#protective boy jotaro
bexalert · 1 year
Stardust crusaders having a crush on you
(Jotaro Kujo, Noriaki Kakyoin, Jean Pierre Polnareff, Mohammed Avdol)
Stardust Crusader stuff because I just finished part V and I miss them 😔
Also, I started this a WHILE ago, and it’s just been sitting in my drafts, so here you go.
I’ll also probably be making something for part V soon because I love them all. My accounts about to just become Jojo I’m so sorry 😭
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Jotaro Kujo:
• He’s such a sweetie (he will literally ignore you)
• He doesn’t know how to just care about people??? So he won’t say anything
• But he will be very protective of you
• Atleast he’s not insulting you 😭
• He’ll just be watching you at all times, making sure you’re ok.
• He gets flustered, and then gets more flustered since he’s flustered
• Not that most people would notice
• He just starts sweating a bit and looks away.
• but you know who’s NOT shy???
• Star Platinum will not hesitate to play with your hair, stand by you, stare at you
• Obviously Jotaro will try to control him, but sometimes it just subconsciously happens
• He gets frustrated because people (POLNAREFF COUGH COUGH) will tease him
• But he bluffs well enough so you can’t tell
• When he does ask you on a date (if he does)
• It’s short, and almost a demand 😭
• “Go out with me.”
• He moves his hat so that you can’t see his face
• But he’s lowkey shaking
• Bro could defeat dio, multiple other stand users, and stop time without breaking a sweat, but when it comes to you?
• He’s just very out of his element, give my boy a chance
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Noriaki Kakyoin:
• He’s just naturally so charming
• Especially if you’re around Jotaro and you’re a woman 😭
• He’ll comfort you if Jotaro makes any rude remarks
• “Pay him no mind.”
• He acts like you don’t affect him as much as you do
• But not to the point of being rude to you.
• He tries to impress you, but might not even realize he’s doing it
• Like he’ll do something cool and then immediately look to you to see if you saw him
• Might act just a smidge more charming
• Oh you need to walk through this door? He’ll open it for you. You’re having a seat? Here, let him pull your chair out for you. There’s a puddle? Oh, don’t get your shoes wet! He can carry you across- for your safety of course!
• He’s very polite, and respects you so much
• Always want to hear your input
• What do YOU think is the best route? Which hotel do YOU like?
• “What do you think, Y/N?”
• Just cares about you very much.
• He’ll be confident but humble when he asks you out
• “Y/N, I like you. Would you go on a date with me?”
• He’s shaking in his boots
• He just always has this content smile when he’s with you.
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Jean Pierre Polnareff:
• Oh brother we got ourselves a yapper 😭
• Everyone knows he likes you
• It is absolutely not a secret
• You just assume he’s joking, or think he doesn’t really mean it
• But he is DEAD serious
• Shameless simp- he doesn’t care who makes fun of him
• “Ah, Y/N, do you need help with that? I’ll help!”
• You didn’t need help, he just can’t stand to see you working
• “Mon amour, someone as beautiful as you shouldn’t have to do work like this. Hohoho! leave it to me!”
• He’s incredibly corny and will say the cringiest things at any time.
• “Ah! You’re eyes are as beautiful and shiny are Silver Chariots armor!”
• and you’re just like thanks???? I guess???
• He will ask you out constantly. Just got done fighting? He’ll ask you out to cuddle in his sleeping mat (and also proclaim his undying love) you’re hungry? Please! Let him take you out to eat (and proclaim his undying love) you said you’re tired? He’ll ask you if he can carry you (and of course proclaim his undying love)
• When you finally take it seriously enough to give him a chance, he is over the moon
• He’s telling everyone
• “they said yes! We’re dating!”
• He’s so head over heels and just adores you
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Mohammad Avdol:
• Dude he is SWEATING
• Like you won’t notice because he’s very calm and collected, but he’s freaking out
• It also doesn’t help that Magicians Red always comes out when you’re around, and he just keeps getting hotter.
• Like if you’re having a long conversation with Avdol, it will just progressively get more hot
• He tries desperately to keep Magicians Red under wraps, and for the most part he does
• But he gets so embarrassed when he cant
• He’s super respectful, like feels bad for even liking you
• He thinks he’s being gross for thinking of you like that especially if he doesn’t think you like him 😭
• He feels embarrassed outright asking to just have a conversation with you, so he always tries to cover it up with something else
• “Y/N, do you mind helping me read this?”
• HE COULD READ IT!!! He just wanted an excuse to talk to you ☹️
• Since he’s also the groups stand teacher, he’ll use his knowledge to his advantage
• Like you’ll made some off comment about “hmm wonder why that happened.” And he’s going into nerd mode
• 🤓☝️ “Actually when a stand user…”
• Like it was not necessary for him to go off like that, but the way you listen so intently makes his heart flutter.
• if you take his advice into account or say something reminded you of him, he is DEAD
• You actually thought about him, even just for one second, and that is wild to him
• He is also a simp, but no one would notice. Pouring your tea for you, helping set up your mat, bandaging your wounds, etc.
• You just think he’s being a good friend
• When he finally asks you out, he’s so flustered, but tries to keep calm.
• “Y/N, when this is all over I would like to take you on a date. Is that ok?”
• He’s just the sweetest nicest big ol’ teddy bear.
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beemango5 · 1 year
Thinking about how Jotaro Kujo is The Tragic Character™️ of JJBA. Araki simply cannot let that man be happy. He fr said “you can fit so much trauma into this bad boy”!
His entire life was so tragic that we all knew he was going to die, eventually.
His Mother’s life was endangered and on the journey to save her he gains significant trauma from people trying to KILL him and then lost three friends at the ripe old age of 17.
He goes to University, meets a woman he falls in love with, and has a kid. realizes that as long as there’s a threat of enemy stand users wanting revenge for Dio his family will never be safe so he has to leave his family behind and distance himself.
Became a older brother/father figure to Josuke but had to leave him because he knew he would bring enemy stand users into that poor boys life- the only Joestar that had a somewhat of a shot at being normal.
Then in part 5 it’s revealed that when he got separated from Polnareff, Diavolo paralyzed Polnareff. He’s probably carrying guilt from that. He’s also probably stressed asf at first that the son of the vampire who tried to adamantly kill him is just out there somewhere. Thank god Giorno took after Jonathan 😭.
Then in part 6, he had to face his failures as a father, understanding that he didn’t deserve and probably would never get Jolyne’s forgiveness, but it’s so clear to me that Jotaro wanted to be there for her. But of course, to him, the only way he can protect people is to push them far away from him. He never learned that he is stronger in numbers because whenever he was in numbers, someone he loved got hurt.
Jotaro never understood he deserved the happiness of a loving family.
He couldn’t even save his daughter (and he dies believing that Jolyne hates him because he knows he’s a shit father AND WAS OK WITH IT AS LONG AS SHE GOT TO LIVE 😭😭😭) in the process.
He’s a Greek Myth type of sadness.
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izvmimi · 1 month
You can feel his eyes on you by the time you’re finishing up with the elementary schoolers, and before you turn to address Jotaro, you make sure to remind the young boy who’d just been staring wide-eyed at the echinoderms you handled gently in your hands while lecturing to walk, not run, out of the exhibit. He nods emphatically, and his first step, more of a skip, slows to a stiff walk immediately, which makes you giggle. 
Jotaro takes this as an opportunity to move closer finally, polite and careful around you as always. His hands are shoved in his pockets as you suspected, and he forces an expression of feigned indifference on his features as he approaches, but there’s no reason for him to be tailing you so closely as you handle the visiting school children on Marine Science day, and yet he does. It’s only because the most interesting thing in this entire aquarium has always ever been you.
If only he had the courage to say it out loud.
“Are you diving with me next week?” he asks as you dry your hands on the side of your cargo pants and give him your full attention. He’s dressed in the same uniform as you are, although still insisting on wearing his lab coat around the place - something about the long sleeves and long length part of his personal style - and you wonder, as your eyes pass over the width of the cling of the fabric of the cotton polo shirt to his chest how easily you could swim in that coat yourself. 
Rather than dwelling in the thought, you raise your eyebrows at him. 
“Am I not on the list?” you ask. Jotaro blinks, realizing his question, only meant to segue naturally into a conversation with you, only managed to confuse you.
“No, I mean, yes. You are.”
So why are you asking? should be your natural reply, but you allow him enough mercy but addressing the subject tangentially. “Is it your first one?” 
“Mm. That’s good.”
As you continue to engage him in chatter, you’re looking around, making sure the kids did not leave any papers or knock anything over. There’s not too much to sweep, but Jotaro follows you, like some kind of pensive shadow, as you search in a hidden door along the walls of the decorated open plan room for the utility closet. He holds the door open for you wider as you search for a broom, watching you carefully, reaching for the accompanying dustpan before you can.
“Is it yours?” he asks. You give him a nod in the affirmative as you sweep, and you can tell that he already probably knew that. He pauses for a moment, and the environment remains still around you, aside from the run of the constantly running water in the tanks, sea creatures moving too close to the surface of the water, and the sound of the broom’s bristles brushing against the soft carpeted floors. 
These quiet moments with Jotaro are often like this, where you can tell what he’s saying in his heart is far more than anything he’s willing to say aloud. Sometimes you wonder if that ghost he swears follows him, the one that won’t let him come to any harm, the one that he insists is fond of you as well and won’t let you come to any harm, be it land or sea, knows the depth of his heart.
You’d like to know a little about it too, but for now you settle with letting him learn to speak his mind.
“I only asked because I didn’t want you to be worried,” he finally admits. “Because it’s your first time and because you looked a bit concerned back at our meeting.”
You stop sweeping for a moment, and look up towards him. He’s not the type to blush or frown, but even if he’s looking in your direction, the dustpan appearing small and silly in his hand, he makes sure his eyes don’t look directly in yours, but at a fixed point behind you.
“Will your ghost protect me?” you tease.
His eyes focus back on you, a crack of a smile on his face.
“You don’t think I could?”
Your face warms, and you regret not having as good of a poker face as he does. Perhaps because you don’t have a ghost to confide all your feelings to, them instead being written all over your face.
“I trust you,” you offer.
This widens his smile, as he steps closer to you, bending down to receive the pile of dust you’ve collected before you. 
Always ready to make your life easier in any way he can.
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I love Jotaro and Anne’s sibling dynamic a lot. Jotaro acting as a protective big brother to this random girl gives me the strong impression that he lowkey wanted a sibling, or children of his own, considering how he seems to have a soft spot for kids in general (e.g. In the Yellow Temperance episode, Jotaro apologises to that little boy on the sky tram while taking his ice cream, but promised to buy him a new one…he never did smh but that’s beside the point). He even smiles a little when Polnareff asks Jotaro if he’ll miss Anne.
Though, I hate how in Anne’s return in Wheel of Fortune, Araki had her develop an annoying crush on Jotaro. That just ruined everything xD
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weeb-polls-with-pip · 8 months
Autistic Anime Boys Side A Round 1 Match 24
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Haru -
"Yes I know he is an alien and the "autistic alien" trope is overdone, but considering the rest of the cast are also autistic coded it really just reads as an autistic character finding other neurodivergent people for the first time! Haru tends to take people literally, struggles to understand his emotions and those of others, and finds it difficult to move between different sets of societal rules (for example, on his planet it is normal for beings to communicate through water and when he tries that with humans they end up hypnotised for a short time. It takes some time for him to understand why, from the human perspective, This Is A Bad Thing To Do To Them). He has a habit of getting so excited and wrapped up in ideas that he has difficulty noticing that the people around him are being swept along rather than joining him sometimes."
Giorno -
"Second most autistic Jojo after Jotaro. Great analytical & tactical potential but could use some help in terms of social skills. His stoic / often detached attitude could suggest he has low empathy, although he's very protective of his friends."
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blank468 · 5 months
Alright let’s beat the dead horse to the ground so hard that it can travel to the center of the earth. I found a tweet from someone who tries to defends Bakugo’s resurrection and say how it and his death raised the stakes in the final arc. I’m not going to reveal who made the tweet just to protect their identity but if you’ve been on Twitter you’ll most likely know where this paragraph came from.
“Edgeshot knows he can’t come back from this. Edgeshot is sacrificing his life to save a kid’s life I want everyone to remember that there aren’t as many pro heroes left after the first war many of the pros retired because of the discourse that happened after the first war. Plus, we know edgeshot’s efforts were in vain now, because Edgeshot isn’t the one who revived him He helped hold him together, but he didn’t bring him back to life. By pure luck, Bakugo’s own sweat exploded and jump started his heart. This type of stuff is seen in Shonen all the time, so I don’t wanna hear any complaining about this one. (Jjba pt3 spoilers until ⭐️) Let’s not forget when Star Platinum stopped Jotaro’s heart so Dio couldn’t hear the beat ⭐️”
First of all, I could care very little if Edgeshot was one of the majority of heroes that retired after the events of the war arc. Edgeshot as a character is a nobody. I’ll be honest, I thought he was pretty cool when he showed up in Kamino and his quirk looked interesting. But just like a majority of characters with interesting concepts, Edgeshot falls back into the corner and is given barely anything to do and has had no meaningful impact and connection with anyone before the final arc even started. I don’t feel anything about him sacrificing himself for Bakugo because he has never been shown or established to have any sort of character for me to give a crap about. I don’t care if he and Best Jeanist were students together at UA. I don’t care if he’s going to end up as dental floss for the rest of his life. I certainly don’t give a crap that Bakugo is now feeling grateful to be brought back by some hack who he had barely knew.
Speaking of Bakugo, if all of this is really Horikoshi intended to happen in his story, then why not do the basic thing when writing any story is to make a plan. There clearly should have been a dynamic between Bakugo and Edgeshot for this moment to feel impactful than it does. Horikoshi really dropped the ball with having his favorite character join Deku and Todoroki in the work study with Bakugo. He can’t go through a single arc that Bakugo is in without getting him involved with crap he has no real contribution to. I said in a previous post that Wonder boy has no real purpose/contribution in the main story line. His involvement with things like Deku, OFA and other side plots doesn’t amount to anything other than mindless yelling, guilt tripping, and just him treating everything as damn a competition. An egregious example would be the Endeavor Agency arc. Him acting ad the third wheel along with Deku and Todoroki doesn’t do any thing but give us more annoying moments with him. It’s one of the reasons why I dislike the dynamic between these three. I could on about why their dynamic is the most annoying and stupidest crap I’ve seen but that’s for another story. So back to the Endeavor Agency arc, He acts incredibly aggressive and inappropriate when he’s with the Todoroki family. He’s only in that arc so he can have power progression.
If Horikoshi wanted me to care about his dynamic with Edgeshot, why couldn’t he just have Bakugo do the work study with him instead of making a third wheel just because he’s afraid that his fans will get upset. Bakugo taking up on a work study with Edgeshot would have given the story a chance to do things that would have improve the final arc than it does. Let’s list them.
1. It gives a chance for Bakugo to develop as a character on his own without it being related to Deku
2. It could have helped painted Bakugo in a better light by having him feel guilty about Best Jeanist and make him regretful for his shitty attitude towards him during his internship
3. It would have given the creator an excuse to establish Edgeshot as a character and his relationship with Best Jeanist.
4. Edgeshot would give Bakugo some words of advice about not getting hung up over your past mistakes and focus more on improving yourself.
5. Edgeshot would have stated that he doesn’t blame Bakugo for what happened in Kamino; especially towards Jeanist
Second of all, what exactly is in vain here exactly? The only thing that I can think of that is in vain is his ego. Edgeshot I would think would have been better established to be more than just a support hero if he can do medical treatment on a battlefield. He had knowledge of this ability all this time and he chose to randomly choose it on this one kid who he barely knew.
Third of all, just because you excuse something by saying it’s a Shonen and you should expect it to happen doesn’t automatically excuse bad writing. Most shonen not only establish the world so the audience can get familiar with but they alsocreate rules on how stuff work like power scales for example.
Where in this story has it been established that Bakugo’s quirk can jump start damaged organs with the touch a tiny explosion? And how does that tiny explosion not do any damage to an organ that was or not have been stitched yet?
So basically what I’m saying is that Bakugo’s quirk somehow being able to jump start his heart was an asspull. And no, saying that you have spoken to a real doctor to get knowledge on the science of heart surgery doesn’t excuse your bad writing. It was already bad enough that a nobody character came in and turned into the world’s greatest surgeon incredibly late in the story, but the very thought that Wonder Boy’s quirk was able to jumpstart his heart without it damaging him is not only ridiculous but it ruins the stakes for this story. Why as a reader would I feel worried for a character if I know they’re going to be fine? Imagine if there’s a sequel to MHA and Bakugo as a Pro hero gets pummeled by a villain and his limbs were broken to the point where shouldn’t move. Would Horikoshi have Bakugo’s quirk somehow instantly heal his wombs and he’ll get back up like nothing just happen? How many fake out deaths is the creator’s pet going to have in this story? The amount of times characters have walked out of situations that should have killed them is not only laughable but proves why the story has no real stakes.
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dark-side-blog3 · 7 months
How would you rank the six Jojo leads from the OG continuity from worst to best to end up with?
I'm gonna take this as an add-on to the would you rather game from before, so the answers will be super self-indulgent, and yandere.
Short answer is I would prefer to end up with none of the yanderes, at least not the jojo's. But in terms of damage, I suppose Jonathan is the safest, and Giorno is the worst. It should be Jolyne because Stone Ocean is more dangerous, but Giorno skeeves me out more. Jolynes only so low because everyone around her would instakill me.
Jonathan is a milk toast of a man. He's unthreatening, because of his noble code. If I got isekai'd, the worst Johnathan could possibly do to me is just have me associated with him, because Dio would fuck me up just to mess with him. In which case, I'd either have to avoid Jonathan so hard Dio can't target me, or I'd have to glue myself to his side so he could protect me from Dio. Which would be what feeds into his tendencies, but they're not really dangerous, so I suppose I'll just have to suck it up.
Joseph is funny and charming, and in earlier parts, he's cunning and witty. He leans heavily into the bad boy heartbreaker persona, so the idea that he's going to be possessive of his partner wouldn't seem out of the ordinary. And all of these would make him the match if it weren't offset by the cheating. How Suzie didn't kill him, I don't know. Her patience is infinite. I, on the other hand, would kill us both. Until then, he wouldn't be too bad.
Jotaro and I would fight way too much. He only wants to talk about his interests, and I can't shut up about my interests, and there is zero overlap between the two. There are only so many times I can endure a Clint Eastwood marathon, and there are only so many minutes he'll let me talk about pinnipeds or linguistics. I couldn't care less about the actual crimes he commits, but the clash of interests would be what makes him the (second) most unbearable.
Josuke has never faced long-term interpersonal consequences to his actions, which means that he'll be genuinely surprised if I stay mad at him after a fight. He nearly beat Okuyasu to death and they're best friends. He punched a hole through his mom and never got in trouble. So why am I still mad at him a week after a verbal fight that didn't even get violent? The world will never know (I will tell him every day, he just doesn't want to hear it). The only reason I wouldn't try to piss him off too much, like saying I got isekai'd and I can't stay in Morioh, is because I've seen Angelo. I choose to not be a fucked up rock Josuke does shameful things with.
Giorno is fucking creepy if you don't hear his internal monologues; which if isekai'd, I wouldn't be able to. I'm with Abbacchio on this, I don't trust this motherfucker. He just stares as people get injured in front of him, and waits until the last possible second to help them, and he's so obviously scheming behind those eyes. I would avoid him like the plague, even if I somehow got involved with the mafia. He's just so... Weird. And calculating. Giorno isn't the only smart jojo, but he is the most intimidating for his intelligence. The vibes are just so rancid on him... I'm throwing myself into the Tiber before I enter this narrative.
Jolyne is a puzzle. I'm not sure what I'd do if I got isekai'd... Do I avoid her and avoid the ire of Anasui, or get my ass beat by the enemy stand users literally everywhere? Not to mention the regular people who just happen to be in a supermax, who will probably prey on me for being an easy target. I'd be totally lost in terms of what to do. At least with the others, there's a hope of escape, or playing my cards right to utilize them. But I don't think there is a good strategy with Jolyne except carefully slotting myself in the toxic friendzone, and hoping for the best. At least it shouldn't be impossible to do.
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adiposewalksaway · 2 years
All JoJo's x reader who gets scared easily
Headcannons of all the JoJos with a reader who gets scared easily. 
To preface this, I think all the JoJo’s are going to be pretty protective to some degree. They all show it differently. 
Jonathan Joestar
Jonathan is going to be the most protective of all the JoJo’s
If he can do absolutely anything to help you, he will. 
To some extent it’s a matter of pride 
Under no circumstances would he try to force you to confront your own fears 
If fact, he’d do this best to keep you away from anything you fear 
He would take bugs out and free them somewhere away from you. 
If you’re startled by loud sounds, he’ll gently cover your ears and lead you away from the noise bothering you. 
Joseph Joestar
My first thought was that he would laugh at you
I definitely think that he would love it if you got really clingy when scared. 
If you went to him for comfort, he’d just melt inside 
But if you’re scared of bugs and you ask him to kill one or to take it outside, he would definitely laugh 
Until it came flying at him
Then he’s running way faster than you
That boy would be gone
Jotaro Kujo
So, I think he would have a hard time understanding your fears and why you’re afraid 
But he would try his best, try to make sure nothing spooks you
If it’s a person you’re scared off, he’d beat them up 
Is the type to be a human shield to separate you from anything that scares you
No fear, this boy would kill bugs for you. 
Josuke Higashikata
He’s happy you trust him with the things you’re scared of. 
If you share your fears, he’ll share his with you. 
He’s among the best JoJo’s to go to for comfort 
It may take him a few times to figure out the best way to comfort you. But he’s doing his best 
And it shows, no one will be able to comfort you better than him. Once he’s perfected his method. 
Giorno Giovanna 
Giorno would be more will to try to make you face your fears
Not in a way that would hurt you
He enjoys you relying on him for comfort but he doesn’t want you to be completely dependent on him. 
When you do get scared he’ll use his stand, a comforting gesture, or anything really to make you feel better. 
He may not always hit the mark, but is the thought that counts. 
Jolyne Kujo
If your fears can be physically fought, she is the first one to throw hands. 
If it’s a person, you can bet she’ll beat them up for you. 
Even if your fears can’t be physically fought, she’ll do her best to fight your fears. 
She is going to want you to feel safe at all times. 
I think she would be a little scared of bugs, but would do anything for you. 
Would make her stand to take bugs out. 
Anything to comfort you
Johnny Joestar
I think Johnny is going to be the best at physical comfort. 
He would drop whatever he’s doing to comfort you. If you want to be held, he’s holding you. 
I think Johnny has a lot of fears and insecurity, especially after the accident. So, he can relate to how you’re feeling. 
He is the last person to judge you over a fear or insecurity. 
He respects you a lot.
The two of you can work out your problems together.
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fanficemily · 10 months
I was wondering what Jotaro YANDERE from part 3 would be like? (so I did this)
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🌠I will first say that I am taking into consideration that our "Y/N" is A Stand user And let it be a crusade, ok?
🌠Jotaro didn't want to fall in love with you, but you're so you, that she couldn't ignore it,But of course JOTARO BEING JOTARO, doesn't show what he feels and continues with his face straight
🌠You became good friends with Jotaro But... For Jotaro you were more than that, you were the one Jotaro loved very much, so it was his duty to protect you, but you ask yourself "protect from what?",That's the problem, he has to protect her from something but she doesn't know what it is, he swears she's in danger where there is nothing, "her friends (other than Polnareff or Kakyoin, or Joseph) Don't you see the danger in them?... Of course you have good times, but what if something happens?, your family? Can't you see that they are a headache for you and him...
🌠Now after part 3 he GOT WORSE!, at school he made sure that most boys didn't hit on you, he wants to make sure he's the best option, he's always in the school hallways,He is following you from side to side, he sits as close to you as possible to watch you,If he manages to sit behind you, he will use Star Platinum to play with your hair, and Star will do this with pleasure as she is very happy with it
🌠And one thing Jotaro likes is being around you, she loves just being in your presence you have a calming effect, she loves being with you even though the lines are few and it doesn't dismantle emotions
🌠And suddenly you have a Boyfriend/bodyguard, and even if you don't want Jotaro in that sense, she doesn't care, kidnapping exists for that, and even if you date him he will kidnap you if he thinks you If are in danger (in other words, he will kidnap you)
🌠During the kidnapping period he leaves you in a safe place, that is, at his house, on the day it happened Holley saw Jotaro all dirty and a little hurt and holding his girlfriend in his arms,Holley He will soon understand the situation and will take good care of you since Jotaro loves you...
🌠When you and Jotaro are walking around town Jotaro will have a protective arm around your waist or shoulder, outside Jotaro is always on alert and never lets his guard down.
🌠But when you are in his room alone he is affectionate, for example, he shows that he is intelligent to you so you can see that he is useful, or he keeps touching you and petting you,He's clingy and especially in the morning when he wakes up, he's soooo sly and cuddly, as far as possible, and at night he holds you while he sleeps with you.
🌠Even though he is stoic and emotionless, he loves you very much.
**(Maybe I'll do Jotaro YANDERE from part 4 or maybe Star Platinum yandere)**
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astradis · 5 months
She Wants A Baby
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(P4-5) Jotaro x OC (Astor Prism)
Implications of 🍒💀, suggestive content, unhappy marriage, neglectful husband Jotaro (BUT HE GETS BETTER), Astor misses cherry boy
feel free to insert yourself/your oc into this if you’d like! i’m just proud of this <3 if you’re curious about astors appearance, here you go!
Jotaro slung his bag over the passenger seat and walked his way around to the drivers seat. Exhausted, he sat with his full weight, the car bouncing up and down a little before settling with him inside.
He shut the car door and covered his face with his palm, swiping downward and blinking away his exhaustion. He sat staring out the front window for a few seconds before finally turning the key into the ignition and turning on the air conditioning, preparing for his forty-five minute drive back home.
He pulled out his phone and checked the time - it was only 11:43, by the time he gets home it should be just after midnight. Jolyne will be asleep and Astor will be… doing whatever she’s doing when he gets there.
As Jotaro put the car into drive, he began to think about how he doesn’t know his wife as much as he used to. With the amount of work he’s had lately, all his time is occupied by the foundation. Working 12 hour, sometimes 18 hour shifts back to back, heading home to sleep for nearly 2 hours before he has to get up and work again.
This is exactly the reason Priscilla initiated a divorce in the first place. The man prioritized his work. His family? Merely an afterthought.
He wished that they could understand it was the other way around. He worked so much to be able to support his family. The paycheck was entirely worth it. Having Astor at home being able to take care of Jolyne and spend time with her friends (that being Priscilla) was all Jotaro wanted for her. She worked so much before he took the load, she deserved to rest. Jolyne deserved to have bountiful christmases and birthdays. Jotaro was the man of the house, and what kind of man would he be if he wasn’t working?
Not only that, but with the dangers that came along with being a stand user, he couldn’t imagine what he would do with himself if harm came to his family. It would’ve been a good excuse if Astor wasn’t a stand user as well, but it was an excuse regardless. Astor is capable of protecting Jolyne, she’s capable of protecting their family - Priscilla included.
Jotaro could protect them too, but he knew that as a Joestar, there could be so much else that could go wrong. He didn’t want to put that on his loved ones.
Caught up in his head, time passed quicker than he had expected it to. He didn’t remember half of the drive, but all that mattered is that he was in the driveway and the lights in the house were dim.
Lethargically dragging himself to the front door, he fumbled around with his keys and walked in. His gaze facing downward, removing his shoes as he shut the door behind him. Bringing his eyes up to the kitchen as he removed his blazer, he spotted Astor brewing tea with two cups on the counter.
“Hey,” Jotaro greeted, walking in and settling down on the couch with his arm over his face.
“Hi,” Astor replied quietly, the sound of the spoon clinking against the porcelain of the tea cup filling the silence.
“You’re still up,” Jotaro said, stating the obvious in attempt for a conversation.
Astor was quiet for a bit, save for the ‘ting-ting-ting’ of the spoon and cup, before even that sound became quiet too.
The soft padding of Astor walking up behind and around to the couch with a cup of tea in each hand was louder than it should’ve been. She placed one in front of Jotaro on the coffee table, and held hers close to her chest.
“You’ve gotten home around 12 for three days in a row, I wanted to catch you while you’re still awake,” Astor responded, sipping her tea. The remote on the coffee table was looking more inviting than usual.
“I know,” Jotaro said, adjusting his posture and tasting the tea. Earl grey, the perfect amount of bitter and sweet, and something else he couldn’t put his finger on.
The two sat in silence for a few more seconds that felt more like hours.
“I want to have a baby,” Astor stated.
Jotaro felt his heart stop. He choked on his tea briefly, setting it back down on the coffee table, the abrupt movement causing some tea to spill out and onto the glass.
He finally turned and made eye contact with Astor for the first time in about a week. Her eyes were red, bags he’d never seen before had formed underneath. She had a line between her brow that seemed to have made itself comfortable. She was so exhausted, just like he was. She was trying.
Astor spoke up again through the silence. “I love Jolyne. I see so much of you in her. When I have her here, it’s like you’re home again. It’s like I’m raising you.
“When she’s gone, I’m lonely. It’s just me. The house is quiet. I haven’t felt the warmth of someone next to me in bed for weeks.” Astor broke the eye contact, looking to the door, taking another sip as if to calm herself. “I want to have a baby.”
Jotaro continued to stare, partially in disbelief, mostly because she was so beautiful. Motherhood had caught up to her, regardless if Jolyne was hers or not. She was already a mother in the most important ways. She wants to have a baby?
“I didn’t get to see Jolyne when she was born,” Astor continued. “I didn’t get to
see the diapers phase, I didn’t see her terrible twos,” she took a breath. “I didn’t get to be a mom yet.”
“You want to have a baby,” Jotaro repeated.
“I want to have a baby,” Astor confirmed.
She wants to have a baby.
Jotaro blinked once, then again, then again. She wants to have a baby. With him.
“I,” Jotaro started. “I don’t know what to say.”
Astor shrugged, looking down.
She stood up from the couch and walked toward the stairs, Jotaro’s eyes following her as she went.
“Wait,” Jotaro called out to her, but made no effort to stand from his spot on the couch. Astor stopped her movement at the first step, waiting for him to say anything else.
He didn’t.
She continued her way up the stairs, quietly, as to not wake up Jolyne in the room right after.
Jotaro knew he wasn’t the best at communicating, but this was bullshit.
He took a glance at the tea, noting that flavor he had never been able to point out before. Ever since Astor had started making it for him, the taste was prevalent. Something he had never had before. He loved it. He loved her.
He couldn’t remember the last time he kissed her. Or the last time they’d hugged. Shared a meal, slept in bed together; he couldn’t remember a lot of things. The only thing that he knew was his wife was a blessing, a godsend. An angel.
The moment he proposed to her was the moment he knew he made the right choice with the right woman. She was everything he ever wanted. He had her, why did she feel like she didn’t have him?
Maybe it’s because she married the wrong man. The right one died over twenty years ago.
How could it be possible that what’s right for him is entirely wrong for her? Was that just his luck? Is it possible that everything he touched would be ruined one day?
She wants to have a baby.
Everything Jotaro does is for his family. All the work, all the traveling, all the time spent away is for them. He wants to do the best he can for them, he’s given them everything and more. She wants a baby.
Before he could even blink, he was in front of their shared bedroom door that was kept slightly ajar.
As he entered, his shadowed figure overtook the doorway from where Astor lay. She felt her stomach turn, watching him enter the dim room and shut the door behind him, encapsulating them entirely in the dark save for the lights outside their windows.
She felt the bed dip from her right, her back facing him. She felt his hand run across the length of her torso, his arm wrapping around to her chest, his front flat against her back.
Astor felt his breath against her neck, and his voice enter her ear.
“You want a baby,” Jotaro muttered, holding her close. Astors breath hitched, and the air was suddenly thicker.
Her hands found their way to his arm, leading their way up to his fingers and caressing them.
“I want you,” she said, voice barely above a whisper, a sudden wet warmth running down her face from her eyes.
In his touch, she felt him. The feeling of his hand now brushing against her cheek and turning her to face him. He was gentle, he was sweet, he was home.
The darkness framed his face perfectly. As she reached her hand to run her fingers through his hair, she felt a hat and was set back in reality.
Jotaro wiped a tear with his thumb, a piece of her he was entirely too familiar with. He felt her remove his hat and let his curl fall. She couldn’t see, but he was a mess.
“When you want something,” Jotaro quietly spoke up. “I give it to you.”
He felt her nodding in his hand.
“I give you everything.” Jotaro said. “You’re spoiled.”
Astor couldn’t tell if her involuntary laugh was sincere, or of disconnect.
“…I’ll lower my hours.” He offered, hesitant to accept his own words.
“Just be here.” Astor shook her head. “With me. With Jolyne. Priscilla.”
“Don’t bring her up when I’m trying to have sex with you,” Jotaro leaned in for a kiss.
Astor smiled against his lips, “I’m being serious.”
“So am I,” he pecked her lips softly, an immediate yearning beckoning in the foreground of his mind.
As a car passed by, Astor caught a glimpse of Jotaro. He is soft. He is gentle, he is sweet. He’s home.
She brushed aside the curl against his forehead and leaned back in for another kiss. This is all she wanted, this is all she needed. He’s right. When she wants something, he gives it to her.
She wants a baby.
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beesmygod · 2 years
people on tumblr are only seeing a fraction of the amount of jojoposting ive been doing. who couldnt love the adventures of the joestar family
part 1: the only kind-hearted englishman on earth in the 1800s meets the most evil and most gay bitch in the entirety of human history. dio brando finally defeats jonathon joestar in their slowly escalating, lifelong sibling rivalry by becoming a vampire with an instant kill eyeball laser-beam. with the help of a solar powered italian and a homosexual in the midst of a manic episode, he narrowly defeats dio at the cost of his own life.
part 2: the manic homosexual (mr. robert e. o. speedwagon), dedicates the remainder of his life and oil speculation fortune on supporting the joestar family forever and ever, as well as destroying any remaining stone masks that turn you into vampires with instant kill eyeball laser-beams. his efforts awaken a crew of mysterious, powerful and very homosexual vampire god-men from the depths of the earth and it's up to jonathon's grandson, joseph joestar to use his hamon and wiles to stop them. he'll do whatever it takes, even and especially if he has to climb a big leaking pole while wearing a BDSM mask that controls his breathing.
part 3: dio's back, baby! and this time he's gayer than ever! joseph joestar, now in his 60s, recruits his autistic (positive) grandson jotaro kujo in his newest quest to make sure dio stays dead for good this time. his crack team of anti-dio experts is comprised of a frenchman who just wants to take a shit, joseph's personal buddy from egypt, a boston terrier that transforms into a chihuahua, and a high school teenager with more brains than everyone else combined. in a globe-trotting adventure, joseph joestar and da boyz use their "stands" (powerful dudes) to battle enemies with stands based on whatever horror movie araki watched recently and gather information before dio becomes too powerful and too gay to be stopped. a heartwarming story about a little boy who, after 47 episodes, finally says a badass one-liner.
part 4: jotaro kujo is cleaning up a big mess left by dio and his minions: a bunch of them went around firing magical arrows into people around the town of morioh and giving them stand powers. jotaro recruits the help of his 16 year old uncle (long story) josuke higashikata, at least 3 other teenagers and a gay bitch named kishibe rohan to help him clean up the town. however...a dark secret lurks in morioh...a murderous pervert with four fucking stands (?!) named yoshikage kira!!! can jotaro and da boyz stop this sadistic serial killer from living a peaceful life!? FUN FACT: this is the first piece of media to depict an italian as heroic
part 5: this is the one im on and im not finished yet, but i'm pretty sure it's just about the first ever they/them nonbinary mafia protecting the bosses' daughter. our protagonist, giorno giovanna, is the son of both dio and jonathon (long story) and he does not seem to understand what a mafia is or what it does. however, he tell his future capo that all he wants is to be a "GANG-STAR". he does not elaborate on this.
thats all i know dont tell me anything else. these are the most surface descriptions possible. when you get into details you can really get lost in the weeds.
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emerald-chamomile · 2 months
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Full Name: Valeria Halcrow
Nickname: Leri, Leri-chan
Stand: Queen of Pentacles
Age: 17 (SDC), 28-29 (DIU), 40 (SO)
Birthday: June 11th 1970
Zodiac Sign: Gemini
Chinese Zodiac: Dog
Gender: Female
Height: 152cm (barefoot) 155cm (with shoes)
Weight: 45-49kg
Blood Type: O+
Ethnicity: American-Japanese
Birth town: Boston, USA, Tokyo, Japan (age of 9)
Hair Color: Blonde
Eye Color: Green mixed with grey
Occupation: Student (part 3), Housewife (part 4+)
Food: spicy food; cherries, onion, peaches etc. (regular); Roast turkey dinner (Bostonese); Sushi, Tantanmen ramen (Japanese)
Dessert: Boston Cream Pie (Bostonese); Mochi (Japanese)
Love interest: Noriaki Kakyoin
Japanese Voice Actor: Ryoka Yuzuki
Personality: Leri is a smart but more talented, caring, empathic, peace-loving girl, with a good sense of humor. Sociable, sensitive, curious, loves freedom. She also likes to make good friends. She shows affection to them and her family, but most of all to her boyfriend (later, husband), especially when they are alone, although in the first phases of their relationship they were rather awkward, but then they're getting closer to the middle and starting to love each other a lot. More affection is shown when they got married a year after they with others traveled to Egypt and defeated DIO and after their dating.
Leri tends to take things to heart and sometimes acts on impulse, especially when Jotaro says something that upsets her or snaps at her. She often responds in a similar manner.
Leri occasionally feels down, but she keeps her emotions to herself and avoids sharing them with anyone, especially Noriaki, as she doesn't want to upset or worry him. However, Leri eventually changes her mind and decides to open up to him, giving him the opportunity to comfort her.
Leri tends to be a bit clumsy, especially when her mind is preoccupied with thoughts of Noriaki or other things. This distraction can sometimes lead her into trouble. Her clumsiness is also evident in large crowds, where she may lose confidence and stumble a bit.
Relationship with Noriaki Kakyoin:
Noriaki and Leri shortly met when he was in the fleshbud during his first appearance, though he covered it until the battle with Jotaro, which wasn't long, but their genuine meeting was after he rid him of that fleshbud in Kujo house and they started talking to each other.
The first few moments of their trip to Egypt were kind of awkward especially when both of them were alone in their relationship and they were trying to find common ground. But after that, their relationship deepened through time. Noriaki was head over heels in love with Leri because of her kindness and beauty etc., but he was quite hesitant and kept it a secret. Leri was the first to fall in love with him though, because she saw him trying to protect her in some moments, and noticed so much intelligence, which is what she was starting to like about him. Noriaki and Leri eventually confessed their love to each other. There were so many things these two went through, but in a happy ending after the trip they ended up getting married a year later and are living together.
Their childhood:
Noriaki sat on a bench and watched his peers playing and having fun. He seemed withdrawn, he had a hard time making friends, he could never fully open up to them and the people around him, so he wasn't making friends at the moment. Suddenly, he saw his mom walking home with an acquaintance, and next to her was a daughter his same age. This girl's name is Leri. Leri looked at Noriaki and decided to approach him, having previously told her mom that she supposedly forgot something. When she approached, the red-haired boy was embarrassed and looked away slightly. Thankfully, however, things turned out differently. Noriaki finally looked at her and to his surprise, he noticed that there was another stand right in front of her. He couldn't resist asking if Leri had her own stand, to which she nodded and chuckled, noticing his reaction. The two then began to get to know each other better. Their moms were pleased to see that their children were able to find common interests with each other. So Noriaki and Leri found common ground and began to build a friendship.
Then their moms decided to introduce them each other and they were walking home together.
They had so much in common, Noriaki and Leri spent a lot of time together, drawing, playing, watching TV in the evenings, and just talking to each other.
Noriaki felt a little sad when he found out that Leri was leaving after spending a week and a half with him and his family. He really hated to say goodbye, because they had had so much fun together and had become very good friends. They promised that they would meet again soon, but life had a different plan. It was only eight years later that fate brought them together again.
For the first few minutes, Noriaki was hesitant to admit how much he missed her. Fortunately, she felt the same way. They acted like they barely knew each other, but eventually the time came when they revealed their true feelings mid-trip. As they shared their feelings, their hearts opened up again, allowing their love to grow even stronger.
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weeb-polls-with-pip · 8 months
Autistic Anime Boys Side B Round 1 Match 17
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Genos -
"He's a robot/cyborg which is one of the objectively most autistic fictional things you can be!"
Jotaro -
"Basically a poster boy for autistic nerds who are mistaken for jocks both in-universe and by a large amount of fans. He's bad at communication/can't read social cues at the beginning (he gets better later once he makes friends). Jotaro's expression is usually mistaken as anger which is a big part of why he got the reputation of a thug. According to the author, the reason Jotaro doesn't emote much is because he assumes people can read his emotions (another trait in favor of his 'tism). In fact, in one episode Jotaro beat the bad guy solely by maintaining a perfect poker face while bluffing and manipulating him into panic until he gave up. Jotaro becomes a marine biologist as an adult, which is one of the most autistic careers ever. He just wants to study starfish and protect the environment and all those bad guys with powers are going after him :("
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ophelian-darling · 1 year
I just read your more then words piece on jjba and I thought that it would be so fascinating if all the darlings in that scenario are related like how the jojo's are, and it is the darlings bloodlines curses to be the object of their jojo's desire and to ultimately break the jojo's heart and to be the jojo's one that got away so to speak , the dynamics of the relationships would change and give rise to scenarios like joseph trying to keep his heart breaks grandchild away from jotaro to try protect him from the pain of them crushing his heart
Link of mentioned piece.
Hi there precious anon, Hope you're doing great.
As of the concept itself, it does seem interesting: sort of a red string of fate but cruel; a curse that cannot be broken unless having darling yield to them.
TW : Emotional/psychological abuse.
Darling's bloodline has a subconscious cruelty and a meanness that is reserved only for the Joestars, as if wanting to break them and drive them to the worst fate possible.
The curse either continues or breaks Depending on each way a Joestar would react :
Jonathan is sweetly foolish and easy to be bent over to a beloved's will, he'll never be able to say no to darling and allow them to take control thinking that 'it's darling's way to show love', allowing the curse to continue.
Joseph would fall for darling, not able to see their obvious red flags (or ignoring them, believing that being mean isn't necessarily hatred) and continues to dote on them until he loses tolerance for your behavior. Joseph may appear as hot headed or a fool, but he's smart and has a sense of emotional dignity, so when he's had enough of your behavior, he does the extreme to tame you and force you to toe the line. you had to be under control .
Jotaro, a meaner version of Joseph, pays attention to the way he feels about you and keeps in mind the warnings his grandfather gave about you. deceptive as you are, you give him a false sense of safety and love, ready to strike at any second, and your attempts nearly succeed, until he manages to stop you.
Josuke and Jolyne are two sides of the same coin; both being cheerful and bubbly when tickled pink, mean and angry when provoked, until romance is involved: having a crush or a lover changes their mental state immediately (Josuke by the fact that he aims to romance as a high school boy, seeing what Koichi has with Yukako or the way girls fall for him, Jolyne by the previous experiences of having boyfriends and her daddy issues and emotional attachment problems). they keep ignoring whatever bad signs you show, forgiving each time and blaming themselves for your mistakes. unfortunately, it's never enough, they point out your behavior at times, yet there's no active solution to stop you.
Giorno, despite being young in age, has quite the emotional experience to deal with you. being raised in an abusive household taught him how to spot an abuser. Giorno restricts your freedom, limits your access to whatever you can win authority on, conditions you to be codependent on him. you have little unpredictable tricks here and there, yet he finds all your ways. He tells himself sometimes that he could leave you or easily get rid of you at any time, but his affection and love towards you intervene in the way, as a result, he has to keep a close eye on you for the rest of your life together.
Consider darling like the Joestars: different personalities and characteristics, but the evil and psychopathic behavior is common in darling's bloodline, its main goal is to break and control the JoJos regardless of the time period.
Thanks for sharing your thoughts! I hope I got a glimpse of them!
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princelylove · 5 months
My Dear Prince,
As much as I love reading your posts about part 5 and other stuff you have given to us(I've been eating them up like a 2 week long starved woman who's having a bad case of uterus shedding) I can't help but notice I'm not seeing a lot more other parts. This is my fault ofc oopsies 🤭
May I request how yandere Jotaro (specifically part 3 but any other part is fine) would be like as a yandere from your godly perspective and writing? So sorry if you've already done something similar to this my memory is so bad.
Sorry for rambling, pretty please and thank you. 💞 ✨
A lot of- if not almost all- of my earliest posts are about Jotaro, actually. It’s so strange to think that that’s the semi-distant past, it doesn’t feel like it’s been six (or five?) months of having this blog already. I don’t mind going back to the same topic very much, it can be fun to update an interpretation. 
Jotaro has a certain difficulty expressing his feelings, which is funny considering his blunt and honest nature. He’s direct, yet not very expressive. Emotionally distant yet always physically present. His mother’s overbearing nature only backfired- Jotaro doesn’t like talking about his feelings because he didn’t want small things to be a big deal, and as he’s gotten older, he’s only shut himself off more.
He dislikes a lot of attention. The philosophy Yoshilage Kira holds- “I merely want to live a quiet life”- is more or less shared with Jotaro, but he just keeps attracting fuckin’ freaks. He’s cursed. He’s cursed, and somehow this is his fault- or, rather, it’s his spirit’s fault. 
Star Platinum is semi-sentient, it’s like Jotaro’s feelings are acting on their own rather than entirely separate from Jotaro. It obeys mindlessly, but often acts out of Jotaro’s curiosity. It finds amusement in picking up your clothes- whether it be a frilly skirt Jotaro gave you, or a shiny accessory it wants to put somewhere else- but it isn’t toying with you on purpose. While Star Platinum is good natured, Jotaro is… well, the intention is there.
Jotaro’s naturally introverted, I’d put his mbti as INTJ when he’s younger and INTP when he’s older. He’s analytical, likes to think things through, but you know what? Jotaro is impatient and rash when he’s caught up in his feelings. It gets better with age, but in his prime, it’s hopeless. It’s no wonder the initial manifestation of his stand forced Jotaro to self isolate, Jotaro doesn’t know how to handle bad things, and doesn’t want the attention that not being fine comes with. 
When he’s hit with another problem, he buries it. He’s never had a crush before, he doesn’t know it’s not supposed to be so… all-consuming. You know how when girls get all boy crazy, or whatever? Jotaro would say it's like that, but just for you.
Jotaro doesn’t like to lie, but he gets a bit choked up whenever he’s with his darling. He’s avoidant, and he’s not good at improv, so if his darling seriously drills him on his behavior, they’ll be met with huffs and grunts. 
Jotaro has a protective nature, it’s why he finds it so hard to just let things be. He’s attracted to smaller and considerably more fragile people. Of course this fragility is perceived, you could be ripped and Jotaro would be convinced you’d snap at the slightest bit of pressure. It makes him anxious to see you alone, what if a big bad wolf comes and snatches you up? Regardless of your capabilities, Jotaro thinks of you as a precious treasure that’s clearly labeled ‘Handle with care.’ 
He’s a very typical delusional type to me. Even if you flat out tell Jotaro one thing, he’s fixed into believing whatever he wants to. It doesn’t matter if you don’t need him, it doesn’t matter if you don’t even want him, Jotaro loves you. His love is very overbearing, although he himself wouldn’t word it like that. 
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vivalioo · 2 years
heyy! hope you're having a good day so far! i was wondering if i could have some headcannons of the stardust crusaders reacting to the fem! reader who's stand powers are mostly based on dreams that she had in the past? forgive me if this all is confusing (i've never really thought deep into a made-up stand power before 😅), but basically, whatever happens in a particular dream (ex: a person slips and falls on the floor), as long as the reader can remember certain details or events, when her stand touches a person (doesn't even have to be a punch, the stand could literally poke them for a brief second if it wanted), that person will be affected (as stated in my example: a person slips and falls in the reader's dream? the affected person will also slip and fall). however, the funny catch is that the reader tends to have strange dreams (some range from "ok, well that was weird" to "WHAT IN THE HELL WAS THAT?! DID I ACTUALLY DREAM THAT?!"), so the weirder/intense/funnier the dream, the more powerful the attack is. sometimes there will be moments where a stand user is defeated in the most hilarious way, which always leaves the reader laughing her ass off at the end of the battle LMAO. apologies again if this all sounds confusing! feel free to change some things up if you want to :) ty! <33
This is my first time writing headcanons for characters so I thoroughly enjoyed this, especially because this idea was so fun, thank you for requesting! I hope it's to your liking ^^ I also hope you don't mind me tagging you just to make sure you see this! I know sometimes questions I ask don't give me notifs when people answer lol
No warnings needed I don't think except uhh the reader's gender isn't mentioned because of 2nd person pov, and this is mostly platonic but Polnareff's section has a flirty comment because c'mon it's Polnareff. OH and no Iggy :(
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Jotaro Kujo
-Jotaro is still relatively new to the whole situation regarding stands, and although he had thought he'd seen it all by now boy he couldn't be more wrong!
-I think he'd definitely be skeptical of the nature of your ability at first. You're practically able to change fate itself with a simple touch of your stand, it isn't until he sees it in action does he really start to accept how weird but strong the power can be
-Even if he won't admit it he's definitely curious if you've had any dreams involving him lol. Once he starts to believe your ability he'll grumble out something along the lines of "Keep that damn thing away from me" in fear of getting into an embarrassing accident as a result of the dreams
-If your stand happens to swoop in and save the day with some freak occurrence that rivals the likes of Joseph's most ridiculous plans, he's left in disbelief and tries to hide it by pulling his hat down and saying his most famous catch phrase. Expect to hear "Good grief." Every time your stand helps to incapacitate an enemy.
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Noriaki Kakyoin
-Kakyoin is very polite when approaching the topic of your stand ability
-He's fascinated with the idea of you being able to control someone's fate in such a way, and is one of the ones who sees the most potential in this stand
-He'll try to protect and lead you in battle more often than not, because he also recognizes that this ability is not really suited for combat. Which is very sweet!
-He doesn't pressure you but definitely makes it known that he'd appreciate any heads up for any dreams that involve him. He doesn't really want to make a fool of himself anytime soon
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Jean Pierre Polnareff
-Polnareff is like the second most fascinated with the nature of your stand, he's definitely curious if any of your dreams happen to mention him too. -He'd somehow find a way to make a witty one-liner out of the situation, it's just in his nature. "Ah, so you've been dreaming about me have you?"
-If you decide to tell him of any embarrassing fate that might befall him that day he'll kinda blush a bit and subconsciously shy away from you and your stand's touch while saying "O-oh? Is that so?"
-Please forgive him he's had enough embarrassment on this trip. Mans is traumatized lmfao
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Muhammad Avdol
-Avdol, being a fortune teller himself, is probably the one most fascinated with your stand ability! He'll enthusiastically encourage you to tell him of your dreams every morning, so much so that it becomes routine
-He'll always thoughtfully and politely nod along, strategizing about how your premonitions can be used in battle against enemy stand users
-He gets embarrassed if any of your dreams involve him, especially if it's something silly. He feels like he has to apologize for you seeing such an uncharacteristic display
-He will definitely give a hearty chuckle about anything else you tell him about the crusaders though. You've seen how mischievous he can be at times, if it's something non life threatening he'll even subtly encourage you to touch them with your stand. It's like a little inside joke you both get to be on!
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Joseph Joestar
-If there's even a mention of himself in your dreams you bet your ass he wants to know every detail! If it's something funny/ridiculous he'll sort of scoff and hide his embarrassment, claiming that such a thing would never happen to him!
-Until it does.
-He'll never get used to seeing this ability in action against enemy stand users, like Jotaro he might even be skeptical and teasing/condescending about it at first (because that's just how he is), and has never been humbled so fast than when you cause some sort of terrifyingly hilarious fate to befall someone
-After that he's like a persistent child, constantly inquiring about your dreams and abusing your stand's power to the fullest, especially to help him out of a tough spot
-He'll get a bit ahead of himself, so you'll have to remind him sometimes that your ability works in a specific way, and no you can't make something happen to an enemy naturally because they're kicking yall's ass in battle lol
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