneath his skin in the process, revealing a chiseled torso that seemed to glow in the dim light.
Your breath hitched at the sight of him bare before you, his shoulders broad and strong, his arms corded with strength. You traced one of them with your fingertips, marveling at the definition of his biceps.
His abs were like etched stone, each dip and curve perfectly defined. As you trailed your fingers lower, you could feel his heart racing under your touch. He groaned softly, a deep rumble that vibrated through your body. You traced the trail of hair that led from his navel to his jeans, which were already unbuttoned and half-unzipped. You paused for a moment, looking up at him through hooded eyes. He growled low in his throat, a mix of irritation and desire, and you smiled before sliding your fingers inside his boxers to touch his hot skin.
He was warm and hard, pulsing beneath your fingertips. You wrapped your hand around him, feeling the heat radiate off him like an open flame. He gasped softly as you began to stroke him, slowly at first, then faster when he closed his eyes and arched into your touch. The look of pure bliss on his face was enough to make your heart race. In response, you leaned in and pressed your lips against his neck, sucking softly on his flesh. His hands fisted in your hair, holding you close.
"F-fuck, Y/N...w-wait," he grabbed your wrist, halting your actions before burying his face into your neck.
Letting go of you, he sighed allowing his hands to roam down your back, over your hips, until he reached the hem of your hoodie. He pulled it up slowly, revealing your red lace bra beneath.
You gasped at the sudden change in temperature before he lowered his head to suck on your neck, nipping at your skin lightly.
Your heart raced as he undid the clasp, the cool air caressing your warm skin. The bra fell to the floor, leaving your chest bare for his view.
He merely glanced for a moment before drawing his eyes back up to yours, "You're so beautiful."
He trailed his fingers down your side, over the curve of your breast, and cupped it gently in his hand.
"Everything about you...I don't think I'll ever get enough."
Yoongi's breath hitched as you arched into his touch, your nipple hardening under his palm. His thumb circled around the bud, rolling it between his fingers. He dipped his head and took your other nipple into his mouth, sucking softly as you moaned.
The feeling of his lips on your skin sent shivers down your spine, goosebumps rising on your arms. You felt hot and cold all at once, your knees weak.
You couldn't tear your eyes away from his face as he looked up at you, his eyes hooded with lust.
Your gaze dropped to his hand, still massaging your breast even as he slipped it lower.
He used his free hand to hook his fingers into the waistband of your pants and pulled them down slowly, his lips never leaving your skin.
You were left in just your underwear now, your heartbeat pounding against your ribcage.
He swallowed your moan as he finally pulled away, his hand sliding up your thigh. He cupped you through your lacy underwear, gasping at the heat that pooled between your legs.
His fingers danced over your drenched folds, teasing your clit as he peeled your panties down to your ankles. You stepped out of them, your knees shaking ever so slightly. It was like being in a trance, every nerve ending alive and screaming for him.
He slipped his fingers out of your dripping center, holding them up to the light to emphasize the shine of your slick that glistened coated them.
"Taste yourself." He whispered,his lips brushing against your ear, sending shivers down your spine.
You obeyed, closing your eyes as you leaned forward to taste yourself on his fingers. The salty-sweet flavor was intoxicating, and you swirled your tongue around his digits, feeling him watching your every move.
He groaned, his eyes locked on your mouth, as you slowly licked his fingers clean. The air was thick with anticipation as he continued to watch you.
Grinning, he suddenly dropped down onto his knees before you, kneading his fingers into the small of your back, pulling you closer to him. His eyes never left your face as he positioned himself between your legs.
You could feel his breath on your sensitive skin, the heat of his body radiating towards you as he leaned in closer. His eyes locked with yours, his gaze filled with hunger and desire. You felt your body tremble in anticipation, your breath hitched as you waited for what would come next.
"Yoongi what are you-- oh, fuck!"
The first touch of his tongue made you cry out, your hips jerking forward. It was barely a lick, but it sent shivers of pleasure coursing through your body. He took his time, lapping at your folds, teasing and tasting, his fingers lightly brushing against your clit with each pass of his tongue. You moaned, throwing your head back and giving in to the pleasure.
"Yoongi..." you breathed, your voice hoarse. His name was a plea and a command all in one. He chuckled softly, the vibration sending waves of delight through you. With one hand still teasing your entrance, he used the other to spread your folds, exposing you to his hungry gaze. And then he dove in, tongue circling your entrance, teasing the sensitive bundle of nerves within. Your walls clenched around his tongue, begging for more.
"Please," you whimpered, reaching down to tangle your fingers in his hair. He hummed in agreement, pushing deeper, his nose brushing against your entrance as he lapped at it. You squirmed underneath him, your hips bucking against his face as you tried to get closer.
The taste of you, sweet and tangy and salty, filled his mouth. He lapped at you greedily, groaning around your folds as he tried to get as much of you as he could. Your moans and gasps echoed in the room, mingling with lewd sounds Yoongi was making as he lapped at your core.
With one hand still gripping his hair, you arched your back and cried out as he continued to lick and suck on your sensitive spots. Your hips rocked wildly, grinding against his face as he drove you closer and closer to orgasm.
His growls and moans were music to your ears, fueling your desire and making your heart race. You could feel the heat building deep within you, and you knew that it was only a matter of time before you reached your peak.
Yoongi is relentless, his tongue never slowing down as he continued to pleasure you. You threw your head back, your eyes screwed shut as you prepared for the moment of pure bliss.
"Yoongi, fuck I-I'm so close." you whimpered, begging for release from the pleasure building inside of you.
He chuckled slightly against your folds, loving the way you squirmed beneath him. With one hand, he spread your legs wider, giving himself better access. His mouth closed around your clit as he lapped up every drop of your arousal.
As he worked you up into a frenzy, you begged him not to stop, pleading for release, your hips bucking wildly against his mouth.
Yoongi loved the raw hunger in your voice, the way you trembled and squirmed under his expert ministrations.
His talented tongue was working wonders on you, and you began to feel familiar knot begin to build in the pit of your stomach.
You were close, so close.
"Yoongi, I-I'm gonna-- shit!"
And when you came, it was everything he'd hoped for—a scream torn from your throat as you shook and spasmed beneath him, your wet heat coating his face. Your walls clenched around his fingers as he continued to feast on your cunt, drinking in every last drop of your sweet nectar.
Finally satiated, he lifted his head, dragging his tongue over her swollen nub lazily and you flinched from over stimulation before making his way back up to meet your eyes, holding you close to keep you from falling off balance, "You taste so good."
You smiled, cupping his cheeks in your hands, "Take me to your bedroom."
Nodding, he gently lifted you into his arms, your legs instinctively wrapping around his waist, as he carried you towards the bedroom. His eyes remained locked with yours, brimming with longing and urgency. The sensation of your body against his, the touch of your velvety skin, and the warmth of your breath on his neck overwhelmed him, stirring a powerful desire within him.
"I want you so bad," he whispered, his voice ragged.
You rested your head on his shoulder as he carried you, "I want you too," you breathed, your heart pounding against his chest in time with his own, "more than anything."
Yoongi stumbles through the hallway, holding onto you firmly but not too tightly, his steps becoming more and more certain as he gets closer to his bedroom. He kicks the door open with his foot, almost losing his balance but managing to regain it just in time.
The room is dimly lit, with only a small desk lamp on, casting shadows across the walls and the floor. He slowly lowers himself onto the bed, cradling you in his arms as you lay your head on his chest.
To him, you hair smells like vanilla and you feel soft against his rough skin. His heart beats fast in anticipation as he looks down at you, taking in the way your eyes flutter closed and your breathing deepens as you lean into him. "Yoongi..." you whisper before trailing off, your voice barely audible even to herself.
With a sudden burst of energy, he pulls you closer, rolling so that you're on top of him and he's beneath you, your exposed cunt pressing roughly against his clothed cock.
Your hips grind together, and he groans at the feeling.
His hands trail up your sides, tracing the outline of your ribs before cupping your breasts. You gasp, your nipples hardening beneath his touch. He dips his head to capture one in his mouth, sucking gently as he groans against your skin. It tastes sweet and salty and intoxicating.
You look at him, a wry smile etched into your features as you press a chaste kiss to his lips, "Let me make you feel good,"
You slide off his waste slowly before kissing your way down his chest, tracing your fingers along his abs, along the thin trail of hair that leads from his lower abdomen to the waistband of his pants before finally reaching for the obvious tenting in his pants, palming him through his jeans.
He groans slightly, his breath hitched as your fingers brush against the evidence of his arousal. You smile without looking up, knowing the effect you're having on him.
Without any further hesitation, you unbuckled the belt of Yoongi's jeans and slid them down, his length straining painfully against his boxers.
With a smirk, you teased Yoongi by running your fingers over his underwear-clad dick through the fabric, feeling it twitch and throb.
Yoongi let out a low groan as he felt your soft hands stroking him through his boxers.
Taking a deep breath, you pulled his cock out, freeing it from its confines. Your eyes widened as you looked down at the jutting length of his dick in your hands. It was thick and veiny, standing tall against your palms.
You ran your thumb over the head, gathering the precum that had formed there before leaning down and wrapping your mouth around the tip, forcing a strained moan out of Yoongi as he quickly threaded his fingers through your hair.
"H-holy shit, Y/N, that feels so-- fuck."
The taste of Yoongi instantly filled your senses as you explored him with your tongue, circling the head and teasing his slit. The hand on your head gently began guiding you as you started to take more of him into your mouth.
Each bob of your head made a wet, sloppy noise as you sucked him off, taking more and more of him each time.
You could taste the pre-cum on the tip, and you couldn't wait to swallow it all down. As your mouth sank further down onto his cock, you let your lips brush against Yoongi's shaft and listened to the slapping noise as your wet mouth engulfed him.
You could feel the vein pulsing on top, and the smell of his arousal filled your nostrils.
You looked up at him, eyes meeting Yoongi's, and he thought about how damn attractive you looked with your cheeks hollowed out and lips red from around his dick.
With a soft moan, you leaned forward and swallowed him down, taking him to the base of his throat. You slowly started moving up and down, taking him in and out of your mouth, licking and sucking at the same time.
You could feel his hands gripping into your scalp, holding him tightly as you deepthroated him. The room fell silent, only the sounds of your tongue lapping at his cock and the wet, sucking noises could be heard.
Before you could take him deeper and swallow around him again, he grabbed your hair, roughly pulling you off of his dick.
You looked at him, confused, waiting for him to speak his mind.
"Not yet," he panted, his eyes wild and focused on your lips. "I need to be inside you."
He stood up, and you could see the strain in his muscles as he struggled to control himself.
"What are you waiting for, Yoongi?" you teased, your eyes never leaving his.
He let out a shaky breath, and you could see the hunger in his eyes. With trembling hands, he leaned down, fully removing his jeans.
Yoongi's breath hitched in his throat as he took a step closer to you, positioning himself between your legs.
You could feel the heat radiating from his body as he bent down, his eyes locked onto your own, filled with lust.
Your heart raced as he gently pulled your hips off the bed, lifting you up and guiding you towards the edge.
His hands trembled slightly as he positioned himself at your entrance, the tip of his cock teasing your wetness as he slowly began to press inside you.
You gasped as he entered you, feeling him stretch you open.
His eyes locked onto yours, his breath hitched as you clenched around him, pulling him in deeper.
"Fuck, Y/N," he whispered, his voice ragged with desire.
Slowly, he began to move, his hips rocking gently against yours as he thrust inside you. Your hands found their way to his shoulders, gripping tightly as your eyes met his, lost in the intensity of the moment.
With each thrust, you both let out soft moans, the sounds mingling with the wet slap of skin against skin. It felt like a million different sensations all at once - the warmth of his body pressed against yours, the friction of his dick sliding in and out of you, the pulsing veins of his cock, and the way his lips brushed against yours as he kissed you.
Your hips began to meet his thrusts, rising up to meet him as he fucked you, his eyes never leaving yours. It was as if he was searching for something in the depths of your soul, and you were right there with him, searching for the same thing.
"Y-Yoongi, please," You whimpered, silently begging him to move faster.
Suddenly, as if a light switch went off he gritted his teeth and growled, beginning to thrust roughly into you, filling you with each and every inch of his length.
You moaned loudly beneath him, nails digging into his back as he took you like he owned you, his hips slapping against yours in a primal rhythm that echoed in the small room.
“F-fuck, Yoongi!” You mewl, arching your back.
His breathing was ragged as he looked down at you, his gaze dark and intense. “That’s right baby girl, take my cock. Take it all.” He pulled out slightly before slamming back in, feeling yours walls clench around him, loving the sensation.
He could feel the intensity building inside of him, the need to release slowly beginning to build inside of him.
"Fuck, Y/N," he groaned, his voice rough and demanding. "You feel so good." He slid one of his hands between your bodies, teasing your clit as he continued to pound into you.
"O-oh my god, Yoongi, I-I'm so close..."
He loved hearing you moan his name. It fueled his desire, made him lose control even more.
He grabbed your hair with his free hand and pulled your head back, exposing your neck to him, leaving a trail of kisses and bites down your shoulder and collarbone as you moved together.
"Yoongi, please," you pleaded, your voice quivering.
You wrapped your legs around his waist, urging him to go deeper. The way he touched you, possessed you, owned you...it was unlike anything you had ever felt before.
His rough hands on your skin made you shiver, and you could feel the heat between the two of you growing more intense with every passing second.
His hips snapped forward, his cock hitting your G-spot just right, and you cried out, your body shaking. "Yes," you moaned, your whole body tingling. "Right there. Oh fuck, right there!" You arched your back, meeting his movements, your nails digging into his skin as you felt a familiar coil began form inside of you.
"F-fuck, Yoongi, I'm so close, please!"
"Yeah? You gonna cum all over my cock, princess?"
You could no longer form any words, simply responding with a strained moan.
"Beg for it."
Your eyes locked with his, pleading for the release you both craved. "Please," you whimpered, your voice barely audible. "I need you to make me cum, Yoongi, Please!"
Yoongi's face was a mix of pleasure and dominance as he watched you lose control. He thrust faster, harder, swallowing your moans among his own as they filled the room.
"Good girl," he growled, his eyes locked onto yours.
At the sound of those words, something within you snapped. You wanted him more than you had ever wanted anything in your life.
The air was thick with the scent of sex and desire as you both surrendered to the intensity of the moment.
You suddenly felt the pressure building, the heat between you two intensifying. Your body began to shake uncontrollably as you felt the orgasm you had been craving for so long finally taking over.
"Oh fuck, Yoongi, I'm-- shit!" you screamed, your voice echoing through the room.
Yoongi watched, his eyes filled with satisfaction, as you exploded around his cock. Your nails dug deeper into his skin, and he felt you tighten around him like a vice.
Feeling your walls clenching around his cock, it sent him over the edge as well. He moaned your name as he came inside you, his body shaking violently as he emptied himself inside you.
Your bodies kept moving, pulsing together as the wave of orgasm continued to wash over you both.
As the intensity subsides, Yoongi's weakened legs give way and he collapses against you, his chest pressed against yours, both of you breathless and covered in perspiration, utterly spent.
Gradually, as your breathing steadies, you attempt to shift and free yourself from underneath him. However, Yoongi swiftly wraps an arm around your waist, refusing to let you go, holding you close against him as he turns you both so that you're facing each other on your sides.
Yoongi's eyes met yours, filled with a mixture of lust, love, and something deeper - a connection that went beyond the physical. His fingers gently traced the curves of your face, his lips brushing against yours in a soft, lingering kiss.
You could feel the heat and energy from his body pulsating through you, and the aftershocks of your orgasm still reverberating within you. The intensity of the moment had left you both breathless, and yet there was a sense of peace that enveloped you as you lay there, entwined with one another.
Without saying a word, Yoongi tenderly lifted your chin, his eyes locking onto yours, and he spoke into the silence, his voice hoarse with emotion.
"I love you, Y/N."
"I love you too, Yoongi."
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dustofthedailylife · 1 year
new Roommates AU Idea ( semi drama ) let us use that brainroot till we had our fill!!
You found a project partner who actually hard worker and really helpful the shared project, you talk positively about him in front of the group being happy to have someone like him who will make your graduation actually faster!
But what you don’t know is he is awful behind your back! Constantly talking down about you and spread false inappropriate rumors and trying to get you be the bullies new target without you knowing.
Because they find your dedication/love to your field is too much for his taste and as revenge for rejecting him.
Of course both men actually work together to get him to stop or..worse?.
[-> Roommate AU brainrots]
I love this idea!
The day you come home, sighing in relief and telling Kaveh and Alhaitham about the new project partner you found for your mandatory botany project, you bet they both perk up their heads.
You tell them how he is very intelligent and hard-working and really pushes this project forward. A dream for everyone who needs to do group projects.
The first thing Alhaitham asks for is his name. For entirely selfless and strictly conversational purposes. No ulterior motive behind this question at all /s
You bet he searches the files at the Akademiya the next morning for this mysterious man's name to look through his record. And as expected, he had heard the name before and seen the guy around too. And he knew he meant trouble.
Alhaitham sneaks close to him and his group of friends to listen in on the conversation and what he hears is infuriating him.
"Can you believe they rejected me after they told me I'm the best project partner they ever had?" "Albeit, I'm lucky they said no, because aside from that they're a total smartass anyway and I'm the one doing all the work. They're slacking off while I'm working." "I can't believe I wanted to take that cringe nerd out to dinner. But every genius can have a leap in judgment..."
Alhaitham tells Kaveh about his findings the same evening. You're still at the Akademiya to work on your project. Which you had been doing for the last couple of weeks. How dare that asshole drag your name through the mud like that.
For once both men agree that they had to help with your little problem that you weren't even aware of yet.
It would be very easy for Alhaitham to tinker with some records or slip some forbidden knowledge capsule in his pocket and then send the mantra after him. Yes, that would probably be the easiest way.
You'll most likely be sad, but he'll personally help you find a new project partner.
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puppypeter · 26 days
RAAAHHHHHH your most recent bottom!Roy post is just *chefs kiss* PERFECTION!!!
I am endlessly fascinated by super masculine Alpha male type characters getting to bottom, and while slutty!Roy is a stroke of genius, I also LOVVVVEEE first time bottoming!Roy, because maybe its something hes always been peripherally interested in but because of his public persona/sports politics/internalised homophobia/internalised sexism, no one ever really ASKED, and he probably wouldnt have felt safe enough to try with a casual hookup even if they had.
I do believe in my soul that Roy is a Dom, but I do think the intimacy and vulnerability of bottoming with Jamie would be something Roy would definitely be willing to explore. I think it would probably be super emotional and cathartic for Roy (and probably Jamie too, because could you imagine how overwhelming that kind of trust would be?), but both Roy and Jamie would really have to work up to it, because internalised homophobia is a complicated beast, and you can think you're not super effected by any ingrained ideologies until all of a sudden you're having a panic attack mid-Coitus.
There WILL be crying for both of them when they do finally work up to it though, that I know for absolute certain.
I still think Roy bottoming would probably be very rare though, even just purely because of how emotionally fraught the whole ordeal is, but I do think it would really be the kind of thing that just reaffirms how serious RoyJamie are about each other. Romantic sex that simultaneously unpacks our individual internalised issues, my absolute beloved ❤️
yay someone in my inbox screaming about bottom roy kent is what dreams are made of! 🥰🥰🥰
I agree with everything, there's many different ways it could be explored. Either as him becoming more and more stuck in his ways about sex too, like no I can't go back to that or even sadder, having a bad experience with someone, maybe a casual or not so casual partner making some comments that hurt deeper than they think and which make him swear to never trust someone that much again.
I also do love them being together, snuggling all warm and flushed and talking about the more vulnerable stuff and he (a little pouty and playing with his hands in a nervous manner in a similar fashion to jam tartt) wonders why would jamie assume he'd top though :( and he expect maybe jamie to laugh in a mocking way (like cmon have you seen yourself) but jamie just giggles and admits that he was just eager to selfishly have roy in him but he'd of course love to die a different death too
Also, while technically nobody's business, I can see the locker room talk around the topic and everyone straight up assuming Jamie bottoms cause I mean have you seen him (and the cake on him lol) so they're all a bit surprised when they somehow find out otherwise
I think my obsession comes with mostly Roy looking absolutely delicious when he's all flushed and he gets those rosy cheeks (Jamie 100% jokingly lovingly calls him doll), the thought of beefy baby Jamie looking after him in s.3 like he's so eager to court him and make sure he's got what he needs (sticks his hoodie on him, brings him tea, ice pack, hugs him from behind and kisses his shoulder like he did at the gala with keeley 😭). Ok this is not a post about roy kent bottoming anymore, it's about roy kent having equal rights to be looked after and treated like a prince by his boyfriend (whose mum and stepdad have made sure knows how to) and Roy being absolutely gobsmacked at the treatment because what the fuck is going on this is so nice I'm not used to this oh flowers? for me? but I am cooking you dinner Jamie shut up, you remembered the washing powder that doesn't irritate my skin? you bought me something because it reminded you of me?
(ok I'm self projecting on roy again and healing my inner child via him but as someone that also sees roy as a the post child for childhood emotional neglect i can see him being both overly touched but also thrown off by someone taking care of him and puttint his needs first, there's so much i want to say about that it would take a million words)
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tarot-by-e11e · 1 month
Helloooooo 🥁 I'm here .. well you know me 💅....
OK enough of me teasing you hahh...
Umm my dream life is achieving everything I've ever dreamt off. A safe place where I can nurture my soul . And a loving partner to walk by my side .
Your Go-to Self-Empowering song - WHO SAYS by Selena Gomez.
Initials : S.P
Hi Baby Sissy S.P.,
Thank you so much for participating in my new ask game~
I was lowkey expecting you to mention a Kpop song but heyyy~
“Who Says” is a great song to feel empowered to.
We talked about this numerous times baby sissy, the more you show up for yourself and cast your insecurities and limiting beliefs to the side, the higher the chances of you living the life of your dreams.
The cards I pulled for you regarding the Encouragement of your Future Self are:
7 of Swords, Lovers, 5 of Cups
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These are the things your Future Self wants to tell you:
“Listening to gossip, hearsay, and projections would be our downfall. Listening to other people insulting us and berating us because we don’t fit in their standards would ruin us.
Caving into jealousy by being petty will get us spanked so my dear, behave and don’t think getting petty would do you any good. You know the truth, so why believe in their lies?”
“If you’re going be strategic, do it in the field of your work. In how you make more money from a different source of income. Stability from one job is okay and all, but in this economy?
Sweetheart, wake up and smell the BS in the air and have more than one source of income. Even if it’s unconventional, you don’t owe anyone any explanation why you do a different kind of work, in contrast to what is expected of you.”
“Live up to your dream version, not to the expectations of others pressed upon you. Do something for you. Pursue that career because that’s what YOU want to do. Not because someone suggested it to you.”
“We got him… ahehee, Sissy and I got them. We’re all happy. Even if Sissy saw this, she’s too stubborn like us to believe that it’s actually gonna happen. So don’t give up, okay? Keep moving forward. We are all actually happy in the future with them.”
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“Plans fail and fall through. But what you need to learn as early as now is to not dwell on one option. And yes, I’m talking about the school and that course. You’re just too stubborn to venture out and try other options. How long do you have to keep crying about this for you to try to see options available to you abroad?”
“Two words: International Scholarships~ if you really wanna achieve a diploma before your Saturn return, you know what you need to do.”
“Lemme reiterate when I mentioned lies, I meant you believing that you won’t get opportunities beyond what your family allows you to achieve. Need we say more?
The universe is putting you through the wringer because you’re a Square Block forcing yourself into a Triangle. Why do you have to force yourself to fit in where you’re meant to be somewhere else?”
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“Read the fine print and don’t get scammed. Ask someone who knows the laws if you don’t understand certain parts. Know the do’s and don’ts-s.” (TBH this is giving me foreign student vibes)
“It’s risky but it’s worth it. Put yourself out there. There’s a whole world beyond the death grip of your family.”
“The unknown is a freeing experience. Explore, take risks, and have fun.”
“The traditional educational system isn’t the only way you can graduate. There are other universities out there. With even better opportunities that are better fitted for you. What are you waiting for?”
"Stop with your stubbornness and get out of your country already! Sissy told you this months ago! We suffered through college because you being stuck in your ways.... Gurrllllllllllll..."
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“Before expecting someone else to choose you, choose yourself first. Learn to love to put yourself first.”
“Let those who genuinely support you be there for you.”
“Make a choice. Choose only one.”
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“Don’t get swayed by every shiny thing. Some red apples have toxic wax on them too.”
“Don’t get too caught up in disappointment with your family for your choices. They’ve caused you too much grief for them to even matter in your life. There’s a reason why you see weeds all clumped together under a fruit tree. They selfishly cling to the ones that bear fruits.”
“Weed out the crap in your life the second you become independent. Learn to understand the fact that you can love your family from a safe distance. It’s better for everyone that way.”
“Work-life balance my dear. You can’t blame him for being all over you. That boy’s royally whipped for your fine ass~ Also, use protection.” (oooohhhh…)
“Make sure you graduate and work first. You can spare a few cash for protection. Childcare is still expensive AF. Even if he is rich.” (oooooohhh)
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This is all I can read for you.
Do let me know how this resonates with you.
(This reading is for entertainment purposes only)
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mechanicalmenace · 2 years
“Layers” Character Meme
Name: Robin Lillian Bailey
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Style/Color: Dark brown, curly and usually in a side-part with some braids over the ear. Reaches just past her shoulders. 
Height: 5′10″
Clothing Style: Usually seen in jeans, combat boots, a tank top and a flannel shirt or hoodie when she’s not working, or a jumpsuit tied up around her waist with a tanktop. Likes rusty reds and greens. She still wears her holotags.
Best Physical Feature: She would say her eyes.
Fears: Loss of close family and friends.
Guilty Pleasure: Sweet breakfasts, like pastries or pancakes.
Biggest Pet Peeve[s]: Being talked down to/belittled; People who borrow something without giving/putting it back.
Ambition for the Future: Continue her search for a cure for Rachel; get a steady job that pays well enough.
First Thoughts Waking Up: “Better go see what's for breakfast."
What They Think About the Most: Work, and Rachel and her condition.
What They Think About Before Bed: Anything noteworthy that may have happened that day, or anything she has plans of the next day.
What They Think Their Best Quality Is: Her resourcefulness and resilience. Her loyalty towards friends and family.
Single or Group Dates: “Single.”
To be Loved or Respected: “Respected.”
Beauty or Brains: “Brains.”
Dogs or Cats: “Hm… cats, by a teensy tiny margin.”
Lie: “Not usually.”
Believe in Yourself: “Yes.”
Believe in Love: “Yes.”
Want Someone: “No.”
Been on Stage: “Absolutely not.”
Done Drugs: “No.”
Changed Who You Were to Fit In: “Nope. Wouldn't dream of it. If I'm required to change to fit in, I don't want to be a part of it.”
DOB: “October 26.”
How Old Will You Be: “Twenty-eight”
Age You Lost Your Virginity: “I think I was seventeen?"
Does Age Matter: “Yeaaah... It kinda does.”
Best Personality: “Talkative, friendly, honest and passionate about what they believe in and care about.”
Best Eye Color: “Hmm... Blue?”
Best Hair Color: “I don't care much about color, but it's nice when their hair is long enough to play with when we cuddle.”
Best thing to do With a Partner: “Work on a project together maybe? or cook a meal then eat it together. Just cuddling and relaxing with each other is nice too.”
I love: “My family and friends.”
I feel: “Kinda tired, and worried.”
I hide: “How much Rachel's condition is affecting me. Or at least I try to.”
I miss: “Being home with my family.”
I wish: “Travel was easier so I could visit them more often.”
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shatterthefragments · 3 months
Sending you all the cats I've worked with in my myriad careers 😁
American shorthair, Maine coon, ocelot, bobcat, tiger, clouded leopard, cheetah, jaguar
(I adore that you’ve worked with so many wonderful cats!!!)
American shorthair - most comfort
Long answer here and a shorter answer here
But to come up with another: sun shining down on me, but not overheating, while I overlook the ocean in partial shade 😌
However I fully stand by putting myself in the middle of two stuffies so I’m both the big and little spoon and putting heated bags over my waist to pretend I’m holding and being held and holding my own hands together.
Maine coon - a word to describe myself and how others would
Answered here
But after seeing your “Tired” response.
Uh. Yeah. Both myself and my coworkers would 10000% agree that I’m tired and need to Rest.
Alternatively, I would choose Restless for myself.
While others have repeatedly told me they admire my patience. (Which. I think stems more from apathy and having had to give up caring quite so much for my own sanity than actual patience but 🤷🏻) (but 👀 patience of a Saint. Saint and Sinner. Fuck I need more tattoos 👀)
ocelot — movies , tv shows , books , or games ?
Oooh. Right now at this point in time: games! Especially games with an element of magic! And storylines!!
Up until high school: books for sure! Also computer games!!
During high school probably TV shows.
For 2020-2022ish movies (watched the old guard, got obsessed, tried to watch all the movies the actors were in (unsuccessfully of course)) then started playing Stardew Valley at some point in there and I am currently in love with games!!
bobcat — when you think of your future, what is it like? who’s in it? where are you ?
I uh. I hope to be done school. Or in a place where I can continue on without it affecting me so negatively. I hope I’m in a job that I can actually visualize as a career for a significant portion of time. I hope I’m happier. I hope it’s more stable and that I’m able to find a way to balance things better. I hope I make more time to see my friends. I hope I go on even more ocean trips/walks and maybe even kayak semi regularly. I hope I get time to regularly indulge in a variety of my hobbies.
I hope all the friends I currently have in my life are still in it 🥰💖 I hope that wherever I end up I can continue to make friends in the new places. Maybe I will have life partner or lover(s)? It would be nice…
In all honesty. Mostly due to the climate crisis. I don’t think I can move anywhere else unless it’s as or even more mild than where I live. I still don’t have much hope of ever moving out unless I need to take a masters program at a university that isn’t local enough to stay in my room and commute. But in some dreams it would be nice to have a small house of my own, and in some Other dreams. I share a co-op property with lots of farm animals and friends and the value of slowly produced handmade goods is enough that we can live off of that. And lots of pets!!
In all honesty, realistically, I picture myself exactly where I am. In my room at home with my parents, friends far away with me going out to see them as often as I can, hopefully done school and in a better job by then. Maybe union even if I’m lucky.
tiger — whats your best character trait ? what’s your worst ?
I believe it would be how much love I have in me.
Ah fuck hmm. I would say obliviousness. There are many ways this applies, almost to the point of negligence sometimes, but I think it covers it well enough?
clouded leopard — how dark / deep do your thoughts tend to be ?
Mmm. Depends. I definitely still find myself (despite now actually wanting to live for the most part. Like,, fuck?? Can’t talk to my friends or do the projects I want to do or do hobbies if I’m dead and so I actually fear death a little bit sometimes bc there’s so much I want to do still) easily falling into thought patterns and like the knee jerk reaction to things being “oh well if it doesn’t work out I can always just -“ but I am trying not to. Bc it’s. Not really an option. I made it through all the other crises. “I can make it through anything” or something.
My vent poetry and lyrics definitely have their own take on my feelings too haha 😬
But I work at being more optimistic. It was killing me to be who I was a decade ago. So I shed everything I could. (This is. A bit overdramatic. But I’m so happy I’m not the same as I was. I’m probably at the happiest point I’ve ever been in my life so far. But it’s fragile and even though my baseline is a lot better than it was, when I’m in a low I’m still at the bottom)
So all in all. Dark, but like. With lightning illuminating the clouds with a hopeful break in the storm ✨
cheetah — favorite and least favorite thing about your appearance ?
Knee jerk thought: my tattoos or my face as my favourite. Belly or thighs or upper arms as my least favourite.
(But at the same time I do admire the strength in my legs bc even though I have come close I’ve so far never had my legs fully give out on me and they keep me moving even when the bone deep pain radiates through them (slowly, then)) (and even though I do experience dysphoria, it’s not currently as bad as it has been and even though I don’t like that they’re on *me* necessarily, sometimes the tits look nice sooo while they’re on me I guess 🤷🏻)
I’m sticking with my face as my favourite. Sometimes I think I’m adorable. Sometimes I think I’m handsome. Sometimes I think I’m pretty. (Sometimes I think I’m dateable? (Which I have Other Feelings about this even being a Thing) And cute! based on my face) sometimes I even think I look cool. 🥰✌️
Least favourite… to be extremely specific, probably the way the fat gathers on my upper thighs more than anything else. But I wear a lot of pants and skirts that usually cover my legs a bit.
I aim for body neutrality and some positivity. It’s of course still a work in progress. But I’ll get closer. Especially with adorning myself with pieces of art too :) attempting to make a home for myself in the body I inhabit 💖
jaguar — how do you try to appear to other people ? 
This is a good question!! Sure wish I knew the answer!!!
On one hand I do kinda like it when I come off as confident and experienced to other people. On the other DO NOT COME TO ME I DONT KNOW WHAT IM DOING!! (Unless it’s in comparison in which case. I suppose I do sometimes?)
I hope I come across as a safer space that people can be themselves around. 💖
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your-sweet-cookies · 1 year
☁️Mun questions!☁️ 10-15
☁️Mun questions!☁️
10. Believe in aliens?
Answer from Mun: No, not really. I mean, I would like to believe that maybe, just maybe, we aren't the only form of life in this whole entire universe, but at the same time, just like with supernatural stuff, I am pretty much a sceptic when it comes to these stuff.
11. Do you play video games? What’s your favorite if so
Answer from Mun: Already answered here. uwu
12. Ever tried any out there hair colors?
Answer from Mun: While I like to give my characters various kinds of hair colors, ranging all across the spectrum of the rainbow, I myself had never dyed my hair. Maybe I would've liked to do it, but my hair is pretty frail and thin, so bleaching it might damage it to a point of no return and I'd rather keep my hair as is than try out 1 funky color and end up bald in return.
13. How do you get inspired to write?
Answer from Mun: For RP I usually get inspired from the music I listen to, movies and shows I watch/have watched, books and fanfics I've read, headcanons for the character I am writing with and general cute ship hc ideas I come across in prompts and incorrect quotes and sometimes even threads I see others writing (tho I try to stay away from being a "copy cat", lol, since it's not really my style.).
For original fiction and fanfics, I gather my inspiration from literature (like the style of writing of an author I came to enjoy), music (I can come up with an entire idea and/or plot around the lyrics of one single song), character dynamics, games (like I might see a creature concept or element that's not very developed in the game's story plot, but be like 'hey, I could actually do something with that shit!' and bam, I come up with a plot idea for that one element or group of elements I liked in that game) and lastly, movies and shows (this usually comes in handy when writing fanfiction, because I might get inspired by a story ark or something else, like an idea, that appeared in a show for example that I'd like to change or adapt for my own original character).
14. Do you relate to your muse(s) in any way?
Answer from Mun: Well, while I do try to avoid projecting onto my characters, I do happen sometimes to use my own personal experiences, philosophy or preferences when developing a character, so yeah, I can usually find at least 1 or 2 things I can relate to to each of my original characters: for example, my Naruto OC (Saby Nekosuki) loves cats and is a stubborn spirit, my ATLA OC is a man that wanted to fight for justice for those who were wronged by the lack of punishment the war criminals received, the OC I used in my AiB fanfic is shy, but is good at reading and interpreting people, and Kukki values honesty, is a loyal friend and partner and despises bullies and those who exert their power and dominance over others through force and violence.
15. What’s your go to writing song if you have one?
Answer from Mun: I don't have only 1 universal go to song for all my written content. Each plot, ship and character I have has a variety of songs that inspire me when writing them. For example, some of the main songs that inspired the plot and ship dynamic for my AiB fanfic include: Lavender Haze, Enchanted, I think he knows, Snow on the beach, Wildest Dreams and Afterglow by Taylor Swift (it just so happened that back when I was shaping the plot in my head, I was in a phase of listening to lots of Taylor Swift songs, since her newest album was out at the time).
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jostystyles · 3 years
nobody's ever loved me like you do, i'd love to see me from your point of view | tj
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a/n: I was feeling really insecure and sad today so I wrote this. note to self, don't look at who ur faves follow. this is extremely self indulgent and i might have projected a lot of my insecurities here, so please be kind. but also, remember that you are so valid and beautiful no matter what, regardless of looks, identity, whatever. it might take time but it's true. i wrote this in hopes for people to relate to, and also as an escape of what we deserve to hear from someone someday. title comes from pov by ariana grande, and i listened to fat funny fried by maddie zahm before writing this. my ask and dm's are always open. also fuck bunny blogs, and if you submit things there or to girls in general to hurt them intentionally fuck you.
warnings: fem reader, mentions of plus size/reader of bigger than average nature. HEAVY MENTIONS of self hatred, mental health issues, eating disorders. like I said, I projected some of my insecurities here. swearing. lots of angst but it's a happy ending I promise.
word count: 2.5k
“Why does she look like that?”
“Omg. I can’t believe he ended up with a girl who looks like that”
“He really went for the opposite of a typical wag huh.”
(Y/N) locked her phone and threw it across the room, not caring where it landed.
She was tired.
In reality, she did it to herself. She knew she shouldn’t have gone looking, but in a moment of weakness she found herself in the comments of Tyson’s most recent instagram post he put up of them on valentine’s day.
“Happy Valentine’s Day to my beautiful girl.”
That couldn’t be further from the truth.
How could she be beautiful? She’d spent her whole life trying to believe it when people told her. Was someone really her friend or did they just pity her, or keep her around so they feel better about themselves? Years of dieting and comparing her body to her friends, being afraid to talk to boys, and watching as her friends got asked out while she stood to the side. She spent days crying in the mirror of how she looked, and dreamed of what she would look like if she could just cut it all off her body. It was hard to convince yourself of something when you can’t believe it yourself.
So when she found herself at a bar with her friends one Saturday night, she expected the usual anticipation of watching her friends get hit on and drinks bought. Then a boy with a sweet smile, kind brown eyes, and floppy brown hair came up to her, all that changed.
She left the bar that night with a new number in her phone and a funny feeling in her chest.
It’s been almost 2 years since that day, and while that boy might’ve changed her worldview about herself in a multitude of ways, sometimes a simple kiss and three little words can’t erase years of trauma and insecurities.
So she let them get the best of her. She had been doing good at not letting that happen, because she knew it made Tyson upset.
But sometimes that wasn’t enough.
She was surrounded by beautiful women everywhere she went, no matter where. All of the other guys' partners were drop dead gorgeous girls with long, beautiful hair, long legs, and tiny waists.
She didn’t have that.
She had thick thighs that threatened to bust out of her jeans most days, and a stomach that would jiggle when she walked sometimes. Her cheeks were rounder than she’d like them to be, and her hips were wider than she wanted. These were things that seemed to be the source of almost every insecurity she had and she’d spent her whole life convinced that they’d be the reason someone would never love her.
She was wrong though. Because Tyson did love her, all these reasons included. And she knew he’d spend the rest of his life reminding her of it.
In reality, she knew that when they went out, and she only saw the people she’d never look like, he only saw her. She knew he’d never think of giving up what they had together for someone else.
But what if he did? That was what ate her alive, and kept these insecurities coming back.
So that’s what happened when she found herself alone and vulnerable, and she decided to name search her boyfriend on a bunch of sites.
“Tyson Jost used to date a bunch of tiny leggy blondes, but now he’s with a fat (Y/H/C) girl? What’s up with that?”
“I saw tyson out with his girlfriend last week and boy can that girl eat, it’s kind of embarrassing lol.”
“I can’t believe josty dates a girl who’s at most a 2. Maybe he wants to be sure hes the hot one lmao.”
Charity case.
Not to mention the hundreds of girls who looked like they walked straight out of Vogue magazine that sat in his following list. She knew they were mostly his sister’s friends, or girls he went to high school with, but some of them were girls he probably used to hook up with.
Girls that weren’t (Y/N). Girls who were perfect, and didn’t have to worry about stores not carrying their size, or worrying if there’d be pictures taken at a party. Girls who weren’t afraid of eating in front of big groups of people.
She couldn’t take it anymore, and she just let the tears fall.
She was sobbing. When would it end? When would she feel like a real person? Why didn’t she see what he did.
Her cries were so loud she didn’t hear the door to their bedroom swing open, or hear Tyson drop to the ground where she sat.
“Baby? What’s the matter? Are you okay? Are you hurt? Please tell me, it ok. You’re ok.” He let out, kneeling in front of her and stabilizing her with his hands on her shoulder.
(Y/N) choked on a sob, feeling guilty for letting him see her like this. She hated when he worried.
“I-I’m..” She could barely get the words out.
“Its ok honey, Shh. Let it out. I’ve got you.” Tyson assured her, pulling her into his chest and rubbing her back. He could feel her tense up when he did that, and he wondered why.
A few moments had passed and (Y/N)’s cries had finally subsided. She began to pull away with a sniffle, and was met with the her boyfriends concerned eyes.
“You ok pretty girl? Do you want to tell me what happened?” he said softly, wiping a stray tear from her eye.
“I’m- ok.” Lies.
Tyson cocked his head with a knowing look. “Are you sure?”
(Y/N) looked up at him again. “No.”
“What’s the matter then?”
“I’m- I’ve been doing it again. I know I promised you I wouldn’t but I did.” She admitted shyly, not meeting his eyes and scratching his finger lightly with her nail.
“Oh, honey…” Tyson cooed, “Why do you do that to yourself?”
“Because it’s a reminder that it’s all true. Once I look I can’t stop. They’re just. They’re so fucking mean, Tys.”
“But it’s not true. You know that right? They’re just a bunch of idiots who thrive off making other people feel bad about themselves. You’re worth so much more than what they say.” He told her, feeling his heart break that she would actually believe the things people say about her.
“They might be, but it still like, fucking hurts. It’s like they know every single insecurity I have and pick on them knowing it’ll make me upset.” (Y/N) said.
Tyson hated how sad she looked. He knew she was an insecure person from when they first met. He could tell she was surprised he sought her out at the bar, and he often wondered why until she explained it to him.
“Girls like me don’t end up with guys like you, Tyson.”
Girls like her. To him, that wasn’t a wide category, because there was only her. Sure, she was the total opposite of girls he’d been with in the past. But they lacked 80% of the things (Y/N) was. From the moment he saw her standing in the corner of the bar, he was blown away and he knew he needed to have her in his life any way she’d let him.
She was so beautiful to him, and he was so drawn to her aura. Until he met her, he never believed in soulmates, or even believed he’d find the love he had craved so desperately at all.
But he found it in her.
While he was trying to think of how to help her, her stomach rumbled in the silence of the room.
“Are you hungry babe?” He asked.
He suddenly remembered that he didn’t see her eat when he got home last night or when he left this morning, and he had just gotten back from a long trip on the road.
“(Y/N). Have you been eating?” He asked softly. He knew she struggled with an eating disorder in the past, and this could have triggered it for sure.
“Yea, I have.” She said, not meeting his eyes.
“Are you sure?”
“No.” She admitted.
“Baby, you need to eat. You deserve food. When was the last time you ate?” He asked, feeling something between sadness and anger that something in the world had his girlfriend convinced she didn’t deserve to eat.
“I don’t know, like maybe a few days ago? I’m fine I promise.” (Y/N) rushed out, trying to change the subject. She couldn’t let him know that she was relapsing again.
Tyson knew better than to argue with her when she was in this state of vulnerability.
“C’mon babe. Stand up.” He said, pushing himself to his feet and holding his hand out to her.
Confused, (Y/N) replied, “Why?” She still took his hand and rose to her feet.
He had a few inches on her so they didn't quite meet each other's gaze without her looking up a bit.
He knew she wouldn’t meet his eyes, so he lifted her chin towards him before saying, “I want you to tell me what you’re insecure about. Tell me. Point it out.”
(Y/N) furrowed her brows at him, and became embarrassed. “What? Why?”
“Trust me babe. Please”
She took a deep breath. “My thighs. They’re so big and they chafe when I walk and take up so much space when I sit.”
Tyson reached his hand down to begin stroking her thigh. “You mean these? Well I love them. They’re so soft and comfortable to rest on, and they look damn good wrapped around my back and feel great when they’re squeezing my head.” He saw (Y/N) shudder and display a short smile. “What’s next?”
“Um, my weight I guess. And my stomach. LIke, I weigh almost the same and I might even weigh more than you, Tyson. That’s embarrassing. And like, I might look normal from the front but the side view is horrendous.” She spoke shyly.
“It’s not embarrassing babe. I know it sounds cheesy, but all bodies are built differently. Some aren’t meant to support a lower weight. And it doesn't define you no matter how much you want it to or not. You are so much more than that. And personally? I love your body because it's sexy as hell.” (Y/N) let out a giggle. “Your tummy is cute and soft, and I like to lay my head on it. No matter what angle I look at, I see nothing but beauty. And besides, there's more for me to grab onto when I’m pounding into you right?” He finished with a smirk and earned a slap to the chest.
“Anything else?” He asked.
“I guess like, my face? I don’t know. I just feel like, gross and ugly sometimes. My cheeks are so round and I still have acne and, yeah.”
“Well I think your face is perfect. I love waking up next to it in the morning. Who cares if you have acne? It just makes you human. But seriously, honey. You’re beautiful. So much it takes the breath out of me sometimes.”
“No, I’m serious. You can’t see it like I do. You don’t see the way your eyes light up you see a baby, or the way your cheeks scrunch up when we’re on the verge of tears from laughing. Or when you smile at me from across the room? It’s been almost two years and my heart still skips a beat. You can just be sitting on the couch watching a movie, or talking to JT and I am just in awe of how beautiful you are. You don’t even have to try because it’s so natural.”
(Y/N) was on the verge of tears again. “Tyson. Do you really mean all this?”
“Every fucking word of it. Every part of you that you hate? Or you see something wrong with? I love something about it. There’s so much beauty in you that I wish you could see.”
(Y/N) mumbled into his chest, “I’m trying really hard. But the other girls-”
“Other girls?” Tyson questioned with surprise. He knew there were no other girls, but did he do something to make her think there was?
“You know, like the girls you follow on Instagram. And the girls that like, throw themselves at you at games. It just like, makes me insecure sometimes. They’re so skinny and look like models, and I just don’t” (Y/N) admitted with guilt.
Tyson didn’t even think about the girls he followed on instagram, because if he was really honest he was barely on it, unless it was to post a stupid story or show off (Y/N), and the occational meme to the Avs meme group.
“I’ll unfollow them all right now.” He said, reaching for his phone.
“No, Tyson don’t. That makes me seem like the crazy girlfriend who won’t let her man look at pictures of other girls.” She retaliated.
“You know I don’t care about them, right, like, I only have eyes for you.” He said, grabbing her hands again.
“I know. I just like, think sometimes that you could literally have any one of them because they’re so perfect and that’s what you deserve.” (Y/N) whispered.
“I don’t want them. They’re boring. Seriously. The only personality they have is showing off their bodies on instagram and making their lives seem put together.” Tyson stated.
(Y/N) laughed, realizing he was probably right. “Yeah, I guess you’re right.”
“I am right.”
She rolled her eyes. “Ok Tyson.”
“I’m kidding. But seriously. I love you so much, and you are so perfect to me. And I know you struggle with how you see yourself, so I want you to let me know the next time you get like this again, okay? I want to help you. And if I can’t help you, then we can look into you seeing someone who can, okay? Your wellbeing comes first.” He said, stroking her hair and pressing a soft kiss to the top of her head.
“Thank you, Tys. I’m sorry for doing this.” She said.
“Don’t apologize, okay? You’re allowed to feel.”
“I love you.” (Y/N) whispered, looking up at him. She was met with his big brown eyes, where she saw nothing but love and sincerity.
“I love you too, sweet girl.” He replied, leaning down to press a soft kiss to her lips.
They broke apart, and just spent a minute in each other's presence.
In that moment, (Y/N) realized how lucky she was. She was lucky to have a partner like Tyson, one who addressed her insecurities and instead of diminishing them, he reminded her that they made her human, but didn’t define her.
She knew it was going to take a while to love herself, she realized that years ago. But with a man like Tyson by her side, she knows the day will come a lot faster than she ever dreamed. When you have someone who loves you the way Tyson loves (Y/N), it can make things a lot easier. But self love starts with the self, and she was going to try her hardest to do it for him, but most importantly for her.
Because she is beautiful.
She is not defined by her insecurities.
And most importantly, she is loved by so many.
Tyson’s love just happened to help her get through the day above it all.
And she knew that his love was real, and if she felt truly beautiful under his gaze, even if it angered the rest of the world, and didn’t think she was as perfect as he saw her?
That was enough to convince her he meant it.
a/n: please remember you're worth it and you are loved. I am always here if you need a friend.
taglist: @2manytabsopen @fallinallincurls @comphyjost @stars-canucks @idblowburrow @plds2000 @perpetually-anxious @jostyriggslover96 @sorryjustafangirl @rosesvioletshardy @suitandtys @drei-mrssvechii add yourself here
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5csbin · 3 years
MY bully !!!
genre; smut | bully!sicheng x bullied!reader
wording; 2.2k
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warnings; sadist sicheng, unprotected sex, virgin!reader, bulge kink, slight marking, bruises (?)
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you don’t understand why your bully, dong sicheng would go so far to bully you. he would always make fun of you, pinch you, pull on your hair, make you trip or pour some sorts of liquid in your hair.
it seemed like he enjoyed seeing you hurt, his eyes would always twinkle every time he saw you tearing up.
you’ve tried telling principals and counselors about your issue with sicheng before but they couldn’t believe you. “sweet dong sicheng bullying? are you sure?” they’ll always say something alike those lines.
no one knew about you being bullied, his friends had no clue and you had no one to talk to, your parents were rarely home and when they were they were sleeping. you were just alone.
and here you were, in his house on the floor of his room sheilding yourself from him. you two were grouped as partners for a project, but you knew once he willingly wanted to be your partner it would be bad.
other students and your teacher thought it was nice of him to wanting to be partnered with the quiet girl but you knew once you’re both alone it would be hell.
“i said stand up!” he yelled raising his voice towering over you. his jaw clenched and fist tightened like he would beat you up harder if you don’t do what he says.
slowly standing up to your feet you backed away hitting the wall. your uniform messed up, a few buttons ripped out of your blouse almost showing your bra, your shoes lost somewhere in his house and hair messed up.
you cried silently, “p-please sicheng stop!” you screamed, hoping your please would stop him. knowing him, it just made him more of a sadist.
“why? so you could go back to being a fat slut in school?” he got closer to you and pulled your hair, a loud shriek coming out of your lips. “who the fuck is going to put you in your place but me?!”
“please stop! i’ll do anything you want! please..” you cried in his face as your scalp continues to sting. “anything?” he asked, his voice going deeper then it usually is.
“yes!” his grip he had on your hair fell, the sting becoming less stingy. you thought this was it. ‘no more bullying for me..’ you thought thinking you were victorious.
“take your shirt off.” he demanded. “what?” you thought you must’ve been hearing things. “i’ll just do it for you, you’re so disobedient.”
even if he was already close to you, he came closer. his hands going up to your blouse to unbutton your shirt. “s-sicheng what are you doing..” you asked slapping his hand away from your shirt.
it wasn’t a good idea to do that since you saw his hand raise up and a huge sting went to the side of your face, he had slapped you. it’s not like he hasn’t done it before but it would always have you shocked every time he did it.
“do you want me to go back to beating you up?!” he screamed in your face. you shook your head as a couple of tears began to fall off your face.
“then shut up!” he yelled. his hand went back to your shirt, roaming his hands down your waist and back up. a small tingle came from between your thighs, wishing you actually weren’t turned on by your bully.
“besides, you said you’ll do anything i want.” he mumbled before attaching his lips to yours, not even giving you a second to think.
you stood there thinking if you should kiss back or not, you jerked up once sicheng pinched your stomach and groaned, giving you the sign to kiss him back.
you hesitated for a bit but once sicheng growled again you decided to not make it worse already. you moved your lips against his, a moan falling out of mouth, and his hands trailing to the buttons of your shirt.
he was slow kissing you, with every button he unbuttoned you could feel the the cold temperature touch you. his lips now moved to your neck, sucking and licking your neck till he found your sweet spot.
your shirt was already unbuttoned all the way down and his hands roamed your soft hips again. “oh my god..” you moaned throwing your head back one sicheng sucked down on a part of your neck.
“you like that?” his deep voice driving you crazy. you nodded your head, small gasps leaving your mouth after he sucked into your skin harder.
“so good!” you whined. one of his hands trailed down your your thigh and you already know what he was going to do. his hands made its way towards your inner thigh and you couldn’t help but anticipate.
“let’s check how needy you are.” he bent down on his knees and made you spreed your legs. he could see bruises from where he would hit you and it made the boner in his pants grown. “pretty..” he trailed his hand along your bruises.
his hands pushed your skirt down leaving you in your white panties, a wet patch marked on it. moving your panties to the side he stuck a finger between your folds making you let out another moan as he touched you.
he pulled his finger back out and watched him as he moved his finger towards his mouth and sucked it dry. “so fucking wet.” he got back up and pulled you to lay on his bed.
“take your bra off.” he demanded as he began to take his pants off, you followed in suit.
he only took his pants off and only let of his white blouse and boxers on, his big dick print showing. “dirty fucking girl.” his hands went back to your panties moving them to the side.
“you got the prettiest pussy i’ve seen.” his eyes glued to your bare wet pussy. his finger sliding up and down on your folds making you arch your back and let out gasps.
he stopped moving for a bit but before you could ask what happened a slight pain in your lower area hit. “so tight around my finger..” he began to pump his finger in a fast paste.
a smirk forming on his lips, “tell me have you masterbated before?” you shook your head no. “really? so you’re a virgin? right (y/n)?” “yes!”
you yelled as tears formed in your eyes, the feeling of being stretch out hurt you, but you knew sicheng was enjoying this. “it hurts!” you whined closing your legs shut.
“if you can’t even take one imagine my dick.” he spread your legs and took out his finger feeling nothing in your hole, till he pushed his finger back again adding a second finger.
a loud moan left your lips with other moans following behind. his two fingers pumping inside of you in a fast pase while stretching you.
“si-sicheng oh my god.” you gasped barely able to make out words. his long slender fingers going in and out of you making your legs tremble, feeling a sort of urge to pee in your lower area.
“im about to come!” you yelled and just when you were about to release he took his fingers out. you looked back at him raising your head from the mattress.
“huh?” you saw him lick your juice off his finger. a ‘hmm’ leaving his mouth. “taste so sweet.” he crawled on top of you and kissed you again, this time prepared to kiss him back.
tasting your own juice on his lips, his lips trailing kissed all the way to your thighs. “i’ll save this for another day.” he gave your pussy a peck before standing up and freeing his dick from his boxers.
his dick was huge, it was both long and thick with veins, his tip shaded with a pink color, it was the prettiest dick you’ve ever seen and couldn’t wait to have him in your mouth one day.
he jerked off a bit before he put his member near your clit and started going up and down. “wait— are you not going to put on a condom?”
“no.” you widen your eyes, he looked up from your pussy to see you stare at him shocked.“sluts like you don’t deserve shit, if i come inside you, you’re gonna take it like a good girl, you understand?”
your nodded your head shamelessly before your head fell back down on the mattress, letting out small gasp.
his cock teasing your entrance before slipping in inside you, you winced in pain and cried out. his tip was only inside you and it was making you feel like your insides were ripping.
“fuck, i should’ve used you sooner.” sicheng groaned before pushing all the way in and bottoming out. “ah!” you yelled in pain as tears started to fall out.
“shit.” he groaned. his eyes moved from your pussy to your face- eyes watery and your nose slightly red. his eyes lowering to your breast, they were a perfect size and he could wait to fuck you to see them bouce. his eyes going down to your stomach where his dick print was showing.
all things just made reasons for him to continue to fuck you.
his pulled out before slamming back in, repeating the movement faster every time making you clench around him. “hngg!” you cried as more tears ran down your face.
“so fucking good, am i fuking you nice slut?” he murmured keeping his eyes on your face. “it- it hurts!” you whined clenching harder than before.
“shh, you’ll feel nice in a second.” he ushered bringing one of your leg up to his shoulder hitting you deeper into your belly. the new position making you scream out, the neighbors probably heard you already.
‘hnng’ you moaned as the feeling of being stretch out faded. “fuck.” you mumbled closing your eyes feeling pure pleasure.
“sich don’t stop.” you help onto his hand. “whatever you say slut.” his thrust became faster in a inhuman pase. “do you see me in your stomach?” his hand made its way to your stomach seeing how his cock would make a pump in your stomach.
“yeah.. it feels so good.” a tear fell off your face, it was too good. the fact that your bully was fucking you so hard and rough almost felt like a dream.
you clenched around him tighter making him gasp of the feeling of your walls close around him. “i-i think im close.” your grip on his hand tightened.
“hold on im almost close.” his tip began ramming in and out of you, hitting against your cervix with every movement.
you yelped, “sicheng!” your legs shook violently around him, his breathing becoming ragged and a few curses in mandarin leaving his mouth.
“come (y/n).” he groaned before ramming back into you. sicheng grabbed onto your hips, digging his nails into your hips, surely leaving marks.
with a final thrust, you let out a loud moan clenching around him before releasing. your vision going white as you came.
sicheng followed behind you, spilling his seed into your hole, he groaned, his cock becoming soft inside you. he slowly pushed in and out of your trying to not hurt you while pulling out.
a trail of his come mixed with yours and a bit of blood spilled from you, messing up his sheets but you were sure he didn’t care about that.
sicheng pulled his boxers back up, walked out of his room and came back with something to clean you up. he pulled your panties back up and put your skirt back on while you just laid there.
he made you stand up from the bed and pulled your bra and shirt back on. his eyes stayed on your neck for a bit, looking at the purple hickies he had marked on you.
“hope you know you’re mine now bitch.” he mumbled before kissing your neck once more. “y-yes sicheng.”
he pulled you up from his bed and dragged you to the front door, where he’ll just let you walk by yourself.
“buy yourself some pills and don’t come to school with underwear tomorrow or else i’ll leave you with a broker wrist.” he opened the door and kicked you outside his house.
“yes sicheng!” you walked out of the house with your legs wobbly from sex. you thought he would just slam the door in your face but he walked closer to you and pecked your lips once more.
a deep shade of red showing on your face. “yeah now go!” he yelled again in your face before walking back in and slamming the door.
thankfully your house wasn’t that far from his but it was still hard to walk. you got home took a shower, ate, went to the closest pharmacy and went to sleep.
sicheng on the other hand layed on his bed with fresh new sheets thinking of what he’ll do to you if you made him mad again, usually he’ll jack off at this time while thinking of you crying or bring bruised, but he wasn’t feeling it today.
his eyes wandered his room to see your backpack was still there, a smirk fell on his face knowing he’ll probably use this as a excuse to return this to your house in the morning and fuck you in the living room before school.
or maybe in the school stalls you could suck him off to get your backpack back.
who knows what will happened after this.
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starrconch · 3 years
First of all, if you are uncomfortable with this topic feel free to skip this request!
Is it possibile to request a angst/comfort with Xiao and Albedo with s/o who has major self-harm issues. For example, how they would react if they came in during the act itself, or how they would support s/o after the fact.
There have been a lot of things going on lately and really all I need right now is for the boys to reassure me that even if these things happen I am still worth loving.
Thank you in advance if you decide to write this.
Remember to take care of yourself!
★ Includes: Xiao, Albedo, GN reader, major trigger warning for S/H, comfort
★ Word Count: 1107
★ Master List
★ Notes: Hey anon! I hope you're doing okay! My DMs are always open if anyone needs to rant ♡ Please don't read this if you are triggered by S/H. I focused more on the comfort rather than the act of it.
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★ The adeptus had come back to Wangshu Inn earlier than expected after dealing with some hilichurls for Verr as they were blocking the road for some guests. They were pretty easy work considering his skill, and he was eager to return to you.
★ For most of the day, Xiao could sense that you were feeling down. He couldn’t place what was causing it or the exact mortal emotion you were going through, but he didn’t like it. However, he also was unsure whether to approach you about it or not.
★ When he returned, you were sitting on the floor shaking, a blade in hand that was pressed close to your skin, poised to cut.
Without even thinking, your partner dashed over to you and disarmed you, snatching the blade from your hands and tucking it into one of his pockets. You hadn’t even noticed him enter your room. As he held you in his arms, you couldn’t help but lean into him and break down.
You hadn’t intended for him to see you like this, he didn’t need to. There was already a lot on his plate without you being an added worry, but it was extremely comforting to have him rock you back and forth, rubbing his hands in soothing circles across your back.
Xiao had been in a similar place before when he felt as though his karma was too much for him, so he knew how much pain you’d be in at that moment.
“It’s alright,” he whispered, “it’s okay, I’m here.” Whether you decide to tell him what’s running through your mind or not, it doesn’t matter. As long as you’re in his arms safe. “I love you so much, Y/N. You’re worth so much more than this and don’t let anyone else persuade you otherwise, okay?”
Your partner began to hum a soft tune next to your ear that you recognised from somewhere. It was a melody that Xiao had heard the anemo archon play once a couple of centuries ago, a song that had helped him through his tough times that he hoped would help you through yours too. Something to guide you back to the light from your darkness.
After you calmed down, your sobs that wracked your body quietening to a few whimpers that were muffled into his chest, he picked you up to place you on your bed and then vanished into thin air. He returned seconds later with a plate of almond tofu and a glass of water in hand. It’s not much as the adeptus doesn’t know how to cook too well, but he wishes it will be a little something to help take your mind off of things for a while.
As you eat, he takes a seat on the bed and his eyes scan any skin he can see on your body for signs of wounds that he may not have been able to stop. When he can’t notice anything visible he refrains from trying to look at the places that you’ve covered up.
“If you ever find yourself in a place like this again, call my name and I’ll be here. No matter what I’m doing, I’ll drop everything for you.” He meets your eyes and you lie down on his chest.
“Thank you.” They were the first words you had spoken in a while, shaky and scratchy, but the relief that washed over Xiao couldn’t be hidden.
★ You fell asleep like that, your head on his chest, listening to his heartbeat as a source to ground yourself.
★ Your partner stayed awake, running his hands through your hair and guarding you against any nightmares that may attempt to come your way. He had long since given up his act of eating dreams, but for tonight, he would happily do it again for you.
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★ The alchemist had been eager to set out that morning for a new experiment he was excited to get started on. When he started a new project, you knew your partner ended up holed up in his lab for potentially days on end, so you figured he wouldn’t be home for a while.
★ Just as he got to his lab in Mondstadt, he realised he forgot his keys to it at your shared home, meaning he had to trail back to get them.
★ When he returned, he didn’t expect to see you shaking with a blade pressed to your skin.
Albedo stood there for a while, shock rendering him useless. He wasn’t quite sure what you were doing. Your eyes met in a silent question before he sprung into action. He came to your side, prying the blade from your hands and looking for any wounds you may have made without him being there.
After his search, he took your hands in his own, bringing them to his lips to kiss them. His reassurance that you were okay.
You could do nothing but lean into his chest, absorbing the warmth he gave as he wrapped his arms around you, cradling you and massaging your back gently. Your partner wasn’t sure of what you were going through, but he knew that it must have been bad. So bad that he knew he wanted to keep you from ever feeling that way again.
“It’s all okay, I’m here. You’re safe.”
When you seemed to relax, a few tears having fallen down your cheeks, Albedo placed a kiss on your forehead and led you into his study. He sat down on the chair and brought you onto his lap so you could still snuggle into him. While he hugged you, he retrieved one of his sketchbooks and began to flick through the pages.
“Hey.” He nudged you with his hand to get you to look at some of his sketches.
You turned to see a whole double-page spread full of images of you. Some were of you smiling at him, another was of you focusing on doing your work, there was even one of you with a flower tucked behind your ear.
“They’re all pictures of me,” you murmured, still a little dazed from what had just happened.
He hummed in agreement. “Because I love you so much. You’re stunning, kind and very talented at the things you do. You’re perfect in my eyes, even if other people don’t agree. You’re my everything.” Your partner rested his chin on your shoulder, breathing in your scent. “You are perfect inside and out, please believe me when I say that you deserve all the good in your life that you can get. I love you so much that you couldn’t comprehend it.”
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laceymorganwrites · 3 years
Akashi x reader
Word count: 1,260
Warnings: spoilers
Prompt: Person A using person B´s lap as a pillow
A/N: Ik he´s only been in like 3 chapters but I already love him
It was raining. Akashi felt indifferent towards the rain. Actually he felt just like any other person would towards it. He hated being in the rain but it was the most calming when you were inside.
Well, to be fair he hated rain outside more than others since fighting in those circumstances just always got more messy than it needed to be. Okay, fights were always messy but Akashi tried to keep them quick and to the point.
He didn´t like hurting people, didn´t find sadistic pleasure in it like others. He could understand why others did but honestly he found it pathetic and weak. No, he was in Brahman to fight for his ideals and dreams. To hang out with like minded people and make friends. And he did.
He was really proud of the gang and how far they´ve come, even recruiting Draken. To this day he couldn´t believe they actually managed that but he grew to be one of his closest friends now.
However there was one person he could always rely on, one person who has been with him throughout it all, ever since the beginning.
Ever since you were assigned to be project partners in school you haven´t left his side. Even after all the times he told you that he wasn´t a good person to be around. You left him speechless when you told him he was the only person you wanted to be seen with.
And that was just the beginning of it all. You spent your teenage years fooling around even though he always was more on the serious side, he still had fun with you, a lot of it.
It felt like paradise, there were no real responsibilities even though Brahman always was more of a real gang than all the other try hards. They didn´t even know what it meant, they just wanted to hang out with their friends and feel like a million bucks.
Not that there was anything wrong with that, it just always irritated him when they mingled with their business.
And who would´ve thought that Mikey out of all people would turn out to be his boss someday?
Being in Bonten was never boring but honestly he wouldn´t mind boring sometimes. They were all very big personalities and he meant that in every offensive way in the book. It wasn´t like he was any better though, Akashi also had some screws lose, he just hid it better than the others.
But seriously, sometimes he wondered how he got caught up in all of that, but thinking about it too much would only make him lose his mind. Instead he just did his work and then returned back home to you.
No matter how late it was, you were always awake and waiting for him. You would have always prepared food for him and you were just the best. You always have been.
It was so crazy to him how after all those years you stuck with him, through it all and there were so many ugly bits, jealousy, dangerous situations, situations where he was reckless and ended up in the hospital. You were always the first person who was by his side.
Today had been an especially rough day for Akashi and he couldn´t wait to get home. Usually someone would annoy him and walk with him for a bit before parting ways but today he had the utter privilege to be left alone. Days like these were rare and he cherished each and every one of them.
It wasn´t like he hated his colleagues, if he did he wouldn´t even be in the gang. But they just were annoying.
He took off his shoes in front of your house and then quietly entered, he always did since he didn´t want to wake you in case you were asleep. You never were.
Usually you´d ask about his day and talk but today you just saw how tired he was and let him eat in silence. After you did the dishes together he practically dragged you to bed, so it had been a bad day. You could always tell when he got clingy like that.
Akashi quickly undressed and threw on a simple black t-shirt before joining you in bed. He rested his head on your lap, finding comfort in your warmth and sighed deeply.
“I work with a bunch of nutbags….” he almost whined, your hand immediately running through his hair, soothing him.
“What happened, baby?” you asked. It was rather quiet around the gang lately, they were preparing for a big mission that was incredibly important. Akashi spent such a long time researching everything, his information was always on point, he was good at his job, scarily good. And people still underestimated him, saying he was just the adviser. But you knew better, you knew the others did too, they just liked to tease him too much. It was their twisted way of showing love.
“Where do I even start? Koko messed up my paperwork cause we had to organize some things together and he confused his pile with mine. I had to redo everything… and then I had to listen to the guys who raided today, it was successful by the way. We got everything we needed. But I´m just wondering every time how people can be so loud… and they made fun of my hair. And then Sanzu…  well, you know how he is. But I´m not the only one who feels this way… Mikey´s getting more tired too. I´m worried about him” he told you and you listened closely.
You got to know everyone when you had a dinner party, you got along with them quite well, they trusted you and you trusted them. But you also knew what a handful they were, especially Mikey. You were surprised he reached out to Akashi after everything that has happened. But then again maybe you shouldn´t be, you knew Mikey long enough to know how he worked.
You couldn´t help but giggle a bit at his eventful day.
“Babe… you´re not the only one with funny hair. I mean doesn´t everyone? I think Mikey´s the only one with at least halfway normal hair. So don´t let them get to you. And don´t worry about Mikey, you know how stressful it is right now, he´ll be back to normal soon enough. I believe in him. He´s stronger than this.” you reassured him, smiling down on him.
“Thanks, babe… I just… I wonder when it started, you know? Maybe we could´ve done more for him, prevented it…” he thought out loud, sighing. He thought about it a lot really, Mikey was a great leader but there was too much weight on his frail shoulders. When was the last time he ate? Or slept? What could they do to help him? Was there even anything they could do? There had to be. He wasn´t going to watch his boss and friend waste away like that.
“I know how you feel, but you´re thinking too much. He´s always been that way. But he´s gonna be fine, promise! Besides, you´re not the only one who worries about him. Everyone does. Maybe you should talk to the others about it, they might even be more human than you think” you told him, gently caressing his cheek, swiping your thumb over his scar.
He relaxed into your touch, closing his eyes and nodding.
“Yeah, I´ll try, okay? Tomorrow. Now I just wanna cuddle you” he said smiling up at you.
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goddess on a mountain top
Week 5 on @efkgirldetective 's Summer of Jily (technically not set in summer but in may?? surely that's forgivable)💫💫💫
stargazing + I've got plenty of affection / I'd be glad to show you some time
on ao3
It turned out there weren’t that many people who took Divination in her Astronomy class.
She was, somewhere deep in her mind, aware of this fact but the implications of it didn’t hit her until she was paired with her partner for this joint project. All that was left for Lily now was to scowl deep as she craned her neck, eyes crinkling with the effort.
There were many reasons Lily Evans wished she was anywhere but the Astronomy Tower tonight, number one being the late hour. Last she checked, it was very close to curfew, and sure they got permission from both of their professors for this, but that didn’t stop a gnawing worry growing inside her belly. And as a prefect –she still loved reminding herself that– wasn’t she supposed to be a little alert now anyway? Surely, these nerves were normal.
The warm May night was doing nothing to quell these concerns either, just serving as a mocking reminder of how close they were to the OWLs. She tried to console herself by seeing this as an exam prep too, empty star charts laying at the ground, but she would really prefer it if this certain homework was done solo at least.
And that brought her to the heart of the issue: the boy next to him. She had to admit, more than half of her anxieties right now were caused by him, a confession he would never hear from her lips though. An indignant huff escaped her with the thought.
“Stop hogging the telescope, Evans. Do you see Venus or not?”
She let go of James’ telescope with a sigh. They had decided bringing only one would be enough earlier, a decision she highly regretted now.
“No Venus. I think we’re looking in the wrong direction. We shouldn’t even need a telescope to see Venus, it’s supposed to be the brightest in the sky.”
“Umm, you’re wrong, Evans. Sirius is the brightest star in the sky.”
The last part was said with a practiced boredom, a phrase probably drilled into his head – and everybody else who was in the same Astronomy class with Sirius Black too, honestly. She would’ve found it amusing if it wasn’t for her cranky mood.
A saccharin smile. “Good thing Venus is not a star then, right, Potter?”
She decided to continue her search for Venus on the other side, hoping to find Jupiter as well before they lost their chance to see both. Their mission was supposed to be one of the easy ones, with the two brightest planets and all. She had a suspicion that wasn’t why Professor Dowson had given it to them though, remembering her wink as she remarked that maybe this Venus-Jupiter conjunction would do them some good too. Hah. Not bloody likely.
Her decision to leave his side certainly had nothing to do with her clammy hands holding the telescope, slipping further with his proximity. She tried to bring Sev’s face forth in her mind, guilt churning inside her stomach instantly. Better guilt than these weird flutters in her heart.
Venus winked at her from afar, seemingly mocking her thoughts. She didn’t have time to take offense before she turned her head to alert James too, relieved to finally do something besides bickering back and forth about planets and stars.
“Oi, Potter, come over here. I found it.”
He shuffled over reluctantly, probably due to not wanting to admit defeat. He barely even glanced at the sky before opening his mouth.
“Are you sure? I can’t see anything.”
“Well, some of us can see without needing a bloody gold telescope.”
She repositioned him correctly, turning his head to the right direction while grumbling under her breath. Her annoyance prevented her from realizing how close they’d gotten in the process, a fact that instantly took her breath away with the awareness. She waited a while before speaking again.
“Do you see it now?”
He choked out a “Yes.”, managing to stumble over one syllable. She didn’t let herself think why that was the case, too busy stressing over whispering the question at the first place.
Needing some distance in between, she took a shaky step back, trying to regain her composure. “And the dimmer one next to it should be Jupiter. We located the conjunction now, let’s fill the charts before we waste more time.”
“Relax, Evans.” He rolled his eyes. “We’re doing homework, and we have permission. This must be the most boring curfew breaking I have ever been involved in.”
“Sorry it’s not up to your standards, Potter. Next time I’ll bring Peeves with me.”
“I was hoping we would be alone next time we were in the Astronomy Tower together actually, Evans.”
A flush rose to her face with his cheeky smile, hopefully not too visible in the dark. She wanted to storm away under the guise of bringing their empty charts from the other side, but saw he already brought them with him in disappointment. She settled for a really loud exhale instead.
They were sitting on the ground, filling their charts in silence when they were interrupted for the first time that night. A couple barged into the tower in a flurry, limbs tangled, and eyes not seeing anything but each other. They didn’t seem to anticipate anyone else being there at this hour, not bothering to check their surroundings. An amused cough came from James as a warning while she was too shocked to say anything.
The couple finally broke apart, looking at them like they were the ones not supposed to be here.
“Oh, it’s already occupied,” the girl breathed out at last, looking sheepish and apologetic. “Sorry, didn’t see you. We’ll find another place.”
The guy gave them a funny look before leaving as he eyed their position and the charts laying before them, questioning their purpose in the Astronomy Tower most likely. The frantic couple left as quickly as they came in, leaving James and Lily gaping behind them.
The silence was broken by her laugh at last.
“Oh, no. Did she say they will find another place?” It seemed once the dam was broken, there was no stopping it. “I should’ve stopped that as a prefect, shouldn’t I?”
He joined in her laugh after a while too, shock wearing off from both of them gradually. “Nah, Evans. Reckon you deserve a day off. Leave it to the ones patrolling today, it’s their problem.”
The tense mood from earlier was dissipated, just a faint memory behind now that they wouldn’t touch upon. She felt like she owed the couple for that, at least.
“I am done with the star chart. We only have the astrological interpretation left now, right?”
“Yeah.” He went through the notes in front of him rapidly, looking for the correct glyphs. “Okay, so we got Jupiter touching Venus. And Jupiter amplifies everything it comes into contact with. Let’s just list everything Venus does with ‘more’ before it and call it a day.”
She couldn’t argue with that logic. She started to rattle on as she wrote in the margins of her chart. “Alright, then more love, more beauty, more creativity… More art maybe, for the creativity and aesthetic side? And more affection for love and pleasure.”
“Yeah, good, but we’re supposed to write them as the effects of the transit so something like ‘I will show more affection’ is—”
She couldn’t stop the snort that left her mouth.
“What?”, he gave an offended cry. “I’ve got plenty of affection. I am oozing with affection.”
Images of Severus and all the other poor First Years filled her mind. “Yeah, for like three other people.”
“It doesn’t have to be only three people,” he mumbled. She couldn’t hear him without straining her ears.
“Ah, I won’t believe you finally broadened your horizons till I witness it with my own eyes, Potter.”
“Yeah?” There was a challenging glint in his eyes. “Well, I’d be glad to show you sometime,” he bit out.
She tried to stop her mind from wandering. “Can’t wait.”
Lily Evans was no fool, she knew exactly what these innuendos were, and what her body’s extreme reactions to them meant. But Lily Evans was also a good friend. So, she would wait, maybe even talk with Severus in the meanwhile about it. The exam period was plenty stressful anyway, it only made sense for her to be cautious about this.
She would bid her time, stay put until the OWLs were over. Her rising hopes were hushed immediately with the thought, not allowing her mind to dream that far. But for right now, Lily Evans would enjoy some time with James Potter under the stars. After all, she was no saint, and Venus herself shined her approval from above.
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the-slasher-files · 4 years
Slashers React - S/O being a witch or wiccan
btw I am a wiccan myself so I hope you enjoy the hcs :)
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Holy fucking shit, you guys are a POWER COUPLE, never in my life have a thought of a better couple
He may not understand at first but once you explain it to him he adores it. Abiding by the laws of nature is something he already does, so the fact that you do too and share a lot of the same opinions of nature, melts his heart
Clearing a little area in the forest making sure it is hidden away for your alter is a dream job for him
Nature walks all the time but it has more meaning now, knowing you’re a wiccan or witch
Herb, flower, mushroom or plant picking is something he will always do for you, leaving them at your alter
LOOK he found a cool rock or a weird piece of drift wood or animal skull, perfect for you :) 
Finds it very sexy when you are doing witchcraft, especially if it’s in the forest 
You would slow dance to the rain and light candles everywhere
Gardening would quickly turn into one of his favorite hobbies with you
Teaching him about the holidays you celebrate gives him reasons to spoil you on those days, he would bake with you, make potions with you, bring in your moon water in the early morning for you
Your crystals are his favorites, all the pretty colors and unique patterns, he might steal one and carry it around with him, rubbing it when he misses you
Anything you do to appreciate his land and the cabin you share makes his undead heart flutter
The absolute best partner for a witch or wiccan 
The crystal that suits him is an Amethyst - It is a grounding stone, bringing peace and calmness but is one of the best protection stones
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Major head tilt, squints  
Once you explain it him he still doesn’t get it, and he doesn’t care
He will just examine your stuff, poking it and moving it around pissing you off
oh great, more holidays to celebrate
Secretly thinks it is kind of cool, but he will never tell you
Maybe thinks you’re a little crazy because he heard some other person in the mental hospital going on and on like you do 
If you tell him he is blessed and has gifts he will have a hard time accepting that, but he would think about it forever because there had to be an explanation for how he could never die
He will bring you home something from a cemetery probably because he still doesn’t get it 
He will just stare from the shadows of a candle lit room watching you do spell work 
When he's pissed beyond reason, never sage him, never place crystals on him, never get him to drink tea, you might die
He will find a crystal in his coverall pockets for protection and he will never give it back to you, it’s his now and he will cherish it 
The crystal that suits him is Black Obsidian - It is a pure black stone that has a mysterious aura, heavily used for protection, it is also a very powerful stone, good for healing and truth seeking
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Again, another bad partner for this lol
You’re a what?? He has heard of witches before but never wiccans. Coming from Louisiana it has a very heavy history on witches and voodoo, good and bad. He honestly might be shitting his pants inside but keeps it cool, just please tell him you’re a good witch. His momma always told him to never ever mess with witches.
Thinks you’re crazy for believing in that stuff
If you feel the presence of his mom and dad, never bring it up to him, the only way you could do it is say “You’ve got some angels looking over you Bo” and leave it at that
You will make him learn to appreciate nature and taking him for walks is the best thing to do, it calms him and you can teach or tell him stories about what you believe in
He would tell Lester to grab some antlers or skulls for your “ummm idk what she does, she just needs them”
If you’re in some lingerie while doing witchy work, he will ease into it more
Bo would be the guy who yells about the sage smoke stinking up the house, while he is smoking a cigarette, b a s t a r d 
Jokes about his bad energy filling your alter will happen a lot
He honestly thinks its cool though, after a while, seeing a beautiful powerful soul doing something you love warms his heart
He’s going to try to understand but he will laugh and make fun
If there are people in town he’s going to hunt that night, he will have to deal with you placing some sort of protection rune, stone or necklace either in his pocket or around his neck, Bo won’t like it at first but showing you care so much for him melts his heart and he will protect it with his life 
His crystal is Smokey Quartz - It is used for strength and fortifies nerves, protection, a stone that represents Pride, but also brings calmness which we all know he needs!! The smokiness of it just reminds me of the colour of alcohol or his cigarette smoke   
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BILLY & STU       
Both genuinely curious and love it
They don’t really understand it but they are willing and ready to try
Taking you on nature walks probably wont be as relaxing as they promised; Stu will climb a weird tree and end up hurting himself, then you will find some neat looking mushrooms and they dare each other to eat it
Find it hot but are a little spooked 
Billy would hate the smell of sage but Stu doesn’t mind it all 
They find it sweet when you try to put protection stones in their pockets when they go to kill
Stu will bring you an average rock from the sidewalk and say hey this is neat, here you go 
They are defiantly into trying witchcraft with you
Stu will love your home made teas 
Billy will never make a big deal about what you do, he just thinks it is neat and willing to go get whatever you need for your work, and ngl he is more interested in dark magic 
They will defiantly interrupt you will you are meditating or doing spell work so always try to do it when they aren’t home
Will ask if you could do tarot readings on them and if you use a crystal ball 
The crystal for them is Jade - a good protection and supportive stone, seeks love, passion and nourishment. It is also good for dreams and astral projection    
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They are no strangers to the supernatural of course but they don’t know what a witch is beyond what they’ve seen in movies
I feel it would be very 50/50 on caring or not, this stuff isn’t even on their radars 
Dwayne, I think would handle it the best. (correct me if I am wrong) He is of Native American descent, so he has heard lots of stories about shamans and he is the most spiritual out of all the boys   
Once they see you doing spell work or setting up an alter they are much more interested 
If you are already turned, you are arguably one of the most powerful, David will not admit it but he knows it
Marco will 100% bring you random things he likes, not at all related to witchcraft but he thinks it could be, man doesn’t get it
David finds you extremely sexy, him and Dwayne will probably be the only ones that actually get it, and David loves the power
They pretty much just leave you to it 
A lot of moon and shadow work will be your main witchcraft with them
If you are cleansing the cave with sage Paul and Marco will make drug jokes and ask to smoke some  
ngl I think Paul might be the most scared of you, but he will never show it, He doesn’t understand it and thinks you going to spray him with holy water or make him have nightmares 
Dwayne will be the one to take you to the surrounding forests and go on some nature walks with you, collecting what you need
David - black tourmaline: a very powerful protection stone, pure black, great for purification and helping with anger. Star - rose quartz: the stone of love and purity, heals the heart, and dissolves worry and fear turning those feelings into love. Marco - Emerald: a crystal just as blue as his eyes. A stone of hope, encouragement and joy, turns negative energy into strength, love and compassion. Dwayne - fire agate: This stone has a very deep connection the earth radiating calm, stability and strength, also very good for power and protection. Paul - rutilated quartz: a crystal that seeks truth and authenticity, giving strength to the truest souls and uplifts and brings joy.       
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How would the clones react to a S/O that gets really lonely/doesn’t have friends or family?
Oh dear, I've struggled with loneliness and lack of friends for most of my life too. I'm in an okay place now but definitely have days where it feels like I'm more isolated than I should be 😔 Anyhoo, glad to use my favorite coping mechanism of dreaming about clone bois to help you too anon!
Wolffe, Dogma, and Crosshair understand, they empathize. They don't really have friends themselves, at least not outside of their clone brothers. And even then, they do often feel distant, not as outgoing, not always interested in socializing. So they get it if their S/O doesn't have lots of plans, no one to invite over, etc. They will do all they can to ensure their love and company is enough. It can just be the two of them, sharing life and all its experiences together. Well, and maybe a pet of some kind, too....
Fox, Jesse and Echo would be interested in helping their S/O build up that friend list. They know relationships can't be forced, but they at least want to help them get started and have options. They'll bring them along any time they go out and introduce them to everyone they come across. They'll host some low-key gatherings at home. They'll keep tabs on community events and clubs they could join. And most importantly, they'll be right alongside their S/O for everything, so even if they don't click with anyone new, they're still not on their own.
Rex, Tup, and Hunter would feel so, so sad. Every time they have to leave on a mission, they're just torn up by guilt, knowing they're leaving their S/O behind by themselves. They will do whatever they can from a distance to remind their partner they still have a friend in the galaxy. Lots of holo-chats and long letters, leaving behind fun things for them to do to pass the time, maybe even arranging a trip for their S/O to take that they could then join them on when the mission is done.
Cody, Hardcase and Tech are men of action, so they believe the best way to help is to first focus on ensuring their S/O has things to do. Hobbies, sports, projects, etc... anything to keep their S/O from sitting by themselves, bored and depressed. They'll engage with them over their interests whenever they are free as a way to connect with their S/O themselves. And this approach has the added benefit of usually putting their partner in contact with others who share the same interests, who could then become potential friends.
For Fives, Kix and Wrecker... any loneliness from their S/Os ended the day they met these guys. Their brothers alone ensure there is constant social activity, as their home is almost a perpetual revolving door of off-duty troopers. Even their holopads are frequently buzzing with random jokes and memes from their squad. These guys just love the built-in community their family has, and gladly shares it with their S/O. Of course, if their S/O needs a break, or just some one-on-one time, they're considerate enough to make that happen, too.
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rhaenyraisadyke · 3 years
Healthy Competition Transcript: 7/25/21
It's the entire thing so I hope this helps!
W: Hey.. Phil
P: Oh.. Hey
W: Hey, hey Phil how’s it going? How's It going man?
P: Oh, it's going, it's going alright.
W:I just thought I'd visit, Phil. I just thought you knew I would come and visit you. I haven’t seen you in awhile.
W: Phil I must confess I have come to you with a bit of a proposition. You into propositions Phil? Are you a proposition kind of guy?
P: Oh it depends depends, oh you, you’ve had some pretty lets just say not a great track record of propositions you’ve had in the past
W: I mean I’m trying to move past that. Listen Phil, I met Quackity after you kindly lent me your house, I went and met him, I met up with him, and I hadn't seen him in ages and it was nice, it felt good. He didn't seem afraid of me. Which is cool, not many people do. Phil, you don’t seem afraid of me?
P: No. No not at all
W: Good. Good because I’m not afraid of you. Uh.. Listen I met quackity and I hung out with him and I came to one conclusion about him and MY GOD the pricks resourceful aint he.
P: Yes.. he’s very.. he's one of the richest on the server at the minute. He's one of the richest people
W: What happened? What? You, you are telling me Quackity, the guy who made SWAG party, would be the richest man, geez I wouldn’t have believed you for a second but here we are.
But look, Phil, I am a bit of a propagator of the idea that capitalism shouldn’t be unchecked. You know the free market, maybe isn’t ever really that free you know. I am a bit into my interjection, you know the government interjection but there’s isn't a government anymore phi its anarchy it's pretty much what ah I see his name I see his name. (Ran boo)
P: Ha, Ha you see it
W: As much as I disagree with your opinions on anarchy. It's pretty harmless. I can’t hate you for it. I can’t hate you for literally living in a peaceful little village in the snow, I mean the server, it's never been this peaceful since the countries and nations and cities… So Phil I came to you with one question. Do you think quackity should be allowed to be left unchecked?
P: Uh no.
W: Do you think he should be allowed to grow? Oh you answered already. I agree with you Phil, I also don’t think quackity should be allowed to be left unchecked.
But you know what the problem is, there’s no Interpol, there’s no government, there’s no police force.. Technoblade spent this entire time taking down the establishment and what he's left with as predicted a POWER VACUUM for a new establishment to come in and this establishment is ahh ahh pretty unethical Phil its gambling, you a fan of gambling
P: Oh gods
W: This servers like 50% children Phil..
P: oh gods that's terrible.. yeah no that's awful.
W: ahh haha don’t sound too..
P: Gambling ruins peoples lives dude.
W: TRUE TRUE! And you know what He's getting away with , Phil. I have a proposition for you, I am glad you’re on my side and glad you agree with this Phil. I want to make a burger van.
P: Oh….
W I know when you heard of the burger van, you walked away. I get it. It's a bit of deja vu, but the difference is the burger van isnt gonna sell drugs. We are against toxic money making schemes now. We GENUINELY, genuinely selling burgers, I want to make burgers, I want to make every stake so it has a name. And. And uh (Wilbur re reads the book “Project Nevadas” Quackity left for him)
P: It definitely sounds better than the drug van,
W: yeah yeah yeah that's what I’m going to do Phil, but you see you need to understand I need someone to help me, because I’m not doing this for any reason outside of “I have an aspiration.. a goal in life to be a culinary expert” I want to be chef now Phil. I’m done now with being a President, being a government, being an authority, I want to be a burger man. I wanna sell burgers. That's my calling. That's been my calling all along. There's no ulterior motive behind this plan. I’ve got the real-estate, I’ve got the know-how and I’ve got the chutzpah (it's a yiddish word for guts basically woooo). Phil are you in?
P:I mean, ahh. You know I don’t know much about making burgers and burger vans, but I want to know who does?
W: Who?
P: Ranboo. He could help out.
W: what the fuck does he know about burgers?
P: he's literally the richest most knowledgeable person on the server besides me -
W: Phil you called - that's literally the second person you called the richest on the server. How does being rich climate him know about burgers?
P: Well you said you needed bread, you said you needed resources.. he has everything you could need.
W: What do you mean?
P: And also, he kinda knows… Right i'll be honest i'll be honest will, he's a little bit lonely, um there’s not much going on out here we are in a wilderness, a snowy blizzard wilderness right? Nothing goes on, nothing really happens here.
W: ha haha, sorry sorry. I didn’t mean to laugh at him being lonely. That shouldn’t of tickled me.
P: He needs something to keep him busy, to keep him occupied. He's done everything on the server, he's literally done everything. Give him, give him something else to do. Have fun.
W: I don’t want to. I genuinely don't want to. He's weird Phil. he's the weird neighbor kid.
P: oh STOP no stop!
W: Look at him he's that weird neighbor kid who's got something going on, you know maybe in the basement or something there’s something going on right.
P: he's harmless he's harmless
W: he's harmless now, give him a burger van and he might spatula me. Phil looks at me. Can you imagine a spatula through my skull? Huh?
P: That's not gonna happen. He’s very nice. Go make friends. Alright
W: All I need is a fire aspect sword, a bunch of cows, an anvil and some levels and we can do this Phil.
P: And he (ranboo) can give you all of those.
W: Oh my gosh stop making me play with the neighbor kids.
P: Alright stop I’m putting my foot down. If you don’t go play with them right now, I’m kicking you out of the house.
W: What the fuck?! What do you mean? Kicking? You can’t just kick- ohhhhh
P: I can and will.
W: Phil I’m ah…
P: Be nice. Go say hi, he's great. He's a great guy
W: Look Phil I trust you, I'll trust you this much, and I'll trust you that he's fine and he can help me, BUT if he's shit, you gotta come help. You gotta be burger boy with me.
P: I’ll be around, I'll be around, he's fine, you'll be fine, you guys will get along so well.
W: Thanks Phil…
P: You got this Wil, bye mate.
W: I don’t really want… What is this, why is he treating me like a kid? Like a little baby? Oh shit he's got cows…. Ah aH oh god I wasn’t built for this (gets attacked by a spider which he then crits the spider) There we go.. My man got cows. This bread as well?? No,it's not that he can farm apparently. Wait, that is bread. Wait… was that fire aspect? Is this a set up? I guess I'll befriend him… Knock knock - oh
R: woah oh
W: Hi Ranboo
R: Woah hello
W: You remember me?
R: Yeah I remember you. How are you? Its been awhile
W: It's been a little while, I mean we only met once, I mean I was just coming through visiting me pa, in his little cottage in the snow, very cute in the snow isn't it?
R: Yeah it is very nice
W: I just happened to notice you have a lot of cows.
R: Yeah! yeah I have a nice little cow farm, it's been pretty good for food recently so its been kind of yeah.
W: Can you hit one of them with your sword again please?
R: You want me to kill one?
W: Yeah quickly
R: yeah okay
W: Ranboo, I have a proposition for you
R: Yeah what’s that?
W: I know we have not got off on the best of terms but I'd like to think bygones be bygones let's bury the hatchet, let's be..
R: Yeah
W: Ranboo I’m gonna go out on a limb here, do you want to be friends?
R: S- Sure. I don’t see why not. You seem alright.
W: Cool cool. Thank you, thank you, you seem alright too. Can I come inside?
R: Oh yeah sure sure
W: I have a proposition for you.
R: Do you like my live laugh love sign?
W: Why is life capitalized?
R: it's the most important one
W: Ha, living is the most important one, living Is above laughing and loving?
R: Yeah it's priority number one honestly I just look at it when I wanna know what to do.
W: ha, okay, look look my proposition to you, um (looking at the ranboo rug)
R: Yeah its um it's my nice little rug here
W: We, we will talk in the hallway, my promotion to you ranboo was, as I have a dream of being a culinary chef.
R: Oh really! Thats nice
W: I’ve been doing a lot of things on this server. You know? President, terrorist, dead.
R: yeah that's one of them
W: I feel like the next progression is chef. Every, you know the saying….
R: okay…
W: All musicians wanna be comedians, and all dead terrorist presidents wanna be chefs. So I decided I wanna be a chef.
R: Okay! Okay.
W: I want to be a chef for no other reason than I like cooking okay?
R: Cool!
W: All I need though, is I don’t have much to my name. I have a lot of stones, I have some TnT, I have some stone tools, and a rabbit's foot.
R: Oh okay.
W: But I don’t have the cows, I don’t have the fire aspect sword, and I thought if you wanted to we could um you could we could be business partners. I’ve got the real-estate. I’ve got a great location. It’s gonna be bustling, with people eventually, there’s gonna be people coming and going, hungry too! They’re gonna be coming and going, in and out and in and out and we’ll be here
R: Yeah…
W: And get the money! We will get the money Ranboo.
R: I mean yeah sure I’ve been needing something to do, I’m down for that. That would be cool.
W: Cool, cool come with me. I gotta show you the real-estate.
R: I’m actually really glad
W: I see this as the blooming of a brilliant business relationship or a business partnership. Have you heard of Las Nevadas?
R: ohhh… yeah, yeah I remember I had an old, old cookie stand there awhile back that we just decided to abandon because it was just.. it was more just trouble.
W: A cookie stand?
R: It was more trouble than it was honestly worth.
W: Wait, you tried? You had a cookie stand?
R: I mean yeah….
W: Outside of Las Nevadas? So you did the cooking?
R: Yeah it was a little, yeah
W: Outside of Las Nevadas?
R: Yeah but then, but then, he the guy Quackity, he got all up in arms about it and everything because we decided to expand a little bit and then we just decided it was, it was too much troubles so then we kinda just, we kinda just left it so
W: So he didn't like it? He didn't like your selling of a cookie stand?
R: Yeah he didn't like it all too much. I don’t, I don’t know what it was but like it was just eh it was just more dumb conflict but eh ti was whwatever.
W: Well that's fine, that's fine because we’re Ranboo we’re not gonna annoy quackity… we can’t annoy him because we are simply put, gonna be making, I got the real-estate and he gave me the area and we are going to be making a competing business.
R: okay…
W: Because competition makes business flourish, the consumer.. Do you like the consumer? You’re a bit- a big fan of the consumer ranboo?
R: Yeah yeah, I consume things from time to time
W: Look Ranboo the consumer, the consumer is the one who does well when there is um conflict and competition right?
R: Yeah that makes sense
W: So what I want to do is make competition right? So I want to make competition so when Las Nevadas fully opens up and you can go gambling and stuff I want to make it so that people have options so people don't just have to eat at las Nevadas grills and such. So if they want they can come to our grill,
R: Yeah that's good
W: and the difference is that is that we will make our grill better than theirs and we will make lots of money and then quackity will be able to you know maybe have to make a deal with us and to maybe be our friend and and
R: But we are gonna do this respectfully right? We are gonna do something smaller and everything right?
W: Yeah I have the land and we can make it small and honestly there’s no reason for us to go further out then we need to because you know we got the location. So have you ever been in Las Nevadas or gambling Ranboo?
R: Well no, no one has actually been there when I’ve been there.
W: It’s very fun, gambling is very fun.
R: Ah
W: Gambling is what I would argue like the only reason to go to this Las Nevadas place, I mean there’s nothing else to do there
R: Okay…
W: Its like its ll that happens you know
R: Yeah just gambling
W: There's a strip club there Ranboo
R: OH yeah! For logs
W: You- you into strippers?
R: Um I mean all it just does is make the wood look different so it doesn’t really do much
W: It does make the wood look different. You’re right, you’re right Ranboo. Would you say you like Quackity? Sorry I’m really bombing you with questions right now - eh I just wanna, I want to pick your brain. I wanna know how Ranboo works.
R: Hmm no its okay its okay. I’m completely okay with it, yeah. Um I think that I, hes, I mean the thing is I just haven't seen him in so like long you know the last interaction with him I had was before the stuff that happened with everything else it's just kind of been I don't know, we were part of the same cabinet with New Lmanburg or whatever it was.
W: Cabniet…
R: Yeah Canbiet it was like…
W: A canbiet? Was this with Tubbo…?
R: Yeah yeah he had like me, Fundy, I was the minutes man and I wrote stuff down well they never checked my notes so I don’t know how useful my job was honestly. I don't know if they actually needed me but I was there.
W: Yeah yeah I know that. I know that feeling.
R: Yeah
W: So you were part of the old Lmaburg government? I didn’t know that actually.
R: Yeah, yeah
W: I thought you were a bit of an independent. I thought you were you know… so you would say you are friends with Quackity?
R: I mean yeah.. I mean I’m not really TOO much against him, but I mean yeah
W: Do you dislike anyone Ranboo?
R: Not.. too much I dont think. I mean there are other people I don't agree with of course but I think everyones just a product of what they have gone through and everything so if you understand that then you understand that, then you understand the person.
W: But don’t you think there’s sometimes allying yourself with everyone you know, it can actually make your life more complicated, more complex, more difficult…. more…
R: Yeah….. which is why I’ve kinda just went to live with Techno and Phil kind of away from everything. And try not to involve myself in that much. But then I just have a terrible radar of what is involving myself and what isn't so.
W: Right..
R: It's difficult sometimes.
W: It sounds like you set yourself up for a bit of a stressful, stressful life… So you don’t dislike anyone?
R: Yeah…
W: What about Dream?
R: Ummm yeah Well that's that. With Dream it's kind of like, all I’ve, all I’ve heard about Dream, all I’ve seen about Dream is just been the really bad things that he's done and everything so I would say I- I yeah I don’t really like Dream, but I mean he's also not really someone that it matters whether or not I like him because he's away in that prison for a very long time, so I mean, yeah.
W: With no trail.
R: Well I mean.. he… its
W: This is our competition Ranboo!
R: Oh!
W: Here's the competition
R: Okay. No ones really been here I dont think…
W: Can you even buy anything?
R: I don’t think they have half, half doors… they have
W: Smokers, Furnaces, they don't, it's just nothing
R: Huh.
W: It doesn't benefit the consumer Ranboo does it? Imagine you come here gambling.. First off the fucking door is shut
R: Mhm
W: Wait there’s a hole…
R: ohh… uh? that's interesting. I haven't been here in awhile, I just haven't been outside in awhile honestly.
W: Are we allowed… in?
R: I dont… I dont know.
W: It looks like crap Ranboo. Don't bother, it looks awful.
R: Oh, oh okay. Okay.
W: The point is this does not benefit the consumer right? This building does not benefit the consumer, it's just made to look pretty and make the consumer feel like.. lee do a test. I can promise you me ol, or should I say new pal, that this sign, I guarantee will not go. That will be here forever and that will never leave. (Signs that say “closed forever” “Quackity burger place is crap” “Go behind this building to better burgers'')
R: It's.. I don't know if abandoned is the right word, I don't know what you call it.
W: There we go, I guarantee these signs will stay there because they don’t care about the customer. They only care about looking cool and ooh ooh we got a restaurant, no they dont.
R: Yeah no one is really keeping it up.
W: Let me show you the real-estate. This is the best part, so come with me. Bah bum ba bum bum bum bum ba Oh ranboo, do you see the cock ranboo?
R: Oh that's what that is? I thought it was a clock actually
W: See that cock?
R: Yeah I see it.
W: That's our border. Well, technically, this wood is our border. This area.
R: Okay.
W: This area is ours. I’ve been trying to think of a name for it.
R: Hmm
W: I’m thinking about Paradise.
R: Paradice…
W: How’d you think about Paradise Ranboo?
R: Well I mean it could be good word play with the whole gambling thing.. pair of dice.
W: That is good.. you, you really are a smart cookie, a smart kind of guy.
R: Thank you!
W: Well, this is where I’ve been sort of working. So this is sort of where Tommy and I have been working. Tommy sadly couldn’t be here to help me, and um let me show you where I think we should make the burger van.
R: okay
W: Well I think it should be, it's to be close to the border so that people can access it and then get straight back to gambling. The customer, the customer, is happy, the customer gets their burgers and then goes straight back to gambling. How about we build it here, right here.
R: Right here? Okay that works. So what do you have in mind, you seem to have a vision.
W: 1950s… burger, retro. Red and white stripes.
R: Red and White okay, I have Blue?
R: I have blue.
W: I’m not a big fan of Blue.
R: oh okay well I don’t really know where to get a lot of red.
W: Flowers… I can get you red. Ranboo you seem to be proficient, you can start building the van I’ll be back.
R: Alright..
W: Also, also give me your fire aspect, I’ll get the beef and then we can begin and we can get the bread.
R: okay uh here
W: Ran-orad, Ranaord? Ranord.
R: I name all my things with different puns. It's just Ran and sword
W: That's good, that's a good one, new friend, I like it. This isn't drawing any parallels to your cookie shop right? This is a completely different feeling?
R: yeah no the cookie shop I’m pretty sure, I don't even know if it was a cookie shop to begin with… because it was a little fortified if i'm entirely honest…
W: Fortified?
R: yeah did you not see like oh! That giant stone structure as you came in here and walked around
W: oH wait, that's a cookie shop?
R: Yeah
W: I thought it was like a, I thought it was like a palisade
R: no I mean tubbo told me it was for cookies but I’m thinking about it now..
W: oh tubbo.. tubbo.
R: I don’t think it was
W: See I like tubbo man, he's strong headed and he doesn't let people push him around.
R: Yeah yeah
W: Did you learn a lot? Did you learn a lot from him?
R: Maybe yeah, I also just, if people aren't willing to change their views or anything I find it unnecessary to mindlessly argue so.
W: So Ranboo you say this yet you show up in all the conflict. I’m not I’m not coming at you like judging you, I'm not one to talk about conflict.
R: Mhm mhm
W: But when I think of Ranboo I don't think of what a calm guy who’s neutral and stays out of everything, I don't think of Switzerland when I think of you ranboo, I think I think you're a bit more dynamic than that, why do you claim that you’re so peaceful and neutral and yet you appear in almost every conflict the server has had since I died.
R: I mean ah, that's because I’m bad at avoiding the thing that I don't like, which is, I don’t know it's it's weird. It's a weird situation that it's mostly my fault but I’ve been doing alright with it recently. I haven't been doing too much to anger people I don't think but I think it's just because I really want to help sometimes and sometimes I let my desire to help people get in the way of what I have previously said or previously claimed about myself.
W: Ranboo? Why did you come to help me?
R: Well because I think, well I need one I kind of need something to do and this is pretty fun, I like building little things and everything although they may not look too good and also I just think you can I think you are an alright person you know? So I kind of wanted to get off on a better foot from what happened before.
W: Why?
R: Just because I don't really like having the thought that people don't really like me.
W: No no not the bit about the right foot, why don’t you think I’m a bad person?
R: Well I mean I think you did bad things but you also went through things that made you that way and then I also think that you’re changed now. I mean if you ask me to talk to the older Wilbur before you died, for a little bit then yeah I would think you’re kind of not a good person.
But I think now you’ve apparently been away long enough, that I think if anyone goes away long enough for that long of a time that eventually they’ll have a thought of their morality, and everything and become a better person because of it. So, I'm hopeful. I’m hopeful. I like having a good amount of optimism.
W: Cool.. ah cool that's nice, thank you.
R: Yeah!
W: Uh, I think I needed to hear that, I’ve um, can I be real with you? Sorry Ranboo, you really got me. Fucking hell can I be real with you man?
R: Yeah sure.
W: I think I scare people.
R: I mean, yeah I do the same thing
W: No no, I mean I don't think I, I think a lot of people share your idea in trying to try… to keep me from hurting you know? They have seen what I can do and they don’t want me to do it again, so they adopt your emotion in order to do it.
Do you know I demolished his house and brutally ignored him? He fought for my country! And I ignored him. I didn't look at him. I didn't give him so much a medal, I didn't give him so much a rank, I gave him the lowest rank in the cabinet, and do you know what it took? Do you know what it took for him to forgive me? A “sorry” And I’ve, I’ve spoken to Tommy about Jack Manifold, and Jack Manifold is NOT the sort of person to forgive with a sorry.
Can you imagine if Dream said sorry to Jack Manifold? What has Dream done to Jack Manifold huh? Barely anything. I imagine if Dream said sorry to Jack Manifold, Jack Manifold would ignore him. Do you wanna know why? It’s because Dream is in prison, and I’m not. Dream! He's had his comeuppance and I’ve not! My comeuppance was apparently not good enough for these people, they are just waiting for the next thing, the next slip up and Ranboo I’m not gonna fucking slip up Ranboo. I’m different.
I’m not Dream, god I wish I was. Sometimes I wish I was. I wish I had that comeuppance. But Ranboo I’m not Dream and I’m not gonna be Dream and that's ahhh. I am living in eternal limbo again. I’ve been through limbo. I'm out of limbo and socially I’m still in limbo and man hearing you say those words that you said to me, do you remember what you said?
R: Yeah… I do?
W: You said “I think people can change” that's number one
R: Mhm
W: And number two you’re “scared if people don’t like you”
R: Yeah
W: I’ve been investing, I’ve been investing into the wrong areas Ranboo. I’ve been investing in the wrong people. Were kindred man, we get each other
R: Yeah, Yeah I’d say so.
W: We have SO much difference, but you know what the one thing we got incommon? Our strongest point? And you mustn't take offense to this, okay?
W: Neuroticism. Me and you are just as neurotic as each other. Just as nervous but the thing is it’s not our downfall you know? Anxiety isn't necessarily an evil trait to have. Anxiety is what kept our ancestors alive Ranboo.
R: Yeah
W: You? Me? Your Parents, whoever they may be, my parents, do you know how they’re alive? Because they were anxious. They didn't let another thing kill them, they didn't let another thing take them down. Our ancestors, the cavemen in the woods or the cave enderman, were anxious when they heard the lion roar; they were anxious when the wolf howled. And you know what they did? They went inside and they hid and that's what they did and that's why we are here today. Ranboo me and you are neurotic, and that's why we are alive..right now talking to each other and doing this.
R: Okay…… I really, I really do hope that's um a good thing.
W: Sorry, ha, that's uh that might have come across- I’m really sorry I meant um, I’ll go get you some more red.
R: No no I understand what you mean I think, we both are kind of thinkers I think well yeah, we tend to think about a lot of things. Think about a lot of situations and how people are affected by said situations. How we can make things better and although we may think in different ways the fact we both, I think we both think at the same level just in different ways sometimes.
W: I think you might be a bit braver than me and showing your true colors. I feel like, I feel like with you Ranboo I never have to guess your next move. I never have to guess your hand, you know?
R: Yeah
W: I feel like, I feel like life dealt us the same cards and the difference is you, you build your trust by showing people your cards whilst, I keep them close to my chest and I feel like that may be the difference. But I’m gonna stop psychoanalysing you so
R: heh
W: And let's… let's, Ranboo how’d you feel about thievery?
R: Oh uh ooh, what types? What do you-
W: I’m going to steal Las Nevadas cows to cook our burgers.
R: Oh oh okay?
W: And I’m not going to re-breed them. I am going to simply kill them.
R: Alright I mean, so you are? Are you gonna steal all of them? Or just
W: Nahh just enough so it's annoying ya know?
R: Okay um
W: Unless, how about this if this makes you feel a bit less uncomfortable about it how about if I steal all the cows unless they have a sign on them that says “these cows are property of las Nevadas” then I’ll leave them alone so unless they have an expressed sign that says “do not steal please” I’ll leave them alone. But if not… it seems like a good idea
R: Okay yeah
W: You’re really good a building vans
R: Oh thank you
W: I’m pretty good at building vans too.
R: Okay.
W: Okay I’ve got the steak.
R: Oh, nice
W: Pretty good, is that enough red for you?
R: I just need something to put the red on
W: Oh cool yeah, I can go find you some wool.
R: There could be some chests around. You know I found a full netherite block in one the other day?
W: Wait what?
R: There was just another netherite block in one of the chests, it was very interesting.
W: I’ve just restocked for us.
R: Ohh, nice I’ll put some of our building materials here. Oh wow, wait did you get, did you get all of them?
W: Yeah heh, pretty good yeah?
R: Oh geez.
….. [Talk about Minecraft mechanics]
W: So this is your cookie factory, your cookie shop, your giant fortress
R: Yeah you realize a lot now that it’s a giant fortress. Sometimes, sometimes I don’t realize things until they’re an afterthought.
W: How is Tubbo?
R: He's um, alright. I think he's doing pretty well.
W: What is he up to right now?
R: He's um he's just building around Snowchester you know? Not really doing-
W: Snowchester?
R: Oh you- don't know about snowchester? It’s basically just like this little- it used to have some people but then everyone just kind of went off on their own ways. It’s just like this little arctic area, a village he created.
W: A town?
R: Yeah basically!
W: So, Las Nevadas, Snowchester, - I thought Techno and Phil told me they were successful? Well just Phil I haven't spoken to Techno since, since, it happened.
R: Mhm Well it
W: Phil told me they were successful and there's no more nations and that there’s anarchy here.
R: Well it's not a nation it's literally just- it's literally just him.
W: What about this Kinoko Kingdom I keep reading about?
R: I have no idea. All they put down there was just signs and I havent heard anything about that honestly.
W: So there’s, there’s a lot going on Ranboo. What part do you play? Go on, You can't be THAT neutral, if you’re not a part of Kinoko Kingdom, then you must be a part of something.
R: I mean I guess you could say I’m a part of.. Snowchester a little bit? I think I’m mainly just um with Phil and Techno I’m pretty sure. It’s mainly, it's mainly just them and everything. Because that's pretty much where I’ve been living for awhile and all so.
W: And now the Paradise Burger Van.
R: And now the Burger Van I guess yeah.
W: Good, good! I’m coming back. Do you need more red or?
R: No, we got enough.
W: Then the final step is to name the burger and name the beef!
R: Name, name the beef?
W: Oh so another thing I wanted to do is to legitimize our burgers so it's not just stake right is to make a uh name for all our stakes so when they've had it you know our stake shop that they know this is our stake shop, and only the high grade beef. So we are all gonna name the burgers with an anvil and I wanted, I wanted to give them like versions and wanted to use an alt code so that no one could copy it. So it's like “hey you’ve got a volume one steak, burger steak” so people would come and it's sort of an NFT value to it. A bit of a you know, once you’ve had volume one of burgers then that's gone forever like versions, is this making sense? Are you following?
R: Yeah this is making sense, I’m following I think
W: Cool cool
R: Yeah
W: What do you think of calling the burger shop?
R: Hmm
W: I’m thinking of either Paradise or Wilburger?
R: Well Wilburger is funny
W: Wilburger is funny but it doesn't take into account the work you put in.
R: Hmm maybe paradise burgers might be good
W: What about Wilbooger?
R: Will- Wait a minute but then that means we have booger in it, and then they will make fun of it.
W: Yeah yeah, paradise burger has a meaning behind it. So like, you know paradise next to Las Nevadas. Have a think
R: Paradise…
W: Weeeeeeeeeeee, ding dong we got everything we need. Right, let me go to an anvil and think of a name. This has been good, this has been chill.
R: This has been nice
W: I feel like we are good business partners. I’m excited to show Tommy. What's your opinion on Tommy?
R: Oh he's great. Tommys awesome.
W: Agreed
R: Yeah. Definitely gone through a lot but I definitely think that has made him a good person.
W: Mmm yeah well you seem to think everyone going through something at least gives them some merit you said
R: Well I mean yeah. I mean if- if no one, the only really bad people are the ones who are just evil because, just because then they don't really have any reason why you know? Those are in my opinion the bad people.
W: Right
R: I don’t really think there’s that many bad people like that so yeah.
W: Let me find an alt code, I want to find a cool alt code for the Wilburger, let's go for a sunbeam
R: ooooh
W: This is sexy, what I've done. Here we go here we go The beef! The bread doesn't have to be named
R: yeah
W: It’s gonna be good. Here we go, here we go. Look at this!
R: Oooohhh thats cool
W: No ones copying that
R: Yeah especially the thing in the eye as well.
W: It's a watermark no one, no one can copy it now so we can sell those with one slice of bread on either side and that's our thing. That's our shtick.
R: Yeah I think thats good thats good
W: I think we are getting to the point Ranboo where we are almost done I mean I do have a question to ask you though
R: Yeah of course ask away.
W: Just gonna put the bread back. This is gonna be a make or break
R: Okay.
W: Come with me
R: Yeah
W: This really could be, could be a make or break. And what about the Wilburger Ran Van?
R: Oh thats good thats good
W: Cool cool, then we’ll have your name on as the co creator I won’t be ceo, I will be vice chairman of the wilburger ran-van corporation
R: Cool, awesome.
W: So here’s our completion ranboo you remember the signs?
R: Yeah? They are still there.
W: Yeah it's good innit? Ranboo I want you to smash the windows.
R: Smash the windows? Like how? How do you want me to do it?
W: Take this (gave ranboo a cobblestone block) hold it in your hand
R: Okay
W: Now break the window.
R: okay
W: More
R: Do more? Okay
W: A lot more
R: keep going? Oh uh oh
[Wilbur places down TNT in a corner of the competition restaurant]
R: Are you sure about that one?
W: Come here
R: Oh? Okay
W: You trust me alright?
R: Yeah?
W: Detonate that, its only in the corner to prove we are not fucking around
R: I mean it's just in the corner right and then it will, it will drop all the blocks
W: Yep
R: And then we can put it somewhere
W: We can put it in a chest next to it.
R: Okay.. ohh Careful! [Wilbur stood really close to the TNT so he took damage]
W: It’s alright
R: That was a little bit more than I thought
W: Picking up those blocks
R: Yep, I think we can just put them in the chests here I think.
W: Okay I’ll fill this in, you passed the test, good job man. You can go back to the van, I’ll be back there soon. Ranboo
R: Yeah?
W: I’m proud of you man. You, you’ve taken a side, you’ve proven you can choose a side and I’m proud of you.
R: Thank- Thank, thank you. I haven't-
W: You’ve got something to work for.
R: Yeah, yeah
W: I’ll see you around. I’m gonna head off after I fix this but you get to work on the Ranvan. See you soon.
R: Yeah I’ll get to work, see you soon, buh bye
W: see you soon man.
[Wilbur breaks one of the signs placed down from earlier then goes to the explosion site and writes a sign with the NFT symbol saying Wilbur + Ranboo Did this together and places a chest to put the exploded materials in a chest along with two diamonds]
W: ahh, I love that guy.
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