#Cascarilla uses
conjuremanj · 10 months
Cascarilla & Efun In Your Practice + Their Uses
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To day in this post I want to speak on spiritual Earth, things that are made from the earth like clay, shell, this form is used different ways. This chalk is an good tool to have in your practice.
It comes from the bark of the Croton elutaria tree that is found in the Caribbean and places like South America. Also is found in traditions of western Africa.
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The concept of of this is in all West African diasporic practices including Hoodoo, Vodun/Voodoo, Santeria, Candomblé, Umbanda, Palo, and others. The word 'efun' is Yoruba translates in english meaning ‘chalk.’ In the tradition like Candomblé, efun is a ritual to initiate’s where the head and body is shaved and then decorated with tribal circles or dots (as seen above) useing chalk that was made from white clay, eggshells, or limestone powder. Some practices even use it to make a cross on there arms or on the bottom of their feet before a ritual bath.
Cascarilla & Efun: Sacred White Earth. Over time after useing the bark, other African religions such as Santeria or even in hoodoo and others in the US started using crushed powder egg shells. These were easier to get.
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Cascarilla: ☝️Made from white eggshells, particularly from a Black Hen.
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Efun: ☝️Efun is a white chalk that is comprised of ground snail shell and white clay.
What's Are They Really Used For. It is used for a offering Butt NOT a food offering, but an offering to deities of White meaning a of high elevated energies. (God) for example. In Africa it would be to Obatala and other high level good energies.
It's used for magical writings, painting the body during rituals, and as a medicine. In the Bantu system you have 'zumbi' other African practices like Vodou uses Zombi. (Snake deity) Or the God in the Heavens and God on earth like Nyambe/Nzambe.
("A little fact the majority of the Bantu people like others in Africa were and still are Muslim and the small percentage Christian")
Cascarilla Powder: The can be sprinkle anywhere to ward off negative energy: your home, altar, bedroom & your body. Add it to your protection powder. It’s also good to used in bath & washes, even in your divinations. I can tell you it has many uses.
Cascarilla Chalk: It can be used to make sacred symbols, magickal sigils, or veve’s and definition. (Sigils used in different Vodun/Voodoo practices). Cascarilla chalk can also be used to mark boundaries for sacred space sites or decorate sacred items.
Modern Witchcraft Uses: the power of eggshell powder has become prominent among other traditions, including Wicca. However, most non-West African diasporic traditions refer to Cascarilla simply as eggshell powder.
For Cleaning: If you want to cleanse yourself, make a mix of Florida Water & Cascarilla for a simple yet effective spiritual bath simple yet effective. (You can also add dry ingredients to it) You can also add it to a premade floor wash like the Chinese wash.
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hallow-witxh · 2 years
Simple Things Baby Witches Might Miss
I was a baby witch once, and there were tons of small, little things that went over my head until later in my practice. I'm hoping that some of these will ring a bell for those who may need to hear them.
When you're cleansing a room, especially if it's a smoke cleanse, you need to open a window. This gives an 'escape route' for what you're cleansing away and also gives the smoke somewhere to go other than sticking to your walls.
Speaking of smoke cleansing, do not smoke cleanse in a room with pets in it. It can be very, very dangerous to them.
When you're doing research, you should be cross-checking across four to six different sources. If something matches across multiple sources, it's more likely to be solid.
You can incorporate your craft into pretty much anything. Showering? You're washing off the bad energy. Cleaning? You're preparing your space. Gardening? You're encouraging growth and prosperity. And delicious tomatoes!
If you're using a smoke cleanse, you can add the burnt portion to salt to make a beginner's black salt.
Spell jars don't have to go on your altar.
Altars are not completely necessary, especially if you're in the broom closet. Work with what you have.
Every herb has benefits and correspondences. You can utilize these without spell jars, burn spells, etc. Kitchen magic is one of my go-tos - cooking with spices and herbs infuses your food with their benefits.
Ask 'dumb' questions. Reach out to people. If they laugh at you for your questions, you know they are not a reliable source of information. (P.S. - my ask box is always open!)
White wax can replace any other color of wax. Get birthday cake candles for easy, fast burning.
Clear quartz can replace other crystals.
Here's a simple color chart.
Here's a simple moon phase chart.
Here's a simple guide to flowers and their correspondences
Here's a simple guide to cascarilla
As always, do your own research. Take everything you hear with a grain of salt until you do research - yes, even from me, because I make mistakes, too. Blessed be, and good luck, baby witches!
Support your local witch on Ko-Fi or at my store, Hallow Grove!
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magicaguajiro · 8 months
La Bóveda: Spiritually Cleansing Yourself and the Altar
Once you and the altar are physically clean, it is important to make sure you are spiritually cleansed. We cleanse to clear ourselves of any energies we may have picked up, to make the space clear of unwanted spirits who may impede our communication and to perfume the space for our spirits. Whatever way you choose to cleanse the altar and yourself is up to you, but it is important that you pray through the whole ritual. I personally like to pray things like Psalm 23, Psalm 7, Alan Kardec’s Books of Selected Prayers, and La Fe en Oracion. You can also pray from your heart or pray pagan prayers if you choose, but I do recommend researching the role Christianity plays in modern folk practices.
If you are just starting out, try using a spiritual cologne like Florida Water or 1800. It is important to cleanse every object that is part of the table. You may also choose to smoke cleanse with Tobacco, Incense, herbs, and resins like frankincense and myrrh. When using Tobacco, you usually will light the end, flip it around and blow, as if the altar is taking the puff. Blow this smoke all over the entire altar once it is complete and the candle is lit and fill the cups with smoke. Don’t burn yourself! Traditionally, a preparation would be made called an Omiero to wipe down the altar. If you want to put some more energy into it, you can choose to do a series of spiritual baths for yourself. These baths won’t just be cute roses and lavender in a milk tub. It will be consecutive days of blessed and charged baths, using 3, 5, 7, 9 or more herbs as well as things like oils, waters, dirts, resins and colognes. Spiritual baths are a great tool to add to a routine if you can figure out a way to incorporate it. Though, as someone with ADHD I know how hard it can be so don’t feel pressured to if other methods suffice for you.
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[My Go-To Quick Spiritual Cleanses for Bóveda work. From Left to Right: Rue Water, Blessed Florida Water, water from where the river meets the ocean, and blessed Kolonia 1800]
There are many different types of spiritual baths. It should be noted that working with certain materia is dangerous and should be supplied by a professional or elder. Also, some herbs can harm you spiritually if they are poured on your head, like espanta muerte. Also, most baths will need to be “illuminated” with a candle burned in them. I usually use white tapers or novena candles. The baños used for espiritismo include some called bitter baths and sweet baths. Bitter baths use herbs like espanta muerte, agrimony, pepper, wormwood, and garlic. These baths are designed to clear you of any crossed conditions or evil eye, remove obstacles and steer you on course to your path. After that, a sweet bath using honey, romerillo (shepherd’s nettle), basil (albahaca), abrecamino (road-opener), Hibiscus (marpacifico), and Orange. This is to draw in the correct opportunities for your path as well as to increase your personal ‘magnetism’ in a way. This basically makes you more appealing in all ways, even for money and opportunities. But also for negative entities, so remember to wear protective amulets at this point in the process. Finally, a white bath will be prepared using things like coconut water, goats milk, cascarilla, white rum, florida water, kolonia, and camphor. This serves to enlighten you and make you more sensitive to spirits and energies around you. It also draws your spirits closer to you. You may also choose to fast on occasion during the first three days or the final day of this routine.
It can also be traditional to preform a sweeping, where you take a bundle of fresh herbs or a blessed broom and use them to swat away any energies you don’t want to invade your altar and session. This can be hard to do properly if an altar is already set up, so I would suggest doing this on the days you deep clean the bóveda. It is also important on these days and when doing deeper work and sessions at the altar to cover your head. This closes your energy off, and means to connect to your spirits you have to allow them to tap in.
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These are just precautions you have to take when working with the Dead and Disincarnate. In Cuba, the folk magic is inherently tied to the muertos.
Luz y Progreso. 🕯️
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skaianbruja · 1 year
Witchy PSA: Cascarilla and "Egg Cleansing"
The other day I saw a post on my dashboard about the uses of eggs in magic. The post, seemingly meant for a general audience contained two appropriative elements: the mention of cascarilla and and instructions for limpia con huevo
First, cascarilla — at least in terms of witchcraft, religion, and spirituality — is not egg shell powder. Cascarilla is the Spanish name of a sacred ritual powder originally of West African origins that found its way into Afro-Diasporic and LatAm practices via the slave trade, most notably Santería. It became known as "cascarilla" because due to a lack of access to their native plants, enslaved West Africans in what is now Cuba had to use the cascarilla plant as a replacement. Yes, some modern cascarilla powders are made from egg shells. However, to say that cascarilla = egg shell powder is similar to claiming that smudging = smoke cleansing
Egg Cleansing (or alternatively Egg Testing) was culturally appropriated from Latines. Before anyone tries arguing: Yes "Egg Cleansings" do exist in other cultures. However, the "rub an egg on yourself, crack it into a glass of water, and 'read' it method that has become the "default" over the past several years is specifically Latine. We Latines have stated countless times that our method of Egg Cleansing — limpia con huevo — is closed. Limpia con huevo is more than just rubbing an egg on yourself, cracking it into a glass of water and reading it. It is often part of a larger ritual called "limpia" involving prayers, other forms of cleansing, and even the consumption of herbal remedies and other drugs. My own mother, who is from Mexico, has memories of seeing some limpias take days to complete. Limpia con huevo has only become the "default" method of Egg Cleansing because gringos (ie non-Latine white USAmericans) appropriated it from us
tl;dr: Cascarilla is a sacred closed West African / Afro-Diasporic ritual powder, not a fancier name for eggshell powder. The "default" method of Egg Cleansing is cultural appropriation of limpia con huevo, which is for Latines only
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Egg & egg shells, Cascarilla) uses and legends
Once upon a time it was thought that witches and fairies would fly around in empty eggshells, it was best to destroy them before the fairies could take them. Another one is to clean egg shells place them where your fairy garden is with some milk and honey inside them, or a small sweet cake as a gift for your garden faries.
Egg shells can be used magical ways, grind them up, sprinkle them around your entrance way as a protection barrier, use them in cleansing and fertility spells. You can use them to create your circle, draw sigils with them.
Egg cleanse are very popular, take a room tempeture egg, rub it all over your body, crack it into a clear glass of room temperature water, do not look down into the glass, but look from the center. If there is a bloody yoke malevolent workings have been done to you. If there are strings going up to the top of the water or making cobwebs, you have been hexed or cursed. If there is a dome over the yolk, you are protected, small bubbles mean any negativity was absorbed.
Superstition says to bury a egg in your garden come spring to insure a abundant crop. Throw a egg or place egg shells on your roof to protect you from a witches hex.
If you know any other uses please reblog and comment.
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Salt of the World
Salt is a classic representation of Earth. In rituals, it is often associated with protection or cleansing.
House witches sprinkle salt in doorways or the corner of rooms to protect your home.
Use salt water to purify crystals, wash your floors or in a spray bottle to cleanse your space.
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Table Salt:
One of the most common types of salt, this is what you’ll typically find inside a salt shaker. Table salt is generally mined from underground deposits, dissolved in water, and purified to remove any trace minerals before being re-hydrated to form the final product. This process creates an even, fine-grained texture and clean, consistent taste.
**Ionized salt vs non-ionized - Iodized salt is simply table salt that’s been treated with sodium iodide. It was developed in the 1920s to prevent iodine deficiency, a condition that can cause thyroid issues. Some chefs do note a slight chemical aftertaste from the added iodine.
Kosher Salt:
A great alternative to traditional table salt, kosher salt offers a flakier, coarser texture and clean, bright flavor. This additive-free salt variety gets its name because it’s used during the process of koshering meat. Because of its larger grains, kosher salt takes slightly longer to dissolve than table salt, which means that it offers enhanced texture when used to season meats and vegetables.
Fleur de Sel:
Fleur de sel is a French phrase meaning “flower of salt.” It’s used to describe a uniquely delicate salt variety from the coast of Brittany, where the crystals are hand-harvested from the surface of saltwater ponds. This production method means that fleur de sel is lower in sodium and higher in mineral content than most salts, so it offers a lightly briny flavor.
Epsom Salts:
Epsom salt is also known as magnesium sulfate. It’s a chemical compound made up of magnesium, sulfur, and oxygen. Despite its name, Epsom salt is a completely different compound than table salt. It was most likely termed “salt” because of its chemical structure.
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::Rock Salts::
Sea salt:
Sea salt is made by evaporating seawater to produce large, irregular crystals or flakes that can come in a variety of colors. Because it’s less processed than table salt, sea salt offers a more complex mineral flavor profile, which is strongly influenced by its geographic origin. Highly versatile in the kitchen, sea salt can range in texture from fine flakes to coarse crystals, and in flavor from briny to lightly sweet.
Himalayan Salt:
It’s easy to spot Himalayan salt; this variety is noteworthy for its striking, salmon-pink hue. Recognized as the world’s purest salt, Himalayan salt is mined high in the mountains of Pakistan. Rich in minerals, it offers a complex flavor and large, hard grains (put the crystals in a grinder for best results in the kitchen). Because it’s dried at high temperatures, Himalayan salt is exceptionally strong and stable; it can be carved into boards, bowls and other cookware.
Hawaiian Salt:
Another region known for its colorful salt is Hawaii, which produces a red sea salt known as alaea salt. Alaea salt is made by combining Hawaiian sea salt with red volcanic clay. Popular in Hawaiian cooking, this salt is relatively low in sodium and derives a mild flavor from the mineral-rich clay. Thanks to its eye-catching color, it makes an exceptional finishing salt. It’s also one of the key ingredients in my Slow Cooker Kalua Pork.
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::DIY Ritual Salts::
White Salt: Any household salt +
Eggs shells (cascarilla powder)
Jasmine flowers
White rice
Red Salt: Himalayan or Hawaiian salt + dried flowers or peppers picked to suit your intention
Pink Peppercorns
Black Salt: Salt of your choice +
Purple Salt: Salt of your choice + dried flowers based on your intention
Green Salt: Household salt of your choice + any assortment of dried herbs or plants based on your intention, such as:
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praisedbesophia · 1 year
On closed spiritual tools:
Disclaimer: I decided to write this because I'm a Mexican Bruja who is fucking fed up and tired of witchblr correspondence lists consistently appropriating from mine and others' closed cultures and practices
Most people on witchblr seem to be aware that certain things are closed: religions, cultures, rituals, deities, spirits, etc. What many people do not seem to realize is that spiritual tools can also closed:
— "How can a spiritual tool be closed?"
Closed spiritual tools are often closed either because the nonsecular use of the tool originated from a closed culture or practice or because the tool is sacred or spiritually significant to a closed culture or practice.
In other cases the tool may be nearly identical to an open tool but created using a closed method. (Cascarilla vs egg shell powder is probably the most famous example of this)
— "Why should I care?"
The appropriation of spiritual tools can have negative consequences for the communities such tools are being appropriated from. For example, the appropriation of copal makes it more difficult for (Indigenous) Latine and Afro Diasporic religious communities to acquire it for their own rites. And again, many closed spiritual tools are sacred or spiritually significant to closed cultures or practices, making their appropriation by outsiders highly disrespectful and offensive
— "Do you have a list?"
 Nope, and I'm not going to provide one. Nor will anyone else. You're going to have to research on your own to determine if a spiritual tool may be closed.
And speaking of lists, please do not use something you saw on a witchy correspondence list without doing your research first. Many of those lists appropriate from closed cultures and practices
— "But I genuinely have no idea where to even begin. Could you give me some hints for determining whether a spiritual tool may be closed?"
Of course! Below are a few tips that can help you determine if a spiritual tool maybe potentially closed:
Where did it originate from? Did the tool — or use of the tool if originally meant for secular use (e.g. Florida Water) — originate from a closed culture or practice? 
Is it considered sacred or spiritually significant to a closed culture or practice?
Does it have a name such as "Come to me" or "Shut Your Mouth" indicating it's meant for a hyper specific purpose? Please keep in mind that many hyper specific purpose oils, colognes, candles, etc. originated from and are meant specifically for Afro Diasporic & Latin American practices 
Is it named after/for an entity from a closed culture or practice?
If you answer "yes" to any of these, there's a chance the tool in question may be closed 
— "So what do I do if I determine if a spiritual tool may be closed?"
First, determine if it's fully closed or if only certain (nonsecular) uses of the tool is closed
Second, look for open alternatives that serve a similar purpose. For example, are you thinking of burning copal because you heard it's a good offering for one's ancestors? Try burning some apple or pomegranate incense instead!
— "What if I am unable to determine if a spiritual tool is open or closed?"
Easy! Don't use it. Look for a similar alternative you know is open
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truthinlifetarot · 3 months
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🤩The Peace candle is made with herbs and oils such as chamomile, lavender and cascarilla. 🕯️Infuse the candle with your own energy and intention and enjoy! 🎁Each purchase comes with a fun free gift!
😃The 25% Sale is still on :)
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eatyourheartvalentine · 5 months
Soo... Question ya know how everyone has like there own scent what would the guys smell like..?🐽👀 lol! Am just curious ..!! I hope my Question doesn't seem. weird 😭 (like cologne perfume??)
-poppy flower anon
Fun fact! Mod Bunni has anosmia, which means she has no sense of smell. So Mod Cat will be taking care of this one!
Allar— definitely has sweet tones to him. He doesn't like to have his natural scent stick out often, so he uses sweet perfumes like candy or pastries. Cotton candy is the main scent he usually uses!
Louie— he uses cheap colognes most of the time. Nothing that assaults the nostrils, though. Bergamot, oak, stuff like that. But it barely covers up the smell of smoke that lingers on his clothing.
Mica— uses expensive and very niche colognes. Definitely the type to use cologne that has a rusty undertone. Sanguine. Usually smells very good and fresh!
Josh— probably has the most "masculine" scent out of these guys! He also uses cheap cologne, but the type that doesn't fully cover up his natural musk. Not in a gross way, though!
And just for fun, I picked out some perfumes/colognes that I think they'd smell most like!
Allar: Age of Innocence Top notes: bubblegum, cotton candy, strawberry
Heart notes: metal screech, rubber, gasoline, rose, car seats
Base notes: aquilaria malaccensis (natural oud), Haitian vetiver, cade, cedar
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Heart notes: Marine Note, Jasmine, Rose, Iris
Last Birthday Cake Top notes: Blinding Light, Milk, Wick, Instant Cocoa, Peace Lilly, Bitter Almond, Cork, Malt
Heart notes: Armagnac, Stollen Cake, Brown Sugar, Vanilla Custard, Tonka Beans, Benzoin, Sweet Clover
Base notes: Rope Necklace, Chekhov’s Gun, Styrax, Skin, Tolu Balsam, Incense, Bran Absolute, Papyrus
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Louie: Né il Giorno Né L'ora Top notes: Sandalwood, Tonka Bean, Amber, Musc
Base notes: Lemon, Bergamot, Cardamom, Galbanum, Cedar, Lily of the Valley
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But Not Today Top notes: Bergamot, Artemisia, Lavender, Lemon
Heart notes: Styrax, Cascarilla, Rosemary, Calamus
Mica: Inexcusable Evil Top notes: gunpowder, ozone
Base notes: Angelica, Sandalwood, Oak Moss, Galbanum Resin, Amber, Musk
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Heart notes: blood, bandages, iodine, burning flowers, guaiac wood, copaiba oil, nagarmotha
Base notes: fallen concrete, rain, incense, sandalwood
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Baby Vamp Top notes: orchid
Heart notes: Smoke, blood
Base notes: Labdanum, tonka bean
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Josh: Reliqvia Top notes: Patchouli, Incense, Cashmere Wood, Guaiac Wood, Sandalwood
Heart notes: Orange blossom, Scots pine, Cloves, Lentisk, Amyris
Base notes: Elemi, Sweet Orange, Black Currant, Nutmeg, Smoke Notes, Tobacco Leaves
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Chameleon Top Notes: Bergamot, Lemon, Madagascar Ylang Ylang, Mango, Pink Pepper, Star Fruit, Violet Leaves
Heart Notes: Cashmeran, Clove, Coconut, Frangipani, Jasmine, Saffron, Salty Skin Accord, Sea Breeze
Base Notes: Amber, Woods, Musk, Opoponax, Patchouli, Sandalwood, Vanilla, Vetiver
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silverstagwitch · 2 years
How I Make and Use Cascarilla Powder
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Items Needed - x1 3inch Long cylinder chocolate bars mold (or any mold you like) -x24 eggshells -2 tbsp holy water -1 tbsp All-P Flour (optional) adds structure - pinch of salt
1. Remove yolks and membranes from the eggshells.
2. Clean well and let dry completely.
3. Grind to a fine powder with a mortar and pestle (grinding clockwise) or use a coffee grinder.
4. Store powder for later use
INSTRUCTIONS for Cascarilla
1. Add 1 part each of hot water, cascarilla powder, and flour.
2. Mix into a thick paste.
3. Mold the paste into the mold to make a chalk shape 4. Leave for several days until set and dry. USES of Cascarilla Cast Protective Circles Sprinkle around the home for protection Place on the windowsills to keep away nightmares Draw protective sigils Burn in incense Add to ritual baths All spells of Protection
*Note: Traditional cascarilla is made only from eggshells, but some people like to add herbs and oils for extra protection and magical properties.
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voodoocarving · 2 years
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Orula is the Orisha of divination and wisdom in the Pantheon of Yoruba religion. The witness of God (Olodumare) is when this, idea and built the universe. Orula knows the fate of all things and beings, as they originated as they are, and as completed. Receiving or in consultation with Orula, people can know their destination, both in the physical world, as the spiritual, know what are the difficulties that threaten him, and how to get rid of them through sacrifices, among other things. Orula communicates through divination with a Babalawo. They use either an epuele (divining chain) or ikines (kola nuts), and a wooden divining board covered in cascarilla (eggshell powder).  This and other my stuff you can find on my Etsy store    
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hallow-witxh · 2 years
Outdoor Protection Powder
If you want to protect your home, there are a variety of ways to do so. Runes, sigils, cleansing regularly, wards - but I feel like not many people realize that you can protect your home from the outside as well. This is my favorite protection powder to use.
What you'll need:
Spice grinder (Optional)
Shaker bottle
1/2 cup Cascarilla (Protection, blocks negative energies/non-corporeal energies)
4 tbsp salt (Cleansing)
3 tbsp rosemary (Protection, welcoming in good energies)
3 tbsp basil (Protection)
3 tbsp black pepper (Protection from evil, blocking negativity)
2-3 acorns (Power-boosting)
What you'll do:
Add all ingredients to a spice grinder and blitz until it's a fine powder. This is optional, but I do recommend it.
Funnel the powder into a shaker bottle, such as a repurposed herb bottle from the store.
Some of my recommended uses:
Sprinkle outside underneath windows and across doorways to block negativity and protect your home from evil entering.
Mix with a little moon water and use a thin paintbrush to draw small runes or sigils on the glass of windows to prevent evil from seeping in.
Mix a tablespoon or so into a gallon of moon water and pour the entire gallon onto your front porch. The moon water will carry the effect of the powder widely to create a protected place for you to hang out. It sounds silly, I know, but it's effective.
I hope this is helpful! As always, be safe, do your research, and blessed be, everyone.
Support your local witch on Ko-Fi or at my store, Hallow Grove!
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gyrrakavian · 6 months
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Text version below the cut.
Truth’s Tongue
Martial Weapon, Melee Weapon, Artifact (requires attunement)
3lb 1d8 slashing - versatile (1d10)
This longsword’s blade is plated with rosegold and resembles a tongue. It houses a strange spirit.
You gain a +3 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magic weapon. While attuned to this longsword you gain advantage on Wisdom saving throws against being charmed. While wielding this weapon in combat you cannot be frightened Attacks made with this weapon against fiends or fey are made with advantage. Attacks against Yugoloth’s deal an additional 1d4 damage.
Truth’s Tongue has the following additional properties:
Finesse. When wielded with one hand, this longsword has the finesse property.
Lie Detector. Any lie spoken within 20ft of the sword will cause the crystal in the blade to glow pale green.
Takes One to Know One. When attempting an insight check to detect deceit, the wielder can instead add their Deception modifier to the roll.
Questionable Company. Any fey or fiend within a 20ft radius will cause the crystal in the blade to glow pale orange.
Spellcasting. Truth’s Tongue has 12 charges that can be used to cast the following spells without components or using spell slots. Truth’s Tongue regains 2d6 spent charges at dawn.
Spell Level charges Comprehend Languages 1st 1 Zone of Truth 2nd 2 See Invisibility 2nd 2 Tongues 3rd 3 Speak with Dead 3rd 3 True Seeing 6th 6
Sentience. Truth’s Tongue houses the soul of the Arcanaloth known as Juhlebx. While Juhlebx‘s spirit is within it, Truth’s Tongue is a sentient weapon of Neutral Evil alignment, with an Intelligence of 20, Wisdom of 16, and Charisma of 17. It has hearing and truesight out to a range of 120 feet.
The weapon communicates telepathically with its wielder and can speak, read, and understand all languages.
Personality. At some point in their scheming at collecting knowledge and secrets, Juhlebx became obsessed with the nature of words and finding the ‘truest truth’. In doing so, Juhlbex chose to give up their bodily senses, insisting that they would be an impediment rather than an aid.
Juhlebx is utterly convinced that there is a philosophical, objective, inarguable truth. They will encourage and press whomever wields their sword to seek this truth. Conflict arises if the wielder refuses to further the weapon’s search for an objective truth or otherwise argues with Juhlebx about the existence of such a truth.
Juhlebx is as quarrelsome and petty as they were when they still had a body. If they disagree with the wielder on something, they will deny the wielder access to Truth’s Tongue‘s various abilities, up to everything beyond being a +3 magic weapon.
If the wielder is dishonest while attuned to Truth’s Tongue, Juhlebx will deal 1d6 psychic damage to them for each lie they tell.
If fighting a Yugoloth, especially a Greater Yugoloth, Juhlebx will attempt to possess whomever is attuned to Truth’s Tongue and try to extract whatever secrets they can from the Yugoloth through whatever means are available to them. The wielder does not have advantage on this DC 15 Wisdom saving throw.
A Bittersweet Root
Each day at dawn a 1d6 inche(es) length of gentiana root can be found wrapped around the handle if Truth’s Tongue is sheathed.
The sheath itself is carved from the branch of an angostura tree and is wrapped with cascarilla stems. The branch still has its bark after all this time.
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rollingcubana · 7 months
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crystalizedhealing · 7 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: PROTECTION | Cascarilla | 1x 0.40oz bag.
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plugchain · 1 year
Introducing the “PYUSD,” Unveiling PayPal’s Journey into Cryptocurrency
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On the evening of August 7th, the California-based payment company PayPal announced that it will launch a stablecoin named PayPal USD (PYUSD), making PayPal the first tech giant to issue a stablecoin. This news instantly ignited the entire cryptocurrency industry, as PayPal, with its user base of 430 million, introducing a stablecoin undoubtedly will greatly advance the integration of Web3 with traditional finance and the real world.
Reportedly, the stablecoin PayPal USD (PYUSD) will be issued by Paxos, a company that has previously collaborated with Binance to launch the USD-backed BUSD. In PayPal’s announcement, the official statement reads: “PayPal USD aims to reduce friction in payments in the virtual realm due to lack of experience, facilitate swift value transfer to support friends and family, remittances, or international payments, enabling direct flow to developers and creators, and promoting the continuous expansion of digital assets by the world’s largest brand. While most stablecoins are primarily used within the web3 environment, PayPal USD will be compatible with that ecosystem from day one and will soon be available on Venmo.”
It’s evident that PYUSD will be gradually introduced in the coming weeks, eligible US PayPal customers who purchase PYUSD will be able to transfer PYUSD between PayPal and compatible external wallets, conduct peer-to-peer payments using PYUSD, select PYUSD at checkout, and convert PayPal-supported cryptocurrencies to PayPal USD.
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The seemingly abrupt emergence of PYUSD is actually the result of years of strategic planning by PayPal.
As early as 2016, PayPal established a long-term partnership with Coinbase. In 2018, Coinbase enabled US customers to make instant withdrawals through PayPal. Last year, European Coinbase users were able to withdraw funds from their PayPal accounts, with Canadian users following suit.
At the beginning of 2020, insiders reported that following a brief collaboration with the Facebook-led Libra project the previous year, PayPal’s current focus was on expanding its payment expertise. Subsequently, PayPal released job openings to expand its new blockchain research team. PayPal’s Chief Technology Officer, Sri Shivananda, mentioned in an interview that the company wanted to “have its own perspective and understanding of blockchain technology and explore how it can help us create an open digital payment platform that can serve everyone.”
In June 2020, reports emerged that PayPal was planning to directly sell cryptocurrencies to its 325 million users. In October, Charles Cascarilla, Co-Founder and CEO of Paxos, announced that Paxos would support PayPal’s “new service,” allowing US users to directly purchase, hold, and sell crypto assets from their PayPal digital wallets.
In the same year, a research report from Japanese securities firm Mizuho Securities indicated that Bitcoin trading among PayPal users could potentially benefit the company’s stock price and projected a revenue increase of about 20% for the following year. The report raised the company’s stock target price from $270 to $290, while PayPal’s stock price at that time was $218. Meanwhile, Paxos announced securing $142 million in Series C funding from companies including PayPal.
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In February 2021, according to investor reports from PayPal, in the fourth quarter of 2020, PayPal added a net of 16 million active accounts and processed a total payment volume of $277 billion. Users who bought cryptocurrencies through the platform logged in twice as often as before their cryptocurrency purchases. This marked the first profitable period for the payment giant since introducing its cryptocurrency buying service at the end of the previous year. PayPal’s transaction revenue increased by approximately 12% in the fourth quarter of 2020 compared to the previous quarter, reaching $5.7 billion.
In March 2021, Reuters reported that PayPal would launch a cryptocurrency settlement service, allowing U.S. consumers to use their held cryptocurrencies to make payments to millions of online merchants worldwide. The following day, PayPal CEO Schulman purchased a pair of cowboy boots using Bitcoin through PayPal and recorded the purchase process, which was shared online. In April, Paxos announced completing a $300 million Series D funding round, with continued investment from PayPal.
In May, according to a report by The Block, PayPal officially considered launching a stablecoin. Insiders indicated that if PayPal were to issue a stablecoin, it would be more inclined to collaborate with third parties and had discussed stablecoin matters with several teams, including the Avalanche team. Prior to this, Bloomberg developer Steve Moser discovered relevant code related to PayPal exploring the creation of its own stablecoin within the PayPal iPhone application.
In April 2022, PayPal’s President and CEO, Schulman, emphasized during the company’s quarterly earnings call that digital wallets would play a critical role in PayPal’s future growth. He stated, “We need to double down on digital wallets. I believe that’s the future of the industry and the core of PayPal.”
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On-chain transaction records also confirm the above information: The current total supply of PYUSD is 26.9 million tokens. In November 2022, Paxos minted the first batch of 1.1 million PYUSD on the Ethereum network, followed by several small transfer tests. On February 1, 2023, another 26.4 million PYUSD were minted. On February 23, 25.5 million PYUSD were burned. On August 3, another 24.9 million PYUSD were minted.
In conclusion, despite PayPal’s involvement in the cryptocurrency space over the past few years, the official launch of their stablecoin remains a significant event in the development of cryptocurrencies. Stablecoins, as a convenient gateway to enter the crypto world, are often considered important tools for guiding cryptocurrency users.
Furthermore, the compliance journey of PYUSD seems to highlight the relaxation of regulatory policies in various countries and regions. After Singapore and Hong Kong reaped many benefits from embracing Web3, signs also indicate that the attitude of the U.S. political sphere is shifting towards embracing digital assets in step with the times: BlackRock applying for a Bitcoin ETF, a court ruling that XRP is not a security, and now PayPal issuing the stablecoin PYUSD. Changes in the regulatory environment often determine the fate of an industry.
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