#proto: so my understanding is that youre mine now
tworedplants · 2 years
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More of them from the past couple weeks
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onlinecorvus · 1 year
Hey so I’ve just discovered your crime au and it has my in a dang chokehold rn lmao so wanted to know more about it so you got any random facts you can share?
🦀 anon
Ah... let me think... what have I not talked about...
well, the. oc team isn't complete. it's missing a few more kinds of characters 1. a weapon's expert kind of character 2. a bombs expert 3. a supplier kind of character. if your or other people could participate that would be delightful! though, I doubt you will crab anon. mainly because well.. you're anonymous ha
i can't promise that all the information here is new. because some aren't but there are new ones!
Eddie has a niece in this au. she's a oc of a friend of mine.
Home is terrifying. He is a Train-Creature, but a noticeable thing about him is that he has legs. many legs. he is a train centipede thing.
a thing about this au, and about me is that I make things, accurate. I'm redesigning Howdy and he is a centaur-like creature however with more accurate caterpillar anatomy. having 8 proto-legs (false legs) and 6 arms. Howdy... oh boy... Howdy. if you ask me which one of them has the most amount of trauma. it'd be him.
Sally is schizophrenic. and she is not doing well. She verbally says what she sees though, and when they're hallucinations the others pay no mind to it and ignore the hallucinations so Sally understands, yea, they're hallucinations and they all move on with their day.
Wrenly Hates coffee. Anne hates tea. they both fight over the kettle every morning for no more than 5 minutes before they come to a decision. The rest of the office kinda just... stand by and ignore.
Eddie is scared. constantly.
Anne knows how many people are looking at her. She doesn't know who, but she knows how many and uses it to her advantage. (please be aware I'm not the creator of Anne. That pleasure goes to @welcomehomeartfanatic)
I think it's obvious, so I'll say it now. Anne is Frank's sister. She changed her appearance to appear different to him, but at the end of the day, they are related.
Wrenly back in College was a rizzler, let me tell you that. and heavily traumatized. was going to put a list but realised how damned it is.
Poppy was once a mother.
Howdy is not an official member of the Playfellows merely a supplier.
Home and a crucial character in the plot are brothers.
Julie may love her siblings in the au, but they do not love her back. at all.
and all their blood types? yea here they are: Wally: O+ Julie: RB- (New blood type Rainbow. rare.) Sally: W- Frank: M+ Eddie: R+ Barnaby: C- Poppy: RB+ Howdy: Y+
that's all i can think of for now, i hope it's not too little.
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a-d-nox · 2 years
Hi, I'm new at learning about asteroids and I stumbled across this one : Frigg (77).
I heard it's related to how your partner treats you or loves you, relationship related things.
Mine's in Libra in the twelfth house sextile Mercury, any idea what it could mean?
frigg, goddess of fertility and motherhood (asteroid 77)
frigg and freya are often confused between one another (i believe it was proto-germanic language that cause the distinction between the two to be so confusing and caused the two to merge in myth) people tend to argue one has dominance over the domains of love, fertility, friday, etc. to keep it straight, I PERSONALLY, will state that on my page frigg will be the mother (her husband, odin, is the all father), friday, and dedication (wifely and sexually conservative) meanwhile freya will be beauty, love (often more sexually indulgent), and war. and both will be representations of fertility and divination. i believe you are describing more so freya (76) than frigg (77). let me know in the comments if you still feel interested in understanding your placement after reading frigg's myth and my interpretation. if you are interested in a freya post please use my "ask me anything" button and request her!
on to the myth of frigg.
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Frigg is Odin's wife and the queen of the Aesir. There are very few primary sources that define her characteristics or her status beyond her relationship to her husband and children. The worship of Frigg was namely fertility, marriage, home, wisdom, and most things wife-related (again, i would like to blame christianity for rewriting myths because Frigg likely was much more than just a wife and homemaker but there is such little to go off of now aside from someone who has grown up in the culture (which i am not that someone)). The few sources she appears in present her as a pacifist and gentle woman. In "Lokasenna", Loki says terrible things about Frigg and Freya tells Loki to stop because Frigg has the ability to use seidr on him. Seidr is the power to work with fate in the universe and change it. In the Norse tradition, this is a facet of magic associated with a völva - a partially closed practice of witchcraft (you need to be devoted and trained by another pre-existing völva). Frigg's gifts are seen as powerful: shape changing, fate spinning (she is even referred to as The Spinner), prophecy, rune casting, etc. and she never appears to use them to cause harm. Her power is most prevalently seen in Prose Edda in which she does everything in her power to protect Baldur. She made fire, water, earth, trees, sickness, animals, venom, metal, etc. swear to not harm Baldur. Of course, Loki found a loophole in all this. Upon his death, Frigg convinces Hermod to travel to Hel and bring Baldur back - sadly, Hel did not allow it. IN MY OPINION Frigga in your chart represents a) your relationship with your family unit and who you would do anything for, b) where you use your powers in a caring manner, c) where you can change your fate, and d) where you have the power to make others respect your wishes and fulfill their promises.
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i encourage you to look into the aspects of frigga along with the sign, degree, and house placement. for the more advanced astrologers, take a look at the persona chart of frigga AND/OR add the other characters involved to see how they support or impede frigga!
OTHER RELATED ASTEROIDS: loke (4862), odin (3989), wodan (2155), baldur (4059), freia (76), hel (949), hela (699), and hermod (2630)!
like what you read? leave a tip and state what post it is for! please use my “suggest a post topic” button if you want to see a specific post or mythical asteroid next!
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elisaenglish · 3 years
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Books are my lifeblood. They are the gift my mother gave me, not least of all because – as with the familial generations that preceded her and through circumstance not choice – she never received them herself. Although she couldn’t have known what she intellectually had on her hands with me, she did understand that breaking cycles comes from embracing what you’re terrified to hold. Or to read or to write, especially when you can’t.
It’s a story, I suppose. But never one that I’ve felt is mine to tell – and I haven’t. Except now she’s halfway gone and I don’t know how long we’ve got, I wonder whether I’ll have to reconstruct her one day, that this is my gift, my terror. Not to break a cycle, but to complete one. And if love is immortality, then I have to pass it on.
Whether the goddess is in the questions or the cumulative answers that yield yet more, we are the precipice becoming. Feminism isn’t a label or an identity and, whilst we flirt with ideology, I still think that it’s too politically charged, too abstract in conceptual terms to fully capture the visceral stance – in defence of self and other.
Balanced scales, balanced hearts. Everything in equilibrium.
And no, not in any way or shape or default, always necessarily female.
As to the why? To paraphrase Maya Angelou, Why wouldn’t I be on my own side? A side further in and farther on than socially determined gender norms or archaic modes of being. A side that is not so much a binary line as an opening to what has closed upon itself, either in substance or in meaning.
One word after another, page by page, and on...
As I return once more to books, I remember that my greatest freedom has been that I’ve read from the first unbounded. My literary breadth, depth and contextual scope aren’t confined to the feminist sphere by any stretch of the imagination; but I’ve roamed there nonetheless and, suffice to say, it is the current course.
In this regard, we see tastes trending towards Atwood and a revival of the like but lesser-knowns; Naomi Alderman offers up The Power should you have a penchant for cautionary reversals; but for me, it’s still Carter that reigns and her ever so unsettling castration fantasy – The Passion of New Eve – that litmus tests the nerve:
“At the end of the second month, she took off all my remaining bandages and inspected me without a word. Then she opened the wall upon the mirror and left me alone with myself.
But when I looked in the mirror, I saw Eve; I did not see myself. I saw a young woman who, though she was I, I could in no way acknowledge as myself, for this one was only a lyrical abstraction of femininity to me, a tinted arrangement of curved lines. I touched the breasts and the mound that were not mine; I saw white hands in the mirror move, it was as though they were white gloves I had put on to conduct the unfamiliar orchestra of myself. I looked again and saw I bore a strong family resemblance to myself, although my hair had grown so long it hung down to a waist that, on the operating table, had acquired an emphatic indentation. Thanks to the plastic surgery, my eyes were now a little larger than they had been; how blue they were showed more. The cosmetic knife had provided me with a bee-stung underlip and a fat pout. I was a woman, young and desirable.
Let the punishment fit the crime, whatever it had been. They had turned me into the Playboy centrefold. I was the object of all the unfocused desires that had ever existed in my own head. I had become my own masturbatory fantasy. And – how can I put it – the cock in my head, still, twitched at the sight of myself.”
Tip of the revelatory iceberg, I tend to think. Although technically it falls under the critical auspices of feminist fabulation. Either way, it’ll reflect his mettle – and yours if you’re up for it.
But I promised you debate, not fiction – layers of the living kind and ours, as women. So here it is, complete with the usual perspectival caveat and varying degrees of intersectionality, my list of eighteen. It’s neither absolute nor essentially prescribed; just what has steered my lens to clarity. I could wind it back to Christine de Pizan’s Le Livre de la Cité des Dames and her proto-feminist assertion that:
“Condemning all women in order to help some misguided men get over their foolish behaviour is tantamount to denouncing fire, which is a vital and beneficial element, just because some people are burnt by it, or to cursing water just because some people are drowned in it.”
I could hover over Wollstonecraft, meander through A Room of One’s Own, abandon Woolf for De Beauvoir, then on to Friedan, Lorde and Hooks, go the Greer or Dworkin route, or the academic one via undergraduate staples such as Judith Butler and Hélène Cixous. I could. But I’m keeping it here and now, and only so far back as I go – and maybe one day you’ll do the same for your girls, for your futures:
Everyday Sexism, Laura Bates
Men Who Hate Women, Laura Bates
Misogynation, Laura Bates
Asking For It, Kate Harding
Down Girl, Kate Manne
Know My Name, Chanel Miller
Cunt: A Declaration of Independence, Inga Muscio
Rose, Inga Muscio
Bitch Doctrine, Laurie Penny
The Mother of All Questions, Rebecca Solnit
Whose Story Is It Anyway?, Rebecca Solnit
Three Women, Lisa Taddeo
Full Frontal Feminism, Jessica Valenti
The Purity Myth, Jessica Valenti
Sex Object, Jessica Valenti
The Beauty Myth, Naomi Wolf
Promiscuities, Naomi Wolf
Not All Dead White Men, Donna Zuckerberg
Occasionally I wonder whether I would’ve wanted someone more like me for a mother. I wonder if we would’ve had a different dialogue, a different ending. But then I remember that without who she was – and is on her better days – I wouldn’t be me.
Read freely, ma fleurs. Be well in yourselves, have faith in each other. Now let’s go build a thing. Because that’s who we are, and these are our verbs – compose, construct, cultivate. Here, now, always. So we are, together.
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megashadowdragon · 3 years
**1.**Punching Gilgamesh the moment you are summoned/enter a fight/enter a room is not reasonable and should not be done at any time -Gudao
1a. Not even when he barges into the Camelot Room and threatens to everyone, especially when he does it to make your female counterpart marry her -Gudao
1b. Apparently PTSD is not a viable excuse to punch someone when you see him harassing someone. Noted.
2. Just because I am a King, does not mean I can give people nicknames. Makes me wonder how Gareth felt about being called Best Boy by Merlin.
3. Eating contests are apparently not allowed, seems food shortages are common with my counterparts.
4. As it turns out, screaming "To Valhalla" is not the best idea when you step onto Iskandar's Chariot. Especially so when you are right in front of the enemy.
5. Frankenstein is not a doll, do not dress her up. No Arthur, not even if she tilts her head and makes cute growls -Gudao 5a. Okay! Only if its a sundress! -Gudao
6. Getting together four of my other counterparts and forming the Saber Rangers is not allowed, especially if we have Excalizords. Seems the other servants aren't fond of needlessly big robots that take too long to combine.
7. Motorbikes are not to be used at any point or time in Chaldea, no, not even when Iskandar decides to hold the "Chaldea Grand Prix" -Da Vinci
8. Just because I can use a sword, doesn't mean I am allowed to attack my Cu Chulainn with it. I swear, he walked into it.
9. Apparently I am not allowed to compliment people? Turns out after I left the beach where I hung out with a sweetie named Kiyohime, along with master, Kiyohime attempted to burn someone alive because I said that master looked like a dashing man. I highly doubt she did.
9a. The smell is still stuck to my trunks Arthur -Gudao
10. My liege... My OTHER liege, please don't ever get Red Saber to sing "Total Eclipse of the Heart" again when I am about to utilize Galatine -Gawain
11. We know you are fascinated in other cultures, but please. Stop talking to the Servants of France about Sasaki Kojirou, we don't know if you made up his nickname, but he is not the "Savior of France" - Jeanne D'Arc
12. I would suggest that you stop entering the Camelot Room by screaming "Where is my love! Guinevere!", while it as funny once or twice, I can't stand to see either Lancelots' become depressed anymore -Arturia Altria
13. No offense... But please stop patting my head so much, I know you are basically my Uncle, but people are getting the wrong idea -Mashu
14. While Proto League is an acceptable nickname for the servants of your war, please don't ever enter a fight and scream it out again. We know you enjoy it, but it can get obnoxious after a while - Random Mob 1
15. Proving that I am male by either fighting or pantsing myself is no longer allowed after Heracles decided to do the same thing when a recently summoned Shakespeare made him question his own gender -Da Vinci
15a. Having the entire male team to pants themselves in front of the enemy is not a viable tactic against Archers, no matter what you watched beforehand and despite how fun it is -Robinhood
16. Just because Merlin suggested it, I shouldn't instantly do it. Its odd, almost like no one trusts Merlin, he seems just like my one.
17. "I saw a pest" is not a viable reason to drop a Corrupted Grail into the Babylon Room, we understand your dislike towards the King of Heroes, but Ishtar and Ereshkigal were caught up in the rage.
17a. "I was bored" is not a viable excuse to kiss a female servant while under the effects of Merlin's illusionary spell, Gudao has yet to leave his... specially enduced Coma.
17b. "I saw this scene-" is not a viable reason to go to a prior singularity and ask Muramasa to create a specific weapon, it is time wasting, no matter how strong the weapon is.
18. Suggesting to Rayshift to the point before someone dies is not a good idea, no matter how much fun it is for you to watch the "Crazy Murder Loli" die.
18a. Getting Fou'd is not a good reason to Rayshift back to your fight against Beast VI just so you can "Finish the Fucker Off".
19. Using a voice manipulator made by Merlin is not a good way to get people to be afraid when you shout a noble phantasm.
19a. Shouting "Stella" is not allowed, Arash prematurely shot off his Noble Phantasm while training and now we have to resummon him.
20. Just because we have a Simulation Room, does not mean I can alter the device to allow me to see someone from the past.
20a. We know you miss her, we do too. If you want to speak, you can come talk to us -Proto League
21. Trying to host an "Engry MIYA" talk between Nameless and Alter is not a good idea, just... Don't.
22. While having a Picnic is fun, please don't host them in the middle of a fight.
23. Just because a rabbit killed Gawain in a movie, does not mean you can threaten to cook Fou alive.
24. We know you love kids but come on, you can't just take Nursery Rhyme and Jack out to "Play Fetch" with the Dragons in France every after-noon.
25. Blaming someone that isn't even a servant isn't a viable way to shift blame.
26. I've been banned from the Kitchen, apparently forcing my way in and cooking the meals before Nameless is not a good idea. He looked ready to cry.
26a. Turns out mentioning the fact that Muramasa was far more willing to let me into his kitchen when I visited him was not a good idea. I don't think Nameless likes me much.
26b. "Just because I have the alcohol" is not a good excuse to get a few of the servants including Mashu drunk at dinner.
27. Just because you technically existed before Back to the Future 1 and 2, does not mean you can threaten to sue the creator, even if you can go back in time freely.
29. "Look what I found" is a sentence that I am never allowed to speak when I am holding something bigger than my head or smaller than my hands.
30. Turns out that breaking my own arm is not the best way to get Nightingale to calm down. Never thought Merlin would be wrong.
31. "Sure you can touch my Excalibur" is not the best way to differentiate between Arturia's Excalibur and my own when someone asks to hold it.
31a. "But mine is bigger" is not a good response when Arturia talks about how easy her seals are to remove from her Noble Phantasm, nor is it alright to use when talking about when how she made Mordred.
32. Stealing Gilgamesh's potion of youth and putting it in the Soup that EVERYONE ended up eating is the easiest way to have myself barred from missions for a week.
33. Just because people are afraid of it, doesn't mean you should hug it. Not even if Merlin says to.
34. Just because someone stole your food, does not mean you should "Call in a favor" and have Elizabeth sing until someone gives up who stole it
34a. Update: The above applies to Nero as well.
35. Just because I have an innate fear of the Lancer version of my female counterpart, does not mean I can steal her horse and run away because of that fear.
36. Making King Hassan say "Omae wa mou shindeiru" is not allowed, especially if you reply with "I'm already dead" just to mess with him.
37. You are fond of Mordred, we understand. But please stop teasing her. Calling her cute will be her death - KotR
38. We understand that being locked in a single room with Nobunaga can be hard, but saying it was like prison is not fair.
38a. Quoting an abridged anime is not allowed, especially if it has "Sluts" and "Prison" in the same sentence, we still don't know where you got that swim team outfit.
38b. Making a mini Excalibur and saying "Blade of Promised Prison Riots! SHANKCALIBUR" is not allowed at all, Edmond almost had a heart attack.
38c. It is noted that the Arthur and Nobunaga were almost forced to kiss, but utilizing time manipulation to see Romani's death and threaten him with "Spoilers" is not allowed.
39. Just because Merlin asked, does not mean you should dress up as a "Cutesy Idol" and perform a song with a voice changer on in front of a camera for his "Magi*Mari" stream, Romani has yet to heal from that wound.
40. Looking Mordred in the eye and saying "Mordred, I am your father" is not allowed, especially when you have her surrounded by all the versions of her "Father", even the ones that just look like "Him".
41. "I solomly swear I am up to no good" is not what you say while standing behind the Director in the Lost Room, she died once already, we don't need her worrying about what you will do.
41a. "Remember that time you became a Loli" is not to be said around Olga Marie after what happened after she was... Killed.
42. Quoting Kamina from Gurren Lagann is banned, especially after everyone believed you were actually erased from the throne. Only to find you a month later taking off an invisibilty cloak and sneaking into the mens bathrooms to shave.
43. Anime is fun to watch, but please. Stop trying to explain why a certain character would be within the Throne of Heroes.
43a. Stop. Asking. When. I. Will. Summon. ISSEI HYOUDOU! -Gudao
43c. BOOSTO? -Siegfried
44. Valentines is a wonderful thing, we get it. But making everyone in Chaldea chocolate by going around and hunting in various areas is not needed, we have too much already.
45. Stop Rickrolling, that was so early 2000s, get with the golden times old man -Kintoki
45a. EX-
46. Commenting on the impractical armors of the female knights that walk around is not needed, we have gotten complaints about how they feel harassed -Staff Member
46a. I just wanted to help out... -Arthur
47. I am not to sing anything ever again, the reason isn't because I am bad, no. Everyone agrees I am quite good. But its the genre I sing coupled with my Charisma rank. Seems love songs should not be sung. How sad.
48. Just because I have cat ears, does not mean you should give me Catnip - Atalanta
48a. The same was repeated for Alter.
48b. Along with Tamamo Berserker.
49. "Merlin told me to do it" is no longer an excuse that is accepted, even if he did make you do it.
51. I'm only responsible for a quarter of these, stop blaming me for your troubles, Normies -Merlin
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Kiyohime asks Arthur what to do to catch Gudao's attention. Arthur tells her to turn into his most cherished person. She turns into Gudako and tries to force Gudao into sex.
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margridarnauds · 4 years
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This is a VERY good question! And one that I think keeps quite a few people in the field up at night, to be honest, but I’m going to give the best answer I possibly can, hence why I’m giving it its own post. My apologies in advance if this gets slightly technical - Some of this is kind of inherently technical and complicated. I also am going to HAVE to mention that I’m doing my best to represent the closest thing we can get to a consensus of the field, but that doesn’t mean that someone, in a week or so, can’t publish an article that blows this out of the water. It happens. 
As a further warning, which I give every single time I discuss the issues inherent to the study of this material: I am not a religious authority. I’m a Celticist. I love the Tuatha Dé, but I can’t claim any form of spiritual connection with them. (As LGE would say, “Though the author enumerates them, she does not worship them.”) So, to anyone who reads this who might have a connection to the figures described....I can’t say anything about the relationship that you, personally, have with them. I can only say what we know, what we don’t know, and what we’re still kind of scratching our heads at with regards to the medieval material. Part of why I’ve, traditionally, sworn off talking about Bríg, Danu, and Morrigan is specifically because they tend to arouse some very strong feelings, and I never really wanted to get caught in something I couldn’t handle. 
But, also. What use is a geas if you don’t break it, likely leading you to your tragic-yet-inevitable doom? 
So, first off, let’s talk Lebor Gabála Érenn. MAGNIFICENT text, and a personal baby of mine. Chock full of information about the Tuatha Dé, the Fir Bolg, the Milesians, the High Kings of Ireland....basically everything a person could ever want to know. A mythographer’s dream and nightmare all in one. But, there’s a problem with it, and it’s one that I feel like Celticists have never stressed enough to the public, not the least because Celticists, as a group, tend to be a little....terrified of LGE. There are relatively few scholars who want to work with it after Macalister’s edition (to understand the reception to Macalister: A personal hobby of mine is collecting remarks other scholars have made about his edition, because they can be BRUTAL.) It has been described as “almost unreadable.” Which is kind of forgivable given the man was DYING when he made it, but still. 
Why are so many scholars scared of LGE? Well, primarily, because it’s hard to say that there was one singular LGE. LGE, as we know it, was compiled in about the 11th century. Or, it began to be compiled in the 11th century. It’s a Middle Irish text (so, it’s coming significantly later than, say, Tochmarc Étaíne or Cath Maige Tuired, which are both ~9th century texts, though CMT was given revisions in the 11th century to bring it in line with LGE). And it is based off of a MUCH bigger genre of pseudohistorical texts, with many of the older texts being missing or destroyed. (The one generally most mourned by us is the one in Cín Dromma Snechta, which could have dated to as early as the 8th century and definitely contained a sort of proto-LGE. We know this because LGE cites it on occasion, so the tradition didn’t fully die out, we just don’t have the full thing.) So, to begin with, LGE is a mixed bag, based off of essentially all the work that came before it, with the scribes involved basically playing a juggling game with what prior scribes jotted down. (You can see it every once in a while, where a redactor will say something like “Certain ignorant people believe ____, but it is clearly not the case, for _________.”) 
It’s almost better to view it as a scrapbook than a single text - You have about 3-4 recensions (different scholars identified different recensions) spread out over around 20 surviving manuscripts, each recension containing significant amounts of detail that vary from their counterparts. Also, studded across LGE, you have a variety of poems that are believed to date either before or at around the same time that LGE was being compiled. (Part of what drives scholars up a WALL with Macalister’s translation is that, besides not identifying the original poets for the poems featured in LGE, he also separated the poems from the text around them. And, as someone who did have to work with that translation....yeah, it is a hot mess. Sorry and RIP, Macalister, but it’s a mess.) 
Now, you might wonder: Why am I telling you this? You came at me with a mythography question and I’m hitting you with manuscript studies. But THIS is the context that it’s existing in - I know it’s fairly popular to kind of talk shit about the scribes writing this stuff down, but it’s very important to understand that they were really trying their best to understand this stuff, just like we were. And, between the various recensions of LGE, we can actually SEE the tradition evolve. One of the key ways to know that Something Pre-Christian is going on is if NONE of the redactors could agree on someone. If you see someone’s depiction REALLY shifting around, you know that the redactors were having an issue with them, possibly dealing with multiple contradictory traditions. 
Enter the Bríg/Dana/Anu/Morrigan problem. AKA “Things that will cause me to have nightmares.” So, let’s try to take this piece by piece. 
The term “Tuatha Dé Danann” is generally accepted to be a later addition. There was not, before a certain time in the Irish mythological tradition, any notion of a goddess named “Danu”. (Established by John Carey in the article, “The name Tuatha Dé Danann”-- Essentially, the term “Tuatha Dé” was the original, but then, with the influence of the term Tuatha Dé, or “Tribe of God” to refer to the Israelites, they felt they had to disambiguate it to “Tuatha Dé Danann”, or “People of Skill”, and then people mistook “Danann” as being the name of a goddess...if I remember correctly, since I don’t have it to hand at the moment.) It is very important to establish this off the bat. Now, how did this get started? And where does this web begun to be woven? Well, I feel like someone could probably write at LEAST a MA dissertation on the topic, possibly even a PhD, and it definitely isn’t going to be me, but I can try my best. 
So. The Trí Dé Dána (Three Gods of Skill). 
Originally, it seems very likely that the genitive component Dána in their name was not meant to be a proper name. They were not MEANT to be perceived as “The Three Gods of Dana”, but “the three gods of skill”. As noted by O’Rahilly (and GOD, it hurts me when he’s right), the first time we really have the phrase referenced is in Cath Maige Tuired, where, he argues, and I have to agree with him, that it refers to Goibhniu, Luchta, and Credne, who Lugh goes to for weapons to fight against the Fomoire. Additionally, you have a gloss on the 9th century text “Immacallam in Dá Thuarad: Ecna mac na tri nDea nDána” that says that their mother was Bríg, though also seems to indicate, specifically, a connection with the filid, which keeps neatly with the LGE reference (and to the image of Bríg as a poetess. I don’t have enough time to talk Bríg here, but if you want to see what I had to say a while back, I made a post here) After the 12th century, though, when the name “Danu” became associated with the Tuatha Dé, a bunch of medieval scribes looked at “Trí Dé Dána” and thought, not UNREASONABLY, “Oh? This is a reference to Danu? Let’s fix that grammar!” So you have, in some later recensions of LGE, the name “Trí Dé Dána” replaced by “Tré dée Danann/Donand/Danand.” It is vital to mention, as Williams does in Ireland’s Immortals (189), that “Danu/Donu” is never attested, it’s always Donand/Danand. So, from the get-go, trying to identify “Danand” with “Anu” was going to be problematic at best. The general consensus seems to be that Bríg and Bres were the original parents of the Trí Dé, and that it’s very possible that they were, originally, specifically associated with the filid, or poets, with this fitting very neatly into both Bres and Bríg’s associations with the Dagda, Ogma, and, of course, Elatha, but that, with Cath Maige Tuired in the 9th century and the new tradition of Bres as a tyrant, it all got muddled, with traces of it lingering into LGE. (Myth and Mythography)
But, what about “Anu?” Who is this figure? And THIS, my friends, is where things REALLY begin to get fucky. She is identified in Cormac’s Glossary as mater deorum hibernensium, “Mother of the gods of Ireland” - That is beyond doubt. This ties in very naturally with the conflation of Danand/Danu as the mother of the Trí Dé Dána that we discussed earlier. It was, to a certain extent, natural that the two of them would become intertwined.
So, this means that Anu is a genuine pre-Christian figure who became entangled up with the whole Danu business? 
Michael Clarke, in his exploration of the intellectual environment of medieval Ireland, points out that the reference to “Anu” is, in fact, VERY similar to both Isidore of Sevile and in Carolingian mythographical compilations relating to the Greek goddess Cybele, indicating that the scribe, when he was jotting that down, might have very well had that in mind (52-53). Does this mean that they invented ANOTHER goddess and then conflated that goddess with another invented goddess? 
...not quite. 
Because we still have to account for things like, for example, a mountain known as “The Paps of Anand”, which isn’t easily ascribed to a classical influence. (As noted by Mark Williams, with the typical mixture of good humor and good sense that characterizes his writing,“It beggars belief to think that the Pre-Christian Irish would not have associated so impressively breasted a landscape with a female deity.”) (189). Also, as noted by Williams, even the most skeptical argument cannot explain where Anu comes from. It seems unlikely that they would simply create a goddess out of thin air. Even Danu, as sketchy as her existence is, came from SOMEWHERE, even if it was a linguistic, instead of spiritual, basis. But THEN we have to deal with another question: If this figure is so important, why doesn’t she show up in any of the myths? Why let the Dagda, Lugh, the Morrigan, Midir, Óengus, Ogma, and Nuada have all the fun? The Dagda in particular is as close to a BLATANTLY pre-Christian deity as you can get on-page, so it can’t be chalked up to a simple “They didn’t want to depict the mother of the gods on page.” Mark Williams suggests, tentatively, that Anu might have been a minor Munster figure who swelled in popularity, possibly dropped in by some Munster-based scribes who wanted to bolster their own province’s reputation and, equally tentatively, without further evidence to go on, I have to agree with him. I believe there’s too much evidence to suggest that there was SOMETHING, but that there’s also too little to say that she had the range or influence described, and that it’s very likely that, at the very least, the scribe writing that entry had Cybele on his mind. It’s really, really a mystery, though. 
Furthermore, as John Carey notes in “Notes on the Irish War Goddess”....why conflate Anu with the Morrigan? “While it may be plausible....to explain a war-goddess’s possession of sexual characteristics...it is considerably more difficult to follow that chain of thought in reverse in order to account for a land goddess with martial traits. Not is there any evident reason for a conflation of Anu/Anann and the Morrígan unless the former were to some extent linked with war already” pointing out that, relevant to the first paragraph of this, it SEEMS like her inclusion among the daughters of Ernmas was forced on the redactor by a prior tradition (271). Sometimes, she’s a fourth daughter of Ernmas, sometimes she’s a replacement for the Morrigan, sometimes, in the later texts, she’s associated with Danu. It’s like the various authors KNEW they had to include her in there somehow, but they didn’t know how, and she didn’t fit in smoothly once they did. Are we looking at a war/land goddess , obscure enough that the redactor didn’t know where to put her, deciding that she HAD to be the Morrigan/one of the Morrigan’s sisters but not knowing exactly how to fit her in? It wouldn’t be the first time multiple traditions clashed like this. Also, as noted by Sharon Paice Macleod, who gave a very thorough (if not always, in my opinion, sufficiently contextual) account of the tradition, there is a location called the “Paps of the Morrigan”, further suggesting a fertility aspect to the Morrigan that also features into Carey’s earlier argument of dual aspects to the Irish war goddess, along with Bhreatnach’s suggestion of the sovereignty goddess, who represents the land in the medieval Irish literary tradition (and into the present) also functioning as a goddess of death. (Indeed, as noted by Bhreatnach, the hag Cailb from Togail Bruidne Dá Derga, who functions as a sort of anti-sovereignty goddess, identifies herself with Nemain and Badb, at 255. Sovereignty giveth, sovereignty taketh away when you don’t fulfill your place as king.)
Basically, as with almost everything relating to pre-Christian religion in Ireland, we’ve really, really got to shrug our shoulders and go “Fuck if I know, mate.” 
My best attempt at a tl;dr for...this: 
Danu - Help us. 
Trí Dé - Who’s your daddy? (Most likely? Bres originally, though it got out of hand after, like, the 12th century.) 
Anu - Who are you? (Who, Who?) 
Scowcroft, “Leabhar Gabhála Part I: The growth of the text" (For the discussion on the different recensions of LGE.)
John Carey, “The Irish National Origin-Legend: Synthetic Pseudohistory”
T.F O’Rahilly, Early Irish History and Mythology
Máire Bhreathnach, “The Sovereignty Goddess as Goddess of Death”
John Carey, “The name Tuatha Dé Danann”
Mark Williams, Ireland’s Immortals (Who, really, puts this all together in a so much more cohesive way in his book, I highly recommend it to anyone who wants to get an idea of how these things develop.)
John Carey, “Myth and Mythography in Cath Maige Tuired.” 
Michael Clarke, “Linguistic Education and Literary Creativity in Medieval Ireland”. 
John Carey, “Notes on the Irish War Goddess”
Sharon Paice Macleod, “Mater Deorum Hibernensium: Identity and Cross-Correlation in Early Irish Mythology.” 
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lokbobpop · 3 years
Child children childhood
Biologically, a child (plural children) is a human being between the stages of birth and puberty, or between the developmental period of infancy and puberty. The legal definition of child generally refers to a minor, otherwise known as a person younger than the age of majority.
From Middle English child, from Old English ��ild (“fetus; female baby; child”), from Proto-Germanic *kelþaz (“womb; fetus”), from Proto-Indo-European *ǵelt- (“womb”).
Child c hild chi ld c hill d
Writing the word child
You know id rather the use the word child children than i would kid even though i do right out kid probably because i cant be bothered to think about how to write out children out thinking ill get it wrong when speaking i usually use kid also but would like to use child children but see i think i might be judged as old fashioned or sill for going so. So thing brings to mind how i let myself be manipulated by what others think what i say which i most certainly do most of the time as not to get judged but as something as most simple as this do i really need to know i dont hey i just need to be authentic me.
Children writing the thoughts of children young innocent thoughts of how it was in the sixths seventies and being a child
Childhood i thing my childhood was ok my dad wasn’t drinking to get angry as much then thanks fully that started a few years later
Reading the word child or children childhood
Yes much better im not a baby goat lol
Or am i really being old fashioned nothing wrong with the word kids i could use both when ever i wanted as lone as it wasn’t within energy like would i say it in from of some people and not others as then I would be manipulated within it interesting thought
Children’s books are lovely great pictures i looked to look at the pictures hey and nowadays the the picture are so amazing i think i would of loved to see the pictures if i was a child now.
My childhood i think of school play outside playing in the fields being disappointed in myself at school why could i read why was i behind the others I couldn’t understand ho wit was so easy for others and not myself it felt unfair nice teachers horrible teachers
Saying out loud child children childhood
Your just a child what do you know thoughts of being called a child as in not being very mature and being immature comes up or saying something to some one your a child grow up judgement of an event.
Children playing in the play ground fear came up of a girl that was horrible mean i think she’s dead now well i hope so not a pleasant person any way she picked on my friend and I didn’t stand up for her i even moved away and left her in the situation she was scared and so was i but i left her and i felt guilt, also to my friend i was mean i made her put some crap on a stick and took it outside the toilet I know until this day she felt ashamed of this but so do i we cant now be close she has this underlying anger i hope she can let go one day as not to bother her adult life anymore with thoughts of being upset towards me. When we went to big school i missed her friendship as i had no one int he class i had.
My childhood i think was pretty good as i said dad wasn’t purposely getting drunk and angry i mean it did happen but not everyday under 10 years of age
I child called Jeremy mills hitting me with a book on the head I remember it made me cry it hurt a lot he was an angry kid but i was surprised when the girl Michelle dean stood up for me as i thought she didn’t actually like me at that moment because i used to copy everyone when we did class work and i think it annoyed them me coping all the time they would hide there work so i felt left out not liked i feel now i sat nest to dawn i a class before that i see it annoyed them to share what they did but with Angela she didn’t mind shed copy my math not sure why as when we got higher her math was better than mine.
Watching the women’s open tennis match at Wimbledon maybe 76 when Virginia wade won the hole class got to watch it with miss Queensborough
Ok so babysitting and making the little girl jump off the stool knickers less wasn’t a good idea got me pushed down the bank on the way home from school a bit of a fuck up there but i think it had to do with being flashed at an early age i was like whats these feeling are about its just a shame it came out like this but im sorry it obviously upset a family what i did do i how this also makes my childhood not so great with doing these things what was i thinking i affected what people thought of me and then that made me feel bad about myself and with not being very good at school. How do you feel right now ? Im in regret of what ive done im sorry for what i done but also it wasn’t a bad thing what i done just wrong and definitely not something i should sentence myself to feeling bad for the rest of my life over which i have seem to have done as it has made me feel dirty about myself we are so affected by our childhood we need to be safe feel safe we need to be better parents. How can i help myself get over my childhood your ok it’s alright it wasn’t that bad and it turned out alright your ok you can let it go you dont need it anymore it doesnt have to define you anymore you dont have to feel yucky dirty not good enough its ok your good now let it go its gone breathe.
Does this definition support me no lots of polarity here of my childhood being good scary and being mean to my friend and knowing how are childhood affects us my biggest problem was not being like others at school and being as in reading and writing and really upset at myself and not understanding why I couldn’t do it.
Child ch i held
Children child run
Childhood child hood
Child a young person learning life
Children young persons learning life
Childhood when you try to make sense of the word and your place in it anything can happen but you get over it you move on past and you dont take whats not needed with you you let stuff go and do whats best fro you and others at all times by apply sf breathe self love but see realizing and understanding that things happen which must be forgiven to lead a healthy adult life
How will you live this word ?
I will live this words to support me in letting go of my own dislikes of my own childhood my regrets with self respect self love to move past so the me now can move on be whole
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fernrisulfr · 4 years
Unpopular FGO Opinion/Rant
The title is there to warn you ahead of time, so if you’re still reading, buckle up. I recently lost my significant other, and the person who shared this opinion with me, so I’ve decided to rant about it on Tumblr. Cause why not. I’m aware this isn’t a popular opinion, at least not based on who I follow, but here it is. MUSASHI IS TERRIBLE.  She’s bad. I hate her. I’ve felt every time she’s been in the story of FGO has made things worse/lowered the quality. It’s gotten to the point where the moment she arrives I go “Ugh. Musashi” and attempt to get through things that much faster so she’ll go away. She is overtly shilled. All I ever hear is “Oh she’s such a chaotic bisexual!” and “That’s my wife!” but here is the thing people. She is the waifuest of all waifu bait. Like this woman is practically to FORUMLA. But let’s get into details shall we? So first off her design. There’s a lot of problems here, but it mostly boils down to two points. Her colours and her eyes. We’ll start with the latter. Musashi’s eyes are dead and soulless. They’re pale and lifeless. It is a blank stare which contains nothing. These are dead eyes. Next we have the issue with the colours. Part of the problem here is the mixture of red and blue, which due to their contrast can be very difficult to pull off, particularly when using such vibrant shades. Replacing one with a shade of purple would have made for an easier transition; but this is only part of a larger problem. Her skin is pale, her hair is pale, her eyes are pale, and then she is wearing a mixture of vibrant blue and red. It clashes horribly. None of these colours go together from a design standpoint. Like can these colours go together? Totally! But not in these shades. Further adding to the problem is that with her eyes and hair being such faded, sort of pastel shades, her face sort of blends together, and it again causes the difference between the faded colours of her head and the vibrance of her clothes to be even more apparent. It would have worked better if they’d say given her vibrant eyes to give the outfit something to match with, or if they’re dressed her in more pastel/pale colours (though ones different enough from her hair to not simply make her appear monotone.).
Now we will address Musashi as a character. Again, she is VERY “quirky waifu” flavoured bait. Everyone constantly talks about how cool, pretty, and strong she is, and that’s just in the actual STORY. Servants have completely dropped character to praise her for some reason or another. She is the Mary-est of Sues. Let’s look at her flaws, which aren’t actually flaws because the story never actually addresses them. One is that she’s a big eater with a love for Udon. Having a large appetite is one of the biggest cliches among “waifu quirks” in anime. It’s massively overdone and very common. Than we have the fact that she is literally a Shotacon, which people tend to overlook. Both in the story and in general, despite that it’s deeply concerning. I’ve seen who completely loses their shit over Prism Illya and the Lolicons (and they’re not wrong), but they absolutely ADORE Musashi, despite the fact she goes around constantly to young men and talks about how they’d “be perfect if they were a little younger”. To offer the biggest and worst instance of this, was when in the much praised Shimosa, she said this to FUUMA KOTARU. Fuuma, who as is only looks to be about 16 to 18 years old physically, and he isn’t young enough for her! Musashi is a Shotacon, and this should be deeply more concerning to people in and out of universe than it is, but both in story and out of it people tend to just shrug it off and ignore it, where I will bet had she been male and doing this about girls they’d lose their shit over it. (And they would be right to.). Actually as we have Blackbeard, we can see very clearly that they would. (Blackbeard is awful, which is a shame because aspects of him had potential, but he’s a Lolicon so he’s firmly in the “Ugh. Go away, Blackbeard” category.). 
Finally we’ll talk about Musashi’s two biggest contributions to the story in the form of Shimousa & Lost Belt 1. Warning for spoilers of some sort ahead. So firstly we’ll address Shimosa. Everything in Shimosa involving Musashi was bad. I hated it. All the parts of it I enjoyed were the parts where she wasn’t there or not directly involved. Muramasa was good. Fuuma & His Robot Mom were interesting to watch, though it feels like there could have been more there. Aspects of the individual Swordmasters were interesting and would have been fun to explore. Here is the thing though. The story shills Musashi so fucking hard. From the moment she arrives, every NPC immediately praises her in some form. Oh she’s so beautiful, or strong, or blah blah blah. The story is less about the Master of Chaldea, and more about her. The forced support thing was also just awful. Like it’s awful normally to be honest, but losing the choice of a servant in those boss fights is just even worse. I realize that I’m boiling things down to a few things at a time, but if I gave the full rant, we’d be here all day, across multiple posts, and I’d have to research specific examples and go through all of Shimousa and Lostbelt 1 again. 
Speaking of Lost Belt 1. Didn’t like Musashi there either. I slowly “Ugh”-ed louder and louder the more I realized her arrival was incoming. Now to a degree I understand why she had to be there, unfortunately. Shimousa was a sort of Proto-Lostbelt, and the implication was she was from a Lostbelt that had already been pruned, these facts were in and of themselves interesting and relevant to the story, but it was also wrapped up in Musashi’s everything. Musashi is bad, I can’t express this enough. She is a Mary Sue. She shows up and she’s just “oh so perfect” and any “fault” she has really isn’t one, or get’s shoved aside and never addressed again, or gets fixed almost immediately. Anyway. Lostbelt 1. The main issue is that again, she shows up, gets shilled hard, pushed directly into center stage, and in this case suddenly gets a much larger part in the goings on than those around her, even if those servants are more relevant to the narrative, and all so people can once again go “OH SHE’S SO POWERFUL.”. It’s bad. 
I look forward to when she dies, so that she will stop haunting the narrative. Yes, I know that much about what is to come, but not much beyond that so I cannot give proper commentary. 
This has been my rant. If you made it this far, congratulations. If you don’t agree with my opinion that’s perfectly fine, you’re entitled to your view on the matter just as I am entitled to mine. I just needed to get this out of my system. I’m sorry it’s not more comprehensive. I also apologize that there’s going to be a second rant about Lostbelt 3 incoming, unrelated to the above topic. 
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31. Battle And Chase
The episode begins with a view of a large racing track. The seats are packed with people. Everyone is cheering and is waiting for the race to start. The race cars drive up to the starting line. Out of the blue, the Skullker hovers over the racing track and lands in front of the starting line. Turbo Man and Nitro Man come out of the Skullker. They tell the racers that the racetrack now belongs to Dr. Wily. The racers come out of their racecars to confront Turbo Man and Nitro Man. Turbo Man and Nitro Man look back at the Skullker. Guts Man, Cut Man, Proto Man, Quick Man, and Ice Man come out of the Skullker. Dr. Wily then comes out of the Skullker and tells the racers to go back to their garages. Dr. Wily then has his robots get their racecars prepared.
Meanwhile, at Dr. Light's lab, Mega Man is getting his whole body polished. He is laughing as the polisher goes all over his body. "Hey! That tickles!" Mega Man says through giggles. A call comes up on the main screen in the main lab. The owners of the racetrack tell Dr. Light that Dr. Wily has gotten control of the racetrack. The owners show Dr. Wily's robots getting their racecars ready. Dr. Light asks the owners what Dr. Wily wants with the racetrack. The racetrack owners tell him that Dr. Wily is planning on using a racetrack as a facility to test his vehicles and Wily Machines. Dr. Light tells Mega Man about the situation at the racetrack. He has Mega Man and Rush fly over to the racetrack to stop Dr. Wily. As Mega Man and Rush are on their way to the racetrack, Dr. Light decides to have Roll go along with them in case they need her help. "Sure thing, Dr. Light!" Roll says to him. Roll flies over to the racetrack in the Air Raider.
Back at the racetrack, Dr. Wily's robots have their own racecars ready to go. Cut Man is the only one without a racecar. Dr. Wily has Cut Man go out on the racetrack and watch out for Mega Man as Dr. Wily expects him to fly to the racetrack to try to drive him out. Mega Man and Roll land onto the racetrack. "Welcome to the racetrack, robo dweebs!" Cut Man yells out to them. Cut Man fires his Rolling Cutters at them. Mega Man shoots at Cut Man and damages him. Cut Man runs back to Dr. Wily to alert him to their presence. Mega Man and Roll run over to where Cut Man ran off to. Dr. Wily and his robots come out and Dr. Wily tells them that the racetrack is his now. Mega Man aims his cannon at Dr. Wily and his robots. Dr. Wily's robots aim their cannons at Mega Man, Roll and Rush. Proto Man dares Mega Man to fire at them. He tells him that if he does, they will fire back at them all at once. Rolls yells at Mega Man to not fire at them. Mega Man puts down his cannon. Mega Man gets an idea. He challenges Dr. Wily's robots to a race. He tells them that if they win, Dr. Wily gets to keep the racetrack and he and Roll will leave. "Mega Man, what are you doing!?" Roll asks him in protest. Mega Man quitely says to Roll that he has everything under control. He then tells Dr. Wily and his robots that if he wins, they have to leave the racetrack and never come back to it. Dr. Wily's robots look at Dr. Wily as he is thinking about Mega Man's bargain. To everyone's surprise, especially Dr. Wily's robots, Dr. Wily accepts Mega Man's challenge. Mega Man extends his hand to have Dr. Wily shake it. Dr. Wily shakes his hand, and yells out to everyone to prepare for the race. Roll is still upset at Mega Man for making a deal with Dr. Wily. Mega Man tells her that it's the least damaging way that he can take back the racetrack and that no one will he harmed in the process. Roll understands and they head for the garage.
In the garage, Mega Man is calling up Dr. Light on his arm cannon. Mega Man tells him about the challenge that he gave Dr. Wily. Dr. Light agrees with Mega Man that the challenge is the best way to safely get Dr. Wily out of the racetrack. Dr. Light tells Mega Man that he will be right over to upgrade Rush so that Mega man can race with him.
Meanwhile, Dr. Wily's robots are in the other garages getting their racecars ready for the race. Cut Man is assisting Guts Man with fixing up his vehicle. Guts Man is bragging to Cut Man how his racecar is strong and durable. Cut Man tells Guts Man not to get too confident, as Mega Man is very smart and can easily outsmart him no matter how fast or powerful his vehicle is. Guts Man simply denies it and continues working on his vehicle. Cut Man sighs and
shakes his head. Dr. Wily is watching his robots getting their racecars ready on some screens in his Skullker. He presses a button on the control panel and calls up Proto Man, who is polishing his racecar and looking at his reflection on the car's hood. Dr. Wily comes on the videophone and asks Proto Man the progress of his racecar. Proto Man replies "100% and all ready to roll!" Dr. Wily is pleased that one of their racecars is ready. He exclaims that Mega
Man will very likely lose the race and the racetrack will remain in his possession.
Back at Dr. Light's lab, Dr. Light is working on a new form for Rush. Dr. Light tells Mega Man that this car form has some extra features to help him in the race. The news comes on the TV in the living room. Roll is in the living room watching TV. The reporter announces that Mega Man will race Dr. Wily's robots for control of the racetrack. Dr. Wily and Proto Man are interviewed by the reporter. Dr. Wily tells the reporter that the odds are more in his favor. The reporter then interviews Proto Man. After being interviewed, Proto Man looks at the camera and says, "Hear that, Mega Man? You're going to be eating our dust, so get your fork ready, Baby Brother! This racetrack will always be ours!" Mega Man was also watching the television. He is disgusted that Proto Man would say that on there. "I can't believe he would say that!" Mega Man angrily says to Roll. "Me neither!" Roll replies. Mega Man tells Roll that he will regret saying that tomorrow. Dr. Light comes in the living room and tells Mega Man that Rush's new form is ready. He tells Mega Man to rest up and get ready for tomorrow's race. The next day, the robot masters have their racecars lined up at the starting line. Quick Man is asking Ice Man where Mega Man is. Ice Man tells Quick Man, "Ehhh, He probably got cold feet and forfeited the race!" Proto Man overhears their conversation and chimes in "He better not!" Ice Man and Quick Man look over at Proto Man, who is leaning on the hood of his racecar with his arms crossed. "He knows what will happen if he did..." Proto Man says. The robot masters hear a car coming up to join them at the finish line. They look behind and see Mega Man driving up. He is riding Rush, who is in his new car form. Guts Man blurts out, "How did he make his dog do that?" Cut Man replies, "Must be some sort of stupid new trick!" Mega Man lines up at the finish line and gets out of his "racecar". "Hello, everyone!" Mega Man joyfully says to the robot masters, "You like Rush's new form?" Guts Man yells out, "Your
dumb dog is ground to get crushed by my Wild Arms!" Guts Man pats the hood of his racecar, causing the armlike parts to fall off. Guts Man quickly puts the parts back on. The announcer comes up on the loudspeakers and has the racers get their racecars ready. The robot masters and Mega Man get in their racecars and start their engines. Proto Man is next to Mega Man and tells him, "The odds are against you! Give it up, brother!" Mega Man swipes at him and focuses on the road. The announcer counts down. Quick Man says out loud "I'll be the fastest car on the track!" The racecars' engines rev. The announcer than yells out "Go!", and the racecars drive off.
Ice Man's racecar has some trouble getting past the line, but eventually picks up speed. Quick Man's racecar quickly zooms past the other cars. Mega Man yells out to Quick Man "Did you ever read 'The Tortoise And The Hare'?" Quick Man's racecar goes faster and faster. Quick Man confidently says to himself, "That winner's circle is as good as mine!" Suddenly, one of his racecar's tires blows out, causing his racecar to crash into a fence. His car is totaled in the process. Mega Man passes by him and yells out to him "Slow and steady wins the race, Quick Man! Remember that!" Quick Man simply sticks his tongue out at him. Mega Man speeds up and gets in the lead.
Ice Man is behind the other racers at last place. He sees that he is behind and thinks  out loud "Time for some inclement weather!" He fires his Ice Slasher at Guts Man's racecar. The Ice Slasher freezes one of the tires. Guts Man yells out, "Hey, No fair! That's cheatin'!" His racecar starts to lag, allowing Ice Man to speed past him. Ice Man cries out to Guts Man "You need to chill, Guts Man! Ha ha ha ha!" Guts Man can only shake his fist angrily at Ice Man as he drives away. Up ahead, Mega Man and Cut Man are competing for first place. Cut Man tries to bump into Mega Man with his racecar. "Hey! That's not very sportsman-like!" Mega Man shouts at Cut Man. Cut Man yells out "Who said we were supposed to be good sports?" Cut Man presses a button on his dashboard. A cutter pops out of the side of Cut Man's racecar. His racecar nears Mega Man's. "Oh no you don't!" Mega Man cries out. Mega Man presses a button on the dashboard of his racecar. A small blast of plasma fires out from the hubcap on one of Rush's wheels. The blast destroys the cutter. Cut Man is surprised that Mega Man's racecar is able to do that. "Th-that's cheating!" Cut Man cries out in disbelief. "Who said we were supposed to be good sports, Cut Man?" Mega Man says to Cut Man with a smile on his face. Cut Man leers at Mega Man and tries to get past him. Suddenly, Guts Man's racecar rams Cut Man's racecar. "No, Guts Man!" Cut Man cries out "We're on the same team!" Guts Man yells out to Cut Man "But yer hoggin' da road! Move it!" Guts Man
rams his racecar again, seemingly ignoring what Cut Man said to him. Mega Man uses this confrontation as an opportunity to pass them. Cut Man sees that Mega Man has passed them as they were clashing. "Now look what you've done!" Cut Man yells out to Guts Man. "Me!?" Guts Man roars out, "You were da one tailgatin' me, Bunny Ears!" Cut Man is insulted by Guts Man's name calling. "Bunny Ears!? Bunny Ears!? Why you no good-" he yells out to Guts Man. "Now focus on da race!" Guts Man loudly tells Cut Man "We gotta win da racetrack fer Dr. Wily!" Guts Man's race car zooms past Cut Man's racecar. Cut Man growls in anger and watches with rage as Guts Man speeds away.
Meanwhile, Proto Man is rather far back in the race. He sees Ice Man's racecar up ahead and a smirk crosses his face. He gets an evil idea. He presses a button on his dashboard, causing a cannon to pop out of the hood of his racecar. In his sideview mirror, Ice Man sees Proto Man aiming a cannon at him. Ice Man is shocked that Proto Man would try to cripple one of his allies' racecars. He yells out to Proto Man "Proto Man! Don't do it!" Proto Man asks him "Why not?" Ice Man stammers and says "Because we're all on the same team!" Proto Man responds "Yes, but Wily didn't say who should cross the finish line! In other words, every robot man for himself! Ha ha ha ha!" Ice Man glares at him and replies "You wanna play that way!? Fine! I can be just as cold as you!" Proto Man laughs and says "You robot masters are so unoriginal!" Proto Man speeds off, but before he does, he fires the cannon at Ice Man's racecar. Ice Man's racecar gets a bit damaged from the shot. Ice Man shakes his fist at Proto Man and says "You'll regret that, you red pimple!" Ice Man's racecar begins to shut down. "Oh great!" Ice Man groans. He presses a button on his dashboard, which summons some penguin-like robots to come over and fix his racecar. Meanwhile, Mega Man is coming up towards Guts Man's racecar. He says to himself "I'm gonna have to find a way around this big robo lug!" He looks for an opportunity to get past him. Guts Man sees that Mega Man is behind him. He suddenly stops his racecar, causing Mega Man to run right into the back of his racecar. Mega Man is shocked that the front of his car has been damaged. Rush yowls out in pain. Guts Man yells out "Ohhh, sorry about that, Mega Slowpoke! Ha ha ha ha!" Mega Man scowls at him and simply pulls over to get his racecar repaired.
Mega Man calls up Roll on her arm cannon and tells her that Guts Man damaged his racecar. Roll tells him "I'll be right there!" Mega Man huffs and says "What rotten luck! And he's still in the lead..." Roll, Eddie, and some pit crew bots run over to Mega Man's racecar. They quickly fix it up. Rush breathes a sigh of relief, as does Mega Man. Roll tells him "Go get 'em, Mega!" Mega Man waves to her and the other and drives off. Meanwhile, Dr. Wily is observing
the race from his Skullker. He sees that Quick Man is out of the race. He calls up Quick Man and angrily asks him what happened to his racecar. Quick Man tells Dr. Wily "I got...carried away..." Dr. Wily groans and tells him "Too bad your brain isn't as quick as your boomerangs!" He then looks to see who's in the lead. He is pleased to see that Guts Man is in the lead. He calls up Guts Man and says "Guts Man! How is my first place holder doing?" Guts Man confidently yells out "That racetrack is as good as yours, Wily!" Dr. Wily says to him "Looks like the Wild Arms is an arm up on the competition!" Guts Man pridefully yells out "Dat's right, Doc! And the Wild Arms is going to-" Just then, one of his tires has blow out. Guts
Man yells out "What the-" and looks back to see Cut Man, laughing maniacally. "Cut Man!?" Guts Man shouts out in sheer disbelief. "It's Bunny Ears, remember?" Cut Man yells out to him. He fires another cutter out of his racecar. The cutter his the back bumper of Guts Man's racecar. Guts Man gets angry and tries to suddenly stop so that Cut Man's racecar runs into him. To his shock, Cut Man makes a right turn when he suddenly stops. Mega Man manages to slip by them. He turns around and yells to them "Thank you guys for letting me pass!" He then waves to them. Guts Man and Cut Man look at each other with anger. Guts Man's car blows out a tire. He has no choice but to pull over. Cut Man speeds by him and yells out "Looks like the Wild Arms has been tamed! Ahe ahe ahe!" Guts Man pounds on his racecar and presses a button to call up his pit crew. His pit crew consist of Metools and Picket Men. He plops down and groans as his robots fix his racecar. "That Cut Man..." he softly growls.
Meanwhile, Mega Man is in the lead. "Looks like it's smooth sailing from here!" Mega Man says out loud. He hears someone shout out from behind "Not if I can help it!" He looks in his front view mirror and sees that Ice Man is approaching him. Mega Man rolls his eyes and presses a button on his dashboard. A plasma cannon pops out of the top of his car and aims itself at Ice Man. It fires at Ice Man's car, but barely damages it. Ice Man laughs and says "Now it's my turn!" He presses a button on his dashboard. An air conditioner-like cannon pops out of the hood of his racecar. "I'm going to cool your jets!" Ice Man yells out to Mega Man. Ice Man's cannon fires out several Ice Slashers. Mega Man's racecar manages to avoid them. "Now it's my turn, Ice Head!" Mega Man says to him. He fires at one of his tires, blowing it out in the process. Ice Man shouts out "You cold-hearted jerk!" Mega Man replies "How's this for cold-hearted?" and fires a fully charged blast at Ice Man's racecar. Most of Ice Man's tires have been blown out. He loses control of his racecar and crashes right into a wall. His racecars falls apart. Ice Man facepalms and says "This is so embarrassing..." Cut Man sees that Ice Man is out of the race, and laughs. "Looks like he needs to go to cold storage! Ahe ahe ahe!" he gloats.
He hears a familiar whistle from quite a ways away. Proto Man begins coming up to him. Cut Man tells him that Mega Man's in the lead. Proto Man says "Well I'll take care of that! You just stay behind and cover me!" Cut Man gives him and dirty look and says "Oh no! You're not going to boss me around!" Proto Man replies "You better! I'm Wily's right-hand bot, remember?" He smirks and says "...and if you don't do exactly as I say, you're going to be
answering to Dr. Wily instead! And trust me, he's not as merciful as I am!" Proto Man laughs evilly as he passes by. Cut Man looks on with great hatred on his face. He comes up to Guts Man's racecar. His racecar is almost done being repaired. "Hurry Up!" Guts Man yells at his pit crew. Cut Man stops next to Guts Man and asks him about the progress of his racecar's repairs. Guts Man roars at him "They would be done if they would only hurry up and quit foolin' around!" His pit crew picks up the pace and finally fixes up his racecar. "Alright!" Guts Man cries out "The Wild Arms is ready for more!" Before Cut Man can say anything to him, Guts Man speeds off. Cut Man pounds his fists on his dashboard and yells out "Why won't anybody listen to me!?" He speeds up and returns to the race.
Meanwhile, Proto Man is attempting to get in front of Mega Man's racecar. "Excuse me!" Proto Man says sarcastically. Mega Man yells out to him "Oh no! You're not getting by that easily!" Mega Man goes faster. Suddenly, the back of his racecar is being lifted up. "What the!?" Mega Man cries out. He turns around to see Guts Man lifting the back of his racecar up. Guts Man laughs hard and yells out "Looks like yer gettin' towed, Mega Loser!" "Is that so!" Mega Man says to him. Mega Man presses a button on his dashboard. A hand-like contraption comes up and touches one of the lifting parts on Guts Man's racecar. Guts Man is shocked to see Mega Man's racecar copying his racecar's "weapon". Mega Man then says to him "Now my racecar's got your power!" Guts Man, now a little bit afraid that Mega Man's racecar now has his racecar's weapon, drops Mega Man's racecar which causes it to land onto the track with an audible thud. Mega Man then pays attention to the track ahead and sees that Proto Man is now in front of him. Proto Man looks back at him and waves and says "Looks like you've lost this time, Little Brother!" Mega Man yells at him "Not this time, Proto Man!" and uses his racecar's newly acquired weapon to lift up his racecar and hurl it over his own racecar. Guts Man dodges the racecar. Proto Man falls out of his racecar and lands onto the track, the impact of the fall cracking his visor. His racecar falls onto the track nearby him and breaks into parts. Proto Man simply covers his face with his hands as his wrecked racecar smokes and smolders.
Meanwhile, Guts Man is trying to get past Mega Man. Cut Man comes up behind both of them. Guts Man turns to Cut Man and says "Cut Man! Help me out here, buddy!" Cut Man leers at him and says "How's this for help!?" He presses a button on his racecar's dashboard and a large pair of cutters pop out of his hood. They slowly snip. "Wh-what are you doing, Cut Man!?" Guts Man asks Cut Man. As his racecar nears Guts Man's, Cut Man yells out "Ol' Bunny Ears here is going to cut you out of the race!" Guts Man's eyes widen and he says "Cut Man, No!" Mega Man simply watches the spectacle before him. Cut Man says "It's Bunny Ears, remember!?" He then jams his racecar's cutters into Guts Man's racecar. Guts Man's racecar begins shorting out. As Cut Man passes by him, he presses another button and the cutters on the hubcaps pop out and fire into Guts Man's racecar. Guts Man's racecar is shredded into parts. Guts Man falls down hard onto the track. As he is throwing a fit, Guts Man yells out "Wily won't forgive you for this, Bunny-Cut Man!" Cut Man makes a face at him as he drives by him. Dr. Wily sees that Cut Man is now the only one racing against him. He fears that the odds are now in Mega Man's favor. Back on the tracks, Cut Man comes up next to Mega Man. Mega Man tells him "I guess it's just you and me Cut Man, huh?" Cut Man says to him "Yes, Mega Man. I'm still here to cut your victory short! Ahe ahe ahe!" Mega Man's racecar goes faster and begins to speed past Cut Man. Dr. Wily sees that Cut Man is starting to fall behind. Dr. Wily says to himself "Looks like I'll have to win the race myself!" Meanwhile, the race is now in it's final lap. Cut Man concentrates on getting past Mega Man. Dr. Wily calls up Cut Man on the dashboard's screen and tells him that he will be taking his place. Cut Man is very upset and protests "But, but, I'm still in the race! I can win this for you, Wily!" Dr. Wily tells him that he's done enough and that he will be right over. Mega Man tells Rush "Look's like our prize is coming up real soon!" Rush barks with excitement and confidence. Cut Man is behind Mega Man. He says out loud "Ahe ahe ahe! You're mine, Blue Dweeb!" He presses some buttons on his dashboard. Both the cutters on his hood and on his hubcaps pop out. He prepares to fire them, but hears a familiar sound. He looks up and sees that the Skullker is lowering onto the racetrack. Mega Man yells out "I knew that bad sportsman would try to win the race himself!" The Skullker hovers in front of Cut Man's racecar. "J-just give me a chance!" Cut Man yells out. Dr. Wily again appears on his  dashboard's windscreen and says "Sorry Cut Man, but I just can't trust you. You've been.....disqualified!" The back of the Skullker opens, and a pink beam fires out. The beam hits Cut Man's racecar and reduces it to parts. Cut Man tries to put his racecar back together and cries out "No! No! I was so close! I was so close!"
The Skullker hovers rather close to the track. Mega Man turns around and yells out "That's not a racecar, silly scientist!" Dr. Wily chuckles evilly and says "Oh, but it can be, Mega Man!" Rush is concerned and whines at Mega Man. Mega Man says to him "Guess we'll have to wait and see..." Dr. Wily presses a button on the dashboard. The Skullker, to everyone's surprise, changes into a racecar-like vehicle. It begins to pick up speed. Mega Man is concerned that the Skullker will beat him. "This doesn't look good for me!" Mega Man says to himself with great concern in his voice. In the Skullker, Dr. Wily laughs maniacally and says "The racetrack is as good as mine, Mega Man!" He presses another button on the dashboard. Jets burst out of the Skullker, causing it to go even faster. The Skullker is now right next to Mega Man's racecar. Dr. Wily waves at Mega Man. Mega Man yells out "You're not going to win that easily, Wily!" Mega Man increases his racecar's speed, but is worried that the increase in speed will either cause him to crash or cause his racecar to shut down. Dr. Wily presses yet another button on the dashboard. Large spikes come out of the tires' hubcaps. Mega Man's eyes open wider with fear. Dr. Wily looks at Mega Man with evil intent and says "On the contrary, Mega Man, you are not going to win that easily! Mwa ha ha ha ha!" Dr. Wily presses the same button again. The spikes launch out of the hubcaps. Mega Man tries to turn sharply in order to dodge the large spikes. His racecar tips over. The racecar barely dodges the large spikes. It then falls back down onto the track with a rather loud thump. Dr. Wily growls and presses another button. A long blade slowly pops out of the side of the Skullker. Mega Man panics and sees that the blade is getting closer and closer to his racecar's tires. Mega Man decides to surprise Dr. Wily and opens the top of his racecar. He sticks the upper part of his body out and fires a fully charged shot at the long blade. The blade swings back and ends up slicing through Dr. Wily's tires instead. Dr. Wily is afraid that the slashed tires will quash his victory, but the air escaping the tires gives him a surprising speed boost. He sees the finish line up ahead. Mega Man's racecar gets in front of him. Dr. Wily presses yet another button, causing spikes to pop out of the front of the Skullker. The Skullker charges forward behind Mega Man. Dr. Wily laughs maniacally and yells out "You're going to lose, Mega Man! This racetrack is now offically mine! Fair and square! Mwa ha ha ha ha!" The spikes shove into Mega Man's racecar. But the spikes push the racecar way past the finish line. Dr. Wily is extremely shocked by this sudden turn of events. His Skullker comes to a screeching halt, and its tires pop. The Skullker falls onto the ground and falls over on one side. Dr. Wily comes out of the wrecked Skullker and pounds his fists onto the side of the vehicle, having suffered a great defeat at the hands of his arch enemy once again. Dr. Wily's robots approach the Skullker and pull it away, with Dr. Wily still crying and fussing.
Back at the finish line, Mega Man gets out of his racecar and waves at the cheering crowd. Rush turns back into his normal form and does a victorious backflip. Rush then high fives Mega Man. Dr. Light and Roll run up to Mega Man and Rush and both of them hug Mega Man at the same time. Dr. Light tells Mega Man "Thanks to you and Rush, the racetrack is now in safe hands!" They go up to the winner's circle. A lady bot places the winner's wreath on Mega Man and kisses him on the cheek. This makes Roll a little bit jealous. Mega Man is handed the trophy, and the episode ends with him holding it up high and yelling out "Alright!"
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dirtyfilthy · 4 years
If you’re looking for treasure, I think you picked the wrong chest
Without exception, every single person who has ever stolen my heart in the past, eventually just grew weary of the sheer weight and bother of dragging it around with them all day, and simply gave it back to me., in one form or another.
I didn’t even have to ask in most cases. I mean: it’s an awkward shape, and  also the thing is so much heavier than it looks. At first, the act of thievery lends the thing an aura of excitement, and there’s definitely a certain satisfaction in stealing an object that’s extremely valuable to the person you took it from, whenever you hold it in your hand you can think about that -- “this used to belong to him but now it’s MINE”
It’s a bit quirky sure, but there’s a certain novelty in pressing all buttons and seeing what they do. You’re not sure why windshield wipers were included, but soon you find some of it’s functions are actually useful,  and you start to develop a certain fondness for the thing, like it was a mascot or something.
The first time you accidentally put a small chip in the layer of outer porcelain,  you are horrified. God, you honestly didn’t realise just how fragile it was! You admonish yourself: you really must be more careful. But what begins as remorse,  quickly turns into resentment.  The endless, constant maintenance required  is becoming overly  burdensome, and if the... thing...  is so damn delicate that it’s just going to break during the course of everyday activities... well, you can’t be expected to softly tiptoe around a eggshell minefield all the goddamn day, expecting an explosion to go off at any random minute. . Franky, this is no longer exhilarating at all, instead it’s exhausting and needlessly tedious.
Past a certain point, each new scratch doesn’t seem to be worth the time and money to fix. One more battle scar won’t make any appreciable difference, and while individually all these  minor bits and pieces of damage don’t really matter, when zooming out enough to fit the entire object into frame  it really is beginning to look a bit battered and beaten up. Eh, that’s merely aesthetics. It still mostly works, although some of the functions have become a bit janky and unreliable
You see some of your friends have gotten newer models. They’re very  shiny,  and they have that... smell too, the distinctive special fragrance of something that was only recently unboxed. Now, you do still like what you have currently. I mean, it does do what you want, for the most part, and despite all it’s faults it is familiar, and you do know how to operate the controls. 
On the hand, it wouldn’t need to be a radical change. You could get the same kind of thing, same familiar controls, same communications protocol...  but one that is just a bit smarter maybe -- a bit smarter, a bit  faster and a lot more responsive,  Making things a little less rough around the edges in general wouldn’t hurt either, and perhaps with a bit more polish on the interface, then we could throw in a a few extra features at no extra cost....  maybe they’ve even patched out some of the more annoying bugs you thought were once stuck with.
When comparing the actual specifications, side-by-side, heart-to-heart, who could blame you for considering making the switch?
And so. here it is, back once again: a lump of bloody muscle, about the size of closed fist. The time between thefts, it only gets longer and longer. Honestly, I may as well just leave the cabinet unlocked at this stage. I should really stop romantizing the whole deal, as if the heart was some universal metaphor that speaks great secrets in some pre-syntactic proto-language everyone can understand . 
The heart is nothing but a dumb pump that shovels blood around your body, there is no more to it than that.
Unless there’s someone out there who is the emotional equivalent of fetishist car wreck collector I doubt my heart will ever get stolen again. With no competitive product, I have nothing valuable for someone to steal. My kidneys are probably at a far greater risk of theft and at least there are actually people who are willing to pay for them. 
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ampleappleamble · 4 years
🖊️ + Axa!
HOLY SHIT IT WORKED ♡♡♡ Thank you for your question!
Axa Mala is honestly the first OC I've ever really made for a game, or really at all! I grew up watching my brother play CRPGs and having little interest in them, and I ignored my then-fiancé's playthrough of Pillars of Eternity when it first came out. When Deadfire debuted, though, I finally took notice. The world and characters and lore enchanted me , and my fiancé was delighted that I'd taken an interest in something he loved. So when he got restartitis, like you do with games like PoE, he proposed his next game be mine instead. He knew I was reluctant to try my hand at a game with a playstyle that was utterly foreign to me, but he knew I really wanted to be in that world, and he wanted to play it again. So we decided he would actually play it and do all the fights and clicking and I would do all the decision making and character building and dialogue. So that's how I played the game my "first" time around!
I've always been partial to psions/psychics/telepaths etc., and I've always liked hobbits and dwarves and other shorter folks, so meeting Serafen in my fiancé's playthrough had cemented my decision to make my very first iteration of Axa a wild orlan cipher. (My first few opinions about Pillars were like "that blue furry psychic guy is cool" and "elf twink...... .. hot ttkgfbghgfk") I gave her a background as a philosopher and former teacher from Ixamitl who had left her home because of a "poor decision" she'd made. I used That Pink Wild Orlan Female portrait and tried to make her model match as best I could, but was left disappointed with the lack of different hairstyles.
After our first playthrough together, I went ahead and bought both games and set about playing myself! My next version of Axa was more her own woman and less a "wow, cool Serafen" ripoff: a historian from Ixamitl who had been forced to move to the Dyrwood because she had "trusted the wrong person." She was also a Chanter now, and a hearth orlan with a bomb ass hairdo. I used That Blonde Wavy-Haired Hearth Orlan Female portrait, and still do for playthroughs with Axa because learning how to use custom portraits is a thing that requires effort! Axa's canon design retains that portrait's golden fur and violet eyes. :3
Once I settled on this updated Axa as the new normal, I started to expand her background. Most of it, of course, was influenced by the aspirations I had for my own life, my own interests. She was a historian in title, but in practice she was more of a "naturalist", or a proto-anthropologist. Languages interested her, but Vailian and Rauataian were too mainstream, she had to challenge herself and go for the more obscure and mysterious Ordhjóma. And of course, she had to travel to the Land to learn it!
So remember when I said she'd "trusted the wrong person" in her background? Well. After Beast of Winter came out, my last three braincells latched onto Glamfellen in general and Vatnir in particular as The New Hotness, and thus Vaargys was born! Vaargys was a man Axa met while learning about Glamfellen clans and their various colloquialisms in the White That Wends, an exile from his own clan for the crime of venerating Wael over Rymrgand. I imagine Ixamitl, a country that champions thinkers and ponderers, would have a certain affinity for the Obscured One, so Axa could sympathize with that. Due to her foreign outsider status, and his exiled wanderer status, the two misfits drew together and learned to trust and rely on one another, eventually falling in love! ♡ After three years in the Land, Axa took Vaargys home with her to Ixamitl, ready to spend the rest of her life with him.
Nine months later, he told her something that rendered a very large fraction of her body of work with the Glamfellen and with the regional dialects of Ordhjóma she had studied and recorded for three years completely worthless. It had started as a little lie, something innocuous, but she just had to keep digging into it and researching it and cross-referencing it until she thought she had unearthed and solved an ancient mystery when in reality he had just... made it up. He was afraid she'd abandon him if he couldn't be useful to her, like so many others before her had.
So she destroyed her entire collection of notes, unable to extricate valid research from shit Vaargys had just made up. She had to burn it all. She cursed her hubris, her naïvety, her soft heart. Her career was in tatters, her reputation was soon to follow. Her lover had turned out to be an insane idiot liar whose paranoid delusions had ruined her. And yes, she left him. Her family didn't understand, her colleagues would not be forgiving. She had wasted the last 5 years of her life. She moved to the Dyrwood because her alternative was... killing herself, she guessed?
(She gets a happy ending at least! ♡)
This... was longer than I thought it'd be. Thanks again for asking me, anyone else who wants to please feel free! ♡♡♡
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incarnateirony · 4 years
From what I understood in the interview with Hermes, he's really old and didn't even come from Egypt, and that's also not necessarily his real name, just the one he liked the most. And he mentioned Jesus and the Christian God, that must be a complicated relationship. I wonder if they aren't all concepts created by humans, our collective unconsciousness, that developed inteligence over time. There could even be multiple versions of all of them. Is American Gods on the right track?
When it comes to old gods, yeah. When I quoted that article, I also linked it, and even mentioned good old belphy’s famous line,
Tumblr media
But citing the website I dropped prior,
“ Meanwhile, you guys on Earth are all like, “Oh, Hermes is younger than Apollon.” Like its a fact. Like I wasn’t some Proto-Indo-European god of Penises and Serpents and outcroppings of stone long before anyone was ever speaking Greek. “
“Sometimes, they’d put just a dick. You know, if they didn’t have time to carve a whole dude. Because everyone would know that it was me. I am not a god of the phallus, I am THE god of the phallus. I am the motherfucker with THREE goddamn dicks, one for each “path.” “
--Interview with Hermes
Now the point you raise is valid, and something I ask in the way of “The Chicken or the Egg.” And, quite literally, even SPN itself is asking this question, even if the audience isn’t locking onto it yet.
God made man, but man forefathered god, and god made the pagan gods, but the pagan gods surrendered the world to God?
No, it isn’t a plothole, it’s a timeless debate. And SPN, as a humanistic gestalt, seems to be slowly answering it in world with “man is the forefather beyond the allfather.”
There is a glory in creation greater than the Logos, something that just is, and was, and was waiting to be born, as Chuck and Amara just Were, Uncreated and eternal, timeless and formless and only given to form in the world. Something complicated even to him, that he can neither create nor destroy.
Weird time to dip into SPN meta, I know, but at the same time it gives me ways and “avatars” to frame this into that people can sort of understand. 
Hermes: Hah. You’re funny. Look, Thenea, when you have some time, go read up on the anthropology of the situation. There is no myth that tells about how Hekate came to Athens from Asia Minor. You will also not learn, from reading Greek mythologies, which of our gods and goddesses came to us from Northern Africa and which were originally Minoan. However, if you study anthropology, it becomes very clear that things are very much a part of the true facts of history. Cosmogonies are meant to reflect something a bit more philosophical. They symbolically state a cultural (or personal) opinion about how the universe really works.
Here is how a pantheon actually comes together.
First deity: “Shit. My people were conquered and my religion just blowed up. I’m out of a job”
Second deity: “Me too.”
Third deity: “Hey, you look like that Lightning God the mortals in that place over there are telling stories about.”
Two deities at the same time: “We’re lightning gods too, though!”
Third deity: “Well, shit. You, on the left, you’re better looking. Best you be in charge.”
First deity: “Screw you! I’m bigger than all of you!”
Second deity: “Whatever. You’re a thug. Go rule the sea.”
First deity: “What? I’m a god of paternity!”
Second deity: “Paternity’s moist. That’s very similar.”
So when it comes to it, the anthropology makes a lot of the story sharing clear as for where they come from, get multiculturally adapted into, or malignantly stolen and demonized even.
Hell, do people know the word “demon” comes from daimon, which was originally a helpful tutelary spirit, and that christian culture has completely mainlined it into the RAR RAR RAR HORNS AND POINTY TAIL idea we have now?
It’s more a matter of agenda on that front--what and why someone is framing a hero or villain narrative, and how they’re rewriting history. Let’s look at the way the north and south of the US sees the civil war and the confederacy. The south has spun up a complete AU with Lost Cause doctrine and left monuments to literal traitors being venerated, but it’s completely printed into the bones of the people in the region. Someone’s always rewriting history.
But beyond that, there IS the chicken or the egg debate on who-spawned-what-when. Even in gnostic doctrine, which routinely debates the order of cosmogenesis, there’s no singular belief, or as the same Hermes interview puts it,
Hermes: First of all, don’t believe everything you read. A “Greek Cosmogony” is just the writings of some Greek person trying to figure out the way the world started. Every writer has his own ideas. Of all of those writers, though, I’d actually be most inclined to believe Empedocles. I wasn’t there, obviously, at the beginning of the world, but I knew the guys who wrote those cosmogonies, and Empedocles was the cleverest, by a long shot.
Thenea: Not Hesiod?
Hermes: Goddamnit, Hesiod was a loser. Never listen to a guy who gets swindled out of his inheritance by his brother about how the world works. The guy had no clue how to navigate the politics of physical reality, never mind metaphysical reality.
Thenea: What about Orpheus?
Hermes: Look, Orpheus was a nice guy. Largely, still is. But taking it up the ass from Dionysos doesn’t make you a mystic. Again, if he had some clue about how any sort of reality worked, he’d be chilling with Euridike in the Bahamas right now, and not in six hundred pieces in the back of a freezer in somebody’s house on Olympos.
Thenea: Dionysos kept Orpheus in a freezer???
Hermes: Well, no. I meant that rhetorically. Actually, he’s doing ok for himself, but my point stands. He had no idea how to handle Dionysos, forget the  Protogenoi.
Thenea: What about Alcman?
Hermes: The cosmogony he was commenting on was destroyed. Want to venture a guess as to why? Plus, he was a Spartan. If it isn’t on the origins of how to stab a guy in the face, don’t ask a Spartan about histories.
Truth is, none of these guys were there at the start and neither was I, but really, if you observe and think hard enough, you’ll get at the important truths. Empedocles was that kind of guy.
He put it really well: Love and Strife are the two principle forces driving all things. Things come together, things fall apart. The rest is commentary.
Your guess is as good as mine is as good as theirs.
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fuwafuwamedb · 5 years
Proto Gil Gets His Girl (Prototype Gilgamesh, Hakuno)
They were not great lovers, he thought to himself, looking around at the latest of his other selves and their madness with Hakuno.
His assassin self had taken Hakuno and married her before the gods, beginning to undress her and make her do all sorts of vulgar things before the others had arrived and put a damper on everything.
The deed had been done, but still…
This was no way for a woman to be proposed to and married.
None of his selves thus far had been able to claim her in a way that befit her… except perhaps his child self with her child self. They, alone, seemed to understand how a marriage should be. There was no jealousy, no selfish nonsense. The two were entirely devoted to one another, happily giving so that the other could be smarter, stronger, or happier.
That was love.
That was affection.
What Hakuno needed was a love story.
She needed something that would show that 1) he loved her with every fiber of his being, 2) he was not afraid to express himself to her and give her such grandeur that her heart would simply burst, and 3) that he was the obvious and best choice.
No Siduri cunningly putting things together.
No making Hakuno do the work herself.
No kidnapping.
Gods, what was wrong with himself?!
Proto wiped a hand over his face, knocking on the door to the bathroom as Hakuno finished blowdrying her hair.
“What is it?” She called.
“I brought you some clothing. I thought you could join me today!”
The dryer was turned off. He could hear her moving over to the door and looking into his arms. She smiled a little.
“What’s this?”
This was a sundress. A white one that he had found when he had gone out with Cu Proto and Gudako a few weeks back for training. As the woman accepted it from his arms, he could already see that he had made a smart purchase.
“Give me a minute and I’ll be all yours.”
She shut the door and he smiled to himself.
She would be his.
“Okay, what’s the plan?”
The door opened, the white skirts fluttering around her feet as she moved forward and took his hands into her own.
Gods, this woman was fine.
Enki and Ninsun, I do not know how my Archer self managed it, but she is perfect.
“I was thinking we could go to a beach.”
“A beach?”
He nodded.
“That’s fine with me. It sounds like the nicest plan that any of you have picked in a while.”
Of course it did. It was the best plan. He had thought of it himself.
The world around them was already set at the point of dusk.
The world around them was washed with crimson and golden skylines, dark waves that peacefully crashed against the shore as they walked along the beach.
He dofted his armor for his robes, walking the coastline with her.
She chattered about this and that, about spells she had been looking into and about places she had gone with his other selves while he had been training alongside Gudako. She fussed about Archer, Caster, and Assassin, leaving him to nod and kiss her hand in comfort from time to time.
“You know, you are always listening to me.”
“I am.”
Hakuno moved a bit closer, wrapping her arms around his shoulders. “So you brought me all the way to a romantic beach just to listen to me talk about your other selves?”
“I brought you here because I wanted to see a beautiful woman enjoy beautiful things. If I could put my ziggurat right here, I would, just to finish off a perfect spot with evidence that it also is mine.”
She shook her head at him, smiling.
He pulled her hands into his, kissing them and forcing back the nerves.
She’d said yes to four of him.
“You’re going to ask me to marry you, aren’t you?”
Proto felt his face warming, his laugh echoing in the world around them. It was louder than the waves, he noted. He sounded like Archer.
“Go ahead.”
“I don’t want to make you plan our wedding.”
She nodded.
“And no Siduri o-or sex in front of the gods.”
“I appreciate that.”
Proto nodded, hesitating.
If he could just get his hands to stop shaking so he could do this! What the hell was wrong with him?! All of his other selves had no problem in this regard. Even his younger self was fine, unless it was child Hakuno.
Damn it all-
He looked up at her, blinking at her closeness.
“Just ask me.”
“Marry me please.”
She smiled, lowering herself enough that the next wave crashed over them, making them both splutter.
“I-I should have moved us up a bit,” he told her.
The woman laughed, the sound echoing in his ears as he found her wrapping her arms around him. Her lips pressed up against his own, deeply, lovingly-
He fell backwards, unable to stay upright with the goddess of a woman coming onto him.
She kissed him harder, holding him so tightly that he was losing his mind.
He blinked as she pulled back, laughing a little.
“I’ll marry you, Prince Charming.”
He opened his mouth to respond, but the waves came back, crashing over them and leaving him coughing as they pulled back.
“SHORE!” He herded them up the beach a bit, enough that they could lay in the sand and hold one another in the fading light.
“I’ll marry you,” she told him again.
“I will make you happier than you’ve ever been,” he vowed.
He’d kill anyone that came in his way as well, be it his other selves or anyone else. No one made Hakuno smile like this. No one made her laugh and feel confident like she seemed to be right now.
This was a Hakuno for himself alone.
“Do you want to do the vows here?” she asked.
I vow to share my every last treasure with you,” he told her. “Because you are one of my treasures. You are as radiant as my jewels and as lovely as my finest flowers in the-“
“I vow to love you with all my being, until you can’t think of a single new romantic thing to say to me,” Hakuno replied, leaning in and kissing him again. “I’ll take care of you and you can take care of me.”
“A partnership.”
“And I’ll cut down anyone that tries to take you from me,” the goddess of a woman promised him.
Ah, be still his beating heart.
Proto held her in his arms for a long time after those words, promising the same.
A wedding for just the two of them.
He could not have planned it any better.
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r3b3lgrrrrrrrl · 5 years
A LunaTic and her Gunn (Part 35)
"That FUCKING Jacket...."
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Ashley and Dom hit Colson's early Tuesday morning. They're all in the kitchen.
Colson and Dom making phone calls, working out last minute details for I'm Ok. They're gonna shoot the video tomorrow.
Ashley and Luna deal with promotion and other things regarding Nightmare. Confirming it's up and streaming, that sketches of their merch have been received and that they'll have proto types of them before the end of the week. Finishing up by scheduling a meeting with Randall Marshall from AL's chapter of the ACLU for next week.
The girls sweetly tell Their Boys goodbye before they leave for a radio interview at KISS FM.
"THIS is gonna be FOOKING SICK!!" Dom declares hopping around the kitchen like a jumping bean. Laughing, Colson agrees as he looks for his weed.
"Hold on man, I'll be right back." He tells Dom, heading upstairs. Looking around his room, Luna's leather catches his eye hanging on the knob of the closet door.
"I hate that FUCKING thing." He thinks to himself, fire flashing inside of him as he grabs a mason jar of bud.
Back downstairs Colson asks Dom if he thinks Ashley would mind doing him a favor. "I don't see why not, Mate. What is it?" He asks as Colson explains.
The interview is fun and engaging. Ryan praising them on Nightmare's instant success, it's empowering message and insane video. Applauding their efforts for wanting to help AL as they mention the merch donations. The girls are delighted and proud. Ashley mostly talks as Luna chimes in when she wants to.
"Now, I have to ask. Shot by a woman, all female cast, written and sang by 2 powerful women. Was it an all female production from top to bottom too?" Seacrest asks.
"No." Luna steps in. Her next words surprise Ashley. "We're backed and produced by MGK and his Guys."
Ryan pulls his head back "Are you who he's dating, Brooklyn? I've been hearing rumours." He leads.
"The idea was to flip that old saying 'Behind every great man, is a great woman.' Here you have a strong group of men backing strong women." She responds, completely side stepping his question. "We're not looking for separation or dominance, Ryan. We WANT support and equality." She finishes firmly.
Ashley smirks as Luna shrugs her one shoulder to Seacrest's annoyance. They chat a bit more about the project and the women involved. Ending the interview with Thank Yous as Nightmare plays them out.
Off Air Ryan says to Luna shaking his head "You're never gonna give me anything On Air are you, Loons?"
"Nope." She confirms with a smile to his laughing hug before she leaves.
"Tell him I said Hi." He yells down the hall to her laugher as she skips away.
Back in Ashley's Wrangler, she looks at Luna. "I thought you were gonna out yourself for a second."
Luna looks at her sideways. "Psh. Yeah right." She laughs "Just giving credit where credits due." As she fires up a joint.
"Clever cover up." Ashley accepts it from Luna.
"I thought so." Both girls laughing, getting stoned as they head to Ashley's favorite nail salon. Luna needs a manicure after NY.
Ashley and Luna walk into Colson's to quick kisses and Colson pulling Ashley back out the door. A confused Luna grabs a beer and heads upstairs to change. She's going to sit by the pool, burn, hang out with Dom, Benny and Rook. Trying to make sense of the dozens of lyrics rolling around her head
🎶Out on the West Coast//They got a saying//If you're not drinking//You're not creating//And I've//Found the music//Yeah, I've got music//Boy Blue//Without you🎶 She writing a love song about CA to NY. Knowing in her heart, it's metaphor.
"Thanks for your help." Colson tells Ashley as they get back into his Rover. He's lighting a joint.
"I'm telling you, Kells. She'll like this one, and you might have a chance if you explain it to her well. She may even tuck the other away for you, but she'll never get rid of it."
"I know, Ash." He sighs. "I can't fucking stand seeing it though, especially with her shoulder the way it is."
"Welcome to Life With Loons, Kells. You wanted a rider, you got one." She takes the joint from him.
"I know...." He sighs again with a groan.
After taking a shower Luna throws on a thin short, blue flannel dress with fishnet thigh highs, chunky, heeled booties and a solid red lip. Her blonde hair loose. Colson watches her get dressed. He loves the way she moves. They're headed to his friend Logan's for a party. She grabs her leather to his dismay.
"Kitten...." He starts. "Can I talk to you for a sec." She looks at him concerned. Sitting next to him on the bed, leather in her lap. "I don't know how to say any of this." He tells her, thinking of Ashley's words.
"Just say it, Colson." Luna's part worried, part becoming annoyed.
"I hate that fucking jacket." He spits out, without thinking.
"What." Her lip is cocked, eyebrows furrowed. Confused.
He grabs her leather and holds it up in front of them. "All THIS." He cirlces the safety pins securing the bullet hole. "I fucking hate THIS." She's silent, looking at him sideways. She flips her right arm over. Exposing the cockroach on her right forearm again. He gives her a nasty look back.
"I knew she was gonna be a fucking cunt about this." He thinks annoyed.
"Mothersfuckers steady be trying to tell me what to fucking do." Her mind flashes angrily.
She breaks her silence, trying to choose her words. "We're new, so we're gonna be careful here. I get that you don't like Jax and I's relationship. And me getting shot while on a job with him only amplifies that. But you need to look at THIS." She circles the bobby pins on the jacket "As not of him, but of ME. I didn't need him to save me. I dropped that cop, MYself. I had enough time and adrenaline to get me AND my shit the fuck up outta there. On my own. He was a simple helping hand, a reason why you don't do a job alone." She states matter of fact. She puts her hand on the side of his face, looking into his blue eyes. "The jacket isn't a big deal to me, but, you trusting me and respecting what I do is, Bunny. I will always take your opinion into consideration. But, please don't ever think you can tell me what to fucking do, Colson. Ever." She leans up and kisses his silent lips.
"I feel like This Bitch just mind fucked me. And that I should feel bad for not seeing her strength in it, the way she does." He thinks confused with himself.
She stands up, tucking it in her bag. "I'll grab a new one tomorrow." She says nonchalantly.
"No. Don't." He finally tells her. "Wear whatever you want, Kitten. You're right." He stands up, pulling it back out of her bag and her into his arms. Giving her a deep, understanding kiss. His touch makes her body flush and lips plump, any annoyance slipping away. "I love you, Loons. Every fucking little piece of you." He tells her after the kiss. "I did get you something though." He kisses her on the mouth before letting her go to pull a box out from under the bed.
She laughs loudly, blue eyes sparkling as she opens the box to find a FABULOUS black leather jacket with studding and small red details.
"THIS MOTHERFUCKER." Her heart bursting.
"You weren't playing, hunh?" She asks continuing to laugh as she slides it on.
"No." He laughs sheepishly with her.
"You're a fucking maniac." She tells him, laughing still as she jumps into his arms and throws her arms over his shoulders. "I love it, tho. Thank you." Kissing him. 🎶And then She had 2🎶 She sings to him, both of them laughing. Kissing each other passionately, her legs are wrapped around his waist as his hands grip her thick ass. She squeezes him tightly with her body as he slides his middle finger inside of her, making her moan out. Kissing hard, bucking against his hand. "FUCK me." She begs him into his ear.
He slides her down his body, whipping her around quickly, his cock is throbbing for her. Bending her over, he runs his hands up her ass, pushing her flannel dress up before he slides her black patties down to her ankles.
"Fucking black." He smiles to himself.
❗SLAP❗ He spanks her hard with his large hand before running his finger along her soft pussy lips. Dropping his pants, he stands behind her red ass, dick bulging. "You want this?" He teases her. She begs Yes, before he slowly pushes into her moans. He groans pulling her back by her hair "FUCK, KITTEN!!!" He calls out, gripping her hip, fully entering her. Beginning to fuck her hard.
She bounces her ass off his dick, walls clenching around the size of his huge cock. Seeing stars.
"Who's dick is this?" He demands.
"MINE." She pants at him.
"WHO'S DICK IS IT?" He pulls her hair tighter.
Slamming into him, she moans loudly with authority "MINE! It's MY FUCKING DICKKK." Her cries make them both explode for the other.
Walking into the party, Colson introduces Luna to a couple of his friends. Logan, his brother Jake and Jake's fiancé, Tana. Colson and Luna sit sharing a beer with Them, Mod, Phem, Benny, Rook, Slim and a few others. He pulls her intimately into him, by the neck. Kissing her on the forehead just before Tana yanks her away to both of their disliking.
Colson continues to bust it up with The Brothers. Talking about Jake's upcoming wedding.
"You guys seem to really got IT." He tells Colson, commenting on him and Luna. "Think you'll take the plunge, Bruh?" He asks him.
Colson chuckles, looking down. "I don't know if she'd let me lock it down like that, Dawg. She's something else...." He trails off. "She DID get tatted with me tho."  Colson beams, proudly showing off their matching ink to The Brothers.
Looking for Luna a bit later reminds Colson of his birthday. He's on a balcony looking down, trying to find her again. Then he remembers what Tommy did. Leaning over the rail, just the same, he bellows "BROOOOKLLYYYYYNNNN!!!!!" Searching for THAT bangled wrist. He finds it and her eyes. They stare into the other, mesmerized, locked in silence with only them, The World raging outside their bubble. He throws his arms up with his cigarette burning, grinning at her for a moment before he goes to get her.
"Damn, she looks good in that jacket." Colson stared long at Luna before heading down to meet her. "I fucking love her." He thinks, happy she chose to wear his.
A smile breaks out onto Luna's face as she hears Colson holler for her. "Oh, thank Fuck." She sighs in relief, like their first night. Lifting a freshly painted, black fingernail, she finds him. Tana finally goes silent to Luna, once they lock eyes. All she can hear is her love for him
🎶I see🎶My Bunny🎶Swaying🎶His Newport is on fire🎶His hands are up🎶From the balcony🎶He's calling "Brooklyn"🎶I think🎶Move Bitch🎶Move Bitch🎶I'm in love🎶I'm in love🎶I'm in love🎶
Sitting at the table playing Dominos, Colson watches Luna walk to grab them 2 more beers. He fires up a joint as he sees a Dude walk over to her and put his hand on the small of her back, making Colson's blue eyes go dark. She moves away from Dude, shaking her head, saying something and flashing a quick smile before walking back towards him with their beers. Colson stands up quickly when he sees Luna stop abruptly. She throws words over her shoulder before continuing to walk back towards him, rolling her eyes.
"What the fuck was that?" He asks her as she sits down next to him. Opening their beers. He passes her the joint.
"Nothing, she sighs, taking it. Handing him his beer. He looks at her. She knows he's not accepting that. "He tried to hit on me, I politely declined, he called me a cunt." She throws her hands out. "It's whatever, Bunny, don't sweat it." She says giving him a reassuring kiss.
He kisses her back, checks out his hand but keeps an eye on Dude.
As Slim, Rook, Benny and a slightly drunk Colson leave the party, he's holding Luna's hand. Walking passed Dude, Colson hears him say "Yeah, THAT'S that stuck up cunt."
THAT'S all it takes.........
To be continued.......
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daresplaining · 5 years
In Anticipation of Jessica Jones Season 3!
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    The last season of Jessica Jones and final installment of the Netflix MCU overall is airing tomorrow night (or Friday morning, depending on your time zone). For various reasons, I haven’t had as much time as I’d have liked to blog about it (it would have been nice for Netflix to release the trailer more than a week before the air date, but they’re clearly no longer making an effort to promote their Marvel properties...). However, I am really excited about the upcoming season. Jessica Jones is a comics character I've loved for a long time, and it has been thrilling to watch the live action version of her develop over the years. I was in the audience at NYCC 2015 at the show’s very first panel, when they showed episode one, and I’ll never forget it. Jessica Jones Season 1 remains one of my favorite pieces of television ever, and while I didn’t feel Season 2 was quite as strong, I still loved it, and I’m really excited by what seems to be in store for the final season.
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[ID: The handwritten word “Hero?” against a red background.]
    This season seems to be digging into a theme that has been part of this series since the beginning: the question of what makes a hero. Jessica consistently rejects that label and doubts her own heroism, despite all of the good she has done both before and after her experience with Kilgrave. The intense disfunction in her life, as created by her trauma, and her inability to adhere to the technicolor, textbook image of a superhero has defined her journey so far. It would be nice to see her reach a more settled and healthier self-image, as her 616 counterpart has mostly managed to do, but it seems this season will be further prodding this sore point by introducing an antagonist who claims, loudly and publicly, that Jessica is exactly what she fears she is: a bad person. An unworthy person. Not a hero at all.  
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[ID: Jessica is standing in her office, talking to Trish. She has several pieces of paper pinned to the wall behind her, including a large photo of a man’s face. She is saying: “Gregory Salinger [sic]. He's smarter than both of us combined.”]
    The new Big Bad is a guy named Gregory Sallinger-- or, as he's known in the comics, Foolkiller. The 616 version of the character is obsessed with the idea of “poetry”, and kills anyone who doesn’t fit his aesthetic sensibilities. In the show, his obsession seems to instead be with the concept of heroism. 
    If you search for “Sallinger” (two Ls) on Netflix, you’ll find a few more hidden promotional videos specifically focused on him. Of all of the MCU Netflix shows, Jessica Jones has been the most willing to veer away from the source material and tell entirely new stories-- mostly because Jessica is a relatively new character and there’s much less source material to work with for her than for, say, Iron Fist. This means comics fans are left constantly guessing, and we have the pleasure of being surprised by the unexpected introduction of characters from throughout the Marvel universe. In the comics, Foolkiller has had run-ins with Hellcat through her time on the Defenders team, so he may be here partially as Trish’s rogue(!). 
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[ID: Jessica is standing her office doorway, talking to Trish, who is out in the hall. Jessica says: “I don’t need your help, and you don’t need mine.”]
    Last season ended with the devastating destruction of Jessica and Trish’s relationship. Given how important they are to each other as sisters and co-emotional support systems, it’s safe to assume that they will make amends, but it’s going to take some major changes and development of their dynamic to overcome that level of damage (in case anyone needs reminding, Trish killed Jessica’s mother). Since this is the final season, I hope that they manage to solve things, but no matter what happens, their relationship’s development from this point onward is sure to be highly emotional. I can’t wait. 
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[ID: Jessica and Trish hugging.]
    At least there is hope...
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[ID: A GIF of a figure dropping from a high overpass at night. It’s Trish, in disguise, wearing a winter hat and with a scarf covering her mouth and nose. She lands on her feet and looks over her shoulder toward the viewer. It’s awesome.]
    Another exciting element to this situation is that after two full seasons, Trish has her powers and we are finally getting a Hellcat origin! While Jessica is every inch a reluctant hero and has mixed feelings about her abilities, Trish has spent her life searching for power-- both literal and metaphorical-- after spending so long under her mother’s abusive control. Trish would do anything to be a superhero, and I am thrilled that it’s finally happening-- both for her sake and for my own selfish, geeky reasons. The glimpses we’ve been given so far of her as proto-Hellcat look absolutely badass. 
    This will also, of course, prompt further exploration of Jessica and Trish’s opposing viewpoints on hero work, which has been a part of their dynamic since the beginning. It may also contribute to their bonding, since Sallinger will likely end up targeting them both.  
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[ID: Jeri is sitting at a large desk in a brightly-lit office. Malcolm is standing next to her, wearing a suit and tie. There is an abstract painting in shades of red and white on the wall behind them. They both look serious.] 
    I’m also very excited to see the further development of one of my favorite MCU characters: Jeryn (Jeri) Hogarth. Last season, Jeryn was diagnosed with ALS and her life quickly spiraled into a mess of fear, desperation, and a whole bunch of amoral behavior. In the end, she left her law firm and went solo, taking Malcolm and Foggy (the latter of whom is now, fortunately, back with Matt) with her. I adore the sheer messiness of Jeryn as a person, and the way her unabashed terribleness is mixed with clear signs of pain and remorse, and I am eager to see where she is taken this season. Since unfortunately,  Danny didn’t cure her ALS in Iron Fist Season 2 (*shakes fist* that would have been so good, god dammit...), it will continue to define her journey. This is a great article in which the future of her arc is discussed further-- which will include, it seems, the return of a past love interest.  
    The above article also discusses where Malcolm’s story is headed this season-- though the details are still sparing. It sounds like he will continue his struggle with addiction, along with negotiating his identity through his job with Jeryn’s firm. Malcolm’s journey so far has been heartbreaking, and I really hope that he gets some kind of resolution, for his own sake. He has always been the heart of the show, a brother figure for Jessica, and a hero in his own right, and I’m both excited and nervous to see how his development will be impacted by the events of the season. 
    There are still plenty of questions. Oscar and Vido have been conspicuously absent from the promotional material, so I wonder what’s happened to them. It’s possible (at least, my fingers are crossed) that Luke could have a cameo. And of course, given how heartbreaking it has been to see the other shows cancelled with little resolution, I hope that this season has an ending that feels like an ending-- though I’ll certainly understand if it doesn't. Either way, no matter what happens, I can’t wait to watch. One more day!
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hereticaloracles · 5 years
TNO Watch: Arrokoth
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Helios’ Astrological Angle on Arrokoth- What are your boundaries in this life, Heretics? What lines will you not cross? Which Rubicon will you do anything to overcome? These are the questions posed by the most recently named TransNeptunian Object, which happens to have the distinction of being the furthest observed body with a human spacecraft!! We have literally been there! It is so far out, in the cold and the dark, out past the boundaries of the known- and we went and had a look. That is amazing and a testament to the best of what we can be. Anyway, without further ado, here’s Arrokoth!
The Astronomy– 486958 Arrokoth is a trans-Neptunian object located in the Kuiper belt. It is a contact binary 36 km (22 mi) long, composed of two planetesimals 22 km (14 mi) and 15 km (9 mi) across, nicknamed “Ultima” and “Thule”, respectively, that are joined along their major axes. Ultima, which is flatter than Thule, appears to be an aggregate of 8 or so smaller units, each approximately 5 km (3 mi) across, that fused together before Ultima and Thule came into contact. Because there have been few to no disruptive impacts on Arrokoth since it formed, the details of its formation have been preserved. With the New Horizons space probe’s flyby at 05:33 on 1 January 2019 (UTC time), Arrokoth became the farthest and most primitive object in the Solar System visited by a spacecraft. At the time of the New Horizons flyby, the object was originally nicknamed Ultima Thule and was referred to as such in the media from the time. Arrokoth was discovered using the Hubble Space Telescope as part of a search for a Kuiper belt object for the New Horizons mission to target in its first extended mission; it was chosen over two other candidates to become the primary target of the mission. With an orbital period of 298 years and a low orbital inclination and eccentricity, Arrokoth is classified as a cold classical Kuiper belt object.
The Myth– Arrokoth was named for a word glossed as “sky”, from the Powhatan language of the Tidewater region of Virginia and Maryland. The pronunciation and meaning of the word, however, are not entirely certain, as the language became extinct in the late 18th century and little was recorded of it. The only record of the word was collected in 1610–1611 by English writer William Strachey, who had a decent ear but bad handwriting, and scholars since have had considerable difficulty reading his notes. The meanings of the words are also often uncertain, as Strachey and the Powhatan had no language in common. Siebert used comparison with other Algonquian languages to interpret Strachey’s handwriting and deciphers Strachey’s records as ⟨arrokoth⟩ ‘sky’ and ⟨arrahgwotuwss⟩ ‘clouds’. He reconstructs these as the word /aːrahkwat/ ‘cloud’, pl. /aːrahkwatas/ (cf. Ojibwa /aːnakkwat/ ‘cloud’), from the Proto-Algonquian *aːlaxkwatwi ‘it is a cloud, it is cloudy’. Given that the first vowel is long (/aː/), that syllable would have been stressed, for ARR-o-koth.
Arrokoth’s name was particularly chosen by the New Horizons team to represent the Powhatan people indigenous to the Tidewater region which included the state of Maryland, where Arrokoth’s discovery took place. The Hubble Space Telescope and Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory were both operated at Maryland and were prominently involved in Arrokoth’s discovery. In analogy, the Chesapeake Bay region of Maryland is significantly associated with the Powhatan people native to that particular region. With the permission of the elders of the Pamunkey Native American Tribe, the name Arrokoth was proposed to the International Astronomical Union (IAU) and was announced by the New Horizons team in a ceremony held at the NASA Headquarters in the District of Columbia on 12 November 2019. During the ceremony, New Horizons principal investigator Alan Stern justified their naming of Arrokoth, stating:
“ The name ‘Arrokoth’ reflects the inspiration of looking to the skies, and wondering about the stars and worlds beyond our own. That desire to learn is at the heart of the New Horizons mission, and we’re honored to join with the Powhatan community and people of Maryland in this celebration of discovery. ”
In acknowledgment to the Powhatan people’s significance to the Tidewater region of Virginia and Maryland, Lori Glaze, director of NASA’s Planetary Science Division, asserted that Arrokoth’s name “signifies the strength and endurance of the indigenous Algonquian people” and that their heritage “continues to be a guiding light for all who search for meaning and understanding of the origins of the universe and the celestial connection of humanity.” Prior to the ceremony, the name was accepted by the IAU’s Minor Planet Center on 8 November 2019 and the New Horizons team’s naming citation was published in a Minor Planet Circular on 12 November 2019.
Why It Matters– Okay I could not have a better representative of this new wave of Transneptunians. There is so much to unpack here, and I love all of it. Arrokoth is the boundary of what we have known, and it was given a nickname with severe Nazi connotations, and we’re not going to dive into the Nazi prevalence in NASA (thanks, Operation Paperclip!)- but its amazing that name was rejected for a traditional word to honor indigenous Native American cultures. With permission sought from Elders too! That is massively Uranus in Taurus, and I love seeing it.
There is however some good in the original name, that carries over to the new one. Pushing the boundaries of the known and seeking discovery for discovery’s sake is probably the greatest aspect of humanity. We are curious, seekers, and we want to KNOW. We seek understanding of our universe, and we are willing to put in the work to understand our place in it. Of course, that can be taken to extremes, as the Nazis (god, what is with me and Nazis today?) showed us with the experiments they carried out. This could be something to watch out for with Arrokoth, “the ends justifying the means”. For instance, the medical experiments that were carried out were barbaric, inhumane and nothing but evil- but they advanced medical knowledge and led to breakthroughs that later saved lives. I am in no way defending these actions and they hurt my very soul to know they were committed, but it is inarguable that we benefit now for it. In a world where we benefit so much from the suffering of others (who do you think makes your clothes and puts together your iPhone that needs rare earth minerals which are mined in the poorest parts of the world?) is Arrokoth asking us to look deeper at what we build our world on? Or is it highlighting our tendency to look up with our head in the clouds rather than see what is happening all around us?
Then we have to address the problems of the United States, which is built on the corpses of Native heroes. So many cultures just erased… and replaced with their conquerors. It is important to think of these things and address them as the United States goes into its Pluto Return under some horrifically dark and stormy skies while being led by a petulant tyrant who couldn’t truly lead if the perfect middle east peace solution was pissed out of Putin’s tiny shriveled dick on him. Our position in history has been attained by blood and suffering, and even if you have never committed an atrocity or killed anyone, you still directly benefit from what has gone before. There will be a reckoning, and its happening now. With the other Native Transneptunians, Sedna, Quaoar, Teharonhiawako and Sila-Nunam (Ice, Chaos, Creation, and Air respectively) in addition to Arrokoth, what will we see in the future? Uranus in Taurus will bring an awakening to the land, and as we see more awareness and power returned to its traditional stewards, anything is possible. Time will tell.
This is also one of those I would look to for a marker of astrologers, by the way. There is a certain long view that is needed, a love of the stars and planets and their stories. To truly tell them properly, there must be a love when you look into the darkness and see it made of diamonds. Mind you there is a fair amount of colonizing that happens in the astrological world, what with the army of white girls in floppy hats and secondhand tarot decks who just listened to Stevie Nicks for the first time calling themselves a Bruja on Twitter and claiming that they’re an expert in Vedic Astrology or descended from this ancient witch bloodline. This Transneptunian demands respect, so tell the stories with the reverence they’re due, and dont claim them as your own for clout. Stay in your lane, Becky.
To find out where it shows up in your chart, go to astro.com, put in your birth details and in the extended options, all the way at the bottom of the next page, there will be a menu of additional objects. Under that is a blank space where you can enter the number 486958, for Arrokoth. Once you have it entered, generate the chart! Where does Arrokoth affect your life? Let us know in the comments below!
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TNO Watch: Arrokoth was originally published on Heretical Oracles
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