#psa facebook
fwoosheye · 4 months
From what I understand this is already being implemented for Americans, with no opt-out option, but there is apparently a form you can fill in to ask them to remove all your data.
For us in the EU, we can fill in a form to object to our stuff being added, but there are some things we need to pay extra attention to:
Meta has to approve of the objection — meaning that sending it in doesn't necessarily mean it will go through
In the country they want the ISO country code (e.g. SE for Sweden). I read that someone got it to work by writing Italy rather than Italia, but I am unsure if that works for all countries
A verification code will be sent to your email, so make sure you write in the email you use for fb correctly and be prepared to check the spamfolder
It's supposed to be implemented the 26th of June here, so do it asap
I don't know what the situation about this is for people outside EU, so if you happens to know please add to this with whatever information you have!
Check the notifications on your fb account and you should find one from Meta with all the relevant links there!
I will also copy what I wrote in the form into the comments on this post (for easy copying) in case someone doesn't have the spoons to write their own reasons. It's far from perfect but it's better than not doing it at all.
Also I don't know if this includes Instagram, I couldn't see anything about it over there, but I imagine it does or will soon enough, so keep your eyes open for that too.
(Also, hate to be that person, but please reblog to spread awareness!)
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ladyelainehilfur · 4 months
Hey y'all. If someone you know reaches out to you on Instagram and tells you to send them your phone number because their phone has been "acting up" or "being weird", DO NOT SEND YOUR PHONE NUMBER. That is a hacker trying to gain access to your Meta account, which includes your Instagram, Facebook, and WhatsApp! Once they gain access to your account, they'll go through your following list and try to hack them as well.
If you're not sure, call the person who's allegedly asking for help and confirm that's them asking.
Please spread the word to protect yourself and your friends.
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idkmynameiskat · 3 months
Legit friendly PSA/reminder that this is just Tumblr, and there are a lot of reasons why people, I included, do not go into specific details about personal life/relationships/family on here. I know I talk A LOT more than “normal” people about my life and struggles on here, but I am very careful about what I post and for specific reasons I do not need to explain to anyone.
Tumblr is probably the creepiest social media I’m on, and a lot of people tend to forget how fucking scary the internet is for women. There is a 99% chance that if I talk to you on here often, we will remain friends on Tumblr only. This is literally no offense to anyone at all, I don’t even have some of my old coworkers I knew in person on my socials, and having people I simply don’t know well on my personal socials is not something I will ever change. I am simply doing this to keep myself and my family/relationships/personal life safe.
I have had people on here try to find me on other socials, try to find where I live, get mad when I don’t want to tell them exactly who I work for, etc, etc. and it’s fucking scary. There is no need to know these things about someone at all, especially someone you met online that lives hours/days away.
Please respect my decisions to not talk about certain things on here, not tell you my full/legal name (yes, people have gotten mad at me because they think they are entitled to know my “real” name), not tell you what company I work for, not want to tell you my personal socials, etc.
Like, is this wrong of me to think this way or….
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flapjacs · 4 months
It looks like the bullshit opt out form for Meta's generative AI is finally open to the US. From the non US version of the policy update, it looks like 26 Jun 2024 is the official start date.
This affects everyone, not just artists.
They require you to provide evidence that your info has been used and may reject you anyway. I think I'll put a screenshot of their privacy policy which says they use the info. But idk yet. First I'm going to download an archive of my info.
None of the comments about being accepted or rejected that I could find mentioned what state they lived in which is clearly the reason for rejections. The form states, "We don’t automatically fulfill requests sent using this form. We review them consistent with your local laws", if they can get away with rejecting you, they will.
To find the form on facebook:
https://www.facebook.com/privacy/genai scroll down to click on the "learn more and submit requests here" link, or wait i can just post it here: https://www.facebook.com/help/contact/1266025207620918
To find the form on instagram:
go to profile open hamburger menu click on "about" click on "privacy policy"
If you are outside the US: the link to opt out should be right there, I think it says "Right to reject" the form should be right there. If you are inside the US: search "ai opt out" click on "about AI's from Meta on WhatsApp" scroll down a bit, not too far, look for "Learn how Meta uses information for generative AI models in "this article" click on that particular "this article" link, not a different one scroll to the bottom click on "Learn more and submit requests here" The form should be right there. As for filling out the form: People are saying write something about your copyright, you dont give permission for any of your work to be used, stuff like that. If you can't think of what to write, just search for "ai opt out" on instagram or do a more specific search, some people have examples.
I haven't deleted my facebook or instagram because I DID DELETE MY FACEBOOK ONCE and I thought, okay, I have a reason to use it years later. ALL OF MY INFO WAS STILL THERE. Well great, now I just have to keep it open so I know I'm not being impersonated. And yes, I hit delete and not deactivate. I wish I never made these fucking accounts.
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aurora1040 · 3 months
ok we all know FB is bad for oh so many reasons. But despite that, it had some uses that I couldnt deny, like keeping in touch with people you know IRL.
I was texting a paragraph to my mom and before i hit send, there was a pop up in messenger announcing AI stickers. Ok, i thought, no big deal, sticker suggestions are common and can be triggered by certain words or phrases.
Messenger's AI stickers *actually READ YOUR PRIVATE MESSAGES*. How do I kniw this? The very first sticker suggestion was the entire paragraph i typed out AND DID NOT YET SEND on a background.
I immediately scoured the settings and there is NO WAY TO OPT OUT OF THE AI.... unless you DELETE YOUR ACCOUNT ENTIRELY.
Needless to say, im telling the people i wanna stay in touch with my contact info and that im going to delete my account. That is going way too far and i most DEFINITELY DO NOT CONSENT TO MY PRIVATE MESSAGES BEING READ BY FLIPPING AI.
If you needed a final reason to delete you FB account, this is it. This is your sign.
Delete your Facebook.
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ziggy-solarecreator · 3 months
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atelierlili · 4 months
Instagram is trying to steal your art and more.
I haven't seen this being talked about on tumblr as much, but just a heads up for artists/art enjoyers, with the new Instagram update, Meta is planning to using user's public posts, images, image captions, comments and Stories to train their new AI models.
From what I understand, Europeans can fill out a form to opt but Americans cannot. (I'm Canadian so I have no idea where we stand in this situation.)
Facebook/Meta has been caught in the past for using/selling user's data without consent and I am certain they will continue to do so in the future so long as they reap the benefits.
If you see a mass exodus of artists leaving Instagram, this will mostly be the reasons why.
From what I understand, people are recommending CARA as an alternative to Instagram as they have a glaze feature that can prevent AI from stealing your works. I haven't tested it out myself yet, but I'll be looking into this and report back later in the future. Looks very promising tho!
If more things change I will edit this post again!
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nerdlycrying · 1 year
Okay, now that I have your attention, important PSA time. Facebook's data will likely be leaked. Their servers are entirely unprotected at the moment, leaving most of the online world's personal data at stake. I have already looked into a few sample data collections, and they have enough data on each person to write a 9/11 research team-level analysis on each person. The number of facebook users in just the last year is considered to be some number I dont know, but I do know that it has over 2000000000 total entries of personal data. Based on the demographic of facebook, we can reasonably assume that most of these people are over 50. Meaning, statistically speaking, if you are reading this, these are your parents and grandparents. These are the people who loved you and raised you. And now, everything about them is going to be free, unencrypted access to the entire internet. So what can you do? Well, not much really. You could try deleting your account, but this just moves the data to an external server. The best thing you can do is set all of your demographic settings to crazy things, such as living in Antarctica and being 120 years old. Ideally, you could also delete all your posts, but this wont be perfect in itself.
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louistonehill · 1 year
PSA Meta/Facebook/Threads/Instagram is now using your content for generative AI. There is a form to opt out, although I don't know if it'll make a difference, but here it is:
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Also as far as I know, from everyone who've tried to use it, the form doesn't work
I don't use most of these services anymore, but if you post images of any kind I can recommend using glaze at the very least to help poison the well
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scarasmood · 4 months
Please moots, go read this article and follow these steps to prevent Meta from using your (personal) pictures for AI training! ❤️
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nerdby · 1 year
Just a quick heads up: FB, IG, and Threads now requires users to opt out of having their information stolen and used to train AI.
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spynorth · 2 years
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i’m a nice person but even kindness has its limitations to what someone is entitled to deal with. I’m curating my social media spaces and tumblr is getting the biggest overhaul. softblocking does not mean i don’t support you or don’t wish you the best, it simply means i have a debilitating mental illness which is easily triggered by psychosocial stressors and i gotta start distancing myself. guilt tripping on the dash, posting a plethora of hate anons, posting excessive drama ... every time i see it, i feel like i have to bend over backwards to turn your day around and i just cannot anymore. i owe no explanations but people are so quick to weaponize softblocking as being critical or judgmental and its not. you do you, buddy ... just ... do it over there and off my dash. 
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They did a GREAT job of keeping the Facebook privacy lawsuit settlement pretty quiet. Damn.
Anyway, here's a CBS article: Anyone who used Facebook in the last 16 years can now get settlement money. Here's how.
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rjalker · 1 year
If you are in the United States, file your claim for Facebook's settlement for stealing and selling user data before August 25th, 2023!
You should have received a notification on Facebook informing you of the settlement!
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[ID: A screenshot of a Facebook post that reads:
"Settlement info
You may be entitled to payment from the settlement of a lawsuit. The lawsuit claimed that Facebook shared people's data with third parties and didn't monitor how that data was accessed and shared.
We're constantly strengthening our safeguards to protect your data, and deny any wrongdoing.
You can view the settlement details to learn more and understand your options."
Two buttons at the bottom read, "Not now", and "View Settlement details". End ID.]
View the details of the settlement here!
Submit your claim here!
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mindful-things · 1 year
To all Americans who use/ have used Facebook. They're settling and sending payments to users who have been active between 2007 and December 2022, as your data was sold to Analytica (who supported President Fart).
The article has a link to the application form.
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junispring · 1 year
Hey tumblr! I'm a cronic-mastodon user and I want to let y'all know that both tumblr and threads are planning on implementing activitypub. This means that tumblr users and threads users would be able to directly interact. From a mastodon user to tumblr, we should support this. Please it would be so funny.
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