#this is just parental blessing they can now get married /j
hatsunevita · 4 months
if we don’t get a post-war moment of inko and bakugo talking by deku’s bed and inko asking bakugo to keep looking after her son cuz she knows katsuki’s the only one who can keep him safe, and bakugo agreeing and smiling with determination cuz there is literally no way he’s NOT gonna protect the nerd. if we don’t see a scene like that then horikoshi obviously just forgot to add it to the final draft because i know this WILL happen.
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benevolentcalamity · 2 years
Dragon (Maythyr) x Female!Reader [3/3]
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Now, I do believe Maythyr may be the husbando I wanted him to be, which makes me very happy. So as a special treat, you guys get the special third part! Now you can fuck him. :D
My special, loving regards to my dear friend Chelsea, without whom this would’ve never been remembered.
Warning: This fic contains smut, pregnancy, and references to parental alcoholism.
You remember it well, even moreso than the day you discovered him for the first time.
Maythyr had earned your father's respect and your mother's gentlehearted approval. Not just because of him clearly being a seasoned warrior, but his accolades through his time - some of them more ambiguous due to him being a dragon in disguise - as well as the good words of praise in the letters he brought. Those were surely just to stroke his own ego, but he had the knowledge of human societal customs to know he could walk the walk and provide proof of his footprints.
Now to be honest, your father is indeed the 'what you do to my daughter, I do to you' kind, which may also be why you would have men lined out the door for you if not for him. Then again that's likely so that anybody that can get past him is worthy of even breathing your air... Which is a fair improvement when he's been drinking.
After a hearty dinner with them, during which Maythyr spoke - rather happily in fact - of his recent campaign in the north. Luckily for him his armor implied what his words did not: he was from the northern kingdoms, defending them. He would go on to whisper to you that he was actually just usurping them, but he didn't have it in him to displease your parents in such a way or give them cause for concern.
Once all was said and done, he knelt before your parents - something he himself said he'd only ever do for you - and asked for your hand in marriage. After a bombarding of questions that would make the most patient of sages enraged, he received their blessing.
At first, you have admitted it confused you. By all rights, Maythyr didn't have to - he could've just swooped you up and gotten you the easy way. But in his words, the easy way was doing it 'properly' to minimize the amount of people that would be upset with him down to the boys that would chase your hips if you weren't careful. And besides, to just do that would undo all the hard work he put in to ‘appear’... well, human.
So to the village itself, he is a living legend. To you, he’s the Dragon God of War.
Now that the recap is just about over, the little extra pages that don’t mean anything will be flipped to this current moment.
The ceremony was planned admittedly quickly, as Maythyr agreed to marry you in the village. Not to say he had plans of taking you elsewhere far away - he did, you know, he just doesn’t mention it - but it wouldn’t be fair for him to have received their blessing and not witnessed the two of you together. It’s the sort of thing that kills a dragon inside, but according to him it stopped being the sort of thing that bothers him centuries ago. Actually he said decades, but you humor him.
So you’re standing here, in a white gown, as your mother gives the final touches on your hair.
“And not to worry, sweetheart,” She softly assures, tucking some stray strands back into your ‘do. “I’ll make sure [dad’s name] doesn’t drink too much.”
“I am concerned, mom, that he’s been drinking too much lately,” You frown. “It’s one thing to have some ale to take the anxious edge off, but to drink almost a full pint every couple days...”
“Believe me, it worries me as well.” She sweetly kisses your cheek. “But not to worry, Malcolm-” the village elder- “and the others will be watching him carefully.”
It is true. Your dad’s a very cheery drunk, it’s true, but he’s long forgotten what it’s like to be clearheaded and sober. When last you asked when he’d been sober, he simply pulled you into a hug and said you had beautiful eyes. Either he had no idea what you asked him, or he did know and just decided not to burden you with the truth. Whatever it is, it’ll eventually tear this family apart.
But for now, you’ll be assured everyone will make sure he’s not as drunk. Though you are brought back from those concerns when she softly nudges your arm.
“You just concentrate on Maythyr. Today is the day for both of you - nothing else matters, alright?” She finishes straightening everything out. “I’m so proud right now... My baby’s found someone!” Now it’s your turn to prevent the waterworks. “No, no... Sorry, I lost myself for a moment. Are you ready?”
You smile.
“Let’s do this.”
Now, considering this is a mountain village, it would be forgiven - expected, even - to not have a simple chapel. However, you lot are lucky, considering a few clergymen became a congregation, and finally with the help of donations one was erected. A huge one was unwanted, unnecessary, and so it’s a quaint building with the stained glass and angelic statues to signify the love you all poured into it. The presence of God is strong there.
Once you’re at the doors, that’s when dad hurries over. You sigh in admitted relief upon seeing his skin crystal clear and not a stagger in his step.
“Thanks, dad,” You say softly as he loops your hand into his arm, to which he gives a squeeze.
“I’m not missing a day like this,” He replies, kissing the side of your head - and undoing some of your mom’s handiwork. “Oops.”
“He won’t notice some stray hairs,” You chuckle. “... Alright, let’s do this.”
As if on cue, the doors open with a resounding, somewhat elegant ‘creak’. Rows of people dressed to the nines stand up, making a perfect aisle. Swallowing, you walk in perfect tandem with your father, nodding at some of the happy faces so that your frayed nerves will begin to calm down.
Once you look up again, there’s a breathtaking sight.
Maythyr’s abandoned his armor. Instead some deep black and white flowing robes teasing his chest a bit - you would swoon if he wasn’t wearing pants - blow in the faint breezes. His hair pouring down his back as the mountain streams, he looks right out of a fantasy novel from once upon a time. Sharply lined sapphire eyes crinkle in unfiltered happiness at the sight of you.
Wordlessly dad kisses your cheek, passing your hand to Maythyr’s awaiting one, and you stand opposite your dragon. With his touch, cradling your hands with utter delicacy, your troubles and anxieties melt to the wind, and for a moment you don’t even register anymore the music being played at the far side.
“I bid you all welcome,” The pastor greets. “We are gathered here today to witness and celebrate one of life’s greatest moments, which shall unite [Name] [Last Name] and Knight Maythyr-” Oh, that’s right, Maythyr neglected a last name- “in matrimony.”
Blinking, you note some figures outside each window, and lean in, which Maythyr reciprocates as the pastor continues. “Maythyr, do you know them?” You whisper.
He nods, keeping his voice down. “They are my fellows.” A wink; they’re dragons too. “I gathered them during my campaign, and about commanded them to bear witness and protect us.”
“Us, you mean... well, myself,” You chortle, and it only gets worse when he chuckles in affirmation. “You do think of everything.”
“To be expected from a god of war such as I, my dear.” He sneaks a tap to your nose. “I’m more marvelous than you think.”
“Try me,” You smile, earning a suggestive smirk before you straighten your backs in unison, continuing to listen to the sermon.
“-And who choose to spend the rest of their lives together.” The pastor looks between you two with a playful scolding look. “This ceremony does not birth a new relationship between the pair of you, nor are old ties forgotten and cast into nothingness. Rather, it is the binding of your two hearts, two souls, that your love may become whole, overcoming every trial and obstacle life shall bring, and join you as one in the eyes of the gods.”
“Alvis!” A hushed voice from the dark corners by the door perks up your ears. “You idiot! That’s your cue!”
Chortling, you watch as a scarlet haired man, clearly a bit boggled, elegantly steps through the aisle, a pillow in his hands. For a moment he gives Maythyr an annoyed glance completely ignored, long ears twitching as he hands the pillow to the pastor, whom unfolds the fabric atop it. Once his work is done he retreats behind Maythyr, folding his hands before his stomach.
... Ah?
Maythyr taps your one hand in reply - a message that he will explain later - before having to break from you to receive one of the rings. It’s a fine iron, as opposed to the traditional gold. To you it means more, for reasons you’ll find words for soon, and to Maythyr it’s a symbolism of your silent, pure, and true acceptance of his being a dragon. It melts his prideful countenance, if for a moment, and clearly he’s having to restrain himself from kissing you right there.
Not yet.
“Maythyr, if you would put this ring on [Name]’s finger and repeat after me.” Maythyr follows the pastor’s instructions, slipping your ring on and clasping that hand in both of his. “I, Maythyr, do eternally swear.”
“I, Maythyr, do eternally swear.”
“That I shall take thee as my wife.”
“That I shall take thee as my wife.”
“To have and to hold.”
“To have and to hold.”
“Through sickness and in health.”
“Through sickness and in health.” His adam’s apple bounces with a restrained chortle of irony, which you respond to with narrowing your eyes playfully.
“I will give to you my hand and my heart.”
“I will give to you my hand and my heart.”
“T’il death do us part.”
“T’il death do us part.”
You hear mom choking up beside you in the front, but then you’re taken from the sound by the pastor handing you the other ring.
“[Name], if you would put this ring on Maythyr’s finger and repeat after me.”
You nod, slipping the ring onto his finger, clasping his hand in both of yours this time. Man, you feel so small.
“I, [Name], do eternally swear.”
“I, [Name], do eternally swear.”
“That I shall take thee as my husband.”
“That I shall take thee as my husband.”
“To have and to hold.”
“To have and to hold.”
“Through sickness and in health.”
“Through sickness and in health.”
“I will give to you my hand and my heart.”
“I will give to you my hand and my heart.”
“T’il death do us part.”
“T’il death do us part.”
Turning pink, you allow Maythyr to return your hands into comfortably resting inside his, and the sun slowly lights up the room more and more.
“If anyone has just cause for these two not to be joined in union...” The pastor’s voice turns a bit low. “Speak now, or forever hold your peace.”
Nervously, you turn your eyes to the congregation. Your blood runs cold, if for a moment, when dad’s hands twitch ever so slightly. As if noticing your worries, he meets your eyes, giving you a reassuring smile. Simpering, you return your attention to Maythyr, and he gives your hands a soft squeeze.
“Well, then.” The pastor’s voice is jovial once more. “By the power vested in me, I declare [Name] and Maythyr husband and wife.” He then smiles. “Kiss your bride, Maythyr.”
Without the slightest hesitation, Maythyr reaches up to cup your face, pulling you into a deep kiss. There’s cheering, there’s clapping, even some whistling going on, but you don’t care. Deep inside, there’s a stirring feeling, perhaps even a liberating one; like your soul is being warmed by a gentle fire. There’s also a sensation like something kind of poking you, but you choose to ignore that one.
At last... at long last, you’ll be together now.
Now this is you we’re talking about - there is no way you, a beloved part of this village, aren’t getting an absolute party  for your wedding. Matter of fact, Maythyr too was all about it, and so before you knew it there were lanterns, song, and dance lighting up the fading dusk. Not to mention the delicious food lining every corner of the venue - even the not-that-hidden dragons Maythyr invited are digging it.
One leg a bit sore from your one dance with your dad, you watch from the punch line - Grizelda’s secret - as he downs his first drink, in the general view of the village elders as promised. Well, at least he’ll be supervised...
A pair of arms loops around your waist, and you smile, reassured, leaning back into Maythyr’s chest.
“I’ll say one thing,” He murmurs, sending chills down your back. “You humans very much know how to throw a party.”
You chortle. “What, dragons don’t dance?” You tease, nudging his arm.
“Our only ‘dance’ is in combat, love.” He gives your ear a nip. “... Elsewhere, too.” The connotations aren’t unnoticed.
Biting your lip, you tilt your head back to meet his eyes properly, him softly toying with the stray strands of hair. “Maythyr.”
“Mmm?” He nuzzles the side of your head.
“My parents must be allowed to see us,” You mention. “I know you don’t like visitors, but... I don’t want to lose my family.”
“... Very well.” He’s a bit begrudging - the generic nature of a dragon being possessive - but his voice doesn’t express it that well. You can detect it all the same. “You are my treasure, but more importantly you are my mate; consider your wishes mine as well.”
You flutter inside, smiling a bit. “And our children, too... How many kids do you want, Maythyr?”
“Oh, by the gods-!” You playfully smack his forearm, to which he pulls your cheek, the two of you erupting in fits of laughter as his other hand goes and tickles your belly for a moment.
“Come, now.” He starts leading you back towards the party. “If you’re not at all spent, I think it’s time they learned how to dip.”
The both of you look, and your dad is stumbling over, tanker in hand, giving your new husband some kind of eye. A stinkeye? Can he even give those when he’s almost drunk as all fuck?
At the flick of a wrist, Maythyr readopts the cordial nature he greeted him with when he came back to get you when he promised to. With a smile, the natural growl in his voice is turned way low, and he again appears human even to you for a moment.
“Hello, father,” He greets. “Ah, it is okay to call you father, right?”
“Yes...” Dad drawls. “But you better understand one thing.”
Maythyr crosses his arms, tilting his head feigning an innocent stare.
“What you do to my daughter...” As he swigs his tanker, you notice people keeping their eyes on him. “I do to you.”
Worriedly, you look towards Maythyr, and-
Flip-flopping from his innocent expression, his lips stretch into a smile too big for his face, narrowing his eyes and raising his eyebrows before wiggling them. A provocative, suggestive expression, indeed. One that double dog dares your dad to live up to it. An amused snort-hum leaves him, almost leaking fire, but dad’s already so drunk he wouldn’t be able to tell.
Realizing how Maythyr had silently twisted his words, a cold sweat perspires from dad’s face, and he starts stammering in an attempt to backtrack so his new son will stop looking at him like that. He’s drowned out, promptly, by the howling laughter of whoever could understand what was going on. Leaving the kids attending in the dark, the lot of you seemingly reignite the party, and the dancing continues as old Malcom leads dad away to sober up or throw up - one of the two.
“And just so you know,” You remember Maythyr whispering once it’s time for the lanterns to go out, having slipped you into the shadows to steal a kiss. “There’s only one thing dragons are better at than fighting. Do you dare to hazard a guess?”
You grinned.
“You’re on.
The palace in Arktikania, where the snow masks rotting kills and the howling wind carries song but mutes screams and moans. Dragons under Maythyr’s command as their god of war fly to and fro, fresh from reconnaissance or campaigning. But none dare disturb the palace’s uppermost rooms apart from the throne at the apex.
Why? Well...
“Hnnhhh...” Maythyr purrs, massaging the soft skin of your breasts. “Such a good girl...” Pulling one into his mouth, he sucks hungrily, watching your reactions as you struggle to keep balanced.
The proper answer to Maythyr’s question is on full display. After some non-permanent goodbyes, he took you up here to give you a proper wedding consummation. At least, that was kind of his words - his actual words were a whoooole lot hungrier. Not that they bear repeating, mostly because it’s the sort of thing he rather stay with you.
Both hands tangling into his hair, you arch your back a bit, feeling his other hand slipping down between your legs. Your naked body is protected from the climate by the insulating fabrics that curtain the bed. It’s by no means a small one, considering he also likes sleeping as his dragon self still, so there’s plenty of room for these little games. And being a creature known for being able to rage on for years if they must, well... you’ll be feeling this one when it ends. If you even want it to.
“Maythyr... Ah...” You moan, your head lolling back a bit as you feel his fingers slip into your folds. Wasting no time ‘hooking’ you in with one, his hips grind up into your legs, his lips curling into a smile whilst sucking.
All too soon he breaks from you, lifting you up and plopping you onto your back with ease. Just as you think to complain he lifts your hips, looping his arms around your thighs and pressing them against his ears. An uneven gasp rips from you as his forked tongue laps up your wetness.
“Gh-ah! M-Maythyr-!” You squeak, hands flying back towards his hair.
Like an answer to your prayers, he fully presses his face into your arousal, tongue sliding inside you with ease. Arching into him, your grip on his hair tightens, only seeming to egg him on. As though wanting to see how far you can go his pace quickens, and outside you he nips and sucks where he is able. Every nook and vein is licked and sucked with ravenous greed, and only when he opens his eyes once more and meets your pleading stare do you realize he intends to do more than just absolutely nail you.
An almost devilish grin cements this, before he plasters himself to you once more, going full-force inside you. The tips of his tongue about wrap around your sweet spot, wriggling it until a pulsing inferno bubbles in your hips. Your vision is flooding with the very stars, and your breath is wrenched from you as your heat begins to clamp down and pulsate around him.
“A... Aahh... Ah...!” You let out, before finally your orgasm takes hold. “Aaaaahhh!”
His tongue pulls out, but like a drunkard he’s gulping down all the ambrosia seeping from your trembling pussy, savoring it like a fine wine. Once you’ve given all you’re able right now, he lowers your hips once more,  moving upwards so he can kiss you. Not caring that you can taste yourself on him, you allow your tongue to be wrapped up and played with, his hands holding your head and hips grinding into yours.
Eventually, he pulls away, moving down and nipping at your neck. “I just can’t get enough of you, treasure...” He purrs, both hands caressing your breasts. “Mmm... You’re so warm, my dear... And wet.” He chuckles. “You’re so eager to be this dragon’s prize, aren’t you?”
Sitting up, he spreads your legs widely, nipping at your ankles. Unrestrained, he stares hungrily at the visible clenching.
Finally, you can bear it no longer. “P-please...” You whimper.
He snickers, nibbling at your shins. “Please what, lovely?”
Unsure if you can even hang onto your dignity at this rate, you plead, “Please, Maythyr-! Fuck me!”
His smile doesn’t falter, instead dripping with a beast no longer to be restrained. “Good girl.” Leaning forward, he pushes your knees up to your chest, hovering  so his cock teases your heat. Biting his lip in concentration - by the gods if that isn’t the sexiest thing he does - he loops his arms through your shoulders, parting his thighs to better split your legs.
Wanting to savor this, he nips your lips as he pushes inside, rumbling deep in his chest as his cock effortlessly melds into you. Moving one hand to your belly he rubs the resulting bulge with a chuckle. Once the discomfort fades, you nod, and almost abandoning restraint he’s pumping in and out of you, as if intending to mold you into his cock’s shape.
“Ahhh... Ahh... Aaaah!” You moan, arching up into him as your hands claw at his back. “M-Maythyr-! Aaah!” Stars only begin glittering your vision when he pulls your legs up into his arms, pushing your hips up so he can get even deeper. With each thrust pounding every good spot you’re left mewling, crying out, thankful for every protection around you two. He won’t care about you screaming his name into the arctic winds - matter of fact he’d aim for it. But right now, he’d rather just have this.
“Nngh...” He grunts. “Heh, if I knew you were this good, I’d have figured out a human form the first time you came to me in the mountain.”
You can’t even answer him; any attempt at words just comes out as a squeal or a moan - which he is definitely doing on purpose. After all, he did promise you the night of your life... And it’s hardly past midnight-!
“A-ah?” Something feels different.
Opening your eyes, you watch as Maythyr... shifts, kind of. His black scales become more prominent on his neck and cheeks, eyes more serpentine like his full dragon form. Inside you his cock grows larger, even seeming to change its shape a bit, and you squeak, walls clamping down and pulsing around it. The base of his shapeshifted cock swells, like a bubble, squeezing against your pussy hungrily.
Swallowing, you dare look down, and-
“Oh, by the gods...” You swoon. “M-Maythyr, you’re knotted-!”
“I know...” He groans, pushing it against you impatiently. “... Can you take it all?”
Not even hesitating, you have your legs in a higher position, ready and willing without taking anything else into account. You don’t care how sore you get or how your body has to contort; you need all of his cock. Right now.
“Give  it to me...” You quiver as he begins thrusting again. “Please...”
He leans down, licking up your neck to your jaw. “Very well... My sweet, good girl, I’ll pump you so full you won’t be able to walk for until our babies are born.”
And without a shadow of hesitation he does just that. Every thrust of his cock, his knot squeezes ever so much more, wanting to be inside you. The way your nails scratch the hardened skin of his back eggs him on, perspiration shining his face as his cock nails you until you’re seeing stars. Only occasionally does he swallow your screams with his tongue, which you respond to by desperately clutching his head.
Fuuuck... You moan as your own tongue is subdued and wrapped up, feeling the bubbling heat in your hips once again...
“I-I’m going to...” You breathe, and- “A-AAAAH!”
Almost unceremoniously, the knot pops right inside you, and that’s when Maythyr is at last at the apex. Much like he would as his fully shifted self, he throws his head back, roaring a mighty roar, and before you know it he’s cumming once; twice; a whopping six times with a driving thrust. Even then there’s still more coming out of him, the knot emptying shamelessly into your womb.
Arching, your orgasm has the combined fluids flooding down your skin and to the bed, hanging onto Maythyr as though you’ll die if you let go of him. When at last the tremors of orgasm cease, and the knot is emptied, the both of you collapse.
Falling down behind you, he wraps you up in his arms as his body is once again fully human. Nuzzling into your back, he’s too fatigued for a witty comment or even some risque implication of the morning’s activities. Instead, he’s silent for a moment, caressing your body delicately and embracing you, peppering your skin with kisses.
Nudging you so you open your eyes, he hovers over you a bit, both hands interlocked under your back. “Are you alright? Are you hurt?”
Barely mustering the strength, you nod, reaching up with trembling fingers and caressing the apple of his mocha cheek. Snorting with palpable adoration, he catches your hand in his, kissing the heel and nipping a bit at your wrist.
That’s when you see the same expression he gave on your wedding. A gentle, endearing smile meant only for you, the only proof of his softness.
“... I love you,” He murmurs, lowering down to kiss your lips. “Ah... By the gods, I love you...”
The blizzard outside is silent once more.
Beyond thankful that you still are able to, you’re whiling away the quiet hours with your lyre. You’ve gotten so big you can hardly move, what with the babies seeming to multiply in your belly. Nevermind a bowl or a plate, an entire banquet could fit on it, which is a joke you’ve made many a time every meal you share with your husband.
Speaking of him, he yawns, readjusting so his wing continues to shield you as his tail locks it in place. Chortling, you crane your neck to look at him properly, his one eye peeking open once he senses your gaze.
“How are you feeling, love?” He asks, to which you smile.
“I feel like I could pop any day now, honestly, but even I know it won’t be for a time... As much as it looks like it.” Your fingers don’t even miss a string; you suppose you’re still as adept as ever.
“And that is why I’ve sent Alvis to the west in my stead.” The redhead from the wedding; one of his most trusted war generals. “I do not care the severity of matters overseas - t’is my duty as a husband and a father to be here.”
Your smile only grows. “You’ll be a good one, I’m sure.”
“Yes, I will be. And with a treasure like you as my wife and their mother... Hah, they will be this world’s greatest beings.” And there is that classic Maythyr confidence, along with a puff of his soft chest.
“Speaking of, what names should we give them?” You tilt your head. “You haven’t forgotten about that, right?”
“Of course not. Hmmm... Why not a girl’s name, first? Make that a few. I think... Valka, Lymeria, Rosarion... Yorshka?”
“Those are lovely, Maythyr. And for a boy... Hmmm... Tyr, Egil, Ragarruss?”
“Wonderful.” He moves his head so he can nuzzle you, only slightly obstructing your music. “We’ll revisit the storybooks you love so much when next you feel like walking, we’ll have an entire list then. For now, is there anything you need, or you would like? Are you hungry?”
Simpering, you lean back into his belly, the warmth helping you to relax your back. “Hmmm... I have missed mama’s chocolate cake these days.”
His head snaps back with a laugh, and along a warm snort he nuzzles you once more. “Very well.”
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motownfiction · 29 days
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Emma tries not to read into it when Paul comes back from Orlando, and she’s the first person he wants to see back at home.
She scurries out the door to meet him at his apartment. She’d get out of there faster if her mother wasn’t walking up to the door with that disapproving look in her eye.
“Where are you going so fast?” Lucy asks.
“Out,” Emma says.
“You never go out.”
“I go out. I meet up with Daisy.”
“Daisy’s not in the city.”
“Why are you keeping tabs on my best friend?”
“I love her. We text.”
Emma rolls her eyes. She tries to get past Lucy, but even in her fifties, Lucy hasn’t lost a bit of her speed (mental or physical).
“You’re really not getting this, are you?” Lucy asks.
“I guess not.”
“I want to know where you’re going!”
“Why? I’m twenty-six. I don’t even live here. I’m just hanging out because my apartment is boring, and you have better food.”
“Because I’m an old woman! I don’t have fun. I don’t hear gossip that anyone wants to hear. Forgive me if I’m curious about the comings and goings of my youngest daughter’s life.”
“Way more goings than comings. I’ll tell you that.”
“Ah, then you’re doing it wrong.”
“Who says it’s me?”
Lucy stifles a laugh. There’d be no doubt in anyone’s mind that Emma is her daughter. She has the very same blessings (and the very same curses).
Emma sighs.
“If you really must know,” she says, “Paul’s back from his conference in Florida, and he invited me over.”
Lucy makes exactly the face that Emma was trying to avoid. A mixture of disappointment and confusion. Great.
“Don’t give me that,” Emma says.
“Why not?” Lucy asks. “You’re the one rushing to see a boy.”
“A man.”
“Emma. He has a Lego Bat Signal mounted on his bedroom wall. He’s a boy.”
“Well, I think it’s charming. And besides, what does it matter if I’m excited to see him? You got married to a boy when you were sixteen.”
“That was different. I was pregnant, and I was madly in love with your father. You’re not madly in love with this Paul guy.”
Emma looks down at her shoes.
“Emma,” Lucy says. “You’re not in love with him.”
The conversation tapers off after that. There’s not much you can say when your mother insists you don’t feel the way you know you do. Emma mutters an awkward goodbye and makes her way to the apartment she knows pretty well.
When she knocks on the door, Paul doesn’t answer. It’s Mack (short for Malcolm, which is usually how he introduces himself). Paul’s roommate, going into his third year of a Ph.D. in English. He’s a postmodern scholar who has, on more than one occasion, joked that Ignatius J. Reilly is his best friend. No offense to Paul, of course, whom he’s known since middle school. No offense to him at all.
He stands in the doorway with a bright orange popsicle in his hand, grinning even with his eyes behind Buddy Holly frames. Urban Outfitters fell out of fashion a long time ago, but nobody ever told Mack. He’s taller than Paul, a bit over six feet, and his thick, dark hair makes him closer to classically handsome. At least, that’s how Paul describes him when he’s feeling insecure (which is way more often than he’d be willing to admit on a normal day).
“Hey, Riff,” Mack says.
“I hate when you call me that,” Emma says.
“Hey, don’t blame me. Blame your parents for middle naming you Jett.”
“So, why do you call me Riff when there are so many other things you could call me?”
“Like what?”
“You could call me Ice. Numbers. Tony. Hell, you could call me Joan. That’s how the Jett in my name is spelled, anyway. Two T’s.”
“Nah. I like Riff. There’s something real Russ Tamblyn-y about your dad.”
“Whom you met once.”
“Yeah, and he was Russ Tamblyn-y. Next.”
“Just let me in, Mack.”
Without taking his eyes off her, Mack yells to Paul at the back of the apartment.
Emma’s heart jumps when she hears Paul’s voice in person. How long has it been? Two weeks? Three? She hates it when he’s not around, but now, he’s right here! Her face flushes.
“I think your friend Riff is a vampire.”
“What makes you say that?”
His voice gets closer, and then, he’s at the door. He’s at the door! Emma swallows hard to keep from giggling like a little girl. He’s wearing a navy t-shirt and a pair of shorts. Typical look for the summer. Very plain. She likes it when he’s plain. Makes him feel … feel.
“Well, she asked me to invite her in,” Mack says. “I can only assume that means she needs permission, and I can only assume she wants to suck our blood.”
Emma rolls her eyes. Thankfully, Paul is chuckling.
“Come on,” he says. “Even if she’s a vampire, I want to see her. Emma, come in.”
When she walks through the door, she’s not sure how she should greet Paul. She wants to kiss him, throw her arms around his neck, tell him how much she’s missed him lately. But she can’t do any of that. Not in front of Mack, and not ever, at all. She opts for an awkward wave from across the room, almost like they’ve never met.
“Hi,” she says.
“Hey,” he says. “It’s really good to see you.”
She hopes she’s not blushing too much.
A few seconds later, Mack walks by with a red popsicle, just for Emma. She flips her stare between the popsicle and Mack for a few seconds before he explains.
“Thought this might give you the visual of sucking blood,” he says. “Although, maybe you’d like to suck the blood out of something else.”
Emma takes a long, long drag on the red popsicle. Cherry. Perfect.
She slips it out of her mouth and narrows her gaze.
“This’ll do,” she says. “For now.”
Mack laughs and wanders out of the living room, muttering something under his breath about being outsmarted. Emma turns back to Paul, grinning from ear to ear, damn near glittering like he does whenever he laughs.
“So, that was weird,” she says.
But judging by the panicked look on Paul’s sweet face, maybe it wasn’t weird after all. Maybe it was exactly what he had been expecting.
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cmcsmen · 1 year
Your Role As A Catholic Husband And Father
By Frank J Casella
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While growing up my Father often said to me “You’re a Casella, and Casella’s don’t do that”.  He was referring to how our words and actions create the identity of our name. In my hometown the 'Casella' family has a great reputation, now three generations deep. 
Guy's, as Catholic men, we are given the responsibility to define what our (family) Name means for this generation. Because it is your name, as the husband and father, that your family is given. And, yes, the positive adjustments you make can have an impact three generations deep. So it is best that your family works to make it in life as a Man or Woman of God, not something else? 
Men, we all make mistakes, and thus we need to example to our kids how to clean it up like spilled milk and move on. As the saying goes, 'the fastest way to success, is to replace bad habits with good habits'. Our job is to balance out what Mom says, because there is something about the voice of Dad that determines in our kids the image they see of themselves as a person and member of society ... and how they can see God as their Father.  
Studies tell us that Dads determine the church habits of their children and thus to a significant degree their eternal destiny.  According to one study, if a father doesnʼt go to church no matter how faithful the mother is, only one child in fifty will become regular church goers. And I might add that in our present culture our (adult) kids might go to church online. 
We see in the Book of Deuteronomy how important it is for fathers to pass on the Faith in a visible way. Teaching the commands of our Lord to them should be second nature to us:
“Teach them to your children, talking about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up” (Deuteronomy 11:19). 
Many people believe the first role of a man, husband, and father is to provide and protect the family.  However, our Catechism teaches our main role is to be a parent and to get our family to Heaven. 
“The domestic church is a miniature community, united by blood and spiritual bonds … The family as a domestic church is the primary cell of the Christian community, because it possesses the three principal ministries of the Universal Church: sharing the Good News, praying, and witnessing with one’s life. This means that the parents are the first evangelizers and educators of their children. The family is a community of prayer, conversing with God in everyday life, and as it builds new relationships grounded in evangelical love, the family is called to become a school of social solidarity” (CUCC 654. 656).
In other words, a Father has the power to pass on blessings or curses to his wife and family. In order to be a blessing, though, we as men must first be open to receiving the blessings. Likewise, the reason I believe that God has his hands on America is that America from its founding has been Christian and pro-Israel.
Genesis 48:15-16 shows how blessing are spoken by Fathers:
15 Then he blessed them with these words:
“May the God in whose presence
my fathers Abraham and Isaac walked,
The God who has been my shepherd
from my birth to this day,c
16 The angel who has delivered me from all harm,
bless these boys
That in them my name be recalled,
and the names of my fathers, Abraham and Isaac,
And they may become teeming multitudes
upon the earth!”
Husbands, we shape the image of our wife by what and how we speak to her. Daughters will marry someone who disrespects her because our actions as her Father (to her Mother) illustrate to her this is how life works.  Likewise, when we speak positive encouragement to our daughters about who she is as a person and a women, it gives her more confidence to be more than just a pretty face to men. Men, it's important to speak to our kids about their future by painting for them a picture of success, from God's perspective.
The relationships of parents greatly affects the psyche of our kids. Kids need to see us men hold our wife and kiss her in appropriate ways. Likewise, our sons and daughters need to have from us hugs and meaningful touches of affection otherwise they view us as authoritative. Although roles can overlap, Moms do the nurturing, but it is Dad who provides respect and stability in our kids by setting the mission for the family, not always long conversations but, little snippets of (Godly) wisdom.
Guys!  As the father and husband, and priest of our house, we are to example and speak to our family about identity and what it means to be a (insert your Last Name here) ___________.  Commit to correcting their path, and be patient for them to follow, as God is with us. God uses the broken experiences of our lives to turn it into His glory, if we are open to letting Him.
Receive these blessings and pass it on. You only fail when you give up.
Find encouragement from 'Bishop Perry’s Virtues of a Catholic Man', download it here.
Virtues of a Catholic Man
A Catholic man has some sense of what or whom he would die for if necessary.
A Catholic man passes his faith to his children and sees to their religious education.
A Catholic man informs himself about his faith, reads Scripture, select Catholic literature, and studies the Catechism of the Catholic Church.
A Catholic man insures that there are sacred symbols in his household, such as, a crucifix(es), Bible, use of sacramentals such as the Advent wreath, Christmas cre`che, etc.
A Catholic man leads prayer in his household at significant domestic events, such as, birth, Baptism, graduation, marriage, illness, death, and other special meals and events with use of a passage from Scripture or other Catholic sources.
A Catholic man practices presence with his wife and children.
A Catholic man invests himself in some project or apostolate at the parish or diocesan level.
A catholic man is faithful to his wife, his children, his Church and his friends, indeed all his commitments
Click here to download (PDF)
© Bishop Joseph N. Perry
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manikas-whims · 4 years
for quick headcanons: soc ships proposals
these are simply my take, you don't have to agree. and if you wanna add something, reblog and do add your own spin :3
⚠ Warning ⚠ Long Post.
• Since their anniversary as an official couple is coming up soon, Wylan decides to propose.
• But he realizes planning isn't exactly his best forte and seeks help from none other than Ketterdam's best schemer Dirtyhands himself.
• Kaz is flattered but even he is weak when it comes to the matter of hearts. He still agrees though, provided Wylan invests a bit in his newly brought club around the Lid. Wylan agrees.
• So Kaz simply asks Wylan to bring Jesper with him to the Fifth Harbour on the day of the event. Wylan is suspicious but he agrees in the end.
• Wylan manages to keep Jesper busy by portraying as a model for Marya's next painting, just so he can go out and pick a ring.
• When the day arrives, Wylan asks Jesper to meet him at the Fifth Harbour by 6 bells.
• Jesper being bad at dates doesn't remember if its because of some special occasion. So he decides to keep it safe and buys a bottle of expensive alcohol.
• When Wylan and Jesper arrive on time, they're both too shocked to speak, their mouths wide open.
• Kaz being Kaz has got the whole harbour decorated in traditional Kerch and Zemeni colors for the duo. There's fairy lights hanging all over, varying cuisines that Jesper has never seen in his life before and a band hired to play throughout the night.
• As they walk in, they spot Nina speaking with Colm Fahey who got invited earlier on by Kaz and Inej gave the man a lift on her Wraith as she herself didn't want to miss two of her favorite people's proposal.
• Jesper is slightly worried because of his father's presence, even more worried because he believes today's supposed to be some big event that only he can't seem to remember.
• Matthias is standing with a Priest and he comes over to congratulate Wylan & Jesper.
• The pair is very confused and so Matthias quirks his brows and tells them: "Brekker said you're getting married."
• The bottle of alcohol in Jesper's hand drops and Wylan is stuttering, unable to form coherent words. He finally yells: "This isn't what I asked Kaz!"
• Kaz finally shows up, Inej at his side. Everyone's staring at him and he shrugs. "What? Too much."
• After a few minutes of yelling and chaos between their squad, the situation is finally calmed down.
• Wylan rummages out the ring from his pocket— a golden band with their initials 'W+J' engraved in it along with intricate patterns. He looks at Jesper. "So amongst all this extravaganza, if I tell you that I want you to adore my stupid face for the rest of our lives, will you?"
• Jesper is wide eyed and has that kinda dubious expression because Wylan has managed to surprise him yet again. So he just tries to collect himself and goes, "Ofc! I already told you I like your stupid face."
• They hug and kiss and everyone cheers. Nina proposes an after-party with waffles.
• Kaz suggests they could still get married cause we know he's secretly the biggest Wesper shipper xD
Thankfully Inej drags him away.
• The actual wedding takes place a month later and yes, Kaz is the wedding planner. Kuwei is that uninvited guest..:)
• Nina keeps joking about wanting Matthias to propose. But she doesn't realise all her meaningless teasing has actually spurred him into action.
• He's secretly making plans and has only told Inej and Wylan about this because he knows Jesper will end up babbling. And Kaz is the last person he wants to take help from.
• He needs a place and proper timing. Inej takes up that task on herself and somehow convinces Kaz to let them use The Crow Club for just one evening.
• Wylan helps Matthias in purchasing a custom ring with a heart-shaped ruby. With his newly acquired mercher title, Wylan’s got connections with the best jewelers in Ketterdam. Marya also tags along cause she believes they'll need a woman's opinion on this.
• So on the day of the event, when Nina is coaxed into wearing the best replica of a Ravkan Kefta and brought into the Crow Club by Inej, she's excited but also wondering whats up.
• Wylan is playing some romantic melody on his flute.
• The whole club is lit by candles and as the members of Dregs part slowly, at the end is Matthias in replica of traditional Fjerdan garbs (another courtesy of Kaz).
• Nina's eyes keep growing wider and she's at a loss of words when Matthias bends on one knee. "Nina Zenik, will you be the beguiling Drusje to this mighty Fjerdan till the end of time?"
• There's tears in her eyes and she looks around everyone. Wylan is smiling, Inej gives a nod, Jesper gives a thumbs up and winks, even Kaz's eyes flash somewhat in approval.
• She looks back to the brave blond soldier she fell for. He must've planned for them to be unified in their own lands' traditional clothes. She smiles, already tearing up. "Saints Matthias, I'm supposed to be the one full of surprises." She messily wipes her eyes and mumbles, "I..will."
• The whole Dregs break into a roar of cheers as Matthias glides the ring on her finger. Marya is clapping her hands in joy.
• Rotty yells from somewhere in the crowd, "KISS HER YOU PODGE!!!" And Matthias tilts his face down. The newly engaged couple share a passionate kiss.
• Their wedding takes place in a Ravkan forest. King Nikolai himself decides to give his blessings (in disguise ofc). Zoya and Genya are there too.
• It will be super vague. Like Kaz and Inej's relationship is built more on silent gazes and fleeting touches. So they've got this unspoken thing going on. They both know they're each-other's but never actually address it.
• Inej has returned from another of her sea adventures and taking a short break in Ketterdam. She's casually sitting by Kaz's window, feeding the crows while he works on his papers.
• He glances at her, mesmerized by the sight of her glowing skin in the evening sun. Her long hair (free for once) sways due to the wind as she peacefully smiles and looks out at the city.
• He just speaks out of nowhere, "Inej?"
She turns her head and looks at him, the smile never leaving her face. "Yes Kaz?"
"Do you want to tie the knot?" he asks.
The smile immediately leaves her face and she frowns, unsure about his words. "I'm afraid I don't understand."
• He puts his pen down, passes a hand through his hair and huffs out a breath.
"I'm saying my dear Wraith," he starts, methodically taking off his gloves and then joins her at the window. He offers his palm and she gladly places her own in it, her eyes somewhat expectant. Kaz quirks his lips slightly and continues, "would you like us to exchange vows and make it official?" He squeezes her palm and gestures between them.
• She's stunned for a moment because between the two of them, its always her initiating any sort of new action— a hug, a kiss,..making love. And it has taken them a good amount of years to reach this level of intimacy without triggering the other’s traumas so its even more shocking that Kaz asks her first. A small part of her had even wanted to propose him some time in the future but now he's clearly beaten her to that.
• "Inej?" Kaz rubs the back of her hand, "if you don't want to—"
"NO! I do!" she says hurriedly before he can take it back and he breaks into that crooked grin of his, fishing out a simple silver band with a single black feather atop it, its end pointy like a knife.
He smoothly slides it onto her finger and they exchange a gleeful smile.
• After a few minutes he goes, "So like..do you want to do this my way or yours?"
And she's confused so he explains. "If its your way, we can have a traditional Suli wedding, whatever your people do and take your parents' blessings."
He adds a dramatic pause later, "If its my way, I'll just ask Specht to put our names on a marriage document and be done with it."
She rolls her eyes.
• In the end, Inej tells the other Crows. Jesper wiggles his brows, teases Kaz but also gives him a big hug. Wylan is surprised but also happy. Matthias is slightly displeased at the holy bronze girl for letting herself be charmed by this notorious demjin. But he does believe that the two belong with no one else and congratulates them.
• Nina takes it upon herself to plan the wedding and decides it should be a Suli one. She wants to see Inej draped in red. But also wants to see Kaz out of his fitting suits for once and in traditional Suli clothes for men.
• Mr. and Mrs. Ghafa find their son-in-law quite odd but give their blessings happily because there's no one else who'll be more suitable for their lovely daughter.
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Diabolik Lovers DARK FATE ー Ayato Ecstasy [06]
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ーー During the days which followed,
both me and Ayato-kun continued to care for Cordelia together.
She was steadily heading towards recovery.
While Ayato-kun,
would throw nasty remarks at her once in a while,
he would not scorn like he did up till now.
Cordelia-san seemed to have picked up on that as well.
Of course, it would be difficult for the gap which has formed between them,
to be filled right away.
However, if they take it one step at a time.
And thenーー
Yui: ( The flowers in the garden...It’s fine if I pluck one of them, right? )
( I hope Cordelia will feel a little better after seeing this. )
*Knock knock*
Yui: ーー I’m coming in.
ー Yui enters Cordelia’s guest room
Cordelia: Oh dear...You’re finally here. A little late, no?
Yui: Y-You shouldn’t be up and moving yet...!
Cordelia: I can handle this much. Please do not underestimate me.
Yui: ( Hm...I’m worried though... )
A-Anyway, what were you doing? There’s a bunch of dresses laid out on the bed...
Cordelia: Aah...This is...
I was choosing a new dress. ーー For you, that is.
Yui: F-For me!?
Cordelia: Exactly.
This has been on my mind for quite some time, you see. You...Why don’t you wear something a little more alluring? Like me.
Yui: Um...
Cordelia: Listen...You’re no child anymore (1), so you have to become a little more assertive.
When I was around your age, I could already no longer count all the guys I had made fall for me on the fingers of both hands, you know?
Or perhaps you do have a guy or two? You just can’t admit it in front of Ayato...?
Yui: I-I don’t!
Cordelia: Oh, what a shame. Your face is not half bad, but I suppose guys just have no spine nowadays.
Nfu~ If you doll yourself up a little, I’m sure they will come flocking to you in no time.
Good shoes make you want to go to good places, no?
And so, you are brought a little closer...Until one day, you suddenly run into each other.
You shouldn’t let that chance slide.
Yui: B-But, I already have Ayato-kuーー
Cordelia: That doesn’t matter. Go ahead and have some fun with other guys? A secret or two only adds to a woman’s beauty after all.
Yui: Wha...!?
Cordelia: Nfufu~ Oh come on, don’t blush over something like that.
Either way...Nnー Let’s see...Seems like you really are a Chichinashi, so we should go for something which can cover that up a little...
Yui: ( Uu...Now even Cordelia is calling me that... )
( ...However...It’s safe to say we’ve grown a little closer, right...? )
( Also, speaking of which... )
( Ayato-kun picked a dress for me the other day as well, didn’t he...? )
Cordelia: ...? What’s so funny?
Yui: U-Um...It’s nothing.
Cordelia: Oh well. More importantly...What’s that flower in your hand?
Yui: This is...I wanted to show it to you.
Cordelia: To me? ...Hm...
Well, unfortunately for you, I happen to be more fond of myself, finding my own appearance to far exceed any flower’s beauty.
Therefore, that flower...Here.
Yui: ( Wah! She put it in my hair... )
Cordelia: Nfu~ It fits you rather well, you know?
Yui: T-Thank you very much...
( ...She complimented me... )
Ayato: Oi, whatcha doin’?
You shitty hag! Don’t be messin’ with her hair by puttin’ junk in it!
Yui: ( J-Junk!? )
Cordelia: Haah, I guess it does not matter how nicely you dress up when the guy is incapable of appreciating it?
Ayato: Aahn!?
Yui: C-Come on, you two!
( They still get into an argument every time they meet but...This kind of banter should be fine, right? )
Cordelia: ーー Ayato.
Ayato: ...? W-What?
Cordelia: You should learn how to praise a lady.
Ayato: ...Shut up...
Cordelia: Listen to me. I do not intend to play the perfect mother at this point, but I will tell you one thing.
Yui: ( Cordelia...? )
Cordelia: Ever since you were little...I’ve always told you to become the very best, right?
Ayato: Yeah. So much so I’ve grown tired of hearin’ it.
Cordelia: But, I will say it once more. Aim for the top.
Ayato: ...Tsk.
Cordelia: Make her the happiest girl on earth.
I shall have you be the number one in the whole world.
Ayato: You...
Cordelia: Well, I’m pretty sure reaching Karlheinz’ level is simply out of your league?
Ayato: Fuck offー...
ーー I’m gonna surpass the shitty Old Man in no time.
Yui: ( Guys... )
Cordelia: ...I’m relieved to hear that.
Ayato: What? Why do you say that as if you’re ‘bout to die soon?
Cordelia: ...
Yui: U-Um...?
Cordelia: Exactly, I will disappear sooner or later.
Yui: Wha...?
Ayato: ...What do you mean?
Cordelia: Fufu, that’s nothing to be surprised about, is it? In fact, it is much stranger that I am standing here alive right now.
My physical body only exists due to that despicable man’s...Due to Carla’s powers.
Ayato: His...
Cordelia: Exactly. Therefore, he can decide over my life and death.
However...I can feel myself weakening day by day.
I would not be surprised if I were to vanish any moment now.
Yui: ...No way...
I...don’t want that...I mean, we finally...
Cordelia: ...
Ayato: ...I’ll do somethin’ ‘bout it.
Cordelia: Oh? Hearing those kind of heartwarming words from a child to their parent makes me sick, so please say no more.
Furthermore...It’s no use. You can’t stop him.
Above all...I’m not afraid of disappearing in the slightest.
Death is considered a blessing to Vampires, is it not?
Yui: ( But...! )
Cordelia: ーー Yui. More importantly, would you please pour me a cup of tea?
I want to spend my time elegantly, till I take my final breath.
Yui: ...
Cordelia: Well then, I’ll be counting on you. Make it mind-blowingly delicious, okay?
Yui: ...Yes...
ー The scene shifts to the entrance hall
Ayato: ...
Yui: ( Ayato-kun... )
→ Stand in silence
Yui: ( I don’t know what to say to him... )
Ayato: ...Tsk.
→ Gently embrace him (♡)
Yui: ( Embracing him is about the only thing I can do but... )
Ayato: ...Ugh.
...It’s so lame but for some reason...I really needed this right now.
Ayato: Yui. Listen, I...
I actually...
...Tsk. Why did...?
Yui: ...
Richter: Cordelia! What are you doing...!? 
Cordelia: Shut...up!!
Yui: ( W-What!? It’s coming from outside...! )
Ayato: ...Let’s go, Yui!
Yui: Y-Yeah!
ー The two of them run outside into the garden
Yui: Hey!! What is going on over here!?
Cordelia: ...Uu.
Haah...Richter. We got discovered because you were taking forever.
Ayato: Oi! What are you tryin’ to do!?
Cordelia: What, you ask? Like I said...I’m trying to part with this world.
If I’m going to vanish...I want to...see Karlheinz...
And then...I want to know...the truth...!
If he truly only married me for my blood...
Or if he actually loved me!?
Yui: ( Cordelia... )
Cordelia: Come on, Richter...This is my final request.
If you love me...Take me to Karlheinz.
Yui: Y-You can’t! Not in your current condition...!!
Cordelia: Silence!!
Yui: ...Ugh.
Cordelia: ...I’m begging you...Richter...You really...are the only person I can rely on still...
Richter: Cordelia...
Cordelia: Please...
Richter: ...As you wish. If that is what you desire.
Yui: Don’t go...!
ー Richter and Cordelia leave
Yui: Ah...!
Ayato: Fuck...We’re goin’ after them!!
Yui: Yeah...! But...Where could Karlheinz-san be...?
Ayato: ーー Eden.
We’ll find him there.
It is said that at this place named ‘Paradise’ (楽園),
Karlheinz-san resides.
I wonder what kind of place it is?
I was too terrified to even imagine (想像) it.
Even so...I have to go.
I internally scolded myself,
as I could nearly feel my body tremble from fear,
before taking a large step forward. 
Translation notes
(1) Literally she says that Yui is around the right age, implying that she’s ready to start engaging in relationships with the opposite sex.
<- [ Ecstasy 05 ] [ Ecstasy 07 ] ->
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soft-din · 4 years
sfw alphabet for din djarin
summary: Pretty much exactly what the title says. A safe-for-work alphabet for our favorite tin can man.
pairing: Din Djarin x reader
warnings: Just fluff as usual.
word count: 2.8k
ao3 | masterlist
A: Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
Din is usually only openly affectionate with you (or Grogu) when the three of you are alone. When others are around, he doesn’t want his love to be used as leverage against any of you. This is why the end of the day is always your favorite time - it’s when you can lie in bed with him and talk about anything you need to or even just admire the face you love but don’t see nearly enough until you fall asleep. However, there are ways Din shows affection when you’re not alone. It’s in how he keeps a protective hand on the small of your back as you’re walking, or never hesitates to make sure you’re doing okay. All in all, he is a pretty affectionate person, but he has to be in a very specific environment in order to allow himself to show it. He loves resting your foreheads together, with or without the helmet, and his heart always leaps a little when you hold hands (especially without the gloves - skin to skin contact is something he doesn’t experience very often, so it means a lot).
B: Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
He is literally such a good friend. Once he makes that initial connection with a person, he’s pretty much ride-or-die. Din takes friendship very seriously, and you can count on him asking you for help whenever he needs it. The friendship would start when you first meet, when he sees you working at a cantina and notices how well you interact with Grogu. He had been looking for someone to help with the kid for a while, and so works up the nerve to ask if you’d be willing to be that person. After you say yes, the friendship just evolves from there.
C: Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
Din does like to cuddle, after you’ve been together for a while. When the baby has been put to bed and it’s just the two of you awake in the Razor Crest, cuddling is something he likes doing. It’s comforting to him after a long day. He’s never really cuddled with someone before though, so it’s sort of new to him, but there’s nothing quite like lying in his bed after it’s dark or when you’re in hyperspace. He’ll hold you close to him as if he’s afraid you’ll disappear, running his fingers through your hair and whispering words softly in Basic and Mando’a.
D: Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
He definitely wants to settle down with you eventually. It’s always been a secret dream of his that he’d find a special person to share a home with, and he’s so glad that that person is you. Din may not be used to the whole domestic thing, but he catches on very quickly. He’s surprisingly decent at cooking and cleaning, once he gets used to it. Seeing him working in the kitchen making you and Grogu a meal, his helmet off and a content smile on his face, is a sight you’ll always treasure.
E: Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
Din would be very gentle about the whole situation. Once he realized that he wanted/needed to break up with you, he knew that he couldn’t lead you on; it would bring him too much guilt. So, he tells you as soon as he can, even though he feels terrible about it. He tries his best not to hold on to any anger he might have towards you or the circumstances.
F: Fiance (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
As I mentioned before, he definitely wants to commit eventually. He knows that he wants to marry you not long after you become official, but waits at least a year to pop the question. Getting married is a very important step in Mandalorian culture, so Din’s proposal is a very special moment for both of you. When you say yes (of course), he asks if you want to say the short vows right then and there. You laugh and tell him that it might be a good idea to have a ceremony, just so other people can witness the union. He admits that you have a fair point.
G: Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
Din is so, so gentle with you. You’ve seen him handle bounties and enemies roughly, but he’s not that way with you at all. He’s the type to rub circles over your thumb absentmindedly and look away blushing when you notice and grin up at him. He’s the type to brush a stray hair behind your ear and chuckle when you get flustered because of it. Din is also very gentle emotionally; he’ll never, ever manipulate you in a harmful way or anything like that, and he always apologizes when he makes mistakes.
H: Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
Oh boy. His hugs are literally God-tier level, y’all. The first time you hug Din it's with his full beskar on, but his arms are very comforting and strong. After that, the hugging becomes more frequent, and you enjoy it every time (especially when the armor is off). You feel at peace when he’s holding you like that, as if nothing could ever harm you as long as he’s there. Sometimes he lets out a sigh of contentment and relief once he has you there against his chest, because he  knows that’s where you feel the most protected.
I: I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?)
It takes a while, but when he does, it just sort of slips out. Din had known that he was in love with you for some time now, but had never actually said the three words. But then one day he came home from a hunt, all bloodied up and in need of your help. You were cleaning his wounds in the ‘fresher, muttering to him about how he needed to be more careful next time, and he just said it without thinking. You looked up from your work, your heartbeat pounding in your ears, and said, “I love you too Din Djarin, you stupid Mandalorian.”
J: Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they get jealous?)
Din can get jealous, but he usually doesn’t let the feeling get too out of control. When he sees you with someone else and they appear to be flirting with you, he tries to handle the situation calmly by approaching you and the other person and casually taking your hand or something of the sort to show that you’re together. A lot of any jealousy he might have stems from insecurity - he barely has anything to give you, after all. Just a broken man and his basically broken ship and tiny green kid. Little does he know that that’s more than enough for you.
K: Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
L: Little ones (How are they around children?)
His kisses are like a luxury for you, since you can’t exactly do that as much as most couples can. When you’re alone after a hard day and he takes off the armor and helmet, he’ll just kiss you and kiss you as you’re lying in his bed or watching the sunset or making dinner, and it takes your breath away. Besides the lips, Din likes to kiss you on the nose, because it always makes you giggle and he loves that sound more than anything. He likes it when you kiss his hands; the feel of your soft lips against the rougher skin just does things to him.
As we all know, Din is the Ultimate Dad. He really enjoys spending time with kids, especially after taking in Grogu, and sometimes he likes to imagine what it would be like to see you with his own child in your arms. Children love him and are much less wary of him than most adults would be - they love trying to climb his armor like it’s a jungle gym and your heart always swells as Din interacts with them, chuckling and genuinely happy.
M: Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
Mornings with Din are second only to evenings with him. He’ll always stay in bed as long as he can before he has to get up, and waking up to his lazy kisses is your favorite thing. When you’re the one that wakes up first, however, watching him sleep always makes your chest constrict with love. The sunlight pouring through the window bathes him in a heavenly glow, as if he were blessed by the Maker themself, and it makes you feel so lucky that you can admire him like this.
N: Night (How are nights spent with them?)
He will often be tired when he gets back home to the Crest, wanting nothing more than just to relax in your presence. Din will take care of anything he needs to, then greet you and Grogu before resting for a while. Sometimes you’ll bathe him or give him a massage before you start making dinner, wanting to lavish him with your affection because he is so utterly deserving of it. The three of you will eat dinner together, and play with the kid for a while before heading to bed. When he pulls you close to him in the dark and whispers “Sweet dreams” in that sleepy voice, you have never felt more content.
O: Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
Din starts revealing things about himself not too long after you join his crew. Once he knows he can trust you, it’s much easier to tell you about his past (especially about his parents and his droid-related trauma). He may be quiet or emotionally closed off at first, but ultimately Din wants you to trust him and so doesn’t have much issue talking to you about more sensitive topics.
P: Patience (How easily angered are they?)
He usually has quite a bit of patience and doesn’t lash out, but if someone or something threatens you or Grogu it can turn into a different story really quickly. It takes a lot for Din to get seriously annoyed at his clan though, and when he does he always tries to communicate with you before things get too out of hand.
Q: Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
Din has a pretty good memory actually, especially when it comes to you. That’s not to say that he’ll remember everything, but ultimately he’s not going to forget important things that you open up about. He usually remembers anniversaries, birthdays, and things of the like, and tries to make sure he doesn’t forget them.
R: Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
His favorite moment is when you saw his face for the first time. He had been thinking about this for a long time, worrying if it meant he wasn’t Mandalorian or if you would think he wasn’t attractive enough. But then it finally happened after you had known of your feelings for each other for a while, and it went so much better than he was expecting. You had both cried, and you had assured Din that it didn’t matter what he looked like (but that, for the record, you found him perfectly handsome).
S: Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
Oh, Din is very protective. He’s always nervous when you go with him on hunts, so you usually stay at the Crest with the kid while he does his job. You have gone with him on occasion, however, and those times were certainly an experience. One time the quarry looked at you weird and you had to calm Din down and tell him that you weren’t offended. The way that you protect him, however, is in a different way. You protect him in the middle of the night, when he wakes from dreams - nightmares - about his past or losing you or any number of terrible things. You’ll run your hands down his back comfortingly, whispering words of affirmation and just holding him until he dozes off again. It means everything to Din that you protect him just as much as he does you, albeit in your individual ways.
T: Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
He definitely tries. His love language is acts of service, so Din will always work hard to make sure you’re happy. You’re an artist and you need some new pencils? Great, he’s going to the nearest town to get you some. Grogu needs to be taken care of in the middle of the night? He’s letting you sleep. He puts a lot of effort into being your partner, because he’s not used to having a significant other and he wants to get it right.
U: Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
Din tries to understand your emotions. He really does. But sometimes he just doesn’t get why you’re feeling a certain way, especially when you’re mad at him. Usually in these scenarios, you have to just sit him down and tell him why you’re upset. He feels his emotions very deeply, but he’s used to bottling them up and literally hiding them behind a mask. Having you around being much more open about what you’re feeling takes some getting used to.
V: Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
He is literally 0% concerned. No one seeing your face for years on end will do that to a person. At first Din was worried about how you would react to seeing him, but that wasn’t really out of vanity. He has a bad case of helmet hair? Eh. He hasn’t shaved in a week? Things could be worse. He does like it when you praise him though, calling him beautiful and handsome. It’s something he wishes he could believe, if he’s being completely honest with himself.
W: Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
Absolutely. You’re part of his clan, after all, and when Din is out on a job and can’t see you for several days it’s very hard for him. When this pain becomes almost unbearable, he just tells himself that he needs to get done as soon as possible and stay safe so he can come back to you. Seeing your smiling face after so long away from you always makes him feel like the last puzzle piece is finally connecting.
X: Xtra (A random headcanon for them.)
Din loves to talk. Most people don’t know this about him, but when it’s just you, Din, and the kid, he’ll talk a lot more than he would around anyone else. When the two of you are lying alone in the dark before you sleep, he’ll ramble on and on and you love it. The sound of his voice, especially unmodulated, is probably your favorite sound in the galaxy, so you’ll just listen to him until you doze off, a slight smile on your face.
Y: Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
He doesn’t like being away from you and Grogu for long periods of time, or spending excessive time around droids (the whole experience with IG-11 helped, a lot actually, but it can still trigger him from time to time). In a partner, it’s important to Din that they respect his Creed. He’s already sort of on thin ice about it, and he wants to be able to work it all out for himself without having somebody influencing him. Asking genuine questions is fine, but blatant disrespect for it is something he won’t go for.
Z: Zzz (What is a sleeping habit of theirs?)
Din will work himself to the bone all day without hardly any time for rest, so sometimes when he gets home he is out and there is no way you’re waking him up. He’ll usually make it to the bed but sometimes he’ll just end up on the floor, completely exhausted. You take off the bulkiest parts of his armor before letting him sleep, knowing that what time he’ll allow himself to get is important. 
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jungle321jungle · 3 years
Your Words Fill The Space Between Us
The published letters that detail the romance that changed the kingdom.
Aka Roman and Janus send each other letters
Taglist: @angels-and-dreams @ollyollyoxinfree @gattonero17 @chumo-cookie @dreaming-always @anxiety-ismy-name @mrbubbajones @janustheliar @why-do-you-care @hogwarts-my-love​
Ao3 - Masterlist
Your Words Fill The Space Between Us
September 18th
I received the gift you sent with your previous letter, and I wanted to ensure I thanked you for it- despite how bold it was. But I suppose that has always been something I liked about you- even if my heart very nearly stopped when Mother asked who the flowers and watch had come from. I was forced to give her the flowers (but I kept the watch for myself) after telling her it came from a businessman I work with (I am blessed that she didn’t ask which of them it was). Though I was disappointed to give up the flowers. I don’t even remember mentioning my favorite flowers and yet you knew anyways. Are you using your power for useless things again? I hope not, you have enough on your plate as it is without worrying about what I like and dislike. But if it truly crosses your mind do know that what I like are your letters and the rare moments we spend together.
But enough about that, more importantly I will be aiding my father this year so I too will get the pleasure of attending the New Year’s Ball. I hope when I arrive you can finally show me the spot you’ve described with the view of the whole city.
September 23rd
I am glad my present to you was received well. As to your comment regarding whether or not I was using my power correctly, all I must say is that if it is my power I shall use it as I please. If that happens to be to determine your favorite flowers so be it, my servants are paid accordingly. Also, once I get more power laws change and I get you- so I truly see no downside.
I cannot wait until you get here, I will show you all my favorite spots here to view the scenery and my favorite places in town to shop and eat. We’ll need to think of an excuse for why we spend so much time together though, but we have the time to work out a story.
Speaking of, with this letter I am sending you a book. It’s one I just found by chance and I fell in love with instantly, I’m sure you’ll do the same. Be sure to send me your thoughts when you finish.
October 17th
You are utterly horrific. Sending me a book that plays with my emotions like that. I wouldn’t have gotten so invested if I just knew she was going to die like that! Not even from her disease but from an assassin that’s horrible. Just horrible.
I stayed up to finish the last few chapters and now it’s late and I’m crying, but I don’t want the maids to hear. You’re horrible. And to prove it I’m sending you a book.
November 2nd
I truly am dastardly aren't I? I laughed a lot at your letter, it was the exact response I was expecting. You never disappoint dearest. As for the book you sent me I unfortunately am yet to open it. I wasn’t planning on sending this letter until completing it, but things have gone bleak in terms of negotiations. I’ve been spending all my time locked in my office taking over my father’s daily work in addition to my own while he tries to calm things with the other delegations. At present I should actually be overlooking some documents, but I feel if I do I will truly lose my mind.
I miss you.
I know that if you were just here sitting beside me I would instantly feel energized.
At least the ball is next month.
November 4th
I doubt you have even received my last letter as I write this, but I must tell you to withhold sending other letters. I’m not entirely sure why, but Father is suspicious of something and is having mail checked.
I’ll send word when the coast is clear.
December 22nd
My father has found whatever it is he is looking for, so we should be fine now. But that did take longer than I thought. So much has happened in the last few weeks.
Mother’s sudden illness, and sister’s broken engagement, not to mention that the countries on either side of us have declared war and both are begging for us to pick a side. It’s beyond tiring. Father still insists upon holding the ball though, so I’ll see you then. I wonder if this letter will even reach you before you depart for the capital.
I hope I’ll have the time to show you around as I promised.
December 27th
I was about to respond to your first letter when the second arrived. You must’ve sent one of your fastest messengers. As for your third and most recent letter I received it just before climbing in the carriage. We are staying in the Barony tonight, which is where I write this letter from. But I will wait to have it sent to you until I reach the capital.
I too hope we can meet up during the festivities, at least for a minute and even better if that minute was spent alone so we can speak freely. But please, remember that you mustn't push yourself too hard.
December 31st
There is a small balcony west of the ballroom and past the room where the ladies rest. It’s secluded. We can use our usual signal, I’ll meet you there.
January 1st
I cannot describe how amazing it was to simply hug you again. And as I said before it was wonderful to see how your dancing had improved. I’m sorry that our time together was so short, I will send you word as soon as I know when I can slip out of the palace. Maybe, two nights from now I can try? That’s when the commoners set up an array of stalls with games and prizes. Would you like to go?
January 2nd
Of course I want to go! We will go and I will beat you at every game! But I don't have any clothes that would help me blend in. Also, how do you intend to disguise yourself?
January 3rd
With this letter are clothes for you to wear tonight. I’ll meet you outside the gates by the large willow about an hour after dinner. And as to your question, I will be wearing a blonde wig.
January 4th
You cheated. That’s the only way you could have won so many games. I don't care that you said you didn’t, you most certainly did.
January 5th
You are free to believe what you like.
For the closing ball tomorrow we can meet at the same spot as the first night. And I have a surprise for you.
January 6th
I swear I didn’t know.
I am so sorry. I didn’t know, I saw you crying and run off and I’m sorry that I couldn’t run after you. I’m sorry. Can I come by so we can talk?
January 8th
You’re leaving tomorrow right? Please respond so I can see you before you do.
January 9th
I understand you’re mad at me, and I won’t even ask you not to be. But I will ask that you at least try understand the position I am in.
And I hope you travel safely home.
January 16th
Did you really not know?
January 19th
I didn’t. My father sprung it on me, the same way he did to every party guest. He didn’t even tell me which nation he was leading towards in terms of support, much less this.
January 22nd
Will you marry her?
January 25th
I don’t want her. I want and I love you.
January 28th
That’s not what I asked. I asked if you will follow through with the engagement.
January 31st
I don’t have a choice. I thought I could spend more time living as the Crown Prince before I could reject the role and leave the crown to my brother. I thought I could do that if my parents ever brought up marriage- but this is more than a marriage. It’s war.
If I don’t marry the Delphine our trade routes are shut off- and since we already cut ties with the empire by my father announcing the engagement. If I reject this for you, I put the whole kingdom at risk. I… I don’t know if I can do that.
February 4th
Surely there’s another way! Why can’t she just marry your brother?
February 10th
Do you truly think I haven’t looked for one? My hands are tied. The only possible thing I could do to even have you near me is to bring you here as an advisor or the like when the time comes. I can find a way if it’s that.
February 14th
No. I will not stand to the side just watch as you dance and hold hands with her for the public’s morale. I would rather die than that.
February 19th
Please don’t be so dramatic. I am trying all I can think of in between my hectic schedule. But if you truly don’t like my efforts tell me, do you have any brilliant ideas?
February 25th
Don’t mock me, Your Highness. You’re not the one who has had his heart stepped on repeatedly. You’ve been making me promises for years- am I not allowed to be upset when I find out that they’re hollow?
March 2nd
You’re unbelievable. Feel free to sulk all you wish, meanwhile I need to continue my regular duties, prepare a wedding, and prepare for war.
March 5th
War? I thought our kingdom was just to supply aid.
March 8th
I’m getting married to the daughter of a nation who declared war upon the empire. Of course war will come to our borders as well.
March 23rd
Father got the invitation to the wedding this morning. I wanted to tear it to shreds. Have you truly thought of nothing yet? Something other than me working for you?
March 29th
I’m sorry to say I haven’t. In the months since the ball and start of the war I haven’t gotten anywhere with my Father- and Mother’s decline isn’t helping.
April 1st
What? I had heard she was getting better?
April 6th
That’s just the rumor I spread to redirect attention. She’s getting worse if anything.
April 10th
I am so sorry.
August 12th
It’s been a long time since my last letter, I’m not sure how many months. I guess I should follow custom and congratulate you on the wedding even if I am late. You at least looked very nice on your wedding day. You’ve truly perfected that fake smile.
I’m sorry for how I acted when I heard about your engagement. I know you didn’t want this either. And I know it’s late for this, but I’ll come work for you if that’s what it takes. The more I try to pretend that I don’t love you- the harder it gets- and the more it hurts.
August 17th
Lord Roman Regis,
Please do not waste my time and deny that you are the author of the letter I just read. I intend to keep this letter brief. I do not wish to know what kind of relationship you have with my husband, but I must request that it ceases. My husband serves as a figure to both nations, and he cannot have anyone dragging him down. Especially not someone of a lower stature.
If you contact him again, there will be consequences.
Crown Princess Delphine Ekans
August 22nd
Crown Princess,
Your Highness I apologize for any misunderstandings I may have caused, but please speak to Janus. I’m sure he will explain everything.
Lord Roman Regis
August 26th
Lord Roman Regis,
To think a measly count’s son can not only tell me what to do, but he can be bold enough to refer to my husband without a title. I already asked you not to drag my husband down, and by doing so you have disregarded my warning.
Do remember that you have brought this upon yourself Lord Roman.
Crown Princess Delphine Ekans
September 5th,
You know all those times I told you to just get out there and just love the prince if you actually love him? Well this is not what I meant. I mean like you should speed up that “perfect” plan you two always talked about, not that you should wait so long that he got married. And definitely not so long that his wife outed your “despicable crush on the married crown prince”- however I can say that the papers are currently god tier with gossip. I have been asked for interviews like four times and I love it. Oh and have some faith in me, I didn’t talk to them- for long.
Anyway, lover boy should be able to help you out of this, right?
The better you,
September 10th,
Sometimes I hate you, and then when I remember we shared a womb I hate you even more. But even so, I thank you for being the one “calm” person about this. Mother and Father (mainly Mother) have been up in arms about how big of a disgrace I am, and just about every noble in the kingdom is in agreement. It doesn't matter that just about every unmarried woman pines after the Crown Prince even after he got married, because when a man does it- because that Witch known as the Crown Princess publishes my letter- I’m somehow a deviant.
I haven’t left the manor since word got out. And I am just flooded with letters from friends and other nobles, but truthfully I am too scared to read them. Maybe I’ll have a trusted maid read them and pick out the kind ones, but I am not sure.
I have no clue what is going on with Janus at the moment. I am yet to receive anything from him- most likely due to the Crown Princess’ interference. I wish I could know what was happening behind the palace doors... I truly do.
This is why I just wanted to run off to somewhere else, but Janus was confident he could change the laws for us and then we could go live quietly somewhere... I wish things were that simple.
I rather not discuss this anymore truthfully. I'd like to have a normal conversation again. So tell me, do you have any stories to tell of your travels? Reading them would prove far more interesting than anything here.
The best twin,
September 18th,
Given I am yet to receive a response from you, so I assume you are on the move once more, but I thought I should send you an update letter before you hear the filtered version from word of mouth.
I am currently being escorted to the palace. I know some will think I am to get some sort of punishment, but Janus sent one of the guards with a verbal message that he is handling this in his own way. I have no choice but to place my trust in him. Mother was still worried about it, Father interestingly seemed to be rooting for me but we didn’t get to talk more about it. But I know I will see Janus soon and that thought comforts me. Even though I know his wife will be close behind.
I’ll keep you updated on what transpires. But I still expect traveling stories. Like honestly, what was the point of you joining the navy if I don't get to read any seafaring adventures? You aren’t fighting in the war so surely there must be pirates or something? Or some stories about sirens and other such creatures? I want to read them all.
And in return you can have me as your wonderful twin.
The twin that matters,
September 21st
It almost seems strange to be able to address you by your name in a letter, but I like it all the same. I am very sorry for my silence and for Delphine’s actions. The former was a result of a few things: the first being my traveling to the battle front. I'm sorry I did not tell you prior to leaving, I did not want you to worry, but... I spent some time in battle. I was on my way back when your letter reached the palace and Delphine had taken it before I knew it even existed. Then upon my return I was busy dealing with Mother’s health and my war reports- I had intended to write other excuses here but truthfully I was scared of your reaction. I was scared that you would have just given up on me- on us. I had written and thrown away over 20 letters that I started without finishing before Delphine handed me a paper with a letter I had never seen published on the front page.
We had a long argument, about her not having the right to do such a thing to a “friend” of mine. It took a lot of time to cool things down and convince everyone to allow you to come here. Your father had sent me a letter saying he was worried for your safety, and that was enough to pull them to my side to bring you out of harm's way.
I am sorry I cannot currently go to see you, right now everyone believes I am just trying to clean up a mess that my wife blew way out of proportion and going to you would only start rumors. The knight who will deliver this letter- Virgil- can be trusted. He may huff and roll his eyes, but he does not pry and will not look at the contents of the letters. As he put it, he will only do the bare minimum of his job, and being curious and nosy takes too much energy. So you can send your letters through him. I swear I will figure something out.
In the meantime I hope your quarters are comfortable, let me know if they are not.
September 22nd,
You are an absolute idiot. You went to war, without telling me? What if something had happened to you? Are you crazy? No of course you are. You’re absolutely insane- and I am so so glad that you are alright.
It has been strange being here in the palace, I don't often leave my room due to the looks servants give as I pass by, but my room is comfortable and Virgil makes good conversation. He certainly doesn’t have the demeanor of most knights which is enjoyable. Reminds me a bit of my twin in a way- but I think both would disagree.
Regardless, I have a request for you even though I know you will disagree. I wish to speak with the Crown Princess. I do not know how much you have told her, so I can keep things sounding one sided if you wish- but I want to speak to her. If you don't give an answer I like, I will simply write to her myself.
September 22nd
And you call me crazy. Why would you want to meet with the woman who ruined your life? You wrote in the same letter that even servants are scorning you- I will have Virgil report to me who they are so they can be fired immediately- and yet you wish to speak with her? I will not allow it.
September 24th
As you read this the Crown Princess should be receiving her letter as well. I kept it simple, just asking for tea with the promise of an apology. But before I schedule a time to meet with her, I want to know... do you like your wife?
September 25th
Delphine showed me the letter and she gave some unkind phrases to go with. I told her not to accept your invitation- but I think she wants to even more now. As to your question, I don’t know what I think of her. I hate what she has done to you, but I do not hate her (entirely) as a person. I admire the fact that she will go to great lengths to help her people, but I certainly do not like her. Or perhaps it’s better to say that I like her in the way one likes a business partner? Appreciating when they get the job done well, and hating when they don't. I am not sure if that answers your question, but I do not know how else to better phrase my thoughts.
September 27th
I met the Second Prince yesterday. He came to my room and chided me for not getting enough sunlight and fresh air, before he ordered me to accompany him to the gardens. He seems far too kind to be of royal blood. Oh, while he denies it I definitely say Virgil stealing glances at the Prince. It was quite adorable actually.
I am laughing to myself as I write this and he looks on, it is most amusing. Do tell you brother to visit again.
September 28th
Patton is definitely too pure for this palace, if he wasn’t the spitting image of father I would think he was illegitimate. As for him and Virgil... I rather not speculate, no one and I mean no one is good enough for Patton.
In more important news I will be accompanying Delphine to your tea tomorrow. At least for the beginning of it. Seeing you two together with my own eyes is the only way I can be sure someone won't attack the other.
I’ll see you then love.
September 29th
Since I am sure you are worried about what I and Crown Princess Delphine spoke of in your absence here is a few notes about what we discussed:
The fact that I have loved you since our academy days
That my feelings won't change no matter what she does
That I don't want anything negative to befall either country
She did not once ask about your thoughts or feelings, they seemed relevant to her
She doesn’t want me near you. She says it will ruin the reputation she is building
I do not know what this means for us, but at the very least I think I understand what you meant about having a business partner relationship.
October 2nd
Good to know your talk with her was for mostly nothing. She has more recently gone to my father about some scheme to boost morale and he seems to be on board. So she’s at least distracted for the time being.
In surprising news Mother wishes to meet you. She’s probably the one person who knows everything simply because she sees through every lie I tell. But thankfully she never questions me on the truth. You’ll receive an official invite from her soon.
October 4th
Your mother is one of the kindest people on the planet. She kept fretting over if I was okay, and meanwhile she is the one bedridden. And you were certainly right about her knowing the whole story, because it is clear she is rooting for us! She told me she just wants you to be happy, and marrying for love is something she wished you could do. She did also say she wanted to give the Crown Princess a “stern talking to”, and I think that would be hilarious to watch.
October 14th 4th
This year has been an absolute shitshow. Have you even heard what’ss going on? Because I haven’t heard a word fom you. But I suppose what else should I expect from the disaprearing count? I just want to marry for love and be done with the fucking war? Is that so bap? Delphine is making this hard, but I know she just wants things to be not war… it’s all so annoying. What should I do lo?
Your only friend,
October 5th
Mother and Father,
I want you to know that despite all that has occurred I am well. I have gotten a chance to speak to the Crown Prince and Princess, and the Queen. Currently the Crown Prince intends to release rumors regarding the Duke’s family (which may or may not involve treason so please pull any assets out quickly) to stop the month long gossip about me. Once that happens, I am not sure if I will be staying here or returning home but I will let you know once I figure it out. Living in the palace certainly isn’t bad after all. The food is to die for. I may try to lengthen my stay just because of it. So don’t worry about me, worry about Remus who just sent me a letter detailing too many things about pirates that would make you cry in shame.
The lesser of two evils,
October 8th
Crown Prince Janus Ekans,
I was quite surprised to get your letter and even more surprised by it’s contents. I have told you multiple times it is not becoming of a prince to send letters written in a drunken stupor.
Yes, I am well aware of the gossip in the capital that you have involved yourself in. But I saw no need to send you a letter of my own thoughts when I am not involved in your marital issues. If you were simply writing to me to rant and rave, then your letter was received. And I would like to say that I do have other friends.
Regardless, please expedite the report enclosed, it is part of our winter preparations.
Count Logan Ackroyd
October 9th
I went into town with Prince Patton (who gave me permission to call me by his name) and Virgil today. We went in disguise of course, but we got to go to a great many shops and try some good food. I bought you a present while we were out, but with the current circumstances I don’t believe I should send it with this letter. If you ever find the time to drop by my room please come and get it.
As we went about I couldn’t shake two thoughts from my mind, the first being that fall looks so different here in the capital, and the second was that it’s been nearly a year since we promised to do such things together. I still await the day where you show me your favorite spots.  
I hope those times come soon.
October 10th
I too hope for the same, and I would love to see what it is you got me, but we have an obstacle at present. A few actually. While the war is finally moving in our favor, I fear that the Duke’s situation is less clear than I thought. In addition to that, Father wants you sent home to the county sooner than later. And if that’s not enough, Delphine wishes to speak with you before you leave- I will do my best to convince her otherwise. I’m not sure when they want your departure to be, I’m currently negotiating and thankfully Patton is on my side.
October 11th
So in my quest to find exciting stories for you I may or may have not taken a cutlass to the leg. It nearly got cut clean off! Or well that’s the story I’ll tell at least. Anyway, I’m gonna be home for a while so you should come visit your dearest twin. And as for get well presents there’s nothing better than basically all the sweets in the capital so I’ll take those please and thank you. Oh and buy me some of those racy novels you pretend you don’t read. Mother saw the word “tentacle” then burned mine.
Your horribly wounded and now sickly and pathetic twin,
October 12th
I heard from Prince Patton that there will be a party next week. He was asking me if I plan to go with him, and truthfully I’d like to, but I also don't want to undo anything either. What do you think?
October 13th
I’m afraid that your attendance will not be a good idea. But, I’ve heard sickness is floating around the palace. It would be truly tragic if I can’t attend. The greatest of tragedies.
October 15th
Dearest Husband,
At least for the sake of appearances, can you pretend like you’re not missing your lover when we’re in public? It’s very nearly sickening.
Your Wife,
October 15th
I don’t believe I ever said he was my lover. Also if you want a conversation just come here. Thomas is a knight not a messenger.
October 15th
Dearest Husband,
Sir Thomas shall be what I ask him to be. But on topic, if Lord Regis is not your lover then Queen Mother is in perfect health. If you’re going to ignore my and your kingdom’s wishes then at the very least be subtle. Please and thank you.
Oh and I will not be joining you for dinner, your sister asked me to dine with her.
Your Wife,
October 17th
I’m afraid the party must wait (and for shame my meeting with the Crown Princess must wait as well). I have just received word that Remus was injured- not gravely though- so he is currently resting at home. I must return as soon as possible to rescue my parents from his madness. Well after I buy all the things the idiot requested.
October 18th
I love the jacket thank you so so so much. I’ll be sure to wear it the next time I see you, which will likely be the New Year’s Ball. I’ll write to you again as soon as I get home.
October 21st
I have just arrived and I already wish I had stayed in the palace. Mother is already talking about how lucky I am that despite the “scandal” she found a woman who would be willing to marry me. Maybe I’ll tell her to invite this poor girl over while Remus is here. Hopefully that scares her off.
October 26th
What do you think about eloping?
November 1st
You are aware of the fact that you’re married right? Also two men marrying isn't exactly legal. Also you know, the war?
November 7th
Trust me when I say the war will come to an end soon. And screw the laws and my wife. If I just kidnapped you, what would anyone really do?
November 13th
For starters I don’t think announcing kidnapping in a letter is the proper way to kidnap someone. Also I would like to point out that in the past years I always wanted to run away and you said no. Then a few months after I drop it you’re getting engaged.
November 18th
Virgil said the same thing. You two spent too much time together while you were here. And I’m a married man now. I’ve grown and I’ve changed. And running away sounds better and better.
November 20th,
If I said I wanted to elope with Roman to your domain what would you say?
November 23rd
You assigned him to be my guard of course we spent time together. Also I’ve been receiving letters from Prince Patton, he truly is a ray of sunshine. He told me that the Queen is doing better and I am elated to hear that. Please pass my well wishes to her.
November 24th
Crown Prince Janus Ekans,
What would I say if you wanted to elope here? Well, I would remind you that you have responsibilities. While I do wish for your happiness do remember that the country lies on your shoulders as well. However if there was such a way that everything was sorted beforehand, then I would still say no.
Count Logan Ackroyd
November 28th
That’s unnecessarily rude. I will take your response as a positive one.
December 4th
Dearest Husband,
I am apologizing in advance for what I must do. I did not anticipate such a situation, but the Duke has my hands tied. You know I will always do what I believe I must for the good of our nations, and to stop this war. I beg you to keep these thoughts in mind.
Your Wife,
December 4th
Lord Roman Regis,
I beg you to keep the crown standing tall despite everything. This is not your opportunity.
December 10th
Is it true what everyone’s saying? That the Crown Princess is going to be charged for treason? Was that why she sent me a strange letter?
December 15th
She sent you one too? And yes I’m afraid it’s true… but I don’t think that’s how it started. I was aware of the fact she was working with the duke to supply troops using her knowledge of how both armies could work together, I truthfully think he took advantage of her. But her name is on some of the documents which can be read negatively.
I apologize in advance for my lack of responsiveness and attention to you. For now I need to convince Father not to execute Delphine and others in her position. This is all truly at the worst timing, we were in the midst of discussion to end this whole war.
At the very least I’ll see you come the New Years Ball.
December 29th
I’m sorry it’s taken me so long, love but I think I have things sorted. At the ball my Father intends to announce the annulment of my marriage- claiming that Delphine unfairly used me. That’s not true of course, but it’s the best way for us to keep her here as a “hostage” and to withdraw our support in this war and try to reclaim a more neutral stance. At least outwardly, things are always more complicated when you look closer.
But with the war coming to a true end, and the end of my marriage, perhaps it’s time I take ‘crown’ out of my title? Patton would certainly be a better face to be out there right now as we try to maintain the rockiest of peaces. And once he takes over maybe I’ll just have to vanish in plain sight. I know a certain count who would take us in without complaint.
We can speak on it more at the banquet, I’ll meet you in the same spot as last year. We can use the same signals.
January 2nd
I have spent the past day thinking over the words you told me. I'll admit when I received your most recent letter, I took your words to be akin to wishful thinking. But now after hearing all the plans you made for us, this sounds like something we can really do. My heart beats faster at the thought.
Running away with the Crown Prince, it sounds like a novel doesn’t it? If we were to leave, when would we go?
January 3rd
Ideally I’d like to leave as soon as the snow melts, but diplomacy is known to take it’s time.
January 4th
I’m ready when you are. Just give me some notice to pack up my things at home and to write a letter that will make my mother sob when she realizes that she can’t marry me off for a reverse dowry. Yes, I know such a thing doesn’t exist, but I’m not sure she does.
Also I spent today with Prince Patton and Virgil and my stance has not changed.
Do me a favor and keep your fucking mouth shut? I don’t need Prince Janus interrogating me anymore.
January 8th
Virgil left a note on my bed last night saying in not so nice words that I ratted him out to you. I take it I was right! You need to speak with your brother then we can be official cupids.
Also I’m leaving today, so make sure your next letter goes to my home.
January 13th
I will do no such thing. No one on this planet is good enough for Patton.
January 28th
You have till March to prepare our rooms. No, I won’t be telling you my arrival date.
January 30th
I don’t know if I ever told you, but I’ve kept every single letter you’ve sent me. The good, the bad, and the pointless ones. I’ve kept them all in a box in my wardrobe and my maids know not to touch them. I think I’ll take the box with me when we run.
February 2nd
The Prince is being weirder than usual and is fretting over little stuff and he keeps mumbling your name. Do me a favor and take him off my hands fast.
Also he got very mad at me when he found out we exchanged letters. It’s not like we’ve been doing this since you left or anything. He’s so jealous it’s stupid. Sometimes I like to imagine what would have happened if you had been the one forced into a political marriage- and then I quickly stop because I realize he would order me to go arrest and or kill someone and I legally can’t say no.
Save me.
February 3rd
I have a box of your letters as well. Even ones you haven’t written but are about you- so even some of Delphine’s have been included. Our story is certainly different from that of other couples, and our letters reflect that. I’ll bring my letters as well, maybe we can organize them all into a large collection.
That was an incredibly sappy thought, and yet I wish to follow through with it all the same.
February 7th
I deeply apologize. I saw the play. I know we promised to watch it together, but Patton begged me to go with those eyes and that expression and I couldn’t say no. I will make it up to you. I’ll sit through an opera in the future maybe? I know you like operas even if I don’t.
In good news I plan to send a carriage for you, it should arrive on the fourth of the coming month. It will bring you here to the capital, we can see a horrid opera and then we can be on our way to our future. So you have a full month to pack.
February 12th
I can’t believe you watched it without me. It will take more than an opera to make up for this. You can start thinking now on how to make it up to me.
February 19th
As the days grow closer my excitement grows more and more. Even now I’m writing this to you rather than sleeping as it truly sinks in that we’re going to do this. I can’t wait.
February 23rd
My feelings are the same as yours. This morning I announced to my family my intentions. I didn’t tell them where we’ll be going of course, just that I will be relinquishing the position of Crown Prince and that I will be traveling. Father was enraged, sister was surprised, but Mother and Patton seemed to understand and once the three of us were alone they assured me that they are happy for me. I have a few more people (boring nobles) to tell, but now that they know there’s no going back. So you’re not allowed to have cold feet.
February 27th
Please if anyone was to have cold feet it was you. I’ve been willing to run away with you since the day I first laid eyes on the pretty thing you call a face.
March 4
The carriage should be here any minute, and I’m writing this letter that I intend to hand deliver to calm myself. My room is packed into bags, and I’ve already said most of my goodbyes. I don’t know when I’ll be back, but I’m sure time will fly when I’m with you. It always does.
Truthfully I wish you didn’t have to leave, but I understand it. So I wish you luck in chasing your love, while you’re gone I’ll make some changes around here so you can lead the life you want when you get back.
Be happy, and don’t forget to write.
March 19th
I have arrived safely, and both Logan and Roman are doing well. The former was griping about needing to share his estate with us, but all it took was me bringing up a few embarrassing childhood stories for him to loosen up. I don’t know when I’ll be home, but if you’re ever in the mood to frighten Father, tell him that we’ll need a royal wedding upon my return. I finally got to do the proper proposal I’ve had in my head since the New Year’s before last, and it was perfect.
I wish you luck in dealing with the state of affairs, if you need any help send me a letter discreetly and I can offer some aid.
Best wishes,
P.S. Fire Virgil if you feel like it. You can do better.
A Forbidden Romance Years in the Making!
It’s been years since the ex Crown Princess and now hostage of the kingdom Delphine outed then Lord Roman Regis for loving a married man. Afterwards he was shunned by society and took shelter in the palace after his father begged for his shelter. Generously, the former Crown Prince agreed given he was tied to the scandal. But now we know that was never the whole story. Rather the two have been in a secret romance since their school days.
Now, as if his sudden disappearance was nothing, First Prince Janus Ekans has returned with his betrothed Lord Roman Regis, by his side. Previously talks of Crown Prince Patton signing the new law has been floating for a long while, but it seems the pen will finally be put to paper so a royal wedding may commence.
The couple will wed immediately following the signing of the new law legalizing gay marriage. And it will surely be a wedding to remember.
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saintobio · 3 years
Ai, I am 100% being honest when I say that your r&j fic has to be be one of my favorite pieces yet. Just everything about it as a whole, even though I am able to recite romeo & juliet and macbeth drunk due to how many times i have read it and will keep reading i already knew how it was going to end, however the fact that you took your time to incorporate modern english, adding changes from the original story and throwing in your own twists making the story even more tragic, aND THE WHOLE TOJI USING MEGUMI’S LOVE AS A PAWN?? I BAWLED MY EYES OUT.
I loved the way you used the characters and as the reader being able to see those said characters in those be in positions (i.e. Satoru as a caring narcissistic prince/older brother waiting in line for power in order to ensure change from the traditional monarchy and tyrant that are their parents, Toji the tyrant coming into power and using any and all available pawns, including his son and his feelings, in order to ensure the downfall of the Gojō family to gain its power as a King, i can keep going but this is starting to get too long lol) It had reminded me why I love with your writing all over again and i hope you could do another historical or royal inspired au in the near future
(this kinda long lol sorry TLDR: me simping on main for your writing)
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once again you have blessed our feeds with your writing, and all i can say is hand in marriage please 😌🤲
stoppp i actually am crying thanks so much for reading r+j !! it’s also my fav piece so far bc i enjoyed the concept + the early modern english it’s nothing like my other fics so it’s very new to me. and plsss ?? i’m so glad to know that you liked it 😭 also when u pointed out all the details i’ve put such as toji taking advantage of megumi’s love (pain) and then satoru trying to pull a macbeth for a good cause lmao i loved reading ur rant i’ll def keep this close to my heart
and NOW ok i was crying but then i checked the memes and i cant stop laughingjfnj THESE MEMES ARE MAD FUNNY ESP THE YUUTA ONES ?? PLSSJD ILY !!
then you decided to hurt me when you added this pic bc now i’m thinking abt how this is megumi when he walked towards y/n’s deathbed on the tenth act and like he just gives up bc the girl he loves is gone and i’m in so much pain god
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anyways thanks again for reading and for sharing ur excitement w me !! <33 i highly appreciate it :’)
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moldisgoodforyou · 4 years
the 5 times jj fake proposed and the 1 time he did for real
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warnings: cursing, mentions of sex
wordcount: 2.4k
the first time he fake-proposed, he was drunk. when he was drunk, jj felt like he needed to proclaim his feelings to the world. he was ultra-touchy with charlie and liked whispering sweet nothings in her ear, and then liked bragging about her to his friends just as much. they were at beta’s spring formal and they were both at the level of drunkenness (after way too many glasses of champagne) where everything was funny. 
“I’m gonna marry you, charlie.” he promised, catching her lips in a sweet kiss. she laughed, pushing his shoulder. “you’re drunk, silly.” he dropped to one knee in the middle of the dance floor, wearing a goofy grin. “charlie walker, will you marry me?” she rolled her eyes and hauled him up by the arms before too many people could notice. “eventually.” he laughed and grabbed a slim napkin ring from the formal dinner table, slipping it on her finger. it was way too big and fell off almost right away, but she stuck it in her purse anyway. 
the second time, jj had just won his intramural football championship (thanks to charlie’s coaching) and they were celebrating at the bar afterward. he was running high on emotions, had a streak of dirt on his face from a tackle and was a little bruised, but was having the time of his life. on his third trip back from the bar, he found a little silver ring on the ground and pocketed it. his arm was slung around charlie’s shoulders all night, and after the second round of playing thunderstruck, he felt compelled to propose. again.  
“charlie, you know I love you, right?” she reached up and swiped her thumb across his cheek, grinning. “of course I do.” he got down on his knee and fished out the ring from his pocket, smirking up at her. the cocky smile was enough to tell her he wasn’t serious. “maybank -” she warned, but he shook his head to cut her off. “listen, listen! I want to spend the rest of my life with you -” one of his brothers nudged him, wary. “dude, are you really gonna propose like this?” 
charlie laughed, crossing her arms as jj shoved him away. “let me finish, let me finish! will you marry me, charlie?” charlie just sent him an amused smile, shaking her head. jj stood quickly and grabbed her around the waist, swinging her around. “she said yes!” he yelled out, pressing a sloppy kiss to her cheek. she giggled as he slid the ring onto her thumb (the only finger that would fit). “I didn’t say anything!” he nudged his nose against hers, grinning. “shh, pretty girl, do you want free drinks or not?” 
“I hate you.” she responded with a smile, blushing. 
he nipped his teeth at her bottom lip. “come on, don’t talk like that to your fiancé.” 
“oh my god.” 
the third time, the two of them were surfing back in the outer banks. they were teasing each other all day, doing stupid shit like dropping in on each other’s wave and yelling flirty things when the other was riding a wave to catch them off balance. (jj even went as far to tackle charlie off her board in the still waters - just for fun.) after a few hours of surfing, they both laid on their backs on their boards out past the waves, arms draped over their eyes to shield them from the sun. 
jj reached out and took her hand, floating her closer. “did you know otters hold hands when they sleep, so they don’t float away from each other?” 
“really? that’s cute.” charlie mused with her eyes shut, about to fall asleep from the rocking of the waves. 
“it’s adorable.” jj agreed. he pulled a piece of kelp from the water and stashed it in the pocket of his board shorts. “would you get married now?” charlie was way too used to his casual talk about the future by now, and didn’t even open her eyes. she squeezed his hand and smirked to herself. “depends, who’s asking?” 
jj didn’t waste a beat to launch himself onto her board, promptly sinking the two of them. “charlie walker!” 
she yelped, sputtering a little as she surfaced. “what was that for?!” 
he splashed a little water toward her. “you know what that was for!” 
she laughed, ducking away. “I couldn’t resist." 
he rested his arms on her board as they treaded water and pulled the string of kelp out from his pocket. “I’m asking. would you marry me?” she eyed the kelp skeptically, then shot the look at him. “j. if that’s your idea of a proposal, you need to do better.” the tips of his ears turned red and he tossed it aside, putting on a smile. “I’m just kidding!” she gave him a short kiss, then nudged him off her board. “come on, one last wave. I’m tired.” 
the fourth time, they were on the kiss cam at a south carolina football game. they were visiting for homecoming, one year after graduating, and he had been hinting at getting married more than his usual amount. just the week before, she almost had a heart attack when she found a small velvet box in his drawer, then realized it was just a pair of cufflinks she had given him before. 
she wasn’t sure why she was so nervous about the idea of a proposal, exactly - she loved jj with her whole heart and couldn’t picture herself with anyone else, but the idea of such a big commitment was just...scary. 
the kiss cam panned over toward them and she laughed before leaning over to catch his lips with hers - but he pulled away, getting on one knee. charlie stopped breathing. “jj.” 
he grinned. 
the stadium was dead silent.
charlie looked like she wanted to cry. 
jj nudged her quickly, realizing he fucked up, and mouthed free drinks at her. she exhaled and nodded with a tiny smile and he got up quickly, hugging her tight so she didn’t break down and cry in front of the entire south carolina fanbase. the stadium erupted in cheers and the camera panned away as the game resumed. 
he held her close for a long beat, wincing as she dug her nails into his arm. “I’m going to fucking kill you.” charlie murmured into his ear. he laughed weakly. “too far, huh?” she pulled away from the hug and pressed her hand over her heart, eyes bright and a little teary. he ran his hand through his hair, grimacing. “love you?” he tried. 
she sat and pulled him down to sit with her, resting her head on his shoulder. “you need to knock it off.” he turned and kissed the top of her head, genuinely feeling bad. “I’m sorry, sweetheart, it was stupid.” 
she pulled out her phone and showed him the numerous texts constantly lighting up her screen - especially the ones from her mom and dad. he gulped and charlie had to admit she felt a little satisfaction at him being uncomfortable too. “yeah, have fun explaining that one to my parents.” 
jj had never been more thankful for a fluke south carolina win that day - he was pretty sure that was the only thing that got him out of the doghouse that weekend. 
the fifth time, jj and charlie had just returned from a wine tasting tour on their anniversary and the sixth glass of rosé went straight to jj’s head. they were both handsy in the uber on the way home and barely made it through the doorway of their apartment before jj managed to pull charlie’s halter top off. he picked her up as she wrapped her legs around his waist. “can we at least make it to the bedroom?” she giggled as he peppered kisses all over her face. 
he bit her bottom lip playfully and set her on the kitchen counter. “you’re lucky I didn’t take you right then and there at the last winery.” 
“j.” she protested, running her hands through his hair. “bed.”
“patience, pretty girl.” he pulled back slightly to yank his shirt over his head and toss it aside, then resumed kissing her, hard. he trailed a hand up her side, brushing his thumb over her nipple and loving the way she arched her back into his touch. “fuck, j, come on.” she whined, tugging at the waistline of his pants. he swatted at her hand and picked her up again, nipping at her neck as he walked them into the bedroom. 
afterward, he kissed her sweetly, pulling the sheet up over her chest. “happy anniversary, j.” she told him with a smile. 
“I love you so damn much,” he replied with a grin.  
jj rolled over and rummaged around the nightstand for a second, pulling out a black velvet box. charlie shook her head immediately, reaching over and grabbing his wrist. “jj, no.” he paused, glancing at her with a confused expression. “I’m not joking this time -” she shook her head again. “jj, please, not now.” she pleaded. "but I -” she kissed him quickly to shut him up and took the box from him, her heart racing. 
he sighed, resigned, and took the box back to shove it back in the nightstand. “it’s never gonna happen at this rate.” charlie frowned and kissed him soundly. “no, j, just...not like this. I’m ready. but not like this.” that was enough to turn his mood around. “you’re ready? you’re sure?” she smiled a little and nodded. “yes. I promise.” 
the last time, they were at their favorite lookout spot in berkeley. they had shared a lot of big moments there (a job promotion, a raise, their first real discussion about future children) and he knew he had one chance to get the moment perfect - since he had fucked up the first five times. he did everything right - called her parents in advance (less for her dad’s blessing, more for the courtesy), told grace beforehand, and had scheduled a photographer to wait in the bushes for the exact moment. 
he was acting strange all day, to the point that charlie thought he was even a little bit mad at her for something she did. 
she should have caught on, given that he got her a gift card to get her nails done a week ago - and her nails were hardly ever polished. but she appreciated the random gesture and got them done anyway, kind of loving the look. she should have caught on when he told her to wear his favorite dress (“you know, the one with the little blue flowers”) for a picnic up on the hill. 
lucky for jj, she was pretty much clueless and went along with it when he pulled on a short-sleeved button down and dress pants, saying he needed to ‘break them in’ - weird, but whatever. 
he slipped the ring in his pocket without the box, afraid the outline would tip her off. as they drove up to their spot with a cooler he packed in the back, he tapped his thumb on the wheel anxiously. “rough day at work, hon?” charlie asked sympathetically. he shook his head. “nah, just...jittery. dunno, must have drank coffee too late at work or something.” she nodded and reached over, squeezing his thigh reassuringly. he flinched away, scared she was going to feel the ring and she furrowed her brow. “jj, what’s up?” 
he laughed, a little high-pitched. “nothing! nothing, just the coffee.” he lied, horribly. “...right.” she replied, dubious. he pulled up to the lookout and grabbed the cooler and blanket from the backseat, stashing the champagne under the car seat before she could see. as they laid out the picnic items, his hands were shaking like hell. charlie took his hands in hers and stepped close, kissing him softly. “you sure it was just the coffee, jj?” 
he took a deep breath, looking around at their surroundings to make sure everything was in order. “sorry, just - I think I forgot something in the car, I’ll be back.” he left her standing there, confused and jogged back to the car. he checked over his pockets for the twelfth time that day, making sure he had the ring, then walked back. she had walked further out to the lookout, a few steps away from the blanket, and he decided to make his move. 
jj walked up behind her then dropped down to one knee, pulling the ring out of his pocket. “charlie -” he started, shaky, and she turned around and immediately slapped a hand over her mouth. “oh my god.” 
“charlie walker, I -” 
“you’re not joking, are you? please don’t say you’re joking.” tears were already welling up in her eyes and he grinned. “will you let me finish?” 
she nodded, smiling ear-to-ear, a hand still pressed to her lips. 
“charlie walker, the last three years loving you have been the best three years of my life and I can’t picture spending the rest of it with anyone but you.” he paused, blinking away what he swore wasn’t tears. “will you marry me?” 
she practically tackled him to the ground in a hug, meeting his lips in a heated kiss. 
he pulled back, laughing. “wait, wait, is that a yes?” 
she nodded, grinning. “yes, god yes!” 
he beamed, shifting her to his lap. “wait, you haven’t even seen the ring!” she laughed, kissing him again. “I don’t even care.” he took her hand and slid the ring on her finger, carefully. she gasped when she saw it, tears welling up again. “oh my god, j, it’s perfect.” he grinned. “yeah? I had a little help from your friends.” 
she admired the ring, then gasped as she realized. “is this my grandmother’s?” he nodded with a proud smile. “she wanted you to have it, since you’re the only granddaughter. I got tipped off that you’d always loved it.” charlie’s bottom lip quivered and he laughed, pulling her into a kiss. “stop crying! this is supposed to be happy!” 
she laughed. “I know, I know! I just...it’s all so perfect, jj. god, I love you.” 
he grinned. “now you’re stuck with me forever, sweetheart.” 
charlie beamed. “I can’t fucking wait.” 
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cmcsmen · 2 years
How To Help Your Adult Children Leaving the Catholic Faith
By Frank J Casella
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Many Catholic men and their wives feel anguish over how their adult children have stopped going to Mass or are leaving the Catholic Faith that they raised their children in.
Watching your children drift away from the faith can be a heartbreaking experience. For those of us who have raised kids in the faith, attending Mass every Sunday, sending them to religious education programs, or sending them to Catholic schools can feel like a futile effort. We often ask ourselves "what did I do wrong?", "what should I have done differently?"
I have heard Bishop Perry respond to these questions as "You didn't do anything wrong" .. children are naturally bundles of constant change.
You don't have to live with a powerless feeling. Because here is some hope: Continue to give a witness even if the child left the house; always provide an open door, a way back if they are not married - Model your love of the Faith; Believe in the power of prayer, fasting, penance, and blessing - these are not little small things.
God and the Saint's can work on their heart better than you can.
Living a devout Christian life means that we turn everything over to God loving Him with our whole heart. One reality about Catholic's, would you agree, is we follow the rules, we do the right things, but do we really know Jesus and thus we don’t do a good job of talking about our relationship with Jesus.
And speaking of our children leaving the house, many of them are staying longer and not marrying. One man I know says that his son has been out of college for a few years and has moved back home three times after living with friends. He feels that because his son is not married you can't send him back (to his spouse) to work it out.
One young adult woman writes "four of the most important problems that affect devout Catholics when it comes to getting to know a potential spouse and considering marriage: dysfunctional discernment, divisions in the Church or “Catholic camps,” poor examples and mixed messages from parents and mentors, and lack of universal courtship (or dating) customs."
And she goes on to say, "How, I often wonder, can I know so many single Catholic women who say they can’t find a man and so many single Catholic men who say they can’t find a woman? Why aren’t they all finding each other? The answer, I suspect, lies in the fact that far more single men consider themselves traditional Catholics than single women, and those traditional single men want to marry a woman who falls into the same Catholic camp" …. "For this reason, it makes sense to narrow your search down to truly practicing Catholics and not attempt any “missionary dating.” "
So I hope that what I have shared here shows you are not alone if you're experiencing this, and how there are several things converging in our culture, as well as within the Church, contributing to this. And again, you did nothing wrong. In fact you did everything right in providing a faith based foundation for your children while growing up .. now just keep doing it … and praying for them.
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ennui-gt · 3 years
Here it is. A Piece Of Borrower Content Written Entirely In Stream Of Consciousness:
AN: so this is incomplete and very…needs revisions to the timeline to incorporate some things I added later! It’s the original universe that Mira’s from! I edited it like Slightly to just change Ross’s name to Ross (if u see Max anywhere that’s his old one I just felt like changing it so that’s just him but different. Anyway) Everything's under the readmore tab, cheers!
The Library Fairy:
Basic Plot (Chrono, comic starts from human perspective abt the ‘legend of the library fairy’ ig maybe. Nothing here is permanent cept the characterization)
Part A
1- Mira is borrower currently chillin in a college library
2- She lives off of the cafe on the second floor nd reads lots and lots of stuff about everything when the upper floors close (lower floor open 24/7 but upper floors r vacant p much after 12:00 AM)
3- she starts getting increasingly curious about human stuff cos she’s literate nd books r pry neat
4- it starts one night when she spots an unattended notebook and a half eaten blueberry muffin, nd it’s 12:30 so nobody’s coming back in atm (it’s the 80s so no laptops for the plebians quite yet)
5- so she goes ‘welp’ nd takes part of the muffin, then sees the work on the page and goes ‘hmmmm this is incorrect’ so she helps our and leaves notes here n there to point the kid in the right direction and puts down some book refs for further study bcos at this point she’s been there for 2 years and she knows where most things are
6- she stays behind to see if the human comes back for it, hidden in a hidey hole near the desk
7- human comes in, sees notebook, practically melts w relief nd stuffs it in his bag
8- next day human comes back nd leaves nother notebook and a cookie, along w a hidden camera
9- Mira goes ‘o boy, this a trap, innit’
10- Mira then decides ‘eh whatever I haven’t had contact w anyone in years now so I might as well’
11- she steals the camera film nd leaves a lil scrap of paper saying ‘nice try ;)’ on it
12- student comes back, sees paper, goes ‘dammit’, then leaves note addressed to the ‘library fairy’ and another cookie, as well as more of their work for her to help with
13- bout a decade goes by and now the “Library Fairy” is an urban myth, it’s currently 2003 so she’s also wound up on the school’s unofficial Wikipedia page under ‘local cryptids’
14- most library employees know of her but they don’t go looking out of fear stemming from superstitions bout her, somehow the legend grew from ‘can’t be photographed’ to ‘a student once saw her and died that day’
15- there’s now a small shrine devoted to her where ppl bring offerings hoping to get good grades in return, sometimes they will leave papers for her to proofread nd stuff
16- new prof (named Alexei) finds online article thinks he Knows What’s Up bcos he had a borrower friend as a kid, but they left when borrower’s fam found out about them knowing each other
17- he leaves note wedged in one of her secret entrances behind outlet, asking if she can meet w him at some point
18- Mira, already In it, goes ‘Okay. Alright. This has gone on for long enough. Time to go and never return’ but ofc she’s curious as all hell and like she decides she will at least honor the guy’s request for a convo b4 she goes, but on her terms and w/o speaking face 2 face
19- they Talk in the library after hours, bcos he paid off the janitor to let him stay after hours nd most of the student employees recognize him as a prof nd leave him alone
20- they talk again for every subsequent night
21- she uhhhh finally decides to reveal herself nd prays that her hunch was right nd he won’t try to grab her or anything
22- he doesn’t but she’s nervous so she winds up gettin caught in her own climbing rope like idiot, is now dangling from ceiling in tangled mess
23- he stifles chuckle nd she says smthn sarcastic
24- he moves closer and offers to untangle her
25- she’s like ‘please’
26- so he do, but her grip on the rope slips nd he has to catch her
26- so now she’s in his hand and he just sets her down and now he’s a bumbling embarrassed mess bcos he said he wasn’t going to hold her and he just did and o dear pls forgib him
28- nd she’s like ‘dude u just saved my life it’s fine ur fine chill’
29- internally she’s going HOLY FUCK AAAAAAA but externally, her human’s already worked up enough as it is so she’s gotta b the level headed one
29.5- after a while they both kinda get used to each other more, he gets tenure, they celebrate, some more stuff happens, Aleksei got married (not to Mira, Mira hasn’t actually rly thought about being in a relationship w anyone cos she’s laser focused on gaining as much knowledge as possible)
30- eventually Alexei’s like ‘hey so I’m dean of faculty for the biotech branch now uhhhh would u like actual job teaching students? Cos, uh, you can do it remotely thru online lectures n stuff, no in person interaction, and I uh was just kinda wondering—‘
31- she’s like ‘yes. Yes!!! LET ME HELP PEOPLE OFFICIALLY KINDA’
32- so now she’s a professor, and has revealed her Secret a few times here n there to a number of the faculty, nd she has recorded her own findings in a personal journal
33- ‘humans will treat u like a human if they think ur human first. The kids call it ‘catfishing’’
34- enter Ross, an mall goth who accidentally tripped headfirst into a premed program
35- Mira’s favorite field of study is bio so naturally she’s his prof for a majority of his classes
36- being the good boy that he is, he now knows Mira’s secret. There is an Entire Chapter on him finding out and legit just continuing their conversation as if everything was normal bcos he thought that was how he was supposed to handle the situation
37- then she says ‘u can ask questions, u know’ he’s like OH THANK FUCK CAUSE I HAVE SEVEN HUNDRED OF THOSE
38- and now he kinda knows what to look for in terms of ‘do borrowers live here check yes or no’
39-in his apartment, the answer is yes and he mistakenly kinda stumbles upon the mom one night when he wakes up in the middle of the night for Snack and opts to pretend like its not happening. Unfortunately the thing she was trying 2 borrow (piece of crumb cake for Son Boy’s birthday) is the thing he wants 2 eat so he’s like “uh. ‘Scuse me, ma’am.” and he peels back the saran wrap on the other side of the plate, takes piece, nd then leaves some there for her
40-so now the woman is like ‘welp guess it time 2 Leave’
.1- she and husband Talk
.2-they decide it best 2 go
.3-theyre Packing
.4-lil bab Ellie confused
.5-hawk attacke
.6-cut to Ross
41- Ross also happens to work at a bar and he goes outside for a break
43- he finds smal child—smol smal—on the sidewalk and said child is missing an arm, nd has lost a lot of blood, so he’s uhhhhh Losing It highkey
43.5-parents r nowhere 2 b seen, but the hawk is nearby and circling. Ross gets an idea of what just happened
44- he up and leaves work, thankfully his apartment is above the shop so he jumps up the fire escape w the child and
45- he make tourniquet
46- he calls Mira nd asks her 2 come over to ASAP. he’s A Mess at this point
47- it is Very touch and go, kid needs blood, Mira is the only viable donor so she’s just gotta pray that the blood type is fine and won’t kill him
48- and then eventually they manage 2 stave infection thru antibiotics properly dosed to his size, Mira does Math and Prays basically
49- ‘bout a month in, kid wakes up
50- kid doesn’t rember much since he’s only 3
51- hes v scared of Ross at first but over time he gets used 2 the human
52- kid (elliot) starts 2 call Ross ‘dad’ after a while
53- Ross: *internal screaming but in a good way*
54- the end kinda for now
Part 2
A- New Borrowers In The Building
—three of em. paranoid dad, mom, nd daughter that’s Elliot’s age so he’s pumped
B- Elliot offers them a place 2 stay briefly
C- he knows by now bout like, how borrowers don’t typically interact w humans and Auntie Mira’s a bit of a weird case so he just doesn’t tell em bout his dad being the human
D- the kid finds out first nd doesn’t tell the parents, but they figure it out later kinda and think that it’s a ‘o god he’s being kept as a pet’ sitch so they’re >:| abt it
E- they move out and try to take Elliot w them (by force bcos they think he’s brainwashed) but he escapes and makes it to Ross, who’s like “uhhhhhh”
F- and the mom come out the hole near the counter n starts yelling at Ross, who is…kinda used to it since Mira brings in ppl who need help from time 2 time and they typically don’t react well when they’re lucid enough to understand what’s going on. He’s just not used to being questioned about his own kid
H- and he’s like “r…raising him???”
I- and Ellie steps up and he’s like “this is my dad. I decided he was my dad when I was three. He’s being a good parent”
J- and Ross is like “yeah what he said. I’m a good parent.”
K- Ross is riding that high til the end of fucking time but like back to the story at hand
L- this is when the husband comes out nd is like “lissen. wifey. ily but that is a very big human and he hasn’t grabbed us yet so let’s count our blessings and gtfo”
M- but she’s like “uh no we stay until I’m sure Elliot is Safe and fucking Sound”
N- so they stay for dinner nd stick around a little longer.
O- Val (the kid) gets closer 2 Elliot and also Ross a bit
P- Mira shows once or twice, first time she shows up they’re like “oh god it’s the crazy doctor lady this all makes sense now” (bcos Mira does check up on as many borrower families as possible in her free time so word has got around by now Of her, and the number by which to contact her in case her services r needed)
Q- After a month or so, then they decide to leave bcos they’re like “look we get that ur son is ur son and he only has one arm and in our profession that is kind of a death sentence but we can’t have our kid getting used to dealing w humans who know about our existence” so they go and leave on a kind of sour note bcos Ellie can do anything he wants to do just as well as any other borrower Thank You Very Much and Ross is ready to fite anyone who thinks otherwise
R- Elliot starts trying 2 b more independent, basically from now on he’s like ‘I can do everything my Damn Self Thanks’
S- but uh he does it to a point where he’s going out of the way to endanger himself
T- so they get into a fite about it and ross Yells and Elliot is like ‘kthxbye’
U- and the boi just. Fuckin bolts. Runs Away. Ross is a Mess, he starts smoking again (he quit cold turkey the day he took Elliot in) to curb the depression, he’s jus. Not doin good, worried that his son is dead and the last time they talked it’d ended badly
V- FREEDOM!!!1! Except Ellie doesn’t kno how to take care of himself so it’s a rough month or so and then he runs into some other borrowers livin in their own town in the wild ig, chillin, being hella independent, and he’s like “uh yes ofc I will join u, I was w my dad for a while but.........” he neither confirms nor denies that his dad’s dead but everyone kinda just assumes.
Part 3
W-anyway a year goes by and then the borrower group gets hit hard w some kind of sickness ig. Elliot gets it too he’s basically incapacitated n drifting in and out of lucidity. So. They contact the weird crazy doctor lady who hangs around humans, a.k.a. Mira, and she’s like “oh. fuck. I know this kid.” bcos she does, u kno, and she jus treats em all for their ailment and shows them how to make antibiotic poultice thing in case smthn like it happens again. Mold. Penicillin is basically what it is
X-she and Elliot hav a Chat (Mira basically yells at him a lot) once he’s fixed up and he decides he’s gonna visit his dad but he makes it very clear that he is a Grown Up (he’s not, he’s literally sixteen), and he is living on his own now
Y- he agrees to stay for a week tho since he misses his home a lot tbh and Ross is just. Over the fucking moon to know he’s ALIVE, he’s not gonna fuck up their relationship by insisting that he stay. Or like, by keeping him ofc he would never
Z- unfortunately the borrower community put two and two together and figured out his dad’s human so they have his stuff packed up when he gets back w mira, who’s ready to go the fuck off on them
End 1:
-Ellie is living at Ross’s place atm and hopeful about the future basically. He eventually will go off on his own but he’ll keep in contact w his dad and stuff
Part C.5
55- few yrs later
56- elliot is Adult now he does adult borrower stuff
57- he moves out
58- finds nice borrower gf (her name’s Tess)
59- doesn’t tell her about his dad being human but talks about his dad a LOT
60- so when she asks to meet said father he’s just like “uh. Maybe we don’t do that actually”
61- and she’s like “y tho”
62- and he’s like “bcos”
63- anyway she decides to look into it cos she knows he goes to see his dad nd keep in touch but his dad is allegedly “a recluse who lives in the big scary human’s walls to avoid other ppl”
64- which is. Not true in the slightest tbqh he’s def not an introvert he’s just a workaholic and he Is the big scary human
65- anywho they run into Val and her wife and she’s like “how’s Ross been?” And Elliot is acting Very Suspish so she, being Smart, calls it immediately and is like “oh shit u haven’t told her yet have u”
66- Tess: “told me what”
67- Val: “El’s dad is a human, bro.”
68- Tess: “I’m sorry?”
69- this results in a Big Fight and they separate for like, a month. Elliot blames Val bcos he’s being irrational and doesn’t wanna admit to the fact that lying to his girlfriend for over a year was Real Bad Actually, but over time he’s like ‘yeah it’s my fault sry for snapping at u’ cos he works thru his emotions n stuff
70- Eventually gf comes back cos she’s like “ok so. I understand why you lied to me about your dad. It was a dick move but I do get it and I still care about you a lot. I would like. To meet him.”
80- this is a lie she does not want to meet him she is doing this bcos she does not want to lose Elliot and that outweighs the fear of his dad
81- so they go to meet him but she’s just kinda. Behind the wall at first like “that’s a crazy big human this is crazy ur crazy it’s time to gO”
82- Val is also there bcos she hasn’t seen Ross in a while
83- they eventually coax her out of hiding
84- and by that I mean Val picks her up and drags her out into the open by force bcos she basically freezes up the second she catches sight of Ross and Val’s like “u didn’t come all this way for nothing, bich”
85- they have a Painfully Awkward First Meeting, Tess is trying her best but oh god he’s just too fucking. Larg. Ellie ur dad too big
86- tbh tho the ice kinda breaks after Ellie and Ross get into a fight over smthn stupid (im thinking Elliot grumbles bout Ross’s hair being unruly and he’s worried that mira’s using it like a personal storage system again and Ross is like “I’ve been keeping better track of that actually” and then like a little line of paper clips and a few hand-bound notebooks tied together w some string fall out of his fucking mane and he’s like “I can explain”
87- “dad you can’t keep letting her use your hair like a fucking NEST”
88- Tess is laughing now cos god damn this was not what she was expecting
89- that’s it the end it ends w Tess laughing at them being idiots good times r had by all
Uhhhh that’s it so far. I have More but it’s kinda jumbled rn and I need to fit stuff in places. Anyway.
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butterflies-dragons · 4 years
What do you think about that interview from 2014 (I think) where GRRM said "and nephews and aunts" to point out how incest is not weird for Targs? I did my research and only found Aemon and his half-aunt Jocelyn Baratheon marriage as an example of what he said. Do you think he was thinking about j*nerys when he said that or was it just an expression? Because when I first entered this fandom I saw some people calling it an "irrefutable proof" for aegony and I actually don't know what to think lol
Hello @softvniverse:
This is GRRM’s quote from the 2014 interview you mentioned. The interview was about The World of Ice and Fire:
"Targaryens were interlopers from another culture and they had some unique factors that didn't necessarily fit into the mainstream of the other Westerosi lords such as their traditional incest which was part of keeping the bloodlines pure so that they could better control dragons, brother marrying sister, and nephews and aunts, and so forth."
GRRM has covered the subject in The World of Ice and Fire: 
The tradition amongst the Targaryens had always been to marry kin to kin. Wedding brother to sister was thought to be ideal. Failing that, a girl might wed an uncle, a cousin, or a nephew; a boy, a cousin, aunt, or niece. This practice went back to Old Valyria, where it was common amongst many of the ancient families, particularly those who bred and rode dragons. "The blood of the dragon must remain pure," the wisdom went. Some of the sorcerer princes also took more than one wife when it pleased them, though this was less common than incestuous marriage. In Valryia before the Doom, wise men wrote, a thousand gods were honored, but none were feared, so few dared to speak against these customs.
This was not true in Westeros, where the power of the Faith went unquestioned. Incest was denounced as vile sin, whether between father and daughter, mother and son, or brother and sister, and the fruits of such unions were considered abominations in the sight of gods and men. With hindsight, it can be seen that conflict between the Faith and House Targaryen was inevitable.
It had long been the Valyrian custom to marry within the family, thus preserving the royal bloodlines. Yet this was not a custom native to Westeros, and was viewed as an abomination by the Faith. The Dragon and his sisters had been accepted without comment, and the issue had not arisen when Prince Aenys was wed in 22 AC to Alyssa Velaryon, the daughter of the king's master of ships and lord admiral; though she was a Targaryen upon her mother's side, this made her only a cousin. But when the tradition looked to continue yet again, matters came to a sudden head.
—The World of Ice and Fire - The Targaryen Kings: Aenys I
And he repeat it almost word by word in Fire & Blood:
The tradition amongst the Targaryens had always been to marry kin to kin. Wedding brother to sister was thought to be ideal. Failing that, a girl might wed an uncle, a cousin, or a nephew, a boy a cousin, aunt, or niece. This practice went back to Old Valyria, where it was common amongst many of the ancient families, particularly those who bred and rode dragons. The blood of the dragon must remain pure, the wisdom went. Some of the sorcerer princes also took more than one wife when it pleased them, though this was less common than incestuous marriage. In Valyria before the Doom, wise men wrote, a thousand gods were honored, but none were feared, so few dared to speak against these customs.
This was not true in Westeros, where the power of the Faith went unquestioned. The old gods were still worshipped in the North and the Drowned God in the Iron Islands, but in the rest of the realm there was a single god with seven faces, and his voice upon this earth was the High Septon of Oldtown. And the doctrines of the Faith, handed down through centuries from Andalos itself, condemned the Valyrian marriage customs as practiced by the Targaryens. Incest was denounced as a vile sin, whether between father and daughter, mother and son, or brother and sister, and the fruits of such unions were considered abominations in the sight of gods and men. With hindsight, it can be seen that conflict between the Faith and House Targaryen was inevitable. Indeed, many amongst the Most Devout had expected the High Septon to speak out against Aegon and his sisters during the Conquest, and were most displeased when the Father of the Faithful instead counseled Lord Hightower against opposing the Dragon, and even blessed and anointed him at his second coronation.
—Fire & Blood
As you can see, the ideal Valyrian marriage was between brother and sister. Only Failing that, a girl might wed an uncle, a cousin, or a nephew, a boy a cousin, aunt, or niece.
And the reason behind that was to keep the bloodlines pure so that they could better control dragons.
Now, in Westeros, according to the Faith, the incest that was forbbiden was between father and daughter, mother and son, or brother and sister. For example:
Craster and his daughters (father & children)
Jaime and Cersei (brother & sister)
Marriages between cousins, uncle and niece or aunt and nephew are allowed in Westeros. For example:
Jonnel Stark and Sansa Stark (uncle & half niece)
Rickard Stark and Lyarra Stark (cousins)
Tywin Lannister and Joanna Lannister (cousins)
Jon Snow and Arya Stark from the so called “original outline” (cousins)
About Targaryen marriages, it is true that Aemon Targaryen married his half aunt Jocelyn Baratheon. There was also Maegor Targaryen that married her half brother Aenys’ daughter, Rhaena Targaryen, Rhaenyra Targaryen married her father’s younger brother, Daemon Targaryen. Daemon’s second wife was also his niece, Laena Velaryon, granddaughter of Aemon and Jocelyn.    
Do I think GRRM was thinking about j*nerys when he said that or was it just an expression? 
I don’t think he was thinking about Jon and his aunt as a couple.  Daenerys already controls 3 dragons and that’s because she is the daughter of a brother and sister marriage (Aerys II and Rhaella), and Dany’s parents were the children of a brother and sister marriage as well (Jaehaerys II and Shaera).  
So about "irrefutable proof" for aegony... Nope.
The marriage of aunt and nephew was not taboo for Valyrians and it was also allowed in Westeros. Happened between Targaryens, happened between Starks. If Jon and his aunt decided to get married there would be no problem with religion or morals, maybe some opposition for political or historical reasons since Targaryen are not loved in the North, they remember about Rickard, Brandon and Lyanna.
That’s why Jon discovering he banged his aunt and be repulsed about it, had no sense in the Show. Not even that comment about Jon being a religious guy and rejecting his aunt because of that. There was already an uncle/half niece marriage in House Stark. GRRM originally planed a pseudo incest angsty romance between Starks, brother and sister, that later discover they were cousins and free to love each other. While the Show gave us some kind of unwilling incest with a made up angst that lacked chemistry.
I expect something better and that makes sense from the Books.       
Thanks for your message. 
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tellywoodtrash · 3 years
murder meri jaan! eps 16 + 17 lbs
sorry, was too busy with work and baby j/my 🤫🤫🤫 project 🤫🤫🤫 to do this yest.
ep 16
bhaskar being a hardass and adi instantly folds. lmaooooooo. kya gunda banega re tu???!! 😆😆😆
hahahahahahaha adi ka 🥺🥺🥺 haal dekh ke bhaskar also gives up any pretense of being sakht. loooool i love him man. 🤣🤣🤣
backstory time: they were on some case a month ago.
murder blah blah. i don’t really care.
adi maarofying hero entry on crime scene. wtf is this demented news reporting tho???
cut to sonal at a rishta ceremony conning some poor schmuck. god she looks soooooo good. 😍😍😍
saasumaa showing her around the house so she can achche se lootofy. 😊😊😊
beech mein kisi maami type ka haar bhi note kar liya lol.
the murder stuff is booooooring.
lmaooooo sonal managed to get the haar off maami by end of the rishta meeting. how????????
anyway they’re planning to marry in a week and clean them out.
ok but what is is the significance of the “yahaan bhoot bhi bolte hain” writing on the interrogation room wall???? i’ve been wondering since day 1. 🤔🤔🤔
perp is schizophrenic??? seems to be having auditory hallucinations.
ok fuck the murder waala scene is really too fucking gory 🤢🤢🤢
anyway the voices told him to do it and so he killed wife and naukar.
lmaoooooooo bhaskar is like “yeh bhi bata do kinne kii yeh bhavishyavaani; abhi jaake dharh lenge” 🤣🤣🤣 (i love that he talks in the actual MP dialect.)
anyway dude lawyered up so there’ll be nothing more said.
man i know the cops are our protagonists and we’re supp to be on their side, but fuck the entitlement they have and how they seem loath to let the accused even have their basicass rights……….. not a good look, man. 😬😬😬
lawyer seems to know his job tho, so thank god. 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽
ep 17
sonal disappointed ki ladka gay hai and that’s why those parents were so eager to get him married off. i fail to see the problem here????? marry and lootofy the fam, homophobes who do such shit deserve it anyway. i’d do it guilt-free in this case. 😊😊😊
lmao oh sonam has the same idea as me. she’s fully into it and calling it “good karma”.
“mujhe koi shaadi-vaadi nahi karni; bas aish karna hai life mein.” sis same. 👯‍♀️👯‍♀️👯‍♀️
but her eyes say she wants lurrrrrrrve. she just wants takkar ka banda who phasaofies her instead. you’ll find it baby, murder house bilkul bagal mein hi hai tumhara!
instant cut to adi. show not even subtle about it lmao. 🤭🤭🤭
omg he has an invite to the sonal/bakra wedding. he knows the groom!!!!!
prediction: groom is prolly gonna get cold feet and run and this mahaan boy will marry her to “bachao izzat” lol.
mummy using opportunity to cajole adi into marrying too. he’s being sensible about it and saying “majboori thodi hai?!??”
ugh stupid “tujhe ladkiyaan hi pasand haina???” trope. he’s playing to it and being all “nahi pasand toh???” 🙄🙄🙄
mummy is flummoxed but trying to be supportive and saying he doesn’t need to hide who he is. points to her for being better than the groom’s family, i guess?
he laughed and walked off. ha ha ha what a hilarious joke. i don’t find this shit even remotely funny. 😒😒😒
asjfdksjsjsshsjsj mummy tho goes on to progressively update his profile to show interested in women AND MEN. lol. bless her heart.
sonal on other hand making comprehensive plan of the bakra’s house and what they can whisk off. girl, love you, love your brain. 🤩🤩🤩
her accomplices are a buncha fucking idiots tho.
she takes a break from their nonsense and goes for a walk. passes murder house.
sees all the crime scene tape and is ittttchinggggggg to go in. sis what horrible instincts. 😟😟😟
phew. thankfully left it alone.
adi is literally the fucking dumbest cop ever; he’s like if dude was mentally unstable, he wouldn’t be able to solve sudoku. man have you ever met a neurodivergent person in your life ever????
now remains the “chudail” theory. so they’re going to go check out the bedroom for the chudail. wonderful.
lmaoooooo bhaskar’s unfiltered thoughts about adi are coming forth. damn what kinda shaitaani room of truth is this?!????
adi concerned for bhaskar. but in like 30 sec, he’s hearing voices too. yiiiiiiikes. 😰😰😰
adi ke unfiltered thoughts about bhaskar coming out too. wow. he’s a dick. hmph. no guy with this face and bod can be truly a nice person i guess. 😒😒😒
ok they’re both under some kinda spell or idk what and are acting totally possessed. this room needs an exorcist. and a havan done in it. asap. 😖😩😣
somehow made it out of there with their lives. sanity, still undetermined. 😟😟😟
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simple-heroics · 4 years
Momo Yaoyorozu Fluff Alphabet | Part 2 | Letters M-Z
 Guys, I love her so much. This took awhile to finish but here it is! Read Part 1 here.
credit to creator of the fluff alphabet prompt list here
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Marriage - Do they want to get married? How do they propose? What would the marriage be like?
In a word…yes.
However, Momo never dreamed of marriage as a little girl nor did she ever feel like she needed marriage - or any relationship - to be happy. She has her family, friends, a fulfilling career, tea, and other passions (i.e advocacy, fundraising, etc.) to keep her busy. 
Momo doesn’t date to get married or because she’s lonely or needs another person to feel complete. She dates you because she loves you. She marries you because she wants to spend the rest of her life with you. (Oh, and the legal benefits. One of which is that threats against spouses of various federal employees is a federal crime. Including pro heroes. Don’t fuck with Creati’s baby :) :)  She will use every possible way to ruin a person’s life forever if they come after you.)
Basically, YOU make HER want to get married. And you bet your ass she’s gonna put a ring on that.
Forget about “stimulating the economy” and that trickle down economics bull shit. Momo is making your ring - a symbol of YOUR LOVE - herself, and only the best of the best for you. She spends hours researching designs, meanings of various gemstones, the durability of metals. All the “samples” she makes are a small fortune in and of herself.
When she proposes, Momo takes you to a botanical garden - the same one you both went to on one of your first dates. Literally rents the entire place out. While you walk around, you start to get nostalgic just as she hoped and reminisce. 
Holding your hands, Momo talks about the first time she saw you, her favorite memories, how you’ve made her so happy. She tells you how you’ve changed her and helped her grow as a person, how everyday has been such a blessing.
Then she makes the ring, right then and there, for you. Softly, reverently, she asks, “Can we spend the rest of our days together like this?”
Marriage actually makes Momo much more comfortable with PDA. Whereas before she would only go as far holding your hand, now she presses loving kisses to your face and strokes your hair and is in general at least 20% more touchy. Marriage gives her a sense of security and - in a weird way - “propriety”. It’s one thing to lovey dovey with a datemate in public; it’s another to be affectionate with one’s spouse.
Oh, yeah. She loves the sound of it. Whenever your name comes up, it’s always “my spouse, y/n” or “y/n, my spouse”. It just makes her so giddy to say.
The feeling’s mutual of course. Anytime Creati is on TV, kicking ass or looking so pristine in an interview, you’re like:
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Nicknames - What do they call their s/o?
Momo is full of sweet, doting nicknames: darling, my love, dear, dearest, beloved. These are usually accompanied by a kiss on your hand or temple. 
All in private, though. You’d have to take her by surprise with a sudden visit to the office or it’d have to be an intensely emotional situation for Momo to call you those sweet names in public.
But Momo doesn’t need to call you a pet name in public for people to know who you are to her. Just the soft, almost reverent way she says your name - practically cooing it - says it all. Everyone knows that you’re her darling even if she doesn’t outright call you it in public.
On Cloud Nine - What are they like when they are in love? Is it obvious for others? How do they express their feelings?
Okay, so this is gonna be a little contradictory but…I see Momo as being both the most relaxed she’s ever been in her life and more focused than she’s ever been before.
You teach her that it’s okay to be herself and not this image of her “best self” she always has in her head. You make her feel safe enough to be let go of her perfectionism and accept her enough that she gradually drops one insecurity after another. She can be messy around you. She can be loud or quiet or giggly or grouchy or literally anything else. She’s just Momo with you.
Finally with some kind of outlet, the explicit permission to be free, it’s like watching an entire lifetime of tension slip away. 
But….because you make her feel this, so happy and light and free, Momo is overwhelmed with gratitude and love that it kind of kicks itself in reverse. She has to be absolutely perfect for you.
And it can become a cycle. Not a great one, either. So please keep in check with each other and help balance yourselves out. Please. She just wants to make you the happiest person on earth which - in her view - is hard because you already do that for her.
Like I briefly touched on above and will even more so below, it’s Very Clear that Momo Yaoyorozu is in love. People who have known her for years have never seen her happier nor have her own colleagues ever seen her so…intense.
Because Momo has a very solid, very real reason to make it through missions waiting for her at home. She has a precious person to make the world a safer place for now. She was absolutely dedicated before but now? Now it’s personal.
PDA - Are they upfront about their relationship? Do they brag with their s/o in front of others? Or are they rather shy to kiss etc. when others are watching?
Given Momo’s upbringing, the answer to most of these is no. Definitely not. Not only is Momo shy about PDA but she was taught that doing so is disrespectful to people around you and even your significant other. Japanese etiquette only affirms this. The most you can expect from your girl is holding hands or linking arms while you walk around.
That doesn’t mean Momo stops touching you in public. In fact, sometimes it’s like she can’t keep her hands off you but her affection is expressed in small, subtle touches disguised as helpful gestures.
Tucking your hair behind your ear, straightening your collar, dabbing the corner of your mouth, brushing imaginary lint off your shoulder. 
As for bragging…Momo doesn’t necessarily “brag” about you. But she does talk about you. A lot.
Out with a friend? “S/o said hi!” Doing paperwork? “S/o got me this pen.” Eating dinner with a colleague? “I should bring s/o here.”
Momo absolutely adores you. Even though she doesn’t go shouting this to the word, it shines in the little things.
The biggest giveaway? The way she looks at you with those bright, shining gray eyes. 
Quirk - Some random ability they have that’s beneficial in a relationship. I just love this prompt for BNHA imagines.
Momo has a lot of secret talents that you’re always discovering at random. Her parents put a lot of thought and care into their only daughter’s upbringing, especially her education, and it shows. Your favorite so far?
Her dancing.
And it’s not like Ashido’s dancing or really many people your age. I am talking classical ballroom, mostly for the sake of those fancy banquets and soirees that the Yaoyorozus often attended. Momo knows how to elegantly through a ballroom as well as she does in the field. 
But that’s not what you’re interested in. It’s the quiet, private part of your lives where’s it’s just the two of you in your home. No one else, no demanding tasks, no where to be. Just you and some lo-fi music.
Momo will gently take you in her arms and sway you around the room. And this is where you see her at her most relax, taking one of those skills hammered into her from a young age and just…letting go of all the rules. She makes it her own and just moves fluidly to the music, taking her with you.
Catch me when I swoon.
Romance - How romantic are they? What would they do to make their s/o happy? Cliché or rather creative?
Extremely romantic! Didn’t I tell you that she’s doting? And affectionate? And absolutely mesmerized by you?
And looord, does she know how to treat you.
As she grew up without want for any tangible object in the world, Momo is not a gift giver. Love, to her, is expressed in the time you spend with a person. This leads to fun weekend trips, surprise visits on lunch breaks, concerts, you name it. 
Momo always finds a way of incorporating a little personal touch into the most cliché of clichés and making them entirely your own thing.
Support - Are they helping their s/o achieve their goals? Do they believe in them?
You have been nothing but supportive of her pro hero career - one that demands so much from Momo and by extension your relationship with her. And Momo is READY to support you in any way she can.
This girl legit researches and creates an entire long term plan on how you can achieve your goal, whatever it may be. School-related? Hello, Momo-sensei. Fitness goal? She goes to the gym and exercise with you, encouraging you the entire way. Artistic goal? Oh, what a coincidence. That random gallery owner happens to be a friend of her mother’s!
You maaaay have to pace her a little bit. She believes in you wholeheartedly but needs to be reminded that they’re your goals and you’re the one working towards them. Not necessarily you and your enthusiastic girlfriend. 
Thrill - Do they need to try out new things to spice out your relationship? Or do they prefer a certain routine?
Momo has a high risk job where people’s very lives are at stake. For god’s sake, she was thrown headfirst into danger in her first two weeks of high school with USJ incident and it’s just been one thing after another ever since.
Give her a routine. Give her that calming domestic bliss. 
Seriously. It’s crucial for your relationship and Momo’s own mental health that she has some sort of routine with you. Routine is comforting; routine provides a sense of security and safety. For that, Momo sets some serious boundaries between her personal life - with you specifically - and work. 
You won’t be going on skydiving dates or anything with Momo. But you will wish each other good night every night, whether you’re in each other’s arms in bed or phone when she’s away or even just text if she’s on a stakeout. It’s these little, consistent things that make your relationships so strong.
Understanding - How well do they know their partner? Are they empathetic?
Part of the way Momo shows her love is learning you and everything about you. She’s spent hours dedicated to studying and now she studies you. It’s likely that she knows you better than you know yourself.
She knows everything about you: your favorite food, your hobbies, your goals, where you were born, who your best friend in high school was, everything. 
She collects every piece of information about you, always listening and observing, and holds it close to her heart.
That said…and don’t hate me for this…but Momo isn’t the most empathetic person. Of course she’s kind and caring and an overall lovely person. But she is a person who follows things by steps, who uses logical thinking to predict people. Sometimes she gets so wrapped up in her line of thinking that she…misses out on the emotional side. 
You’re probably the more empathetic person in this relationship, trusting your instincts and just letting yourself feel out situations while Momo tries to think her way through them. Both have their pros and cons, and it honestly teaches each of you a lot about each other.
Value - How important is the relationship to them? What is it’s worth in comparison to other things in their life?
Momo’s a busy woman. If she takes the time and energy to not only enter but maintain a relationship with you, you mean the absolute world to her.
And she reminds you of that every. single. day.
However…Momo is a selfless person. She gives a lot in the relationship and to you but to her, it’s not a necessity (close, though) but an indulgence. She sees herself as selfish for keeping you in her life, ever aware of the dangers of dating a high-ranking pro hero. She sometimes thinks of herself as selfish by staying with you, loving you, as she does.
Her worst fear is that you’ll suffer for her “selfishness” or be used against her in some way. Or worse still…that she’ll be forced into a situation where she’ll have to choose between you and her duty as a hero, between saving you or the public.
Even Momo doesn’t know which she would choose. She prays she’s never, ever put in the situation where she would have to make such a terrible choice.
Wild Card - A random Fluff Headcanon.
You know that one cool couple who is always hosting fun get-togethers with friends? Like, there are all of these monthly hang outs and yearly traditions that literally everyone in the squad looks forward to every year?
That’s you guys. 
Momo LOVES playing hostess and you know how to have fun. Seriously, you’ve expanded Momo’s world beyond posh banquets and afternoon tea and she adores you for it. You host regular hot pots. Movie nights. Brunches. Beach days. White elephant parties. Every year there’s a cake baking competition with a golden whisk as the prize along with a full 365 days of bragging rights. (Bakugo, who didn’t even want to come, won it last year and will die before giving it up. Nobody cares who wins the golden whisk next year as long as it’s not that gremlin.)
Y’all know how to throw a party.
Probably of one the best things about this relationship is that you’re not in a “couple only” bubble. You cherish your other relationships, and it shows in how you often include others in your lives. :)
XOXO - Are they very affectionate? Do they love to kiss and cuddle?
Doting. Doting is the exact word that comes to mind when I think of Momo and affection. Almost immediately after meeting you, Momo was just so achingly fond of you and those feelings simmered for loooong while before the confession finally happened.
Now she just can’t help herself.
If she’s not playing with your hair, she kissing your fingers. If she’s not doing that, she’s hugging you. If it isn’t a hug, it’s a full on cuddle session where she kisses your face and holds your hand and murmurs sweet affections and -
Yeah. Momo restrains herself in public to subtle, sweet gestures but once your alone? She makes up for lost time.
Her favorite is leaving soft, delicate kisses on your temple after tucking your hair behind your ear and whispering how much she adores you.
Yearning - How will they cope when they’re missing their partner?
Momo keeps incredibly focused and on task at work. But as soon as it gets quiet and she’s alone…she yearns. She pines. She sighs. And she video chats you.
She does a very good job of staying in touch and communicating when you’re separated for any reason. Like I mentioned above, Momo always wishes you good night. And good morning. No matter what. 
Please send Momo encouraging texts throughout her long, hard day. Please send her cute pictures. Please tell her love just because and tell her you can’t wait to see her again. It’s those little things that get her through missing you.
On a more angsty note…Momo worries about you. A lot. She has actual nightmares about something bad happening to you - being held hostage for ransom, a villain looking to get revenge against Creati, you getting caught up in a random public attack and her being unable to save you. These nightmares are at their worst when she’s away from you. The longer the separation, the more vivid and terrible they are. There have been times that she’s called you in the middle of the night just to hear your voice - the only thing that can calm her pounding heart and soothe her enough to go back to sleep. 
So while she keeps in close constant because she does miss you a lot, Momo also does so to give herself some peace of mind. She needs to know you’re okay.
Zeal - Are they willing to go to great lengths for the relationship? If so, what kind of?
Y E S. Oh, my god, yes. Momo would do anything for you.
Sometimes, it honestly scares Momo how much she would do for you. She’s always been a dedicated person, a true perfectionist that approaches everything with well thought out strategy. She does things by steps. She’s the woman with a plan. 
Then you came along and her whole universe imploded, forming a whole new one in the dust of her past and creating something new and unfamiliar and beautiful and terrifying.
So much so that even Momo doesn’t know her own limits anymore - not when it comes to you. She had lines before, boundaries, places she would not go. But with you? God only knows what she wouldn’t do for you.
Momo doesn’t like to linger too long on what kind of incredible, possibly terrible things she would do for you if pushed. But she promises herself that she’ll do everything in her power to keep it from coming to that.
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johns-prince · 4 years
(fem!Paul au idea) the mclennon children time travel to 1959 and meets their parents when they were teenagers
I shared this ask with my writing partner and this is what we came up with for your little scenario. The version my rp-partner @apollyodon​ and I did ended up omgaverse, hope that’s alright. It’s in this format because we write in discord and also I don’t think it’s enough to format and work into like, a mini ficlet or what have you.
Their kids, Julia, Paris, and Mary are still relatively young when they’re sent back to meet their parents. I want to say here Paris and Julia are around 13/14, while Mary is about 6 or 7.
Hope you still like it though! Sorry it took forever to get to it. I think it’s cute and silly.
A - Apollyodon
J-P - Johns-prince
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A: Cor, all I can imagine is Oh god, they're just as sappy!
J-P: Personally I think it'd be a bit funny, seeing your parents not much older then you. Yup, sappy and gross and dad is so disgusting why does mum like him-- 
And while their parents shouldn't be let in on that they're their kids, if John and Paul did get to know, John would instantly go pale and just, slowly count each head.
Three is a lot, because at that time John didn't exactly think he'd have kids. Especially with Paul. You have pretty low standards Paul if you decided to have pups with me--
A: Not like John can talk like that about himself for very long. There's always the threat of a twisted ear.
J-P: Turns out their ma had always been twisting their dad's ear. 
And being called mum and da.
A: John would feel uncomfortable and while it's a little weird for Paul, he'd take to it easier than John would.
J-P: It'd be very weird.
Best is when one of them say they never really believed their parents to be sort of cool looking.
You two are huge dorks now, don't really dress like this... At all... Unless it's like, Halloween.
A: John and Paul looking at each other like... oh dear god, don't tell us we became squares.
J-P: Mary would be the only one wanting to be nice while the other two are like yeah uh huh huge squares.
A: Mary fussing at them for it. Stop it, you two. Ok but them advising against the... questionable fashion choices. Anything that prevents John from going with those fuckin mutton chops is a good thing.
J-P: OH MY GOD Because they've seen the photos. Julia even remembers some as a pup. John goes beat red, Paul trying not to laugh because Did you say mutton chops? And one of them is like yeah and ma- Paul, you went through this weird period of having this pornstar moustache--
Probably Julia says since it happened in the mid 70s, either before or after Mary was born.
A: And let us not forget blond Paul...
J-P: Julia is merciless
A: Now it's Paul's turn to go beet red.
J-P: John has to HA! But also wtf Paul you went blonde??? But I love your black hair, it's beautiful what--
A: If I wanted a blond, I woulda gone with one!
Cor, John isn't out of the woods quite yet. Needs to have more balance with the facial hair. Anything to avoid looking like an Amish man that just wandered onto set and is playing it cool til he can leave.
J-P: John just wants to go hide under covers or something what!!??? Just the image that conjures up... Also why would you want to cover up your face like that John??
A: Like to be able to kiss ya and not get a mouthful of hair.
J-P: But also Paris and Julia bringing up that it'd be nice if they'd not be so, lovey dove-y when in front of them.. Can't even bring my friends over without the fear of you two getting all kissy when they're around or even WORSE--
A: Ok... that's the ONE thing they refuse to be mortified by or compromise on. Sorry kids, that's not within our control.
J-P: What'd ya mean it's out of your control! It's so embarrassing! And Mary, bless her, speaks up and says it's not that bad, just mommy an’ daddy love each other.
Literally though if Paris or Julia tell Mary to zip it or even shut up, John's straightening up and just Hey! Don't you talk to your sister like that! And he's even wagging a finger and then he realizes and he's just that, that didn't sound like me.
Julia muttering that it sounded exactly like him.
A: And Paul is amused to tears over that but also expresses disapproval at them talking to Mary like that, since she's the youngest and what she said wasn't deserving of it.
J-P: Cor when her oldest siblings get in trouble, even by their yet to be parents of the 50s, Mary can't help but stick her tongue out and look rather pleased. See, even still mom an’ dad want you being nicer to me!
A: And John and Paul were being serious about the affection thing. They just... it just happens without them really noticing.
J-P: Like even then, if they're just, standing unnecessarily close, or John throws an arm around Paul's shoulders, or their hands brush. It just happens. They doubt it'll change, even when they're... Well, married, with kids. Though the kids seeing the fact the two had marked each other then, like, you two have been together for that long??
Possibly longer, since it is '59
A: Yup. They wouldn't notice right away but then happen to look and spot the marks, nice and clear on both their throats.
J-P: Exactly where they will be, years and years from now. They learned that their parents met when they were teens, along with their uncle's, but they didn't know they'd marked each other then. Aren't they a bit young???
A: ... That is a real dumb question to ask because all it does is make these two disgustingly sappy again. I mean nose rubs and everything
J-P: Mary is all aww while Paris and Julia are literally like oh God no no! Turn it off! It burns! It burns!!! Over exaggerated gagging and the likes.
A: Paul and John firmly ignore them, they keep right on doing it.
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