#protective dadko
a-todd-illustration · 5 months
I will literally never get over the kids™ + Zuko, I’m devouring these crumbs of content (yes I did just spend half an hour scrolling through your account)
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Then have some more! Protective Zuko fighting off a thief in the night
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rifari2037 · 14 days
When , and how did you start pairing Zuko and Katara. , and are there similarities, Between them .
I'm so sorry for my late answer! 🥲
ATLA is a TV show I watched when I was a kid and I ship Zutara since I watched crystal catacombs scene. I didn't know about pairing that time, I just knew that they were look good together. Even when I was kid and didn't understand storyline analysis, I already felt their chemistry.
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Now when I understand it, I realised that this scene was so beautiful and showed how their understanding was on a different level than the rest of the Gaang. They trust each other even when they were still enemies.
Zuko and Katara are the opposite, yet very similar at the same time.
They are hot-tempered and stubborn, they will challenge anyone who degrade them
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But they also care about people and loyal, they will stand up for those who need them
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They need closure and they face their trauma. In this case, Zuko understand that closure was what Katara needed because he was already in that phase.
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They are mature, they play parents role towards others and do chores.
I think that was when Momtara and Dadko were created by Zutaran and I understand why.
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They can give advice and reassure each other, also they trust each other enough to listen.
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Their mother sacrificed herself to protect them. Ursa killed Fire Lord Azulon for Zuko and then she was banished. Kya lied to the fire nation soldier for Katara and then she was killed.
They are also the last their mother saw before they left them.
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Unlike Zuko, Azula doesn't feel like she's lost her mother because she has bad memories with her.
And unlike Katara, Sokka doesn't really lost their mother because Katara replaced her role. Sokka himself said, every time he tried to remember his mother, Katara was the only face he could picture.
I'm sure there are still many Zuko and Katara similarities that I missed. I'm not even talking about their parallels. But I hope I answered your question enough.
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survivalove · 8 months
The funny thing is I wasn't a kataang or katara fan until I saw a bunch of people treating katara like she was 30 close to my age and I started feeling protective of her s I re watch atla and see babies. Other Zutara watch it and see momtara dadko and baby aang it's weird they're children. I dunno why zuts hate kids but they have a big we hate kids vibes and I'll never not to be sore at the appa disrespect. Aang grieves his kidnapping and it's called throwing a tantrum. It's insane how they claim to be a empathic fanbase and call katara comforting aang coddling. as someone who lost a pet years ago nearly sim too aang . iI just don't get these people .
momtara is one thing but dadko is just pure delusion. how does zuko act like a dad to anyone, especially aang when all he does is fight him, yell at him, be racist before and after his redemption since that’s their favorite word? I guess that’s how his father treated him so they think that’s zuko being a father? lmaoooooo
the way aang made sure to point out that he was technically zuko’s great grandfather?? but yes that’s clearly his father figure, sure.
and then this coddling nonsense when aang rejects katara every time she even tries to comfort him?? almost every time katara tries to comfort him it goes horribly wrong the first time. the only exception i can think of rn is the desert 💀 aang is a monk that grew up with other monks. he never had a mom and will never have one. i don’t think he even says the word mother/mom the entire series.
these people are so up zuko’s racist behind it’s hilarious
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kataraslove · 9 months
not the same anon but i am a zutara fan who is also a kataang fan. imo, i found it much easier to navigate kataang spaces as a zuko fan. yes there is some bitterness and bad takes (as is all fans) but the kataang fandom from what ive experienced majority doesn't seem to have a problem with zutara as an actual ship, its the shippers. so when i interact most people are fine with me enjoying zutara because im not being nasty about it. however the zutara fandom is very much a.. hive mind, to put it one way. a lot of fans can't bare the fact that the ship is fanon, and as most of us know kataang and aang especially is n1. enemy. I've been kicked out of discords for saying i don't think aang is an incel, and a lot of people have the belief that aang deserves better than kataang too whilst simultaneously arguing that he was extremely toxic and self centered. the fandom is very toxicly centred on katara and zuko, although have a very narrow view of katara that only exists within shipping lenses but if you point it out they call you sexist. to put it nicely: being a kataang and aang fan in the zutara fandom is hellish, because someone will always come at you. the amount of people who say im not even a zutara fan, or am probably a zukka fan trying to stir trouble. most people who are multishippers (ship katara & zuko with other characters that aren't zutara approved) tend to stick to their own little circles to avoid harassment
i just want to state that while i do think the kataang fandom has a problem with zuko and katara romantically, we’ve never really had a problem with their friendship. we just don’t think it’s one of the defining relationships of the show that a lot of people make it out to be. if you had to ask me, the most prominent relationships in atla are katara and aang, zuko and aang, zuko and iroh, zuko and azula, & katara and sokka.
it’s ridiculous that you were kicked out of a whole discord simply for stating that aang isn’t an incel. when a shipping fandom continues to sprout this type of nonsense towards the main character, a character that is beloved to many people, of course people are going to take issue on it and turn against the fandom.
the hate towards aang (disguised in the form of “critique” often) is quite disengenuine many times because i doubt that they would despise him as much if he had ended up with someone else. if aang is this horrible, awful predator that they make him out to be - why ship him with toph, a blind girl? manipulative and abusive men (things that I’ve seen aang called) do not change their behaviours and attitudes towards women based on whom they date. toph or anyone else won’t be able to “fix” aang. if you genuinely believe aang to be a predator and ship him with someone else, you are stating that you are completely fine if this other character is subjected to the horrible things that you believe he is capable of doing. so, either you don’t genuinely believe that aang is a predator, or you have to admit that your willing to put aside your fandom feminism so long as he doesn’t end up with the person that you think zuko deserves.
“very narrow view of katara that exists through shipping lens” is the best way to describe it. the view that katara was a victim by aang and the gaang - that she had no agency, or free thought, and had to be rescued by zuko - is not understanding katara! i’ve never seen a fandom so insistent on viewing katara as a helpless victim at the hands of the gaang, someone who performs all the emotional labour (fandom buzzword), and proclaiming that the writers/creators did her a huge disservice… whilst replicating that dynamic in their fics. except this time, zuko - excuse me, dadko - helps her out with the chores, defends her, protects her, until she ultimately can get her agency back from the gaang and start standing up for herself after realizing her worth.
sorry, but how am i supposed to believe that this is the fandom that understands and cares for katara the best? this isn’t canon katara - this is a version of katara that you have projected your own interests and desires and issues onto. canon katara has no problem telling people where to shove it if you stand in her way. and the gaang agrees with her, has done so in many of her episodes. the southern raiders is a special case, but even then, neither aang nor sokka actively try to stop her from confronting her mother’s killer. they advise that revenge isn’t the best option — and for the love of god, that opinion does not mean that they are demonizing her. the southern raiders is a tale about katara confronting her mother’s killer, of seeking justice, of seeking retribution - but it’s also a journey of forgiveness; katara learns not just how to forgive zuko for his betrayal, but also learns to forgive herself for the survivor’s guilt that she experiences from her mother’s death.
the criticism towards post-canon is that katara’s entire character revolves around aang. and i agree to an extent - especially in those awful gene luen yang comics barring north and south. but why is the solution in fanon then to attribute everything about katara towards zuko and the fire nation? katara is the southern water tribe ambassador to the fire nation, katara experiences liberation from her friends and family because of zuko, firelady katara, etc, are all popular tropes or perspectives emphasizing katara’s role and connection towards zuko and to the fire nation. you can’t tell me that katara was done so horribly in post-canon, then insist that firelady (a connection defined by her worth to her husband and his nation) is the best possible outcome for her and the feminist ending that she deserved. oh, and that everyone (no matter if they ship kataang or zutara) who doesn’t see it this way are all sexist.
“shipping katara and zuko with characters that are zutara approved” i wonder what characters those are. for katara, is it yue? suki? jiang? for zuko, is it jet? a lot of people in the kataang fandom also ship katara with other women (myself included). the kataang to sapphic katara pipeline exists for a reason.
I’m sorry about your experiences in the zutara fandom, anon. but i’m glad you’ve had more positive experiences in the kataang fandom to make up for all the awful shit you’ve had to deal with! hoping you know that there’s always a safe space here ❤️
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roslynwrites · 2 years
A Dragon’s Guide to Mating
by roslynwrites
Rating: T
Pairing: Zutara
Main Tags: Post-Canon, Fluff, Humor, Momtara and Dadko, Mutual Pining
My master is perfect. Obviously.
I am loyal by nature, fiercely protective of him, so of course he is perfect no matter what.
But lately I have become rather concerned that Master Zuko doesn’t know how to mate.
Read on A03
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tiny-katara · 2 years
hi cilla! i’d love to know your thoughts on 7 & 30 <3
aahhh hi again <3
7. What's your favorite Zutara moment from the show?
i would say the final agni kai bc it just gets me every single time and i am weak and it makes me sob, but... something about the crystal catacombs is just reaaaallllyyyy good. you can just feel their connection hanging around in the air when you watch it, or i can at least. the way that katara just took that plunge is just crazy??? like girl what are you thinking??? i love it. i also love the way zuko reaches out for once and the fact that katara is on the receiving end??? brilliant.
i know that sokka and katara went through the same thing since they both lost their mom, but i've mentioned before that it's not the literal same thing since their mother died because of katara. at least that's how katara sees it. if katara wasn't a waterbender, her mother would still be alive. sokka lost his mother because of an attack on his village. both are horrible and completely valid, but they would definitely be processing that experience differently. which leads me to claim that zuko's loss of his mother is more similar to katara's than sokka's is to katara. it sounds kind of stupid, but zuko's mother left to protect him and katara's for her. they both fully understand sacrifice as a result (not to say the others don't, but you know what i mean). this all builds up to the final agni kai where zuko sacrifices himself for katara and it's just extra impactful because they've established that they both understand exactly how much a sacrifice costs everyone involved and zuko does it anyway. that's just art.
30. If you could rewrite one episode of A:TLA, which would it be?
this is a tricky one and i think the obvious answer is the final episode but!!! i kind of want to say ember island players.
just as a warning, i am a huge sucker for slice of life episodes. that being said... i would kill for momtara and dadko trying to round up the kids for the play. like the chaos. aang and toph are trying to smuggle snacks in and zuko is trying to desperately convince them not to because "it'll bring attention to us and we have enough pilfered money from my dad to buy them anyway!!!" and sokka gets involved and is like "it's the principle zuko, the principle." katara is also trying to reason with the three and suki is just fighting to keep a straight face. it's a mess and it's beautiful. we can even have a nice little "i am so glad i forgave you/so glad we're friends" zutara moment. everyone wins. except kata*ng but i hate kata*ng so i win.
i would also remove the part where aang gets irritated about being played by a woman bc it's stupid. give me toph making jokes about it and getting more and more desperate as aang laughs along and has 0 issues with it. that's infinitely better.
also the sexualization of katara just bugs me. it's played of a joke rather than concerning. that needs to go. it's so disrespectful to women in general, and especially so to women of color. no one needs that. regular teen katara who just flirts with boys but is still doing her stupid speeches. i find that normalish and acceptable. later she is upset about the speeches and zuko is like "but... they're actually good when you do them" and she blushes or something-- subtle stuff.
sokka is the same. he needs no changing. except!!! he and suki get to actually have a conversation about yue and they come to an understanding and suki is like "wow your type really is women who are sooooo much cooler than you" at the end to lighten the mood and bring them closer :)
zuko and toph get their moment. they deserve it and it's cute.
aang does run off but it's bc he's scared (the thing he really should've been worried about since he low key died in ba sing se lol). he and katara talk and she's like "we're all here for you aang" and they hug-- NO KISS!! the stupid non-con kiss is gone, deleted, non-existent. everyone is happy and if they're not we need to have a long talk about consent.
play ends the same bc propaganda and then we have a similar scene of everyone leaving and complaining. suki gets more lines. it's just what she deserves.
and that's a somewhat outlined idea of my more wholesome ember island players before everything falls apart and the world is ending.
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zelzenik · 4 years
Zutara prompt: After accidentally hurting a turtle duck while practicing her firebending, Izumi tells Zuko she never wants to firebend again. Zuko tells her about what he learned from Ran and Shaw
It’s peaceful here. Zuko and Katara sit together on a blanket, positioned carefully on the grass in Ursa’s garden. It’s been five years now since the silver moon crest found its home in Katara’s mass of dark curly hair and only four since their little Izumi entered the world. Little Kya remains nestled in her mother’s arms while her big sister plays by the outskirts of the trickling pond, making friends with the turtleducks. 
Zuko can no longer even remember a time where he didn’t want this - Those days traveling with his uncle after his banishment feel like a lifetime ago, and he and Aang have since ushered in an era of peace to the Four Nations, assisted largely by his lovely wife, Katara, and their friends. Now, he’s Fire Lord, the ruler of his nation. Now, he’s a husband, his soul sworn to Katara for all eternity. And now, he’s a father to two precious little girls, who are children of peace, unlike their parents.
He sighs, whispering softly into his wife’s curly hair. She smiles up at him, blue gaze sheltered by a thick curtain of dark lashes.
It happens quicker than either he or Katara are able to prevent. Izumi, waving her arms at the turtleducks, accidentally unleashes a stream of fire that scorches a baby turtleduck’s wing. She screams, the frightened turtleducks scattering all over the pond. 
They’ve known since Izumi’s conception that she would be a firebender. During her pregnancy, Katara had always run hot, nearing feverish at times. While Zuko was thrilled at the prospect of having a daughter, nothing could’ve prepared him for this moment, her own discovery of her element. He never expected it to happen this way.
He doesn’t need to look to know that Katara’s already swept down to the pond, baby in one arm, pressing a glowing hand to the squawking turtleduck’s injured wing.
Right now, however, he has eyes only for Izumi. She looks aghast at her mistake, tears welling up in her small eyes as she stumbles blindly away from the pond. He envelops her in his arms as she hides her face in his long robes, crying into his chest.
For a terrifying moment, all Zuko can see in his mind’s eye is Azula. Azula, lashing out at helpless turtleducks when she got angry. Azula, taunting him when his firebending awoke within him after hers did. Azula, mocking him when their mother disappeared, leaving her two children alone with their cruel father. Azula, with her mocking golden gaze and penchant for blood. Azula, sobbing erratically when her whole world, built of lies and fear and blood, crumbled to dust beneath her feet.
He shudders. It’s hard to miss Izumi’s resemblance to her aunt when looking at her. Yes, she has the texture of Katara’s curly hair and skin just a shade darker than Zuko’s. But the structure of her face and the color of her hair… It’s all Azula.
“Daddy, I don’t want your fire!” Izumi’s quivering voice brings him back to reality. “Daddy, take it back - I don’t want your fire. I want Mommy’s water!” Another sob rips through her as she shakes in his arms, terrified of the power she possesses.
At her fear, Zuko’s heart breaks. But he can’t fault his little daughter for being so scared of the fire that courses through her veins… not when it’s so wild and untamed… not when it’s so dangerous uncontrolled…
Katara watches them carefully, her blue eyes heavy with pain. Somehow, they both knew this day would come. They just hadn’t expected it to arrive so soon. Kya squirms in her arms, tiny limbs kicking and reaching down towards the pond, their little waterbender.
“Izumi,” Zuko finally whispers, not quite trusting his voice if he speaks out loud. 
She sniffles loudly, wiping her eyes and nose against his royal robes. Inwardly, he apologizes to the servants who’ll be tasked with cleaning them. “Your fire is scary, Daddy,” she cries.
“You’re right, Izumi,” Zuko rubs circles into her back comfortingly. “The elements - fire, earth, water, and air - are all scary when they’re used in ways that are bad. Fire can be scary, Zumi, and as firebenders, it’s our responsibility to make sure that we don’t hurt anyone while using it.” Before he can stop himself, his mind drifts back to a time when he’d said something similar to a young, scared Avatar. “But fire is also a gift.” He shifts so that his little girl’s still on his lap, curled between his arms. He cups his hands in front of her, calling a tiny wisp of flame. It pulses steadily in his hands, flickering in front of Izumi’s transfixed gaze. “Fire is life, Izumi, and we are its protectors, just like the dragons.”
“I’m still scared, Daddy,” she finally admits, lower lip wobbling uncontrollably. “I don’t want to hurt the turtleducks again.” 
“You won’t.” Zuko doesn’t know if this is a promise he has the power to keep, but Katara nods wordlessly, a comfort to him. “I’ll teach you, and Mommy will be here to help you too.” He chokes back a cry of his own, thinking about his younger sister and the ways his own parents failed them both. He won’t let that happen - not with his own children. “We’ll protect our fire together, Zumi.”
With the precious simplicity of a child, Izumi accepts the words of her father. “Will you teach me how to juggle fireballs?” Cuddling even closer to him, she mimics the way he’s holding his hands, crossing her eyes as she concentrates, bringing a baby flame of her own to life. 
At the dark look Katara shoots him, Zuko replies slowly, “Maybe not juggling…” At Izumi’s resulting pout, he continues, “I haven’t practiced my juggling in forever so I’m not very much good anymore anyways.” His girls have him wrapped around their fingers, and they know it.
As Katara sits back down beside them, admiring Izumi’s flame and complimenting her on her control, Zuko sweeps Kya onto his other knee, throwing his free arm securely around Katara. No matter what Izumi does and no matter how many mistakes she makes, he swears that he will not be like his father. He’ll teach her to protect her flame, the same way that Katara will guide little Kya in her waterbending one day. Their two daughters, along with any other children that have yet to come, have two master benders for parents and will have the benefit of understanding all the elements in order to master their own.
With Katara’s head resting on his shoulder and Kya giggling on his knee, he watches Izumi as she preserves her wispy fire on his other side. His heart swells with an overwhelming sense of pride and love for his little daughter, and he swears on Agni, Tui, and La that suffering won’t be her teacher. He’ll make sure of it.
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zutarabender · 2 years
@zutaramonth day 12: Momtara & Dadko
tw: mentions of (canon) abuse
"Papa, what happened to your face?"
Zuko froze, his eyes meeting Katara's. They'd agreed they would tell Oki the truth when the moment came, but he didn't think it would come so soon. He was glad that they were in the chambers he shared with Katara and that Kya was asleep, so no one else would have to be involved.
After a long silence, it was Katara who answered, soft but decisive.
"Your dad was burned by a very cruel man."
"There is no good reason to do something like this to anyone." Katara's thinly veiled fury startled Oki, his hazel eyes growing wide. Seeing this, Katara breathing deep, better masking her tone when she kept going. "Your dad didn't deserve this. He was a child, a little bit older than you are now, when it happened. This man was supposed to love and protect him, but instead wanted to hurt him."
Zuko breathed deep. Seeing as Katara had gone over the most painful truths, he could finally own up to the whole truth.
"It was my father. He was a very bad man, and didn't love me like we love you."
Zuko was prepared to answer more questions, difficult as they were. instead, Oki fell silent. The turning gears in his mind were nearly audible. Suddenly, his eyes lit up, searching for his mother's loving gaze.
"You can fix it, Mama, right?"
This time, it was Katara who found it hard to speak. She'd offered once during the war, and Zuko had betrayed her. She'd offered once again after the war, and it was such a desperate hope, such a long shot, that Zuko was the one to refuse.
"I'm afraid not," he said simply. "This happened years before I met your mother, and waterbending can't heal scars. I actually have a scar from a time when your mom saved my life during the war.”
"You saved my life first," Katara muttered, clearly unable to help herself.
"But," Zuko quickly added as Oki opened his mouth to speak, "that is a story for when you're a little bit older."
Oki pouted, and Zuko pretended not to see it. Instead, he had an idea.
"Do you want to see the scar?"
The boy nodded vehemently, grinning at the obvious display of confidence, which made both of his parents smile. On this cue, Zuko slowly bared his chest, letting his son stare, unabashed and inquisitive. Slowly, the boy brought his warm, tiny hands to his father's scars, both chest and cheek. Zuko closed his eyes. It was the sort of gentle curiosity that Katara always encouraged in their children, and all the hurt, all the awkwardness of the last few moments was replaced by a rush of affection that he was always grateful to have in his life.
"I love you, Oki. So much." He opened his eyes and reached to hold his son close. The boy hugged him back tightly, as if he realized they both needed it. Katara's eyes met Zuko’s, her smile growing wider, prouder. "We're never going to let anything like this happen to you."
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jasmine-tea-latte · 2 years
Steambaby Week Fanfics
So I've been swamped with work and writing my Zutara / Bridgerton / Pride and Prejudice fic, so I haven't had time to create any new content for @steambabyweek.
But I have rounded up all my existing steambaby stories for your reading enjoyment! FYI, mild spoilers will be referenced, so I'm placing them below the cut both for that and because this post got very, very long...
Technically, I've written about the steambabies in 3 different universes. So I've split them up for clarity's sake, with the most expansive AU at the end.
Color Code: Firebender, Waterbender, Nonbender
Souvenirs We Brought Back From Ember Island – Zuko and Katara share an intimate evening together the last night at the Ember Island beach house before heading out to confront Ozai and their destinies the next morning, only to discover several weeks later that they brought back a surprise souvenir from that encounter…
Rated M for suggestive content and referenced adult situations, though Chapters 10 and 11 where the steambbs make an appearance are SFW.
Steambabies in this series:
Crown Princess Izumi
Prince Tulok
Princess Kya (not born yet when the story ends, though will end up being a nonbender)
A Present Fit For A Fire Lady – Fire Lord Zuko struggles to come up with the perfect present for his wife to celebrate their first wedding anniversary. Unbeknownst to him, he’s already given them both the best present of all.
As this fic ends with Katara revealing to Zuko that they’re expecting their first child, there aren’t any details about the actual steambaby. However, as this was part of the Big Bang event last year, there are lovely artwork pieces included, not to mention two incredible original songs written just for this story!
Phoenix and Dragon – Set during the series that I wrote for Zutara Week 2020, back when the pandemic first started and forced us all indoors and I had waaaay too much time to kill. This chapter introduces the first four steambabies and features the announcement that they’re expecting triplets as well.
(Yes, I went overboard when I gave them seven babies in this series – I blame being a new fanfic writer at the time and getting carried away – but like the Bridgerton family, they had a ton of babies because they wanted to, though after #7 they decided they were DONE.)
little rays of starlight– The Fire Lord and his wife take their infant daughter out on a trip to see the Southern Lights during the crown princess' first visit to the Southern Water Tribe. Features protective Dadko fussing over keeping little Izumi warm against the South Pole winter and just overall tooth-rotting fluffiness. Guest appearances by Sukka, who are expecting their first baby in this fic, and Taang, who aren’t engaged yet but will be soon.
The Fire Lord and the Sunstone – takes place when Crown Princess Izumi is just shy of 2 years old. The royal family inherits Druk after the Fire Lord and the Avatar are summoned back to visit Ran and Shaw. A cute fluffy oneshot that has baby Druk becoming fast friends with the eldest steambaby.
A Fire Burning in Her Bones (WIP)– Crown Princess Izumi has always dreamed of someday bending fire or water like her parents, following in their footsteps and making them proud. But when Izumi discovers that she’s a nonbender, she must learn to carve her own path, while learning more about her parents’ history and her nation’s role in the Hundred Year War in the process. I've gotten sidetracked by other fics since the last update, but I will finish this story one day. Hopefully.
Fun Fact: There's a 13.5 year age difference between the eldest and youngest of their kids.
Steambabies from this series, plus some fun facts / trivia about them if / when I ever get around to writing more fics in this AU:
Crown Princess Izumi
Twins - Prince Hanzo and Princess Kya
Prince Shunsui
Triplets - Prince Lu Ten, Princess Ayuko, and Prince Mihiro
Izumi – eldest child and daughter, born 3 years after Sozin’s Comet
Gold eyes, black hair
Name Meaning: fountain, water
Skilled with broadswords, learns from her father and later Master Piandao
Crown princess; introvert; birthday falls in the same week as the anniversary of the War's End, which coincides with her parents’ wedding anniversary as well
Most like Zuko in terms of dry sarcasm; constantly feels need to prove herself especially compared to her prodigious younger sibling Hanzo (essentially a gender-flipped Zuko and Azula sibling rivalry but on much, much friendlier terms)
Favorite subject is history; favorite treat is SWT seaweed cookies
Hanzo – eldest son and the elder twin, born approximately 5 ½ years after Sozin’s Comet
Gold eyes, black hair
Name Meaning: to hide, half
Named as a shout-out to the real-life legendary Japanese samurai Hattori Hanzo/Demon Hanzo. The "Demon Hanzo" nickname also gave me Blue Spirit vibes as well, ngl
Occasionally uses blades with a focus on broadswords
Ambivert; Is the spitting image of his father in his pre-banishment days. Later in the story (not written yet), his older sister Izumi will see a portrait of young Zuko pre-scarring and mistake them for each other at first
Has his mother’s personality - kind and nurturing but will cut you if you mistreat someone
Kya – younger twin
Blue eyes, brown hair
Named for Katara and Sokka’s mother
Outgoing; enjoys fashion and finding bargains during shopping trips with Great-Uncle Iroh
Inherits Uncle Sokka’s (terrible) sense of humor
Enjoys studying art from all over the world
Decent at healing but prefers sparring
Eventually settles down in SWT with her wife and their pet polar bear dog
In later years helps teach waterbending to Avatar Korra
Shunsui – born 11 years after Sozin’s Comet
Gold eyes, brown hair
Name Meaning: spring, water
Becomes a respected healer and opens up several healing clinics
Enjoys the simpler things in life like his Great-Uncle Iroh and develops an affinity for botany as a hobby
Laidback personality; enjoys traveling especially in the Earth Kingdom
Is the only steambaby besides Izumi not to be either a twin or triplet
Like his older sister Kya, helps teach waterbending to Avatar Korra
Lu Ten – eldest triplet, born approximately 16 ½ years after Sozin’s Comet
Blue eyes, black hair
Named for Iroh’s son, Zuko and Azula’s late cousin
Extrovert who takes up pro-bending when he's older
Bi pretty boy who naturally charms the ladies and the men, but has a hidden sweet, shy side
Loves traveling the world along with honorary Uncle Aang, Aunt Toph, and all their brood
Secretly gifted at the tsungi horn but will never admit it
Ayuko – middle triplet and youngest daughter
Blue eyes, black hair
Name Meaning: love, affection, rainbow
I came up with her name because of the rainbow sunshower scene in the story right before ZK announce that they're expecting her and her brothers
Is a naturally gifted bender like her Aunt Azula and the only firebender of her siblings capable of creating blue flames
Introvert who enjoys writing and reading; often seen curled up with a book in the library
A theatre nerd just like her father; is also a talented dancer but too shy to show off her skills most of the time
Mihiro – youngest triplet and youngest son
Gold eyes, black hair
Name Meaning: crown, benevolence, sea
Skilled with broadswords
Trained in swordfighting by his eldest sister Izumi and looks up to her; also learns from Zuko, Sokka, and Master Piandao
Inspired to learn broadswords after watching his eldest sister Izumi fighting with them one day when he’s 3-4
Finds out about Blue Spirit myths during a visit to the Earth Kingdom when he's a child and not-so-secretly admires all the legends and tall tales of the infamous vigilante, much to his parents’ amusement
Enjoys cooking
And there you have it! What can I say, I have a soft spot for Zutara and all their bbs 💜
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linnoya-writes · 3 years
MomTara and DadKo AU
Zuko and Katara are the parents who raise the brainiac dorkish teenager (Sokka) and deal with all of his know-it-all shenanigans.  Katara teaches him to do proper laundry and house-cleaning, and slowly learns to give him space.  Zuko teaches him how to make tea and about basic yard work and tying a tie.  Zuko helps Sokka how to master breakfast, Katara, dinners.  Zuko also teaches him about being a man, about being vulnerable and being careful of pride.  They both find absolute revelry in watching Sokka get his heart stolen by a cheeky, street-smart classmate (Suki), and she becomes practically a part of the family by how often she stops by their house for family dinners.
They are the parents who take their time to learn and appreciate parenthood with Sokka for a few years before finally trying for another kid, this time a free-spirited and laughing little boy with a soft spot for animals and nature.  It’s because of Aang that Zuko and Katara convince themselves that a dog would be a fun addition to the family -- especially with the age-gap between Aang and Sokka -- and so they adopt a big, shaggy dog named Appa.  Katara takes to handling Appa a lot more naturally than Zuko, but the two of them build a relationship with this dog in their own, special way.
They are the parents who, after seeing Appa and Aang and Sokka get along so swimmingly as a team, are completely surprised when Katara announces she is pregnant again, and Zuko is supportive with this unexpected third child.  They’re the parents who hold each other when realizing that this little girl was born smaller than average, the parents who hold hands tightly in the NICU unit as the doctor informs them that the little girl has a visual impairment, the word “permanent” echoing along the walls.  When the doctor informs them of the kind of lifestyle that this would involve, Katara nods in understanding, tears welling in her eyes, and Zuko rubs her back, absentmindedly, acknowledging that fear hidden underneath her layers and layers of strength. 
When they bring their daughter (Toph) home, Zuko and Katara are the parents who already have their home prepared for this little girl’s condition... who revel in watching Sokka play the third-parent to his spunky, laughing baby sister... who adore watching Aang approach the baby fondly with his big toddler eyes, watching Appa snuggle next to the girl protectively, no differently than how he was with Aang.  It’s not a year later when a stray cat shows up at their front porch (Momo), and seeing the little creature purr next to Toph and watching the little girl perk up curiously and endearingly... there’s no denying that this cat has now become a part of the family too.    
Zuko and Katara savor the moments they have with their very large, somewhat odd family.  They are the parents who make sure Appa and Momo have their food bowls filled at night, who say “I love you” to Sokka before he rushes up the stairs with his face scrunched with Ooogies, who tuck Aang in with a stuffed animal and funny story about dragons, who brush Toph’s hair as they hum her to sleep in her crib and remind her that she is strong and amazing and someday will change the world.  
And before the night is over, Zuko and Katara are the parents who find the time to hang out in the living room and drink some tea, reflecting on the day’s events and the things that might come up in the near or far future with their kids, their pets, and each other.  They lean into each other sweetly and just smile to themselves as they watch whatever late-night program is on TV... and Zuko sweetly brings his lips to kiss Katara’s head rasping “good job, Mom.”  She chuckles, kissing his scarred cheek soon after that with “you too, Dad.”
They hold hands on the couch and cuddle with their tea.
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starry-nights12 · 4 years
Momtara and Dadko just hits different when they're happily married and have their own kids
• Zuko always placing his hand on Katara's stomach before he goes to sleep.
• Sometimes Zuko likes to play a little game where he warms his hand and rubs it over her stomach to see if they'll feel the warmth and kick.
He beams everytime they kick under his hand and kisses her tummy.
• And remember how in The Guru how she ordered her and Momo a table??
She surprises Iroh in The Jasmine Dragon by ordering:
"Table for three please."She said with a smile and her hand on her stomach.
Iroh gasped and had the biggest smile on his face. "Master Katara!"
He put the serving tray on a nearby table then hugged her,being careful of her baby bump.
"Oh,I'm so glad to see you,my dear!Look how big you've grown! Come and sit! You must be awfully tired."He gushed,pulling out a chair for her.
He then served her tea and snacks. The two catch up on how things are going and Katara's pregnancy.
• During her visit in SWT Aang had came bc he wanted to see how his friend was doing.
-Appa gently nugged Katara's belly then licked it
"Aw,Appa. They like you too. You're such a good boy!"She cooed,rubbing his head.
-The twins would n o t stop kicking her that day. Katara had lifted her parka and shirt to use water gloves for her stomach.
She sighed in relief then Momo sat on it.
"Hi,Momo..."She said tiredly.
Momo looked curiously at her new round belly and knocked on it.
He shrieked in surprise when a outline of a small footprint kicked back then ran and hid behind Aang's shoulder.
"Awww! Did my big,bad babies scare you?" She teased, laughing along with Aang.
• She and Hadoka were having lunch then noticed him looking at her.
"What?Is there something on my face."She asked,wiping her mouth.
Hadoka chuckled,shaking his head.
"No,sweetheart. I was just thinking how at fourteen you became a Master waterbender,traveled and fought along the Avatar and defeated Azula,"
"You grew up to be a ambassador,became a queen to a whole nation,and now starting your own family. I'm the most proudest father in world."Hakoda extrolled.
"Your mother would be just as proud of you as I am. "He added with a smile.
Tears welled up in her eyes and she tried to blink them away.
"Thank you,daddy..."
Hakoda held her face in is hands and kissed her forehead.
• The twins,Iroh II and Kya,are born in SWT.
• Katara and Zuko are so pROUD and overjoyed that they're finally here. Like,they are the definition of perfection in their eyes.
Zuko will never understand how his father hated his children while he never felt so much unconditional love for his and will do anything to protect them.
EDIT:Part 2 my dudes
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a-todd-illustration · 3 years
Tumblr media
Fanfic idea: Zuko has to figure out how to change everyone back before losing his marbles. Also, can you imagine if they do change back and remember Zuko being super soft with them?
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haitanirindo · 3 years
in relation to like, my first ask akswjdj an example of ppl taking sokkas traits of being responsible and stuff and giving them to katara is when theyre all momtara (& dadko. zuko 'never thinks things thru' DADKO??) about it because shes. nurturing?? and kind??? but that does not mean shes responsible or sensible or that she ever steps up and take care of protect and lead and keep everyone in the gaang focused on the actual important stuff when they derail??? the way sokka does???? anyway its the racist obsession w making the brown girl unnecessarily burdened and the brown boy shallow comic relief/dumb and irresponsible. this fandom is a joke.
you’re right and you should say it. it’s not like katara is irresponsible, exactly, but sokka is literally known as “the plan guy.” he’s the leader, whether the rest of the gaang admits it or not. he has immature moments but they all do because they’re literally teenagers/preteens.
also i find it really funny that they push the “momtara” thing and then bash kataang shippers because “she babies him” hskdhskdhs. it sucks that they don’t understand the value of being there for your friends on an emotional level, and automatically see it as coddling or babying them. sounds like a them problem.
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princessizumi · 4 years
Dadko and Izumi Fic Recs
No one asked but here you go! My favorite Zuko and Izumi Fics! 
Disclaimers: Some of these fics have a different name for Zuko’s daughter from before we knew Izumi’s name. 
Also there are different pairings in each of these fics as the recommendation is based on Zuko and Izumi’s relationship in the fic, not the ship. Thanks!
Penguin Sledding
A Little Firebending
Road Trip
Girl Talk
A Matter of Perspective
Being a Mother (more Mai and Izumi than Dadko)
Going Abroad
Date Night
Daddy’s Scar
Protective Dad Zuko
True Calling
Well, Isn’t She Just... (more Bakoda with Izumi than Dadko)
I Swear That I’ll Be Around for You
Mark in History
Picture This
More Blood Than Expected
I Hate Everyone Except for You... and Except for Her
The Fountain of the Jasmine Dragon
Gold Dust
A New Day
The River
Four Grandfathers
A Day at the Beach
Blow Us All Away
Fatherlord Zuko
I Loved Her, Instantly
Pretty Rocks
Paper Mache Dragon
Sleep Your Troubles Away
The Princess and the Dragon
The Greatest Honor
Pretty Marks
Something Comforting
He’s A Lucky Man
Night Terrors
A Young Fit in Wildfire
We Made Pure Perfection
Hide and Seek
Fragile, Tiny Shells
Sticks and Stones
Breaking the Cycle
Her Father’s Daughter
Midnight Snack
Deep Roots are Not Touched By the Frost
Deep Ravine (more Mai centric, but has Dadko)
Man of Ghosts
Looking Like Daddy
Bruises on the Fruit
Scarred World
The Struggle of Being a Nonbender
Her Father’s Scar
Budget Meeting
When Will My Marks Come?
And You of Tender Years Can’t Know the Fears That Your Elders Grew By
Izumi’s Birthday
Fire Lily
Down Came Innocence
Small Trips and Bruises
Broken Slumber
I Was Changed Forever By You, I Wish I Loved You in Another Way
Dona Nobis Pacem 
You Are Sixteen, & May Not Be Going on Seventeen
Dolorem (Izumi isn’t actually in it but it’s about her)
The Firelord Drinks First
Long Live the King
The Stupidest Thing I Ever Did
When Fire Lilies Die
You Cannot Close Your Heart to What it Fears and Needs to Know
Azula and Izumi Fics:
After Visiting Hours
Peas in a Pod
Butternut Squash Puree
A Tale of Two Princesses
A Princess
Twin Flames
Golden Eyes
Night Terror
The Closet is a Dark and Scary Place to Be
Such Precious Things
And of course my fire family fics
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st4rdust-days · 4 years
can we talk about how during s3 of tlok, Zuko literally drops everything to be there to support & protect his daughter from Zaheer ??
Izumi is probably a master firebender- a prodigy, if you will
most likey having attended the Fire Nation Royal Academy for Girls, which is a pristine & reputable institution for the wealthy
even if she wasn't a bender, she would have been trained in hand to hand combat & weaponry. lets not forget that her mother was a badass non-bender who managed to take down/hinder the most skilled of benders
she's the frickin firelord okay?? she has guards at her command and her son is the general of the United Forces
i think its safe to say that Izumi could probably hold her own in a fight
zuko going full dadko upon returning bc izumi will always be his his little girl, no matter what and just adores her endlessly
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ao3feed-zutara · 3 years
by onewomanshow
Zuko always told his council that it wasn't him they should worry about getting mad, but his wife.
Or: Katara hears some rude accusations about her husband and their daughter and decides to address it.
Words: 1117, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 7 of i wanna love you forever
Fandoms: Avatar: The Last Airbender
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: Gen
Characters: Katara (Avatar), Katara's and Zuko's Child(ren), Fire Nation Citizen(s) (Avatar), Zuko (Avatar), Original Characters, Original Female Character(s), Original Male Character(s)
Relationships: Katara/Zuko (Avatar)
Additional Tags: Katara is a badass, BAMF Katara, Protective Katara (Avatar), Momtara, Dadko, Zuko (Avatar) is a Good Parent, Married Couple, Married Katara/Zuko (Avatar), Katara and Zuko (Avatar) are Parents, Girl Dad!Zuko, Girl Dad, Zutara, Fire Nation Royal Family
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