#pumpkin for digestive health
lifeberrys · 10 months
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theambitiouswoman · 2 months
Health Benefits of Various Foods 🍓🥑🥥🥦
1. Coconut: is good for the brain
2. Avocado: is good for the skin
3. Eggplant: is good for the bones
4. Broccoli: is good for the eyes
5. Peach: is good for the heart
6. Carrot: is good for estrogen balance
7. Strawberry: is good for pregnancy
8. Mushroom: is good for the adrenals
9. Grape: is good for the lungs
10. Olive: is good for the ovaries
11. Onion: is good for the cells
12. Ginger: is good for digestion
13. Blueberry: is good for memory
14. Walnut: is good for the brain
15. Spinach: is good for the muscles
16. Tomato: is good for the skin
17. Banana: is good for the heart
18. Pumpkin Seed: is good for prostate health
19. Salmon: is good for the eyes
20. Garlic: is good for the immune system
21. Turmeric: is good for inflammation
22. Chia Seed: is good for digestion
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loveemagicpeace · 7 months
🛁Body & Health🧼
🛁6th house is also about your health. How you can get sick or which part of the body may be most vulnerable. Of course, there are other factors as to why and how. But the 6th house is connected to your body, which means that there are things here that can have the greatest impact on your body.
☀️Sun in 6th house you can be prone to exertion. Many times your heart and hair can suffer. Back, spine and immune system -They can many times be affected. It is good if you eat a lot of vitamins. Exercise is also very important. The more you move, the more energy you will have. Heart disease is often confirmed in men due to excessive strain. Herbs good for you: sunflower, calendula, mistletoe, juniper, laurel, chamomile, cinnamon, rosemary.
🌙Moon in 6th house you can be prone to depression. Emotional stress can greatly affect health. You must not be emotionally burdened with work. Your body can recover quickly even after a serious illness if you are emotionally stable. Parts of the body you have to be careful are: breasts, mammary glands, esophagus, stomach, intestines, salivary gland, liver, gallbladder, intestine. Herbs good for you: anise, cabbage, camphor, cucumber, iris, jasmine, lettuce, lily, poppy, violet, willow, lotus, moonwort, mugwort, pumpkin.
🍀Mercury in 6th house-you can be prone to stress. The nervous system is weak and sometimes they are threatened by tension and stress due to the fast pace of life. You have to remind yourself that it is necessary calm down and relax every now and then and try to eat regularly. The brain, lungs, respiratory system and nervous system can be affected the most. With mercury here The lungs are a potential weak point because it's a common cold may develop a persistent cough. Also shoulders, arms and hands. These can be susceptible to injuries such as sprains or fractures. Herbs good for you: lilies of the valley, marjoram, fern, lavender, fennel, anise, mint, thyme, dill, lemon grass.
🍒Venus in 6th house- you can be prone to prone to unpleasantness. Many times it can be something that affects your appearance, your beauty. People with this placement can fluctuate a lot with their body weight. They also tend to tighten in the neck, which is usually the result of tension that has accumulated over time. Because they want to remain calm, most of the time feelings of anger and stress. Parts of the body that may be most prone to damage: throat, kidneys, lumbar region. Herbs good for you: birch, walnut, almond, violet, narcissus, elder, poppy, passion fruit, fig, peach, apricot, olive.
🦋Mars in 6th house- you are prone to irritation. Many times you can get injured during sports or activities. It is not recommended to do things that are dangerous. Many times you can burden yourself too much by being able to finish or do something. You can often be prone to migraines and headaches. Even to a hot temperature, which otherwise quickly disappears. It is not recommended that they be active when they are tired. It can mean that you have too fast a pace of life, which can mean that you skip the main meals (which can lead to digestive problems). Parts of the body that may be most prone to damage: head, muscles, adrenal glands, fetuses. Herbs good for you: pine, pepper, hot pepper, nettle, cherry, radish, horseradish, onion, garlic, ginger, tobacco.
🫧Jupiter in 6th house-Jupiter is usually good in this house because it represents happiness luck abundance. So most likely you will be very blessed with your health. However, you may be inclined to react too impulsively or optimistically to certain health problems. Even if they get sick, they recover quickly. The thinness of the stems is rich food and wine, which can lead to obesity, especially in middle age. They tend to overeat, which can overload the liver. In later years, arthritis and rheumatism affects the hips. Parts of the body that may be most prone to damage: thighs, liver. Herbs good for you: oak, pine, maple, birch, willow, cherry, pear, licorice, moss, wheat, nutmeg, saffron, clover.
🪐Saturn in 6th house-you can be prone to burdnes. Sometimes you can have too much stuff. You are stressing too much and giving yourself too much stress and limitations. When they're exhausted, their weakened immune systems can't cope with minor ailments as easily, and unrelieved tension can prevent a good night's sleep. The main body parts associated with it signs are knees, teeth and bones. Over the years, joints can become stiff. Meticulous dental care is required. They are prone to strong melancholy and can gradually begin to sink into depression. Parts of the body that may also be prone to damage : gall bladder, spleen. Herbs good for you: cypress, hemp, wolf cherry, moss, cumin, ivy, sage.
🪼Neptune in 6th house- you may be prone to self-inflicted diseases. Things can be confusing and not clear. They can get diseases from computers, phones and other modern technology and pollutants. Mysterious health problems that modern medicine cannot define or explain. Complementary therapies may help you more. Since Neptune and Pisces are associated with the feet, this part can be the most affected. Pisces often under severe stress they seek solace in alcohol and drugs. A foot massage will be good for you. Parts of the body that may be most prone to damage : nervous system, feet. Herbs good for you: water lily, mushrooms
🧃Uranus in 6th house- You may be more sensitive to the cold. Diseases that can appear are often related to unknown or strange things. They have an intense mind that needs plenty of stimulation, but they are not always in tune with their body's needs. Daily lack of movement causes a decline in energy and circulation. During the winter months, numb fingers and feet can swell if nothing else take action. Uranus is also associated with the ankles so people can be prone to sprains. They can exercise caution and must wear appropriate footwear. They are also subjected sudden illnesses that then disappear without a trace. Parts of the body that may be most prone to damage: ankles, blood circulation. Herbs good for you:orchid
🐚Pluto in 6th house- They are extremely durable and resistant, which means that they are generally healthy. Some diseases that may be related to them are of a more psychosomatic origin. They may also be prone to nervous tension, which can affect the muscles of the shoulders, neck, and back. A massage is good. The main parts of the body are the bladder and large intestine. It is important that they excrete toxins. It is also good to do a detox diet every now and then. Parts of the body that may be most prone to damage: miscarried, gave birth, bowels. Herbs good for you:eggplant, beetroot, pomegranate, daffodil.
🎸For personal readings u can sign up here: https://snipfeed.co/bekylibra 🎸
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Fiber is an important nutrient that supports digestive health, helps regulate blood sugar levels, and promotes a feeling of fullness. Including a variety of high-fiber foods in your diet can help support overall health and well-being. Here are some foods that are rich in fiber:
1. Whole Grains: Whole grains like oats, brown rice, quinoa, barley, whole wheat, and bulgur are good sources of fiber.
2. Fruits: Berries, apples, pears, oranges, bananas, and avocados are all high in fiber.
3. Vegetables: Broccoli, Brussels sprouts, spinach, kale, carrots, sweet potatoes, and artichokes are all packed with fiber.
4. Legumes: Beans, lentils, chickpeas, and peas are excellent sources of fiber and plant-based protein.
5. Nuts and Seeds: Almonds, chia seeds, flaxseeds, pumpkin seeds, and sunflower seeds are all high in fiber.
6. Whole Grain Pasta and Bread: Opt for whole grain pasta and bread made from whole wheat, oats, quinoa, or other whole grains for a fiber boost.
7. Popcorn: Air-popped popcorn is a whole grain snack that is high in fiber and low in calories.
8. Potatoes: Sweet potatoes and white potatoes with the skin on are good sources of fiber.
9. Berries: Blueberries, strawberries, raspberries, and blackberries are all high in fiber and antioxidants.
10. Chia Seeds: Chia seeds are a superfood that is rich in fiber, omega-3 fatty acids, and antioxidants.
Including a variety of these high-fiber foods in your diet can help support digestive health, promote satiety, and regulate blood sugar levels. Aim to incorporate a mix of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, legumes, nuts, and seeds into your meals and snacks to ensure you are getting an adequate intake of fiber.
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mayakern · 1 year
nothing could have prepared me for rodeo. the boy is refusing to eat breakfast, including a tasty (digestive health) pumpkin treat he loves, because his tummy hurts a little bit.
the only thing he would eat t h is morning was an incredibly bitter probiotic. and i do mean EAT. he crunched the capsule and ate it and then begged for more.
it’s insane to me. i mean it’s lucky because it means giving him pills is incredibly easy because he LOVES them. they’re his favorite treat. he’s insatiable for them and cries when he’s only allowed to have one.
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isthehorsevideocute · 3 months
Thoughts on that trend on tiktok and IG of people feeding their horses fruit rope candy and doughnuts, candy bars, and cheetos?? It drives me crazy but everyone says irs fine because it's a small amount-.-
Honestly, it usually is fine in small amounts. I had a pony that loved licorice. I had one that would get a pumpkin muffin after horse shows. Lots of them like apple cider donuts ginger snaps and carrot cake. Peppermints are a common treat for horses, You shouldn't feed horses chocolate, potatoes, avocados, or caffeine. You also shouldn't feed them lawn clippings because of potential hazards from chemicals and potential for botulism. Bear in mind the daily calorie intake for a horse is more than ten times that of the average human just for maintance (15000 calories) and their stomachs can hold 10-20 gallons (and that is considered small for animals of their size)
Also beer. A lot of people think it's weird that horses can have beer but for some horses its actually medicinal. Horses can sometimes get a condition known as anhydrosis which is when they aren't able to produce enough sweat. As a treatment we often give horses a can or two of Guinness twice a day to help them sweat more and to help lower their body temperature. Brewers grains and yeast are common supplements to help horses with digestive health as they act as a probiotic.
For cheetos in particular, sure horses really shouldn't eat dairy (because lactose) but its a corn chip. Corn is an ingredient of most horse feeds anyways.
Most of those things don't have anything horses can't eat; sugars, their diet is mostly carbohydrates and plant based sugars, horses are herbivores but they can eat animal based protein like eggs, gelatin (a common additive to joint supplements), or krill/fish oils, vegetable oils are a typical additive to feed (though you shouldn't overloaded them with fats as horses don't actually have gallbladder so they cant store bile, which means they can't break down large quantities of fat in one go)
Corn and wheat are in a lot of horse feeds (though they are Inflammatory and toxic if moldy so you do want to weigh the risks and only feed as absolutely needed if using them as a regular feed)
Just for perspective, my 1400lbs mare eats about 4 pounds of a feed with molasses, wheat, and soy as a calorie source, roughly 5 lbs of Alfalfa hay, 36 lbs of grass hay, a half pound of ground flax seed, and she spends all night nibbling on grass (which is sugary compared to hay). Thats A LOT of food.
For supplements she gets apple cider vinegar, garlic, and grape seed extract. Pretty much all of those are toxic to dogs but horses can have them and even benefit from them. They have anti-inflammatory effects that help horses with arthritis, and allergies as well as helping to repel flies
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lumine-no-hikari · 5 months
Dear Sephiroth: (a letter to a fictional character, because why not) #126
I made a tea today before heading to therapy. Today's session was extremely productive, and I can't wait to share it with you in hopes that you'll also be able to use what I've learned. But first, I will show you today's tea, because in it is the final ice cream I got from the co-op...
I started with chai:
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This one is red and somewhat opaque from all the spices that are in it:
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...And this is the ice cream I intended to use in it:
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...I'm like you in that I very much enjoy pumpkin; it's one of my favorite foods. And it's AMAZING in ice cream. Given that we know you enjoy pumpkin soup, I think you would REALLY enjoy this flavor. It's part of why I saved this one for last; it's the best one!
I filled the tea with scoops of this ice cream:
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Once it melted, I stirred it up:
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...The result was fantastic, and once again, I have concocted a delectable mug of tea that I very much wish I could share with you.
My therapist was very pleased with the results of my homework. He read the letters I exchanged between myself and my inner child. We then began going over ways of rebuilding my relationship with my inner child. We started with learning how to rebuild secure attachment.
Oh right. Hey, Sephiroth? Did they ever teach you about attachment theory over at Shinra? I can't imagine they did, because otherwise, you would have realized A LOT sooner that the way you were raised was utter fucking bullshit. Maybe you've since learned about it during your time at the Edge of Creation, but I'll explain it anyway; it's always good to have a refresher. But it might be kind of a dry or dull subject for you, so I'll break it up with the pictures I snapped for you during the walk I took after therapy; walking is good for the post-processing of newly-learned things.
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Attachment theory refers to the integrity of the bond between a child and its primary caregiver(s). I have a degree in this sort of stuff, and I'm fairly well-versed in it, especially regarding how it relates to trauma. Bonding with a primary caregiver is one of the most fundamental human needs, and the shape that this bond takes ends up influencing how the child bonds with other people throughout their life. There are four main attachment styles. I'll explain them:
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Secure Attachment is when the child is able to fully trust that their caregiver(s) will respond to their needs and keep them safe. These children are able to focus their energy on exploring the world around them. They are relatively friendly with strangers. They typically get sad if their primary caregiver leaves the area unexpectedly, and is happy to see them return. This attachment style is best conducive to a child's mental health and ability to learn.
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In order for secure attachment to occur, the child between 0 and 3 years of age REQUIRES on-demand caregiving; the primary caregiver(s) are supposed to respond immediately to the child, with love, warmth, attunement, comfort, and appropriate actions literally every single time the child expresses a need. Babies are not born knowing what their body signals mean; a tired baby cries when it's tired instead of sleeping because it does not yet know that the feeling of being tired means it needs to sleep. A hungry baby cries instead of eating because it does not yet know that the feeling of being hungry means it needs to eat. And these are just a few examples.
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Contrary to popular belief (seriously, my father calls babies "turd factories", just to give you an idea of how common it is in my world to have contempt and a dismissive attitude towards human children), human babies are more than just a digestive system that sleeps sometimes. Babies have emotions as well, and so they'll cry when they feel lonely, angry, scared, or sad. They'll cry when they need to be held (because YES, gentle, loving, platonic touch is a BASIC HUMAN NEED; adults typically experience hormonal disruption and very young babies WILL LITERALLY DIE if they don't get this). They'll also cry if they're sick, if they're in pain, if they're too warm or cold, or if they're in sensory overload.
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And this is NORMAL and HEALTHY; humans are born with the capacity to ask for help when they're struggling, and being new to being human is its own very special kind of hell for a variety of complicated reasons that deserves to have its own book. For many very compelling reasons, being a human baby is basically torture. If you want a more detailed explanation as to why that's the case, then I can explain it in another letter; just let me know. For now, just take my word on it.
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Anyway, the only thing that can teach baby what their body signals mean is the repetition of prompt and accurate routine care; baby learns hungry means it needs food only after MANY repetitions of the caregiver responding promptly, warmly, and lovingly to its hunger with age-appropriate food. Baby learns that tired means it needs sleep only after MANY repetitions of the caregiver promptly and lovingly soothing the baby to sleep. And this takes a lot of time and patience, because human babies are not born with all of the brain hardware that they need in order to learn or to make memories efficiently; all of that stuff is still growing in. To be sure, humans could use at least another 9 months in the womb; we are born premature compared to most of the rest of the animal kingdom. But if we had another 9 months, our skulls would be too large, and we'd tear our mothers in half on the way out. So this is how it is.
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Babies from 0-3 years old are NOT equipped to deal with discomfort without thinking that their life is in danger, and no amount of "trying to teach them to self-soothe" by leaving them on their own to "cry it out" (this is a MYTH!!! doing this causes LITERAL BRAIN DAMAGE as the baby's body is flooded with neurotoxic levels of adrenaline and cortisol!!!) will make the brain hardware required for self-regulation grow in faster; in fact, doing this will slow this process down. The child under age 3 who becomes quiet after being left to cry is not quiet because it has "learned to self-soothe"; it is quiet because it is SO STRESSED OUT that its body and emotions have basically shut down. This is called "dissociation", and if baby is forced to do this too often, it fucks up their mental health later, when they become adolescents, teenagers, and adults.
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Unfortunately, there is a pervasive myth in my world, which tells parents that responding to their under-3-year-old child when they cry will cause their child to become spoiled and manipulative. As a result of this, secure attachment with a primary caregiver is relatively rare where I live. Almost everyone in my world is traumatized, in some form or another. And people just go around pretending like it's normal and necessary and even correct. There are reasons for this, but they'd take too long to explain; maybe I'll get into it some other time.
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Next, we have Insecure Attachment. There are three main types of this:
The first one I'll explain is Anxious-Ambivalent Attachment. This is what happens when the primary caregivers' responses to their child are unpredictable or inconsistent. Such children do not explore very much, because they are too busy being afraid that their primary caregiver might not be there for them if something weird happens. They are wary of strangers. When the primary caregiver leaves unexpectedly, these children are extremely distressed, only to return to being neutral when the caregiver returns. Inconsistent responses to the baby's needs produces a fear of being abandoned, which manifests as vigilantly focusing on maintaining their connection with their caregiver while the caregiver is present, and terror and anger when the caregiver is absent.
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Next, there's Avoidant Attachment. This is what happens when the primary caregiver consistently denies the child of their attention when they need help. Such children do not explore, do not interact with strangers, do not express emotion if the caregiver leaves unexpectedly, and do not express emotion when the caregiver returns. This is a child that has learned that their needs do not matter to their primary caregiver. This child expects to be rejected and ignored. This child wishes for closeness with their caregiver, but knows they will not receive it, and knows that expressing distress about it is a waste of energy, so the safest thing for them to do is to maintain vague proximity to the caregiver so as to avoid the disappointment that comes with knowing that its needs do not matter to them.
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Finally, there is Disorganized Attachment. This is what happens when the primary caregiver abuses the child. These children will display a lot of very contradictory and disorganized behaviors (hence the name) in response to the environment, to strangers, and to the primary caregiver. Children such as these are accustomed to being screamed at, shaken, or hit as a result of expressing or having needs, or even just as a result of existing. These are children who have learned that anything they do might provoke their primary caregiver's wrath, and the contradictory behaviors are the result of not knowing what they should do to prevent that wrath. The resulting adult, if left untreated, will swing wildly between being ice cold and anxiously clingy.
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I'll give you four guesses as to which of these categories I fit into. Hahaha…
What I learned today in therapy was that some guy whose name I forgot worked with a bunch of severely abused children, and came up with a way to guide them back to having a secure attachment style, despite the horrors they've been through before. It's a system called The 5 Pillars of Attachment. My therapist even gave me a handy-dandy picture to reference:
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Felt Safety was explained to me as a culmination of the other four pillars. This is when you understand that you are protected and loved, that someone will have your back if something weird happens. It is the knowledge that the people around you are worthy of being counted on, without them trying to hurt, abandon, or ignore you.
Attunement relates to being understood. This is the part where the other person understands you when you speak, tries to empathize with your emotions and experiences, and makes genuine effort to know you deeply.
Support When Dysregulated relates to not being rejected by the other person when you can't always keep yourself together. It is knowing that someone will try to help you, to soothe you, and to comfort you if you're struggling.
Expressed Delight relates to the other person being genuinely joyful about the fact that you exist, and being willing to express that joy on a regular basis. This joy needs to be about who you are, and not about what you look like or what you can do. It is about the other person expressing delight towards your entire being, not just when you're well-regulated, excelling at something, or being convenient.
Support for Autonomy refers to how much room the other person gives you to explore, to try new things, to pursue your own interests, to succeed, to fail, and to make your own choices. This person should act as a safety net if you fall down.
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…You've never been given any of these. And, up until meeting M, neither have I. But I know these things well. I know them because I do whatever I can to give these things to other people - anyone other than myself. The part where I don't give these things to myself is the part that I have to change. I think you know these things well, too; I've seen the way you treated Zack, Genesis, and Angeal. All you have to do is treat yourself with the same tenderness and care with which you treated them in the past.
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I will never receive these things from my biological family. It's not because they're bad people, but rather, it's because their life experiences have left them without the necessary skills to provide any of these things for anyone else, without a beliefs system that would allow them to develop these skills, and without a framework that would allow them to change their beliefs. If you believe, for example, that only bad people ever make mistakes, then it becomes really hard to own up to your mistakes, and from there it becomes nearly impossible to change your behaviors in the future.
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But I can rebuild my relationship with myself by giving myself the things outlined in these 5 pillars. I can change how I treat myself. I can decide what my new narrative will be when I think about the kind of treatment I deserve to receive from myself.
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…You can do this, too. You can change what you believe about yourself. You can change how you view yourself. You can change how you interact with yourself. You can change the way you care for and treat yourself. You can change it! Sephiroth, you're a lot smarter, a lot more capable, and a lot more mentally flexible than I could ever even begin to hope to be! Sephiroth, if I, a derpy autistic chick from a backwater planet in some garden-variety galaxy can do this work, then someone as kind, gentle, intelligent, dedicated, and brave as you can certainly do this work! You can decide, today, right here, and right now, that you are worthy of your own love!
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So come on; get to it, willya? We can figure it out together! And if you run into trouble, you can take my outstretched hand, and I'll do whatever I can to help you! We are more than our traumas and mistakes! Sephiroth, you are more than your traumas and mistakes! You are more than the composition of your body! You are more than what you can do! Sephiroth, the most beautiful aspects of who you are have always had their basis in things like the ways you marvel at nature, in the caring and considerate way you treated your friends and the people around you, in your love for other people, which was so strong at one point that you chose to spend years doing what you thought was right in order to protect them, despite the suffering you endured at their very same hands. Sephiroth, you're a beautiful human being on the inside! You deserve so much more and so much better than what you've been giving to yourself! You deserve to feel seen, understood, safe, supported, adored, and free! Like any human being, you deserve to have good and wholesome things! And you can have them! All you have to do is take a single step in a different direction, and then keep doing that until your whole outlook changes!
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Please. Please look at me. Look at me, because I am doing this same work. I am doing it every day, no matter how difficult it is, and no matter how much it hurts. Please look at me so you can see that anything is possible. Sephiroth, you are capable of so much more than I am, because I am one of the weaker examples of a human being; you have the capacity to shine so much more brightly than I can. So please look at me as proof that you can do this work, too. Please try. Sephiroth, you can do it! I believe in you!
...And that's all I've got for today. I know it was a lot; thank you for bearing with me.
I love you. Please stay safe. I'll write again tomorrow.
Your friend, Lumine
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🌟 The Healthy Choice: Plain Yogurt and Greek Yogurt Over Flavored Yogurt Introduction 🌟
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Yogurt is a versatile and nutritious dairy product that has gained immense popularity among health-conscious individuals. While the yogurt aisle at your local grocery store may offer a rainbow of flavors, it's essential to understand why plain yogurt and Greek yogurt stand out as the healthier choices. In this blog post, we'll delve into the reasons why opting for plain yogurt can be a smart move for your health.
Minimal Added Sugar: One of the most compelling reasons to choose plain yogurt is the absence of excessive added sugars. Many flavored yogurts on the market contain high levels of added sugars, which can contribute to weight gain, increase the risk of chronic diseases, and disrupt blood sugar levels. In contrast, plain yogurt allows you to control the sweetness by adding natural sweeteners like honey or fresh fruits, keeping your sugar intake in check.
Probiotic Power: Yogurt's reputation as a gut-friendly food is well-deserved, primarily due to its probiotic content. Probiotics are live beneficial bacteria that promote a healthy gut microbiome. Plain yogurt, whether regular or Greek, tends to contain a broader spectrum and higher concentration of these probiotics compared to flavored counterparts. These friendly bacteria aid digestion, support the immune system, and may even impact overall well-being.
Versatile and Customizable: Plain yogurt provides a blank canvas for culinary creativity. You can tailor its taste to suit your preferences by adding a variety of ingredients, such as fresh berries, nuts, seeds, or a drizzle of pure maple syrup. This versatility ensures that you can enjoy a different yogurt experience every time you consume it.
Lower Calories and Fat: If you're watching your calorie and fat intake, plain yogurt is the way to go. It typically contains fewer calories and less saturated fat than flavored alternatives. You can relish the creamy texture of Greek yogurt while maintaining better control over your dietary choices.
Healthier Ingredients: Plain yogurt is a purer form of yogurt, containing just two primary ingredients: milk and live active cultures. In contrast, flavored yogurts often include artificial flavorings, colors, and preservatives. By opting for plain yogurt, you're choosing a simpler and cleaner ingredient list.
Weight Management: Due to its high protein content, yogurt, especially Greek yogurt, can be an excellent ally in your weight management journey. Protein keeps you feeling full and satisfied, reducing the likelihood of overindulging between meals.
When it comes to yogurt, the choice between plain yogurt and flavored yogurt is clear. Plain yogurt, whether it's traditional or Greek, offers superior health benefits by providing you with control over added sugars, a broader spectrum of probiotics, versatility in taste, and cleaner ingredient lists. By making this simple swap, you're not only taking a step toward better health but also opening up a world of delicious, customizable yogurt creations. So, the next time you reach for that yogurt container, remember that plain is not boring—it's a smart and healthy choice!
🌟 Dressing up your Greek yogurt or plain yogurt can turn a simple snack or breakfast into a delicious and satisfying treat. 🌟
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Here are some healthy and tasty toppings and mix-ins to consider:
Fresh Fruits: Add sweetness and natural flavor with fresh fruits like berries, sliced bananas, diced mangoes, or chunks of pineapple. The combination of creamy yogurt and fruity goodness is delightful.
Nuts and Seeds: Boost the texture and nutrition by sprinkling a handful of chopped nuts (e.g., almonds, walnuts, or pistachios) and seeds (e.g., chia seeds, flaxseeds, or pumpkin seeds) over your yogurt. They provide healthy fats, protein, and a satisfying crunch.
Honey or Maple Syrup: A drizzle of honey or pure maple syrup adds a touch of sweetness without resorting to processed sugars. It pairs wonderfully with Greek yogurt's tanginess.
Granola: Crispy granola clusters are a classic yogurt topping. Choose a low-sugar or homemade granola to maintain a healthy balance.
Nut Butter: Swirl in a spoonful of almond butter, peanut butter, or cashew butter for added creaminess and nutty richness. It's a fantastic combination with sliced bananas.
Dried Fruits: Chop up dried fruits like apricots, raisins, or cranberries to infuse your yogurt with a chewy sweetness.
Cinnamon or Nutmeg: A sprinkle of ground cinnamon or nutmeg can add warm, comforting flavors to your yogurt.
Vanilla Extract: A drop or two of pure vanilla extract can enhance the overall taste of your yogurt, making it feel like dessert.
Coconut Flakes: Toasted or untoasted coconut flakes provide a tropical twist and delightful texture.
Dark Chocolate Chips: If you're in the mood for a touch of indulgence, add some dark chocolate chips for a hint of sweetness and chocolatey richness.
Spices: Experiment with spices like cardamom, ginger, or cloves for unique flavor profiles.
Savory Options: Don't forget that yogurt can go savory too. Try adding chopped cucumber, fresh herbs, a pinch of salt, and a drizzle of olive oil for a refreshing, savory yogurt bowl.
Fruit Compote: Top your yogurt with a homemade or store-bought fruit compote or jam for a burst of flavor.
Mix and match these toppings to create a variety of yogurt bowls that suit your taste preferences and dietary needs. Whether you prefer a sweet, savory, or balanced flavor profile, dressing up your yogurt can make it an exciting and nutritious part of your daily diet.
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tyhi · 9 months
porridge for champions (only)
you gotta prepare some of this the night before, so that the phytase enzyme in the buckwheat can get to work on the phytic acid in the oats to release the minerals and make them bioavailable and generally make all of this easier to digest and stuff.
combine the following in a jar or saucepan and mix it up:
oat flakes, however much you want to eat idk. you can play with the oats-to-water ratio to make more of a dry/fluffy or a wet/smooth porridge. the range is around 40-110 grams for one portion, depending on what you're going for. a tablespoon of oats is about 10g
½-2 tbsp of buckwheat -- i use raw crushed groats. less processed = richer in enzymes. crushed is a good balance between cooking time and enzyme content, i think
1-2 tbsp sunflower seeds, chia seeds or pumpkin seeds for extra nutrients, variety, texture :) (optional)
pinch of salt
water - soak em. enough to cover the oats etc + a lil extra bc they soak it up and expand. NB if you want dry/fluffy porridge then err on the side of less water, ie just enough to cover the stuff.
cover with a lid and leave at room temperature overnight.
cooking: add some fat. i love using fatty coconut milk or just coconut oil, or goats milk butter or even some kind of animal fat. i turn the heat to medium-high at first to get it all hot while mixing it, and then i leave it on low for a while. takes like 30 minutes or so
completely optional, i usually add some of these b4 i start cooking:
plain protein powder (im a fan of hemp protein personally)
maca and/or ashwagandha
matcha powder - ive really been liking this lately
collagen supplement (if u have an autoimmune condition pls look into healing gut permeability btw. even if u dont have digestive problems. ily)
carob powder my beloved. or cocoa powder. or both
or if u like savory porridge: curry powder, smoked paprika, leek, herbs, pepper
& some possible toppings:
any kinda nutt butter u like <33
stick some chocolate in there and watch it melt
jam. classic
honey and cinnamon
coconut sugar syrup
berries, frozen or fresh
some reading materials btw:
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miothejelly · 11 days
want to give your dogs a nice treat, but not sure whats healthy for them? heres a guide to fruits for dogs and what kind of ones are okay or should be avoided!
i love feeding my doggies off cuttings of my meals, especially the ends off fruits that i wont eat, but its good to know the effects of what you're putting in your dogs body. so heres some reaserch ive done, and the kinds of things i give my doggies.
as much as dogs technically dont have a need to eat fruit, they do have some good properties for doggie health. alot of dog food contains fruit because it gives alot of extra nutrients!
definitely NOT dogs safe :
- avacado causes vomiting and diarrhoea even in small amounts
- cherries can cause disruption to oxygen flow, even just a single fruit, and cause poisoning
- grapes or rasins are one of the worst things you can give a dog. they cause liver failure and poisoning so easily
- tomatoes are a risky game. the ripe red fruit is some what okay for dogs but its best to avoid them as a whole as they can be toxic. there are dog safe tomatoe treat alternative!
good in small amounts :
- bananas are full of vitamins, though high in sugar so good in small amounts
- cantaloupe is great for hydration, especially in the summer, though abit sugary
- cranberries are the same as cantaloupe, good hydration, abit sugary
- mangos are vitamin heavy though abit sugary for already chunky doggos. remember to remove the pit
- oranges are great, especially the peel of the fruit, though many dogs dont enjoy citrus at all and might be a little rough on the digestive system in large amounts
- peaches are high in vitamins and great in small chunks. too much can cause the same effects as cherries, so leave them as a nice little treat
- pears are super good. avoid tinned pears, only use the fresh fruit, and cut away the pit and seeds. but very good vitamins and potassium!
- pineapple helps break down proteins and is super good! avoid the skin, and similarly to pears, non fresh fruit pineapples are too high in sugar, its best to use it fresh!
- raspberries are an antitoxin that have anti-inflamitory properties! though in large amounts over about 8 ounces can be toxic.
- strawberries are great for helping whitening dogs teath and for overall oral health, though in moderation with how much sugar they have
the best ones :
- apples (removing the core and seeds) are high in vitamin A, C and fibre!
- blueberries are a huge antitoxin and promote cell reproduction even in large amounts!
- cucumbers are amazing treats, great amount of vitamins with little to no calories or fats. hugely recommended for chunkier dogs or diabetic pups that need a less sugary treat
- pumpkin in pure form is a great antitoxin that helps dogs with diarrhoea or upset stomachs! if you're getting canned pumpkin, make sure it has no added ingredients!
- watermelon, like cucumber, is great for hydration. remove the rine and seeds first, and you're good to go. lots of vitamins and potassium in a low calorie way!
low calories and sugar, specific for overweight doggos or diabetic pups :
- apples
- blueberries
- cucumber
- raspberries
- watermelon
good fruit for sick or old dogs that need some extra body help :
- apples (high in vitamins, low in calories)
- blueberries (antitoxin and cell regrowth)
- pineapple (helps digestion)
- pumpkin (antitoxin, helps cure stomach bugs, diarrhoea and constipation)
- raspberries (anti-inflammatory, helps with joints)
- strawberries (white teeth, oral health)
not every dog likes every fruit, its good to try it. if a fruit is high sugar, that doesnt mean its bad for you, bad in large amounts but a great treat that packs some good vitamins for your dogs!
i feed my dogs lots of fruits, as treats, as a nice summer cool down, to fix a stomach bug, or just because i have some left over!
fruit is great for your dogs, aslong as you know whats good and whats not, its always best to google the food before you give it to them. its safe to be mindful of what you put in your dogs body the same way we are mindful about what goes into ours!
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meditating-dog-lover · 2 months
Health update
My eczema has recently cleared up when I quit fasting. Some cuts and dead skin on my hands, but my fingers and the backs of my hands are no longer dry! I can bend my fingers and my palms feel so smooth. All it did was to quit fasting.
Now I do get allergic reactions, especially to dogs and pollen. My younger dog likes to sleep on my bed and licks her paws. I know my room is covered in dander at this point. I do get itchy on my face, neck, and hands. But it's not horrible. This is a separate issue from my hormone imbalances due to stress and prolonged fasting.
I'll eventually go back to fasting during week 1 and 3 of my cycle, and reducing the fasting on week 2 and 4. I'm not necessarily going to eat lower carb on week 1 and 3, as long as I'm eating mostly anti-inflammatory it honestly shouldn't matter. In general eating gut and hormone friendly foods and cycling my fasts in a way that will promote weight loss and autophagy, but no hormonal imbalances. I love carbs so I wouldn't go low carb all the way. My body doesn't have a problem with complex carbs. It does with excess sugar and junk carbs, but not things like fruit, whole grains, dark chocolate, or starchy veggies. Going too strict with my diet will definitely backfire.
So I've been balancing my hormones, and I've been eating anti-inflammatory. Of course we want a balance in life, so I'm going to fast cycle, not go low carb, and treat myself here and there so I don't feel deprived. I shared a pizza slice with my mom today. I got some aged cheddar popcorn so I have something to eat before my therapy session. Some "inflammatory" foods here and there won't do any damage. As long as most of my diet is low in refined sugars, white breads, fats, oils and processed meats. I know eating anti-inflammatory helps my skin. Combined with gut and hormone support.
I've been eating more pumpkin seeds which are great for hormones.
I've been looking into ways to support gut health. I've been chewing slowly, drinking aloe juice, eating anti-inflammatory (the best thing you can do for your gut), and eating Greek yogurt for probiotics.
I wanted to support anti-microbial effects so I don't experience any recurring infections like h pylori and staph and strep. I also want to ensure I have enough stomach acid and digestive enzymes. I'm doing an h pylori breath test in a few days and I hope I get a negative result. H pylori is a problem because it reduces stomach acid levels, which prevents proper digestion and allows for more downstream infections to occur (in the small and large intestines) because stomach acid also acts as a sterilizer that kills foreign pathogens. Stomach acid is important and I want to ensure I killed off the h pylori and am producing enough acid and can prevent further infections from occurring in the future.
I also want to ensure I am producing enough digestive enzymes. I know I am tired of taking multiple supplements, but enzymes can be so helpful. I know I prefer food sources, but the foods that are most rich in enzymes are tropical fruit, which I don't like. I do have a digestive enzyme supplement. I've been taking it a month or so ago and took it again today with lunch. I'll ask my doctor about all this when I do my mineral scan later this month. I'll also ask about acid, h pylori, and aloe juice.
I'm so happy because I feel better. Just some minor gut support and fast cycling and I'll be in good hands. I'm also going t get the psychological and psychiatric support I need.
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puppiesgift · 3 months
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How to Add Fiber to Your Dog's Diet
Increase the amount of fruits and vegetables in your dog's diet. You can add small amounts of cooked or raw fruits and vegetables like carrots, green beans, sweet potatoes, and apples to their meals.
Add fiber-rich grains like cooked brown rice, oats, or quinoa to their food. These grains can provide a good source of fiber for your dog.
Include canned pumpkin or sweet potato puree in your dog's meals. These are high in fiber and can help with digestion.
Consider adding a fiber supplement to your dog's diet. There are many commercial fiber supplements available for dogs that can help increase their fiber intake.
Make sure your dog is drinking plenty of water. Fiber needs water to work effectively in the digestive system, so it's important to ensure your dog is well-hydrated.
Gradually introduce fiber-rich foods to your dog's diet to avoid digestive upset. Start with small amounts and slowly increase the fiber content over time.
Consult with your veterinarian before making any significant changes to your dog's diet, especially if they have any underlying health conditions. Your vet can provide guidance on the best way to incorporate fiber into your dog's diet based on their individual needs.
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madamlaydebug · 4 months
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How Cucumbers Benefit your Skin, Hair and Health! 💚
Cucumbers are apart of the Cucurbitaceae family, along with squash, pumpkin, and watermelon. Cucumbers are a total of 95% water which can keep you hydrated, especially on a hot summers day. Not only good for a summer snack, cucumbers are beneficial to be eaten all year long. They contain vitamin K, B vitamins, copper, potassium, vitamin C and manganese. Eating cucumbers can help avoid nutrient deficiencies that often occur among the general American diet. A perfect healthy snack. ————————————
-✔️Fights Constipation -✔️High in Fiber -✔️Healthy for Urinary Bladder and Kidneys -✔️Aids in Digestion -✔️Fights Intestinal Worms -✔️Amazing Dosage of Potassium -✔️High in Antioxidants -✔️Reduces Inflammation -✔️Beneficial for Diabetics -✔️Anti-Cancer Properties -✔️Great for Dental Health -✔️Good for Treating Blood Pressure Issues -✔️Flushes Out Waste from the Body -✔️Strengthens Bones -✔️Treats Alzheimer's -✔️Revitalizes and Rejuvenates Skin -✔️Helps Soothe Sun Burns -✔️Fights Cellulite -✔️Stronger, Smoother and Silkier Hair -✔️Hydrates Skin ————————————
Snack on some Cucumbers today! 💚😌
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fitscientist · 1 year
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The Power of Fiber: Fueling Your Health and Fitness Journey
While often overlooked, fiber plays a crucial role in maintaining a healthy diet and achieving your fitness goals. Fiber is a type of carbohydrate that cannot be digested by the body. Instead, it passes through the digestive system relatively intact, offering a range of health benefits. Incorporating fiber into your diet can:
1. Promote Healthy Digestion: Fiber adds bulk to your stool, aiding regular bowel movements and preventing constipation. It also supports a healthy gut microbiome, promoting optimal digestion and nutrient absorption.
2. Keep You Feeling Full: High-fiber foods take longer to digest, keeping you satiated for longer periods. This can help control appetite, reduce overeating, and support weight management goals.
3. Regulate Blood Sugar Levels: Soluble fiber, found in certain foods, can slow down the absorption of glucose, preventing blood sugar spikes. This is particularly beneficial for individuals with diabetes or those aiming to maintain stable energy levels throughout the day.
4. Support Heart Health: Studies show that a high-fiber diet can lower cholesterol levels, reducing the risk of heart disease and promoting overall cardiovascular health.
Fiber-Rich Foods:
1. Whole Grains: Opt for whole wheat bread, brown rice, quinoa, oats, and whole wheat pasta. These provide more fiber and nutrients compared to their refined counterparts.
2. Legumes: Incorporate beans, lentils, chickpeas, and split peas into your recipes. They are not only rich in fiber but also offer plant-based protein.
3. Fruits: Enjoy the natural sweetness and fiber content of apples, pears, berries, oranges, and bananas. Remember to consume them with the skin whenever possible to maximize fiber intake.
4. Vegetables: Load up on fiber by including broccoli, Brussels sprouts, carrots, spinach, kale, and sweet potatoes in your meals. These veggies offer an array of vitamins and minerals too!
5. Nuts and Seeds: Snack on almonds, chia seeds, flaxseeds, and pumpkin seeds. They provide healthy fats, protein, and a good dose of fiber.
From promoting healthy digestion to managing weight and reducing the risk of chronic diseases, fiber plays a vital role in overall wellness. So, make sure to include fiber-rich foods in your meals and enjoy the numerous nutritional benefits they offer. Stay fit, stay healthy!
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Healthy carbs are an important part of a balanced diet as they provide energy, fiber, vitamins, and minerals. Some examples of healthy carbs include:
1. Whole Grains: Whole grains like brown rice, quinoa, oats, barley, whole wheat, and buckwheat are rich in fiber, vitamins, and minerals. They are a great source of complex carbohydrates that are digested slowly, providing a steady source of energy.
2. Fruits: Fruits such as apples, bananas, berries, oranges, and pears are naturally sweet and packed with vitamins, minerals, fiber, and antioxidants. They provide quick energy and are a healthy alternative to processed sweets.
3. Vegetables: Vegetables like sweet potatoes, carrots, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, and leafy greens are low in calories and high in fiber, vitamins, and minerals. They are a great source of complex carbohydrates that can help regulate blood sugar levels.
4. Legumes: Legumes such as beans, lentils, chickpeas, and peas are rich in protein, fiber, vitamins, and minerals. They are a good source of complex carbohydrates and can help promote satiety and regulate blood sugar levels.
5. Whole Grain Pasta: Whole grain pasta made from whole wheat, brown rice, quinoa, or legumes is a healthier alternative to refined pasta. It provides fiber, vitamins, and minerals while still satisfying your pasta cravings.
6. Whole Grain Bread: Whole grain bread made from whole wheat, oats, or other whole grains is a nutritious choice that provides fiber and essential nutrients. Look for bread with whole grains listed as the first ingredient.
7. Nuts and Seeds: Nuts and seeds like almonds, walnuts, chia seeds, flaxseeds, and pumpkin seeds are rich in healthy fats, protein, fiber, vitamins, and minerals. They are a great source of healthy carbs that can help keep you full and satisfied.
Including a variety of these healthy carb sources in your diet can help provide sustained energy, promote overall health, and support weight management. Be mindful of portion sizes and aim to choose whole, minimally processed foods whenever possible.
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gqresearch24 · 5 months
Nourishing Body And Mind: Exploring The World Of Healthy Snacks
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In today’s fast-paced world, maintaining a balanced diet can be challenging, especially when it comes to snacking. However, with a growing emphasis on health and wellness, the demand for nutritious and satisfying snacks has surged. Enter the realm of healthy snacks – delicious, convenient, and packed with essential nutrients to fuel our bodies and minds. In this article, we delve into the diverse landscape of healthy snacks, exploring their benefits, variety, and the role they play in supporting overall well-being.
The Rise of Healthy Snacking
Gone are the days when snacking was synonymous with empty calories and processed junk food. As consumers become more health-conscious and mindful of their dietary choices, the demand for healthier snack options has skyrocketed. According to market research, the global healthy snacks market is projected to continue its upward trajectory, driven by increasing awareness of the importance of nutrition, rising disposable incomes, and changing lifestyles.
Benefits of Healthy Snacks
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Healthy snacks offer a multitude of benefits beyond mere satiation. Here are some reasons why incorporating nutritious snacks into your diet is a smart choice:
Sustained Energy: Unlike sugary or high-carb snacks that lead to energy crashes, healthy snacks provide a steady source of energy to fuel your body throughout the day. Snacks rich in complex carbohydrates, fiber, and protein help stabilize blood sugar levels, keeping you feeling energized and focused.
Nutrient-Rich: Healthy snacks are packed with essential vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and other nutrients that support overall health and well-being. Whether it’s vitamin-packed fruits and vegetables, protein-rich nuts and seeds, or fiber-filled whole grains, choosing nutrient-dense snacks helps nourish your body and promote optimal function.
Weight Management: Contrary to popular belief, snacking can aid in weight management when done mindfully. Healthy snacks can help curb cravings, prevent overeating at meal times, and keep hunger at bay, making it easier to maintain a healthy weight and avoid unhealthy food choices.
Improved Mood and Productivity: Nutrient-rich snacks have been linked to improved mood, cognitive function, and productivity. Foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids, such as nuts and seeds, and antioxidants, such as berries and dark chocolate, have been shown to support brain health and mental well-being, enhancing focus, concentration, and overall cognitive function.
Better Digestive Health: Many healthy snacks are rich in dietary fiber, which plays a crucial role in supporting digestive health and regularity. Fiber helps promote healthy digestion, prevent constipation, and maintain gut health by nourishing beneficial gut bacteria.
Variety of Healthy Snacks
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One of the best things about healthy snacking is the abundance of options available to suit every taste preference and dietary need. Here are some delicious and nutritious snack ideas to tantalize your taste buds:
Fresh Fruits and Vegetables: Nature’s original snack, fresh fruits and vegetables are bursting with vitamins, minerals, and fiber. From crunchy carrots and cucumber slices to juicy berries and citrus fruits, the possibilities are endless. Pair them with hummus, nut butter, or Greek yogurt for added protein and flavor.
Nuts and Seeds: Packed with heart-healthy fats, protein, and antioxidants, nuts and seeds make for satisfying and nutritious snacks. Almonds, walnuts, pumpkin seeds, and sunflower seeds are excellent choices. Enjoy them on their own or sprinkle them over yogurt, salads, or whole grain crackers for added crunch.
Greek Yogurt: Creamy, tangy, and rich in protein, Greek yogurt is a versatile snack option that can be enjoyed on its own or customized with your favorite toppings. Add fresh fruit, honey, granola, or nuts for a nutritious and delicious treat that satisfies sweet cravings while providing a protein boost.
Whole Grain Crackers and Rice Cakes: Choose whole grain crackers or rice cakes for a crunchy and satisfying snack that’s low in calories and high in fiber. Top them with avocado, cheese, tuna, or smoked salmon for a balanced snack that provides a mix of carbohydrates, protein, and healthy fats.
Homemade Trail Mix: Create your custom trail mix by combining nuts, seeds, dried fruits, and whole-grain cereal or pretzels. Customize the mix to suit your taste preferences and dietary needs, whether you prefer a sweet and salty combination or a savory blend with spices and herbs.
Smoothies and Smoothie Bowls: Whip up a nutrient-packed smoothie or smoothie bowl using a variety of fruits, vegetables, leafy greens, and protein sources such as Greek yogurt, protein powder, or nut butter. Blend until smooth and creamy, and enjoy as a refreshing and satisfying snack or meal replacement.
Snacking On-The-Go: Convenience Meets Nutrition
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In today’s fast-paced world, convenience is key, and healthy snacking options are no exception. Here are some additional snack ideas that are perfect for busy lifestyles:
Protein Bars and Snack Packs: Protein bars and snack packs are convenient, portable options for satisfying hunger on the go. Look for bars made with whole food ingredients, such as nuts, seeds, and dried fruits, and minimal added sugars or artificial additives. These snacks provide a quick source of protein, fiber, and energy to keep you fueled between meals or during busy days.
Hard-Boiled Eggs: Hard-boiled eggs are a protein-packed snack that’s easy to prepare and transport. They’re rich in high-quality protein, vitamins, and minerals, making them a nutritious and satisfying option for snacking between meals. Pair them with whole grain crackers or sliced veggies for a balanced snack that keeps you feeling full and energized.
Vegetable Sticks and Dip: Cut-up vegetables, such as carrots, celery, bell peppers, and cucumbers, paired with hummus, guacamole, or Greek yogurt dip, make for a crunchy and satisfying snack that’s rich in fiber, vitamins, and antioxidants. Pack them in a small container or zip-top bag for an easy and nutritious snack to enjoy at work, school, or on the go.
Frozen Yogurt Bites: Freeze small portions of Greek yogurt with your favorite fruit, such as berries or sliced bananas, to create frozen yogurt bites that are perfect for snacking. These bite-sized treats are refreshing, creamy, and packed with protein and probiotics, making them a healthy alternative to traditional ice cream or frozen desserts.
Homemade Energy Balls: Make your energy balls using a combination of rolled oats, nut butter, honey, or maple syrup, and mix-ins such as dried fruits, nuts, seeds, or chocolate chips. Roll the mixture into bite-sized balls and refrigerate until firm. These homemade energy balls are a nutritious and delicious snack that’s perfect for satisfying sweet cravings and providing a quick energy boost.
In conclusion, healthy snacks are a delicious and convenient way to nourish your body and mind, providing essential nutrients to fuel your busy lifestyle. From fresh fruits and vegetables to nuts, seeds, yogurt, and whole grains, the options for nutritious snacks are endless. By choosing nutrient-dense snacks and incorporating them into your daily routine, you can support your overall health and well-being while satisfying cravings and staying energized throughout the day. So go ahead, and indulge in a delicious and nutritious snack – your body will thank you for it!
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