#prompt is bolded
millicndreams · 2 years
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“I know it doesn’t make sense.” Caroline couldn’t help the soft laugh that left her lips. “To be entirely honest, this is kind of a new power for me. I’ve always been able to read minds, but it wasn’t until I got here that I started being able to put suggestions in someone else’s head. I’m still working on being able to do it on a regular basis. Right now I have to really focus on it.” She gave a little shrug and smiled. “I don’t know why I developed this part of it later on, or why it’s not coming as easily to me as the rest of it. But I guess that’s why I’m here, to learn.” ​
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dancingwithghcsts · 2 years
“You’re not a detective.” Jerome put on a high-pitched, nasally whine to imitate his brother, as if the timbre of their voices was really that different. “Yeah, I realize that -- I mean…” He held up a hand and started uncurling his fingers, ticking off items on his mental list. “I don’t dress like Dick Tracy, I haven’t even been married once, let alone multiple times, and you know what…” His eyes widened as if he were about to impart some radical secret. “I don’t think donuts are that great.” He grinned at his brother. “All I’m saying is, you obviously brought me here for a reason. Unless a random empty apartment in Gotham is the new locale for your cult.” Another wide grin stretched across his face. “You’re really scaling it back now, huh? It’s just you and Ecco at this point, ain’t it?”
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call-me-strega · 3 months
Batfam Prompt #4: Granddad Lore
Do y’all ever think Alfred just drops Dad Lore™️ out of nowhere?
Like, maybe Bruce and Jason are arguing about Red Hood’s past kills and Alfred makes a sassy remark “If we’re holding everyone accountable for murders they’ve committed under influence when can I expect my court date?” Stunning them both into silence. By the time they get their wits about them, Alfred has already moved on to cleaning the kitchen and refuses to elaborate.
Or seeing Dick and Tim returned to the cave after fighting Condiment King: covered in ketchup, looking like a murder scene, with pickles in places pickles should not be. And Alfred sighs and says “ Oh this mess reminds me of the summer of ‘95.” And when Tim and Dick go “wtf?” try to question him on it he just sprays them with the bat hose.
Or he watches Damien and Cass, trying to train Goliath the bat-dragon to roll over and says “Oh, yes, this reminds me of the pet lizard I had in my boyhood, Spike, who turned out to be a crocodile.” And then leaves before either of them can ask more.
Or visiting Babs at the library with Duke and Steph and he stops to talk to an old woman at the counter. And when he comes get back they tease him about having a lady friend. And he’s like “ Don’t be ridiculous. I met Judith during the Lavender Scare. Helped her ward off suspicion so that she could keep her job as a secretary to the senator without being harassed.” And then he wanders off to find a new cookbook, leaving the three gob smacked.
Or someone’s telling a story about a mission over dinner and Alfred goes. “Ah yes, Master Bruce that reminds me of the summer your father dragged me on a boys trip to Guatemala to search for the chupacabra. Although that trip was how we met your mother.” And he continues eating while everyone stares at him because this is a Lore drop with bonus Wayne Lore???!
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jvnart · 9 months
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(Frames under cut)
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averykoolusername · 9 months
You let out a groggy groan as you shifted in your sleep before turning to the side, and stretching your arm out expecting to feel the warmth of the white haired woman you shared a night of passion with, only to find it being empty and cold.
You lazily raised your head and peeked one eye open before flopping your head back down on to the pillow with a heavy sigh, assuming Felicia had left you without saying goodbye.
"Shit!" A familiar voice cried out outside the bedroom and seemingly from the direction of your kitchen. You hurried out of the bedroom and into the kitchen after rapidly rising from the bed and putting on your clothing that were scattered all over the floor.
You found Felicia, wearing your baggy shirt and looking a bit smaller than usual. You looked down and saw just how ravishing she looked as it exposed the sight of her milky thighs.
Felicia kept fanning the burning food in the frying pan in a panic as the fire raged on. You chuckled at the sight of the scene before approaching her, and gently putting a hand on to the small of her back, pushing her aside as you took over the situation.
You covered the flaming pan with a lid and set it aside before turning off the burner. Felicia cleared her throat in an effort to hide her embarrassment.
"I was trying to make you breakfast," She mumbled.
You looked at her, giving Felicia an amused smile before letting out a small chuckle.
"How do you burn a fried egg?" You snickered, teasing Felicia, who only gave you an adorable look of furrowed brows combined with a small pout.
You couldn't help yourself from letting out an entertained laugh at her face before holding them by the waist and guiding her up on the counterto make her sit.
"Sorry, I almost burned your place down," Felicia apologised with a chuckle, properly sitting herself on the counter before resting her hands on your shoulder while you positioned yourself between her legs. "I just wanted to make you bacon and eggs."
You only observed Felicia's face for a solid minute with an enthralled smile before speaking up.
"It's fine," You reassured, running your hands up to the latter's exposed thighs before leaning in close to her ear to whisper. "I already know what I want for breakfast anyway." You teased, gently biting her earlobe.
Felicia felt a chill run up her spine, and gently pushed you away from her ear before dropping her head down to your shoulder in embarrassment to cover her already flushed face from your display.
You simply chuckled and placed your hands on her waist, resting your chin on her shoulder as well.
They both enjoyed their silence. The morning sunlight passed through the window pane and reflected the light all over the place, bouncing off of every object in place, walls, and floor as it gives the place a natural soft light.
"I love you," Felicia confessed in a whisper, breaking your silence with the three letter words that you had been waiting to hear.
It echoed in your ear as it froze you in place for a solid minute before you raised your head.
"No," You muttered, confusing Felicia which caused her to raise her head as well.
You leaned back and gently held on to each side of her face as you looked at her in the eyes with all seriousness and love present in your eyes.
"You look at me when you say that."
Felicia's confused expression softened as they let out small airy chuckle before softly clutching on to your wrists before looking into at your eyes with same seriousness and devotion in your eyes.
"I love you," She repeated, giving you the soft, innocent smile that melts your heart without fail.
You returned her tender smile, brushed your thumbs gently on her cheeks before leaning in to softly kiss Felicia on the lips.
"I love you too," You confessed, giving her soft butterfly kisses all over her face, earning Felicia's endearing giggle.
You ran your hands back down on Felicia's thighs and bit your lower lip with a tiny smirk curling it.
"Let's go shower," You said. "I don't think I can control myself, seeing you look so adorable in my shirt."
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eosofspades · 6 months
godddd thinking about the red war first couple missions and going insane . that was so good and for what
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honeycomb-fics · 2 years
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“H-Hey! Sai.. wait up. It’s crowded!” You shouted after your friend pushing through the crowd of people. Once you got close to Saitama you gripped the hem of his shirt, nervous the two of you might get separated again. 
The two of you were making your way to one of your favorite cafes that served the most adorable themed meal sets for different holidays and events. Typically they booked out weeks in advance but you were able to snag a spot for Valentine’s Day. You bumped into your friend’s back when he stopped walking abruptly. 
“You’re going to wrinkle my shirt,” Saitama looked down at your hand grabbing onto his shirt and grimaced, “I don’t need to hear Geno’s explain his entire steaming and ironing process to me again.”
He nonchalantly grabbed your hand and continued walking to the cafe. You felt your heart flutter at the sudden contact, you knew he was only doing so you didn’t get lost in the crowd, but it still made your heart skip a beat to have your hand in his. You looked up at him momentarily to see him scanning the masses of couples around the two of you in the shopping plaza.
“What the hell is going on? It’s a Tuesday.” Saitama complained, as he half dragged you along next to him. Seeming to forget in his irritation that his stride is a lot longer than yours, “They must be giving something away for free or something.”  
You let out an awkward laugh at his response, you knew it was a big ask getting him to go to these events with you. But you always paid for the meals and more often than not it seemed like Saitama actually took some enjoyment in seeing the cutesy food. He gave you a confused look and then simply shrugged continuing to walk closer to the restaurant. Your skin prickled as you looked around at the heart balloons in the streets, vendors selling bouquets of flowers.. Did Saitama not realize? .. No, no he had to know. 
Once the two of you were seated together for your reservation, your anxiety only grew. The atmosphere of the cafe was more romantic than usual, with hearts plastered on the windows, pink garland hanging for the ceiling. When the waitress came over, Saitama automatically told her that the two of you were just going to get whatever the special was since that’s why you were there anyway. 
Saitama leaned back in his chair casually, “Ah, I’m so hungry. I hope this special is good.” 
He impatiently flipped around the menu she had left ‘just in case’ before pausing slightly and looking around, “It’s Valentine’s Day today?” 
Immediately your stomach dropped as you looked across the table at your bald-headed friend. Your fears had come to fruition. You really had intended this to be a date for the two of you but it was becoming increasingly clear that Saitama didn’t get the memo, “I mean I did tell you the 14th when we made the plans but we don’t have to make a big deal about it..”
The two of you became distracted by a group of snickering teenage girls two tables down from you, their barely hushed conversation, floating easily over to your table. 
“Hey, doesn’t that guy kind of look like that Caped Baldy guy?” One girl loudly whispered pointing in Saitama’s direction. Your immediate response was to roll your eyes. It was still rare for people to recognize him, but often wasn’t taken very seriously. 
Another giggle followed, “I bet he had to beg for that date.” 
Not only was Saitama unaware that he was on a date, now he was being harassed by a group of kids on said date he did not agree to be on. Perfect, just how you wanted this to go, you put your head in your hands weighing the pros and cons of getting into a verbal argument with two teenagers. 
Your server finally returned after what felt like an eternity with the special. On the small table between you and Saitama laid a plate with ‘Fluffy Fluffy Heart Pancakes’ piled high with whipped cream and berries and next to that was a parfait cup containing the ‘Layers of Love’. 
“I—,” Your cheeks were burning with embarrassment, feeling the need to backtrack and escape the pending rejection. “Sai, you know I love themed food events.. and I just..” 
“Are you going to take your picture of it or what?” Saitama shot you an impatient look, pointing at the pancakes. You usually warned him to not dig in immediately because you wanted a quick picture for social media, “I’m hungry and this whipped cream is melting.” 
Relieved to see Saitama was clearly unphased by the whole situation and still focused on getting on with the date, well not date, you grabbed your phone from your bag and snapped a few quick shots of the food. Not without remarking on how cute everything was. 
He grabbed a fork and started eating the pancakes, “And I like going to them with you. The Christmas one was fun,” between mouthfuls of food, “I would have agreed to a date, you know?” 
You pouted, grabbing a spoonful of sickenly sweet parfait, “I didn’t think you’d be dense enough to not realize this was a date!”
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sphnyspinspin · 11 months
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Let’s get to know Boulder’s scraplets!
The periwinkle one with the metallic mask is Giggles. Then the one that has baby blue optics is Basher. Behind them is the cute yellow cat-eared one, named Snappy. Also there’s the little green guy who goes by Squeaker. And the one with the big red birth-mark on its forehelm is presumably known as Boing-Boing.
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originalartblog · 2 years
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[Storm Bringer]
You messed with the wrong guy, Verlaine. I know exactly how to deal with someone who can manipulate gravity. Day in and day out, I’ve spent every waking and sleeping moment thinking about how I can annoy Chuuya.
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helianskies · 10 months
winter prompts ☃️
'tis the season to write some slightly fluffier offerings for once! you know the drill! feel free to check with me if you are unsure if i'd write certain characters/pairings! <3
[ 1 ] - “what do you mean you 'don't need a coat'?”
[ 2 ] - “that was more ice than snow!”
[ 3 ] - “please don't fall!”
[ 4 ] - “maybe you could warm me up...?”
[ 5 ] - “look's like you've caught a cold.”
[ 6 ] - “you're so toasty!”
[ 7 ] - “thank you for making it special.”
[ 8 ] - “i'm actually allergic to holiday cheer.”
[ 9 ] - “let's build a snowman!”
[ 10 ] - “it's just a little something.”
[ 11 ] - “winter and i are sworn enemies.”
[ 12 ] - “but if i get out of bed i'll be cold!”
[ 13 ] - “look, a shooting star!”
[ 14 ] - “you did all of this yourself?”
[ 15 ] - “i can't believe you got me this!”
[ 16 ] - “that's the ugliest jumper i've ever seen.”
[ 17 ] - “you've never been ice-skating?”
[ 18 ] - “can i borrow your scarf?”
[ 19 ] - “come on, dance with me!”
[ 20 ] - “looks like we're snowed in.”
[ 21 ] - “office parties suck…”
[ 22 ] - “dinner is served!”
[ 23 ] - “at least pretend to like it!”
[ 24 ] - “here, warm yourself by the fire.”
[ 25 ] - “no one should be alone for the holidays.”
[ 26 ] - “i have something to ask you…”
[ 27 ] - “don't lick that pole!”
[ 28 ] - “i see we've ended up under the mistletoe.”
[ 29 ] - “hey, no peeking!”
[ 30 ] - “you're the best present i could have ever wished for.”
last year's list of wintery prompts is also over here for those who want to nose! happy december! and of course feel free to have a go at these yourself!
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dancingwithghcsts · 2 years
“You follow directions well.” Babs smirked gently as she looked at herself in the mirror, turning her head so that her new earrings caught the light. “Did Selina help you pick these out?” she asked Jim, her lips twitching as she glanced at him, knowing how incredibly unlikely that would be. Even if the mental image of Jim following Selina around a jewelry store, keeping more of an eye on her than the merchandise, made her smile. “Well, thank you, I love them,” she said, turning and winding her arms around his neck, giving him a light kiss. “These don’t count toward my birthday,” she added playfully. “You’re five months early.”
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waterwindow · 4 months
Look I like asks, and I don't even mind requests (tho the likelyhood of me doing them is pretty slim) but if you inbox me asking for free art I feel like I should at least get the curtesy of knowing who I'm making it for.
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writemeagoodprompt · 5 months
"A god should be unable to die, yes?" A smile graces the villain's lips, their head raised upwards - towards the sky.
"A god is an immortal, they cannot die. I cannot die." The hero stands tall, arms lowered to their sides. Determined by their lack of mortality, they return the smile.
The villain doesn't lower their gaze, as if they hadn't heard the hero.
"What are you even looking at?" Lifting their head to the sky, they feel a sharp pain in their torso. They choke back a scream, their gaze returning to the other.
In the villain's hand is something indistinguishable, even to the hero's eye. It is but a blur as they are forced to kneel, covering their wound with both hands.
The villain approaches, their expression unmoving.
"Why don't we test that then?"
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lyricalive · 1 year
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[Touhou Ship Week, Day 5]: TRUST + PERFORMANCE 🥁🎹
As music bares the soul, a duet is a performance of trust! You have to be on the same wavelength to match your partner's rhythm. 🎵
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walks-the-ages · 8 months
Murderbot Writing Prompt: Dialed Down To Zero
Murderbot is so used to dialing down its pain sensors during combat, that it doesn't notice anything amiss when it gets hurt in a battle with a hostile (*cough xenomorph cough*), until afterwards when it realizes its experienced more injuries than the one it was actually aware of, and reluctantly tries to turn its pain sensors back up to normal.
Only for nothing to happen.
Increasingly more frantic, Murderbot starts running all of its diagnostics, only to slowly come to the realization that its constant abuse of the pain sensor dial-down system has permanently disabled its pain sensors, and not only that, it damaged its hardware integrity checks.
Now, when Murderbot gets injured, it has no pain sensors, or integrity alerts to tell it what damage has been sustained. It has no way of knowing, outside of visual inspection, to know what part of it is damaged, or how extensive that damage is.
What looks like a simple hole in the biological tissue of its wrist, could actually be a catastrophic wound that has completely wrecked the entire, internal systems in its entire arm, or have damaged the gunports in its arms -- causing them to violently explode the next time Murderbot tries to use them.
How does Murderbot cope with this new, permanent disability?
No longer can it treat its body like it is disposable; no longer can it shrug off having a giant alien take a bite out of its chest, or even something as 'minor' as a bullet wound in its arm; now, because it doesn't hurt, it can't judge the damage, and with no Company Brand Cubicals on hand, it has no real way to do any 'full system repairs', no matter hard ART tries to hack the Company, some tech is just too proprietary for a space fascist business to keep in a way that competitors can easily steal that information.
How does Murderbot move forward with its life, no longer able to casually throw its bodily well-being away?
Will it have more compassion the next time the Company sends slaves who've had their ability to feel pain taken from them as 'mindless killers'? Maybe enough compassion to save more than one life?
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honeycomb-fics · 2 years
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“How many different kinds did you say were in here again?” Yoarashi asked as he eagerly popped a second heart shaped chocolate into his mouth. The shiny pink wrapping paper and bow long abandoned on the floor below. He licked the remnants of the confectionary off his fingers, making sure to savor every last bit.
You smiled affectionately at the way your boyfriend enthusiastically tried your homemade sweets, “There should be four different flavors: raspberry, dark chocolate, strawberry, and white chocolate.”
“DELICIOUS!” He loudly exclaimed, grabbing one of the white hearts adorned with pink sanded sugar, “I didn’t know I was dating the world’s best chocolatier. You’ve been hiding it from me!”
“Inasa, don’t eat all of them right now! Save some for later,” you scolded your boyfriend in a teasing manner, playfully shoving one of his toned arms, “Jeeze.”
“Is it so wrong for me to enjoy my gift? I don’t want to be ungrateful!” One of his large hands reached over to affectionately pinch your cheek, “If you want some you can just ask, what's mine is yours.”
You puffed your lips into a pout, you had a craving and it certainly wasn’t for chocolate. What you wanted for this Valentine’s Day most of all was your boyfriend’s attention. Now that he was a pro-hero, the two of you didn’t get to spend as much time together, so you savored the alone time.
You turned your head away from him, slipping your cheek out of his grip, and exaggerated your pout, “Do you love me or chocolate more?”
You were answered with a booming laugh. Yoarashi finally set the box aside and pulled you onto his lap and wrapped his strong arms around your waist. He bent down from the waist so he could rest his forehead against yours to look into yours eyes while giving you his signature goofy grin.
“You, of course!” He teased as he pushed his nose playfully against yours, “They were just so delicious, I couldn’t help myself. Here! Have a taste.”
Yoarashi slotted his lips against yours, running his tongue along your bottom lip when you relaxed into his kiss. Your arms wrapped around his broad shoulders and you ran one of your hands through his short, cropped hair.
A surprised gasp escaped your lips when Yoarashi suddenly flipped on your back, straddling your body nipping at your neck, “Although, I think you taste even better.”
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@milky-fixx for you 💘
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