#queer adult fantasy
kadoore · 1 year
June 2023 Queer Adult SFF Books!
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TRANSLATION STATE by Ann Leckie 6/6/2023
nonbinary MCs
once human, Translators have been changed to serve as spokespeople for an alien race
but one Translator wants More, and sets off in search of their own life
adventures and mysteries ensue
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THE FIRST BRIGHT THING by J.R. Dawson 6/13/2023
wives who circus together,
travel the midwest in an alt post-WWI world together
magical circus vs magical circus, but make it dark
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THE SURVIVING SKY by Kritika H. Rao 6/13/2023
queer MCs in a m/f relationship
floating jungle city above a raging Earth
magical architects keep it afloat, until suddenly they can't
a struggling marriage, illegal magic, and misplaced reverence!
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SAVAGE CROWNS by Matt Wallace 6/13/2023
enby and bi MCs
an ostensibly utopian nation has been exposed as anything but
now the rebels who would remake their country meet on the battlefield to decide its future
3rd in SAVAGE REBELLION series
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THE GHOSTS OF TRAPPIST by K.B. Wagers 6/27/2023
queernorm world, queertastic cast
Coast Guard but make it spaaaace
ships are going missing and even the pirates are a bit scared
ghost ships and voices and mysterious songs - oh my
3rd in NeoG series
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THE INFINITE MILES by Hannah Fergesen 6/20/2023
pan MC
her best friend disappears for 3 years only to return and demand they find the hero of a fictional TV show, who happens to be real,
strands the MC in 1971,
and then things get weird
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angelbunnyworld · 14 days
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The Amazing Spiderman :) Color fixet?! Just 4 fun✌🏼 #cosplay
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whumpprompts · 6 months
my book is now FREE and will probably stay that way forever
this is because the world is a mess (and lowkey because my grampa implied I’ll start liking capitalism if I ever get rich off my writing, and I am full of Spite)
anyway!! if you want a big book full of stuff like…
aroace and other queer rep
so much blood and action
a talking stone
a looming apocalypse
a morally gray protag with so much Trauma and Anger
some monster-creatures
that sweet sweet found family
a slow-burn QPR
no spice
…here’s the thing for you.
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Content warnings include child abuse, severe homophobia, religious trauma, suicidal ideation.
it is NOT yet free on Amazon. I have the price match request pending, but it might take time. I’ll reblog with its link once I get it free as well.
Barnes & Noble
Kobo, Apple Books, Smashmouth, etc.
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melanielocke · 1 year
Book recommendations: queer adult SFF
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It's been a while since I did one of these posts but I'm thinking of doing more regularly. I have read a lot more new books that I hope some of you will pick up and I've made another selection. I'm reading more and more adult SFF lately because lots of YA is getting a little too young for me. But I also find that transitioning to reading more adult can be difficult, and it's not always easy to find what you're looking for. I found YA a far easier market to navigate, so I figured I'd make a post featuring some of my favorite adult SFF books.
The Unbroken & the Faithless I read recently.
This is a trilogy, with book 3 coming out most likely in 2025? Not sure actually. The series focuses on Touraine and Luca. Touraine is a conscript in the Balladaire army, stolen from her homeland and trained to fight from a young age. She is originally from Qazal, a country colonized by Balladaire, but doesn't speak their language or understand their customs. In the first book, she returns home for the first time since she was taken, to stop a Qazali rebellion.
Luca is the princess of Balladaire. Her parents both died when she was young, and her uncle is ruling as regent, refusing to allow her to be crowned Queen until she proves herself. She too is sent to deal with the Qazali rebellion. What makes Luca interesting is that she often means well and is definitely more benevolent towards the Qazali, but she's also very power hungry and wants her throne, and no matter how much she does to help the Qazali she is still the princess of the empire that colonized them, and the author continues to hold her accountable for her role in the empire and some of the choices she makes.
Luca is also disabled, she injured her leg when she was young and uses a cane.
There is a sapphic romance between Luca and Touraine. It is not really the focus on the series but at the same time it is what shapes much of the negotiating between them since Luca has a very obvious soft spot for Touraine and Touraine has to use that to improve things for Qazal.
The world is inspired by North Africa and French colonialism (in Balladaire they speak French so I'm pretty sure they're supposed to be France), and the author themself is Black and North African. The series as a whole is very political.
Next is Notorious Sorcerer by Davinia Evans
This is the first in a duology (I think?) with book 2 coming out this November.
This is set in a world where there are four different planes, and Siyon is a poor man who can delve into the different planes to get ingredients for wealthier alchemists. He wants to be an alchemist himself but can't afford the education. There's also the problem of magic being technically illegal, which means rich people can do alchemy but poor people can't.
Then one day Siyon accidently unleashes wild magic and is thrust into the world of alchemists where he wants to belong but doesn't. And there's also the matter of the four planes being instable and at risk of collapsing, and Siyon might be the only one capable of stopping it.
Siyon is bi/pan and his main love interest is a man, though this is not the main focus of the series.
Then Some Desperate Glory by Emily Tesh
I think I had this one last time too, but not enough people are reading it so I'm going to discuss it again.
Check out the summary, but honestly not sure if that does it justice. Some Desperate Glory is the story of a girl who grew up in a fascist cult and was raised to believe in everything this cult stands for.
The earth was destroyed before she was born, and the Majo, aliens, were responsible. Kyr has been training her entire life for revenge. She wants nothing more than to be the perfect soldier for earth. As a result, she is a terrible person and everyone hates her.
Kyr first starts questioning Gaea station when she is assigned nursery to have babies even though she is the best fighter in her mess. When her brother disappears, she teams up with his friend Avi, a queer genius who works with the station's systems and was always aware of how fucked up Gaea station is. They discover Magnus has been sent on a suicide mission and go after him, and Kyr is confronted with the outside world, including a Majo she grows close to, and has to unlearn everything Gaea station taught her.
This book has a difficult to stomach mc at first, though it is very obvious what she believes is not what you as the reader are supposed to think. But there is some wonderful character development going on in here. It's hard for her to change, and she's thrown into lots of difficult situations before she gets there, but in the end you can see she's nothing like the person she was before.
There's an amazing cast of side characters, though not a very big cast. There's her twin brother Magnus who never wanted to be a soldier and is actually very depressed, which Kyr never noticed. Yiso, the cute non binary alien Kyr develops a weak spot for even before she comes to realize Majo are people. And my personal favorite, Avi, who is an unhinged little guy who is way too smart for his own good. He's a great example of how a cult can affect different people in different ways. He doesn't believe in Gaea station like Kyr does and is aware of how fucked up he is, he experienced that first hand as the only visible queer person on the station. But he did internalize their messages of revenge and violence which plays out in interesting ways.
This edition is the Illumicrate edition of the book from April's box, which has the UK cover.
Witch King by Martha Wells is next
This is a confusing book for people who do not have a lot of experience reading adult fantasy. It has a lot of world building that is explained gradually, the book doesn't really hold your hand, so be prepared for that.
Kai is a body hopping demon. He has been betrayed, killed and entombed under water. When he is freed by a lesser mage hoping to hone his power, he kills them and frees himself and his friend, the witch Ziede.
Together, they have to uncover what happened to them, who betrayed them and what is going on with the Rising World coalition. He's not going to like the answers.
Alternating is a past timeline in which Kai and his band of allies rebel against the tyrannical rule of the Hierophants, which happened decades before the present timeline.
The strenght of this book is really in the characters and how they grow and the bonds they have with each other. I loved the relationship between Kai and Bashasa, who is the rebel leader in the past timeline in particular. It's not quite clear what the nature of their relationship was, though it is implied to be romantic and I do think Kai is supposed to be queer. He is a body hopping demon after all, and spends his early life in the body of a girl. There's also a sapphic side pairing between Zieden and her wife Tahren, who they spent much of the present timeline looking for.
The Dawnhounds by Sascha Stronach
This is a science fantasy set in a world inspired by New Zealand and Maori (I think? The author is Maori and a trans woman herself)
The main character is a police officer from a poor background who believes she's making the world better for people like her. She's already been demoted for being queer but believes she can make the police force better from the inside.
Then she's murdered by fellow officers and thrown into the harbor. Unfortunately for them, she comes back from the dead with new magic powers.
She teams up with a pirate crew with similar powers and has to stop a plague from being unleashed on her city.
This book focuses on how police functions in many modern societies to protect the wealthy and harm and restrict poorer, non white communities. The main character doesn't believe this at first but it's obvious to the reader that they're not helping anyone doing their job. Next book is coming out next year.
Last is the Jasmine Throne by Tasha Suri
Two books are out and book 3 is coming sometime in 2024.
This series is set in a world inspired by India. Priya is a maidservant with a secret. She is one of the few surviving temple children and still has some powers from being once born.
Malini is the princess of Parijatdvipa, the empire that conquered Priya's land. Her religious zealot brother has taken the throne and imprisons Malini because she refuses to be burned alive.
Priya is one of the maidservants sent to take care of Malini in her prison, which is the old temple where Priya grew up. Together, they can change the fate of an empire, but they can never quite trust each other.
This is a sapphic fantasy with magic but also lots of politics and I think if you like this series you'd also like the Unbroken and vice versa. I've talked about this one before but it should definitely be included on a list for adult fantasy.
I hope you can find something you like on here. All these books are not super well known and deserve a bigger audience
@alastaircarstairsdefenselawyer @life-through-the-eyes-of @astriefer @justanormaldemon @ipromiseiwillwrite @a-dream-dirty-and-bruised @amchara @all-for-the-fanfiction @imsoftforthomastair @ddepressedbookworm @queenlilith43 @wagner-fell @cant-think-of-anything @laylax13s @tessherongraystairs @boredfangirl16 @artist-in-soul @aliandtommy @ikissedsmithparker
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poopraven · 1 year
Hello! I'd like to tell you about a book I wrote. It'll be coming out on Friday the 26th of May 2023.
I'm extremely proud of this one. I'm proud of them all, of course, but I think in this one I let myself get angry for, well, pretty much the whole book to be honest. Previous books in the series have bursts of queer rage, but this one definitely sustained it.
At its heart, it's a book that demands to know just how long we're supposed to do nothing while fascists kill us.
Now, fair warning, it is book 9 in an ongoing series. It won't make a whole lot of sense if you haven't read the previous eight books. I'll get to that at the end of the post, but for now I want to stick with Runes of Fall.
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No storm bows to reason.
Quentin's trip to the desert with his chosen family is supposed to be two days of testing the limits of their powers. Instead, a violent storm looms on the horizon, and nothing will alter its course.
The storm has a name: Nate Anderson. Demigod, supremacist, leader of a neo-Nazi Übermensch cabal... and father to Quentin's latest ward, Mel. He means to take her home, and won't let a ragtag group of "inferior" psychics get in his way.
Besieged and outgunned, Quentin is trapped in a no-win scenario. No matter which way he turns, one fateful night will change him forever.
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Inheritance is a series best read in order, so if this is the first you've heard of it I strongly recommend that you start with Jack of Thorns, but keep going and I'll let you know how you can grab that for free. First, let me tell you more about it.
In Jack of Thorns, we meet Laurence and Quentin, two men with astonishing powers but little to no control over them. They are both adrift, traumatised, and doing what they can to get by one day at a time. Laurence is struggling to escape a toxic, abusive boyfriend who refuses to accept that their relationship is over, and Quentin spends as much of his time drunk as he possibly can.
Do they start out likeable? Opinion varies. But they learn, they grow, and they put in the work to improve themselves. They do their best, and sometimes they make mistakes, but the Laurence and Quentin in Runes of Fall are a world away from the Laurence and Quentin you first meet.
Heads up, there are some content warnings to take note of. In random order, they are: sexual intimacy, addiction, drug use, sexual assault, childhood sexual abuse, incest, gaslighting, bullying, coercive control, kidnapping, domestic abuse, bigotry, classism, torture, post-traumatic stress, therapy, violence, peril, and death.
If you're still here, thank you for reading this far. I'd like to give you some links if you're interested in finding out more!
Jack of Thorns: https://books2read.com/jackofthorns
Runes of Fall: https://discoverinheritance.com/books/runes-of-fall
Discord server: https://discord.gg/reYUyTH9DJ
And, if you'd like, you can get all nine books at once - whether as ebooks, paperbacks (signed or unsigned), or audiobooks - from Kickstarter:
Thank you so much for your time. Please feel free to ask questions if you have them!
- AK.
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ladzwriting · 11 months
AKA the work formerly known as AquaShame. Illustrated by @t-hornapple, this is the Slavic vampire political fantasy gothic horror of my dreams and your nightmares
Volume 1 comes out on 🫀 MARCH 12, 2024 🦟
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Final cover reveal on JANUARY 22, 2024
Itch (signed copies pre-order, US & International): https://ladzwriting.itch.io/the-fealty-of-monsters-vol-1 (you can also download the Prologue as a preview)
eBook: https://books2read.com/TheFealtyofMonstersVol1
Add to GR: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/201742983-the-fealty-of-monsters
Add to The Storygraph: https://app.thestorygraph.com/books/3c23d390-61eb-43fa-bb5c-5ea764bacdab
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If you like:
🫀 Baru Cormorant 🦟 Villain protagonists 🫀 Age gap yaoi 🦟 Leige/advisor yuri 🫀 Monstrous vampires 🦟 Eat the rich (literally) 🫀 Gormenghast 🦟 Political fantasy 🫀 Killing hundreds to save thousands 🦟 Not romance, not erotica, but high heat horror
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As far as the art goes, if you're a fan of these pieces by Häxan, you're in for some delights:
🌚 Yharnam 🌚 Excalibur 🌚 in ecclesia (in church) 🌚 moonbeams*
*Featured in white noise: https://t-hornapple.itch.io/white-noise
Also please read THE LORD OF ASTIIGOS: https://t-hornapple.itch.io/the-lord-of-astiigos-complete-part-1
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THE FEALTY OF MONSTERS is more intense than most things I have available now, except THE LADY OF THE LAIR
ARC requests will open in January with the final cover reveal
I'm so excited to share this with you all
🫀 https://thefealtyofmonsters.carrd.co/ 🦟
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sleeperagentclone · 9 months
Like Riz isn't wearing just a ring, he's wearing multiple rings! Including a thumb ring! That's advanced ring wearing!
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kadoore · 2 years
November 2022 Queer Adult SFF!!
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A RESTLESS TRUTH by Freya Marske: Pub Date: 11/1/2022 – f/f – sequel to A MARVELLOUS LIGHT – stuck on a ship with a dead body, a disrespectful parrot, and a scandalous stranger, you can’t help but fall in love – murder on a boat, yesssssssss
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OCEAN’S ECHO by Everina Maxwell: Pub Date: 11/1/2022 – m/m – set in same universe as WINTER’S ORBIT – a rich, inveterate flirt has telepathic powers – which of course he misuses – so they bind his mind to another – this will definitely go as planned *exaggerated wink*
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EVEN THOUGH I KNEW THE END by C.L. Polk: Pub Date: 11/8/2022 – f/f – you can have your soul back AND live out your life with your sweetheart – you just have to track down a notorious serial killer – who’s a vampire – did we mention they’re a vampire? – good luck!
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🌈 Queer Books Coming Out in July 2024 🌈
🌈 Good morning, my bookish bats, and happy July! Pride Month may be over, but remember: Read Queer ALL Year. Here are a FEW of the stunning, diverse queer books you can add to your TBR before the year is over. Happy reading!
[ Release dates may have changed. ]
❤️ Earth to Alis - Lex Carlow 🧡 Cursed Boys and Broken Hearts - Adam Sass 💛 The Sky on Fire - Jenn Lyons 💚 The Meaning of Liberty - Sage Donnell 💙 Making It - Laura Kay 💜 The Black Bird of Chernobyl - Ann McMan ❤️ A Map of My Want - Faylita Hicks 🧡 The Devil You Know - Ali Vali 💛 The White Guy Dies First: 13 Scary Stories of Fear and Power - Various 💙 The Second Son - Adrienne Tooley 💜 Cursed Under London - Gabby Hutchinson Crouch 🌈 Forbidden Girl - Kristen Zimmer
❤️ Rise - Freya Finch 🧡 Undercurrent - Patricia Evans 💛 Online Rebellion - Blue Matt Jeff 💚 Wolf Gift - T.J. Nichols 💙 Cash Delgado Is Living the Dream - Tehlor Kay Mejia 💜 Miller: Origin - Starr Z. Davies ❤️ The Shadows Beyond - T.J. Rose 🧡 The Ones Who Come Back Hungry - Amelinda Bérubé 💛 Their Viscountess - Jess Michaels 💙 Fast Holiday - Kerry Lockhart 💜 The Great Cool Ranch Dorito in the Sky - Josh Galarza 🌈 The West Passage - Jared Pechaček
❤️ The Hades Calculus - Maria Ying 🧡 Misrecognition - Madison Newbound 💛 One Last Summer - Kristin Keppler 💚 Waypoint Seven - Xan van Rooyen 💙 Hiding Him - Adam Hattan 💜 Thousand Autumns - Meng Xi Shi, Me.Mimo ❤️ The Adventure Zone, Vol. 6: The Suffering Game - Various 🧡 Rowan & Aldred - Lucie Fleury 💛 Yoke of Stars - R.B. Lemberg 💙 Casting Vows - Ariella Talix 💜 Count Felford's Vessel - S. Rodman
❤️ The Actor and His Secret - Ben Alderson, Laura R. Samotin 🧡 How To Die Famous - Benjamin Dean 💛 So Witches We Became - Jill Baguchinsky 💚 The Amazing Alpha Tau Romeo and Juliet Project - Lisa Henry, Sarah Honey 💙 The Noble’s Merman - S.S. Genesee 💜 The Loudest Silence - Sydney Langford ❤️ Life is Strange - Brittney Morris 🧡 Bury Your Gays - Chuck Tingle 💛 I Will Never Leave You - Kara A. Kennedy 💙 The Blonde Dies First - Joelle Wellington 💜 Under the Lupine Moon - A. Knightley
❤️ Benji Zeb is a Ravenous Werewolf - Deke Moulton 🧡 Charlotte Illes Is Not a Teacher - Katie Siegel 💛 The Ghostkeeper - Johanna Taylor 💚 Trespass Against Us - Leon Kemp 💙 Exes & Foes - Amanda Woody 💜 The Very Long, Very Strange Life of Isaac Dahl - Bart Yates ❤️ Unbound - J.A. Vodvarka 🧡 StreamLine - Lauren Melissa Ellzey 💛 Time and Time Again - Chatham Greenfield 💙 No Road Home - John Fram 💜 Queen B - Juno Dawson 🌈 A Darker Mischief - Derek Milman
❤️ Beautiful & Terrible Things - S.M. Stevens 🧡 Benvolio & Mercutio Turn Back Time - Elle Beaumont, Lou Wilham 💛 About Last Night - Laura Henry 💚 You Had Me at Happy Hour - Timothy Janovsky 💙 Moonbane - Jamie Jennings 💜 Between Fate & Failure - Amber D. Lewis ❤️ Blessed by the Cupid Distribution System - Robin Jo Margaret 🧡 Between Dragons and Their Wrath - Devin Madson 💛 Twisted Magic - Barbara J. Webb 💙 Rare Birds - L.B. Hazelthorn 💜 At the End of the River Styx - Michelle Kulwicki 🌈 Origin Story - Jendi Reiter
❤️ Eras of Us - Shannon O'Connor 🧡 Corpses, Fools and Monsters: The History and Future of Transness in Cinema - Willow Maclay, Caden Gardner 💛 A Wolf in Stone - Jane Fletcher 💚 Toward Eternity - Anton Hur 💙 Portrait of a Shadow - Meriam Metoui 💜 Anyone's Ghost - August Thompson ❤️ Home Ice Advantage - Ari Baran 🧡 Unbelievable You - Chelsea M. Cameron 💛 Incorrect Eyes - Andromeda Ruins
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angelbunnyworld · 8 days
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We all know... Artist are Poor :( Im a young queer Artist and loooking 4 Support😘
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"The Spirit Bares its Teeth" by Andrew Joseph White
Silas Bell, a young autistic transgender man living in the 1880s in England, wants to be a surgeon. Not a wife and mother. After a botched escape from a future devoted to a husband, he is diagnosed with “veil sickness,” a disease that causes violet eyed women to open the veil and communicate with the dead, an act that is illegal for women to do. 
        He is sent to Braxton's Finishing School and Sanatorium and engaged to a wealthy lord's son. But Braxton might not be what it seems. And Silas is the only one who can save the life of his new friends by uncovering the secrets of the school, all while fighting the voice in his head telling him to just do as he is told. For Silas, doing as he is told is not an option.
        Andrew Joseph White has crafted an incredible story. All of the characters are complex and every character has so much depth. White is able to balance the main character, Silas, with all aspects of his identity. They are all woven throughout the story in an authentic way that gives him personality outside of those defining traits while still acknowledging how important they are. It is one of the best representations of autism I have ever read.
       The setting and accuracy to historical detail makes the stakes seem real and send you to the time period. He uses the time period to bring light to the story he wants to tell. His use of imagery is terrific. 
        White is able to discuss so many important topics throughout the book, all of which apply in some way to our society today. He somehow is able to highlight and tackle each complex theme in one book while giving them each the space to be recognized for their individual importance.  
        Gory and dense while also romantic, The Spirit Bares its Teeth is an amazing novel with an incredible message to fight for your life and happiness, even if the whole world is against you.   
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archer-antiope · 7 months
look i know princess nara is probably a sneak tertiary villain here to fuck up tracker’s entire religious deal but i also cannot help but root for this teenage girl who was likely so sheltered and coddled going out into the world to find her own path, learning a lot about other people and the way they believe in someone deeply important to her and her family, unknowing of the absolutely bonkers dynamic she would bear witness to with her new love interest
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thatfunkylilfey · 2 months
✦ A Guide to Mothlight ✦
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a guide to Mothlight by Florian A. Ellis ; book i. of The Serpent & The Fey trilogy (x)
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✦ Blurb
The day their sister disappeared without a trace, Aeramis’ world fell out from under them, leaving them to wander aimlessly, taking it day by day. That was until six months ago.
Since then, Aeramis—or Vanya as they go by these days—has been following a trail they refuse to stray from. A trail that will lead them to someone called the Spider, an individual with the ability to point Aeramis towards the man responsible for tearing their family apart. After all, Aeramis has one thing on their mind. Revenge. Something they are well-suited for being a shapeshifter, someone able to appear as anyone at any time.
As the trail for the Spider grows cold, Bastien—full-time mercenary captain, Aeramis’ part-time lover—appears in the same city searching for the Spider for reasons of his own. The Spider has hired him, promising not just gold but clues regarding a past Bastien cannot remember.
Knowing they work better together, the two of them reconnect, and the trail to the Spider becomes clearer. But when their meeting with the Spider points Aeramis in the direction of both the man they’re searching for and their childhood home, the shapeshifter and the mercenary captain are left with more questions than answers.
Aeramis must enlist both new friends and old in order to seek the revenge they are so desperate to enact, no matter the cost, allowing for nothing to stand in their way.
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✦ Elements
Adult [Low] Science [High/Mythic Fantasy]
Dual POV
Unreliable Narrators
Shapeshifting as a Metaphor for Gender Identity/Expression
[Alchemical] Industrial Revolution-inspired setting
Revenge at Any Cost
Found Family
Established Couple
NB MC x Trans Man LI
They're Feral ; He's Enamored
Queer Disasters
Memory Loss
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✦ Playlist
Which Witch — Florence + The Machine Wolf at Your Door — Chloe x Halle Give — Sleep Token Eat Your Young — Hozier Whatever It Takes — Imagine Dragons Heaven, Iowa — Fall Out Boy
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art in the fourth image credited to the ever-lovely and ever-talented @emimillerart ✦
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stpwrites · 1 year
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Art by Chris Yarborough.
Sometimes to save the world, you've got to punch a few dragons…
When the planet is being eaten by interdimensional parasites who literally tear holes in reality, what do you do? If you're Charlie Chase, you dive headfirst into an interdimensional adventure. Charlie knows her calling is a weighty one, but she trusts her mentor’s orders: Travel to another dimension, fix the tear, and get home to do it all over again.
But when she gets stuck on an alternate Earth, she has to turn to the most unexpected of allies: a younger, more eccentric, more infamous version of the brilliant mind that sent her on her mission. This version of Vera Baum is as much socialite as scientist, who seems to embrace the notion that curiosity killed the cat, in the way that means she's determined to use up all nine of her lives blasting through a kaleidoscope of genre-bending realities. Things are going to get a lot worse before they get better, especially when they’re pursued by reality-eating parasites and a biomechanical hound hellbent on killing Vera.
Ladyhoppers by Sarah Thérèse Pelletier and Scott James Taylor, a casually queer, genre-hopping, multiverse-spanning, madcap buddy comedy packed full of flaming zeppelins, coffee shop romances, car chases, dragon punching scientists, and more pirates than you can shake a multi-limbed death machine at, is available for order now!
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kimkhimhant · 2 months
maybe a long shot but do any of my mutuals have queer adult fiction recommendations? when i search for lgbt fiction i get a lot of YA stuff in the results and i'm not interested in that
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post-futurism · 2 months
Book update - physical paperback fail and how to get your special munted edition copy
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Hi friends! Thank you to everyone who has bought a copy of my book or have expressed interest in purchasing a copy directly from me.
Details about my book can be read here.
If you're new here, the tldr about the sale price of my book is that whatever the online stores price it at is out of my control and regardless of how much they are selling it for, I am remunerated as little as $1-2 per copy sold. The best way to let me see a bit of profit is to purchase directly from me. I have limited copies available, details are below, and an explanation as to why it has taken me so long to advertise this follows.
I haven't had the heart to post about the direct-from-author purchasing option since I received my delivery of author copies in April. What should have been a very exciting moment of opening a big box of the book I spent 6 years writing turned out to be a massive disappointment. It's a small thing, but it's a big thing all the same. It's the cover. It's not quite right and it should be right because I paid someone else to upload my book text and cover and they altered it and now I have about 30 copies of this:
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It probably doesn't look bad to anyone else but to me I can tell that the font is wrong and there is a weird graphical glitch around the lettering on my name, most noticeable on letters M, N, Y and W. This glitch is also present on the book spine.
The positive is that it's still legible, it's just not exactly what it was meant to be. It was tampered with. Plus, the box was delivered with a hole in the bottom corner meaning some copies have been damaged by rain and dirt.
I have been told by the company that uploaded the book and organised author copies to be sent to me that I cannot be remunerated for the damaged copies. This company also has not rectified the incorrect cover despite me making a number of requests for them to do so. They have given no explanation and no apology. In fact they haven't contacted me since 14 June 2024.
My yearly subscription with this company is due to expire soon. If I don't make payment, they will remove my book from being available online. At this point, that is no loss to me given that it is being incorrectly listed on Amazon which is currently where the book is listed at its cheapest and most affordable price.
On the plus side, popular online shops like Waterstones, Barnes & Noble and Dymocks have my book listed for sale online with the correct book cover. At this time it is only Amazon and the e-book where the book cover is incorrect.
In any case, I have long lost trust in the company that 'helped' self-publish my book. There were many red flags before we hit go on uploading that I should have listened to. Now I am so fed up with them that I will soon have to relaunch my book.
In any case, I still have 20 Munted Versions of my book which are available to be purchased directly from me for $25 (+$30 for shipping internationally). That's $36 shipping incl. in USD. These copies will come signed by me and include a tailored message to each buyer. If you would like to purchase a copy, DM me. Currently I only have paypal set up but if you're an Australian we can do PayID.
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