#puns are my specialty :3
lordoftablecloths · 11 months
I think the spy/medic tf2 ship name should be Invasive Surgery
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galebrainrot2024 · 3 months
Ok ok ok, this is so specific and niche BUT in post game professor Gale timeline. what kind of lunches do you think Tav would bring Gale on his lunch breaks...
I have this idea that my Tav shows up sometimes when Gale forgets his lunch and brings him a little packed lunch.
oh what a fun question! hehe I imagine a few options and all of them include a little note or something from you (sometimes sweet sometimes raunchy… lol)
1. I see Gale as a big sandwich guy, a sandwich connoisseur if you will - both homemade and purchased, if done right. He takes a strange amount of pride in his ability to make them so it’s a fun opportunity for you to practice your own skills. When he was isolated, sandwiches were one of the things he would make himself, both because they’re ease and versatility. Different breads, cheeses, meats, veggies, hummus, you name it. If waterdeep has bodegas, Gale has a favorite where he insists they make the *best* sandwiches. Tara spends a lot of her days hanging out there. He strikes me as a rye guy.
2. He also enjoys exploration and our favorite rizzard is willing to try almost anything once. on occasion, reader will take him out for lunch to try both old and new spaces or will bring takeout right to his office and eat with him if they have time. Bonus points if there’s desert included. If there are tacos and horchata in Waterdeep, spanakopita, samosas, bim-bap, bao, gyro the list goes on. You know him best and his tastes are mood dependent. Often he cannot make the decision where you’ll eat, and you’re happy to do it. Enjoys spicy food and struggles with it simultaneously, it’s an endearing quality.
3. In the fall and winter, soups. Any type of soup. Good soup.
4. This is niche and specific because of the clip of him munching on them, some type of mushroom dish - stuffed mushrooms, portobello burger, our man is a big fungus guy and will absolutely make a pun about being a “fun-gi(guy)”
5. A specialty dish that comes from either his mother and his family or yours, this type of surprised packed lunch always makes Gale beam a little extra, and makes him want to show you off to colleagues and your exquisite thoughtfulness (even if you’re a bad cook, like me haha)
:) this was fun thank you for asking hehe
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shoku-and-awe · 5 months
I'm usually home for New Year, like I am now, so I’m not sure I’ve ever actually had the customary toshikoshi soba, but guess who has!
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My tiny child 🥲 And he loved it!
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My husband was kind enough to both send photos and videocall me so I could watch him enjoy it. This is your culture, Iggy!
He did lick up all the soup first and then eat the noodles after, which is bass-ackwards, but that’s okay! It’s not that he couldn’t work out how to pick up the noodles; this dog just loves soup <3
(Bonus fact: The product is called wanko soba, which is a pun! Wanko means dog, but in some dialects, it refers to a small bowl. Wanko soba is a specialty dish of Iwate that’s served continuously, one bite at a time, in said tiny bowls.)
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angelfoodcake222 · 6 months
@cow-stealin-gal, here's some answers to that list of questions you mentioned. You weren't kidding when you said this was a lot of questions. It took me a good hunk of the week to answer them all. Whew!
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1. "What's the lie your character says most often?" The usual ones: "I'm/it's fine" "I'm/it's okay" "That doesn't hurt" "I'm peachy keen" etc.
2. "How loosely or strictly do they use the word 'friend'?" she uses terms like "My friend", "My dearest friend", or "My beloved friend" as her relationships evolve, in that order. The first one comes when she is comfortable in TADC.
3. "How often do they show their genuine emotions to others versus just the audience knowing?" She shows her more tender, caring side to the main cast, but the audience sees the beast lurking just beneath the sugary surface...
4. "What's a hobby they used to have that they miss?" See Question 38 below. Thank you :3
5. "Can they cry on command? If so, what do they think about to make it happen?"
6. "What's their favorite [insert anything] (I picked food & clothes) that they've never recommended to anyone before?"
7. "What would you (mun [???]) yell in the middle of a crowd to find them? What would their best friend and/or romantic partner yell?"
8. "How loose is their use of the phrase 'I love you'?" Boa-Constrictor-catching-its-prey loose. Though she never verbally says those three words in that order or anything similar to it, she prefers showing it rather than saying it. Gift-giving & Words of Affirmation are her specialties. Sometimes she is physical though this is sparce.
9. "Do they give tough love or gentle love most often? Which do they prefer to receive?" She is a kind, compassionate soul, but adaptive to an uncanny degree. That being said, her type of 'love' varies from character to character with other elements like the immediate environment/scene/situation, etc. at play.
10. "What fact do they excitedly tell everyone about at every opportunity?" How fast rabbits are & what bugs are the cutest.
11. "If someone was impersonating them, what would friends/family ask or do to tell the difference?" Have a brief scene written specially for this question! >:3
"Do you think you baby us too much?"
"People do not need to be coddled & babied 24/7. Though it is a nice occurrence to happen when you need it to keep your sanity, too much could do just as much harm as not doing it at all. With that out of the way, dearies-." She snatches the smug double by the arms, ears sharpening like downcast horns. Deep & demonic, her voice reverberates through the double's body to dominate any chance of retaliation. "Who the bloody f@ck do you think you are, messing with my friends, you low-budget, dollar-store wonton!?"
Violence censored by a Cain & Bubble-themed 'Technical Difficulties' screen blocks the scene.
12. "What's something that makes them laugh every single time? Be specific!" Really bad jokes. Dad Jokes, puns, & dark humor, mainly.
13. "When do they fake a smile? How often?" She smiles much like Jax but not for the same reasons. She does this smile quite often to try cheering up anyone who may need it. Jax is the exception as he angers her very well.
14. "How do they put out a candle?" When in a good mood, she'll cup her hand behind the flame & blow air with a soft whistle sound. When upset or wishing to look imposing, she'll pinch it out, no finger lick, nothing. Only pinches while holding eye contact with whoever she's attempting to intimidate. The candle (probably) isn't the only thing she would extinguish in this way when put to scale.
15. "What's the most obvious difference between their behavior at home, at work, at school, with friends, and when they're alone?" Publicly, she is a caring, nurturing, understanding, healing influence who is an ambivert. Privately, she is a candle down to her wick's end & ready to bring virtual hellfire upon this plain of childcore-coded torment. Being conducive to everyone's mental & emotional betterment is her sanity's glue & staples at this point.
16. "What kinds of people do they have arguments with in their head?"
17. "What do they notice first in the mirror versus what most people first notice looking at them?"
(18). "Who do they love truly, 100% unconditionally (if anyone)?" Insufficient information on the writer's part. This question will be answered later when the story is more developed.
19. "What would they do if stuck in a room with the person they've been avoiding?"
Option A) Makes peace as best as she can.
Option B) stays silent & keeps her distance (physically, verbally, emotionally, mentally).
Option C) If the first two fail, time to boss up & whoop a blockhead into rubble.
The last one is once in a Blue Moon but can happen if the person she's been avoiding completely ignores her very visible attempts at peace on purpose. If it's out of worry, she returns to Opt A.
20. "Who do they like as a person but hate their work? Vice versa, whose work do they like but don't like the person?" Jax & Cain, for the first half. She loves how laidback Jax is & his impish ways are amusing at times, but she hates when he's malicious & uncaring to the others. She doesn't care about her well-being, only about others, so this is the kindling of her internal conflict. Cain, though charming & charismatic, seemingly caring for his 'cast/friends/coworkers', tends to be a little too much for even her. The unpermitted touching makes this worst. She is not a fan of his activities as they do not entice much brain power to solve & often leaves the crew in danger routinely. Lady loves a good brain scratching when it's safe.
The second half is herself. See, she feels a little guilty about inadvertently putting herself out there as the main maternal figure within the cast when Ragatha was there long before her. Even though she is happy to help everyone reach self-betterment, Ragatha included, she cannot stop the shame from reaching her heart.
21. "What common etiquette do they disagree with? Do they still follow it?" Handshaking. Not everyone is comfortable with physical contact like her so she tries not to do this. She will do this if the person is insistent about it.
22. "What is an example of a simple activity that most people do/can do that scares your character?" Acrobatics & yoga. She isn't too big on heights &/or things that scream "possible body horror" to her.
23. "What do they feel guilty for that the other person(s) doesn't/don't even remember?" How she tried to avoid them when she originally blipped into existence under the digital big top.
24. "Did they take a cookie from the cookie jar? What kind of cookie was it?" No, but if she did it would be a shortbread cookie with raspberry preserves on top.
25. "What subject/topic do they know a lot about that's completely useless to the direct plot?" The amount of rabbit/hare/bunny breeds there are currently & the fun facts for each & every single one of them.
26. "How would they respond to being fired by a good boss?" Takes it on the chin like a champ but is crumbling on the inside.
27. "What's the worst gift they ever received? How did they respond?" Glitter trap from Jax. Cain was going to clean her off with the snap of his fingers but stopped when she started laughing merrily & heartedly. "I love fine glitter! Thank you, Jax!" She actually hates glitter of all kinds, fine or chunky, shaped or not. She only did this to damper Jax's malicious smirk. She let Cain clean the rest of the surroundings but wore that glitter for months just to prove a point. Yes, she's motherly & kind, but she has her peeves & limits. Jax pushes all of it.
28. "What do they tell people they want? What do they actually want?" To help everyone be their best selves. She wants to be the shoulder(s) to cry into, for the crying person's sanity & hers.
29. "How do they respond when someone doesn't believe them?" Understanding. She isn't everyone's container of favored beverage & she knows it. If the situation is too bad for her to be this way, she will get snippy with the person if that person is rude or ignores her words.
30. "When they make a mistake and feel bad, does the guilt differ when it's personal versus when it's professional?" This varies. Bigger the issue/mistake, the worst the emotions & vice versa. She's trying her best though.
31. "When do they feel the most guilt? How do they respond to it?" Whenever someone comes to her for advice or comfort instead of Ragatha. She helps them with whatever they're asking with the usual bonus (if desired by the asker) to bring Ragatha's second opinion into play for possibly better results. Ragatha herself comes to her occasionally to talk over subjects they share interests in.
32. "If they committed one petty crime/misdemeanor, what would it be? Why?" Jaywalking & motor vehicle offenses. Jaywalking because she is not fond of crowded routes &/or places period. Motor Vehicle Offenses (Speeding & running traffic lights) because girlie has no head for speed management & has poor vision at a distance.
34. "How do they greet someone they like/love?" All the warm, soft, cozy vocals you could think of. Hugs are optional. She is careful to note what the liked character does & doesn't like to do.
33. "How do they greet someone they dislike/hate?" Very formally. No warmth, no softness. Cold, hard tones through & through until the person catches on to her behavior. What the character does next determines her behavior onwards. Physical contact is at the negative numbers as is her normally kind adaptability.
35. "What is the smallest, morally questionable choice they've made?" Tricking Jax into a box filled with Gloinks as punishment for his mean actions. Due to her respecting the Gloink Queen unlike any other, aside from Kinger, the Queen granted her leadership of some lesser Gloinks to carry out Jax's retribution. Both were pleased with his annoyance & anger.
36. "Who do they keep in their life for professional gain? Is it for malicious intent?" Nobody & nope. She is stuck in the circus & takes care of everyone, even Jax (occasionally & sneakily). This is more like maternal intent for most.
37. "What's a secret they haven't told serious romantic partners and don't plan to tell?" Sadomaso to the bone. More on the 'Sado-' than the '-maso', but she has a motherly reputation to uphold.
38. "What hobby are they good at in private, but bad at in front of others? Why?" Domestic chores; baking, cooking, laundry, & so on. What good are such activities if there is zero need for them?
39. "Would they rather be invited to an event to feel included or be excluded from an event if they were not genuinely wanted there?" A bit of both. She loves feeling included & welcomed but if she isn't wanted then that's okay. She'll just take a long walk around the grounds or retire to her room. Now, if the invitation is verbally delivered with wholehearted want, she'll attend solely for that one person's contentment. If she is in a position where not one person likes her, she'll shrug. "Don't let me spoil your merriment, dearies. I'll be off now."
40. "How do they respond to a loose handshake? What goes through their head?" Put simply, she's worried & confused. "Is this person well? Am I grabbing/shaking too hard? Maybe they don't like being touched & are just doing this for etiquette's sake? I'll make a note of this & find better-tailored ways to interact with them if they'll grant me their friendship at any level."
41. What phrases, pronunciations, or mannerisms did they pick up from someone / somewhere else?
42. If invited to a TED Talk, what topic would they present on? What would the title of their presentation be?
43. What do they commonly misinterpret because of their own upbringing / environment / biases? How do they respond when realizing the misunderstanding?
44. What language would be easiest for them to learn? Why?
45. What's something unimportant / frivolous that they hate passionately?
46. Are they a listener or a talker? If they're a listener, what makes them talk? If they're a talker, what makes them listen?
47. "Who have they forgotten about that remembers them very well?" Her family back in the real world. In her defense, nobody remembers anything of their past lives when in the circus.
48. Who would they say 'yes' to if invited to do something they abhorred / strongly didn't want to do?
49. Would they eat something they find gross to be polite?
50. What belief / moral / personality trait do they stand by that you (mun [???]) personally don't agree with?
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sternbilder · 1 year
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It has been brought to my attention that since I had translated the self profiles for the Top 5 previously, a new tweet has come out for the Ha siblings! I have a day off today, so I took a crack at translating this real quick—Su-Chang's words/things that apply to both are in black, and Su-Yeon's are in orange:
Name: Ha Su-Chang / Ha Su-Yeon
Hometown: Human City Suwon [1]
Former Occupation: Office worker Librarian / High school student
Blood Type: B / Harmonious B
MBTI: ENTP / ENTP what do you mean I'm an E
Nickname: PlugHole [2] / (Illegible)
Date of Birth: Blossoming mid-20s / Delicate late teens
Height: Over 180 / 162
Weight: 69kg / Secret
Specialty: Following instructions / Giving instructions and evaluating the results
Hobbies: Watching films / Watching videos and performances
Habits: Scratching the back of my head / Raising my eyebrows
Top 3 Likes: Family, books, movies / Doyoon-nim, Han Do-yoon, Doyoonie♡
Top 3 Dislikes: Doyoon-nim, Han Do-yoon, Doyoonie♥ / All of what he did above
Motto in Life: Everybody lies [3] / ↑ This guy lies like he needs it to survive
A Person I Respect: Me / ↑ [3] But quite often is not that respectable
A Recent Worry: She keeps telling me to televote / He keeps telling me he won't televote
The TOP 5 Contestant I’m Closest To: No such thing / Doyoon-nim I would like to be unnecessarily close to you please
My Rival in the TOP 5: I don't even know who the options are so even if I were to be their rival... / I know right? I mean even if you were their rival... / You know what in that case I pick Han Do-yoon / I'll kill you
My Best Physical Feature: My intelligently shining eyes 👁️👁️ /My dainty but pointed nose ✨👃✨
When I’m Happiest: When I'm simply lounging about / ↑ When I bestow a task upon the one who is lounging about and verify its completion
When I’m Saddest: When Han Do-yoon is frowning... Reason is ↓ / When Doyoon-nim has that forlorn look on his face T_T....
Who I Want to See Myself Become: (Part of a) harmonious family / Watching one of Doyoon-nim's performances from VIP seats☆ / But what about harmony...?
Goals for This Year: Just do well for myself [5] / Watching one of Doyoon-nim's performances from VIP seats☆✫✬ / Stop it with the stars / I'll do what I want
What I Want to Say to Myself 1 Year from Now: Thank you for your service, and again going forward [6] / Doyoon-nim, thank you for everything this past year. / What about me...?
A Message for the Viewers: Thank you for your service re:all your hard work watching this at home / Let us all do our part to show our endless love and support for Han Doyoon-nim!
[1] Seems to be a reference to the official slogan of the city of Suwon, "People are welcome: Human City Suwon."
[2] Pun on the word "하수구" (hasugu) which sounds like the start of his name, Ha Su-Chang. Literally means sewage drain, but apparently in British English the word for this is "plughole."
[3] May be a reference to a quote/catch phrase of character Ha Mu-Yeol from the Panic Room (검은방) series, another games series by the same creator. Also what Su-Yeon literally says is "he lies like he eats meals," the implication being that the lies are frequent and regular. :P
[4] Ambiguous whether this is referring to Su-Chang or herself. I think it's Su-Chang but I could be wrong.
[5] Idiomatic, lit. translates to "eat well and live well," meaning just. Doing well; looking out for/taking care of yourself.
[6] Again quite idiomatic. 수고하다 means to like, take the trouble, put in the effort, do the work, etc. and 수고하셨습니다 means "thank you for the trouble" etc. but he's clearly being a little flippant here.
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I just gotta say that the statement whorousboros is genius.
terrible puns are my specialty :3
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chewyjellycable · 4 months
Looks at you. You should totally talk about cream cheese cookie /nf
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Some of this is retconning old lore from when I just made them just to make them. But NOW I have thought about them a lot more.
Cream Cheese Tea is Genderqueer who has absolutely no concept as to what gender is supposed to be. They use They/It/He/Her, all being interchangeable and with other pronouns (along with Neos) also acceptable.
Cream Cheese Tea is called "Cheesy" for short, which also happens to be an affectionate name given to them by many that they interact with. They tend to have this charm to them even in their civilian attire.
Their phantom thief identity's name is "Spectre Brew", who takes after Phantom Bleu's antics in stealing from those too rich to know what to do with their belongings and making extravagant shows out of their displays. Their specialties include jewelry and other precious objects (though gemstones are typically included in 'precious objects').
Cheesy was adopted into Earl Grey and Roguefort's family from a very young age. They were rambunctious and a bit egotistical as a child, which was rough for both Earl and Rogue.
Thanks to Earl Grey they're technically a Cookie of Darkness. Earl doesn't let Cheesy get anywhere close to the rest of the CoD, though Chess Choco is permitted since they're all his children and deserve to have socialization.
That being said, Cheesy has always been terrible at chess. Thankfully, the twins are willing to teach them so that they have yet another skill to show off and look so suave and charming in their civilian downtime.
Cheesy found out about Rogue's life as a phantom thief around Cookiesmas when Phantom Bleu wound up in the same house as Cheesy, who at the time was hanging at a rich friend's home. Though Rogue tried to proclaim that they were Santa, Cheesy knew who it was very easily, and one of the ways to keep their kid's silence was by letting them become a phantom thief themself.
Both Earl and Rogue are incredibly proud of Cheesy's skills as a phantom thief, though Earl is very paranoid about something happening to them while they're out thieving... and both wish that they would stop being so obsessed with being charming outside of their phantom thievery.
They have a sometimes talked about relationship with Bredele de Cassonade. Their 'ship' name is CassoCheese. :]
Langue de Chat and Cappuccino DESPISE Cream Cheese Tea. Both aren't a fan of Spectre Brew since they're way too similar to and have worked with Phantom Bleu. And in Langue's case, they aren't too keen on having their brother dating someone that reminds them of someone they had to put their budding career on the line for.
Their pet is Goratzola (gorgonzola pun), a rat who loves to get into trouble and go snooping for things in places it shouldn't go into! Thankfully Earl lets this rat stay since there doesn't seem to be any others in the walls of his home... Plus, so long as it's well-fed and cared for by Cheesy, Earl sees it as a good way to teach responsibilities.
The hat in their thieving outfit DOES have actual tea inside of it. How does it not spill out when they're performing so many tricks and swift motions that would certainly spill any normal cup of tea? A thief never reveals their secrets. <3
Thanks to their parents, Cheesy knows just a little bit of Light Magic, Dark Magic (both from Grey), AND Moon Magic (from Rogue). Though it's not used very often due to how draining and unpredictable magic can be for them, it never hurts to use some light magic to make some sparkles for an extravagant departure.
Their personal favorite way to get around is by train. They've become very accustomed to the local train schedule because of this.
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pinkprimrose05 · 1 year
hehe Yuya for the character ask game :)
also maybe Yuzu or Ruri if you want!
Warning: Long Post, may contain spoilers.
First things first: My friend, I'm really sorry for how late this answer is. School just came back and wrecked my schedule with a sledgehammer, so it's kinda hard to sit down and properly talk about characters these days. Unfortunately, that means I'm not sure if I can do Yuzu, but Ruri has been done in answer to another ask that you'll find by clicking the "character breakdown tag".
With that being said... let's talk about the disaster tomato child!
1) What I think of this character:
It's kinda hard to be coherent about this, but I'll try to put it simply: Yuuya is my blorbiest blorbo ever, among all faves I have, across all fandoms I'm in. He's a pure beam of sunshine, a soft blanket of comfort, a cute ball of enthusiasm and flair that is never boring to watch, and a joy to see and hear on screen at all times. Also relatable on a spiritual, personal level. Also perfect headcanon material. Also adorable design and an actually cool aesthetic with the S2 riding suit. Also might have been my first fiction crush, but I never really stopped to verify that when I was like, twelve.
2) My romantic ships for them:
Yuzu! I'm a classic vanilla when it comes to romantic ships, and they have undeniable chemistry even if you ignore the "childhood besties" cliché. They're just so adorable together, and I'm glad the writers managed to make their main ship actually convincing, because the track record is all around terrible (aside from Faithshipping, that is).
3) Platonic OTP:
Oh come on, this is Yuuya we're talking about. Half of his canon platonic ships can and do count as OTP for me, and that extends to other potential friendships. All of that includes, but is not limited to: Yuugo, Yuuto, Yuuri, Serena, Sawatari, Sora, Shun, Jack- hell, he would've been good friends with even Zarc if given the chance. I'm not even going into crossovers with other series (though I would like to give a shoutout to Juudai, because he and Yuuya just have. so many things to bond over. It's a little uncanny in retrospect, but it won't stop me from seeing them as the bestiest of besties among the protagonists).
4) Unpopular Opinion Corner:
It's not as controversial around here as it is on other spheres of social media, but despite my misgivings about the way the Smile philosophy was used in the Xyz arc and the early half of Fusion, I actually like Yuuya's character arc more than most.
This kid had locked himself behind a smile and a chuckle for three whole years, following his father's footsteps all the way along, without any sense of signature or independence to call his own. Even after acquiring Pendulum and becoming the pioneer of a new form of entertainment, Yuuya still struggles to balance his father's ideals and his own original flair, but it doesn't stop him from trying to reach for that which lies beyond the Pendulum (pun wholly intended :D), and eventually, through many trials and tribulations, he makes it. He makes it when he realizes that Pendulum and its evolution is his specialty, that it's fine -good, even- to share it with everyone else, that it's still unique to him in that he's the reason it exists at all, that it's the brand of his style and his Entertainment Dueling, and that he can use it to spread and share joy his own way. Because sometimes a smile is not enough to fix one's life, but it's a start that opens the path for you to go forward and find what you seek.
This is why the Friendship Cup finalé was the peak of Yuuya's development, and why most of S3 feels like such a drop in said development, when it simply focuses on other aspects of his outlook that he needed to address (like the tendency to trust and forgive anyone, even in the middle of a warzone). Sure, it does relegate Yuuya's sense of identity to smile propaganda for the stretch of an arc and a half, and sure, that was rather painful to watch, but it doesn't negate the improvement that already happened; just goes back on it on a few occasions, as is the natural human response of returning to comfort in the face of great adversity. And to be fair to the back half of the season, well, one can't exactly keep their cool with YuGiOh's closest equivalent to the devil telling them to commit atrocities... in an environment that very much deserves all atrocities coming its way.
5) Something I wish would happen to them:
SOMEONE TAKE THIS BOY TO THERAPY, HOLY SHIT. The writers really said "let's see how many ways there are to fuck with our protagonist" and just- threw their all at Yuuya, no holds barred. He needs a bonus episode(s) where he gets to catch a break for once in frankly too long, maybe sort out these old and new issues he needs to tackle, possibly go out with Yuzu and Sora to get icecream and just do mundane kid things... you know, just give the guy a moment to breathe, unwind, and prepare for what's next. He deserves it. Really. I would like to personally give him a break.
*snatches Yuuya to gently pat his head and hand him a strawberry candy*
Dear Lord, I really do love my tomato boi.
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rachaelmayo · 1 year
Rachael's Art Information
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The top illustration is Fields of Gold 2, one of my recent artworks and a personal favorite.
Quick info:
Commissions - closed, likely through 2024, while I work on a large project. You can always ask, though; I may be able to take on small projects here and there. My policies and prices information is posted in a journal entry on DeviantArt, and I will keep this journal up to date.
Art trades - closed.
Requests - I do not accept requests for free art.
Personal info:
I am an art hobbyist. I sell my work at SF/Fantasy conventions in the United States, but I do not make my living through my art. Art is my for-fun-and-relaxation vocation. I make my living as a systems administrator with a mainframe z/OS specialty for SS&C Technologies. I am based in the Kansas City, Missouri metropolitan area in the United States.
I like to draw dragon things, feathery things, buggy things, monstrous things, and other fantasy and SF things. I prefer design-oriented illustration over narrative illustration, and my focus tends to be on pattern and decoration. I am inspired by all kinds of creatures from the natural world, especially fish, insects, reptiles, birds, and flowers.
My artwork is comprised mostly of traditional mediums. I use ink, watercolor, and a variety of colored pencil brands, though I favor Prismacolor pencils over all others. I also use gel pens and acrylics. I like to include elements such as scrapbook paper, fancy rocks (cut/polished cabochons), acrylic rhinestones and Swarovski crystals, metal and glass decorations, and a variety of other 3D objects. Occasionally, I'll get a wild hair and break out the glitter.
I do some work in Photoshop. Usually I use the program for post-processing a hand-drawn artwork, but also I use it to perform color tests and other small projects. I would not consider Photoshop to be one of my primary creative mediums; rather, it is one of my finishing tools.
I share my artwork on a few other platforms, in combination with general short blogging. I know that some people have different platform preferences, so here are the other places I can be found:
Amazon - I have four dragon- and fantasy-themed coloring books available on Amazon. These are all original hand-drawn images that I've reworked in Photoshop to make them colorist-friendly. The current set of books are aimed at advanced colorists. I plan to publish books that are suitable for casual and young colorists soon. Here are links to the individual books:
Dragon Adventure 1 - 2nd edition coming in late 2025.
Dragon Adventure 2 - 2nd edition coming in 2027.
Dragon Adventure 3 - 2nd edition coming in 2028.
Dragon Adventure 4 - no 2nd edition planned.
DeviantArt - a chronological catalogue of artistic endeavors, moderately well-organized. I consider DA to be my "primary" art sharing website.
Print Information - This DeviantArt journal has information about my prints. I sell them ad hoc and make them with my own equipment, rather than using online print services. My prints are matted, signed, and numbered limited editions. I use archival paper and ink.
Facebook - I reveal new art here in parallel with DeviantArt. I post other information and personal achievements as well. I occasionally share music and performance videos that I like, and also terrible puns and other amusements. The vast majority of what I share is public, and SFW.
FurAffinity - I reveal new art here in parallel with DeviantArt.
Instagram - This usually parallels new work posts that are on my other websites, but the formatting may be different due to Instagram's image ratio restrictions.
Twitter/X - I am not posting artwork here any longer. I'm not as engaged on Twitter as I am elsewhere. I may not respond to DMs very quickly, but I do tend to drop by every couple of days.
Email - If you prefer to communicate via email, you are welcome to send me a DM and I will provide my email address. I do not want to post my address publicly on Tumblr.
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asterssunzephyr · 11 months
omg i love this au!!! can u expound a little on like the shadow-solidarity pet rescue shelter(?)
it’s so good and no pressure ofc!<3
IM JUST NOW SEEING THIS ASK?? ANON IM SO SORRY?? Thank you for the ask & Ill try my best to explain:D!!
Since you specifically asked abt the Seablings pet rescue & adoption Ill start with that, then maybe move to wood husbands + Joey's tattoo parlor?? Idk LOL
Lizzie & Jimmy are BIG on keeping pets safe & helping animals find their forever homes(especially cats<3), the name of their rescue & adoption center is: Seaving the animals because theyre also huge on puns and love the sea. Lizzie and Joel met through Pix dragging Joel(who, at that point in time, was Pix's roommate), and Pix really wanted to get a pet dog<3.
Joel only agreed to go if he could name the dog "Fur Weasley" (Fred Weasley). Pix allowed it and Lizzie was helping them with the paperwork and when Joel said the joke/play on words, the two began making Harry Potter puns & quotes.. needless to say the two were already head over heels for each other long before they began dating.
Scott, Joey, and Sausage own a tattoo parlor & each of them do have specialties(Scott, handwriting; Joey, Skulls/Animals; Sausage, Flowers).
The idea of the parlor was Sausages idea bc of his Uncle Eddie owning one, which is where Sausage got his sunflower tattoo. Eddie lives in another city, so Sausage thought "Hey! Theres not a tattoo parlor in this area, the closest one is a few hours away, and were all good at drawing so??"
....Somehow this convinced the other two to join in and now Scott is homeowner while Sausage and Joey help him around his house. Sausage & Joey do also pay rent bc they feel bad otherwise. The three of them make pretty good money off the tattoo parlor(and thats not to mention Scott & Xornoth are rich as hell). Their parlor is S&J's Tattoos bc Scott & Sausage decided it would be better than "SS&J" or "MSJ's Parlor". Scott did the interior with the help of Shelby, because he trusts her judgement.
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epitomees · 1 year
your  name: Amamiya Ren
your age: 17
your perfect date: At a small cafe, just the two of us as I prepare you a nice meal. Whatever you want, I'll make it for you. And I get to stare into those cute red eyes of yours while we talk about stuff. Like how cats are the perfect animals.
make out in private or in public?:  I prefer privacy so in private. I'm probably not good at it though. I've only practiced in a mirror.
do you like to cuddle?: I'm a wittle kitty cat uwu I love cuddles. Just save the head pats for the end so I can fall asleep in your arms.
tell me something about you: I can balance a pencil on my nose for 30 seconds. Maybe a minute if I'm trying to beat Ryuji's time.
why do you want to be my valentine?: Because you inspire me to be a better person. Without you the phantom thieves wouldn't have succeeded. And you make me happy every time I see you. I'm just a silly kitty and you're a full grown tigress and I want to be with you, if only for a little bit.
(Makoto obv :3)
As someone whom hardly received any handcrafted Valentine cards or sweet treats, handmade or store bought, from a trusted companion growing up, Makoto hadn't expected to find a note slipped into her bag. Nor did she expect it to be from Ren, but nevertheless she took her time reading over his handwritten letter on her walk home.
Obviously, he wrote this with a clear intention of spending their time together once the love holiday came around and yet...it sounded extremely unappealing.
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Cat puns and metaphors were Ren's specialty but it felt as if this took it to another level than his usual banter. A little too extreme for someone as straight-forward and upstanding as the student council president. Then again, Ren always spoke honestly around his fellow thieves. This may be his actual writing...
....but seriously? Full grown tigress? What did that even mean!?
"...oh...well..." She neatly folded the note once again to tuck it back inside her bag. Safely dry, and away from any peeping toms wandering nearby. "...I'll have to see about this..."
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pkmntrevors1stan · 9 months
Pokemon OC?! :0
Left- New, Right- Old
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Damn I Just Found Out My Artstyle Changed Quite Abit
Name: Dreamz (Ik It's Dumb But It'll Do :'3) Status: 8th Gym Leader Specialty: Ice-Types Ace: Frostmoth
"She Tends To Have A Cold Personality Often (Totally No Pun Intended) But Once You Get To Know Her Better You'll See That She Has A Soft Interior, She Just Hides It Because She's Afraid That She'll Get Hurt Easily..."
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Carpet Cleaning Sabre Springs
Steam Carpet Cleaning Sabre Springs
You know that feeling of physical all cozy at home and next you accidentally step upon the floor and your socks get all gross and icky? It's awful, right? The good news is that you can call a halt to this sensation for as long as reachable by investing in a carpet cleaning service. The greater than before news is that there's no need to spend tons of child maintenance to get the job done. In fact, many companies will allow deep cleaning facilities at discount prices if you employ them upon a recurring basis. If you're upon a budget, this is all great newsbut if you're not, it's likely because you have a specific place or stain in mind that needs more put it on than normal. If this sounds gone your situation, check out our [blog approach upon carpet cleaning science] to learn how to get your carpets cleaned faster and greater than before gone an extra-strength treatment. Carpet cleaning is a science. It's not just about vacuuming and shampooing; those steps are abandoned the beginning. To truly create your carpet look great, you need to scrub away grime gone a high-powered vacuum and pre-treat any stains, next bring in the cleaning chemicals and extract the dirt that's been lifted from the fibers. The carpet is next rinsed and dried to get rid of any residue left at the rear from the cleaning process. The good Housekeeping Institute (GHI) has put together some great tips for carpet cleaning at home. The first step is to use a machine that has a strong plenty suction to tug taking place all of the dirt from your carpet. A good judge of thumb is that if you can't fit a quarter into the instigation of your vacuum hose, it's not powerful plenty for your needs! Then, use specialty pet shampoos or new cleaners meant to loosen stains. begin from the outside of the room and put it on your exaggeration in, for that reason that you don't early payment the stain new by walking upon it as you clean.
Residential Carpet Cleaning Sabre Springs
If you've ever had to scrub a stain out of carpet, you know that there are very few benign ways of put it on it. In fact, the immense majority of cleaning products upon the market are potentially harmful for your children and pets. Even the gentle ones are likely to leave at the rear some residue that could be harmful over time. No one wants her relatives to be exposed to potentially hazardous chemicals upon a daily basis, for that reason attempt out this easy carpet cleaning method adjacent times you need a tiny help getting stains out: Materials Needed: -Baking soda (plainnot scented or gone extra cleaners) -A tidy brush or broom -Water This week I'm going to attempt a new carpet cleaning method, and I'll say you all about it in my blog. It's already been a few months before I did my last professional cleaningand even if the carpet looks fine, there are some stains that are getting harder and harder to ignore. And in the long run, I'd rather not spend the child maintenance upon professional cleanings all 2-3 months. for that reason I'm going to attempt this homemade shampoo method that a coworker of mine uses upon her own carpetsit's cheap, non-toxic, and easy to use upon any kind of carpeting. I'll let you all know how it goes. Carpet cleaning is one of those facilities that can create you setting gone you just got a new lease upon life. A fresh, professionally cleaned carpet can create your home setting gone a brand new dwelling, even if it's outdated and grungy. carpet cleaning is next one of the most costly facilities you can have curtains to your home (hence the pun in this post's title), for that reason there are positive things that can be curtains to keep the cost down.
Reputable Carpet Cleaning Sabre Springs
Experienced carpet cleaners is a group of professionals that are well-versed in carpet care and cleaning. They admit egotism in their work, and do all is indispensable to get your carpet to look gone new. I want to introduce you to a truly great company that specializes in carpet cleaning. They are affordable, reliable, and dependable. And, they always get the job done. They have been in thing for quite some times and have a lot of experience practicing gone carpeting. I have worked gone them before and have never had any problems at all. The staff is always courteous and friendly, which is something that I greatly appreciate. They know what they are put it on and will put it on difficult to create positive the job is curtains right the first time. If you are looking for a company that can allow you gone setting give support to at a price that won't rupture your budget, you should very judge them! I've been in the carpet cleaning thing for more than 4 years now and I have cleaned carpets for more than 500 clients. A lot of people know how to tidy carpets, but few know how to tidy carpets properly. I've next seen some carpet cleaners who are not professional and they do a poor job at it. There's always that bad taste left in your mouth after they're gone. They don't care about the job they just want the child maintenance and they won't come help if something goes incorrect or if you're not happy gone the job they did. https://carpetcleaningsabresprings.blogspot.com/2022/07/carpet-cleaning-sabre-springs.html Local Sabre Springs Carpet Cleaning https://microinfluencerslist.blogspot.com/ https://sobreelcorrectordeposturaenme52.blogspot.com/ https://sobreelcorrectordeposturaenme52.blogspot.com/2022/07/sobre-el-corrector-de-postura-en-mexico.html https://corrector-de-postura-am-j3z7mrp9.tumblr.com/post/690132092523364353/sobre-el-corrector-de-postura https://topmicroinfluencers.blogspot.com/
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Best Carpet Cleaning Rancho
Residential Carpet Cleaning Rancho Santa Fe
You know that feeling of being all cozy at home and next you accidentally step upon the floor and your socks get all terrifying and icky? It's awful, right? The fine news is that you can delay this sensation for as long as viable by investing in a carpet cleaning service. The enlarged news is that there's no infatuation to spend tons of keep to get the job done. In fact, many companies will find the money for deep cleaning facilities at discount prices if you hire them upon a recurring basis. If you're upon a budget, this is all good newsbut if you're not, it's likely because you have a specific area or stain in mind that needs more do something than normal. If this sounds like your situation, check out our [blog admission upon carpet cleaning science] to learn how to get your carpets cleaned faster and enlarged like an extra-strength treatment. Carpet cleaning is a science. It's not just nearly vacuuming and shampooing; those steps are abandoned the beginning. To in point of fact make your carpet look great, you infatuation to scrub away grime like a high-powered vacuum and pre-treat any stains, next bring in the cleaning chemicals and extract the dirt that's been lifted from the fibers. The carpet is next rinsed and dried to get rid of any residue left at the back from the cleaning process. The fine Housekeeping Institute (GHI) has put together some good tips for carpet cleaning at home. The first step is to use a robot that has a mighty plenty suction to pull in the works all of the dirt from your carpet. A fine adjudicate of thumb is that if you can't fit a quarter into the initiation of your vacuum hose, it's not powerful plenty for your needs! Then, use specialty pet shampoos or additional cleaners intended to loosen stains. begin from the outdoor of the room and do something your pretentiousness in, so that you don't onslaught the stain additional by walking upon it as you clean.
Steam Extraction Carpet Cleaning Rancho Santa Fe
If you've ever had to scrub a stain out of carpet, you know that there are completely few benign ways of do something it. In fact, the vast majority of cleaning products upon the shout out are potentially harmful for your kids and pets. Even the gentle ones are likely to leave at the back some residue that could be harmful exceeding time. No one wants her intimates to be exposed to potentially hazardous chemicals upon a daily basis, so try out this easy carpet cleaning method next become old you infatuation a tiny back up getting stains out: Materials Needed: -Baking soda (plainnot scented or like extra cleaners) -A clean brush or broom -Water This week I'm going to try a additional carpet cleaning method, and I'll say you all nearly it in my blog. It's already been a few months past I did my last professional cleaningand even if the carpet looks fine, there are some stains that are getting harder and harder to ignore. And in the long run, I'd rather not spend the keep upon professional cleanings all 2-3 months. so I'm going to try this homemade shampoo method that a coworker of mine uses upon her own carpetsit's cheap, non-toxic, and easy to use upon any kind of carpeting. I'll allow you all know how it goes. Carpet cleaning is one of those facilities that can make you feel like you just got a additional lease upon life. A fresh, professionally cleaned carpet can make your home feel like a brand additional dwelling, even if it's old and grungy. carpet cleaning is furthermore one of the most costly facilities you can have the end to your home (hence the pun in this post's title), so there are distinct things that can be the end to keep the cost down.
Local Carpet Cleaning Rancho Santa Fe
Experienced carpet cleaners is a charity of professionals that are well-versed in carpet care and cleaning. They assume arrogance in their work, and complete anything is essential to get your carpet to look like new. I want to introduce you to a in point of fact good company that specializes in carpet cleaning. They are affordable, reliable, and dependable. And, they always get the job done. They have been in thing for quite some become old and have a lot of experience in action like carpeting. I have worked like them past and have never had any problems at all. The staff is always courteous and friendly, which is something that I greatly appreciate. They know what they are do something and will do something hard to make distinct the job is the end right the first time. If you are looking for a company that can find the money for you like feel encourage at a price that won't break your budget, you should completely adjudicate them! I've been in the carpet cleaning thing for more than 4 years now and I have cleaned carpets for more than 500 clients. A lot of people know how to clean carpets, but few know how to clean carpets properly. I've furthermore seen some carpet cleaners who are not professional and they complete a poor job at it. There's always that bad taste left in your mouth after they're gone. They don't care nearly the job they just want the keep and they won't arrive back up if something goes wrong or if you're not glad like the job they did. https://bestcarpetcleaningranchosantafe.blogspot.com/2022/07/best-carpet-cleaning-rancho-santa-fe.html Best Rancho Santa Fe Carpet Cleaning https://expertcarpetcleanerspoway181.blogspot.com/ https://expertcarpetcleanerspoway181.blogspot.com/2022/07/expert-carpet-cleaners-poway.html https://hesperia-gym-rk62.tumblr.com/post/690105696678789120/expert-carpet-cleaners-poway https://topramonacarpetcleaning552.blogspot.com/ https://topramonacarpetcleaning552.blogspot.com/2022/07/top-ramona-carpet-cleaning.html
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kamen20ghost · 2 years
Some of my rwby head cannon
Weiss is good a singing but is a bad rapper and every one give her bad mc names.
Nora and Ren will only have a threesome with jaune as well he be the one walk Nora down the aisle as well as Ren best man
Yang get turn on when you use a pun on her and is open to threesomes
In order form best to worst cooks between team RWBY and JNPR
1 jaune ( seven sisters and a mom so no brainer)
2 Ren ( number one In Nora book and assistant to jaune when both are cooking)
3 yang ( most times when there dad’s not around cook for her and ruby and at times their uncle qrow)
4 ruby ( can bake like no other and ok when it comes to other dishes mostly leaves it to the boys or her sis )
5 Blake ( any fish related dish is her specialty but tends to slightly burn other things she cooking. )
6 Nora ( if jaune and Ren aren’t around she’ll cock mostly pancakes)
7 Pyrrha ( will burn most food she tries to cock on her own but makes edible food when cooking with jaune )
8 Weiss ( never allowed in the kitchen as she has done more then one fire in the kitchen )
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