#props for dedication ig
jokeroutsubs · 9 months
ENG translation: If we believed that we were "kings", that wouldn't be us
An interview with Bojan Cvjetićanin for Slovenian newspaper Delo, originally published on 24.12.2023. Audio version by IG GBoleyn123
Original article is available here for Delo subscribers. Original article written by Lucijan Zalokar for Delo; photos by Jože Suhadolnik; English translation by a member of Joker Out Subs, native proof reading by IG GBoleyn123.
If you repost quotes from the interview, please link back to this post! And if you repost the photos, do not crop out the photographer credit.
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With Bojan Cvjetićanin about the international breakthrough of Joker Out, the movie Kaj pa Ester?, about life on the road, football, sociology…
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I met up with Bojan Cvjetićanin in Ljubljana's Stegne industrial zone, where the members of the popular pop rock (in their jargon: shagadelic rock'n'roll) group Joker Out created a rehearsal space for themselves two years ago. "Lately we've been on the road a lot, but this is still a great second home. If only you knew about the parties that happened here. There were fifty people dancing downstairs," he proudly looked from a small gallery towards the space that measures approximately thirty square metres. Even though the clock had just struck three in the afternoon, the 24-year-old Ljubljana resident had a long day behind him, which had been entirely dedicated to media obligations.
In journalistic circles, we often hear indignation about how modern day influencers - especially those who had gained their influence on social media - have no books on their shelves. Joker Out are first and foremost musicians, of course, but with 150,000 followers (Bojan's personal profile has 190,000) on Instagram, we can count them among the big Slovenian influencers. And there are plenty of books on their shelves.
I don't want to falsely portray the popular fivesome as enlightened donors to the Slovenian literary market: most of the books resemble those you can buy for little money in second-hand bookshops, or even get for free at library write-offs, but they still deserve praise for both the aesthetic sense and the content.
I also don't want to falsely portray the books as the only notable objects in the rehearsal space. There are also the golden plate for the Eurovision single Carpe Diem, which got over two million streams in Finland, a transfusion bag (Rh-) that Tomi Meglič¹, Cvjetićanin's biggest teenage idol, personally brought to them, and a small shop's worth of props given to them by fans: pillows with hand-embroidered patterns, plushies, bras with Instagram accounts written on them, various sweets, you could even find a vinyl from a Soviet cover band of The Beatles. If things continue like that, they soon won't have any space left for instruments, but those are just sweet worries. Joker Out, who were formed in 2016, are currently conquering Europe in a way that the Slovenian music scene has never seen before.
¹frontman of Siddharta, whose third album was called Rh-
I've heard that you approach your job with the utmost professionalism and that you wake up at five in the morning for media obligations.
That's true, today we started early in the morning in Maribor. The first few hours were the most tiring because we were constantly changing locations and driving around the city. After the third or fourth activity, we relaxed a little because we got to the studio. After that, everyone started coming to us instead of the other way around.
Slovenian cinemas have started playing the movie Kaj pa Ester? in which you play a boy who enrolled in high school just to get close to his ex girlfriend again. Did you have any problems with trying to get into the high school mentality?
We filmed the movie two years ago, when my memories of high school were much more fresh than they are today. But on the other hand, I played a boy who had just finished the ninth grade of primary school, so I had to put myself into the shoes of a primary school kid, which is much harder. We're also pretty different personality-wise. But almost the entire cast was around the same age, so too old. We joked about that a lot during filming.
Still, that's nothing unusual in the movie world.
Of course, there are 35-year-olds starring in High School Musical and no one is complaining.
Could you draw any parallels between a musical stage performance and filming a movie? You have to play a kind of role during a concert too...
I have to admit that it's completely different. On stage, I never feel like I'm performing. Of course I am actually performing, but I'm still in the role of myself, Bojan, whereas in the movie, I'm someone completely different. It might be easier to compare filming a movie with recording music in the studio, but there are big differences there as well. The biggest one is that for a movie, the director has the main and the final say. You have to trust him. When you film a scene, you don't even see what you've filmed for a long time. The movie in which I play one of the main roles will be played in cinemas, and I don't even know what I will look like on the big screen. It's different with music, because us authors listen to the songs a hundred times, a thousand times; we're the ones who make all the final decisions. That's quite a mental leap, but I didn't have too many problems with it, because I knew the previous projects of that team. V dvoje ('In a tandem') is my favourite Slovenian TV series. On the other hand, I needed time to get used to this new method of working. If I asked to see the scene we'd filmed one more time, but the director said it was good, we kept filming without hesitation.
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You said that on stage, you are always in the role of yourself. Does the nature of that role change from concert to concert? And what influences it? The audience, the outfit…
The outfit has an influence for sure. More than I initially thought. Lately we've been playing with our stage look a lot and looking for the right combination. I currently find that the outfit suits me very well, it's just the shoes that bother me because they're too rigid. I have to change them. They're huge and massive, which makes me feel like I'm clumsily marching around the stage, whereas during rehearsals I wear sneakers and I'm therefore a lot more in the mood for dancing.
What about the language you sing in? Many people say that they feel as if by switching between different languages, they are also switching between their personalities.
I agree. When you change the language, your voice has a different colour and register, you come up with different jokes than in your mother tongue. If I lead a concert in Slovenian, Serbian, or English, I'm a different dude every time. This is also influenced by my notion that each time, I'm performing for a different group of people who are connected by a certain mentality. In Slovenia, I'm performing as a local for locals, and I feel like there are different "game rules" than for example in Croatia or Serbia. Elsewhere, I feel like I don't even think about this.
How did you get the idea to start creating and singing in English? You already broke through internationally with Slovenian.
Us creating in foreign languages isn't so much a result of wanting to break through internationally and the mentality that only English ensures global success. If we thought that way, we wouldn't have gone to Eurovision with a Slovenian song. We're primarily driven by a desire to learn new things, to push the boundaries... In the studio, it's similar to being on the stage. If you change the language, you're not only a different person on stage, but also inside your head. Your creativity is different. Playing with languages is actually also playing with your own creativity, because you enter a different space, a different mentality. The song Sunny Side of London could not have been made if we hadn't mentally transported ourselves to an English-speaking space. We want many more projects like that, not necessarily in English.
Can you be more specific? What kind of mentality do you associate Sunny Side of London with?
That song is a sort of homage to all the people who have suddenly become part of our story. Sunny Side of London has nothing to do with London as such. I was looking for a name of a well-known place with which to name all our concerts, and I decided on London.
The first time I said the words Are you guys real? – Is this really happening, are you really here and singing our songs? – on the stage, certain English phrases snuck into my mind. What the hell is going on? and so on. We also experienced, for the first time, foreigners coming up to us and talking about their own experiences connected to our music. That was something completely new for us. We listened to all those stories in English, as our fans of course can't speak Slovenian, even though they can sing our Slovenian lyrics. Sunny Side of London therefore emerged as a collection of all the experiences and stories that fans told us after gigs.
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You've already touched on fans who sing your lyrics by heart from Finland to Spain. Could you highlight the nation with the best ear for the Slovenian language?
On the latest tour, when we visited Lithuania, Poland, Czechia and Croatia, there were moments when I felt like I was singing in Slovenia. In Prague, I filmed the audience singing Umazane misli without me. As if I were in Križanke, for example. But it's even more fascinating that people sing well in England and Nordic countries too. It's understandable that our Slavic brothers have the best ear for Slovenian, but northerners aren't far off either.
How much of your international success do you attribute to the Eurovision performance?
A huge amount.
If you had to express it in a percentage?
Definitely. It was an incredible catapult. Whenever I ask the audience at our international concerts if anyone was already with us before Eurovision, a few hands shoot up every time, but those are rare exceptions.
How do you explain the fact that you finished in the relatively humble 21st place in Liverpool, but your visibility still grew in leaps and bounds?
We were very, very, very dedicated to the Eurovision project. We put a lot of time and energy into demonstrating to the people who were open to it that we weren't just a three-minute performance, but very much an existing band that has made many songs and that lives on stage. With time, and of course in connection with the Eurovision performance, more and more listeners got to know that. We clearly showed them: we are here, we are real, try it, connect with us.
Because they had so much different content available, this actually happened. I think it was also because they saw that Joker Out really was made out of five completely regular dudes from Slovenia who live a totally normal life, and at the same time we make music and have a great time doing it. That is already a slight deviation from what's been happening recently, when we're being bombarded from all sides by messages that we need to distance ourselves from each other, that we have to hate each other...
That was the sociologist in you talking.
That's true. The atmosphere in society nowadays is such that it emphasises individuality more than building a team. Young people, however, need and want to be part of a community. And we offered them that chance.
Where does your interest in social sciences come from? Your father is a gynecologist, your mother a pediatrician, and you have a degree in sociology.
I had a very good professor in high school. If you wanted to listen to him, he offered a lot of knowledge. Even though sociologists often think about society in an abstract way, the subject always felt tangible to me. I recognised it in very concrete life situations that I was trying to understand. At my final exams, I did a great job with sociology with very little effort – and then made a mistake and enrolled in economics. I wavered between those two options from the start, and in the end, what tipped the scales were the warnings of many people I knew that sociology doesn't have good employment prospects. I gave in to the pressure and very quickly realised I had made the wrong decision. I gave up on economics after the first semester. That was when I seriously threw myself into the band, we made Gola, and then I transferred to sociology and there was happiness all around.
You clearly won't work as a sociologist for a while yet, if ever...
But I am a sociologist.
In your soul?
No, as my profession. Us musicians are sociologists. A lot of sociological terms could easily be transferred into our environment. Locale, for example. In third year, the professor asked me several times: Well, Cvjetićanin, if you have a concert, is that locale or something else? And then I said it was locale and started rambling on. (laughter)
So you are a singing sociologist?
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How do you explain the success of Joker Out from a sociological point of view? How do your songs address the zeitgeist?
I write the lyrics exclusively based on stories that really happened. Not necessarily to me, but to people I love. Therefore, I have a strong emotional relationship with the subject matter. My opinion is that there will always be people who will connect with the story if it's real. Because it's easiest for us to connect with real emotions. Our songs are love songs, they talk about finding yourself and personal growth, some are socially critical... I think that I have managed to find the right balance between being direct and being poetic.
I'll word it differently. The Beatles already sang about love and personal growth. And they weren't the first ones by far. Later on, those same themes were covered by hundreds of successful bands and an infinite number of slightly less successful ones.
I think that nowadays, we most often associate societal changes with technological development. Technological advances largely dictate the rhythm of our life. But those advances are mostly just a substitute for something that already existed in the past. The basic emotions have therefore certainly stayed the same. Love, fear, hatred... I think that the use of language is very important here. Even though the emotions don't change, the way we put them into words does. In music, too. I don't sing about a topic the same way my peers would have in the 1970s. Consequentially, our relationship with emotions is changing and evolving as well. As if our entire society is gravitating towards the point of holding the belief that it's better for an individual to feel less and less, and in a more and more censored way.
On the one hand, excessive use of social media and other media causes us to feel like distinct individuals. On the other hand, it connects us to the world and places us into a very wide picture. In every moment, we are only a click away from becoming cosmopolitan and being able to access all the information, events, and people, but at the same time, that's exactly what reminds us that we are a small and actually not very important dot on this planet. The magnitude of everything that's constantly available to us makes us feel small. I think that we mostly listen to, watch, and use those who manage to poke the spot that unnerves people the most in this context. If performers manage to break through the firewall of someone's VPN, then those people will also show their interest in an analogue way. Otherwise, they will only be a swipe away.
And now a question that's more psychological than sociological: do you ever try to get into the heads of the people who time and again show their interest in very analogue ways?
I have an infinite appreciation for their dedication, because for myself, I don't see the chance of a phenomenon exciting me so much that I would be ready to dedicate so much time and love to it.
So you've never been a very hardcore fan?
If, at twelve years old, I had to highlight one musicians that I would've wanted to meet more than anyone in the world, that would definitely have been Tomi Meglič. That hasn't changed to this day. The only difference is that we meet up with Tomi and we're friends. I still feel the highest possible level of respect for him. Every time he calls me, I am extremely proud of myself. But I still cannot imagine going to, say, Berlin tomorrow if Siddharta were playing there and I had a free day. I'd go to Maribor or Zagreb, but absolutely not across all of Europe the way the biggest fans do. Not even at twelve. I could sooner imagine that at that age, a football match rather than a concert would be the thing that excited me beyond all reason.
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We're probably talking about two groups of celebrities that get worshipped as deities by the masses in Western society: footballers and pop and rock musicians. And this is probably linked to emotions again.
True. The thing that wakes up a person's sense of smell, sight, and all other emotions that overcame them as a child, is what has the best possibility of succeeding.
Now please explain how this is connected to football.
If I go to a concert by Siddharta, Big Foot Mama, Magnifico, I turn into a ten-year-old kid who will explode from happiness. There's no Bojan anymore. He gets lost. It's the same with football. When I watch it, I dream about how I played for Slovan² as a kid and what I wanted more than anything was to score a goal and for everyone in the stands to yell: Yeeeees!
²ND Slovan is a football club from Ljubljana
You don't score goals, but you are in a similar position that Tomi Meglič used to be in.
All the band members come from very loving families that have always provided us with a very good support system and instilled basic values in us that we internalised deeply. That is why everything that's currently happening around us hasn't gone to our heads in a way that would make us think that we're bigger or more important than anyone else. If we started believing that we were "kings" because everyone was clapping for us and singing our songs, that would probably be a very strong feeling, but that simply wouldn't be us. We mostly love to see all the people, because we know how much we mean to them and how much they mean to us. Without them, we wouldn't be able to focus on what's most important to us – our music. On the other hand, I can say with a thousand percent certainty that I would easily and happily do my job if I was performing at venues like Cankarjev dom. So, in front of a calmer audience, without unreal hype.
But what I would like most in the world is to turn into a footballer for ten seconds and score a goal at an important match. You know why? Because that is the biggest adrenaline hit that exists. When we perform on various stages, there's mayhem around us for two hours straight. But in football, when a goal is scored, that happens in a millisecond. You go from nothing into total chaos. Everyone loses their minds. I'd love to experience that. Well, I did – much like everyone who played football in primary school. When I scored a goal for Slovan and a hundred people in the stands clapped for me, I felt like I was on Maracanã. Imagine what it would be like to experience that on the real Maracanã.
It's interesting that you highlighted a loving and stable family background. Many of the biggest pop and rock stars in the world grew up in a diametrally opposite environment. From John Lennon and Janis Joplin to Prince and Rihanna. There are actually so many of them that we can talk about a pattern.
I know, because I love to read their (auto)biographies, and I agree with your assessment that their family circumstances are fundamentally different than ours. That is always my answer to the question when someone wants to know how debauched our tours are. When I tell them that we mostly drink water and tea on the road, they just can't believe it. But it's the truth, because we've realised three things. First, we enjoy what we do immensely, and from the experiences of many musicians, we know that you can almost definitely forget about a long career if you start doing everything that we perceive as the proverbial rock'n'roll lifestyle. A band like that breaks up sooner or later, either because of frayed nerves, or exploding egos, or because of money. Second, we've all had to go to work hungover and we know very well that it's unbearable. I especially can't imagine how we could stay healthy and keep our strength and our voice if we were constantly hungover on the road. In that case, the only short-term solution is drugs, which we fortunately [knocks on wood] don't do. And third: I'm sure that you have a much better time on stage if you're aware that you are on it.
Your international breakthrough doesn't have a precedent among Slovenian musicians. Would you dare to point out where the difference is, why you made it and not for example Siddharta, who had filled Bežigrad stadium and later did not hide their international ambitions?
We have to understand that Siddharta didn't have the chance to perform at a festival like Eurovision. It's hard to understand what it means for 160 million people to watch you. That is a bizzarely huge number. All this happened in the time of social media, and we had set up a pretty good mechanism in that area even before Eurovision, and then also used it, whereas Siddharta established itself as a band in the time of analogue media. I can't even imagine how it would've been possible to break through abroad from Slovenia at that time. Because even we are already – even though some things have opened up for us very nicely and we've been joined by the right people – finding out how much of an investment going international demands. Dreams of megalomanical earnings and a luxurious life brought on by a European tour shatter quickly. Even when you start filling up venues, you stay in a kind of hustle mode. You fight. Unfortunately, the costs in the music business are so high that performing abroad is more or less just for promotion for a long time.
You're probably thinking of logistical costs?
Yes. Some of my colleagues have total misconceptions about our earnings. They think that we're literally swimming in money, while we actually earn what amounts to a normal salary.
In March next year you will have eighteen concerts. You will start in Helsinki and end in Milan. How will you travel?
With a tour bus. We've rented it twice so far: for the UK tour and for the tour around Lithuania, Poland, and Czechia. There are beds on it, so we can sleep while driving from one concert to the next. The tourbus is prohibitively expensive, you pay almost half of your royalties for it, but it's the only way for a musician with such a packed schedule to survive in the long run. Sometimes people ask me why we don't travel with a van instead, but you have to understand that we sometimes have concerts two days in a row and the venues are 800 kilometres apart. If we spent all night in an uncomfortable van, then looked for a hotel in the morning and so on, we might be able to endure it for a week, but definitely not all month.
Do you ever sleep in a hotel?
Only on free days.
Will the March tour be your most exhausting one so far?
It will definitely be one of the more exhausting ones, but I am definitely happy that we will be able to sleep on a tour bus. We haven't been on a month-long tour yet, so it's hard to predict anything, but on the Nordic tour this year we played six concerts in five days, because we had two concerts in one day in Helsinki. We didn't have a tour bus there, we flew instead. That meant that after the concert, we got to the hotel at midnight, then we had to be at the airport at three in the morning, a few hours later we were already at the new location, we napped for two hours on a couch, had a soundcheck – rinse and repeat for five days in a row.
Let's not talk only about the negative sides of tours…
Of course. I love sleeping on the bus! I fall asleep like a baby who's being taken for a walk in a stroller. I can't sleep more than nine or ten hours in my bed at home, on a tour bus I easily get twelve hours. Maybe it's because it's constantly shaking a little. The other guys also sleep very well on the road.
But the most magical thing on tours is when I visit a city for the first time just because we have a gig there. That seems unimaginable to me. To meet new people, wonderful fans, to bond as a band, experience new, funny situations, to bring home a bunch of new inside jokes and incredible gifts that fans have made themselves. [Points towards a hand-embroidered pillow in the part of the studio where they keep the gifts.]
Elite athletes often lament that it's true that they compete all over the world, but they often only see the airport, the hotel, and the sports venue.
It's similar for us. When we travel with a bus, we only see the venue. If we happen to have a free day, we walk around the city, but we definitely don't visit all kinds of tourist attractions as some people might wrongly imagine. When we go to Paris, we definitely won't go to the Louvre, and we will see the Eiffel tower through the bus window if everything goes well.
But you meet a lot of interesting people.
That's true. I find it the most fascinating if we meet fans when we don't expect them at all. In a restaurant, on a plane… When we were flying to Poland, it turned out that one of the flight attendants was a big fan of ours. She told us that she was going to three of our concerts and brought us champagne and a model of a Lot Polish Airlines plane.
I was even more surprised in Helsinki. I went to some kind of dark club that had a techno music party. Suddenly I was approached by three people, two guys and one girl, and they told me that they were our fans and that they couldn't believe that they met me in that club. I also couldn't believe that people recognised me in the middle of Helsinki. What's going on?!
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In the summer, you took a step back from Instagram for a while. What brought you to that decision?
Many things. I felt creatively empty. I also, for the first time in my life, experienced the internet – not just Slovenian, but global – being completely oversaturated with me. That started negatively pressuring me and eating me up. I thought about it a lot, and the first time I asked myself whether I'd be less Bojan Cvjetićanin if I didn't have an Instagram profile, I turned it off. Immediately after that, I wrote three songs; I felt as if I had cleaned up some of the mess that had built up recently. I returned to social media some time ago; with much healthier habits than before, I think.
How do you see social media? As a space for playfulness, for promotion, part of the job, part of private life?
I think that at the time when they started killing me, I perceived them too professionally. I had a feeling that Instagram was a platform through which I had to achieve all sorts of things. Lately, I prefer to joke around more.
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If you repost quotes from the interview, please link back to this post! And if you repost the photos, do not crop out the photographer credit.
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benzgarfield · 29 days
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Bbenzalert IG update August 26, 2024
Good time becomes good memories 😊🍳🌿🌶 Family: Thank you, Mae Chod, and Paw S, for giving me a good opportunity, trusting and believing in me to play the role of Methas, a person who is honest to his heart and is very rich. 🙏🏻 Thank you for taking care of me and paying attention to the details, giving me encouragement in every scene during filming, staying until the set ended at 4 or 5 am like we were real family. 🙏🏻 Thank you very much 😊 Writer: Thank you, Mr. Pinta, for writing a novel with a strong but well-rounded flavor through the writing, which impressed everyone. Teacher Chell: Thank you, Teacher Chell, very much for helping to bring out my acting potential and helping to create the character of Methas, analyzing Methas from every angle until it came out as Methas, who everyone says is mischievous and irritating, but we can't help but fall in love with. Thank you, teacher. 🙏🏻 Director: Thank you, Phi Nui, my super cool director, and Phi Sim, the talented assistant director, who are very kind to this young man, helping to design each scene perfectly. No matter what you suggest, I listen to it all the time. It's so much fun. I hope we'll have the chance to work together again. Love you so much. The whole behind-the-scenes team: Hair and makeup team, clothes, props, lighting team, sound team, location team, welfare team, blocking team. Thank you for making Khun Methas handsome and rich in every scene. 😆 I really respect and honor all the teams in "Love Without Long Beans". The cast: I really can't leave anyone out, Phi Sai, Pon, Belle, Aon, Asre, Tiger, and KleKle. Everyone is so talented. With the rush, we may have little free time, but it's 100% fun. I love you so much, the Kaprao gang!! My Buddy: Thank you, Garfin, everyone's lovely cat. Thank you for being the best physical therapist for Methas. I'm glad we got to work together. It wasn't easy for us to have each other like this. Thank you so much for being ready to move forward together. I love youuuuuuu. Khun Methas: Thank you for making me realize that dedicating yourself to the people you love makes us happy. That is priceless 😊 and really makes us a better person. I am glad to convey the essence of Methas for everyone to hate, complain, cheer for, and love. Benzalert: Thank you for seizing the opportunity and doing your best to make Methas in everyone's hearts. I am very proud of you, Benzalert 🤍 The most important thing is the lovely FC & viewers for everything that you do, supporting, encouraging…making "Love Without Long Beans" go far. I receive every message that you send. It is the driving force that makes me want to do better. Thank you for helping to be "Alert's Battery" 🥰. Let's stay like this for a long time. 🦊
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gentlebeardsbarngrill · 6 months
04/09/2024 Daily OFMD Recap
TLDR; Rachel House; Jes Tom; Kat Buchanan; GypsyTaylor; Big Gay Energy Podcast; Unicorn Day; Uproar; Watch Party Reminders; Fan Spotlights: OurDragMeansSlay; Cast Cards; TealOrange & Garlic Soup Prompt Week! Love Notes; Daily Darby/Today's Taika
== Rachel House ==
Rachel House's new directorial movie topped the charts in Taranaki!
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== Jes Tom ==
Gonna be in New York in May? Well Jes Tom and lot's over other asian comics will be performing at the 2024 Asian Comedy Fest! For tickets visit: asiancomedyfest.com. 2024 Asian Comedy Fest IG
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== Kay Buchanan ==
Kay Buchanan, one of the prop designers for OFMD s2 dumped a bunch of prop pics today for Izzy's leg! Src: Kay Buchanan IG
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== Unicorn Day! ==
Yesterday was National Unicorn! Some of our lovely crew put out some dedications For Our New Unicorn! Img Src: @blueberreads
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== More Uproar News! ==
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Uproar is coming to digital on April 30 so those of you who couldnt get in to a theatre to see it can purchase and download it at home!
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For those still interested in theatres-- if you happen to be nearby, @elby3000 was kind enough to note that theUproar opening date at Salem Cinema (Oregon) of April 12 at Blue Fox Entertainment may be in error. The theatre's website lists opening as April 19 (subject to change). Just in case you happy to be looking for one there!
== Watch Party Reminders! ==
== Flight Of the Conchords ==
Today we're on Season 1 Ep 5 and 6. Join OFMD Crew, and @iamadequate1 this week for Flight of the Conchords watch parties! You can watch each day at 4pm PT, 7 pm ET, 11pm BST! If you don't have access, feel free to join us on the #RhysDarbyFaction Discord server, you can hit me up for an invite.
== Taskmaster NZ ==
*Please Note*: @ineffablecollision was kind enough to let us know of some desyncing issues! Thanks friend!
"During the TMNZ watch party, depending on where you watch, you *will* get desynced! I don't know if TVNZ kept the ad break bumpers, but Ch4 has one missing (TMNZ has four ad breaks compared to TMUK's three, so they cut to fit), and YT has them cut altogether!"
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Series 1 continues Weds at 11am PT / 2 pm ET / 7 pm BST on any of the @saveofmdcrewmates socials.
== Fan Spotlight ==
= Big Gay Energy Podcast =
Our Big Gay Energy Podcast interviewed Gypsy Taylor and we learned some pretty amazing things. Some highlights:
Stede's cravat was fabric left over from his old couch
Ed kept the teal robe (the one he wears the morning after calypso) as a memory of Stede and then Taika kept the robe after the show.
Please check out the whole episode below!
Where to Watch Where to Listen
= Our Drag Means Slay =
Hey all! Are you in the Chicago area? Why not checkout Our Drag Means Slay on April 27! It's $25/ticket and doors open at 5:55pm! For Tickets
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= Teal Oranges & Garlic Soup Week! =
A new celebration week is coming up in June for all things Jim/Oluwande and Archie/Jim/Oluwande/Zheng (or any combo in between!) Prompts will be released on April 15th!
When: Sunday June 23 - Saturday June 29th! How: Create or Share - Fic, art, and other fan creations!
Please follow them on Tumblr! @garlicsoupweek You can visit: Linktr.ee Or follow them on Twitter!
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= Cast Cards =
Today's cast card is Jennifer Onyeiwu, one of the lovely pirates that asked Stede out for a drink in "Man On Fire". If we ever get a s3 I hope she comes back-- thanks @melvisik!
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== Love Notes ==
Hey lovelies. This weeks turning out to be a bit of a doozy. I hope you all are practicing some self care. It's been a lot lately. I have seen a lot of you mentioning re-watching the show, which I love. It feels like we are getting past the raw part of our grief into being able to celebrate it as a group again.
Be kind to yourselves lovelies, be kind to yourself and others. There's enough hate in this world that we don't need to add undo stress to others or especially ourselves.
Love you crew.
Img Src: @BethDrawsThings IG
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== Daily Darby / Today's Taika ==
The theme today is, there are two wolves inside of me, both of these gifs represent them
Darby Gif Courtesy of @ofmd-ann
Taika Gif Courtesy of @gentlepanpirate
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fandomfluffandfuck · 1 year
avengers infinity war + endgame did bucky so dirty in the costuming department and i still get annoyed to this day
none of his clothes (farmer/funeral/howlie homage fits) fit him properly and its like they were trying to make his silhouette terrible wrt the cut of everything and the fact that there were DOZENS of better concept arts all thrown away... not even mad that they ended up choosing a Howling Commando homage as his combat outfit but why did it fit so terribly? not that we even see the costume much cuz buck was effectively made nonexistent in IW+EG esp during the fights, just gave him a gun and denied any supersoldier team up
the costuming department must've hated him cuz it was such a downgrade to his CW stuff (or even BP, and that was just an end credit) civil war mostly just had simple civilian outfits, but the henley + combat gear were tailored perfectly, even the gun Bucky had in civil war was actually cool as shit with a gigantic magazine almost like a big ass sniper (which he used in howlies) compared to the flimsy silly thing they gave him in IW+EG, ig Wakanda has less cool guns than the random weapon rack Bucky grabbed in CW
someone at Marvel is dedicated to making Bucky look less and less cool not just with his worse and worse costuming but also in fights, already forgetting he's a roided out supersoldier and not including him as a fighting partner for Steve like they used to be in the HC's, but even the guns they give Bucky get less and less cool and less flashy, the oomph Buck used to have in screen keeps getting watered down, costuming + props dept keeps doing him dirty 😶
It's 👏🏻 about 👏🏻 the 👏🏻 homophobia 👏🏻
Oh, you like this character? You like how he and his canon fucking soul mate best friend interact? Oh, well, not only are we going to distance the character from each other, so you won't have anything to glean about their relationship, but we're also going to downgrade this character to make him less desirable, too.
The homophobia and the money hungry greed, uncaring of the characters they've built because they know people will come and come and come again, so long as they keep making the films.
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sookiesookie · 1 year
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✧ greetings n salutations!
peyton. 19. lesbian.
editor. writer. all pronouns.
-ˏ͛⑅  ‧̥̥͙‧̥̥ ̥ ̮ ̥ ⊹ ‧̫‧ ⊹ ̥ ̮ ̥ ‧̥̥‧̥̥͙  ⑅ˏ͛-
I’m peyton and I edit and write on occasion.
I’m writing to contribute to blk fem writers and blk fem characters bc growing up *impending rant* I’ve RARELY seen ffs dedicated to blk fem characters being love interests and stuff like that and have been GREATLY surprised with the sudden uproar of blk queer fem writers get their lick back with the Black Panther franchise recently, so HUGE props to that, I’m rlly proud to see us becoming more mainstream.
With that being said, I make content for blk fems mainly! bonus points if ur queer💁🏾there will be a sprinkle of nonblack characters here n there, but nonetheless, mainly black.
annnnnd I don’t write smut yet😬sorry, I got that irrational fear that an irl (as if anyone I know uses tumblr) might stumble upon my acc one day and the rest would be history🤷🏾‍♂️but SOON tho, when I learn not to care.
18+ interactions only but if you wanna just watch or read I’m not gon hold you bc I don’t rlly edit or write anything considered “18+” but still, basic dni criteria you see on every other blog.
annnnnnnd yeah, have a blast ig!
my carrd if you wanna get a personality intro, tho it’s kinda more centered around my editing acc on other platforms>>>
-ˏ͛⑅  ‧̥̥͙‧̥̥ ̥ ̮ ̥ ⊹ ‧̫‧ ⊹ ̥ ̮ ̥ ‧̥̥‧̥̥͙  ⑅ˏ͛-
e d i t s masterlist
s** w/ me
loona x bp1 shuri
on chill (pic edit)
dnf (video edit)
collab part edit
f a n f i c/i m a g i n e masterlist
swim good₊˚.༄ shuri udaku pt.1
swim good₊˚.༄ shuri udaku pt.2 (pending)
♪ riri williams music taste headcannons ♪
i’m wearing you down, baby • s.u (pending)
coming to america • shuriri (coming soon)
[I’ll edit the formatting of this page once I post more stuff ig]
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toby-du-coeur · 1 year
pt 6 the trial of scorch and sickness
parts 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
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missed opportunity for license plate joke
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oh this calls for Removing the Gloves >:(
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how and from whence did they sneak up on them that fast?? lesbian powers
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{as soon as she removes her mask} 'hARRIET??' apparently aris recognises people by nose and mouth only. he'd be lost during covid
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so many beautiful women shouting commands in tst... really heals the soul...
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Newt rode shotgun again confirmed
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MAD props to jorge for being the one dedicated & loving guardian in the entire tmr series
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🤔 now what if i do that whole feeding-information-to-the-other-side thing... but in reverse they're saving your girlfriend teresa do u care nothing for this?? [fr tho i imagine she's thinking.. how selfish and small-scale this all is, when his blood could be put to much wider use]
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this is just very nice. him in the half light. nervous tic. ArmsTM
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it's funny bc george and jorge are literally. the same name? also i wonder if george was taken pre or post jorge? she says 'he's always been there' like since she can remember, and she definitely clearly remembers george....
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he looks like a good hugger pls i need this hug so bad ;-;
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can we just appreciate the fingerless gloves also all of The Boys in jackets during this movie are sending me idek my sexuality is Boys in Cozy Jackets ig
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newt's face thru this whole movie absolutely breaks me he looks so exhausted
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minho park..a?? [because a lot of fics have his last name as minho park] apparently a parka extends below the hips n it appears this jacket doesn't but shhhhhh
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seein' a lot of blue tinged items around that campfire.... [that hat @ bottom is such a pretty colour lowkey want it] it's foreshadowing wckd is coming -
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this is the one scene i often have to skip because this story is just So Bad
possible metaphor about teresa's also taking out her eyes, blinding herself to the present suffering of the Immunes in hope of a future cure? [and the way that thomas blinds himself in reverse]
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cuz it's.. the scorch trials...... lowkey this should be teresa. something something i am become death
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melonpalooza · 1 year
You answered it definitely more than fine! It's so cool seeing the raw format, so thank you for that! XD Seeing that the emotes used in the chapters are the defaults in the system, is it even possible for custom discord emotes to be made? (Thinking about it, I'd gander that the answer is "yes, buttt-" thinking about how long it would take to make the emotes and the necessary commands every time the turtles use emotes) Also also, is this a one man band? Props to you if it is honestly considering that you did have multiple updates a week! /gen
Oh, for sure you are able to add custom discord emotes! It's actually pretty simple. You just have to have the art for it uploaded on the internet first with the appropriate size dimensions (imgur maybe? i had like one meme deleted on me - i swear i didn't do it -and someone had to tell me in the comments that it was gone. or dropbox ig? I used to upload the pfp avatars on tumblr but the urls were way too long lmao!)
I was actually thinking of using custom emotes, like 12!Raph and R!Mikey would totally draw emotes for the server, BUT I didn't want to dedicate time drawing them up bc I just wanted to write the chapters and not worry abt the art. I already had trouble thinking up the pfp avatars lmao
I can even think of how it can work! From my method, it's as simple as to add an img source.
Now you can just be like me and just have all the emotes be one size, which should be quick and simple. Just add the img source code and you're done! But if you want to be extra and have the emotes in multiple sizes (bc you know how if you have an emote in a line on discord by itself, it's larger? you can do that too!) you just need to change the size of it!
Which you can do in two ways:
create a "class" in the workskin/css code to resize the img (recommended)
or resize it in the html itself!
Also yes, it is just me :')
The reason why I used to have multiple updates so frequently at the beginning was because I was on a writer's high and had to get everything down and push it out. I've mellowed down though lol (also im more busy now).
Thank you for your ask! I love talking about this!
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ilovejoyjessie · 1 year
Shaking the Tree - An Introspective Exercise
"Hidden Figures" bares all in more than just the literal sense. Along with being a cathartic piece to work through my complex feelings about existing in the Seattle area, it also morphed into a project that challenged me to peel back my layers, a chance to show where the visions in my mind can go with just my body as the instrument to paint the picture. No fancy styling or special props; no studio sets or characters to hide behind - it is both literally and figuratively a stripping down to my bare artistic roots and basics.
After winning my first award for my photo work - a Juror’s Choice Award at the '22 Seattle Erotic Arts Festival - I was so proud of myself and my dedication to creating for getting myself to that accomplishment...but soon to follow the achievement was that big thoughts artist question:
........................"Well shit - how do I top myself now?” 
Afraid of stagnating, sophomore slumping, or becoming complacent, I wanted to push my work and creativity to another level but wasn’t sure exactly how. So I thought to look at the building blocks and hallmarks of past successfully delivered pieces with the goal of figuring out how I could further squeeze those strengths, shake their tree and see what dropped down:
Strong concepts and characterizations, expressiveness, bold posing choices and the understanding that sometimes the small details make the biggest impact... . What could I do to push the abilities and processes I’d been honing these past few years?
A few months after this creative self inventory, the Hidden Figures concept started to take shape. And as I took note of which sculpture pieces elicited emotional reactions from me, took note of the pieces I saw myself interacting with - as the deeper cathartic exercise of the project came into focus - I also realized that the park could be an ideal setting to challenge myself, my creative direction, and the building block strengths I had identified.
Could I apply my storytelling, cathartic expression vision to a setting and scene that I did not create myself? Could I make the points I wanted to speak to come through without loud accoutrements and replications? Could I express my inner feelings and experiences clearly between the pieces with just the expressions on my face and the shapes I made with my body? Could I and my little messages stand out in - even as I sought to blend into - the landscapes of these iconic giants?
With my missions in mind, the time for pondering questions under the tree had past. Standing beneath it, on an early summer morning, it was now my chance to pursue its fruits.
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+ photographed by @skyclad.studio (ig) // website
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puppysdog · 1 year
I know nothing of your OCs tell me about them
ive got way too many so im gonna talk about the final girls ocs i have from my horror movies !
first is Áine from Goldberg. shes one of my favorites since shes the first final girl i came up with. she was really fun to make bc i realized i didnt have any “weird girl” ocs which was a tragedy. college aged, lived with her bestfriend izzy (pre death) and her two closest friends after. shes got copper curly hair (like the irish actress jade jordan), big brown eyes and glasses, and the same set of five tshirts and cargo pants from high school. shes super into horror movies and murder mysteries, and is over confident in her abilities which continuously puts her in dangerous situations, but also helps her get out of them. she ends up with the killer at the end of the movie which i think was a fun turn on the final girl trope
for the movie The Summoning in the Forest (title in progress still) both Alex and Ranger Butch Ryder are the final girls. ive always been a big fan of unwilling mentor/younger character with no family left type tropes so i thought what better way to do so than with a butch lesbian and a just-came-out-two-months-ago 17yr old. Alex loses her sister during a ritual summoning to try to being back their parents, and accidentally unleashes a demon in the forest. Fire Ranger Butch Ryder and her dog Sapphie live out in a near by fire tower for the season, and end up taking Alex in while trying to stop this demon from setting her entire forest on fire. I havent worked on the script for that one yet, but i want to focus on Ryder’s butch aspects and show them as desirable and hot. I also think Alex and Ryder being able to bond through their sexuality is a great way to steamroll through two strangers wouldnt work together bc two lesbians stuck in a horror situation would no doubt team up
Dakota is the final girl for Haunted House and oh boy shes gotta be my second favorite. British, fat, shaved head, dyke, 80s type punk chav vibe, hot headed, literally everything to me. She ends up inheriting a house from a family member shes barely heard of, and being a broke mid twenties yr old she immediately is on board. the house has a minor staff run by Ms. Adeline Falls so Dakota doesnt even have to do anything but play head of the house and follow the rules. Except shes really bad at following rules, and the house hates her. cue movie horror montage of a haunted house trying its best to kick the most stubborn girl out. i think this one will have more of a crimson peak/bly manor type vibe than anything? gothic semi tragedy horror is the feel i want to go for. also she basically ends up getting with the house at the end, so theres that
My last final girls are Belle and Julia from Sleep Over (title also in progress) i hesitate to call Julia a final girl since shes the antagonist, but she does end up alive at the end with Belle so ig she counts. very horror comedy with an over the top weird girl, Belle. Belle is absolutely obsessed with horror and the macabre, extending to serial killers and such. she has an entire room dedicated to horror props and set pieces, and she’s extremely elitist about her opinions on the genres. shes very much like May from the movie May, super awkward but much more outgoing with it. Julia and her crew are the new up and coming serial killers of the city, and decide Belle is gonna be their next target. Belle, already unhappy with the groups work and considering a shame to true serial killers, turns her house into a deadly home alone mixed with saw style death trap, and the serial killer trio slowly realize theyre the ones trapped in the house. I really want to give Julia and her crew popular mean girl type vibes. Like hair done poofy, cherry earrings, gold rings, lots of matching pinks, etc. Her and Belle dont end up together or anything but they do get the same life sentence, and the movie ends with what looks like them breaking out together
and thats my girls <3
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patchun · 2 years
Got some responses on my posts. I'm not trying to start discourse so I'll just give my thoughts here.
1) Eda's lack of magic is a representation of disability and so its bad for me to want her to get her magic back
I mean, thats fine. Im glad you get that. But i can still hope she gets her magic back lol, I like Eda as "the most powerful witch on the boiling isles" and i dont think i need to not like that
2) Amity is just the love interest and so she doesnt need a full episode dedicated to her
Okay sure, but my post was mainly criticizing the fact that yeah, she *is* just the love interest
3) does hetero media explore why characters like each other?
I find this tag really funny because thats exactly my point. Amity has been treated here like a love interest in hetero media, basically only there to prop up our main character. Of course thats not entirely the case, but there are a lot of similarities. Amity is just "the girl". All I'm saying is that imo the show would be better, and I could get more invested, if she was more than that.
I understand time and production constraints especially because of whatever stupid thing Disney did to try to cancel the series; I get that. I'm just a little disappointed ig!
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lifestylelaguna · 10 months
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Experience an #AweSM Thanksgiving Celebration at SM Supermalls
With Christmas just around the corner, the Thanksgiving weekend is a time to give thanks by spending a hearty week-long feast with your loved ones at SM Supermalls with these amazing offerings. 
Say a little Thanksgiving prayer for your loved ones
Because it’s Thanksgiving, pause and reflect on the blessings of the past year. On November 26th, SM will be bringing its whole community together to offer thanks for all the blessings received throughout the year in a special Thanksgiving Holy Mass. 
Share a Thanksgiving Roast with the family
Thanksgiving wouldn’t be complete without mouthwatering roast chicken, crispy pata, and lechon platters adorned with plenty of side dishes that will surely treat your taste buds. From November 19 to 26, let SM Supermalls indulge you in a Thanksgiving Roasts Dining Feast and experience a delectable selection of roasted goodness. 
Savor National Thank You Day with special treats
Say ‘Thank You’ to your loved ones with a special treat from McDonald’s and SM Supermalls! On November 23rd– a day dedicated to expressing gratitude– head over to McDonald’s stores in SM malls and discover exclusive Thanksgiving instant upsize or BOGO (Buy One, Get One) offers. 
Friendsgiving is extra special with these party bundles
Make your next dine-out with the squad extra memorable with these Friendsgiving Feast Party Bundles at SM. Perfect for sharing with your best pals. At SM, Thanksgiving is not just about family; it’s also about cherishing treasured bonds with friends. 
Create cherished photos at the Thanksgiving Photo Spots
Create core thanksgiving memories with your loved ones at SM Supermalls’ Thanksgiving Photo Spots. These spots are adorned with fun and playful Thanksgiving party-themed décor, featuring F.R.I.E.N.D.S-inspired props and balloon arc decorations. Fill your IG or your #FYPs with these snaps and share your gratitude with the world!
Thanksgiving is such a perfect time to not just count your blessings, but also create beautiful memories with your loved ones. So, gather your family and friends, head to your nearest SM mall, and experience a heartwarming Thanksgiving celebration filled with love, laughter, and treasured family moments! 
To know more about SM Supermalls’ Thanksgiving activities, visit www.smsupermalls.com and follow @SMSupermalls on social media. 
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mixedstyles · 2 years
Headcanon: Harry’s partner having curly hair
Author’s Note: WE. NEED. MORE. CURLY. HAIR. REPRESENTATION. as someone with 3a-3b curly hair, here are some headcanons. This is dedicated to all you curly headed cuties 😤
Pronouns Used: gender neutral! they/them
POV: Third Person.
Warnings: f-word, non-gendered use of “honey”
Additional Information: Harry is in italics. Reader is in bold.
divider is made by @firefly-graphics!
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His partner finally moving in with him and they take up the whole middle shelf in the linen closet with their hair products. “I feel like I’ve walked into a hair salon” “Sometimes it feels like I could open my own store with how many hair products I’ve accumulated.”
His s/o being a little nervous to wear their bonnet or silk scarf in front of him for the first time. “Please don’t say anything.” “Uhhh okay?” *s/o walks out of the bathroom and into the bedroom* “Stop. You look absolutely adorable. Do I get one, too?”
“Why do you have so many different bottles of conditioner?” “That’s regular conditioner and that’s leave-in conditioner” “There’s a difference??”
Harry buying his partner a set of 100% silk pillow cases as a surprise gift because he knows they’ve been saving their money to upgrade their satin ones.
“I’m only now just using fancy pillowcases? Where have you been all my life?” “Are you talking to me or the pillow case?” “… both?”
*s/o comes back to their apartment fuming* “Today someone told me that my hair would look ‘less messy’ if I brushed it out and it really pissed me off.” “Oh honey, I’m sorry. Want me to sue them for idiocy?” “I don’t think that’s a thing, but I appreciate the support.”
A red carpet interviewer makes the casual comment of “your hair looks a bit curlier than normal, new hair routine?” And him answering with “you can thank my partner for that one, they’ve introduced me to the world of hair care and products.”
“What the fuck is this thing? It looks like some sort of sci-fi weapon.” “That’s literally a hair dryer with a diffuser on it.” “A what?” “Gosh, sometimes I feel like you’re a lost cause. It’s an attachment that reduces frizz and doesn’t ruin your natural curl pattern.” “I still think it’s a movie prop.”
I feel like if traveling takes him away from his s/o for a long time and he begins to miss them, he might go and buy/order their favorite hair product and use it on his hair because it smells like them 🥺🥲
His partner was never one for the spotlight, but once Harry’s fans began to ask him about which products he used, his partner made a public IG account dedicated to curly/wavy hair maintenance. As well as how to take care of your hair without needing expensive products.
They probably ended up as an accidental hair influencer because of it.
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tachihara, vanitas, miya, and inumaki for the character ask game ! (one from each respective fandom, hope it's not too much lol)
it’s not too much!! i’ll just put it under a cut cuz jeez these can get long xD
fav thing: his jacket. i want it lol. but i like his personality, and his character as a whole. he was so dedicated to his role in the Mafia and his friends there and uGH it’s just so GOOD i can’t explain it
least fav thing: he hid his ability from us for SO LONG and yet it’s SO FREAKING COOL (i’m so bad at coming up with least fav things i might just not do it)
fav line: “Kill everyone you don’t recognize” >:D also “Orders made me who I am. So if I happen to die by those orders, I’ll regret nothing.” *sobs*
brOTP: Tachihara and Hirotsu best bros in the Black Lizard fr or him and Gin (even tho she’s a girl)
OTP: he’s not rlly. shipped with anyone. that i would see making a good dynamic… except Tachihara x Tanizaki if he ever joined the Mafia i guess
nOTP: Tachihara and Chuuya. there’s nothing there. don’t put something there. that’s Dazai’s property
random headcanon: he used his ability on his guns in the Mafia but nobody knew about it bcuz he’s just a good marksman in general, so no one batted an eye when he never missed a shot
song i associate with him: Boy in the Bubble by Alec Benjamin
fav picture:
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screaming crying throwing up i want someone to look at me like Tachihara looks at future dead people
everyone else is under the cut!
fav thing: his eyes are pretty auGh he’s a complicated character who does good things for ALL the wrong reasons but it makes sense? i just like him as a character ig
least fav thing: he. he assaulted Jeanne. yep. that’s it.
fav line: “There’s not much difference between humans and Vampires. They’re all terribly ugly, endlessly selfish creatures.”
brOTP: Vanitas and Dante lol pals for life
OTP: Vanitas x Noé of course
nOTP: he’s not shipped with anyone that i don’t like so? none ig
random headcanon: (idk if this is actually canon) he’s always cold, like 24/7 because of the blue moon stuff. he def used Noé as a portable heater
unpopular opinion: Vanitas and Jeanne do not have any sort of healthy relationship at ALL, but it’s not bad enough to be my nOTP. i still don’t like it tho
song i associate with them: idfc by blackbear (cuz he says he’s not attracted to someone who loves him back)
fav picture:
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he was so cool for this like yes king save your boyfriend
fav thing: his character design is adorable lol. i also love his personality, he’s def one of the best side characters in the anime imo i love this little bean
least fav thing: i give up i can’t think of anything
fav line: whenever he calls someone a slime or troll idk why it’s just so funny to me 😭 new insults for me to also use tbh
brOTP: Miya and Shadow aka the third wheel duo
OTP: he’s an actual kid bro
nOTP: none i guess cuz i don’t ship him with anyone and neither does the fandom rlly
random headcanon: he watches isekai anime (and particularly likes ‘that time i got reincarnated as a slime’)
unpopular opinion: i have mixed feelings about his “cat boy” vibes tbh
song i associate with them: i feel like he’d listen to K/DA (yknow the LoL fake k-pop band thing)
fav picture:
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doing God’s work istg
fav thing: his speech pattern because of his cursed technique they’re so funny and cute 😭😭
least fav thing: literally nothing he’s my fav character in jjk 🥺 he shares my number 1 character spot with Megumi auGh
fav line: he says. like nothing. lmao. BUT i love his voice in general i can’t lie— props to his jp seiyou
brOTP: Inumaki and Panda or Maki. all three of them tbh they’re besties for life they can’t be separated
OTP: Inumaki x Okkotsu obviously lol
nOTP: none ig
random headcanon: sometimes he also sends text in rice ball ingredient language just because
unpopular opinion: can’t think of anything
fav picture:
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he’s such a skrunkly little bean
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0risha · 4 years
series m.list
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PAIRING : sukuna x fem!reader
SUMMARY : when an exchange student comes to jujutsu tech, Itadori is set on finding out why the King of curses is so interested in you.
TAGS : fluff, the tiniest bit of angst, jjk anime spoilers, some curse words, reader is described as a black female
NOTES : i’ve read a couple of works where sukuna meets his reincarnated lover so I wanted to try it out too, hope you enjoy. was supposed to make progress with my wips but I was in a sukuna mood. (◕ᴗ◕✿)
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Sukuna feels your presence before he sees you. It’s one of those cliché moments where time puts its hand up to signal a standstill. Yuuji can feel it too when you pass by, your long braids swishing with each step.
He’s sure that he’s never seen you before but his shared body buzzes in remembrance. All the while, his emotions are overtaken by the unbridled feeling of wanting. 
After that, Itadori never took it upon himself to ask Sukuna about the matter because the curse didn’t seem to want to.
Sukuna had become more and more suppressed, his usual pop-ups were a rare occurrence, even when Megumi was around. However, for the whole month you’d been at Jujutsu Tech, the King of curses had been intent on observing from his throne of woven carcasses, body hunched over to just watch.
You’re an exchange student, Itadori recalls Gojo’s past conversation about a new second-year that would be coming from the states. You’re strong — at first, Itadori couldn’t help but think that this revelation was the reason for Sukuna’s interest —your cursed energy being perfect sediment for close combat and dealing precise blows, all the same, Itadori could feel a grappling hook of something that seemed to be festering.
It’s dark and brooding and it stirs every time you come into contact with him. And Yuuji thinks he might go crazy because he wants to know your connection with Sukuna and it’s not like he can ask you because your aura screams — unapproachable.
His chance comes when all the first-years are assigned to a mission, you're there for extra measure. Gojo’s shaman instincts telling him that this mission was far too exceeding for him, Nobara, and Megumi.
Though just as Gojo predicted, it goes terribly wrong and Itadori keels over with an empty hollow where his heart should be.
His last thoughts are consumed with a screeching mantra of his late grandfather’s words. In the crevice of his flickering mind, they're big bold letters that drip with poisoned regret.
Before his vision goes black, the last thing he sees is a heart-broken Megumi and your face which is flooded with guilt.
When Itadori comes face to face with the King of curses, the stench of rotting death overpowering his senses, he mulls over the terms laid out by Sukuna to come back, alive.
To be reunited with his friends and become some type of savior —sukuna's words, not his— he'd give up the reigns of his body so Sukuna could talk to you whenever he chose.
For the exchange of his life, the rules weren’t bad, a part of him knows that this selfish override could cause problems for you in the future, but he still agrees.
When he wakes up to a pure white ceiling and the smell of bleach he doesn’t expect to see you towering over him. Moving up to a sitting position, his cheeks nearly bleed red because he’s naked. His eyes frantically flit over to Gojo who’s sitting in the corner of the room, watching the exchange. The white-haired sorcerer shrugs in a ridiculed manner —silently telling Itadori that it wasn’t his problem.
“You called me,” your voice filters through the bright room. His eyebrows crinkle in confusion. Sukuna must've did something.
When his eyes flit back to you, he’s met with your monotone expression, your cascade of braids framing your face. And for the third time in his life, he’s scared. 
Your cursed energy, which for your level should leave little to no residual, is flaring with onyx undertones. Its sharpened jaws nearing closer and closer to Itadori in a beckoning manner. He's not sure why it's visible in the first place.
Gojo stays silent.
Brat, let me out. Sukuna, for the first time in weeks, pops up with a wide mouth on the palm of his hand. Without a second thought, Itadori allows him. 
Whilst wading in his domain of subconsciousness, he watches the exchange. Your expression stays the same as you study Sukuna’s marked face. 
“So hostile,” Sukuna bares, his powerful aura sifting through the room. You roll your eyes and crack a smile. Seamlessly ignoring the other man in the room— who you know Sukuna has a grudge with. 
“Am I not supposed to be?” you cross your arms and ask. “Being friendly would get me in trouble.”
“You remember me?” The King of curses cuts straight to the point, the question being so unexpected that Gojo shuffles in his seat, his spine rigid with anticipation. 
You nod stiffly. "I didn’t at first, not fully at least, but after coming into contact a few times, yeah.”
“It’s a shame I don’t have control over this body,” Sukuna presses a palm to your cheek, no doubt a loving caress. His deep baritone voice causing your skin to erupt into a turnpike for goosebumps to situate. “Do you remember how we parted last?”
“A sorcerer killed me or something,” you scratch the back of your neck under his intense stare. “Right through here,” you confess, pointing to the middle of your sternum.
“And you’ve become one?” Sukuna quirks an eyebrow, shoulders stiff with anger. 
“I didn’t even know I knew you until a month ago, calm down,” you wave in dismissal. Itadori takes note in the way Sukuna visibly relaxes, your words washing him in a bucket of warmth. “Is that all? I’ve got a mission in thirty minutes.” 
“I’m coming with you.” Sukuna jumps off the steel table, his bare feet touching the cool ground. You turn your eyes away from the bottom half of his body, ears growing hot in embarrassment.
“Eh? Is that allowed?” You turn to Gojo who’s still analyzing the situation beforehand and he shrugs with complacency. “Don’t let anyone see him,” Gojo warns, his stare serious even under his blindfold. You're not exactly sure what Gojo's thinking but you grasp the opportunity.
When you leave the autopsy room with a naked Sukuna by your side, careful to avoid any areas where Sukuna’s aura might be felt, you make it to Itadori’s dorm.
“Here.” You throw him Yuuji’s formal uniform and a pair of brown boots you find in the corner of his room. “I’m not wearing this,” Sukuna interjects.
“Huh?” Your upper lip curls up in confusion. “Then you’re not coming with me.” You turn to leave but he catches your arm in a tight grip.
“Fine, since you’re so damn adamant.” He releases his grip on your arm to slip into Yuuji’s clothes, when he finishes he turns to you with a glare.
“Good boy,” you praise, patting his tattooed cheek.
Internally, Itadori’s too bewildered to tease the curse. In all of his time spent with Sukuna in his body, he’s never seen the King of curses voluntarily listen to somebody else’s demands. The murky water he stands in ripples as he sits to observe everything that’s transpiring. 
When you both reach the site you were assigned to, you sigh in annoyance. “What is it?” Sukuna asks, hands in pockets as he studies your face.
“I was hoping to have an easy day, they’re not dangerous or anything but there’s more than a dozen in there.” You point to the abandoned building, its steel beams bending with age.
“I’ll exorcise them for you.”  
This is going completely against this guy’s morals, Yuuji thinks. 
Your eyebrows fly to your forehead as you grow giddy with happiness. “Really?” You exclaim clambering up to wrap him in a hug.
“If you don’t let go, I won’t.” He grumbles, head in your neck while inhaling your sweet scent. 
“Okayyy,” you inhale, trailing off, Sukuna not too far behind. 
The exorcism is completed in fifteen seconds, tops. You stare in amazement at his lithe movements. His sharp fingers extinguishing cores with precise stabs— the same way he did his vessel. When he’s done he turns to you with an eyebrow raised, his hands wet with unspoken substance. You turn away with a humph. 
“Was it not fast enough?” He walks towards you, concern written all over his expression.
“It was too fast,” you proclaim.
“You��re a show-off,” you turn to exit the building, your braids whizzing past his face. You hear his roaring laughter behind you as you make it outside.
The smell of freshly churned earth enters your nostrils as you walk down a fenced sidewalk with bent daffodils. “Where are we going?”
“A ramen shop.” His gaze flicks over to study your face which is softened with what seems to be tranquility. His heart tides over with pride once he realizes that you feel content with him, a 1000-year-old curse.
However, he knows it’s the result of your memories that tie in with his; shared massacres and intertwined fates. Multiple restarts of what seemed to be a never-ending cycle of mingled hearts. But this time jump was different than the others. 
You being a sorcerer is not the only obstacle, at all.
“Sukuna? Hey– you’re spacing out.” You wave a hand in front of his face to grab his attention. 
“We’re here.” He looks up to see a small ramen shop, its logo old with age. As he enters the shop, he somehow finds contentment in being in a place that you like. 
“You know you’re probably attracting sorcerers and curses alike as we speak?” You inquire, grabbing your ramen bowl from the waiter who nervously glances at Sukuna. His tattooed face also attracting unwanted attention. 
“Mhm, I’ll just kill them if they interfere.” You whip your head to turn to the waiter who you’re relieved to see, had already left.
“I knew you’d say that,” you stuff your face with a handful of steaming noodles. 
“What’s gonna happen between us?” You flick your index finger back and forth. “It’s not like the other times, I’m a dedicated sorcerer.”
“You’re the King of curses, I’m a sorcerer.” You repeat, dropping your wooden chopsticks to place your head on your propped fist. 
“Already made a deal with the brat, I can talk to you whenever and wherever I want,” he pulls his face closer to yours. 
“Yeah? What happens when they execute Itadori?” You curl your hands into balled fists, an unfamiliar emotion welling up in your throat. Somehow, it doesn't fit. It crosses your veins in a parasitic manner and your eyes glaze over.
“I’ll just come back.” He states matter of factly, voice coated with arrogance.
“You promise?” You whisper, holding out your pinky finger. You nearly scoff at your own action.
Ignoring the finger you bare out, he presses his lips against yours. It’s the same as he can remember, centuries ago. His body elates with a hum of electricity. And it's as if his body's creating a second space of void in which he feels his every sense being sharpened; the smooth curve of your full lips and the salty taste of previous ramen.
But before the kiss can go any further, you're pulling back.
“That was uh…” You blink once, twice, trying desperately to collect your thoughts. When you look back to Sukuna, you instead are met with Itadori’s clear face.
“The hell are you doing, brat?” Sukuna bares his teeth on the right side of Itadori’s cheek. ”I- I’m sorry just got a little uh.. flustered.” 
“The fuck are you getting flustered for?” Sukuna growls. 
“I- uh..” 
“It’s okay Yuuji, you can switch again another time,” you sympathize with the boy. His cheeks are coated in red.
“It’s getting late, eat some ramen so we can go.” You chuckle. Itadori nods as his hand reaches towards a pair of chopsticks.
“Touch my ramen and I’ll kill you again, you damn brat.”
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thatcosplaycafe · 2 years
Cosplay Café
Not a maid café, but a café specifically for cosplay and cosplayers
There's a theme of the month that everyone can dress for, in whatever way they can tie their character or outfit to the theme
Workshops are organized regularly to learn crafts and DIYs, with those running it given compensation (via actual money and not just "exposure") bc we support the community. Fan art is everywhere, credit given where due and given Money (and exposure ig) for the artist's hard work
The Café Scrapbook, where regulars can volunteer photos and track their cosplans and progress, and new faces can flip through for inspiration
Food and drinks that are cozy but filling, some specials that fit the monthly theme, but it's a sober space for our friends who can't drink yet or are uncomfortable with alcohol and spaces associated with it
A dedicated quiet(er) area, stim toys in abundance (washed and sanitized fairly regularly), soft music in the background
A photobooth area with digital backgrounds to choose from, that you can get approval to upload pictures for certain scenes or ideas, but also silly signs and hats and props
An environment that is made to be comfortable, safe, and friendly, if a bit chaotic some days. But it's home... it will be home.
Because I plan to make it /gen /srs
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cosmicallyavg · 2 years
my thoughts on seeing coldplay last night:
very fun, overall good vibes, good visuals, good setlist
opening act was good, have never listened to H.E.R. but i might try to listen to some of her stuff after the fact
disgustingly hot, have never sweat that much in my life, when the band came on stage for the first time they were drenched in sweat just the same as everyone else and the show hadnt even started. props to them for doing a whole 2 hour set in 100 degree heat
speaking of, the actual show didn't start until like 9:15 even though it was supposed to be 7, opening act came on at like 7:30 and was done by 8. so that's a whole dang hour of waiting for the actual show to start 😩 maybe they were just waiting for it to be completely dark?? but it still sucked
the crowd did the wave a couple of times while we were waiting tho which is always a good time
higher power as the opening song was literally so cool? hearing the intro immediately gets the adrenaline going
chris messed up the words to adventure of a lifetime
enjoyed having the light up wristbands, haven't been to a show that had them before this and it was very fun and pretty
i liked having the bouncy ball/balloon things that was fun
the bikes and kinetic floor concept was cool, people were on the bikes all night which was surprising!! glad they're trying to make more sustainable entertainment
while the overall visuals were good, they did clocks dirty. easily the worst visuals of the night. such a banger and i didn't enjoy the performance of it 😶
there were so many points throughout the show where me and one other lady were the only ones standing in our section like people only stood for the popular songs what the Heck
like genuinely no one knew any songs from the new album except my universe and half of it isnt even english
literally NO ONE knew people of the pride and its literally such a lit song??? the visuals for that one were amazing 
i kept bumping into the guy next to me (i tried not to, and kept saying sorry) but he eventually got fed up with me and made his wife stand next to me instead 💀
someone asked to propose while the band was on the cstage and it was awkward but cute ig (chris politely told them to hurry up bc they were on a schedule)
chris dedicated sparks to a 9 year old girl in the audience at the cstage... why would you dedicate a sad song to someone like that bro 💀
we got a special song that they wrote specifically for our tour date about the pirate ship in the stadium
chris kept going on about "tampa bay tuesday" which was funny 💀 like i bet he came up with that and thought it was hilarious even if no one else in the band did so he just kept saying it
they started sky full of stars but stopped after the first verse and asked us to put our phones away to enjoy the performance (also as a tribute to aviici) and then they restarted it so that was fun
they left the stage as if the show was over after sky full of stars but we knew it wasn't over so the crowd started doing the viva la vida bridge which was fun
during my universe the couple in front of me were being all cute with the video the guy was recording he kept holding her hand and took a video of their wristbands it was cute 😭 me and who
people started leaving before and during the finale song like why you gotta do that
overall very fun but also lowkey miserable because of the heat 💀 i am still recovering
10/10 would recommend seeing coldplay in concert if you havent it was amazing
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