#Magic powder
conjuremanj · 10 months
Cascarilla & Efun In Your Practice + Their Uses
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To day in this post I want to speak on spiritual Earth, things that are made from the earth like clay, shell, this form is used different ways. This chalk is an good tool to have in your practice.
It comes from the bark of the Croton elutaria tree that is found in the Caribbean and places like South America. Also is found in traditions of western Africa.
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The concept of of this is in all West African diasporic practices including Hoodoo, Vodun/Voodoo, Santeria, Candomblé, Umbanda, Palo, and others. The word 'efun' is Yoruba translates in english meaning ‘chalk.’ In the tradition like Candomblé, efun is a ritual to initiate’s where the head and body is shaved and then decorated with tribal circles or dots (as seen above) useing chalk that was made from white clay, eggshells, or limestone powder. Some practices even use it to make a cross on there arms or on the bottom of their feet before a ritual bath.
Cascarilla & Efun: Sacred White Earth. Over time after useing the bark, other African religions such as Santeria or even in hoodoo and others in the US started using crushed powder egg shells. These were easier to get.
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Cascarilla: ☝️Made from white eggshells, particularly from a Black Hen.
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Efun: ☝️Efun is a white chalk that is comprised of ground snail shell and white clay.
What's Are They Really Used For. It is used for a offering Butt NOT a food offering, but an offering to deities of White meaning a of high elevated energies. (God) for example. In Africa it would be to Obatala and other high level good energies.
It's used for magical writings, painting the body during rituals, and as a medicine. In the Bantu system you have 'zumbi' other African practices like Vodou uses Zombi. (Snake deity) Or the God in the Heavens and God on earth like Nyambe/Nzambe.
("A little fact the majority of the Bantu people like others in Africa were and still are Muslim and the small percentage Christian")
Cascarilla Powder: The can be sprinkle anywhere to ward off negative energy: your home, altar, bedroom & your body. Add it to your protection powder. It’s also good to used in bath & washes, even in your divinations. I can tell you it has many uses.
Cascarilla Chalk: It can be used to make sacred symbols, magickal sigils, or veve’s and definition. (Sigils used in different Vodun/Voodoo practices). Cascarilla chalk can also be used to mark boundaries for sacred space sites or decorate sacred items.
Modern Witchcraft Uses: the power of eggshell powder has become prominent among other traditions, including Wicca. However, most non-West African diasporic traditions refer to Cascarilla simply as eggshell powder.
For Cleaning: If you want to cleanse yourself, make a mix of Florida Water & Cascarilla for a simple yet effective spiritual bath simple yet effective. (You can also add dry ingredients to it) You can also add it to a premade floor wash like the Chinese wash.
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foodandfolklore · 8 months
That Secret Magic Ingredient
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For some people, doing kitchen magic just doesn't have the same impact vs something more glamorous. Crystals and candles and cauldrons and wands- all that looks and feels very Witchy from the start. But cooking...it's just so mundane. We've been cooking and eating our whole lives. It just doesn't feel special enough.
And while I prefer to encourage people to follow a path they are more drawn to, I'm aware Kitchen Witchcraft is a very useful path for those still "in the broom closet". You want ways to do magic without being noticed or exposed.
So I wanted to offer something I started doing as a way to add more magical energy on days I have low energy. It's a premade magic powder. Magic powders are common on many paths, as a way to add extra magical energy to a spell. They may also be used to ward areas. But not all transfer well into food, as some of the items used in magic powders are dangerous to consume. Glitter is commonly used.
While my magic powder is safe to eat, keep in mind of allergies. If you forget what's in the powder, don't use it for anyone who has allergies. This powder also works best in Savory foods, as it will not disrupt the flavor profile too much for most foods. I'm still figuring out a combo that works well in Sweet Foods, so let me know if interested.
1 Tbsp fine salt 1 tsp powder ginger 1 tsp Paprika 1 tsp ground celery seed 1/2 tsp garlic powder 1/2 tsp Oregano
Mix Together well in a small bowl or a mortar and pestle. Do this in a sunny place as solar energy can really help kick start the magic energy in your powder. Perhaps choose to sing an uplifting song or put on some music as you mix to ensure all energy going into the powder is positive. You may also wish to leave the powder in the sun to charge longer, or use other means to help charge. -Light an orange candle near by -Place the bowl of powder in another container of sunflower seeds -Rest a clean Crystal on the powder, like Citrine or Red Jasper. -Whatever feels right to you.
Once you feel your powder is well combined and charged, transfer it to an air tight container.
To use: Take a small pinch of the powder and add it to your food while cooking. The powder will help elevate the magical energy you already added to the food while making it.
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fierykitten2 · 1 year
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I can see ways this could be useful, but it may require Spriggie to learn some Dark-type moves or for Char to learn some Ghost-type moves (probably replace Tera Blast with a STAB move of the kind that is supereffective against the Psychic-type). That said, Cherry still knows Megahorn
Or at least it would be useful if I hadn’t used up my rematch against Ryme already
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dismas-n-dismay · 2 months
“They came back wrong” maybe they came back the way they needed to be.
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luckycl0ve · 16 days
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i just think that alongside teaching he'd be a coffee guy post-bg3
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goshyesvintageads · 27 days
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Carnation Milk Co, 1956
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mylittlestims · 5 months
just had a really stupid idea but what about a stimboard of that one walter white pony
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Here you go Anon, here's the Heisenbuck Stimboard
(X) (X) (X)
(X) (X) (X)
(X) (X) (X)
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samwisethewitch · 1 year
Two Banishing Powders from a Southern Folk Witch
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In Southern folk magic, the formula used for a banishing spell varies a little bit based on whether you want to banish an actual person (basically getting them to leave you alone) or a spirit/energy/abstract concept.
Banishing formulas for getting rid of living people tend to focus on causing irritation and discomfort to get someone to leave, which may be less effective if they don't have a physical body. Banishing formulas for spirits/energy are more about deep cleansing and making the space inhospitable for undesirable spirits. The herbs and minerals a practitioner might reach for are different in these two situations.
Below are two all-purpose banishing formulas from my practice: one for living people, and one for spirits.
GTFO Powder
For getting rid of unwanted (living) people.
You will need:
The spiciest red pepper flakes/powder you can find (If you like spicy food, use something so hot you can't eat it in large amounts. I like spice and I use Szechuan pepper flakes, but cayenne will work, especially if you know the person you want to banish doesn't like any spice at all in their food. Discomfort is the goal here.)
Black pepper (Used here to cause mild inconvenience/discomfort/bad luck)
Salt (Good, old fashioned banishing)
(Optional) dried, crumbled wasps nest*
(Optional) dirt from the side of a busy road or highway**
*This is actually much easier to find than you'd think, but be careful not to get stung! This is a traditional ingredient in Southern folk magic because wasps are known for how viciously they protect their homes. Fair warning: this is a mean ingredient (since its purpose is to cause pain/discomfort), so I'll leave it up to you whether to include it or not. If you're dealing with a stalking or abuse situation, wasps nest can give you the extra oomph you need to help keep the abuser from returning.
**Only include this if you're trying to make someone physically leave your space or relocate to a different geographical area. And PLEASE be careful collecting this dirt! My advice is to try to collect it during a less busy time of day and to stay several feet away from the actual road.
How to Use It:
When you mix up this powder, speak over it and state your intention. You can enchant this powder for all-purpose banishing, or you could mix up a batch to banish a specific person. Either way, it is important that you tell the powder what it is meant to do. I like to speak directly to the spirits in the powder and ask them for their help.
Traditionally, you would use this powder by sprinkling some in your target's shoes, but that isn't always possible. You can use it in poppet spells by adding it to the feet of the poppet for the same effect. You can also use it to dress candles, add it to jar spells, or incorporate it into other types of banishing spells. Warning: do not burn this powder, as it can cause irritation or injuries to the lungs.
If you need to get rid of a specific person, you'll want to customize the powder to only work on them. The easiest way to do this is with a taglock (an item that has a physical connection to the target). Some of their hair would be ideal, but you can also use a photo of them or even a piece of paper with their name and address written on it, like you were addressing a letter. You'll want to burn the taglock to ash, then mix this ash into the powder. Make sure you burn it outside, because the smoke will be unpleasant.
You can use this powder to keep someone away from your home or another building by sprinkling a line of it across all entrances to the building. If you do this, make sure you've customized the powder for that person with the method above -- otherwise you may accidentally banish ALL visitors.
Ghost-Be-Gone Powder
For getting rid of unwanted spirits or psychic energy. Can also be used to banish non-physical things, like an illness or a bad habit.
You will need:
Salt (Again, used here for good, old fashioned banishing)
Garlic (You know how garlic is supposed to repel vampires? That's basically what it's doing here.)
Rosemary (Used for cleansing and banishing)
(Optional) dirt from a church, temple, or other place of worship**
*Honestly, I've used asafoetida by itself for banishing and gotten really good results. This is definitely the Big Daddy of cleansing herbs in Southern folk magic. You can usually find this in international grocery stores or get it online for fairly cheap, and it's one of the few herbs I think are worth going out of your way to get. Warning: a lot of people complain about the smell of asafoetida, but it honestly just smells like a stronger, more pungent garlic to me so your mileage may vary.
**While dirt from a church is traditional, use something tied to a religion YOU believe in. If you aren't Christian, don't use church dirt. For myself, I might use dirt from the Wiccan temple near my home or from another pagan holy site. The point here is to call on your personal spiritual allies for help. If you are an atheist or agnostic, just leave the dirt out entirely.
How to Use It:
When you mix up this powder, speak over it and state your intention. You can enchant this powder for all-purpose banishing, or you could mix up a batch to banish a specific spirit. Either way, it is important that you tell the powder what it is meant to do. I like to speak directly to the spirits in the powder and ask them for their help.
To use this powder to remove a spirit from your home, use it to clean your floors. You can sprinkle it on the floor, let it sit for a few minutes, and then sweep or vacuum it up.
I don't recommend burning this powder as incense, but you can use it in spells. You can place a ring of it around the base of a black candle or add some to a jar spell, for example. You can also use this to cast a circle around your spellwork if you want to protect it from interference in the spiritual realm.
A Note on Cultural Appropriation
Every time I post some of the more folksy parts of my practice online, I get asked whether it's okay for others to use these spells. Specifically, people want to know if these spells come from a closed tradition or if they have to live in the South to use them.
The folk magic tradition I practice is not tied to any closed cultural practice. I will never post anything from a closed practice online. So yes, you can use these powders no matter who you are or where you are from. You don't have to live in the South or be from the South to practice Southern folk magic, but you will get more out of your practice if you have a connection to the region.
On a related note: some of y'all may have noticed that these powders are similar to formulas used in Hoodoo. The GTFO Powder specifically is very similar to Hotfoot Powder, which is used for a similar purpose in Hoodoo. Hoodoo is a semi-closed African-American tradition that is typically passed down in families or communities. When I post about my practice, I do occasionally get comments accusing me of appropriating from Hoodoo.
Here's the thing: my practice does have some overlap with Hoodoo, because I am in the same geographical region and part of the same regional culture that Hoodoo comes from. Over hundreds of years, ideas get exchanged across racial and cultural lines. Just like some elements of Hoodoo come from European traditions, some elements of white folk magic in the South come from African roots. It's not appropriation -- it's a natural result of living in multicultural communities.
All of this is just to say, what I do is not Hoodoo, but I think of my tradition and Hoodoo as cousins. There's some shared DNA, but also a lot of differences. How I do things might look similar to how a Hoodoo practitioner does them, but the theory or exact ritual process may be different.
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Hey, I saw your requests open, and I had a thought. What would the bachelors/Bachelorettes do if they saw Farmer trying to sneak in a love potion/powder (not drugs, just something from the wizard) into their drinks? I don't know much about all of them so I can't really imagine what they would do. Also, if they would punish the Farmer (not nsfw), what punishment would it be?
Oooo, drama :D Sure thing, dear anon! Enjoy some headcanons 🫰💕
(PS: My requests are currently closed for now. I'll open it again soon!)
SDV bachelors/ettes react to the Farmer trying to sneak in a love potion/powder
Hey, what's that Farmer doing there- What the heck!? Sam's kind of a prankster himself, but this is out of line, and putting some stuff in his Joja Coke wasn't cool on Farmer's part. It's not "love powder," it's clearly some kind of laxative or something. Not cool at all, man. The young guitarist will stop hanging out with them for a while and honestly announce to the others why he and Farmer are avoiding each other. But if they apologise and don't do that again, Sammy will forgive them. Probably.
Shane with a distinct "are you fucking for real?" emotion on his face sizzled Farmer with his stare. He may have understood their weirdness before, but this is one he doesn't understand and doesn't want to. So the chicken man just takes them by the collar and kicks them the heck out of Marnie's Ranch. No, he ain't gonna listen to their excuses and their 'mad love' for him or whatever other bullshit they got going on. Farmer is forbidden to be around him or Marnie and Jas, or else physical violence will be involved.
Outrageous! This is just... unacceptable! Such disrespect and disregard for his persona! Elliott considered them a decent friend, but Farmer decided to stab him in the back by putting an unknown substance in his wine! And these excuses... Love powder? It's- were they trying to slip him an aphrodisiac?! No, Elliott won't stand for that. Out of his house, now! Begone, he said! Before he starts shouting at them more! The written is definitely gonna have to rethink his opinion of Farmer.
"I hope it was cinnamon in my coffee." Harvey already knows it's far from cinnamon, but he was curious as to what excuse the Farmer would come up with. Actually, no need to bother, the doctor doesn't want to hear anything. What he does want now is for Farmer to leave the clinic and to close the door behind them. At their pleading words that they love him, Harvey raised an eyebrow sceptically. Love is built on mutual understanding and trust, not this. From now on, they would only have a patient-doctor relationship, nothing more.
What kind of sick joke is this? What the hell did the farmer slip Alex? What... energy tonic? Pfffff, yeah! Stop lying to him. He saw them pour the strange liquid into the bottle. And now the athlete is demanding an explanation. Really, "love potion"? Very funny. Alex isn't three years old enough to believe in magic and stuff. He tells the Farmer to get out of his face, cos with his muscles he's sure to win the fight. He doesn't even want to look in their direction.
And the day was starting out so well for Sebastian.... Just when he thought he was going to have a good time and play videogames with his friend, Farmer, they slip some kind of drug into his mug. He's not even angry, just... disappointed. Sebby will just stare at them in silence until Farmer finally leave his basement. Then he'll shut the door (so he doesn't have to explain to his mum and the others) and text Sam and Abby that hanging out with Farmer won't happen and they also should be careful. Wow, what a day, huh...
Leah would be in a pure rage, and Farmer could count themself lucky if the artist hit them in the face with just her fist. Because if she had sculpting tools or anything else sharp or heavy around her, Farmer would be in a hospital for a long time. Leah genuinely thought they were her friend, but they ended up being another creep, and the ginger girl would stay away from them as much as possible. There can be no talk of any love. Moreover, she is unlikely to ever consider them a friend again. The trust is broken.
A cold shoulder from Maru. Why the heck did the Farmer decide that this behaviour was ok!? Slipping her some psychotropic substance (she believes in science, so the phrase "magic powder" is tantamount to naming a drug or poison to her) in her coffee cup while she was busy with her flasks in the lab? Maru advises them to leave, for if she calls her mom and dad now, things will get much worse. She may accept their sincere apology in the future, but for now Maru wants to be alone, away from all this drama.
Abigail will be shouting at them at the top of her voice about what the heck and what the fuck! Are the passing residents now looking at them? That's right! Let everyone know what Farmer just wants to do. And she's not going to stop at Pelican Town alone, oh no. So if Farmer is active in social media, the amethyst lover will soon mention them in her post-calling about them and that they can't be trusted. It's not very mature response from Abby, but she's too angry to think twice. Love??? Fuck you, Farmer!
L- love powder? Emily can't believe her own ears. Friendship and love are supposed to be pure and true feelings, trust and respect for each other. Was their friendship not enough? Couldn't they understand the joy in sharing and not just taking everything for themselves? Emily is very disappointed in the Farmer. She will just start ignoring them and seek spiritual healing in meditation. She hopes the Farmer will apologise sincerely and realise their mistakes, but she will be very careful with them for now.
Now Penny is afraid of Farmer, because... what if this isn't the first time? Maybe they've slipped her something before, since Farmer was so sure of what they're doing, thinking the young teacher wouldn't notice them. But the spirits were not on Farmer's side and Penny saw it all. Now the poor girl is tormented by paranoia and fear of them. No need to try to chase her and apologise or she'll panic and call her mum. And Farmer certainly won't want to deal with Pam.
Farmer couldn't imagine Haley being capable of so morally destroying someone, but here we are. "Love potion", huh? So they want to "speed up" the lovemaking process? Now she'd show them the consequences of their stupid action. In addition to scratches from her fresh manicure, Farmer will get a huge public condemnation from all the bachelors and bachelorettes. So that inadvertently no one (especially her sister) falls into this trap. Oh, and she'll pour that potion over Farmer's head. Loser...
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terrence-silver · 8 months
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Love the inconsistency of Chozen miraculously being healed from what's effectively having his torso nearly split in half with a sword and yet Tory's hand is still bandaged from slamming her fist into a rock slab.
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mtg-cards-hourly · 3 days
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Ashen Powder
"What you call decay, I call ripening. You'll gain no sustenance from this harvest." —Kaervek
Artist: Geofrey Darrow TCG Player Link Scryfall Link EDHREC Link
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downfalldestiny · 1 month
Powdery snow dancing with the wind ❄️🌨️ !.
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guzhufuren · 2 months
bestie are you okay I saw you reblogged that pic a hundred times and was wondering if you just experienced a mental breakdown 🙃🙃
i have been experiencing highs of madness never seen before ever since they announced airing on june 30 but this one is what made me lose it all
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creaturefeaster · 1 month
is there a type of magic that can animate typically inanimate objects? like if someone enchanted an item or something could that item move from that enchantment?
Levitation & physical manipulation magic falls under blue magic, which is rhythmagic. That's the kind of magic Elliot studies, and it requires a good sense of rhythm and timing to keep a strong casting current.
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eddiepeaches · 4 months
sick home from work today with the worst cold I've had in a minute, pls feel free to send me asks with ideas for what little ed and stede could be doing <3 (all my previous asks are tagged here, I think I've responded with a lil drawing to all the ones I've seen)
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art-blog-stuff · 4 months
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I thought it would be a good idea to make a chart with all my designs lol so here !!
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