#put him in timeout
phatcatphergus · 9 months
Listen, all I’m going to say is that if my best friend of 17+ years held a gun to any child, much less my own, I would be in jail for first degree
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theellipelli · 1 year
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Shout out to Yanqing, 14 years old, who’s biggest threat to his career is the fact that his boss is also his dad
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socksandbuttons · 1 year
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ANYWAY, The thought to then use the Eclipse concept art the used for Lunar (@damien-candle) And Bean-ify him as well. (did u know this version has BACK BOW? I love it so much actually)
Anyway, it'd just be fair to also turn him small like Lunar. Because technically... technically he still doesn't have his OWN body yet. And also just would be a justifying way for him. Yeah LEARN but also BE SMALL.
(It'd be funny, however seems not true now, if this was why he was scared of the future.)
The Bean Future. Eclipse is still eclipse theres no memory wipe. He might still have that smoker voice. He's just Small now.
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phantomialie · 5 months
all talk until he's told to zip it
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Oh Error is this oh he's that..
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epickiya722 · 3 months
Funniest scene to me that was unintentionally funny is Spinner having this big ass sword made up by big ass swords and leading the villains to free Kurogiri who is sitting there like he has no thoughts whatsoever.
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sariphantom · 1 year
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Day 5 of @zee-rambles ‘s Rise April Art Challenge: Bottle
Before anyone asked, Leo was put in the time-out bottle for being a troublemaker.
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kindheartedgummybears · 6 months
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therethatstar · 3 months
pond said the “สะดุดรัก (tripped on love)” scene is also improvised by him. we now know two scenes involved kissing phuwin on the cheek is improvised by no other than khun pond naravit himself.
now what the hell am i supposed to do with this new found information?
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padawansuggest · 2 years
Cody: *while half the 501st is coddling Anakin through his latest breakdown* Rex… why don’t you ever help Anakin when he’s crying? Like, all my general has to do is stub his toe and he’s got half the batillion trying to help him because of the force bonds. It’s useful so he can’t avoid medical.
Rex: Yeah, see, when Anakin gets weepy like this he’s usually got like ten people minimum petting his hair and cooing at him, but I’ve got a secret weapon!
Cody: ???? Oh? Share!
Rex: See. I’m a sadist.
Cody: …what?
Rex: Yeah lol, watching him cry makes me all warm and fuzzy inside.
Cody: :/
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cringefaecompilation · 2 months
no it’s fine. i’m not thinking about it. i’m not thinking about how dorian storm puts his trust in everybody fully and wholly. i’m not thinking about how orym is the first person he’s ever fully completely put all his faith in. i’m not thinking about how he’s the first person he goes to for guidance. i’m not thinking about how robbie said that dorian was horrified at the concept of disappointing someone he trusted all the way back in the exu wrap up. i’m not thinking about when he shared his thoughts with the team and said that he agreed with ash (notably not that other elf guy) it was immediately shot down and treated as him forgiving genocide. i’m not thinking about the heartbroken expression on his face when orym basically told him he doesn’t trust him the same way that he trusts him.
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feroluce · 2 months
Thinking today of henghill on some cold planet, one like Jarilo-VI or wherever, and Dan Heng getting his tongue stuck on some metal part of Boothill's VSKJSNSJD
Like Dan Heng is stuck to his neck, so Boothill has to pick him up and carry him to try to sneak them around to somewhere warm to thaw his tongue out. Don't worry, poor Dan Heng is just tired, that's why he's carrying him like this, no no he's fine don'tlookthatcloselybye!!
(Also Boothill is carrying Dan Heng bridal style. Obviously.)
And now, I get to show you all @hydrachea 's newest blessing upon this ship, because she took that and RAN WITH IT-
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Crying imagining Dan Heng still stuck and trying to throttle Boothill to keep him from talking anymore JSJIZJSKKE
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frnkiebby · 4 months
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how can anyone NOT be in love with leathermouth frank???~🎃
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fandovers · 2 months
Hey gamers, back at it again with another huge ramble!! Albeit a bit scrambled, but a ramble nonetheless!!
Say, have you ever enjoyed a character and thought "wow, what the fuck are the writers doing?" That's me right now with SMG4's tv headed guy.
"But Pyro", I hear you say, "what makes you think that?" WELL OH BOY. Let me tell you some things on my mind, my fellow tumblr user. Grab your pepper shakers, because you will need it to compliment how much salt I am about to spill.
V--- Ramble below the cut !! ---V
Firstly, what you could probably guess. The latest arc. Or well, mini arc as they call it. I think things moved way too fast and that's having a negative impact on people's view of Puzzles.
Think about the Puzzlevision Arc. We got hinted at this mysterious figure only a few times over a course of almost a whole year. Making his appearances so sparce added to the intrigue. Who was this guy and what is he planning? It left everyone on the edge of their seats. Just how much of what has been going on, like Western Spaghetti and IGBP, links back to him? Or that in a way, it was his fault these things happened.
And then we see him more in the Mr. Puzzles' movie lineup. We get a mix of the main crew who we know, as well as Mr. Puzzles, both being the focus of the episodes. There is a really good balance of that in these movies, in my opinion. Because of how we only see him in certain moments, it reads to me as "this shows he has complete power, but he isn't getting in the way of his shows or movies in order to flaunt his power TOO much. He is still trying to have the brainwashed SMG4 characters be the main focus. Because it's a part of his plan."
Then the Puzzlevision movie drops and in my opinion, its great. It's wonderful even!! Puzzles shows up more, but the balance is still kept. And at the end when he is punted to who-knows-where, it was a good ending to this villian, who may return with some new evil plan in the future!! Or so we hoped...
After this episode a LOT of people wanted him back. Personally, I didn't want them to bring him back so soon. I had a feeling it would be a disaster to his character. Think about it. Having his seemingly mastermind who hid behind the camera for a year. With thought out plans, a whole bunch of tragedy and chaos that was all his fault because of how thought out these plans were... this guy coming back so soon? I don't think it would go well.
That brings us to the mini arc where I think it proves me right in my worries; it didn't go well. I will get it out of the way and say yes these epsiodes are entertaining, but not fulfilling. If that makes sense?
A metaphor for this could be something like... think of it like you ate a sugar cube and thought "wow, that was good, I want more!!" And over the course of a year, you treat yourself to a single sugar cube. Then suddenly, one day you get a whole bag full of sugar cubes to eat. It's so much-- so suddenly-- that you get sick from how much you now have to eat. Something you once enjoyed, you got sick over because of the amount you got out of nowhere. You see what I am getting at? With how much Puzzles content we have gotten in this min arc it throws the previous balance out the window and it's completely different.
Anyway back to the tv head. I think what they are going for is to make Puzzles so very power hungry he will do anything to get his power back. He is desperate, which is played off as silly and clumsy. A goofy villian with no power anymore but still thinking he has atleast some power left. Thinking he still has the charm that got him into power beforehand. But he doesn't, not anymore.
Instead of going back to the shadows to plan and think, he wants that power so bad again that he is throwing himself right back in with a less thought out plan. One made in a shorter time frame and is more vague. Get into the Meme Factory and The Comedy Zone.
I get it, they wrote him this way and it's fine, I guess. But this all makes me think. How did Puzzles get into power prior to Puzzlevision? Was he this reckless and straightforward, or was he as we saw him over the year? Everything planned out, sticking to his plans like glue. Keep his cool and make his shows exactly how he wants to get popular or whatever his overall goals are.
This just makes me feel like comparing "Puzzlevision Puzzles" to "Mini Arc Puzzles" feels like night and day. Almost like they are different characters. And I don't say that as a good thing.
We got this villian trying to juggle his power going up and down via ratings. Who is intimidating and feels like an actual threat. He hurt so many people to get what he wants, and he prioritizes his plans above all else. He is scary, he is evil and he is downright awful. But thats what made him a good villian.
Then in the mini arc, we have him going for The Comedy Zone but befriending Leggy along the way. I think they try to hint that despite his exterior behaviour, Puzzles does enjoy Leggy as a sidekick. He suddenly has a change of heart, befriending Leggy to use her. Then he sees she is useful, and that leads to him actually somewhat caring for her how she cares for him. Or that's what we are made to think.
I'll say it outright; I don't think Puzzles cares for Leggy the way she does to him. She goes so far that she throws herself into danger for him, or is actively thrown around like an actual weapon, in order to help him. Because she cares about him. Puzzles doesn't really do that in turn for her, does he?
Also lemme just talk about the end of the latest episode real quick. So, Meggy turns back into her normal self. When she remembers Mr. Puzzles and her when she was Leggy, having "good moments", she smiles. A lot of people read this as her forgiving him.
I think this is moving on way too fast from the pain and torture she was put through. For an entire month during Puzzlevision Arc, Meggy was killed over and over by Wren. Who never would have gotten the power to do so if it wasn't for Puzzles giving him that facility for him to control. "But Puzzles didn't torture her directly during Western Spaghetti" I hear you say. This is true, however he did brainwash her like the others during the movies. He still rubbed it in her face how the events of Western Spaghetti effected her. And yet now she smiles because of a few "good moments" in that last few episodes. Which are really just Puzzles giving Leggy the bare minimum of praise and calling her a friend?
As I have seen mentioned around; I suppose it could be that she is smiling because she sees that he has some good part of him. But the good part she did see, does have the possibility to be a lie. A facade. Honestly if they go with this possibility, that he was faking the whole time and just playing it up like an actor on a set, that would be awesome. Have him in the future in a scene where he can just be alone. Reflect on how much of it was an act and how much he actually did care and felt actual emotion. Have him contemplate his own plans or think over what he has done. If he is to be redeemed like people want, he will have to reflect. If he doesn't, he continues to be a villian and that's great too!! Just as long as they don't fumble his character...
I think the best thing the writing team can do now is keep Puzzles away for a bit. Keep him away until WOTFI 2024 because I am pretty sure we are all expecting him to have a part in that. I mean, he technically caused the last one. Why not cause another? If they are to have him be a physical threat again, in person, they should focus on keeping that balance of who is in the spotlight. Have the episode or movie be not centered around one character but a select few. I feel like he works better when even in Puzzles centered episodes, you see a lot of the other characters too. As mentioned, you have too much sugar and you can easily get sick off it.
Also completely changing the flow of this rant, ramble, whatever you wanna call this. But I have a small nitpick. The recent episode seemed so heavily hinted to be a FNAF parody. However, after watching it, it seems it wasn't at all. We get references to other games but not FNAF. So, why name the episode that? Why hint at an idea just to not use it at all? Why get our hopes up for something that didn't happen?
And oh, one more thing. Let's not forget how odd it is that Puzzles is in the spotlight so heavily all of a sudden. After Puzzlevision, I heard word going around that the SMG4 team "might bring him back if people like him enough". As you could probably see, people more then liked him. They LOVED him. I think because of how much attention he was getting, it only makes sense they would make more Puzzles content. People enjoy him, so why not make a whole mini arc for the new wave of fans to enjoy? It gets them views, fans, attention, and makes the people happy!!
All this just feels... odd. This doesn't give me a good feeling because of the design problem. As mentioned in my latest post, Mr. Puzzles and RGB, (a character from a comic known as "The Property of Hate") both look EXTREMELY similar. The SMG4 team has said nothing about this, and I think they should really be confronted. Asked about it. Whether it be asking them in an email or social media dms, I am THIS close to just outright asking them myself. We deserve to know the truth on this. It's for the best and this silence is driving me a tad batty.
This also leads me to talk about a... misconception? People were saying that the new facial expressions for Puzzles weren't credited. I saw that even an artist of the expressions stated it was alright if they weren't credited. However, in the video's description, it credits the artists who made the expressions. So, was the description edited later? Was it always like that and people didn't see? If I am wrong here somehow, please do correct me. But it seems all that is alright now... unless I am wrong.
I think this is all for my salt filled rant. Please feel free to share your own thoughts on the new episodes and mini arc!! Do you agree with some points I made, or not? I would love to discuss this further and see other's point of view on this!!
Eitherway, I thank you for reading. You take care yall!! ☆
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queenielacy · 4 months
At this point we have to save Darby from himself because you know he’s the one that came up with, and probably demanded to be hung upside down like that.
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ratatatastic · 1 month
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god forbid you are two boys sharing your cup days! god forbid!
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citrlet · 7 months
update on my neighbors puppy: he's bigger! but still a certified Little Guy
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