#qrow x taiyang
basicallytravus · 1 year
Collection of Taiqrow art I’ve made but yet to post here
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iamafanofcartoons · 9 months
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The Xiao Long Rose Family is an underappreciated family in RWBY.
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They deserve more love
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lovingdabeessss · 1 year
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Blake going home after being a run away for years reuniting with her family only to burn their huge house down is unendingly funny and what loving caring parents they look over all her mistakes and loved her unconditionally
Then there’s “you lost your arm cause your fucking stupid and you deserved it” taiyang xiao long I love them
Rwbys such a good show
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brokentrafficknight · 6 months
Can we please get horny wolf! Summer for Tai?
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superiorsturgeon · 1 year
Jaune's Bachelor Party
Ren: Are you certain that this is a tradition for bachelor parties? I promised Pyrrha that Jaune would have fun and be safe...
Taiyang: Well of course!
Qrow: That’s why you hired us, right?
Ren: I suppose…but this plan you gave me…
Taiyang: Don’t worry! Qrow and I are old pros at this!
Qrow: You should’ve seen what I did for Tai’s second bachelor party! The cops in Menagerie were both impressed AND pissed!
Ren: ...I’m even less sure about this than I was before.
Jaune: *walking down the sidewalk with Ren* Thanks again for agreeing to be my best man, Ren!
Ren: I’m honored you asked me!
Jaune: So, what’s the plan for tonight? Meet Sun and Neptune for dinner at the noodle bar? Go to the VIP room at the arcade? I hope it's not a difficult Escape Room, I told Pyrrha I’d be back by-
Qrow: NOW!!!
Taiyang/Qrow: *jump out of bushes and grab Jaune*
Qrow: *cover’s Jaune’s face with a chloroform-soaked rag until he passes out*
Taiyang: *throws Jaune’s body over his shoulder and carries him to an unmarked van*
Ren: That was more violent than I was told to expect.
Qrow: Hey, who’s the professional here?
Taiyang: *tosses unconscious body into the back* Besides, the fun’s barely begun!
Sun: So…uh…we’ve been driving for a while…where is this bachelor party exactly?
Neptune: And why is the bachelor unconscious in the back seat?
Taiyang: *driving the van* Don’t worry, we know what we’re doing!
Qrow: Blondie’s going to love this place, trust me!
Jaune: *groans* …wha…? Where are we…?
Taiyang: We’re here! *slams on the brakes*
Taiyang/Qrow/Jaune/Ren/Sun/Neptune: …
Sun: …dude, you brought us to a strip club.
Ren: This is everything I promised Pyrrha I wouldn’t let happen.
Qrow: Oh, lighten up! Once we go inside you’ll see that this is a classy place with an excellent buffet!
Jaune/Ren/Sun/Neptune: *dragged inside*
Qrow: Feast your eyes, boys!
Jaune: 😳
Ren: 😳
Sun: Dude…
Neptune: …holy…
Taiyang: Hey, I told the MC that we’re here for a bachelor party and she said they’ll do something special!
Jaune: Wait, what?
MC: Attention, everyone! We’ve got a special show on tonight for someone’s last night out before getting hitched!
Jaune: *shrinks down awkwardly as spotlight shines on him*
MC: …So everyone give it up for the bandit queen herself! Welcome to the stage…Raven!
Raven: *struts on stage*
Qrow: Raven?
Taiyang: RAVEN?!
Raven: Qrow? Taiyang?! What the hell are you doing here?
Taiyang: What the hell are YOU doing here?!
Ren: Is this part of the bachelor party?
Raven: The tribe broke up a few months back, and this was the easiest way to make money under the table without drawing the cops' attention!
Neptune: What’s even happening right now?
Qrow: What, robbing people crapped out and couldn’t get a job as a street walker?
Raven: 😡
Raven: 😑…You know what? I’ve got a job to do and I’m going to do it! Which one of you is getting married? *starts undoing her shirt*
Jaune: I-
Jaune: *hit in the face with Raven’s top*
Sun/Neptune/Ren/Jaune: *sitting at the buffet table after Raven's raunchy display* ...
Sun: ...did that seem…like…really weird to anyone else?
Neptune: It started out exciting, but then it got…disturbing…😰
Ren: *looking down at his noodles* …I don’t feel like eating…I’m not sure I can even look at this right now…
Jaune: *hair messed up and nursing a series of rope burns and whip lashes* I miss Pyrrha…😭
Qrow: *finishes his noodles with a slurp* Not a bad start to the evening, if I do say so myself! 😋
Qrow: Has anyone seen Tai?
Sun: He went backstage with the stripper. He said something about “the weirdest sex ever.”
Qrow: *shaking his head* Ha, ha….! Classic Taiyang…!
Qrow: …
Qrow: …anyway, everyone back in the van for the second half of the bachelor party!
Neptune: Uh…?
Sun: Well…?
Ren: This sounds like a bad idea.
Jaune: I don’t-
Raven: *pulling her shirt down as she walks out of the back room* Hell, yeah! I’ll drive!
Taiyang: *following Raven and fastening his pants* I’ll grab my keys!
Ren: *face in his hands* If we survive, Pyrrha’s going to kill me
Pt 2…
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sugarspikesart · 1 year
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RWBYxJSR: Summer Rose
Mother of Ruby and Yang, Summer Rose was also one of the members of the skating group that Qrow belonged to when they were younger.
She's been missing for almost a year now, and no one knows where she is. Ruby and Yang are trying to localize her but there's no luck and Qrow, Tai and Ozpin are also trying to help.
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bluearc009 · 1 year
Glynda: Qrow Ozpin want you to spot the differences in these pictures.
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Qrow: OK Piece of cake(look at the photos)
5 hours later Qrow still looking at the photos
Glynda: They're the same pictures
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zozoistireds-blog · 6 months
My Team STRQ designs
I decided I take a crack at designing team strq from one of my favourite shows rwby! I even made a height chart. I hope you enjoy (click for better resolution)
Team rwby coming next!
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Team Rwby designs
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rocknroll7575 · 9 months
Mk intro Wilthed rose ruby vs taiyang summer qrow and her v1 self
WR!Ruby: *Twirls crescent Rose and holds it next to her* Dad...?
Tai: *Punches the air a few times as he walks on stage* Summer!? Wait! No! RUBY!?
WR!Ruby: Guess I really do look like Mom.
WR!Ruby: *Sheathes Crescent Rose* Another of Neo's tricks?
Summer: *Activates Axe* By the gods... Ruby?
WR!Ruby: Mom...?
Qrow: *Turns into human and lands on stage* Kiddo? Is that really you?
WR!Ruby: *Twirls crescent Rose and holds it next to her* Uncle Qrow!? What are you doing here!?
Qrow: Ugh, I'm seeing things and I'm not even drunk
Ruby: *Sheathes Crescent Rose* Mom!?
WR!Ruby: *Sheathes Crescent Rose* Sorry, but I'm not our mother...
Ruby: What's going on!?
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RWBY Fanfic Idea
Long time no see, huh? Hope you are all doing well.
So, it's been a while since I watched RWBY Vol9 and we got those epilogue bits and pieces, and I'd like to propose an idea, that for me might have made the show a tad more interesting (Nothing wrong with it essentially, I am just dying for some time travel angst. But that's what fanfics are for).
Because our main heroines find themselves in a journey of self discovery in what seems to be an alternate sub-dimension within the world of Remnant. And then they return to the exact point in time and space where they were supposed to be, missing for a few hours or days pretty much.
So what if, and I say what if, that wasn't the case? What if time flowed differently in the Ever After?
Well then, we have three delicious angst and drama filled scenarios.
Case 1
It works pretty much like Narnia did. I don't rly care much for Salem I must admit, but let's say our heroines get stuck there for a few years. A decade or so. They learn to adapt to the Ever After and its ever-changing tumultuous nature, they make a life for themselves (Perhaps as 4 guardians, each for a season, or a point in the horizon) and become more a family than they ever were. Because all they have from their world is each other. And they learn to function as a unit, never far from one another, always knowing, always caring, always pushing each other to new heights, becoming better and more in sync. And they form this deep intrinsic knowledge of each other, with each duo (and I mean all duos, not just the partner pairs) having its own quirks and habits. So yes, they are a team, yes they are partners or teammates, or girlfriends, but at the same time they are something more, something you cannot exactly put in words.
And somehow, someday they find a way out. The tree finally accepts them or idk what. And when they return to Remnant, they end up in Vacuo, when they left and...they are kids again. They are 18 and 20, instead of 30 and 32. Their bodies feel wrong. Too awkward, too small (R:Ugh, do I have to be the shortest one AGAIN?) cause they aren't theirs anymore. And Yang might find herself tracing across a scar that Blake doesn't have anymore, Weiss' eyes lingering on the missing chunk of an ear that magically is whole again, and rejoicing at looking in Ruby's eyes. Both her eyes. And Ruby can see her teammates, her family, whole again without any scars to show for what they went through, but for those engraved in their souls.
But for the people outside this neat little arrangement, RWBY fell to their deaths, and miraculously returned a few days after, but they came back wrong. There is something stiff and worn in he edge of their expressions, like they have seen too much, like they know too much, and have lost what little innocence they had left. There is danger glinting in their eyes, steely and cold, and downright unsettling. They are different, there is no denying it. They seem more mature, as people and as huntresses, knowing things only experienced huntsmen faced with impossible odds would.There is this aura following them too, one that screams danger and demands respect.
Weiss seems more authoritative than ever before, comfortable in her own skin and creativity, not measuring her worth by her achievements. Ruby is still her optimistic self but she is more confident and sure of herself, like something within her has settled, and finally found its place, nothing like the lost girl hanging by a thread before the fall. Yang's temperament has evened out. No longer fueled by anger and hurt, but by an unbreakable resolve to persevere and will to protect what matters the most to her. And that's not the past that is long gone, not the old grudges that have no worth left in them, but her team, her family. And where Yang has learned to let go, Blake has learned to hold on, to chase for what she wants, to grasp it with both hands and not let go. To face her fears, the trials and tribulations of growing and changing alongside someone, trusting they will stay, and not run away from the monster. And she has learned to face overcome her own shortcomings, and stay. Even when things get rough .
And then there are their interactions with each other, as if they cannot bear to breathe when one of them is not near, eyes frantically searching for their mirror, for the reassurance that it's all okay. The impossible training regimes and semblance evolution. They complete each other as if the four are one, and anything less than that would be incomplete. The constant whispers, and wary glances, the countless inside jokes, and meaningful smiles, only they can interpret. The silent communication, the wordless gestures of comfort, gestures too intimate to be discounted at first glance. But they are oblivious to the raised eyebrows, and the questions hanging from the edges of people's lips. What matters is that they are back and they are together.
They are back, and they look the same, but they are not the same people they were before, and while everyone sees it, no one really dares to say anything. Because there are nightmares. And more often than not, a scream will echo in the desolate camp in the dead of night, followed by a gun shot, or the sound of sth tearing, and the four will huddle together, comforting each other with soft words and sweet nothings that make no sense.
They are the same and yet different, and Winter knows it, because there are times Weiss seems impossibly older in her eyes, so much so that she feels like the little sister instead. Qrow sees Summer in Ruby's steely gaze and rueful smile, and Tai's unbreakable resolve in Yang's smirk. (The sharpness at the edge of it reminds him of Raven a few years back, when the girls were still young, and his sister was the biggest Grim-slaying force this side of Mistral, but he doesn't want think about it.) And when Blake meets her parents again, they think she looks worn and tired, her soul too old for the body it's occupying, but she will always be their little girl, and she has come back and she loves them, melting into their embrace as if she was ten years old once more...
Case 2
They are stuck in the Ever After for 10 or 15 years again. Only this time when they find a way out, they don't change back. And then suddenly in Vacuo, a few days after Atlas falls, while Winter, Qrow Oscar, Nora, Ren and the rest mourn all those they have lost, four strange women appear. (The outfits will have obviously changed, unless somehow they wanted to wear the same thing for 10 or 15 years).
The strangers are huddled together, and check each other for injuries first and foremost before even thinking of facing the other people. And when they do, their breaths hitch and they all collectively freeze. Because the strange travelers, those peculiar women dressed in unfamiliar fabrics, covered in a million and one little scars, look like team RWBY.
But they cannot be, they could never be, for Winter lost her sister three days ago, and the white clad woman looking at her with Weiss' eyes, tear-filled and wide, (so much so that the small vertical scar over the left one wrinkles), could never possibly be the little sister she lost.
Winter spares a glance to the rest of the strangers, never lowering her sword, eyes burning with the chill of a wintry fire, and feels more than hears the spring maiden - Raven Branwen, (the woman who had abandoned her family and then had flown in Vacuo as soon as she felt her bond with Yang snap), whisper a half broken "Summer", her first tightening over Omen's hilt, as she took in a sharp breath - the most unsettled Winter had ever seen her.
The strange woman with silver eyes, clad in red and black instead of white, her face so familiar and yet so different, gives her a small rueful, remorseful smile,
"Not quite." she responds and Winter recognizes that tone, different though it was from mere days before.
"Hey, Uncle Qrow." The golden one smiles and winks, and there's something lingering in her amethyst hued eyes, something like nostalgia 'long time no see' and 'I missed you'. She is impossibly tall, taller than the last time Winter saw her, and somehow broader and more muscular. She reminds her of Elm a bit if the other Ace Op was built like a bear and shone like the Sun. A strong hand was settled comfortably over the shoulders of the woman's black and indigo clad faunus partner, bringing her close.
Winter's head reels, and her gaze hops from one to the other, her mind trying to make peace with what her soul already knew. Blake Belladonna's golden gaze (because it could be no one else, standing tall and resilient, long black hair swaying in the hot desert wind, studded cat ears stiff and alert, long graceful fingers wrapped along the hilt of her obsidian colored blade) stays on her. It is sharp and inquisitive, curious, heavy with experience and knowledge, and it weighs on her shoulders, as she remains still with her sword extended, examining the unlikely band of not so strangers.
They were women now. Full grown, and different, nothing like the kids that fell into the void what felt like an eternity ago.
Qrow's half choked "Firecracker?" and Raven's disbelieving curses barely reach her ears as she hones in on the white-haired woman again, letting her gaze linger on the scar on her collarbone and the shoulder length white hair fashioned in a low ponytail not unlike the one she sported herself. Her eyes, blue like the summer sky, and so much brighter than her own were still wide, as if drinking the sight of her, as if she hadn't seen her three days before, Winter's visage being the last thing she saw before falling to the void.
"Winter?" it's barely more than a whisper, and Winter doesn't know how to feel because it sounds so much like her sister and so much like Willow (I hc that of the sisters Weiss is more similar to Willow appearance wise.) that she lowers her sword and collapses on the ground half sobbing her sister's name (I think it would make a great parallel to when she fell and Winter called it out so brokenly... top tier voice acting)
They'll probably call Robyn to verify their story and when they do there will be a loooot of tears and confusion and hurt and pain and anger and DRAMA, so much drama, I think I could right a book abt the Schnee family drama and trauma if that ever happened.
Things will be hard from then and on, because Winter's little sister is now older than her, and she can spy the crows feet starting to appear at the edges of her eyes, and the laugh lines around her mouth, her skin tanner than Winter could ever imagine it would be. She carries herself like a leader, like she never had to step from someone's shadow, much less Winter's own. She looks like she finally knows her worth and has another three people being there for her unconditionally when she needs it. I won't even start on Whitley who lost another decade from his sister's life without either their input, just when he had started bonding with her again, or Willow. Man, I think that Willow seeing Weiss as a thirty something grown woman (that looks so much like her before Jacques, before her own life started going downhill) would warrant a relapse. A big one.
Qrow is probably going to get himself hammered after all this and Raven will join him. Like imagine them looking at a Ruby that is now as old - if not older - than Summer was when she died. A Ruby that looks almost exactly like Summer, but has grown into herself as a huntress and a team leader, that has learned to bear the burden and share it when it gets too much. A Ruby Qrow can no longer call squirt - she is almost as tall as him now, and built with the lean hard muscle of someone that sprints for a living - and Raven cannot underestimate. A Ruby that reminds her so much of Summer, but is so different from her old leader, that has found her own brand of strength and settled into it in ways neither she nor Summer could.
And then there is Yang. Yang that has Raven's face, but Tai's golden complexion and has grown into his strong broad built (I imagine her more like a strongwoman than a calisthenics type of muscular). Yang that does finger-guns at Qrow like she is sixteen, and looks at Raven with little anger in her amethyst hued eyes. Yang that looks so much tired when the chaos settles down, and embraces her team clinging desperately to them, whispering "we are home, we made it", when things get too much for them. That has taken to mothering Nora and the rest of the kids, because they are kids. What for them was 3 days for RWBY was 15 years. And they haven't been kids in a long time. She still has her playful side don't worry, the puns are being served with a Yang.
And last but not least Blake. Blake that has found her home with the others, that has learned to trust and be trusted, that doesn't hide who she is for anyone's benefit. A brilliant tactician, a creative bright mind, a spirit writhed in shadows. Lean, tall, positively feline, a stealthy predator at its best, she has fallen into her role with the others easily enough, and it's plain for all to see that she offers her quiet support, with soft words that cut at the edges and tender embraces with the undertone of protection and support. Blake who ran away from home at 12 (I think) only to come back at 18, and then disappear again at 20. And just the amount of pain the Belladonnas must have experienced losing her for a second time, and then having her appear again, only she has aged another 15 years since they last saw her. They probably feel like their daughter's life is slipping by them, and they'll never rly have enough time with her. Their little girl comes back an independent teenager and then a grown woman, with a bit of Ghira's imposing build and all of Kali's feminine guile. A cat Faunus that moves like a panther, sharp liquid gold eyes honing in every minute detail. A woman whose heart sings of pain and loss, and perseverance and love, a stranger with their blood in her veins they could not be prouder of.
Yeah, that family pain hits hard in this one. And lastly,
Case 3
The gang does stay in the Ever After for a few days indeed, but out in Remnant it has been years. Salem is over with idk how, and yeah our friends go to the blacksmith and everything but when they return to Remnant, everything is different. The world has moved forward and changed without them.
Menagerie is a kingdom now apparently, and has its own huntsmen academy. Ghira and Kali have thrown themselves into making this work, overcome as they were with the second and final loss of their only child. So imagine when they get a call or see Blake for the first time in more than a decade. But their little girl looks exactly the same as she did when she fell, and they are...old. Ghira's beard and hair has been going gray and he's lost some muscle mass, and Kali's proud stature is diminished, and the ever present smile on her lips has barely made an appearance in years. So I suppose it will be painful as heck for them to accept that Blake is back. They;ll never let her go when they do though...So angst, yeah.
Tai will have shut down. He has no one left apart from Qrow. And well I d like to give it a twist here and say that when Raven feels her bond with Yang snap, and realizes that well her daughter is not coming back, she does a bit of a reevaluation of her priorities and either completely loses herself, trying to keep that strength facade, or gets her shit together, cause her brother and ex need her, and STRQ kinda reunites. No Ozpin though, that would be too far. And then Ruby and Yang appear, as old as the day they left, and well... I think Qrow would get drunk, Tai would melt into a mess, and Raven would deny it all. Seeing Ruby and Yang reacting to their family being so old will be interesting. As well as Yang's relationship with Raven given the revelations that yes, her selfish, coward, asshole of a mother actually has a heart in there somewhere.
The Schnees will be again the most angsty I think. I say Willow managed to pull herself from the bottom of the bottle for Winter and Whitley,and took back the SDC and is now on the way to retirement. Winter is the new General, and even has a family of her own perhaps and Whitley is practically next in line for the company. And then Weiss appears. And its a shock. Because Whitley is now older than her. Taller, though still with the dancer's built he sported since he was a kid. Only he has activated his aura and semblance now and has a goatee. And a partner. And a kid on the way.
Winter on the other hand is head of the Atlas military has introduced a bunch of new policies with Robyn and they both work toward stabilizing Atlas and making sure to avoid the whole Ironwood thing. Or well ironwood 2 at this point. And Winter loves Robyn( It's mutual). They are all but married at this point, having spent too many nights with Winter drowning in her own guilt, paralyzed by feelings too big for her heart to contain. Too many desperate moments when things are tight, with Winter gripping Robyn's hand like a lifeline saying that she isn't turning to another Ironwood and that she is doing what she can with whatever supplies she has, visibly relaxing and melting in relief when it flashes green. With Robyn whispering sweet nothings to her ear and Winter encouraging her when things seemed dire, with them reminding each other to take it slow and relax for it to be any different.
Winter has made up with May, and the Happy Huntresses are her own little family, a home away from home. They have probably adopted a bunch of kids probs from Mantle and raise them all together. And then Weiss appears. And it's one of the little ones that notices and asks, tugging at the coat Miss Winter is wearing, asking her why the girl in blue looks so much like her. And then angst I suppose. It would be interesting exploring their dynamic a bit more, especially if we go with the route that Winter helped raise Weiss quite a bit before she left for the military, and how that sisterly/motherly relationship changes- if it does at all - now that her sister is back from the dead. Seeing Winter grapple with her guilt, or her anger years after and all that jazz.
Well, that's the post folks! Let me know what you think! If anyone takes these ideas and actually writes a fic pls @ me so that I can read whatever wonderful things y'all come up with!
Till the next one! Take care and stay hydrated!
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iamafanofcartoons · 1 year
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Since we know Raven is returning, here's "awestruck" by AG Nonsuch.
What does everyone hope to see happen in Volume 10?
#greenlightvolume10 #greenlightrwbyvolume10
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lovingdabeessss · 1 year
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God I can’t wait for Blake’s parents to meet Yang after only hearing about her
Like people who’ve met the two once would probably refer to them as soulmates it’s insane to imagine their close friends describing their perspectives of the ins and outs of Bumblby
Meanwhile winter is just trying to get her DEAD sister the respect she deserves in DEATH which is so hard just cause they’re dad was an asshole
If the team has been gone for like a while I’d love to see the public’s opinion of them and like what they assume about them
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brokentrafficknight · 7 months
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superiorsturgeon · 10 months
Scenes from Jaune’s bachelor party, pt 2
Continuing from here!
Sun: *playing accordion*
Jaune: *drunk and standing on a table in a Faunus beer garden* Okay…! Here’s my favorite part…!
White Fang soldiers: *singing along and lifting beer steins as Jaune leads them in an Atlas drinking song* Jaaaa…jaaaa…jaaaa…jaaaa! 🎶
Raven: *struggling under dashboard* Shit…almost…!
Neptune: Okay, I think…There it is! *discharges his weapon, causing bright red sports car to roar to life*
Raven: WE GOT IT! Time to go!!
Sun/Qrow/Tai/Ren/Jaune: *all pile into hot wired vehicle as Vacuan cartel enforcers open fire*
Ren: *reclining outside five-star hotel room with Qrow*
Ren: *passes a cigar*
Qrow: Thanks, kid. Need a light?
Ren: Please…! *leans forward and puffs gently as Qrow lights his cigar*
Qrow/Ren: *smoke in silence*
Qrow: …cigars are really bad for you, aren’t they?
Ren: *throws up*
Taiyang: *tied to a stake* …so, what? You like redheads, but you don’t like my daughter…?!
Jaune: *tied to the other side of the stake* It’s not that there’s anything wrong with Ruby, it’s just that I really love Pyrrha! The heart wants what it wants, you know…?
Taiyang: Good answer, kid…! Ruby deserves someone who really loves her, you know? This Pyrrha sounds like a lucky girl!
Junior: *turns to henchmen* Tase them again.
Sun: *signing into a microphone* Iiiiiiii….Am a maaaaan…of constant sorrooooww….!
Sun: I am a maaaaaan of constant pain…!
Sun: Iiiiiiiiiiiii….bid fareweeeeelll to old Kentuckyyyyyyy…the place where Iiiiiiii was born and raised…!
Jaune/Neptune: ….the place where heeeeeeeee was born and raised….!
Ren: *strumming blues guitar* 🎸🎶
Neon: *adjusting recording equipment* These guys could be the next big thing!
Taiyang/Sun/Neptune/Ren/Jaune: *raising shot glasses* EVERYBODY!!!!
Announcer: Here we are, at the final table of the Schnee Dust Casino (SDC) poker tournament! The final two players are the feared Sienna Khan and the young first-timer from Vale!
Taiyang: Holy cow, the kid’s killing it out there!
Raven: He must be some kind of gambling savant!
Sienna: *pushes chips forward* All. In. 😠
Jaune: *drunk and wearing a ridiculous amount of bling/sunglasses, pushes chips forward to call Sienna’s bet* 😎
Neptune: Look at him! He’s so calm! The pressure isn’t getting to him at all!
Sun: He’s got ice in his veins!
Ren: *drunkenly holds up a shot glass in salute* WHOOOO!!!!! Go, brotha, go…! 😆
Jaune: *looks at his cards*
Jaune: …I can’t see the cards with these glasses…I hope I have something good…!
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sugarspikesart · 1 year
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RWBY x JSR: Raven Branwen
Sister of Qrow Branwen and mother of Yang Xiao Long, Raven is a very intimidating mother but with a secret soft and caring side. She values family and it's her top#1 priority.
She had dissagreements with Qrow in the past and she kinda dissapeared for a short time when Summer went missing. She then came back, offering her help to find her.
She left tai after Yang's birth. She never neglected her tho, she just didn't wanna stay with him as a couple. Tai and Raven never got married btw, that's why she just... left him, there was no divorce
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blade-liger-4ever · 11 days
RWBY X Transformers Partnerships 4: Ruby Rose and Smokescreen - Destiny's Children
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"It's just so confusing. First I'm told I have this special power to incinerate Grimm with my eyeballs, then I find out it means I have a destiny to be some legendary warrior, and now I learn my uncle is my dad and my dad is my uncle, and I - I just don't know what to do, Smokescreen."
"I get it, Ruby. Really, I do. Look, last year, when Optimus and I were alone for a while, and it looked like he wasn't gonna make it, the Matrix...the Matrix chose me as his successor. It uh, is a divine power source that empowers a worthy Cybertronian with the power of all the Primes before him, and gives him access to the previous Primes for guidance and quick healing. Before that, I used to think - no, I knew - that there was something big and important in my future, but...I always felt it would be simpler, like becoming a famous general. But when the Matrix chooses you, either immediately or for the future, it's a permanent mark, even if someone else is ultimately chosen. So, whether I like it or not, whether I or anyone else thinks I'm worthy, I'm a designated candidate for my race's future."
"That...really IS scary. How - how do you DEAL with something like that?"
"Honestly? Think through your actions more carefully. Don't worry about how your deeds reflect on your image around others, but remember that whatever you do will shape your growth in your fate. You don't need to be rigid, or anxious, or let it all eat away at you. Just...take a step at a time, correct your footing when you stumble, and push on. It's all we can do."
"....You're smart, Smokescreen. Thanks. Um, I don't want to sound immature, or ungrateful, but...could we, talk about something else? Or find something else to do? Like, drive through Patch, or kill some Grimm?"
*laughs* "Don't worry, Ruby, we've got time before that responsibility is on our shoulders. Granted, I don't know how far away it is, but we have time to be kids. I say we make the most of it."
"Thanks, Smokey - um, is it okay if I call you that?"
"Sure, but since it's my nickname from my 'battle uncle' Wheeljack, can I call you 'Rubes'?"
*giggles* "Sure thing!"
"Then let's see what this island's like, Rubes!"
Smokescreen's no stranger to change, or rolling with life's punches when a sucker punch comes his way. After all, he'd gone from the thieves' den that was the Mithril Sea to the hardcore Elite Guard enlistment service without batting an optic. Moving to Iacon afterwards was a bit of a shock, but that was mostly because Smokescreen had only briefly seen the city before being overwhelmed by the sheer number of data-scrolls within the Hall of Records, which would have captivated his long-buried interest in reading if he weren't so impatient to play his part in the War. Landing on Earth was less of an event to process and more of a joyous delight, as not only did he get to meet his hero Optimus Prime and his team, but he also got to be on the planet that brimmed with light and color that Alpha Trion had spoiled him rotten with on stories from their time in the Hall.
Although his zeal was greater than his rationality at the time, Smokescreen absorbed everything he could about the planet and his new team. He learned human anatomy and fragility from a hovering Ratchet (who's ever-present wrench may have inspired his good retention on the subjects), the Earth's fauna and flora from Bumblebee, cycles and events from Sideswipe and Sunstreaker, an update of the war efforts from Ironhide, and Earth culture from Miko. To be quite honest, Smokescreen trailed after Optimus like a lost cyber-pup, soaking up his words and wisdom while memorizing his fighting techniques. Wheeljack, upon their first meeting, made quite the impression, even though he'd read every article and battle strategy of the Wreckers the moment Smokescreen had enlisted. Desperate to prove himself to Wheeljack (and impress "dad", as Miko had later referred to Optimus), Smokescreen emulated the Wrecker-scientist's tactics and guile while shadowing him at the base and on missions.
That ended preemptively after Smokescreen had tailed Wheeljack during the Wrecker's vendetta against the Constructicons, which resulted in Smokescreen narrowly avoiding death, Wheeljack's isolation to base after a HEAVY reprimanding from both Ratchet and Optimus, while Ironhide had taken him to the side while dragging the twins along with him. To his surprise, Smokescreen had only gotten a mild scolding from Ironhide (a noisy scolding - it WAS Ironhide, after all); once the bodyguard had finished, he'd told him to focus less on proving himself to others and more on bettering himself for himself. To that end, Ironhide tasked Sideswipe and Sunstreaker with his training and integration to both the team and Earth. Smokescreen was grateful for that, as it helped ground him and allowed him to shake off his starry-eyed imaginings that he'd brought with him to Earth - and in the process, gave him older brothers, something he never realized he'd wanted.
So those past experiences, coupled with downtime spent with Miko and her various manga, anime, and comic reading sessions, made adjusting to Remnant and the mutant-like humans a walk in the park for Smokescreen.
It surprised no one that Smokescreen could adapt as well as he did, and it was quite easy for him to do so himself. Smokescreen just heard one briefing on Aura, Semblances, Dust, Faunus, and the kingdoms before quickly categorizing it as, "a world populated by Marvel Comics' mutants, with a third of normal humans, mixed with a half-animal offshoot species, and stuffed into medieval fiefdoms spruced up with Ancient Cybertronian tech and all purpose rocks of concentrated element juice."
Although their new friends at the Xiao Long cabin gave him varying looks of utter bafflement, Miko's thumbs up, combined with Optimus' smile, Sideswipe's grin, Irohide's facepalm, and the rare image of Wheeljack's "I don't know how, but that made sense" expression (matched by his even rarer head scratching motion), satisfied Smokescreen's suspicions that he'd summed up the world in one sentence.
Hanging around the cabin, while uneventful, was a pleasant experience for Smokescreen. He got to know Tai, a retired Huntsman who gives him advice on improving his fighting style. The man is rather laid-back, and took his enthusiasm in stride. Although he can't yet see it, Yang is apparently a hard-hitting party girl, though from what he does see as she spends time with Ironhide and Sideswipe, Smokescreen could believe it. Neptune is like the best of both Sideswipe and Sunstreaker, if you asked him. The guy had Sunstreaker's knowledge of his good looks and versatility, but Sideswipe's easygoing personality and grit when the chips were down. Smokescreen liked hanging out with him, Yang, and Sideswipe when they had the time, though he often feels like a third wheel, and thus began checking in with the others more often.
Mercury is quiet and lax, though having grown up seeing 'Bots with that attitude, Smokescreen knew the older boy was an experienced fighter, and watching for the slightest hint of a threat. He respected that, though recalling what that type of hypervigiliance had done to the processors of his old contemporaries in the Mithril Sea, Smokescreen attempted to bond with him to help him "chill out" as Miko was fond of saying. However, whenever he reads his vitals and sees his heart rate picking up and a flash of annoyance hidden in his eyes, Smokescreen backs off and sees fit to distract Miko when she's eager for socializing once out of Ironhide's sight.
Qrow is an interesting fellow. He's got the same swagger and presence as Wheeljack, who he tends to hang around, and that makes it easy for Smokescreen to bond with him. Wheeljack gets a kick out of their interactions, and although the man's Semblance is apparently bad luck, he couldn't care any less, even if it causes a tree to fall on his foot. That seems to endear himself to Qrow, and judging by the looks he sometimes shoots the other humans, Smokescreen's willing to bet that the Huntsman is lonelier than he lets on.
It's Ruby he feels a connection with the most, though.
The girl wakes up and about draws a blank when she gets told about Beacon Academy's destruction and her powers, never mind learning about "alien robots". She's confused and scared, and that primarily drives her into the arms of Tai and Mercury (not necessarily in that order, he muses.) However, Smokescreen wants to know her more, and for that, he appoints himself as her liaison to the Autobots, telling her about the War and the factions, while also listening to her gush about weapons and explain some of the Dust she uses. Even though he knows when to leave her alone with Mercury, who he's become certain is her boyfriend, Smokescreen feels happy. She's a sweet kid, and they're so similar, it's no real difficulty for them to get along, especially given her father gets along with Wheeljack so much.
He's just as shocked as Wheeljack to learn that she was unaware of this familial fact.
Maybe he just wasn't around at the right times, but Smokescreen could have sworn on the All-Spark that every time she said "Dad", she'd meant Qrow. The deathly silence and betrayed look on her face broke his Spark, and somehow, he understood that she needed a friend. A friend who understood what it was like to have your identity crash and burn in front of you.
Although she took off at Warp Factor Ten, Smokescreen wasted no time transforming and driving after her. About a quarter of a mile away he realized he'd left Mercury in the dust, and though he felt bad about doing that to him, he knew he had to follow Ruby before she completely broke down.
He followed her trail to a cliff edge, where there also seemed to be a grave. Smokescreen rolled to a stop a short distance away, transformed, and gave her a few minutes to collect herself. When she had, Ruby still burst into tears. She ranted about it all - her Silver Eyes, the loss of her school, that her family had lied to her, and that now aliens were on her planet - it wasn't fair, they both knew that, but she still needed to release the thoughts and pain, and Smokescreen let her do that.
Once she finished and tried to get her sobbing under control, Smokescreen felt his optics drawn to the water. It wasn't the water that drew his attention, or the numerous other pieces of foliage and space he stared at that garnered his direction since events from a year ago. It was that they could be a fixed point of his thoughts and fears, and a location to let his mind wander into both the past and the future.
And so, he told her about how Optimus almost died that day.
As Ruby stared at him, listening in what he could only guess was morbid curiosity and shock, he told her how Optimus nearly died, and how the Matrix had chosen Smokescreen to be his successor. It didn't matter that he lived, or that Smokescreen, in all his years of daydreaming, had never once entertained the thought of Primacy, he was forever marked as a candidate. Even now, the raw terror that that had instilled in him - both Optimus' close call and being chosen as a future Prime - was a visceral feeling etched into his chassis. But even though Ruby was the first soul he ever told about the experience, Smokescreen felt a weight being lifted from his shoulders. And once he was done, he knew how to finish his speech:
"Just because you're destined for something bigger than you ever anticipated, doesn't mean you have to shoulder it alone. It doesn't mean you're alone anymore than when your family is someone you didn't expect. Qrow is your father, Optimus is my uncle, and we didn't expect that. And regardless of our heritage, we're chosen for something bigger than ourselves. But that doesn't have to define us, or drive us to walk alone. Sharing a burden, or a fear, or a dream - that's what's important. And who we share it with gives us strength, not isolation."
The silence after is heavy, but hopeful. And when she embraces him, Smokescreen knows he did the right thing.
Smokescreen and Ruby develop a bond much like the split-Spark Lambo brothers. They're always on the same wavelength, tuned into each other's emotional needs, and can warn the other of danger moments before disaster. They have differing fighting styles, but enough similarity that Smokescreen learns from her sharpshooting skills while Ruby picks up his adaptive close combat techniques. When not spending time with their friends and family, they can be found driving around together, killing Grimm, or chatting by the shoreline. Ruby only wants two specific people to be with her on the cliff edge where her mother is buried after their first heart-to-heart, and although it takes a while for Qrow to work up the courage to visit and spend time with his daughter and late wife, Smokescreen respects her wishes and has no problem letting Mercury and Qrow keep her company.
Oh boy, I swear, I thought I'd have this out sooner. Man, when life kicks you in the teeth, it kicks hard!
Anyway, these two were a pair I had in mind ages ago. I love Smokescreen, and he's the only one who would understand how she'd feel (Hot Rod fans, do not interact; it will be a bloody fight we get into.) As for their team name, while I do hate that Arcee used it to pick on Smokescreen, "Destiny's Children" does fit them. They're both young, both destined for greatness that overwhelms them, but still push on in spite of those fears.
Well, that's all for now. Just pray I can keep this up, peeps. I didn't expect to be this far behind!
Be seeing y'all!
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