#protective Nathaniel Kurtzberg
wolflover2426 · 10 months
Crack Prompt: Marc and Nathaniel are busy coming up with a special arc for their superhero comics and wonder about their classmates who have been akumatized except for two which are Adrien and Marinette.
It eventually leads to a discussion of the first arc with an akumatized Adrien fighting against Ladybug and Chat Noir. The second arc was a bit more tricky because the duo knew just how much Marinette has the skills to be the most devastating akumatized villain ever so they had to include the rest of the class except Marinette to flesh out the details.
It all spirals into oblivion like Alya coming over with a conspiracy board of just how much damage an akuma Marinette can do and also doubles as a meeting to come up with ways to make sure Marinette never gets akumatized.
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yeet-noir · 1 year
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darkwitch1999 · 7 months
Anciel Moms Headcanons Part One: Emerson Anciel
Emerson is the biological mother of Marc Anciel (14 years old)  and Aimé Anciel (6 years old) and is married to Kiki Anciel.
Marc and Aimé both call Emerson “Mama” and Kiki “Mom”. 
She runs a local coffee shop.
Collège Françoise Dupont was one of her alma maters.
When Marc was entering middle school, Emerson and Kiki had discussed sending their son to DuPont, but then they found out that the mayor’s daughter would be attending that school and they decided against it. 
Chloé Bourgeois had made a name for herself as “the mayor’s spoiled brat” ever since she learned to talk. As if they were going to let their son anywhere near that rotten girl.
Now Emerson and Kiki are kicking themselves for not choosing Dupont first.
She is bisexual.
Emerson and Kiki have known each other since elementary school and have been best friends for many years before they started dating during college.
Emerson had started developing some “romantic feelings” for Kiki sometime during high school, but she was clueless about these feelings of attraction towards her best friend. 
Think of it like how Adrien was clueless about his feelings towards Marinette, but a WHOLE LOT LESS CRINGE!!!! Kiki was not a stalker, unlike certain pig-tailed girls!.
During her high school years and a couple of years at college, Emerson had an “on-again-off-again” relationship with some no-good asshat.
The two of them would break up with each other all the time, but then always come back to each other after a certain period.
 Emerson’s ex-boyfriend would always make promises to improve himself and Emerson, despite all her confidence and self-assertiveness, would always take him back because deep down inside her self-esteem was low enough to believe that she couldn’t do better than a douchebag who clearly had no respect for her.
She finally broke off the relationship for good when she caught her ex-boyfriend cheating on her. The bastard was let off pretty easily during the break-up though. 
He only got a broken nose after Emerson verbally assaulted him with every curse word and horrific insult that she could think of.
Throughout the whole breakup ordeal, Kiki stayed by her side and helped Emerson recover emotionally, and without her shitty ex-boyfriend distracting her, Emerson was able to grasp and realize her hidden feelings for Kiki and began their currently fourteen-year-long romantic relationship.
Emerson and Kiki have been married for twelve years now.
Emerson can be described as hot-headed and tough as nails. She is also well known for having a very dangerous and terrifying temper.
In her youth, she was considered the “toughest gal” during her middle and high school years.
Often, she would get into street fights and go joyriding on an old motorcycle that she and her late grandfather had restored together.
She carried around an aluminum bat that she nicknamed “The Attitude Fixer”. 
May heaven have mercy on all those poor unfortunate souls who found themselves on the receiving end of her bat.
Swore more than a sailor and was always quick with a clever comeback whenever someone dared to insult her.
She also lacked a filter for the most part and wasn’t afraid to speak her mind.
When she became a mother, she had to show more restraint with her swearing around her boys as long as they were under the age of thirteen (if Emerson could swear at thirteen, she saw no reason why her children couldn’t do the same).
Nobody dared to mess with her and those who did had their heads slammed against the pavement within seconds.
She wasn’t a bully; she only beat the crap out of assholes who deserved it or anyone who dared to talk shit about her or the people she cared about.
Though it is dormant, Marc also has a temper hidden deep inside of his that if you piss him off enough, will unleash a fury that will have you praying for mercy. Like mother, like son.
Despite her “wild youth”, Emerson is a very caring and loving mother to her two sons.
When she first got pregnant with Marc, she felt insecure about her capability of being motherly enough for her son. She was also worried that she wouldn’t have any maternal instincts for her child. 
Then Marc was born, and unlocked her inner “Mama Bear”.
Emerson is very protective of her two sons and wouldn’t hesitate to get back at anyone who dares to harm them physically or emotionally.
Especially if that someone is a homophobe who talks shit about her family in front of her and Kiki’s children.
Back when Marc attended his old school during Career Day, one of the teachers started making comments about Marc being raised by two mothers and no father and how “difficult” it was for Marc not to have a father to teach him “guy things” like sports or whatever.
Kiki’s Thoughts: “Did she really just say all that with us standing right here?!”
Emerson’s Thoughts: “M-Must…resist…urge to m-murder…in front of child…”
Things then took a turn for the worse when the teacher started insulting Emerson and Kiki, calling their marriage “unnatural” and “sinful”, and saying that they were unfit to raise children.
As a result, Emerson grabbed a chair and started chasing the teacher around the school with the intent of bashing her head in.
Emerson chased the teacher around the school for a solid twenty minutes before Kiki decided to show her “mercy” and asked Marc to pretend to have fallen down the stairs to snap Emerson out of her blind rage. Honestly, though, Kiki just wanted to spare her son from the trauma of watching his mama beat the teacher close to death with a chair (she probably wouldn’t have stopped her wife if Marc wasn’t present). 
Fortunately, the teacher or the school didn’t press charges for attempted assault. However, Emerson is not allowed on school grounds unless Kiki escorts her and agrees to maintain a minimal distance of six feet away from the teacher. 
As for the teacher, aside from nearly getting beaten to death with a chair, she got off Scott-free and the school didn’t take any disciplinary actions for her homophobic remarks towards the Anciel family (no surprises there), which pissed Emerson WAY off to no end! Good thing Hawk Moth wasn’t active during this time otherwise she would have definitely gotten akumatized and gone on a rampage.
When Emerson and Kiki found out that Marc was getting bullied, to say that Emerson was pissed wouldn’t even begin to express the intensity of her rage!
During the last couple of weeks of eighth grade, a group of bullies went way too far with their latest torment and Emerson was highly tempted to kick the ass of every single individual involved (if only they weren’t minors). 
Her rage further intensified and became unstable once Marc told her and Kiki about the time he tried to get help from Principal Clément. Needless to say, Emerson immediately stormed into her office with the “The Attitude Fixer” in hand angrily demanding an explanation. Of course, the bat was only brought to scare the shit out of the principal, but with each passing second of listening to that bitch talk, Emerson was becoming more and more tempted to use it.
Following her confrontation with Principal Clément, Emerson immediately pulled Marc out of that school and began the process of transferring him to Collège Françoise Dupont. At this point, she wasn’t as concerned about the possibility of Marc being stuck with Chloé because compared to what those kids did to Marc, Chloé looked like a saint.
Emerson is well aware of Marc’s obvious crush on Nathaniel Kurtzberg that even a blind person can see from a mile away (Of course she picked up on those vibes. She is his mama after all).
Emerson likes Nathaniel and she trusts him completely to help Marc whenever he’s having one of his “bad days” and to help him calm down whenever he has panic/anxiety attacks. She and Kiki were the ones who helped educate Nathaniel on Marc’s anxiety disorder when he asked them about it and taught him the coping strategies to help their son. 
However, being the protective “Mama Bear” that she is, Emerson is not very fond of the idea of her son dating anyone. She knew to keep that sentiment to herself back when Marc and Nathaniel were “just friends” since she didn’t want to risk outing Marc’s crush on Nathaniel to the red-headed artist, despite how pretty fucking obvious it was! Like seriously, Nathaniel?!
Emerson: (seething as she watches Nathaniel and Marc from the kitchen) They’re holding hands! KIKI! THEY ARE FUCKING HOLDING HANDS!!!!! Just what is that boy’s intentions to our son?!
Kiki: They aren’t holding hands, Emmy. Nathaniel just moved his hand….
Emerson: I know what I saw! I swear if that kid moves his hand again out of my sight…
Kiki: Emmy, even if they were holding hands, what’s the harm?
Emerson: Oh it looks innocent now! That’s how it is in the beginning, but hand holding will then soon turn into gazing into each others’ eyes, and then gazing will lead to kissing, and eventually kissing will lead to them fuc-...
Kiki: EMMY!
Emerson: HE’S TOO YOUNG!
Kiki: I mean I won’t argue that fact, but this is all coming from the same woman who was only a year older than Marc when she started doing that… 
When the two boys FINALLY started dating, while Emerson was happy for her son and she would never doubt that Marc and Nathaniel were the cutest couple, she was also very stern when it came to how they used physical contact to express their love. In other words, kissing was fine but they had to keep their hands where Emerson could see them.
She is starting to warm up to the idea that she has to let her son grow up and form love connections, but she still keeps her guard up and has made it perfectly clear what will happen to him if even thinks about hurting her “precious baby boy”.
She doesn’t know about Nathaniel’s involvement during the “Reverser” incident by the way. Marc never told her who was responsible for his akumatization. 
Though Emerson tries to assert herself as strong and confident and refuses to show any weakness, much like Marc, she has been known to harbor deep insecurities, and every once in a while, her feelings of guilt from the past come back to plague her mind with self-loathing and doubt.
While Marc believes that Emerson had him through in vitro fertilization like his younger brother, Aimé Anciel, his father is actually Emerson’s asshole ex-boyfriend she broke up during her college years. 
Though Emerson never said that she had Marc through in vitro fertilization, she didn’t deny it either. It probably didn’t help that she refers to his biological father as his “sperm donor” and doesn’t elaborate further than that.
During the early stage of her pregnancy with Marc, Emerson thought that would be incapable of raising a child and that she would be unfit to be a mother. At first, she had considered either giving up Marc for adoption or terminating her pregnancy. However, Kiki would constantly reassure her that Emerson would be a great mother to her baby and that no matter what she decided to do, she would always support her. 
True to her word, Kiki stayed by her girlfriend’s side and supported her throughout the whole pregnancy. Even after Marc was born, Kiki never left Emerson’s side and spent the next fourteen years co-parenting with her.
Emerson still harbors guilt over that time when she almost gave up on her son, but at the same time, she is content that she knows she made the right decision to be his mother.
Emerson still kicks herself for not realizing sooner that Marc was getting bullied at his old school.
Throughout the years while Marc attended that school, she did notice a change in Marc’s personality and that his usual “happy-go-lucky” outgoing demeanor had become more withdrawn and timid. Additionally, Emerson also noticed how Marc had become more painfully shy and quiet whenever they were out in public. 
While she did suspect that bullying was involved, she thought that it was just a couple of kids being assholes that were teasing and making fun of him. Because Marc kept covering up his bruises and would lie about his pairs of glasses being broken by him being clumsy, it wasn’t until near the end of eighth grade that Emerson and Kiki found out about the physical bullying. Though she tried her best to get Marc to open up about the bullying, he kept denying anything being wrong.
At one point, Emerson and Kiki tried to press Marc for details about anything that might have been going on at school. However, pressing Marc for information led to him having a panic attack. That was also the year Marc was diagnosed with his anxiety disorder.
Emerson blames herself for Marc having an anxiety disorder as she feels that it is her fault that she didn’t do enough to help Marc while he was getting bullied.
Concept Design of Emerson Anciel using Create-a-Sim because I suck at drawing characters.
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Finally finished writing this out. Up next will be looking into Kiki Anciel. Please share your thoughts on what you think of Emerson Anciel.
@andromeda612 @nerd-chocolate @artzychic27 @princessbutterflysposts @msweebyness @imsparky2002
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masternia · 2 years
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flightfoot · 2 years
Oh man Nathaniel is just so wildly excited about Adrien and Marinette having a good date and FINALLY kissing, it’s adorable XD
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artzychic27 · 4 months
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Akuma Class
Olga Mendeleieve’s Rules For Taking Care Of Her Students
Ask for and respect each of their pronouns
The words “useless,” “worthless,” “pathetic,” are “idiot” are not to be said aloud in the classroom
If Jean is humming to himself during class, that is how he retains notes, by putting them to song and humming them
There are eleven stim toys in one of the cabinets they are allowed to take out if they need them
Lacey is not allowed to go down the stairs by herself
If you even breathe a word of Audrey Bourgeois, then prepare for a thirty-minute long rant
If Simon can’t find his phone, tablet, or laptop, there is a Bluetooth keyboard in my desk for him to mess with until one of those three are found
Ismael and Cosette’s mothers are not allowed inside the classroom
Monopoly, the game of Life, and Uno are banned from ever being played in the classroom. At least not without adult supervision
Rafael Beauréal does not count as adult supervision
Do not send Zoé and Cosette together to grab any supplies from the basement
Do not send Denise and Simon together to grab any supplies from the basement
Do not send Aurore and Mireille together to grab any supplies from the basement
Reshma often writes a few of her test answers in Hindi. Just translate them and grade her depending on the answer
On Simon’s nonverbal days, do NOT force him to speak. If you do not know sign language, that’s fine; everyone else in the class does
If you are sending Aurore, Zoé, Cosette, Reshma, Lacey, or Ismael out for something between 10:00 am and 10:15 am, make sure Denise, Marc, or Mireille go with them or they have some form of protection on them
If a boy named Austin Tomassian walks into the room asking for Jean Duparc, do not send Jean with him
The same goes for a boy named Nathaniel Kurtzberg asking for Marc Anciel
Lacey is allowed to answer calls if they’re from her grandparents or her brothers
During Akuma attacks during school hours, just do what they say and you’ll live
If Aurore has a panic attack because she got a B on an assignment, do not treat her as if she’s being dramatic, and actually talk to her
NEVER call out anyone’s grades in front of everyone else
Make sure PowerPoints come with visuals
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msweebyness · 9 months
Akuma Class Families (Weeby’s Canon)
These are the family members of the akuma class in my canon, enjoy! Keep an eye out for the theater kids! @artzychic27 @imsparky2002
Antoine Lahiffe
Music teacher
Total Hippie Dad
Believes all music to be beautiful and valid
Constantly loses his glasses
Ships Alyno
Margie Lahiffe
Customer service rep for a retail chain
Girl Boss, you don't tell her no
Strict but loving
Might push Nino a little too hard, not on purpose
Loves Alya so much
(Also Chris obviously)
(Obviously Roger)
Tatiana “Tanya” Raincomprix
Divorced from Roger
Defense attorney
Sabrina sees her on weekends
A bit distant, doesn't show much emotion
Jasper Lavillant
Sweetest man alive
Owns a glass blowing business, known throughout Paris
How is he always happy?
Ships his daughter and Juleka
Lillian “Lily” Lavillant
Co-owns a flower shop
Ray of pure sunshine, but a mama bear lurks within
A bit overprotective due to Rose's condition
Also ships JuleRose
(Claudie, duh)
Darius Kanté
Computer technician
Gave Max the genius/nerd gene
A lil awkward
Sees Markov as part of the family
Le Hai Lanh
Owns a cafe, traditional Vietnamese
Gave Kim the himbo gene
Mans is buff
Papa Wolf to his son and daughters
Ships Kimdine
Etienne Ature
Manages the restaurant
Nervous bean, a little overprotective
Has a thing for muscles
Mumbles a lot
Also ships Kimdine
Mai Nguyen
Personal trainer
Poly relationship with Lanh and Etienne
Mess with her kids and she will eff you up
Has already claimed Ondine as her daughter-in-law
Le Thi Anh
Mother Hen Big Sister
Kim will always be a baby in her eyes
The responsible one
Already calls Ondine her sister
Le Hoa Vinh
Not a people person
Takes LONG to warm up to people
Always making fun of Kim
Snarky 24/7
Le Liem Dao
Female Kim, basically
Queen of dares, always competing with her brother
She buff
(Jalil & Alim)
Salma Kubdel
Museum Curator
Free spirit, Alix takes after her
A really good artist
Sees Nath like a nephew, loves him
Iosif Bruel
A mountain of a man, Ivan is his mini-me
Doesn't say much
A gentle giant like his son
Construction foreman
Quietly ships Myvan
Galina Bruel
DO NOT tick this woman off
Mama Bear
Small but powerful
Loves Mylene like her own daughter
Manager of a furniture outlet
Sasha Bruel
Scarier than her big brother sometimes
Ivan will bury you if you hurt her
Has a little crush on Kiran
Mature for her age
Adores Mylene
Aya Kurtzberg (From Artzy, I love her)
Cafe owner
Massive mama bear
Adores Marc
Swears in Yiddish
Arturo Rivas
Moved to Paris from Mexico
A little bit uptight
Regional manager of an office supply chain
V protective of his family
Not totally sold on Kim
Elsie Rivas
Scottish accent to the max
Has a hell of a temper
Bus driver
Only person capable of controlling her sons
Ships Kimdine
Rico & Duncan Rivas
Identical twins, down to tooth chips
Menaces to society, may actually be demons
Adore their sister
Have electrocuted Kim on two non-consecutive occasions
Leave thoughts in the comments and reblogs!
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mah-t-wordblog · 4 months
lee nath and ler marc???? ur fics are amazinggg btw
Ohhhh thanks, there it is 💛
Admit it
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Ler: Marc Anciel
Lee: Nathaniel Kurtzberg
Ships: Marc x Nathaniel
Warnings: This is a tickle fic, if you don’t like it, just scroll down
This fanfic is originally in Portuguese, my English is translated using an automatic translator, if there are any big errors you can tell me so I can fix them
Nathaniel arrived at his apartment and saw that Marc was sitting on his side of the couch.
“Marc, this is my side of the couch.”
“Does it have your name on it?” Marc smiled
Nathaniel laughed a little mischievously “get out of there, funny guy”
"Get out"
“You won’t make me”
Nathaniel laughed “yes I will”
The redhead approached and, in an attempt to tickle his boyfriend, tried to jump on top of him.
But Marc defended himself and by accidentally putting his hands forward, made Nathaniel let out an exclamation and jumped back.
The two stared at each other for two seconds in silence.
"Shut up"
The redhead sat on the other side of the sofa without saying anything.
"I did not know you-"
“But Nath-“
Nathaniel covered his face with his hands
“Since when you’re ticklish?” Marc asked, a little naive
Nathaniel tried to hold back his laughter to look more serious but he couldn't "since the day I was born, I think"
“And how did I not know that?!”
“You never asked”
Marc smiled “if I asked you wouldn’t answer”
“Maybe” Nathaniel laughed
“Nath~” Marc looked at him smiling strangely
“Nath~” he came closer
“Marc Anciel, why are you doing this?” He started to laugh desperately
“Nath!” The youngest attacked, with his agile hands on the other's sides, causing laughter from the oldest, who threw one of the pillows at him to try to protect himself.
Marc easily dodged the desperate attack
“Ah~ I wish I had discovered earlier that you were sensitive” Marc smiled in a truly loving way, without making fun of his boyfriend
“Stop swearing” the boy scolded the other, as punishment by increasing the tickling
“Where you’re more ticklish?”
Marc searched for Nathaniel's body
It was difficult to find, it wasn't a very normal spot, maybe Marc was quite lucky because he found it, Nathaniel's knees were the most sensitive
“Oh, I guess I'm in luck, there it is right~” He squeezed his kneecaps while the other laughed.
Marc smiled, stopping and pulling Nathaniel to lie on his lap.
Nathaniel laughed
"Love you, idiot"
“I love you more, cute”
Nathaniel looked away laughing “stop it”
“Cute, cute, cute”
“Marc!” They both laughed
Thanks for reading 💛💛
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imsparky2002 · 1 year
Vampire AU - The Main Group
Marinette Dupain-Cheng
Still a klutz and a dork even as a blood-sucking creature of the night. She tries to be intimidating, but is usually seen as too adorable (the only one cuter than her is Rose.)
Dreams of turning Chloe and Lila into her mind controlled servants as revenge for their torment of the other human students. Also wants to turn Adrien into a vampire so he’ll live as long as them.
Nathaniel Kurtzberg
An artist who uses blood for his paint.
Even though he dresses like a classical vampire, he’s a Twilight fan. Marc’s a huge fan of Bela Lugosi.
Marc Anciel
A shy and nervous vampire who writes eerie tales for his classmates.
He’s written many songs of angst or joy of his love for his boyfriend, Nathaniel. You can find him and Juleka playing spooky songs on the pipe organ, and laughing like maniacs.
Juleka Couffaine
A eerie and gothic girl who can be kind to her friends, yet terrifying to her enemies.
She’s actually a major shy dork when arround her family and when she gets embarassed.
Rose Lavillant
A peppy and cheerful girl, with an attitude so bright for a girl who hates the sun.
She’s the vampire that works best with kids, acting as the spooky yet loveable vampire that’ll protect children from the bad guys.
Alix Kubdel
A rebellious tomboy with a love for pranks and dares. Uses her vampiric skills to mess with Kim.
Due to being the shortest of the group, she uses hypnosis and trickery to strike fear into the hearts of her victims.
Various Facts
They all love to wear cloaks! They often give each other cloak hugs, where they smother each other in their capes.
A year in a monster’s life is 12 years for a human. This means that the group are 14 in monster years, but 168 in human years.
They only suck the blood of criminals, animals, and people who have harmed them. Though they still love to playfully scare the citizens of Paris as well as their classmates.
They hangout in a huge creepy castle, but they all live close by in seperate homes. They plan on buying the castle after graduation, and moving in together.
The sun doesn’t kill them, but it burns their skin and generally hurts pretty bad. Umbrellas and sunscreen usually do the trick.
They’re great friends with the demonic Alya, a gorgon named Mylene, and a golem named Ivan, who chose to accompany the vampires when they chose to attend DuPont. These monsters use glamor to appear human to other students.
Juleka has a lovely relationship with her vampiric parents, as the blood-suckers always planned on staying together while having kids. The Couffaine vampires love to rock out and hunt for blood together.
They can shapeshift into small bats, if they want to spy on people without being seen.
The Dupain-Cheng’s bakery has been around for generations, with Tom and Sabine switching up their looks in order to convince people that they aren’t immortal. Jagged Stone is an incredibly famous rockstar, while Anarka is a vampiric pirate. Nathaniel and Marc have made money over the years writing and painting works of art. Rose has been spotted and known as the “Charity Girl” for appearing at various charities over the years while Alix and her family are known for showing up at various points in history. 
And that’s some more info on the Vampire AU! I just wanna shout out @artzychic27 as well as @msweebyness as we’re all doing a Mirrorverse collab together. Lemme know if you have any questions about these spooky students, and next time I’ll be talking about two more vampires, Kagami and Luka. I’ll also talk about the other monster students, Alya, Mylene, and Ivan. Hope you enjoy!
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blaiseking04282004 · 10 months
Miraculous Hunters Rewritten: Book 1
Miraculous Hunters Rewritten: Book 1
by DragongirlFury28, Aemon_Targaryen13
Jim and Marinette are half siblings, and are seemingly normal teenagers. They go to school like everyone their age, have friends and do normal teenager things… but that’s not the whole story. They have the responsibility of keeping the world safe from dangers that threaten it. Jim is the eldest out of the two, and is the Trollhunter, who protects the surface lands from the evil Gumm-Gumm trolls, and their leader; Gunmar. Meanwhile, Marinette is the youngest, and protects the city of Paris, from supervillains empowered by magical butterflies, that are sent to those who feel negative emotions, but the evil Hawkmoth. Follow along on their adventures in keeping the world safe from evil.
Words: 401,555 Chapters: 60/60 Language: English
Fandoms: Miraculous Ladybug, Tales of Arcadia 
Ratting: Not Rated
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Characters: Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug, Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir, Jim Lake Jr. (Tales of Arcadia), Claire Nuñez, Toby Domzalski, Nino Lahiffe, Gabriel Agreste | Papillon | Hawk Moth, Nathalie Sancoeur, Lê Chiến Kim, Rose Lavillant, Juleka Couffaine, Luka Couffaine, Blinkous "Blinky" Galadrigal, Aaarrrgghh (Tales of Arcadia), Master Fu (Miraculous Ladybug), Vendel (Tales of Arcadia), Bular (Tales of Arcadia), Walter Strickler | Stricklander, Barbara Lake, Alya Césaire, Tom Dupain, Sabine Cheng, Steve Palchuk, Eli Pepperjack, Nomura (Tales of Arcadia), Draal (Tales of Arcadia), Chloé Bourgeois, Max Kanté, Ivan Bruel, Sabrina Raincomprix, Trolls (Tales of Arcadia), Tikki (Miraculous Ladybug), Plagg (Miraculous Ladybug), Nathaniel Kurtzberg, Lila Rossi, Original Akumatized Character(s), Wayzz (Miraculous Ladybug), Nooroo (Miraculous Ladybug), Original Characters
Relationships: Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir/Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug, Jim Lake Jr./Claire Nuñez, Alya Césaire/Nino Lahiffe, Sabine Cheng/Tom Dupain
Additional Tags: Jim and Marinette are siblings, Miraculous Love Square, jlaire, Jim knows Marinette is Ladybug, Marinette knows Jim is the Trollhunter, Toby is like a brother to Marinette, Oblivious Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir, Jim and Marinette are each other’s wingperson, Jim knows about Marinette’s crush on Adrien, Marinette knows about Jim’s crush on Claire, Adrien thinks Jim is Marinette’s boyfriend, Everybody in Arcadia knows Marinette and Jim are siblings, Co-written with Aemon_Targaryen13
Read here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/42317163/chapters/106261860
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trashyangelic · 1 year
𝟬𝟵𝟭𝟰𝟮𝟬𝟮𝟯 : ᴍʟʙ ᴛᴜᴍʙʟʀ ᴘʀᴏᴍᴘᴛ ʀᴇᴏ̨ᴜᴇ𝙨ᴛ
ᴘᴀɪʀɪɴɢs - Felinette, Chlogami sᴀʟᴛs - Lila Salt, Adrien Salt, Alya salt ʀᴇᴅᴇᴍᴘᴛɪᴏɴs - Chloe Redemption ᴏᴛʜᴇʀs - Marinette Protection Squad, Principal Damocles Bashing, Caline Bustier Bashing I just recently started to re-watching some gacha tubers videos. One of my favorited gacha tubers was 707 and Kawaii Ichigo-chan.
The protection squad for Marinette they are Felix Fathom, Kagami Tsurugi, Chloe Bourgeois, Alix Kubdel, Nino Lahiffe, Zoe Lee, Rose Lavillant, Juleka Couffaine, Aurore Beaureal, Mirelle Caquet, Marc Anciel, Nathaniel Kurtzberg, Claude Bellamy, Allegra Blanchet, and Allan Dubois.
Let's say Marinette is a huge fan of 707 & Kawaii Ichigo-chan gacha tubers. But what people doesn't know is that she writes the names of the people who hates the most to get killed by an evil spirit. She is more interested about 'Red Ink Curse' she has read this somewhere in the school library.
-- Her first target was Alya Cesaire since she never show proof which annoyed her.
-- Her second target was Adrien Agreste the one that showed her the true colors of Adrien being a bystander & enabler for bullies and not helping her at all. As she went as Ladybug to retrieve the Black Cat Miraculous from him he wasn't the true holder of Plagg it was actually his cousin Felix.
-- Her third target was Lila Rossi the girl who ruined her reputation and her life.
But she decided to give Gabriel a second chance by fixing the peacock miraculous and bringing back his wife back after the disappointment he got from Marinette's parents about Adrien's action towards her.
While Tikki made a reason with the spirit who had killed her targets. But made a promise not to go near her friends or family unless her miraculous holder had someone who wanted to cause her holder to be akumatized.
As soon as her targets were gone she is no more feels stress from them ever again. While Ms. Bustier and Damocles well they got fired from their job when Chloe send a report to the School Board about them.
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yeet-noir · 1 year
When do they almost curse?!
In the Protection (Eng dub) while they were rehearsing an Adrienette kiss, Nathaniel tells Marinette that she and Adrien need a kick in the Ahhhs- and cut himself off before saying ass 💀
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ao3feed-brucewayne · 5 months
Marked By Touch
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/iuyzQVq by SuperPsychoNutcase Marinette won a class internship with Wayne Enterprises for the first semester of their senior year. Still battling against Shadowmoth, Marinette is desperate to end the ongoing war so she can move on with her life. Worn down on all fronts, Marinette is looking forward to this time away from Paris, even if she’ll have to return to handle akumas. She had no idea that the wheel of fortune was turning in her favor and her luck was about to change, starting with a soul mark. Words: 1870, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Fandoms: Miraculous Ladybug, Batman - All Media Types Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Categories: F/M Characters: Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug, Damian Wayne, Bruce Wayne, Dick Grayson, Jason Todd, Tim Drake, Chloé Bourgeois, Tikki (Miraculous Ladybug), Plagg (Miraculous Ladybug) Relationships: Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug/Damian Wayne Additional Tags: Kwamis - Freeform, Alternate Universe - Soulmates, Guardian of the Miraculous Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug, Fashion Designer Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug, Class President Marinette, Caline Bustier Bashing, Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir Bashing, Lila Rossi Lies, Manipulative Lila Rossi, Lila Rossi's Lies Are Exposed, Lila Rossi Faces Consequences, Alya Césaire Bashing, Minor Marc Anciel/Nathaniel Kurtzberg, Shy Nathaniel, Minor Juleka Couffaine/Rose Lavillant, Supportive Juleka Couffaine, Poor Nino Lahiffe, Mentioned Alya Césaire and Nino Lahiffe, Damian Wayne is Robin, Damian Wayne is Bad at Feelings, Protective Damian Wayne, Damian Wayne Has a Heart, Bruce Wayne Tries to Be a Good Parent, Good Sibling Dick Grayson, Jason is trying, Protective Tim Drake, Cat Damian Wayne, Gabriel Agreste Bashing, Gabriel is Going Down, Badass Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug, Other Additional Tags to Be Added read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/iuyzQVq
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ao3feed-ladynoir · 5 months
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celestiall0tus · 1 year
The wheels are turning this morning! Paradise's concept and story are reforming!
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Everything I say here is subject to change, but let's go!
For every miracle, a price.
Gabriel and Emilie struggled to have a child for years, praying for a miracle. They were granted such a miracle and they had Adrien, but the boy was sickly, slowly dying from an unknown aliment. The parents spend years looking for a potential cure, then another miracle. They were approached by a pair of kwamis, telling the couple of an incredible power to create Heaven on Earth, a Paradise. They would only need collect the remaining set to create this haven, then Adrien wouldn't die.
The couple take up the kwamis of Transformation and Protection in their quest to create Paradise. But the moment they do, they pay the price for wielding such miracles, and be forever changed.
Those that take up a kwami, will be forever changed, shaping and becoming the kwami's concept.
This (WIP) list of holders:
Ladybug of Creation - Bridgette Cheng
Black Cat of Destruction - Felix Fathom
Bee of Devotion - Zoe Lee
Spider of Betrayal -
Mouse of Perception - Nathalie Sancoeur
Pig of Ignorance -
Fox of Deception - Marinette Dupain Cheng
Lynx of Honesty - Luka Couffaine
Dog of Love - Marc Anciel
Rooster of Animosity - Nathaniel Kurtzberg
Bat of Fear - Lila Rossi
Tiger of Valor - Kim
Ant of Drudgery - Sabrina Raincomprix
Goat of Revelry - Nino Lahiffe
Monkey of Joy -
Raven of Sorrow -
Wolf of Intuition - Alya Cesaire
Owl of Knowledge - Juleka Couffaine
Ox of Determination - Alix Kubdel
Koala of Lethargy -
Horse of Freedom - Ondine
Rabbit of Connection - Rose Lavillant
Peacock of Beauty - Chloe Bourgeois
Butterfly of Transformation - Emilie Agreste
Snake of Life - Adrien Agreste
Dragon of Nature - Kagami Tsurugi
Turtle of Protection - Gabriel Agreste
Power TBA
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