#pupy *deep voice
undertake101 · 2 years
Lines/Script of Ember Kitsuri.
“But…I’m the one that started all of this. I let the key get stolen. I left Raph because of my stupid plan. I got him turned into that…monster.” He’s hyperventilating now, fat hot tears rolling down his cheeks faster than Karai can wipe them away. “I let Mikey and Donnie become collateral damage in the tunnels. I almost got my brothers killed. I did get them killed in who knows how many timelines according to Case! They-they died for me! So-” He hiccups, his breaths stalling, embarrassingly, like a little kid…but Karai just looks at him with kindness. “So why shouldn’t I..die for them? I-I thought…that’s what a leader does right?”
you guys maybe find that Casey kid and bring him back too? He deserves to know he didn’t.
Casey needed to know he didn’t kill his sensei.
Even from where they’re standing on the sidewalk, they can hear the faint sounds of sobbing, deep and gut wrenching. It’s muffled by the sounds of emergency vehicles and the general noise of New York, but they can hear it all the same. It’s heartbreaking. Splinter and April take a moment to look at each other, understanding passing through their eyes, and then carefully make their way into the alleyway.
Casey has wedged himself half behind a dumpster, collapsed in on himself. He’s holding Leo’s katana in a vice grip, like he’s afraid if he lets go it will float away into the sky. His hands dig into the blades so hard, red runs along the polished metal, the sharp edge digging into the calloused flesh of his palms. With every shaking breath he chokes in, it comes out as an absolutely devastated sob, cracking and painful.
Consumed by grief as he is, he was still raised in an apocalypse, and as April’s shoe kicks a piece of glass, Casey’s bloodshot eyes are on her in a second, fear flashing behind his pupils. It takes him a split-second to identify the two of them, but the minute he does, he’s scrambling to his feet. “C-Commander O’Neil! Master Splinter! You..I-I’m…” His young face goes through so many emotions in seconds, looking first overjoyed, then fearful, then sorrowful, and finally ashamed. He swallows thickly.
“I-I’m sorry! I’m so sorry…” His face contorts itself in pain. “I…I couldn’t. I didn’t-”
“Oh kiddo…” April slowly, so he can turn away if he wants to, opens her arms and leans forward to envelop Casey in a hug. She can feel Splinter do the same to the kid’s legs.
“He’s gone again,” Casey hiccups, latching onto the two of them. “And…and it’s all my f-fault! I-I couldn’t save him!”
April leans back, gently smiling at Casey. She wishes she had a tissue to offer the kid with what a mess his face was. At least she had good news for him instead. “Casey…he’s ok.”
Casey furiously shakes his head, his mouth pressed into a firm frown as tears pour down his face. “N-no! I saw the portal close. I heard-”
“They got him back.” Splinter’s voice is soft, but firm. “I do not know how, yet. But he is with his brothers, here, on Earth.” He reaches up to pat Casey’s shoulder. “There is nothing to apologize for…”
Casey blinks, his brows furrowing in denial. “No I-”
April squeezes his shoulder. “Casey…he’s alive. We heard him. Raph told us. He’s not gone…”
Casey looks to her, shock evident on his face as his eyes search hers for any hint of a lie. Then, he looks to Splinter, who merely nods, confirming April’s words. And then, Casey falls apart. With shaking, stuttering wails, he begins to sob all over again. All April can do is hold the kid close until he lets it all out.
They might…be a while.
He leans in, squashing his face against Raph’s plastron as he sobs, and it’s all Raph can do to hold him close as he shakes. Raph quickly loses track of how long they’re sitting there, just listening to Mikey cry, finally coming down off of the adrenaline rush himself and letting himself be vulnerable in a way he couldn’t on a battlefield.
Once Mikey’s sobs quiet down into quiet sniffles and hiccups, Raph leans back. “Feel better…?”
Leo’s pupils shrink to pinpricks and the smile slides off of his face. “No…” His voice shakes. “No restraints…please…please no more.” His breaths start coming out uneven, and the heart monitor next to Donnie beeps frantically. “N-no…don’t-”
“Don’t…don’t hurt th-” Leo coughs in an attempt to clear his mouth of the blood building up from his shredded lungs and windpipe. Donnie doesn’t even register the hot spatter against his face, only Leo’s huge, unseeing eyes. “Don’t hurt them…not again…I can’t-I’m sorry…”
“I’m sorry…” Leo hiccups, more blood falling from his mouth to the bed, mixing with the tears to create a horribly sad combination of bodily fluids. “I’m sorry I let-” He coughs. “I let you die…I-”
Donnie’s brow furrows, confused. “Let who die?”
Leo’s voice comes out in a sob, his nails digging into his brother’s palm in anguish. “Y-you! Mikey…Raphie…they’re dead. You’re all dead and it’s all my fau-ul-t. I-...I’m sorry…Don, I’m sorry…I’m…sorry.”
“I…I dun wanna die alone. I dun wanna…S’my…fault…”
He doesn’t get an answer from his brother, but Leo does whimper pitifully, bottom lip quivering. Donnie is suddenly reminded of all the times Leo would crawl into his bed when they were kids.
A voice breaks the moment, echoing through the kitchen. “Where….where is Master Leonardo..?” Casey asks, shifting awkwardly, unsure. His posture is tense, not looking at any of them. His hands grab at his cape, balling up the fabric in hands that hold too tight, like he wants to join the hug but is unsure he’s welcome to. Mikey can see from Casey’s wide eyes that the kid doesn’t fully believe that Leo is alive. The deep circles under his eyes, and the way the whites surrounding his irises are an irritated pink are sure signs that he’d been crying recently. Mikey is suddenly struck with the fact that he and Casey are the same age…and despite all his fortitude and stubbornness, Casey looks so young . Too young.
Casey’s eyes dart to the door of the kitchen. Mikey’s sure all of them can read what Casey’s about to do before he even does it. Raph, for all his mass, is quicker, stepping back from the hug and catching Casey before he can run out into the lair. Casey starts fighting against Raph’s hold like a trapped animal. “N-no! I need to see him! I…I need to tell him I’m sorry! F-for everything I-”
“I-I-I need to know he’s ok! I..”
“I can help!” Casey renews his fight, kicking gently against Raph as the large turtle’s hand rests on the kid’s shoulder. “M-Master Leonardo taught me how! I can-”
Raph pulls the kid into a one-armed hug, resting his forehead on Casey’s head. “C’mon…calm down, it’s ok…he’s going to be ok…” Mikey sees Casey’s shoulders shake, but no sound comes from his mouth, all the fight leaking out of him.
“I…I told him he was a bad leader…that he couldn’t do it…it’s my fault.” Casey’s haunting words carry through the silence of the kitchen. “It’s all my fault…”
He didn’t blink through Casey trying to leave and subsequently breaking down again in Raph’s arms.
He reaches over with his uninjured arm to ruffle Casey’s hair a little. The kid leans into it.
The kid’s face crumbles into relieved tears. “Dad!” Casey doesn’t even seem to register what he’s said, running full tilt to the other side of Leo’s bed to bring Leo up into a hug as equally bone-crushing as Mikey’s had been. This time Leo is too stunned to complain. “I thought-I thought I lost you again and I didn’t know what to do It was all my fault and-” Casey starts to babble, hot tears pouring down his face into the fabric of Leo’s medical collar.
Casey sighs and sits back down now that the immediate crisis is past. He doesn’t let go of Leo’s hand, however. He bows his head, holding the hand up to his forehead. He almost looks like he’s in prayer. He looks tired…deeply tired.
Donnie huffs, reaching over to ruffle Casey’s hair. The kid leans into Donnie’s hand, clearly hungry for any kind of physical affection he can get. Hugs probably weren’t super common during the literal apocalypse even if he did have a supportive dad... Mikey makes a mental note to put Casey at the bottom of the turtle pile later. Raph makes an excellent weighted blanket.
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interstitialfluids · 5 years
not a request but have tou seen tebetan mastiffs? i get You energies from them
i luv ovcharkas omg
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soaringlark · 4 years
Disclaimer: all my work is non-sexual! n/sf/w interaction is not appreciated!
(If asked to delete this, I will)
This is a remake of the first T0H vore I posted, because I have improved a little since then. And the other story makes me embarrassed with how bad and low effort it is... You’ll be the judge on if this is actually that much better. (also there’s actually vore in this one)
Sorry if this makes you uncomfortable because of female pred. I really don’t intend to do that, but I also don’t tag my stuff like that in case it gets into n/sf/w territory. That’s not where I want my content to be.
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Story below read more!
Not really any spoilers I can think of, but I might just be desensitised. So read at your own risk.
The story is about 2.5k words
(I don’t think I have to censor the names, either way I’m taking my chances)
It’s obvious, but these characters are not mine. They are from The 0wl H0use
(should be mentioned the characters are 14 just be aware of that)
“I don’t know, Luz…”
“Come on, Amity! It’ll be fun!”
Amity couldn’t see what would be “fun” about having Luz look around her mouth. “But my fangs…”
“Just be careful not to bite me; I’ll try not to get myself impaled.” The shrunken human girl laughed.
But Amity didn’t like it. “That’s not funny! I don’t want to hurt you!”
Luz held her hands out defensively. “I’m just joking!” The witchling scowled at her. “Besides, I’m already shrunken down, so why not at least try?”
Amity turned her head away from her crush. There was another reason she was feeling reluctant about doing that. But there was no way she was telling Luz that. “I would rather not!” She exclaimed her face growing a little red. It was because of the thought of Luz begin so close to her face. Literally in her face. She was pretty sure she would never feel brave enough to get Luz that close.
“But why?”
She glanced at her, before looking away again. “I don’t want to.”
“Not even for me?”
Amity swore in her head. Did Luz really have to pull that card? She would do pretty much anything for her. But this is something stupid… She couldn’t keep herself from smiling at the thought. When does Luz not do something dumb? “Alright! What do I do?”
Luz squealed in excitement. She’s so strange… “Thank you so much! Just lean your head down so I can reach your mouth!”
Amity did as Luz told her, nervously keeping her mouth open. Why does she want to do this? Is it a human thing? Do humans like to look into their friends’ mouths?
She could feel her hands press on her canines. She couldn’t stop herself from letting out a gasp.
“What is it?” Luz asked, backing away.
“You said you would be careful!” she spoke a little louder than she meant to, making Luz cover her ears. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to yell…”
“It’s okay,” the other girl paused for a second, before speaking up again. “But I was being careful! I just wanted to know how your teeth felt.”
Amity nodded, a tiny bit confused, before opening her mouth up again.
She felt her place a hand on her upper lip; a small squeak escaped her throat. But her thoughts were immediately drawn away from that, as Luz place her other hand on her tongue.
She had not expected her to taste like anything, but she had been wrong. Very wrong. Her mouth immediately flooded with drool. She tasted as sweet as she was. Not even a twinge of sourness or saltiness to her bafflingly good taste.
Luz voice changed for moment, as she let out a surprised noise, once again backing away from her. “Amity! Why are you’re drooling so much?”
Amity snapped her mouth shout, quickly swallowing, before wiping the excess drool off her chin. She couldn’t even speak. The flavor still overwhelmed her. It didn’t make sense; how could she taste that good?
“Do… Do I taste good or something?”
Amity hesitated, trying to regain her voice. “Uhm…”
Luz just… shrugged? “I figured. You would not believe how many creatures tried to eat me, when I was out on my first potion run for Eda!”
Amity was a little confused by how casually Luz said that. “You are okay with this?”
“Sure! It’s better than me tasting horrible!”
“How?” Amity couldn’t see any reason that would ever be the better option. “I mean, you taste really good.” She didn’t manage to stop the words from spilling out, and her face went even redder than before; she leaned her chin down on the table in embarrassment.
“Amity, it’s okay! It’s not like you are going to hurt me.” Luz hugged her nose.
Close! Close! Close! Clos- that was the only thing that echoed through her mind. She went cross-eyed looking at her, while her breath caught in her throat.
Her heart fluttered, hearing Luz’s laugh. “You went cross-eyed!” It took her a moment for her to stop laughing. “Anyways, open up!”
Amity’s sat up in surprise. “Really? You want to do that again?” Amity wasn’t too much against the idea anymore, yet, she didn’t want to be a danger to Luz.
“Don’t see why not! Just get back down here and open your mouth.”
Amity hesitated, before doing as she was told. But she still couldn’t figure out why she tasted like that.
It felt strange to know that it was her crush in there, and, not long after, she could feel Luz’s hands on her tongue. Her mouth flooded again. It was hard for her to ignore the drool that was dripping onto the table. She could her lean farther in. “Woah, you’re drooling a lot.”
Her brain still couldn’t make sense of the fact that Luz was in her mouth. “No need to respond, it was just an observation.”
In her head, she couldn’t keep from worrying about hurting Luz. What if I bite her? I don’t want to hurt her… “Can you lean your head down a little more?”
Amity did as she was told. “Thank you!” The girl spoke enthusiastically, climbing even farther into her mouth. She had to keep herself from biting down in surprise; her short hair was touching palette, making her want to spit her out.
Luz noticed her reaction. “Sorry!” she apologized, pressing herself down onto Amity’s tongue. “I didn’t think about my hair…” But Amity could barely register the words.
Luz’s taste was the only thing on her mind. How could she taste that good? She closed her mouth around her. Still careful not to hurt the girl; she didn’t want to chomp her legs off. “Hey!” It sounded from inside her mouth.
Amity swallowed a mouthful of spit, before wiping off her chin, still keeping Luz in her mouth. “Amity! Spit me out!” The tiny girl didn’t sound utterly terrified, or angry, but she was clearly serious. She shoved her hands against her tongue, making Amity want to do that even less.
But she still did let her out.
Luz took a moment to compose herself. “Why did you do that?”
Why did I do that? “I just…” It had been because of Luz’s taste, but she couldn’t just say that… “I wasn’t going to eat you, if that is what you think.”
“That sounds like something some who was going to eat me would say!” Amity’s ears shifted in surprise. “I’m just messing around. But seriously, why did you do that?”
“You just taste good. Do I need any more reasons?” Nope, I’m definitely in the wrong on this one, she realized right after speaking. “Sorry, Luz, I mean, it was that and some other reasons… But it was mainly because you tasted so good, I couldn’t think straight.”
Luz looked like she was about laugh, but she didn’t make a sound. Amity briefly wondered what was so funny. “oh…” Luz looked a little unsure. “I guess it’s best if we quit now? Wouldn’t want you eating me in a crazed trance or anything.”
“I would never do that!” But as soon as the words left her mouth, she became unsure herself. She would never want to hurt Luz on purpose… but she had felt a little out of it when Luz’s taste hit her. Something told her it would be best if they just quit. But… “Are you sure? Can’t I just taste you a little longer?”
“Alright, you agreed to do this for me, so I’ll do this for you.” Just thinking of the girl’s taste made her mouth water. She picked Luz up herself. Her eyes widened. “What are you doing?”
She put Luz back down on the table. “Sorry, I just thought it would be easier for me like that…” She leaned her head down again. She couldn’t help but let out a disappointed sigh, before opening her mouth.
Luz hesitantly walked back over to her. “No need to be like that… I would just rather be on the ground.” Amity stopped Luz with a finger. “What now?”
“It’s a table,” corrected Amity, before opening her mouth once again.
As soon as Luz got her upper body in her mouth; she closed it off as much as she could without biting her. She waited for Luz to protest, but she seemed fine with it. There was a thought too deep in her mind for it to really register. It wasn’t even words; just a feeling. She wanted to eat her, but it didn’t click her head. Not yet.
She spent about a minute of using Luz as an unusual piece of candy, before Luz shoved against her tongue. “That’s enough, Amity. Let me out now.”
But she didn’t want to do that… She shoved her a little farther into her mouth. “Hey, you promised!” Luz didn’t seem too serious for now. “Just spit me out!” There was a laugh to her yell. But it vanished after a few seconds. “But seriously, that’s enough.”
She pushed against her tiny shoes, before sitting up. She didn’t want Luz to hurt herself on her teeth. Luz gave a tiny kick to her fingers. “It’s not funny anymore!” Amity did not like the panic in her voice. Her ears shifted down in disapproval, but she still felt reluctant to let her go.
Despite the feeling, she got her out. Luz looked up at her with shock in her eyes, as she dangled from her fingers. “What’s with you? You’re acting really strange…” Amity didn’t know either. As she looked at Luz everything grew brighter. “Woah, your pupils are really… big.”
She blinked, snapping back to herself for a moment. “What?” she hadn’t really taken in any of what Luz said. The only feeling filling her head was the same on as earlier; hunger.
Luz kicked the air, trying to get more comfortable. But it didn’t seem to help much. Amity felt bad, shifting her hand, so Luz could sit. “I just meant your pupils had widened.”
There were a few seconds of silence, before Amity spoke up. “I want to eat you…” She hadn’t even realized the words left her mouth, before she saw the panic in Luz eyes. “I mean, no, I won’t do it!” Where did the craving even come from? She would never want to hurt Luz! She liked her. And a lot for that matter. “I…” she couldn’t figure out what to say to make it better. “uh…”
“Please, just don’t eat me? I think this is enough for now,” said Luz, her voice quivering nervously. She looked up into her eyes again. “Amity…?”
Her head felt clouded with thoughts. Or maybe it was more sensations… She couldn’t be sure. But one thing she was sure of, was that the little human in her hands would be amazing to eat… If it wasn’t for the stupid fact that it would hurt her… She knew how to keep herself safe from being eaten alive; a bit necessary living in a place like the boiling isles. But not how to make it safe for others. Would it even work on humans?
She wished she knew; she wasn’t willing to just take a chance. Especially not on Luz’s life. She could try with something simple… But she wasn’t really sure. There was no way of knowing it worked, before it was too late. But if she reacted fast enough, maybe she could still get her out?
The way Luz trembled in her hand made her hesitate. But Amity wasn’t herself anymore; she felt more like a wild animal. Still she snapped back for just a moment. “If it was safe, would you let me eat you?” Her response wouldn’t matter much to Amity, but she still wanted to let Luz know what she was planning.
“How could that be safe?” She nervously pressed herself up against Amity’s fingers. But she was more focused on casting her spells. “What are you doing?” questioned Luz, but something about the way she said it convinced Amity that she knew. She felt her shudder. “What was that feeling?”
“It worked!” She couldn’t not feel excited over that! She had never been a gifted witchling, so the fact that it worked made her nearly jump in excitement. It tore her thoughts away from… then it hit her how weird those thoughts were. What was I thinking?
“What worked? Amity, are you going to eat me?”
“No…” But as soon as the words left her mouth, she remembered Luz’s taste. She was already going back into that weird state of mind, where no thought felt complete.
Luz, once again, pressed herself against Amity’s fingers, before they curled around her. She wheezed, as Amity pressed tighter than she meant to. Amity grimaced, giving Luz an apologetic look, before opening her mouth again. “Hey! You just said you weren’t going to do that!” But she ignored her, shoving her legs into her mouth. “Please, I’d rather you didn’t!”
Amity looked Luz, before bring her back out. “I’m not going to hurt you,” she said, pushing her back in her mouth. She wasn’t sure if she wanted to eat her immediately or enjoy her taste a little longer. She could feel her legs at the back of her throat.
She swallowed, feeling Luz’s feet enter her throat. “Amity, I’m serious spit me out!” But she had already decided she was going through with this. She pushed her a little farther in, before swallowing once more. None of Luz was outside her mouth anymore, but she seemed more exhausted than anything else. She mumbled something under her breath, but Amity couldn’t understand it. What she could understand was what she said next. “Alright, just eat me, I guess…”
That speed the process up a lot. It barely took a couple of seconds, before she had swallowed the smaller girl. She could feel her slide down her throat, and, in some ways, it felt nice.
She could feel her the entire way down into her stomach. And in her stomach too. A smile spread across her lips. She didn’t know what made the thought that Luz was in her stomach so appealing, but she liked it. She needed to know if she was fine. “Are you alright, Luz?”
It was weird hearing her voice coming from her middle. “I’m fine, I guess… Just really slimy. Why did you eat me?”
“I just…” she wasn’t really sure. “I don’t know, I just felt like it.”
“Huh.” It was quiet from her stomach for a few seconds, before Luz’s heart-warming laugh sounded. “I guess you were right about it being better if I tasted bad!”
Amity smiled, exhaling through her noise. “No, I think this is better.”
There was a smile in Luz’s voice. “’Course you do.”
would appreciate if you point out anything iffy sounding in the story! :D I would rather edit it than seem like a perverted creep.
A few notes about this: I know Amity doesn’t have sharp teeth or oval irises, I just think it looks cool. It took me longer than I expected to write. The last one was less 1k words. I don’t just write Amity POV, it just happens that I’m always writing her when it’s vore. Luz is the one I’ve written for 19k words (not a typo btw), so I could use a break. I know Amity doesn’t blush from her ears, but I thought it looked better that way. Luz saying the thing about going into a crazed trance is actually a reference to an unposted story, where that happens. It’s very angsty, and I don’t feel comfortable posting it. Final note: Yes, I headcanon witches and witchlings knowing how to survive being eaten, even if it goes against canon a tiny bit. I just think it makes sense, that they’d know that.
Other than that... Thanks for reading and have a nice day! <3
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sugarfreecapsicle · 5 years
old magic
A/N: well it is spooky time, my dudes. although this isn’t all that scary, it’s a little rattling. written for and with lots of support from @moonstruckbucky and her Halloween writing challenge!  As always, huge props to @star-spangled-man-with-a-plan​ for beta-reading and for this gorgeous moodboard!
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prince!bucky x reader
warnings: implied sex, manipulation, poor witchery, kinda angsty?
DISCLAIMER: this is in no way a reflection of anyone who identifies, practices or otherwise affiliates with witchcraft. I bastardized some basics and ran with it. Please don’t come for me and correct my poor development of a fake magic system.
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Owls, crickets, toads all sing their lullabies, croon their desire in the unseasonal warmth. Even the fish are unsettled, splashing about in the pond on the horizon of your window. Protective warding candles flicker with the larger flame in your hearth - a warning.
Trouble will come knocking on your door.
With a sigh, you open your eyes and absently gaze over your small cup of tea. Steam curls through your vision and blurs the orange light through your small hut. Trouble indeed.
The fire at your hearth crackles hungrily, so you feed it a handful of brittle twigs. If guests should come, preparations should be made.
In the midst of your hot bath, a team of five knights barge through your front door - those wards would need recharging, you note - and clear your long dining table to unload a limp body. All men except one gape at your nonchalance. Steam akin to that of your tea floats upward from the large tub, hot water decorated with herbs and petals of varying shape and color warping your naked form beneath the surface.
“Witch.” The title seethes through his pink lips, but your smirk and nod. 
“Well met, Captain.”
“Fix him.”
“He’s the only one of you with any decency,” your words are laced with mischief. “Shield your eyes, men! Save your precious innocence before your eyes burst aflame at the sight of a bare witch!”
Your cackles fill the room, chiming echoes sparking off the walls as you dare to stand at attention from the pool of water. All but the captain turn away - his blue eyes glare murderous at you. A wink over your shoulder before pulling a long, black robe from its nearby perch brings a sneer over the leader’s face.
“By order of the king-”
“Yes, yes,” you interrupt loudly with an exasperated roll of your eyes, your voice lowered to mock that of the looming man. “Perform your rightful duties as a registered hag and fulfill as the royal guard wishes.” 
Your bare feet tap across the floor, wet prints left behind intentionally - each dissipates quickly into the air. “Tell me, Steven - how many other witches have you brought to their knees with such a command?”
His right shoulder twitches, but his hand never raises. Your eyebrow quirks up and you nod - how unbecoming of the Captain of the Royal Guard to be accused of lewd behavior in the name of the King. He’d passed your teasing - the icy tingle of a ward at work had not pulled at the back of your neck. The captain willed himself not to strike you. Commendable.
“Fix him,” the Captain grits out, pointing at the pallid body on your table. An inhale on approach allows his spirit to feel welcomed in your home - any chaos or anger in the room would only hinder your work - and you smell chamomile. 
Of all the foolish things you’d imagined could happen, resurrecting a martyred prince hadn’t crossed your mind. Your eyes roam over him, assessing. Deep laceration framed by a dark brown bloodstain at his abdomen. Left arm at the shoulder dangling by red, thin threads. Muck and debris spattered over what shreds remained of his tunic and trousers. Even his face, sculpted in beauty, bore minor wounds in comparison to your initial findings. 
“Captain, I’m no miracle worker,” you purr. “I’m a witch.”
“I know damn well what you are,” the Captain rushes you and all but pins you against your worktable, looming as a cloud in the sky. “And I know what you’re capable of.”
He can’t disguise the fear, the love, in his eyes. None of it belonging or intended for you - for you, there’s rage and desperation pouring from the sea blue. 
“Is this a price you wish to pay?” Your gentle words do nothing to deter his tears that brim and tumble onto his dirty cheeks. “There is a price for all magicks - not all can be purchased with gold and crystals.”
His jaw sets, his body retreats enough to give your feet purchase on the ground. 
“Do what you must.”
Sweat beads on your brow, your skin flushes with salty dew as you murmur and call and command, breath swelling in your chest, tingling sparks ignite beneath your skin - 
And there’s a clatter of iron by your fire. Shaking hands slam onto your table.
“I need space to continue my work.” Your eyes dart from each knight to their captain who leers.
“Shall we move him-”
“Absolutely not!” The slender knight recoils into the corner at your bark. Your tired eyes wander to the captain. “I need your men outside. I cannot be interrupted.”
“You cannot be trusted,” he spits, arms crossed over his plate armor.
“Trusted enough to bring your prince back from the dead, no?” 
Unhappily convinced, he ushers his men outside and gives them orders to stand guard until your work is complete or he commands otherwise. The wooden door creaks and whines as he slams it shut against the stonework threshold. Steven perches his hips against one of your many storage cabinets, his arms folded neatly once again, and you return to your work.
This magic drains. Your focus is split between replenishing your own reservoir of power and awakening the silent body of the prince. Divided attention rarely served any witch, least of all one interrupted while in ritual to prepare herself for the impending trouble. Knees bent against the rotting wood, your body shielding his as your hands spread your spell like paint. 
Hours later, you need rest. The Captain demands an explanation before he allows you to sit in your favorite chair. With exhaustion in your voice, you give him the simplest explanation available - the prince is stable, but your powers are not. Without your full attention, he could still die, or worse, lose his soul somewhere between the ethereal plane and the tangible one.
You fall into your seat with a melting sigh of relief. From your position you survey the progress: his skin still lacks color, though your poultices and wards appear to hold fast to your will. The missing left arm troubles you, though your faith in a solution after more work warm your soul.
“His left arm cannot be revived, but the rest of his body...perhaps. I need rest to replenish what I’ve lost. An hour at most.”
“And in that hour-”
“Yes, your prince is safe. When I am ready, I will continue.” 
Beginning the ritual from your seat, your eyes close gratefully. For a quarter of an hour you will meditate and ask for guidance. Then, you will submerge yourself naked into the pond to recharge your spirit until full once again.
The hour drags for the captain. Understanding a witch proves impossible - these otherworldly machinations serve nothing in battle. No witch would even consider aiding the armies of the King - though he strictly commanded none of them should die for their obstruction. 
After all, he’d said, they’ll just come back to life and kill me for ordering their death.
He shivers, a hand calming his chest. Steven had promised his life for James’ - and he failed. He failed his prince, his king, his country. And the failure stares at a rippling pond where a witch likely drowns herself as he broods.
A bubble floats on the surface then quickly bursts. Then another. And a cluster. 
And the moment Steven moves to stand, your head down to your eyes emerges from the water. Your movements are slow, deliberate, intentional. The pond water glistens in the moonlight, translucent pearls over smooth curves. He gulps down a knot of lust in his throat on your approach.
Cold and soaked, you grin devilishly up at him through dripping lashes. “Bring me his armor. I may fashion an arm for him yet.”
The work isn’t easier, but with your renewed strength comes potency. No blacksmith could match the functional metal arm fashioned in hellfire, a marbling of dark gunmetal and gold that pairs in shape with his left. The weight of it couldn’t be helped even by magic.
Finally, almost at sunrise, you can complete your ritual. The captain watches intently, breath hitching with every change in the air, puff of smoke, flicker of candlelight. These spells are extremely delicate, and with good reason - witches who meddle in life and death often end up mangled beyond repair.
His first inhale, chest lifting with a dragged gasp, rattles like a child’s toy with an exhale as rough. His captain eyes you, worried and questioning.
You nod shortly and repeat your charm - another inhale and exhale but smooth. The third repetition eases the tension in the room when he breathes as if in a deep sleep.
“Give him a day,” you sigh, wiping sweat from your brow. “It’s difficult readjusting to this material plane after death.”
The men make camp outside your front door, but never bother you for food or wares. Not that you’d have heard anything - you’d managed to sleep the better part of the day away. A mid-afternoon tea appeals to your weary mind, and as you’re brewing, the body on the table rustles.
You turn, smirking, and wait for his eyes to flutter awake at last.
Blue as the sea on a cloudless day, lashes dark and thick as pitch. No wonder maidens far and near begged you for love potions with him as their target.  
How unfortunate that they didn’t have your skill.
A small enchantment in his arm sealed his fate in more ways than one.
“Well met, brave prince.”
Of course his men swarm him with excited congratulations and greetings, eager to have their beloved prince back from the dead. Steven takes his time to communicate the new arm and new life as clearly as possible - even including your contribution to the whole endeavor. 
Pupils dilate when the prince kisses your hand in a low bow.
“May I deliver my payment to you in person?” His voice is deliciously low, hungry, raw.
“Whatever pleases His Majesty,” you answer, meeting his eyes in a promise. The troupe clambers out after a short protection spell you’d offered freely. 
In a week - that’s all it’ll take for the prince to appear before you again, in the dead of night, pupils blown out. 
“Madam, I don’t know what you’ve done to me, but you’re all I think about. I can’t bed my wife, I can’t hold court, I can’t travel without passing by and the urge to stay-“
You’re laughing behind a delicate hand. “Your Royal enchantress should be ashamed, your majesty. What witch cannot detect a love spell?”
The prince’s face twists in confusion. “You...you’ve bewitched me?”
Again, grinning, you recite the simple incantation: 
Though a beauty your bride may be
Your heart and soul now belong to me
The prince swallows, can’t stop himself from drinking in your body from toes to head. So full of desire, so wanting, needy, desperate for touch. “You’ve ruined me.”
“I feel I’ve made quite a vast improvement, in fact,” you giggle. “Aren’t I a better vision than your betrothed?”
You let your robe slip from your shoulders and pool at your feet just as the door to your home slams shut behind a wanton man.
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rainbow-sides · 5 years
A Hand to Hold: Chapter Seven
Summary: Patton befriends an isolated boy at his high school and soon develops feelings for him that aren’t just friendship. Navigating a relationship of any kind with Logan Barry isn’t easy, but it sure is worth it!
Pairings: romantic Logicality, possible background Prinxiety but I haven’t decided yet
Word Count: 1,739
Warnings: talk about bullying, ableism from a parent, very brief mention of Deceit, mentions of abusive therapy (implied ABA), food mention, mild spoilers for Doctor Who, anxiety, school stress,
Notes: ATTENTION I am no longer using a taglist. Instead, please follow and click notifications for the blog @rainbow-sides-fics. I’ll be reblogging all of my old fics there as well as any new ones I’ll be posting. Alternatively, A Hand to Hold is now available on AO3. Love you guys! <3 ~Martin
Chapter One Chapter Two Chapter Three Chapter Four Chapter Five Chapter Six
“GCAT PUPY PUPY,” Virgil chanted, his palms pressed to his temples. “Guanine and adenine are purines, cytosine and thymine are pyrimidines. Right?”
Logan nodded. “Correct. Well remembered.”
“Thank God for mnemonics.” Virgil popped a chip into his mouth. “Okay. Okay. What else is on the study guide?”
“It says to understand 5’ and 3’ directionality, decoding amino acid sequencing, and be able to explain the process of DNA replication as well as translation from DNA to proteins,” Logan said, summarizing the study guide for what was probably the fourth or fifth time. Although he knew that Virgil obviously knew the material, he got anxious during tests. He had asked Logan to help study with him so he felt more prepared.
“I feel like I know all of that, but there's got to be a catch, right? I'm gonna fail. I'm gonna fail.” He started to breathe too quickly.
Chex, who had been resting on the floor next to Virgil's chair, sat up. She nudged Virgil's leg with her nose and let out a soft whine.
Virgil buried his hand in the fur on the back of the dog's neck and took a deep breath. “No, I'm probably not going to fail. I've never failed a test in this class before, and I've been doing all the work.”
“I don't believe that you will fail,” Logan agreed. He twisted the ring on his finger, not sure what else to say. 
He wanted to help Virgil, but anxiety was complicated and Logan wasn't great at complicated emotions. Logan figured it was probably best to leave that to Patton. And Chex, of course. The sweet black lab was so in tune with Virgil's anxiety that she could tell even before he started to have an attack and would remind him to redirect his energy into more productive avenues.
“Would you like to keep studying?” asked Logan. “I have vocabulary cards for the whole unit, and there is always a vocabulary section on the test.”
Virgil nodded. “Sure, vocab practice sounds good. Hey, um, thanks again for coming over to study with me. It's nice to have a friend in that class now, I'm less stressed about it.”
Logan thought that Virgil still seemed very stressed. He didn't voice that opinion. “Codon,” he said, holding up the first vocabulary card.
“Uhh, uh, it's any series of three nitrogen bases that code for a specific amino acid, right?”
“Correct. Peptide bond.”
Virgil looked up at the ceiling. “It's...uh, well, peptide is referring to proteins, so...bonds between proteins?”
“Bonds between amino acids,” Logan corrected. “Okasaki fragments.”
“Oh shit,” Virgil muttered. “Um, something about the leading strand?”
“Lagging strand. Okazaki fragments are the stretches of DNA that are copied piece by piece on the lagging strand,” said Logan. He spun the ring on his finger again. He hoped that Virgil wouldn't get worried that he wasn't getting all of the vocabulary right.
“Right! I remember now.”
“Oh, hey, I know this one. A group of genes that are functionally related,” Virgil said.
“Correct. Intron.”
They kept going until all of the vocabulary cards had been discussed. Logan put aside the ones that Virgil had struggled on so he could keep looking at them later.
“Seriously, thank you so much for coming and helping me out,” Virgil said. “I feel much better about the test on Thursday.”
Logan flicked his hand up near the side of his face. “You're welcome,” he said.
“I don't think I'm going to be able to cram much more into my brain right now, I need a break. Hey, how's the Doctor Who marathon with Patton going?” Virgil wondered.
With a slight bounce in his seat, Logan replied, “We watched Boom Town this weekend! On Wednesday afternoon, he is coming to my house to watch Bad Wolf and The Parting of Ways!”
Virgil leaned forward. “Oh, man, you're already almost to Nine's regeneration? Does Patton know it's coming?”
“Yes, and he says that he will miss Eccleston, but that he's seen David Tennant in other things and is looking forward to meeting Ten,” Logan said happily. He hummed to himself for a second before adding, “I am looking forward to reaching Ten's episodes, he is my favorite modern Doctor.”
“I gotta say, I like Capaldi. He's grumpier. More my style. Though Tennant at the end of his run is cool, he gets dark and edgy.” Virgil grinned. “The new season with Jodie Whittaker was freaking fantastic, too.”
“Much agreed,” Logan said. “I appreciate having a larger group of companions again, and the diversity has improved recently.”
Virgil scratched Chex behind the ears. “Yeah, big team TARDIS's are fun. One of my favorites was at the end of Journey's End was when they were all flying the TARDIS like she's supposed to be flown.”
Logan nodded. “May I ask you a question?” he said suddenly.
“Yeah, course.”
“What does it feel like to you when you are excited about something? Such as when you are talking about or watching Doctor Who, or listening to the music you like?” Logan asked.
There was a long pause as Virgil thought about that. “It makes me happy, I guess.”
“How does it physically feel?” Logan pressed.
“Oh, jeez, I'm not sure. It almost makes me feel peaceful? Like, um, listening to my music makes my mind slow down for just a little while. My body feels more relaxed afterwards. Same with watching something I like. It's a comfort, almost.” Virgil tapped his fingers against the table. “This is a tough question, dude.”
Logan leaned back in his chair. “I apologize.”
“No, it's okay. Really, I just need to think for a minute. Um...it feels warm in my chest sometimes. I guess that's about it. Well, starting a new episode almost feels like anxiety for me. But then again, most emotions turn into anxiety for me. That's just how anxiety works,” Virgil said. Then he asked, “What does it feel like for you?”
Putting his hands on his chest, Logan says, “I'm not sure. I have alexithymia, so I have a difficult time labeling emotions. I can sometimes describe it in physical sensations, though. And my excitement about my special interests feels like my heart and my lungs and my stomach are all on fire, if being on fire felt good and didn't hurt.”
“Sounds intense.”
“It is.” Logan looked down as Chex put her head against his leg. Her sweet brown eyes blinked up at him, and a soft warmth spread through his chest. “Hello,” he said. “Hello, Chex. Your ears are very soft.” He stroked her head.
“She wants to make sure that you're okay,” Virgil said. “She...she can hear changes in people's voices and checks up on them, even if it isn't me.”
“I'm alright. I don't have excellent volume control, or tone control. I never know what I sound like, exactly.” He couldn't tear his eyes away from the beautiful dog. “But I suppose that talking about my experiences with emotion do cause me some distress, which could have emerged in my voice without my noticing.”
Virgil stood up and walked over to the living room. “Want to come sit over here, Lo?” he offered.
“Um, alright.” Logan went over to join him. Chex followed him, and all three of them sat down on the ground. “Why?”
“Why does talking about your emotions distress you?” Virgil asked.
Logan froze up. “Because they are difficult,” he said slowly. “And I do not understand them. I do not like talking to people about things I do not understand.”
“Are you worried that someone might tell you that your emotions are wrong?”
A confused, bad feeling swirled around inside him. Chex laid her head and front paws in his lap, and he felt calmer. “Perhaps, but I'm not sure that I understand the question,” Logan admitted, running his hands down the dog's fur. It was almost as soothing as a full-body stim, and the pressure of her weight against his legs added to that effect.
“I mean, do you think that someone will come along and tell you that the way you are labeling your emotions is wrong? That the words you use to describe your experiences are incorrect?” Virgil tried to clarify.
“Yes, that is what happens.” It had happened many times before. The way he tried to describe what he was feeling to his mother or to his therapists had often been misinterpreted or simply ignored because it didn't make sense. Logan had learned to keep quiet about what he was feeling.
“But you're talking to me about it, even though it...scares you?” Virgil checked. “Is that right?”
Logan shifted. “Yes.”
Virgil smiled. “I think that means you trust me. Thank you.”
“I do trust you,” Logan said. “And I have learned that you and Patton and Roman are worthy of my trust. You've never once tried to make me act normally, or made fun of me.”
“It sucks that the bar is so low,” sighed Virgil.
Logan kept petting Chex. “I don't know that that means, exactly, in this context.”
“Um, it means that I don't think that somebody not laughing at you or trying to change you into something you're not should be the bar, the threshold or limit, for whether or not you can trust them. I mean...I guess what I really mean is that it sucks that you don't get that from everyone. In a perfect world, nobody would make fun of anyone or try to change them,” Virgil explained.
“But we do not live in a perfect world,” Logan reminded him.
“Yeah. Yeah, I know. I know that very well.”
Chex whined softly and raised her head to look at Virgil. Her tail thumped a few times against the floor, and he scooted closer to put his hand on her back. He closed his eyes. Logan didn't say anything. They sat there petting Chex in silence for a while, and it was a soothing silence. Logan felt much calmer and less bad by the time his mother arrived to pick him up and take him home. 
He sat in the living room and watched Ian flutter around his plants as the afternoon trailed on. His mother chatted to him as she cleaned and prepared dinner, but he wasn't listening. He was off in his own head, trying to imagine a perfect world.
Sorry for the long wait and the fairly short chapter! I’m working on the next one. But also I’m going back to work next week, and school starts a couple weeks after that, so who knows when I’m going to have time to write? Ah, well. I’ll do what I can.
And hey, check out Time and Time’s Turning if you like my writing! It’s a fairy AU with eventual Royality and Analogical. Also, it has art!!!!! <3 ~Martin
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bmedusa · 4 years
There is always something terrifying about the way how you feel menace. That something around you is off. The air in my bed room has gone cold within seconds. I could feel the my heart punching my chest to escape my body. I pulled the sheet around me and curled in it. I closed my eyes tightly like they could prevent my mind from wandering around bad things.
" miss me?"As soon as i heared his voice a chill of terror shot through me. I sat right bolt in my bed wondering how he got in here.
" What are you doing here?"it came out more shakier than I intended. He stood and start walking toward me not lifting his gaze from my face. He has some how a menacing grace that has always appealed me. His skin looks pale from the ghostly moon light casting from the glass window. He sat in my bed and pushed me ,forcing me to lay in my back. I was intrigued by the colour of his eyes,when I first met him. His pupis are pitch black and circling them is a colour I have never seen on any human being,they are mixture of blue and orange,just like a flame burning in rage.
That day I was standing on the graveyard with the guilt eating me up inside. I was responsible for the death of the body in the coffin, under the ground. The plan was spectacular. I left no trace for the police to find. But this,this guilt was unexpected.
" You human beings are the stupidest creatures on earth." I look up starteled .He was dressed all in black and standing beside the grave stone. He was tall and lean maybe in his late 30's. He look anciently handsome.
" Well, don'tyou think that also includes you" I sayed.The tip of his lip turned up in to a smirk.
"What makes you sure I am one?"
" Then what are you? A greamreaper?"His gaze turned serious,instead of answering my question,he start checking me head to toe." I know what you have done." He said his eyes on the ground and back to my face. Now it wasn't only a smirk he was grinning. Before I could say anything he continued " You did it. You got what you want ,now why are you feeling remorse?" I knew denial won't work. No one have to know, no questions must be asked, if they did leave no one to answer them." How did you know?" I tried to say it confidently but it came out more like a whisper. Once again his gaze went serious. I gulped my fear and said"Who are you?"
"What did you know about the devil?"
"I am not evil".
" Don't put words in my mouth young lady. I only asked what you know about him"I figured the only way to know about him is if i get along.
" Nothing. But I have read something in a book' the greatest trick that the devil ever pulled was making the world believe he does not exist."
"So, you think he does exist." My patience is running out but I managed to say"I think. we just haven't met yet." He came closer and stretch his hand for a handshake " Let's officially meet then." I stand still not taking his hand ready to grab my gun if he make any move. He put his hand in his pocket signing.After an hour of convincing and swearing, we made a deal. He promised I wouldn't feel any thing ,no sadness, no happiness especially no remorse. And in return my soul.
That is what I felt from that day after he took off with my soul. He must have known that I want my soul back. I want to take what life could offer. Every pain and pleasure.Now sitting in my bed he just stares at me while softly brushing my hair with his fingers.
"While I was away with your soul..." he took a deep breath and exhaled" It is so gloom,so dark. I didn't mean to but I fall for you."
"What.." He put his finger in my mouth to shush me." Let me finish. You need your soul it is who you are. We are so different but also so similar. Take your soul you need it and take care."
" Why are you giving me back?"
" Ahh one more thing .I need a favor and you can have it back?"
" What is it?"
" I hope you don't mind" he said and crashed his mouth on me . I swear my heart skips several beats. The kiss was hard and furious. Closing my eyes I let him. Parting my lips, I let his tongue sweep inside. Its a struggle to breath as he greedily explores every inch of my mouth , he is kissing me like he is drowning and I am his life line. I let him kiss me. Not because my soul depends on it but I wanted to. Like a flip of a switch his kiss turned from intense and all-consuming to teasing. Dropping one last kiss he pulled back.
With out warning my soul slam right through me. I have forgotten how venomous it was. But I am glad to have it back. When i opened my eyes he was gone.Once again the room is empty like he wasn't here but I can still smell his fragrance. He taste and smells like carnal sin. How tempting. I closed my eyes to sleep and for the first time in two years a smile touched my lip.
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strawb3rrybl0od · 6 years
Don’t Let Me Down /pt1
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Summary- Yoongi used to be your soulmate but as he changed you saw a new light in your life
Pairings- Yoongi x reader; Jimin x reader
Warnings- strong language, angst?, bad writhing 
word count - 1124
Just 2 lovers standing on a hill. Under the blushing light everything looks good. So good in fact it covers the broken relationship that they have behind closed doors.
"let's pretend everything is Ok,  let's make everyone thing we are in love, let's make everyone jealous of us".
He thought, deep inside knowing mortals are stupid and would believe his blatant lies. Only if he knew he was just as stupid as them. In fact probably even dummer because he thought he was superior to everyone. 
She was too innocent for him. She was too pure. She was from another world, place were people loved each other. Place were people were truthful, honest and kind. To her money was only supposed to buy you things you need or want. To him money gave him power. Not like him she had only one name - Y/N. He, he had many. So many in fact people made jokes that they were his different personalities, that they were other people he hid in his body. His parents called him Min Yoongi, his fans Suga. He called himself a mistake. "Let's go jagi, it is becoming late" he said with a calm and monotone voice- his usual tone. " i don't want to go. I want to be here forever". She thought, but as she was submissive to him she said "Ok" quietly. She wanted many thing but she never said them. She lived in her thoughts and dreams. They were full of sugary sweet kisses shared with him and romantic sensual moments. She got these dreams to a reality when they started dating. Back then he was a rookie idol, just debuted fresh face in the industry. She was a 1st year college student working in a cafè for a minimal wage so she can pay for her rent. They came back to his dorm, place located quite far away from hers as it was in the rich neighborhood of Gangtam. Hers was in the outskirts of Seoul- it was cheaper there.  " Oh, hi hyung! Hi Y/N!" Namjoon greeted them with a worried smile and shaky hands. " I am sorry but I guess Taehyung got a food poisoning. He wasn't feeling well so we had to come back here earlier. I know Yoongi- hyung wanted you two to be alone together" he blushed and coughed while trying to prevent an eye contact. " Why didn't you went to the hospital or something? And how the fuck did this idiot got a food poisoning? Did he ate some of Jin's Gordon Ramsay wanna- be recipe?" Yoongi spoke with a loud voice full of anger. Y/N was staying next to him, trembling with fear. Guessing his voice was loud enough to be heard through the walls of the big apartment because a voice belonging of the sick man himself was heard responding " I ate discount fish, Ok?! It is no once fault!"  To the response Yoongi answer with a groan and mouthed something. He grabbed y/n's hand and pulled her to his studio which was down one of the long hauls. He typed the pin to unlock the door without even looking at it. He shoved his girlfriend in it and closed the door. Looking at her he said "You are shaking like a lost pupie " he laughed " I told you that wearing such a short dress would give you a cold". " I- I am sorry". "You shouldn't be. Doing dumb things like this it is the nature of poor people like you". "Then why are you dating Me?" She wanted to scream at his smirked face. "Come here you dumb dumb "he gestures at her to sit on the gray couch next to him. When she did he threw a blanked over her head and laughed. He always did things like this, things that are supposed to be gestures of a kind lover but they turned into a mean laughter. " I wanted to fuck you as we haven't done that in a while. Here is noice-prove but you have a God damm cold!" He grabbed his face and started walking around the room.
 “This Taehyung is going on my nervous a lot. He is rich- a fucking milliner and still. He still buys discount fish.”
He continued mumbling.
After what seemed to her like hours full of fear he just said "Go home" And she did so.
Y/N p.o.v.
The calm song 'Serendipity' - a solo by one of the members of the group Yoongi was a part Of- Jimin, was played as an alarm. Even since I heard the demo by Namjoon I fell in love with it. I thing Jimin's soft vocals definitely fit it the best though. He gives such a romantic tone to the sound and it's definitely on of my favorites. A great start of an seemingly awful day.
Eating breakfast and getting ready for the job- everyone in their 20s start of a day. Mine too. 
My phone surprisingly rang again. Surprisingly as I don't have a lot of friends. And people tend to not wanna speak to me.
It was Jimin. What a great consequence!
" Good morning!" He said a sweet energetic voice that no one in 7 am has. Except him of course.
 " I am so sorry for Yoongi. I guess you 2 had great plans for the night but the unfortunate accident with Tae's food poisoning broke them. After you left he had a big argument with the others" " Did something worst happened? A fight or So?" I questioned in between my worried short breaths. " No, or at least I don't thing. I wasn't part of it as you know I hate these types of things. Arguments, fights and such. I was in my room trying to sleep. Ahhh... anyway! Do you want us to go out after you finish at the cafe? There is this new movie everyone is raving about and I wanna see it but the others don't so I though we could watch it". "It would be great but I thing Yoongi won't like the idea ". " He doesn't have to know. Now you can put an winking emoji Here!" "Haha ok. But still, if something happens it was your fault." "Great! I would wait for you in front of the cafè. Have an amazing day sweetie!" Cute nicknames were nothing new between me and the other members of Bangtan. After all we knew each other for 5 years. It used to be so much fun at the start. When we got to know each other, when they were dreaming of being successful. It all became true. For the worst or best. He changed.
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canadian-buckbeaver · 6 years
92 for Bucky and her husbone? *winks*
There was something different going on with Bucky. Stretch watched her from across the room, drumming his fingers, watching as she seemed intrigued by whatever book she was reading. Sure the human looked sweet and innocent, but there was something going on behind those big, blue eyes there.
He was sure about it.
For one thing they hadn’t slept together in nearly two weeks. Usually they… well. They couldn’t keep their hands or tongue or others off of each other.
But now…
It seemed like Bucky was already asleep when he crawled into bed, or they were constantly hanging out with his brother or Nikki.
Coming up to the same room he sat beside her on the couch, wrapping his arms around her and kissing her shoulders and neck, purring. He felt her shiver and expose her neck a little more. Good. She was feeling it. Nuzzling into her neck, he took a long lick on her scar. “Awfully quiet and alone now, just you and me… I wonder if, perhaps we could….”
Bucky jolted up. “Oh shoot! I forgot call Nikki! Sorry Stretch!” She all but bolted from his arms.
Stretch sat there, dumbfounded. “What… what the fuck just happened?”
Stretch groaned as he lay his head down on the tabletop of the bar. “Fucking hell. How do celibacy monsters survive?”
Red was lighting up his fifth cigar of the evening. “You ask em and find out. This is hell. What the fuck is so interesting bout a book you can’t put down? All it is is a dead tree.”
Pupy sat down heavily on the stool, his own cigarette between his teeth. Turned out that it wasn’t just Bucky acting a little funny. Nikki, once insatiable, was also pulling the same shinagins. So it had to be some sort of plan. But what…
“SHIT PUP! DON’T PUNCH…!” The poor dog monster that came to close to the irritated monster went flying across the room.
Stretch sighed, stepping into his house. It was quiet. Bucky must already be asleep. Which meant…. “.. be still.” He muttered to his crotch. He was so hungry for her. It wasn’t fair. All she did was read. Sure she didn’t owe him any but it was like a light switch. Cold turkey.
Stretch hated cold turkey.
Grabbing the book she left on the couch, he went to put it on the table. There was a soft little noise and a some booklet fell out of it. He blinked at it, picking it up and squinting at it in the pale light.
Looked to be a beginner’s manual of a BDSM…. oh. OH.
Stretch chuckled deliciously, flipping through the pages. So that was what his little human had planned. Remembering the torture that Nikki’s mates were under, he sent them a quick text, describing the book and it’s contents. Hopefully that would cool Pupy.
And Bucky…
Well hopefully she didn’t mind that he used the techniques against her first.
Bucky sighed as she woke up. Perhaps the one good thing about the new regime was that she had acturally been sleeping more. Still… yawning she attempted to stretch her body to check the time and see if Stretch was home.
She was tied to the bed, completely naked.
She gasped and squeaked, pulling on her bonds. “Stretch!”
There was a chuckle above her. “What is it, Cherie? Your voice sounds so good….” their bedroom light suddenly came on, showing Stretch, hovering above her…
Oh shit he was masturbating.
His orange cock was large and thick, the perfect size for his hand. His fingers slickly traveled up and down the length, making him mewl and gasp. Already he was dripping pre, little splashes of orange on her stomach.
“You’re a deep sleeper… was worried you wouldn’t be up in time.” He teased, pressing his forehead to hers. “But now… now you get to watch me mark you… watch what you do to me…” he panted.
Bucky gulped. Already battling against her arousal, she was shivering slightly. “Stretch…” she breathed, smelling his musk, listening to the soft sounds… she needed him.
“Nuh uh uh… I found your little book… now… now I’m not going to touch you unless you beg.” He promised her, jerking himself off faster.
The sounds were louder, the smell stronger. Bucky gulped. The weeks without it were working against her now. “Pap… Pap… please….” her slit was wet and needy, aching with warmth. “Please… I need you too…. Papy!” She pleaded with him.
With groan he came, spilling all over her stomach. Bucky groaned softly, looking at the mess of orange magic.
Bony hands gripped her hips, pulling her legs apart in a way he could slide in without breaking the bonds. “My sweet Bucky… I’m going to teach you a lesson you aren’t going to forget.” He promised, pressing against her. Bucky’s eyes widened. He was bigger and thicker than before… prodding at her entrance.
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gaymusicchart · 6 years
GAY MUSIC CHART – 2017 week 51
 Welcome to the Gay Music Chart, the LGBTQA related music videos TOP 50 actuality and most request.
Vote for your favourite LGBTQA related music videos by leaving a comment for this post on :
YOUTUBE (in the comment section of the video of the week) : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCz7yfp-xq-b08tD6mAWwclA
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TWITTER : https://twitter.com/GayMusicChart with #GayMusicChart  
TUMBLR : http://gaymusicchart.tumblr.com  
 Here is the recap for this week :
 OUT : Detox feat. Ellis Miah & Keisha Henry - She's Gotta Habit (LW: 17 / WO: 1 / PEAK: 17)
OUT : Myckael SG - John vs Angela (LW: 28 / WO: 5 / PEAK: 16)
OUT : David Courtin - L'hymne à l'amour [People Theatre's Cenfranlamour Mix] (LW: 32 / WO: 1 / PEAK: 32)
OUT : GAREK - Stray (LW: 34 / WO: 60 / PEAK: 01 (x2))
OUT : Kim Petras - I Don't Want It At All (LW: 35 / WO: 6 / PEAK: 25)
OUT : Wilderdrop - Lay Me Down (LW: 36 / WO: 1 / PEAK: 36)
OUT : Matt Fishel - Bored Of Straight Boys (LW: 37 / WO: 1 / PEAK: 37)
OUT : Alvin Point - Il a dit (LW: 40 / WO: 63 / PEAK: 01 (x4))
OUT : Candy Ken feat. Gigi Tays - Netflix and Chill (LW: 42 / WO: 1 / PEAK: 42)
OUT : Goro Gocher feat. Gustavo Rollano - Me Haces Tan Bien (LW: 44 / WO: 2 / PEAK: 19)
OUT : Kehlani - Honey (LW: 45 / WO: 1 / PEAK: 45)
OUT : B.Slade - Stay Mad (LW: 46 / WO: 1 / PEAK: 46)
OUT : Morrissey - Jacky's Only Happy When She's Up on the Stage (LW: 47 / WO: 1 / PEAK: 47)
OUT : Jackie Shane - Any Other Way (audio) (LW: 49 / WO: 2 / PEAK: 18)
OUT : Everybody's Talking About Jamie Cast - Don't Even Know It (LW: 50 / WO: 2 / PEAK: 15)
  01 (=) : Alfie Arcuri - If They Only Knew (LW: 01 / WO: 24 / PEAK: 01 (x6))
This is the new music video of the winner of The Voice Australia 2016. What must do a gay man when he's in love with his best male friend, who's dating his best female friend?
  02 (+ 4) : PJ Brennan - Tease (LW: 06 / WO: 6 / PEAK: 02)
PJ Brennan is well known for his role as Doug Carter in the British television soap opera Hollyoaks.
 03 (+ 1) : Larva - For Ruy (censored version) (LW: 04 / WO: 8 / PEAK: 02)
Larva is a Mexican openly gay heavy metal band. The uncensored version, only for adults because of its raw sex content, is now also available on YouTube.
 04 (+ 4) : Leon Else - What I Won't Do (Lyric Video) (LW: 08 / WO: 27 / PEAK: 02)
The British singer has came out on Facebook last May.
 05 (+ 7) : Calum Scott - You Are The Reason (Lyric Video) (LW: 12 / WO: 4 / PEAK: 05)
 06 (- 3) : Wrabel - The Village (LW: 03 / WO: 20 / PEAK: 01 (x1))
This engaging song was written the day after US President Trump removed new federal protections for trans students in public schools last February. Trans actor August Aiden plays the role of a young transgender who tries to be himself despite the hostility of his father in the music video.
 07 (+ 2) : P!nk - Beautiful Trauma (LW: 09 / WO: 4 / PEAK: 06)
In her new music video, P!ink supports her husband Channing Tatum who loves wearing her dresses.
 08 (- 6) : Huntington - Love Is Love (LW: 02 / WO: 12 / PEAK: 02)
Three years after "Secret", this is their new original song. It was released specially for the Australian debate about marriage equality. Every cent made from this song went go to the Yes campaign. Now that the debate is over, finaly, LGBT can now get marry : congratulations Australia !
 09 (+ 29) : Greyson Chance - Low (Official Lyric Video) (LW: 38 / WO: 2 / PEAK: 09)
 10 (=) : Michele Bravi - Diamanti (LW: 10 / WO: 13 / PEAK: 04)
This is the third single from the Italian singer taken from the album “Anime Di Carta”.
 11 (+ 4) : G&D (Geez & DIK) - Freelove (LW: 15 / WO: 6 / PEAK: 07)
There are several straight, gay, lesbian and bi couples making love in this music video.
 12 (- 5) : La Prohibida - Baloncesto (LW: 07 / WO: 21 / PEAK: 03)
 13 (+ 5) : Conchita Wurst & Ina Regen - Heast as Net (Hubert Von Goisern Cover) (LW: 18 / WO: 3 / PEAK: 13)
The power of yodeling, but in a classy way.
 14 (- 9) : Kevin Chomat - Sens Interdit (LW: 05 / WO: 15 / PEAK: 01 (x2))
This new single of the French singer reached the top 10 YouTube trending in France.
 15 (NEW) : SAKIMA - Daddy (LW: - / WO: 1 / PEAK: 15)
 16 (+ 15) : HEIDRIK - Monster (LW: 31 / WO: 4 / PEAK: 16)
 17 (NEW) : Kevin Chomat - Issue de secours (LW: - / WO: 1 / PEAK: 17)
 18 (NEW) : Não Recomendados - Não Recomendado (Remix Deep Lick) (LW: - / WO: 1 / PEAK: 18)
Originally a song about prejudices from singer Caio Prado.
 19 (- 3) : Jakub & Dawid - Pokochaj nas w święta (LW: 16 / WO: 2 / PEAK: 16)
This time, the Polish couple sings for this Christmas song, always to change mentalities in their country !
 20 (+ 3) : Steve Grand - Walking (LW: 23 / WO: 9 / PEAK: 05)
The song has now a music video shot in New Orleans!
 21 (- 7) : Bobby Newberry - Up (LW: 14 / WO: 8 / PEAK: 08)
 22 (NEW) : Léo Áquilla - Princesinha da Favela (LW: - / WO: 1 / PEAK: 22)
 23 (+ 6) : Hayley Kiyoko - Feelings (LW: 29 / WO: 8 / PEAK: 04)
The singer flirts with another woman while she’s dancing in her new music video.
 24 (- 2) : Alfie Arcuri - Love is Love (LW: 22 / WO: 9 / PEAK: 12)
The Australian singer took position with this song for the YES in the Australian Marriage Law Postal Survey. 61,6% of the 12,7 millions people who voted said YES to mariage equality. Now that the debate is over, finaly, LGBT can now get marry : congratulations Australia !
 25 (+ 16) : Sam Smith - One Last Song (LW: 41 / WO: 3 / PEAK: 25)
 26 (NEW) : Eli Lieb - Next To You (LW: - / WO: 1 / PEAK: 26)
 27 (- 8) : Kevin Chomat - Un homme à terre (LW: 19 / WO: 44 / PEAK: 01 (x3))
In this single, the French singer is talking about infidelity, with his boyfriend who cheated on him.
 28 (RE-ENTRY) : Javiera Mena - Dentro de ti (LW: - / WO: 2 / PEAK: 28)
 29 (- 16) : Namuel - Joven de Corazón (LW: 13 / WO: 6 / PEAK: 11)
In his new music video, the chilean singer is a teen at school who has a crush on his bully.
 30 (- 10) : Michele Bravi - Tanto Per Cominciare (LW: 20 / WO: 6 / PEAK: 14)
 31 (- 10) : Trevor Moran - Sinner (LW: 21 / WO: 2 / PEAK: 21)
 32 (- 6) : Oscar and the Wolf - Breathing (LW: 26 / WO: 4 / PEAK: 10)
"Infinity" has been 3 weeks #1 in the Belgian albums chart.
 33 (- 22) : Tokio Hotel - Boy Don't Cry (LW: 11 / WO: 7 / PEAK: 11)
The lead singer Bill Kaulitz becomes a beautiful drag queen in the new music video of the German band.
 34 (+ 9) : Banda Uó - Tô na Rua (LW: 43 / WO: 2 / PEAK: 34)
 35 (RE-ENTRY) : K Anderson - Cluttered (LW: - / WO: 3 / PEAK: 25)
 36 (+ 3) : ILY - Your Love (LW: 39 / WO: 10 / PEAK: 05)
Two new brides are kissing in this Swedish music video.
 37 (- 12) : Oscar and the Wolf - Runaway (LW: 25 / WO: 7 / PEAK: 19)
Max Colombie,aka Oscar and the Wolf, is an out singer. Billboard has included this track in their top 30 gay love songs last October.
 38 (NEW) : Jvel - Los morbos, los vicios y todos los servicios (LW: - / WO: 1 / PEAK: 38)
 39 (+ 9) : Brandi Carlile - The Joke (Live from Studio A) (LW: 48 / WO: 2 / PEAK: 39)
 40 (- 10) : Virgin Suicide - Evil Eyes (LW: 30 / WO: 2 / PEAK: 30)
This Danish music video is like a short movie, telling the struggles of a closeted gay teen taken by his father to a fathers-sons's camp.
 41 (NEW) : Living Without Prejudice - Stronger Together (LW: - / WO: 1 / PEAK: 41)
The single is released in support of the LGBTI people living in fear in Chechnya. 50% of the income from the record will be donated to ILGA-Europe.
 42 (- 15) : Bilal Hassani - House Down (LW: 27 / WO: 5 / PEAK: 25)
Several young French YouTubers are featuring in his new music video.
 43 (- 19) : 10cm - Help (LW: 24 / WO: 2 / PEAK: 24)
This South Korean music video tells the hopeful story of a homosexual couple, a divorced couple, and others seeking "Help".
 44 (NEW) : SOPHIE - Ponyboy (LW: - / WO: 1 / PEAK: 44)
This is her new track after "It's OK to Cry"
 45 (NEW) : Hunter - So Gay (LW: - / WO: 1 / PEAK: 45)
The Tanzanian singer dares to proclaims his homosexuality in music in a country where homosexuality is criminalized and punished by prison. He has perhaps created a new anthem for LGBT rights in Africa.
 46 (NEW) : La Pelopony - Icónica (LW: - / WO: 1 / PEAK: 46)
 47 (NEW) : So Brown - United States of Deprivation (LW: - / WO: 1 / PEAK: 47)
 48 (NEW) : Parson James - Only You (Lyric Video) (LW: - / WO: 1 / PEAK: 47)
The track is #1 in the Top 40 LGBT Urban Chart.
 49 (- 16) : Sufjan Stevens - Mystery of Love ("Call Me By Your Name" OST) (LW: 33 / WO: 6 / PEAK: 11)
The movie Is actually nominated for 3 Golden Globes for Best Movie, Best Actor and Best Supporting Actor.
 50 (RE-ENTRY) : Sam Vance-Law - I Think We Should Take It Fast (LW: - / WO: 2 / PEAK: 23)
 Loreen - Ride
 The Presets - Do What You Want
 Blondie - Doom or Destiny
 Smoke Season - Wolves
 snny - Young Boy
 Tatianna - Use Me
 Ginger Minj - White Christmas
 Pupi Poisson & Chumina Power - Macho Caliente (Vuélvete Loca Christmas)
 Willam Belli - Ho Ho Ho Ho
 Sia - Underneath The Mistletoe
 Out of the Blue - Merry Xmas Everybody (Charity Single)
 Jordan Leshea - Apocalypto (Audio)
 See you next week and don’t forget to vote for your best LGBTQA music videos ! Here are the rules :
1 ) You can vote for many videos as you want under the videos on YouTube in the comment section. It could be recent or past music videos, which must provide at least one among the following conditions:
- the music video has LGBTQA related content, in the lyrics or the music video
- the artist is LGBTQA, an LGBTQA icon or eventually ally
- LGBTQA medias talked about it.
2 ) You can’t vote more than 3 songs of a same artist per week.
3 ) In case of an artist who receive votes mostly by a fan base, we will count only one song, in a limited time of 10 weeks of presence in the top.
4 ) You can vote with only one account.
5 ) If you make 5 votes or less, your first vote will represent 5 points, your second vote 4 points, etc… until your last vote and following 1 point. If you make 6 to 10 votes, your first vote will represent 10 points, your second vote 9 points, etc… If you make more than 10 votes, your first vote will represent 20 points, your second vote 19 points, etc…
6 ) People who make 1 to 5 votes form the amateur ranking, those who make 6 to 10 votes form the fan ranking, those who make more than 10 votes form the expert ranking. We form the jury ranking. And we count now the ranking of minutes of views of our weekly playlist of the previous week. The Gay Music Chart is the addition of the five charts. In case of equality, the number of votes and the dates of votes will count.
7 ) The votes will close on Thursday, 8 PM, European time.
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mightyb013 · 7 years
Kakashi getting Iruka a puppy.
Kakashi was in heaven. Tiny tails. Floppy ears. Wiggly fluff balls pawing at his legs.
He took a deep breath. No. He couldn’t take all of them.
This present would turn sour real quick if he did that.
“What do you think, Pakkun?” He looked at the pug who was only successfully holding one of the pupies back while another pawed and bit at his ear.
He looked unamused. “Why not get an Inazuka puppy? We know they’re good ninken.”
“Because Iruka doesn’t need a ninken. This is just supposed to be a dog.”
Pakkun was insulted, as he had expressed before. “Will you teach it to talk?”
Kakashi shrugged. “If it wants to learn we won’t stop it.”
“What if it wants to be a ninken.”
“Then you and the others can train him, promise.”
“Alright fine,” he sighed. He stood, continueing to ignore the little voices asking him to play and asking who he was.
“You,” he barked at a little thing chasing and yipping at a line of ants.
They sat and tilted their head. Tail started wagging they bound towards him, “Hey! I don’t know you!”
“What’s your name?”
“Uh… I don’t know! Hey! I can chase my tail!”
He looked back at Kakashi. He was sitting in the dirt letting them climb on him. Pakkun sighed again.
“Do you like your litter mates?”
“Huh? Hey! Did you see me chase my tail!”
“Boss,” Pakkun called over his shoulder. “She’ll do.”
“Hey! You can talk like them. Hey! He’s coming over! Oh oh oh! Hey! Hey!” She ran at him, jumping at his ankles, asking a million questions.
“First girl of the house, huh?” Kakashi asked, clearly excited. “Iruka’s gonna spoil you rotten.”
She looked at Pakkun as she was picked up. “Hey! What’s happening?”
“We’re going home, kid.”
Kakashi looked down at him, silently asking what was going on.
“Her name’s Kukki.”
Kakashi smiled, holding her up in front of him, “perfect.”
A/N: probably not the cute kakairu fic you wanted but Pakkun picked her because she reminded him of Naruto and he named her, so big brother Pakkun for the win.
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