#tango: this guy makes funny noises
tworedplants · 2 years
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More of them from the past couple weeks
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wszczebrzyszynie · 10 months
Okay so in this post, you said this of Scar & Grian: Highway robbers. Specialize almost exclusively in armed robberies, but take commissions every now and there
I don't know if thats just the aUtism tm but i read this as "they specialize in armed robberies but sometimes take commissions where the robbery is NOT armed as a lil challenge" little to add to that, this was a very funny image this conjured in my brain. Ok but seriously, what did you mean by that? What else are they doing with their time? Are the commissions specifically NOT robberies? Like infiltration sneaky spy stuff?
by commissions i mostly meant contract killing, to be honest. Its not something Grian really does, but Scar has his bounty hunter sniper experience and Grian doesnt mind helping him with a hitman buisness for some extra money
a bit more in depth info about both of them below. Bonus Grian headshot as i already posted the bounty hunter Scar drawings... he has normal goggles and noise-cancelling earmuffs
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Scars bounty hunting experience really is very handy to both of them; Grians main speciality (other than hobbyist illegal racing, i suppose) are robberies and all sorts of explosives-related buisness. His earthian upbringing made him a great thief, his first years in space made him great with explosives, but its Scar who really made him a great high-stakes highway robber. When Scar first joined him, Grian wasnt nowhere near Pearls bounty yet, being freshly out of earthian organized crime and trying to become someone in the new space world (a fun fact is, he was pretty popular in illegal racing circles. Its something he picked up really fast and likes to do). Scar on the other hand had years of experience fighting crime, but was pretty new and naive when it came to being a criminal himself; what doesnt help is that its a choice he made by himself and not a consequence of something bigger, like in Tangos case. He was just dissatisfied with centralized bounty hunting and the way everyone treated him, to a point where he decided to not only leave but also turn against them. While he isnt great at it first, he knows how hunting works and what to avoid, keeping himself and Grian safer. His knowledge is what saves Grian after his encounter with Martyn (Grian finds the tracking device Martyn put on his ship and destroys it; something Tango doesnt do when the same thing happens to him near the finale, which leads to everyone getting captured). Not to mention Scars extreme proficiency with riffles and bows is what makes these robberies truly possible in the first place; they are a great duo. Through Scar Grian also met Cub, who isnt a criminal himself, but doesnt mind helping Scar with whatever he needs, and is a tech guy to them in a way (before Cub, Grian only had Mumbo, who doesnt exactly... understand the criminal world. I really need to draw his ship at some point its so extra and fun. But this isnt about him)
At some point both of them went into specifically highway robberies. When i say highway i want you to imagine something like the astral gates from cowboy bebop; literal circular "gates" in space that allow to travel through space in a much shorter time. Grian and Scar usually attack their targets in strategic places between the guarded gates. Its worth mentioning that the reason theyre doing a fairly risky kind of robbery is that they need the money to pay back Doc; so much so that they actually try to rob a space train, which is the thing they needed Tangos help with
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minecraftbookshelf · 5 months
I love the Pearl and Tango collaborations on Hermitcraft.
My favorite lil guys that make funny noises
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zedif-y · 1 year
hi!! hope you're having a good day! :D
as a zedaph Expert, i wanted to ask for your opinion on how you would characterise him? i feel like i have a vague idea on what he's like but putting it into words is hard...
it's okay if you don't answer btw!!
Hello! took me a bit to get to this ask, my bad! honestly, I struggle with writing his character as well, but I've accumulated some random notes over time that I think might be helpful :]
Notes under the cut, because it's long NDNDND
-his jokes tend to be very witty. his humor isn't sarcastic, he just Says stuff and then moves on. Scar said once that zed's the kind of person where you'll just think huh, yeah, that Is pretty funny! so sometimes his jokes are the kind where it takes a second for you to process it. they're also pretty Out There DKDNDKD
-noises. so many Noises.
-he likes to make jokes at his expense (ex: not having friends, wetting himself, i'm an idiot, etc etc)
(SIDE SHIPPY/CHARACTER RELATIONSHIP NOTE: between him and tango, tango would be the more openly "sentimental" one, in the sense that zed is more likely to make jokes about them not Actually being friends (one example is "we've been friends for too long" + the tango bit in the blockumentary video) despite the fact that Yes, Obviously they are close. I MEAN TANGO HAD AN ANSWER FOR THE "HOW LONG HAVE WE BEEN FRIENDS" QUESTION)
(EXTRA EXTRA NOTE: he and tango have a very similar sense of humor. (kind of obvious but . still!) they also like to make fun of each other)
-zed's voice goes Down an octave after laughing too much + he gets teary-eyed from laughing pretty easily.
-not a character voice note, but! zed isnt a very confrontational fighter . he prefers using potions to weaken his opponent before attacking with his sword. that being said, if he knows he's screwed, he just straight up Runs.
-zed is able to remain more level-headed than tango when it comes to puzzles. where tango is very goal-focused and gets frustrated/confused when things don't work out the way he expects, zed tries to work through them step by step instead of trying to solve it in one go. (tango is better at logic puzzles and zed is better at more Visual ones, he needs a good mental image of things)
-he makes connections you really don't think of, most times. he also doesn't like doing things the Normal, Boring way, though if you watch at least one of his videos that becomes apparent Fast.
-despite his silliness, he's actually pretty damn smart!
-he's a pretty affectionate, touchy guy! (based off of when he met skizz for the first time irl<3)
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fanaticsnail · 6 months
Finally at home so I can give you the proper hiperfixation review of Sapsorrow ch. 8!!!
Governess giving Buggy a reprimand 😅 Poor guy was just trying to make things flashy. He's lucky he's cute and eager to help.
Yeahhh, we've been waiting all this time to read Mihawk say outloud that phrase!!! I was hoping it was by pointing Yoru's to someone's neck. Thanks Beck for the map, I know it was his idea, if it was for Shanks he would've send poor Mihawk to search blindly but we laugh last because guess who's gonna go searching for his own bride soon??? 😎
Ohhh, the assembly in the cave! I can just imagine how radiant it may look! No, Buggy, you can't have our Governess, better start running!!!
Mihawk on his knees, singing... 🫠🫠🫠
“The seas and sword were my first love,
The training alone be vast.
Although you were not my first to love,
May we both be each's last.”
Those last verses got me all 🥹, they are beautiful!!!
OMG!!! Zoro is having second thoughts. It didn't down on me that Zoro would have to kill Mihawk in battle someday to claim his tittle. I thought that just disarm him on an formal duel or something and he admitting defeat was enough. Tho, it may still take a whiiiiile. Rayleigh and Garp were still out there all chill and undefeated at their 70s/60s.
I agree with Mihawk, Buggy seems to want to be behead today 😂 but ohhh, that was so flashy!!! Even better than Hunger Games: Catching Fire because the Starlight Dress is more spectacular!!! I just can picture all the colors you describe!!! ✨🌈
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The dancing has started!!! Tango ensues!!! Time to shift music 💃
He had A feeling 🥰
“For whatever comes next, sounds like an awfully exciting adventure, my heart.” 🥹
My eyes are watering for lack of proper sleep and spring allergies, not because Zoro and Governess conversation 🥲
OMG, we get to dance with everybody, I love it here!!!
Oh, my dear Croc, indeed, what used would you have for a tamer of unruly individuals? It would be a shame that you find an unruly individual to tame to save your soul 😏
Aww, dancing with Buggy sounds delightfully funny, if this was a modern AU I know he would be out there giving John Travolta a run for his money 🕺🪩
I imagine Shanks knows how to dance almost everything. Meanwhile, Beck not knowing how to waltz it's so endearing!
Yeah, a fire by the beach sounds idilyc!!!
Oh, god, surprises still coming! Another tradition? Thanks, Shanks, who would have thought he was such a traditional guy???
"... make as much noise as we can while you perform your husbandly duties." I cracked so much when I first read it 🤣
In Germa they do what now?! 😳 Do not picture Sanji, do not... *picturing Sanji* 🫠
The Sun Dress is coming!!!
“You’ll have to wear a blindfold too.” asdfsadasf 🫠🫠🫠
I apologize for my lack of articulation here but my brain has turned into mush 🙃
EEEEEEEEE A chapter review by Vita??? My goodness! Not only do you spoil me with your beautiful art, but now reviews!! My goodness!
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Buggy was a whole pest this chapter. I hope he knows what he's in for when the spectre goes after him 😏.
If Beckman wasn't as competent and thoughtful as he was, Mihawk may yet still be searching for his bride.
The cave scene was on my mind for so, so long. That, and the dancing. I was so glad to finally pump those words out - especially the song. I pulled out all the stops for that little song - even composed it musically with my guitar and violin to see if it would sound as good out loud as it did in my head 🥴.
The way I didn't even think about the hunger games 🤦‍♀️. My goodness, what a comparison though! Where Katniss' was more a controlled flame, Buggy literally went to set her on fire 💀💀💀.
I am sorry for the tears! They needed to have a bit of a rapport together, Zoro and his governess, to support each other. Zoro was there for her in the start of their adventure, it was only fitting for her to be supportive of his.
The way that "The Sands of Time" is writing itself at this point. I'm just there with a glass of wine and watching it happen. Poor Crocodile. Will he need someone to tame his unruly princess, or will the governess aid her in taming him 😏.
Buggy as Travolta 💀💀💀. Someone needs to draw that 👀
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Poor Beckman spent all his time learning how to be the loyal knight of the Red-Hair Pirates, he never learnt how to dance. Poor gentleman. Shanks, on the other hand (HAH, HAND) knows how to dance - and dances well.
Oh, goodness. So many traditions. Poor Sanji, indeed. Poor Vinsmoke Sora 😭.
And the blindfold chapter is coming. Hands, fingertips, material, temperature changes, whispers, surprises - it's all coming soon!!
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yacinthemorning · 8 months
Chapter 3
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Summary: The Life Pilgrimage is the biggest music festival of the century, set to take place all across the continent. Small-time rock band, GIST, and the up-and-coming alternative band, Empire, are both lucky to be among the hundreds set to make appearances, but there's just one problem. Neither can afford the travel expenses on their own. For better or worse, they're stuck with each other for the next five weeks as they try to make their dreams come true.
And, perhaps, among the chaos and music, two unsuspecting souls find one another...
Ships: Jimmy/Tango (slow burn romantic), Joel/Lizzie (romantic), Jimmy & Scott (platonic)
Warnings: Alcohol, Mentioned Divorce, Burns, Singing, Anxiety
The trailer door had just closed when Jimmy turned on the shower. He sighed as the warm water hit his poor muscles, sore from being sat in the car with almost no room to move all day. Though he hadn’t wanted to complain, the seats were much too far forward. Dust from the open window had also collected in his hair, which he quickly went to scrub out.
Outside the bathroom there was noise, and then a shout. “Oi, Jimmy.” The door flung open. 
Jimmy squeaked, turning away from Scott, covering up as much as he could. “Scott, what the heck!” He snapped, but Scott only raised an incredulous eyebrow.
“Literally what haven’t I seen already?”
“That doesn’t mean you can just barge in!”
The man rolled his eyes, then held up a small, blue pouch. “You forgot your toiletries.” He said, flinging it to Jimmy. “Brush your teeth while you’re in there. And don’t forget to wash under your nails, they’re filthy. Also, don’t touch mine and Lizzie’s shampoo, it’s for dyed hair only.”
“I know.” Jimmy grumbled. Only a grunt came in reply, followed by the flimsy plastic door shuttering. Though the sounds outside had grown he didn’t hear Scott leave. Jimmy had just finished rinsing his hair when he spoke up again.
“So, how was the car ride with Tango?”
It was such an oddly polite question, it made Jimmy laugh. “You okay, mate?”
“Am I not allowed to ask?”
“Wh- no, that’s.” He sighed, grabbing the soap. “It was fine, he’s nice.”
“Mmm…” There was a click, and then the distinct scratching of tested strings. “Glad you got over it, then.”
Jimmy turned to the door indignantly in the place of Scott. “What?”
“I saw you before you guys left. You looked like you were expecting him to unhinge his jaw and bite your head off. I’m glad you got over it. It was pretty funny, though.”
He sputtered. Maybe it was true, but did he have to say it? What if someone heard him? Oh, god, what if Tango heard him? Jimmy would die and never be able to drive with the man again. “Well, I don’t know what you mean, he’s great, actually.” Jimmy turned off the water and spoke just a bit too loudly for his own ears. If anyone outside heard they didn’t react.
“Oh, I noticed that, too.”
He nearly stumbled out of the bathroom. Scott was laid out on the queen bed, Jimmy’s guitar across his lap while he absently picked at the strings. There was that smile on his face, the smug one that said I know what you’re thinking better than you do . It was directed at Jimmy far too often.
“A cute guy says something nice to you and you’re on his heels the rest of the day... Where’ve I heard that before?”
“I am not!” Jimmy whined, pulling his shirt on first to hide his reddening face. “It’s just nice to meet someone new.”
“And oh, how nicely you get along.” Scott practically sang, strumming Jimmy’s guitar.
“Stop it, it’s not like that. I just met the guy.”
“Wouldn’t be the first time.”
Jimmy’s shoulders tensed, “Yeah, and look how well that worked out for me then.” He snapped.
The trailer went quiet. Regret instantly weighed down Jimmy’s stomach, unable to turn to face Scott.
A small snap, then click, then, “… You know I don’t mind.” Scott’s voice was soft now, though Jimmy could not tell if it was from caution or pain. The trailer shifted, and Jimmy’s case was being pushed into his grasp. “It’s your business.”
“I’m sorry.” He blurted out, unable to muster any dignity for it.
Scott’s lip twitched. “I know.”
“… It really isn’t like that. It’s just…” Outside, Tango shouted, joined by Skizz’s laughter. He sighed. “It’s nice, talking to other people. Who don’t… Y’know?”
Scott shifted on his feet. “A breath of fresh air?” 
It was about as close as either could get to saying what they both knew he meant. Jimmy clutched his case tight to his chest. Scott gave his shoulder a pat, “Well, get your trousers on and join us outside.”
Tango miserably pushed the fire log around, sending a flurry of sparks up into the darkened sky.
“Y’gonna burn yourself there, mate.” Joel piped up from his folding chair. Lizzie was on his lap, leaning into his shoulder while nursing a cheap beer they’d both been sipping from.
“Nah, I’m pretty impervious to fire.”
“Those burns from that time you ‘fixed’ the engine say otherwise.” Skizz just had to intrude, getting the laugh he was searching for out of the young couple. Tango attempted to kick a rock at his friend’s foot, but just had a dust cloud coat his pants instead. Skizz laughed. “Aw, is Tangle Top cranky?”
“Shut up.” He grumbled, turning back to the fire.
“And where’d your little buddy go?”
“Inside with Scott.” As if on cue, Jimmy’s muffled shout came from within the trailer.
“Oh gosh,” Lizzie said, eyeing the trailer. “I hope it isn’t a fight. Maybe I should go check on them.”
Tango glance behind them. The curtains were pulled closed but there was the vague movement of a silhouette. Should he not have let Jimmy go in alone? “Do they do that often?”
Joel shrugged. “Not usually, but, y’know, maybe if they did then they wouldn’t be divorced.”
The poker slipped off a log, throwing Tango forward right into the path of the fire. He shrieked as his forearm slammed into the heated metal firepit and got a face full of ash. Someone yanked him back by the collar of his shirt. “Tango! Are you okay?” Skizz’s jerk of a question was caught between concern and hysterics. “I’ll go get the first aid kit. Jeez, Top, don’t fling yourself off a cliff or something before I get back.”
Tango glared up at him through tears. Instead of answering he wiped his face, but it only agitated the red mark on his arm.
“Are you okay?” Lizzie asked. Both her and Joel looked concerned. He waved them off.
“Yeah, just a little burn, no biggie.” It did little to convince them, but Tango had other concerns. “So, they’re married? Or, er, were married?”
Lizzie gave him a suspicious glare that was absolutely uncalled for. “… Yeah, broke up about a year ago now.”
“And they… just… stayed in a band together?” It seemed, to Tango, like the world’s worst idea imaginable. Though, he supposed he’d seen his fair share of amicable breakups, but something as personal and emotionally driven as a band being caught up in it… 
“It’s what they agreed to.” From the look the couple shared it had been the subject of more than a few conversations.
Well, it really wasn’t any of his business. So long as it didn’t cause problems on their shared trip, at least. They wouldn’t be here if they couldn’t put it aside for their art. Then again, he had yet to hear any of their music. Maybe they were one of those emo bands that were humiliatingly personal in their music and this sort of thing was just fuel to them. Or were they the exact opposite? Maybe he should have asked to borrow their discography like Skizz.
He was thinking about this too much. What did it matter to him, anyways?
The trailer door opened and only Scott hopped out. Immediately Pearl flagged him down from her spot at the table, their maps spread out in front of her. Tango smiled. Surrounded by half-drunk bandmates and she was still working, figures.
Jimmy finally left the trailer, hair still damp and case in hand. There was no way to tell it hadn’t also been in the shower. A small tension between Tango’s shoulders relaxed into amusement. For a brief moment their eyes locked. The look the guitarist gave him was unreadable, and Tango wondered for a moment if his earlier awkwardness had done more damage than he thought. Jimmy’s gaze soon shifted past him, though, and quirked into a smile. Tango had no time to wonder why before his eardrums were assaulted. 
He shrieked, drowned out by reverberation and laughter. Gem stood right behind him, blue Predator in hand, Fwhip beside her with an amp held up to eye-level. The little lady and her doppelganger laughed so hard they both nearly dropped their equipment.
“Hey, hey, hey! You’re gonna explodificate my ears!” Tango shouted, massaging the side of his head.
Gem giggled, “Sorry Tango, but it was too tempting.”
“If you’re gonna play, then turn it down a bit.” Pearl called out to them, though even she was holding back a laugh. “The other campers probably won’t appreciate so much noise this late.”
“Whatcha up to there, Glitter Girl?” Skizz finally returned, first aid bag and his water bottle in hand. Trailing just behind him was Impulse, carrying his own bottle. Before the conversation could get started, Impulse snatched up the first aid and quickly got to work on Tango’s arm. It was hardly necessary, given he could barely feel it already.
“Oh, I was just thinkin’ we should play a little bit to celebrate our first night.” She explained as she turned down the amp. “We won’t reach the first venue for a few days still, so why not?”
Tango yanked his arm away from Impulse, much to the man’s distaste, and started toward the trailer. “Now you’re talkin’!”
Impulse groaned, a sentiment mirrored by Joel. “No offence, but I really don’t want to have to move the drums anymore than they have to be. And I think we’d get kicked out.”
“Doesn’t mean me and Gem can’t have some fun!” He said while digging through the compartments for his bass. Instead he stumbled upon another, smaller, case. One he thought was familiar in the darkness but, as he pulled it out into the fire light, realized it was dyed a navy blue rather than the clean black of his own. 
He blinked down at the violin case in surprise, until Scott stood up. “Oh, I was wondering where it was put.”
“Yours should be on the other side, Tango.” Pearl pointed to the right. “Nothing else fit with the drums other than your two’s smaller instruments.”
“You play violin?” Tango passed the case over. It was placed on the table, popping open to reveal a classic looking little acoustic fiddle in near-pristine condition. Not that it seemed unloved, judging from the aging on its case’s leather and the fond smile Scott gave it.
Scott lifted the instrument to his chin as if second nature, raising his bow to test it. “Usually. We play whatever I think the composition needs.” He explained.
“By that he means him as Lizzie play whatever they need.” Joel quickly corrected. “Overachievers that they are. Me ‘n’ Jim are just there for when they can’t grow an extra set of limbs to hit the cymbals.”
“Oh, stop it. The drums are very important.” Lizzie lightly smacked her husband’s shoulder who gave a cheeky grin back.
Skizz appeared next to Tango, nudging him in the rib hard enough he nearly dropped his own violin. “That’s just like Tango! Always picking up whatever catches his eye in the moment. This jerk made me learn bass just so he could mess with a theremin for a summer!”
“Hey, I was right, it was really cool!” Tango defended, pulling away from his bandmate to place his case down. Next to Scott’s classic fiddle, his electric violin looked almost cheap. Was he some rich kid or just especially passionate? “That’s a real nice instrument y’got there, though. Your main?”
His smile stretched. “I like to add a touch of Scottish folk to our songs.”
Not an answer, but okay. Or maybe it was and he was just stupid. He still wasn’t quite sure how to interact with these new guys. Tango never was good with people, and he’s had almost the same friends for nearly two decades until they added Gem and Pearl to the family. The girls didn’t have that look in their eye that Scott did, though. Like he had Tango all figured out after just saying ‘ hi ’ to him. Joel and Lizzie seemed nice, but the pair were in their own little saccharine world. Maybe he shoulda picked up some self-help books these last couple months…
Jimmy watched sympathetically while Tango crumpled under Scott’s gaze. He’s just like that, you’ll get used to it , he wanted to assure Tango. It was quite funny, watching a man who dressed like a biker cringe away.
“How are you at that, anyways?” Scott asked, leaning forward until he was practically looming over Tango. That was how Jimmy knew he was doing it on purpose, though to what ends he didn’t know. Jimmy had learned a long time ago he wasn’t smart enough to keep up with the 5D chess going on in Scott’s brain at all times.
Tango wavered in his response. “Y’know, I’ve been playin’ a good four or five years.”
“He’s a fast learner.” Skizz praised. 
“That so?” Scott’s eyes shone with mischief, “How would you like to help me kick off this little impromptu party, then?”
The chance to play seemed to wipe away any nerves Tango had, replaced with a cheeky grin. “Oh, absolutely! What you have in mind?”
That was how they wound up split around the fire, Jimmy stuck behind Scott while Gem and Skizz had Tango’s back, Impulse off to the side with his drum stick ready to try and make an instrument of the side of the trailer rather than pull any part of his set out. Lizzie and Joel couldn’t be bothered to join them, clapping along as Scott found his rhythm and began. 
Most of them were already buzzed, laughing at Fwhip as he tried to narrate the song instead of any of the many vocalists among them. His beat was off entirely, almost a different song. “See, the devil went down to Georgia ‘cause he was lookin’ for a soul to steal-”
“Boo, you suck!” Gem shouted while Lizzie’s laugh turned into a piggish snort, drowning the poor manager out, until he nearly flung his beer can at Tango to start his part.
Immediately the man was swept up in his assigned half, jumping on top of the tree stump left for chopping wood and twisting his face into a comically evil sneer like he was playing a mad scientist in a Saturday morning cartoon. One of the blood red straps of his pants flung out in the movement like a devil’s tail, and for a second Jimmy could see his character too clearly. A menace tempting his quarry. “Now you play a pretty good fiddle, boy, but give the devil his due.” He sang, voice rough and copying a southern accent as he wagged his finger, then pushed his violin forward. “I bet a fiddle of gold against your soul, cause I think I’m better than you!” The entirety of GIST cheered on his little act.
Never one to be outdone in showmanship, Scott glided up onto his own feet, flinging his arm out to take up as much space as possible. As always his pitch was absolutely perfect. “I’ll take your bet, you’re gonna regret, ‘cause I’m the best there’s ever been.” Scott jerk forward into Tango’s personal space, the two now eye level, as he held just a bit longer than needed on ‘ best .’ 
Jimmy could see the slight surprise in Tango’s eyes, stumbling back half a step. It seemed to be what Scott was looking for, straightening up with his shoulders a bit more squared while he took over the fiddle for the chorus. When his smirk turned to Jimmy like a smug cat he jokingly rolled his eyes back before he turned his focus to harmonizing. If he didn’t concentrate when they played Lizzie and Scott could easily leave him in the dust.
The song played on. Tango seemed to struggle a bit at his part, face twisted in concentration, tongue stuck out, to keep up with an extended version of the devil’s odd solo, but clearly enjoying himself. His bandmates all joined in and part of Jimmy was amazed at how easily even Gem, the newest member by a wide margin, fell in sync. It was messy, imperfect, but it was a feature not a flaw. They all seemed to be having the time of their lives listening to one another play along. Tango especially gazed back over his shoulder with the biggest and softest smile Jimmy had yet to see on the man.
They’d always gotten along since Jimmy met them, but in that moment something just clicked. No ego, no embarrassment or fumbling when a note tripped up. Immediately someone else picked up the slack and guided them back in before it could be noticed, and they were more than happy to do so. They played like there wasn’t anyone else in the world but each other and the music between them. This is why they’re here.
It left a strange feeling in his chest, like something pulling him down to earth. 
Johnny’s solo soon arrived. Jimmy fumbled, but that hardly mattered. Scott immediately blew everyone else out of the water. Perfect fiddling, perfect voice, perfect dancing, perfect face. Every inch of his performance shone with practice and a deep passion Jimmy wished he could catch just a drop of. He could see it in the other band’s faces, that they saw it too. It was impossible not to, the sort of thing even a layman could see. Scott was like the brightest star in the sky had deigned to fall into their presence for just a brief moment, enraptured in his own little world everyone else could only try to chase after.
A sigh escaped Jimmy as the solo wound down, his limbs feeling heavy as he tried to push away old emotions that only momentarily tasted like they used to before the sour aftertaste flooded back.
The groups cheered and shouted and laughed, patting each other on the back and praising one another. Most of all they congratulated Scott, before Tango’s bandmates all laughed at some mistake one of them had made. A strange spark Jimmy had never felt before filled his stomach like pop rocks as Tango put Gem in a headlock and messed up her braids, while Skizz stole one of Impulse’s drumsticks to play on their heads until Tango let go. 
Scott’s performance was dazzling, his part the most technically impressive, and it was never a competition to begin with.
So why does it feel like we lost?
The next morning Tango wakes up to a hand smacking him in the face, boiling, and sore. He groggily tears his eyes open ignoring the sleep crusting them closed to stare directly into a collarbone just barely jutting out from a blue pyjama shirt with a wet stain near the top button. Jimmy had completely encompassed them, long gangly limbs wrapped around Tango while their thin blanket was half trapped under them and half tangled by their feet. His cheek was pressed into Tango’s hair, murmuring a soft snore.
If Tango was more awake, he would probably be embarrassed, but one brush of the freezing morning air against the back of his neck sent him huddling closer into his bunkmate.
A whispered giggle sounded somewhere near the foot of the bed. Then there was a flash. He grumbled, shifting just enough to glance down and see what mischief makers were bothering his beauty sleep. It was Pearl and Gem, of course, still in their own sleepwear, trying desperately to cover their mouths, while a disposable camera was held tight to Gem’s chest. Pots and pans distantly clacked together from the open window behind them. The girls laughed again. This time Jimmy began to shift with an upset moan.
“Good morning, cuddle-bugs.” Gem teased. Tango stuck his tongue out at her.
“Wha’you wan’?”
“Scott and Impulse’re makin’ eggs for breakfast.” Pearl said, throwing her thumb over her shoulder. “Thought you would like some.”
Jimmy suddenly shot up with an airy squeak. Wide eyes stared at the girls in shock before it turned to Tango, then back to the girls. All the while his face turned darker and darker. He quickly detangled himself from Tango and the blanket. “Where is- What time is it?”
“Just after seven.”
Tango groaned and grabbed Jimmy’s pillow – abandoned at the edge of the pull out next to Jimmy’s guitar – and plopped it over his face. “Too early!” He tried to say, though the pillow muffled it beyond comprehension. Some folding part of the metal frame under the foam mattress dug into his spine until he also sat up just for some relief. 
Jimmy was stumbling out of bed, whining after Gem who ran outside with the camera. “Please, Gem!”
“Nuh-uh! This is going in the first page of my scrapbook!”
Tango’s bones ached like a retiree just watching them flail around after the camera. Or maybe it was the damn bed, Tango had never felt something so uncomfortable in his life. Everyone else in the trailer was still curled up, save the two mentioned to be outside, though not necessarily asleep thanks to the camera combat. Another freezing morning breeze ran through him. God, he wanted his cuddle buddy back.
It seemed his prayer had been answered when Jimmy returned inside, walking stiffly up to the bed. Instead of returning to Tango, though, he only grabbed his guitar, sitting down on the edge to hug it close stubbornly while pouting. Part of Tango really wanted to ask, but that was probably too personal for someone he only met yesterday. Regardless, they were both unfortunately awake now, and so was everyone else, so Tango settled for grabbing his sweater from his bag and pulling the thin blanket over him. Jimmy didn’t seem to have been too happy with getting so snug with a stranger.
Only then, when he had accepted his loss, did he see Jimmy shudder. Tango blinked, narrowing his eyes. Yep, the poor guy was covered in goosebumps. With a defeated sigh, he removed the blanket from himself and pressed it to Jimmy’s shoulder. “You cold? Kinda lookin’ like a plucked chicken.” He tried to joke. Really? A plucked chicken? That’s the best you got? How many people have even seen a plucked chicken? Wait, was that why they’re called goosebumps-
Jimmy stared at him. Whatever was going on in that little head of his was out of reach no matter how much Tango stared back. He finally took the blanket from Tango, muttering a thanks, and wrapped it around himself and his case tightly. With a happy sigh, he sunk into the blanket, no sign of issue.
“You okay?” Tango couldn’t help but ask anyways. He was no good with new people. Never good at picking up on tells or body language he wasn’t used to. It was like being in a masquerade. In the dark. And he was blindfolded and high.
Jimmy nodded. “Yeah, I was just wondering if that’s why they’re called goosebumps.”
Tango sucked in a snort, almost choking on his own spit. “Yeah?” He squeaked.
“Yeah. Sorry, I’m not good with cold.”
“Oh, dude, same.” Tango whined, leaning back on his wrists. “It sucks. I just hibernate all winter.”
“I wish!” Jimmy bemoaned dramatically, to which Tango laughed.
“Just don’t let your fingers freeze, hard to play without them. Trust me, I know.”
Bafflement and concern decorated his face, fingers curling a bit further into the blanket. “What did you do?”
“Don’t worry they reattached them, they’re all good now.”
“Tango?” His voice high with shock, a laugh cutting it off.
Then Gem’s face reappeared in the doorway, “Eggs are done!” And once again she was gone.
Outside everyone had groggily surrounded Impulse and his portable stovetop. A pan bigger than the element sat atop it, absolutely filled to the brim with cheesy scrambled eggs. Scott was on the toaster, popping out nearly a whole loaf while slicing up oranges and tomatoes.
“You got the whole shebang going on out here, it’s like a five-star hotel!” Tango said, hands on his hips and eyes wide. 
Jimmy scooted past him to get a spot at the table. The thunk of his case alerted Scott to his presence, who raised an eyebrow, then suddenly abandoned the toaster. He came back and threw a blue sweater at Jimmy while snatching away the blanket. Jimmy paused for a long moment, but eventually wiggled the sweater on overtop his PJs. Unsure what just happened, Tango sat down beside Jimmy to wait for their plates.
“So, what’s the plan, planning lady?” He asked when Pearl passed by.
“Not much but drivin’ as long as we can.” She said, “If we’re lucky we might be able to get to the first venue by dinner tomorrow.”
Scott placed a loaded plate down in front of each of them, then coffee next to where he’d already set up the jam and peanut butter. “And someone else buys the snacks today.” He said as he turned off the burner while passing Impulse, who was facing away, pushing the last eggs onto his plate.
“Hey!” Skizz shouted, but no one came to his defence, a unanimous chorus of agreement.
Tango raised an eyebrow. “Are there none left from yesterday?”
“We grabbed a few at the station, but they were too expensive.” Joel said through a yawn. Beside him Lizzie was practically asleep again, face squished into her husband’s shoulder. A fact Jimmy seemed to notice as something sparked in his eye. He opened up his case, reaching into a small pick pouch and pulled out- was that a sticker?
It was. A grumpy little calico kitty cat playing with a lemon that said ‘ sourpuss ’ underneath, and it very carefully made its way onto the sleeping woman’s cheek. Joel was side eyeing the taller man but to Tango’s surprise said nothing. Not until after Jimmy had fully retreated and started digging into his meal did Joel nudge Lizzie awake. Tango raised his eyebrow to his bunkmate, who was trying not to snicker too loudly. 
They were fed, changed, and packed up by nine. The folks who hadn’t showered the night before did so before they lost water. This time the car keys were tossed to Pearl and Skizz, allowing Jimmy and Tango to sit in the trailer for the ride. Not as fun as Tango hoped, with having to keep their seat belts on and everything locked away, but definitely still better than being crunched in a full car. 
It was nice to be able to talk to Impulse and Gem. As lovely as Jimmy’s company was, if Tango had been stuck with no one but a complete stranger for a second day in a row he might have just driven straight home. That day, consequently, went by in a blur of laughter, card games, and cat naps. 
Only every once in a while did he dare look up to see Lizzie’s face still obliviously marked by the cheap sticker. There it stayed the whole day, even when it hit noon and Joel began to grumble, passing a five-dollar bill into Jimmy’s grabby hand. They had not intended to be subtle by any means, but Lizzie seemed far too enraptured in whatever embarrassing story about GIST Gem was willing to share. 
The blow up finally happened at a gas station. Tango was filling the tank so he never saw what went down inside the store. All he saw was Jimmy and Joel nearly break the door off its hinges and beeline for the trailer, locking and holding their door shut just as Lizzie came shouting after them with a stick of jerky as a weapon. He leaned back, whistling for her attention when she started yanking on the door knob. A thumb over his shoulder directed her to the unguarded back door that would be hidden by the kitchen sink inside. Moments later there was more screaming, and Jimmy nearly ate asphalt escaping thanks to the weight of the guitar on his back while Joel tried to calm down his wife. It only ended when Pearl stepped in.
Overall, Tango was starting to think this arrangement might actually work out.
“Do you like westerns?” Jimmy asked, leaned against the side of the trailer while they waited for the last bathroom runs. On the road, the trailer was emergencies only.
Tango tilted his head back, trying to recall, “I mean, can’t say I’ve watched a lot, but cowboys are pretty cool.”
His face lit up and he reached into his bag, pulling out a cardboard video box. “They had some VHSs inside, and I found Pale Rider in them.” He showed off the movie, box coated with dust from how long it must have been sitting in the middle-of-nowhere station. “Would you help convince everyone to watch it? They never let me pick movies.”
“You got my vote, little buddy, for whatever it’s worth.” He gave a thumbs up. There was a little tv up in the back corner of the trailer with a built-in player. Tango knew he was a techy, not everyone was so quick to buy a dvd player as him when you could hardly find dvds to play on it, but it still felt so old. The trailer itself was yellowing here and there, clearly a bit of an older model in all ways, but well-maintained. He hadn’t even thought about on-board entertainment, or he might have brought a couple. Then again, “Just a warning though, I also don’t usually get to pick movies.”
“Do you only pick horror movies?” Jimmy guessed. “Or action?”
Tango made a little wavering noise. “I mean I guess some of them are, but nah. Just tend to be fine with their picks and not vice versa.”
“Well, if you find something, I’ll vote for it, too.”
“We’re heading off!” Impulse called from the driver’s window as Scott climbed up into the seat next to him. 
Jimmy gave a salute, and Tango was about to do the same when the younger spun on his heels with a big grin and reached past Tango’s shoulder. His brain never caught up with what was happening until Jimmy was already backing away from the one arm hug and running back inside. “Thanks for the vote, partner!” 
It took another moment for him to climb back into the trailer, confused and oddly warm. Well, that certainly scrambled a piece of the Jimmy puzzle Tango was putting together. Maybe he was just a koala in disguise. That’s why he was always hugging that case.
It wasn’t until an hour later, while reaching for a bag of sunchips, that a tug against his skin caught his attention. Slapped upside-down right over top of the GIST tattoo on his forearm was a little ginger tabby in a cowboy hat with the words ‘ meowdy purrtner ’ beside him. It took all of Tango’s strength not to laugh or look at the bickering culprits. Maybe he could pretend he never saw it, just to get his partner another five.
A day and a half later they finally stepped foot into the first venue.
It was a pretty nice one, a big field not too far from town and surrounded by sparse forest. Not a well-known spot compared to some of the others. Jimmy recalled an interview with Griande where she spoke about the venues, though, saying it was a more personal choice. The site of her first big rock fest. They’d arrived just in time, the last set-up being done on the stages for opening tomorrow afternoon. Campers already dotted the designated areas, breaking out drinks and turning the air sour with all sorts of questionable substances.
“This is it.” Lizzie said, dropping a case beside Jimmy and making his heart skip in its racing. Both bands were busy sorting out their instruments behind them. Jimmy gave a stiff nod, willing his nerves enough to calm to at least help. Unfortunately, Lizzie knew him too well. “Why don’t you relax while we set up?”
He didn’t want to. As terrified as he was, he wanted to do something. They were just bags, he could carry those, right? 
But it was eighteen hours before things started and the crowds were already pooling in tandem with the weight in his gut. “Yeah.” He mumbled, pulling his guitar in close to his chest.
Lizzie smiled, her hand resting on his back. “It’ll be okay, Jimmy. We’ll do great. And if anyone tries to heckle us, I’ll just beat them up!”
“Sure.” He chuckled, trying to imagine his petite sister wading through the crowd to slap someone in the face. She would, or try to, at least, security be damned. Heckling wasn’t the problem, though. With Lizzie and Scott he knew they would be well-received, and Joel was more than competent. No, it’d always been what happens on stage that terrified him. The things people were too polite to say but were always thinking.
Lizzie gave him a small hug, then started toward the stage they’d be playing on. “Make sure to check your tuning before tomorrow.”
Jimmy took a deep breath and plopped himself down on the grass, leaning across his case with his cheek flat against it. He could feel his heartbeat slow a little, but it was still hard to breathe. Both bands buzzed around him, with the exception of Skizz. He was far off, exchanging cash to a group of hippy-types who already looked absolutely baked. Scott was off with Fwhip and Pearl having the big boy discussions, while the rest of GIST sorted the two band’s equipment from one another next to them. Joel’s silhouette could be seen in the trailer, running about, until he came out with a folding table. I should be helping him. But he didn’t move an inch. With how his hands were shaking he’d just drop something important.
 Muddy footsteps trampled up to him. He turned to rest his other cheek against his case and look up at Tango. He carried a long, green bag and a nervous smile. “You doin’ anything, partner?” He asked, as if it wasn’t obvious. Jimmy shook his head. “Wanna help me set up the tent? I dunno about you but two nights on that damn table is more than enough for me.”
Jimmy choked on a laugh. “Yeah, sure.” 
Tango beamed and shuffled the tent on his shoulder to offer Jimmy a hand up. Before he could think about it, Jimmy took it, letting the shorter heave him and his guitar up off the ground. He could feel the mud clinging to the back of his jeans but ignored it for now.
“Alright then, let’s see how bad we can do!” Tango cheered.
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Hermits as eurovision songs two (2), this time beyond the borders of Norway
i continue to be very behind but alas, eurovision, my beloved, it is her season
Keralis - Poland 2014
look me in the eyes and say keralis does not fit the infamous slutty Polish milkmaid song. mr my mama says I have a lovely face, with shake what your mama gave you, clap your hands to this music. keralis core. he's even got the braids
Iskall - Sweden 1984
This song is about wearing your nice gold boots. And what I love about iskall is he loves to sing silly little songs about things. diggiloo diggiley he's got good boots and this song won Eurovision :))
Bdubs - Iceland 2006
This troll song is iconic. Silvia Night is not real. She's an Icelandic comedian who went to Eurovision to see how many people she would wind up. This character is an icon. I love her. Bdubs could and would go to Eurovision as God's specialist little guy
Tango - Moldova 2011
this song is about playing your funky music, wearing your silly hat, riding your unicycle and having a good time. the music has the dark intensity of the decked out dungeon but the tone is as bright and funny as the dungeon master flying headfirst into a wall and making tango noises
Scar - Estonia 2011
Oh yea, that's right. This song is a Eurovision song. Always celebrate a good time. She's doing magic tricks on stage as she sings. It's so impressive and it's so fun. That city is hers to control. Scar is just so good at what he does, and he's such a showman.
Rendog - Latvia 2022
It's been said before, I'll say it again. This song is definitely about being eco friendly :)) eat your veggies, save the planet (been green is sexy as...)
Mumbo - France 2014
This came last, but I love it. It's a silly little song about having a moustache. He's a silly little guy with a moustache. They both make me happy.
Doc - Germany 2021
Sorry I'm losing my mind imaging doc with this. It's just so funny to me. I love this song (it got no televote points). People hated it so much. Get on the stage, easily angered German creeper, dance for me
Zedaph - Latvia 2014
the chilliest song about doing the most unhinged things. they've found Atlantis and reversed gravity, but now they have to bake a cake. how do you do that, again? for today's zedvancement we'll figure it out (tango irl could surely help)
Joe and Cleo - Romania 2017
Joe's on the yodelling, Cleo's on the rap (begrudging). It's got death note opening pillars. It's got meme vibes. This thing is iconic and I love it. Yodel rap is its own special genre of Eurovision and nobody else can dream of understanding it. Very beautiful. Very powerful. Joe and Cleo
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greenix · 1 year
my earlier ask was NOT detailed enough i am gonna be honest
im simply obsessed with the concept that tango is impulse's haunted house.. like what a banger concept.. like i was sat there reading and i was just like hooooooolyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy <- that's what i was like as i read it. simply love it. love all your jits to be honest i enjoy the banter and affection and how you write them.. i love the poly vibes.. i love the supernaturalness.. such a huge fan..
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THANK YOU!!! that is so wonderful to hear I deeply appreciate you sending in an ask! :D I have a lot of feelings about haunted houses as a metaphor so I absolutely had to get that out there. auuuuugh <- the worms in my brain
directors notes! hm. I originally had a lot more hints at what Jokes is, but decided they distracted too much from the Tango plot so I removed a good number of them? I also wanted to lean more into Zed being the "radio guy" and their tech dude who makes all their equipment but I didn't really have the space there ^^ maybe in a future fic!
another thing that my beta and I fiddled around with but never actually mentioned was the temperature logistics if theoretically tango and impulse BOTH haunted a house. with the freezing temps from impulse and the hot temps from Tango. I figured impulse would have a wider effect radius so there'd be the typically cold ghost house and then a ring of FREEZING and then the actual ghost room would be a completely normal temp because the cold and hot would cancel out. not funny enough to make the fic, but definitely logistics that I did think about 😅
the odd mention of the potato in the kitchen at one point by the way IS an actual phasmo thing. it felt out of place when I mentioned it but I really wanted to reference the Tanglewood potato.... it has a face carved into it based on phasmo streamer Psycho and makes his twitch update noise when it's dropped. anyways.
thank you for letting me ramble! if you or anyone else has any more questions I absolutely love to infodump about these guys :D!!! I'm trying really hard not to spoil anything for the jokes reveals I need to work into the next fic but if asked enough specific questions I might crack. in case you were curious
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pixiemage · 1 year
[For the WIP Ask Game]
Defenestration for you >:(
I was surprised that I couldn't find many uses of "chirp" or something similar in the current TNaWY chapter, and the ones I do have you've already seen :3 BUT I found this somewhere else!
(The cafe, too, was a din of crowded chaos, but at least [Tango] had managed to find a free table in the corner, half-sequestered away from the worst of the noise. It might have still been busy, but at least he could eat his nether-spiced tacos in relative peace.) Relative, it seemed, was the keyword here. Tango had only been sitting with his lunch for all of a few minutes when someone stumbled their way into his little corner and sent his table rattling. It was luck - or maybe just quick reflexes - that saved Tango’s tacos from destruction, though the same couldn’t be said for the poor sod who’d almost wrecked them in the first place. Tango almost couldn’t make out what they looked like at first, not with the flurry of yellow feathers and pink-clad limbs and panicked chirps that sent them sprawling to the ground. But then wings were tucked back out of the way and a hand was swept back through short blond hair, and wide, startled brown eyes found Tango in the awkward semi-silence that followed. “Er - hi! Hello. Sorry. Gosh. I’m–” The guy made an attempt to get up, slipped, and shot out a wing for balance, and it was then that Tango - now fighting an amused smile - finally took pity on the poor player and reached out a hand to help him to his feet.
Hey look! It's that MCC Meet Cute Chaos that I started writing two weeks ago and forgot about! :D I found it in an open tab just now and went "WAIT YEAH! THAT ONE!" sooo...have some funny and adorable Tango-and-Jimmy first meetings during MCC! (If you can't tell, Jimmy's on the Pink Parrots team this time ;3)
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the-firebird69 · 2 years
Richard L. Duran - IMDb
It's a strange looking crew but one of them kind of gives it away and it's kind of horrified and not so sure that toss the pilots out and toss the criminal out and it looks like mac and it looks like Tommy f is one of the criminals it looks like mac is the pilot one of the guards and the max are pilots that's really what it is you're kind of disguise and one of the prisoners is a Mac nope. That's what he gets out and we end up in Vegas but a bunch of die and forever. And this is not the death of mass that they're going to pay for it so when the Mexico and they shot him in front of foreigners and they're going to die anyways, I meant that is I sort of get something I haven't put the order on them yet I've been trying to hit him sort of and he's trying to hit them because they're actually harassing to death I'm trying to harm him won't let him out of anything and it says that I get it and now I get it I already put a hit on them and they're going to hit me there in front of four is that like well that's really stupid and there's no reason for it and it will go 100% backwards so I kind of get what he's saying and he wanted me to see who it is to remember it and he's a jackass he did not bring me down nor did billy z. I remember what you said too you said you have to get rid of him forever or you just keeps on coming and this idiots dude cuz they're stupid you don't listen to discipline it's becoming a parent and it's true we're slaughtering them I said on orders and he's going to come back and shoot me on the streets of Mexico City today is supposedly in front of Mexicans now he's a horrible person but really that man is stupid I actually got rid of a long time ago when he was Joe Watts making hissing remarks about everybody he's a fool he was saying about a friend here in front of him what's that Joel I don't want a friend's mouth in the most profane things I've ever heard it's just holding in hatred in anger and stuff is poor cuz he's f*** so what's that your time is up you're ready to go and say Joel why don't you get out of here so Joel would leave. So the a****** said he's taking over stuff to get back at him he was a little and now his lost everything to a boy a child because he's a screaming little p**** and I'm going to get him everything on Earth is going to be owned by him and what are we going to do spend her money there boycott stuff doesn't work and it's this a******'s fault and Joe Watts knows it cuz he's supposedly has a plan and has the ships and he doesn't cuz he's an a****** and most of it came because of Tommy f who might have the stuff so going after him cuz Tommy f is the idiot who handed it over on purpose and Joel watches the a****** followed through with what time he wanted on purpose they're too very stupid people
Mac daddy says.
Now our son said some funny things and he's doing the top gun to blonde guy mostly guy who's leading back shirtless and saying what am I supposed to do with all this stuff man and he thinks he's falling over and you can hear that funny noise that they did as a sound effect in movies and TV shows when someone falls and Mac Daddy's start laughing his complete head off it's funny when he does it's kind of like this I got all this stuff and I don't know what to do with it and it's kind of cheesy so it's kind of humorous and for some reason nobody knows that at all we keep telling them revealing another wall okay and we are today by the way I'm going to take the North Dallas 40 over all the way up to the South Dallas 50 and that's what we were doing
Thor Freya
0 notes
Last Life session 2 out of context
transcript under the cut:
Impulse: Usually in the beginning of these sessions, not a lot is happening, so I don't think I'm really gonna miss out on much. *montage of death messages in chat during the time Impulse is caving underground* Impulse: Oh.
Mumbo, about Grian, Martyn, and Impulse: *laughs* I'm trying to record my intro and these guys are just stood over there staring at me. It's making it so difficult to do!
Lizzie: Never trust a man, that's what I always say. Or at least that's what I say from now on, now that my marriage has been ruined by a man.
Impulse: We've made it back to the surface and I have no idea where I am.
Etho, placing blocks around Cleo: Wait a second- There we go. Cleo: *laughs* Etho: You got a little bit of- Bdubs: Perfect, perfect!
... Jimmy: We don't- No, save [the piglin brute]. Martyn: Oh, he fell by himself. Jimmy: Did he just jump off? Martyn: What an idiot. Jimmy: Aww, bless him.
*Skizz and Tango jump on their bed, making funny sound effects and laughing*
Mumbo: Look, while the sun's setting. It's quite cinematic really, to be honest with you guys. Jimmy: Yeah, it's a moment. *pause* Mumbo: D'you wanna kiss?
Scar: *gasps* Oh no! What in the world?! *laughs* I just did a wheelie in my wheelchair!
Mumbo: I- I'm currently... on fire on my screen.
Ren: I have an anvil. *long, awkward pause* Lizzie: Ahh. Ren: It's a good thing to have.
Mumbo, sadly, zooming in on Martyn's face: Aha.
Scott: There's Joel. Who scares me.
Grian: *breaks a block* Hello. Ren, whispering: Hi.
Lizzie: C'mere, Brucie Birch.
Martyn: *hops down from the roof of Ren's tower* Ren, to Etho: Bye!
Bdubs: *screaming as he and Etho are attacked by wither skeletons*
Scott: Hi, Grian.
Lizzie: Didn't actually need a bunch of spruce. *enderman noise* Lizzie: *screams*
Scott: Hi. *sound of Grian, Mumbo, and Impulse screaming as they run away from him*
Tango, in a "macho" voice: You want tickets to the gun show? One-two, there you go. Skizz: *laughs*
Grian: Yeah? Watch this. *digs a pokey hole in the side of the tunnel* Mumbo: Oh yeah? Watch this. *digs a pokey hole next to Grian's* Grian: Yeah? Well- Mumbo: Ah, wait- Grian: Watch THIS!
Scott: You don't have thirty-four [netherwart]? Bdubs: Impossible. Scott: It would be impossible to have thirty-four exactly? *pause* Bdubs: Yes.
Martyn: So hold on, let me get this straight: it was a communal item that you've- Joel: Stolen, yes. Martyn: -nicked out the middle and you're now charging for it. Joel: Yes, that is correct. We are magicians.
BigB: *jumps off Lizzie's roof and lands in front of her* Lizzie: Ah! BigB: I come bearing gifts.
Scott: We all went to the nether and the overworld became hell.
Skizzleman, in chat: Banana Martyn: Wait, what is- What does banana mean? What's that mean? Ren: I don't know. Martyn: Is that a key word? Etho: Uh oh. It's for me but I don't remember what it means.
Skizz, taking damage: AH! I just got stung by a berry bush.
Grian: *digging straight down while Mumbo laughs at him* Grian: THIS IS THE WORST!
Scott: Scar? *pause* Impulse: We gotta get a lead for him. Scott: Yeah.
Mumbo: I'm watching you. Jimmy (surprised tone): Mumbo? Martyn (even more surprised tone): MUMBO?
Skizz: Tango, you didn't listen. We can also date [Cleo] along with the other fifty people she's dating.
Martyn: When did- Wait hold on, when did you grow a beard? Jimmy: Wait, what? Joel: I, uh... I fell down a hole.
Grian: I thought you were the boogeyman at the start of the game so I kinda ditched you. Impulse: Is that what happened?!
Martyn: I screamed loud enough, didn't I? Mumbo: But you're screaming a lot.
Rendog: I can defend. I have... axe. And... skills.
Etho: We gotta go visit the nether, then. Bdubs: Yes, you do.
Mumbo: I think we might have to call this- Grian: I will give up when I die or find diamonds!
Tango: Alright dude, good luck. Don't die in the face. Skizz: Thanks, buddy!
Lizzie: Cleo was meant to handle the vertical shaft but you seem capable of handling a vertical shaft as well. BigB: I hope so.
*lava slowly falling down on Scar* Impulse: Oh, Scar- Scott: Scar, I would move. Scar, MOVE. Scar: *screaming as he runs around the house, on fire*
*long sizzling noise* Mumbo: whAAAt?!
Grian: And that failed, cuz we killed him. And then in that- Mumbo: Uhp. UHP! Grian: -in that chaos- Uh, Mumbo killed him. Martyn: Sorry, Mumbo killed him. Grian: We did- We did- We were all there. We all did help. Most of us ran away but we did try.
Skizz: Well this is nice. Grian (demonic voice): SKIZZLEMAN! Skizz, audibly spooked: Really nice!
Mumbo: We'll- We'll tell [Ren] next time maybe. *pause* Martyn: What a loser. *both laugh*
Bdubs: I would've sliced you up if you didn't have diamonds. Skizz: Uh... Well, that- You're ruining it.
Impulse, holding an enchanted golden apple: Uh huh, uh huh. Grian, looking at it with a spyglass: Let's look at the SHEEN on that. Mumbo, doing the same: That's a 24-carat apple. Impulse: Very shiny, very shiny.
Martyn: Mind your step! Jimmy: *spins round in alarm* Martyn: *laughs*
Skizz, yelling across the grass to Ren: NO! Etho and Bdubs: Ohhhhh!
Martyn: If you really do edit out the one from earlier on, we can say that's an aha-xolotl. THERE you go.
Joel: I found the tunnel very easily. Lizzie: Wh- How?! Joel: It's not very well hidden.
*Bdubs and Etho glance at each other at the same time* Skizz, laughing: The way you two just look at each other, dude!
Impulse: *is mining* Grian: *taps him from behind* Impulse: *gasps and spins around*
Scott: Yeah, gatekeep, girlboss, and gaslight, Cleo. That's the three 'g's of this series.
*Joel and Scar talking in the background* Grian: This is hard to watch. Martyn: I hate when Mum and Dad argue. This is really awkward.
*various Skizzleman noises as he tries to avoid a creeper but ends up falling out of a tree thanks to its explosion*
Joel, to Lizzie: That's a secret. Please don't tell anyone. Only everybody knows and now you know as well.
Jimmy: *stares at Martyn hiding down the stairs to the mine* Martyn: *spyglassing Jimmy* AHA!
*in a base with an unfinished floor, with a river and open grass under them* Skizz: We are home, and I feel like there's absolutely no weaknesses in this place. Nobody can get in here. Tango: No, none whatsoever.
Etho: That was sooooo stressful. Bdubs, currently on fire: That was very stressful.
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Etho hurt/comfort fic pretty please? 👉👈👀💚
some etho hurt/comfort coming right up!
featuring: etho has made smarter decisions than this, set in s7 during the end of season stat poker, sometimes your friends just have to tell you you're an idiot
warnings: injury caused by falling, broken rib, pushing self too far/ignoring injuries, some light drinking
It's a stupid misstep.
Etho's foot lands on empty air and the next thing he knows, he's falling. His hands struggle for his water bucket, the one he knows should be just there, but isn't. There's not enough time to twist, or to soften his landing. He barely gets his arms up to protect his head before he's slamming into the ground. The air is forced out of him with a crack that reverberates through his very bones. His next breath comes out as a low hiss, a few ticks passing as his brain tries to catch up with what just happened.
That's when the pain kicks in.
If Etho weren't already lying facedown in the dirt, he would be now.
Air feels forced into his body, stabbing through his chest and back. It's all he can do to groan, and that hurts too. His face pressed into his arms, fingers unconsciously pulling at his hair. His grip tightens with another gasp for air, struggling to take a full breath. He must've dealt with worse than this in the past, he's an experienced player! Being on Hermitcraft with all of its luxuries is making him soft.
Speaking of Hermitcraft.
He wants to groan when he realises he's supposed to meet the others for Stat Poker soon. Thankfully, he convinces himself not to, because as he's learnt: groaning hurts. Not that there's much that doesn't hurt right now. He should back out of the meet up. He doesn't even want to try standing right now, for crying out loud. But it was Tango, and Etho knows the guy needs the break. He can't just bail on him now. With a deep breath, Etho manages to haul onto his side. Every breath comes out as a quick and shallow puff, sending shooting pains through him. Trying to breathe in any deeper than a gasp gives him the urge to curl into a small ball and become one with the dirt.
But, he can't let Tango down. It'll be a good time hanging out together. He just needs to grab a health potion, and maybe tomorrow he can take it easy. Easy enough, anyway.
With a hissed breath, he finally gets his hands flat on the ground and pushes up. His nails dig into the dirt and he already knows it'll be a nightmare to clean out later. When he forces his eyes open, he finds he's managed to sit upright. Great. That's progress. He tries to sigh, but the breath cuts off into a hiss of pain he bites his tongue to bury. Alright, no groaning or sighing then. He can work with that.
Finding a stair block in his inventory, he throws it down to use as a support. His chest feels like it's trying to suffocate him, but he's able to push to his feet. He leans on the block to catch his breath. Health potion, then stat poker.
Pain flares through his chest as he stands upright, his eyes squeezing shut. He thinks he'll walk to the shopping district.
"Etho, sweet face!" Keralis's call greets him as Etho pushes the gate open. Etho smiles, trying to catch his breath from the walk over. It's hard when anything deeper than a shallow breath feels a bit like knives prickling into his lungs. The potion hasn't helped as much as he wanted it to, but he can make it through this. It's just hanging out with friends, what could go wrong?
"Hey, K." He nods his head in greeting. Tango and Bdubs turn at the sound of his voice. Tango is the first to bounce away from the bar, holding a glass out for him.
"Glad you could make it, dude! Take a seat, get comfortable. We're just getting snacks." Etho looks into the glass, swirling the deep red liquid. "It's just berry juice," Tango is quick to tell him. "Made specially for you. The rest of us, however-" He clinks his glass against Keralis's on the way back to the bar, throwing a wink Etho's way. Etho rolls his eyes, not wanting to risk the affectionate laugh in his throat. It looks like Bdubs and Keralis have already claimed the seats closest to the button. He lowers himself into a chair across the table carefully, not wanting to make a sudden drop. Once he's down safely, with only a minimal jolt of pain, he relaxes. He sinks back against the chair, tugging his mask down to take a sip of juice. It's fresh, fruity on his tongue. He smiles, forcing the pain out of his mind.
Bdubs strides over, a bowl held in his palm as he bows.
"Your snacks, wonderful patrons." Keralis near dives onto his seat so he can pick some of the honey-glazed nuts from the top. It's a close thing, but somehow Bdubs keeps the bowl steady.
"Keralis! Those are for all of us!" Tango calls, sitting beside Etho with a refilled glass and another bowl.
"I've only taken some!" Keralis protests. "Besides, I've gotta have lots now before Bubbles eats them all!"
"Will not!" Bdubs cries, hands on his hips. Etho snorts, regretting it immediately. At least his mask hides most of his grimace. They're too busy squabbling over the bowl to notice.
"Now, now, children. Let's save the fights for the actual game." Tango smirks as he unpockets his diamonds, holding them in the air. Etho can't help but smile at the dramatics, the way the evening sun glints through the blue. "Are we all ready?"
"Oh no, we're just sitting around this table for no reason," Bdubs says, before throwing his hands up. "Yes, of course we're ready!"
"Might wanna keep that anger in check 'til after you've lost all your diamonds, Bdubs." The words are difficult to get out, but Etho works his way through them. Keeping his voice around its usual talking volume doesn't hurt too bad.
"Oh, I hope you get none of them." Bdubs leans across the table, dark eyes meeting Etho's. Etho smirks.
"So you admit you'll lose them, then?" He teases. Bdubs huffs, sitting back with crossed arms.
"This is unfair. You're ganging up on me already."
Keralis laughs, "Well, you can press the button first. Does that make it fair?"
"Oh, more than fair! I like pressing buttons."
"You sure do," Tango mutters, disguising it with a sip of wine. Etho puffs out a breath, more punched than he intended. Ugh, why do they have to be so damn funny? This is making his job ten times harder. "Etho?" Tango calls, "You okay? Don't often see you making that face."
Etho tries an encouraging smile, crinkling his eyes above the mask, "Yeah, I'm fine. Just had a bit of a slip earlier." It's technically not a lie.
"You sure you're going to be okay?" Bdubs asks.
"Yeah, sure. A hang out with friends has never hurt anyone, right?"
"On this server..." Keralis points out, looking between Bdubs and Tango.
"Hey, we're plenty safe!" Tango argues.
"No, no, I think Keralis has a point with this one," Etho shoots back. Bdubs huffs, slapping the first card face down on the table.
"Gentlemen!" He calls their attention. "Let's begin."
So far, Etho's lost a lot of diamonds. Adding in the light system was a stroke of genius that is ruining him. He leans on the table, watching Bdubs finish his second glass. Meanwhile, Etho's barely finished his first glass of juice. Tango holds the next card between his fingers before flipping it dramatically.
"Distance climbed," Etho reads, Tango repeating it soon after. As the discussion breaks out about what exactly that entails, Etho tries to consider his options. He knows his statistics aren't the highest on the server. He splits his time between worlds and that's to his detriment here. Though if he could use his stats from his single-player world... Oh, that would be great.
"Etho, you in?" Bdubs asks, focusing his attention back on the match. Etho looks at the pot. Ten diamonds. That's not too bad.
"I know I'm going to lose this one, but I am nicknamed 'Ladders', so I feel like I have to do it just to see..." His voice trails off as the breathlessness sets in, lungs aching with the strain of his small breaths. He might have to call it soon if this gets much worse, but he can keep going.
"Etho," Bdubs says, leaning across the table. "Out of all these years who has ever called you 'ladders'?"
Tango laughs, and Etho's about to reply when Tango hits his back. Etho doesn't hear Tango's words, too occupied by the feeling of every nerve in his chest setting aflame. He falls forward, with chesty coughs that only hurt more but he can't seem to stop. This is going to kill him. Every gasp feels like a desperate attempt to get oxygen, shivering in agony.
When he manages to blink his eyes open, he can make out blurry shapes moving around him. Something cool slides down his face, hitting his mask until it's pulled down. He makes a weak noise of protest. He doesn't think it's any different from his noises of pain. A hand cards through his hair, something pressed to his lips. He can taste the zing of a health potion and drinks as eagerly as he can.
With the help of the potion, he forces himself to take small breaths. It still hurts. It still hurts a lot. But at least now he can focus on the mortifying situation he's put himself in instead.
"Etho?" Bdubs' voice rings clear now. Etho holds up a shaky hand.
"Gimme- give a minute." He leans on the edge of the table, focusing on taking small breaths. He's not sure how long he's in that position for, until the pain subsides enough for him to dare move again.
"Etho? How are you feeling, sweetface?" Etho looks up to give Keralis a smile, realising his eyes are still filled with tears. He goes to dry his eyes, and Bdubs is quick to press a tissue into his hand.
"Thanks," he mutters. He can see Keralis properly now. Nice. "I'm- yeah. I'm okay now. Didn't think that would happen."
"Yeah," Etho doesn't need to turn to see Tango's disapproving look. "What was that, dude? You nearly keeled over in front of us!" Ugh, he nearly did, didn't he?
"Fell earlier," he murmurs, sticking to half-truths. "Must've landed harder than I thought."
"What hurts?" Bdubs asks. He's standing on his toes, ready to jump back into action. It gives Etho a little smile.
"My chest, mostly. Breathing's pretty hard."
Bdubs hums thoughtfully, "Think you can get back to your own base?" Etho blinks, looking at the half-finished game around them.
"But- the- We're not finished!"
"You're hurt, sweetface! We're not going to continue without you."
"Yeah, it's no fun playing if somebody is gonna cough their guts out." Tango moves his hand towards him before hesitating and thinking better of it. Etho is both thankful and longing for the touch.
"I made it over here," Etho concedes, "I should be fine to get back."
"Good!" Bdubs claps his hands. "Because I don't want to call Doc or Xisuma." Etho cringes at the thought.
"Oh, don't do that to me. I'd never live it down."
"X wouldn't let you leave your base," Tango replies, snickering.
"That's my nickname!"
"Have you seen Doc when he goes all mother hen?" Etho protests, quickly remembering to lower his voice. "And then he just bullies you afterwards!" Bdubs snorts
"I'm not calling him! You're fine, princess."
Bdubs pats Keralis's back, "We can both call Etho a princess, it's okay."
The trio insist on walking him home. He doesn't engage much in the conversation, too occupied with breathing and walking at the same time. At one point he ends up leaning on Keralis, because Bdubs is too short, and Tango too skinny. He smirks during the subsequent argument that plays out, closing his eyes and letting Keralis guide his movements. Before he knows it, they're approaching his base. Keralis doesn't let go of him until they've found his bedroom.
"There you go. One comfortable bed," Tango says, patting the covers. Keralis helps Etho sit down, Etho gritting his teeth whilst he gets situated.
"And no leaving it, sir!" Keralis says, back to his dramatic movements now Etho isn't attached to his side. "Bedrest for you."
"Ugh," Etho leans his head against the wall behind him. "That's no fun."
"I think you've had enough fun for today!" Tango decides. "I'm going to grab some potions, make sure you don't need to go anywhere." Etho nods, too tired to thank him. Keralis pets through Etho's hair, Bdubs lightly patting Etho's thigh.
"There you go, you big baby," Bdubs teases, his voice soft with affection. "Get some sleep. It'll be good for you." Etho forces an eye open.
"Isn't sleeping your job?" He whispers. Bdubs scoffs, shaking out Etho's pillows. Keralis, however, laughs loudly. His fingers move to scratching Etho's scalp. That is definitely pulling him to sleep. He has to fight back a yawn.
"Come on, down, down," Keralis encourages. With a bit of help, they settle him against the pillows. His jacket is eased off, head sinking into softness.
"He looks cosy," Tango comments as he returns. Etho hears glass clink as potion bottles are set down near his head.
"Shush, we're trying to make him go to sleep," Bdubs whispers. Etho smiles.
"I'm not sleepin' yet," he mumbles.
"You should be." Is Bdubs' reply. Etho shakes his head, pleased when Keralis's hand returns to petting it.
"We'll be here when you wake up," Keralis tells him.
"Yeah," Tango agrees. "We've just moved our hang out to your base now." Etho opens his eyes, watching as Tango pulls chairs over. Keralis is sitting on his bedside table, and smiles at him when he notices Etho looking.
"You heal up good now, okay? We want a nice and healthy Etho." Etho nods, closing his eyes again.
"Yeah, I'll give it a shot." He gets another scritch as a reward. It's not long until there's laughter as the three strike up a conversation about something inane. His chest still feels like he was kicked by a horse, but at least he's in good company.
Maybe getting injured was worth it, after all.
... Nah.
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redwinterroses · 3 years
I hear you're a hermitcraft fan, and sorry if this is a dumb question but I've been considering watching them and don't know where to start because it seems like there's a lot going on. any suggestions? thank you ^^
Oh my friend!! Absolutely not a dumb question! Thanks for popping by. <3
There IS a lot going on, but you have two things going for you right now:
a) season 8 just started, so you don't have a lot you'll necessarily want to catch up on and
b) everyone is using a proximity chat mod this season, and living very close together (ironic for a server called Hermitcraft lol) so they all appear in each other's vids a lot -- which means you don't have to watch everyone or even most of them to have a good idea of what's going on.
Now -- that said, where you start and which hermit you watch is a personal preference thing, and I highly rec clicking through a bunch of them just for a few minutes to see who you like best. There is no "best" hermit! They're ALL delightful, and they all do amazing content.
A quick breakdown of some of MY personal faves:
Grian: everyone is going to recommend Grian to you, lol. He's definitely the most popular hermit, and for good reason: the guy makes quality content and he's a fun chaos gremlin to watch. If you like a good variety of hijinks and fun builds, Grian is a good go-to. This season, he's interacting a lot with Mumbo Jumbo, ImpulseSV, PearlescentMoon, and GoodTimesWithScar, so that gets you practically half the server right there XD
ImpulseSV: Impulse is currently one of my top-5 hermits. Major dad vibes, cool redstone projects (he's one of the more technical players, lots of massive farms usually), and he JUST went to full-time content creator (or...well, he's going to. He's 95% of the way committed, but it's a big leap to take for a guy with kids) so I definitely want to send support his way.
If you want good story stuff, check out DocM77 and/or Renthedog this season. I am so not sure where this is all going, but between Doc's incredible technical skills (he's the Doc who's being referenced in the Minecraft menu splash text "What's up, Doc?" He's an actual legend and lost an arm [in character lol] PvP fighting Dinnerbone. THE Dinnerbone. No, I'm not making that up) and Ren's amazing storytelling ability, whatever this mystery is they're working on will be A Real Trip, Baby.
If you're looking for something a little more chill, check out someone like Welsknight (I say "chill"... guy has chill vibes but he also went and got two full netherite suits in like, the first week of the season sooooo... #respectthegrind) or GeminiTay (suuuuuper sweet but also will cut you. Has two modes: preschool teacher and mafia boss. Building genius going hardcore into cottage core right now. Also one of the youngest members of the server) or VintageBeef (Beef is building a massive spaceship this season, which is a blast.)
For more goofy, funny players, check out Iskall (the man is brilliant but also deliberately a derp and his comedic timing is on point), GoodTimesWithScar (disabled gamer representation! also a derp, but this time With Story. And like... insanely beautiful builds), BdoubleO100 (feral cartoon chihuahua man in a midwestern dad's body, makes a lot of wild noises and builds mountains between episodes), or Tango Tek (Tango is also in my top five, I love him, and the man is an absolute redstone genius. Has been inventing iron farms since before iron farms existed, no exaggeration. He built a working (mostly) version of Among Us in survival last season. Insane.)
And last but not least, even if you decide Hermitcraft isn't for you, I highly encourage you to sub to Xisumavoid. He's the server's main admin, and also keeps up with Minecraft updates -- does a lot of snapshot preview testing vids, mythbusting about new update features, and generally is a great person to follow to keep up with Minecraft as a game.
...okay, that's probably WAY more info than you ever wanted, lol. And I left off sooooo many worthy hermits -- check out hermitcraft.com for a full list of all of them with links to their channels. Like I said, I definitely recommend clicking through to everyone for a few minutes, just to see who you kind of vibe with. There's no pressure to keep up with everyone, and if you really start liking what you see but don't want to try and watch a ton of vids every week? Check out the Hermitcraft Recap, run by Pixlriffs and ZloyXP. They're not hermits directly, but they do a weekly rundown of server shenanigans that can be an absolute lifesaver for those of us who like... actually have other things that have to be done. XD
Hope that helps!!
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SO is a veteran gets triggered by loud banging noises and bright flashes because it reminds them of gunshots/bombs. Most of the people around them know this and act accordingly, but one day a bunch of jerks thought it would be funny to set off a lot of firecrackers once SO walked outside their door. SO goes into a numb panic, crouching with their hands clamped over their ears and begging for their lives. How do (4 skellies of your choice) the skelebois react?
Undertale Sans - It’s not happening often but god, congratulations, you pissed off the skeleton. He’s teleporting right in front of the guys with his most creepy face and litterally throw them with blue magic through the street. He won’t let them go until they apologised and pooped themselves promised to never do that again. After that, he’s taking S/O back home so they can calm down. It’s ok if you just want to cuddle, he’s not moving.
Underfell Sans and Papyrus - When it happened, Red was here too. Red is also terrified of loud banging noises and he’s holding to S/O, almost crying. But what these guys didn’t plan is that huge angry growling skeleton suddenly appearing behind them. Edge is very protective towards family. You hurt his family. He’s barely holding himself while he’s calling the cops. You can see how angry he is just as his dark hollow voice. Don’t even try to run. You move, you’re dead. He’s not laughing right now. Once the police took them in charge, he’s getting back to his brother and S/O. He spend the afternoon cooking while they calm down in front of a good movie. 
Horrortale Papyrus - Seeing S/O on the ground woke up his worst hunt instincts. He’s hunting the guys down. When they saw a pissed skeleton walking on his four limbs at incredible speed, if you’re clever enough, you’re running for your life. The guys climb in a tree, Willow makes sure Oak is taking care of S/O, then he sits down in front of the tree. A skeleton does not need to eat or drink for months, contrary to humans. He will stare at them with a big creepy smile for how long he has too. The attackers are going to make nightmares for years after that. Plus, lol, when he got tired and they thought they could make it alive, Oak came back to tell him to go to sleep... Then took his place. He’s even more scarier. 
Dancefell Papyrus - Because Tango is famous, he always has people around the house protecting him. You maybe succeeded to break through his garden, but you’re not getting out of here. The second following the big bang, all of his bodygards are falling on them. Nice job. You’re going to spend the night in prison. Tango is staying home to take care of S/O, more protective than usual. He thought his house was already well secured, but he’s definitely planning to buy more cameras and electric fences.
Ink - After hurting S/O, you turned back to Ink who is waving at you. Suddenly, you fall through paint on the ground and find yourself in a middle of a deserted island. Cry and scream as loud as you can here. No one will hear you. And even if Ink wanted to save you, he forgot about you the second is taking care of S/O, so good luck I guess.
Error - He knows he promised to not erase anything ever again. But come on, that’s an emergency, right ? The guys are tied to a tree and he’s really thinking about murdering them right here right now. But since S/O is more important, he will just let them here and call the cops. He simply erased their clothes to humiliate them because he’s not that nice, who are you kidding.
Disbelief!Papyrus - The guys are laughing at S/O, very proud of them. Then BONK. Papyrus knocked them out with a big bone, all at once. After comforting S/O, he will lecture them to death. I hope you have a few hours to lose. Because he won’t stop before they cried, begging S/O to excuse them so they can leave. 
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jungledubs-archive · 3 years
Absolutely love blazeblings because Joel is one of the funniest dudes around and Tango is also very funny (not to mention he makes Noises!!! So as a person of Noise Making I cannot resist putting him up on the list of favorites)
oh absolutely!! they are such guys
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marcopantry · 2 years
I have the urge to send you all of the asks hnnng- ALRIGHT HOW ABOUT 11, 15, 16, 17, 20 <3
Hiiii!! Hello friend!!! AHH MUSIC MY BELOVED!!
This got a little long 😳 ("Little" he says! Hah!) I simply couldn't contain myself..
☆ 11. A song that makes you wanna dance.
I have an entire playlist for this, but! Rapid fire! Venus by Bananarama, Don't Wanna Fall in Love by Jane Child, The Cult of Dionysus by The Orion Experience, Maneater by Nelly Furtado, Weird Science by Oingo Boingo, Bad Guy by The interrupters, Hung Up by Madonna.
☆ 15. A song from one of your favorite artists
I Think I'm Paranoid by Garbage ♡ (xoxo muwah! muwah!)
Little Lies You're Told by Joywave, I love the albums Content and Possession. Obsession by them is such a mood btw, pretty sure it's in my adhd playlist. Strangelove by Depeche Mode I Was Just a Kid by Nothing But Thieves :] Private Life by Oingo Boingo ♡
☆ 16. A song from an artist you barely know
You'd Be Paranoid Too by Waterparks, think it was the first song I heard by them. Doctor! Doctor! by Thompson Twins, despite liking some of their songs I know fuck all about them. He's Funny That Way by Love Is A Drag Archie, Marry Me by Flyte BOOGIE by BROCKHAMPTON
☆ 17. A song from a video game or show/movie
Twisted Tango, from the Vampyr OST, positively obsessed. Reign from Yakuza 0 Block Head Boy from Yakuza Kiwami 2 MachineGun Kiss from Yakuza 4, 'cause I'm a sap For Fallout I'm choosing stuff they've commissioned or made, rather than bought the rights too: The Courier Walks Slowly + The Doctor Is In + New Vegas Valley from Fallout: New Vegas (the game has an amazing atmosphere!) Baby It's Just You + Train Train from Fallout 4 And Of the People, for the People, it's hopeful yet melancholic. Gotta be honest, no idea what Fallout would be without Inon Zur. Deadman's Gun from Red Dead Redemption Mountain Hymn from Red Dead Redemption 2  :'T The Norwegian series, Post Mortem: ingen dør på skarnes (A show that I never actually finished, I need to fix that), has a good soundtrack but I feel like they're all so short.
☆ 20. A song without lyrics
Immediate thought; Saltillo, right away. Though I wasn't sure if sample audio counted as lyrics- so They All Do It The Same Its a little reminiscent of the OFF game. Or Remember Me? By Saltillo as well. Second thought; NIN, Leaving Hope There's also; I'm Jim Morrison, I'm dead by Mogwai Background Noise by Trent Reznor (I know he's from NIN shhh) And I HAVE to mention Theme of Laura by Akira Yamaoka, I'm bound by law. As you can perhaps see, I'm a big fan of mood builders and atmosphere! Though for purely sentimental value, Watching The Boats With My Dad by Buckethead. It's connected to a very fond memory of mine, and as I don't have a lot of those, I deeply cherish it.
Thank you so much for the ask!! It was a blast to answer!! 💕💕
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