#hippolyta is dead
madmanwonder · 6 months
[Prompt] Hippolyta tries to help her niece hook up with her crush, so she describes Pyrrha when telling him who he should go after her. Unfortunately Jaune thinks that she is describing herself, so he surprises her with a kiss and asking the older woman out on a date. [Misunderstanding]
"Kid I think you need a fine woman who's beautiful and strong but also kind and loyal to her friends and her soon-to-be-boyfriend who's just waiting for you to walk up and kiss her on the lips and take her out a date."
Jaune Arc looked at the older woman, the scary but kind-hearted woman who was looking at him with a small grin on her lips looking at him with warm fire-like green eyes.
'Never thought that Hippolyta of all people would like me in that way? Guess there's one thing to do here' He thought as he got up from his chair and walked over to the surprise older woman and...grabbed hold of her and kissed her deep and strong with the burning passion of a thousand suns.
After he was stealing the literal breath from the woman, the young man pulled away and speak with all of the confidence and charm in his voice and said. "I will pick you up around 8AM for our date Hip~" Jaune gently put her on his seat and walked out the room with a confident strut...and a goofy grin on his face.
Meanwhile Hippolyta was sitting in the kid spot with a stunned look on her face with one thought in mind...'...I am so fucked right now....'
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bet-on-me-13 · 1 year
Danny is Wonderbat's kid
So! Danny has known that he was adopted since he could remember. His parents never hid that fact, and always told him the story of how they found him abandoned in the Woods as a baby.
He was always somewhat curious about who his real parents were, but he never really put much stock into that little curiosity. After all, Jack and Maddie were his Parents, and nothing would ever change that.
Until one day when he is Training with Pandora and she notices that he resembles somebody she knows very closely. As in, he looks almost exactly like her if she was born as a male.
So, unbeknownst to Danny, she contacts Clockwork and asks him to confirm. He confirms this, and offhandedly mentions thay Danny has never met his mother and is curious about her.
A little while later, she is having Tea with her niece Diana and just as she is about to leave back to the Afterlife, she off-handedly mentions, "Also you should come around to visit one of these days, Ancients know your Son would love to meet you!".
And Diana has a Heart Attack. Because she did have a Son, with Bruce, but he was stolen away when he was born and she didn't know if he had survived or not.
Before she can ask Pandora to elaborate, she leaves. And now Diana has to wrap her head around the fact that her very much dead aunt has actually met her Missing Son.
So she thinks Danny is Dead. She thinks that he was killed after being kidnapped as a baby and that he found his way to his Great Aunt in thr Afterlife.
And now she has to tell Bruce
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sunsetcurveauto · 2 months
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No. No. Stop that bullshit right now. Do not change yourself into some pity party shut-in because of a dead psychopath. That sounds like a good reason. It's not. Okay, there's already one emotionally shut-down nihilist in this building, and the last thing we need is two.
Dead Boy Detectives x Greek Mythology: Jenny Green as Hippolyta
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kimberly-spirits13 · 9 months
Growing Up in the Justice League HC
Purely self indulgence cause I've been on this and idk why so bear with me here
I can just easily romanticize growing up in the Justice League too easily and it would be a problem
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you're brought in at as a baby to be trained by Diana
Apollo brings you to her and tells her that you are an ancient being that regenerates as a new person when you die and this is the form that you have taken. As you get older, you will remember the skills and memories of your past lives but you will have to be raised with someone who can handle you
Diana just loves babies so she had no problem with that
I'd say the league has been established for some time during this point and everyone knows each other's identities in the core group
You grew up in Paris and New York being raised as a mama's child
Bruce is the closest you get to a dad and he does his best
all the Barbies and Legos and whatever toys you'd want as a child
They know that you've been trained as an assassin, wizard, queen, knight, sorceress, scientist, all of these other things that can be traumatic so they just want you to have a great, decent childhood
when you start remember things they begin training you to be a hero
It's like PE and recess all in one since they're really just trying to figure out what you can do
Clark treats you like a fragile piece of glass up until you're a teen cause teenagers confuse him and he just cannot not see you as an innocent beep boppin child sometimes
Barry keeps up with the culture and knows all the songs from your favorite childhood movies and tv shows that you grew up watching on the massive computer in the watch tower when you were up there
will dance to any Barbie song since he knows them all by heart
Hal makes fun of you two but secretly enjoys the movies and is very emotionally invested in Princess and the Pauper and Diamond Castle
Diana and Bruce make sure that you have a great education and training
They are the mature parents of the group and want to make sure you're a functioning member of society
you've got a bag full of grandparents in the Kents, Allans, Princes, Alfred and they all love you to death
Alfred teaches you to make the best tea and gardening, Ma Kent teaches you to quilt and make bread, Pa Kent teaches you how to drive a tractor and farm, Hippolyta teaches you about the Greek gods and ancient cultures and how to ride horses, the Allans would have loads of board games to play and love having you over
Once Young Justice or Teen Titans comes around you don't join since you're officially a Justice League member and get along better with the adults since you were raised by them
That doesn't mean that you don't like or hang out with the kids, it's just that you have better inside jokes with Hal and Barry
When Superboy comes around and the League disappears, you were the only one not taken by the portal since you were helping out some civilians
You knew that Clark wasn't dead and you knew the League was somewhere
What kept you afloat was humor and Kon attached to that since he just needed someone that wasn't insane in his life
you probably won't develop romantic feelings for each other but it's more of a camaraderie since you were both raised in a really unorthodox way
when the league finally comes back, you say it's the happiest day of your life and rant to them that you were the only one who knew they weren't gone but no one understood it
Hal and Barry are known for having a thing for chicken tenders and make sure to instill an addiction in you for chicken tenders
Arthur (Aquaman) really really really likes them too but he doesn't realize it until he comes to the League
Clark would be the one to take you out for ice cream randomly or if you're having a bad day
the mother hen therapist type
You're America's favorite Justice Leaguer and often go viral for in uniform interactions with the League
Dancing with Flash at a Presidential ceremony because the music is too beep boopin good and you can't help but bop around a little bit
Media also loves you as a civilian and it's been suspected that you are the love child between Diana and Bruce since I mean- that would make the most sense
it's a running joke in the league
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satoshy12 · 1 year
After clockwork allowed Danny to use his time portals, he started to have fun with them.
Danny was playing with time, or better yet, just making the time line how it was supposed to be.
Danny is in the past and meets Hippolyta and the Amazon while in a battle against Hercules and the monsters of Hades.
Hades was on vacation; let Hercules take care of the Underworld. (Never TRUST A CHILD OF Zeus. ONLY WHEN SHE IS YOUR wife.)
 Or the times he fought against Blackbeard (Vandal Savage) or helped Genghis Khan as a Ghost tried to kill him. (Again Vandal Savage) 
He trained under an old man after he was saved from a cage in the desert for many years too, with his dead wife inside of it with him.
Or the time he worked with Martian Manhunter, Dr. Fate, and a few others against an invasion by Darkseid in the past.
So back in the present, Danny notices the painting he saw a few days ago and thinks it's similar to him: It Was Actually Him The Whole Time.
Danny had not changed to a different time line; it was the original time line.
Clockwork explained it to him: Danny changed the past; it was the whole time. He is outside of it, but not fully; it happened after his fight with Dan.
Well, someone should have told Dani about the kind of Chaos her Genetic donor had caused in the past. So she wouldn't be on such a run from so many people! After they only met her once!
Many people Danny has met in the past are very interested as they saw and meet Dani.
Clockwork pulls absolutely favor Danny and Dani over the rest of beings. So they are part of time, like him.
Something like that Vlad would never get away with, and other ghosts would have been just erased or, worse, hunted down by time hunters.
Like a Hound of Tindalos.
I like them; they are cute.
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Zeus or Hades are not Diana's father its actually Danny. DP and DC universes are different and run on a different time stream. So even though it could be the early 21st century in DP, it ancients times in DC. Danny meets Hippolyta while helping out Pandora. Danny had a brief relationship with Hippolyta that ended on good terms. But Danny had to return to the infinte realms to help wage war against some powerful entity. Hippolyta finds out she is pregnant and asks Hades claims Diana as his, in order to hide her from powerful enemies of Danny. Diana is never told and would have never found out until during a mission for the Justice League Wonder Woman is hurt so seriously that she dies for a few minutes. Her being dead and coupled with her having Danny's ecto DNA awakens her halfa side.
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youcalledsworld · 1 year
Danny Phantom is a time traveling hoe
Danny really likes going on time travel missions for Clockwork. That's not to say every mission was easy. Some could only be described as suicidal, thankfully he was already half dead so that was a moot point.
Some missions got so dangerous and stressful that Danny needed help realising some tension. So it wasn't uncommon for Danny to sleep with different women from the past.
Because Danny never stayed in the past, he didn't realise he fathered many children. When Clockwork told him of this he demanded to go back to help raise them, but Clockwork pointed out that he couldn't. So instead Clockwork gave him a list so he could check on his children and descendents.
After getting an earful from Jazz about being so irresponsible he took off. First he flew to a small town aptly called Smallville. His son is called Jonathan Kent, he is a farmer and married to a kind looking woman called Martha and they adopted a boy named Clark.
Next he was off to Gotham City, he apparently had three descendants in the city. He has a son named Arthur Brown who is the villain Clue Master, and the father of his granddaughter Stephanie also known as Spoiler. His third descendant in Gotham is his great great granddaughter Harleen Quinzel. When he found out he vowed to help her as much as he could, so the first thing he did was get rid of that clown.
He then went to find one Vandal Savage who he found out was an immortal supervillain. Vandal also fathered many children and had many descendants he would have to look for.
He was also surprised to learn that Hippolyta the Queen of the Amazon was his daughter. Which meant that Wonder Woman is his Granddaughter.
Who else is related to Danny?
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what-even-is-thiss · 1 year
I'm kind of fascinated by Ares/Mars as a character. Understandably he's not very well liked. Because he generally represents the undesirable parts of war. Bloodlust, fighting, terror, chaos.
But he's also a god of courage, and a god you want on your side when you go into a war. He also seems to respect women more than other Greek and Roman gods, generally. There's few direct references to him forcing himself on people that I've found. They exist, and many of the references to his lovers are vague so we can't be sure what the women thought of the situation so that should be kept in mind.
His daughters are often prominent in the myths, founding the Amazons and becoming various queens and notable warriors within that tribe. In fact, I'd wager his daughters often take a bigger space in our collective consciousness than his sons, Queen Hippolyta being among one of his most famous children. And he gives courage to his daughters in equal measure to his sons, giving one of his infant daughters the ability to suck milk from her dead mother and survive by force of will.
He's also surprisingly weak. He loses a boxing match against Hermes when they fought over a woman. He gets trapped in a jar for several months by giants. He isn't always on the winning side.
In the Orphic hymn 65 to Ares it says he is "pleased with war’s dreadful and tumultuous roar." but also, it asks him for peace. "Stay furious contests, and avenging strife, whose works with woe embitter human life;... for arms exchange the labours of the field; encourage peace, to gentle works inclined, and give abundance, with benignant mind."
Ares Mars is confusing. Like he's still an embodiment of some of the worst parts of war, but he gives power to the worthy regardless of gender, he's the one you go to to beg for peace, he's the one you go to for courage. Also, he's not indestructible. I think I get why the Romans smushed him together with a fertility god. You need land for agriculture. What's the only way to get more land in the ancient world? War. And Rome, above anything else, was into farming and war. Putting the two together isn't as illogical as you think.
I also always think off how Athena Minerva is almost universally loved even in the present day. But why? She's also a war god. She gets to sit in the tent seeing soldiers as chess pieces while Ares is on the field with them. Arguably she is just as responsible for carnage and woe as he is.
When death goes missing and the mortals are left to suffer through their wounds, never dying, it's Ares who notices. Not Athena. Not anyone else. He's also the one who does something about it and goes to save him.
Do I like Ares? No, not really. Like anyone else I don't particularly enjoy war. In fact, I wish it didn't exist. However, I do think that as a character he's way more complicated than he's often given credit for.
Also one of his sons is a literal dragon. Hell yeah.
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inkedroplets · 1 year
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The vague similarities between Katie's Continental character and Doctor Poison had me imagining a Supercorp AU where Kara is raised on Themiscyra instead of Midvale. I'm thinking Clark thinks it's the best place to be raised when she has trouble controlling her strength and Diana offers to take her in to both give her a home and to train her. Kara is mostly happy on the island. It's not Krypton but it's a home that she slowly acclimates to over the years. But she longs to see what lies beyond the island. To see where Kal has made his home. Whenever she hints at wanting to leave the island, she's rebuffed gently. Man's world is not just dangerous but as Amazons are not meant to set foot off the island, she would risk banishment if she left. It's a discussion for another time. An opportune moment when Diana can convince Hippolyta that she should be allowed to leave. "You just need to be a little bit more patient, Kara," Diana assures her during a training session. And Kara is... for a time. Until Diana returns one day with grim news. Clark has been injured. Hurt. Something that they thought impossible. (His weakness to kryptonite isn't common knowledge). He's in a coma. Something that Diana considers keeping from Kara but in the end can't bear to do so. "Lena Luthor," Diana says and hands Kara the remnants of what looks like a spent canister. "She's made many weapons like this... We've been trying to track her down for ages... Her brother has tried assisting in her capture but..." She shakes her head. "I never imagined she would create something capable of hurting Kal."
The attack on Superman makes Hippolyta put her foot down. Kara is not to leave the island until the threat has passed. A decision that Kara can't abide. She doesn't try to hide that she plans to leave the island. To hunt down whoever hurt Kal, knowing that whoever did is a danger to everyone else. "If nothing will dissuade you from your course," Hippolyta says with a heavy heart, knowing she can't waver when Kara has made her declaration to leave in front of so many. "If you set foot off the island, you are to never return." The prospect of leaving another home is enough to give her pause, to consider her options but when she sneaks from her chambers in the dead of night she's surprised to see her armor and her weapons waiting for her. A parting gift from Hippolyta. It doesn't take Kara long to track down a lead. She's made no efforts to hide what she's doing, being reckless in her pursuit only to come back to her modest apartment to a note that tells her they know how to find Lena Luthor. "It's too easy," Diana warns when Kara tells her that someone might have information about Lena. "We've never been able to track her down in all the time we've spent searching for her. Trusting that a stranger might be able to do that..." She shakes her head again. "We need to be cautious. Make sure it's not a trap." "Of course," Kara replies and while she understands Diana's trepidation, she can't help but go alone to the meeting. An abandoned warehouse. She has time to scope out the place, seeing only one person inside, her guard still up. She forces her way through a rusted door to get inside and spots the lone figure standing in a nest of shadows. "You're looking for Lena Luthor?" Barely even a question but Kara answers affirmatively anyway and that's when the figure steps out of the darkness. It's Lena. Kara rushes forward without thinking and has her hand on her throat, lifting her easily. "You!" she seethes and her eyes glow a violent red for only a moment. She expects to see hatred, maybe fear on the woman's face but sees nothing of the sort. If anything, she looks almost relieved at the prospect Kara might unleash all her rage upon her. "I didn't hurt Superman," she whispers hoarsely and a solitary tear rolls down the side of her face and down her mask. "I didn't hurt anybody." Kara knows better than to believe her but she drops her, lets her tumble to the ground. "You did," Kara whispers and reaches for the spent canister that Diana brought to her. "This is yours," she hisses and sees red when Lena nods.
"My research," Lena pleads. "I never wanted to turn it into a weapon. That was my brother's doing..." And it all comes out. Lex's facade as a humanitarian that he has carefully crafted. The one sane Luthor that has tried time and time again to stop his sister's more sinister inclinations have been nothing but smoke and mirrors. Even her mask is nothing more than a prop she's been forced to wear. 'To look the part' "Why do it then?" Kara asks, unsure of whether or not she should believe her. "Why help him, why let him pin all the blame onto you?" And that's when Lena pulls out a polaroid from her back pocket. "If I don't," she says and holds the photo up to the light. "He'll kill my best friend." When Kara leans closer, she sees a man tied to a chair, looking ragged, looking weak but relatively unharmed. "Jack," Lena murmurs. "I want to save him," she says, getting straight to the point. "I want to stop my brother, and I need your help."
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blooms-in-april · 1 month
I need the fic where the Amazon Penthesilea, against the wishes of Queen Hippolyta, leads the Amazons to the defense of their allies in Troy. Her thirteen year old niece, Diana, stows away on one of the war ships to see Man's World. Young Diana bouncing Astyanax on her knee as Andromache smiles. Young Diana taunting Patroclus across the battlefield. Young Diana returning from a skirmish asking, "Where's Briseis?" Young Diana watching as Hector, the first man she's ever really known, puts on his helmet and leaves for battle, never to return.
Young Diana letting Helen, her half sister, cradle her face in her hands and smile. "You will be beautiful, Diana," she says, "As beautiful as I am," and Diana feels that curse upon her, the curse of being a woman and beautiful. Young Diana pulling Achilles spear from her aunt's fallen body, eyes streaming with tears.
"You can't kill me," he says. His eyes are already dead.
"I don't care." she says, and lets the rage sing through her. When she returns to her island, she sits in the surf, letting the waves wash over her again and again, trying to wash the blood clean
Wonder Woman's first experience outside of her island is Steve Trevor and his airplane. Diana first saw Man's World as a child soldier of the Trojan War on the losing side.
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madmanwonder · 6 months
[Ask] Pyrrha hears about her aunt going out with her man. What does she tell Hippolyta when confronting her?
“I am going to rip your tits out and feed them to you if you don’t explain yourself why you are dating My Jaune?” Pyrrha said in a deceptively sweet voice that caused the soul of Hippolyta to nearly burst out of her mortal shell.
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DP X DC Crossover Prompt:
I know we’re all on Danny as BatFam right now, but May I suggest another option?
Due to weird laws of the Universe, Danny is considered a son of Hades in some weird godly way. It seems to mostly be because he’s the Crown Prince of a realm of the dead.
If you guys remember, in some universes Diana is the daughter of Hades and Hippolyta.
Diana finds out she has a little brother in insists she has to meet him. Danny is entirely overwhelmed by his 2,000 year old instant sister.
Just, a loving excited to be a sister Diana and a confused Suddenly a Monarchy Danny.
If you wanna include Jason to that’s always an option, lol
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darthvashtique93 · 8 months
A Cosmos In The Sand
Chapter 16
Raven had been blankly staring at the flames when she heard her name called once again. "Raven." She looked up to see Damyan standing above her.
"Damyan," she blinked up at him.
"May I sit?" he asked. Raven nodded. "So," Damyan began immediately. "Jhon overheard something."
"What did he overhear?"
"Did Queen Hippolyta talk to you about an hour ago?" Raven pursed her lips and nodded. "Yeah," he sighed. "He heard Queen Hippolyta tell Princess Diana that she told you the truth about what happened to Azarath. How they didn't come to Azarath's aid."
"It's fine," Raven brushed it off. She didn't want to talk about it.
"Raven," Damyan sighed.
"I will try to contact Maya tonight," Raven looked at him blankly, "you don't have to worry about it. Tell them I'll do it." She felt like she was being used. Raven sighed heavily. Slaede or no Slaede, her powers were all she was good for, apparently.
"Raven," Damyan placed a hand on her shoulder, searing her through the tunic she was wearing.
Raven shrugged his hand off of her shoulder. "I just want to be alone," Raven sighed.
"Okay," Damyan said, "I'll be in my tent if you need me."
Raven shifted on the ground, crossing her legs. The sky had darkened. It was finally time to reach out to Maya. It was going to be hard, nearly impossible with all of this iolite. Maya would have to do most of the work. It was nearly midnight. Hopefully, Maya was asleep and searching for Raven.
Beads of sweat formed on Raven's forehead. She'd been at it for over an hour, and nothing. "Come on, Maya," Raven muttered. "I need you to reach out. Please reach out," Raven begged. She was dizzy and tired. She needed a break.
Raven's eyes fluttered open. The world around her had stopped. Raven slowly stood to her feet. People were frozen midstride and mid-conversation. Sparks from the huge fire remained suspended in space. "Raven?" she heard a small voice call out. Raven turned around.
"Maya!" Raven exclaimed before running to her sister and pulling her into a tight hug. "How are you?" Raven asked. She then drew back to look her sister in the eye. Raven's breath froze when she saw Maya's face. One side was swollen and purple; the other side had a deep gash. "Omigosh!" Raven cupped Maya's face. "What happened?"
"Where are you?" Maya cried out. "Slaede wants you back. He thought you were kidnapped, but now he's not so sure. Since I can't find you or Themyscira, he allows Mara to do what she will."
"Mara?" Raven gasped.
"And…and…" Maya looked down.
"What else is happening?" Raven gripped Maya's upper arms. "Tell me," she urged.
"And Graent hit me."
Fear gripped Raven's heart. "I'm coming back, Maya," Raven said. "Tell Slaede I'm coming back."
"No, I won't let them hurt you anymore. I'm coming back, just hold on."
"I have to find it," Maya gasped. "I have to find you. Slaede, he'll…"
Raven gasped, returning to her body. She was still sitting and conversation was happening around her. No one had noticed her in a trance. "I have to go," Raven muttered to herself. "I have to go." She scrambled to her feet. Blindly stumbling along as she still hadn't oriented herself, she didn't see the little girl in front of her. "Woah," Raven said as she tripped over the little girl, taking them both to the ground. "I am so sorry," Raven immediately apologized to the small child. "I am so sorry." Raven reached down and began to lift the girl from the ground. As soon as she made contact, a vision burst through the iolite boundary nearly knocking Raven to her feet. Everything was on fire. Arrows embedded themselves into the bodies of Themyscira's warriors. Screams filled the air, and the little girl lay dead in Raven's arms.
"Uh!" Raven scrambled back, dropping the girl.
"Ow," the little girl cried.
"No, I'm sorry," Raven tried to apologize, but the little girl ran off. "Damyan, I need to find Damyan."
Still feeling dizzy, Raven finally found her way to Damyan's tent. She placed her hand on the tent's post. "Damyan!" "Damyan!" Raven cried as he lay in her arms, three arrows protruding from his chest. She was too late, he was already dead. "Don't go," she sobbed. Raven saw a shadow over her. She looked up to see Slaede looking down at her apathetically. "This is all your fault, Raven," he said, "if only you had come back home to me."
"Raven!" Raven felt her head jerk. Damyan was staring at her in concern, gripping her upper arms. "Raven!" Raven met his warm, beautiful, turquoise eyes. She felt his hands on her face, smoothing her hair. Raven closed her eyes as she felt his thumb stroke her cheek. Her stomach fluttered. She wanted to stay like this forever. "Raven," Damyan said her name softly.
"I have to go," Raven breathed out, slowly opening her eyes. "I have to go back."
"What? Come here," Damyan ushered her into his humble abode. "You saw something. Tell me."
"Maya – Slaede's taking his anger out on her," Raven pulled her fingers through her hair as she paced. "I can't sit here and wait."
"Raven," Damyan reached for her arms.
"I saw you die," she said, making Damyan freeze.
"What?" he whispered.
"I saw you die," she said as tears gathered in her eyes.
"Sit," Damyan said, pulling Raven down with him. "Now, tell me what you saw."
"I was able to contact Maya, rather, she was able to reach me. She – she looked terrible. Mara sliced her face."
"Of course, Mara's with Slaede," Damyan scoffed, and if Mara's there, then the League is there with her. Dammit!"
"Damyan," Raven played with her fingers. "I need to go back. You have to let me go."
"You said you saw me die." Raven nodded. "Are you sure that the iolite isn't distorting your visions?"
"I know what I saw, Damyan."
"Your visions aren't always set in stone, right? You're seeing a possible future."
"Damyan – "
"You're scared. I get that but running back to Slaede – that's suicide. We have a plan. If you give us a week – "
"Maya doesn't have a week," Raven begged. "I can't stay here, Damyan. The longer I stay here, the more dangerous it is for my family…and probably for these people."
"Raven," Damyan held her face, brushing her tears away.
"I won't lose my family," Raven stated firmly. "I can't lose my family," she said softly, "and I can't lose you."
"Me?" Damyan gazed at her.
"I don't know how, but these last three days you've become…I can't picture living in a world where you're dead."
"Raven, I'm not going to die."
"How do you know?"
"Like you said – you saw a possible future. The future is always changing. Do you know what that means?" he gazed into her beautiful violet eyes. Raven shook her head. "It means I make my own fate, and I'm in charge of my own destiny," he whispered before pulling her into a heated kiss.
Raven placed her hands on his shoulders. She knew she should push him away, but as he pulled her into his lap and dragged his fingers through her hair, Raven found that she couldn't. She moaned when Damyan pulled her into his chest. Pulling away to receive oxygen, Raven then slowly explored Damyan's muscular chest with her hands. Damyan inhaled sharply and his breath quickened the lower her hands went, and that was when Raven decided. She wanted to know what it felt like to be treated gently, to be cherished – even if it was for just one night.
Damyan hadn't exactly been hiding in his tent all day, but his stomach and chest had been feeling weird all day. Because Damyan had never been one for crowds, he assumed it was a reaction to being out in the open surrounded by hundreds of people. Sitting alone in his tent, the weird feeling in his stomach and chest had dissipated. Unfortunately, it came back when Jhon stopped by, and the fluttering only grew worse when he went to confront Raven. It wasn't until Raven was inches from his face, until he was staring deep into her beautiful eyes, that he realized what he was feeling.
Now, she was in his arms, and she was kissing him. When she had first pulled away, Damyan worried he'd scared her off. Then, he felt her hands on her chest and abdomen, leaving a trail of fire everywhere she touched. Looking into his eyes, she had slowly leaned back in, and Damyan had taken control.
Opening his mouth to her, he angled his head and touched her lips with his tongue. She acquiesced, and Damyan quickly trapped her lower lip between his and kissed her harder. Pulling away, Damyan grabbed the bottom of his tunic that she was still wearing and pulled it over her head. A thin scrap of material that barely covered anything was the only thing between Damyan and her body. Raven chuckled. "What?" Damyan asked, before kissing her deeply.
"I can't believe you made me wear…this."
"It was the closest thing to me at the time," he kissed her neck.
"Prostitutes wear this," Raven half chuckled, half moaned.
Damyan chuckled as he traced his lips up her jaw to her cheek. Wrapping an arm around her waist, flipped their positions, gently laying Raven on the ground. "Is this okay?" Damyan whispered. Raven nodded. "I need you to say 'yes'."
"Yes," Raven breathed.
"Do you trust me?" he asked, his finger tracing the middle of her chest. He put his hand over her heart. He could feel it racing through his palm.
"Yes," Raven breathed out again.
"Good," Damyan smiled before gently pulling down the straps of her makeshift dress. A pretty blush made its way from Raven's cheeks down to the top of her breasts. "Don't hide yourself," Damyan whispered as his body began to burn, "you're beautiful." Searching his eyes, Raven wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him down into a heated kiss, a passionate kiss, arching her body into his. Damyan felt her body shudder beneath his wandering hands. As he kissed down her chest, he resolved to show her a kindness and gentleness she'd never seen.
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highlordofkrypton · 4 months
martha kent, alfred pennyworth, atlanna & hippolyta au // the justice league's mom's book club's guide to vampire slaying - chapter 9
SUMMARY: Martha, Alfred, Atlanna and Hippolyta start a book club. Together, they remember what it feels like to be themselves and not just the parents of the Justice League. Well, for most of them at least. Throw in some vampires and now we have a party.
chapter 9 - excessive force
The shots are a clean sign for Martha to haul ass. Adrenaline keeps the pain at bay, her knees protesting the very thought of crawling through this horrible, cramped metal tunnel. Martha stops, shielding her ears from the piercing screech. Is it dead?
A thud echoes all around her. Then again. It’s not looking for a way in anymore, it’s found one. Straight through. It’s not dead. It’s determined.
Go, is the only thought she focuses on.
Martha cannot panic, and she cannot scream, for neither are productive for her goal, which is to make it to the other side of this stupid escape route. When all this is over, she is going to have a word with Alfred. Has he considered a slide? That would be a hundred times more effective and more fun.
Her crawl is an exercise in hope—
Hope that the creature chasing her doesn’t catch up to her.
Hope that she’ll make it out alive, so that her son isn’t an orphan once more.
Her hand slips, and the rest of her follows. Martha’s heart lurches into her chest, falling into darkness.
Atlanna beheads her enemy with a fork. Several, actually. A second creature had skittered in after the Speaking One. She trusts Hippolyta to dispatch her assailant.
“You enter my friend’s home,” she snarls, impaling the barely-human creature in one shoulder. “You caused damage on her property.” Another fork in the opposing shoulder. “And you have ruined our dinner!”
It takes patience and determination to saw through flesh, muscle, tendon and bone with a fork. Admittedly, she has gotten ahead of herself, it has been a long time since she last fought anyone. The last time she executed someone—
Ah, best not to think of those things.
Atlanna tips her head up, and her gaze is obscured by the sight of her friend hurtling towards her.
“What is going on?” She snaps, a tangle of limbs with Hippolyta.
“A fury between old things.” The Queen of the Amazon wipes the blood trickling from her nose, and snaps her wrist to let the crimson splatter across the wooden floorboards. Hippolyta wields her kitchen knives like daggers; she does not lament the absence of her usual weaponry. She is the weapon.
The Tall Man—the Creature who Speaks—is unlike the others. He is, clearly, their leader. He approaches them, baring his forest of fangs and hisses at them.
“Our dance is not over,” Hippolyta hums.
“Oh, I sure think it is.” Martha cocks her gun and fires. She repeats the gesture with a firm and swift click, aiming at the head of that damned creature. Her enemy raises his hand to cover his face, but Martha does not stop. One, two, three, up to eight shots are fired at it in sequence. The rounds chew through its flesh, filling the room with the scent of rot.
The thing moves towards Martha. One step is a step too much. Hippolyta moves swiftly, pushing off of Atlanna, who grunts with annoyance, to shove the monster back. She parries claws with her blades, though she can feel their flimsyness the more she attacks. No matter. So long as she breathes, and there are objects within her reach, she will find a way to use it to her advantage.
“I’m almost done re-loading!”
“Understood.” Hippolyta’s words are filtered through grit teeth as she continues to struggle against the strength of far from human.
Atlanna hears the thump of movement from outside, carried through the ground in dull muted sounds. The surface could struggles to replicate the echoes of the sea, and the way the water hears everything, but she has taught herself to listen. She feels it beneath the palms of her hands.
“We have more incoming and we are not,” she gets to her feet to stand at the door. “Equipped to deal with this.” The natural state of her senses are adapted to the dark depths of the ocean, and so she sees her assailants clearly. “Where is Alfred?” She demands; he must do the lockdown thing he did with the barn.
“He is a man, and men are—” Hippolyta roars and flips the leader of monsters onto the kitchen island. It breaks into pieces, pots and pans clattering to the ground. “Cowards.”
The lights flick on, blinding Atlanna and Martha, but Hippolyta remains steadfast. The corpse begins to sizzle, and the Man With Fangs puts space between them. “We are not done.” He flickers out of sight, and vanishes. He takes the body with it.
“What was that?” Martha asks, lowering her hand that shielded her form the light.
“He escaped.” Both regents echo at the same time.
“I fixed the lights,” Alfred appears, dusting himself off from broken shards of glass.
“You cowardly—,” Hippolyta grips her knife storming towards Alfred in fury.
He raises his hand to stop her, and that, naturally, seems to anger her. “May I invite you to lambast me somewhere safer? There is a safehouse in the basement. We can discuss tonight’s events in detail. I cannot guarantee that the generator will last. The repairs were… rudimentary.” There’s only so much he can do with the time and the tools at his disposal.
“Come on.” Atlanna urges Hippolyta along, nudging her knives out of Alfred’s face. “Downstairs, yes?”
“Wait, Martha, what about the one that was following you?”
“I closed the door, but I don’t know if it held. Painting the button in glow-in-the-dark paint was a good idea.”
“You can thank the boys for that one."
“Also,” Martha slides up next to her old friend. “I am never doing that again. Couldn’t you have built a slide?”
Alfred’s gray brows raise to his hairline. “Jason actually suggested that. Perhaps I should have convinced Bruce to listen.”
The four of them descend the creaky wooden steps into Martha’s cold room. Jars of preserves, along with other pickled things line the walls. She keeps a secondary fridge and freezer here, but she hasn’t needed either of them since Clark moved out. They’re only here for the weekends when he visits (with or without his friends).
“Through the freezer,” Martha and Alfred say at nearly the same time. She smiles at him, despite it all. They’re safe and sound. That’s what matters.
While Martha had to crawl out of that damned thing in the dark, with only glow-in-the-dark arrows to guide her way out, the freezer lights up properly. The back of the freezer opens up into a different room—the safehouse that Alfred was talking about. They can just barely see the inside of it.
Hippolyta raises her hand in a halting gesture, demanding silence.
They listen.
Aside from the hum of electricity, there is nothing else coming from the safe house. From outside, Martha swears she can still hear those things creeping around in the corn stalks.
Hippolyta hauls herself over the edge of the freezer, and slides into the opening in one fell swoop.
“It is clear,” her distant voice confirms.
Atlanna follows, offering Martha help, and Alfred is the last to join them. He seals the entrance behind them and inspects the sealed hatch that leads to the tunnel. Everything looks good, for now.
“What is this place?” Hippolyta asks. The three women look around, unused to secret lairs layered in technology. That’s always something that was meant for their children, not them.
“A contigency plan.” It’s an easy question to answer. Neither Clark nor Martha would have concoted something like this, but that does not mean they might not need it. “The longer Superman is active, the more at risk you are. Bruce thought it would be a good precaution.”
Alfred makes his way towards a handful of screens in the wall and turns them on. Cameras overlook the Kent property; they catch movement on some of them, but the things move too quickly under the cover of night, and the infrared is useless.
“There are snacks over there,” he calls over his shoulder, watching the cameras.
“Ha, treasure,” Atlanna cheers to herself and stuffs the snacks into her pockets. She never knows when she will need them. (In a house with two boys, Atlanna often sacrifices snacks for her precious little babies. Here, she plunders all the good stuff for herself. She will share, of course.)
“I don’t know how to feel about this.” Martha perches next to Alfred, looking at all the screens hesitantly. “Do you… watch me?”
“Me? No. It’s the surveillance pigeons you should worry about.”
“Nevermind,” Alfred shakes his head. Those jokes are better appreciated by midly paranoid sons dressed as bats (or an assortment of birds). “I’ve only turned on these cameras tonight when you were initially chased. They were set off by the perimeter alarm. No one can get in or out without the override or your biometrics.” This place is for her, after all. Clark can take care of himself. “It wasn’t built to violate your privacy.”
Martha stares at the screens, thoughtful. For a long moment, she says nothing. “I know. Thank you for protecting me.”
“Do not fall for his masculine wiles. We all would have protected you,” Hippolyta points out.
“Oh, I already have, Lyta. I love Alfred with my whole heart, and nothing will change that.” Martha grins and leans in to give Alfred a half hug. He leans back, grinning at her.
“And I, you.”
“We never came back to that point earlier. Masculine wiles, have you fallen for them?” Atlanna asks, crunching through some kind of protein bar. The earlier point being how Hippolyta and Diana are similar. She knows Arthur was making an implication. Now, she wants details.
“What is the plan?”
“You’re ignoring me,” Atlanna hums.
“With good reason. There is a hunt to be executed. We have no time to gossip.”
“So, there is gossip.”
“I did not say that.”
“Mhm. Sure. Let us hunt now, and we will gossip later.”
Alfred turns in his stool, regarding the women before him. They are the splash of colour—the life—in this clinical room made of every spymaker’s dreams. The sparse blood is stark under the bright white lights, but otherwise, his companions seem to be just fine.
“First, we need to know what we’re hunting.” Or what was hunting them, and why? Alfred regards Martha. “They went after Martha first when she was alone. The leader spoke, and fought Lyta alone, but the others move in packs.” But that still doesn’t answer his question. What are they?
“He was smart. He made sure that there was no body to inspect.” Atlanna points out, casually.
“Where did he go? He just vanished.”
“He ran,” both Queen say at once. Their abilities to percieve the world around them is much diferent than humans. Hippolyta can track their adversary’s speed, and Atlanna can… feel it in the air.
“They do not bleed,” Hippolyta supplies.
“They do. A little, the blood is black.” Atlanna shows her hands that are stained, and the forks that she took with her. A good warrior knows to retrieve her projectiles. Whatever remains is thick and black. When dried, it crumbles like dust.
“I don’t have the equipment to analyze this.”
“Men and their tools.” Hippolyta rolls her eyes. “We do not need to know what they are, only what kills them. They retreated when the light turned on, why? It still went for Martha underneath the barn light.”
“We ensured the bulbs in the house emit enough UV light for Clark. New design, unpattented.”
“So,” Martha starts, gently beckoning the attention towards her. “They have fangs. No blood inside them. They ran from the uv light, which is like… sunlight.” She looks at her friends to see if they’re following her train of thought. Atlanna keeps eating, munching and watching Martha expectantly. Hippolyta seems to think that Martha is just listing things.
“The male was old. I could sense it.”
“And these things are long lived.” Oh, it makes so much sense. Martha shakes her head. “Are you really going to make me say it?” She looks to Alfred who only cocks his brow. “Oh, Alfred, I’m disappointed in you! Surely, you’ve seen something like this working with Bruce!”
“Vampires aren’t real.”
“Killer Croc.”
“A rare form of atavism.”
“Unfortunate chemical reaction.”
Martha motions at the women next to them. “Amazon Queen. Atlantean Queen.” She raises her hands, motioning vaguely at the ceiling (and probably the sky). “Aliens!”
Alfred sighs, and pinches his brows. “I know, but vampires? It seems so silly.”
“Bruce dresses up as a bat.”
“Oh, yes, I most definitely encouraged that.”
“What are these vampires?”
“Immortals that drink blood to survive, are vulnerable to sunlight, holy water and garlic. Other weaknesses is dismemberment and getting staked through the heart. Vampires have a hierarchy based on age, but some exceptional beings may be stronger upon siring. They can also spawn half-vampire children.”
“How… How do you know so much about vampires, Atlanna?”
“The nineteen ninety-eight film Blade is one of Arthur and Tom’s favourite films, and it has one of the most iconic opening scenes in cinema,” she recites, word for word.
“I see. Films are… not the most accurate sources of information,” Martha explains kindly.
“As opposed to your…?” Alfred tips his head in her direction.
“Oh, don’t give me that look, but… fine, you’re right.”
“We do no have sunlight, and Apollo does not answer to my prayers. What blessings do your water require?” Hippolyta assumes there is garlic in the kitchen, but she asks Alfred if he has packed some in this safehouse regardless. He should start packing some for next time. “It seems dismemberment is the ideal method.” The Queen pauses, thoughtful in her recommendations. “Why does the water need to be blessed? Can we not bless our weapons to improve them? Such is the way of the Amazons?”
“It’s like the two thousand three film, Underworld, where the weapons are imbued with the the enemy’s weakness. Excellent film.”
Martha chuckles softly, earning a raised brow from Atlanna.
“I’m sorry,” says the Kansas native. “I am just so fond of you, Lana.”
“And I, you, Matty.”
“I’ll raise you your blessed weapons,” Alfred says, walking towards the smooth walls and touching some invisible controls. “And I offer you incendiary rounds.”
The silver-white wall panels slide open, revealing a full-blown arsenal of weapons, from ballstics to melee weapons, each of which that could account for different League members and associates who would stand their ground to protect this farm. One of the racks is empty, the perch from which Martha had taken her shotgun.
“How do you like the upgrade?”
“I do not condone violence,” Martha smiles, highly appreciative of the sleek black weapon. “But I will not let my home get overrun.”
Hippolyta approaches one of the weapons, picking up a Springfield Hellion. She checks it with ease, then loads it up with the ammunition on the wall, specifically choosing which kind is suited for the combat they’re about to engage in. She finds a bag to carry additional bullets, and arms herself with combat knives and a sword that was clearly made for Diana by someone who favours carbon blacks far too much. (Diana would never abandon her goddess-gifted sword for… this, but it will do.)
The other three watch her in a kaleidoscope of surprise. Atlanna’s jaw drops.
“What… What happened to men and their tools?”
“They come second to me and my victory.” Hippolyta grins.
“Lyta, how do you know how to use a gun? How do you know how to use that gun?” Martha learned how to use her shotgun from her late husband. Jonathan had a revolver that was passed down through generations as a family heirloom, but other than that, she has little to no experience with that level of… military firepower.
“Gossip later.” Hippolyta hands Martha a bulletproof vest that has been fitted to her. It has pockets full of gadgets. There’s also a helmet, but for the inexperienced, it will hinder her more than anything, so she does not offer it to Martha. There are bracers, and Hippolyta helps Martha put them on.
She pauses, raising Martha’s hand and pressing the gauntlets against her forehead. She prays to the goddesses, and the gods who are in her debt, to protect this mortal woman.
“There, your armor has been blessed. No vampire shall touch you so long as you are protected by these.”
Atlanna looks around at the armory, finding nothing that interests her. She watches Alfred as he abandons his rifle in exchange for two other guns of different shapes.
“Would you like me to show you how to use these?”
“Oh, no. I’m fine. I saw something in the barn that I’d like to use.” Atlanna smiles kindly. She is a simple woman.
“We are armed. What is the plan?” Hippolyta asks Martha.
They all turn to Martha.
The attention startles her. Martha is used to keeping to herself, and minding her own business. Hero business has always been Clark’s expertise, but she does listen.
“First, we’re gonna make real sure these vampires know what kind of mistake they’ve made.” She stands tall, holding her shotgun proudly. “Second, vampires like to feed. If they can’t get what they need from us, they’re going to look for food elsewhere. We’re going to protect my town.”
“Hear, hear!” The Queens cheer. The birth of a new warrior is a cause to celebrate.
“Wait,” Alfred cuts through the rousing speech and excitement. “Shall we inform the children?”
The League will want to know. They’ll want to help. In the same way that Alfred berates Bruce for going out alone, he would like to show his son responsible decision-making.
“Absolutely not.”
“Well, I dont want to worry Clark.”
Alfred palms his face, sighing. Of course, no one listens to him. Par for the course, really. He feels a comforting squeeze on his shoulder, and looks up to see Atlanna grinning at him.
“We raised those children and they are much better than we are. Humble, kind-hearted and very mindful of justice,” she nods.
“We, on the other hand,” Hippolyta smirks, leaning her hand on the sword at her hip. “Will not stop until all blood debts are repaid.”
“Or mild annoyances are returned tenfold.”
“Have either of you heard of excessive force?”
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upn-the-sky · 9 months
Why am i not a comic artist..
I am just sitting here now and merging together classic myths, my headcanons and gow greek saga.
I just want Kratos, who became god of war not so long ago, to suddenly find Hebe staying under the door of his throne room (because she used to seek hideout at her elder brother's palace). She understood her mistake, that Ares is dead now, and tried to run away, but Kratos got her in, trying to figure out what he can do for this goddess. Hebe didn't talk much, but for Kratos it was obvious what's happened because of the huuuge bruise on her face, and she was quite about the fact that Kratos was the one who took a life of her brother, because on Olympus it was customary to say that Ares had gone insane long time ago and she was a good obedient girl, who stays quite with her thoughts.
Anyway, while Hebe healed herself, Kratos remembered that Ares told him (well.. more yelled) that his little sister was given to Hercules, the man who is a living disgrace his mother Hera, the man, who killed his daughter Hippolyta in the past and his son Kyknus, the man he must tolerate near his family because of the Zeus's laws.
And then Kratos left her at his palace and went to find Hercules. And he challenged him to sparring at his Forum. Hercules was very eager for a good fight. And Kratos fucking beated the shit out of him for raising a hand on his wife, like "nothing personal, but I despise men like you, do it again and I'll smash your head to the ground". Hercules was like "It was a good fight (so I regret nothing), maybe I will challenge you one day too, god of war". Kratos - visually disgusted - was "you'd better not."
Time passed, but Hebe never come again. She was grateful for protection even if it didn't change anything, but he wasn't her brother and she was a good girl, so she didn't want to bother Kratos again with her marriage problems (after that match Hercules started to speak about Kratos's murder really often and he looked scary af during this).
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frasier-crane-style · 3 months
Wonder Woman: Dead Earth
The good: I liked the way this story was executed. Diana's characterization initially was very good: she's merciful, compassionate, loving. Art's good, plot is well-paced, they go pretty deep into Amazon lore instead of a more general DCU stuff--there's no other superheroes aside from Superman and Batman. I liked the new origin DWJ came up for Diana, which adds a Prometheus twist to Diana's existence which for me played well better than "she's Zeus's daughter" and dare I say improves on Perez's girlpower origin.
The bad: I'm so conflicted on how the story develops, because it gets very Zach Snyder. Diana turns out to be eminently corrupt, guilt-ridden, and brooding. The Amazons themselves are massively villainous. Wondy herself is largely responsible for destroying the world. Yeah, there are extenuating circumstances and sympathetic reasons--Diana going bee-zerk with her bracelets removed makes a reappearance from pre-Crisis continuity and really confuses the issue by making her not totally aware of her actions (so was she essentially brainwashed for all that? Should she not feel guilty? Why remove her agency, or put that agency on Hippolyta for telling her to do something she didn't/couldn't know the consequences of?). But the endgame of all of it seems to be to make Diana as broody as Batman, if not more so, and even in an AU... why? Maybe it's me, but I'm a bit sick of these tropes being overused: the Waynes being evil, Krypton being evil, evil Superman... seeing them applied to Wonder Woman doesn't do much to freshen them up.
The weird: Bulletpoints suddenly go!
*The usual role of Phillipus (Diana's trainer, Hippolyta's hard-edged general) goes to Nubia for some reason. I guess because DC was pushing her, but it just makes me feel like she has no real identity of her own if she's getting slotted into Phillipus's role just for the sake of it. And the Wonder Woman movie didn't include Phil either! What, is the bald black lady just too Black Panthery now?
*For a post-apocalyptic world where people have to walk everywhere, everyone sure is able to get from Gotham City to the Fortress of Solitude to Paradise Island in a hurry.
*It's implied/stated that the reason for the conflict is the Amazons worrying that global warming will flood Paradise Island like in Waterworld. I suppose I shouldn't complain about pseudoscience in a comic book, but melting icecaps would only rise the sea level two hundred feet. Inconvenient, certainly, but that's just about the height of one of those cliffs Amazons are always dramatically diving off of. Even if it screwed the rest of the world, well, since when have they been shown to care over much about that?
*On the media literacy website, TV Tropes, someone thinks that Superman redirected a nuke from Smallville to Paradise Island. It seems to me pretty obvious that Supes would just disable a nuke or throw it into space rather than ever throwing it at another populated area, and Diana was raging at him for 'abandoning' the defense of Themyscira to save Smallville, but I am cracking up at the mental image of Superman kicking a nuke away from Smallville and watching it fly towards one tiny island in the Atlantic like
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