edwardsparkleblood · 2 months
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Wizard101 really said we're going to put all the best designed characters in the Arcanum and we're not going to do anything with them as individuals.
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ludinusdaleth · 2 years
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"Some see us as agents of disease and corruption, but it's not so grotesque. Death is solely a function of time. We simply embrace that reality."
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stormbreaker101 · 2 years
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I made the Arcanum in Ponytown :D
Some artistic liberties were taken, especially with Qyburn
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starfall-sea · 8 months
sexiest spells include: winged sorrow, judgement, medusa, scorching scimitars, loremaster, rusalka's wrath, qismah's curse, mystic colossus,
yes i like women, why do you ask?
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dworgynisbabe · 17 days
My Wizard101 Pride Month Headcanons: pt 2 (the arcanum)
these are all based on vibes
Tarrak Hadfield - he/him, pansexual
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Jaki Whisperwind - they/them, lesbian
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Ione Virga - they/them, lesbian
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Ignus Ferric - he/him, leather gay
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Baba Yaga - she/her, questioning???
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Zander - any pronouns? definitely not straight
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Qismah Shasa - she/they, bisexual?
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Velma von Venkman - she/they, lesbian
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Qyburn Stellargaze - he/they, pansexual
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these last 3 are all being smushed together cause again i am limited to only 10 pics on mobile
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1) Maulwurf von Trap - i’m sorry but he gives me homophobic/transphobic conservative vibes 💀 i feel like if you were to ask him what his pronouns are he’d go, “NOR/MAL” or he’d scream at you and call you a slur in the process
2) Librarian Fitzhume - GAY TWINK. (he may be gay but that doesn’t stop him from being homophobic, sometimes its a joke. sometimes he’s serious.)
3) Sparck - non-binary, asexual, gay.
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brittletin · 2 years
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Qismah's Curse is a pretty cool spell visually
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oldestenemy · 4 months
a deviation in loyalties - final
Part 1 / Part 2 / whole series
“You don’t have to do any of this.”
“I owe you.” Duncan stops. They turn back, unable to keep the irritation out of their tone. “Duncan, I quite literally do not have time to explain right now—I want to introduce you to Velma and Qismah before I leave. But I need to get back to Mirage as soon as possible and—”
“—no, no, you’re not doing this to me again!” Duncan snaps, “Explain, now, or I’m going back to Wizard City and I’m going to hide out in Suzie’s house until I can face the others.”
They grit their teeth, squeeze their eyes shut for a moment.
Time is growing thin, the sands swirl ever back into place.
Raven’s voice is firmer than usual.
They ignore her.
Not this time.
He’s right.
He has earned that much of them.
If not more.
“Take your pick,” the wizard starts, “If you hadn’t shown up that night in the academy commons I might have bled out. If you hadn’t gone with the other Necromancers when I was trapped in Nidavellir none of us might have made it back alive. If you hadn’t managed to channel Shadow magic in Darkmoor I would still exist under the guilt I carried for Malistaire Drake. I owe you Duncan Grimwater, my life and beyond, regardless of whatever you think you deserve, I owe it to you.”
“I tried to kill you.”
The wizard laughs, it echoes through the Panopticon. “No—you didn’t. And if you were trying, you were doing a terrible job of it.”
“I don’t deserve anything.”
“Why not?” The wizard shoots back, “Because you made a mistake? Because people older and smarter and more manipulative than you pulled at the strings they knew would hurt the most? Would make you most sympathetic to their cause? Welcome to life as a savior of the spiral—it’s hell and high water more often than not.”
“But I—wanted to—”
“—You wanted to feel needed, and important, and like you were someone’s first choice.”
“Stop doing that—I don’t need you telling me what I already know, and I definitely don’t need you acting like you’re inside my head.”
“Clearly you do.”
It’s not friendship.
Whatever this is.
But it’s not actively eating away at them either.
It’s not the constant guilt of thinking they’ve damned someone else to their own existence.
It’s not friendship.
But maybe, with some work, it could be.
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soulhavens · 1 year
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frozenfirecats · 10 months
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whiskyarts · 1 year
Qismah Shasa!! She's the Arcanum's death professor!!
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savageboar · 1 year
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gingermcl · 2 years
Kismet means “fate, destiny,” from from Arabic qismah, qismat meaning “portion, lot, fate," from root of qasama “to divide” as in we are divided from the all having an individual spiritual experience. Destny is "fate, over-ruling necessity, the irresistible tendency of certain events to come about; that which is predetermined and sure to come true," from Old French destinée "purpose, intent, fate, destiny; that which is destined" from Latin destinare "determine, appoint, choose, make firm or fast," from de- "completely, formally" + -stinare "to stand" Completely stand or formally stand, makes me think that we chose the paths of our lives and formally agreed to this experience. I also think this hologram or simulation was at some point taken over by a malevolent faction and we did not agree to certain terms that are in place now. Fate is "one's lot or destiny; predetermined course of life; one's guiding spirit," from Latin fata "prophetic declaration of what must be, oracle, prediction," literally "thing spoken (by the gods)," from PIE root *bha- (2) "to speak, tell, say." We can change our fate by speaking out loud here. We can change some of our soul contracts. We change our fate with the choices we make. I would describe destiny as things that will definitely occur this lifetime no matter what timeline you’re on and fate is what is scheduled to happen on your current timeline.
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stormbreaker101 · 6 months
Emma Stargem - Spirit Walker and Honorary Detective
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Age: 20
Level: 42 Death
Personality: Upbeat, social butterfly, compassionate, cunning, generous, a little pranksterous
Status: Doing good! Living stellar best life with her family and myriad of friends.
Story: The Spiral used to be a game, and Star loved the social aspect of it. She was the kind of player who would host parties in her castle and lend a hand to new wizards, but didn't care as much about the main gameplay as her twin Emma had. When Nora corrupted the Spiral, that social interconnection was absolutely snapped. The only folks Star had left were her siblings and the NPCs who had just gotten the rudest awakening of their now-unscripted lives.
Star stayed in Wizard City with her little sister Savannah while Emma was off doing savior things of his own in Grizzleheim. Thanks to her status as a 'senior student' and being Nora's cousin, she quickly found herself involved in helping tame Wizard City's portion of Aberrant magic: Aberrant Death that roused the legions of Undead that Malistaire once summoned and Nora had quelled years ago. Star didn't mind this new normal of trying to dispel these old dead; it was a way she could help out without straying too far from what home she had.
Though her connection to Nora would not let Star rest easily. The Arcanum sought her and Savannah out after Emma had little choice but to ask them for help. Of COURSE Star wanted to be able to help (or at least see) Emma, and the Arcanum's promise of extra tutoring definitely sweetened the deal, as Ravenwood Academy had paused nigh-indefinitely thanks to the Undead uprising.
Star quickly made friends with some of the Arcanum scholars, including Qyburn Stellargaze, who introduced Star to a set of neopronouns that Star just had to take for herself. "It fits my aesthetic, yknow? Gotta commit to the bit." Star's relationship to her primary mentor, Qismah, was a bit tense though. Stellar bright belief that one's life ought to be filled with as much joy and whimsy and carpe-diem'ness as possible BECAUSE of the inevitable solemnity of death was a stark contrast to Qismah's more stoic and poised views of discipline and quiet respect of the living and dead alike.
Star was content with studying under the Arcanum and helping the scholars however she could, but calamity struck in Karamelle. Nora, who had been absent, villainized, and assumed dead for years by the Spiral, was calling for help. And the help that Star and the scholars were able to bring was too little too late. Nora was killed, eaten alive, and all that was left of her was her pet, some crystallized Storm magic she had left behind, the damages she had caused, and an absolutely heartbroken family. Most hurt was Nora's baby sister, Iridian, now guardianless. Star knew the Arcanum may have been a good place for herself and Emma and Savannah, who all wanted to study magic and help the Spiral in their own ways, but it was not a stable home for a young growing child.
Star's friend from another Spiral, Owen Macheca (@saturniidaze) offered to let Iridian and the three sisters move in with their own family in the (Multiversal) Reconstructed AU (@clockwork-fiends). Star technically was old enough by now (or so stel thought at the time, 17 years old) to not need a typical home with familial adult figures, but she wanted to stay close to Iridian and Savannah, take care of them, be a constant for them.
Star now lived a life with a foot in both Spirals, but the Macheca family was quickly becoming Star's main home now. And when other multiversal madness swooped in and stole Emma away, Star nigh-permanently pulled away from Wizarding. Her family needed her more than the Arcanum did, though stel would always be a friend to the Arcanum. Rather than a foot in both Spirals, she had both feet in (MV)R! and a hand in CS.
Things quieted down once Emma was saved. And a new chapter of Star's life, complete with an entirely new universe unlike any Spiral, was beginning. Owen had a dear old friend that they named a father, Akhtar Vice (@stormyykat), who could not remember his own death from 15 years ago. With her own experience with necromancy and the evergreen desire to help out however stel could, Star joined Owen on investigating what should've been a cold case.
Key word: should've.
Things got incredibly messy. I can't delve into it in a basic OC intro post. But from that experience, Star gained many new yet strong connections to this new universe and a passion for private detectivework. This universe, which quite closely paralleled the Earth Star remembered before getting stuck in her first Spiral, became yet another home to her. Star comfortably and truly lives with a foot in the Spiral and a foot in this other-Earth. Modern but still magical (including all the game-mechanic magics, much to her newest friends' bewilderments), bohemian but still involved.
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anton-constantin · 4 years
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This is my depiction of Bastet, an Egyptian deity. It is told that she or something resembling her rests in my country Bulgaria. I wrote a large text about this, and it deleted itself suddenly right when I was finished. There is something cursed about this place, the highest peak of Strandja mountain. Many have disappeared after trying to uncover the secrets. I don't remember exactly everything I wrote before. There is a theory that people stole from this Sanctuary, and sold the treasure illegally. Afterwards, no one knows what happened to these people. Some think that this place is also related to aliens, and that supernatural occurrences happen around it.
Qismah, a character from Wizard101 is also similar to her in appearance, which is a strange connection as well. 
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pettynecromancer · 4 years
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cat mommy :-)
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