#purée pear
adore-laur · 4 months
Hii I love your writing ! Idk if you’re still taking dadrry requests but I’d love to see how he’d react to one of his girls being super picky with food and how he deals with that ! Like him making a bunch of meals for his baby hoping she’ll like it :’)
Now that his youngest was able to eat solid foods at six months old, Harry took it upon himself to introduce her to the wonderful world of fruits and vegetables. While it might have been easier and more convenient to purchase jars of mediocre mashed baby food from the store, Harry was a chef and wanted to expand his culinary capabilities. And maybe impress you just a little bit. You were slowly weaning from breastfeeding, and he wanted to show his appreciation for your relentless nourishment. Keeping his babies alive and healthy made him forever indebted to you. His favorite way to repay you was by cooking whatever meal your heart desired and making sure your belly was full.
It was eleven a.m. when Harry got started on making lunch. You were out of the house with your eldest at her weekly swimming lesson and were due to arrive home shortly. He was hoping you didn't stop for lunch on the way back since he was planning on making the whole family lunch once he satiated his babbling baby girl seated in her high chair.
After mulling over potential recipes, he decided on something simple—baked pears and a side of steamed zucchini made into a purée. He got to washing and slicing the three pears he nabbed from the roadside farmers market downtown, all while listening to the mourning doves coo and the waves lapping the shore outside the open window. He fell into a tranquil state of cooking, his muscles on autopilot when handling knives, bowls, and pans. It was second nature to him—his favorite pastime next to hanging out with his girls.
Once the pears were baking in the oven, Harry whipped up the zucchini purée. He chopped one up, placed the pieces in a saucepan, and then seasoned them before steaming the pale green vegetable for ten minutes. In the meantime, he lifted his baby girl from her high chair and snuggled her close while the sweet aroma of his cooking concoction swirled in the air. She was getting bigger every day, and it snapped his heart into little pieces. Pretty soon, she'd be crawling around the house with curiosity. She was already teething and mimicking sounds. Laughing and putting toys in her mouth. And while those milestones filled him with an enormous amount of pride, he couldn't help but realize how short-lived they were.
When the oven timer beeped, Harry sat his baby girl on his hip and carefully took the glass dish of pears out with a hot pad. They were golden brown, which made his stomach grumble. He set them on the stovetop and flicked the heat off for the zucchini. He needed both hands for the next step, but he really didn't want to stop holding his baby, whose wispy hair smelled like the lavender shampoo he used during her bath time last night. She was awake and in a slightly cranky mood because of teething. The only thing he could do to alleviate the irritable pain she was experiencing was to offer his knuckle as a soothing thing to gnaw until he found the time to order a teething toy. He was unconcerned with the drool and dull ache caused by her. This wasn't his first rodeo.
It was actually why you had started to wean earlier than you did with your first child. You mentioned breastfeeding was uncomfortable enough, and adding teeth to the mix was even more unpleasant. He wholeheartedly supported your decision and made it his mission to never have you stress over cooking separate meals for two babies and yourself. It was part of his lifelong repayment.
While the pears and zucchini cooled, Harry rummaged through the living room in search of the baby sling—also known as the greatest invention for multitasking parents. And dads who couldn't get enough of holding their babies. Guilty, he thought to himself.
Once he located it under a pile of princess dresses, he put it on and wrapped his baby nice and snugly in the fabric. Then he went back to the kitchen and used his two free hands to grab the food processor from the corner cabinet. Setting it on the island, he brought over the zucchini and poured them in before pressing the purée setting. The grating noise startled the baby, and Harry gently bounced in place while covering her tiny ears.
Mushy green slop was the result after he turned off the loud device. It wasn't necessarily appetizing to him, but the way his daughter was making grabby hands at it made him proud of his very own baby food creation. He opened the silverware drawer and grabbed a silicone spoon. He dipped it into the purée and then held up a small serving to her awaiting mouth.
"This is zucchini," Harry said, sincerely hoping she'd like it. "It's good for your bones and digestive system. Now, you have to tell Daddy what you think. This is a trial run to find out what you like." He delicately stuck the spoon in her open mouth and watched her slowly remember how to chew. Her rosebud lips smacked together as some purée slid down her chin. Babies were cute when they ate, but boy did they make a mess. Her expression didn't give anything away, but the way she was spitting out everything that was on the spoon sure did.
"All right," he whispered, a bit disappointed. "That’s okay. Zucchini's not for everyone."
Her chubby fist reached up and landed on his neck, no doubt protesting for better food. He couldn't help but laugh at the green smears bordering his adorable daughter's mouth. Taking his phone out, he captured a couple of pictures and sent them to you before wiping the mess with a paper towel. He made a mental note to also order bibs—another sign that she was growing up too quickly. God, it wounded him. He might have to ask for a third baby after all.
Harry walked over to the stovetop and picked up a warm, baked pear slice. Using his teeth, he tore off half a chunk for himself and guided the other one into her mouth. He had to help her chew this time since the consistency was more solid than the purée. His thumb and forefinger held her jaw as he gently moved it up and down. His baby's beautiful eyes stared at him, entranced by his face so close. He stared right back at her, admiring all the parts that were him and you. Day by day, she looked a little more like you, and he was ecstatic about it. His genes might've been strong in the newborn stage, but they stood no chance against the potent beauty of yours.
There was nary a complaint when she swallowed the piece of pear. None at all until Harry got her another, and as soon as it touched her lips, she burst into tears and pushed his hand away like it was the absolute last thing she wanted in front of her.
"Not even pears?" Harry said, equal parts humored and defeated. "You're going to be a picky little eater, aren't you? Just like your sister."
With a sense of mild failure sitting in his chest, he opted to feed her a bottle of breastmilk in the refrigerator until you got home. Your motherly instincts would surely help him figure out her palate. Even though he was a chef and understood everyone's acquired tastes, it was his daughter who was unimpressed with his skills.
Eating the rest of the pears and the bland zucchini purée, he laughed to himself. His girls kept him on his toes, but he wouldn't have wanted it any other way.
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pradame · 8 months
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purées for my baby girl!
sweet potato, pear, apple
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astudyinchocolate · 7 months
Lisa Frankenstein premiere drinks
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Sharing this pic in case anyone is looking to mix up one of the special drinks from the Lisa Frankenstein premiere.
Lisa's Love Potion: tequila, St. Germain, lime juice, agave, prickly pear purée.
A Creature's Tears: vodka, blue curaçao, lime juice, ginger beer.
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kuriouskai · 18 days
My low c@l safe foods list as a picky eater with very little cooking skill :P
* eggs (72 per whole egg, 17 per whites)
* Turkey pepperoni (70 per 17 slices)
* Beans (90 per 1/2 cup)
* Cashew milk (25 per cup)
* Low fat/non fat yogurt (~50-90 per serving)
* Tuna (~80 per can, great value)
* Chicken (110 per 3oz, Tyson chicken)
* Perdue chicken tenders (210 per 3)
* Perdue chicken cutlet (200 per 1)
* Great value chicken fries (230 per 7)
* Great value chicken nuggets (170-220 per serving)
* Morning star veggie burgers (100-120 per patty)
* Cheese (~50)
* Peanut butter (50 per 1/2 tablespoon)
* Protein shakes/bars (~100-150)
* Low carb tortillas (60-80 per tortilla)
* Low calorie bread (40-60 per slice)
* Oatmeal (single packs are 100)
* Rice cakes (~25 per cake)
* Corn tortillas (~50 per tortilla)
* Crisp bread (~20-60, can be bought on Amazon)
* Tomatoes (22 per tomato)
* Broccoli (33 per cup)
* Cabbage (17 per cup)
* Chopped carrots (50 per cup)
* Corn (88 per cob)
* Cucumbers (16 per cup)
* Green leaf/romaine lettuce (5-8 per cup)
* Spring mix greens (15 per cup)
* Onion (45-65 per cup)
* Bell peppers chopped (18 per cup)
* Spinach raw (7 per cup)
* Sweet potato (114 per cup)
* Baby carrots (30 in 8)
* Pickles (5 in whole pickle)
* Mangos (99 per cup)
* Bananas (100 per banana)
* Apples (100 per apple)
* Pineapple (82 per cup)
* Strawberries (45 per cup)
* Watermelon (46 per cup)
* Honeydew (61 per cup)
* Cantaloupe (54 per cup)
* Lemons & limes (20 per lemon/lime)
* Tangerine (45 per tangerine)
* Pears (100 per pear)
* fiber one bars (~70-80)
* Low cal strawberry crisps (~100)
* Chips (140-160 per 1/4 cup)
* Low carb Ice cream bars (60 per bar)
* No sugar added popsicles (25 per pop)
* Popcorn (~30 per cup)
* No sugar added apple sauce (~100)
* Baby food (puffs, yogurt melts, & purée’s)
* W A T E R
* Tea
* Diet/zero sugar sodas
* Zero sugar monster energy drinks (10)
* Zero sugar juices (5-10)
* Zero sugar Gatorade (5-10)
* ketchup (20 per 2 tablespoons)
* Hot sauce
* Mustard
* Soy sauce (5-10 per tablespoon)
* Seasonings
* Low fat mayo (35 per tablespoon)
* Low fat cream cheese (30 per tablespoon)
* Low fat sour cream (20 per tablespoon)
* Garlic Hummus (70 per 2 tablespoons)
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ellenya · 3 days
One day, one rhyme- Day 3869
This tall tree bears a diff’rent fruit
Than the bottle beside its root-
Green puréed fruit drink that’s yummy:
An apple juice by the pear tree.
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echo-goes-mmm · 8 months
Moonflower #3
Warnings: fear of non-con (brief) 
He was already awake when the knock came. Kit opened the door.
“Her Majesty wishes you to join her for dinner,” said the servant.
“Yes, sir.” Kit closed the door behind him. A guard was posted nearby, and how long had he been there?
He followed the servant, keeping his eyes down. There were so many people in the halls, and all the eyes on him made him feel even smaller than usual.
It was a good thing he had time to nap, because the walk was long. He couldn’t keep track of all the turns and staircases.
Eventually they came to a large room with a long table, not unlike the ones at revels. But instead of being laden with food and wine, it was very nearly empty. Only a white lace tablecloth and a candelabra at the very end, along with two place settings. 
Mistress was sitting at the head, and she gestured for him to sit at her right.
He obeyed.
“I thought we’d start off simple, with four courses.”
Kit didn’t understand what she was talking about, but he nodded along.
“This is your soup spoon” she pointed, “and then we move to the salad fork. Followed by the entree utensils, and then dessert.” Oh. Four dishes. That made sense.
“Yes, Mistress.” he looked down at the cutlery on the table. Silver, by the looks of it. 
“If you forget which one to use, just work your way in. Any questions?” He better ask, so he wouldn’t get punished so badly when he messed up.
“What if I can’t remember which one I just used?” If four courses was simple, what was complicated?
“You leave the utensils on the plate, and the servants will take it away when you’re finished. Now, do as I do.”
Kit copied the way she unfolded her cloth napkin, placing it just as she did.
Two servants came through the doors from what smelled like the kitchen. One with a crystal pitcher of water and the other with a bottle of wine.
“Tonight we have butternut squash soup, a seasonal salad with a honey vinaigrette, balsamic glazed lamb shank with white bean purée, and a honey yogurt panna cotta with blood orange sauce.” rattled off the servant while she poured them water. 
Shit. There was honey in two of the four planned dishes. Were they trying to get him drunk?
“Chef has picked out a white wine with notes of pear.” The servant with the wine uncorked the bottle, and held it near Iris for her to sniff. 
“Excellent. Thank you, Percy.” Percy poured her a glass, and turned to Kit.
“Wine?” he asked.
They didn’t know. Kit glanced at the queen, who was swirling her glass. He nodded, unsure if it would offend her to decline. 
He’d just have to avoid the honey as much as possible, and drink the wine. It smelled��� alright. Almost like faerie wine if he ignored the bitter acrid scent.
Maybe it tasted better than it smelled.
The servants left, leaving the pitcher, and he hesitantly took a sip of water. Blessed water, clean and cool.
Kit avoided gulping it down, as it was clear this was an etiquette lesson, and making a fool of his mistress would have terrible consequences.
Instead, he sipped it slowly before putting the chalice back in its exact place. Not a hair off.
Percy came back, two steaming bowls of soup perfectly balanced on his tray. He placed each one in front of them, Iris first, and then him before leaving.
“I informed the chef to make all of your food without salt, and in copper pans instead of steel,” said the queen. 
“Thank you, Mistress.”
“Iris, when it's just us.”
“Yes, Iris.”
The soup was delicious. Kit wasn’t much of a cook himself; preferring to hunt and forage over the effort of building a fire and such. Of course, at this point any meal would taste fantastic. He copied the specific way she ate, keeping the spoon from clinking against the delicate china.
Soon they were finished, and Percy whisked away the bowls and replaced them with the next course.
“You don’t speak much, do you?”
Kit hesitated. “I don’t know what you want me to say.”
Queen Iris picked up her salad fork. “Do I frighten you?”
“Yes.” What was the point of all this? What did she want from him that required intimate knowledge of forks?
He took a bite of the salad; he no longer cared about the honey.
“I don’t mean to,” she said. “Really, I don’t.” There was that casualness again, but she was stiff. Like the servants were listening in and she didn’t want to be caught.
She smiled at him, and then suddenly smoothed her expression, reaching for her wine.
Was it an accident, or more manipulation? Either way, the result was the same. If she was kind to him to achieve her own ends, that was still kindness. He’d take it, and use it to his ends.
“What do you want with me?” Kit asked.
“We’ll discuss that later, when we're alone.”
His insides squirmed at the potential implications, and he ate to cover his discomfort. The honey was getting to him a little, more than it would if he weren’t so sick. 
Percy brought in the lamb. “Would you care for more wine, your grace?”
“Ah, no thank you Percy.”
Percy turned to Kit, and he shook his head. He hadn’t touched his wine glass yet.
The lamb was tender and made his mouth water in between bites.
“Your chef is very good,” he said, surprising himself. Damn honey.
“Isn’t she?” said Iris, her posture relaxing. “I’m quite fond of her. Between you and me, I think she’s trying to impress you.”
“Lamb is usually for special occasions or on request.” 
“She doesn’t need to do that. I don- didn’t- often cook anyway.” 
“Well don’t tell Christine that. I could do with a little spoiling.” winked Iris.
Dessert came too soon, with more honey on his plate. Kit already felt a little flush. He couldn’t afford to be rude, so he took a small bite of the dessert. The taste of oranges blossomed on his tongue, the perfect balance of tart and sweet.
Just for a moment, it reminded him of home.
The honey relaxed him, tension leaving his shoulders and flowing out of him. His head was pleasantly fuzzy around the edges.
Luckily for him, the mortal wine seemed to have the same effect on his mistress.
They finished the meal, and the queen stood. “Come,” she said. “We’ll talk more in my rooms.”
taglist: @paintedpigeon1
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t00thpasteface · 1 year
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i live on the gulf coast of texas, so it's too humid for my cactus candy to set normally... BUT it still made a delicious jelly! i got the recipe from here, and ended up needing just 2 and a half whole prickly pear fruit for it:
i still have exactly enough puréed fruit to make a second batch, so i'll use more pectin and hope it turns out more like gummies than jelly this time :p
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taradiddled · 1 day
Ada: The Higher Choirs like to preach that Pure Lily White bullshit, but, like, half those fuckers are into some weird shit. Like Zephiel and his fruit fetish. I think the banana fucked him more than I did.
Lucifer: Wait. You fucked Zephiel? He’s almost as old as ME!
Ada: Hey. I’m not saying I ENJOYED it. You try getting hard when your bed-buddy wants you to eat smeared pear purée off his ass before you fuck it. I was BEGGING for a blindfold.
Lucifer: Zephiel was one of the core members of the Seraphim who sentenced me out of Eden. He said what I did was a ‘gross fetishization of God’s gifts’.
Ada: Yeah. Turns out, that was Zephiel’s kink.
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tteokdoroki · 2 years
papa izuku would immediately start baby led weaning once his baby turns 6 months. he would have a whole breakdown while watching his chubby baby making a mess with the food, smushed veggies/fruits on their their face nd everything 😭
STOP!!! izuku being that dad who makes all the apple and pear purées for his son and freezes them so they last, setting baby midoriya in his highchair and making aeroplane noises to get him to eat whatever on the spoon PLS
deku sobbing when baby spits it out with a big smile cause baby finds daddy’s facial expression funny ( deku is crying )
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milfboyhaloo · 1 year
i keep saying aypierre's name wrong im either saying a purée, PR, or pear. help.
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hatesaltrat · 1 year
Do you think Galbi (Korean bbq short ribs) would do ok in the smoker?
The main ingredient I use in the marinade is pear purée, for tenderness. I feel like maybe doing them in the foil pans like you do your meatloaf might work well.
Normally I’ve done them over charcoal but the marinade tends to kind of slide and cook off really fast. I think in the smoker it would like.. seal the flavor in there.
Oh man that sounds freakin amazing really! How much fat content is there in its raw form? Really it’s all about simmering the fat and marrow down to butter, that’s why meatloaf and brisket and salmon smoke so well. I don’t know how to cook galbi but if memory serves me correctly I think they have good marbling and the aluminum trays or hand formed foil pans I think would be awesome. If you do it, please keep me posted, I’ll give it a shot too.
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throwup-yourguts · 5 months
My safe foods
Raw cucumbers
Raw celeri
Raw carrots
Raw cauliflower
Raw fennel
Boneless and skinless chicken breast
Caned tuna
Cherry tomatoes
Greek yoghurt
Tea without sugar
Coffee without sugar
Egg whites
Diet sodas
Diet energy drinks
Applesauce or any fruit purée
fruit juices (only a little)
Soup or broth without cream
Sugar free gum
So yee I like raw veggies and fruits, or protein I only have chicken breast and tuna and egg whites cuz egg yolks scares me sm
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baby-bonham · 2 years
Hey family and friends!
Bonham is six months old today! We thought we'd post an update, given that we've been MIA for some time.
Since January, Bonham has been growing and eating and growing some more! 🐷💪🏽
He's graduated to some puréed non-formula foods. So far, his favorites have been oatmeal🥣, pears🍐, bananas🍌, and sweet potato🍠😛, and he LOVES avocado. He's not a huge fan of green beans; they make him gag 🤢😂
He’s also become quite the babbling chatterbox! He giggles and coos at the top of his lungs, especially during diaper changes.
He's also just beginning to sleep through most of the night (finally😅!) and roll over! We'll see his doctor later this week for his 6-month check-up and next round of vaccinations 👩‍⚕️💉
We love and miss all of you and look forward to posting more updates soon! Goodnight! 😘😴🌙
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Does anyone have a favourite recipe for getting rid of pears, ideally preserving them i.e. as jam or purée, or maybe something I have not thought of at all?
I got my hands on a good-sized basket of pears from the famed Ribbeck im Havelland that I need to do something with.
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sipwatchtravel · 1 year
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This is a random comment but it feels SO bizarre to not see actors promoting their movies right now. This is peak summer movie season and it’s crickets. Disney’s Haunted Mansion only grossed $25million at the box office this weekend. You KNOW that’s because of the lack of press. Here’s to hoping they work it out fairly! Sipping Chilean wine in Sicilian wine glasses; this is the perfect summer pairing: Root 1 Wine Sauvignon Blanc [satsuma peel, pomelo purée, pink pineapple flesh, macerated kumquats, Asian pears and smooth river rock] #sipwatchtweet #summerwine #whitewine #wineporn #sommelier #sommreels #somm #tastingnotes #summer #Chilean #wine
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morethansalad · 2 years
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Pear Squash Purée with Pecans and Rosemary (Raw Vegan)
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