#pyrrha is not pleased
madmanwonder · 6 months
[Prompt] Hippolyta tries to help her niece hook up with her crush, so she describes Pyrrha when telling him who he should go after her. Unfortunately Jaune thinks that she is describing herself, so he surprises her with a kiss and asking the older woman out on a date. [Misunderstanding]
"Kid I think you need a fine woman who's beautiful and strong but also kind and loyal to her friends and her soon-to-be-boyfriend who's just waiting for you to walk up and kiss her on the lips and take her out a date."
Jaune Arc looked at the older woman, the scary but kind-hearted woman who was looking at him with a small grin on her lips looking at him with warm fire-like green eyes.
'Never thought that Hippolyta of all people would like me in that way? Guess there's one thing to do here' He thought as he got up from his chair and walked over to the surprise older woman and...grabbed hold of her and kissed her deep and strong with the burning passion of a thousand suns.
After he was stealing the literal breath from the woman, the young man pulled away and speak with all of the confidence and charm in his voice and said. "I will pick you up around 8AM for our date Hip~" Jaune gently put her on his seat and walked out the room with a confident strut...and a goofy grin on his face.
Meanwhile Hippolyta was sitting in the kid spot with a stunned look on her face with one thought in mind...'...I am so fucked right now....'
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karakuliiii · 1 year
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Another batch of TLT doodles
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this-could-be-a-dream · 6 months
I do not want Gideon Nav to have a washboard stomach. I want Gideon Nav to have a little bit of pudge that Harrow a) thinks is really hot (she is indeed correct), and b) keeps nurturing by ordering desserts she hates but knows Gideon loves and that in their post-trauma life she always gets when they go on cute dates
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vaguely-concerned · 1 year
good jod what I wouldn't give to be a fly on the wall for the first few times wake and pyrrha hooked up though. not because it would be hot (though it would be), but because surely there must have been a point where they were both fucked out enough that they stopped trying to strangle each other and wake could turn over in bed and say something to the effect of 'so quick question now that I've got you here: what in the actual fuck is WRONG with all of you. like societally and as people' and pyrrha next to her smoking a post-coital cigarette like 'sure how long have you got'
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a-den-of-demons · 1 year
Pounding a Red Queen (Open RP; Male muses preferred- can be supernatural or human, or other)
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Pyrrha, champion monster Hunter looked up to in her community, held a secret from everyone. She enjoyed the thrill of battle and the kill, but could only hide that to keep her good image. But when she learned of secret underground monster fighting rings, she eagerly joined, going under the identity of the red queen.
She rose through the ranks, but quickly found herself bored, until she was finally beaten, and invited them to a penthouse room, to “Spend some time with her.” So Pyrrha waited eagerly for her partner, who she had big hopes for.
@a-fantastic-time @ask-jaune-npr @freeusemuses @ofdarkestdesires
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superiorsturgeon · 7 months
Arkos Reunion, Ver 2
Tarnished Spartan Pyrrha: *patrolling through the Ever After*
Tarnished Spartan Pyrrha: Another day…another patrol around this fairy-tale world…😔
Tarnished Spartan Pyrrha: Great, Pyrrha…now you’ve started talking to yourself! Maybe next you’ll start hallucinating…! 🙄
Jaune: *pushing through bushes* Holy crap…Pyrrha…?! Is that you?! 😱
Tarnished Spartan Pyrrha: So the visions have started already? Well, I might as well get some enjoyment out of this…
Tarnished Spartan Pyrrha: Get that beautiful butt over here, hallucination-Jaune!
Jaune: Pyrrha, wait! I’m not a hallucination-Eep! 😳
Tarnished Spartan Pyrrha: I’m gonna try something I always wanted to do to you~!
Jaune: …mommy…?
Blake: …that was NOT in the original story…! 😡
Pyrrha: *face in her hands* 😣
Jaune: *in shock* 😳
Weiss: …shit, I’m into it…
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kinaesthetiqueer · 8 months
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no wonder Nora never took her jacket off; RNJR would have never gotten anything done.
i like to think this happens in v4 because Ruby makes an offhand comment about Nora and Jaune not having guns as part of their kits. and Nora whips off her jacket and cries "guns? oh i've got guns! 😏" cue Jaune and Ren having a crisis. Ren is, to quote a friend, "experiencing emotions previously unknown, possibly shrimp ones".
redraw of this meme, because i wanted to draw best girl flexing and being admired, as she deserves.
renorarc et al. versions under the cut. :) image ID in alt text.
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i don't have a twitter, so if you're inclined to share, please link back to this post rather than reposting it, thank you :')
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I love the conversation between Pyrrha and Pash about Wake. Like yes, Wake was ruthless, mean, and married to duty -- and she loved her family. She loved her sister, she loved her niece, she was proud of the blood they shared.
This puts her feelings about Gideon in even starker contrast. She didn't love Gideon. She didn't want Gideon. She raised and nurtured unborn Gideon for the sole purpose of killing her at the right place and time, and hated every last goddamn second of it.
We could have just assumed Wake wasn't familial. We could have just assumed she was cold and merciless without discretion.
But Tamsyn Muir wrote this conversation to make it very clear that this wasn't the case. Gideon didn't have an unloving mother, she had a mother who didn't love her.
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merlinityart · 1 year
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Playing family but it’s REAL and they LOVE EACH OTHER!!!
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dabblingreturns · 2 years
One of the great things about the locked tomb is that hot women can:
Have acne and big biceps (gideon)
Have scars ( pash)
Be big and tall (coronabeth)
Be small and flat and chronically underweight ( Harrowhark, Dulci and Cytherea, nona)
Be trans women in the body of a dilf (pyrrha fucking dve)
Be prematurely graying (judith)
Be tall and thin,with the worst taste in clothing, and have limp hair and a bone arm (ianthe)
Can be a octogenarian with only one limb left (Aiglamine)
Can be a mom* (wake)
No matter what we feel about our own bodies, we look into the mirror of the locked tomb we find charecters that would consider us hot.
Edit: this is only physical stuff.
tamsyn muir doesn't give us hights and weights so I don't know if charecters like Gideon nav and Coronabeth Tridentarius would be considered fat in modern society. But it's not remarked upon.
If anyone give me a verifiable citaions I am happy to include it.
Also when I say wake is a "mom" I mean post Partum. Flooded with hormones and rage and blood and exsughtion.
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madmanwonder · 6 months
[Ask] Pyrrha hears about her aunt going out with her man. What does she tell Hippolyta when confronting her?
“I am going to rip your tits out and feed them to you if you don’t explain yourself why you are dating My Jaune?” Pyrrha said in a deceptively sweet voice that caused the soul of Hippolyta to nearly burst out of her mortal shell.
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denimshortsdean · 1 year
I relate to Nona because if I lived with Pyrrha Dve I too would look for creative ways to hang out with her and have her tell me dirty jokes
also i want her to crush me like a sprite can but that's by the by
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artiswhatartdoes · 5 months
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Anyone else rereading the entire locked tomb trilogy for angst fun? No? Cool, me neither……….
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dve · 6 months
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Harrow the Ninth, p. 488 / Harrow the Ninth, p. 252
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vaguely-concerned · 6 months
For personal reasons: Nona’s conversation with Varun towards the end of NtN (I had to do my own transcription of the audio book here, so pardon any errant punctuation or mistakes) 
The Captain opened her mouth and said, “Get him! Get him! Get him, he flees!”
“I can’t!” said Nona, “I can’t do anything. I don’t want to do anything.”
The Captain moaned sharply. “All for nothing! You asked for help — you asked — and all for nothing, only pain! You asked. I gave you blood for blood!”
Nona, grief-stricken, hollered: “Not like this! I love this place!”
“Do you love?” said the Captain’s mouth. 
Nona struggled. “Yes! No. Yes,” she said, then, “I don’t know what it means. I say it, and I don’t know what it means. Did I ever know what it meant?”
“Green thing,” said the Captain, “green—and—breathing thing — the ghost, the drinker, transformed — what will you eat now? Where will your body go? What did he do to you to make you this way? You eat yourself. I gorge on unliving marrow!”
It was true. The Captain looked as if she were withering before Nona’s eyes. She cried out in haste, “Don’t! Stop that! I can’t stop it, but you can stop it. Stop hurting her! She doesn’t know what you’re doing.” 
“You cry mercy?” said the Captain.
“Yes! Mercy, yes!” said Nona.
“I have crossed the face of the universe,” said the Captain. “I poison it to match my grief!”
“Yes,” said Nona, “but — but stop this. Stop hurting the Captain.” She rooted around wildly to find a phrase, and fell back on Cam. “You’re acting out. Maybe you should take five.” 
“For eight thousand unjust bodies I will stop,” said the Captain. 
Nona said, “NO! I want you to stop now!”
“They concoct their own vengeance,” said the Captain. “Their justice is not my justice. Their water is not my water. I came to help. I am made a mockery. The danger is upon you, and you do not even know. They are coming out of their tower, salt thing. There is a hole at the bottom of their tower. I will pull their teeth. I will make it blank for you.” 
Nona said, “Hot Sauce never did anything wrong. Or Beautiful Ruby, or Born-In-The-Morning, or Kevin. And Honesty — “ here, she was compelled by the truth, “Honesty doesn’t know any better. Camilla and Palamedes never did anything wrong. Pyrrha says she did a lot wrong, but at least she knows it. And we don’t like the Captain, but we pity her. Stop hurting the Captain. Don’t do this.” 
And Nona found herself saying: “I’m ready to die. Really ready.”
“Nothing is really ready to die,” said the Captain. 
. . . 
Nona looked at the Captain’s face with its closed eyes — still wasted, but not dead, and looking a little less like a piece of fruit someone had sucked all the juice out of. 
Nona lay on her back atop the stretched canvas, and Nona’s mouth said: “Just — wait. Just… help me. Help me do this. I might be different, soon.” 
Planet ghost arrives to pick up little sister after she called it crying her eyes out earlier that night; thousands wounded hundreds dead natural order continues to be in shambles. To be serious though — Nona’s plea for humanity here has stuck with me so deeply. I love this place. I love these people. Don’t hurt them. The love is stronger than the rage, and Varun listens. She cries mercy, and is heard, if ony momentarily. Not happily and not forever, but it agrees to wait and to help her in the way she needs it to. (“We had the choice to stop”/”I can’t stop it, but you can stop it”............) It ties in very neatly with the overarching themes of vengeance in TLT: that you have to love and care for what’s hurting more than you hate what inflicted the damage, or else very bad things can start to happen. (Also ‘Honesty — doesn’t know any better’ is the funniest and the loveliest part of it to me. Like yeah. If you want to love humanity that’s such a crucial part of it. You have to accept that the Honestys of the world won’t know any better no matter what you do or say and that they’re still worth it; they live here too.) 
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traditionanddebts · 1 year
I think camilla hect* would attempt to kiss pyrrha scientifically to categorize the experience and tell palamedes and perhaps future generations what can be learned from the lycor-kissing process and pal would open his mouth and collapse into her arms and fully intend to go into method-learning about the life of a romantic ravishee (for the sake of Love and Joy and maybe dulcie's memory)
they'd both fail tho. pyrrha dve has had 5,000** slutty, slutty years to get her smooch on and you don't get to think while she's kissin' you
*full name to indicate respect
**I'm estimating on account of brain sharing
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