#protection powder
manicfoxmagick · 1 year
Simple Protection Powder Recipe
Sprinkle this along any doorways, across window sills, and outside directly in front of the main door to the house. While sprinkling recite Psalm 91 : 4 as you do it if you’re not opposed to using Biblical magick. As an alternative you could chant a barbarous mantra I’ve created for this purpose: “Protis horfro froneg demspee”. This is a spinning mantra. Place emphasis on every 2nd syllable and repeat quickly in a steady rhythm.
1 part sugar
1 part plain salt
1/4 part black salt
1/2 part cinnamon
Dash of pepper
Dash of used coffee grounds
Mix together in a designated container. Once mixed pray to St. Cyprian the patron saint of magic and sorcery to bless this mix and enchant it. If you like provide him a simple offering.
Store somewhere appropriate.
Sprinkle it once every full moon.
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arcanegifs · 4 months
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they're really going for the "everyone going to be a little bit opposite of who they were in s1" theme in season 2 fr
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viwifey · 7 days
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You've got a good heart. Don't ever lose it.
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izvmimi · 16 days
your f/o is deep in your guts trying desperately not to nut, but you're so warm and wet and squishing against them just so and you sound so cute and perfect... anyway, what are they thinking of to stay focused?
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ayzaart · 20 days
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graffiti (pow-pow and jinx)
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sage-nebula · 21 days
In season 1, Powder/Jinx was viewed by most as a screw-up, and a monster.
In season 2, Jinx will be viewed by most as a monster, and a revolutionary symbol.
In neither season did the majority opinion see her as a person. Those who did care about her as a person — Vander, Vi, Ekko (though he tried hard not to in arcs 2 & 3), and Silco, in that order — were heavily outnumbered by those who only saw her as the consequences of her actions, and not the eccentric, brilliant, but heavily traumatized and mentally ill girl she actually was.
There are some people who are angry that she is being seen as a revolutionary or peaceful symbol in Zaun. "It should be Vi!" they say. "How could they do this to Ekko?!" But here is what those people are missing:
Symbols are not people. They are iconography. A symbol can last long, long after its origin has died. Hence why doves are symbols; they can die fast, but their paintings last forever. This means that it does not matter at all to Zaun what happens to Jinx, in any way, once she is their symbol; even if she dies, that just makes her a martyr. Even better if it's an enforcer that kills her. (I could see Sevika arranging that.)
Jinx is just as alone now as she ever was. Symbols need to stay pure. Meaning that Jinx's off-color jokes and wild actions will need to be short leashed or she could risk losing that status. Even IF she feels this gives her community, she'll lose that real fast.
This is not the face of a girl who feels she is among friends:
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And that is simply because she isn't. They don't know her. They don't need to know her. They need her to do her part (be the face on the murals, the martyr when we need it) and that's it. Jinx's action of blowing up the council was loved. But Jinx herself? No.
This is not an enviable position and it isn't going to benefit her, at least not in terms of her mental wellbeing. Jinx needs real unconditional love and support—what she got from Silco in his final moments, not the empty veneration of the masses who view her as an icon rather than a human being.
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candysdoodles · 11 months
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"You made my little sister cry...you're dead!"
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ssaltlicker · 22 days
Me knowing damn well why people demonize vi for one mistake while excusing everything jinx has done
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backstabber128 · 4 months
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Vi's Evolution 🔥🔥
I was gonna wait to post this and pair it with Jinx's version, but that new Enforcer teaser proves this is Vi's week lmao.
If this wasn't already done, I would've drawn her in her intentionally awkward but super badass Enforcer outfit, but alas I will in due time 👀
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breelandwalker · 5 months
If you have a spare moment:
Any ideas for spells or wards for a new pet? This is Arthur the chaos beast
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(Also yes, there's this recipe for Pet Protection Powder. Enjoy!)
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Vander + Vi | Failed Protectors
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bragganhyl · 1 month
woe Bertalan aka Berci lore be upon you bc I keep tweaking the damn thing lol
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His full name is Bertalan Atheldon, he's 56 during the events of bee gee three tho tbf I don't have a firm grasp on how half-elf aging works and as such I have no idea if that age fits his looks lol so I might bump it up. Again. He is a beastmaster ranger with an outlander background and he's primarily a "keeper of the veil" - meaning that he favors hunting extraplanar creatures primarily fey.
Berci is the lovechild of a travelling scholar and a farmgirl whose family hosted him for a while. They've dated for a short time and parted on good terms, Berci's human mom then married a human man shortly after so things got awkward when Bertalan was born looking like his elven dad. Berci was never really directly harmed by his human family, but he was never really treated as someone who truly belonged in that family. He wasn't hated but he wasn't loved either. Eventually Berci's mom decided to try and seek out his dad, in the hopes that he might give him a better life.
Luckily she managed to find him, and Berci's dad was more than happy to have his son join him on his escapades. Bertalan spent his adolescent years going from one digsite to the next, and while he never had an affinity to history, he seemed to have some talents for healing. So Berci's dad saved up some money in the hopes of getting him into a decent school where he could learn medicine and eventually become a surgeon. Unfortunately he dies, a few months after Berci begins his studies.
As you might guess, Bertalan takes his father's death rather hard and he drops out shortly before graduating, unable to focus on his studies while dealing with his grief. Still his skills were enough to land a position in a group of monster hunters who needed someone to patch them up (at the time, they're joined by a cleric some time after). One member of the group was a gnome ranger who took him under her wings after she saw him once patch up an injured dire raven (who then decided to stick around). So for the next decade or so Berci was learning the ways of the beastmaster ranger and working as an adventurer for hire. But then, that also ended in a rather ugly way. The group agreed to hunt down a hag who ended up luring them to the Shadow Cursed lands with the use of a mushroom circle. Bertalan was injured pretty much immediately by one of the shadow creatures there and the only reason he (and the group's cleric of Lathander) didn't end up succumbing to the curse with the rest of the team was that their cleric dragged him to the nearby Rosymorn Monastery.
After recovering Berci continued to roam Faerun as a lone ranger hunting malicious fey creatures with no one but Corvus (his raven companion) and Ursa (his mentor's bear companion) for company. By the time of bee gee three, he's no longer capable to function in any other way.
Berci is best characterized as rather blunt and kind of an edgelord. He expects the same kind of bluntness directed at him, he's dismissive of people trying to coddle him. His first instinct is to push away people trying to show him genuine affection as he no longer knows whether being loved or being unloved is worse and he would need time and genuine effort to overcome that instinct. Still he has a curious mind, he's eager to fuck around and always ready to find out. Because of this he comes across as someone quick to trust, though he would probably view himself as someone willing to give one chance to earn his trust. He also might come across as aggressive and intimidating but he's a secret softie with a nurturing and responsible side to him - and he rarely ever let's his anger get the better of him - still he sees no value in heroism as he sees it as inherently self-destructive. He has a strong sense of survival but he prefers stabilizing the environment around him if possible over fighting for individual survival. He sees power as merely a tool that reveals the person wielding it and doesn't believe in the concept of "absolute power" - such a thing is only relative to the current world and nature always finds a way to balance the scales.
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conjuremanj · 10 months
Cascarilla & Efun In Your Practice + Their Uses
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To day in this post I want to speak on spiritual Earth, things that are made from the earth like clay, shell, this form is used different ways. This chalk is an good tool to have in your practice.
It comes from the bark of the Croton elutaria tree that is found in the Caribbean and places like South America. Also is found in traditions of western Africa.
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The concept of of this is in all West African diasporic practices including Hoodoo, Vodun/Voodoo, Santeria, Candomblé, Umbanda, Palo, and others. The word 'efun' is Yoruba translates in english meaning ‘chalk.’ In the tradition like Candomblé, efun is a ritual to initiate’s where the head and body is shaved and then decorated with tribal circles or dots (as seen above) useing chalk that was made from white clay, eggshells, or limestone powder. Some practices even use it to make a cross on there arms or on the bottom of their feet before a ritual bath.
Cascarilla & Efun: Sacred White Earth. Over time after useing the bark, other African religions such as Santeria or even in hoodoo and others in the US started using crushed powder egg shells. These were easier to get.
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Cascarilla: ☝️Made from white eggshells, particularly from a Black Hen.
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Efun: ☝️Efun is a white chalk that is comprised of ground snail shell and white clay.
What's Are They Really Used For. It is used for a offering Butt NOT a food offering, but an offering to deities of White meaning a of high elevated energies. (God) for example. In Africa it would be to Obatala and other high level good energies.
It's used for magical writings, painting the body during rituals, and as a medicine. In the Bantu system you have 'zumbi' other African practices like Vodou uses Zombi. (Snake deity) Or the God in the Heavens and God on earth like Nyambe/Nzambe.
("A little fact the majority of the Bantu people like others in Africa were and still are Muslim and the small percentage Christian")
Cascarilla Powder: The can be sprinkle anywhere to ward off negative energy: your home, altar, bedroom & your body. Add it to your protection powder. It’s also good to used in bath & washes, even in your divinations. I can tell you it has many uses.
Cascarilla Chalk: It can be used to make sacred symbols, magickal sigils, or veve’s and definition. (Sigils used in different Vodun/Voodoo practices). Cascarilla chalk can also be used to mark boundaries for sacred space sites or decorate sacred items.
Modern Witchcraft Uses: the power of eggshell powder has become prominent among other traditions, including Wicca. However, most non-West African diasporic traditions refer to Cascarilla simply as eggshell powder.
For Cleaning: If you want to cleanse yourself, make a mix of Florida Water & Cascarilla for a simple yet effective spiritual bath simple yet effective. (You can also add dry ingredients to it) You can also add it to a premade floor wash like the Chinese wash.
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cauldron-of-oddities · 5 months
A little bridge to the next part of High Up in the Branches, a bit of family bonding
The conversation with Vander had been awkward but insightful.
She'd flopped down on her favourite seat and started biting her lip. Vander, familiar with his youngest agitation, had taken out her favourite star-covered cup and filled it with the most sugary drink he had. He waits her out, like he always does. Sometimes, she wishes he'd ask outright other times, she's grateful. Right now, she's not sure, with this churning mess of emotions in her.
Halfway through her drink, fidgeting with the straw, she asks “Are all boys this dense?"
“Are your brothers bothering you?” 
“No, it's just, well, what if someone who you've known all your life is suddenly being weird?"
“A boy is being dense and weird?"
“Is this about Ekko?”
“Hmmm.” The sound's thoughtful as he dries off another glass. “I'm going to need a bit more than that.” 
Maybe Vander hadn't been the right choice to talk to, and she should have asked Claggor or Vi, but here she was. She's committed now, and she really needs some insight. “He’s…” She searches for the right word. “Awkward. Like he's constantly surprised to see me, and so lost in his thoughts, I mean, he almost flew into a post yesterday! Ekko's too good a flyer for that, and he's been too busy to do things together, and when we are, he's all jittery. And! He hasn't hugged me in like two weeks! Ugh!” She dropped her forehead onto the bar in frustration. 
“Is he being mean?” 
“It's.., he's so sure of himself usually and,” Damn, she's feeling shy now. “He makes me feel sure of myself too and comfortable and now it's like he's scared to touch me, and I miss it and I thought we'd…” Her cheeks are warm. “I thought last time we'd… be more, and now he's acting like he's scared of me!”
“Hmmhmm” another noncommittal noise, she considers running off. "So it felt like something was going to change last time you went off together?"
Jup, her cheeks are officially on fire. “Yes…” 
“Sounds like perhaps the idea of you and change spooked him a little.” Vander has a fond smile. “Maybe you could offer him some reassurance?”
She contemplates that answer before another question comes to her. “Wait, you're ok with this?” 
“Why wouldn't I be? He's good to you, and it's been clear since he gave you your earrings.” He's laughing. Now, she feels pleased and bubbly along with the embarrassment. When his laughter quiets, he carries on in a wistful tone. 
“The heart wants what it wants, and I am happy your choice is, a gentle one, a happy one."
Is it just her, or did Vander sound sad? Had his heart not been kind,  did it have something to do with that magpie feather he kept? He shakes it off before she can ask. Instead, she goes with something else that's been bugging her.
“I have one more question: Why, whenever Ekko and I were alone, you and everyone constantly checks up on us?” 
“Ah, well.” It's Vander's turn to look embarrassed “Let an old man worry for his daughter. These grey hairs weren't cheap, you know. I like to know all is good with my kids. As for your siblings, ask them.” 
“Wait, you were just being nosy?” He laughs heartily at that. With that, she's out. Did parents always have to be so embarrassing?
She slides off the barstool with a roll of her eyes. Before she can go, Vander clears his throat. “Powder one thing, please be responsible. Talk to your sister, or I can ask Babette for a chat."
“I'll talk to Vi. Thank you very much.” Ok, she's not quite ready for that bit of the conversation today as she thinks diving into an ice bucket might be a good idea as she runs off.
She did talk to Vi later that week, who then promptly took her to Babette anyway. She learned two things that day. One; her sister was shameless. Two; she may well be utterly shameless too. Sat in Babetts plush office - who'd been all too happy to host her friends' girls for the evening - they'd been offered tea and cakes and some of the most safe, sane and scandalous information available. 
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asexualwitch · 1 year
My GTFO Powder. Spell?
Eh. Either way, every now and then, something mean comes into my home - mean, rude, leering, giving me Uncomfy Vibes, ya'll know what I mean.
Not necessarily evil. But not really nice, either.
And entirely unwelcome.
So, I grab a bowl. Or those coffee filters, the white papery things that are shaped like a bowl or a cup.
Then I raid the kitchen's spice rack.
I say, follow your heart. Pick out the spicy ones (like cayenne), the pungent ones (like dill powder), and/or sweet ones (like sugar).
Whatever feels right, babe.
What I usually grab are: black pepper, salt, cinnamon, mugwort, cayenne, ghost pepper, sugar, cloves, sage, brown sugar, the burnt bread crumbs in the toaster, coffee grounds, catnip, and if any of the smokers in my life have visited recently - and I'm particularly uneasy - I also throw in cigarette ash.
I won't make this into an EVEN LONGER post by listing out all of the magical properties of these herbs and spices. Take it as encouragement to do independent research!
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But the most important thing is that it feels right, you know? And as it turns out, most if not all household spices and herbs CAN BE USED for protection and positive energy.
Once you've got your shit together, start putting in as much of the ingredients as YOU want into the container of your choice.
Follow your heart. Don't overthink it.
When you're done, mix it together.
FRIENDLY REMINDER: If you end up using your bare hands/fingers to mix it all up (like me, the local barbarian), don't forget to thoroughly wash your hands. And for the love of FUCK, do not rub your eyes with your dirty, spiced up hands! (also like me, the local idiot)
Anyway. You picked out ingredients that vibe with you, that feel right and you know will suit your purpose: chasing off this disembodied energy spirit asshole intruder.
You've mixed it up.
You washed your hands. And probably sneezed a lot, because you're dealing with powders that can tickle your nose hairs.
You've made your own GTFO Powder.
Or repellent. Whatever you wanna call it.
Now start throwing it around your house; your windows, doorways (but leave the front door alone for now). Every corner of every room, from the attic to the basement - don't overlook any space, and give special attention to areas that creep you out.
If you need support, bring in whoever you need to back you up. Ohana, bitch!
Or your bros. Nakama. Doesn't matter.
If you can't do this alone, then DON'T and go fetch your trusted people. Sailor Moon taught us the power of love and friendship, you know this shit.
Returning to the subject -
As you're doing this, say whatever you need to say: pick a song, a poem, prayer, or just bitch at the entity for disturbing your peace and to leave you and yours alone.
Yes. I am the last option. There's a lot of swearing and gamer-level trash talk, because I'm not a classy witch.
As my previous therapist said: "You're a mess, girl!"
I'm getting sidetracked: at this point, you've hunted down every last scrap of Bad, Awful, No-Good energy. You've chased it all around your house, and made your displeasure known (in the way that suits you, that feels right).
You could also (safely!!) burn it, if your smoke alarm won't scream at you. I've had the smoke cause a bad spirit to gag, which was a wild experience, lemme tell you.
Anyway: you did the thing.
Now, backtrack.
Go your front door, say: "Get out, and don't come back!" or whatever pleases you.
And open the door.
Give slight pause, enough for someone to bolt outside (those with psychic sight might see a shadow running out, don't be spooked), and then douse your front door with the powder.
If you have a yard, and want to be through, buckle in:
Because you could stop here.
Lots of folks do, it's normal.
But I like to make sure I can go outside and touch grass without being jumped, you know? Because I have a yard, unlike the cool people with their fancy (or shoebox) apartments.
From your front door, step outside and continue. Do as you did inside: throw the GTFO Powder around your porch, and start sprinkling it outside your house's walls.
Maybe rub the powder into the brick or wood, and on the windows trace protective symbols on the glass.
If you have the time, do this three times.
Then expand the protected space:
You're going to establish three rings (or boxes) from the immediate outside structure of your house; to the middle, and finally the outer layer - if you have a fence, use it as the final "wall" of protection.
If you have a gate, again: leave it for last.
For all three parts/circles/boxes that ripple outwards from your house, I strongly recommend doing each part three times, as I previously explained. Make the "lines" thick.
Again, use music, prayer, whatever you want. Whatever gives you strength.
Once you've finished each of the three parts: the house's immediate outside, the middle, and the outer layer/fence.
Then go to the gate, bid the spirit to "leave my goddamn yard, ya creep" (or as YOU want), open the gate for 'em, and then powder up your gate.
Finally, finally, face outside the gate and say a third farewell to the spirit, and close your gate.
If you don't live in a house, you can stop at the front door:
Just say goodbye as needed (two more times, if I'm keeping track) (or three times) (remember, do what feels right),
throw a bit of powder in it's "face" if you wanna be spiteful (like me) and close&lock the door.
Done. Complete. You did it.
Go rest, eat, hydrate. Chill. You used a lot of energy by being a badass witch.
Every now and then, refresh the protections.
Like. Every 3-6 months. Or as needed.
You have my permission to take this bit of magic and make it yours. Add in charms, rattles, your pets, bells, knot magic, candles, plushies, and even rename it - it's barely named as is, to be frank.
But could you let me know? I'd love to see how it evolves over time, and how it changes to suit the witch using it.
Have fun. Go terrorize your unwanted "houseguest".
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yashley · 10 months
I'm sure matt wouldn't seemingly intend this whole upgrade for fearne for it not to turn out into rewarding for her risk and treating her character tenderly but man o man..............nervis
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