#quest for the seven keys
storywriter007 · 1 month
Thank you for answering my other two requests, I loved them!! I have two more if you are interested!
1) Can you do a Percy Jackson x reader (I'm imagining this occurring on the Argo II) that's basically an enemies to friends to lovers? Where maybe they both just don't really like each other based on the encounters they've had, but then end up going on a small quest off the ship just the two of them and some sort of trauma happens that makes them friends, and then you can decide how they get to lovers from there! Basically just want some angst!
2) This one has a little bit of a trigger warning with suicidal thoughts, so I understand if you don't want to write this one. Percy Jackson x reader (this one I'm also envisioning on the Argo II, but this one could also be just at camp when Percy is like 17) where they are good friends and the reader is struggling mentally but tries to smile for everyone else, but she is sitting alone in the woods at some point holding her knife to her wrist just kind of thinking about it but not sure about it, but then Percy appears to check on her and scares her so the accidentally slips and cuts herself there, and from there basically Percy comfort. Idk if that made sense but basically Percy angst and comfort.
You're amazing!!! 🩷
Friends? - Percy Jackson x Fem!Reader
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author's note: this is request one. thank you for your request :) i kind of had to cut it short bc this was getting too long.
warnings: cursing, mentions of suicide, betrayal, mentions of death, battle scenes, kissing
genre: angst ending in fluff
word count: 1.8k
-> heroes of olympus masterlist
send me requests here! (these are my guidelines)
y/n took her seat at the table alongside seven other demi-gods. she noticed percy scowl at her and she rolled her eyes back at him. they'd never gotten along. and chances were, they never would.
her intense hate for the son of the sea god had begun a few summers back during capture the flag. they were on the blue team, and she was assigned to offense with annabeth and percy. suddenly, four members from the red charged at the trio, swords in hand. y/n and percy swung and slashed at two of them until they fled. one of them yanked off annabeth's invisibility cap and decided she was their next victim. the other one came for y/n, hitting her ankle hard. percy was quick to defend annabeth and run away with her.
but he left her. y/n was left to fight two members of the opposing team, who were merciless. they were violent, they were twice her size, and to y/n's dismay, her ankle didn't provide her any support to run away. it was a terrible and cruel beating. the two kept going even when they didn't need to. she could barely see by the end of it. y/n remembered that capture the flag game as "don't trust your teammates."
ever since then, y/n had made her distaste for percy clear. everyone admired his loyalty, until they were on the receiving end of his betrayal.
"we need to find a map." annabeth started.
"it's our key to finding out which way is the safest to go." jason explained. "it's somewhere in the woods, according to what hecate told hazel."
"we're going to have to split up." annabeth continued. "it's a huge forest, and we need to cover ground efficiently."
"i've split you guys up. i don't want to hear any whining." jason said, looking at the group, but his gaze lingered longer on percy and y/n. "annabeth, piper, and i are going eastwards towards the mountains. frank, leo, and hazel are going south to the rest of the woods. percy and y/n will head north, towards the shore."
"why is it 3-3-2?" hazel asked curiously.
"because we need a power balance." annabeth said politely. "it's matched with each person's strengths."
"strengths?" percy chuckled. "i'm the strength. she's going to slow me down."
douchebag, y/n thought.
"i don't want to go with you either, but i'm not bitching about it, am i?" she snapped back.
"you don't have to bitch because going with me does you a favor."
"i'd rather drown."
"lucky you, i can make that happen."
they stared at one-another in an intense fury.
"we'll meet here again in four hours." jason instructed. "and when we do, all eight of us better be here." he said, eyeing percy and y/n.
it was already eight. and they had to search the stupid northside until midnight. she couldn't even run away if she wanted to.
they continued walking. the sun slowly set as the night sky arose. the woods looked scary at night. tall, thick trees hovered over the two demi-gods as strange creatures and noises came by. after what felt like a long time walking, y/n could hear the sea.
"do you hear it?" she asked him.
"i can feel it." he said, walking quickly.
she trailed behind him as they reached sandy terrain. the sea was dark and terrifying. y/n and percy searched the shore for what felt like another eternity.
suddenly, it got colder and y/n heard a voice. it was a sweet, soft voice.
look at me it whispered.
"do you hear that?" she asked percy.
"yeah." he said, shakily.
look at what you've done it demanded.
suddenly, y/n was watching something in front of her. it was a battle. she looked at the gory scene in front of her. it took her a minute to realize it was the battle of manhattan. she felt a lump in her throat as images of dead campers raced through her mind. silena, charlie, ethan, and luke.
this is your fault the voice said, but it wasn't sweet anymore. it was hoarse, raspy, and cruel.
look at what you've killed. look at what you've brought it continued.
the images flashed terrible battle scenes. it replayed deaths of each and every camper.
you did this the voice yelled.
"n-no, i didn't." y/n whispered, shaken by the images.
look at what you've done
"i didn't do it!" she pleaded.
you did! you did it all!
"i had no choice." she said, tears spilling from her eyes.
terrible, tortuous images kept playing. the deaths of the campers she'd grown up with, the reactions of their mothers and fathers, and the destruction that had been caused.
you deserve to die.
"i know." she whispered. "don't you think i know?"
do it the voice encouraged. do what you should've done years ago.
y/n tried to think through it. this voice, this voice wasn't human.
do it.
it was a siren. it was trying to get her to sacrifice her life.
"no." she said, standing her ground. "i did what i had to. i can't be blamed for it."
then who can you blame?
"kronos." she said, gripping her sword.
the siren showed it's demented face and y/n quickly slashed it. she snapped out of her trance, and the images faded and so did the voices. she turned to see percy holding his sword to his neck. she saw the twisted siren circling around him. she swiftly ran up to him and took his sword from his hand, before slashing the siren. percy too snapped out of his daze, and stumbled a little. y/n caught him, and looked up to meet his sea green eyes. they were teary, and he looked so disheartened.
"you saw it too." she confirmed.
he nodded.
"thank you." he said, his voice low and sincere. "i would've done-well you know what, if you hadn't saved me."
she nodded.
"we should probably get back to the ship." he said quietly.
when percy and y/n got back, it was half-past midnight, and everyone was already there.
"we ran into sirens." y/n briefly explained.
they all nodded as the ship entered the air, sailing to its next location.
"we found the map." hazel informed. "goodnight guys."
y/n tossed and turned in her bed. she couldn't get those images out. those dam sirens. she needed to talk to someone. someone who would understand. she sat up and opened her door. she trailed the hallway until the came across the door that read percy jackson. she lightly knocked before pushing the door open.
"couldn't sleep either?" he asked, laying down and staring at the ceiling.
"yeah." she said. "i can't get what the sirens showed me out of my head."
"c'mere." he said, patting the area next to him.
y/n laid down next to him.
"i know it's not our fault." he said quietly. "but it feels like it is."
"i know." she said softly. "it's like i should've done something. but there was nothing to be done."
"exactly." he said. "on one hand, i know i couldn't have saved them no matter what i did. but on the other, i feel like i should've figured it out."
"mhm." she agreed. "they were good people. that's what makes it hurt more."
"they didn't deserve death. and i don't deserve the hero title." he chuckled. "i let them die."
"you had no choice." she reminded.
"did i?" he questioned.
"percy, i saw and heard the same things you did. it just wanted to get in our heads." she explained. "and they did it through guilt. guilt that isn't ours to carry. it's kronos'."
"you're right." he agreed.
y/n had spent years hating him. but maybe, just maybe, he was alright. they had both seen the same things growing up. the same wars, deaths, and betrayals. in an odd way, she felt almost identical to him.
a few moments of silence passed by before y/n realized percy had fallen asleep. and after a few more minutes, she felt herself drift off as well.
the next morning when y/n awoke, percy was already awake.
"morning." he smiled.
"oh dear god." she said, sitting up. "what time is it?"
"it's five-thirty. and i'm sorry." he said, sitting up as well.
"for what?"
"for how i treated you all these years." he exhaled, as if this was something he'd been meaning to get off his chest. "i'm sorry for leaving you in capture the flag."
"so you did know what you were doing, huh?" she retorted.
sure, the cuts and scars from that beating had been healed a long time ago. but, the betrayal never did.
"i didn't know you." he explained. "i didn't care about you. i just wanted to get annabeth to safety. that was wrong of me. you were on my team, i should've helped."
"'sorry' and 'i should've' doesn't fix anything. we're not best friends because we got along for a day." she said bitterly. "i know for a fact you would've left me in the woods the way you did all those years ago."
"that's not fair y/n." he frowned. "i would never do that to you."
"and you get to decide what's fair now?" she chuckled. "are you forgetting you continued tormenting me instead of swallowing your pride and apologizing?"
"that's the thing about your loyalty, jackson. everyone admires it until they're on the receiving end of your betrayal." she said coldly, getting up.
"y/n, you might not trust me today, hell, you might not trust me for the rest of our short lives. but believe me when i say, from the bottom of my heart, i'm sorry."
"how do i know you're never going to do the same thing again?" she asked.
get got up and moved closer to her. he was practically towering over her. she felt her back hit the wall.
"you have my word." he promised, looking at her eyes.
she nodded in agreement, feeling herself breathe heavily being this close to him. she could feel him leaning in, and she did too. their lips pressed against one-anothers in a passionate kiss. his hands were placed on her waist, and her arms snaked around his neck. he tasted like salt and blue frosting. she felt herself get pushed backwards towards the wall as he continued to kiss her. it grew more passionate and ferocious until they both pulled away. she rested her head underneath his.
"friends?" he asked.
"we just made out. we are not friends." she laughed.
"i thought it was too bold to say lovers."
"lovers." she agreed.
hope you liked it :) sorry for the wait!
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esamastation · 11 months
Shizuroth, part twenty-six
Previous parts: one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, twenty, twenty-one, twenty-two, twenty-three, twenty-four, twenty-five
Angeal makes it to Midgar first, having rushed through his mission and finished it early. Genesis, even if he rushed, would have had a harder time making it back - Junon wasn't exactly close, after all, even by helicopter it would take a few hours. Genesis still makes his presence known, muttering in his ear the whole way.
"I was asleep when he messaged me! And why is it my job to babysit the favoured son of the Science Department anyway?! What madness must our quest bring to find you so lost -"
"Genesis…" Angeal sighs, pinning his PHS between his right shoulder and his ear while attempting to park his truck in the Shinra Building's maze of a parking garage.
"How was I supposed to know he would lose it the moment I turned my back to him? Our fair hero seemed so well put together yesterday - the clothes he picked! He looked very smart! I was almost proud! I thought he had it handled."
"Genesis, I doubt anyone blames you for this," Angeal assures him, checking the mirrors.
"And they better not! Yesterday he seemed fine. Said he was looking for a quiet day in," Genesis scoffs. "Of course for Sephiroth that must involve untold physical toil. When he messaged me, I thought he would do what he always does, fight a few monsters, slay a few enemies. Normal behaviour, to be expected from our great Hero!"
Angeal finishes parking and takes the PHS in his hand. "I thought Sephiroth was fine too," he says, placating. "He was confused, sure, but overall he was calm and collected. None of us could've seen this coming."
Genesis lets out an explosive sigh. "Maybe we should have. He's not himself."
"There are many ways to not be yourself," Angeal says with a sigh. "Try as we might, we are not trained for these kinds of mental issues."
"No. And neither is anyone else at Shinra for that matter."
Angeal hums in agreement and then looks up as he spots movement outside his truck. Well, damn. "Listen, Genesis, I have to go. I'll do my best to handle this. What's your ETA?"
"Another six hours, minimum," Genesis says regretfully. "You're going to take Sephiroth on alone?"
"Hopefully not," Angeal says. "But probably. I'll… try to keep you posted."
"I'll write you a lovely eulogy," Genesis offers, and with a snort Angeal hangs up on him.
He takes a moment to inhale and brace himself. Then he turns the engine off and pockets his keys. The Turk outside waits politely - though not very patiently - for him to step out.
"Mr. Hewley, I'm here to escort you directly to Director Deusericus' office."
"I should head to the SOLDIER floor first," Angeal says slowly, warily - not liking the implications of this at all.
The bald Turk is utterly impassive behind his sunglasses. "Director Deusericus is waiting. This way."
So… the situation has already escalated to that point, has it. Damn.
Angeal grabs the Buster Sword and then follows the Turk to the elevators, and spends the entire time going up mentally running through all the ways this could go wrong. There's a lot of ways this could go wrong - but surely the company wouldn't actually try to eliminate Sephiroth?
Lazard's appearance doesn't give him much hope - the man's face is tight with tension, and there's a Turk lounging by the window, a casual threat.
"Angeal," Lazard says and looks up. He doesn't look at all relieved to see him - just more tense. "Good. There's no time for pleasantries or even explanations, so I'm just going to get to it."
"Sir," Angeal says guardedly.
"Sephiroth is on floor 49," Lazard begins while the Turks watch them with deceptive disinterest. "As far as we can tell, he's not actively hostile, but he hasn't moved in several hours. There are approximately twenty SOLDIER members on the floor with him, and they've stationed themselves between Sephiroth and the elevator. For security reasons, they're refusing entry for anyone but active SOLDIER members. Even I wasn't allowed off the elevator."
Angeal frowns. So either Sephiroth was too dangerous to let anyone in - or he was so vulnerable that SOLDIER members had stepped up to guard him. "I assume you're sending me in, with orders?"
"Yes. Sephiroth has a mission, and you're going to deliver him to it," Lazard says and picks up his PHS. "I'll send details to your account. Your first and only priority is getting Sephiroth out of the building and into the airport. There's a transport waiting for him on standby."
Angeal takes out his PHS and checks the newest mission.
They're sending Sephiroth to Wutai? Now? "Sir, I understand some disciplinary action is in order, but is this really the time for -"
"The less time we waste, the better for all of us," Lazard cuts him off and glances at the redheaded Turk by the window.
The Turk shrugs. "Sephiroth almost killed Department Head Hojo," he says lazily. "We at Shinra Public Security Department feel it's best to put some distance between the two."
Angeal blinks, surprised. "Sephiroth almost killed Hojo?" he asks faintly. "Was anyone else -?"
"No one was killed - there weren't even any injuries," Lazard assures him.
"You'll be briefed fully on the incident," the red head Turk promises, "once both you and Sephiroth are safely on board a transport and in the air."
Angeal tries to read between the lines, even as his gut says that sending a SOLDIER in what sounds like still ongoing mental breakdown to an active war zone is a bad idea. But then, he's not sure what's the alternative? He'd been half expecting to be tasked with Sephiroth's imprisonment! Or worse, his detainment in the labs!
If Sephiroth really attacked Hojo… Wutai might be his best chance at some freedom.
The red head Turk clears his throat. "Clock's ticking, SOLDIER First Class Angeal Hewley," he says. "Better get moving."
"There's a helicopter available on the HQ Landing Pad," the other Turk adds. "Or alternatively, a car in front of the building. Both your and Sephiroth's belongings have already been packed and delivered to the transport."
"All we are missing is the big guy himself," the red head says. "Think you can go get him for us?"
Angeal looks at them and then at Lazard, who's watching him seriously. The man looks weary and stressed - but not like his hand is being forced. There's not time for much else, he can only hope his read on the situation is right.
"Alright." Angeal nods. "I'll get Sephiroth on the transport."
"Good! We'll meet you there," the redhead says, clapping his hands together. "Don't be late! And Hewley… don't let anything stop you."
Angeal arches his brows in alarm as the two Turks saunter out. "What the hell does that mean?"
Lazard sighs. "Angeal," he says. "There's no time. Get Sephiroth out of here. Now."
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marchessa · 4 months
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Glory From Above by Marchessa
Rating: Explicit
Status: Ongoing
In a world where Vampires went extinct several decades ago, their half-breed offspring are still roaming the surface of Earth. The omega prince Harry is the closest collateral relative the Queen of Flórea has, and he is also the key piece for her to keep the throne. After several attempts on Harry’s life, the Queen decides to hire a noble knight as the Prince’s personal bodyguard. Alpha Louis, who is one of the most infamous but talented knights, is hired as Harry's bodyguard.
The Prince and his guardian embark on a long journey together. An adventure overshadowed by secrets. A quest where blood plays a bigger role than Harry is comfortable with. However, the flame of love will burn brightly even in the hopelessness of the night.
Chapter One - The New Bodyguard
Chapter Two - An Unpleasant First Meeting
Chapter Three - Getting To Know You
Chapter Four - The Assassination Attempt
Chapter Five - The Temple of Eternal Fire
Chapter Six - The One Who Suffers the Most
Chapter Seven - The Burning Pavilion
Chapter Eight - A Stroll In the Town
To be countinued
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mrkeatingsblazer · 5 months
Rick should make a pjo universe short story book.
Like pair up random characters with a member of the Seven and have them go on stupid quests and just do teenage things.
My favourite one I’ve thought of is Will and Leo going on a road trip to Austin to see Naomi preform. Will was gonna take Nico but Leo caught whiff of the fact he had two tickets and basically begged to go (I headcanon Leo LOVES country music, Naomi Solaces no.1 stan fr). Leo ends up building a fucking truck and is like “ROADTRIP❗️” Will is just like “huh” because he was low-key either gonna get Nico to shadow travel them or cash in his son of Apollo privileges and get him to drive them via the sun chariot.
The whole thing would just be a country filled shitshow and it would be amazing. They’d find themselves in a dance hall, Leo would get flung around on a mechanical bull and Will starts line dancing (of course they found themselves in a thrift shop before this after somehow destroying their clothes and they would buy cowboy boots and hats). A funny little moment would happen of a girl hitting on Will and he’s like “I have a boyfriend!!” And Leo just appears after winning the bull riding record and jumps into a hug with Will and the girl is just like “Awh sorry I didn’t know! You two are such a cute couple” and walks away leaving them flabbergasted.
They’d obviously have to fight a few monsters and maybe an enemy of one of there fathers(I can’t think of one that hasn’t already been defeated, maybe Geryon?!?). Both of them would be running around losing their shit bc neither of them are big fighters but Leo goes into his belt and starts tinkering and he just yells to Will who’s trying to hold the enemy back “Apollo kids have a good shot right” and Will’s like “Yeah but I’m not the best a-“ and Leo just throws something at him and says “shoot this!!!” And will just looks down and he’s holding a fucking gun that has celestial bronze bullets and he just blindly shoots and defeats the monster on his first shot leading him to realise that he has brilliant aim with a gun.This would send him spiralling for a page bc what do you mean he has good aim?!? He’s been horrendous with a bow all these years and all he needed was a gun to activate that power?!?
They would end up at the concert and have a blast (Leo 100% starts crying, Naomi is his Beyoncé) but Naomi would finish a song and invite a special guess out and out comes fucking Apollo. They would sing a duet (islands in the stream or smth idfk) and Will is just shocked. I feel like he would get a little sad and Leo’s just like “bruh you good?” through his own tears and Will just opens up and is like “ they seem so happy together, I wish I grew up with both of them” and Leo just hugs him as they watch Apollo and Naomi sing their hearts out on stage.
Sorry the Will and Leo Texas solidarity/bromance gets to me fr.
But like seriously this would be such a great idea!! Imagine Frank and Clarisse or Piper and Nico going on a random adventure together. It would be so chaotic.
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𝔼𝕩𝕡𝕝𝕠𝕣𝕚𝕟𝕘 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕊𝕖𝕧𝕖𝕟 𝔻𝕖𝕒𝕕𝕝𝕪 𝕊𝕚𝕟𝕤 𝕥𝕙𝕣𝕠𝕦𝕘𝕙 𝕊𝕒𝕥𝕦𝕣𝕟: 𝔸 𝕁𝕠𝕦𝕣𝕟𝕖𝕪 𝔸𝕔𝕣𝕠𝕤𝕤 𝕥𝕙𝕖 ℍ𝕠𝕦𝕤𝕖𝕤
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In the realm of astrology, every celestial body carries its own unique energy and symbolism. While Saturn is typically associated with themes of discipline, responsibility, and structure, let's discuss an intriguing exploration that reimagines this planet's influence through the lens of the Seven Deadly Sins. In this cosmic journey, we'll investigate what it means when Saturn is equated with greed and how this interpretation can shed new light on Saturn's presence in each of the astrological houses.
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Saturn in the 1st House: The Greed for Recognition When Saturn, symbolizing greed, resides in the 1st house of identity and self-expression, there's a strong desire for personal recognition and achievement. This placement may drive individuals to pursue success relentlessly, sometimes at the expense of their well-being or relationships. The challenge lies in balancing ambition with humility and authenticity.
Saturn in the 2nd House: The Greed for Possessions In the 2nd house of material wealth, Saturn's greed can manifest as an insatiable hunger for possessions and financial security. These individuals may constantly seek to accumulate wealth and assets, often neglecting other life areas. Learning to appreciate life's richness beyond material possessions is a crucial lesson.
Saturn in the 3rd House: The Greed for Knowledge Greed in the form of Saturn in the 3rd house leads to a relentless pursuit of knowledge and information. These individuals may hoard facts and data, often becoming know-it-alls or intellectual elitists. The challenge lies in fostering open-mindedness and recognizing the value of diverse perspectives.
Saturn in the 4th House: The Greed for Control When Saturn's greed resides in the 4th house of home and family, there's a strong desire for control within the domestic sphere. These individuals may struggle with overbearing tendencies and a need to dominate family dynamics. The lesson here is to find harmony between structure and emotional nurturing.
Saturn in the 5th House: The Greed for Recognition Similar to the 1st house placement, Saturn in the 5th house creates a greed for recognition, but in the realm of creativity and self-expression. These individuals may chase fame and validation through their artistic endeavors, sometimes neglecting genuine self-expression. Balancing creativity with authenticity is key.
Saturn in the 6th House: The Greed for Perfection In the 6th house of work and service, Saturn's greed manifests as a relentless pursuit of perfectionism. These individuals may become workaholics, seeking flawlessness in every task. Learning to embrace imperfections and maintain a healthy work-life balance is the challenge.
Saturn in the 7th House: The Greed for Control Greed, in the form of Saturn in the 7th house of partnerships, can lead to a desire for control within relationships. These individuals may struggle with issues of dominance and power struggles in their partnerships. Finding equilibrium between independence and cooperation is the lesson here.
Saturn in the 8th House: The Greed for Power The 8th house deals with transformation and power, and Saturn's greed in this house can lead to a strong hunger for control and influence. These individuals may grapple with issues of manipulation and control in their pursuit of power. Learning to use power responsibly and for positive transformation is the challenge.
Saturn in the 9th House: The Greed for Knowledge In the 9th house of higher education and philosophy, Saturn's greed is channeled into a quest for knowledge and wisdom. These individuals may become rigid in their beliefs and intolerant of differing viewpoints. The lesson involves embracing a broader perspective and the wisdom of diversity.
Saturn in the 10th House: The Greed for Success Saturn's greed in the 10th house of career and public image drives individuals to relentless pursuit of success and recognition in their professional lives. These individuals may prioritize ambition over personal fulfillment. Balancing ambition with ethical principles is the challenge.
Saturn in the 11th House: The Greed for Recognition Similar to the 1st and 5th house placements, Saturn in the 11th house creates a greed for recognition, but in the realm of social networks and ideals. These individuals may seek acknowledgment through their associations and affiliations. The lesson is to value authentic connections over superficial recognition.
Saturn in the 12th House: The Greed for Solitude In the 12th house of the subconscious and spirituality, Saturn's greed can lead to a strong desire for solitude and isolation. These individuals may retreat into their inner world, sometimes avoiding emotional connections. The challenge involves finding a balance between introspection and genuine human connection.
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By exploring Saturn's influence through the lens of greed and its manifestations in each astrological house, we gain a deeper understanding of the complexities within the birth chart. While Saturn's association with greed may initially seem negative, it offers valuable insights into the challenges and growth opportunities that individuals may encounter as they navigate their astrological journey.
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book--brackets · 2 months
Dragonkeeper Chronicles by Donita K. Paul (2004-2008)
When Kale, a slave girl, finds a dragon egg, she is given the unexpected opportunity to become a servant to Paladin. But on her way to The Hall, where she was to be trained, Kale runs into danger. Rescued by a small band of Paladin's servants, Kale is turned from her destination. 
Feeling afraid and unprepared, Kale embarks on a perilous quest to find the meech dragon egg stolen by the foul Wizard Risto. But their journey is threatened when a key member of the party is captured, leaving the remaining companions to find the Wizard Fenworth, attempt an impossible rescue, and recover the egg--whose true value they have not begun to suspect.
Clocktaur War by T. Kingfisher (2017-2018)
A paladin, an assassin, a forger, and a scholar ride out of town. It's not the start of a joke, but rather an espionage mission with deadly serious stakes. T. Kingfisher's new novel begins the tale of a murderous band of criminals (and a scholar), thrown together in an attempt to unravel the secret of the Clockwork Boys, mechanical soldiers from a neighboring kingdom that promise ruin to the Dowager's city.
If they succeed, rewards and pardons await, but that requires a long journey through enemy territory, directly into the capital. It also requires them to refrain from killing each other along the way At turns darkly comic and touching, Clockwork Boys puts together a broken group of people trying to make the most of the rest of their lives as they drive forward on their suicide mission.
The Deed of Paksenarrion by Elizabeth Moon (1988-1989)
Paksenarrion — Paks for short — is somebody special. She knows it, even if nobody else does yet. No way will she follow her father's orders to marry the pig farmer down the road. She's off to join the army, even if it means she can never see her family again.
And so her adventure begins... the adventure that transforms her into a hero remembered in songs, chosen by the gods to restore a lost ruler to his throne.
Here is her tale as she lived it.
Paks is trained as a mercenary, blooded, and introduced to the life of a soldier . . . and to the followers of Gird, the soldier's god.
Chronicles of the Imaginarium Geographica by James A. Owen (2006-2016)
An unusual murder brings together three strangers, John, Jack, and Charles, on a rainy night in London during the first World War. An eccentric little man called Bert tells them that they are now the caretakers of the Imaginarium Geographica -- an atlas of all the lands that have ever existed in myth and legend, fable and fairy tale. These lands, Bert claims, can be traveled to in his ship the Indigo Dragon, one of only seven vessels that is able to cross the Frontier between worlds into the Archipelago of Dreams.
Pursued by strange and terrifying creatures, the companions flee London aboard the Dragonship. Traveling to the very realm of the imagination itself, they must learn to overcome their fears and trust in one another if they are to defeat the dark forces that threaten the destiny of two worlds. And in the process, they will share a great adventure filled with clues that lead readers to the surprise revelation of the legendary storytellers these men will one day become.
Dragon Jousters by Mercedes Lackey (2003-2006)
The first book in this thrilling new series introduces us to a young slave who dreams of becoming a jouster-one of the few warriors who can actually ride a flying dragon. And so, in secret, he begins to raise his own dragon...
Frontier Magic by Patricia C. Wrede (2009-2012)
Eff was born a thirteenth child. Her twin brother, Lan, is the seventh son of a seventh son. This means he's supposed to possess amazing talent -- and she's supposed to bring only bad things to her family and her town. Undeterred, her family moves to the frontier, where her father will be a professor of magic at a school perilously close to the magical divide that separates settlers from the beasts of the wild.
In Other Lands by Sarah Rees Brennan (2017)
The Borderlands aren’t like anywhere else. Don’t try to smuggle a phone or any other piece of technology over the wall that marks the Border ― unless you enjoy a fireworks display in your backpack. (Ballpoint pens are okay.) There are elves, harpies, and ― best of all as far as Elliot is concerned ― mermaids.  "Serene," said Serene. "My full name is Serene-Heart-in-the-Chaos-of-Battle." Elliot? Who’s Elliot? Elliot is thirteen years old. He’s smart and just a tiny bit obnoxious. Sometimes more than a tiny bit. When his class goes on a field trip and he can see a wall that no one else can see, he is given the chance to go to school in the Borderlands. It turns out that on the other side of the wall, classes involve a lot more weaponry and fitness training and fewer mermaids than he expected. On the other hand, there’s Serene-Heart-in-the-Chaos-of-Battle, an elven warrior who is more beautiful than anyone Elliot has ever seen, and then there’s her human friend Luke: sunny, blond, and annoyingly likeable. There are lots of interesting books. There’s even the chance Elliot might be able to change the world. In Other Lands is the exhilarating new book from beloved and bestselling author Sarah Rees Brennan. It’s a novel about surviving four years in the most unusual of schools, about friendship, falling in love, diplomacy, and finding your own place in the world ― even if it means giving up your phone.
Iron Butterfly by Chanda Hahn (2012-2014)
Imprisoned, starved and left with no memories, Thalia awakens to find herself at the mercy of an evil cult known as the Septori. Their leader has chosen Thalia as the test subject for a torture device of untold power, designed to change and twist her into something that is neither human nor Denai.
Escaping, Thalia finds an unwilling warrior to protect her and an unlikely Denai to befriend her. After finding a home at the Citadel as a servant, Thalia’s worst nightmare comes to life and she begins to show signs of power. Scared and unable to control her gifts, she tries to hide her past to fit in among the Denai. But the Septori want their latest test subject back and will stop at nothing to retrieve her, dead or alive.
Old Magic by Marianna Curley (2000)
Jarrod Thornton is mesmerizing, but Kate Warren doesn’t know why.
Jarrod is the clumsy new boy at school that Kate can’t take her eyes off, and it’s not just because he has amazing eyes, but because she senses something different about him, and when he inadvertently blows up the classroom, she knows exactly what it is. He has powers like her, except he doesn’t know it and Kate sets out to show him. On their journey of discovery Kate learns Jarrod has an ancient curse on his family that will keep hurting his little brother and parents if they don’t do something to remove it.
Faerie Tale by Raymond E. Feist (1988)
Successful screenwriter Phil Hastings decides to move his family from sunny California to a ramshackle farmhouse in New York State. The idea is to take some time out, relax and pick up the threads of his career as a novelist. Good plan, bad choice. The place they choose is surrounded by ancient woodland. The house they choose is the centrepoint of a centuries-old evil intent on making its presence felt to intruders.
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mindstriker · 3 months
Been thinking a lot about Borderlands 3 and Rhys lately and since I've seen people posting a lot about the things they dislike about the way Borderlands 3 handled... literally everything, from previous games' characters to their strange and sudden insistent belief that "some of the megacorporations that make weapons to profit off of the galaxy being unsafe and constantly engage in inter-corporate war to steal things from each other are good actually" I thought I'd add a few of my own thoughts into the ring, this time specifically about Rhys- one of the characters who I found to be both dumbed down in 3 (although to a lesser extent than characters like Vaughn, who was pretty much just reduced to a bit character.) Cut because this is gonna be a long one, folks.
I think something interesting is the fact that Borderlands 3 really took away some of the snide, prideful behaviour Rhys had in the original Tales, kinda stripping him of some of his less "cutesy" personality flaws while giving him new ones he didn't necessarily have before- like accidentally making him seem incredibly shallow in quests like Space Laser Tag- where he's mainly concerned about trivial things like his favourite spots being destroyed while the company he fought to rebuild for the past SEVEN years is also being crushed. This is largely because instead of portraying him as the flawed but OVERALL currently well-intentioned (to some degree) character he is, they wanted him to be little more than an "adorkable" goofy type of character- and acknowledging his past of scheming ambition and potential to be incredibly dismissive of others doesn't fit that.
The thing *I* personally like the most about my perception of Rhys as a character is the dissonance between his character arc and his actions beyond the original Tales. I think it's important to spearhead this conversation with the fact that I don't like buying into the idea of Rhys being possessed by Handsome Jack post-TFTBL, trying to bring him back, or even still being in possession of his infected ECHOeye. Whether he sided with him for the majority of the original Tales or not, I prefer believing that the canon ending to the game inevitably resulted in Rhys finally discarding his idolization of Jack and resolving to veer his own life away from following in Jack's footsteps and towards creating his own ideal future with Atlas.
Does that immediately make him a morally perfect wonderful guy who's not still questionable by sheer virtue of INSISTING on making a return to the very corporate hellscape that pushed him to do everything from get unnecessary body modifications (still forever thinking about the fact that he did NOT lose that arm, my man had it purposefully removed for the sake of career success). No. The FUN part of it all is that Rhys is simultaneously right- he isn't like Jack, and I really don't like that the new Tales really switched up his behaviour to resemble his more- and wrong. Because at the end of the day, he's now still the CEO of a large-scale weapons manufacturer taking advantage of the unrest between planets and corporations just like every other big corp.
I think more than anything, I like Rhys best when he's a well-intentioned person (with glaring character flaws like a persistent love for the corporate life and lingering ambitions) who genuinely cares about Atlas and believes that it's the key to bettering the world he lives in- while simultaneously only REALLY managing to be, at most, a lesser evil. Someone snarky and occasionally snide, who's lightened up into the more affable, comfortable, almost silly persona we see in 3- but not missing the flaws that were definitive of his character in the past, either.
I wish we'd seen him have a stronger reaction to Katagawa Jr. and the possibility of losing Atlas, instead of the played-up-for-laughs kind of upset he displayed over things like a donut shop vs. the literal potential destruction of the company he scavenged out of a bad situation and brought back from the grave. I wanted to see him take it more PERSONALLY. To me, Atlas is in part Rhys trying to prove to HIMSELF that he doesn't need to be like Jack. It's proof and reassurance that when he tries to tell himself he's better, he's right. It's freedom from the corporate rat race he used to live in, because *he*'s in charge of it now, and he's running it with a lighter hand. To me, it's his own (flawed, yes, but I should've made that clear already) attempt to spit on everything Hyperion represented as a corporate environment.
If I'd had my way with it, honestly, I would've played a bit of a more emotional angle with the ideas Borderlands 3 lays out for you. I really love Katagawa Jr. for a lot of reasons, but one of them is the fact that he's a character that really echoes a lot of Rhys' own (past and present) character traits right back at him, and I think that should've been emphasized more. I wanted it to hurt more! Let Rhys look dead in the eyes someone who is, in many ways, eerily similar to himself- opportunistic power-grabbing and all- and realize that he's going to have to have him killed to protect what he's built for himself. I wanted him to realize that this was the only way things were ever going to turn out- because there's no happy ending when you go corporate in the Borderlands universe. It's going to be backstabbing, conflict with other manufacturers, and destruction all the way down.
Anyways I have a *lot* more to say than this (autism does that to a motherfucker)- but I see a lot of discourse? Discussion? Who knows- anyways. I see it a lot regarding Rhys, and I think my take is essentially, TLDR:
He doesn't need to be the pinnacle of evil, a new clone of Handsome Jack or someone stepping into his footsteps, just another heartless corporate fuck who underwent no character development whatsoever and is just as bad as Maliwan, or Tediore, or anyone else. He also shouldn't be reduced to "the good one". I know that Borderlands 3 itself is for the most part completely allergic to nuance, especially in character writing, but I think it's fascinating to play with the idea of a character who is trying to do their best to BE "the good one" and succeeding to some degree- while still failing to break the status quo in a way that matters. He also doesn't need to be entirely a goofy piece of shit that's obsessed with action figures, OR a conniving, snide asshole who's way too overconfident sometimes. He could've and should've been a bit of both, y'know?
Thanks for coming to my TED talk. If you read all this, you have my commendation.
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mywitchyblog · 17 days
Interviewing Hekate About Reality Shifting Part 2
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The Awaited second part of the interview with hekate abour shifting i will ask her 6 Questions regarding Shifting.
The third part will be done by you ! As in, you ask her questions (in the comments of this post) and i will select 5 to 8 of yours to ask her !
To Celebrate my 300 followers i offer for the next two weeks 50% off on all my readings so the price written on the post divide it by 2 and you have the price you will have to pay to purchase them.
Booking me :
Masterlist :
Part 1 of the Interview :
The Interview :
"Hekate, what advice do you have for someone who is new to the practice of reality shifting?" (page of cups reversed, knight of cups, strength reversed)
"Ah, newcomers to reality shifting. They often arrive with hearts full of excitement but must navigate some challenges. Let me share some insights for those just beginning this journey.
First, be prepared for some initial emotional turbulence. As a beginner, you might find your feelings about shifting are somewhat immature or unrealistic. There's often a tendency to romanticize the process or expect immediate, dramatic results. It's important to temper these expectations and approach shifting with a more grounded perspective.
That said, don't let this dampen your enthusiasm entirely. Embrace the idealism and passion you bring to this practice. Like a knight embarking on a quest, allow your imagination and sense of adventure to guide you. This emotional engagement is a powerful tool in shifting, so nurture it, but balance it with realism.
Now, here's a crucial point: don't be discouraged if you feel you lack the inner strength or confidence at first. Many newcomers struggle with self-doubt or fear. This is normal. Reality shifting can be intimidating, and it's okay to feel vulnerable or uncertain.
My advice? Start small. Don't push yourself too hard too fast. Begin with simple visualization exercises or meditation practices to build your mental focus. Be patient with yourself and celebrate small victories.
Also, seek support from experienced shifters or supportive communities. Their guidance can be invaluable, especially when you're feeling unsure.
Remember, shifting is as much about the journey as it is about the destination. Embrace the learning process, be kind to yourself when facing obstacles, and allow your passion to fuel your progress.
Lastly, trust in your own unique path. Everyone's experience with shifting is different. What works for others may not work for you, and that's perfectly fine. Stay open, stay curious, and most importantly, enjoy the journey of discovery that lies ahead."
"Hekate, how does one's belief system influence their ability to shift realities?" (lovers reversed, hanged man, seven of cups reversed, queen of cups reversed)
"Ah, the interplay between belief and shifting… it's a complex dance, filled with both challenges and profound insights.
First, understand that conflicting beliefs can significantly hinder one's ability to shift. Many find themselves torn between their desire to shift and their ingrained beliefs about what's possible or 'real'. This internal conflict can create a formidable barrier.
However, here's where it gets interesting: sometimes, the key to breakthrough lies in suspending your current belief system entirely. Like the Hanged Man, you must be willing to view the world from a completely different perspective. This isn't about replacing one rigid belief with another, but about cultivating a state of openness and surrender.
Now, it's crucial to address the role of fantasies and illusions in this process. A strong belief system can help ground you, preventing you from getting lost in unrealistic expectations or scattered visions of what shifting should be. It's about finding clarity amidst the myriad possibilities.
But be cautious. There's a risk of becoming emotionally detached or overly analytical about the whole process. Your beliefs shouldn't create an emotional barrier between you and the experience of shifting. Remember, shifting often involves deeply personal, emotional journeys.
So, how do you navigate this? Start by examining your core beliefs about reality, consciousness, and possibility. Be honest with yourself about what you truly believe, not just what you want to believe. Then, practice flexibility in your thinking. Cultivate a belief system that allows for expansion and new experiences, rather than one that limits you.
Importantly, understand that belief is not just intellectual assent. It's a deep, often subconscious acceptance that permeates your entire being. Work on aligning your conscious thoughts, subconscious beliefs, and emotional responses.
Ultimately, the most conducive belief system for shifting is one that acknowledges the vastness of possibility while remaining grounded in personal truth. It's a delicate balance of openness, discernment, and trust in your own experience.
Remember, shifting isn't about forcing yourself to believe something. It's about expanding your understanding of what's possible and allowing yourself to explore beyond the boundaries of your current perception."
"Hekate, what are the most common challenges people face when attempting to shift realities?" (three of wands, page of cups reversed, ace of swords reversed)
"Ah, the challenges of reality shifting. It's a journey filled with both promise and pitfalls. Let me illuminate some of the most common obstacles seekers encounter.
First and foremost, many approach shifting with grand expectations and eagerness for immediate results. Like an adventurer gazing at distant horizons, they're filled with anticipation. This enthusiasm is beautiful, but it can also be a double-edged sword. The excitement often leads to impatience, causing frustration when results don't manifest as quickly as hoped.
Another significant challenge lies in the emotional realm. Many, especially those new to shifting, struggle with immature or unrealistic emotional responses to the process. They might become easily discouraged, overly attached to specific outcomes, or have difficulty processing the intense emotions that can arise during shifting attempts. It's like a young artist facing their first critique - the emotional vulnerability can be overwhelming.
Perhaps one of the most pervasive challenges is mental clarity, or rather, the lack thereof. Many find it difficult to maintain a clear, focused mindset during their attempts. Doubts creep in, clouding their thoughts. They might struggle to visualize their desired reality clearly or battle with intrusive thoughts that undermine their efforts. It's as if they're trying to cut through a fog with a dull blade - the intention is there, but the execution is hindered.
Additionally, many face the challenge of integrating their shifting experiences with their everyday lives. They might have difficulty reconciling what they experience during shifts with their normal reality, leading to confusion or cognitive dissonance.
Lastly, there's the challenge of consistency and persistence. Shifting often requires regular practice and unwavering commitment, even in the face of seeming failure. Many give up too soon, not realizing that progress in shifting can be subtle and cumulative.
To overcome these challenges, I advise cultivating patience, emotional maturity, and mental discipline. Approach shifting as a long-term journey of self-discovery rather than a quick fix. Work on developing a clear, focused mind through meditation or other mindfulness practices. And above all, be gentle with yourself. Every attempt, every 'failure', is a step forward in your understanding and ability.
Remember, the path of shifting is as much about personal growth as it is about experiencing alternate realities. Embrace the challenges as opportunities for deeper self-knowledge and spiritual development."
"Hekate, what role does intention play in successful reality shifting?" (three of wands reversed, seven of pentacles, page of pentacles reversed)
"Intention in reality shifting… ah, it's a crucial element, but its role might surprise you.
First, let's address a common misconception. Many believe that strong intention alone is enough to propel them into their desired reality. They set their sights on a distant goal, expecting their sheer will to make it happen. However, this approach often leads to frustration and disappointment. Intention is important, yes, but it's not a magic wand.
The true power of intention in shifting lies in its ability to guide your focus and efforts over time. Think of it like tending a garden. You plant the seeds of your intention, but then comes the patient work of nurturing and waiting. Results don't manifest overnight, but with consistent care and attention, your efforts will bear fruit.
Now, here's where many stumble: they approach intention with an immature or unrealistic mindset. They might set intentions that are too vague, too grandiose, or disconnected from their true desires. It's like a novice gardener dreaming of an instant orchard without understanding the intricacies of cultivation.
So, how can you harness intention effectively for shifting?
Start by grounding your intentions in reality. Be specific about what you want to experience, but also be open to how it might manifest. Your intention should be a guiding star, not a rigid demand.
Next, align your actions with your intentions. Shifting isn't just about what you want, but about who you become in the process. Let your intention influence your daily choices and habits. This alignment creates a powerful resonance that supports your shifting practice.
Also, be patient and observant. Like a farmer watching for the first sprouts, pay attention to subtle changes and small successes. These are signs that your intention is taking root.
Remember, the most powerful intentions come from a place of inner knowing and authenticity. They're not about escaping your current reality, but about expanding into new possibilities.
Lastly, hold your intentions with a balance of focus and flexibility. Be clear about what you want, but open to how the universe might deliver it. Sometimes, the reality you shift to might not look exactly as you imagined, but it could be exactly what you need.
In essence, intention in shifting is like a compass on a journey. It points the way, but you still need to walk the path. Use it to guide your efforts, maintain your focus, and stay connected to your deepest desires. With time and practice, you'll find that your ability to shift realities grows alongside your skill in setting and holding powerful intentions."
"Hekate, how can someone prepare themselves mentally and spiritually for reality shifting?" (five of pentacles reversed, page of pentacles, queen of wands reversed)
"Preparing oneself for reality shifting is a journey of both inner and outer work. Let me share some insights on this process.
Firstly, it's crucial to address any lingering feelings of lack or unworthiness. Many approach shifting from a place of desperation, feeling that their current reality is somehow insufficient. This mindset can be a significant obstacle. Instead, work on healing these wounds and recognizing the abundance already present in your life. This shift in perspective can open doors you didn't even know existed.
Now, here's an interesting aspect: while you're working on your inner state, it's equally important to engage in practical, grounded learning about shifting. Approach it with the curiosity and openness of a student. Read, research, and practice basic techniques. This combination of inner healing and outer learning creates a solid foundation for your shifting journey.
However, be cautious of falling into the trap of overconfidence or impatience. Many, especially those with a naturally bold or fiery temperament, might rush into advanced techniques before they're ready. This can lead to frustration or burnout. Remember, preparation is a process, not a race.
So, how can you effectively prepare?
Start with self-reflection. Understand your motivations for shifting. Are they coming from a place of curiosity and growth, or from a desire to escape? Addressing this can help align your intentions more powerfully.
Practice mindfulness and meditation. These skills are invaluable in shifting, as they help you maintain focus and awareness during the process.
Work on your visualization skills. Start with simple exercises and gradually build up to more complex scenarios. This trains your mind to hold and manipulate detailed images, which is crucial in shifting.
Explore energy work or other spiritual practices that resonate with you. This can help you become more attuned to subtle energies and states of consciousness.
Cultivate a balanced lifestyle. A healthy body and mind create a more conducive environment for shifting. This includes proper sleep, nutrition, and stress management.
Build a supportive community or find a mentor. Having others to share experiences with can provide encouragement and valuable insights.
Lastly, cultivate patience and self-compassion. Preparation is an ongoing process, and everyone's journey is unique. Celebrate small progress and be kind to yourself during challenges.
Remember, preparing for shifting is as much about personal growth as it is about achieving a specific goal. Embrace the journey of self-discovery that comes with it. As you prepare, you may find that you're not just getting ready to shift realities – you're already shifting your current reality in profound ways."
"Hekate, can people shift to any reality they desire, or are there limitations?" (ten of swords reversed, seven of swords, four of wands)
"Ah, the boundaries of shifting… it's a topic that sparks much debate and contemplation. Let me share some insights on this complex matter.
First, it's important to understand that the concept of 'limitation' in shifting isn't as clear-cut as many might think. There's a tendency to believe that all limitations are simply mental constructs that can be overcome with enough will or skill. While there's some truth to this, it's not the whole picture.
The good news is that many perceived limitations are indeed self-imposed. Often, what holds people back isn't an actual barrier, but their own fears, doubts, or subconscious beliefs. Recognizing and working through these internal obstacles can significantly expand one's shifting capabilities.
However, here's where it gets tricky: there's an element of unpredictability and mystery in the shifting process. Sometimes, the realities we access aren't exactly what we intended or expected. It's as if there's a hidden hand guiding the process, leading us to realities that may be more aligned with our deeper needs or overall growth, rather than our surface desires.
This doesn't mean deception or failure, though. In fact, many shifters find joy and fulfillment in realities they hadn't initially aimed for. It's like planning a journey to a specific destination but discovering an even more beautiful place along the way.
So, can people shift to any reality they desire? In theory, the possibilities are vast, perhaps limitless. But in practice, it's more nuanced. Your ability to shift is influenced by various factors: your belief systems, your energetic alignment, your spiritual development, and even factors we might not fully understand yet.
My advice? Approach shifting with an open mind and heart. Set your intentions for the realities you wish to experience, but also remain open to unexpected possibilities. Sometimes, the universe (or your higher self) might have plans that surpass your current understanding or desires.
Remember, the joy of shifting isn't just in reaching a specific reality, but in the growth and discoveries you make along the way. Each attempt, each experience, contributes to your overall journey.
Ultimately, while the potential for shifting seems boundless, it's wise to approach it with a balance of ambition and humility. Push your boundaries, explore new possibilities, but also respect the mystery and wisdom inherent in the process. The most rewarding shifts often come when we're open to both our desires and the greater flow of existence."
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kekaki-cupcakes · 10 months
Yay fellow aroace!
I love cute moments too! Yours are so adorable as well!
So uhm… maybe a little sis annabeth being protected / being taken care of by her older cool sis?
I loved the punk Jason concept as well so maybe something similar? Thank you so much if you do this!
And yeah! Byeee
Thanks so much for this ask even though it's been sitting in my inbox for centuries lol I have so many asks and little motivation but this one was so close to done, that's why the endings a little rushed <3
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Bite me, bitch boy--- Annabeth Chase/Protective older sister!reader
»»————- ★ ————-««
-Annabeth got to camp when she was seven. She became the cabin counselor at nine. 
-Who in their right mind let a literal baby be in charge of eight bossy, snarky, far too intelligent and prideful demigods? Who said, ‘you know what this cabin needs? A child to run it!’
-It was safe to say that when you got to camp at fifteen years old and soon after got shoved into a wooden cabin full of unorganized folders and sheets of paper and books, with three toothbrushes [eight kids???] and a mini fridge with literally nothing in it, you had something to say.
-Specifically to Chiron, who reassured you that you could of course speak with the cabin counselor about how the children of Athena were living, once she got back from her quest.
-Oh, so maybe there was a proper leader here, they were just away. That made sense, they’d be smart, and obviously knew what they were doing. That shut you up for a few days, and put up with the fact there were no lights out and your little brother hadn’t showered in two weeks. 
-Then a scrawny, angry at the world, little girl came back with swinging braids and far too sharp a knife for a twelve year old, carting behind her a traumatized school boy and a very hungry goat.  
-Your expectations took a dip.
-After your new little sister was tucked into bed and you finally figured out how to threaten your siblings into shutting their books and going to sleep [Spiders, spiders were the key.], you marched straight back to Chiron and demanded a union.
-You didn’t get one. 
-So instead you did some spring cleaning. While your siblings were out showing off their wits and picking strawberries, you stacked up every piece of paper in the cabin and threw out all the random things from three years ago, organizing everything away neatly into the bookshelves and filing cabinets no one had thought to use yet. A deep clean began, and you probably held up the laundry near the infirmary for a good four hours. 
-You found an old cork board in the stables that Butch [he was nice, even if he only talked about Pegasi and a comic called Heartstopper] let you take, and pinned up everyone schedules on it, instead of where they had been washi taped to the bathroom mirror. One of your brother's school reports appeared in the mini fridge as well, so that got pinned up too. 
-Said mini fridge was filled with water and strawberries that Malcom brought back, along with mud that got tracked through the fluffy rug you’d exchanged with Silena for the third volume of Butch’s comic. 
-Annabeth glared at you with those stormy eyes that everyone in the cabin shared. 
-Apparently, as the head counselor of the Athena cabin, she was supposed to be the one doing all the things you’d done, and she did not appreciate your disrespect for the rules or her position.
-Once she found the wafer biscuits in the minifridge you’d grabbed from the camp store after Katie got one of the old ipods you’d brought with you to camp after finding out about the wifi rule, she calmed down a little.
»»————- ★ ————-««
-Annabeth was fuming.
-How dare you just… come into her cabin and take over?
-How come all her other siblings didn’t seem to mind that you had this one really cool tattoo on your thigh and seemed to be allowed to just wander into the camp store and take stuff, because apparently Katie owed you something and the Athena cabin got free wafers?
-And somehow Clarrise decided not to dunk your head in the toilet on your first day [Percy was unhappy about that as well, but seaweed belonged in water anyway. He didn’t like that comment either.] because something about Silena and hearts stopping? 
-Annabeth was supposed to be in charge, and now you were going to the camp counselor meeting instead and forcing Annabeth to lay in bed all day with a box of tissues because a temperature of forty degrees wasn’t normal. You even brought back a bag of those cheetos that the Stolls always dug up for meetings for her. 
-It sucked.
-So she decided to let some of her anger out in the form of beheading each and every dummy propped up in the arena. 
-Stuffing was scattered around on the sandy floor and Annabeth could feel beads of sweat on her dark skin. Her knife was flecked with the blood that beaded on her palm after clenching her knife too tightly for too long.
-A few Iris kids were casting rainbow mists that faded into droplets of poison on the other side of the arena, and she was careful to avoid them as she whipped around and got one of the dummies in the back of the neck, which would kill any normal person not sewn together by a bored teenager.
-Of course the sawdust billowing up wasn’t helping her stuffy nose or unfocused eyes because actually that dummy’s torso looked like a great pillow but then she was tearing out its insides because she wasn’t sick. 
-She refused to let you be all cool and right and big sister-y because Annabeth was in charge, she didn’t need a big sister to make her hot chocolate before bed when she had to finish a model for Hecate's new potion shop on Olympus and take spiders out of the bathroom because somehow you didn’t find then as absolutely terrifying as the rest of them did.
-The braid that hit her cheek felt like a spider leg in that moment and Annabeth fell back with a yelp, pulling all her hair behind her shoulders and breathing hard, her glinting knife near her feet.
-It was shiny and metallic and there were spider legs and then she was running, sprinting and puffing and following that arachnid-like robot from Hephaestus through the Labyrinth before they all lost it and got stuck walking in circles and circles and circles with spider legs crawling over her skin that were in her lungs-
-Deep breaths, that was all she needed to do. Annabeth pushed a fist to her chest and rolled her shoulders back, trying to blink away the image of the metallic spider crawling over her shoe.
-There was a cackle of laughter and she righted herself. She wasn’t sick. She wasn’t scared. And she was not going to be laughed at. 
-She turned but her braids were still touching her and they were crawling over her and she couldn’t breathe because the spiders were on her but she wasn’t scared and she would not be laughed at and her knife fell out of her hand and-
-”If you don’t leave right now, I’m rostering you all on for clean up duty in the kitchens tonight, and I’m telling Butch it was you guys who let Olive and Clover out onto the lava wall!” 
-”He won’t believe you, and you can’t boss us around, newbie!” Someone yelled, and Annabeth pulled all of her hair back, a gray streak in the corner of her was tucked behind her ear. She felt like throwing up when the heat washed over her skin, prickly as a cactus. 
-”Bite me, bitch boy!” You snapped, and there was a clanging of metal and then a yelp.
-Silence filled the arena as Iris kids shuffled out, but Annabeth lost track of them a moment later because there was four of them and then eight and then twelve and then it hurt her head too much to count and suddenly there was two of you marching up,a shiny spear speckled with poison rainbow droplets. 
-You dropped the spear and Annabeth couldn’t see much else because everything was grainy and full of static and the heat on her dark skin was crawling with spiders and itchiness.
-Annabeth stepped forwards, the ground coming a lot closer to her face than she planned. 
-She gulped down a cry of pain and squinted up at you, then tried to tell you to fuck off, because she wasn’t sick. It only came out as a pathetic mumble, and she lay limp, glaring up at you foggily.
-You smiled, and Annabeth tried to take it patronizingly so she could continue hating you. But it wasn’t patronizing, even when you spoke softly, “Come on, let’s get you back in bed.”
-Annabeth huffed as she was carried out, “Mnuhsick.”
-“Percy and that funny goat boy are waiting.” Your smile was patronizing then. “They brought Hidden Figures and Legally Blonde.” 
-“That’s what I thought.” 
»»————- ★ ————-««
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samkiszkasfacialhair · 9 months
Brand New Start
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Brand New Start
Pairing: Danny Wagner and Female Reader
Summary: Danny could use some help achieving a new, much needed look.
Warnings: Scissors
Word Count: 2.5k
As relationships go, yours was fairly new. You’d been seeing Danny for just a few months but things had been going really well, progressing pretty fast even.
Being with Danny was simple. He was easy going, low maintenance, and nothing but sweet to you. Even though things with him were new, you couldn’t help but imagine a future with him. 
The only downside was that Danny had a hectic schedule. With the band's new album and tour, his job really began picking up and it was becoming difficult to spend time together. He was spending the majority of his days at tour rehearsals or in the studio working on things for the new album and next album after that so he wasn't home a lot. When he did get home, he was usually too tired to do much until the weekends, which was understandable.
So, he gave you a key to let yourself in and be able to spend more time with him when he got home, even if it was just a night in with dinner and a movie. It was easier this way. You’d finish work, pack a bag for the night, and be at his place waiting for him when he came home with dinner either cooked or on the way.
Most weeknights, you’d arrive at his house before he would get home, and he’d usually come home around seven. But tonight was different. When you got to his place, all signs pointed to the fact that he was home and he had been home for a while. 
You put your stuff down in the living room and called out to him but were met with no answer. 
All the lights were on and the curtains were all open. 
The TV was still on and a half drunk beer was on the coffee table next to a half empty bowl of pretzels.
In the kitchen, he had steaks thawing out on the counter. 
His keys were hanging by the door and his sneakers were discarded right by the stairs.
He was definitely home. 
You began walking upstairs on a quest to find him when the faint sound of music caught your ear. 
It was coming from Danny’s room.
The music led you into his bedroom and his voice singing along to the music brought you towards his open bathroom door.
“Baby, what are you do- Oh my God,” you said, shocked, as you stopped in the doorway upon seeing Danny in the mirror. 
He was standing there, leaning over the sink with a pair of scissors in his left hand and a chunk of his hair between the blades.
His eyes met yours in the mirror and he jumped just a bit since he obviously wasn’t expecting to see you. 
“Are you?” you asked cautiously, squinting at him and slightly smiling. 
All he could do was nod. There was still a look of shock on his face and his hands were still holding the scissors and chunk of hair.
You walked into the bathroom and stood next to him at the counter. 
Reaching down, you picked up a box of black hair dye.
“And…dying it too?” you asked.
He lowered his arms a bit and looked over at you next to him, “That’s the plan,” he said. 
“So you just decided to come in here and…”
“Chop it? Yeah,” he said with a hint of laughter in his voice. 
You reached out to him and gently took the scissors from his hand. You turned the music down on his speaker. Looking down at the box of dye in one hand and the scissors in the other, you shook your head.
Apprehensively, he looked down at you and bit the side of his lip.
“You have no idea what you’re doing, do you?” you asked, smiling, and looking up at him.
“Not a fucking clue,” he laughed as a shade of pink appeared on his cheeks.
He lowered his chin and his smile faded along with his laughter.
You felt a little bad for walking in on him at this moment. It was clear he was embarrassed and feeling a little defeated. 
You placed the scissors and box down on the bathroom counter and ran your hand across his jaw and under his chin, lifting it up a little to meet his gaze. You moved your hand from his face into his hair and swirled your finger around one loose curl ringlet. It was brown with a few strands of blonde mixed in. He had dark brown, almost black roots grown out that no longer matched the previous dye job which you knew he did carelessly when he broke up with his ex girlfriend.
His hair was dry and brittle and barely held any shape, especially the ends.
In a whisper, you sweetly assured him, “Lemme help you.”
Danny looked over at your finger in his hair and then back at your face as a small smile appeared on him again before he kissed you softly. 
Upon pulling back from him, you told him to get an old towel or a shirt he didn’t care about while you read the directions on the box and got to work squeezing the colorant into the developer and shook it up.
He returned to the bathroom in an old black T shirt that was tight on him. It was definitely from his teen days. The sleeves tugged at his biceps and it was super tight on his chest as well. 
As you slipped the gloves on, he sat down on the closed toilet seat next to you.
With the bottle in hand, you stood in front of him, straddling his legs so your inner thighs were touching his outer thighs. 
He held onto the back of your thighs with his full palm spread, rubbing his thumbs up and down your legs. 
As you brought the bottle to his head, you rested your forearms on his shoulders and looked down at him. 
“Ready? There’s no going back once I start,” you warned, raising your eyebrows.
“Ready,” he whispered, giving your butt a light pat.
Carefully, you worked the dye into his hair. You separated it into sections and made sure dye covered every strand from root to tip.
As you worked it into his hair, little specks of it splattered onto his cheeks and nose and he flinched as they hit him and kept his eyes closed.
You reached over to the counter, grabbed a tissue, and wiped his face clean.
As you wiped the spots of dye off the sides of his nose and cheeks, he opened his eyes and looked at you as if you were a dream. His eyes had that green tint to them that you could only see sometimes. They were soft and sparkly with just a hint of left over black eyeliner smudged along his lash lines, giving him that dark look that you absolutely loved.
You kissed the end of his nose and finished the dye job, letting the dye seep into his hair for the amount of time instructed on the box while you cleaned up his hairline and ears with a wet paper towel. 
When it was time, he stood up and headed for the sink.
He gave himself a look in the mirror with wide eyes. He was a mess. His long hair was full of dye that was dripping down onto his shoulders and spreading out all over the shirt.
He leaned over the sink and placed his head into the bowl of it, face first. You helped gather all his hair and gently, careful not to let any more dye splatter, you flipped it over his head.
“It’s gonna be cold at first,” you said, wincing, as you turned the faucet on slowly and let the water hit the back of his head. 
Danny flinched as the cold water hit the back of his head and instantly, the sink became a pool of black water as the dye rinsed out.
“You okay, Baby?” you asked, moving his hair around to get a good look at his face.
He was visibly uncomfortable. He had his eyes closed tight. The water was cold and was running from the back of his head, down his face, and over his nose and mouth. He shriveled his neck up and goosebumps appeared on his arms from how cold it was. He was bent over at an odd angle for his tall frame and it was obvious his back was probably hurting him. 
“Mhm,” he lied, wincing and breathing out hard, pushing water off his lips with his breath. 
You sucked on your teeth and frowned at him, feeling sorry for him. 
After getting the water to a warmer temperature, you leaned on him lightly and placed your chin on his shoulder, giving it little kisses. 
With one hand, you rubbed up and down his back. Your other hand found the base of his neck and starting from the roots, you ran your fingers through his hair gently as the water came down on them, making sure to get all the dye out. 
You gave his scalp little scratches as you let the water run through his hair, earning little hums from him.
Once the water was rinsing clear, you turned off the faucet, squeezed a good amount of conditioner into your palm, and worked it into his hair. 
After rinsing the conditioner out, you placed a towel over his head. He grabbed the towel, letting his hands rest on top of yours for a moment and squeezed down to let the towel absorb the excess water. 
He squeezed down on your hands as he did it. His hands were rough and giant on top of yours and he knew you liked it. 
You were glad he couldn’t see your face right now because you were smiling like a middleschool girl with a crush.
Carefully, Danny pulled his head out from under the faucet and stood up, arching his back to stretch it out a bit. 
He took the towel off his head and a wild mass of long, wet, tangled, and now black hair fell down and started curling up instantly.
“Woah,” he said as he caught a glimpse of himself in the mirror.
After the initial shock wore off, the tiniest smile spread across his face as he played with his hair and moved it around a bit. 
“Relax, Handsome, it's not done yet,” you joked, breaking him away from the mirror, handing him a comb, and keeping the scissors for yourself as you opened and closed the blades back and forth quickly at him. 
“You’re gonna cut it?” he asked, smiling.
“Yes I’m going to cut it!” you laughed, “Did you see how you were holding those scissors when I walked in on you? Besides, you’re a lefty, it’ll end up so crooked if you do it yourself. Now sit down, Daniel. I’m gonna make you pretty.”
He smiled, rolled his eyes, and did what you said. 
You were right and he knew it. And secretly, even though he wouldn’t fully show it, he loved that you were doing this for him and with him. 
He combed the knots out of his hair and sat on the edge of the tub. You draped the damp towel around his shoulders, parted his hair down the middle, and talked with him about what he wanted. 
He wanted it to just come above his shoulders to get all the dead ends off. He also wanted the bangs he had grown out to blend in with it on either side.
It seemed doable.
For the first few minutes you played around with his hair, pulling chunks of it straight and letting them coil back up into curls to see what exactly you were working with before you cut it. Dying hair was one thing- it was simple and the box had directions. Cutting hair, curly hair at that, was much different. 
You let the curls rest naturally and then gave him a good look, imagining exactly how he wanted it and trying your best to envision it. 
“You okay, Baby?” he asked, somewhat mimicking the way you asked him earlier when his head was in the sink. 
“Mhm,” you lied as you squinted your eyes and bit your bottom lip, trying to concentrate on doing the right thing here.
After a minute, starting in the front, you made sure it was the right spot, and SNIP- a chunk of Danny’s hair fell to the floor. 
Both of you looked down at it as it fell.
You looked back at Danny who was visibly worried by exactly how much hair was on the floor. 
You smiled at him, proud of yourself. 
“Don’t worry, Baby. It looks good. I promise,” you assured him.
This time, you weren’t lying. The length was perfect. All you had to do was repeat that action around his entire head. 
And that is exactly what you did. You were careful at first but the task got easier as you went and the tension and nerves that once lingered in the air faded. 
“So why did you want to do all this anyway?” you asked as you knelt in the tub behind Danny, carefully cutting the back of his hair. 
“I’ve thought about it for a while. Just time for a change I guess. Needed something new. My natural hair is pretty much black anyway,” he said, shrugging.
He was right. This was much needed. Danny had changed a lot in the past year, both physically and mentally. Some of which you saw and felt, and some of which you only heard about when he would tell you stories.
But regardless, you were excited for him and his new look. Besides, he looked good. Really good. It was like his outsides were finally matching his insides. 
You finished him up, cut any pieces that you missed previously and had him stand up and take the towel off. 
You squeezed some of his curl cream into your palms and ran your fingers through his hair, swirling your fingers around the ringlets and allowing the product to work its magic. Almost immediately, his curls became more defined and structured. They had better shape to them than they had before.
“Okay, done,” you said proudly as you moved out of the way and gave Danny his first glance at his new look in the mirror. 
“Oh, wow,” he said, turning his head slightly to get a good view of the entire thing, “This looks really good, actually. Thank you, Baby.”
“You look handsome,” you said, standing next to him but looking up at him instead of looking in the mirror like he was.
“I prefer sexy,” he said, moving his gaze from the mirror to you next to him.
Danny wrapped his arms around the small of your back and pulled you in close to him. 
“Mmm, that too,” you giggled, standing on your tiptoes to give him a kiss which didn’t last too long because his smile broke it and you ended up kissing his teeth. 
He pulled back, looking down at his arm, “I should get a tattoo next,” he joked, “ya know, complete my new look.”
You laughed, “You could barely handle that cold water, you think you could handle getting a tattoo?”
“I know I could handle it,” he replied matter of factly, spinning you around and out of the bathroom, “Now come on,” he said, giving your ass a smack, “Let’s clean this up. We got dinner to cook and love to make.”
Song: Niall Horan- On a Night Like Tonight
Author’s Note: To all my Danny lovers out there, I hope I did your man well. I never saw him in any kind of “romantic” way until the haircut and tattoo. I’ve never dyed hair or written a Danny fic before so tell me what you think but be nice!
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medievalpeasant · 8 months
btw. i don’t actually think there’s any timeline conflict between the seven and junior year. it could easily take place after spring break in the sophomore year of the bad kids.
Prom is pretty variable, and when it’s held depends on the school, but in my experience it’s held significantly before the end of school. Plus, Goldenhoard has a vested interest in having it as soon as possible given his plans.
Brennan describes the seven as taking place a year and a half later, and the description of the first episode says a year later. taking the average of the two (with possibly a little bias towards the description, as dms are improvising and therefore may often make a mistake regarding minor details like that) a year and a quarter after prom would be after spring break but before the end of the school year. This would track, given the importance of graduation in the seven, something that would, you know, be going on at the end of the year. Admittedly, brennan does say it’s the beginning of the year, but again, DM mistakes, and that seems mostly to be an introduction to the pertinent fact that the seven are all in different years of school, some are juniors and some are seniors or super seniors.
Ostentashia Wallace is introduced in the first episode of freshman year, the first day of school. Now, given that none of the PCs knew each other already on the first day, it seems reasonable to assume that it is not an uncommon experience for incoming freshmen to know no one on their first day. Therefore it seems significant that Ostentashia is described as speaking with friends when Riz interrupts her to ask Ostentashia to spy for him. If she is a freshman on day one, it seems unlikely to me that she would have these friends, indicating she might be a sophomore. This would track also given the sort of dismissive attitude she has towards riz at first, kinda low key telling him to fuck off by first asking for 20 gold pieces in exchange and then asking for one the principal’s teabags, an insane thing to try and steal given the risk, especially on one’s first day (riz does this because he is in fact insane). She later has a fairly popular party, further indicating that she has greater social power than your average freshman. So, if Ostentashia is a sophomore in freshman year, and a junior in the seven, it seems reasonable to assume that the Seven takes place something like a year after FHFY.
Given all of that, I suggest that the seven took place after spring break but before summer vacation in the sophomore year of the bad kids. Zelda and Gorgug break up or have whatever relationship trouble during the summer, while gorgug is on the night yorb quest (which makes sense, the other big argument we see between them also begins when they are separated for a quest). blam
anyway those are my thoughts about the whole thing. sorry if ur one of my mutuals who doesn’t watch d20. i have autism.
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bardic-inspo · 6 months
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Midnight Chimes - Series Masterlist
✨Pairing: Astarion x Cursed! Tav
✨Fic Summary:
It’s easier for Astarion to believe Naomi tastes so sweet because she was his first. Easier to ignore the fact that every undead in vague proximity yearns for the same blood that’s sated him night after night. Easier to pretend her music is arcane as any other bard’s, and not divine enough to wake corpses from the dirt. Easier to pretend Naomi is simply a bard, and not something more akin to a siren. One that's slowly realized she's not just another sailor, after all. Easier to bury the fact that he's already stupidly in love with her. Like she wouldn't just raise that out of the ground, too. A curse rears its head. A devil comes calling. Astarion fights for his freedom from Cazador. He and the rest of their merry little band fight to save Tav from the doom she feels she's fated for.
✨CW: Eventual smut, canon-typical gore/violence, depiction of Astarion's trauma
✨Key Tags: Angst with a Happy Ending, Hurt/Comfort, Medium Burn, Tav has her own Subplot, Gothic Vibes, Deals with Devils, Some Canon Divergence, The Pale Elf Quest
✨Chapters: 7/?? (Ongoing)
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Chapter List
*Chapters that include smut will be listed with pink titles.
✨Chapter One: You Look Different in the Daylight
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✨Chapter Two: Moths to Flame
Read on AO3 // Read on Tumblr
✨Chapter Three: Restless Bones
Read on AO3 // Read on Tumblr
✨Chapter Four: Dissonant Whispers
Read on AO3 // Read on Tumblr
✨Chapter Five: Supplication
Read on AO3 // Read on Tumblr
✨Chapter Six: Friend of the Dead
Read on AO3 // Read on Tumblr
✨Chapter Seven: Morbid Curiosity
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✨Chapter Eight: Creature Comforts
Read on AO3 // Read on Tumblr
Chapter Nine: TBA
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wonder-worker · 2 months
Angelberga was a peculiarly prominent personality in manifold aspects of European politics [in the late 9th century. Born to the powerful Supponid family of Italy, she married Emperor Louis II and had several opportunities to establish her position as an active and controversial player in the vicissitudes of her husband's reign]. She acted as Louis's regent, accompanied him on expansionary military campaigns in the south of the peninsula and represented him at [congresses, tribunals, and diplomatic negotiations]. Strikingly, she was also the beneficiary of a spectacular collection of charters. Almost one in seven of Louis II’s extant charters were issued in her favour. Angelberga’s conspicuous exploits in the field of charter acquisition did not diminish after the emperor’s death, and this helped her to maintain a position as a key power-broker in Italian politics, control of land [particularly monastic foundations] being a fundamental building-block of power in this period. In the interregnum following 875, during which Charles the Bald of West Francia and Karlmann of Bavaria fought to claim the succession to the heirless Louis, Angelberga herself conducted the negotiations and decided the loyalty of a major sector of the Lombard political community. She maintained this high profile until her death [having supported her son-in-law Boso's quest for power, endured a temporary exile, maintained the support of Pope John VIII, and founded the monastery of San Sisto in the city of Piacenza, where she probably ended her days sometime before 891].
-Simon MacLean, "Queenship, nunneries and royal widowhood in Carolingian Europe"
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With Aegon's dream as well, I think he also used the dream to justify a conquest as some sort of heroic quest in his mind when his want for power was definitely part of it as well.
Yea. Imo what makes the prophecy such a cool addition to the books is that we now have something that seemingly gives the Targaryens a "divine" mandate of sorts. With this prophecy, they now have a noble calling. Fate dictates that they serve a higher purpose, them and their dragons. It instils in them a sense of noblesse oblige I'd imagine. They're the heroes, and as heroes they have a duty to the realm. But just because they're chosen ones doesn't mean they're the only ones. Far from it. Even now, with two Targaryens being central to the conflict, there still exists one Bran Stark whose magic is decidedly NOT Valyrian, but he is just as central to this story if not more so. Even Jon Snow, the last of the Targaryen heirs, uses First Men magic. Not to mention that there are so many people (i.e., the Night's Watch) who have no magical destiny, but they see a duty to the realm just the same. Don't they matter too?
Aegon's actions, or lack thereof, speak to a certain human fallacy in placing any one person as the supreme hero in this story. Because it's not until Alyssane that the Targaryens even paid attention to the Watch, an entity whose entire existence is to stop the Others/Winter. Why didn't Aegon himself do anything? Why didn't he leave instructions for his future descendants to help the Watch either? Did he think that the three conquerors and their dragons would be enough? But that would be so silly because there's no record that they held any extensive tours of the north/the Wall to try and understand what threat they were facing. The winter that brings the Others is magical, and there's the chance that dragons will have a very hard time even flying to begin with. So imagine not strengthening the front line to hold until you get there? Who knows how long the dragons would take to even get to the Wall in the first place.
We really don't know anything so it's all just speculation atp. But regardless, his actions do come off as being rather egoistic. The Watch is the first line of defense. And if the Wall falls, Winterfell is the next front line. Why didn't they even bother to strengthen Winterfell? Maybe I've read too many Wuxia stories but it's always kind of funny how a good emperor is often characterized as one who fully and wholeheartedly supports the general in charge of his front line with troops, money, and other resources. That general in this case is the Lord of Winterfell/Warden of the North. Why he did nothing to bring the Starks into the fold before Rhaegar and Lyanna is beyond me; but to Jace's credit, he did try. But imagine. Aegon didn't look north to Winterfell, but instead looked south to Dorne. You have to laugh.
Aegon reminds me of Azor Ahai tbh - or what we're told of him. It's the story of one singular hero who sacrifices someone else and gets to go down in history as the guy who defeated the enemy. Except it's so diametrically opposed to actual Westerosi legends of who ended the Long Night: legends of the last hero and the NW tell stories of a team effort, with no singular person being exalted as the one responsible for the Others' defeat. Even with the last hero, the children of the forest are the key to success.
But at the end of the day, Aegon's legacy as the conqueror will have good and bad in it. Did he have a huge ego? Sure. Did his silly chair do way more harm than good in the long run? Definitely. BUT, hundreds of years later, it's his descendant who is emboldened as a king of a united realm to go north and do his duty. Stannis is acting as the Protector of the Realm, the Lord of the Seven Kingdoms, legacies left by Aegon. Jon Snow, the last of Aegon's heirs in Westeros, wants to save all men. All of Aegon's kingdom. And I'm not saying that Jon wouldn't want to save humanity if the kingdoms were split up, but it's a lot easier to conceptualize duty when you have one unified people to think about. And it will be Daenerys, Aegon the Conqueror come again, who understands that a queen belongs to all people. Which may not have landed as much had Aegon not conquered and united Westeros under one king to begin with.
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that-ari-blogger · 4 months
Nothing To See Here (Knock, Knock, Knockin' On Hooty's Door)
Every story has that one character. The Tom Bombadil, if you will, the one who is mostly irrelevant to the plot and functions as a kind of in joke. In The Owl House, this is Hooty, and yes, I am aware of how many people I annoyed by linking such a seminal work of fiction with a The Lord of the Rings. (Go on, disagree, boost my numbers, I dare you)
Some series even devote an entire episode to this joke character and their antics. This usually involves clowning around and comedy to balance out the heavy feels of the rest of the series, and rarely furthers the plot in any way.
Knock, Knock, Knockin’ On Hooty’s Door is this episode. It’s a fun romp with the cast of The Owl House, and nothing important happens.
Nope. Nothing at all. No sir. That would be crazy.
Who am I kidding? This episode is the linchpin of the series and will be studied for years to come.
Let me explain.
SPOILERS AHEAD: (The Owl House, Legends Of Runeterra, One Piece: Whole Cake Island)
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The Owl House should have pacing issues, and “should” is the operative word there, because it doesn’t, really.
The series is trying to balance out themes of family, acceptance, identity, and freedom. As well as a ton of key arcs. Eda, King, and Luz, each have two, if you squint, as well as the overarching conflict with Belos.
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Eda has her struggles with the Owl Beast curse and her need to protect; King has his seeking of identity and the search for his father; and Luz is juggling her romance with Amity with a quest for the way home.
Including Belos, that’s seven arcs that The Owl House is trying to explore. Add in Hunter’s whole thing and we round up to eight, a nice even number.
This is an extraordinary number of plot threads for a season of television to handle, and get the feeling that most of these were planned for the hypothetical season three.
But people who treat art as a product that can be manufactured and sold made decisions, and for some reason, those people sit in high positions in institutions that make art, so The Owl House’s third season got canned.
So… why isn’t season two crippled by pacing that tries to bite off more than it can chew?
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This shot is a joke. It is a fraction of a second's long bit that doesn't come up again. They didn't need to put this much effort into it, but they did. There's even a Dutch angle to emphasise King's shock.
Well, because Knock, Knock, Knockin’ On Hooty’s Door discusses six of these arcs. If you’re keeping track, that’s most of the series getting developed in a single episode.
I’m not going to pretend that this episode is perfect. Personally, I read it as ambitious and barely managing to hold itself together. The fact that this episode works at all is astonishing, so I’ll let it go on the minour details.
But I can’t deny that this episode walks so that everything after can fly. The show doesn’t feel constrained because this episode takes all of the burden.
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Starting with the fact that this episode joins its themes rather well. Luz can’t work out the thing with the mouse because her mind is set on Amity, Eda is held back in her magical abilities because the curse, and King… well, I’ll get back to King.
The episode streamlines the entire series into manageable chunks, offering one arc as a pseudo reward for completing another. For example, Luz getting together with Amity allows her to speak with the mouse.
Before I discuss the nitty gritty of the plot, I do want to clarify something here. I’ve seen a ton of people say that Hooty is the perfect wingman and point to this episode. And, no. No, he’s really not. In my opinion, that’s kinda the point.
This is something that I like to call the Cyberpunk Dilema, in which the rule of cool affects the audience perception. Audiences will look at something that is entertaining to watch or funny and say, “I’d like to do that”, and miss out on the fact that it doesn’t go well.
Case and point, Hooty screws up being a wingman so badly that he pushes people into character development by accident. Hooty isn’t good at this, he’s just endearing.
Anyway, even with the condensation of the plot, this episode has three storylines, so talking in overarching terms can only get you so far. So, allow me to get into those.
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A screencap can't really do the dream transition justice. The music is eerie and unnatural and, at least to me, evokes the memory sequences from the Galbraith books, or rather, the film versions of them.
Eda gets a dream sequence, and as is the usual for such things, it gets weird. The audience sees the curse ruining Eda’s life repeatedly. We see her greatest shames, the attack against her father, and the inability to talk to Raine.
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I think it’s interesting that these two actions contrast each other. Eda’s father could have known better than to set off a party popper that close to a daughter he was aware would have such an effect. That was a predictable occurrence, and I blame him almost entirely for it.
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The think with Raine, however, is mostly Eda’s fault, and she says so in the moment.
“Just tell them, let them help.”
I also want to throw some shade at Gwendolyn and Lilith here, as well as the Boiling Isles as a whole, because Eda has absolutely zero healthy coping mechanisms. I’m not talking about the curse here; I’m talking about in the entirety of her life. She never learned how to deal with anything except by running. Or rather, she didn’t, until Luz rocked up.
Eda needed someone to help her and inspire her to be better, as well as being willing to hold her up when she is feeling low. Her mother didn’t offer her that, her sister caused the problems, and Raine tried, but got pushed away.
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I think these two moments in Eda’s memory guide her every move. Both as things she wants desperately to never do again. She tries to control the curse because it hurt her father, and she takes in Luz and lets her get close because she’s determined to never push anyone away again.
We’ll see how well those two resolutions go over the course of the series, but for now, she’s getting better.
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Do we not wanna talk about this? Eda meets the collector before everyone else, and doesn't even ask them about the Owl Beast. This could have been such a cool episode later on down the line.
The we get this scene, which was blatantly set up for a much longer season three, but ho hum. This sequence talks about the history of the owl beast, and has some brilliant Icarus imagery, serving to humanise the creature.
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Icarus famously drowned. More accurately, he aggressively discovered surface tension. But for those who don’t know, Icarus was the son of the inventor Daedalus, who made wings for them both to escape a tower. Icarus flew too close to the sun, and his wings melted, causing him to fall.
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As such, the owl beast has themes of freedom, as well as the limits of oneself. Notice how those are both things that Eda deals with on a regular basis.
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But yes, the obvious, Eda is accepting her otherness and deciding to stop fighting it and work around it. It is a part of who she is, and its not something worth destroying herself to “fix”.
You could read this as a queer metaphor, or a discussion of disability or neurodivergence. I don’t have a disability, so I can’t really comment on that, but I recommend checking out the opinions and readings of those who do and who have thoughts. @oakwyrm has several videos on the subject that I personally found rather enlightening.
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I do want to talk about the aurora imagery here, because on one hand, its an excuse for the animators to make something genuinely beautiful, but on the other, this is a blog about analysis, and I want to dissect as much as I can.
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The world fades out, rupturing as it fulfils its purpose, leaving Eda curled around the now much smaller curse, protecting it like a mother protecting a child.
The aurora itself symbolises hope and renewal, derived from the Greek word for sunrise and the deity who was the sister of the sun, according to space.com. But it’s also the colour from the greyscale beach returning.
Which leads me to Harpy Eda, and holy moly is that a character design.
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Harpies are weirdly dynamic mythological creatures, varying in appearance and thematic and powers across ancient Greece and a few close neighbours. This is usually what happens when a myth has either had time to drift, meaning it’s a holdover from a much older civilisation and mythology, or one on a trade rout. Harpies have a habit of pestering sailors, so I’ll let you guess which answer I think is more accurate.
I want to stress that I am talking about usual situations, it is possible that these Harpy myths sprung up due to a common stimulus, like birds that could mimic speech or something similar.
Ovid was also involved in evolution of the myth, and he was known for making stuff up as he went along, so there’s that.
In any case, Harpy Eda is a form that allows Eda control over her life, it gives her agency, and the wings that are a universal symbol of freedom. This is a person who can now go anywhere she wants. Combine that with the owl’s wisdom affiliations, and you get a symbol of power and a statement piece. Eda, when she has fully accepted herself, can do anything.
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King is looking for the missing piece of himself, so he stands in front of an incomplete hole. I'm definitely clutching at straws with this one, but
King meanwhile is going through a bildungsroman at a truly unsafe pace. For context, a bildungsroman is a coming of age story (technically, it’s a book, but I think that’s dumb), and part of that is working out who you are. Growing up means being given the freedom to choose, but none of the experience to make that choice educated. It’s telling you to pick two options, but not explaining what they are.
"I thought you had real answers."
No buddy. No-one has real answers like that, because they don't exist. I'm religious, and I don't have a clue either. Everyone else is making it up as they go along, buddy, same as you.
Also, Alex Hirsch needs a raise for the delivery of everything in this episode, especially this line.
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Then there is the stock advice that always annoyed me. “Be who you are.” It’s helpful at face value, but it doesn’t mean anything when you think about it. If you don’t know who you are or who you want to be, being yourself is really difficult.
“I don’t need you to tell me to love myself, Hooty. I want to know where I came from. What my dad looked like. What I’ll look like when I grow up. I don’t have any responses to my video yet, or my wanted posters. Maybe my dad is gone. Maybe there’s no one else like me. And maybe I’ll live my whole life without any answers.” “No! I didn’t want top make you mad.” “Well I am mad. At him, for not being here. He left me ALONE!”
Do I really need to explain this? King is forced by Hooty’s ineptitude and his own bottled-up emotions to actually say what he thinks and what he wants. He’s a comedy character who has dropped the joke and needs to release that energy that he has built up.
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Enter the roar, a power gained by reaching an understanding of oneself. Hooty and King were trying to ascertain what King was by focusing on the superficial. What type of creature is he? What can he be categorised as?
Hooty’s stock responses are designed to be aggravating, because they don’t work on an individual level. What King needed to work out was that he wanted to understand himself as a person rather than a thing. Who is King?
For the moment, that answer is “complicated”, in a way that he isn’t quite ready to be yet.
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If you pause at this specific frame, the background resembles the bisexual pride flag. I'm telling you there are queer undercurrents in this series. It's not obvious, but it's there. I'm not crazy.
Finally, let’s address Lumity, and I’m going to begin that by not talking about Lumity at all and instead the concept of shipping as a whole and what makes a good ship to me.
I think it is important to understand that fiction and reality are two different things, and so ships and actual relationships need to be judged on different terms.
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A ship, first and foremost, needs to be compelling, and interesting to watch. A real relationship needs to be healthy. This is why I think that the Stolas x Blitz storyline in Helluva Boss is a good ship but would be genuinely awful if these were real people.
Yes, there is a discussion to be had about what is presented as good and bad in fiction, but I trust you to have enough media literacy to differentiate the fantastical from the grounded.
So, what then makes a good ship?
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Well, to me, a good ship is compelling and inspires stories on its own. A good ship isn’t merely a reward for completing the plot, or an “x and y have a cute dynamic” or even an “x and y both have ice powers”.
Once again, I am talking about my opinions here. If you like to ship characters because they have the same colour palate or something, that’s great, go for it. There are no rules, don't let people tell you how to enjoy a story. This is simply what I like to read and write about.
This is the basis of some of my favourite ships in fiction, Leona and Diana from Legends of Runeterra, Zoro and Sanji from One Piece, and Luz and Amity from The Owl House.
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Leona and Diana are the two aspects of the sun and moon and have an on-off romantic relationship. This is strained by religious zealotry and indoctrination, which gives it that tragic air. But this ship also lends weight to their conflict and could have the power to sway Leona into doing the right thing.
Zosan is more complicated and needs some explaining. It’s a fan ship and it relates to the two secondhand men of the Strawhat crew. Sanji is brash and emotional; Zoro is calm and stoic. Sanji is a nerd; Zoro is an idiot. Sanji is well put together; Zoro is a mess.
The story comes from what they do for each other, because Zoro is, in a weird way, Sanji but better. I don’t mean this in a character standpoint, I mean this from the perspective of stability. Zoro is protective without being suicidal. He is affected by loss, but he’s motivated by it rather than being scared. He is calm, he can survive. Zoro is the rock that Sanji can use to secure himself.
Sanji has been traumatised to hell and back, and he needs a way of letting his emotions out in a healthy way. He needs to shout and scream and cry, and Zoro, by being that rock who can take anything Sanji does, becomes the constant.
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The above image is part of a comic by @dog-politics, and it shows my point. Sanji holding onto Zoro with tears running down his face while Zoro holds him.
I also want to point out that in this comic, Sanji is crying because Zoro is offering him affection, and he doesn’t know whether he likes it or not. He’s not used to receiving any affection at all.
But, what does Zoro see in Sanji? I give you @tea917339 and this post right here.
Zoro sees a type of hope in Sanji that he only saw one other place. Sanji reminds Zoro of Kuina, the one who inspired his own journey, and it tells him that it wasn’t the person who drives him, but her spirit, and he can see it even more so here.
Sanji’s spirit should be broken a million times over, and that’s how he presents, as a buffoon for whom romance is the only thing left in his life. But this comic shows Zoro that there is more going on beneath the surface, and that Sanji’s force of will is eternal.
Caitlin Seida’s poem, Hope Is Not a Bird, Emily, It’s A Sewer Rat, describes optimism, joy, and perseverance as diseases that hope can give you. The poem doesn’t do witty wordplay or fancy forms, it’s blunt and raw, and it should be the calling card of the Zosan ship.
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Lumity follows this formula, at least to me. Amity and Luz compliment each other and the ship makes the series more interesting by provoking stories. Most notably, the story of Amity being inspired by Luz to be a better person and to come into conflict with her family.
Luz shines a way for people, and she guides Amity towards happiness. Shenaniganry ensues then as Amity tries to work out what she values more, and what she is willing to sacrifice to keep the affection.
However, Luz’ angle of this has been relatively ambiguous, until now. Remember what I said about this episode streamlining things? Well, it also does that with Luz.
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Luz main flaw is in direct conflict with her greatest strength. She is original and unique, and defies definition. But she also wants the world around her to fit her expected storyline. She’s a perfectionist of plot.
This is also Belos’ main flaw as well, you may notice. He wants the world to fit his expectations. But Belos can only understand life through the lens of conformity. Either he will change to fit it, or the world must change to fit him. Luz starts with a similar mindset, but spends the series learning to accept the world and herself the way they are and let them exist peacefully.
From that angle, the story proposes its definition of good and evil as relative to how much a character is willing to learn and accept, which is a neat benchmark.
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The story overall has been teaching Luz to accept the world , but Amity teaches her to accept herself.
The date goes poorly. I cannot stress this enough, you don’t want Hooty as your wingman. But it also goes badly because Luz wants it to be perfect, she wants top try and compensate for her perceived flaws and hide things about herself that she deems unworthy.
Amity, however, has fallen for Luz in her entirety, good and bad. That kind of affection is what drives Luz to see herself in a new light, and it’s a core tenet of the story’s themes.
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So, the fact that the actual asking out on a date is so awkward is the point. It’s not perfect, because neither of these characters are perfect, and that’s more than ok.
The animation builds up to the question really well, keeping the tension high and then undercutting it for the sake of humour and catharsis. Because was Amity really going to say no?
You’ve got so deep in Luz’s muddled thoughts that you miss what she is thinking about. Obviously, Amity would say yes, anyone could see that.
If you want a clear metaphor for this, the floor shifts as Hooty carves a hole in it, and Luz and Amity find themselves on rocky ground. They don’t understand where they stand in relation to each other, but then the camera pans out and they were standing in a heart the entire time. These two were dropped into a relationship. They tumbled into affection. They fell in love.
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Before I finish up, I want to do something weird and discus the title of the episode. Because this episode, Knock, Knock, Knockin’ on Hooty’s Door, is a play on Bob Dylan’s 1973 song, Knockin’ On Heaven’s Door, coverd by Guns and Roses in 1991.
Mama, take this badge from me I can't use it anymore It's gettin' dark, too dark to see Feels like I'm knockin' on heaven's door
The song is about redemption and looking back at ones’ life to decide where to go now. It’s a sad song, and a weird fit in tone for the series, but it is a really good turning point for the story and its ideas.
From here on out The Owl House doesn’t slow down and doesn’t pull any punches. This show has finally worked out who it wants to be, and so the reference to the song says there is no turning back now. The fun hijinks are still here, but now we get serious.
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The episode closes arcs and sends the plot in a new direction as characters decide what to do. It is a turning point in the series.
The title also implies that Hooty and by extension the Owl House itself are heavenly in some form or another, which squares strangely well with Lilith’s letter at the start.
“Hello, Hootsifer. Your letter concerned me. You write of feeling unimportant while Luz, Eda, and King are off on adventures. But Hooty, you are the Owl House. You take care of everyone inside you. If that isn’t a worthy purpose, then what is?”
The Owl House is a place of sanctuary. Where people can go to be themselves. It is a place of freedom. It is the promised land.
The Owl House those who look upon it, and so does the series that takes its name.
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This guy looks important, I wonder if he'll come up again.
Final Thoughts
Like I said, boring. Nothing happens in this episode, nothing at all.
In all honesty, this episode is seriously impressive. It’s bloated, yes. It has a pacing issue, yes. Some of the jokes don’t land, yes. But oh my G-d, this episode carries the show, and that’s not even a hot take.
King’s Tide, Hollow Mind, and Watching And Dreaming don’t stand on the shoulders of giants, they stand on the non-existent shoulders of Hooty.
Next week, I’ll be looking at Eclipse Lake, which has Hunter in it, and I swear, if anything happens to my precious boi, there will be hell to pay.
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thearcanecat · 6 months
Cinderella’s Castle as dice
Sir Hop-A-Lot
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The Prince
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Fairy Queen of Sweet Dreams
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The Narrator
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